mindfulnessfood images

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#food #travel #sports #news #april #monday

As we get older we become less able to withstand stress or illness, recuperate from injuries, and learn new things.⁣ ⁣ ‘Longevity’ Red Stardust has been created from gifts of nature that have been scientifically proven to increase longevity. This mouthwatering powder can be used in smoothies, breakfast bowls, lattes, and more.

10/18/2023, 2:45:08 AM

Creo firmemente que nuestro cuerpo fue dado para cuidarlo. Te animo a que hagas consciencia al momento de alimentarlo. Y que hagas está pregunta. ¿ lo que estoy a punto de comer le hará bien a mi cuerpo? #nutriologaargentinabarajas #nutricionsaludable #mindfulnessfood

9/26/2023, 10:00:58 PM

Be resilient and resistant! @cibo.oooo 2017 This artist is fighting neo-fascism by covering hate symbolism and messages with food graffiti- again and again if necessary 🍋🧀🫛🍕🧁 Option for Mindfulness Practice: Journal prompt- What things allow you to bounce back in the face of adversity? #mindfulness #goodmorning #goodvibes #sjtherapy #sjtherapist #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #endthestigma #endfascism #fighthate #art #support #graffiti #nami #journal #journaling #foodart #mindfulnessfood #mindfulnessfoodie

7/14/2023, 3:27:26 PM

Ritornare al peso forma non è solo questione di cosa mangi, ma anche di come lo fai: In questo corso imparerai tecniche ed esercizi per migliorare il tuo rapporto con il cibo e conoscerai quali cibi ti permettono di aumentare il senso di sazietà aiutandoti a diminuire il girovita e a mantenerti magro nel tempo, mangiando. Pratiche di Mindfulness, visualizzazioni, piccole regole per la scelta del cibo ti renderanno il percorso piacevole, con risultati duraturi. Il corso è completamente ON LINE e sarà possibile fare domande e interagire. (se non potrai seguire le dirette non sarà un problema. Le lezioni rimarranno sempre disponibili per poter essere visualizzate anche in seguito) Grazie alla Membership di un gruppo privato su Facebook sarà anche possibile seguire gli approfondimenti tra una videolezione e l’altra. ❗ Per il programma completo, lezione per lezione, trovate il link in BIO #PSICOALIMENTAZIONE #SNELLImangiando #ilBUDDHAnonavevalaPANCIA #marilumengoni #alimentazione #alimentazioneconsapevole #alimentazioneonline #mindfulness #mindfulnessfood #alimentazionesana #alimentazioneesalute #alimentazionesalute #mangiareinpresenza #informa #estateinforma #nodieta #noalladieta

6/7/2023, 9:00:06 AM

¡La primera línea de chocolates creada para aquellos que quieren consentir sus cuerpos! 💛🍫 Con ingredientes reales 🌱 para que disfrutes plenamente de las bondades del chocolate con un impacto social y sensorial 🍫. #entrelagos #mindfulness #cacao #mindfulnessfood #chocolateria #chocolatelover #cacao #consentir #chocolate #sustentable

5/23/2023, 11:52:49 PM

Saturdays are for Stardust Lattes ⭐ Have you tried a Stardust Latte made with Mindful Foods Nutrient Powders? Choose from: ⭐ Stardust Blue: Immunity ⭐ Stardust Yellow: Anti- Inflammatory ⭐ Stardust Red: Longevity ⭐ Stardust Green: Detoxify (think Matcha Latte with even more health benefits) ⭐ Stardust Brown: Energise (I love this in my bullet proof cacao) Enjoy yours with @tilbadairy unhomogenised jersey milk or your favourite alt mylk. Laura and Ramona are serving these up today from 8.30am- 1.30pm. Grab a jar to take home and enjoy as a latte, in your smoothie, yoghurt (or also awesome as natural food dye in icing, cakes and ice cream!) . . . Repost gorgeous images from @mindfulfoods

