gelatin images

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𝗛𝗶 𝗙𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘀!!! 👋🏻 Perkenalkan kami dari tim PKM-RE 2024 dari Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto akan memperkenalkan riset kami yang berjudul "```Fabrikasi dan Uji Scaffolds Bone Healing Menggunakan Gelatin dan Ekstrak Daun Sirih (Piper Betle L.) Untuk Implan Kanker Tulang ```" Stay connected on our social media to stay updated, Be a part of our amazing journey!✨ #pkm2024 #pkmpendanaan2024 #roadtopimnas2024 #pkmre #pkmriseteksakta #kankertulang #ektrakdaunsirih #gelatin

4/30/2024, 7:59:15 AM

𝗛𝗶 𝗙𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘀!!! 👋🏻 Perkenalkan kami dari tim PKM-RE 2024 dari Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto akan memperkenalkan riset kami yang berjudul "```Fabrikasi dan Uji Scaffolds Bone Healing Menggunakan Gelatin dan Ekstrak Daun Sirih (Piper Betle L.) Untuk Implan Kanker Tulang ```" Stay connected on our social media to stay updated, Be a part of our amazing journey!✨ #pkm2024 #pkmpendanaan2024 #roadtopimnas2024 #pkmre #pkmriseteksakta #kankertulang #ektrakdaunsirih #gelatin

4/30/2024, 7:58:41 AM

𝗛𝗶 𝗙𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘀!!! 👋🏻 Perkenalkan kami dari tim PKM-RE 2024 dari Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto akan memperkenalkan riset kami yang berjudul "```Fabrikasi dan Uji Scaffolds Bone Healing Menggunakan Gelatin dan Ekstrak Daun Sirih (Piper Betle L.) Untuk Implan Kanker Tulang ```" Stay connected on our social media to stay updated, Be a part of our amazing journey!✨ #pkm2024 #pkmpendanaan2024 #roadtopimnas2024 #pkmre #pkmriseteksakta #kankertulang #ektrakdaunsirih #gelatin

4/30/2024, 7:58:08 AM

𝗛𝗶 𝗙𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘀!!! 👋🏻 Perkenalkan kami dari tim PKM-RE 2024 dari Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto akan memperkenalkan riset kami yang berjudul "```Fabrikasi dan Uji Scaffolds Bone Healing Menggunakan Gelatin dan Ekstrak Daun Sirih (Piper Betle L.) Untuk Implan Kanker Tulang ```" Stay connected on our social media to stay updated, Be a part of our amazing journey!✨ #pkm2024 #pkmpendanaan2024 #roadtopimnas2024 #pkmre #pkmriseteksakta #kankertulang #ektrakdaunsirih #gelatin

4/30/2024, 7:57:44 AM

Coconut and Strawberry Flavored Gelatin with real Roses 🌹 💌DM for inquiries #giftideas #gelatin #happybirthday #coconut #strawberry #iloveyou #nelsyshomemadedesserts #delicious #roses #bonitoregalo #foraspecialone

4/30/2024, 6:32:33 AM

. \ フォロー&いいね #プレゼントキャンペーン / ----------------------------------- 【応募方法】 「アカウントをフォロー&この投稿にいいね」で応募完了👌 @frailfree_project 増量リニューアル✨ 溶けやすい顆粒タイプのコラーゲン「コラゲネイドつめかえ用パック(150g)」とボトル&スプーンの豪華セットを抽選で15名様にプレゼント!🎁 【応募締切】 2024年5月16日(木)23:59まで ※当選した方には @frailfree_project からDMにてご連絡いたします📩 ※偽アカウントからのDMにご注意ください。 ----------------------------------- 手軽にコラーゲン(たんぱく質)を摂取できる 『コラゲネイド』の詰め替え用が 4月から150gへ増量リニューアルしました! 美容と健康のためにぜひお試しください🎁 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- 【注意事項⁠】 ・本キャンペーンは事前のお知らせなく変更または終了となる場合がございますのでご了承ください。 ・当選時にフォローを外されている、またはInstagramを退会されている方は当選の対象外となりますのでご注意ください。 ・ご応募は本規約に同意された方で、日本国内にお住いの方に限らせていただきます。(発送先も同じく日本国内に限る) ・お預かりした個人情報は、本キャンペーンの抽選、当選結果の連絡とプレゼントの発送(当選者様のみ)、お問い合わせ対応のためにのみ利用いたします。 ・当選はお一人様1回に限らせていただきます。 ・賞品の換金、交換はできません。 ・当選で獲得された権利は、他人に譲渡することはできません。 ・当アカウント以外からのDMを受信の上、トラブルに巻き込まれた場合など弊社では一切の責任を負いかねますので、ご注意ください。⁠⁠ ・本キャンペーンは、Instagramの運営会社の提供・協賛によるものではありません。 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- #新田ゼラチン #フレイルFREE #フレイルフリー #フレイル #フレイル予防 #コラーゲン #collagen #ゼラチン #gelatin #コラゲネイド #collagenaid #タンパク質 #たんぱく質 #プレゼントキャンペーン #プレゼント企画 #インスタキャンペーン #プレゼントキャンペーン実施中 #懸賞 #インナーケア #インナービューティー #健康 #美容

