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During my final ultrasound appointment while pregnant with my daughter, the tech told me to start to pay attention to when my daughter was active and when she was less active. She said in the final weeks, this would be an indicator of when she would be most awake and most sleepy once she was born. My heart sank as I thought to myself about how many times I was woken up at midnight, 2 am, 4 am by her kicks. This is not a fear post by any means, but that ultrasound tech was 100% accurate I do fear. **On a positive note, there are solutions to resolving day/night confusion with a newborn. Send this post to a friend whose baby is partying all night and an angel during the day. Also special shoutout to @hatchforsleep who makes the best sound machine that has multi-uses. We use the white noise setting for night time to drown out the traffic sounds (city life), red light feature for tending to our daughter during a night wake, and green light in the morning to tell her it's time to start her day. ____________________________ #newbornsleep #newparents #newparenttip #36weeks #thirdtrimesterfeels #newbornbaby #newbornsleephelp #hatchsoundmachine #babysleeptips #postpartum #newmamatips #newmamalife

5/16/2024, 7:45:28 PM

Benefits of safe bedsharing: ❤️Increases contact between a baby and its primary caregiver. A baby’s greatest need is connection and closeness to its primary caregiver. “Humans thrive on touch and the more an infant gets of it, the more they grow!” Dr. James McKenna ❤️Bedsharing leads to children being more independent and confident as they grow up. In a study done by Goldberg & Keller in 2007, it was found that by age 2, babies who coselpt were “more secure being left alone and able to initiate problem-solving in the absence of an adult.” In a study done by Lewis & Janda in 1988, it was found that adults aged 18 to 23 who had coslept were found to have higher self-esteem and less anxiety. 

 ❤️Bedhsharing allows a mother and baby’s sleep to sync up which is a natural protection against SIDS. “During cosleeping maternal-infant behavior and physiology become entwined by way of a synchronous partner induced arousals and communication, “Dr. James McKenna. To put it simply: mom and baby stay connected and can continue to communicate while sleeping. ❤️Bedsharing facilitates nighttime breastfeeding as well as helps maintain a mother’s supply. Breastfeeding babies who bedshare tend to wake up more often throughout the night to eat- this helps in maintaining Mom’s milk supply. After the eight week mark in a baby’s life breastmilk supply is no longer hormonally driven. After 8 weeks, supply is driven by demand (meaning how much milk is emptied from the breast). Frequent night feedings allow the breast to be emptied more frequently which will then help with supply. Prolactin (the milk-producing hormone) levels are highest at night because babies are designed to eat at night. Frequent night feeds are made easier by having mom and baby close together. Did you know all of these benefits to bedsharing? Comment below! Many families begin bedsharing around the 4 month mark because of disrupted sleep due to the 4 month sleep progression. If you are at or approaching the 4 month mark download my ✨free✨ 4 Month Sleep Progression Guide. Simply comment FOUR below and I’ll send it to you!

5/3/2024, 8:57:16 PM

How can I help you in the 4th trimester? Message me to have a chat about doula support. Postnatal support could be ❤️ sharing a cuppa and listening to your experiences ❤️ making your lunch ❤️ holding baby whilst you shower or nap ❤️ organising laundry or baby clothes ❤️ preparing a family dinner ❤️ breastfeeding support ❤️ tips of how to soothe baby ❤️ taking baby for a walk ❤️ helping you to get out of the house ❤️ going to the hairdressers with you, so you can relax, knowing there's an extra pair of hands ❤️ talking through your birth experience No new mama ever regrets getting some help #postnatalplanning #4thtrimester #babydue2024 #newbaby #newmama #newmamatips #newborntips

4/25/2024, 1:58:44 PM

Dear Diary, ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The weekends have quickly made me realize how little is able to get done during the week as a working mom. How Friday hits and the anxiety revolving around how messy the house is, how much laundry is piling up, how little time I’ve actually spent with my baby, and how tired I feel after a long week of work is at an all time high. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Then the weekend hits and the time I’m gifted to play catch up, play with my daughter, go for a hike, pour more into my wellness community, sip a cup of tea while she naps in the morning, and even fill my day with all of my non-negotiables, rather than just a few of them makes me feel like a failure during the week. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Until I started counting up my small wins. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Dishes washed before her bathtime so that once she’s asleep I could decompress for longer. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Dinner made in less than a half hour. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I did really well on my formal observation. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ My baby started saying “mama” when she’s hungry so I must be doing something right. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I had time to make Steve and I breakfast one day last week. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ She slept through the night every night. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I did my oily morning routine every morning. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I made it through a week sick free. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I prepped everything for our zoo field trip a week in advance. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Work wins. Life wins. Personal wins. THEY ALL ADD UP. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Don’t let the weekends fool you. You’re an absolute rockstar during the week and it should be celebrated. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Name a few small wins you experienced last week in the comments and every time you feel that anxiety creep in this week, remind yourself of a few small wins you just accomplished. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Love, A very busy working mama . . . . . . #workingmama #newmamatips #newmama #postpartumlife #postpartumsupport #maternalmentalhealth #motherhoodquotes #motherhoodmoments #motherhoodunfiltered #motherhoodlens

