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#food #travel #sports #news #april #sunday

Now for #annefrank and her family they got joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy

4/28/2024, 5:54:44 PM

Ter voorbereiding op de voorstelling 𝙅𝙚, 𝘼𝙣𝙣𝙚 nog eens deze stripbewerking van Het Achterhuis gelezen. Hoe oneerbiedig in dit geval ‘stripbewerking’ ook mag klinken, ik vind het een heel geslaagd boek dat jonge mensen op een moderne en toegankelijke manier kennis laat maken met het verhaal van Anne Frank.   Visueel pakken de makers van deze bewerking echt uit. Annes observaties, dromen, fantasieën en nachtmerries komen door de soms uitbundige tekeningen mooi tot leven. Door de afwisselend weergegeven originele tekst uit het dagboek krijg je een goed beeld van Annes leefwereld. Zowel haar kleine wereld in het Achterhuis als de onbegrensde in haar hoofd.   Al lang geleden had ik het Achterhuis gelezen. En ook na lezing van deze bewerking ben ik weer onder de indruk van Anne. Voor de jonge puber die ze was had ze een ongelooflijk volwassen manier om tegen de wereld aan te kijken en die gedachten onder woorden te brengen. En wat kon ze ook grappig zijn.   Door wie ze is en hoe ze schrijft komt Anne heel dicht bij je als lezer. Je sluit haar echt in je hart. En dan is het elke keer weer aangrijpend om die laatste woorden uit haar dagboek te lezen, wetend wat haar lot zal zijn. #annefrank #hetachterhuis @uitgeverijprometheus

4/28/2024, 4:42:28 PM

Anne Frank walking tour #amsterdam #annefrank

4/28/2024, 12:15:21 PM

Amazing weekend with my mum @deb502023 in Amsterdam 🥰 fabulous to see the Kings Day celebrations too 🧡 #travel #experience #kingsday #amsterdam #amsterdam🇳🇱 #amsterdamcity #explore #adventure #festival #lookout #annefrank #bikes #citybreak #mumdaughtertime

4/28/2024, 11:09:36 AM

“I don’t want to have lived in vain like most people. I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I’ve never met. I want to go on living even after my death! And that’s why I’m so grateful to God for having given me this gift, which I can use to develop myself and express all that’s inside me! /.../ will I ever be able to write something great, will I ever become a journalist or a writer? I hope so, oh, I hope so very much, because writing allows me to record everything, all my thoughts, ideals and fantasies.” Anne in her diary #onthisday in 1944. ✍️ Photo: Anne, 1935. ✍️ #annefrank #annefrankhouse #onthisdayinhistory #holocaust #shoah #annefrankdiary #annefrankhuis #annefrankmuseum #amsterdam #secondworldwar #thediaryofannefrank

4/28/2024, 10:26:57 AM

Mindfulllll questionnnnn timeeeee! Just in time for the final Sunday in April - what is your favourite thing about this lovely month? Is it all the chocolate devoured over Easter? Or is it all the daffodils that have flowered? Share down below and send this to a friend for a mindful boost! #somerset #somersetwest #edutwitter #annefrank #education #somersetlife

4/28/2024, 10:00:13 AM

I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles." –Anne Frank. #royalenfield @royalenfield #royalenfieldinterceptor650 @interceptor650twin #angelsintibet #lifelessons #lifehastogoon #smkhelmets @smkhelmets_official #carbonracing @carbonracinginc #mototorque @moto_torque #ridelikeyoumeanit #ridelikeyoustoleit #mudaliyarkuppam #annefrank @annefrankhouse_official