4/30/2024, 5:00:10 AM

Whirlwind of Colors 🍭 Blueberry, Coconut, Strawberry and Lime Swirl Cake✨ #cakes #dessert #jello #gelatin #kids #birthday #birthdaycake #fun #wigglycakes #pastries #jelly #jellyfam #vacay #gelatina #gelatinas #losangeles #blueberry #strawberry #lime #coconut

4/30/2024, 4:07:08 AM

Chocolate, face, pavement Black & white 35mm negative Printed on silver gelatin 8x10 glossy 1999 self portrait, San Anselmo CA I used the Alfred Hitchcock method for blood. First image is the negative going into the enlarger. #photographer #photography #blackandwhite #manual #chocolate #negative #print #gelatin #slr #nikon #em #50mm #lens #camera #scene #drama #dramatic #fx #reflection #sun #light #natural #macabre #teenage #teen

4/30/2024, 2:57:54 AM


4/30/2024, 2:01:17 AM

But... I don't really mind. I just want someone to understand me. For those I love, and for those who love me... I want to keep moving forward... and never look back. To 18-year-old me. THE_SHORT_MESSAGE #SH #Art #Gallery #ArtForum #Arts #theshortmessage #Silenthill #Vintage #Toned #Gelatin #Available #Photograph

4/30/2024, 12:11:46 AM

Joel-Peter Witkin, “Un Santo Oscuro” Los Angeles, 1987 Vintage Toned Gelatin Silver Print Limited Edition (Availability Upon Request) ©Joel-Peter Witkin All Rights Reserved . . . #JoelPeterWitkin #UnSantoOscuro #LosAngeles #1987 #Piercing #Erotic #Unique #Vintage #Toned #Gelatin #SilverPrint #LimitedEdition #Available #Photograph #BlackAndWhite #Photography #Artnet #Artsy #Witkin @JoelPeterWitkinStudio #EthertonGallery @EthertonGallery #Baudoin_Lebon @Baudoin_Lebon #BruceSilverstein @BruceSilverstein #FaheyKleinGallery @FaheyKleinGallery