4/15/2024, 2:20:18 AM

Comment PODCAST to listen to my conversation with @rootedinroutine. We place so much blame on ourselves if our toddlers end up more particular. We ask ourselves: Did I not introduce enough textures or flavors? Is it because we didn't get 100 foods before one? Did we not do enough family meals? Here's the truth: Toddlers are growing less and have decreased intake needs. Toddlers like to be independent and have autonomy as they learn about the outside world. Toddlers don't like things that are different or new. A lot depends on temperament, which is out of our control. You don't want to miss this podcast because everyone will benefit from listening! Is your baby, toddler or preschooler picky? Tell us about it! #pickyeater #toddlerlife #lifewithatoddler #pickybabies #babyfood #babyfoodies #babyeating #babyfeeding #newmomlife #newmommy #newmamatips

4/8/2024, 6:00:30 PM

☀️ Μανούλα αυτό το post είναι για εσένα ! ☀️ 5 βασικά αλλά σημαντικά tips, για να σε συντροφεύσουν και να σε ενδυναμώσουν ούτως ώστε να διασχίσεις αυτό το ταξίδι με αυτοπεποίθηση και χαρά! Από την αυτοφροντίδα, μέχρι το δέσιμο με το μωράκι σου, μην ξεχνάς τα παραπάνω, όσο απλά και αν μοιάζουν! Εξάλλου τα απλά είναι και τα πιο σημαντικά! 💖 🛀 Φρόντισε τον εαυτό σου όπως σε ευχαριστεί! Μια βόλτα, ένα μπάνιο, μια αγκαλιά, ένα ζεστό πιάτο με το αγαπημένο σου φαγητό! Ό,τι και αν είναι αυτό που σε ευχαριστεί, απόλαυσε το! 🚼 Αγκάλιασε το μωράκι σου, χάιδεψε το, ζούληξε το! Κάντε επαφή δέρμα με δέρμα (skin to skin)! Θα ηρεμήσετε, θα χαλαρώσετε και θα συνδεθείτε! 🧘‍♀️Ξεκουράσου και κοιμήσου όποτε μπορείς! Σε κάθε ευκαιρία να βρες λίγο χρόνο για χαλάρωση! Επειδή ο χρόνος είναι πολύτιμος, ακόμη και αν πρακτικά δεν μπορείς να κοιμηθείς ή θες να διώξεις την ένταση, υιοθέτησε μια μικρή χαλαρωτική κίνηση που δουλεύει για εσένα, πχ ένα αντιστρές μπαλάκι! 👭 Ζητά βοήθεια κάθε φορά που τη χρειάζεσαι! Από τον/τη σύντροφο, τη βοηθό μητρότητας, την οικογένεια, τον περίγυρο! Εξήγησε ακριβώς αυτό που χρειάζεσαι! Είμαστε δίπλα σου! 🫶 Εμπιστεύσου το ένστικτο σου! Κανείς δεν ξέρεις καλύτερα από εσένα το μωρό σου! Είστε μια δυάδα που θέλει τον χρόνο της! Κάθε σου επιλογή και απόφαση πηγάζει από μέσα σου, και κανείς δεν μπορεί να αμφισβητήσει την κρυμμένη εσωτερική σου δύναμη! #βοηθοσμητροτητας #βοηθοιμητροτητας #μητροτητα #νεαμαμα #doula #doulasupport #newmamatips

4/4/2024, 4:58:51 PM

It’s that time of year again! ☀️ The end of daylight savings is approaching and I have 3 different approaches you can use for adjusting. ☀️Prepared mamma ☀️Hope for the best mamma ☀️Living under a rock mamma You do you, none are wrong! Slide into my DMs if you’re feeling a little confused and I can help you through the transition. #sleepconsultantaustralia #sleepconsultingmelbourne #sleepconsultingbrisbane #sleepconsultingsydney #smallbusinessaustralia #workingmama #melbournemums #mymotherhood #needsleep #sleepbabysleep #babysleepcoach #sleepconsultant #tiredmama #mothering #tiredasamother #modernmama #safesleep #sleeptraininghelp #mumtips #mummymoments #supportingmums #babysleeptip #troublesleeping #newmamatips #sleepsupport #workingmums #babysleeping #newdad #parenting101 #mumslife

3/31/2024, 8:15:59 AM

Are your kids tag teaming their naps and you feel like you never get 5 minutes to yourself? Let’s team up and take them down! Ok, just kidding... but let’s team up and give you back some you-time in your days. If you are ready to make real change with your family’s sleep, DM me and we can find the perfect package for you. #sleepconsultantaustralia #sleepconsultingmelbourne #sleepconsultingbrisbane #sleepconsultingsydney #smallbusinessaustralia #workingmama #melbournemums #mymotherhood #needsleep #sleepbabysleep #babysleepcoach #sleepconsultant #tiredmama #mothering #tiredasamother #modernmama #safesleep #sleeptraininghelp #mumtips #mummymoments #supportingmums #babysleeptip #troublesleeping #newmamatips #sleepsupport #workingmums #babysleeping #newdad #parenting101 #mumslife

3/16/2024, 7:55:25 AM

Dry Skin   Is your newborn’s skin is starting to become dry & flaky, especially on their hands, feet & stomach?   Don’t stress, this is normal especially in the first few weeks of life.   Why does this happen? * Your baby has come from a completely ‘water’ based environment & they are now exposed to a completely new environment. * While in utero your baby is covered in vernix (which moisturises & protects their skin). Once they are born this can often be wiped away, causing the skin to start to dry out.   What can you do? * Try to leave as much of the vernix on your baby * Delay the first bath until at least after 24 hours (longer if better) * Moisturise twice a day with unscented moisturiser * Use a bath oil * Try to keep baths under 10 min in length * Bath every 2-3 days rather than every day * Avoid harsh soaps as these can dry the skin quickly * Use water-based baby wipes   Skincare Products I love * QV baby moisturiser @qvskincare * QV bath oil * Gaia natural baby moisturiser @gaia_skin_naturals * Gaia natural baby bath & body wash * Gaia Natural baby wash Sleeptime * Water wipes @waterwipes

