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#food #travel #sports #news #april #monday

【人生格言】Johann Wolfgang 光許願是不夠的 生日許願,新年許願,拜祭許願。 我們都希望好運會從天而降,自己可以突然成為幸運的人。但光許願是不夠的,想身體健康的你,有每年驗身嗎?想升職加薪的你,有用心工作嗎?想遇到另一半的你,有多出席活動認識新人嗎? 好運頂多是催化劑,行動才是促使事情發生的契機。所以愛許願的人,請在許願後付緒行動,讓祂有機會將好運降臨在你身上吧! 撰文:阿人 圖片來源:IMDb ___________________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG: ___________________ #OnlyLiveOnce #人生格言

4/29/2024, 12:00:22 PM

Life is a journey meant to be explored, cherished, and filled with unforgettable moments. Travelling isn't just about seeing new places; it's about feeding your soul with experiences that leave a lasting imprint. Let's embrace the beauty of this world, step out of our comfort zones, and create memories that ignite our spirits. Reality is that life is short and in the end it's not about the destinations we reach, but the journey, friendships and the memories we make along the way. . . . #travel #seetheworld #wanderlust #travelgoals #adventureawaits #healthfirst #autoimmunewarrior #onlyliveonce #creatememories #newfriendships #newexperiences #australia #america #dallas #neworleans #sanfrancisco #sydney #adelaide #newfriends #livelife

4/29/2024, 10:53:15 AM

A highlight of Rhodes old town is the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of St John

4/29/2024, 10:35:06 AM

They say a picture is worth 1000 words. You can see I'm having a blast playing in the rain....with a white tee shirt on too. Ooo la la.😉 #ToBeAKidAgain #PuddleJumping #ImReallyOnly8 . . . . . . #singingintherain #lovinglife #raindropsonyourhead #wettshirt #love #photooftheday #live #onlyliveonce

4/29/2024, 3:57:07 AM

‘Sólo se vive una vez’ #the100dayproject Day 63 #onlyliveonce #artillustration #childrenillustration

4/29/2024, 1:25:06 AM

Friends (party) …best way to start a weekend 🤩🙈. Part 1 #bestfriends #onlyliveonce #weekendreset #flr

4/28/2024, 9:36:05 PM

🐟🎣🐟🎣  久しぶりにスピニングでいい魚釣った🐟 ベティ5.9inchのジグベッドワッキーに反応しなかったのでミドストみたいにストレート掛けに変えたらめっちゃいい反応してそのまま🎶 その後ジョイクロボーンを投げ続けてみたけどタイムアップ🕰️ #GANCRAFT #ガンクラフト #ベティ #ジグヘッドリグ #jointedclaw178 #新作 #ボーン #釣りスタグラム #fishing #バス釣り #bassfishing #バス釣り最高 #アングラー #釣りジャンキー #釣りキチ #fishingdaily #onlyliveonce #seizetheday #OxLxOCREW #釣りファッション

4/28/2024, 2:33:22 PM

4/28/2024, 2:27:52 PM

One picture with no words can say so much❤️ #princess #pappa #ponies #proud #gaydaddy #loveislove #lifestyle #memories #onlyliveonce