4/22/2023, 12:51:37 AM

La alimentación es una elección, un proceso voluntario (aunque condicionado 🧠), es una DECISIÓN. Los alimentos que introducimos en nuestro cuerpo, así como el aire que respiramos, el agua que bebemos o las cremas que nos ponemos, nos nutren. Todas las sustancias, naturales y/o tóxicas que contengan, van a pasar a formar parte de nuestras células 🧫 Todos los antioxidantes que nos protegen del envejecimiento y deterioro prematuro, los minerales y vitaminas, oligoelementos o macronutrientes que contienen, van a ser la materia prima que nuestro cuerpo utilice para conformarse 🧴🥑🌱☀️💨💦 Te invito a cuestionarte qué estás eligiendo comer, de qué te rodeas y qué productos utilizas en tu higiene y la de tu familia ✨ Con Ringana encontrarás la mejor sinergia de principios activos 100% naturales y frescos 🌱 para nutrirte y cuidarte de forma saludable y sostenible ♻️ ¿Quieres saber más? Escríbeme un MD y te cuento 🤗📲 #elecciones #habitos #tiempo #futuro #salud #vida #estilodevida #mindfulnessfood #mindfulness #atencionplena #nutricion #habitossaludables #alimentacionsaludable #atencion #entrenamiento #saludable #bienestar #cuerpo #mente #descanso #emociones #naturaleza #amor #equilibrio #acompañamiento #saludintegral #nodesnadaporsentado #amor #prioridades #energia

3/12/2023, 5:07:48 PM

The healthy fats in our Yummy Beans blend arrive on a bed of nuts, seeds with a dash of olive oil. ⁠ ⁠ In order to make these nutrients as available & digestible as possible, we soak our nuts & seeds in a cultured & ph controlled solution in order to ‘activate’ dormant nutrients.⁠ ⁠ Why do we activate nuts?⁠ 🥜 To promote optimal digestion⁠ 🥜 To increase the bioavailability and effective absorption of nutrients⁠ 🥜 For that light, satisfying crunch!

2/16/2023, 1:58:10 AM

CUTE VALENTINE’S DAY IDEA! This will be sure to make an impression! Gift them a jar of dates with the promise that each delicious date in the jar represents a date they can also enjoy with you in real life 😉❤️

2/1/2023, 12:08:26 AM

Chestnuts are compared to other nuts low in omega 6, which makes them gut friendly or less inflammatory food. And it's a soulfood for me: warm grounded, for sweet and savory recipes 🐿️🌰 I used to eat crazy amounts of nuts pure, nut butter or such as nut milk. I thought that it's good for my brain and good fats... So there was a fatty craving. All long before I was eating animal fat diet. Great for my already broken gut. As soon as I switched to more saturated fats my nut cravings went down and my acne got better :) Now I make my own almond milk without the seedoil bs. I leave the almonds for two days soaked in water, peel them, mix it with clean water and then drink it. #chestnut #chestnuts #inflammatoryfoods #antiinflammatoryfood #gutinflammation #guthealing #mindfulnessfood

1/25/2023, 7:55:17 AM

Ever heard of Green Banana Flour? Here's just a few reasons why it is the bomb: 👉 Nutritionists say the ingredient is a nutrient-dense, gluten-free alternative to wheat and refined flours. It is rich in fibre, potassium, magnesium and vitamins, and contains little fat. It's also loaded with resistant starch and prebiotic which promotes gut health! Healthy Gut = Healthy Body! 👉 “For infants, it can be mixed in baby food or porridge, while adults can incorporate it in rotis, pancakes, crepes, waffles, breads or cakes. Mix it into smoothies or beverages to make a healthy, on-the-go drink! Rich in minerals, the flour is also great during pregnancy and post-pregnancy, and for treating conditions such as diabetes and obesity.” - suggested by health professionals Thank you @gripfoods for sharing the Banana Love 🍌 💕