3/12/2024, 9:00:00 AM

Being prepared when you're anticipating for baby's first doctor visit is crucial since this initially sets the baseline for your LO's health.⁠ ⁠ Know more tips by visiting the link in bio 📖 #edamamaph #ParentingMadeEasy #newmamatips

3/5/2024, 10:00:26 AM

Just like that, it's March 1st already! We dedicated the first two months of 2024 answering commonly asked questions about how to prepare for not just for your baby but for your own postpartum recovery as well. We shared our newborn, postpartum, and breastfeeding must-haves, and we discussed important postpartum topics like postpartum depression, Diastasis Recti, and more. Our goal is to help expecting and new mamas feel confident and empowered throughout their motherhood journey, so you already know we have more #newmamatips coming! What do we have planned for March? You'll have to wait until Monday to find out! Until then, here's a friendly reminder about some of the digital products we offer that help mama with newborn and postpartum planning. Check out our website for more details! #digitalproducts #digitaldownload #postpartumplan #postpartumplandownload #newbornmusthaves #postpartummusthaves #breastfeedingmusthaves #organizedmama #postpartumawareness #postpartumjourney #newmomlife

3/1/2024, 6:39:10 PM

We know it can be quite confusing to navigate motherhood especially if you're a new mama, so you can save this checklist as a daily reminder 💓⁠ ⁠ Few days to go before our New Mama Expo! Pre-register for FREE in the link in bio🤰 #edamamaph #ParentingMadeEasy #newmamatips

2/28/2024, 11:00:30 AM

Pumping is hard work and we all want to be able to use every last drop - but sometimes this can be tricky. There’s lots of info out there about storing breastmilk, we’ve done the research so you don’t have to. We love Emily Oyster’s clear and practical advice on this subject. Check out our latest blog (via the link in our bio or on our site) for the link to her full article.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #breastmilkstorage #breastmilk #breastmilkproduction #howtostorebreastmilk #freezingbreastmilk #breastmilkinfo #newmamatips #breastfeedingblog #breastfeedinginfo #juliscookieco

2/28/2024, 10:44:12 AM

If you're an expecting mama and baby swaddling is something new to you, these are some benefits for wrapping your little burrito bean 🤱⁠ ⁠ Tap the link in bio to read more 📖 #edamamaph #ParentingMadeEasy #newmamatips

2/27/2024, 2:00:42 PM

Why did I do that? We’re all doing the best we can! Sometimes you might think something you did maybe wasn’t the “best”. You simply learn and move on. Don’t waste energy beating yourself up, it doesn’t help anyone. Share this with a mama who you think is doing the best job 💜 #sleeptraining #sleeptrainingconsultant #certifiedsleepconsultant #sleepconsultingbrisbane #sleepconsultantsydney #sleepconsultantaustralia #sleeptraining #mumsinbusiness #pregnancy #earlychildhood #tiredmum #newmamatips #firsttimemumscommunity #sleeptipsfortiredparents

2/22/2024, 8:54:03 AM

I recently worked with Amanda & Tahlee in my New Year, Better Sleep Package. The biggest win we had, was taking away the anxiety and stress of navigating sleep for mum! This is EVERYTHING. If you are sick and tired of stressing about your little one's sleep, let's work together. In my 1:1 packages, we will work together hand in hand everyday so that you can feel empowered to become COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT with your little one's sleep! Book a discovery call today and we can chat about how we can get you there. Link is in my bio or send me a DM 🫶 #honestmotherhood #sleephelp #childdevelopment #childsleepconsultant #bettersleepcycles #sleepingbaby #gentlesleeptraining #sleepconsultingsuccess #sleepsupportforkids #sleeptrainingprogram #sleeptrainingsupport #sleeptrainingexpert #beingamum #newmamatips #fourthtrimestermama

2/20/2024, 8:54:04 AM

💩 💩 💩 Baby Poop. Is your little one struggling to poo? Are they getting distressed? Are they straining? Give these tips a go to help your little one pass stool easier!! Remember to always seek a medical review if you are concerned. #themchmama #maternalchildhealth #maternalhealth #childhealthcare #childhealth #babyhealth #babyhealthcare #newbornhealth #newbornhealthcare #babytips #babytipsandtricks #newborntips #babypoo #babystool #babyconstipation #parentingtips #parentingtipsandtricks #parentingtips101 #newparentsupport #newmama #newmamatips #newparenttips #newparentstips #newparentslife #newparentadvice #parentingishard #parentingtheshitoutoflife #localhealthsupport

