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SWIPE TO THRIVE No one says parenting is easy, we all start with what we’ve been given emotionally from our parents. Some kids had more nurtument, emotional connection, positive thoughts and encouragement than others. Some were shamed and, punished, left to form their own realities. Being a bad parent isn’t wrong, staying a bad parent is, because that’s a choice. Especially In this age where knowledge is so ready available. I make 0 EXCUSES for the parents not doing better for themselves to help their kids do better for themselves. It starts by accepting your part, that maby you aren’t emotionally okay and that maby your home wasn’t so warm and loving as everyone wants to pretend. It’s ok to not be okay with the lack in your life, even when its taught to you by the people we’re supposed to trust the most, our parents. So it’s our jobs, as an empowered generation of parents to explore our beginnings if we want our kids to have better emotional intelligence for their families. What you do or don’t do is a big deal when it comes to our kids. Be better- learn that it’s not bad to talk about your emotions and question how we were taught to cope. #copingskills #johnmholman #teamhelp #iamadaptable #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #psychology #offthekcuf #tipsfromtheiar #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #trauma #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee

5/4/2024, 7:37:43 PM

Counselling offers a beacon of hope in the darkness of domestic abuse, providing survivors with empowerment and healing. .. Through tailored support and guidance, Precise Mind helps individuals break free from cycles of violence, fostering resilience and reclaiming control over their lives. .. Together, we stand against abuse, offering a path towards healing and a brighter tomorrow. . . . #breakthesilence #abuse #abuseawareness #abusehealing #healingfromtrauma #healingfromwithin #selfhelp #traumarecovery #traumahealing #abusesurvivor #empowerment #healingjourney 💪 #enotionalabuseawareness #emotionalabuse #abusiverelationship #abusiverelationships #abuseisabuse #abusetherapy #abuseistraumatic #abusepatterns #abusetherapist #abuseinformed #abusehealing #abuseisnotlove #abuseexperience #emotionalabuseadvocate

4/5/2024, 5:30:18 PM

The only cause for abuse is the choice to be abusive. That’s it. There is no justification for abuse. None. Period. #abuseinformed #abuserecovery #mentalhealth #domesticviolence #dvsurvivor #noexcuses #healing #therapy

10/26/2023, 6:48:20 PM

May those who read this article feel the gift of taking a deep breath. Trauma survivors have been though a lot. Spiritual trauma survivors learn to minimize and deny their needs, their realities, their values, and their personhood. May these articles help us understand the needs of a survivor and help a survivor know they are seen. May they know their stories, their values, & their voices matter. They are not crazy. They’ve been harmed. Articles linked in bio or commerts.c 10 Things to Know About Recovery from Spiritual Trauma 10 Steps to Healing #spiritualabuse #spiritualtrauma #spiritualtraumarecovery #spiritualgrowth #religioustrauma #religiousabuse #healingfromtrauma #traumatherapist #christiancare #connectedchurchcare #abuseinformed #traumainformed #christiancommunities #iblp #shinyhappypeople #emotionalabuse #psychologicalabuserecovery

6/20/2023, 4:51:24 PM

Looking for a therapist who gets spiritual & emotional trauma? TEXAS ONLY: I offer trauma & abuse-informed therapy through EMDR and therapy models that work with the mind, body, and emotions for deep healing. Maybe you're not in TX, but know others who are. Maybe they, or people in their churches & communities, are looking and don't know where to go. I'd be happy to do an initial consult to see if I'm a good fit. Space for you. Space for your story. Space for your healing. cultivatedlifecounseling.online #trauma #emotionalabuse #spiritualabuse #shinyhappypeople #healingfromabuse #iblp #gothard #emdr #telehealth #christiancounseling #traumainformed #abuseinformed #emotionallyhealthyspirituality #growingacultivatedlife #healingchurchabuse #traumatherapist #christiantherapist

6/9/2023, 3:38:28 PM

I’m headed to North Carolina today for the #calledtopeace retreat, where I’ll meet other courageous women healing from emotionally destructive relationships. I’m thrilled to meet up with @tabithathecounselor and several other people helpers who are part of EQUIP with @leslie.vernick And…🥁I have a stack of tinted #unleashsheets for my first vendor table as a coach and counselor. When I hear the stories of how God meets people through this tool, I get happy tears. 💕 🌱 Growth is not only possible, it’s truly beautiful. Here’s to the drive ahead, prayers for the women and all the people helpers, and showing up to see what God has in store. #growingacultivatedlife #healingfromabuse #healingtrauma #connectedchurchcare #brokentobeloved #traumainformed #abuseinformed #graceforgrowth #christiancoach #christiancounselor #emotionaljournaling #emotionallyhealthyspirituality #emotionalabuse #spiritualabuse #healingreligioustrauma

