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"Certainty is a cruel mindset. It hardens our minds against possibility." – Ellen Langer

4/29/2024, 7:03:37 AM

AntiGravity®Fitnessでは、逆さまになることがあります。 全身に効果・効能が出る、スペシャルなポーズです✨ 逆さまになる前の準備段階で、大事なポイントがあります。 スパイダーマンという反転のポーズに入る前、 腰にハンモックをあてるのですが、 2枚目の写真のように、骨盤を立てて背筋を伸ばします。 3枚目の写真のように、背中が丸まってしまうと 正しくポーズには入れません。 片足を床につけると、楽に出来ますので 意識して挑戦してみてくださいね♪ もちろんインストラクターがサポートいたしますので ご安心ください😊 * * 💙*・❤️*・💛*・💙*・💚*・❤️ 体験随時募集しています🫶 只今 Googleのクチコミにご協力をいただいた方には 500円オフキャンペーンを 行っております❣️❣️❣️❣️ 💙*・❤️*・💛*・💙*・💚*・❤️ STUDIO ORIGIN Yoga&Fitness 北海道札幌市中央区南1条西8丁目9-2 BB1-8ビル7F 🚇地下鉄東西線 西11丁目駅   3番出口から徒歩5分 🚃市電西8丁目 徒歩1分 お車の方は近隣にパーキング多数ございます🚘 * * #christopherharrison #harrisonantigravityhammock #antigravityfitness #antigravityjapan #bodymake #breath #mindfulness #sapporo #ハンモックヨガ #自律神経 #整える #運動 #姿勢改善 #ボディーメイク #ボディーケア #呼吸 #反重力フィットネス #エアリアルヨガ #空中ヨガ #マインドフルネス #瞑想 #スタジオ #札幌 @studio_origin_yoga_fitness

4/29/2024, 7:03:28 AM

Transmute That Fire Workshop This will be a very useful workshop for you if you want to learn how to embrace your emotional intelligence. How to respond, but not react. How to transmute your fire and use it for creativity. I will share useful techniques for grounding yourself. We will explore how to act if you are already having a panic attack. When we are having the anxiety of the mind, our energy centers are being disconnected. We can learn how to return to the heart, to the breath, to the Divine Love within. Anxiety of the mind is usually a root and sacred level attack, we can learn how to become strong and how to identify the thoughts which are only thoughts, and ask them to leave the sacred space. There is obviously a big difference between anger and sadness, although both can be suppressed in the body causing us unnecessary tension and discomfort. With help of somatic movement, breathing exercises and energy practices we are able to transmute the density into the life force and take responsibility for building our reality. REGISTER HERE ⬇️ https://beschool.space/transmute-that-fire-workshop ⬆️ #beschool_events #emotionalintelligence #emotionalintelligencecoach #emotionalintelligencetraining #resilience #growthmindset #nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #nervousystemcapacity #capacity #neuropathways #meditation #embodiment #mindfulness

4/29/2024, 7:03:21 AM

Propulse ton Mindset 🧠 à un niveau supérieur 🚀 grâce à ta Dose de Motivation Quotidienne 🔥 ---------------------------- ❤️ LIKE si tu as aimé cette dose de motivation ✍️ LAISSE UN COMMENTAIRE pour donner ton avis 🚀 PARTAGE à quelqu'un qui aurait besoin de lire ça 💥 ENREGISTRE ce post pour pouvoir le relire plus tard ---------------------------- #NextStepMindset #Optimisme #Courage #Endurance #Intuition #Réflexion #Gratitude #Méditation #Mindfulness #Focus #Discipline #Productivité #Équilibre #VieSaine #Harmonie #Évolution #Changement #Sagesse #Modèle #Authenticité #Ténacité #Valeur #Défi #Engagement

4/29/2024, 7:02:45 AM

Let us use this gift for the greater goodness of ourselves and mankind. Every action counts. metaphysical #wisdom #personaldevelopment #intellect #motivation #wellness #inspiration #positivity #spiritualgrowth #mindfulness #Happy #Nature #ego #truth #freedom #plant #emotion #action #judgement

4/29/2024, 7:02:39 AM

A volte capita di sentirsi trasparenti . Hai la sensazione che nessuno si accorga di come stai , che a nessuno interessi . Comincia a prenderti cura di te , sei troppo importante per trascurarti . ✨Ti dico questo per esperienza , tante volte ho avuto a cuore il mondo circostante ed ho lasciato in secondo piano me stessa . Così facendo mi sono persa , ho perso energie , sorrisi ed anche opportunità . 🍀Partire da se stessi , prendersi cura della propria persona non è egoismo ma saggezza , vuol dire tornare al mondo e donarsi il doppio con consapevolezza . #amarsi #consapevolezza #mindfulness #emozioniuniche #riflessionedelgiorno #buongiornocosì #coraggiodicambiare mettimi un ❤️se la pensi come me

