vegancookie images

Discover Best vegancookie Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #may #wednesday

Repost from @plant.based.recipe • GREEN GODDESS LENTIL NOURISH BOWL⠀ ⠀ by @jackfruitfulkitchen⠀ ⠀ Packed full of delicious textures and finished off with a Green Goddess Sauce! 🌿⠀ ⠀ Green Goddess Lentil Nourish Bowl 🥬⠀ SERVES 6 (great for meal prep!)⠀ ⠀ • 1 C green lentils⠀ • 1 bunch lacinto kale, chopped, drizzled with 1 lemon juiced + 1 tsp EVOO, massaged until tender⠀ • 2 zucchinis, ribboned or peeled⠀ • 2 English cucumbers, chopped⠀ • 2 C green peas⠀ • 3 C green beans, blanched⠀ • 1/4 C pumpkin seeds⠀ • 1/4 fresh parsley, finely chopped⠀ ⠀ Green Goddess Sauce 🌿⠀ ⠀ • 3 lemons, juiced⠀ • 1/2 C plain coconut milk yogurt or 1 ripe avocado (or half and half)⠀ • 1 jalapeño⠀ • 1/2 bunch cilantro⠀ • 1/2 bunch parsley⠀ • handful of mint⠀ • 1 garlic clove⠀ • salt and pepper⠀ • 1 tsp maple syrup⠀ • 1 TBSP fresh ginger⠀ • 1/2 C water⠀ ⠀ 1. Bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Add lentils and simmer for 12-15 minutes until tender but not mushy. I like them pretty firm for this dish.⠀ 2. Add all ingredients for sauce to a blender and purée until creamy. Season to taste.⠀ 3. Add all ingredients to bowls. Drizzle with sauce right before serving.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #Vegan #Plantbased #VeganRecipe #PlantbasedRecipe #VeganMeal #PlantbasedMeal #VeganMealPrep #PlantbasedMealPrep #Eatvegan #Veganenergy #Veganmexicanfood #Veganrevolution #Vegetariansushi #Veggielover #Veganiseasy #Vegancookie

4/30/2024, 6:37:03 PM

#may #5月營業時間 #2024 五月的大日子 ♥️ 母親節 ❤️ 時間滴答滴答響, 溫馨提醒您, 還沒有購買母親節但糕的朋友們, 趕緊加快腳步🥰 另外,5/9 ~ 5/11 這三天 因製作母親節但糕,現場不會販售切片甜點, 到時如果有多製作母親節但糕會公告給大家認領~ 望周知 ❤️ ▼ 5月公休日 ▼(google商家資訊同步更新) 5~7,12~14,19~21,26~28 ⬇️ 一些小叮嚀 ⬇️ 📌 切片甜點(可現場購買或提早一天預訂,亦可內用),內用低消每位100元,洗手間不外借,無訂位服務。 📌 預訂生日但糕(現場不會有,請提早7~21天預訂) 📌 全品項甜點成分、Q&A 以上相關的完整說明,請點擊連結的資訊 👉 📣 營業時間&公休日(FB、IG、Google地圖每月同步更新) 🈺️ 週三 - 週六 | 13:00 ~ 18:30 🚫 週日~週二 | 固定公休 (其他不定期公休日請見FB&IG的每月貼文) 🙏 休息日需要好好充電才能做更多好吃甜點,訊息無法秒回,但會抽空回覆。 🏠工作室位置 台中市西屯區朝馬路111號1樓 ❤️ 剛剛好,看見你幸福的樣子,於是幸福著你的幸福。 - - - 村上春樹 ❤️ #素食甜點 #純素蛋糕 #無蛋奶甜點 #台中純素甜點 #台中純素伴手禮 #純素鐵盒餅乾 #全植物甜點 #台中素食 #西屯甜點 #西屯純素美食 #純素蛋糕 #비건디저트 #비건쿠키 #ビーガンクッキー  #plantsonlybakery  #vegandessert #減塑店家  #vegancookie  #taichungvegan  #taichunggourmet  #taiwan  #taiwanvegan  #instavegan

4/30/2024, 11:30:58 AM

4月30日(火) 11〜16時 (店内ラストオーダー15時15分) ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ 喫茶始まりました。 おしながきは“おやつと飲みもの” お席は靴を脱いでお2階へ 自転車•バイクは近くの無料🆓駐輪場をご利用ください。 ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ 【おしながき】 ⁡ ♦️卵•乳製品•さとう不使用♦️ マフィン基本生地の原材料は、国産無農薬全粒粉、有機豆乳、有機ココナッツミルク、米油、甘味はノンアルコール甘酒&デーツ、ノンアルミベーキングパウダー ⁡ ※米粉使用のグルテンフリーの商品もございます。 ⁡ ————————————— ⁡ ◇【今日のケーキ】 ⁡ ⁡ 《豆腐ケーキ》(グルテンフリー) ⁡ •キャロブチョコ •ピスタチオ •黒ごま •レモン •モカバニラ ⁡ ⁡ ______________ ⁡ ◇【今日の米粉マフィン】(グルテンフリー) ⁡ ⁡ •プレーン •金時芋 •よもぎ •かぼちゃ ⁡ •モカ&ホワイトマルベリー •モカ&ホワイトマルベリー&チョコクリーム ⁡ •キャロブチョコチップ •金柑 •黒ごまクリーム •ほうじ茶&ドライいちじく •ラムレーズン •チョコクリーム ⁡ ⁡ ____________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【玄米粉グラノーラ】(グルテンフリー) そのまま食べてもやみつき! ⁡ ⁡ •プレーン(ナッツいろいろ&レーズン) •おから •カカオニブ&カシューナッツ ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【ガリゴリラスク】(※全粒粉•米粉ごちゃまぜ) マフィン•パウンドケーキなどを小さく切り、油•甘味を加えず焼きました。 ⁡ ⁡ •ごちゃまぜラスク ⁡ ⁡ ___________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【米粉クッキー】(グルテン&ベーキングパウダー無し) ⁡ ❌売り切れ❌次回未定 ⁡ ⁡ _____________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【全粒粉スコーン】※全粒粉100% ⁡ ❌来週予定❌ ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ❌材料の都合により 全粒粉マフィンお休みさせていただきます。《再開未定》 ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ 【飲みもの】 テイクアウトok ⁡ 🍊農薬•化学肥料不使用 柑橘🍊(レモン•夏みかん•みかん)いろいろミックス、ハーブ•穀物•洗双糖で自然発酵させた『自家製シロップ』の ⇩ ⚫︎発酵 柑橘ミックスソーダ ⚫︎発酵 柑橘ミックスホット ⁡ ⚪︎発酵 柑橘ミックスのシロップ 200𝐦𝐥 ボトル 売り(約4~5杯分) ※お持ち帰り用 ⁡ ⁡ ⚫︎𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐀コーヒー(大麦とライ麦の穀物珈琲)ノンカフェイン ⚫︎︎𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐀オレ ⚫︎有機栽培豆 ホットコーヒー☕️ ⚫︎有機栽培豆 アイスコーヒー ⚫︎有機栽培豆 カフェオレ ⚫︎有機チャイ ⁡ ⚫︎有機紅茶アールグレイ、ダージリン、ウバ、ミルクティー(アッサム) ⁡ ————————— ⁡ おやつのピンポン食堂 大阪市東住吉区山坂2-20-9 ☎︎𝐓𝐄𝐋なし ________________ ⁡ ⁡ よろしくお願いいたします。 ⁡ ⁡ #全粒粉 #グルテンフリー のクッキー•マフィン•グラノーラなどもあります! #ヴィーガン #vegansweets #Glutenfree 一部ございます! #米粉のお菓子 #米粉のおやつ  #vegancake #vegancookie #veganmuffin #ヴィーガンクッキー #ヴィーガンマフィン #発酵スイーツ #発酵おやつ

