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Entdecke die einzigartige Fusion von Natur und Spiritualität in unseren YOGA and RUN Leggings! Die Leggings vereinen die Weichheit und Atmungsaktivität der Bio-Baumwolle mit der Energieausgleich und dem Schutz des mikrofeinen Turmalin-Edelsteins, um ein einzigartiges Erlebnis beim Yoga, Joggen oder Wandern zu bieten. #spiritofom #yoga #run #yogapraxis #wandern #balance #biobaumwolle

5/7/2024, 12:44:09 PM

📣📣Winners’ Announcement 📣📣 #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang Thank you for this awesome job week with so much creativity and amazing pictures! We would’ve liked everyone to win a prize 💞. The lucky winners are: @just.another.yoga.lover 👉 @spirit_of_om (Pls contact @yogamoll8) @bettinaschwidder 👉 @nocoffeede (Pls contact @ckmyoga ) @steffi_ooom 👉 @styleholz (Pls contact @ckmyoga ) 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 👉YinOrYang10 for 10% off until May 31 #spiritofom #yinandyang #yinyoga

5/4/2024, 10:38:13 AM

I📣Winners’ Announcement 📣 #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang Thank you again for a fantastic week together! A challenge is fun when people like you join and fill the hashtag gallery with joy and love. We would’ve liked everyone to win a prize. The three lucky winners are: @just.another.yoga.lover 👉 @spirit_of_om (Pls contact @yogamoll8) @bettinaschwidder 👉 @nocoffeede (Pls contact @ckmyoga ) @steffi_ooom 👉 @styleholz (Pls contact @ckmyoga ) LOVE Anita 👋💞 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 👉YinOrYang10 for 10% off. (Until the end of April) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #spiritofom #yinandyang #yinyoga #alochallenge #yogacommunity #yogachallenge #yogaaustria #yoga #yogafeet #yogitoes #feet #barefootgirl #soles #kinkychicks #toes #goddessworship #fitnesstrainer #fitness #mocotraining #mocofitness #frogpose #gymfeet #worshipfeet #happybabypose #butterflypose

5/4/2024, 9:33:57 AM

📣Winners’ Announcement 📣 #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang Thank you again for a fantastic week together! A challenge is fun when people like you join and fill the hashtag gallery with joy and love. We would’ve liked everyone to win a prize. The three lucky winners are: @just.another.yoga.lover 👉 @spirit_of_om (Pls contact @yogamoll8) @bettinaschwidder 👉 @nocoffeede (Pls contact @ckmyoga ) @steffi_ooom 👉 @styleholz (Pls contact @ckmyoga ) 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 👉YinOrYang10 for 10% off !! #spiritofom #yinandyang #yinyoga

5/4/2024, 8:57:13 AM

Toplo vabljeni na otvoritev novega showrooma spletne trgovine Dobra energija (www.dobra-energija.net) z visokokakovostnimi trajnostnimi oblačili in čudovitimi izdelki blagovne znamke @spirit_of_om 💎 🦋, ki vključujejo tudi energijo kristalov, ter ročno izdelanimi pleteninami z 'Mavrične poličke' iste spletne trgovine, ki jo je ustanovila Alenka Lena Klopčič, sicer tudi nosilka coaching programa 'Zbalansirajmo življenje'. 🕊️ ☯️ Showroom Dobre energije je dobil svoj prostor v naravnost zenovskem salonu Zlatobela, kjer @maja.batista izvaja negovalne tretmaje obraza, ki pomlajujejo in dvigujejo energijo na povsem naraven način, po novem pa nudi tudi mezoterapije. Lena in Maja vas tako s skupno prijateljico – znano glasbenico @tinkarakovac , ki je tudi ambasadorka Dobre energije ter Zlatobelina uporabnica – vabiva na lep dogodek, ki sva ga poimenovali kar EN LEP POMLADNI DAN. 😇 🌻 Program (10.00 – 13.00) • Predstavitev trajnostnih izdelkov za jogo in lepši (pomladni) vsakdan, 🧘 🪷 • predstavitev naravnega liftinga v luči sončnih mesecev in zdrave dnevne rutine po načelih ajurvede – vede o življenju, 🌿🌞 • 'lepa misel' ambasadorke Dobre energije in Zlatobeline uporabnice Tinkare Kovač, 💃🏻 🥰 • klepet in druženje ob ingverjevi limonadi s cimetom in izbrani Tinkarini glasbi; 🍹 🎵 Vse (ženske) obiskovalke boste prejele 'mavrično presenečenje' 🌈, na dogodku pa bomo zbirali prostovoljne prispevke za nakup mestnega kolesa za uporabnice varnih hiš @drustvosostelefon 🚴‍♀️ ☎️ Za uspešnejšo pripravo otvoritve showrooma Dobre energije pri Zlatobeli (oz. dogodka z imenom EN LEP POMLADNI DAN) vas NUJNO prosimo za potrditev udeležbe na [email protected]. Tu dobite tudi vse morebitne dodatne informacije. 💌 🎤

5/2/2024, 9:18:26 AM

Wir wünschen Euch einen sonnigen und wunderschönen Feiertag 🫶🏻 #spiritofom #thespiritofom #liebe #grüße #feiertag