4/29/2024, 11:47:02 AM

Kolagén/želatína Je to jeden z najviac nedocenených a podceňovaných zložiek potravy v ľudskej výžive. Veľké množstvo nášho tela sa skladá z kolagenu(až 50% bielkovín v tele). Spoločnosť je naučená jesť iba čisté mäso(svalovinu) bez kolagenu, čo spôsobuje nevývažok aminokyselin a časté zápaly, stres, rýchlejšie starnutie, bolesti kĺbov, šliach a choroby. Kolagenna bielkovina je silno protizápalova(maso je naopak zápalová potravina). Kolagén pôsobí na telo regeneračne a hnojivo hlavne vďaka veľkému zastúpeiu aminokyselin glycín, alanín, prolín a hydroxyprolín. Tie sú protikladom aminokyselín v mäse (cystein, metionín, tryptofan, histisín). Tryptofan je prekurzorom serotonínu, ktorý spôsobuje zápal imunodepresiu a starnutie. Histidin je prekurzorom histamínu, s ktorým ma mnoho ľudí problémy. Cystein inhibuje funkciu štítnej žľazy. Želatina znižuje hladiny cukru v krvi pôsobením na inzulín a zmierňuje a lieči tak cukrovku. Znizuje estrogén, prolaktín, kortizol a serotonín. Hojí vnútorne orgány ako žalúdok, čreva, tiež je vhodná na pooperačné stavy ako jazvy, šľachy, kĺby, vlasy, nechty, koža. Lieči artritídu, reumu, kolitídu, celiakiu, úplavicu, vredy, hemeroidy, katabolizmus a dokonca neurologické problémy. Bráni svalovej dystrofii a znižuje únavu. Lieči hyperglykémiu, inzulínovú rezistenciu, znižuje triglyceridy, chráni mitochondrie pred voľnými radikálmi, taktiez je protirakovinovy a bráni vzniku cukrovky. Denne konzumujem až 50g hydrolyzovaneho kolagenu. Nie je na škodu konzumovať aj 100g kolagenu denne resp. mať 50% bielkovín zo stravy práve z kolagenu/želatíny ak je telo v zlom zdravotnom stave. Nie nadarmo v minulosti vývar uzdravoval ľudí z chorôb(ideálne kostný a hovädzí kvôli pufa). #želatína #collagen #kolagén #regeneration #regeneracia #hojenie #healing #gelatin #hovadzivyvar #vývarzkostí

4/29/2024, 10:16:09 AM

Let’s talk IRON DEFICIENCY..... Millions of people (mostly women) take supplemental iron for life and still battle chronic anemia. How is this possible when only small amounts of iron are needed to maintain healthy haemoglobin levels and iron can be recycled by our bodies? While supplemental support, such as vitamins, minerals and some pharmaceuticals, when used appropriately are life saving, without a healthy digestive system and diet, often these compounds cannot be used properly by the body. Iron deficiency is not only caused by an inadequate intake of iron in your diet. Excessive blood loss (especially menstruation), times of increased need (pregnancy), excessive vigorous exercise (athletes) or a disorder (poor gut health) in which iron absorption is inhibited are also causes of iron deficiency. While bone broth is not high in iron, it is used by many integrative and naturopathic doctors as a treatment protocol for iron deficiency as it effectively addresses iron deficiency that is related to inhibited absorption relating to poor gut health. “Beef bone broths made from organic grass feed beef bones and bone marrow, will in almost every case, correct an iron deficiency. It can take a while but eventually it will work.” Vancouver Functional Medicine and Naturopathic Medicine Clinic As you can see from the testimonial I shared from Julie yesterday, her GP has been impressively surprised by the impact of regular bone broth consumption has had on her ferritin levels. If you or someone you love suffers with iron deficiency maybe it’s worth giving bone broth a whirl? Cup from the talented @matilda_studios 💛 #tonemade #tonemadebonebroth #bonebroth #broth #immuneboosting #immunity #boostyourimmunity #immunesystem #guthealth #gelatin #immunesupport #glycine #glutamine #arginine #selfcare #medicinalfood #healingfood #traditionalfood #traditionalremedy #antinflammatory #inflammation #antiinflammatory #highquality #certifiedorganic #ferritin #ironlevels #ironabsorbtion #git #healthydigestion

4/29/2024, 10:13:35 AM

I’ve been constantly running out of storage for months now so I spent a couple hours and a few hundred dollars at Best Buy today trying to come up with a solution for making my editing process easier. I found these pictures from my old DSLR and used it as an interlude to editing portraits (which I promise I’m working on if you’re waiting on anything from me). This isn’t what I normally share but it was my first time using a gelatin filter; the third photo is almost completely black without any edits and was my first (laughable) attempt shooting outside.

