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#food #travel #sports #news #may #wednesday

Havana Rose Liu, Archie Madekwe et Théodore Pellerin joueront dans le thriller "Lurker" par le scénariste de The Bear et Acharnés, qui suit un employé de commerce qui s'infiltre dans le cercle intime d'un artiste et au fur et à mesure qu'il se rapproche de la star de la musique, l'accès et la proximité deviennent une question de vie ou de mort ! Le tournage va bientôt débuter 🎥 #lurker #comedy #thriller #havanaroseliu #archiemadekwe #theodorepellerin #sunnysuljic #danielzolghadri #zackfox #variety #film #movie #news #cast #info #actu #pictures #promo #soon #tagyourfriends

3/26/2024, 1:02:12 PM

Kayla (Elsie Fisher), uma adolescente de 13 anos, passa por uma semana intensa no final do ensino fundamental - o encerramento de um ano tumultuado do oitavo/nono ano - antes de iniciar sua jornada em uma nova escola de ensino médio.

3/15/2024, 12:00:29 AM

Get in losers, we’re going back to 1999. As we’re currently at the SXSW Film & TV Festival, we had to see our most anticipated film of the event, Y2K. Needless to say, we had a fun time and we believe in Rachel Zegler world domination. Read our first festival review by @leiassunsets at the link in our bio/our story and you may see a future announcement coming soon at the end of our review 🤖💙

3/10/2024, 5:14:26 PM

SXSW 2024 Movie #6: Y2K, making its world premiere in the Headliners section and coming soon from A24, with director Kyle Mooney, writer Evan Winter, and actors Jaeden Martell, Julian Dennison, Rachel Zegler, Lachlan Watson, Daniel Zolghadri, Mason Gooding, and Fred Durst. #y2k @kylemooney #kylemooney #evanwinter #jaedenmartell @juliandennison #juliandennison @rachelzegler #rachelzegler @lachrwatson #lachlanwatson #danielzolghadri @masonthegooding #masongooding #freddurst @a24 #a24 @sxsw #sxsw #sxsw2024 #movieswithabe

3/10/2024, 7:31:37 AM

'Low Tide' (2019) This is a film I knew nothing about going into it. It's a well crafted thriller. The young cast does some fantastic work. The writing is tight and sharp. The score and cinematography are both great. Give this one a watch sometime. 8.3/10 #LowTide #FilmReview #A24 #JaedenMartell #KeeanJohnson #SheaWhigam #AlexNeustaedter #DanielZolghadri #KristineFroseth #KevinMcMullin #MikeHodge

2/25/2024, 3:14:49 PM


2/2/2024, 5:17:44 PM


1/27/2024, 11:17:18 PM


1/26/2024, 3:09:44 AM


1/14/2024, 6:44:57 AM


1/12/2024, 1:37:48 AM

1️⃣ファニーページ/FUNNY PAGES 年末より引き続き 「A24の知られざる映画たち」より 年明け1作目を鑑賞 ラストのロバートの表情が全てを 物語るそのままな感じ😂 登場人物がとにかくFUNNY過ぎて それだけで笑える🤭 どうしたらあんな人達ばかりが  まわりに集まる?! ウォーレスとかヤバすぎるでしょ😅 なんか狂ってるんだかまともなんだか… いや完全に狂ってるな🤣 あんな汗だく地下アパートに住めちゃったり ウォーレスを師と仰ぎだすロバートが実は 1番ヤバいのかもしれない #映画 #アメリカ #unext #a24の知られざる映画たち #ファニーページ #コメディ #青春コメディ #オーウェンクライン #サフディー兄弟 #ダニエルゾルガードリ #マシューマー #バディデュレス #映画好きな人と繋がりたい #movie #cinema #blackcomedy #comedymovie #a24 #elarapictures #funnypages #owenkline #safdiebrothers #joshuasafdie #bennysafdie  #danielzolghadri #matthewmaher #buddyduress #lovemovie

1/11/2024, 1:25:35 PM


1/10/2024, 11:08:38 PM


1/9/2024, 1:31:25 PM

ファニー・ページ (2023/1/8) ✍️ おもろい 日本人好きそうな感じなのに限定公開はもったいないな〜 ほんとになんとなくだけど『ホームアローン』みたいな笑いに近かった気がする(『ホームアローン』最後にみたの何年も前だから間違ってるかも) だから日本人うけする気もするんだけどなあ 上手い話に乗って調子のったら失敗するよって話かな キャラクターひとりひとりの個性が強い笑 ウォレス滑舌悪すぎて笑った 英語話者で滑舌悪いと言ったらハリーケイン思い出すから個人的には余計面白かった笑 ライアンがキモブサキャラでうわーって見てたけど、ライアン役の俳優のインスタみたら普通にイケメンだった 奇抜な長髪と顔の肌の荒れ具合やメガネが彼のルックスをかなりマイナスにしてた 両親も中流階級だからしっかりしてるように見えて意外とクセが強そう だからロバートは一般的な社会のレールから逸れた道を歩みたがるような大人になったのだろう #ファニーページ #funnypages #owenkline #danielzolghadri #matthewmaher #milesemanuel #mariadizzia #joshpais #seanohagan #a24 #a24の知られざる映画たち #unext #ヒューマントラストシネマ有楽町