4/28/2024, 8:40:07 AM

🌷 Ici se termine le journal d’Anne Frank 🥹 (Une visite inoubliable) Nous n’y sommes pas allés la fleur au fusil. Cette visite fut longuement préparée. Déjà pour des questions pratiques, pour accéder à la maison Anne Frank à Amsterdam il faut réserver 6 semaines en avance. Il fallait aussi aider notre grande fille à comprendre. En lui lisant des extraits du Journal, en achetant la version BD, en écoutant des podcasts ou en visionnant la série « Une lueur d’espoir » disponible sur Disney Plus. Vendredi, nous avons passé une heure là où huit personnes se cachèrent pendant sept cent soixante jours. 18 240 heures. J’avais emporté avec moi mon vieil exemplaire en poche du Journal et le récit de Lola Lafon « Quand tu écouteras cette chanson » que j’avais déjà lu lors de sa sortie il y a deux ans. Lorsque Alina Gurdiel qui dirige la collection « Ma nuit au musée » lui a proposé de mettre sa pierre à l’édifice, Lola Lafon a décidé de passer une nuit dans l’annexe de la famille Frank. Gladys, une vigile, la rejoint. Elles discutent toutes les deux au milieu de la nuit. Lola Lafon fait alors ce constat : « Nous chuchotons. C’est drôle, non ? Comme si nous craignions de déranger quelqu’un. » C’est le sentiment saisissant que nous avons pu mesurer sur place. On sent un respect et un silence chez les visiteurs comme rarement ailleurs. Le respect pour une jeune fille effarante d’insouciance et de lucidité. Extrait du Journal, j’aurais pu en choisir d’autres, pour finir : « On ne me fera pas croire que la guerre n’est provoquée que par les grands hommes, les gouvernants et les capitalistes, oh non, les petites gens aiment la faire au moins autant, sinon les peuples se seraient révoltés contre elle depuis longtemps ! Il y a tout simplement chez les hommes un besoin de ravager, un besoin de frapper à mort, d’assassiner et de s’enivrer de violence, et tant que l’humanité entière, sans exception n’aura pas subi une grande métamorphose, la guerre fera rage, tout ce qui a été construit, cultivé, tout ce qui s’est développé sera tranché et anéanti, pour recommencer ensuite ! »

4/28/2024, 8:30:43 AM

𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐢 𝐮𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐚, 𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐨 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐨𝐨! 🫶 . . . . . . . . #annefrank #livro #post #books #book #bookstagram

4/28/2024, 3:22:43 AM

Bye Bye Berlin Beauty & Baby! This history & street art filled alley was loaded with ghosts and greats ! Reminded me so much of Alphabet City from the NYC “ RENT” ERA! #family #newlife #babies #reboot #europeanculture #streetart #history #neverforget #berlin #annefrank

4/28/2024, 1:20:09 AM

❤️ 10% OFF ✨️ EL DIARIO DE ANNE FRANK ✨️ EDICIÓN HERMOSA ✨️ NOVELA GRÁFICA ❤️ . 🚨 REPOSICIÓN EN STOCK LIMITADO 🚨 . ✖️PRECIO : S/ 80 ✅PRECIO PROMO: S/72 . La maravillosa adaptación gráfica de El diario de Anne Frank. « 12 de junio de 1942. Espero poder confiártelo todo como aún no lo heLa maravillosa adaptación gráfica de El diario de Anne Frank.«12 de junio de 1942. Espero poder confiártelo todo como aún no lo he podidohacer con nadie, y espero que seas para mí un gran apoyo.»Tras la invasión de Holanda, la familia Frank se ocultó de la Gestapo en una buhardilla anexa al edificio donde el padre de Anne tenía sus oficinas. Allí permaneció recluida desde junio de 1942 hasta agosto de 1944, fecha en que sus miembros fueron detenidos y enviados a campos de concentración. En ese lugar y en las más precarias condiciones, Anne, una niña de trece años, escribió su estremecedor Diario: un testimonio único sobre el horror y la barbarie nazi, y sobre los sentimientos y experiencias de la propia Anne y sus acompañantes.El presente volumen recoge este estremecedor relato bella y delicadamente para volcarlo a la novela gráfica. Una nueva oportunidad de acercarse a una historia que ya forma parte de todos nosotros.«La riqueza, la fama, todo se puede perder, pero la dicha en el corazón a lo sumo puede velarse, y siempre, mientras vivas, volverá a hacerte feliz.» . ✅EDITORIAL : DEBOLSILLO ✅ENCUADERNACIÓN : TAPAS DURAS ✅ESTADO : NUEVO Y SELLADO ENVIOS A TODO EL PERÚ!! 🚛🥳🚛🥳🚛 . . #megustaleer #peru #lima #chiclayo #tarapoto #trujillo #piura #chimbote #alfaguara #annefrank #eldiariodeanafrank #anafrank #eldiariodeannafrank #BOOKSTAGRAM #yoleo #life #hermoso #libreriavirtual #debolsillo #PERUANOS #LOVEBOOK #gatitos #instagood #lectores #wattpad #librerialocosporlalectura #lecturas