4/29/2024, 7:02:30 AM

The nature of reality is a complex and multifaceted concept that has puzzled philosophers, scientists, and spiritual seekers for centuries. It challenges us to question our perceptions, beliefs, and understanding of the world around us. But as we delve into the depths of our consciousness and ponder the mysteries of existence, we are confronted with a fundamental question - who is the "you" who is creating your reality? Is it our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that shape our perception of the world? Or is there something deeper within ourselves that influences how we experience reality? Perhaps a combination of internal and external factors creates our unique perspective on life. By exploring this question, we open ourselves up to a deeper understanding of our own consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things. It challenges us to examine our assumptions, broaden our perspectives, and approach the world with a sense of wonder and curiosity. So, let us continue to ponder this question and unravel the layers of our existence. Let us embrace the journey of self-discovery and exploration and allow our reflections to guide us towards a deeper appreciation of the world and our place within it. May our contemplations empower us to live with kindness, mindfulness, and a profound sense of connection to the beautiful web of life that unites us all. #deepthoughts #contemplation #selfdiscovery #reality #existence #mindfulness

4/29/2024, 7:02:07 AM

This Mothers Day give the gift of rejuvenation with our selection of relaxation products designed to help Mums both mentally and physically. Our range includes meditation cushions, silk eye masks, bath salts and shower soaks perfect for a pampering session at home. Included with each product to enhance the experience is our guided 5 and 10 minute meditations, providing moments of calm and clarity amidst the busyness of motherhood. Treat the Mothers in your life to a well-deserved break, helping them feel refreshed and recharged 💕 #mothersday #wholeness #mindfulness #meditation #innerpeace #selfcare #wellness #spirituality #selflove #holisticliving #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #wellbeing #love #healing #growth #giusellewholeness

4/29/2024, 7:02:02 AM

🌟 Contemplazione Stoica®: la tua guida quotidiana per una vita più consapevole e serena. Ecco come iniziare: Leggi la Massima - Inizia leggendo attentamente la massima stoica del giorno. Lascia che le parole ti ispirino e aprano la mente. Rifletti Profondamente - Prenditi un momento per riflettere su come la massima si applica alla tua vita. Cosa ti insegna? Come puoi integrarla nelle tue azioni quotidiane? Medita con Intento - Medita sulla massima, permettendo ai suoi insegnamenti di affondare profondamente. Cerca di connetterti con il messaggio a un livello più intimo. Applica nella Vita - Infine, porta con te l'insegnamento per tutto il giorno. Prova a vedere come può trasformare le tue azioni, decisioni e interazioni. 💭 Ogni giorno è un'opportunità per crescere e migliorarsi con la saggezza degli Stoici. Unisciti a noi in questo viaggio di scoperta e trasformazione personale. Iscriviti alla lista d'attesa per ricevere una serie di email gratuite e introduttive sul programma "Contemplazione Stoica" (Link in Bio). #ContemplazioneStoica #SaggezzaQuotidiana #marcomignogna #stoicismo #filosofia #pillole #saggezza #lectiodivina #newsletter #praticastoica #stoic #meditazione #crescitapersonale #ispirazione #riflessioni #mindfulness #risveglio #riflessione

4/29/2024, 7:01:34 AM

Buon inizio di settimana a tutti. La vita è fatta anche di cicatrici e forse solo chi ha cicatrici nell'animo può davvero sentire, vedere e comprendere le ferite degli altri.  #averecicatricinellanimo #credinelletuecapacità #compassione #amoreperlavita❤️ #goodlife #mindfulness #albertoguglielmimanzoni #uomo_pellicano

4/29/2024, 7:01:30 AM

Ce lundi, reconnectons un peu notre cerveau avec 5 concepts japonais à appliquer sans modération 😁 Je sais, on te suggère constamment des concepts, des exercices, des choses à faire pour ton bien-être. Mais si tu prends un peu de recul, tu verras que tout est lié 🤪 Ces concepts soulignent 5 points essentiels pour vraiment profiter de la vie : ✅ Fais toujours, autant que possible, quelque chose qui est en accord avec toi. ✅ Laisse partir ce qui doit s’en aller et lâche prise sur ce qui est hors de ton contrôle. ✅ Rien n’est parfait ! Accepte que toi non plus, tu ne le sois pas. ✅ Nous sommes tous différents et on ne compare pas un poisson à un singe (belle comparaison, je sais 😂). ✅ Face à la difficulté et au doute, prends du recul. Mais surtout, je tiens à te dire ➡️ sois gentil avec toi-même ❤️ Si tu as des journées « sans », ce n’est pas grave. Cela s’appelle être humain ☺️ Personnellement, j’ai beaucoup de mal à accepter l’imperfection et à ne pas me comparer 👀 Et toi, quel concept préfères-tu ? Lequel as-tu le plus de mal à appliquer ? #DéveloppementPersonnel #MentorDeVie #ConscienceDeSoi #Bienêtre #CoachingDeVie #Épanouissement #CroissancePersonnelle #Méditation #Mindfulness #PleineConscience #Résilience #AutoAmélioration #TransformationPersonnelle #SagesseQuotidienne #InspirationQuotidienne #Motivation #LeadershipPersonnel #GestionDuStress #HarmonieIntérieure #LâcherPrise #RéflexionPersonnelle #AmourDeSoi #ConfianceEnSoi #GuidanceSpirituelle #ForceIntérieure #ÉquilibreVieProPerso #AcceptationDeSoi #VivrePleinement #LibertéÉmotionnelle #Sérénité

