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Please check out the updated list of great movie " Ariel". The film has won many prizes and the awards keep on coming. For any information call House of Film. #arielbacktobuenosaires #arieltangomovie #Tango #arielondemand #appletvplus #alisonmurray #cristinarosato #usdistributor #houseoffilm

11/13/2023, 8:05:07 PM

Now available #geekhardshow EP 699 - Ariel and Shoresy are Holdovers .⁠ Link in Bio . Originally Aired: 11/03/23 – We review The Holdovers. We talk with actor Ryan McDonell of Shoresy and Cristina Rosato of Ariel: Back To Buenos Aires. . #ArielBacktoBuenosAires #CristinaRosato #DaVineJoyRandolph #DominicSessa #PaulGiamatti #RyanMcDonnell #Shoresy #TheHoldovers

11/7/2023, 1:00:27 PM

#Patreon Exclusive Early & Commercial-Free version now available #geekhardshow EP 699 - Ariel and Shoresy are Holdovers .⁠ Link in Bio . Originally Aired: 11/03/23 – We review The Holdovers. We talk with actor Ryan McDonell of Shoresy and Cristina Rosato of Ariel: Back To Buenos Aires. . #ArielBacktoBuenosAires #CristinaRosato #DaVineJoyRandolph #DominicSessa #PaulGiamatti #RyanMcDonnell #Shoresy #TheHoldovers

11/6/2023, 1:00:32 PM

Don't miss Geek Hard LATER TODAY! We're talking with actor @ryan_mcdonell from @shoresyhockey! We'll also chat with actor @rosato and give our review of @theholdoversfilm. 7 PM Eastern on It's gonna be a good time! #michaels #goalie #tv #shoresy #sudburyblueberrybulldogs #ariel #arielbacktobuenosaires #movies #holidays #comedy #geekhard #interviews #funny #ryanmcdonell #cristinarosato #theholdoversmovie

11/3/2023, 2:35:03 PM

【生命之舞】   電影:#生命之舞 #Ariel #ArielBackToBuenosAires 主演: #RaphaelGroszHarvey #CristinaBanegas     #CristinaRosato 個人評分:4/10     短心得:   看完只納悶,世界上到底是哪個姐姐會莫名堅持自己的弟弟是外面撿來的,然後弟弟還「啊唷好像有可能喔」的?   雖然議題立意良好,但劇情實在無法苟同。     #電影 #movie #金魚電影隨筆 #金魚看電影2023 @cineplex_tw #國際人權影展

10/26/2023, 1:15:00 PM

Movie🎥院線電影(10月20日即將上映) 生命之舞(2023) Ariel: Back to Buenos Aires 💃跳一段找回自身的探戈:《生命之舞》不可抹除的歷史胎記 阿根廷一處公園的八角亭內,正舉辦一場盛大的「米隆加舞會」,米隆加舞作為探戈舞最早的根源,女舞者老師帶著對自己稍有愛慕的大衛來到此處,兩人之間的曖昧氛圍中仍懷著些許遲疑和阻隔。大衛總帶著書前來上課,沈浸在閱讀世界裡的他,對應了女舞者將「探戈」視為理解世界的方式,大衛的書彷彿成了另一種「探戈」,教他探索並領略未曾觸及的思想,透過「探戈」兩人的心靈搭建起一座相通的橋樑,於是,她伸手邀請大衛走向舞池,伴隨著忘情哼唱的吉他歌者,他們跳到了天明。《生命之舞》最令我難忘的這一場戲,兩名角色都帶著抑鬱又神秘的氣息,在這場戲中我們得以稍稍窺探他們真實的內心世界。 大衛從小到大在這個家中,未曾在父母身上獲得「歸屬感」,如同鞋底襪子破掉穿孔,他都是這個家露出去的那根趾頭,父親的行為舉止都一再否定了大衛的存在,因此他才會借酒澆愁以醉度日,姊姊蒂蒂為了替弟弟查明身世之謎,便帶著他回到父母親的故鄉布宜諾斯艾利斯。回到阿根廷後的蒂蒂,對自己不穩定的婚姻產生動搖,她與丈夫嘗試了各種方式都無法順利懷胎,蒂蒂想透過學習探戈來解放心中的不安感,成為阿根廷血脈裡帶有個人魅力的女性形象,即使該舞風本身就帶有性別刻板,她仍回應了當地男人挑眉邀請的舉動,從中找回自己作為女性的價值。事實上,她幫助弟弟尋找親生父生母,也填補她內心的焦慮與空洞,原來蒂蒂的生父母是當年獨裁政權下的既得利益者,盜養走當時受迫害女同事的嬰孩,大衛就是其中之一。透過「五月廣場母親」的組織找到了大衛真正的原生家庭,想不到,大衛曾愛上的女舞者老師就是他的親姐姐,也證實了女舞者的第一直覺(難怪姐弟倆都有著相同踩熄煙蒂的習慣),突然間失去了大衛的蒂蒂,遠在加拿大的父母親也將遭到政府起訴,儘管大衛對帶他離開阿根廷的父母有所怨,他並未拋棄從小陪伴自己成長的姊姊,即使兩人將要分隔兩地,仍願意向她說著「晚點見」。 胸前半月形的胎記,讓大衛取回了出生時的姓名「阿里耶爾」,也是本片英文原名的由來,《生命之舞》披上了阿根廷歷史悲劇的重量,踏在螢幕上竟如此具有張力,這全都歸功於同樣學過舞蹈的女導演艾莉森莫瑞,特寫舞者的腳步細節,每一步都是如此乾淨俐落,更拍出了演員雙人共舞的默契,本片的敘事剪輯與所要傳達的情感交錯並置,沒有踩在彼此身上成為痛點。讓我忘不了的則是大衛聽取這段歷史時,鏡頭跟著圓桌一同旋轉,好似陷入了令人暈眩的風暴當中,慶幸的是,主角在這場米隆加舞會中找回了自己,堅定地站穩了腳步。 🎶延伸聽歌: #動力火車 《#酒醉的探戈2001 》 💛我在 #台灣國際人權影展 觀看,感謝 #聯影電影 的邀請 #生命之舞 #AlisonMurray #ARIEL #ARIELBACKTOBUENOSAIRES #Argentina #CristinaRosato #RaphaelGroszHarvey #EleonoraWexler #HeinzKKrattiger #探戈 #tango

