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Nails (2003) #andreyiskanov

4/8/2024, 2:45:24 PM

Visions of Suffering, Andrey Iskanov, 2003 📞💀 #visionsofsuffering #andreyiskanov #vampire #dreamy #visions

2/15/2024, 12:18:05 PM

Trabajo realizado de la mano de mi maestro @iskanovproductions . . . #fx #hard #work #extreme #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/23/2024, 7:04:49 PM

Trabajo realizado de la mano de mi maestro @iskanovproductions . . . #fx #hard #work #extreme #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/23/2024, 6:15:17 PM

FACE CORPSE. Último trabajo realizado bajo las enseñanzas de mi maestro @iskanovproductions Gracias maestro mío por tanto. Seguimos. . . . . #fx #hard #extreme #gore #snuff #hard #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/21/2024, 8:29:25 PM

Último trabajó gracias a las enseñanzas de mi maestro @iskanovproductions toda la formación que estoy teniendo con el me esta dando una fuerza artistica brutal. Es una maravilla tenerle de maestro y escuchar cada palabra suya y cada consejo y corrección. Cada día aprendiendo más y mas . . . #fx #gore #snuff #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov #hard

1/17/2024, 11:14:26 AM

Machine accident Último trabajo realizado de la mano de mi maestro @iskanovproductions . . . . #fx #hard #gore #snuff #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/13/2024, 3:27:51 PM

Un orgullo para mí aprender del solo un no un ser humano increible. @iskanovproductions Gracias maestro por tanto... . . . . #fx #hard #extreme #gore #snuff #director #andreyiskanov

1/12/2024, 10:07:50 AM

epidermal autosurgery Caminando en el conocimiento de la oscuridad de la mano de @iskanovproductions . . . . #mikelbalerdi #extreme #hard #gore #snuff #andreyiskanov

1/11/2024, 10:01:41 AM

CORPSE. Último trabajo realizado con la enseñanza de mi maestro @iskanovproductions Gracias maestro. . . . . #fx #extreme #hard #gore #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/10/2024, 12:09:13 PM

CORPSE. Último trabajo realizado con la enseñanza de mi maestro @iskanovproductions Gracias maestro. . . . . #fx #extreme #hard #gore #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/10/2024, 11:28:30 AM

CORPSE. Último trabajo realizado con la enseñanza de mi maestro @iskanovproductions Gracias maestro. . . . . #fx #extreme #hard #gore #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/10/2024, 11:24:24 AM

CORPSE AUTOPSY Están siendo días durísimos de trabajo y aprendízaje de la mano de el maestro @iskanovproductions yo no tengo palabras para expresar lo que siento,me a acogido como un padre a un hijo y a demostrado y demuestra aparte de un gran maestro,un hombre bondadoso y lleno de luz. En una semana e aprendido más que posiblemente en los últimos tiempos...cada palabra,cada recomendación...cada opinión crítica...todo es para mejora notable.... Cada día es un nuevo reto y un no saber qué sucederá y eso me mantiene alerta,siempre admiré su trabajo pero ahora puedo decir que es un ser maravilloso. Gracias por cada día maestro! .por muchas páginas que quedan en blanco por escribir. . . . . #fx #hard #extreme #gore #noise #snuff #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/8/2024, 3:58:44 PM

skinned Trabajo realizado con la enseñanza de mi maestro @iskanovproductions . . . #fx #hard #extreme #gore #snuff #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/7/2024, 11:45:44 PM

CORPSE LEG trabajo realizado bajo la supervision de mi maestro @iskanovproductions Edición by Andrey iskanov. . . . #fx #hard #work #gore #snuff #trash #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/7/2024, 11:44:37 PM

CORPSE LEG trabajo realizado bajo la supervision de mi maestro @iskanovproductions Edición by Andrey iskanov. . . . #fx #hard #work #gore #snuff #trash #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/7/2024, 5:41:42 PM

Trabajo realizado de la mano de mi maestro @iskanovproductions Edition by Andrey iskanov 🖤🖤🖤. . . . . #fx #work #hard #extreme #gore #snuff #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/7/2024, 1:20:39 PM