1/9/2024, 1:08:17 AM


1/8/2024, 10:12:25 PM

「イカとクジラ」で印象深い弟役を好演し、実生活では大物俳優を両親にもつオーウェン・クラインの長編監督デビュー作を非常に面白く観た。この86分の映画には、プロのコミックアーティストを夢見る主人公の努力、才能、根拠なき自信といった打ち上げ花火の燃料が、ことごとく不条理で侵食されていくほろ苦さと可笑しさがある。すぐさま「ゴーストワールド」のような秀作を引き合いに出したくもなるのだけれど、かと言って全てが完璧に描かれているわけではないし、登場人物もぶっ飛んでいて個性的なれどもう少し目には見えない部分を膨らませてほしかった気もする。が、その反面、本作には瞬間的な爆発力が確かに備わっているのだ。計算式や教科書的な演出法を超えたテンションとムードとガムシャラさ。そこから打って変わって溢れるコミック・ストリップへの愛情。観客の興味を失わせない牽引力。この監督が今後いかに大化けしていくのか楽しみでならない。 8本目 ⭐️ 子役時代にノア・バームバック監督の名作「イカとクジラ」に出演したオーウェン・クラインが脚本も手がけた映画監督デビュー作。カートゥーン作家を目指す高校生が、中年男性たちと繰り広げる日常を、16ミリの懐かしいタッチの映像でつづったオフビートな青春コメディ。


「グッド・タイム」「アンカット・ダイヤモンド」などで知られるジョシュ&ベニー・サフディ兄弟がプロデューサーを務めた。主演は「エイス・グレード 世界でいちばんクールな私へ」などのダニエル・ゾルガードリ。2022年・第75回カンヌ国際映画祭の監督週間で上映された。 The secret to film is that it’s an illusion. #photooftheda #picoftheday #tflers #tagsforlikes #instadaily #instalike #instagood #映画館鑑賞 #movietheater #instamovie #movie #cinema #映画鑑賞 #映画大好き #映画 #ファニーページ #FunnyPages #OwenKline #DanielZolghadri #MatthewMaher #MariaDizzia #JoshPais #StephenAdlyGuirgis #RonRifkin #A24

1/8/2024, 1:11:17 PM


1/3/2024, 7:01:36 AM


1/1/2024, 8:26:41 PM


1/1/2024, 2:17:58 AM


12/27/2023, 5:35:56 AM

ロー・タイド ' Low Tide ' を観てきた。 ニュージャージーの海岸沿いの観光地で、別荘に侵入して盗みを繰り返しながら、なにをする事もなくやり過ごす少年達。ある日侵入した家で金貨が入った袋を見つけた事を仲間に内緒にした事から少年達のバランスが崩れ出す……ってお話 犯罪に手を染め追い詰められる少年達が、苦い経験を味わう青春ドラマ。 という事ですが、むしろ少年達の関係性が、ある事をきっかけに崩れ出し、それぞれが置かれた環境、立場やアイデンティティに気付き、葛藤する話のように感じました。 よくある田舎独特の閉塞感や焦燥感ではなく、それらを受け入れた上での人間関係を描いた作成だと思います。 これもなかなかの良作でした。 2019年の作品ですが、タイミングや配給の仕方によっては、アフターサンとまではいかなくても、それに近い評価を受けたんじゃないでしょうか? 少年達、特にピーターを演じたジェイデン・リーバハーの演技が秀逸です。ファニー・ページで主人公を演じたダニエル・ゾルガードリも、スミッティのクズっぷりを見事に演じていました。ファニー・ページのロバート役よりも良かったです。 アフターサンは言い過ぎかもしれませんが、サスペンス要素や少年達なりの駆け引きを含め、自分はかなり見応えや余韻の残った作品でした。 配信ではなく劇場で観賞した方が余韻たなびく作品だと思うので、この機会に是非劇場に観に行って欲しい作品です。超オススメです。 @ A24の知られざる映画たち #ロータイド #LowTide #ケビンマクマリン #KevinMcMullin #キーアンジョンソン #KeeanJohnson #アレックスニューステッター #AlexNeustaedter #ダニエルゾルガードリ #DanielZolghadri #ジェイデンリーバハー #JaedenLieberher #クリスティンフロセス #KristineFroseth #シェーウィガム #SheaWhigham #A24の知られざる映画たち #ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 #アメリカ映画 #movie

12/26/2023, 7:36:53 PM

363-2023/12/23『ロー・タイド』観た 泥棒キッズの仲間割れ。苦すぎる成長譚とクライムスリラー。悪知恵あってもやはり子供なのでうまく立ち回るわけではないので緊張感が増しヒヤヒヤする。 他人の家に盗みに入ってアクシデントが起こったことから緊迫した状況が続き追い詰められていく。 思いの外ヤバさを把握しきれてないのも子供らしく、そりゃ当然そうなるよねって出来事ももちろん入る、シンプルな流れではあったがそれで終わりなわけではない。 大人の目をどう掻い潜るかよりも、兄弟・友人からなる彼らの関係がどう崩れていくか、どのように変化していくかをスリリングに描く。 子供から青年にさしかかる年頃の若手俳優揃い踏み。 アレックス・ニューステッターが演じるジャイアンみたいなキャラのレッドはいかにもな役どころだったが、中でも目を引いたのはアランの弟ピーターを演じるジェイデン・マーテル。「ミッドナイト・スペシャル」で印象に残ったあの子、最近ては「IT」にも出てる売れっ子。やっぱり上手いね。 ラストシーンの眼差しに何を思うか。苦いどころではないな。 Watched 'Low Tide (2019/USA)' #LowTide #KevinMcMullin #JaedenMartell #KeeanJohnson #AlexNeustaedter #DanielZolghadri #movie #film #cinema #映画 #poster #ロータイド