4/28/2024, 2:19:59 PM

#lit #onlyliveonce

4/28/2024, 1:06:52 PM

【建築設計】從不丹「正念之城」橋上觀賞多元生態奇觀 世人看「不丹」是「幸福國度」?過去 3 年當地經歷疫情、旅遊停擺及長年低度發展等影響,經濟不穩,年輕世代都紛紛出國求生機。不丹王國及政府察覺民眾對未來不安,宣佈將於南部蓋勒普(Gelephu)啟動一項新城市計畫「正念之城」(Mindfulness City),遵循第一個負碳排國家的永續標準,尋求「守護自然與平靜」及「追求建設與熱鬧」的新時代平衡。 蓋勒普是世上現存的生物多樣化熱點(Biodiversity Hotspots)之一,其內約有 35 道河流,孕育出多元的野生動植物;因 11 個村落聚居,山巒間又建有帶狀人造梯田及起居設施,是萬物共生的樂土。 保育獨特風光,不丹政府依「不丹文化遺產」和「國民幸福總值」(GNH)基礎,請來丹麥建築團隊 BIG、工程顧問公司 Arup 與 Cistri 將「正念之城」定位「橋上城市」——沿河道及村落動線,建設 3 組兼具交通樞紐及公共功能的橋樑,從北到南地規律種稻田,重新整合零散的分區作為生態廊道,亦有助預防季節洪水。 為村民改善對外聯繫,創造在地的經濟和教育機會,城內將採用環保建材,建設全新的國際機場,重鋪鐵路、東西方醫學保健中心、大學院校,永續農務系統、Vajrayana 禪修中心及傳統紡織市場;那一道由發電廠與寺廟共構的「桑科什寺大壩」,更是絕佳觀景和旅遊新勝地,盡展建築、藝術及自然融和之美。 撰文:K.C. 圖片來源:Bjarke Ingels Group ___________________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG: ___________________ #OnlyLiveOnce #建築設計 #不丹 #Bhutan #幸福國度 #正念之城 #Mindfulness_City #蓋勒普 #Gelephu #生物多樣化熱點 #Biodiversity_Hotspots #Vajrayana #建築團隊 #BIG #工程顧問公司 #Arup #Cistri #Architecture #Design

4/28/2024, 12:00:17 PM

Down by the water in Rhodes

4/28/2024, 9:48:38 AM

An afternoon exploring Rhodes old town

4/28/2024, 9:35:21 AM

A lot of history in Rhodes, so a good place to start is the archaelogical museum

4/28/2024, 9:24:53 AM

Saturday April 27. PHC Deep drop walk-on. 2 Boxes full of fish! 3 Hake, a mess of Rosie’s and a boat limit of Big Choppers. Russ had his hands full today and crushed it on deck! 💪🏽🤙🏽 Back on the water in 2.5 hours. 🎣 Let’s go Fishing! #phcvb #phcvbwalkons #onlyliveonce

4/28/2024, 5:31:42 AM

Terminamos la semana... Estuvo dura la rutina pero valió la pena... #seentreno #seentrenoafull💪👏 #evolutionfitness #legday #femoralworkout #diadepierna #🦵🏻 #🦵🏻🔥🏋️‍♀️✅ #pasoapaso #discipline #perseverancia #dterminacion #stepbystep #fitneslifestyle #careyourself #selfcare #selflove #goodvibes #onlyliveonce #teammango #losmanguitos

4/28/2024, 3:22:20 AM

As três coisas mais difíceis do mundo são: guardar um segredo, perdoar uma ofensa e aproveitar o tempo. The three hardest things in the world are: keeping a secret, forgiving an offense and making the most of the time. "Benjamin Franklin" #celebratelife #makingthemostofliving #onlyliveonce

4/27/2024, 10:20:29 PM

Love yourself♡♡♡ #smile #behappy #onlyliveonce #takechances

4/27/2024, 7:40:37 PM

Mix it up a bit make it interesting lol 😂 #onlyliveonce

4/27/2024, 6:10:46 PM

今日は朝練🎣 暗い時間、ぎりランカーサイズのシーバス釣れました✨😆 その後反応はあるけど喰わず。。💦 2ヒット1キャッチ シーバス祭りはまだだった?🙄? 帰ってから内臓チェック👀 私のシーバスには大きいカマスが3匹ぐらい入ってました 浅い水深でシーバス狙いながら70オーバーの真鯛も釣れたり♪ めっちゃ走ってたから羨ましかったなー😳 #富山湾 #釣り #釣り女子 #シーバス #スズキ #ボートシーバス #シーバスジギング #メタボスイマー #onlyliveonce