5/1/2024, 9:12:25 AM

So schön wie ein sonniger Feierabend kombiniert mit einem schönen orange-rotem Sonnenuntergang 🌅 unsere Shakti Kombi in henna-rot mit gelb-orangenen Mustern und Symbolen! #spirit #spiritofom #yoga #yogabekleidung #nachhaltig #fair

4/30/2024, 5:02:34 PM

ASANA MONDAY • Camatkarasana In der Sanskrit-Bezeichnung bedeutet Camatkarasana übersetzt „ekstatische Entfaltung des entzückten Herzens“. Wie der Name schon sagt, dient diese Asana als Herzöffner und wirkt sich energetisch auf unser Herz-Charka aus. Auf geistiger Ebene kann sie unser Selbstvertrauen stärken. Die intensive Rückbeuge dehnt die Vorderseite deines Körpers wie Beine und Hüftbeuger und öffnet zudem deinen Brustkorb, Schulterbereich und somit auch dein Herz. Gleichzeitig baut sie Kraft in den Schultern, Armen und oberen Rücken auf und fördert deine Balance.   Haben wir die Camatkarasana oder auch Wild-Thing-Pose gemeistert, schenkt sie uns Stärke und Selbstvertrauen. Du kannst in dieser Haltung ein tiefes Gefühl von Freiheit und Leichtigkeit erfahren. Denn im Wild Thing ist es wie im Leben: Eine stabile Basis und ein festes Fundament sind Voraussetzung für eine intensive Herzöffnung. 🧘🏽 @isa_konga 📸 @schorschal #spiritofom #thespiritofom #yoga #yogapose #asana #asanapractice #herzöffner #selbstvertrauen #besserfühlen #yogabekleidung #nachhaltig #fairfashion #allgäu #europa #yogaleggings #yogabra

4/29/2024, 12:02:03 PM

Wrapped in warmth, coziness, and all things comfy. 🌟 Unser Model Isa @isa_konga für @spirit_of_om #mcfitmodels #modelagency #spiritofom #sportmodel #fitfamgermany

4/26/2024, 11:00:21 AM

🌲 TAG DES BAUMES 🌳 Heute ist der Tag des Baumes, der uns darauf aufmerksam macht, wie wertvoll Bäume für Mensch und Umwelt sind. Auch im Yoga-Bereich hat der Baum eine positive Wirkung auf uns 🥰 Das Baum Asana ist eine Balancehaltung, die auf verschiedenen Ebenen wirken kann. Zum einen fördert die Haltung Kraft und Stabilität in den Füßen und Beinen. Zum anderen schult der Baum, der auf Sanskrit Vrksasana heißt, das Gleichgewicht und die Konzentrationsfähigkeit. Er wirkt zudem zentrierend und beruhigend auf Körper und Geist. #spiritofom #tagdesbaumes #yoga #yogaasana #baumhaltung #yogapraxis #balance #kraft #innerebalance #zentrierend

4/25/2024, 9:54:31 AM

Proces of bestemming? Eén van de yogahoudingen waar ik aan werk is chinstand (ook in de video). Zelf doe ik die met de ondersteuning van blokken en voor de zekerheid een muur in de buurt. Op deze manier werk ik aan voor mij iets nieuws, zonder te forceren, maar wel iets nieuws te ontdekken. Voor ik hier aan toe was beoefende ik op dit moment van de yogales een voorbereidende houding, die je okk hier terug vindt in de foto's. En daarvoor was chaturanga de basis waar ik eerst aan werkte. Oftewel soms werk je binnen een houding met verschillende variaties of aanpassingen erfens naartoe. Soms door gebruik te maken van houdingen waarvan de specifieke eigenschappen ondersteunend zijn voor een andere. Bij je eigen energie, stabiliteit en ademhaling blijven hoeft dus absoluut niet saai te zijn. Speelsheid mag ook zeker. En het is ook zo leuk om iemand te helpen dit soort bouwstenen te ontdekken en de yoga practice aan te passen op wat past bij die persoon. Een van de super leuke dingen als yogaleraar en yoga therapeut. 😁 Trouwens, uiteindelijk is savasana de eindbestemming. Ondanks dat vinyasa de stijl is die ik meest beoefen, ben ik echt dol op savasana. Misschien juist wel doordat het zo lekker voelt na al het actieve werk. #SpiritOfOmYinorYang day 6 ✅️ Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ✅️ Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ✅️ Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ✅️ Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ✅️ Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ✅️ Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz #YogaHabits #spiritofom #thespiritofom #yoganederland #yogahaarlem #haarlem #dutchyogi #eigengrenzen #energie #chronischevermoeidheid #energiek #nietmeermoe #authentiek #weesjezelf #zenuwstelselregulatie #duurzaamondernemen #yogaover40 #duurzamemode #chinstand #inversion #omgekeerdehouding #armbalance #schouderkracht #flexibiliteit #oneleggedwheelpose #savasana #bestemming #proces #yogatherapie

4/23/2024, 9:46:51 PM

𝕐𝕀ℕ & 𝕐𝔸ℕ𝔾 Ohne Nacht kein Tag. Ohne Mond keine Sonne. Ohne Ruhe keine Kraft. Ohne Weiblichkeit keine Männlichkeit. Wir sollten aufhören in Dualitäten zu denken: Leben oder Tod, Jugend oder Alter, Festigkeit oder Biegsamkeit. Es ist alles eine Eingeit! Alles, was wächst, altert irgendwann. Wir Lebewesen sollten sowohl flexibel und biegsam uns unserer Umgebung anpassen als auch hart und stark den äußeren Einfüssen trotzen. Scheinbare Gegensätze sind komplementär, das heißt sich ergänzend zu sehen, sie bilden gemeinsam eine Einheit. Ohne Gegensätze können wir nicht existieren. #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Line up: Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝘆 @heiterbisneblig_ 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm #yogaart #yogagermany #yogaover40 #yogomom #afterbaby Wearing @heyhoneyyoga *unbezahlte Werbung