昨夜、妻と一緒にU-NEXTで、 NHKBS1スペシャルの「731部隊(前編) 人体実験はこうして拡大した」と、「731部隊(後編) 隊員たちの素顔」を観た!👁👁✨ ⁡ 731部隊が行った悪事をいろいろ知ると、 他国の戦争犯罪に対し、 同じ日本人として言葉を発することが出来なくなるね…😔😔😔 ⁡ 『ナイフの哲学』はグロ描写を見せつけたいだけかと思ったが、 731部隊の行った人体実験を割りと忠実に再現していたことを知る。 さすがに女性器にGを入れる実験はしてないと思うが。 ⁡ 石井四郎部隊長は、 731部隊を作る前に既に小規模でありながらも、人体実験を行っていた事実にも驚いた。 ⁡ 細菌製造の責任者で人体実験にも立ち会った柄沢十三夫。 ⁡ ハバロフスク裁判の音声記録で、 他の部隊員とは違い、柄沢は声を詰まらせながら話していたのが印象的だった。 ⁡ 裁判で20年の刑を言い渡され、 20年服役してやっと日本に帰れるという直前に、彼はソビエトの収容所で自ら命を絶ったとのこと。 ⁡ その事実はすっごくズドンと来た。 とてもとても重く感じた。 ⁡ そして、この後に『京城クリーチャー』のエピソード3を妻と観たのだった。 ⁡ #NHKBS1スペシャル #BS1スペシャル #731部隊 #京城クリーチャー #ナイフの哲学 #PhilosophyofaKnife #ChoiceCutsfromPhilosophyofaKnife #AndreyIskanov #AlexanderShevchenko #UltralimitedMediabookCollection #MediabookCollection #Mediabook #メディアブック #50枚限定 #150枚限定 #TetroVieeo #Horror #ホラー #ホラー映画 #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #ホラーフィルム #ホラー映画最高 #しゅーたんメディアブックコレクション #しゅーたん映画コレクション

1/3/2024, 3:59:43 PM

Putrefaction hand. Trabajo dirigido y enseñado por mi maestro de fx @iskanovproductions cada día con más ilusión,siempre dije que soy un eterno aprendiz y tener un maestro como el en esta area para mi es un sueño,gracias maestro! Seguimos!!! . . . #putrefaction #hand #extreme #hard #gore #snuff #mikelbalerdi #andreyiskanov

1/2/2024, 12:37:15 PM

『ナイフの哲学』 (原題: Philosophy of a Knife) ⁡ 『PHILOSOPHY OF A KNIFE [3-DISC 150 cover A Ultralimited Mediabook edition]』を手に入れてしまった僕です💦笑 ⁡ トータルで4時間ちょいもあるから、 PART1とPART2に分かれております。 ⁡ 12/27にPART2の半分くらいまで観て、 今日、2023年大晦日に続きを再生し、 18:24に鑑賞終了✋ ⁡ オープニング・クレジットの感じ、 『アメリカン・ホラー・ストーリー』のオープニングを彷彿させたね。 ⁡ 731部隊を題材にして体裁を整えつつ、 残虐なグロ描写を見せつけたい作品だとは思う。 ⁡ ただこの作品と全く同じことをしていたとは思わないが、 非人道的な人体実験をしていたのは確かみたいだしね。 ⁡ グロ描写だけをひたすら見てたら、 THE BLUE HEARTSの「人にやさしく」を歌い出しそうになるよ!🤯🤯🤯 ⁡ 証言者としてのおじいちゃんの語りが多いんだけど、 そこはゆっくりめの早送り。 途中で当時の映像や画像が挿入されるから、 見逃さないようにしてました。笑 ⁡ PART2の最初だけ兵士と女性マルタの禁断の恋描写があったり、男性マルタが兵士に噛み付いて感染させたりして、やっと映画らしいシーンがあった。 ⁡ 『別冊映画秘宝怖い、映画』に 『ナイフの哲学』に関しての記事があると知り、 読んでみたんだけど、 少ししてから記載しているのがビデオマーケットの店長さんだと知ってビックリしました! ⁡ 旧Twitterで検索してたら、 ネトフリの『京城クリーチャー』が731部隊を題材にしたドラマというではありませんか! ⁡ 昨夜、観ようと思ったら、 妻が1話をもう観てるとのこと…😮😮😮 何故なら妻はパク・ソジュンが好きだから。笑 ⁡ あぁ〜、変に繋がってきて何か怖い…😱 ⁡ でも、 NHKBS1スペシャルの731部隊の特集をすっごく観たい僕なのであります。 ⁡ #ナイフの哲学 #PhilosophyofaKnife #ChoiceCutsfromPhilosophyofaKnife #AndreyIskanov #AlexanderShevchenko #UltralimitedMediabookCollection #MediabookCollection #Mediabook #メディアブック #50枚限定 #150枚限定 #TetroVieeo #Horror #ホラー #ホラー映画 #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #ホラーフィルム #ホラー映画最高 #しゅーたまん映画鑑賞 #しゅーたんメディアブックコレクション #しゅーたん映画コレクション