4/29/2024, 7:01:04 AM

💧 Importance of Hydration 💧 🚰 Human body: 70% water 👀 Eye: 99% water 💪 Joints: 83% water 🌬️ Lungs: 84% water 🧖‍♀️ Skin: 70% water ❤️ Heart: 75% water 🧠 Brain: 85% water 🚫 Signs of Dehydration 🚫 🤔 Confusion 🥤 Thirst 💋 Dry lips 🚽 Dark urine 🤕 Headache ⚡ Low Energy Stay hydrated and keep your body functioning at its best! 💦💪 #HydrationMatters #DrinkWater #StayHydrated #HealthTips #WellnessWednesday #HydrationStation #HealthyHabits #BodyBalance #HealthyLifestyle #WaterIsLife #HealthIsWealth #WellBeing #SelfCare #HealthBenefits #MindBodyConnection #HealthJourney #TakeCareOfYourself #StayHealthy #HealthyLiving #BodyHealth #StayStrong #DrinkMoreWater #WellnessMatters #Mindfulness #BodyMindSpirit

4/29/2024, 7:00:57 AM

Speciale trekking voor de Mommy to be>>> Ben jij in verwachting? Neem dan een kaartje in gedachten en swipe! Ken je iemand die in verwachting is..tag haar zodat ze een mooie affirmatie, quote of tip mag krijgen😇 #happyguide #mommytobe #cards #kaartendeck #happy #baby #pregnant #zwanger #energie #goodvibe #babyvibe #momvibe #awareness #mindful #mindfulness

4/29/2024, 7:00:52 AM

Günaydın ❤️ Hepimiz için harika bir gün olsun 🙏 Sevgilerimle Berna Özcan Demir

4/29/2024, 7:00:45 AM

Nieuwe week , nieuwe doelen. Misschien is een van uw doelen om uzelf en uw haartjes eens te verwennen. Reserveer vandaag online of morgen telefonisch #NieuweWeek #Zelfzorg #DoelenStellen #PositieveVibes #MeTime #Groei #Mindfulness #GezondeLevensstijl #Ontspanning #JijKanHet

4/29/2024, 7:00:40 AM

Ogni lunedì un pensiero da lasciare “lavorare” dentro di noi per una settimana e vedere se porta qualcosa di buono. Piccoli “semi” per far germogliare la nostra “foresta interiore”.🌱 Allenare anche la mente oltre il corpo. #motivationalmonday #spiritual #mindfulness #yoga #palestracosmos #cosmosfaenza #piscinacosmos #nuotobambini #nuoto #swimming #nuotofaenza #fitness #cardiofitness #salapesi #acquagym #aerobica #spinning #groupcycling #pilates #trx #funzionale #functionaltraining #posturale

4/29/2024, 7:00:32 AM

‘’There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.” Tara Brach This is one of my favourite quotes. Meditation isn’t about becoming a zen master, it’s about learning to accept all of ourself, good and bad. It encourages us to hold up a mirror to how we are feeling and it gives us the tools to kindly notice and lovingly accept them. No judgement or harsh thoughts, just the space to feel and boldly accept. So let’s take a moment together… Finding a comfortable position, closing the eyes or lowering the gaze. Bringing the attention to the breath, in and out, slowly and fully. Doing this a couple of times until you find a natural rhythm. Now, as you continue breathing, notice any emotions or feelings that may be present. Can you name them? Maybe there is anxiety, restlessness, happiness? No judgement, just be kind and notice. Keep returning to the breath, and when thoughts and feelings arise, acknowledging them, and allowing them to pass like a leaf floating down river. And when appropriate exploring the emotions and feelings that are present. Frustration, fear, joy… no judgement, just a gentle attention. One final breath….. Meditation can help you get more comfortable with who you are. It is liberating. It gives you the tools to explore emotions and feelings during the hard times and the good. N x #meditationspace #nigelharman #themeditatingactor #mindfullnessmonday #meditationtime #meditationmonday #mindfulnessmeditation #meditationmonday #mindfulnesspractice #meditationforbeginners #mindfulness #meditation #meditationspace #meditationteacher #mentalhealth #meditationtips