4/23/2024, 5:30:21 PM

„Sometimes we just need to understand that things which looks like the opposite to support what we want are the real supporters for our progress and personal growth.“ Day 6 and so already the last day of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ For the last day we have 👇 Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion And for this day I choose one of my most favorite and also really challenging poses 👉 #wheelpose And this one is such a yang shape for me 😄 Even it takes lots of yin for the progress 😁 But I really have to say that weight training is really supporting this shape 😍 Thank you so much for another amazing and wonderful challenge. You are incredible hosts 🫶💫🫶 And such a great company along the six days at all 💗 About the challenge 👇 Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #wheelposevariation #wheelposepractice #wheelposeprogress #wheelposeyoga #wheelposeforlove #wheelposevariations #urdvadanurasana #urdhvadhanurasana #urdhvadhanurasanavariation #backbendprogress #backbendpractice #backbendpose #backbendposes #inversionpractice #inversionpose #spiritofom #yogawheelpose #yogawheelposes #yogawheelpractice

4/23/2024, 5:12:02 PM

Welcome to the last day of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang and we get upside down, whatever this means for you! 😻 Thanks so much for joining us and sharing your beautiful practice! It was a pleasure 🫶 ❤️ Thanks so much for being our sponsors: 🫶 Thank you @spirit_of_om for our fabulous outfit, mat and pillow 🫶 Thank you @styleholz for the relaxing woodstick and foot roller 🫶 Thank you @nocoffeede for the delicious caffeine free coffee ☕️ Aaaaand thank you my dear co-hosts for this amazing challenge! 🫶 Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 👉 code „YinOrYang10” for 10% off - valid until April 30th 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/23/2024, 9:15:46 AM

#SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April For the final day a wonderful inversion with legs up, propped with a bolster to make it more comfy. Thank you all for so much inspiration! I have to try a few new things now and thanks for all the support! It was a pleasure to join! Thanks to the fabulous hosts, too! See you next time! 🥰 Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head: Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers ✔️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold ✔️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend ✔️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist ✔️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend ✔️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogis Choice ✔️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion Hosts @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #yogadeutschland #yogachallengedirectory #spiritofom #yogawithfriends #yinyoga #relax #relaxing #viparitakaranivariation #viparitakarani #snailpose #yininversion #legsup #heartoverhead #inversion

4/23/2024, 6:42:04 AM

🕉️📣 Challenge Announcement 📣🕉️ #SpiritOfOmYinorYang 18-23th April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion ☀️ 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors using #SpiritofOmYinOrYang on your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/23/2024, 1:55:15 AM

Day 5 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang SIDE BEND 🤸‍♀️🍌 While I did try and practice some poses I just noticed this pose is quite bending my side, too 😁 besides I did enjoy this bend in half lotus as well 🧘‍♀️😊 HOSTS 🦋 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 SPONSORS 💖 @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #yogachallenge #spiritofomyinoryang #spiritofom

4/22/2024, 8:10:19 PM

𝕊𝕀𝔻𝔼 𝔹𝔼ℕ𝔻 Bei unseren alltäglichen Aktivitäten sind Seitenbeugungen unter allen Bewegungen, die wir ausführen, die seltensten. Selbst im Yoga: bei der Sonnengrusspraxis wird auch nur „vorne“ und „hinten“ unterschieden. Aber wir sind runde Wesen. Und auch der seitliche Körper möchte bewegt werden. Das Faszinierende an Seitenbeugen-Yoga-Posen ist die Tatsache, dass sie dazu beitragen, die Emotionen und Ängste aus ihrem Speicher – den Psoas Muskel – zu lösen. Dies sind die aktivsten Muskeln bei Yoga-Übungen mit seitlicher Biegung. Außerdem regen Side Bends das tiefere Gewebe zum Atmen und Entspannen an und dehnt die seitlichen Brust-, Bauch- und Rückenmuskeln. #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Line up: Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝘆 @heiterbisneblig_ 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm #yogaart #yogagermany #yogaover40 #yogomom #afterbaby Wearing @heyhoneyyoga *unbezahlte Werbung

4/22/2024, 5:30:15 PM

Today is already day 5 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang and it’s about side bends! 😍 Can’t wait to see your poses 🥰 The gorgeous outfit, mat and pillow is from @spirit_of_om ❤️ I like to prepare the fascia with my @styleholz woodstick 😍. And of course I enjoy my caffeine free daily coffee from @nocoffeede ☕️ Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 👉 code „YinOrYang10” for 10% off - valid until April 30th 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/22/2024, 11:31:14 AM

#SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April I don't know many yin sidebends. Actually I just know this banana pose. So here we go with this one for today. Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head: Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers ✔️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold ✔️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend ✔️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist ✔️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend ✔️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogis Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion Hosts @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #yogadeutschland #yogachallengedirectory #spiritofom #yogawithfriends #bananapose #yinyoga #relax #relaxing #sidestretch #sidebend #lyingsidebend #yogastretch #stretch #stretching