2/18/2024, 9:00:00 AM

✨5 Common postpartum misconception PEOPLE EDITION Have you experienced any? Let us know in the comments below 👇 ✨Requiring baby's information - Some people are nosey and want to know everything or keep messaging. Take your time. It is completely up to you if you decide and when you decide to share anything about your new addition. No one has a right to know. anything. It is purely your choice. ✨Not announced visits - Some of the worst visits might be the ones that are not announced. You have a right to say NO. ✨Expecting to hold the baby - Some visitors come & the only thing the focus on if the get to hold the baby. You are the most important and so is your baby, if you don't feel comfortable for the baby being passed say NO or have the baby in your carrier close to you. ✨Unsolicited advice - Unfortunately lot of people love to give advice without being asked. Sometimes they are hurtful. You can always say 'No thank you' or see through all their pain and not take it personally. Ideally you will surround yourself with people who love you & support you on your journey as a new parent so you won't have to deal with this. ✨Loading up on oxytocin - Some visitors might want to eagerly see you only to load up on all the oxytocin that is in the air. Try & see who really is a generous in visiting you & holding space for you. The last you need is a person who comes & sucks out all the good energy. You need energy givers at these precious times, you are important now. They can wait. Have you experienced any? Let us know in the comments below 👇 #bordersparents #postpartumanxiety #postpartumsupport #newmamatips #mumlife #postpartum #newmama #afterbirth #mum #newmamalife #afterbirthsupport #postpartumjourney #baby #postpartumlife #babylove #postpartumhealth #newmamas #postpartumrecovery #postpartumbody #postpartumdoula

2/17/2024, 10:00:11 AM

What makes the Bellies Band feel so good? Check it out. TARGETED SUPPORT FOR YOUR GROWING BELLY Designed for everyday use in pregnancy, The Bellies Band is here to support your body so you can live your pregnant life with out discomfort. Key Features: 🤰Complete Belly Support: Our single-panel band cradles your growing belly, offering relief from aches and discomfort from round ligament pain, lower back pain, SPD and pressure. 💦 Moisture-wicking fabric keeps you dry, even on warm days. 💕 Adjustable Wrap: Added lift and support for your belly, all day long. 🍑 Bonus Back Panel: Say goodbye to back pain with added back support. 👣 Suitable to be worn through every stage of pregnancy. Designed to be worn for all day comfort, including during exercise. Both the Core Confidence Pelvic Floor Program Guidebook and Online Program are INCLUDED so not only are you feeling good, but you will also be actively strengthening your pelvic floor with the program. #belliesinc #belliesband #pregnancyband #pregnancycomfort #newmamatips #pregnancylife #exerciseinpregnancy #2024baby #2024mama

2/15/2024, 10:59:33 PM

✨How to nurture the new mama? 🖐Here is 5 TIPS to help you to support a new mother within your community. LIKE & SAVE this post so you have it on hand! 🌺BRUSH her hair - as a new mother, she will have to be available to the new baby 24/7 day & night as well as to any other children. Leaving barely any time for herself to replenish. By doing a simple thing as brushing her hair, this might help her to feel loved, cared for, held & nurtured. We also need to mother the mother. 🌺FOOT massage - you don't have to be a pro to offer a simple foot massage. Have some oil on hand (olive oil, coconut or a special one from a health store that will do as a nice gift also ) and just gently massage her feet. This will help to relax her frazzled mind & high on alert nervous system. We promise, she will love it! 🌺HAND massage - the same as for feet, have some oil on hand and just do a gentle massage. Touch is important and this mum will feel super loved. 🌺FOOT soak - our feet never get enough of credit for all the hard work they do. In the pregnancy they carry all the extra work & in the postpartum it's great to warm them up, because warmth is a main focus. Prepare a small washing up bowl or something similar size, put in some herbs if you have or magnesium salt and let that mama soak her feet. This can be great before the massage. 🌺TALK, EAT, DRINK - If you come to visit a new mama, come full handed - meaning, bring some food with you. Ideally something nutritious & also add something sweet. Some homemade brownie and herbal tea with an open ear that is ready to listen can be so healing. Being present and listening to what the mother has to say is wonderful balm for her soul. Is there anything from the list you'd love to experience yourself? Let us know in the comments below 👇👇 #postpartum #postpartumlife #postpartumbody #postpartumdoula #postpartumhealth #postpartumjourney #postpartumrecovery #postpartumweightloss #care #selfcare #newmama #newmamas #newmamalife #newmamatips #afterbirth #afterbirthsupport #baby #babylove #mumlife #mum #mumlife #scottish #scottishborders #bordersparents

2/13/2024, 11:00:09 AM

So excited to share my new sleep support options and the ways I can help you achieve your sleep dreams ✨ If you're unsure which option is best for you, you can book a free discovery call via the link in my bio! Prices start from $59! All pricing is super clear on my website, no secrets here. There is also a sneaky offer available on my website for the first 5 clients to book the VIP Dreams, Sweet Dreams or In-home support packages. No discount code needed. Link for my website is in my bio 🔗 #sleepconsultantaustralia #sleepconsultingbrisbane #smallbusinessaustralia #smalbusiness #parenthood #sleeptipsforbaby #sleepsupport #sleepconsulting #bettersleepcycles #newmamatips #toddlersleep #sleeptips101 #sleepogram #sleeptipsandtricks

2/1/2024, 6:28:04 AM

Creating a list of things each day before I arrive for your Postpartum Visit will help me better support you and your families needs. This is just an example of what you could potentially put on your own list. It’s much harder to think of things on the spot making a list will ensure you get the most out of your visit! LIKE this post if it was helpful, SHARE with a fellow Mama, & FOLLOW @empowherdoulacare for more Postpartum Related Content! 🩷✨ - #letsdoulathis #postpartumcare #newmamatips #doulasupportedpostpartum #postpartumrecovery #milwaukeemom #wisconsinmom #ozaukeecounty #sheboygancounty #washingtoncounty #milwaukeecounty #waukeshacounty

1/31/2024, 8:06:12 PM

You may have heard the term ' wet indicator' on nappies. This is it. The dry nappy has a yellow line. When your baby wees, this turns blue. It's really useful in the early days, when you're watching your baby's wees and poos to see if they are taking on enough milk. Sometimes, it's a small wee and hard to tell, as disposable nappies feel dry, the blue line helps. #newmamatips #doulatips #newborncare #newborntips #doulasupport