4/27/2024, 2:09:09 PM

【深度遊記】來一碗極致的白飯 香港人愛吃日本料理,從壽司、海產、燒肉到甜點等,各有擁躉,好些無米不歡的「飯桶型」旅人,還會為一碗簡單質樸的米飯,專誠前往東京惠比壽西的低調小店「米福 Komefuku」捧場! 米福顧名思意主打米飯,據官網所述,店內供應的選米皆產自國內不同縣市,每天清晨起,料理師就會因應各米的品種特性,作專門的清洗程序。此外,全店的米亦會採用日本傳統工藝製作,號稱「煮飯神器」的萬古燒土鍋進行烹調,借助器皿比一般砂鍋更久煮、慢燉兼保溫的特質,提昇米飯的口感和香氣,希望食客吃得安心又開心。 因店舖位置有限,米飯處理需時,店家建議食客最好先預約。抵達後,大家可從餐單列舉的 4 至 5 款米種,如有新瀉越光米、山形美姬米等,一人選一款配搭薑燒豬肉、烤魚或燉牛舌等套餐及各式酒品。若然自問不熟米種,亦可請教店員,或建議烹調軟硬度等;照顧海外旅人需要,店內亦有英文版餐單,不怕語言不通而尷尬。 當食客選定心頭好,店員就會端出萬古燒土鍋,放在客席小桌上煮飯,待「生米變熟飯」後,熱氣騰空和米香滿室的氣勢,即時喚起眾人食慾。值得一提,由日本米和蕪菁熬成的湯,質感同樣濃稠綿潤,別錯過。 撰文:K.C. 圖片來源:Komefuku, Hitosara Magazine, Premium Water ___________________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG: ___________________ #OnlyLiveOnce #深度遊記 #日本 #Japan #東京 #Tokyo #惠比壽 #Ebisu #米福 #Komefuku #Rice #萬古燒土鍋 #傳統工藝 #Food #Foodie #Travel #Travelog

4/27/2024, 12:00:27 PM

【SPECIAL】 ⁡ ⁡ バックに釣具と夢詰め込んで1年ぶりに…🚗³₃ ⁡ 釣り、アガベ、ラーメン、ホルモン、干物定食、せち焼き… 怒られるレベルで楽しみました🫣 ⁡ 全力でサポートして頂いた… SPECIALな兄さん2人に感謝です😭 何から何までほんと最高でした🔥 ⁡ また夢見に行かせてもらいます🏴🏴🏴 @eging.1982 @yas_olo @onlyliveonce_official ⁡ ⁡ #エギング #アオリイカ #ONLYLIVEONCE #OLO #SEIZETHEDAY #260fam #OLOガイドサービス #260ガイドサービス #2人のガイドはヤバかった #太ももバキバキ #ポケットティッシュ必須 #会いたいから会いに行く

4/27/2024, 11:05:31 AM

We have been very busy and away! Time to change that! What better way then with an EPIC project! #jeep #minijeep #rapidrevolutions #frcc #onlyliveonce

4/27/2024, 12:57:23 AM

So this week on the e61 I’ve been mostly getting a sore throat… turns out my flexi is shagged so bought a 3” turbo back system ready for @swifty.1975 to fit for me this week. Plan is to then get the egr & dpf mapped out, fit some silicone boost hoses & go for 280bhp 600nm of torques see if that entertains me for a bit. Also getting my spacers machined to prevent fully loaded scrubbing on my fat 275 tyres. Enjoying bmw ownership even if it is melting my credit card for a bit. 🤷🏼‍♂️ #onlyliveonce #e61 @bmwe61fans