4/22/2024, 8:50:00 AM

„Balance in life is not about having everything always right in den middle and without any distractions. It is about bending left and right, back and forth, changing sides. It is about being aware of the fluidity of life.“ Day 5 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ For day 5 we have 👇 Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend For today I choose a sidebend using tree pose and half moon as an inspiration. Both reflect the yin and yang style of yoga. For me the balance in those shapes might be the yang part and to really feel the pose the yin is what we need to explore. About the challenge 👇 Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #sidebend #sidebendpose #treepose #treeposevariation #vrkasana #vrkasanavariation #standingyogapose #standingyoga #standingbalance #standingbalancepose #ardhachandrasana #ardhachandrasanavariation #yogabalance #yogabalancepose #spiritofom #yinoryang #yinyogapractice #findingbalanceinlife #findingbalancewithin #findingbalance

4/22/2024, 7:10:00 AM

🕉️📣 Challenge Announcement 📣🕉️ #SpiritOfOmYinorYang 18-23th April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend ✴️ Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors using #SpiritofOmYinOrYang on your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/22/2024, 1:39:39 AM

Day 4 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang TWIST - Lord of the fish pose is one of my favorite twist pose 🫶😊 HOSTS 🦋 @ckmyoga @moco.training @tine_yogini @yogamoll8 @sportandtravel SPONSORS 💖 @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #yogachallenge #spiritofom #spiritofomyinoryang

4/21/2024, 7:49:50 PM

𝕋𝕎𝕀𝕊𝕋 „Sobald du dich im Kreis drehst, ist es Zeit aus der Reihe zu tanzen.“ Gerade, wenn du zurzeit emotional blockiert bist, können Drehhaltungen innerlich die Schleusen öffnen und dafür sorgen, dass du wieder in Kontakt mit dir kommst. Sie wirken stark ausgleichend. Auf körperlicher Ebenen wirken sie: * ��stark energetisierend und belebend, * ��verdauungsanregend, * ��entgiftend, * ��stärkend für den Rumpfbereich, * ��intensive Drehungen erhitzen, * ��sanfte Drehungen lösen Spannungen * ��die Wirbelsäule wird flexibler. #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Line up: Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝘆 @heiterbisneblig_ 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm #yogaart #yogagermany #yogaover40 #yogomom #afterbaby Wearing @heyhoneyyoga *unbezahlte Werbung

4/21/2024, 6:24:45 PM

„Life might sometimes look easy if you look at others. But always remember that what you see at the outside often doesn’t reflect what it really needs to be that way.“ Day 4 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ And for day 4 we have 👇 Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist I choose one of my favorite twist poses 👉 Ardha Matsyendrasana and for today a little funky with wheel support. Love this twist to calm@down an feel the rotation in my spine and the stretch in my obliques. By the way…twists are not that easy for me and even they look easy always be careful with your lower back if you have problems there 🌸💫🫶 About the challenge 👇 Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #easyseatedpose #seatedtwist #seatedtwistpose #ardhamatsyendrasana #ardhamatsyendrasanavariation #ardhamatsyendrāsana #yinyoga #yinyogapose #yinyogaposes #yinyogapractice #yinyogalove #twistpose #yogatwist #yogatwists #yogawithwheel #yogawithprops #yogaprop #spiritofom

4/21/2024, 5:04:16 PM

Twist jij jezelf voorbij je natuurlijke grenzen of beweeg je binnen wat je juist energie geeft? Het klinkt zo makkelijk. En toch is het zo moeilijk voor velen. Dat hoeft het echter niet te zijn. Wel is er lichaamsbewustzijn voor nodig. En om je lichaam als je beste vriend te zien (i.p.v. een belemmering). Wist je trouwens dat als je meer dan 1 type therapie gebruikt waarvan in ieder geval 1 lichaamsgericht, je veel meer effect bereikt? Mind, body en soul zijn niet alleen met elkaar verbonden, maar ondersteunen elkaar ook. Dat is ook zo mooi aan yoga therapie, waarin we samen werken vanuit de domeinen bewustzijn, gevoel, woorden & gedachten, beweging, ademhaling, zintuigen & levensstijl, voeding, relatie, zin van het leven en gewoonte & verandering. In een holistisch systeem van yoga, ayurveda en moderne wetenschappelijke inzichten. #SpiritOfOmYinorYang day ✅️ Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ✅️ Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ✅️ Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ✅️ Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz #YogaHabits #spiritofom #thespiritofom #twist #twistpose #pigeonvariation #hipopener #yoganederland #yogahaarlem #haarlem #dutchyogi #eigengrenzen #energie #chronischevermoeidheid #energiek #nietmeermoe #authentiek #weesjezelf #twisting #twistingpose #grenzen #lichaamsbewustzijn #yogatherapie #yogatherapeut #mindbodysoul #holistisch #yogahouding #pigeonvariation #pigeontwist

4/21/2024, 4:14:18 PM

It is day 4 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang ❤️ Today we play with twists in yin or yang 🥰 The gorgeous outfit, mat and pillow is from @spirit_of_om ❤️ I like to prepare the fascia with my @styleholz woodstick 😍. And of course I enjoy my caffeine free daily coffee from @nocoffeede ☕️ Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 👉 code „YinOrYang10” for 10% off - valid until April 30th 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/21/2024, 2:51:49 PM