4/28/2024, 12:12:37 AM

Anne Frank Zentrum and Otto Weidt museum in Haus Schwarzenberg #annefrank #history #holocaust #photography #streetart #mural #painting #foryou

4/27/2024, 11:15:57 PM

CONTINUAÇÃO... O livro "OS SETE ÚLTIMOS MESES DE ANNE FRANK", diferente do livro "O DIÁRIO DE ANNE FRANK", conta a vida de Anne com sua mãe, seu pai e irmã mais velha depois do esconderijo no "ANEXO SECRETO". É um livro mais pesado devido aos relatos das testemunhas dos campos de concentração que tiveram contato com a família Frank. Essas testemunhas, além de revelarem o triste desfecho da história de vida de Anne e sua família, também compartilham suas próprias histórias de vida dentro dos campos de concentração. Elas nos fornecem detalhes sobre as condições desumanas de transporte em trens de gado de famílias inteiras rumo ao campo de concentração mais desumano e cruel da história da Segunda Guerra: Auschwitz. Também nos contam sobre os horrores que ocorriam dentro de Auschwitz. Ao ler os dois livros, percebi que Anne, em meio ao caos, começou a compreender sua mãe em sua essência. No "ANEXO SECRETO", Anne tem um relacionamento conturbado com sua mãe, mas em meio ao horror, Anne certamente passou a amá-la como nunca antes. Esse desfecho com este segundo livro era realmente necessário, pois ao ler O Diário de Anne Frank, senti que ficou incompleto. Fiquei ansioso para saber o que aconteceu com Anne depois do "ANEXO SECRETO". A vida de Anne, através dos testemunhos, completa sua história e nos fornece informações adicionais sobre a lamentável e cruel história do Holocausto. Esses dois livros são necessários para entendermos e prevermos o passo a passo de como os seres humanos podem chegar a esse resultado referente a guerras e total desumanidade para com o próximo. E vocês amigos leitores? Já leram ou assistiram algo sobre Anne Frank? #odiariodeannefrank #diariodeannefrank #annefrank #annefrankdiario #annefrankdiário #annefrankserie #annefrankfilme #filmeannefrank #osseteultimosmesesdeannefrank #livroosseteultimosmesesdeannefrank #ultimosmesesdeannefrank #odiariodeannefrank #diariodeannefrank #annefrank #annefrankdiario #annefrankdiário #annefrankserie #annefrankfilme #filmeannefrank

4/27/2024, 8:22:52 PM

Eu tinha lido o livro "O DIÁRIO DE ANNE FRANK". A história de Anne Frank teve um papel muito importante em despertar nos leitores mais jovens o interesse em conhecer a história da Segunda Guerra e do Holocausto. Anne Frank se tornou uma referência para os jovens quando o assunto é Segunda Guerra e Holocausto. Também houve muitas adaptações sobre a vida de Anne Frank, incluindo documentários, filmes e séries: 1. "O Diário de Anne Frank" (1959) - Dirigido por George Stevens. 2. "O Diário de Anne Frank" (1980) - Minissérie de TV dirigida por Boris Sagal. 3. "Anne Frank Remembered" (1995) - Documentário dirigido por Jon Blair. 4. "Anne Frank: The Whole Story" (2001) - Minissérie de TV dirigida por Robert Dornhelm. 5. "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl" (2009) - Filme de animação dirigido por Julian Y. Wolff. 6. "O Diário de Anne Frank" (2016) - Apple TV+, dirigido por Hans Steinbichler. 7. "Anne Frank, minha melhor amiga" (2021) - Netflix, dirigido por Ben Sombogaart. CONTINUA... #odiariodeannefrank #diariodeannefrank #annefrank #annefrankdiario #annefrankdiário #annefrankserie #annefrankfilme #filmeannefrank #osseteultimosmesesdeannefrank #livroosseteultimosmesesdeannefrank #ultimosmesesdeannefrank #odiariodeannefrank #diariodeannefrank #annefrank #annefrankdiario #annefrankdiário #annefrankserie #annefrankfilme #filmeannefrank