4/26/2023, 6:30:40 PM

What I'm wondering about you today. Do you have a secret struggle that's hard to talk about? Do you feel alone? Have you been abandoned or betrayed? Or are you simply exhausted trying so hard to do all the "right" things when life still doesn't feel right, or good? Would you like help, but you don't know where to go or how to find it? Do you have questions about how to take your next steps so you can feel less pain and less aloneness? Are you tired of hearing what you should do to have a strong Christian faith, because you've tried them and they don't work? Yet, you still want God and what God wants for you, If so, you're my kind of people. I've been in such a whirlwind of distress that I didn't know what was what anymore. One truth kept me anchored, that God is good. So, I asked God to help me know this more fully. Deep in my soul. I prayed and asked for healing so I could know a different life in the years ahead. This intentional growth & healing path helped me find my voice, explore buried passions, and feel grounded in calm more often than not. 👉🏼 Now, I'm a trauma & abuse informed therapist (for residents of TX) and a Christian growth coach. 🌱 I foster community, courage, and connection in the growth process through the #CultivateTogether community. 🖥️ I'm working on courses and content. Some enhance the use of Unleash: Heart & Soul Care Sheets ( #unleashsheets). And a course on boundaries and developing a healthy sense of self. 🎬 Maybe, I'll add a live video stream (podcast?) where you can ask questions about counseling, growth, the healing process, developing your voice, and more. Something like, "Christian Counselor Corner" or "Growth Central" ?? At this point, it's just an idea. More than anything, I'm grateful for the process of growth. It has NOT been easy. But experiencing new ways of living, and feeling at peace with God instead of striving for him, is so so worth it. YOU ARE WORTH THIS PROCESS. May you receive this as a touch of kindness for your soul today. May you know, growth is possible. #growthminded #growingacultivatedlife #christiancounselor

4/4/2023, 12:48:09 AM

I'm so grateful to the EQUIP community & leadership that helps us as Christian helpers and counselors. We're a group of people serving those who've dealt with destructive relationships, often with a spouse or in a church. The founders of the program, Chris Moles & Leslie Vernick created a space where we can learn and grow together. They also started a brand new podcast highlighting some of us in the group. I'm grateful to be one of the first ones featured. You can find the episode here or in my bio link. Chris & I chatted about the work I do to help people grow a cultivated life, and what is needed to increase connection in the church. More about that from me on a later date. ;) #emotionallydestructiverelationships #toxicchurch #spiritualabuse #emotionalabuse #healingfromabuse #abuseinformed #connectedchurchcare #careadvocates #christiancounselor Counselor and Coach Jolene Underwood | Equipped to Care https://shows.acast.com/equipped-to-care/episodes/641478c411de110011ec464e

3/24/2023, 7:37:05 PM

No necesitamos educar a los niños y niñas para que se protejan. Necesitamos educar a las personas adultas para que dejen de agredir. #prevencióndelabuso #maltratoinfantil #violenciadegénero #abuseinformed #abuserecovery #abusers #adultocentrismo #prevencióndelaviolencia #educaciónemocional #crianzarespetuosa #niñasfeministas #crianzafeminista

2/9/2023, 7:48:13 AM

Our attempts to replace lies with truth often fall flat. We can tell ourselves we are loved by God a thousand times, and still feel unlovable. We can tell ourselves every day we are victors in Christ, and feel more and more defeated instead. It's frustrating for many believers who want to experience something better. They know God has more for them, but they feel farther from feeling peace inside themselves when they try to apply truth as a replacement for lies. Words are powerful. Reminding ourselves of God's truths and good things in our lives, helps us. However, words alone are not enough to effect change deep within us that shapes how we see ourselves and how we show up in this world. Our brains are shaped by past experiences, which get tied to deeper beliefs about ourselves, which contradict the truth we try to use as a replacement for lies. An internal battle ensues against the truth we try to soak in. We need more than words. We need repeated, new experiences of God's truth played out in our lives, with abiding love. When others are present with us, validating our experiences of pain, confusion, doubt, and anger, helping us to feel known, loved, and accepted, deeper change occurs. The lies we believe about who we are, slowly fade away as the truth of God's unceasing and abundant love is felt, known, and believed deep in the soul. #neuroscience #neuroception #growingacultivatedlife #growthcoach #christiancoach #christiancounselor #traumainformed #abuseinformed #posttraumaticgrowth #christiancommunity #smallgroupleaders #connectedchurchcare #christantherapist