What do you want to learn more about? One of my favorite theory subjects when studying sports was training science and training methods. Quite a few things have changed since then because new studies came out, and what’s interesting is how much more information regarding weight training is published these days. What I want to find out more about is successful training methods and healthy nutrition for women over 40 and over 50 (post menopause), so this is my interest right now. 🤓 I’ll share more another time! What about you? 💖 Please share because ig always gives me/us inspiration and a drive to want to learn more! #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Day 4: Twist Standing twist because there wasn’t enough space to lie in a yin pose on my rock. 😅 Rolling my feet every day - is super important and feels great! Line up: ✔️ Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @yogamoll8 @sportandtravel 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz - code: YinOrYang10 -10% (till April 30) . . . . . . #YogaInspiration #YogaJourney #YogaCommunity #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #outdooryoga #yogaaustria #yogaeurope #twists #yogatwists #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #SpiritOfOm #yogaontherock #sportandtravel #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam

4/21/2024, 1:49:01 PM

#SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April Today is our favorite twist. These twists are almost part of each yoga class - yin or yang. Just so nice! 😌 Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head: Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers ✔️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold ✔️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend ✔️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist ✔️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogis Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion Hosts @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #yogadeutschland #yogachallengedirectory #spiritofom #yogawithfriends #yinyoga #relax #relaxing #twist #reclinedpose #reclinedtwist

4/21/2024, 7:51:59 AM

🕉️📣 Challenge Announcement 📣🕉️ #SpiritOfOmYinorYang 18-23th April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist 💕 Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors using #SpiritofOmYinOrYang on your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/21/2024, 4:10:09 AM

What are you currently working on? #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Day 3: Backbend In my practice I’m working on re-building my strength (it’s a slower process than it was a few years ago, but I will get there). My backbends have always been my forte, but it shows that I spend less time on flexibility. I love camel pose and its variations, but the yin practice (fish pose with the @spirit_of_om bolster is magical!) 😍✨🌈 Will you join us? 💞💖 You can still catch up! Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Line up: ✔️ Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @yogamoll8 @sportandtravel 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz - code: YinOrYang10 -10% (till April 30) #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaJourney #YogaCommunity #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #outdooryoga #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #SpiritOfOm #yogaontherock #sportandtravel #camelpose #fishpose

4/20/2024, 8:01:49 PM

ℍ𝔼𝔸ℝ𝕋𝕆ℙ𝔼ℕ𝔼ℝ Herzöffner/ Rückbeugen wirken stark energetisch und Angst kann sich so in Selbstbewusstsein und Stärke verwandeln. Körperlich betrachtet wird die Brustwirbelsäule beweglicher und der Torso geschmeidiger. Das Verdauungssystem wird gestreckt. Durch die Dehnung der gesamten Atemhilfsmuskulatur wird bei regelmäßigem Üben von Rückbeugen der Atem vertieft. Und: die Liebe und das Vertrauen werden gestärkt! Zwei Eigenschaften, die wir alle dringend nötig haben!!! #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Line up: Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝘆 @heiterbisneblig_ 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm #yogaart #yogagermany #yogaover40 #yogomom #afterbaby Wearing @heyhoneyyoga *unbezahlte Werbung

4/20/2024, 5:38:45 PM

De perfecte energie boost! Achteroverbuigingen zijn mijn favoriet en dat komt zeker door de energieboost die ze geven. In de tijd dat ik nog bezig was weer energiek te worden (en dus af en toe nog vermoeide momenten had, heb ik vaak een backbend momentje ingelast ergens gedurende de dag (hello wallwalks 🌞). En ook nog steeds zal er altijd een cobra en bow pose in mijn yoga practice zitten. Zo goed om de rug te versterken en vanuit je eigen energie de ruimte te vinden! (Ook zijn deze poses hier niet mijn diepste achteroverbuigingen. Juist gewoon zoals op een typisch normale dag. Vanuit het luisteren naar wat mijn lichaam die dag nodig had. En verder ben ik 42 jaar, dus het komt niet vanuit de forgiving-spine-twenties jaren). Nou moet ik er wel bij zeggen dat ik het geluk heb gehad echt geweldige yoga leraren te hebben (gehad) die me op een therapeutische manier hebben leren achteroverbuigen. Want hoewel een achteroverbuiging potentieel energetisch intens kan aanvoelen, zou het geen pijn moeten creëren. Zowel niet tijdens de houding als erna. Is dat wel het geval, zorg dan dat je hier hulp bij krijgt van een yogaleraar die je kan helpen meer lengte te maken. Dit is ook echt iets om een privé yoga (therapie) sessie voor te boeken. Mocht je in de omgeving van Haarlem wonen, dan kan dat ook bij mij. 😁✨️ #SpiritOfOmYinorYang day 3 ✅️ Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ✅️ Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ✅️ Day 3: Backbend 🐟 Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz Outfit: uit mijn webshop @yogahabits (Spirit of Om) #YogaHabits #spiritofom #thespiritofom #achteroverbuiging #backbend #camelpose #Kapotasana #wheelpose #urdvadanurasana #puppypose #yogahouding #yoganederland #yogahaarlem #dutchyogi #haarlem #yogaiederedag #yogaover40 #duurzaamleven #duurzaamondernemen #duurzamemode #energie #chronischevermoeidheid #energieboost #nietmeermoe #zenuwstelselregulatie #authentiek #weesjezelf