4/29/2024, 8:38:11 AM

Piña Colada Molded Salad Recipe _____Ingredients:_____ - 1 can (20 ounces) crushed pineapple, drained - 1 package (3 ounces) lime gelatin - 1 package (3 ounces) lemon gelatin - 1 cup boiling water - 1 cup cold water - 1 cup cream of coconut - 1 cup miniature marshmallows - 1/2 cup chopped pecans - 1/2 cup sweetened shredded coconut _____Directions:_____ 1. In a large bowl, dissolve lime and lemon gelatin in boiling water. 2. Stir in cold water and cream of coconut until well combined. 3. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until slightly thickened. 4. Fold in crushed pineapple, miniature marshmallows, chopped pecans, and sweetened shredded coconut. 5. Transfer the mixture to a 6-cup ring mold coated with cooking spray. 6. Refrigerate for 4 hours or until firm. 7. To unmold, dip mold in warm water for 10 seconds. Invert onto a serving plate and gently remove the mold. 8. Slice and serve the Piña Colada Molded Salad chilled. Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cooking Time: 10 minutes | Total Time: 4 hours 20 minutes Kcal: 240 kcal per serving | Servings: Serves 10 #pinacolada #moldedsalad #homemade #easyrecipe #gelatin #dessert #pineapple #coconut #marshmallows #yum

4/29/2024, 7:49:09 AM

🍍🥥 Dive into summer with these Pina Colada Fruit Jellies! Refreshing, tropical, and a little boozy if you choose! Perfect for your next sunny gathering! 🌞🍹 #SummerDessert #PinaColadaJelly #TropicalTreats Recipe Ingredients: 2 cups pineapple juice 1 cup coconut water 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup lime juice 3 tablespoons rum (optional) 3 envelopes unflavored gelatin Directions: In a saucepan, combine pineapple juice, coconut water, sugar, and lime juice. Heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat. If using, stir in the rum. Sprinkle gelatin over the mixture and let stand for 1 minute. Return the pan to low heat and stir until the gelatin is fully dissolved, about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture into molds or a shallow dish. Refrigerate until set, about 3 hours. If set in a dish, cut into cubes or shapes using cookie cutters. Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cooking Time: 5 minutes | Total Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Kcal: 120 kcal per serving | Servings: 8 servings 20 related tags #pinacolada #fruitjellies #tropicaldessert #gelatin #coconutwater #pineapplejuice #limejuice #homemadedessert #partydessert #easydesserts #refreshingdessert #summerdessert #rumdesserts #foodie #delicious #sweettreats #dessertideas #desserttable #instadessert #dessertoftheday

4/28/2024, 11:23:13 PM

vanilla panna cotta (very light, made with 0% fat greek yoghurt) with blueberry compôte.. let’s say there was a vision but it did not go entirely to plan. but it was tasty and soft! will retry soon. anyway enjoy a jiggle video :) #blueberrypannacotta #dessert #italiandessert #blueberry #pannacotta #foodphotography #delicious #homemade #yummy #instafood #foodiegram #foodlover #sweettreats #dessertlover #gelatin #creamydessert #zerowaste

4/28/2024, 10:42:17 AM

Tigasan mo pa bii 😅 nakatingin sayo ung bet mo 🤣 #hundredislands #kontingtigaspa #gelatin

4/28/2024, 7:36:47 AM

Nutella with Strawberry Filled Gelatin 💌DM for inquiries #nutella #strawberry #gelatin #delicious #smooth #gelatinadefresaynutella #nelsyshomemadedesserts #DM #partytime #ordernow

4/28/2024, 5:57:17 AM

# Good Morning Everyone! # My share sa ating dinner mmayang hapon #Buko Pandan and #Gelatin # Happy Sunday to all!

4/28/2024, 5:00:47 AM

Raspberry Icebox Cake **Ingredients:** - 2 cups heavy cream - 1/4 cup confectioners' sugar - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - 2 (3 ounce) packages raspberry flavored gelatin mix - 2 cups boiling water - 1 (10.75 ounce) package frozen pound cake, thawed and sliced - 1 (12 ounce) package frozen raspberries, thawed - Fresh raspberries, for garnish (optional) **Directions:** 1. In a large mixing bowl, beat heavy cream with confectioners' sugar and vanilla extract until stiff peaks form. 2. In a separate bowl, dissolve raspberry flavored gelatin mix in boiling water. 3. Place half of the pound cake slices in the bottom of a 9x13-inch dish, cutting pieces to fit as needed. 4. Drizzle half of the dissolved gelatin mixture over the pound cake slices. 5. Spread half of the whipped cream over the gelatin layer. 6. Place half of the thawed raspberries evenly over the whipped cream layer. 7. Repeat layers with remaining pound cake slices, gelatin mixture, whipped cream, and raspberries. 8. Cover and refrigerate the cake for at least 4 hours, or until set. 9. Garnish with fresh raspberries before serving, if desired. 10. Enjoy !!! **Prep Time:** 20 minutes | **Total Time:** 4 hours 20 minutes (including chilling time) | **Kcal:** 320 kcal | **Servings:** 12 servings #iceboxcake #raspberry #dessert #sweettreats #homemade #easyrecipe #foodphotography #foodie #delicious #dessertlover #whippedcream #gelatin #poundcake #yum #foodbloggers #dessertoftheday #indulgence #summerdessert #tasty #partydessert