4/27/2024, 8:19:49 PM

📖 O Diário de Anne Frank, uma das obras mais lidas do mundo, apresenta um relato comovente sobre o holocausto. A obra narra os dois anos em que a jovem judia Anne, e sua família, viveram em um esconderijo em Amsterdã, na Holanda, para escapar da perseguição nazista.⁠ ⁠ Para levar o assunto para a sala de aula, o Porvir reuniu materiais de apoio às práticas pedagógicas baseadas no livro.⁠ ⁠ 📍Confira em Link disponível na bio (@porvir_), basta clicar na imagem igual a do post.⁠ ⁠ #holocausto #annefrank #praticaspedagogicas#educação #professores⁠ ⁠ #ParaTodosVerem: Foto e anotações de Anne Frank. Lê-se: O Diário de Anne Frank como suporte para o seu projeto escolar⁠

4/27/2024, 8:00:29 PM

In the Occupied Netherlands, it is forbidden to openly express loyalty to the Dutch Crown. #AnneFrank notes in her diary: t (December 30, 1943). She later pins this postcard to the wall of her room. On the far right on the photo Princess (former Queen) Beatrix. Today her son King Willem-Alexander celebrates his birthday; it is King's Day! #Koningsdag #Kingsday

4/27/2024, 8:00:21 PM

Fuqia vjen nga brenda. Ndërgjegja jonë e qetë është ajo që na bën të fortë. 💪🌿 #AnneFrank #Ndërgjegja #FuqiaBrenda

4/27/2024, 7:37:51 PM

“In times of adversity and change, we really discover who we are and what we are made of.”- Howard Schultz We hope you will join us this weekend as our Company Acting students conquer a mountain and show us all as people, as artists, and as a community why we fight, why we love, and why we persevere. THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK May 3rd & 4th At our Studio Theatre With support of the @findyourvoicefoundation Tickets available at #barclayperformingarts #performingartsschool #theatrekids #bocaratonflorida #annefrank #stagedplay #stageplay #stageactors #showposter #youngperformers #theatreartist

4/27/2024, 7:29:18 PM

A person who's happy will make others happy; a person who has courage and faith will never die in misery! It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart. We're all alive, but we don't know why or what for; we're all searching for happiness; we're all leading lives that are different and yet the same. By Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl BOOK : #ad #annefrank #inspiration #Innocence #classicliterature

4/27/2024, 4:49:11 PM


4/27/2024, 3:51:48 PM

#Repost @annefrankhouse_official with @use.repost ・・・ The Anne Frank House has received a special donation from Jacqueline Sanders-Van Maarsen: her autograph book with a handwritten verse by Anne Frank, dated 23 March 1942. The now 95-year-old Jacqueline has carefully preserved the album with Anne’s verse over the years as a testament to their deep friendship. The autograph book is on display at our museum. #annefrank #annefrankhouse #autographbook 🙏🙏🙏🐥🤗

4/27/2024, 3:37:51 PM

Olha que legal esta montagem!!😍 #annefrank #odiariodeannefrank

4/27/2024, 3:18:36 PM

Heute stellen wir euch die tolle Buchreihe 📚 „Litte People - Big Dreams®“ von Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara, erschienen im Insel-Verlag, vor. Nach und nach ziehen immer mehr Bände bei uns ein. Die einzelnen Bücher erzählen die Lebensgeschichten inspirierender Persönlichkeiten. Wunderbar von verschiedenen IllustratorInnen illustriert 🎨, sind sie ein Blickfang und unsere kleinen und großen Leserinnen und Leser geben uns begeisterte Rückmeldung. 😄 Welchen Band wollt ihr gerne bei uns entdecken? 🤔 . . . Unbezahlte Werbung #littlepeoplebigdreams #inselverlag #bücher #persönlichkeiten #beliebt #wissen #lesenmachtschlau #geschichte #bibliothek #berchtesgaden #berchtesgadenerland #mozart #beyonce #annefrank #jurgenklopp #alberteinstein #stephenhawking #mahatmagandhi #martinlutherking