12/24/2023, 11:14:55 AM

ファニー・ページ ' Funny Pages ' を観てきた。 師と仰ぐ人物の死から、カートゥーン作家になる事を決意した高校生が経験する出来事を描いたオフビートでダークな青春コメディ映画 オフビート青春映画と言えば聞こえはいいが…… デビュー作とはいえ全然作り込みが出来ていない。 オフビートな作品って、実はしっかり作り込まないと、ただの雰囲気映画になってしまうんよねぇ。 ある意味A24らしい雰囲気映画やけど、好き嫌いは別にして、他の作品はもっとしっかり作り込んでるんよね。 本当は後半の、理想と現実、周りの偏見と偏見に対する憤り、無神経な憧れの押し付けなんかを少年の目線でシニカルに描きたかったんやろけど、そこがいまいち表現出来ずに中途半端になっているから、共感出来ないまま進んでしまう。地下の薄汚いアパートのシーンなんか、全く作品に影響を与えていない…… 16mmフィルムを使った映像やマシュー・マーの演技が良かっただけにもったいない。 @ A24の知られざる映画たち #ファニーページ #FunnyPages #オーウェンクライン #OwenKline #ダニエルゾルガードリ #DanielZolghadri #マシューマー #MatthewMaher #マイルズエマニュエル #Miles #Emanuel #マリアディッツィア #MariaDizzia #ジョシュパイス #JoshPais #マルシアデボニス #MarciaDeBonis #スティーブンアドリーギアギス #StephenAdlyGuirgis #ロンリフキン #RonRifkin #A24の知られざる映画たち #ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷 #アメリカ映画 #movie

12/23/2023, 8:19:31 PM

361-2023/12/21『ファニー・ページ』観た コンディション悪くて寝落ち繰り返して86分しかないのに観るの3日かかった😅 サフディ兄弟プロデュース、オーウェン・クラインの監督デビュー作。 漫画家を目指す高校生が師としていた美術教師を亡くし、自ら夢への道を切り開こうとする物語。 なんだけども、オフビートな下品映画っぽさもあり。 家を出て安いボロアパートをシェアしてバイトして生活。そこで運命の出会いをする!? 恋愛的な出会いではなくキャリアにおける出会い。この変な人が実は!?的な話、最近だと「ティーンスピリット」で見たな。 夢追い人の予期せぬ幸運。まったく想定外で関係なさそうな出会いから始まるってすごいことだけど。 でもこのウォレスという男が本当に不安定で彼が抱えてる問題もあり、他にも出てくるキャラクターなんか変な人ばかりで、単純に温かい話として進んでいくわけではないのが面白いのかも。 途中でこれ何の話だっけ?漫画家目指す青年の話じゃなかったっけ?と思うくらいトラブルが起こる。 下ネタも流血もあり、それもこれも夢のためと必死に切り抜けるドタバタコメディでキレイに終わるのかと思ったが、いまいちスッキリ終わらない尻切れ感があった。 まあでもあの終わりかたが良いのかもしれない(?) Watched 'Funny Pages (2022/USA)' #FunnyPages #OwenKline #DanielZolghadri #MatthewMaher #movie #film #cinema #映画 #poster #ファニーページ

12/21/2023, 2:34:56 PM

Awkwardly making their way through New York City, two brothers prepare to audition for the same role in an upcoming movie. Nicholas Shaya directs and co-stars in “The Audition Tape,” a 20 minute, episodic comedy that showcases the rolling banter of two Iranian-American brothers who might not actually be brothers. . Director: Nicholas Shaya (@nickshaya). Cast: Daniel Zolghadri (@daniel.zolghadri), Nicholas Shaya (@nickshaya), Will Higgins(@willyboyhiggins), Liz Demmon (@edemmon13), MC Nanda(@mccnanda), John McGill (@johnmcgill_artistcraftsman). DP: Jacob “Kuba” Bojsza (@kubsssssssss). Editor: Chris O’Brien (@christoffa_obrien). Music: Joseph Lee (@xjaelunax), Timothy Greer (@timgreermusic) . #TheAuditionTape #NicholasShaya #DanielZolghadri

12/12/2023, 2:56:59 PM

Tales from the Loop • Contos do Loop (2020) A série se passa em uma cidade fictícia em Ohio, nos Estados Unidos, próxima a um laboratório subterrâneo conhecido como "The Loop". Este laboratório realiza experimentos destinados a explorar os mistérios do universo e a desvendar os segredos da existência. Cada episódio conta uma história independente, mas todos estão conectados pelo impacto das experiências do laboratório na vida dos residentes da cidade. Ao longo da série, elementos de ficção científica e fantasia são misturados com as vidas cotidianas das pessoas, explorando temas como o amor, a perda, a família e a natureza da realidade. "Tales from the Loop" é conhecida por sua abordagem poética e contemplativa, bem como por sua atmosfera melancólica e visualmente impressionante, que se baseia nas obras de Simon Stalenhag. Disponível em.: Prime Vídeo _____________________ Ep.01 - “Loop” Criador.: Nathaniel Halpern IMDB.: 7,4/10 . . . #refugiodocinefilo #trechosdeseries #talesfromtheloop #contosdoloop #nathanielhalpern #simonstalenhag #rebeccahall #danielzolghadri #paulschneider #duncanjoiner #jonathanpryce #primevideobr

12/7/2023, 11:15:08 PM

É um bom filme sobre nosso caráter como ser humano, sobre depositar confiança até mesmo em pessoas que estão mais próximas de nós e até onde elas podem chegar para conseguirem o que querem. #boanoite #quartafeira #assistindo #filmes #dicadefilme #gostei #lowtide #marebaixa #paramountplus #repost #keeanjohnson #alexneustaedter #jaedenmartell #kristinefroseth #danielzolghadri #sheawhigham #camilaperez #teddycoluca #jamespaxton #nicholasbarasch #khailbryant #mikehodges #arieleliaz #dannybolero #johnmondin #devonmoyd #aprilmauger