10/15/2023, 12:20:37 PM

Don't miss Geek Hard LATER TODAY! We're talking with actor @rosato about her latest film, #arielbacktobuenosaires! We'll also have a review of the first few episodes of #loki Season 2 and we'll chat with director @gayhollywooddad about his film #thelastsummerofnathanlee! 7 PM Eastern on It's gonna be a good time! #geekhard #movies #marvel #indiefilms #disney+ #ariel #backtobuenosaires #nathanlee #cristinarosato #quentinlee #tva #time

10/6/2023, 4:21:52 PM

Meet Cristina Rosato in Ariel movie. She was born and raised in Montréal, Québec to scientists Antonio Rosato and the late Lucia Centomo. She is of Italian descent on both sides and has spent much of her childhood at her family home in Abruzzo, Italy. Fluent in English, Italian, French and Spanish, she works in film, television and video games in all four languages. Rosato found her love of acting at the age of six in school plays. She began studying Meisner with late coach Jacqueline McClintock and went on to formal theatre training at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. 🔸️From IMDB. #arieltangomovie #cristinarosato #cristinabanegas #gerardoromanooficial #entrevista #tango #dance #nyc #houseoffilm #moviemarketing #usdistributor

8/26/2023, 3:16:03 PM

🧜🏽‍♀️ Hola Sirenas! Hoy les traigo reseña de #ARIEL, esta película es muy especial porque se proyectará en el próximo Festival Internacional de Tango. Dirigida por #AliceMurray y protagonizada por #RaphaelGroszHarvey, #CristinaRosato, nuestra #EleonoraWexler y con la participación de #CristinaBanegas y #GerardoRomano. 🇦🇷 La peli trata de dos hermanxs, que nacieron en #Argentina pero que se criaron en Canadá. Comienza bastante abruptamente a mi parecer, porque el conflicto se plantea medio de la nada en la primer escena. Ellxs estan viajando a Argentina de vacaciones porque saben que nacieron ahí, pero Diana le insiste a su hermano Davie con buscar información sobre su nacimiento. Ella siempre sospechó que su hermano fue adoptado y él esta en conflicto con su vida en general. 💃🏼 Si bien el planteo me pareció medio raro, entré de cabeza en la historia. Pues amo el tango, baile muchos años y escucho una milonga y me derrito. Pero qué tiene que ver esto con #tango? Que estxs hermanos van a una famosa milonga a conocer más sobre nuestra cultura, cosa típica de turista. Mientras Diana se replantea su próximo compromiso, Davie cada vez duda más de su identidad y de por qué sus padres nunca quisieron volver a Argentina ni les enseñaron siquiera a hablar en español. 💔 Hablar de identidad y con un personaje que tiene más de 35 años a cualquier argentinx le va a resonar en la cabeza. Los 80s fueron unos años espantosos en nuestro país donde ocurrieron sucesos aberrantes. Esta historia trata sobre la cultura argentina, con un tango melancólico que habla de un pasado que sigue en nuestra memoria. Es sobre el dolor y la esperanza. Sobre nunca bajar los brazos, sobre lucha y justicia. 🎬 Me gustaron las actuaciones y la historia esta buena, tiene sus plot twist inesperados. A su vez, hay escenas que las sentí muy forzadas, muy estereotipadas sobre la depresión o las adicciones. Hay diálogos que les falta un poco más de fluidez. Eleonora practicó mucho y se nota, pero la diferencia de velocidad y ritmo en la danza, entre toma y toma hace que las partes bailadas se vean raris (?