1/19/2023, 4:45:00 AM

Jaké máte stravovací návyky? Jak často se Vám stane, že vynecháte oběd a po příchodu domů bezmyšlenkovitě sníte dvakrát tak velkou večeři, která je složená ze zpracovaných a nevýživných potravin, a ještě si k tomu pustíte televizi? Dnešní uspěchaná doba nás odvádí od vědomého stravování. Jídlem zaháníme emoce, přejídáme se a snažíme se získat dostatek energie. Naše pozornost směřuje k ruchu kolem nás, k našim telefonům a dalším povinnostem. Začnete-li se na jídlo soustředit a začnete-li jej vnímat, můžete znovu získat kontrolu sami nad sebou. Vědomým stavováním podpoříte funkci metabolismu, můžete snížit záchvatovité přejídání a budete se cítil lépe. Jak vypadá vědomé stravování? · Vyhraďte si na jídlo čas. Naplánujte si, co kdy budete jíst · Jezte v klidu, v tichu, odstraňte z místnosti rozptýlení · Zapojte při jídle všechny smysly. Soustřeďte se na to, jak jídlo vypadá, jak voní. Zaměřte se na veškeré chutě, které cítíte, poslouchejte křupání, jezte rukama · Myslete na to, že jíte. Jezte pomalu a žvýkejte. · Nepřejídejte se. A co ještě? · Poslouchejte se. Tělo si samo řekne, na co má chuť. Máte-li zrovna chuť na čokoládu, dopřejte si jí. Vychutnejte si ji. A nemějte potom výčitky, protože ty Vám ublíží více, než samotná čokoláda. · Udržujte balanc. Jezte pravidelně, ve stejný čas. · Vyhledávejte lokální a sezónní potraviny. Jídlo by mělo být co nejčerstvější a chemicky nezpracované. Vybírejte si kvalitní potraviny. · Po jídle se zaměřte na to, jak se cítíte, jak Vám chutnalo, co ve Vás jídlo vyvolalo. Pro začátek si vyberte jedno jídlo denně, ke kterému budete přistupovat vědomě. Až se pro Vás toto jídlo stane jednodušším, zaměřte se i na další jídla. #mindfulness #mindfulnessfood #mindfuleating #harmony #localfood #branakharmonickemuzivotu #sustainabilitymatters #zerowaste

1/13/2023, 9:01:00 AM

Quinoa is popular for good reason! The protein value of quinoa is extremely high (14%), and includes all 9 amino acids that the body must obtain through food. Go Keen-Wa!

1/9/2023, 11:34:30 PM

So excited to share this with you all. Here is a blog I wrote for @kulacollective reflecting on the year I decided to embark upon a journey inward by creating a monthly challenge for myself for the course of that year. Check it out and let me know if you can find an inspiration there for you. I have added the link to my bio. https://www.thekulacollective.com/blog-/new-year-self-discovery?fbclid=IwAR0JO4R4gMr5iutnf79eadTjid8aMxZ9eZ09aNY1-mqi8viu-ZUZA1IljvQ #yogapractice #kulacollective #journeyinward #soundjourney #soundbath #yogateacher #yogateachersurrey #breath #movebody #moveyourbody #reading #books #art #mindfulness #meditation #mindfulnessfood #music #journaling #soundpractice #posture #service #dharma #yogateacherstraining #300hryogateachertraining #yogaphylosophy

1/9/2023, 1:53:41 PM

¿Cómo es tu relación con la comida? Alimentarnos de forma correcta es algo esencial para nuestra salud. Y no se trata solo del tipo de alimentos que ingerimos, sino de nuestra relación con ellos. Al igual que vamos con prisas de un lado a otro y automatizamos tareas, de forma que las realizamos en piloto automático, nos pasa lo mismo con la alimentación. Comemos rápido, sin prestar atención al sabor o la textura y sin disfrutar de ese momento de auto cuidado. . Las técnicas de mindful eating ayudan a mejorar nuestra relación con los alimentos y con el momento de la comida. . Una alimentación consciente 🥗 nos permite llevar la atención plena a la nutrición. Con sus ejercicios 🧘🏻‍♀️ podemos aprender a escuchar nuestras emociones, nuestras necesidades corporales y nuestra intuición. Con este conocimiento podremos alimentarnos de forma más saludable. . El ejercicio de la uva pasa 🍇 es un primer acercamiento al mindful eating. Puedes realizarlo con algún trocito de comida y luego tratar de realizar una comida al día de manera consciente. Comer de forma lenta, observando los alimentos, oliéndolos y degustando su sabor a fondo hará que valores más el acto de comer y notarás la saciedad de una manera más natural. - Cuéntame en comentarios cómo suele ser el momento de tus comidas y si has practicado mindful eating. - Un abrazo, Sara —— #mindfuleating #alimentaciónsaludable #alimentaciónconsciente #alimentacionconatencionplena #alimentaciónmindfulness #mindfulnessfood #minfuleating