12/31/2023, 2:51:05 PM

Chiamarlo film, forse non è del tutto appropriato.. Quest opera dalla durata complessiva di oltre 4 ore, divisa in 2 parti, narra la vera storia della non abbastanza conosciuta Unitá 731. Un'unitá segreta Giapponese attiva tra la seconda guerra mondiale / guerra sino-giapponese, con sede principale in Manciuria e gestita dal microbiologo Shiro Ishii. La 731 conduceva esperimenti scientifici sul corpo umano, studiandone le debolezze fisiche e chimiche. I prigionieri, spesso prigionieri di guerra o civili cinesi o russi, venivano sottoposti ad ogni genere di esperimento, come mostrerá questo film. Esposizione alle radiazioni, vivisezioni, scariche elettriche, congelamento degli arti e molto altro.. ma non solo, in questi laboratori venivano batteri con l'intento di inserirli all'interno di bombe o altri ordigni esplosivi, creando potenti armi batteriologiche, oltre alla coltivazione di pulci infette che venivano poi liberate in territorio nemico. (Se questo argomento potrete trovare infinite informazioni su google o in biblioteca😉) La produzione di quest opera è dovuta ad Andrey Iskanov, che nel 2008 mostrò al pubblico questo incredibile capolavoro creato dalla ricostruzione di testimonianze storiche e altri dati raccolti sull'argomento, ritagliando spazio a degli apprezzatissimi spezzoni di interviste a rendere il tutto ancora più reale. Decisamente non adatto ai deboli di cuore (o di stomaco) è invece arte per tutti gli amanti dell'estremo e della storia più cruenta della razza umana. Nulla da aggiungere a riguardo, se un caloroso consiglio di recuperarvi questo film in caso non lo abbiate ancora fatto. *Davvero ottima questa versione "spasmo video". #dvd #dvdcollection #dvdcollector #dvdhorror #dvdhorrormovies #historymovie #historyhorror #unit731 #philosophyofaknife #shiroishii #spasmovideo #horrortime #horrorlife #horrorofhumanity #torturehorror #russiancinema #russianmovie #moviecollector #horrormoviepassion #andreyiskanov #blackwhitemovie #truehorrorfilm #dvdmovie #dvdmovies #extremehorror #extremecinema #extrememovies