4/27/2024, 12:43:54 AM

Wir sehen uns 🪇! #berlinvenues #acousticmusic #berlinmusician #onlyliveonce

4/26/2024, 12:45:16 PM

雑記@ 2024年3月 その2️⃣ Post from pacific #onlyliveonce #evaair #freewifi

4/26/2024, 12:16:24 PM

【人生格言】Nicolas Cage 我不想要一個完美的角色 「你睇咗『蛋治』新戲未?」這怪雞名堂,乃 Cult 片迷對荷里活影星尼古拉斯基治(Nicolas Cage)的親切暱稱。 獲另類欣賞,皆因眾人愛蛋治不執着完美人設,演戲做人都放飛自我。雖然蛋治毫不俊俏,但 1995 年卻憑《兩顆絕望的心》深情演技,以實力派形象連奪金像獎、金球獎及美國演員工會獎「三大影帝」;當大家視他為文藝小生?卻又轉型參演《石破天驚》及《奪面雙雄》等賣座動作鉅製。每部電影高達 2 千萬美金片酬,使其曾榮登《福布斯》史上最高收入演員。 身家累積過億,可放慢步伐嚴選好劇本?Sorry,蛋治不按理牌出章。因為演完考古學家,他竟迷上尋寶,在歐洲斥資過千萬美金狂購名車遊艇飛機、多座古堡、鬼屋以至私人島嶼;因為愛動物,又揮金如土養貓狗、烏鴉、八爪魚、白化國王眼鏡蛇和買恐龍骨!數度離婚又再婚,贍養費亦計到暈。最終自然債台高築,欠稅逾億遭國家稅務局逼令破產。 惟蛋治無有怕,「我不想要一個完美的角色,更渴望演繹那些表面奇怪,但內心卻存在人性、缺陷和欲求的人物。」近年他密密接演低成本電影,既為清債項,也真心享受爆粗、躁狂、血殺或黐線演出,看他瀟灑在劇中自嘲「曾經當紅,但家下事業兜踎!」影迷皆捧腹,令蛋治以「影視 Meme 王」之姿,闖出奇異新天地。 撰文:K.C. 圖片來源:GQ ___________________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG: ___________________ #OnlyLiveOnce #人生格言 #荷里活影星 #尼古拉斯基治 #Nicolas_Cage

4/26/2024, 12:00:15 PM

DAY 6 ~ Schooner Cruise to secluded Jabaquara Beach. What a beautiful day again on the beach in amongst the rain forest and the mosquitos 🤣. The island of Ilhabela, Brazil is located off the coast and home to 28,000 mainly affluent, residents. When first discovered, the indigenous were cannibals (who only ate their bravest warriors, until the Europeans arrived). Dining Room dinner was amazing and was followed by an outstanding evening show the theatre and “silent disco”. A must try! Tomorrow we are off to the beach in Buzios… @celebritycruises @celebrityeclipse • • • • • #brazil #ilhabela #jabaquarabeach #girlstrip #cruising #onlyliveonce #bucketlist

4/26/2024, 4:17:36 AM

One of my friends just found out she got a 6 month temp detail and sent me this super sweet note. ♥️♥️ People call me brave for applying for a new job after being in the same position for the last 20 years and then moving by myself all the way across the country when I got that new job. Brave or not, I'm honored my actions have helped my friends see we really can branch out after so many years doing the same thing. Taking risks; living life to the fullest; happy heart. #friendship #example #onlyliveonce #blessedbeyondmeasure

4/26/2024, 12:01:53 AM


4/25/2024, 10:50:12 PM

【Make Happy Happen 💞】 Dance is your mental health 🥰🫶🏼 Just join my class and move your body! No one judges you. Enjoy yourself!! Let’s spread love each other 💖 Date:4/26(Friday) PST: 8am CST: 10am EST: 11am DUB: 16pm Place: ZOOM 60 minutes 【Instructor】🇺🇸Hitomi Registrations are here. If you have any trouble for join my class, you can PayPal: Hitomi: Thank you so much for supporting. #zumbaismytherapy #onlyliveonce #enjoyyourlife #havefunguys #keepsmiling #happymonster #zumbawear #zumbaviartual #teamworldzinjapan @teamworldzinjapan

4/25/2024, 8:47:55 PM

🔥We will be playing this Saturday! 1pm is doors! 🔥 @rvamustseeshows @trinitycymbals @dirtbagclothing @emgpickups @wizardbookingnationwide #makeascene #semperfi #richmond #virginia #metal #onlyliveonce @shred.booking804

4/25/2024, 6:41:52 PM

A fine picture sent from a customer. Boots looking worn and lived in along side a watch that was the first watch in space!! And on the moon!! Both looking great and ready for adventures! #omega #speedmaster #adventures #lovelife #livethedream #doityourself #aimhigh #treatyourself #onlyliveonce #justdoit #leather #boots #space #earth #home