8/12/2023, 8:10:14 PM

🎞️❤️‍🔥Bloody Weekend 2023❤️‍🔥🎞️ Purchase №11 : Territories (VF: Territoires), 2011, directed by @olivierabbou Synopsis : Returning from a wedding in Canada, 5 friends are driving back to the United States when they are stopped in the woods by two members of the Border Police. Although they had nothing to hide, the police accused them of terrorism and subjected them to brutal interrogation. Faced with the silence of their prisoners, they decide to lock them up in cages hidden in the heart of the forest, and continue their investigations out of sight. #territoriesmovie #territoiresfilm #olivierabbou #michaelmando #roclafortune #nicoleleroux #cristinarosato #frenchhorror #horror #horrormovies #horrorfan #horrorlover #horrormania #instahorror #festivalbloodyweekend #bloodyweekend2023 #bloodyweekend #cinema #cinephile #cinephilecommunity #dvd #dvdcollection #bluray #bluraycollection

6/15/2023, 7:57:50 AM

⭐️⭐️💫 Little Italy • 2018 #EmmaRoberts #HaydenChristensen #DannyAiello #AndreaMartin #AdamFerrara #GaryBasaraba #AlyssaMilano #LindaKash #VasSaranga #AmritKaur #JaneSeymour #AndrewPhung #AvaPreston #NickyCapella #CristinaRosato #AnjelicaScannura #RichardZeppieri #MichaelAMiranda #DonaldPetrie #7174 @tubi 🎥Leo Campo and Nikki Angioli are the respective son and daughter of rival New York pizzeria owners. Their parents' feud escalates even further when Leo and Nikki's longtime friendship blossoms into romance.

10/2/2022, 8:57:06 AM

Hur skulle du känna om du var tvungen att jobba med en person som irriterar dig? 🤦‍♀️ Olivia och Brian är tärna och bestman på sina bästa vänners bröllop och måste samarbeta för att rädda vigseln. Kan de göra det tillsammans? 👰🤵 Se A Wedding to Remember, med Greyston Holt i huvudrollen! . . #aweddingtoremember #greystonholt #cristinarosato #romantik #romantisk #romantiskfilm #romantiskafilmer #kärleksfilm #wedding #weddingmovie #weddingmovies #tv #tvmovie #romcom #romanticmovie #romanticmovies #love #kärlek #withlove

9/29/2022, 12:00:56 PM

Hvordan ville du følt om du måtte jobbe med personen som irriterer livet av deg? 🤦‍♀️ Olivia og Brian er begge vitner i bryllupet til sin beste venn og må deretter jobbe sammen for å redde bryllupet. Kan de redde bryllupet? 👰🤵 Se A Wedding to Remember, med Greyston Holt i hovedrollen! . . #aweddingtoremember #aweddingtoremembermovie #aweddingtorememberfilm #greystonholt #cristinarosato #romcom #tv #tvmovie #romantic #romanticmovie #romanticmovies #kjærlighet #kjærlighetsfilm #romantisk #romantiskfilm #romantiskefilmer #love #withlove

9/29/2022, 12:00:30 PM

September 21st is National Kristina/Christina/Cristina Day! No matter how you spell it, we honor and celebrate all the people in our lives with this name. #NationalKristinaDay #NationalChristinaDay #NationalCristinaDay #Kristina #Christina #Cristina #ChristinaRicci #ChristinaApplegate #ChristinaHendricks #KristinaWagner #CristinaRosato #ChristinaOchoa

9/22/2022, 5:12:51 AM

Greyston Holt & His Girlfriend Welcomed a Baby! More On Their Dating Life #greystonholt #cristinarosato #celebrityshineofficial

9/1/2022, 5:26:53 PM

Humor en romantiek in A Wedding to Remember 👰😍 Vanavond om 20:45 op #pickxplus #CristinaRosato @rosato #GreystonHolt @greystonholt #RebeccaOlson @becky_olson

8/23/2022, 9:00:36 AM

In honour of the amazing beautiful @jesse_hutch new @hallmarkchannel movie “Christmas in Toyland” soon being released which I just know will be an instant favourite, here is a little homage of some of my favourite works starring the one and only incredible talent that is @jesse_hutch ! @littlelengies @jonnawalsh @jschramer @ali_cobrin @donna_b4real @stephaniedbennett @candacecbure @tiamowry @aprilthebowlby @alixangelis @ashleynewbrough @rhiannonmfish @erikachristensen @theerincahill @officialmeghanory @nickywhelan @rosato @meagantandy @sarahsmyth24 @amber_marshall_farm @katiecassidy @thekatharineisabelleproject @laurabellbundy #annachlumsky @incendo_canada @reeloneentertainment @lifetimetv @lifetimemovies #jessehutch #laurabellbundy #jessyschram #donnabenedicto #tiamowry #sarahsmyth #meagantandy #candacecameronbure #erincahill #vanessalengies #aprilbowlby #romcom #hallmarkmovies #hallmarkchannel #heartland #hallmarkromance #cedarcove #onceuponatime #christmasmovies #lifetimemovies #incendo #reeloneentertainment #batwoman #arrow #cristinarosato #ouat #nickywhelan #wuassassins #freddyvsjason