4/29/2024, 7:00:28 AM

𝗝𝗲 𝗻’𝗮𝘃𝗮𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗿é𝘃𝘂 𝗱’𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗹à. Et pourtant … J’ai travaillé pendant des années en tant que maîtresse des écoles. Et c’est en exerçant ce métier, que je me suis rendue compte à quel point le monde avait besoin de changement. 𝗖’𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗲𝗻 𝘃𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘂𝗻 𝗯𝘂𝗿𝗻-𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗷𝗲 𝗱é𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿. Ma médecin traitant me propose un CD (et oui, à l’ancienne 😊 ) avec dessus des méditations basées sur la pleine conscience. J𝗲 𝗹’é𝗰𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗲, 𝗲𝘁 𝗹à 𝗰’𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗮 𝗿é𝘃é𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. 🌟 Il faut que je fasse découvrir cette pratique. J’ai tout mis en œuvre pour y arriver, allant de la démission à la reprise de longues études; Ça fait maintenant 3 ans que j’ai créé mon entreprise. 🌟 J’ai accompagné plus de 500 personnes dans l’apprentissage de la pleine conscience. Jusqu’ici, je proposais des accompagnements en présentiel. 𝗠𝗮𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝘂𝗷𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗱’𝗵𝘂𝗶, 𝗷𝗲 𝘃𝗲𝘂𝘅 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗹𝘂𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝗶𝗻 et partager les bienfaits à TOUT le monde ! ✨ En l'honneur de mon prochain programme "Mieux-vivre ton stress", 𝗷'𝗮𝗶 𝗱é𝗰𝗶𝗱é 𝗱𝗲 𝘁'𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗿 𝘂𝗻 𝗮𝘃𝗮𝗻𝘁-𝗴𝗼û𝘁 𝗱𝗲 𝗰𝗲 𝗾𝘂𝗶 𝗮 é𝘁é "𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿" 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗺𝗮 𝘃𝗶𝗲. 𝗖𝗮𝗿 𝗰𝗲 𝗻'𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝘀 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗹𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗾𝘂𝗶 𝘀'𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲, 𝗺𝗮𝗶𝘀 𝗾𝘂𝗶 𝘀𝗲 𝘃𝗶𝘁. 👉 Parce que je sais que tu en as bien besoin : prends ta pause méditative, avec cette vidéo. Et pssst, c’est 🎁 ! 👉 J’attends ton retour avec impatience ! Christelle, vers une harmonie assumée 🍃 P.S : Et si tu veux aller plus loin, tu peux déjà te pré-inscrire au programme “Mieux-vivre ton stress” 🍃 Les liens sont en commentaire ! #développementpersonnel #mindset #mindfulness #pleineconscience #changementdevie #transitiondevie #maladieinvisible #reconversionprofessionnelle #maladiechronique #equilibrevieprovieperso #enseignantauprimaire #profdesecoles #etreparents #etreparent #stress #entrepreneures #entreprenariat #mieuxvivre #mieuxêtre #burnoutprevention #changerdevie #changementdevie #béarn #bearnpyrenees #nouvelleaquitaine #nantesmaville #larochelle17000 #regionparisienne #bordeauxfrance

4/29/2024, 7:00:27 AM

🌼 Du lundi 29/4 au samedi 5/5 je vous accueille au 📍20 rue Frédéric Mistral 06110 Le Cannet Pour des : SÉANCES INDIVIDUELLES ET ADAPTÉES: Pour adulte, ado et enfant. Sur rendez-vous : 🟣 Hypnose 🟣 Thérapie des états du moi 🟣 Sophrologie 🟣 Énergique/magnétisme 🎓 Mes spécialisations : 👧🏼 Enfants ⚖️ Poids 🚭 Arrêt du tabac ATELIER EN DUO PARENT ENFANT 🟣 Atelier sophro en duo 1 parent /1 enfant en tête à tête @labulledesemotions sur rendez-vous. - Un moment de partage, de complicité entre parent et enfant, rien que pour vous! - À partir de 3 ans, durée 1 heure. - Choisissez votre horaire! 👩‍👧Jeux, émotions, partage, respiration, détente, relaxation, création.... 🌈 Bonnes vacances scolaire! Renseignements et rendez-vous : ➡️ 06 81 28 25 57 ➡️ Prendre rendez-vous: https://calendly.com/vivianefollet ➡️ https://vivianefollet.fr #labulledesemotions #lbde #sophrologie #hypnose #seanceenergetique #sophrologieengroupe #bienetre #relaxation #meditation #developpementpersonnel #mindfulness #zen #gestiondustress #equilibreemotionnel #calendly #therapie #cannes #lecannet #tca #arretdutabac #pendule

4/29/2024, 7:00:25 AM

DÍA 8. SEMANA DE LA INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONAL 👉 Hoy lunes a las 18.30 h (horario Madrid) @‌beatrizgricondo va a realizar un taller online y gratuito ”Alimenta una mente positiva” 👉 Durante este taller Beatriz va a mencionar la PALABRA CLAVE DEL RETO, toma nota de esta palabra y: 🔸Comparte este post en tu historia 🔸Etiqueta a @‌crearte_coaching y @‌beatrizgricondo 🔸Escribe la PALABRA CLAVE junto al #CrearteCoachingReto 👉 Si todavía no estás inscrita en este taller, puedes inscribirte en la BIO y de esta manera recibirás el enlace de zoom para asistir en directo. 👉 ¿Y si no puedes asistir en directo al taller? Envíame un mensaje privado y te digo qué hacer para que cumplas el reto. #creandoespaciosdeconsciencia #gestionemocionalconsciente #autocuidado #mindfulness #coaching #coachingdeverdad

4/29/2024, 7:00:24 AM

Did you Know❓🤔 Follow us for a daily dose of fitness inspiration, Balanced Mindful fitness, expert health tips, and exclusive offers! 🏋️‍♂️💪 Don’t forget to like the post if you learn anything today.🙏 #HealthyLiving #NutritionSupplements #Mindfulness #CleanDiet #SmartWorkout #WellnessProducts #ActiveLifestyle