4/25/2024, 6:37:26 PM

7個月就40寸肚 真係好似大左D咁🫠 仲好記得上年年頭果時減到得100磅嘅馬爾代夫之旅 估唔到依家就變咗巨肚 好彩上身同手臂都仲係瘦 又無變大鼻 皮膚無爆瘡 肚紋同減肥我就有神器幫手😌 變返中間咁就無難度啦😌 #mandieslaw #蕉媽 #80後媽媽 #onlyliveonce #有追求有要求 #mumpreneur #mamapower #mumpower #hkmum #香港媽媽 #trme #wellspaio #產後減肥 #產後瘦身 #去肚紋 #去水腫 #產後修身 #妊娠紋 #女人價值 #womanpower #ladypreneur #letsrock #做好自己 #相信自己 #新挑戰 #positivevibes

4/25/2024, 5:28:11 PM

【建築設計】如靈蛇渡海的「在水美術館」絕美多功能橋建築 「逢山開路,遇水搭橋」,日本建築鬼才石上純也(Junya Ishigami)為中國山東日照市「在水美術館」創建的多功能橋建築,既助苦於跋涉的人們,建設通往彼岸的路徑,整座橋純白幼長、橫越人工湖面,卻融和自然的形態,還彰顯天地生靈與人造建築交匯之美。 「假如我們可以忘記所知一切,只單純地去想像,建築將有多少的可能性?」曾榮獲「威尼斯建築雙年展金獅獎」的石上,渴望突破傳統工業常規,活用天然的環境元素,連結人、建築與自然的關係,也開拓創意性與實用性。 是次,石上有見「在水美術館」的人工湖面廣闊無垠,若其上僅建出一條普通的行人步道或汽車天橋,將浪費大面積的活動空間。故其他按湖水深淺度、湖面及後方山脈等分佈,將整座橋的兩端、頂層及中空等部份,按情況結合展示區、遊客中心、商店等用途,變成一組複合式長橋設施。 從高空鳥瞰,可見長約 1 公里的橋,從一端到另一端橫跨靜謐大湖面;從湖側或山旁觀察,則會發現它如靈蛇渡海,以起伏有致的流線姿態,時而輕觸水面、時而鞏向天空,形成大小不一的內部空間;樑柱之間又嵌入大量通透的玻璃採光,橋底還設計了縫隙供湖水流入室內,構成一片沙洲奇觀,令訪客體會沿岸漫步的寫意,也是與地景共生的建築藝術。 撰文:K.C. 圖片來源:junya.ishigami+associates, Arch-Exist ___________________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG: ___________________ #OnlyLiveOnce #建築設計 #中國 #山東 #日照市 #日本建築師 #建築鬼才 #石上純也 #人工 #自然 #人工湖 #Architecture #Design #Interior_Design

4/25/2024, 12:00:23 PM

After a night back in Heraklion,an early ferry to Rhodes with a few stops enroute including the island of Karpothos. Nice day for it

4/25/2024, 7:23:31 AM

豆腐つくね🍽️ #ファミリーホーム #フードバンク #familyhome #dinner #npo #npo法人 #onlyliveonce #olo #児童虐待 #stopabuse

4/25/2024, 1:00:00 AM

This has been a dream of mine since I was a kid and my mom had porcelain #elephant all around the house. They are such gentle, intelligent beautiful creature. What an amazing experience I will never forget.🐘🐘🐘 #🐘 #dreamcometrue #amazingexperience #beautiful #intelligent #phuket #thailand🇹🇭 #tripoflife #asia #hugs #muddy #squeakyclean #nature #animals #funtimes #mustdo #onlyliveonce #noregrets #worldtraveler #bucketlist #whatsnext #cantwait #newplacestoexplore #staytuned

4/24/2024, 11:28:02 PM

誰可以劇透 要不要出走 #whatever #whenever #travellife #travelismylife #onlyliveonce #begoodtoyourself #befreebeyou #freedomsmellsgood #最美麗節奏是你控制自由 #Fer®️