4/20/2024, 11:09:23 AM

Elevate your mind, body, and spirit with each mindful stretch and tranquil breath. 🌟🧘‍♂️ Unser Model Isa @isa_konga für @spirit_of_om #mcfitmodels #modelagency #spiritofom #yoga #behindthescenes #sportmodel #fitfamgermany

4/20/2024, 11:00:17 AM

#SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April I'm so in love with this challenge! 🥰 never had such a relaxed one. For today I choose this full saddle...just love this and could rest here for a longer time...😌 Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head: Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers ✔️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold ✔️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend ✔️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogis Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion Hosts @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #yogadeutschland #yogachallengedirectory #spiritofom #yogawithfriends #yinyoga #relax #relaxing #reclinedpose #fullsaddle #fullsaddlepose #reclinedsaddle #moreyin #backbend #proppedbackbend

4/20/2024, 8:38:56 AM

Welcome to day 3 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang and it’s about backbends today! The gorgeous outfit, mat and pillow is from @spirit_of_om ❤️ I like to prepare the fascia with my @styleholz woodstick 😍. And of course I enjoy my caffeine free daily coffee from @nocoffeede ☕️ Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 👉 code „YinOrYang10” for 10% off - valid until April 30th 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/20/2024, 8:36:45 AM

🕉️📣 Challenge Announcement 📣🕉️ #SpiritOfOmYinorYang 18-23th April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener 🌹 Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors using #SpiritofOmYinOrYang on your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/20/2024, 3:25:57 AM

Wie en wat bepaald het meeste hoe jouw dag eruit ziet? Onze maatschappij is behoorlijk yang -actief- ingericht. Dat is echter niet hoe de natuur werkt. En dus ons lichaam ook niet. En omdat niemand dat volhoudt, is het nog makkelijker om de momenten dat we even niets hoeven te doen er een scherm bij pakken. Alleen krijgen we daarmee nou juist nog meer prikkels binnen. Geen echte ontspanning voor het zenuwstelsel. Het lastige is echter dat als we al te moe zijn of ons helemaal murw voelen, het bijna onmogelijk voelt om daarentegen die echte ontspanning te pakken. Dat is ook waarom gewoontes en ochtend- & avondroutines zo belangrijk zijn. En ook is het heel normaal om hulp te krijgen om die in je leven te integreren. Heb je het gevoel dat dat ook voor jou zo is? Dan is yoga therapie waarschijnlijk een goede zet voor je. We kunnen altijd even sparren wat jouw het meeste zou helpen. Dan geef ik je meteen al een pasr tips waar je direct mee aan de slag kan. #SpiritOfOmYinorYang day 2 ✅️ Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ✅️ Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 Day 3: Backbend 🐟 Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz #YogaHabits #thespiritofom #spiritofom #duurzameyogakleding #duurzameyogalegging #yogaiederedag #vooroverbuiging #forwardbend #forwardbends #pigeonvariation #haarlem #yogahaarlem #yoganederland #dutchyogi #authentiek #weesjezelf #chronischevermoeidheid #energie #energiek #yogatherapie #vinyasayoga #hathavinyasa #flowyoga

4/19/2024, 8:18:55 PM

𝔽𝕆𝕃𝔻 „Vorbeugen ist besser als heilen“ ~ Hippokrates Vorbeugen im Yoga sind eine wirklich interessante Spezies Asanas. Im Yoga-Sprachgebrauch sind Vorbeugen jene Asanas, die Rumpf und Beine näher zusammen führen. Sie sehen eher unspektakulär aus, die Wirkung ist aber breit gefächert. Vorbeugen beugen vor. Körperlich wirken sie auf den gesamten Bauchraum und den gesamten Rücken. Die Aufmerksamkeit geht nach innen und der Geist wird beruhigt. Sie sind auch als Jungbrunnen bekannt und stärken das Immunsystem. Die inneren Organe werden durch die Druckerhöhung gestärkt Wie immer gilt: es ist der Prozess im Yoga der zählt. Nicht das Ergebnis. Im Stehen oder Sitzen hilft es, die Knie zu beugen. Im Sitzen: Für viele Menschen ist das aufrechte Sitzen mit ausgestreckten Beinen bereits eine Herausforderung. Das Sitzen auf einer zusammengerollten Matte oder einem Block macht diese Position um einiges angenehmer. Ein Gurt kann ebenfalls helfen, die Wirbelsäule gestreckt zu halten. „DAS GEHIRN EINES YOGI ERSTRECKT SICH VON SEINEN FUSSSSOHLEN BIS ZUR KRONE DES KOPFES.“ B.K.S. IYENGAR. #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Line up: Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝘆 @heiterbisneblig_ 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm #yogaart #yogagermany #yogaover40 #yogomom #afterbaby Wearing @heyhoneyyoga *unbezahlte Werbung

4/19/2024, 6:22:34 PM

N E U E R 🤍 B R A unser neuer und wunderschöner weißer Yoga Bra ohne Cups ist super weich und bequem. Seine Farbe verleiht Deinem gesamten Outift eine gewisse Leichtigkeit und lässt sich mit jeder unserer Leggings und Hose kombinieren 😍 Für einen besseren Halt sorgt ein regulierbarer Unterbrustgummi im inneren des Bras. Durch seine etwas längere Passform eignet sich der Bra auch optimal als Top für die warmen Sommermonate. Das fair und nachhaltig hergestellte Bio-Baumwollmaterial wurde mit mikrofeinem Rosenquarz versetzt. Rosenquarz kann Liebe, Harmonie und Wohlbefinden fördern und verleiht unserem Bra daher eine ganz besondere Energie und Lebendigkeit. ♥ Ein Basic, dass in keinem Kleiderschrank fehlen darf. 📸 @schorschal #spiritofom #thespiritofom #yoga #yogabekleidung #bra #top #yogatop #oberteil #yogalove #biobaumwolle #nachhaltig #fair #yogapractice #weiß