4/30/2024, 3:09:36 AM

🌾¡Hola! Te invitamos aprender junto a nosotras en esta nueva versión del taller online las bases de la repostería basada en plantas con fundamentos teóricos científicos-químicos para que así comprendas el porque de las cosas que suceden en este hermoso mundo del reino vegetal. ¿Te ha pasado que no sabes porque tu bizcocho se hunde al centro? ¿Qué pruebas algo que tú misma cocinas o compras y tiene un retro gusto picante? ¿Te quedan los muffins crudos al centro? ¿Haz intentado hacer rellenos de tortas y te quedan tan blandos que se salen de la misma? ¿Haz probado hacer galletas pero, nunca logras una buena textura? Todas estas cosas, nos pasaron también a nosotras pero, después de casi 8 años de trabajo en este hermoso oficio de la repostería basada en plantas, hemos hecho muchísimas pruebas y hemos creado recetas e ingredientes probados y con un sustento científico/teórico. Entendemos porque pasan las cosas y así llegamos a resultados con una buena organoléptica. No sacrificamos sabores ni texturas ya que todo se encuentra en el reino vegetal y entendiendo de manera correcta como se usan los ingredientes, tú también podrás crear recetas infalibles. Si ya haces repostería y quieres incluir opciones basadas en plantas, si haces solo repostería basada en plantas pero, quieres aprender más o tienes muchas fallas y ya no puedes seguir perdiendo materiales, si te quieres iniciar en este nuevo oficio o simplemente si quieres preparar los más deliciosos postres en tu casa y sorprender a tus comensales, este curso es para ti. Te vamos a enseñar desde los diferentes tipos de harinas, la importancia de las reacciones de maillard o como una simple reacción ácido-base puede cambiar toda tu preparación, vamos a crear nuestra propia mantequilla, totalmente basada en plantas con materias grasas de buena calidad, veremos cómo reemplazar los huevos de una manera simple, entenderemos a cabalidad que es una emulsión y su enorme importancia en la repostería, para así, pasar a la parte práctica en la que veremos distintas recetas, de los distintos tipos de masas que existen en el mundo de los dulces. 🌱SIGUE EN COMENTARIOS 🫶🏾

4/30/2024, 1:30:32 AM

HUGE week here at ChunkyFit! 👇🏼 ✔️ Flavor of the week: Churro filled with dulce de leche 🌱 Our FIRST EVER Vegan Chocolate Chip! 🍪 Cinnabolic & Cookie Butter restock Don't miss out on this week's protein cookie selection because we don't expect them to last! #chunkyfit #chunkyfitcookie #proteincookie #vegancookie #churro #veganfood #cookies

4/29/2024, 5:16:56 PM

Cookie sampled this guy yesterday. Vegan double chocolate chip cookie! Twas pretty amazing! Everyone in my house loved it. It was: Soy free Nut free Gluten free Dairy & egg free I enjoy deviating from the baking norm from time to time. I enjoy the dietary challenges. 😅 @crumblcookies should hire me to work in headquarters 😉🤣🤪 . . . #vegan #dairyfree #soyfree #glutenfree #bakerlife #cookiesample #crumblcookies #crumbl #denverbaker #coloradobaker #thiccgirlbakery #denverfarmersmarket #coloradoparent #spring2024 #glutenfreebaker #cookier #glutenfreecookie #vegancookie #veganrecipes #veganfood #soyfreevegan #soyfreedairyfree

4/29/2024, 1:44:03 PM

5月の営業日です🌷 5月1日(水)はご縁あって チョコレートマニア ビーントゥーバーチョコレートの伝道師 ちょこれいじさん @chocoreiji がまるげんkitchenにてチョコレートの販売をします🍫 グッチョコな出会いがあるかも‼︎チョコレート好きな方、ぜひ覗きにきてください☺️ 1日はまるげんkitchenもパンとお菓子の販売をしますが、パンの種類若干少なめになります🙇‍♀️ ありがたいことに、お電話やメッセージでお問い合わせをいただく機会が増えました。 作業中や外出中の場合はお返事が遅れてしまうことが多々あります💦 ご注文はいつもメモが取れる状態ではないため、InstagramのDMか公式のLINEよりお願い致します🙇‍♀️ DMやLINEの場合は注文の都度お名前をお知らせ下さると助かります🌷私の記憶力が危ういので🧠💦 5月もよろしくお願いいたします🙇‍♀️ #まるげんkitchen #高知米粉パン #高知米粉スイーツ #米粉のおやつ #米粉のクッキー #vegancookie #vegansweets #高知県産米粉 #グルテンフリー #glutenfree #glutenfreebaking #kochi #高知 #高知グルテンフリー  #kochiglutenfree #marugenkitchen #grutenfreebread #米粉パン #高知米粉パン #まるげん2024営業日 #kochiglutenfreebakery

4/29/2024, 8:53:39 AM

1️⃣ or 2️⃣? Which  #recipe would you try?👇 By @Micadeli_ 1️⃣ The BEST cauliflower nuggets I’ve ever made. And I’ve made a few 🙊🌶These cauliflower nuggets are coated in crispy cornflakes and homemade spicy buffalo sauce. 1 cauliflower, 400g. 1 dl. flour 1,5 dl. oat milk (or other plant milk) 2 teaspoons of paprika 100g. cornflakes (not sweetened) 
Chop the cauliflower into bouquets. In a bowl mix flour, milk and paprika. Mash the cornflakes into small pieces in a blender. Dip the cauliflower bouquets in the flour mix + cornflakes afterwards until we’ll coated. Place on a baking tray and bake for 20-25 min. at 200ºC. Buffalo sauce: 
3/4 dl. plant butter, melted 1/2 dl. hot sauce (hot chili sauce or tabasco) 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar 1 pinch of garlic/onion powder Mix all the sauce ingredients together and set a side until the cauliflowers are done. Pour on top of the cauliflower or use for dipping. Serve while crispy. 2️⃣ tomato & garlic toast 🍅🧄 toasted on the pan with olive oil until super crunchy, covered with garlic, and then I spread with cream cheese, add the tomatoes, cress, salt, pepper, chilli flakes and lemon juice. my latest go to breakfast or lunch (also very good with avocado on top) 🥰 ps, I use violife cream cheese for this one + basil leaves on top, but parsley or spinach works great too! . .

4/29/2024, 3:06:49 AM

おはようございます🌼 お久しぶりの投稿です🐦 無事、4月から菓子製造場所を確保できたので 不定期で活動再開しています。 先日は料理教室のお茶菓子でレモンサブレを 焼かせていただきました。 真秀さん、お声掛けありがとうございました。 定期的に販売を再開するのは秋頃を予定しています。  (平日は別のお仕事をしているため以前よりも ペースダウンしてしまいますが できる範囲の中で一人でも多くのお客様にお届けできるよう、 再開後の販売スタイルを模索中です) 早速ですが、委託販売のお知らせです🌼🍪 5/4(土)11:00〜島想食堂さん @shimaomou_syokudou で 「小笠原バニラソルトクッキー」 「小笠原パッションフルーツサブレ」を 数量限定で委託販売させてもらいます。 【🔈お菓子のみ購入希望のお客様へ】 5/5(日)はお店が小笠原古謡Liveイベント開催のため、 お菓子購入のみのお客様のご対応は出来かねてしまうそうです。 お菓子のみ購入希望のお客様は 5/4(土)それ以降は5/7(火)16:30〜営業時間内にご来店ください。 ※5/6はお店は定休日です。 お手数おかけしますが、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 ✻ ラインナップ ✻ 小笠原バニラソルトクッキー (グルテンフリー) 柔らかで上品な香りのNose's FarmGarden 小笠原産バニラビーンズ。 優しいバニラの香りをいかす為に、 生地に使用している砂糖はさっぱりとした 味わいのてんさい糖、無臭ココナッツオイル、 香りを引き立てるために塩をアクセントで 効かせ、低温でじっくり焼成しました。 小笠原パッションフルーツサブレ 世界自然遺産の島からの贈り物 小笠原パッションフルーツを贅沢にたっぷり使用。 東京都小笠原村母島産のパッションフルーツは 香りが強く、甘みと酸味のバランスが絶妙です。 爽やかな南国の風を感じるサブレに仕上がっています。 小笠原諸島の豊かな自然の中で丹精込めて作られた 小笠原バニラ、小笠原パッションフルーツを使用した 2種の焼き菓子。 島想食堂さんの小笠原素材、 立川野菜、信濃大町素材を使った とても美味しいお料理やお酒、ぜひお楽しみください。 #小笠原諸島 #小笠原素材 #立川野菜 #野菜たっぷりごはん #植物性のお菓子屋あおいとりとひなぎく #あおいとりとひなぎく #vegancookie #卵乳製品不使用 #ビーガン #グルテンフリー #小笠原バニラビーンズ #nosesfarmgarden #国産バニラ #小笠原パッションフルーツ #パッションフルーツ