11/2/2023, 12:26:38 AM

Funny Pages (2022, dir. Owen Kline) Un caricaturista adolescente rechaza las comodidades de su vida suburbana en una búsqueda equivocada del alma. Películas como esta son la prueba de que no todo lo que hace A24 es perfecto ni mucho menos. Si bien me pareció una idea interesante que exploren la vida de un adolescente que quiere ser dibujante de cómics, no encontré algo verdaderamente memorable en la película. Me pareció lenta y aburrida, francamente nunca supe hacia dónde iba por más que transcurrieran los minutos, y al final no encontré ningún cambio o progreso, todo se sintió que acabó en el mismo punto donde empezó, sin ningún avance para el protagonista. La consideraría una pérdida de tiempo la verdad. Dónde ver: Medios Alternativos Calificación: 4/10 #funnypages #owenkline #a24 #danielzolghadri #matthewmaher #milesemanuel #mariadizzia

9/29/2023, 5:28:19 AM

Listen to us reminisce about our formative years as we cover the Bo Burnham written and directed movie Eighth Grade. Let's see how embarrassing we can make this. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/neverseenitpod/episodes/246--Eighth-Grade-2018-e26sn6g/a-aa4a8qr Streaming on Max. #eighthgrade #boburnham #elsiefisher #joshhamilton #emilyrobinson #jakeryan #danielzolghadri #fredhechinger #imanilewis #lukeprael #middleschool #juniorhigh #movies #podcast #moviepodcast #podcastersofinstagram

7/16/2023, 4:00:07 PM

Funny Pages (2022) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Directed by Owen Kline · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Trailer (2022-07-20) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · @a24 #a24 #a24films #a24logo #filmtitlecard #filmtitles #filmtitlesequence #fontdesign #graphicdesign #logodesigns #logo #movielogo #movietitledesign #movietitle #movietitlesequence #studiologo #titlecard #titledesign #titlesequence #typography #funnypages #funnypagesmovie #funnypagesfilm #owenkline #danielzolghadri #matthewmaher #milesemanuel #mariadizzia #joshpais

7/10/2023, 2:00:00 PM

Shane Paul McGhie, Daniel Zolghardi et Jessica Barden joueront dans la comédie dramatique "Last Days of Basic Cable" de Max Winkler (AHS) 🎥 #lastdaysofbasiccable #shanepaulmcghie #danielzolghadri #jessicabarden #michaelimperioli #movie #comedy #drama #film #cast #news #promo #soon #tagyourfriends

6/17/2023, 6:04:12 PM

Low Tide (2019) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Directed by Kevin McMullin · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Trailer (2019-08-08) by @giaronomo · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · @a24 #a24 #a24films #a24logo #filmtitlecard #filmtitles #filmtitlesequence #fontdesign #graphicdesign #logodesigns #logo #movielogo #movietitledesign #movietitle #movietitlesequence #studiologo #titlecard #titledesign #titlesequence #typography #lowtide #lowtidemovie #lowtidefilm #kevinmcmullin #keeanjohnson #alexneustaedter #danielzolghadri #kristinefroseth #sheawhigham #jaedenmartell

6/6/2023, 10:00:00 AM

Intitulado como #marébaixa este é um filme triste sobre delinquência juvenil, durante a adolescência é difícil saber quando parar, ainda mais se não temos os genitores por perto. Os meninos #keeanjohnson e #jaedenmartell são muito bons, levaram o filme nas costas!!! Direção de #kevinmcmullin com #alexneustaedter #DANIELZOLGHADRI #KristineFroseth #SheaWhigham #JamesPaxton #dannybolero Disponível na #amazonprime e #ParamountPlus para assinantes Sinopse: "Os adolescentes Alan (Keean Johnson), Red (Alex Neustaedter) e Smitty (Daniel Zolghadri) passam o verão na costa de #jersey arrumando confusão. No entanto, a descoberta de um tesouro muda o rumo dos garotos e eles entram em um mundo de constante suspeita e violência." Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2b5dmkDUa4

6/1/2023, 3:34:48 PM

Funny Pages by @izzyaghahowa --------------------------------------- A bitingly funny coming-of-age story of a teenage cartoonist who rejects the comforts of his suburban life in a misguided quest for soul. _________________________________ Tag friends and follow @izzyaghahowa and @a24_movies_art_gallery for more 😀 _________________________________ #cinemaposter #alternativeposter #movieposter #posterart #movieart #filmart #posterdesign #filmposter #carteldecine #funnypages #funnypagesmovie #funnypagesfilm #owenkline #danielzolghadri #matthewmaher #milesemanuel #mariadizzia #joshpais #a24 #a24films #elarapictures #comingofage #comingofagemovie #mid90s #thefloridaproject #underthesilverlake #ladybird