4/19/2024, 3:33:49 PM

Do you say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ more often? I was pondering on this for a minute… I’d say, it depends on the question 🤣 Ask me if I want coffee, a massage, a book recommendation, it’ll be a ‘yes’. 😂 joking aside, I think I have to count my answers on an average day. Most often, I think, I say ‘okay’. What about you? #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 Love forward folds - all of these are more active than passive! Love my new coffee cup and caffeine-free capsules from @noCoffeede too! 🩷🌸 Will you join us? 💞💖 I’d love to have you! 💛💕 Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: ✔️ Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener ✔️ Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @yogamoll8 @sportandtravel 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz - code: YinOrYang10 -10% (till April 30) #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaJourney #YogaCommunity #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #SpiritOfOm #yogaontherock #sportandtravel #standingforwardfold #forwardfold #seatedforwardfold #forwardfoldvariation #standingforwardbend

4/19/2024, 3:07:52 PM

It’s day 2 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang our gallery is already so beautiful 😍. Today we play with forward folds in yin or yang style (or both 🙊) and I’m looking forward to your posts. 🥰 The gorgeous outfit, mat and pillow are from @spirit_of_om ❤️ Preparing the fascia with my @styleholz woodstick feels great and helps a lot 🥰. And of course I enjoy my caffeine free daily coffee from @nocoffeede ☕️ Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 👉 code „YinOrYang10” for 10% off - valid until April 30th 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/19/2024, 8:58:39 AM

#SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April Today, day 2, with some words from me. Yesterday I was so relaxed, that I just forgot them 🤭 I use this challenge to slow down and choose the yin poses. So here I go with propped dragenfly and caterpillar. Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head: Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers ✔️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold ✔️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogis Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion Hosts @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #yogadeutschland #yogachallengedirectory #spiritofom #yogawithfriends #yinyoga #relax #relaxing #hipopening #hipopenerpose #hipopener #dragenfly #forwardfold #proppedyoga #forwardfoldvariation #caterpillarpose

4/19/2024, 7:55:09 AM

„If you struggle with decisions of having a active or passive day you might just combine things and feel the power of connection from both sides.“ #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ For day 2 we have 👇 Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold And if you know me you know I loooooove every kind of forward folds 🌸💗 For today I played a little with lifting the feet and getting my arms down. Another hybrid variation for combining Yin and Yang ☯️ About the challenge 👇 Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #forwardfold #forwardfoldvariation #forwardfoldpose #widelegforwardfold #widelegfold #widelegforwardbend #forwardbend #forwardbends #forwardbending #spiritofom #uttanasana #uttanasanavariation #yogadeutschland #vorwärtsbeuge #forwardbendingpose #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #styleholz #yogayin #yinandyang #hybridyoga #hybridyogapose

4/19/2024, 7:20:00 AM

🄽🄴🅆 🆈🅾🅶🅰 🄲🄷🄰🄻🄻🄴🄽🄶🄴 #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/19/2024, 3:34:37 AM

🕉️📣 Challenge Announcement 📣🕉️ #SpiritOfOmYinorYang 18-23th April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold ❤️ Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors using #SpiritofOmYinOrYang on your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/19/2024, 2:12:36 AM

Day 1 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang HIP OPENERS 🦋🐉 Besides dragon pose and sleeping swan I love lizard pose with a bind 😁🤗 HOSTS 🦋 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 SPONSORS 💖 @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #yogachallenges #spiritofomyinoryang #spiritofom

4/18/2024, 6:35:27 PM

𝕊𝕃𝔼𝔼ℙ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕎𝔸ℕ Als ich 2015 bei Dirk und Qbi meine Yin Yoga Ausbildung begann, wollte ich ein Ausgleich zu meiner intensiven Vinyasapraxis finden. Für mich. Mittlerweile sind meine Yinstunden mein Highlight. Ich kann weder ohne Yin noch ohne Yang. Sei es in meiner eigenen Praxis oder in meine Stunden. #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝘆 @heiterbisneblig_ 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #YogaInspiration #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm #yogaart #yogagermany #yogaover40 #yogomom #afterbaby Wearing @heyhoneyyoga *unbezahlte Werbung

4/18/2024, 6:23:03 PM

We had 3°C this morning (37 Fahrenheit) and 2 thunderstorms with hail at noon and in the afternoon. April weather! So, actually I’m happy I took my pics earlier this month, when the weather felt like summer! ☀️ ⭐️ Starting today ⭐️ #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 Insta kept throwing me out today too… but here I am finally! 😊💜 I know that I need a Yin focused practice to get out of my head this week! ☯️ Will you join us? 💞💖 I’d love to have you! 💛💕 Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: ✔️ Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @yogamoll8 @sportandtravel 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz - code: YinOrYang10 -10% (till April 30) 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaJourney #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #SpiritOfOm #hipopener #butterflypose #pigeonpose #yogaontherock #sportandtravel