12/21/2023, 1:54:47 AM

今日は遠いお国からやっと『PHILOSOPHY OF A KNIFE [3-DISC 150 cover A Ultralimited Mediabook edition]』と、『FOUND + HEADLESS [50 Ultralimited Mediabook Collection]』が届きました👍👍👍 ⁡ 今日、これらを受け取れるのは分かっていたので、 昼前の11:40に日本版の『FOUND ファウンド』のDVDをAmazonで注文しました✋笑 夜、無事に届きましたよ!😉✨ ⁡ 普段は日本語吹替にほぼ注目しませんが、 こんな作品に日本語吹替があったのが意外だったので、これは買っておこうかなと。 ⁡ 海外版の『FOUND ファウンド』はBlu-rayですが、 メディアの違いこそあれど、 内容は全く同じですけどね!😆😆😆 ⁡ 『ナイフの哲学』に関しては、 最初はえげつないジャケのcover Bが良かったのですが、 徐々にcover Aの方が僕のホラーコレクションには合う気がしてきたし、 cover Bはオリオンさんが持ってるから、 僕はAにしようとなりましてdeathね。笑 ⁡ グロブラザーズは二人で一つ✨️✨️✨️笑 本当は親子でもおかしくない年齢差だけど…😢笑 ⁡メディアブックというものを 僕は今回初めて所持しました。 それがいきなり2本。 何かマンモスうれピーです🤗笑 そんなわけでして、 グロコレはサイコで最高!!🥳🥳🥳 ⁡ deathdeath‼️😂😂😂😂 ⁡ #HEADLESS #ヘッドレス #FOUND #ファウンド #PhilosophyofaKnife #ナイフの哲学 #ChoiceCutsfromPhilosophyofaKnife #AndreyIskanov #AlexanderShevchenko #UltralimitedMediabookCollection #MediabookCollection #Mediabook #メディアブック #50枚限定 #150枚限定 #TetroVideo #Horror #ホラー #ホラー映画 #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #ホラーフィルム #ホラー映画最高 #しゅーたんメディアブックコレクション #しゅーたん映画コレクション

12/18/2023, 4:49:54 PM

#SUPERSATURDAY Censored 4 Ur IG Viewing Pleasure 👀 Very Rare Limited To 250 2011 NOOSE HILL Entertainment Red Scare Edition DVD Release Of Brian Weaver & Evan Makrogiannis's THE SUPER The Red Scare Edition🩸 Features 2 Additional Minutes Of Gore Directed By Andrey Iskanov's (Philosophy Of A Knife) Starring My All-Time Fav Musician/Artist/Rapper/Producer/ Director/Hustler/Pimp/Entrepreneur The Multi-Talented... @necrorules aka Mr. Ron "Necro" Braunstein 🫡 #horror #horrorfan #horrorcommunity #xxtremeteam #horrorcollector #horrorcollection #horrormovies #movies #moviecollector #moviecollection #cinema #film #indiefilm #diy #underground #grindhouse #gore #rap #beats #newyork #nyc #necro #ronbraunstein #noosehillentertainment #brianweaver #evanmakrogiannis #andreyiskanov #thesuper #wildwillfromchesterfield

12/3/2023, 1:12:49 AM

Subscribe to my Patreon account to see uncensored photos and scenes from Breaking Uroboros and other projects! #andreyiskanov #breakinguroboros #indiefilm #horrorfilms

10/22/2023, 9:08:29 PM

I don't know if this edition of "Philosophy of a Knife" by @iskanovproductions was limited, but it is pretty rare nowadays. It's the two disc special edition from "Last Exit Entertainment" and still sealed, bought it a while ago from @blacklavaofficial , but watched the movie before and I also own the Mediabook from Tetro, so no need to open it^^ Love that movie and in my opinion, one of the most disturbing movies out there. #philosophyofaknife #andreyiskanov #extremecinema #documentary #blackandwhite #violence #blacklavaentertainment #underground #undergroundcinema #russiancinema #antiwar #antiwarmovie #japanesewarcrimes #unit731 #worldwar2 #extreme #gore #disturbingcinema #moviecollection

4/5/2023, 2:25:22 PM

Oggi vi mostro uno dei "pezzi forti" delle nuove uscite TetroVideo - Horror Film Distribution ossia il Mediabook con il Blu-ray (prima volta ssoluta), DVD con ricchi extras e CD con la colonna sonora COMPLETA (per la prima volta) di PHILOSOPHY OF A KNIFE il cult di Andrey Iskanov che narra gli orrori e abomini della famigerata Unità 731 (un dipartimento dell’esercito imperiale nipponico che vide la luce tra il 1936 ed il 1946, e luogo nel campo militare Ping Fang, sito a nord della città Harbin in Manciuria, all’epoca sotto la dominazione giapponese). Nel booklet di 40 pagine, un sacco di foto a colori dal backstage dei vari "segmenti" #TETROVIDEO #collectorsedition #domizianocristopharocollection #andreyiskanov #philosophyofaknife #MEDIABOOK #3disc #booklet #Extras #extreme