4/28/2024, 4:32:09 AM

. 「もうすぐGW  やりたいことはいっぱいある」 大型連休、予定はもう決まっていますか?☀️ フレイル予防は「食べる」「動く」「つながる」こと! ゆとりのある大型連休のタイミングで日々の習慣を見直してみましょう🖊️ ----------------------------- フレイにゃんの日常 ----------------------------- めんどくさいことがキライで フレイルまっしぐらのフレイにゃんの日常をお届けします😺 心当たりがあれば、あなたもフレイル予備軍かも!? #新田ゼラチン #フレイルFREE #フレイルフリー #フレイル #フレイル予防 #コラーゲン #collagen #ゼラチン #gelatin #フレイにゃん #フレイル予備軍 #タンパク質 #猫 #cat #ネコ #ねこ部 #neko #にゃんこ #猫好き #catlovers #イラスト #マンガ #連休 #ゴールデンウィーク #生活習慣 #お出かけ

4/28/2024, 4:00:14 AM

Joel-Peter Witkin, “Woman Masturbating on the Moon” New Mexico, 1981 Vintage Toned Gelatin Silver Print Limited Edition (Availability Upon Request) ©Joel-Peter Witkin All Rights Reserved . . . #JoelPeterWitkin #WomanMasturbatingOnTheMoon #NewMexico #1981 #Piercing #Erotic #Unique #Vintage #Toned #Gelatin #SilverPrint #LimitedEdition #Available #Photograph #BlackAndWhite #Photography #Artnet #Artsy #Witkin @JoelPeterWitkinStudio #EthertonGallery @EthertonGallery #Baudoin_Lebon @Baudoin_Lebon #BruceSilverstein @BruceSilverstein #FaheyKleinGallery @FaheyKleinGallery

4/28/2024, 12:21:48 AM

“Low Carb” Peanut Butter Cookies 🍪 and Yeast-Free Kamut Soda Bread I don’t normally buy peanut 🥜 butter (because of the mold) but I had some to use up so I decided to make peanut butter cookies. To increase their protein, I added egg white powder, @lilsipper pea protein powder and @greatlakeswellness grass fed gelatin. The bread 🥖 is low carb because I added the above protein sources, along with @perfectsupplements bone broth. I substituted the yeast with baking soda and my homemade ACV. I used previous recipes to develop my own and I’m really pleased with how these turned out. 😊

4/27/2024, 10:26:32 PM

Created with AIPRM Prompt "Food Blogging / Cookbook Automation" HERE IS YOUR OUTPUT Whipping up a batch of this 😋Easy Coffee Jelly😋 for a refreshing and light dessert! Perfect for any coffee lover! ☕️🍮 Ingredients: 2 cups strong brewed coffee 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin powder 1 cup boiling water 1/2 cup cold water Whipped cream for serving Directions: In a small bowl, sprinkle gelatin over cold water and let stand for 5 minutes to soften. In a larger bowl, combine hot brewed coffee and sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves. Add boiling water to the gelatin mixture and stir until gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour the gelatin mixture into the coffee mixture and stir well. Pour into serving dishes or a large mold. Refrigerate until set, about 4 hours or overnight. Serve with a dollop of whipped cream on top. Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cooking Time: 0 minutes | Total Time: 4 hours 10 minutes Kcal: 100 kcal per serving | Servings: 4 servings #coffeejelly #jellydessert #coffeedessert #gelatin #easydessert #coffeetime #sweettreat #quickdesserts #coffeelovers #desserttime #foodie #delicious #instadessert #lightdessert #refreshing