4/18/2024, 4:57:38 PM

„The mix between yin and yang might be the way of balancing out ourlife. We choose every day what we need today to find not only energy but also stillness to live the moment.“ Day 1 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ For day 1 we have Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener I choose a mix between swan and sidebend. It a a mixture between yin and yang for. The exact way I love practicing at the moment. I need the stretch and strength to calm down my mind and also to challenge my body. About the challenge 👇 Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz #hipopener #hipopeners #hipopenerpose #sidebend #sidebendpose #sidebendingpose #yinyang #yingyangyoga #yinyogapose #yinyogalife #balancingyoga #balancingyourlife #seatedyoga #seatedyogapose #yogadeutschland #yogadeutsch #yogamudra #yogamudras #swanpose #swanposevariation #pigeonpose #pigeonposevariation #spiritofom #yogachallenge #yogachallenges

4/18/2024, 1:35:00 PM

Welcome to day 1 of #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 🤩. Today is about happy hips! I love both yoga styles and did both 😌. Check out my stories for more yin poses if you need inspiration! I really love to prepare the fascia with my @styleholz woodstick, if feels amazing and helps so much 🥰 And the caffeine free coffee from @nocoffeede makes my practice perfect ☕️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 👉 code „YinOrYang10” for 10% off - valid until April 30th 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/18/2024, 11:10:52 AM

#SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers ✔️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogis Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion Hosts @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #yogadeutschland #yogachallengedirectory #spiritofom #yogawithfriends #swanpose #yinyoga #relax #relaxing #hipopening #hipopenerpose #hipopener

4/18/2024, 10:47:29 AM

New Yoga Challenge #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April Danke Bettina @bettinaschwidder , dass du an mich gedacht hast. Das klingt super! 🤗 @fit_coqui , @dhyana_tilly , @friendlyneighbourhoodyogi wär das auch was für euch? Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogis Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion Hosts @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #yogadeutschland #yogachallengedirectory #spiritofom #yogawithfriends #spiritofomyinoryang

4/18/2024, 9:18:53 AM

🕉️📣 Challenge Announcement 📣🕉️ #SpiritOfOmYinorYang 18-23th April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener 🫶 Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors using #SpiritofOmYinOrYang on your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/18/2024, 2:13:52 AM

🕉️📣 Challenge Announcement 📣🕉️ #SpiritOfOmYinorYang 18-23th April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts: ckmyoga tine_yogini moco.training sportandtravel yogamoll8 Sponsors: spirit_of_om noCoffeede styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors using #SpiritofOmYinOrYang on your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/17/2024, 3:43:57 PM

Was für eine Frage, ich bin natürlich dabei 🤩💗🤩 Wäre doch was? @becks_rg @logoutshutdowndoyoga @astrid.yoga.de @bettinamattson @yog.a.lex 🫶 🚨🚨🚨 New Yoga Challenge 🤩 #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @nocoffeede @styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #yogachallenge #yogachallenges #yogadeutschland #yogachallengedirectory #spiritofom #yogawithfriends

4/14/2024, 4:57:52 PM

🕉️📣 Challenge Announcement 📣🕉️ #SpiritOfOmYinorYang 18-23th April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts: @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 Sponsors: @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors using #SpiritofOmYinOrYang on your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/14/2024, 7:30:38 AM

🚨🚨🚨 New Yoga Challenge 🤩 #SpiritOfOmYinOrYang 18-23 April ☯️ Embark on a transformative journey within. Choose what you need each day: a Yin yoga practice with lots of props supporting your body to find relaxation or a more active Yang yoga style to get out of your head? Unwind, breathe, and embrace the stillness or sweat with our 6-day Yin or Yang Yoga Challenge. Line up: Day 1: Hip Openers 🦋 🐉 ➡️ Sleeping swan, dragon, butterfly or your favorite hip opener Day 2: Forward Fold 🐛 ➡️ Folded butterfly, caterpillar pose, dragonfly, etc or your favourite fold Day 3: Backbend 🐟 ➡️ Reclined saddle, supported fish, etc or your favourite heart opener Day 4: Twist 🧚🫰 ➡️ Thread the needle, half lord of the fishes, etc or your favourite twist Day 5: Side Bend 🍌 🤸🏼‍♀️ ➡️ Banana pose or your favorite side bend Day 6: Inversion or Yogi’s Choice ➡️ Legs up the wall, snail pose, etc or your favourite inversion 🧘‍♀️Hosts 🩷 @ckmyoga @tine_yogini @moco.training @sportandtravel @yogamoll8 🎁 Sponsors 💝 @spirit_of_om @noCoffeede @styleholz 📝How to be eligible for a prize: 1. Follow all hosts and sponsors. 2. Like and repost this post on your feed 3. Post daily and TAG all hosts and sponsors and use #SpiritofOmYinOrYang in all your posts. 4. Keep your profile on public so we can see your posts. 5. Share the love and support each other! 💞 #Y0gaChallengesDirectory #Yoga #YogaChallenge #YogaChallenges #IGYogaCommunity #IGYoga #IGYogaFam #IGYogaChallenge #YogaInspiration #YogaEveryDamnDay #YogaJourney #PracticeNotPerfection #YogaGram #YogaCommunity #YogaDaily #YogaEveryDay #MovingMeditation #InstaYoga #PracticeAndAllIsComing #Progress #YogaEveryWhere #YogaPractice #YogaPose #YogaAddict #SpiritOfOm

4/11/2024, 5:00:30 PM