4/27/2024, 1:08:02 PM

A Dam good trip. A quick weekend away to Dam. What a place 🇳🇱 It's ok to enjoy your food and add some calories in moderation, especially if away. I always sit with my clients and plan ahead when they have an event coming up. #AFH #FitnessCoach #PlanAhead #FitnessForAll #GuaranteedResults #Amsterdam #FitAsAFiddle #KnowledgeIsPower #Dam #WeekendAway #Explore #JetSetter #WhatAPlace #Tourists #Stronger #Fitter #AnneFrank #Heineken #VanGoughMuseum #AI

4/27/2024, 11:43:10 AM

Happy #kingsday2024 to all the People celebrating in #Amsterdam and throughout #thenetherlands I was very happy to read this article about the current #Dutch King Willem-Alexander. He discusses his great grandmother’s lack of attention to the Jews during the time of Nazi occupation. She rarely ever spoke about it publicly. Thank you for acknowledging the disappointment you felt in her diminished representation and compassion for the Jewish people. YOUR compassion is appreciated. Thank you. #kingsday #annefrank #annefrankhouse #annefrankdiary #annefrankhuis #amsterdamsynagogue #amsterdamjews #worldwar2 #dutchmonarchy #holocaust #stopantisemitism #endjewhatred #stopjewishhate #supportisrael #peace #love #truth

4/27/2024, 11:10:59 AM

Anne Frank - 1934💕 In this photo, Anne is at the beach and seems like she is having a great time with her family💕 If you look a little bit closer, you can see that Anne was resting her hand on someone which I think might be Margot💕☀️ #AnneFrank #history #ww2 #Remember

4/27/2024, 10:48:39 AM

Ana Frank, regalo de cumpleaños para mi sobrina Martina. Felicidades, rata!!!!! Patrón de @amourfou_crochet #amigurumi #crochet #crochetdoll #crochetaddict #handmade #handmadewithlove #hechoamanoconamor #hechoamano #muñecaamigurumi #muñecadeganchillo #muñecalinda #artesania #muñecopersonalizado #personalizeddoll #manosartesanas #tejeresmisuperpoder #amigurumidoll #crochet #ganchillo #muñecosdeganchillo #muñecosdecrochet #socute #amourfoucrochet #amourfou #annefrank #anafrank

4/27/2024, 10:37:14 AM

Mary Wollstonecraft was born today, 27th April 1759. She is regarded as one of the founding feminist philosophers and an advocate of women's rights. Her book 'A Vindication of the Rights of Women' promoted the education of and equal treatment of women. She was an amazing woman. 'Romantic Outlaws' by Charlotte Gordon is a fascinating biography about her and her daughter Mary Shelley. I admire both women immensely. Who do you admire?x #marywollstonecraft #maryshelley #mariecurie #fridakahlo #florencenightingale #eleanorroosevelt #hedylamarr #annefrank #emmelinepankhurst #iconicwomen #inspiringwomen #inspirationalwomen #womeninspiringwomen #femaleempowerment #feminism #feminist #portraitart #portraits #portraitillustration #pendrawing #watercolourpainting #etsygifts #etsyartist #etsyshopping #etsyart #britishartist #jakeart1

4/27/2024, 8:57:57 AM

Annefrank , Asteroid 5535.🪨☄️ #ScientifyInfo #Asteroids #annefrank #galaxy #meteroid #space #FactsMatter

4/27/2024, 8:30:05 AM

El Rinconcito del Libro 📖 📱86431134 Anne Frank (9/10) Estamos ubicados en Hatillo 1 También hacemos envíos por medio de mensajería, encomiendas y por correos de Costa Rica ( costó adicional dependiendo del lugar de entrega) #libros #librosdesegundamano #annefrank