1/7/2023, 10:30:16 AM

È proprio nella frenesia che ci si deve fermare. È proprio quando non si ha tempo che è importante dedicarci del tempo. È nel pieno che è necessario creare un vuoto, creare "nuovo" spazio: aprire una finestra sul silenzio e respirarvi dentro a pieni polmoni. Entrare qui, lasciare fuori i pensieri, sedersi davanti ad una ciotola di Ramen fumante, respirarne il profumo e lasciar nascere un sorriso sul volto. Piantare un seme di pace nel cuore e annaffiarlo con un brodo caldo. #yumeramen #yumeramenrimini #yumeramencesena #yumeramenverona #mindfulness #mindfulnessramen #mindfulnessfood #soulfood #soulfoodofjapan #japanramen #yogalife #ramenworld #ramenlover #ramenaddict

1/2/2023, 11:45:05 AM

Como viene siendo tradición, despedimos el 2022 junto con @escueladehormesis con una de las herramientas hormeticas más potentes: EL BAÑO FRÍO 🥶 Aunque la explosión al frío ha sido utilizada por el hombre para fortalecerse desde siempre, puede que, desde que Wim Hof estableciera su técnica de exposición al frío extremo en sinergia con la respiración, haya surgido mayor evidencia científica que demuestra que esta herramienta tiene un potencial inmenso para mejorar nuestra salud y longevidad. La respuesta termorreguladora del organismo, así como su consecuente beneficio para la mitohormesis (la hormesis de nuestras centrales de energía, las mitocondrias), pasando por el fortalecimiento del sistema inmune, la reducción de la inflamación, la activación del tejido graso marrón, la mejoría en la recuperación muscular y el beneficio de la flexibilidad metabólica, son algunos de los múltiples beneficios de la explosión al frío ❄️💪🏼 Pero no sólo tiene beneficios a nivel físico, sino que es un proceso, para mi, terapéutico, ya que hay que atravesar el umbral de la incomodidad e incluso el dolor para obtener el beneficio. Esto fortalece nuestro cortex prefrontal, la parte de nuestro cerebro capaz de postergar la recompensa. Esta zona cerebral nos permite tomar decisiones más saludables a corto, medio y largo plazo por encima de la incomodidad y el esfuerzo, fortaleciendo el "músculo" de tomar mejores decisiones 🧠 Esta exposición al frío también eleva los niveles de ciertas hormonas y neurotransmisores asociados al binestar y favorece la relajación y mejora la calidad del sueño 🧘‍♀️😴 Para mi, es una herramienta al alcance de tod@s, cuyos beneficios superan superan con creces muchas otras intervenciones. ¿Te animas a probar?🏔🥶 #felizañonuevo #nochevieja #salud #saludintegrativa #mindfulnessfood #sistemainmune #nutricion #descanso #ejerciciofisico #naturaleza #contacto #hormesis #experiencias #aprendizaje #practica #vida #evolucion #estilodevida #equilibrio #epigenetica #alimentacionsaludable #deporte #vida #experiencia #elecciones #neurociencia #adaptacion #habitossaludables #añonuevo #2023

12/31/2022, 2:00:24 PM

🌈 Perfect Christmas Treat 🌈 Two Step Eros Smothered Chocolate Recipe: Ingredients: 2 cups raw cacao butter 1.5 cups raw cacao powder 1/3 cup maple syrup A good punch of salt ⁠Method: 1. Gently melt your cacao butter in a bowl over a pot of boiling water. Stir in cacao powder, then maple syrup and little water to loosen the mixture. Stir until just combined. Be careful not to over mix, as the oil and water can split.⁠ ⁠ 2. Pour onto a tray lined with baking paper, sprinkle with Eros, and refrigerate until set. ⁠ ⁠ 💜 Save this post for when you need a yummy treat! 💜

12/15/2022, 12:51:49 AM

Is this food or art? I love what is evolving in the inside of these two carrot sisters. Wow, how damn beautiful. Every cut a new piece of discovery and uniqueness.... if we're curious and take time for what we prepare and what we do in our body. #biodiversity #carrots #möhre #slowfood #redcarrot #mindfulnesseating #mindfulnessfood #carrots🥕

12/9/2022, 11:54:19 AM

Food & Fun Yellow carrot steaming #yellowcarrots #foodsteamer #simplefood #mindfulnesseating #mindfulnessfood