7/21/2022, 2:56:55 AM

In honour of the amazing beautiful @jesse_hutch new @hallmarkchannel movie “Christmas in Toyland” soon being released which I just know will be an instant favourite, here is a little homage of some of my favourite works starring the one and only incredible talent that is @jesse_hutch ! @littlelengies @jonnawalsh @jschramer @ali_cobrin @donna_b4real @stephaniedbennett @candacecbure @tiamowry @aprilthebowlby @alixangelis @ashleynewbrough @rhiannonmfish @erikachristensen @theerincahill @officialmeghanory @nickywhelan @rosato @meagantandy @sarahsmyth24 @amber_marshall_farm @katiecassidy @thekatharineisabelleproject @laurabellbundy #annachlumsky @incendo_canada @reeloneentertainment @lifetimetv @lifetimemovies #jessehutch #laurabellbundy #jessyschram #donnabenedicto #tiamowry #sarahsmyth #meagantandy #candacecameronbure #erincahill #vanessalengies #aprilbowlby #romcom #hallmarkmovies #hallmarkchannel #heartland #hallmarkromance #cedarcove #onceuponatime #christmasmovies #lifetimemovies #incendo #reeloneentertainment #batwoman #arrow #cristinarosato #ouat #nickywhelan #wuassassins #freddyvsjason

7/21/2022, 2:51:34 AM

💕Who doesn't enjoy a combination of romance & fashion? ✨Love, Fashion, Repeat starring @victorzinckjr & @rosato premieres tonight on @up_tv . ⬇️Comment below if you plan on watching this! . 📺(Watch Victor's episode at the LINK IN MY BIO or click here . . . . . . . . . . #lovefashionrepeat #uptv #hallmarkchannel #madefortvmovies #romcoms #victorzinckjr #victorzinck #cristinarosato #loveonthesidelines #thesweetestheart #juliegonzalo #chrismcnally #hallmarkchannelmovies #madefortvmovies #vancouverfilm #romanceinthewilds #the100 #supegirl #christmasinthewilds #reeloneentertainment #turnerandhooch #disneyplus #rookieblue

7/17/2022, 8:13:45 PM

✨Love, Fashion, Repeat airs tomorrow night on @up_tv. 💕Actor @victorzinckjr talks about his favorite scenes with costar @rosato including one reminiscent of an iconic scene from Ghost. . 📺(Watch Victor's episode at the LINK IN MY BIO or click here . . . . . . . . . . #lovefashionrepeat #uptv #hallmarkchannel #madefortvmovies #romcoms #victorzinckjr #victorzinck #cristinarosato #loveonthesidelines #thesweetestheart # #juliegonzalo #chrismcnally #hallmarkchannelmovies #madefortvmovies #vancouverfilm #romanceinthewilds #the100 #supegirl #christmasinthewilds #ghost #demimoore #patrickswayze

7/17/2022, 12:03:51 AM

💞NEW EPISODE💞 ✨Actor @victorzinckjr talks all about Love, Fashion, Repeat airing this Sunday on @up_tv. You've probably seen him in Hallmark Channel films like The Sweetest Heart and Love on the Sidelines. ❤️He'll definitely steal your heart in his latest film opposite Cristina Rosato. . 📺(Watch Victor's episode at the LINK IN MY BIO or click here . . . . . . . . . . #lovefashionrepeat #uptv #hallmarkchannel #madefortvmovies #romcoms #victorzinckjr #victorzinck #cristinarosato #loveonthesidelines #thesweetestheart # #juliegonzalo #chrismcnally #hallmarkchannelmovies #madefortvmovies #vancouverfilm #romanceinthewilds #the100 #supegirl #christmasinthewilds

7/15/2022, 6:59:14 PM

Lois Lowry’nin kitabından uyarlanan oldukça ilginç ve bir o kadar da eğlenceli olan bir animasyon filmi. . . . 🧶The Willoughbys🧶 Willoughby Ailesi . . . . 🐈‍⬛ Fena hâlde bencil ebeveynlere sahip dört kardeş, onlardan sonsuza dek kurtulmak için bir plan yapar ve kendilerine kusursuz biçimde sorunlu bir aile kurar. . . . . 🌈Yönetmen: Kris Pearn . . . . 🍭Senaristler: Kris Pearn Mark Stanleigh . . . . 🥶Seslendirenler: Will Forte Maya Rudolph Jane Krakowski Ricky Gervais Martin Short Alessia Cara Kris Pearn Seán Cullen Colleen Wheeler Cristina Rosato Islie Hirvonen Paul Dobson Fiona Toth Nancy Robertson Brian Drummond Michael Dobson Kathleen Barr Emily Delahunty Cole Howard Alistair Abell Shannon Chan-Kent Rebecca Husain Robyn Ross . . . . #loislowry #loislowrybooks #thewilloughbys #thewilloughbysmovie #krispearn #markstanleigh #willforte #mayarudolph #janekrakowski #rickygervais #martinshort #alessiacara #seancullen #colleenwheeler #cristinarosato #isliehirvonen #pauldobson #fionatoth #nancyrobertson #briandrummond #michaeldobson #kathleenbarr #emilydelahunty #colehoward #alistairabell #shannonchankent #rebeccahusain #robynross #filmönerileri #ailefilmleri