4/29/2024, 7:00:22 AM

Lets Shatter Motherhood Myths! 💥 Bec Jenkins is a women’s coach, and she is on a mission to help mothers develop their skills of resilience and communication in a calm and confident way with their children. Bec is passionate about helping them regain clarity around who they are and what they want from their lives.​ ​Together you’ll create calm through: 🌼mindful communication with your child/ren as well as yourself 🌼learn strategies to manage tantrums 🌼exploring ways to keep your under 3’s busy @thebecjenkins believes in a wholistic approach, so she also offers Distance Reiki, with some of the benefits being stress reduction, relaxation and promotion of healing. Empowerment through support. That's the heart of Bec's Momentum Maker program. Debunk the myth that asking for help is weakness❤️ Find out more click the link in our bio. #affirmations #mindfulness #selfcare #lifecoach #empoweringmums #personaldevelopment #lifecoachforwomen #motherhood #australianschoolmums #schoolmumsaustralia #asmpartner #smallbusinessau #supportsmallau #mumsinbusiness #mumswhohustle #businessmumsaustralia #mumssupportingmums #sydneymums #westernsydneymums

4/29/2024, 7:00:22 AM

💏2 วันสุดท้าย กับโปรโมชั่น สาดโปรดับร้อนให้กับลูกค้าที่ชื่นชอบในการจัดสวนขวด รีบสั่งกันเข้ามาเลยค่าาาา💟 #โปรนี้สิ้นสุดเดือนเมษายนเท่านั้น🌳🥰 🌳สั่งซื้อสินค้าได้ทาง 𝐈𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 🌳𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞 : https://lin.ee/lK0pxQQ 🌳𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐞 : https://shopee.co.th/miniature_terrarium 🌳Lazada : https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/miniatureterrarium 🌳Lnwshop : http://www.miniature-terrarium.com/category ______________________________________ #miniatureterrarium #สวนขวดแก้ว #สวนขวด #กิจกรรม #customerreview #รับจัดWorkshop #ต้นไม้เพื่อสติ #Mindfulness #miniature #terrarium #อุปกรณ์จัดสวน #ของขวัญ #สวนขวดโหล #มอส #moss #green #gift #garden #little #figure #ขวดแก้ว #miniaturegarden #เซรามิก #WorkShop #work #บอนไซ #กิจกรรมสวนขวด #สวนถาด

4/29/2024, 7:00:18 AM

"Laat ons inspiratie vinden in de onbevangenheid van kinderen, die ons herinneren aan de schoonheid van het moment. 🌟✨ #Mindfulness #Inspiratie #Zelfontwikkeling #quotesdaily #johnbradshaw

4/29/2024, 7:00:17 AM

L' ANGOLO DEI LIBRI 📚 L’angolo dei libri per l' infanzia è un altro spazio prezioso nel mio studio. Le immagini e le storie ci permettono di utilizzare il linguaggio della fantasia per aiutare i nostri piccoli pazienti ad esprimere se stessi e a veicolare le emozioni delle proprie famiglie 🥰 👩🏻 Sono Claudia Agostino e lavoro come psicologa, psicoterapeuta e insegnante di mindfulness e yoga. ❗️Per informazioni e appuntamenti 👇🏻 ✅ I miei contatti 📲 WhatsApp: +39 338 196 0871 📧 [email protected] 📍 Via Ostiense 177 C, Roma 00154 📍 Via del Fosso della Magliana, 80 Roma 🌐 www.claudiaagostino.it #Psicologa #psicoterapeuta #didatta #approcciosistemicorelazionale #mindfulness #yoga #benesserementale #dipendenze #dipendenzapatologica #terapiafamiliare #angolodeilibri

4/29/2024, 7:00:15 AM

🌈 Glädje i varje maska! Kolla in våra senaste tillskott av bomullsgarn – perfekt för vårprojekt. Fräscha färger väntar på att bli dina nästa kreationer! Vi finns till 17:00 idag. Du hittar oss i butik, över telefon och online. 🤍 #StickaMedGladje #Kreativitet #elvysgarn #elvysgarnholmsund #Stickning #mohair #Virkning #virkningmönster #holmsund #peergynt #elvysgarn #elvysgarnholmsund #diy #sticka #stıckasockor #virkadfilt #virkadsjal #garnbutik #garnarbete #vikinggarn #sandnesgarn #mandarinpetit #novita #umeå #västerbotten #slowliving #mindfulness #meditation #kreativtskapande #inspiration

4/29/2024, 7:00:14 AM

Livet går i hundra knyck och det är lätt att fastna i det hektiska tempot. Denna måndag vill jag påminna dig om vikten av att ta en paus. Vi lever i en värld där prestation och produktivitet ofta prioriteras framför välbefinnande och återhämtning. Men sanningen är att pauser är lika viktiga för vår hälsa som vårt arbete och våra ambitioner. När vi tar pauser ger vi oss själva tid att återhämta oss både fysiskt och mentalt. Vi minskar stressnivåerna, förbättrar vår koncentration och får en chans att ladda om batterierna inför nästa utmaning. Det kan vara så enkelt som att ta en kort promenad utomhus, njuta av en kopp te i lugn och ro eller bara sitta stilla och meditera några minuter. Det handlar inte om hur länge pausen är, utan snarare om att göra det till en regelbunden del av vår dagliga rutin. Så idag uppmanar jag dig att ge dig själv tillstånd att ta en paus. Du förtjänar det. Och kom ihåg: Du är inte lat för att du tar en paus. Du är ansvarsfull för att du tar hand om dig själv 🧡 #therapy #brain #cbt #kbt #hjärnan #vetenskap #psykologi #terapi #känslor #emotions #mindfulness #medvetennärvaro