2/4/2023, 12:42:18 AM


12/16/2022, 10:38:48 PM

Philosophy of a Knife (2008), l’horror estremo russo per la prima volta in Blu-ray grazie a TetroVideo. Diretto da Andrey Iskanov (Nails, Visions of Suffering), Philosophy of a Knife gode di una straordinaria edizione Mediabook che comprende il Blu-ray con il film, il DVD dedicato ai corposi contenuti speciali, il CD della colonna sonora e un booklet di ben 40 pagine. #philosophyofaknife #andreyiskanov #TetroVideo #darkveins #filmestremo #extremecinema #horror #mediabook #collectorsedition #bluray #dvdcollection #dvdcollectors #bluraycollection #bluraycollectors #horrorcollection #horrorcollectors #horrorfan #horrorcommunity #horrorfamily #horroraddicts

12/4/2022, 2:41:15 PM

Sul sito ufficiale TetroVideo e su Goredrome è attivo il pre-order per l’edizione limitata Mediabook 3 dischi della Director’s Cut e dell’Original Cut di Visions of Suffering (2006), l’horror diretto da Andrey Iskanov (Nails, Philosophy of a Knife, Ingression). L’edizione Mediabook TetroVideo contiene: Blu-ray + DVD + CD della colonna sonora + Booklet di 20 pagine + Slipcase (limitato al pre-order). In Visions of Suffering, Andrey Iskanov ha rigirato oltre il 60% del film originale con nuovi filmati, attori e musica, impegnandosi a creare un’atmosfera ancora più malsana, visionaria e da incubo. #visionsofsuffering #andreyiskanov #tetrovideo #darkveins #mediabook #directorscut #originalcut #russianhorror #collectorsedition #dvdcollectors #dvdcollection #horrorfan #horroraddict #horrorcommunity #homevideo #goredrome

11/29/2022, 9:11:05 AM

UNEARTHED MONDAY I have been spending less time on IG, and it has been good for my Soul. Everything is going exceptionally well, and all of a sudden I find myself in the most healthy relationship I have ever had. Dipping into the @unearthedfilms section for today's double-dose. BRAINJACKED (2009) Written, produced, and directed by Andrew Allan and Andy Lalino. NAILS (2003) Written and directed by Andrey Iskanov. This will be my first viewing of Brainjacked, and my second viewing of Nails. Hope your week is off to a good start. Stay warm, and thanks for stopping by. #brainjacked #brainjacking #powerdrill #mindcontrol #drillerkiller #nails #andreyiskanov #unearthedfilms #nailsmovie #russianhorror #extremecinema #exploitationfilms #practicaleffects #andrewallan #andylalino #theuhohshow #psychotronic #horrormovies

11/14/2022, 8:56:36 PM

My mediabook of "Philosophy of a Knife" from @tetrovideo arrived today. And it is one of my favourite mediabooks for sure. It comes with a DVD, Bluray, Extra DVD and a photobook. I added a few pictures with impressions of the photobook, I hope Instagram won't ban me for that. Oh yes, and I got number 3 out of 150 😁 The movie is a over 4 hours long documentary from @iskanovproductions about the japanese war crimes in World War II. In my opinion the most disturbing films out there. #extremecinema #philosophyofaknife #andreyiskanov #tetrovideo #worldwar2 #japanesewarcrime #documentary #disturbingcinema #gore #mediabook #russiancinema #extremefilms

10/27/2022, 5:39:09 PM

Clocking in at nearly four and a half hours, PHILOSOPHY OF A KNIFE is an extreme horror documentary that concerns Unit 731’s crimes against humanity. Our review: @tetrovideo has now released an ultralimited edition of Andrey Iskanov’s controversial film!