12/7/2022, 11:14:58 PM

✨Cinnamon does not get enough recognition ✨ 15% Discount on all MINDFUL FOODS Organic & Activated Nuts and Munchies for December!! Maple Munchies are Kombucha-activated pecans and walnuts covered with nut butter and a caramelly cinnamon crust. They're delectably crunchy and one of our best sellers! Not only does cinnamon make our mouths water and elicit fond memories, it also helps those 'naughty' foods be better for us. Polyphenol hydroxy chalcone is a bit of a mouthful, but a good one, as this compound in cinnamon increases the sensitivity of insulin which allows the cells of the body to use blood glucose more effectively, reducing blood sugar. Plus, the catechins in it reduce stress, further decreasing blood sugar levels. We don't have to tell you that less stress is also just awesome for your overall well being. Cinnamon additionally inhibits the enzyme that aids the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates, once again lowering high blood sugar levels. So, basically, cinnamon is the bomb 💣!! This is why Maple Munchies are great when you get those sweet cravings. #MapleMunchies are the perfect festive snack or addition to 🎄 puddings or desserts!! Shop the #MindfulFoods range today— link in bio!

12/1/2022, 8:55:32 PM

#FeedYourInnerWild When we act in solidarity with nature, in communion, building a future for us both, our lives take on a whole new world of richness and depth. With the land, as with each other, we are better together.⁠ ⁠ At Mindful Foods we prioritise sourcing ingredients that nourish our bodies and the earth. When we know our farmers and their agricultural practices then we can trust the food we're eating is having a positive impact.

11/10/2022, 11:04:14 PM

HAPPY NOVEMBER! Last month we ran a competition for your ideas on Mindful Foods recipe and product ideas. And WOW, we received some EPIC entries. So much so, it took us an extra few days to make a decision on the winner… but here it is! Congratulations Joel C. Who provided us with several amazing recipes, including this Super Immunity Soup - made entirely from Mindful Foods products!

11/4/2022, 3:49:38 AM

"Each moment is just what it is. It might be the only moment of our life; it might be the only strawberry we'll ever eat. We could get depressed about it, or we could finally appreciate it and delight in the preciousness of every single moment of our life." - Pema Chodron

10/24/2022, 9:46:39 PM

These are such a great snack for the week. Absolutely full of goodness and they tasty AMAZING 🤩 A great way to use up some pantry items, you can change the nuts for seeds, completely adapt to your own taste…. But this combination of flavours is SO GOOD!! 🌺 VITALITY TRUFFLES ✨ INGREDIENTS 150g Dried Apricots 100g Nuts of Choice (I used 50g each of Pecan and Brazil) 100g Dates, pitted 100g Dried fruit of choice (I used 50g each Cranberry and Goji) 100g Rolled Oats 50g Sultanas 1/4 Cup Protein Powder 1/2 tsp Cinnamon Coconut, sesame seeds, cocao nibs for coating. METHOD Place the apricots in a small bowl and cover with boiling water for 15 minutes. Drain well. Place the drained apricots and nuts in a food processor and blitz until combined, scrape down the sides. Add the other ingredients and blitz again until incorporated. Scrape down the sides if needed and repeat chopping if needed. Roll balls in 1 tbsp size amounts, then roll to coat in the coconut, sesame or cocao nibs. I did a few of each coating and left some plain. Transfer into a airtight container and store in the fridge. Posted by @cleaneats_breakfasttreats 🙏💜🙏❤️✨

10/17/2022, 7:26:30 AM

We know your brains are full of juicy ideas - and we want them!🧟‍♀️🧟 DM or email us at [email protected] with your product inspiration or recipe for your chance to win a $200 voucher! The winner will be announced on Halloween! 🎃 👻 🐈‍⬛

10/4/2022, 2:35:12 AM

All green salad topped with Yummy Beans! Salad • kale (roughly chopped) • grilled broccoli • grilled leek • Yummy Beans by @mindfulfoods Dressing • 1/4 cup frozen peas rehydrated in hot water (drained) • 1/2 a lemons zest & juice • 1.5 tbsp tahini • 1 tbs water • salt and pepper —use a blender to blend ingredients until smooth Throw everything in a bowl and mix until the kale has softened and the dressing is coating everything. Garnish with some more Yummy Beans - YUMMA 💚 Thanks @heaps.healthy 🙏

9/22/2022, 6:52:23 AM

Did you know we have 32 ‘Tea’ products? From the heart opening DMTea to powerful Firestarter, there is one for every day. Take a moment to sit, be with yourself or a friend, and relax with a cuppa ❤️☕️ See our full range via the link in our bio 🙏