1/25/2024, 3:34:44 PM

✨✨✨This is one I like to nip in the bud immediately for postpartum mamas because it can quickly lead to ANXIETY, MENTAL CHAOS, and DEPLETION. . Postpartum insomnia is REAL, and there are biophysical reasons for why it sets in for some mamas. The more you know about your own unique physical and emotional landscape (that's where individual Ayurvedic consultation can help!), the more specific strategies you can apply toward relieving insomnia. . I'm sharing 3 general remedies here: 1. Herbs-Skullcap for its promotion of emotional balance, and Oatstraw for its restoring qualities and mineral content. 2. Oils-Warmed and applied to your feet before bedtime, both sesame or coconut oil (and maybe some lavender) can help. 3. Nervous system regulation-Try relaxing with a guided Yoga Nidra script, a.k.a. yogic sleep! Maybe you've been there before, or maybe you're there NOW, mama! We cover this type of wisdom in FORTIFIED (my upcoming group coaching cohort for women in search of better EMOTIONAL outcomes for their birth), and we talk all about sleep during your 1:1 SOS Postpartum Ayurvedic consult. (Both are available to book in the link/bio.) What has worked for you?! #postpartum #postpartumlife #postpartumhealth #postpartumsupport #postpartumjourney #postpartumanxiety #postpartummentalhealthsupport #insomnia #insomniac #nightowl #momlife #rawmotherhood #ayurveda #ayurvedalife #holistichealth #sleepy #sleeptips #remedies #newmama #newmamatips #newmamalife #newborn #postnatalcare #postnatalanxiety

1/23/2024, 1:49:08 AM

Did you know that warmth can be used as a tool in postpartum healing? Oftentimes overlooked by Western cultures, using warmth in the postpartum recovery journey immediately after giving birth and during the first few weeks that follow helps to nourish, protect and heal the body. Going through pregnancy and childbirth puts a significant amount of strain on the body, and leaves it vulnerable. Using various ways to keep the body warm both internally and externally helps to close the body, encouraging blood circulation and aiding in energizing, strengthening and repairing tissues that may have been weakened during pregnancy and birth. Here are a few simple ways you can use warmth as a tool in postpartum healing: Warm nourishing foods (soups, stews, oatmeal) Warm liquids (teas, hot water) Ab Wrap + Ab Tank Warm baths Sitz bath with our Peri Healing Herbs Blankets or warm clothing #postpartum #postpartumhealing #healingwarmtg #newmamatips #belliesinc

1/22/2024, 11:40:25 PM

Not all postpartum wraps are created equal. Other brands are focused on you "getting your body back" (whatever that even means... It never went anywhere) without considering what is actually SAFE to do and what is optimal for healing properly - so they squeeze you in so you feel like an overstuffed uncomfortable sausage and often times, causing more damage and problems to your pelvic floor. Over here, it's different. At @belliesinc our Ab Wrap (and the complete Ab System) was designed by a team of pelvic floor physiotherapists and postpartum pelvic floor fitness specialists, and has everything you need to prepare, recover and restore - so you CAN have core confidence for parenthood! Instead of a tight squeeze, think gentle hug. Instead of rushing to snap back, think gentle careful healing. Plus, we are the only Wrap that includes pelvic floor exercises so you can heal from the inside out. There's a reason we are a top recommendation of Doctors, Midwives, Doulas and Physiotherapists. In fact, the vast majority of our resellers are actually Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists because they know we do it differently. Pssst. We have a few black Ab Wraps in small and medium that we are getting up on the website. Snag it before we run out of stock again 😬 #postpartumwrap #bellywrap #2024mama #newmamatips #pelvicfloor #postpartumhealing #bellieainc #abwrap #absystem

1/20/2024, 4:48:51 AM

FOLLOW for more like this! Long naps are like the holy grail in motherhood-- that break in the day from constantly feeding, holding, being needed, etc is just totally welcome and needed sometimes! There’s no shame in admitting that. I know you want to solve those short naps so that you have more than 30 minute breaks to go to the bathroom, eat, and breathe in silence so... I have the perfect guide for you! My Awake Times guide goes into all the details on troubleshooting short naps including the elusive over and undertired questions so many of you have! Comment GUIDE and I'll send you the link! #4montshold #newparents #newmamatips #honestparenting #7monthsbaby #naptime😴 #babynaptime #6monthsbaby #naptrapped

1/19/2024, 1:00:32 AM

No. The hospital lactation consultant isn't enough. ⁠ ⁠ No. Your pediatrician isn't properly trained in breastfeeding support. ⁠ ⁠ No. Your midwife isn't trained in managing complex feeding issues. ⁠ ⁠ Yes. You probably need to take matters into your own hands. But that's a GOOD thing! ⁠ ⁠ Instead of relying on a system that is broken, finding a private practice lactation consultant can transform your breastfeeding experience from hopeless to confidence-isnpiring. ⁠ ⁠ If you want a lactation consultant with both personal and professional experience, one who spends TIME helping you figure this out, and one who LISTENS to YOUR needs, you're in the right place! ⁠ ⁠ As an IBCLC I offer prenatal and postpartum lactation consultations to help you prepare for your baby and navigate feeding challenges with a sense of peace and confidence instead of overwhelm and anxiety. I share information with you and encourage you to listen to you intuition as you make decisions about the next step in your feeding journey. ⁠ ⁠ If you're ready for an all-star cheerleader + skilled professional to walk along side you on this journey, comment BREASTFEEDING HELP and I'll send you the deets on creating your personalized breastfeeding success plan! ⁠ ⁠ #breastfeedingtips #lactationconsultant #doula #privatepractice #nurselife #momlife #ibclc #virtuallactationconsultant #breastfeedinghelp #newmomlife #newborntips #newmamatips #lowmilksupply #tonguetie #thirdtrimester #fourthtrimester #tipsformoms #postpartumjourney #breastfeedingjourney