4/29/2024, 1:36:33 AM

6 minute airfryer oat cookie (via: @hey_renu) You need to try this delicious 6 minute chocolate cookie, easy single serve, eat it for breakfast, or serve with a scoop of ice-cream for a cheeky dessert 🤌🏽 Ingredient: -80g oats (1/2 cup) -small banana should fill 1/3 cup -1 tsp baking powder -1 tbsp coconut oil or avocado oil -1 tbsp oat milk -Handful chocolate chips -1/2 tsp cinnamon optional (I love cinnamon) Method: -In a bowl add all measured ingredients together. -Form into a ball -Flatten with spoon and make a round flat cookie -Add more chocolate chips to top. (Optional) -Preheat airfryer and cook for 6 minutes on 180c, or oven for 10-11 minutes, rest for a few minutes. -Optional, highly recommended a drizzle of maple syrup as oats can get very dry! 🤌🏽 -Make a batch and freeze! Follow @dessertribe for more healthy recipes! ✨ #bananaoatmeal #bananacookies #airfryerrecipe #oatsforbreakfast #oatsmeal #oatsrecipe #bakedoats #healthyrecipes #budgetcooking #budgetrecipes #veganbreakfast #healthydessertrecipes #chocolatechipcookie #veganbakingrecipes #vegancookie #easybake #cookiestagram #comfortfoods #recipeoftheday #veganeasy #veganrecipes #eggfreebaking #asmrfood

4/28/2024, 8:55:24 PM

Long overdue and super gorge roundup of some vegan eats in Western Australia (mostly Perth area) 😍 1-2 The Moon in Perth. One of my fave pasta dishes in a longgg time (aubergine filled agnolotti, miso butter mmm). Followed by baked cookie and ice cream🍦 3-5 Tonic & Ginger in Freemantle. Up there with my fave meals on the trip. This roasted cauliflower in coconut creamy sauce was absolutely divine. No words.🍛 6 La Capannina in Perth. Fresh egg-free pasta with a side of baked cauliflower. Not bad! 🍝 7 Perth Sunset Markets' vegan stall with the tastiest carrot cake and giant chunky cookie 🍪 Amaze. 8-9 Spice Market in Perth. Very filling and tasty Thai food, has its separate vegan menu too, which is always a plus!🍜 10 Settlers Tavern in Margaret River, south of Perth. V. few options here but this pub had a pretty tasty and pretty healthy dinner of brown rice, ratatouille and bean burger 🍔 #PerthVegan #VeganPerth #margaretrivervegan #westernaustralia #whatveganseat #vegantravel #vegansofig #veganthai #thaivegan #vegancake #vegancookie #freemantlevegan

4/28/2024, 4:18:03 PM

Frollini di avena ( deglutinata ) di @stoppato_1887 e di riso di @molini_veronesi 🍪 ricetta “inventata” e messa a punto stamattina e riuscita alla grande direi ( viva la sincerità 🤣 ) 😍😋😋P.S. Le ricette caserecce e rustiche, secondo me sono le migliori e quelle che ti danno più soddisfazione 🥰 x la felicità di @chicco.72…assaggiatore ufficiale 😍😋😋😋 #frollini #vegan #senzaglutinemacongusto #senzaderivatianimali #senzaburro #milkfree #genuinità #veganbreakfastrecipes #oat #rice #vegancookie #avenaeriso #esperimenticulinari #sweetvegan #veganbakery #madewithlove #homemade #cucinavegetale #mangiasano #cambiamenu#

4/28/2024, 4:05:33 PM

Biscotto sul mare di nebbia. Ossia Lo sapevo che la formina del Viandante sul mare di nebbia di Caspar David Friedrich si sarebbe rivelato il souvenir perfetto di Amburgo! Anche perché forse ho trovato una ricetta di frolla vegana top! 💛 #vegancookie #viandantesulmaredinebbia #caspardavidfriedrich #sunday #odoredifrolla #amburgo #hamburg #souvenir

4/28/2024, 4:03:01 PM

5/1 (三) ~ 5/4 (六) 販售品項 2024 母親節但糕現正預購中 相關資訊請由此進 ➜ (IG 請直接點擊首頁連結) 🍰 常態甜點 『營業日皆有供應』 (*)極濃可可但糕 (*)黑芝麻焙茶但糕 (*)檸檬棒但糕(當日常溫可) (*)伯爵蘋果杏仁但糕 ✭期間限定✭ (當日常溫可) (*)可可豆軟餅乾(當日常溫可) (*)棉花糖布朗尼軟餅乾(當日常溫可) (*)小山園抹茶麻糬軟餅乾(當日常溫可) ---------------- 🍰 限定日甜點 (*)藍莓輕乳洛 - 無麩質(週三&週四) ✭ 期間限定 ✭ (*)葡萄香草但糕(週三&週四) -----> (*)芒果輕乳洛 - 無麩質(週五&週六)✭ 季節限定 ✭ (*)地瓜焙烤重乳洛 - 無麩質(週五&週六)✭ 期間限定 ✭ (*)隱藏版菜單 – 請見 IG 限動發文(週五&週六) ---------------- 🍰 內用限定甜點 『無提供外帶』 (*)熱烤莓果香酥卡布樂 佐 純素馬斯卡彭乳洛醬 ---------------- 🍰 無油吐司小點『製作時間約10~15分鐘,無法久候可先預訂』 (*)但沙拉厚吐司(購買後請儘速食用,不建議隔餐、隔夜) (*)花生榛果厚吐司 (購買後請儘速食用,不建議隔餐、隔夜) ---------------- 🍰 飲品『以現場公告品項為主』 ---------------- ℹ️ 甜點品項如未標示(當日常溫可)字樣,皆需在30分鐘內冷藏冷藏,如購買之後沒有要馬上放冰箱,強烈建議自行攜帶保冷袋或保冷劑盛裝,以確保甜點的新鮮度。 ——————————————————————————— 📌切片甜點可現場購買、提前一天預訂、或內用。 📌內用無訂位,低消每位100元,洗手間不外借。 📌#現場沒有整模生日但糕,請提早7~21天預訂。 📌甜點都是純素、無蛋奶。 一人工作室,無24小時線上客服,為了不耽誤您的寶貴時間,以下相關問題,請點擊連結有完整說明,已公告事項不再一一回覆,非常感謝您。🙇‍♀️ 👉本週甜點菜單 👉如何購買 切片 / 生日但糕 👉但糕成份 👉常見Q&A (IG請參考首頁簡介連結) 📣 營業時間&公休日 🈺️ 13:00 ~ 18:30 🚫 週日~週二 固定公休(公休日訊息回覆較慢還請理解) 🚫 特殊公休日請見每月 IG & FB 公告或是Google Map商家資訊 🏠工作室位置 台中市西屯區朝馬路111號1樓 ❤️ 剛剛好,看見你幸福的樣子,於是幸福著你的幸福。 - - - 村上春樹 ❤️ #素食甜點 #純素蛋糕 #無蛋奶甜點 #台中純素甜點 #台中純素伴手禮 #純素鐵盒餅乾 #全植物甜點 #台中素食 #西屯甜點 #西屯純素美食 #純素蛋糕 #비건디저트 #비건쿠키 #ビーガンクッキー  #plantsonlybakery  #vegandessert #減塑店家  #vegancookie  #taichungvegan  #taichunggourmet  #taiwan  #taiwanvegan  #instavegan