4/29/2024, 7:00:12 AM

Life is a collection of present moments. We create lasting memories and deep connections by focusing on the now in our relationships. Cherish each moment as it comes. #mindfulness #relationships #affirmation

4/29/2024, 7:00:12 AM

It's Monday. It's important to do things at your own pace because everyone has their own unique rhythm and capacity. Trying to keep up with someone else's pace can lead to stress and burnout. Remember, wellness is not a race, but a personal journey. 🐢💚 #selfcare #mindfulness #wellnessjourney Make an appointment and let’s take care of you. 🌸 Email: [[email protected]] WhatsApp: +274411330 Your well-being matters! 🌿💖 #spinewellness #holistichealth #chiropracticcare #wellnessjourney #naturalhealing #wellnessforall #familyhealth #chiropracticbenefits #holisticcare #kidsgrowth #supportgrowingbodies #mindbodyconnection

4/29/2024, 7:00:12 AM

Måndagsmeditation: Ge dig själv några minuter av stillhet och reflektion för att börja veckan på rätt sätt. Följ denna enkla mindfulness-övning: Sitt bekvämt och stäng ögonen. Fokusera på din andning. Observera hur luften rör sig in och ut ur din kropp. Föreställ dig att du andas in lugn och stillhet, och att du andas ut spänningar och stress. Tillåt dina tankar att komma och gå utan att döma dem. Återgå alltid till din andning när du märker att tankarna vandrar iväg. Efter några minuter, öppna försiktigt ögonen och känn dig närvarande i rummet. Genom att göra denna mindfulness-övning ger du dig själv en chans att landa i nuet och starta veckan med en känsla av inre frid och balans. #mindfulness #mindfulnesss #mindfulnesscoach #mindfulnessquotes #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnesstraining #mindfulnessmoment #mindfulnessmonday #MindfulnessMondays #mindfulnessmondays #mindfulnessmonday #mindfulnessmåndag # #mindfulnessmåndag

4/29/2024, 7:00:11 AM

𝗞𝗶𝗰𝗸𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗷𝗼𝘂𝘄 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗸𝗱𝗮𝗴 𝗡𝗢𝗢𝗜𝗧 𝗺𝗲𝘁 𝗲-𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗹!⁠ ⁠ Jouw werkdag starten met e-mail openen is één van de grootste productiviteit killers! Wat gebeurt er? Je ziet allemaal nieuwe to-do’s, je gaat mails lezen en voor je het weet, ben je een uur verder. ⁠ ⁠ In de ochtend heb je de meeste productiviteit en concentratie, dus die wil je besteden aan je twee belangrijkste to-do’s. Je brein is net een spier. Op een gegeven moment is je brein ‘gewoon’ moe. Zorg er daarom ook voor dat je alle benodigdheden voor die twee taken de avond van tevoren al uit je mailbox hebt gehaald. Pas nadat je deze 2 belangrijkste taken hebt voltooid, dan start je met lezen van je e-mails.⁠ ⁠ Hoe ben jij vanochtend opgestart? ⁠ ⁠ Enjoy your workday🙏 ⁠ ⁠ #innerlijkekracht #bewustwording #workbalance #mindfulness #flow #selfcare #verbinding #inspiratie #persoonlijkeontwikkeling #persoonlijkegroei#mind #motivatie #persoonlijkleiderschap

4/29/2024, 7:00:10 AM

The Great Court, British Museum (EN) "Lost in the timeless elegance of The Great Court at the British Museum – where history whispers and art unfolds. A masterpiece of architecture embracing culture in every intricate detail. 🏛️✨ (FR) Plongeon dans l'élégance intemporelle de la Grande Cour au British Museum - où l'histoire chuchote et l'art se dévoile. Un chef-d'œuvre architectural qui embrasse la culture dans chaque détail délicat. 🏛️✨ #MindfulArt_Experience #mindfulart_meditation #BritishMuseum #ArtisticWonders #CulturalGem #MerveillesArtistiques #JoyauCulturel #art #share #hapiness#culture #engagement #experience #bruxelles #Mindfulness #bienêtre #London #museum #MindfulArt #Wellbeing #slowvisit #Caring #CaringMuseum #Slowart

4/29/2024, 7:00:09 AM

Start by identifying activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good. Then, schedule regular time for these activities in your daily or weekly routine. It’s important to prioritize self-care and treat it as a non-negotiable time for yourself. Remember that self-care looks different for everyone, so find what works best for you and make it a priority. #SelfCareSunday #WellnessWednesday #DailySelfCare #Mindfulness #HealthyHabits #MeTime #SelfLove #PrioritizeYourself #HealthyLifestyle #SelfCareRoutine #HealthyMind #NaturalLiving #FamilyWellness #HealthyHome #WICFamilyNaturals"