1/4/2024, 6:35:19 PM

I was recently a guest on a podcast where the host likes to ask their guests "explain who you are, without mentioning you're a mum or a small business owner". I think that question is everything. When we become parents, it's so important to remember and believe that we are still people and to find time to do those things that light us up. ✨ What do you like to do? (Besides take your kids to the park, watch Paw Patrol & put away laundry) ✨ What do you like to eat? (Besides your kids crusts and that left over 3 course meal that they ate last week, but now won't touch) ✨ What do you like to do with your friends? (Other than meet at kid-friendly cafes or play centres) This is me and I try my best to still enjoy these things. Sometimes it's easier than others, but I always try. My support network, my negotiation skills (with hubby) and the twin's good sleep make that possible for me. Edit: I’m nearly 30 and still get quality & quantity mixed up 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I value quality over quantity* #sleeptraining #sleeptrainingconsultant #certifiedsleepconsultant #sleepconsultingbrisbane #sleepconsultantsydney #sleepconsultantaustralia #sleeptraining #mumsinbusiness #pregnancy #earlychildhood #tiredmum #newmamatips #firsttimemumscommunity #sleeptipsfortiredparents

1/4/2024, 5:11:39 AM

✨ GIVEAWAY ✨ To celebrate the launch of our website, Little Dreamers Club is giving away the ultimate 2024 self-care bundle, to help one lucky winner kickstart their year with looking after themselves! Win: 1️⃣ Spot in my New Year, Better Sleep package starting 15th Jan! 2️⃣ $100 massage voucher of your choice 3️⃣ $50 voucher to a self-care service of your choice To enter: 1️⃣ Like this post 2️⃣ Tag a friend in the comments 3️⃣ Repost on your stories 1 x winner will be drawn & announced on Monday 8th January Each COMMENT & SHARE will earn an entry! T&C's: • New Year, Better Sleep package starts January 15th • Winner will be picked at random by a giveaway generator • Must be redeemed within 3 days of winning • Suitable for ages 4 months - 4 years (if your little one is younger, we can hold until they reach 4 months) • You can pass the sleep package along to a friend if you wish • Vouchers are in AUD • Valid for Australia & New Zealand only • Giveaway is not affiliated with Instagram at all

12/30/2023, 10:47:27 AM

Holiday season tip # 2 - although I love this tip for any time of the year! ✨ Who else loves a little parent-breather-in-the-car-before-walking-into-chaos? 🙋‍♀️😂 #sleeptraining #sleeptrainingconsultant #certifiedsleepconsultant #sleepconsultingbrisbane #sleepconsultantsydney #sleepconsultantaustralia #sleeptraining #mumsinbusiness #pregnancy #earlychildhood #tiredmum #newmamatips #firsttimemumscommunity #sleeptipsfortiredparents

12/13/2023, 8:54:05 AM

Adorable Chrissy shoot ✅ Chrissy tree up ✖️ I certainly don’t have it altogether this Christmas yet 😂 P.S. - Surely we picked the right outfits? #honestmotherhood #sleephelp #childdevelopment #childsleepconsultant #bettersleepcycles #sleepingbaby #gentlesleeptraining #sleepconsultingsuccess #sleepsupportforkids #sleeptrainingprogram #sleeptrainingsupport #sleeptrainingexpert #beingamum #newmamatips #fourthtrimestermama

12/11/2023, 6:28:07 AM

To say Merry Christmas and thank you all for your support this year, I'm offering my 3 months - 2 years routine guide ABSOLUTELY FREE! 🎄🎅 🎁 ✨ I hope this brings a little joy at a wonderful, but also stressful time of the year. Make sure you download before Dec 26th, link is in my bio. #sleeptraining #sleeptrainingconsultant #certifiedsleepconsultant #sleepconsultingbrisbane #sleepconsultantsydney #sleepconsultantaustralia #sleeptraining #mumsinbusiness #pregnancy #earlychildhood #tiredmum #newmamatips #firsttimemumscommunity #sleeptipsfortiredparents

12/7/2023, 1:00:01 AM

Is nipple confusion real? Not really. We’re talking about smart little human babies. They can tell the difference between an artificial nipple, and a human nipple. They can even tell the difference between their own mom and others, but that’s another post! What can happen with pacifiers? They can hides hunger cues They can affect baby’s latch on the breast They can affect oral facial growth and development They can affect teeth/bite if used too long They can be harder to wean from if used too long #pacifier #bestpacifier #ninni #paci #pacifierbaby #bestbabyproducts #lactationconsultant #newmamalife #newmamatips #babyregistry #breastfedbaby