4/28/2024, 1:24:34 PM

Mini Vegan Taco Bites By @naturallyzuzu Makes 6 servings Ingredients: 1 medium onion, diced 1/2 cup of vegan minced meat. You can also use cooked brown lentils. 1 jalapeño seeded and diced 1 garlic clove, minced 1/2 cup frozen corn 1 red bell pepper diced 1 tomato seeded and diced 1/3 cup canned black beans, water drained Kosher salt, to taste 2 teaspoons chili powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin Ground black pepper, to taste 3 tbsp of Queso style dip 1 or 2 tubs of Traditional or Spicy Guacamole for serving. Green onions for garnish 6 flour tortillas 3 teaspoons olive oil 1/2 cup vegan shredded cheddar cheese. Method: Preheat the oven at 375F. Use a 3-inch cookie cutter to cut out 4 taco shells from each tortilla. Warm the tortillas for 10 to 20 seconds, covered, in a microwave, or wrap in foil and heat in a warm oven until pliable. Spray or brush the mini muffin tin pan with oil. Then tortillas into the openings of a muffin tin. Repeat with a second mini muffin tin or repeat after cooking first batch of mini taco shells, for a total of 24. Spray or brush the tortillas with oil and bake for 10 min until edges are golden brown. Meanwhile in a large cast iron pan heat 2 tbsp of oil over a medium-high heat. Add the diced onions and sauté until transparent, then add the vegan minced meat and cook for 10 min by stirring it constantly. Then add the garlic, jalapeño, bell peppers, tomatoes, corn and black beans. Continue cooking for 8 min over a medium heat. Add the seasoning, 3 tbsp of Queso dip and salt to taste. Simmer for 5 min. Set aside. Add a heaping spoonful of taco mixture to each tortilla shell. Sprinkle with shredded cheese then bake again for 10 min or until cheese is melted. Garnish with chopped green onions. . . . . #vegannutella #easyvegan #vegancookie #vegansnack #vegannachos #veganrecipevideos #letscookvegan #vegansmoothie #plantbasedcooking #veganrevolution #VeganRecipes #plantbasedrecipe #VeganRecipes #easyveganrecipes #vegannoodles #VeganRecipe #VeganRecipe

4/28/2024, 6:00:13 AM

Introducing my New Vegan chocolate chip cookie croissant!!!! Irresistibly . . . #vegancrookie #vegancroissant #vegancookie #veganlife #veganlover #veganpastry #crookie #miamiveganlife #vegan

4/28/2024, 12:38:13 AM

🍪 COOKIE DOUGH BAR🍪 My new fave ! 3 INGREDIENT ! recipe - 1 can of butter beans (cooked in the microwave for 5 mins) - 250g dates (blend with the beans for the base) - 1 bar dark chocolate (I used @montezumaschocs 100%)

4/27/2024, 9:18:10 PM

Go support small business which is the life blood of any business ecosystem. Taste of Supreme Bakery & Cafe is all about giving Health and Wellness to the Community. It is a mission to encourage and empower us by eating the best of what God has provided us with to eat; plant-based eating. We eat to live! Go get some Taste of Supreme today! Happy Saturday! 11 AM to 7 PM Vegan Bakery Cafe!!! We are OPEN 😀 696 North Winton Road! Come take home the Taste of Supreme. Thanks for choosing the Taste of Supreme! #glutenfree #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedfoods #plantbaseddiet #cookies #pies #blackownedinrochester #glutenfreevegan #glutenfreecookies #glutenfreecake #veganpies #vegancakes #vegancookie #VEGANCOOKIES #foodphotography #boysandgirlsclub #blackbusiness #bread #desserts #pastries #tasteofsupreme #healthyfood #rochesterny

4/27/2024, 7:42:25 PM

Go get some Taste of Supreme today! Happy Saturday! 11 AM to 7 PM Vegan Bakery Cafe!!! We are OPEN 😀 696 North Winton Road! Come take home the Taste of Supreme. Thanks for choosing the Taste of Supreme! #glutenfree #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedfoods #plantbaseddiet #cookies #pies #blackownedinrochester #glutenfreevegan #glutenfreecookies #glutenfreecake #veganpies #vegancakes #vegancookie #VEGANCOOKIES #foodphotography #boysandgirlsclub #blackbusiness #bread #desserts #pastries #tasteofsupreme #healthyfood #rochesterny

4/27/2024, 6:19:57 PM

10-Minute Chilli Oil Noodles 🌶 by @thrivingonplants Serves: 1 Time: 10 mins Ingredients 1 serving of noodles (I used fresh wheat noodles) Protein & veg of choice (I used tofu puffs and bokchoy) The Sauce Base: Light soy sauce Dark soy sauce (optional, see method 3) Sweetener of choice eg. brown sugar Sesame oil Chinese chilli oil Optional add-ins: Fresh minced garlic and/or ginger Sesame paste if you want it to be creamy A splash of black vinegar for an extra kick of flavour + tartness A few toasted sichuan peppercorns, ground up finely (HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS) 1. Bring a small pot of water to the boil. How did your noodles and cook according to packet instructions. In the last minute I add in the bokchoy. Drain, rinse with cold water and set aside. 2. In the meantime, fry up your tofu or protein of choice. You can also just add thinly sliced pieces of firm tofu to the boiling noodles instead (even quicker!). 3. In a large bowl, add in about 1 tbsp light soy sauce, a tiny splash of dark soy sauce (for colour), sweetener to taste (around 1-2 tsp), sesame oil (1/2-1 tsp) and as much chilli oil as you’d like. Here you can also use any of the recommended add-ins as mentioned in the ingredients list above. Whisk well until combined. 4. Add in the noodles, greens and tofu and mix until well coated. Garnish with sesame seeds, green onions, and cucumber. Drizzle on more chilli oil and serve immediately! 👏 #Veganbaker #Vegansweets #Veganpancake #Veganmeals #Vegansoup #Vegancookie #Veganburgers #Veganinspo #Mexicanvegan #Plantbasednutrition #PlantBasedRecipe #Vegetarianpizza #Vegancheesecake #Fitvegan #Planteater

4/27/2024, 6:00:04 AM

1️⃣ or 2️⃣? Which  #recipe would you try?👇 By @Theplantbasedschool 1️⃣ Easy Avocado Chickpea Salad 🥑 GET RECIPE: Avocado Chickpea salad is creamy, quick, and refreshing, and it’s all you need for a quick lunch or light plant-based dinner. Creamy avocado, ripe and juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumber, nutty chickpeas, tangy red onion, and fresh parsley meld perfectly to create a tasty, nutritious, and fulfilling salad. INGREDIENTS: For the salad 1 can (15 ounces) chickpeas or 1½ cups of cooked chickpeas, drained 1½ cups cherry tomatoes halved 1½ cups cucumber diced ½ cup olives sliced ⅓ cup red onion chopped ⅓ cup parsley chopped 2 ripe avocadoes, diced For the dressing 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice sub apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon mustard yellow or Dijon 1 tablespoon maple syrup sub honey ¾ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon ground cumin, optional