5/31/2022, 9:32:58 PM

I’ll review a Canadian romantic comedy film titled that I watched 🎥🎞 Little Italy (2018) ハッピーシェフ!恋するライバル This movie is a romantic comedy, which is set in Italian street Toronto Canada, the daughter and son of a pizza craftsman who once became a good friend but they became a business enemy reunite. The plot of movie is about, Nikki and Leo have born and lived in Little Italy, Toronto Canada. One day, she returned back from London who trained as chef. They attracted each other, but both of them are run a pizza restaurant as buisiness enemy, besides each father can’t get along with. Then Nikki and Leo took part in a pizza contest. I thought about the film, This is a real one what makes movies feel fun and happy, and it was a classic example of a right and good movie. 😊 a story that made the viewer happiest moments. Next time, I thought it would be okay with make the story of Nikki and Leo's childhood, and I personally thought it would be good to make a sequel. I'd like to do a pilgrimage to sacred place of this movie. From now on, please watch the rest on DVD or streaming service! 💿 You’re gonna have to try that one to see for yourself if you rent it!! #petercenturyfilm #littleitaly #ハッピーシェフ恋するライバル #august24th2018 #donaldpetrie #stevegalluccio #vinayvirmani #brentcote #emmaroberts #haydenchristensen #dannyaiello #andreamartin #adamferrara #garybasaraba #alyssamilano #lindakash #vassaranga #amritkaur #janeseymour #andrewphung #avapreston #nickycappella #cristinarosato #anjelicascannura #richardzeppieri #michaelamiranda #firsttakeentertainment #grindstoneentertainmentgroup #lionsgate

4/26/2022, 9:34:05 AM

👰🏼‍♀️The last film of the @up_tv Flirty February movie event is A WEDDING TO REMEMBER. Lots of love and wedding fun expected in this one! @greystonholt and @rosato are going to be wonderful together! . 🎧(Listen to the full preview at the LINK IN MY BIO)🎧 . . . . . . . . . . #hallmark #hallmarkmovies #hallmarkpodcast #hallmarkchannel #hallmarkies #podcastersofinsta #theweddingveil #hallmarkhappenings #hallmarkmovies #uptv #loveuary #flirtyfebruary #brittanybristow #loveandwheretofindit #reeloneentertainment @reeloneentertainment #aweddingtoremember #weddinginspo #greystonholt #cristinarosato #turnerandhooch #cedarcove #chesapeakeshores

2/27/2022, 8:19:53 PM

MAFIA INC Drama-Thriller Sinopsis: La mafia italiana causa estragos en el Quebec de los años 90 en este thriller de capos, traiciones y, ante todo, la familia. Trailer: #estrenodelasemana #pelis #algomasdvd #mafiainc #CristinaRosato #MarcAndréGrondin #BenzAntoine #SergioCastellitto #DomenicDiRosa #MylèneMacKay

12/21/2021, 2:23:21 AM

"Socios y Sabuesos" (Turner & Hooch) Su historia: un agente de policía adicto a las proteínas y un tanto egocéntrico, hereda a un perro 🐕 llamado Hooch tras morir su padre, y poco a poco irá descubriendo las bondades de tener un compañero canino en su vida. Es la continuación de la película de 1989, protagonizada por Tom Hanks, con el mismo nombre. La serie es divertida, animalista y agradable, sin forzar ninguno de sus ingredientes. Un policial con tintes familiares y carente de malos tragos. Se puede ver perfectamente. Gracias @disneyplusla @conexionanimalnet Si te gustó la publicación, por favor, compartila!!! #hollywood #tvshow #cinematography #review #critica #disneymovie #disneyplus #disneypluslatinoamerica #turnerandhooch #joshpeck #vanessalengies #lyndsyfonseca #beccatobin #jeremymaguire #brandonjaymclaren #carrapatterson #cristinarosato #paulcampbell #matthamilton #anthonyruivivar IMDB 6.5/10 CDG 7/10

10/7/2021, 10:02:05 PM

Cristina Rosato On Her Role And Return Of Disney+’s Turner & Hooch [Exclusive Interview] #disney #interviews #lrmexclusives #news #streaming #tv #aherotoo #cristinarosato #disney #turnerhooch