11/21/2022, 4:10:09 PM

Oh, the things we say as Christians. You know, the ones that seem helpful but really aren't. Even scripture gets used in ways that cause disruption or harm. The meaning, intent, and purpose get distorted so instead of giving us life, they cause more pain - for ourselves and for others. It's time to look at some of the common phrases we use and explore how they end up leaving us feeling more alone, depleted, and frustrated instead of encouraged, peace-filled, and ready to tackle the things of life God has for us. I'm starting with a phrase that tripped me up most of my life. We find the source of this phrase in Matthew 5:39, where Jesus says if someone slaps you on one cheek, turn the other cheek to them also. Distorted meaning: -> When someone says or does harmful things to me, I should accept their behavior to show them God's love is in me. Instead of retaliating, I should show them I am kind and offer them more of my kindness and vulnerability. What happens: -> We receive more harm. We enable another person's harmful actions. We do not speak truth with love. We do not steward the life God has given us. Deeper look: -> I love how Chris Moles highlights a more biblical viewpoint of this scripture as well as a few others. Instead of it meaning that we are to accept harm, we are in the position to expose the one who harms. For a more thorough explanation, I recommend reading the article shared in the link in my bio. Has this phrase led you, or someone you know, to tolerate continued harm?

10/27/2022, 1:14:08 AM

If you've ever walked into a church building, or faith-based setting, with a heart full of heaviness, confusion, and pain, you've likely also experienced feeling shut up inside. Trapped between wanting people to know what's going on and how it's affecting you, but the thought of them knowing feels scary too. Even unsafe or unwise. Tears may get close to the surface, but you keep them at bay because it doesn't feel OK for others to see you sad. Anger rumbles but you smile instead because Christians aren't supposed to be angry. Whether you hide because it's scary to be seen in your vulnerable moments, or because others haven't honored the vulnerability you've shared in the past, you hurt is never hidden from God. Where it feels risky to be seen, there is also a part of us that longs to be seen. We're designed to be seen - and known - and fully loved. Problem is, we often find it difficult to let others truly know us. And all too often, others don't know how to know us well. The anxious tension you feel between wanting to be seen and not wanting it at the same time is a signal that you don't feel safe. When we have not been seen, known, AND loved well, our nervous system more readily senses danger, whether it's present or not. May you know God's compassionate care with you today in whatever tears need to surface, or anger in need of expression, so your heart can be comforted. BTW, if you'd like to learn how to grow in vulnerability and rewiring your body to feel safe in emotionally safe enough situations, be sure to sign up for the waitlist for #CultivateTogether. We'd love to have you join us!

10/25/2022, 2:42:10 PM

If you're tired of trying to do the right things and still feel tired, depleted, or anxious, or if you've been through tough a season in life and want change in you so you can experience a better future, you're in the right place. Hi, my name is Jolene Underwood, trauma and abuse informed counselor, coach, and online growth mentor. I've been through some pretty disruptive seasons of life that nearly undid me completely. Exhaustion, confusion, and pain seemed to engulf every minute of the day. God nudged me to take a journey of growth and healing for the trauma I experienced after living on a ranch and fostering with up to 12 children at a time. However, the journey wasn't just about that. It was about al the fears, lies, and experiences that kept me from fully living as the person he designed me to me. Instead, I had a passive life of accepting whatever came my way. I tolerated harm, and felt afraid to confront those who harmed. It's been a wild ride these last several years as the healing and growth journey continue. Today, I am a mental health counselor, and offer coaching, content, and healing resources for others who want to pursue the path God has for them. If that sounds like you, I would love to hear from you. When you sign up for the newsletter (link in bio or below), you'll receive a welcome message. Hit reply and introduce yourself! If you like, let me know what kind of support or help you're looking for in your journey. If i can help in some way, I'd love to. Seeing you develop who you are and how you show up in this world makes me smile big. #godsdesigninyou #developyourlife #christiancoach #christiancounselor #traumatherapist #abuseinformed #traumainformed #anxietyhealing #depressionhealing #traumahealing #ptsd #christiansupport #growingacultiatedlife

9/25/2022, 9:35:08 PM

It seems everyone has something to say about what someone else should do, or not do.What about what's happening within us? What about the emotion signals that let us know something needs attending to? When our focus is constantly on what others are doing, or not doing, and how we think they should do it differently, it's all too easy to miss the cues that help us bring about change within ourselves. I talked some about this, and about my story from trauma to trauma-informed therapist, in an interview I did with Sue Moore Donaldson for her podcast, "Living A Legacy Life." I hope it's encouraging for anyone who's been through hard things and wants to experience a more fully ALIVE life. We cannot change all we want to see changed, but we can bring about change that starts within us. Episode linked in bio. #growingacultivatedlife #emotionalhealing #ptsd #traumainformed #abuseinformed #mentalhealthawareness #faithandmentalhealth #connectedchurchcare #healingfromtrauma #healingfromptsd

9/14/2022, 3:49:53 PM

Let them lose (with safe boundaries) to express themselves and be creative. Speak to them as wise children... you will be surprised how much you learn. Be open to their words/emotions. Compliant / Obedient children grow up with challenges as adults. #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #copingskills #johnmholman #1000hoursoutside #kids