4/24/2024, 3:29:57 PM

【活到盡】九旬網紅攝影師西本喜美子 以逗趣「長輩自拍圖」煥發活力! 何謂「老」?日本 95 歲銀髮攝影師西本喜美子(Kimiko Nishimoto)相信,比起身體和機能倒退,精神和心靈的自我放棄,才真正顯老。她樂活忘齡,於七旬從零開始學攝影,並創作一系列逗趣的「長輩圖輯」,鼓勵每個人不論年紀和背景都要盡情享受生命。 現於 Instgram 擁有 36.1 萬追蹤者的喜美子,昔日是平凡家政婦,即使丈夫愛攝影並常四出拍風景照,但她忙於家務故無心思參與。直到 72 歲,從事攝影兒子經營攝影教室,她意外欣賞到年輕世代的創意影像,驚覺拍照不只拍攝眼前東西,亦能融入想像去創造故事,就激起好奇心主動求教攝影學問。 喜美子晚年才首執相機,可幸經丈夫、兒子和攝影室學生循循善誘,加上她樂於摸索各式修圖軟件,幾年間已掌握相當的拍攝和後製技巧。因着腰痛,她難以到處外攝,就運用幽默想像力在家中自拍,例如穿戴各式動物造型,裝成「衣物」將自己晾上曬衣杆,扮成天使跟鳥兒共飛,頂着白髮扮調皮飆車,甚至復刻花式滑冰選手羽生結弦的 4 周半跳躍動作!鬼馬度不輸後生,吸引日本和海外媒體關注,連知名繪圖公司 Adobe 亦曾選其作品印成賀年卡。 喜美子感激眾人支持:「只要我還活着就會拍下去,就算哪天躺着起不來,也可以拍天花板呢!」足證活到老、學到老的熱情,是令人長青的秘訣。 撰文:K.C. 圖片來源: Kimiko Nishimoto’s Instgram ___________________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG: ___________________ #OnlyLiveOnce #活到盡 #日本 #銀髮攝影師 #西本喜美子 #Kimiko_Nishimoto

4/24/2024, 12:00:28 PM

Visita obligada a los restos de una ciudad y civilización bastante antigüa reconocida como patrimonio de la humanidad por la Unesco. Un reino que basó su economía en el intercambio de oro por telas. El oro brilla pero no abriga. Sinceramente han estado más guays las noches acampado en las selvas colindantes que la propia visita. Pero merece la pena. Seguimos rumbo a otros parques nacionales interesantes 🦏🐘 y a las súper anheladas cataratas Victoria!! 🚴🏾‍♂️💨🌍🙏 #outdoor #adventure #junglecamp #ruins #Zimbabwe #Africa #worldtour #surly #onlyliveonce#

4/24/2024, 11:37:48 AM

Night everyone , getting on a bit now so more sleep needed ha ha x Hope u all sleep well and had a good day , Remember age is a number stay immature stay young at heart , forever young 💙❤️ I look at my parents and not one of them look or act their age , still living it up having fun being stupid , I hope when I get to their age I’m the same too 😁 #foreveryoung #youngatheart #naughty40s #onlyliveonce #livelifetothefullest #yourfuturefragrance #sarahlouiseegan

4/24/2024, 12:52:40 AM

Golden Eagle Zipline. Found this whilst on our way around the north coast of Scotland. I said to Chris ‘oh wow, I’d do that’ he replied ‘really, do you want to?’ so I did 😁. It’s 37 metres above one of the most beautiful beaches in the Northern Highlands with amazing views, it was a bit scary when I had to step off the cliff but it was great fun & I surprised myself with being brave enough to take my hands off. #liveinthemoment #onlyliveonce #fiftyandadventurous #ceannabeinnebeach #northernhighlands #nc500 #northcoast500 #zipwire #goldeneaglezipline #durness