10/12/2022, 9:12:25 PM

One of my latest articles via @severedcinema is all about the hot blood red @tetrovideo 's latest pre order movies. These include the infamous and lengthy nasty, Philosophy of a Knife (which myself and my Partner in Gore Willow @willowbwolfie happen to be reviewing soon) plus something from Marian Doro. One of the flicks, Echoes From the Grave has @severedcinema fave, @domizianocristopharo involved as well 😎 Google Severed for all your horrific extreme needs, then Google for even worse things 😈 #severedcinema #fyp #extremehorrormovies #fyp#gorelover #tetrovideodistribution #tetrovideo #philosophyofaknife #gorefilm #mariandora #undergroundhorror #horrornews #horrorarticles #horror #gore #domizianocristopharo #profane #usamaalshaibi #andreyiskanov #jaycreepy

9/20/2022, 7:15:00 PM

Puuh, das war mal eine harte Packung! In unserer neuesten Kritik geht es zur Abwechslung mal in ganz andere Gefilde, denn mit NAILS (2003) von Filmemacher Andrey Iskanov flatterte uns russisches, experimentelles Amateurkino ins Haus, das nun über DIGIDREAMS STUDIOS in HD erscheint. Ein genauer Termin für die Keep-Case-Variante, welche in der „Classic Cult Collection“ erscheint, ist noch nicht bekannt, ab Dezember werden aber zehn verschiedene Mediabook-Editionen erhältlich sein. Ob sich der Kauf dieses sechzigminütigen, surrealen Werks lohnt oder ob man hier wirklich Liebhaber sein muss, erfahrt ihr im Artikel. #2003 #nails #headfullofnails #gvozdi #russia #russiancinema #amateurfilm #lowbudgetfilm #underground #horror #experimental #psychedelic #andreyiskanov #release #veröffentlichung #heimkino #bluray #hd #mediabook #collectorsedition #limitededition #kritik #filmkritik #rezension #review #classiccultcollection #digidreams

9/19/2022, 9:53:35 AM

September pre-order will be live tomorrow at 14/15 PM CEST. Are you ready for the definitive edition of PHILOSOPHY OF A KNIFE by Andrey Iskanov? There will never be nothing like this! Blu-ray for the first time ever + bonus features DVD + full soundtrack CD + 40 page booklet! There will be a first little run with 100 mediabook copies (50 cover A and 50 cover B) so be fast! We will have some more copies in mid-october. Slipcovers are limited to pre-order customers only and will never be available again. Mediabook 3-Disc collector's edition with English, French, Italian subtitles. Check out all the pics below! #firsttimebluray #andreyiskanov #philosophyofaknife #unit731 #extremehorrormovies #extremehorrorcinema #horrorcollector #horrormovies #horrorbluray #horrorblurays #horrormediabook #mediabookcollector

9/13/2022, 2:33:13 PM

Are you ready for the September pre-order? After some minor problems we are ready to unveil the official date: Wednesday 14th! All the september pre-order titles will be released, then shipped in october! Mediabook editions only! Slipcovers will be limited to pre-order customers only! - PHILOSOPHY OF A KNIFE - Definitive 3 disc edition COVER A/B. First time on Blu-ray. - ECHOES FROM THE GRAVE - Horror anthology movie based on the E.A.POE stories - PROFANE - Very rare movie by the iraqi director Usama Alshaibi (Solar Anus Cinema) - DEBRIS DOCUMENTAR - Special Mediabook edition limited to 27 copies only! #mediabookcollector #horrormediabook #bluraycollection #bluraymediabook #mariandora #andreyiskanov #philosophyofaknife #upcomingblurays #horrormovies #horrorcollector #horrorcollection #mediabookcollection #firsttimebluray #edgarallanpoe #edgarallanpoemovies #eapoemovies #russianhorror #unit731 #shockumentaries

9/12/2022, 4:30:11 PM

Coming soon, two new reviews by myself and my beloved Partner in Gore, Willow @willowbwolfie via @severedcinema . First, the limited edition release of Necrophile Passion, and then Andrey Iskanov's lengthy Philosophy of a Knife. Meanwhile if you Google Severed, you'll get your fix of all the extreme and nasty reviews, news and interviews you could ever want, you sick puppies 💀💀 #severedcinema #extremehorrormovies #gorelover #gore #gorefilm #horror #horrorlove #horrorfilms #horrormovies #necrophilepassion #necrophilia #philosophyofaknife #andreyiskanov #blacklavaentertainment #blacklava #lastexitentertainment #fyp #fyp#horrorreview #jaycreepy