4/29/2024, 7:00:08 AM

Your regular reactions can keep you trapped in one place. With pain getting worse over time. Or at least not getting any better. Perhaps you have been told that pain = tissue damage. So you must not move too much, or exercise, or do certain activities. Don’t bend. Don’t carry. Sit a certain way, wear certain shoes. You’ve decided pain is ‘bad’ – understandably – and this will then dictate your reactions, your ways of coping. But what if pain isn’t ‘bad’? What if it is safe to move, with care, in many cases? And by not doing so, you are preventing your own recovery? And building up stress in your body, either through fear or through the way inactivity leads to weakened tissues. Your judgements trap you in ways of thinking and behaving that can limit your options. Using non-judgement, which means noticing judgements, but not reacting to them in habitual ways, can be one way to break the cycle. DM me and ask your questions on using mindfulness to reduce pain. #mindfulness #meditation #mentalhealth #MindInsight #cheltenhammindfulness #cheltenhamwomeninbusiness #cheltenhamwellbeing #learnmindfulnessonline #selfcare #menopause #menopausesupport #gratitude #calm #relaxation #kindness #stressrelief #beingwell #painrelief #mentalwellbeing #mindfulnessteacher #mindfulnesstraining #mindfulnesscourses #selfcompassion #persistentpain #compassion #mindfulnessforpain #mindfulnessforhealth #health #stressrelief #reducepain

4/29/2024, 7:00:04 AM

Honesty will give you so much more in life📚 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Follow @psycheprowess for daily motivation, mindset and wealth tips! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #selfimprovement #mindset #personalgrowth #positivevibes #believeinyourself #dailymotivation #mindfulness #staypositive #successquotes #achievegreatness #successjourney #pushyourlimits #positiveenergy #motivation #inspirationdaily #beyourbest #successprinciples #Instadaily #life #lifestyle #growth #growthmindset #mindsetmatters #mindsetcoach

4/29/2024, 7:00:04 AM

You can’t copy and paste a budget of you want it to stick. A budget is a reflection of our own unique values and highly personal. It is the path from where we are to where we want to be. ❤️ Putting your goals in order of priority gives a lot of clarity for a budget and is a great place to start. #financialfreedom #moneymanagement #moneymindset #budget #budgeting #coaching #coach #mindfulness #bulletjournal #habittracker #minimalism #minimalist #organization #financetips #finances #money #moneytips #debtfreegoals #debtfreejourney #savingmoney #savings

4/29/2024, 7:00:00 AM

Tingkatkan Kesehatan Mental dengan Menghentikan Hal Ini 💆‍♂️💡⁣ ⠀ Setiap langkah kecil menuju kesehatan mental yang lebih baik adalah langkah besar! Mulailah dengan menghentikan kebiasaan yang merugikan diri sendiri. 💪⁣ ⠀ #KesehatanMental #StopKebiasaanBuruk #SelfCare #MentalHealthMatters #HidupSehat #SelfLove #JagaKesehatanMental #Mindfulness #PikiranPositif #Wellness #KesehatanJiwa #HentiStres #HidupBahagia #JagaDiri #StopStigmaMental #JalanMenujuKesehatanMental #PerawatanDiri #MentalWellbeing #StresManagement #KeseimbanganHidup #PositivityOnly

4/29/2024, 6:59:15 AM

綠度母黑唐卡 - 學員作品分享(待完成) —— 我們所使用的畫布是依據傳統工藝製作,由縫紉繃線,以至刷漿打磨,均用上兩天時間,全人手製作而成,是使用礦物顏料最佳的物料。 大家使用的天然礦物及植物顏料經過全人手研磨提煉而成,天然礦物主要有珊瑚、珍珠、孔雀石、藍銅礦、雌黃、雄黃、硃砂、雲母、褐鐵礦等,天然植物主要有胭脂、大黃、花青、藏紅花、藍靛、小金粟花等。 —— 唐卡恆常課程: 星期四、五、六、日 (自選上課時間) 每4堂一期學費 (包括所有材料) 每堂2小時 内容:由草稿至造布、上色等都會教授,自定學習主題如:佛像、花卉、風景、動物、法器、曼陀羅等題材 #mandala #mantra #thangka #painting #drawing #art #artwork #finearts #traditionalart #mindfulness #mind #body #soul #healing #buddha #buddhaart #studio #soulmatters #hongkong #artevent #觀塘 #畫室 #唐卡 #心靈 #藝術 #慢活 #傳統藝術 #曼陀羅

4/29/2024, 6:58:29 AM

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul." – Dieter F. Uchtdorf . . . . . #Quotes #quotify.in #InspirationalQuotes #MotivationalQuotes #QuoteOfTheDay #Wisdom #WordsOfWisdom #Inspiration #Motivation #PositiveQuotes #DailyQuotes #LifeQuotes #SuccessQuotes #Mindfulness #SelfLove #Positivity #creative #creativity