4/27/2024, 6:58:10 AM

Anne Frank😍 🌌📑@annefrankhouse_official #escritos #versos #annefrank #escritos

4/27/2024, 12:41:18 AM

📚🌟 Na quarta-feira, dia 24/04, tivemos um momento especial na Escola Municipal Antônio Salles Barbosa! Marly Rezende encantou os estudantes ao contar a emocionante história de Anne Frank. ✨ Além de compartilhar os detalhes marcantes da vida de Anne, Marly fez uma linda homenagem, destacando a importância da esperança e incentivando os jovens a divulgarem o legado de Anne Frank na escola e na comunidade. 💬🕯 Que Anne Frank viva sempre em nossos corações, inspirando-nos a sermos agentes de paz, justiça e compaixão. 🌹❤️ #AnneFrank #EscolaAntonioSallesBarbosa #Inspiração #Legado #Esperança #Educação

4/26/2024, 10:52:50 PM

#annefrank & #oscarschindler tour 2024 Day four - Sachsenhausen - the autopsy room and morgue in the basement which gave me such a horrific feeling that I struggled to shake.

4/26/2024, 10:11:30 PM

#annefrank & #oscarschindler tour 2024 Day three - Berlin - Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Berlin Wall, bullet ridden buildings, Checkpoint Charlie, The Wannsee Conference villa & #platform17 memorial showing transports of Jews from Berlin

4/26/2024, 10:02:57 PM

荷蘭🇳🇱之旅🗺️🗺️ Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹 安妮之家 - 入面不准拍攝。沉重既暗黑歷史,猶太人成為原罪,躲藏兩年,戰爭結束前幾個月最後都係被捉走。 呢張飛達到要搶既級別,好似d日本餐廳咁,要捕捉特定開售發票時間,每個時段都只有好少位。 #annefrankhouse #annefrank

4/26/2024, 10:01:23 PM

#annefrank & #oscarschindler tour 2024 Day two - #bergenbelsen

4/26/2024, 9:54:09 PM

#annefrank & #oscarschindler tour 2024 Day one - Amsterdam, Anne's house & #westerbork

4/26/2024, 9:48:10 PM

Kreis Groß-Gerau: JUMA22-Redaktion besucht Bildungsstätte Anne Frank Im Rahmen einer gemeinsamen Initiative des Jugendbildungswerks des Kreises Groß-Gerau und der Kommunalen Jugendarbeit Groß-Gerau begab sich die JUMA22-Redaktion auf eine inspirierende Reise in die Bildungsstätte Anne Frank in Frankfurt.... #AnneFrank #Besuch #Bildungsstätte #GroßGerau #Juma22 #KinderundJugendförderung

4/26/2024, 9:42:31 PM

In ogni caso, il risultato che otterrai sarà credere di poter cambiare il tuo ex. #paulocoelho #harukimurakami #milankundera #danielpennac #fabiovolo #annefrank #libridaleggere #memeita

4/26/2024, 7:59:31 PM

Dentre os livros selecionados sobre o Holocausto, escolhemos como primeira leitura O DIÁRIO DE ANNE FRANK. 📖 . . #leitura #annefrank #holocaust

4/26/2024, 7:45:53 PM

Ilse Hayum was the German-Jewish daughter of Sally and Rosel (née Zeligman) Hayum. She was born in Kirf on the 17th of April 1933. On the 16th of October 1941, the Hayum family was among 20,000 Jews from the Reich who were deported to Łódź ghetto, though the majority of Jews in the ghetto were Polish. In 1942, Ilse was caught in a ghetto action and deported to Chełmno where she was murdered at the age of 8-9. Her mother and father were among the last groups of Jews to be deported to Chełmno during its final liquidation. They were murdered on the 23rd of June 1944 Remember Ilse Hayum and her family. May their memories be a blessing✡ #theholocaust #rip #auschwitz #holocaustvictims #ilsehayum #annefrank #rememberthem #ww2 #history #auschwitzmemorial #jewishhistory #murder