8/26/2021, 11:00:07 PM

Cristina Rosato x Le Journal de Montréal @rosato @disneyplus @jdemontreal

8/24/2021, 3:59:08 AM

Puanım:4 Binlerce film seyretmisimdir 50 yi geçmez bnden 5 puanın altında puan alan film #sınır #cristinarosato #michaelmando #nicoleleroux #alexweiner Territories (Sınır) (DVD) Kanada’da bir evlilik merkezinde görevli olarak çalışmakta olan beş arkadaş bir düğünden ABD’deki evlerine dönmektedir. Amerikan sınırına çok yaklaşmışken sınır devriyesi tarafından durdurulurlar. Devriye özellikle Arap kökenli Jalii’den şüphelenir; sonrasında da hareket eden Gab’i vurur. Sağ kalan dört arkadaş, üzerlerine Guantanamo’dakine benzer turuncu mahkum kıyafetleri giydirilerek bir eve hapsedilir. Ardından da eziyetler ve işkenceler birbirini izler

8/22/2021, 6:56:28 PM

@disneyplus fans of new show #TurnerandHooch  get to know reoccurring star @rosato reading reporter @KemberlieLove's exclusive interview at 📸 Jonny Marlow HMU: Michael Goyette Stylist: Kelly Brown #cristinarosato #turnerandhoochseries #DisneyPlus #brandonjaymclaren #JoshPeck

8/19/2021, 1:07:57 AM

Turner e Hooch’: Reboot de ‘Uma Dupla Quase Perfeita’ ganha belíssimo cartaz Na nova versão, Scott Turner, um policial federal, herda um desobediente cachorro. A princípio, ele não gosta da ideia, mas gradativamente ele descobrirá que o parceiro que ele não queria, é exatamente o que ele precisava. Eventualmente, Turner e Hooch se transformam em grandes amigos. O diretor McG, o mesmo responsável pelo remake de ‘As Panteras‘, dirigirá o primeiro episódio da série, além de assumir a função de produtor executivo do projeto. Matt Nix assina o roteiro e também auxilia na produção. A produção irá estrear oficialmente no dia 21 de julho. Josh Peck (‘Drake e Josh’) estrela a produção. Matt Hamilton (‘The Actress Diaries’), Paul Campbell (‘Battlestar Galactica’) e Cristina Rosato (‘Amor em Little Italy’) completam o elenco. #joshpeck #matthamilton #paulcampbell #cristinarosato #disneyplus #waltdisney #turnerandhooch #mcg #mattnix #umaduplaquaseperfeita

7/20/2021, 6:08:09 PM

Lyndsy Fonseca, Cristina Rosato, and Brandon Jay McLaren attend the premiere of Disney’s ‘Turner and Hooch’! @lyndsyfonseca @rosato @brandonjaymclaren

7/16/2021, 11:41:46 PM

The stars of @disneyplus’ new series “Turner & Hooch” stepped out for the show’s premiere event this week. #TurnerAndHoochSeries #BeccaTobin #VanessaLengies #LyndsyFonseca #JoshPeck #JeremyMaguire #CristinaRosato #AnthonyRuivivar #BrandonJayMcLaren Photos: Getty

7/16/2021, 9:05:26 PM

El próximo lunes no te pierdas a #CristinaRosato @rosato en el episodio estreno de #TheGoodDoctorEnSony Talentosa, bella, amante de las pastas y el tango es parte de #Influence capítulo 14 de la 3ra temporada de #TheGoodDoctor No podemos esperar a verla. @sonychannella @sptv @sptvintl @_milajones_

7/8/2021, 12:36:11 AM

DISNEY: Turner & Hooch, the original sitcom coming Wednesday, July 21 on #DisneyPlus, released its official trailer and poster that reveals an ambitious U.S. Marshal and his large, rambunctious dog. 🐶 Read the full article at - Link in bio! #disney #turnerandhooch #turnerandhoochseries #joshpeck #drakeandjosh #tomhanks #dcom #comedy #disneynews #dogmovies #jeremymaguire #beccatobin #lyndsyfonseca #vanessalengies #carrapatterson #brandonjaymclaren #anthonyruivivar #reginaldveljohnson #cristinarosato #matthamilton #disneyclassic #disneyclassics #disneymovies #disneyworld #disneyparks #disneyplusnews #disneytrailers #entertainmentnews #comingsoon

6/25/2021, 4:56:28 AM

Interesante peli. Si te gusta su título, pues ya está. Dirección #DanielGrou #cine #mafiainc Reparto #CristinaRosato #MarcAndréGrondin #Benzantoine #SergioCastellitto Domenic Di Rosa, Mylène MacKay, Pascal Petardi, Gilbert Sicotte, Pina Di Blasi, Ali Hassan, Goûchy Boy, Gerardo Lo Dico, Gerry Mendicino Sinopsis Los Gamache, sastres de generación en generación, han estado vistiendo a la mafia en Paterno durante tres generaciones. Vincent "Vince" #Gamache trabaja a cuenta de Frank, el padrino, con su hijo mayor Gianco, a quien trata de impresionar a toda costa para subir de rango en la organización. Sin que la gente de Palermo lo sepa, organiza una gran operación y logra su tan deseado ascenso. Giaco, cegado por la envidia, descubre que Vince ha cometido una serie de horribles monstruosidades para alcanzar su objetivo. Los Gamache deciden desheredar a Vince, dando así comienzo una terrible guerra entre bandos. (FILMAFFINITY) @enfilmin