5/31/2023, 2:11:00 PM

FUNNY PAGES (2022): ✍🏻 Escrita y dirigida por Owen Kline. Protagonizada por Daniel Zolghadri, Matthew Maher, Miles Emanuel, Maria Dizzia y Josh Pais. 🎬 “Sigue las andanzas de un joven y rebelde aspirante a dibujante de cómic que abandona estudios y familia para irse a vivir a una sala de calderas con otro dibujante de segunda categoría y descubrir así lo que es la vida real.” 🎥 “Funny Pages” es una de las películas que han pasado más desapercibidas de este pasado 2022. Una producción de @a24 (que hoy en día te da cierta categoría) pero que sin embargo ni se ha promocionado. Hay que decir que es una película desagradable, un “coming of age” que no tiene esa romantización de la juventud que tiene el subgénero pero que sin embargo consigue funcionar como la antítesis. 💥 La película es como el hijo feo de “Mid90’s” y “Ladybird”. No confundir “feo” con malo. la película es muy buena pero es extremadamente desagradable. Te revuelve el estómago des del minuto uno y no es explícitamente dura. En sus formas es muy noventera, y consigue lo que pretende. Parece cine indie de los 90. El grano, la suciedad, la ambientación… tiene alogo de Kevin Smith, pero nada romantizado. 💬 “Funny pages” habla de los flipados que somos los humanos en la adolescencia, de ese creerse que lo sabes todo, de las grandes aspiraciones en la vida. 🗯️ ¿Os ha gustado? Dejadnos un comentario con vuestras impresiones CON SPOILERS. Disponible en @movistarplus . 🎨 @danielburon

5/24/2023, 3:49:05 PM

Pasando página ⭐ (Funny Pages) 2022 Comedia 1h 26min Director y Guión: Owen Kline (@theowenkline) Daniel Zolghadri, Matthew Maher, Miles Emanuel, Maria Dizzia, Josh Pais, Stephen Adly Guirgis, Marcia DeBonis, Michael Townsend Wright, Cleveland Thomas Jr., Rob M. Anderson, Ron Rifkin, Tony Hassini, Andy Milonakis, Mitchelle Wenig, Sylvia Michael Martinez, Shane Fleming, Peter Lucibello, Constance Shulman, Charlie Judkins, Robert Cribbie, Randy Constanza, Pamela Dunlap, Devon Reiff, Michael Quinn, Tyrone Mitchell Henderson, Michael Citriniti, Buddy Duress, Gore Jones, Michael DiBartola, Jedediah Joseph Smith, Louise Lasser #Pasandopágina #FunnyPages #Cine2022 #CineUSA #Comedia #OwenKline #DanielZolghadri #MatthewMaher #MilesEmanuel #MariaDizzia #JoshPais #StephenAdlyGuirgis #MarciaDeBonis #MichaelTownsendWright #ClevelandThomasJr #RobMAnderson #RonRifkin #TonyHassini #AndyMilonakis #MitchelleWenig #SylviaMichaelMartinez #ShaneFleming #PeterLucibello #ConstanceShulman

5/22/2023, 9:53:41 AM

Moviegeek’s Thoughts on Funny Pages (2022) . . . A uncomfortably comedic coming-of-age story, “Funny Pages”, directed by Owen Kline, is a well-crafted, yet unsavory depiction of chasing your dreams told through the perspective of a misguided teen with unrealistic goals. It’s a raw and darkly humorous film about growing up that isn’t afraid to showcase a rather “unfiltered” outlook on life. 
Written, directed, and co-edited by actor turned filmmaker Owen Kline, this indie film takes a rather hectic, cynical approach to the overused “coming-of-age” structure, presenting a unique twist on a story we’ve seen countless of times before in film. This time, it doesn’t sugarcoat its subject matter. Produced by Josh and Benny Safdie, you can tell by its grunge quality that the film has Safdie’s fingerprints all over it, reveling in its grimy presentation and mean spirited authenticity.
Our main protagonist here is an incredibly unlikable character who relishes his role of eager observer in a world of sketchy elements, squalor, and insecurities. Played wonderfully by actor Daniel Zolghadri, this brash and sour adolescent artist gets caught in an infinite saga of horrendous decisions that spirals into a anxiety-inducing final act filled with gripping tension and engaging drama. Even though it’s a little difficult to connect with this protagonist due to his crass behavior, the film still manages to make you empathize with him as he faces a personal crisis. 
With its feverish momentum, claustrophobic framing, and uneasy atmosphere, “Funny Pages” is a bleak and occasionally funny coming-of-age story that’s as filthy and darkly amusing as the underground comics the main protagonist creates. This is a really captivating and frighteningly authentic page turner that’s fueled by it’s group of uniquely absurd characters and chaotic situations. . . . Final verdict: 🍿🍿🍿🍿 Worth your time #moviegeekreviews

5/17/2023, 5:15:17 PM

Tales From The Loop (2020) Trata sobre las vidas de los residentes de la ficticia ciudad de Mercer, Ohio, donde se aloja el Centro de Mercer de Física Experimental, conocido como The Loop, donde tratan de "hacer posible lo imposible". Basada en un libro de arte narrativo del mismo nombre, creado por el sueco Simon Stålenhag. Una buena serie de drama y ciencia ficción, a ratos cayendo incluso en la distopia a lo Black Mirror, pero con mayor profundidad. A ratos algo lenta, pero es una serie que se queda contigo. Yo la vi hace unos meses, y aún me pillo pensando algunas de las situaciones que presenta. #tvseries #serie #scifi #dystopia #drama #theloop #amazonoriginal #simonstalenhag #nathanielhalpern #rebeccahall #paulschneider #duncanjoiner #danielzolghadri #jonathanpryce #usa #2020

5/9/2023, 8:21:47 PM

Funny Pages (2022) - Owen Kline #funnypages #owenkline #danielzolghadri #matthewmaher #mariadizzia