4/27/2024, 5:00:26 PM

Come find us THIS weekend and NEXT weekend at: 4/27 Saturday: @montclair_farmersmarket 4/28 Sunday: @summitfarmersmarket & @morriswintermarket 4/30 Tuesday: @colesstreetmarket ——— 5/4 Saturday: @wwfarmersmarket 5/5 Sunday: @summitfarmersmarket 5/7 Tuesday: @colesstreetmarket 🛒🛍️⬇️⬇️Can’t make it to the market?⬇️⬇️🛍️🛒 Shop our products at @dutch_hill_farm_shoppe and @themeatshoppe_arcticfoods

4/27/2024, 3:22:21 PM

ژلاتین در بلوم های مختلف و کلاژن برند روسلوت و ژلنکس شرکت لوترا نماینده رسمی شرکت روسلوت و ژلنکس در ایران در صورت نیاز به هرگونه اطلاعات بیشتر با شماره های بخش فروش تماس حاصل فرمایید . ۰۲۱-۸۸۴۴۸۲۳۳۰ ۰۲۱-۸۸۴۸۲۳۳۱ #ژلاتین #ژلاتین_حلال #gelatin #collagene #peptancollagen #gelnexthegelatinspecialists #gelnexgelatin #rousselotcollagen #rousselot #lotra_co #پاستیل #ژله #پودر_ژله #دسر_ژله #شیرینی #شکلات #لبنیات #ماست #دسر_ژلاتینی #ژلاتین_حلال #ژلاتین_پوست #ژلاتین_استخوان #jellygum #more_gelatin #halalgelatin #gelatinhalal #گواهی_حلال #سازمان_غذا_و_دارو #انجمن_واردکنندگان_موادغذایی_و_آشامیدنی #مارشملو

4/27/2024, 3:03:47 PM

The beauty in making dimsums is in the simplicity of the process.... #soupydimsum #gelatin #steaming #chefdsouza #cheflife #asianflavors #foodphotography

4/27/2024, 11:23:17 AM

Ready bubuk gelatin by Hakiki😍🥰 ⏩ 1kg ⏩ 100gr Langsung DM/Chat admin @tintinraynertbk/ @tintin_goodbakeware yaa momss👍 SHOPPE TBK : Tintinrayner.tbk TOKOPEDIA : Tintin rayner toko bahan kue 08112793228 ADMIN LIA 08112743228 ADMIN LIA . . Order bisa juga  melalui : SHOPEE, BUKALAPAK: Tintin_goodbakeware, TOKOPEDIA : Good Baker's . WA 087847455770 - Eva WA 081911465600 - Fanny WA 085950707977 - Cynthia WA 081901002228 - Agnes Atau bisa datang langsung ke toko Jl.Puri Anjasmoro Raya no 50, Seberang Holland Bakery Semarang Barat🥳🥳 . #tokobahankue #jualbahankue #tokobahankueonline #bahanroti #alatbaking #bakingsupplies #grosirbahankue #bahankuemurah #tintinraynertbk #tintingoodbakeware #tokobahankuesemarang  #tbksemarang #packagingcake #tokoplastiksemarang  #botolplastiksemarang  #grosirbotolplastik #peralatankue #loyangkue #ovengalaxy #ovensignora #mixersignora #loyangsultan #jualovenlistrik #gelatin #hakikigelatin

4/27/2024, 10:49:47 AM

Joel-Peter Witkin, “Fakir” San Francisco, 1981 Vintage Toned Gelatin Silver Print Limited Edition (Availability Upon Request) ©Joel-Peter Witkin All Rights Reserved . . . #JoelPeterWitkin #Fakir #SanFrancisco #1981 #Piercing #Erotic #RolandLoomis #FakirMustafar #Unique #Vintage #Toned #Gelatin #SilverPrint #LimitedEdition #Available #Photograph #BlackAndWhite #Photography #Artnet #Artsy #Witkin @JoelPeterWitkinStudio #EthertonGallery @EthertonGallery #Baudoin_Lebon @Baudoin_Lebon #BruceSilverstein @BruceSilverstein #FaheyKleinGallery @FaheyKleinGallery