11/30/2023, 5:30:52 PM

When visiting a new mom: 20 ways you can help. Make sure she wants visitors first. Ask her what she’s craving. Bring it along. Ask her how she is doing. How she feels. What she needs. Remind her that she deserves to be supported. Ask whether she’d like to talk about her birth. Don’t expect her to cater, cook or entertain. Take initiative and offer to take care of her instead. Watch over her baby if she wants to take a shower, or a nap, or a much needed break. Walk her dog. Clear the counter. Empty her dryer. She may already be trying to stay afloat amidst a sea of opinions and advice. Refrain, unless asked to, from adding yours. Just be there. Remind her that she’s doing amazing things. That she’s exactly who her baby needs. And then just listen, listen, listen. Image @alexandramurcia.photographe #motherhood #mamahood #mothers #newmom #newmoms #visitingnewmoms #postpartum #postpartumvisitors #postpartumtips #postpartumsupport #postpartumtruth #postpartumjourney #postpartumreflections #realpostpartum #postpartumsupported #mamalife #newmamalife #newmamatips

11/21/2023, 9:37:02 PM

Everything in the sleep training industry is one size fits all and cut and paste. They don’t take into consideration the uniqueness of each child which is fundamental when it comes to baby sleep. So, release yourself (and your child) from the unrealistic expectations the sleep industry has given you. Feeling lost with your baby’s sleep and needing some guidance AND confidence?  I created my comprehensive 0-12 month sleep course Resting in the First Year for parents just like you! Comment RESTED below to learn more 👇

11/15/2023, 6:37:59 PM

Double tap if....same. 😵‍💫 Nothing like your sweet baby arriving and turning your world upside down in a beautiful messy way! We know how hard those first few months are when it comes to newborn sleep, so we created a group to help (Next one starts 11/14). The Sleeping Like a Baby intensive is a group format specifically designed for the parents of infants between the ages of 4 weeks and 12 weeks old. During this 4-week intensive, we will discuss the basic building blocks of sleep, so you have all the information you need when it’s time to sleep train your child. Comment NEWBORN for more info! #newmama #newmamalife #newmamatips #newmommy #newmomlife #newmomtips #newbaby #freshbaby #welcometotheworld #welcometotheworldbaby

11/4/2023, 12:42:57 AM

Which one of these breastfeeding myths surprises you most? Let us know in the comments below! For me, it was the sore nipples... I always thought they were a right of passage 😅 and I didn't escape it. #breastfeedingmyths #breastfeedingtips #newmamatips #maternitybra #TheMamaBag

11/2/2023, 5:33:12 PM

Despite what most of modern day western society would like to make you think: bedsharing can be done safely AND there are many benefits to it! We so often think that bedsharing is taboo or that it is something we shouldn’t do, but the fact is that mothers have been sleeping next to their babies for thousands of years! It is the most natural sleep environment for a baby. If you are safely bedsharing and you are enjoying it, you can rest assured that you aren’t alone in bedsharing AND that your baby is benefitting from it! In a place where bedsharing just isn't working for your family? That's OK too! Check out my Transitioning out of Bedsharing Guide. Comment SNUGGLE below to learn more

11/1/2023, 5:09:40 PM

I remember my first panic attack. I was a year postpartum and sitting in the nail salon near my house. Outside was newly opened. The salon was more crowded than expected. Someone was eating in the massage chair next to me. It felt like the walls were closing in, and I couldn't breathe. I ran outside, yanked off my mask, and focused on identifying one of each thing listed above. My therapist called it a grounding technique. ENJOY 😉

10/12/2023, 10:41:22 PM

Going off the previous post, here are some examples of what to say instead of stop crying. let the emotion flow. It’s so important to get the feeling out so they know how to move in from it. Validate and name the emotion for them. This will help to teach them to self regulate as time goes on. #positiveparenting #peacefulparenting #attachmentparenting #attachmentstyles #bigemotions #newmama #newmamatips #babyledsleep #sleepwithoutsleeptraining #newparentsupport #toddlermomlife

9/20/2023, 3:23:32 AM

Everything is a season… I promise Bedsharing just *not* working for you anymore? That’s ok! My Transitioning out of Bedsharing guide can help you make this transition in a gentle and loving way! Comment SNUGGLE below!

9/15/2023, 6:09:56 PM

New Mama in Town . . . Only here to vent out my thoughts as a new & unprepared MaMa 👩🏻‍🍼 #Newmama #newmamalife #newmamasworld #newmamatips #newmamalifestyle #newmama2023 #mamabear #ventoutspace

9/8/2023, 5:26:34 PM

Are you about to welcome your new baby? If you've never given birth before - or it's been a while since you last gave birth - it can be quite overwhelming. Being informed about what will happen after the birth can be very calming and reassuring. I hope this helps. 🙏🤞 And if you want to truly remember the sweet snuggles and special moments with your newborn, I can capture your photos for you. Book your free call today to book your spot. Link in bio. #HamiltonCounty #NewbornTips #BirthTips #IndianaDoula #IndianaNewMoms #IndianaMom #PregnancyTips #PregnancyTips101 #DoulaTips #Indiana #Noblesville #IndianaState #NewMamaTips #NewMomTips #NewbornLife #BirthTips #AfterBirth #Oxytocin #fishersindiana #Noblesville #hamiltoncountyindiana #indianadoula #labordoula

8/25/2023, 12:00:13 PM

Nap refusals can be SO frustrating. And I feel like the biggest reason nap refusals stress parents out so much is because of the fear mongering done by the sleep training industry. We feel like our baby is failing or we are failing if they don’t take a nap at the “right” time. I’ve been there and I know how hard they can be. You are not a failure if your baby skips a nap and your baby is not failing either. Life changes everyday and babies are growing and developing SO fast. It’s normal for their sleep to be disrupted. Save this post to come back to next time you need a reminder.