5/6/2023, 2:11:48 PM

#FilmNews #Y2K FULL STORY LINK IN BIO Deadline is exclusively reporting that Sebastian Chacon and Lauren Balone are the latest names to join the cast for the upcoming A24 disaster comedy Y2K. #Irishcinephile #FilmBlog #FilmBlogger #MovieBlog #MovieBlogger #A24 #KyleMooney #JaedenMartell #RachelZegler #JulianDennison #MasonGooding #LachlanWatson #TheKidLaroi #TimHeidecker #EduardoFranco #MilesRobbins #AliciaSilverstone #FredHechinger #DanielZolghadri #SebastianChacon #LaurenBalone

5/4/2023, 1:51:20 AM

Jaeden Martell, Rachel Zegler, Julian Dennison, Lachlan Watson, Mason Gooding, Alicia Silverstone, Miles Robbins, Fred Hechinger, The Kid Laroi, Tim Heidecker, Eduardo Franco e Daniel Zolghadri estão no elenco de Y2K. @jaedenwesley, @rachelzegler, @juliandennison, @lachrwatson, @masonthegooding, @aliciasilverstone, @smilesguthrie, @fred.hechinger, @timheidecker #vitaminanerd #filme #filmes #film #films #movie #movies #movienews #cinema #y2k #jaedenmartell #rachelzegler #juliandennison #lachlanwatson #masongooding #aliciasilverstone #milesrobbins #fredhechinger #thekidlaroi #timheidecker #eduardofranco #danielzolghadri

4/23/2023, 6:31:40 PM

#FilmNews #Y2K FULL STORY LINK IN BIO Deadline is exclusively reporting that Jaeden Martell, Rachel Zegler, Julian Dennison, Mason Gooding, Lachlan Watson, The Kid Laroi, Tim Heidecker, Eduardo Franco, Miles Robbins, Alicia Silverstone, Fred Hechinger and Daniel Zolghadri are set to star in the A24 disaster comedy Y2K. #Irishcinephile #FilmBlog #FilmBlogger #MovieBlog #MovieBlogger #A24 #KyleMooney #JaedenMartell #RachelZegler #JulianDennison #MasonGooding #LachlanWatson #TheKidLaroi #TimHeidecker #EduardoFranco #MilesRobbins #AliciaSilverstone #FredHechinger #DanielZolghadri

3/29/2023, 2:24:11 AM

¡¡¡¡¡¡NUEVO PROYECTO DE A24!!!!!!🎥🎥🎥🎞️🎞️🎞️ A24 esta en la mira y esta vez se trata de un proyecto titulado Y2K, que será dirigido por Kyle Mooney ( #SNL) y donde confirma su elenco: Jaeden Martell ( #IT), Rachel Zegler ( #ShazamFuryOfTheGods), Julian Dennison ( #Deadpool2), Lachlan Watson ( #ChillingAdventuresOfSabrina), Mason Gooding ( #ScreamVI), The Kid Laroi, Tim Heidecker ( #Us), Eduardo Franco ( #StrangerThings ), Miles Robbins ( #Blockers), Alicia Silverstone ( #TheKillingOfASacredDeer), Fred Hechinger ( #KravenTheHunter) y Daniel Zolghadri. ¿Opiniones? #Y2K #KyleMooney #JaedenLieberher #JaedenMartell #RachelZegler #TheKidLaroi #JulianDennison #LachlanWatson #MasonGooding #TimHeidecker #EduardoFranco #MilesRobbins #AliciaSilverstone #FredHechinger #DanielZolghadri #A24 #A24Films #A24Movies #ButacaPrime

3/26/2023, 1:45:30 AM

#Y2K Mason Gooding, Eduardi Franco, Daniel Zolghadri y Tim Heidecker tambien serán parte de la comedia apocalipstica de Kyle Mooney para A24. #MasonGooding #EduardoFranco #DanielZolghadri #TimHeidecker #Scream6 #ChadMeeksMartin #RachelZegler #JaedenMartell #StrangerThings4 #UsMovie #KyleMooney #JulianDennison #AliciaSilverstone #LoveVictor #FunnyPages #A24 #LachlanWatson #JulianDennison

3/23/2023, 10:41:08 PM

Después del éxito de #everythingeverywhereallatonce y de #thewhale el Studio A24 esta planeando varios proyectos, uno de ellos cuenta con un gran elenco con un gran elenco que incluye a #aliciasilverstone #rachelzegler quien viene del estreno de #shazamfuryofthegods y #masongooding de #screamvi . El proyecto llevará por nombre "Y2K", y se ambientará en las vísperas de año nuevo de 1999 y se centrará en como dos jóvenes don nadies, se infiltran a una fiesta y esta empieza a alocarse cada vez más mientras se acerca la media noche. Además de tener a Silvestone y compañia, el elenco lo completan #thekidlaroi , #jaedenmartell , #timheidecker , #milesrobbins , #lachlanwatson , #juliandennison #eduardofranco , #fredhechinger , y #danielzolghadri . #a24

3/23/2023, 4:41:14 PM

🎬 Rachel Zegler, Mason Gooding, Jaeden Martell, Julian Dennison, Fred Hechinger, The Kid LAROI, Lachlan Watson, Daniel Zolghadri, Tim Heidecker, Eduardo Franco, Miles Robbins and Alicia Silverstone to star in A24 comedy «Y2K» from Kyle Mooney. • source: @deadline