5/26/2021, 9:24:30 PM

Le premier long-métrage d'Olivier Abbou J'avais bien aimé son dernier né : Furie, hélas, toujours indisponible en support physique chez nous. Il faudrait également que je découvre Maroni, les fantômes du fleuve. #Territoires #OlivierAbbou #ThibaultLangWillar #RocLaFortune #SeanDevine #NicoleLeroux #CristinaRosato #MichaelMando #AlexWeiner #StephenShellen #TimRozon #M6Vidéo #WarnerBros

5/10/2021, 4:47:13 PM

Mafia Inc.'s strong mix of brutality, intrigue, business, and family—fueled by stellar performances from Catellito and Grondin—make this film an offer you can't refuse. Full review on website, link in bio. . . . #MafiaInc #mafia #vod #crimefamily #canada #movies #crime #filmtwitter Film Movement #movie #virtualcinema #filmmovement #ondemand #streaming #stream #drama #SergioCastellito #CristinaRosato #MarcAndreGrondin #MyleneLackay #DonnyFalsetti #VittorioOssi #GerryMendicio #MikeRicci #PinaDiBlasi @rosato @magrondin @filmmovement

2/19/2021, 5:08:04 PM

Name : No good deed (2020) Genres : Thriller Running time : 90 minutes Language : English Country : Canada Description Karen never planned on being a hero. A recent widow, she has her hands full with work and parenting her son Max. Then Karen saves Jeremy's life during a drug store robbery, and quickly discovers that the young man intent on paying her back at any cost .At first , life starts improving for this good Samarithan , but as jeremy's effort becomes more extreme ,Karen starts to wonder if no good deed truly goes unpunished . Review I personally didnt like this movie at all..Thinking about the creepy things makes me scare too... Totally creepy thing ..🙄 But if u guys wanna watch that you can watch it and let us know too... #movies #moviescenes #movie #movienerd #movietime🎬🍿 #movieathome #movieathome📽 #moviesuggestions #moviepage #moviepage #movielife #moviemania #movieholic #movieholics😎 #moviereviewpodcast #moviefreak #moviefreaks🎬 #moviereview #moviereviewer #moviecorner2020 #nogooddeed #nogooddeedgoesunpunished #michelleborth #markrendall #cristinarosato #carolinelabrèche #dougbarber

2/16/2021, 3:14:49 PM

Reposted from @take2radio Check this out! Turner & Hooch Disney+ Reboot! 🎉🎉🎉 Matt Hamilton, Paul Campbell, & Cristina Rosato ... ... Reposted from @paulcampbellofficial Officer Ding-Dong on the case! ... ... #disneyplus #turnerandhooch #turnerandhoochreboot #matthamilton #paulcampbell #cristinarosato

1/23/2021, 9:22:04 AM

Check this out! Turner & Hooch Disney+ Reboot! 🎉🎉🎉 Matt Hamilton, Paul Campbell, & Cristina Rosato ... ... Reposted from @paulcampbellofficial Officer Ding-Dong on the case! ... ... #disneyplus #turnerandhooch #turnerandhoochreboot #matthamilton #paulcampbell #cristinarosato

1/23/2021, 9:21:06 AM

Friday, after butting heads on a development project, Olivia & Brian are frustrated to find they are Maid of Honor & Best Man at the same wedding! Starring #CristinaRosato & #GreystonHolt in #AWeddingToRemember on #FallinLoveFridays at 8/7c 👰🤵 Set Your PVR or download the app to stream at!

1/20/2021, 9:01:14 PM

Nuestra pequeña Italia Año: 2018 Reparto: Emma Roberts , Hayden Christensen , Alyssa Milano, Danny Aiello País: EE.UU. #netflix #romance #cocina y una hermosa canción de #ShawnMendes #TheresNothingHoldinMeBack es una historia de #romeoyjulieta moderna SINOPSIS Una pareja joven debe navegar entre un romance floreciente y la guerra entre pizzerías competidoras de sus familias. Director: #DonaldPetrie #NuestrapequeñaItalia #EmmaRoberts #HaydenChristensen #AlyssaMilano #DannyAiello #Melodrama #movie #cinema #movies #cine #peliculas #pelicula #movielover #recomendaciones #cinefilos #lovemovies #cineclub #AndreaMartin #JaneSeymour #AdamFerrara #GaryBasaraba #AndrewPhung #CristinaRosato

1/6/2021, 9:07:50 PM

Cristina Rosato, nacida el 6 de enero de 1983, es una actriz canadiense. Ha aparecido en películas como Let the Game Begin , Hidden 3D y Bad Santa 2 . También ha aparecido en series de televisión como Rookie Blue , Trauma y Abducted: Finding My Daughter. #cristinarosato #actriz #cine #tv #undíacomohoy #nació6enero1983 #happybirthday🎉🎈🎁🎂