4/27/2024, 4:38:23 AM

4月27日(土) 11〜16時 (店内ラストオーダー15時15分) ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ 喫茶始まりました。 おしながきは“おやつと飲みもの” お席は靴を脱いでお2階へ 自転車•バイクは近くの無料🆓駐輪場をご利用ください。 ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ 【おしながき】 ⁡ ♦️卵•乳製品•さとう不使用♦️ マフィン基本生地の原材料は、国産無農薬全粒粉、有機豆乳、有機ココナッツミルク、米油、甘味はノンアルコール甘酒&デーツ、ノンアルミベーキングパウダー ⁡ ※米粉使用のグルテンフリーの商品もございます。 ⁡ ————————————— ⁡ ◇【今日のケーキ】 ⁡ ⁡ 《豆腐ケーキ》(グルテンフリー) ⁡ •キャロブチョコ •ピスタチオ •黒ごま •レモン •モカバニラ ⁡ ⁡ ______________ ⁡ ◇【今日の米粉マフィン】(グルテンフリー) ⁡ ⁡ •プレーン •金時芋 •よもぎ •かぼちゃ ⁡ •モカ&ホワイトマルベリー •モカ&ホワイトマルベリー&チョコクリーム ⁡ •キャロブチョコチップ •金柑 •黒ごまクリーム •ほうじ茶&ドライいちじく •ラムレーズン ⁡ ____________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【玄米粉グラノーラ】(グルテンフリー) そのまま食べてもやみつき! ⁡ ⁡ •プレーン(ナッツいろいろ&レーズン) •おから •カカオニブ&カシューナッツ ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【ガリゴリラスク】(※全粒粉•米粉ごちゃまぜ) マフィン•パウンドケーキなどを小さく切り、油•甘味を加えず焼きました。 ⁡ ⁡ •ごちゃまぜラスク ⁡ ⁡ ___________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【米粉クッキー】(グルテン&ベーキングパウダー無し) ⁡ ❌売り切れ❌次回未定 ⁡ ⁡ _____________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【全粒粉スコーン】※全粒粉100% ⁡ ❌来週予定❌ ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ❌材料の都合により 全粒粉マフィンお休みさせていただきます。《再開未定》 ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ 【飲みもの】 テイクアウトok ⁡ 🍊農薬•化学肥料不使用 柑橘🍊(レモン•夏みかん•みかん)いろいろミックス、ハーブ•穀物•洗双糖で自然発酵させた『自家製シロップ』の ⇩ ⚫︎発酵 柑橘ミックスソーダ ⚫︎発酵 柑橘ミックスホット ⁡ ⚪︎発酵 柑橘ミックスのシロップ 200𝐦𝐥 ボトル 売り(約4~5杯分) ※お持ち帰り用 ⁡ ⁡ ⚫︎𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐀コーヒー(大麦とライ麦の穀物珈琲)ノンカフェイン ⚫︎︎𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐀オレ ⚫︎有機栽培豆 ホットコーヒー☕️ ⚫︎有機栽培豆 アイスコーヒー ⚫︎有機栽培豆 カフェオレ ⚫︎有機チャイ ⁡ ⚫︎有機紅茶アールグレイ、ダージリン、ウバ、ミルクティー(アッサム) ⁡ ————————— ⁡ おやつのピンポン食堂 大阪市東住吉区山坂2-20-9 ☎︎𝐓𝐄𝐋なし ________________ ⁡ ⁡ よろしくお願いいたします。 ⁡ ⁡ #全粒粉 #グルテンフリー のクッキー•マフィン•グラノーラなどもあります! #ヴィーガン #vegansweets #Glutenfree 一部ございます! #米粉のお菓子 #米粉のおやつ  #vegancake #vegancookie #veganmuffin #ヴィーガンクッキー #ヴィーガンマフィン #発酵スイーツ #発酵おやつ

4/27/2024, 3:33:58 AM

【 出店者紹介 no.1】 店名: (@charmcookie_jp ) 出し物:ヴィーガンチョコチップクッキー Products: Vegan chocolate chip cookies +++++++++++++++ チャームクッキーは誰もが楽しめるアメリカンスタイルのヴェーガンクッキーです。 Charm Cookie are hand made American-style vegan cookies for humans. See you on: 05/18 (土) 11:00-18:00 @‌impacthubtokyo Impact HUB Tokyo 東京都目黒区目黒2-11-3 印刷工場一階 1F Insatsu-kojo, 2-11-3 Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0063 #responsiblemarche #レスポンシブルマルシェ #responsible #meguro #ethical #sustainable #レスポンシブル #目黒 #エシカル #サステナブル #plantbased #プラントベース #ヴィーガン #vegan #vegancookie #ヴィーガンクッキー

4/27/2024, 2:37:07 AM

🐾 Treat your furry friend to a taste of heaven with Titi’s Vegan Cookies for dogs! 🎃 Indulge them in the scrumptious Sweet Pumpkin Flavor packed with benefits like improved skin, diet, eye health, antioxidants, and better digestion. Made with love and wholesome ingredients including sweet potato starch, soy, tapioca starch, pumpkin, concentrated pumpkin powder, and edible glycerin. Spoil your pup guilt-free! 🐶🍪 #highfour #vegancookie #doghealth #dogtreats #dogsnacks #organictreats #treats #dogoftheday #catoftheday

4/27/2024, 1:43:19 AM

We are back at Zetland Green Square today. Enjoy our delicious cookies and slices with a little bit of healthy twist:-). #vegancookie #vegan #vegancookies #cookies #veganfood #plantbased #cookie #veganbaking #veganrecipes #glutenfreecookies #glutenfree #cookies #glutenfreebaking #vegancookies #glutenfreedessert

4/27/2024, 1:23:39 AM

1️⃣ or 2️⃣? Which  #recipe would you try?👇 By @Doctorbowl 1️⃣ 🥥 RAFFAELLO BAKED OATS 🥥 ⁣ ⁣ Raffaello for breakfast?! YES PLEASE.⁣ ⁣ These baked oats are ridiculously easy to make, you just need a handful of ingredients, one bowl and a few minutes to whip it up. ⁣ ⁣ Enjoy! ⁣ ⁣ DB x⁣ ⁣ INGREDIENTS ⁣ ⁣ ▪️3/4 cup oats⁣ ▪️1/2 tsp baking powder ⁣ ▪️1/2 ripe banana, mashed⁣ ▪️1 tbsp almond butter ⁣ ▪️2 tbsp coconut yoghurt or any yoghurt⁣ ▪️1/3 cup coconut m*lk or any milk⁣ ⁣ Topping: coconut yoghurt and desiccated coconut ⁣ ⁣ METHOD⁣ ⁣ ▪️Preheat oven 180c⁣ ▪️In an ovenproof bowl mix together all the ingredients (apart from the toppings). ⁣ ▪️Bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean ⁣ ▪️Once cooled, spread over some coconut yoghurt (can mix with some maple syrup, if you prefer a sweeter taste), and top with desiccated coconut.

4/26/2024, 4:45:29 PM

Brand new menu item for restock tomorrow 😍 Vg Biscoff and salted caramel cookie pie slices ♥️ Limited stock so set those alarms ⏰ #vegan #vegancookie #cookiepie #veganbaking #plantbased #whatveganseat #crueltyfree

4/26/2024, 4:41:35 PM

One-Skillet Baked Greek Lemon Chickpeas and Rice by @crumbs.and.caramel 🌿A simple and tasty recipe, perfect for sharing! Get the recipe below! 👇🏼 Ingredients 1 tbsp olive oil 1 yellow onion, diced 4 garlic cloves, minced 1 tsp dried oregano 1/4 cup white wine 1 cup long-grain white rice, rinsed 2 cups cooked chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, oil packed 1 tbsp oil from oil packed sun-dried tomatoes 2 tbsp fresh dill, chopped 1/2 tsp salt 1 large lemon, sliced and seeded 2 1/4 cups vegetable stock, boiling 1/3 cup Kalamata olives, pitted 3 cups baby spinach 1 pint cherry tomatoes, sliced in half salt, pepper and chili flakes, to taste Instructions Preheat the oven to 375°F. In a large cast-iron skillet over medium, heat the olive oil. Add the diced onion and cook until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and oregano. Cook for another minute, then deglaze with the white wine. Cook for another minute until the wine has reduced but things still aren't starting to stick to the pan. Stir in the rice, stirring to coat. Add the chickpeas, sun-dried tomatoes, oil from the tomatoes, dill, and salt. Mix well. Carefully pour the hot stock over the mixture and gently mix. Wedge the lemon slices into the mixture. Cover tightly with tin foil, and bake for 35-40 minutes, or until the rice is cooked. Carefully remove the foil, and stir in the spinach, olives and cherry tomatoes (or serve them over the top). Let sit for 5 minutes so the spinach wilts. Salt, pepper and chili flakes to taste. . . #VeganInspirations #plantbasedmeals #vegansofny #nycvegan #vegancookie #eatyourvegetables #vegancooking #vegancookings #VeganInspirations #plantbasedcooking #planteater #veganmealideas #plantbasedvegan #eatplants #orlandovegan #plantbasedliving

4/26/2024, 3:00:36 PM

- 4/27일 라인업 안내드립니다. 선선하기도, 덥기도한 날씨가 계속되고 있는 요즘이죠🌞 파운드는 다음주 날씨보고 한번 더 준비 될 수도 있지만 현재 계획으로는 이번마켓 까지만 준비될것 같아요! 파운드는 선선해지는 가을에 다시 나오게되니 이번 마켓에 미리 담아주세요! 넉넉히 준비해둘게요 :) [𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝘂𝗽] •ʟᴇʙᴇɴ ᴄᴏᴏᴋɪᴇ 레베너지(시나몬), 초코야오래, 요거딸기, 레벤파이, 모카몬드, 헤피마카멜, 단호박씨앗 •ʙᴀꜱɪᴄ ᴄᴏᴏᴋɪᴇ 플레인, 오레오, 클래식초코, 초코모카, 헤피맠다, 피칸카라멜, 시나몬무화과, •ᴘᴏᴜɴᴅ 레벤파운드, 흑절미파운드, 콩가루파운드 ๑ 주문서 오픈일 - 4/27일 (토) pm7 ~ ๑ 발송일 - 5/2일 발송 (목) -준비된 수량 매진 시 마켓은 마감 됩니다. -제주도 주문 불가합니다. -보냉박스+아이스팩 으로 배송됩니다.