4/23/2024, 10:21:57 PM

【人生格言】Oliver Wendell 交換創意成就創意 三個臭皮匠勝過一個諸葛亮,聽起來很荒謬,但其實是有可能的。一個人的想法創意受他的知識、經歷和性格所影響,多點子的人未必有很多實戰經驗;行動派想法可能偏向保守,三個人彼此交換自己的想法與經歷,便能取長補短讓實行的方法變得更接近圓滿。 相反,一個人的想法經歷始終有限,智者千慮必有一失,如果情況許可,跟一同做事的人交換意見往往比自己一個想的好,別抱著討論是浪費時間的前設,也許你的計劃有一個致命性的問題,在討論時被人發現而能及早修正,甚至讓原本的點子昇華到另一層次。 撰文:阿人 圖片來源:School of Law ___________________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG: ___________________ #OnlyLiveOnce #人生格言

4/23/2024, 12:00:21 PM

50th celebrations days 3&4 including a shared swimming 🏊‍♀️ birthday pal and surprising me birthday sista @malis_tania too! 😍 plus #disconap @theburrellcollection @kathdiscoball such a super few days 🥰 one day of festivities per decade #onlyliveonce #greatfriends @trisbakescakes out did himself this time 😍

4/23/2024, 8:43:54 AM

patient of mine brought me this today, i’ve had 2 pieces and i’m dying #onlyliveonce #hotsauceoneverything #bested #trythese

4/22/2024, 11:26:05 PM

Live a life you will remember 🖤 #onlyliveonce #everythinghasareason

4/22/2024, 8:57:14 PM

So age 51 I decided to get my belly button re pierced the other week. What spur of the moment decisions have any of you made lately? #midlifecrisis😂 #dontcare #makesmehappy #onlyliveonce #mylife

4/22/2024, 6:45:35 PM

Absolute post holiday blues this dreary Monday. Taken home lots of inspiration from @kabncompany - the details were just so considered and the use of sustainable materials and products is definitely something I am trying to embrace in our current designs. Lots of inspo for our new build projects. From the branding, accommodation, setting, weather, our stay was just perfect. Sign of a good trip when you feel a bit flat afterwards but just as well we have lots more planned @bespokeberkhamsted #bespokearchitects #inspiration #scottishroadtrip #lochfyne #onlyliveonce #workhardplayhard

4/22/2024, 12:56:38 PM

【知性愛情】別在網絡公審伴侶 為關係埋下地雷 愛情是兩個人的事,但網絡令很多關係變得公開化,若甜蜜放閃還好,偶爾見人借社交平台訴苦,如單方面抱怨伴侶、互相公開罵戰,甚或激動到跟局外留言者「集體開拖(鬧交)」⋯⋯總令人不禁抹一額汗。 畢竟網絡絕不私密,亦會留下數碼足跡(Digital Footprint),不是一句「唔鍾意咪唔好睇!」可了事。那怕當事人不介意外界眼中形象,或自覺非刻意想攻擊最親密的伴侶,或對方的親朋同事,有時純粹太忟憎或委屈,才急於「寫幾粒字、出張圖」發洩一下。只是「言者無心,聽者有意」,間竭地放負或稍被別人關心,然而過度或長期如此,人家只會看成八卦與笑話。君不見,某些藝人或 KOL 三不五時發帖鬧分手、呻到樹葉落,就彷如「狼來了」煩厭。 若帖文牽涉他人,更應成熟深思後果。當刻的情緒愈火爆,愈應先放下電話,待冷靜後再尋找恰當的表達或溝通,如跟可靠的人傾訴或尋求專業支援,而非急於用網路宣洩憤怒及討拍取暖。始終公開的圖文,再雲淡風輕都有殺傷力,會傷害另一半的自尊;對方一想到圖文有機會被廣傳及難以徹底刪除,亦會提心吊膽往後的相處細節,可會再成為被公審的素材,一再消磨信任度,關係便會被破壞。 你們的事只有你們知道,也只有你們能解決,何必為一時之氣,為關係埋下一個隱形地雷呢? 撰文:K.C. 圖片來源:《Sex and the City》劇照 ___________________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG: ___________________ #OnlyLiveOnce #知性愛情 #網絡公審 #數碼足跡 #Digital_Footprint #愛情地雷

4/22/2024, 12:00:30 PM

Plenty of signs of Crete's long history when wandering about Chania

4/22/2024, 11:41:45 AM