4/29/2024, 6:58:23 AM

Mój przepis na bardziej empatyczne życie: 🌱odrobinę życzliwości wobec samej siebie 🌱szczypta zatrzymania 🌱więcej świeżego powietrza 🌱odrobina więcej przyjemności 🌱trochę proszenia o wsparcie innych. 🌱garstka wagarowania (naczynia na mnie poczekają) 🥰 A Ty, co byś do tego dodała? I o jakich potrzebach najtrudniej jest Ci pamiętać na co dzień? Daj znać w komentarzu. Pomagam kobietom zadbać o siebie i stworzyć dobre i czułe relacje. Potrzebujesz więcej czułości w życiu? Obserwuj —-> @magdalenafabritius relacje / czułość / empatia / macierzyństwo / kobieta / rozwój #motywacja #macierzyństwo #pewnośćsiebie #relacje #mindfulness #kobiecość #empatia #emigracja #relacje #rozwojosobisty #czułość #czasdlasiebie #emigracja #warsztaty #wsparciekobiet

4/29/2024, 6:57:33 AM

Thinking trap series. What is mind reading 🤔 #psychology #mindfulness #selfawareness

4/29/2024, 6:56:35 AM

Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV) But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew [their] strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. . . . . . . . #bible #bibleverse #bibleverses #biblescripture #scripture #scriptureoftheday #word #wordoftheday #picoftheday #thoughts #mindfulness #Jesus

4/29/2024, 6:56:33 AM

Kedves Szülőtársak! Tapasztalatból tudom, mennyi kihívással néztek szembe nap, mint nap, és sokszor elbizonytalanodtok, vajon mivel teszitek a legjobbat a gyermekeiteknek. Abban biztosak lehettek, hogy a példamutatással, a határok kijelölésével és következetes betartásával, sok humorral és rugalmassággal jó úton jártok. Ha úgy érzitek, jó lenne egy kis megerősítés, iránymutatás bizonyos területeken, bizonyos helyzetekben, akkor keressetek meg, üljünk le egy közös beszélgetésre. Megnézzük, mi az a terület, ahol változtatnotok szükséges és azt is, hogy ez milyen módon kivitelezhető. Kidolgozzuk a gyerkőcre szabott személyes stratégiátokat! Mit nyertek ezzel: 🔸 magabiztosságot, hogy jó úton jártok, 🔸 tudást, hogy mi az, amire szüksége van a gyermeketeknek, 🔸 technikákat, módszereket, amiket a mindennapokban alkalmazni tudtok, 🔸 időt, mert nem futjátok a felesleges köröket, nem tévedtek el, nem ártatok sem magatoknak, sem a gyereketeknek. Keressetek bizalommal! 💜 www.jolletkozpont.hu . . . #jóllétközpont #jóllét #coach #coachinglife #tréner #empátia #kommunikáció #holisztikusság🌀 #holisztikusélet #gyógyulás #energiagyógyászat #mindfulness #boldogságkeresés #spiritualitás #önfejlesztés #meditáció #pozitívenergia #inspiráló #holisticliving #blokkoldás #szülő #gyermek

4/29/2024, 6:56:12 AM

czuję się zwycięski i wolny za każdym razem, kiedy nie mierzę osobistej wartości tym, co robię lub co posiadam yung pueblo #wiersz #wiersze #momentzatrzymania #mikromomentyuważności #chwilezatrzymania #AgnieszkaPawłowska #zyjuwazniej #uważność #samowspółczucie #współczucie #selfcompassion #mindfulness

4/29/2024, 6:55:26 AM

AntiGravity®Fitnessでは、逆さまになることがあります。 全身に効果・効能が出る、スペシャルなポーズです✨ 逆さまになる前の準備段階で、大事なポイントがあります。 スパイダーマンという反転のポーズに入る前、 腰にハンモックをあてるのですが、 2枚目の写真のように、骨盤を立てて背筋を伸ばします。 3枚目の写真のように、背中が丸まってしまうと 正しくポーズには入れません。 片足を床につけると、楽に出来ますので 意識して挑戦してみてくださいね♪ もちろんインストラクターがサポートいたしますので ご安心ください😊 * * * #christopherharrison #harrisonantigravityhammock #antigravityfitness #antigravityjapan #bodymake #breath #mindfulness #sapporo #ハンモックヨガ #自律神経 #整える #運動 #姿勢改善 #ボディーメイク #ボディーケア #呼吸 #反重力フィットネス #エアリアルヨガ #空中ヨガ #マインドフルネス #瞑想 #スタジオ #札幌 @studio_origin_yoga_fitness

4/29/2024, 6:55:15 AM

Open your eyes …… 2020-21 ‘Say It Out Loud’ celebrates the nuances of the mind, presenting words written and submerged like fleeting thoughts that demand acknowledgment. Each piece within this collection serves as a tribute to the intricacies of human cognition, inviting viewers to engage with the subtle interplay between conscious expression and subconscious suppression. Through the juxtaposition of visible text and submerged phrases, Muzzumil prompts viewers to confront the selective nature of perception and the tendency to ignore inconvenient truths. This deliberate aesthetic choice underscores the complexity of the human psyche, highlighting the tension between what is expressed and what is left unspoken. #mindfulness #turth #sayitloud #painting #artforspeakingout #interactiveart #textbasedart #artsy #textbasedartist

4/28/2024, 1:35:50 PM

Did you say yoga time? 🧘🏼‍♀️

3/3/2024, 10:20:25 PM