4/26/2024, 1:06:06 PM

Chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven 🍪 🍪 🍪 ❤️ #chocolatechipcookie #handmadewithlove #비건쿠키 #vegancookie #sourdoughbagel #nybagel #베이글

4/26/2024, 10:20:02 AM

*VEGAN GLUTEN-FREE DIABETIC FRIENDLY COOKIE 🍪* Tranding cookies. Most demandable cookies in market. Don't think too much about it and start selling these cookies already. . Explore ways to bake delicious healthy vegan cookies And improve your health with practices from the vegan diet and stay fit. *Hightlight* Making vegan cookies may be a task, but storing them is an even bigger task. Because there is no butter or ghee in these cookies to maintain its crispness. So here we will teach you how to store these cookies to maintain the crispness. What youll learn ⬇️ 🍪 Baklava Cookies( new edition) 🍪coconut cookie 🍪cornflake cookie 🍪walnut cookie 🍪almond and qunioa cookies 🍪peanut cookie 🍪Double choco chip cookie 🍪Quinoa cookie 🍪Spiced oats cookie 🍪Choco Chip cookie 🍪Multi millet cookie 🍪Lemon cookie A total of 9 cookies will be a live demo. All printed notes will be provided. Date-30th April (tuesday) Time - 1:00 to 4:30 Contact-9987134848 *for Whom this course is for:* Those new to vegetarian vegan cooking, intermediate students who want to gain more skills and advanced students looking for new inspiration. After this class you can start to take order for these cookies. Not added⬇️ ❌ no dairy products like no ghee, no butter, no milk etc. ❌no gluten like no wheat, no maida, no barley etc. ❌no process white sugar *Pre-Registrations required * For further details and queries please contact Rekha Bagaria - 9987134848 #vegancookies #vegan #cookies #veganfood #plantbased #veganrecipes #glutenfree #veganbaking #veganlife #vegandessert #glutenfreecookies #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #vegantreats #whatveganseat #vegancookie #dairyfree #vegansweets #healthycookies #chocolatechipcookies #vegansnacks #cookiesofinstagram #govegan #veganfoodie #chocolate #healthyfood #veganbakery #veganmeals #veganrecipe #cookie

4/26/2024, 9:08:08 AM

✨Land & Monkey✨ Chimp Cookie Vegan 🌱 Paris @land_and_monkeys #vegancookie #pistachiocookies #parisfoodie #cookieparis

4/26/2024, 8:41:06 AM

Oatmeal Raisin Cookie🍪 A sweet, chewy, addicting disc of joy #cookie #vegancookie #oatmealraisincookie #베이글 #비건쿠키 #nybagel #sourdoughbagel

4/26/2024, 6:50:41 AM

Spicy Vegan Peanuts Satay Noodles By @foodpassionical Prep time 10 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes 2-3 servings Ingredients: Chilli paste- 10-15 dried chilli, soak in hot water 2 onions 3 cloves garlic Thumb size ginger To cook- 350g any your fav noodles, cook according to the package direction 1 cucumber, thinly sliced 1 tbsp coconut sugar(gula melaka or brown sugar) 1/4 cup unsweetened, no salt peanut butter 1 tbsp crushed peanuts Salt for seasoning 2 tbsp oil for cooking Tamarind water- 20g tamarind paste 200ml and more water as needed (Mix the tamarind paste with the water, discard the seeds and set aside) Method: 1.) Add in all the chilli paste ingredients into a blender, blend into smooth paste and set aside. 2.) Heat oil in a wok, sauté the blended chilli paste for 3 minutes with low heat. 3.) Add in the tamarind water (adjust the water to the thickness of the sauce), stir to mix and cook for 2 minutes. 4.) Add in peanut butter, sugar, salt and crushed peanuts. Mix well till all combine and toss in the cooked noodles until well coated with the peanuts sauce. 5.) Serve with cucumber, pan fried tofu and sprinkle with more crushed peanuts. Enjoy . . #plantbasednutrition #veganbodybuilder #highcarbvegan #eatyourvegetables #vegansnack #vegetariansushi #plantbasedvegan #mexicanveganfood #plantbasedlunch #veganbowls #veggiefood #veganfoodies #vegancookie #vegantacos #vegansnacks #veganbrownie

4/26/2024, 6:00:09 AM

1️⃣ or 2️⃣? Which  #recipe would you try?👇 By @Helens_vegan_kitchen 1️⃣ Who remembers the picnic bar? Crispy and chewy with lots of peanuts and raisins and smothered in chocolate. Well this is my vegan version and they are one of my favourite creations. They are also one of the easiest things to make. Only 6 ingredients and 3 easy steps. ✔️ You’ll want to save this one Ingredients 1.25 cups of vegan chocolate (about 200g) 1/4 cup peanut butter 1.5 tbsp coconut oil 1.75 cups puffed quinoa 1/2 cup salted peanuts 1/2 cup raisins Optional extra drizzle of chocolate and nuts on the top 1, Put the quinoa on a baking tray and put in the oven at 170C fan for 5-6 mins to lightly toast (don’t skip this step as it makes the bars lovely and crunchy) 2, Melt the chocolate with the nut butter and oil and fully combine, then pour in the quinoa, peanuts and raisins and stir to mix in 3, Spoon the mix into an individual brownie tin and leave to set in the fridge for a couple of hours Keep in a sealed tub in the fridge 2️⃣ These 4 ingredient peanut butter oat cups are no-bake, gluten free and are very simple to make Makes 6 large cups ✅ Save to try Base ingredients 1.25 cup gf oats* 2/3rd cup runny peanut butter 3 tbsp maple or agave syrup Topping 2/3 cup vegan dark chocolate (about 100g) 2 tbsp peanut butter Sprinkle of salt or peanuts, optional *I know some of you prefer to toast your oats in the oven (so if you do they only need about 10 mins) 1, Put all the base ingredients into large bowl and mix thoroughly. It should be slightly sticky and not crumbly. 2, Press the mix into a silicone muffin tray (or use cupcake cases). Press down so it is tightly packed. Refrigerate for 30 mins. 3, Melt the chocolate and peanut butter together for the topping, pour onto the base, then refrigerate again to set Store in the fridge and they will last for about a week