4/26/2024, 7:15:45 PM

Congratulations to A SMALL LIGHT for being one of the programs to be recognized by the Television Academy for its 17th Television Academy Honors. The event aims to celebrate “the extraordinary power of storytelling to propel social change,” representing “some of the most consequential and inspiring television of 2023.” The honorees were selected for storytelling that included takes on social injustice, civil rights, LGBTQIA+ rights and experiences, Indigenous history and reparations, the experience of mixed-race Americans, racism and racial justice, and mental health. #KeshetStudios #ABCSignature @disneyplus @hulu @natgeo @tvphelan #ASmallLight #annefrank #makingadifference #tvdrama #powerfultv @theotherjoecole @belpowley @lievschreiber @susannafogel @petertraugott @joanrater #televisionacademyhonors

4/26/2024, 7:12:26 PM

I finally fulfilled a life-long dream this week and went to the Anne Frank House (no pictures allowed so we’ll have to content ourselves with a picture of the nearby statue). . We all know the story, but seeing the house and the rooms the family stayed in for 2 years, constantly fearing discovery, was very moving. I can’t even imagine going through what they did - after fleeing Germany for the Netherlands to escape persecution - and Anne displayed a level of fortitude I can’t imagine in today’s teenagers. . . . #travelinspo  #wanderlust #travelgram #beautifuldestinations #luxurytravel #globetrotter #passionpassport #traveltheworld #luxurytraveladvisor #travelandlife #travelconcierge #traveltips #instatravel #traveldeeper #wheretonext #letsgosomewhere   #fearlesstravel #traveladvisor #virtuosotravel #luxuryhotels #destinationuncharted #amsterdam #annefrank #annefrankhouse #annefrankmuseum #annefrankremembered

4/26/2024, 6:28:07 PM

"Pessoas mortas recebem mais flores do que as vivas porque o arrependimento é mais forte do que a gratidão." (Diário de Anne Frank) #annefrank #vida #flores #literatura #amor #deus #esperança #portoalegre #brasil

4/26/2024, 6:03:42 PM

The Anne Frank House has received a special donation from Jacqueline Sanders-Van Maarsen: her autograph book with a handwritten verse by Anne Frank, dated 23 March 1942. The now 95-year-old Jacqueline has carefully preserved the album with Anne’s verse over the years as a testament to their deep friendship. The autograph book is on display at our museum. #annefrank #annefrankhouse #autographbook

4/26/2024, 6:00:12 PM

🔹 ℝ𝔼𝕋𝕆𝕌ℝ 𝔼ℕ 𝕀𝕄𝔸𝔾𝔼𝕊 : 𝗖𝗲́𝗿𝗲́𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗲𝗻 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗮𝘂𝘅 𝘃𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗲𝘁 𝗵𝗲́𝗿𝗼𝘀 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝗱𝗲́𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 🔹 . 🚨 Aujourd'hui s'est tenue la cérémonie en hommage aux victimes et héros de la déportation au parc de la Garenne devant l'Arbre de mémoire 🌳 . 📷 Retour en images sur cet événement. . © DR . #Villemomble #commemoration #arbredememoire #deportation #annefrank #stexupery

4/26/2024, 6:00:09 PM

Day 4 of A-Z Series.... So today's letter is 'D' & with that comes "Diary Of A Young Girl" by Anne Frank. I read this book during Covid lockdown & considering that me & Anne were in a very similar situation made it very easy for me to connect with her & understand the emotional turmoil she must have been through. I knew the ending of the book but still it wasn't easy to not get heartbroken over the ending. I have read some very horrible reviews for this & I don't agree to any of them. Anne was 14 when she wrote this & the fact that she was locked in a room for 3 yrs would make it hard for anyone to write something that can entertain people & also you can't forget the fact that it's a diary & diaries are supposed to be personal!!! And please cut the crap about her Nazist ideologies because none of us LIVED it. It's so easy to judge someone when you've the privilege of sitting comfortably & having no fear whatsoever of your lives. She lived in worst circumstances that none of us could dream of. This isn't about the horrors of Holocaust, it's about a teenage girl who's life is on the verge of collapsing. So expecting Anne to tell the readers about Holocaust is so absurd & stupid tbh. This book deserves all the stars because it's real, it's important & none of us should ever forget the horrors of Holocaust.