3/23/2023, 4:30:06 PM

فیلم Funny Pages 2022  امتیاز : 6.3  زمان : 87 دقیقه  ژانر : کمدی  ستارگان : Daniel Zolghadri,Matthew Maher,Miles Emanuel  محصول کشور : آمریکا 73  امتیاز منتقدین داستان یک کاریکاتوریست نوجوان که زندگی آسوده حومه شهری خود را برای یافتن روح ترک می‌کند. #filmkadeaparat2 #cinema #action #comedia #dream #movie #funnypages #danielzolghadri #سینمایی_خارجی #هیجانی #کمدی #سینمایی #درام_کمدی #معمایی #جنایی #نتفلكس

3/20/2023, 9:26:26 AM

Today at https://psychodrivein.com Lost in Translation 434: Tales from the Loop (2020) Robots, strange metal appendages on buildings, even what appear to be dinosaurs are just part of the landscape for the people on the island. --- Read more of Scott's article at the link in our profile! #LostInTranslation #TalesFromTheLoop #AmazonPrime #SimonStalenhag #JonathanPryce #RebeccaHall #PaulSchneider #DanielZolghadri #DuncanJoiner #AbbyRyderFortson

3/17/2023, 9:01:30 PM

Glad to see Funny Pages on Edward Wright's best films of 2022, Owen Klines (the young actor of the brilliant The Squid and the Whale) ode to late-80s/early-90s dark indie comedies. Definitely one of my favorite films of the year too. #funnypages #funnypagesmovie #safdiebrothers #darkhumor #blackhumor #darkcomedy #comicmovie #comics #comicsmovies #comicmovies #robertcrumb #satire #satirical #owenkline #danielzolghadri #milesemanuel #indiecomedy #90s #16mm #comingofage #trashfilms #cinetrash #trashcinema #movies2022 #punk #punkmovies #punkfilm #punkcinema #anarchy

3/1/2023, 7:17:49 PM

#owenkline - son of Oscar-winner #kevinkline - makes his debut as a director with the indie #funnypages nominated at this year’s #independentspiritawards - The film stars #danielzolghadri as a high school student with a real gift for comics but not really for interpersonal relations. Join the society gang in watching Funny Pages and let us know what you think! #tnncs #whatwerewatching #societyscreeningroom

1/26/2023, 10:09:22 PM

Slightly twisted tale of a young aspiring cartoonist #funnypages #owenkline #danielzolghadri #matthewmaher #milesemanuel #mariadizzia #joshpais

1/17/2023, 11:34:16 PM

FUNNY PAGES (2022) ~6.5/10 • This is a film that seemed to be treading the same ground as ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL and GHOST WORLD. This film is more realistic but has the same kind of downtrodden dark humor. This film is much more downbeat than those films. As those films seem more cynical yet a bit more stylized. This seems rawer and victims of circumstances. Though this is just as funny at times. As mostly the joke is on the lead character. Who brings all Of this upon himself. Only in this film, there are no winners it Is more of a comedic meltdown. Of a young man who believes that he must suffer to be a true artist, From his privileged upbringing. He tries to be rebellious and anything troubled or dirty deep.  As expected he slowly Gets a wake-up call. That the audience from the beginning knows is coming. We want to root for him in his naive nature. As he wants to experience life. We see his continuing downfall. As he enthusiastically moves forward into a horror story of idealism. Each character, he comes across seems crazy skewed in some sort of way. The characters and film are somewhat grotesque at times. As it all seems grimy. The Aesthetic here is usually Close up And to Go for warts and all quality.  Basically wanting to always want to show us the ugly side of the characters. While also showing that every person is flawed in some way.  Even as this film is a coming-of-age story that offers few of answers. As the film makes its points but offers very little to make its Mark. Coincidently it comes off as a graphic novel story of It’s Own especially with its own drab presentation and darkly ironic sense of humor.  #2022 #Comedy #Comingofage #Owenkline #Joshpais #Mariadizzia #Seanpricewilliams #Hinterzimny #Erindewitt #Danielzolghadri #Matthewmaher #Milesemanuel #Stephenadlygurgis #Marcusdebonis #Michaeltownsendwright #Moviereviews #Cuttothechasereviews #Sundancefilmfestival #Cannesfilmfestival #A24 #Elarapictures #Joshsafdie #Bennysafdie

1/6/2023, 1:54:47 AM

I could feel the Safdies brothers fingerprints all over this, the style the tone, it all works well. It's bleak tone works wonders for the awkward dry humour, Daniel Zolghadri gives a breakout performance and the script is well written. Finally a film that utilises Matthew Maher well, he's such a underrated character actor. Loved the whole indie style of the film, but most of the characters are loud and unlikeable.  #funnypages #danielzolghadri

1/3/2023, 11:53:05 AM

Tales From The Loop - Temporada1Concluída✅ As aventuras alucinantes de pessoas que vivem acima do Loop, uma máquina construída para abrir e explorar os mistérios do universo, tornando realidade coisas anteriormente relegadas à ficção científica. Locais de produção: Winnipeg, Morden, Regina Baseado em: Tales from the Loop, de Simon Stålenhag Emissora original: Prime Video Episódios: 8 Idioma original: inglês Assisti legendado e no áudio original com: meu Pai Setup Tela: Smart Tv Philips 40' 3D 1080p🖥️ Som: Sony Home Theater 🔊 Dolby Digital Surround 7.2 Qualidade da imagem🖥️ assistida: 1920x1080 (1080p) #talesfromtheloop #contosdoloop #danielzolghadri #paulschneider #starplus #netflix #globoplay #telecineplay #telecine #disneyplus #rebeccahall #robertnahum #duncanjoiner #jonathanprice #danbakkedahl #stefanieestes #simonstalenhag #christinpark #dannykang #jodiefoster #nathanielhalpern #philipglass #paulleonardmorgan #hbomax #amazonprimevideo #jorginhofreiva #jorginho #freiva #freivafamily #familiafreiva Série disponível na plataforma de streaming: Amazon Prime Video Áudio Original: 🇬🇧 Inglês Dolby Digital 5.1 Essa série é muito dramática e até a música da abertura é triste. Essa temporada teve 8 episódios e em cada episódio mostra a vida de um grupo de pessoas dessa cidade onde todos vivem. Série muito estranha! Eles parecem estar nos anos 80 e mesmo assim existe uma tecnologia avançada nos robôs e máquinas que aparecem, essa tecnologia está relacionada ao Loop. Nesse momento está em um hiato e os criadores e produtores não sabem se continuam ou se cancelam essa série. Gênero: Drama, Ficção Científica Nossa Nota para essa temporada: ⭐ 10/10