4/26/2024, 4:14:26 AM

Almond Butter Tofu Noodles By @vancouverwithlove Ingredients - Tofu •1 350g pack medium firm tofu •1 tbsp unflavoured oil •1 tbsp Braggs Soy Seasoning (or soy sauce) •1 tbsp apple cider vinegar Almond Butter Sauce •2 tbsp almond butter •1 tbsp apple cider vinegar •2 tsp maple syrup •2 tbsp Braggs Soy Seasoning (or soy sauce) Bowls •2 servings flat rice noodles •1 tsp avocado or other unflavoured oil •3 trumpet mushrooms, thinly sliced •1 small head bok choy, leaves separated •1 medium carrot, thinly sliced •1 green onion, thinly sliced To Serve •Cilantro leaves •Toasted almonds •Lime Instructions Cut tofu into 1-inch cubes, and place on an ovenproof tray. Toss in Braggs/soy sauce, oil and apple cider vinegar. Place under your oven's broiler (grill) for 10 minutes, until cubes are just turning golden. Flip and cook another 10 minutes until cubes are browned. Remove from oven and set aside. While tofu is cooking.... Cook noodles as per instructions. Then rinse, drain and set aside. Make sauce by mixing almond butter and vinegar in a small bowl. Add maple syrup and Braggs/soy sauce and mix until smooth. In a large skillet, heat 1 tsp oil on medium. Add mushrooms and cook for 3 minutes, stirring frequently. Add bok choi and carrot and cook for another 3 minutes. Reduce heat and add pre-cooked noodles, tofu and green onions to skillet. Pour over sauce and mix well to combine.� Serve in large bowls with cilantro leaves, toasted almond pieces and lime wedges. #VeganInspirations #hclfvegan #tastyvegan #veganlunchideas #plantbasedrecipe #veganberlin #recetasveganas #veganvideo #veggiebowl #veganbreakfastideas #thecookingfeed #veganchocolatecake #veganmacandcheese #vegancookiedough #vegancookie #vegetablenoodles

4/25/2024, 11:00:12 PM

Lenny & Larry's The Complete Cookie® provides a convenient way to enjoy plant-based proteins that are both tasty and satisfying. Indulge in the Snickerdoodle flavor, featuring a generous sprinkle of cinnamon and sugar for a delightful crunch in every bite. Certified Vegan, Kosher, and made with Non-GMO Project Verified ingredients, The Complete Cookie® excludes high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and sugar alcohols. Try @lennyandlarrys now! #Urthbox #UrthboxApproved #lennyandlarrys #thecompletecookie #completecookie #vegan #vegancookie #proteincookies #proteincookie #nutritionsystems #iifym #healthysnacks #plantbased

4/25/2024, 10:25:35 PM

If you give a vegan a cookie, THEY’LL EAT THE WHOLE JAR! 🍪 Add this delicious plant-based treat to your order. 😋 🍽️

4/25/2024, 5:37:03 PM

Best Air Fried Falafel 🧆 Bowl🌱 by @veganfoodcrazy INGREDIENTS: 2 cups dried chickpeas, (soaked for 16 - 24 hours -add about 1 tsp baking soda to water)then drain , rinse and pat very dry 1 large onion, chopped 1 cup parsley, chopped 1 cup cilantro, chopped 4 small garlic cloves 1 tsp sumac 2 tsp coriander powder 1 tsp cayenne pepper 2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 2 tbsp chickpea flour Add the chickpeas, onion, parsley, cilantro, garlic, coriander, cayenne, salt, and black pepper & chickpea flour. Pulse the food processor several times until the mixture is finely ground, the texture should be coarse. Do not over mix as the mixture will get too wet and the falafel will fall apart. Put the mixture in the refrigerator for at least an hour or longer. Spray the air fryer with a little oil, form small balls and add the falafel to the air fryer (you will have to work in batches as not to crowd them) I fit about 10 falafel in the air fryer at a time, . Air fry at 390C for 10 - 15 minutes until desired crispness is achieved. #Veganmexicanfood #Veganlunchideas #Veganspaghetti #Plantbaseddessert #Plantbasedvegans #Veganfoodspot #Plantbasedmeal #Veganmealideas #Plantbasedvegans #Vegangermany #Vegangranola #Plantbaseddinner #Vegancookie #Vegancuisine #Vegansushi #Vegansnack #Plantbaseddesserts

4/25/2024, 6:00:08 AM

4月25日(木) 11〜16時 (店内ラストオーダー15時15分) ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ 喫茶始まりました。 おしながきは“おやつと飲みもの” お席は靴を脱いでお2階へ 自転車•バイクは近くの無料🆓駐輪場をご利用ください。 ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ 【おしながき】 ⁡ ♦️卵•乳製品•さとう不使用♦️ マフィン基本生地の原材料は、国産無農薬全粒粉、有機豆乳、有機ココナッツミルク、米油、甘味はノンアルコール甘酒&デーツ、ノンアルミベーキングパウダー ⁡ ※米粉使用のグルテンフリーの商品もございます。 ⁡ ————————————— ⁡ ◇【ケーキ】 ⁡ ⁡ •人参スパイシーケーキ🥕(全粒粉) 《豆腐ケーキ》(グルテンフリー) ⁡ •キャロブチョコ •ピスタチオ •黒ごま •レモン ⁡ ⁡ ______________ ⁡ ◇【今日の米粉マフィン】(グルテンフリー) ⁡ ⁡ •プレーン •金時芋 •よもぎ •かぼちゃ ⁡ •モカ&ホワイトマルベリー •モカ&ホワイトマルベリー&チョコクリーム ⁡ •バナナ&きな粉 •バナナ&きな粉&チョコクリーム ⁡ •キャロブチョコチップ •金柑 •黒ごまクリーム •ほうじ茶&ドライいちじく •ラムレーズン •チョコクリーム ⁡ ____________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【玄米粉グラノーラ】(グルテンフリー) そのまま食べてもやみつき! ⁡ ⁡ •プレーン(ナッツいろいろ&レーズン) •おから •カカオニブ&カシューナッツ ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【ガリゴリラスク】(※全粒粉•米粉ごちゃまぜ) マフィン•パウンドケーキなどを小さく切り、油•甘味を加えず焼きました。 ⁡ ⁡ •ごちゃまぜラスク ⁡ ⁡ ___________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【米粉クッキー】(グルテン&ベーキングパウダー無し) ⁡ ⁡ •キャロブチョコチップ ⁡ ⁡ _____________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ◇【全粒粉スコーン】※全粒粉100% ⁡ ❌ 近日中 お作りします ❌ ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ❌材料の都合により 全粒粉マフィンお休みさせていただきます。《再開未定》 ⁡ ______________________________ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ 【飲みもの】 テイクアウトok ⁡ 🍊農薬•化学肥料不使用 柑橘🍊(レモン•夏みかん•みかん)いろいろミックス、ハーブ•穀物•洗双糖で自然発酵させた『自家製シロップ』の ⇩ ⚫︎発酵 柑橘ミックスソーダ ⚫︎発酵 柑橘ミックスホット ⁡ ⚪︎発酵 柑橘ミックスのシロップ 200𝐦𝐥 ボトル 売り(約4~5杯分) ※お持ち帰り用 ⁡ ⁡ ⚫︎𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐀コーヒー(大麦とライ麦の穀物珈琲)ノンカフェイン ⚫︎︎𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐀オレ ⚫︎有機栽培豆 ホットコーヒー☕️ ⚫︎有機栽培豆 アイスコーヒー ⚫︎有機栽培豆 カフェオレ ⚫︎有機チャイ ⁡ ⚫︎有機紅茶アールグレイ、ダージリン、ウバ、ミルクティー(アッサム) ⁡ ————————— ⁡ おやつのピンポン食堂 大阪市東住吉区山坂2-20-9 ☎︎𝐓𝐄𝐋なし ________________ ⁡ ⁡ よろしくお願いいたします。 ⁡ ⁡ #全粒粉 #グルテンフリー のクッキー•マフィン•グラノーラなどもあります! #ヴィーガン #vegansweets #Glutenfree 一部ございます! #米粉のお菓子 #米粉のおやつ  #vegancake #vegancookie #veganmuffin #ヴィーガンクッキー #ヴィーガンマフィン #発酵スイーツ #発酵おやつ

4/25/2024, 3:27:36 AM

1️⃣ or 2️⃣? What recipe do you like the most? By @Fitgreenmind 1️⃣ CRISPY SUMMER ROLLS 🥒 RECIPE (2 servings each 412cal/15P/40K/20F): -6 sheets of rice paper DIP into water -your favourite fillings (I took carrots, bell pepper, cucumber, smoked tofu) FILL and roll/AIR FRY at 200C/400F for 5mins (flip halfway through) or bake for 8-10mins Peanut sauce: -1/4 cup (60g) peanut butter -2 Tsp soy sauce -1 Tsp sesame oil -3 Tbsp agave or maple syrup -salt to taste -1 Tsp ginger powder, garlic powder and Chili flakes -water if needed MIX 2️⃣ CHICKPEA WRAPS 🌯 This is a 5 minute lunch, I came up with this when I was super hungry after my driving lesson and you just habe to try it! 😋 Much love Maya ✨ RECIPE (1 serving, 5 min prep time) Filling: -150g cooked chickpeas -1 TBSP tomato paste -2 TBSp vegan yogurt -a squeeze of lemon -salt to taste -1 TSP Garam Masala and cumin -1/2 Tsp garlic powder and chili powder -a touch of maple syrup Mix and fill your wraps with lettuce, tomato, cucumber and the filling. . .