8/26/2022, 8:34:35 PM

L'edizione #definitiva di #philosophyofaknife è solo con #tetrovideodistribution #MEDIABOOK con il film per la prima volta in #bluray #cd con l'intera #colonnasonora mai pubblicata integralmente, un #DVD con gli #extras e un #photobook ! #andreyiskanov #TetroVideo #domizianocristopharocollection #shinnagai

8/10/2022, 5:36:32 PM

Save the date: September 1st! PHILOSOPHY OF A KNIFE in its definitive edition. Cover A + B First time Blu-ray from HD master. 3 disc edition + photobook. #extremehorrormovies #extremehorrorcinema #upcominghorrormovies #upcomingblurays #philosophyofaknife #andreyiskanov #unit731 #ww2movies #horrordocumentary #horrorsoundtrack @iskanovproductions

8/9/2022, 2:16:04 PM

One of the oldest forms of surgery, dating all the way back to prehistoric times, is trepanation, which involves piercing the skull of a patient in order to release "evil spirits." Today, a more refined version of the procedure technically persists, but it is now used only as a treatment for epidural and subdermal hematomas.  Of course, that hasn't stopped pseudoscientific quacks from promoting trepanning as an age-old miracle cure for depression and other mental health conditions. There have been a disturbing number of reports over the years of people nearly killing themselves and others by attempting amateur trepanation. Then again, if Russian director #AndreyIskanov's debut movie #Nails is anything to go by, death might be the more preferable outcome. A #microbudget art-horror head-trip, Nails tells the story of an unnamed government hitman operating out of a squalid apartment in near-future Eastern Siberia. His world is literally black-and-white and he is plagued by unbearably painful migraines. Inspired by a newspaper article, he decides to seek relief via trepanning, using only a hammer and some nails. Instead of accidentally lobotomizing himself, the hitman ends up blessed/cursed with the ability to see reality as it truly is, in full psychedelic color. Government-issued food rations appear to him as poisonous sludge. Every page of every book he owns is covered with chaotic squiggles and meaningless nonsense. When he looks in the mirror, a soulless, undead ghoul looks back. Produced independently on a budget equivalent to about $300 USD, Nails seems to have been shot entirely in one small location. Its sound effects are too loud and often cartoonish, and its visual effects look to have been cobbled together using out-of-date Adobe software. None of these things prevent Nails from being an engaging experimental effort in the vein of Iskanov's stated influence, Tetsuo: The Iron Man. If anything, the director's meager means add to the final product's impressive and bizarre aesthetic. Shinya Tsukamoto would be proud. To put it another way, Iskanov (ahem) nailed it. 🔨

7/20/2022, 9:09:15 PM

Finally after months of anticipation I have my copy of Andrey Iskanov’s NAILS. It is easily one of the weirdest films I’ve ever seen and Andrey definitely deserves the reputation he has. There’s something extremely challenging but extra rewarding about trying to capture a bizarre movie like this in just one cover image but (for want of a better word) I think I nailed it :p. This is extremely rare Mediabook limited to only 66 copies. This cover has a place reserved in my heart even if the film has a place reserved in my nightmares. #mediabook #mediabookcollector #deliveryday #nails #andreyiskanov #coverart #arthouse #disturbingmovies #coverartist #physicalmedia

7/19/2022, 6:37:53 PM

Wearing 3 of the 24 #eyeshadow colors in the #andreyiskanov Dreamscape collection by #finalgirlcosmetics 🌙link to our official website in bio🌙 Purchase of this beautiful and thorough #makeup collection help raise completion funds for director Andrey Iskanov’s upcoming projects! #horrormakeup #eyeshadowpalette #lipgloss #blush #makeupcollab

6/15/2022, 8:01:08 PM

Philosophy of a Knife (2008) - Andrey Iskanov #philosophyofaknife #andreyiskanov #filmphotography #cinema #cinematography