12/30/2022, 6:49:15 AM

Almost too often in media are we presented the idea of opposition in the face of parental guidance and financial hardship as being romanticized when it comes to the venture of pursing art. I think what Funny Pages displays so beautiful is a total and complete antithesis to this notion. When Funny Pages starts, it seems as though the narrative is simply another story about a kid with an artistic talent pursing his dream in the face of all the tired clichés: parents disavowing him, unable to pay his bills, labeling school as a waste of time, etc. However, where it starts to become its own is when it illustrates the unfortunately more-often-than-not true consequences of such a pursuit. The world of professional art is a path that many follow, but few achieve. And when one pursues the path with nothing but high hopes and mediocre talent, only failure awaits at the finish line. Funny Pages demonstrates this better than almost any film I’ve ever seen. Furthermore, it does a brilliant job of shining a light at the world of artistic pursuits and showing how most people in the line of profession are often sick and psychologically misguided. It’s typically romanticized in cinema, but the reality is extraordinarily disappointing — and even sickening. Overall, this is one of the most unique movies I’ve ever watched. It’s a phenomenal and emotionally-devastating portrayal of the reality of chasing your dreams in the face of sensical opposition, and it affected me in a way that I haven’t been able to since shake. This is easily one of the best films of 2022, and it’s absolutely worth your attention. • • • #cinema #cinemalover #cinemalovers #cinematography #cinephile #cinephiles #cinephilecommunity #filmdirector #filmcommunity #filmreview #filmreviews #moviereview #moviereviews #moviereviewer #moviecritic #indiefilm #indiefilms #indiefilmmaking #indiefilmmaker #movielover #movielovers #movierecommendation #filmlife #funnypages #funnypagesmovie #danielzolghadri #owenkline #oscars #bestpicture #matthewmaher

12/20/2022, 9:36:07 PM

Always subvert. #FunnyPages Written and Directed by #OwenKline Cinematography by #SeanPriceWilliams and #HunterZimny • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • #a24 #elarapictures #joshsafdie #bennysafdie #danielzolghadri #matthewmaher #milesemanuel #mariadizzia #joshpais #stephenadlyguirgis #marciadebonis #myfavouriteshot

12/17/2022, 3:32:53 PM

Funny Pages by @diandrahrlmbng --------------------------------------- A bitingly funny coming-of-age story of a teenage cartoonist who rejects the comforts of his suburban life in a misguided quest for soul. _________________________________ Tag friends and follow @diandrahrlmbng and @a24_movies_art_gallery for more 😀 _________________________________ #cinemaposter #alternativeposter #movieposter #posterart #movieart #filmart #posterdesign #filmposter #carteldecine #funnypages #funnypagesmovie #funnypagesfilm #owenkline #danielzolghadri #matthewmaher #milesemanuel #mariadizzia #joshpais #a24 #a24films #elarapictures #comingofage #comingofagemovie #mid90s #thefloridaproject #underthesilverlake #ladybird

12/10/2022, 3:04:51 PM

Funny Pages (2022) There is an After Hours Film Society near where I live and got to catch this movie that I actually heard about a few months ago. A weird and stressful movie it turned out, about teenage boy breaking free from privileged life with parents with somewhat crazy results involving a stint in court and new odd friends. The young man is a cartoonist in the making, the freak accident involves his highschool art teacher and although he might seem father arrogant at times, it’s hard not to see a traumatised kid trying to figure out adult life. It does turn more and more bizarre – the characters mostly seeming directly out of a cartoon themselves – but I do enjoy it, although it is not particularly pleasant. It has a definite 1990’s American independents vibe to it. And having a teenage daughter myself I see it also as symbolic for the inner turmoil of teenage life and I how I just have empathy for that. I love the ending, how the comic book store provides that safe space for our protagonist, after all the craziness. Every teenager needs that safe space somewhere. Owen Kline, the son of Kevin Kline and Phoebe Cates – has written and directed and Daniel Zolghadri (Tales of the Loop) makes a very effective Robert that it is easy to like and, hate when he hurts his friend and in the en have real empathy with. Great job! Photo courtesy A24. #funnypages #danielzolghadri #matthewmaher #mmilesemanuel #michaeltownsendwright #marciadebonis #owenkline #afterhoursfilmsociety

12/7/2022, 5:24:15 AM

Today we go back the worst school year of our lives and visit EIGHTH GRADE! We break down the film, Bo Burnham’s career, and Ben has a VERY interesting story about plantains… 👀 APPLE: apple.co/3FiJru1 SPOTIFY: spoti.fi/3F0LcKS YOUTUBE: bit.ly/3gV19uh #a24 #eighthgrade #boburnham #elsiefisher #joshhamilton #fredhechinger #danielzolghadri #gucci #a24films #a24movies

12/2/2022, 7:17:24 PM