8/17/2023, 6:04:43 PM

During World Breastfeeding Week it is so important to educate breastfeeding moms on *all* of their sleep options. 
Breastsleeping is a magical tool for breastfeeding mothers and it really needs to be normalized. “For most of human history (and before written records) covering hundreds of thousands of years, mothers have effectively combined cosleeping and breast-feeding to provide for their babies immediate social, psychological, and physical needs.” Safe Infant Sleep, Dr. James McKenna We need to understand that bedsharing can be done safely and it is not something to be feared. Instead of going against our natural human history we can understand that as carrying mammals we were designed to sleep near our young. It’s important to have all of the information so that you can make an educated decision for your family! To learn more about safe bedsharing check out Dr. James McKenna’s safe bedsharing guidelines. Drop a 🫶🏽 if you breastsleep!

8/2/2023, 5:58:43 PM

Postpartum nutrition… 🥑 (if you’re interested) Swipe right to see some newborn cuteness ➡️ My advice? Eat lots! Lots of good fats, lots of protein, lots of carbs, lots of fruit and vegetables - regularly. There’s not really a ‘secret’ ingredient to increasing breastmilk production or improving postpartum recovery, other than to make sure you eat enough nutritious food. In my nutrition studies I have learnt what the recommended kilojoule intake is (this varies massively by the way, depending on anatomical factors, energy output, age, height etc.) and I can confidently tell you - most of us don’t eat enough! Eating hearty foods that digest quickly are also highly recommended. For example: • slow cooked meals • smoothies • soups • broths • soaked nuts/seeds • stewed fruit Losing baby weight is NOT a priority of mine. Fuelling my body well to feed a little human is! Happy Monday! X #postpartum #13dayspostpartum #postpartumnutrition #breastfeedingnutrition #nutritiontips #eatmore #newmamatips #breastfeedingmama #nutritioncoach #nutritiousfood #bestcookingtips #boymama #postpartumjourney #postpartumhealth #postpartumbody #postpartumsupport #nutritiousfoods

7/31/2023, 2:14:37 AM

Always make sure your Breastmilk and Formula are stores safely with a 5x7 magnet visible to everyone on the fridge! How easy is that? Proudly made in Canada and available on . 1.00 from every purchase helps provide a lactation consultant to a mother in need. #mother #breastmilk #breastfeeding #breastfeedingsafety #madeincanada #shoplocal #etsy #etsyshop #smallbusiness #smallmombusiness #canadianbreastfeeding #canadianmombusiness #booblicious #formulafeeding #formulasafety #babygift #babyshower #magnet #newmamatips #momtips #momlife

7/29/2023, 10:15:30 PM

Does your little one enjoy latched naps? Comment below 👇🏽

7/26/2023, 6:09:58 PM

Newborn sleep can feel *so* overwhelming. You bring your new baby into this world and now you are hearing things like: ✨Wake windows ✨Contact naps ✨Independent sleep ✨Sleep habits ✨Sleep associations And so much more. I want you to know that newborn sleep and baby sleep doesn’t have to be something that makes your head spin or makes you feel like a failure!

7/18/2023, 6:20:49 PM

You’re doing an amazing job! Save this post to come back to next time you need a reminder ✨

7/12/2023, 6:12:03 PM

So you’ve brought your brand new beautiful baby home but now what? Lots of cuddles of course but what else? How do you play with them? … #howtoplaywithanewborn #newbornbabyplay #newbornplay #newbornplayideas #newbabyplaytime #playingwithanewborn #newbornplaytime #tipstoplaywithbaby #newmummytip #newmamatips #newmumtips

7/7/2023, 8:03:43 AM

Our reusable nail files are a safe alternative for nail clippers 💙 * * * * #babynailcare #babynailfile #babycare #babyshowergiftideas #babymusthaves #newmamatips #newmama #newmamas #lifeasmama #expectingbaby #babyshowergiftsideas

7/7/2023, 1:34:04 AM

Do you know someone who's recently given birth via csection? Or maybe someone who's about to give birth via c-section. Remind them that they're not alone and that there's something they can do to reduce pain, improve mobility, and safely strengthen their body! Help them take control of the rehab from the beginning. A free mini video series for the earliest moments after surgery. Rehab begins on day 1. #birthmarksisterhood #enhanceyourcsection #rehabbeginsday1

6/30/2023, 1:47:24 PM

If you are worried about creating bad habits or having a child who won’t be independent, rest assured that this is not the case! Bedshare for as long as it works for you! I also understand that there comes a point when bedsharing no longer works for your family. If this is the case for your family you can check out my Transitioning out of Bedsharing Guide comment SNUGGLE below for more info 👇🏽

6/29/2023, 6:18:56 PM

To go a little deeper here: it has always amazed me that someone telling you that you “need” to sleep train is normalized and happens every day. But if you are open and honest about not sleep training, bedsharing, breastfeeding past the first year, and so many other things, it’s often met with judgment or shame. Or seen as judging the traditional route. I would never tell someone who is sleep training that my way is “better” because my life, child, and familial values are different. So, let’s normalize supporting a parent in whatever they choose (as long as they are not harming their child). Let’s stop seeing choices that are different than ours as “weird” Things I do that are seen as “weird” but are actually normal in MY life -bedshare (have for almost 4 years) -lay with my daughter to fall asleep -breastfeed in toddlerhood -homeschool (choosing to unschool) -and more 🤷‍♀️ So, here’s to the WEIRD MOMS CLUB (where we celebrate the uniqueness of our own journeys and make light of being ‘weird’). Drop a 🫶 if you’re part of the Weird Moms Club 👇

6/14/2023, 6:17:40 PM