6/14/2022, 1:25:12 AM

Post two. The third and final post will be posted later. It will be another edition of Groovy Gore Pix. Nails (2003) - Unearthed Films DVD Release - Russian Horror Collection - Starring Andrey Iskanov, Svyatoslav Iliyasov, Chisato Morishita, Irina Nikitina and Alexander Shevchenko. Directed by Andrey Iskanov. A professional hit man retires to his colorless apartment but soon starts to suffer from horrible headaches and hears voices. In order to cure himself, he hammers a nail into his skull. #nowwatching #supportphysicalmedia #unearthedfilms #unearthedfilmscollection #dvd #horrordvd #russianhorror #andreyiskanov #paychologicalhorror #terror #russia #nails #horrorlife #horrorcommunity #horrorgeek #ilovehorror #horrornerd #instahorror #horrorgram #2003 #art #weirdmovies #unique #bloodandguts #shocking #violent #nightmarish #interesting #original #horrorclub

6/7/2022, 7:19:08 PM

This is the first post in a set of three for “Nails”. The other two will be posted separately today. Nails (2003) - Unearthed Films DVD Release - Russian Horror Collection - Starring Andrey Iskanov, Svyatoslav Iliyasov, Chisato Morishita, Irina Nikitina and Alexander Shevchenko. Directed by Andrey Iskanov. A professional hit man retires to his colorless apartment but soon starts to suffer from horrible headaches and hears voices. In order to cure himself, he hammers a nail into his skull. #nowwatching #supportphysicalmedia #unearthedfilms #unearthedfilmscollection #dvd #horrordvd #russianhorror #andreyiskanov #paychologicalhorror #terror #russia #nails #horrorlife #horrorcommunity #horrorgeek #ilovehorror #horrornerd #instahorror #horrorgram #2003 #art #weirdmovies #unique #bloodandguts #shocking #violent #nightmarish #interesting #original #horrorclub

6/7/2022, 4:16:58 PM

Tomorrow’s post. Here’s the trailer. It’s going to be a triple post for this movie! Nails (2003) - Unearthed Films DVD Release - Russian Horror Collection - Starring Andrey Iskanov, Svyatoslav Iliyasov, Chisato Morishita, Irina Nikitina and Alexander Shevchenko. Directed by Andrey Iskanov. A professional hit man retires to his colorless apartment but soon starts to suffer from horrible headaches and hears voices. In order to cure himself, he hammers a nail into his skull. #nowwatching #supportphysicalmedia #unearthedfilms #unearthedfilmscollection #dvd #horrordvd #russianhorror #andreyiskanov #paychologicalhorror #terror #russia #nails #horrorlife #horrorcommunity #horrorgeek #ilovehorror #horrornerd #instahorror #horrorgram #2003 #art #weirdmovies #unique #bloodandguts #shocking #violent #nightmarish #interesting #original #horrorclub

6/7/2022, 5:31:27 AM

Our new Andrey Iskanov Dreamscape Collection collaboration with #director #andreyiskanov is available on our official website: 🖤direct link in bio🖤 It includes a 24-color #eyeshadowpalette in our usual #vegancosmetics and #crueltyfree formulas with names inspired by Iskanov’s films, not to mention his direct #collaboration with us The set also includes 2 sets of #lipgloss and a #cat inspired peach #blush Proceeds help fund Iskanov’s film completion funds among other things! Please #checkitout #makeup lovers! It’s stunning 😻 #makeupcollab #independantfilmmaker #finalgirlcosmetics #newwebsite in bio 🐈‍⬛

5/29/2022, 11:24:41 PM

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! The new, trademarked and licensed official #horror #makeup website is officially live at 💋 link in bio 💋 We are currently getting new products on the site, but the #fundraising #beautycollab with #horrormovie #director #andreyiskanov - a beautiful #vegan and #crueltyfree (as all of our #beauty products are!) collection bundle with so many beautiful colors in a 24-pan #eyeshadowpalette , 2 #lipgloss colors, and a beautiful peach #blush that is #cat themed as Andrey Iskanov is a #catlover like myself and my partner @myhorrificlife - Erica Wright. We have big projects in store for everyone, as well as many of our #makeuphacks and #beautytips so please stay tuned as we continue working on the site 🖤🖤🖤

5/18/2022, 11:15:09 AM

This week on my Patreon channel: pics from Ingression. Also, all new and existing subscribers get my Nails soundtrack on Bandcamp for free! #andreyiskanov #ingression #indiefilm #indiehorrorfilm

5/16/2022, 12:39:45 AM