4/25/2024, 3:06:12 AM

Your favorite morning oatmeal cookie doesn't have to feel and taste dry, and bland anymore. These perfectly crisp edges with soft center aromatic banana flavor cookie is full of rich complementing flavors, nutrient-dense palm-sized breakfast cookie is meticulously crafted to give you the perfect energy boost to kickstart your day. Made with a generous blend of power-boosting superfood ingredients, it's enhanced with the added health benefits of dried wild blueberries and cranberries, delivering a burst of flavor and nutrition. Enjoy it during your most important time of the day to aim for a more productive and fulfilling day ahead. Ingredients: Almond flour, rolled oats, wild blueberries, cranberries, sunflower butter, flaxseed, bananas, almond milk, coconut sugar, vanilla, apple cider vinegar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Nutrition Facts Per Serving: (1 piece) Size: 4"x4" Diameter or Palm Size Weight: (65grams) Calories: 208 Net Carbs: 20.57g Fiber: 2.20g Protein: 4.79g Fat: 11.80g Sugar: 10.87g Sodium: 121.88mg #vegancookie #healthyfood #healthysnacks #healthychocolate #sugarfree #dairyfree See menu at - link in bio

4/25/2024, 2:02:18 AM

Temática: Otoño Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop #Otoño #Autumm

4/24/2024, 10:34:58 PM

Temática: Ciencia Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop

4/24/2024, 10:33:20 PM

Temática: Cumpleaños Nro 80 Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop

4/24/2024, 10:31:24 PM

Temática: Dinosaurios Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop

4/24/2024, 10:28:23 PM

Temática: Comunión Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop

4/24/2024, 10:26:27 PM

Temática: Totoro Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop #Totoró

4/24/2024, 10:24:54 PM

Temática: La granja de Zenón Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop #Zenón

4/24/2024, 10:23:07 PM

Temática: Roblox Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop #Roblox

4/24/2024, 10:21:27 PM

Temática: Circo Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop

4/24/2024, 10:19:14 PM

Temática: Sanrio Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop #Sanrio #keropi #HelloKitty

4/24/2024, 10:17:23 PM

Temática: Arcoiris/Unicornios Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop #Arcoiris #rainbow #Unicornio

4/24/2024, 10:15:46 PM

Temática: Halloween 🎃 Galletas de vainilla decoradas con glasé de 8cm aprox Pedidos con 7 día de anticipación. Entregas en estaciones de Ferrocarril Roca y Sarmiento. Puntos de entrega en capital. Consultar por costo de viático. #Cookies #Galletas #GalletasDecoradas #DecoredCookies #Argentina #MonteGrande #LuisGuillon #ZonaSur #ZonaOeste #BuenosAires #VeganCookie #OpcionVegana #cookiesdecoradas #cookiedecorating #cookiesofinstagram #customcookies #Ringo #Ame #RingoAmeShop #Shop #Halloween

4/24/2024, 10:13:46 PM

#HappyMothersDay #母親節但糕開放預訂 #純素無蛋奶甜點 #無麩質 今年的母親節, 大家準備好怎麼給媽媽們的禮物了嗎? 別忘了!帶上禮物的同時, 也可以準備一個暖到心坎裡的甜點給最愛的家人。 訂購說明: 🎂覆盆莓果輕乳洛(無麩質) ● 6吋,NTD 1250 元 ● 4/30 前訂購&完成付款,可享早鳥95折優惠 📣口味介紹 • 但糕體:腰果輕乳洛 • 夾層:覆盆莓&覆盆莓醬 • 頂部裝飾:豆漿奶油乳洛&覆盆莓醬&可食用玫瑰花瓣 • 過敏原:黃豆&腰果 ------------------------------------------------------------ 📣取單日開始計算可冷藏2日 📣但糕有標示過敏原,不適合對其過敏體質者食用,購買前請先確認清楚。 📣恕不提供但糕上字、減糖、減其他食材等客製服務。 📣但糕皆為純素無蛋奶,不使用氫化植物鮮奶油❤️ 📣只限自取,無宅配‼️ 📣付款完成才算預訂成功。 ------------------------------------------------------------ ❤️ 重要資訊: 1. 母親節但糕僅在5/10 & 5/11供應,此區間將不供應其他口味整模但糕&切片甜點。 2. 可取單時間段: 1️⃣ 13:30~15:30 2️⃣16:30~18:30 (預定時請務必註明),此區間之外時間,恕不供應,若無註明取單時間段或是該時間段額滿,屆時將按匯款順序安排。 3. 收到付款相關資訊後,請於指定日期內付款,本工作室不主動提醒&催款,指定時間內未付款,將自動取消訂單,不另作通知。 4. 如超過匯款時間未完成付款,請先與我們確認訂單狀態,如擅自補付款進而造成訂單不成立需退款,屆時將扣除匯款手續費15元再退費,為此請留意! 5. 如遇滿單,將視情況提早收單。 ------------------------------------------------------------ ❤️ 〔預訂格式 〕 📌 取單人中文全名: 📌 聯絡電話: 📌 預訂數量: 📌 取單日期: ℹ️ 為避免漏單或訊息重覆,『預訂一律透過 LINE』,請將完整資訊傳送至LINE官方(@527zcqqh) ,亦可點擊此傳送 ❤️ 〔溫馨小提醒〕 1. 如付款後需修改取單時間,請在取單前五日提出,逾期不受理。 2. 但糕屬「必須冷藏商品」,立夏氣候多變,基於食品安全考量,強烈建議攜帶保冷袋+冰寶以保持但糕品質完整度,要長途帶至外縣市者更是必須,沒有保冷措施的話,但糕很有可能會走鐘,進而影響整體風味。 3. 整模但糕皆使用可手提紙盒盛裝,並附上祝賀插卡一張,環保愛地球,為了幫大地之母盡一份綿薄之力,「不提供一次性刀、叉、盤」。(如果是要慶生用,請備註告知,插牌會換成生日版本) 4. 但糕屬於脆弱商品,拿到後請平放、勿傾斜、搖晃或是放在後車廂、機車坐墊內。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 🙇‍♀️小店人手有限,經營不易,以上資訊還請務必仔細閱讀,100%完全無疑慮後再下單購買。 ❤️ 預祝辛苦的媽麻們,母親節快樂 ❤️ (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ #純素蛋糕 #母親節蛋糕 #無動物性脂肪 #無氫化植物鮮奶油 #無人工色素 #無蛋奶蛋糕 #母親節純素蛋糕 #台中純素甜點 #素食甜點 #全植物甜點 #台中素食 #西屯甜點 #西屯純素美食 #비건디저트 #비건쿠키 #ビーガンクッキー #plantsonlybakery #vegandessert #減塑店家 #vegancookie #taichungvegan #taichunggourmet #taiwan #taiwanvegan #instavegan

4/24/2024, 9:08:22 AM

Trop contente, mon lait de cajou sans additifs a survécu à une journée à température ambiante. Mon cookie chocolat, beurre de cacahuète et amandes un peu moins mdr, il s'est détruit ds mon sac. #vegan #veganfood #cookie #vegancookie #chocolatecookie #peanutbutter #almonds #cashewmilk #leitedecastanha #káva #brasilvegano #veganocuritiba

4/24/2024, 6:33:17 AM

アイスクリームディッシャーを発明した人、尊敬する。便利にもほどがある。 #331theater #vegancookie #speltflourcookie #ヴィーガンクッキー #オートミールクッキー #ヴィーガンおやつ

11/23/2023, 3:57:21 AM