1/6/2021, 12:46:55 PM

~ Little Italy ~ •Película Pochoclera Dos jovenes de familias enemistadas deberán evitar sus sentimientos para no entrar en conflicto con sus padres. Antes que nada cabe aclarar que no, no es como Romeo y Julieta. Comedia romántica. Con un guion simple, donde no hay golpes bajos y los protagonistas me caen bastante bien. El argumento no es nada del otro mundo pero para pasar el rato está bien. Me gustó que sea una pavada que no te exija pensar demasiado y hasta por momentos te roba alguna sonrisa. No hay mucho más para decir, es simpática y se pasa rápido. Con un horizonte claro pero no está mal. 100 minutitos para esta peli que encontrás en Netflix. #littleitaly #netflix #netflixlat #netflixlatinoamerica #netflixlatam #netflixmovies #peliculas #netflixandchill #netflixrecommendations #queseriesmirar #emmaroberts #haydenchristensen #alyssamilano #dannyaiello #andreamartin #janeseymour #adamferrara #garybasaraba #andrewphung #lindakash #cristinarosato

12/31/2020, 1:00:53 AM

Sean cambia su departamento de Nueva York por la casa de campo de Owen en Carolina del Norte. ¿Qué pasará? ¡Descúbrelo en el próximo #EspacioDePelícula! . . . #FindingChristmas #JTHodges #CristinaRosato #TriciaHelfer #MarkLutz #movie #película

12/24/2020, 1:29:18 AM

⭐️⭐️ Exploding Sun • 2013 #JuliaOrmond #DavidJamesElliott #AnthonyLemke #NatalieBrown #MylèneDinhRobic #JohnMaclaren #FrankSchorpion #RobertCrooks #AlexWeiner #BruceDinsmore #JaneWheeler #CristinaRosato #CharlotteLegault #AllisonGraham #RichardJutras #HarleyChamandy #KaylaDiVenere #KatherineCleland #MirandaHandford #MichaelRobison #6131 @tubi 🎥A spaceship with passengers -- including the president's wife -- is on its maiden flight around the moon and back to Earth, but a massive solar storm blows the craft off course and toward the sun.

12/17/2020, 8:43:11 AM

🎬فیلم : شرکت مافیا ( انگلیسی : Mafia Inc 2019 ) 📊امتیاز : ۷.۱/۱۰ 🎥ژانر : درام ، جنایی 🌐محصول کشور : کانادا 👥ستارگان : #marcandregrondin #cristinarosato #sergiocastellitto 👤کارگردان : Daniel Grou ✏خلاصه فیلم : داستان فیلم درباره ی گانگستر جوانی است که با گروه مافیایی سیسیلی دشمن می‌شود و خانواده‌اش را در معرض خطر بزرگی قرار می دهد و ... #اکشن #جنایی #ماجراجویی #فانتزی #خانوادگی #هیجان_انگیز #هیجانی #سینمایی #هالیوودی #فیلم_خارجی_جدید #فیلم_دوبله #دوبله #فیلم_جدید #فیلم_خوب_ببینیم #سینمایی #فیلمهای_برتر #فیلمهای_روز_دنیا #فیلمهای_جدید #فیلمهای_دوبله #action #criminal #exciting #bollywood #holliwood #family #fantezi #scary مارا به دوستان خود معرفی کنید @naghme_club

12/12/2020, 3:24:56 PM

📀 L'excellent MAFIA INC est disponible dès aujourd'hui en DVD ! Inspiré du livre éponyme, il raconte l'histoire de la famille Gamache, tailleurs de mafieux de père en fils. #cinemaquebecois #cinemaduquebec #mafiainc #sortiedvd #adaptation #danielgrou #marcandregrondin #sergiocastellitto #cristinarosato

11/18/2020, 2:02:22 PM

A Wedding to Remember Official Trailer (2020) - Cristina Rosato, Greyston Holt, Rebecca Olson #AWeddingtoRememberOfficialTrailer #2020 #CristinaRosato #GreystonHolt #RebeccaOlson #AWeddingtoremember #wedding #love #fun #romance #sub4sub #sub #youtube #youtuber #film #films #movie #movies #movie101 #101 #trailer

11/12/2020, 8:28:57 PM

Cinta romántica que aún no tiene fecha de estreno. #aweddingtoremember #davidstrasser #cristinarosato #greystonholt #rebeccaolson #matthamilton

11/5/2020, 10:29:02 PM

T minis 60 mins... and we're #live #livestream ing with the amazing Cristina @rosato!! What a powerhouse of an actor this woman is MY GAWD lol have some awesome clips STAY TUNED BOOKED: ACTORS TONIGHT EP 2 coming up!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤❤🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🎬🎬🎬 #actors #booked #auditions #selftapes #film #television #outoftheboxstudio #cristinarosato

7/2/2020, 2:09:02 AM