9/7/2022, 1:57:55 AM

One of the best things you can do for Dad this Father’s Day is to give him a delicious way to help maintain his health. Longevity Stardust is a mouthwatering powder that can be used in smoothies, breakfast bowls, and lattes. But it’s more than that. The natural ingredients have been shown to help us live a longer, happier life. As a Father’s Day special, buy Red Stardust in conjunction with Chillax Brew and we will add in a free jar of our ever-popular Maple Munchies. Dads like to think they are invincible. ‘Longevity’ Red Stardust puts more truth into this thought. He gave you the gift of life - now it’s your turn to give it back to him. Click the link in our bio 🙌❤️

8/24/2022, 8:19:24 AM

As we get older we become less able to withstand stress or illness, recuperate from injuries, and learn new things. Dads like to think they are invincible, but they aren’t. One of the best things you can do for Dad this Father’s Day is to give him an easy and delicious tool to keep his body and mind strong. ‘Longevity’ Red Stardust has been created from gifts of nature that have been scientifically proven to increase longevity. This mouthwatering powder can be used in smoothies, breakfast bowls, lattes, and more. We’ll explain more about Red Stardust’s powers, and the science behind the ingredients, in our next newsletter (so keep an eye out for that, and if you aren’t already signed up now is the time!). Disclaimer: May make your Dad feel even more invincible.

8/18/2022, 10:11:43 AM

Te invito a tomarte un minuto en el día de hoy para visualizarte en el futuro, dentro de 5 años… 💭 ¿Dónde estás? ¿Qué mantienes y qué has dejado atrás? ¿Cómo de saludable te ves? ¿Y de satisfech@? ¿Quienes te rodean? ¿Has logrado alguno de tus objetivos y metas? Y la reflexión es: ➡️¿Qué puedes poner en marcha HOY para que ese futuro se haga realidad? Te animo a construir un plan de acción y dirigirte hacia el objetivo, dando los pasos necesarios en esa dirección, con la motivación e ilusión necesarias para hacerlo posible ✨ Y si te apetece ir de la mano en este proceso, ¡te acompaño! 🤗 Junt@s estableceremos los hábitos y rutinas necesarios para construir el futuro que imaginas. De la mano siempre es más enriquecedor 💕 Te leo 📲 #elecciones #gratitud #tiempo #futuro #salud #vida #estilodevida #mindfulnessfood #mindfulness #atencionplena #nutricion #habitossaludables #alimentacionsaludable #atencion #entrenamiento #saludable #bienestar #cuerpo #mente #descanso #emociones #naturaleza #amor #equilibrio #acompañamiento #saludintegral #nodesnadaporsentado #amor #prioridades #energia

8/13/2022, 4:56:58 PM

👍Ingerir la correcta cantidad de #grasa saludable a diario es imprescindible para estar sano y conseguir tus objetivos. Las principales fuentes de grasa saludables que deberíamos incluir ens nuestra alimentación son: 🕊️ Aceite de oliva VIRGEN 🥑 Aguacate 🥜🌰 Frutos secos y semillas 🍫 Cacao 🐟 Pescado azul 🥚Huevos (yema) 🥛Derivados lácteos ENTEROS priorizando los fermentados (yogur o kéfir de cabra u oveja) 🥥 Aceite de coco virgen extra #grasasaludable #realfooding #realfood  #nutricion #salmon #aguacate #poliinsaturada #healthyfats #dietetica #saludable #healthy #frutossecos🌰 #cabra #oveja #fermentado #huevo #mindfulnesseating #mindfulnessfood

8/11/2022, 12:44:24 PM

No des nada por sentado, nada está garantizado en esta efímera existencia 🌎 Pero tienes este instante ✨ este momento presente en el que respiras y tu corazón late, disfrútalo 🙏🏼 #elecciones #gratitud #tiempo #futuro #salud #vida #estilodevida #mindfulnessfood #mindfulness #atencionplena #nutricion #habitossaludables #alimentacionsaludable #atencion #entrenamiento #saludable #bienestar #cuerpo #mente #descanso #emociones #naturaleza #amor #equilibrio #acompañamiento #saludintegral #nodesnadaporsentado #amor #prioridades #energia

8/9/2022, 11:11:16 AM