4/27/2024, 1:16:30 AM

Mutfağınızda yeni bir deneyim arıyorsanız, Jelyap Yaprak Jelatin ile tanışın! Dünyaca ünlü şeflerin reçetelerini kendi mutfağınıza taşıyın! #jelyap #jelatin #gelatine #gelatin #yaprakjelatin #leafgelatine #leafgelatin

4/26/2024, 2:02:52 PM

🍮 O nosso investigador Jaime Aníbal realizou uma atividade nos dias abertos da UAlg: “Vem descobrir o lado negro da gelatina ... (ação da bromelina)”. 🔎 Nesta atividade os alunos puderam ver a gelatina a partir de uma visão científica e não culinária. #ualg #cima #diasabertosualg #research #gelatin #foodengineering

4/26/2024, 12:07:25 PM

Did you know that gelatin has been in use since Ancient Egypt? The main reason why gelatin has remained in use for over 3,000 years is that it offers significant advantages over other hydrocolloids. - Exemplary water-binding characteristics - Excellent foaming stability - Viscosity modification - Gelation - Emulsifying and Binding properties - Elasticity - Film-forming properties - Protein supplement! There is no other natural ingredient in the world that combines all of the above-mentioned and necessary properties in just one food product. Link in Bio. #AncientEgypt #GelatinHistory #Gelatin #ゼラチン #明膠 #젤라틴 #เจลาติน

4/26/2024, 8:36:56 AM

I finally restocked my grass fed beef gelatin! Boy had we been missing it. When I buy snacks for my kids there is ALWAYS something I'm not so happy about either in the ingredients, or in how much unnecessary sugar there is... but when I make things like our home made jello or home made immune boosting gummies I feel GOOD about every bite. These are soooo simple to make, and the girls eat them up! I have to remember to can more juice this summer and fall. My favorite is to can peaches in white grape juice (the brand we use is organic with no cane sugar) and after eating the peaches we use the juice to make gummies! Interested in the recipe? Feel free to put a comment below and I'll teach you how! #jello #grassfed #grassfedbeef #grassfedgoodness #gelatin #gelatinsnacks #homemade #feedthefamily #feedyourfriends #feedyourfamily #nutritious #nutrientrich #kidsareawesome #kidsarethefuture #homesteadinggarden

4/26/2024, 7:35:04 AM

SPONCH GELATIN, a creamy strawberry gelatin mixed with SPONCH cookies and sweetened coconut gelatin, topped with half a cookie and sweet coconut flakes. #jello #gelatin #jellodessert #jellodesserts #yum #sponch #galleta #cookies #socal #gomita #gelatina

4/26/2024, 1:19:47 AM

Happy Friday fam! We’re kicking off our May Super Sale early. 20% off starts today 26 April right through to Super Tuesday, 7 May 2024. #supersale #saleweek #winteriscoming #health #fitness #immunity #wholefoods #organic #vegan #vitamins #supplements #bonebroth #gelatin #workout #carindale #brisbane

4/26/2024, 1:19:23 AM

Happy Friday fam! We’re kicking off our May Super Sale early. 20% off starts today 26 April right through to Super Tuesday, 7 May 2024. #supersale #saleweek #winteriscoming #health #fitness #immunity #wholefoods #organic #vegan #vitamins #supplements #bonebroth #gelatin #workout #carindale #brisbane

4/26/2024, 1:18:22 AM

🫐Gut healing gummies Why I love them - 🌟They are a great way to get in the essential minerals our bodies need. It combines amino acids (gelatin) and good carbohydrates (organic juice) to fuel your body. 🌟Gelatin helps to seal the lining of your gut, helps with digestion and food absorption, aids in gut health, helps if you have food sensitivities, leaky gut, or any other stomach issues. They also help to strengthen the nails, joints, and hair. It’s a win win win all around! RECIPE🫐🫐 32-38 oz organic juice no added sugar 1/3-1/2 cup @perfectsupplements gelatin Put a medium size pot on stove. Do not turn on yet. Pour juice in pot and then sprinkle the gelatin on top. Let it sit for 5 min. Put heat on low and stir to dissolve the gelatin into the juice. It’ll thin out and you’ll know it’s done when it just looks like juice again. Pour in glass pan and put in fridge for 2 hours before cutting into cubes. I like to have these before my workout in the morning! Save and let me know if you try them 😍🩷

4/25/2024, 9:40:14 PM