4/26/2024, 5:52:40 PM

S T R E E T A R T : It’s all about street art in the upcoming episode on the YouTube channel of the Art Guide I Kunstgids by Frnstc I Fransastic in which we highlight the @straatmuseum in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The most unique museum in Amsterdam with not only a shop but also it’s own art gallery. Publication of the Art Guide I Kunstgids Amsterdam by @studiofrans . #artguide #kunst #kunstgids #art #guide #grahicdesigner #artgallery #art #artlovers #artconsultancy #exhibitions #events #museums #museum #musea #museumshop #gallery #artgallery #kunstenaar #worldwide #worldofartists #streetart #annefrank #grafitti #grafittiart #amsterdam #straatmuseum #ndsm #ndsmwerf

4/26/2024, 4:20:29 PM

2024 “I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness; I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too. I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more.” Anne Frank #chs #charleston #southcarolina #annefrank #quotestoremember #april #spring #fridayquotes #historyrepeatsitself #landrover #oldlandrover #architecture #historicdistrict #southofbroad #garden #flowers #findjoyinyourjourney #prayforpeace #peacefulmind #beautifuldestinationds #flowers #oldcars #lifequotes #lifestyle #southernstyle

4/26/2024, 3:46:06 PM

✨️Día de frase Es tan lindo leer frases, ¿no? Ese sentimiento de motivación que te generan es inigualable. Por ejemplo esta frase: "Eres pequeño pero puedes hacer grandes cosas" Miremos un poco de lo que niños lograron en la historia🧑‍🔬👩‍🔬: • Anne Frank: escribió su diario con 13 años, ese diario se convirtió en el testimonio más importante sobre el Holocausto. • Samantha Smith: a los 11 años escribió una carta sobre su preocupación ante una posible guerra nuclear entre EE.UU y la Unión Soviética, eso la convirtió en una defensora de la paz mundial. • Gitanjali Rao: a los 15 años inventó un dispositivo portátil para detectar plomo en el agua. ¿Que otros casos conoces? Contanos en los comentarios✨️🥰 . . . #historia #niñosenlahistoria #annefrank #gitanjalirao #samanthasmith #niñosciencia #pazmundial #educación #educaciónprimaria #niños #aprender

4/26/2024, 3:35:26 PM

#homesweethome 🌷 🇳🇱 🧡 @annefrankhouse_official #tulips #nederland #thenetherlands #utrecht @rtvutrecht @adutrecht #annefrank #holland

4/26/2024, 3:32:55 PM

Was lässt sich aus Anne Franks Geschichte über Antisemitismus bis heute lernen? An jedem letzten Sonntag im Monat veranstalten wir um 14 Uhr eine Familienführung durch unsere Ausstellung »Alles über Anne«. Unsere Ausstellung erinnert an Anne Frank und die Verbrechen der Nationalsozialisten. Sie greift Themen auf, mit denen sich Anne Frank in ihrem Tagebuch auseinandersetzte und die bis heute aktuell sind. In der Führung wird eine Verbindung zwischen Anne Franks Tagebuchaufzeichnungen und Diskriminierung, Rassismus und Antisemitismus in der Gegenwart hergestellt. Die Führung richtet sich an Familien und ist für Jugendliche und Kinder ab 10 Jahren geeignet. 🕑 Jeden letzten Sonntag im Monat, 14-15 Uhr 📍 Anne Frank Zentrum, Ausstellung »Alles über Anne« 👉 Keine Anmeldung erforderlich Wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch! #AnneFrank #Antisemitismus #Holocaust #Ausstellung #Berlin #WissenWasWar #AnneFrankZentrum

4/26/2024, 3:09:04 PM

Anne Frank mural by Eduardo Kobra #annefrank “eduardokobra #annefrankmural

4/26/2024, 2:16:49 PM