9/13/2022, 7:10:47 PM

It seems everyone has something to say about what someone else should do, or not do. What about what's happening within us? What about the emotion signals that let us know something needs attending to? When our focus is constantly on what others are doing, or not doing, and how we think they should do it differently, it's all too easy to miss the cues that help us bring about change within ourselves. I talked some about this, and about my story from trauma to trauma-informed therapist, in an interview I did with Sue Moore Donaldson for her podcast, "Living A Legacy Life." I hope it's encouraging for anyone who's been through hard things and wants to experience a more fully ALIVE life. We cannot change all we want to see changed, but we can bring about change that starts within us. Episode linked in my bio. #growingacultivatedlife #emotionalhealing #ptsd #traumainformed #abuseinformed #mentalhealthawareness #faithandmentalhealth #connectedchurchcare #healingfromtrauma #healingfromptsd

9/11/2022, 6:39:01 PM

Sometimes our idea of unhealthy as normal comes with us into relationships because we grew up in dysfunctional families. It’s hard to know what a healthy relationship looks like when we haven’t seen one modeled. We know all about manipulation, abuse, neglect, or any number of negative relationship models, but we don’t all get to see two strong, independent people who love and support each other in healthy ways. Never having seen it, it becomes more difficult to look for it, find it, and practice it. Push-pull relationships seems passionate rather than abusive, and our media backs this up when it consistently shows persistence and jealousy to be desirable traits rather than massive red flags. Over time, due to the way we were raised or the behaviors we’ve encountered in relationships with partners from dysfunctional families, toxicity becomes familiarity. We get comfortable. Our environments become so overwhelmingly toxic that even the slightest bit of kindness sends us running, just like any other abused thing kicked one too many times to ever trust kindness. #traumatranslator #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #family #Health #lifeinstride #innerchildhealing #yoga

9/6/2022, 5:58:51 PM

The one belief I’m asking you to adopt today is this: Whenever you feel the need to judge anything or anyone outside of you, remember that you are the one with the problem, not them. I apologize if that sounds harsh. But let me assure you, as soon as you redirect your judgment back into yourself, you’ll begin to realize that your judgments have to do with a part of you that you haven't fully developed and evolved yet. I say that with the utmost respect for everything you are and everything you can become. And I also say it from my years of experience being a very judgmental person. Whenever you judge someone or something for any reason, there is a part of you that hasn’t evolved in some way. I realize the word, “evolved” is a tad exaggerating, but look at it in the sense of evolving your consciousness to the point where you take full responsibility for what you think and how you feel. I’m not absolving anyone’s bad behavior here. I’m not saying there aren’t cruel people in the world that do awful things. But when you judge someone, you are responding from an emotional trigger that was set off and put you into an altered state of mind. #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #trauma #copingskills #johnmholman #teamhelp #newbalance #therapy #psycedelictherapy #plantmedicine #toxicparents #selfimprovement #selfdiscovery #growth #createyourownreality #brainpower

9/2/2022, 6:54:15 PM

Believe me when I tell you this, it is so very hard to pull yourself from the darkest place and move towards the light. To all survivors of mental, physical and psychological abuse, you are all my heroes and role models❤️🤙🏼💪✊ #abuseinformed #abuseiswrong #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #trauma #copingskills #johnmholman #teamhelp #iamadaptable #lionsnotsheep #ambition #minds #selfimprovement #selfdiscovery #growth #createyourownreality

9/1/2022, 10:42:24 PM

Woke up with this in my head and cant get back to sleep till it's out. Lucky you! Mind dump- 3:14am What does trauma do to our sensory system? Well, the brains of those who went through unresolved trauma makes new connections in the absence of safe  and nurturing visual information, resulting in enhanced abilities to compensate for what is missing or causing a threat. people like us --- We get like,,, super powers. Powers such as a heightened sense of hearing, smell and touch, as well as cognitive functions. Like a 6th sense thats rarely wrong. I think that the way our brain changes as a result of early childhood trauma may be more widespread than people think," These super powers appear to be unique in those who have endured early psychological, physical, mental and emotional abuse. I believe that suggests that the brain "rewires" itself in the absence of visual information to boost our other senses for safety sake. It's a primal survival response gone rogue. And from what I've been learning about childhood trauma, this is also scientifically possible through the process of neuroplasticity. You know,,? "the ability of our brains to naturally adapt to our experiences." Even and especially traumatic events.   It truly is my hope that through speaking out about abuse and the effects hiding it has on us, I will reach others who will take a stand as well. And through increased understanding of trauma and it's long term effects. Our combined efforts will lead to more effective rehabilitation that will enable survivors, such as myself and many others, to better emotionally compensate for the absence of emotional safety as a child. "in the case of being abused, the brain rewires itself in a manner to use the information at its disposal so that it can interact with the environment in a more effective manner.  Trauma bonds are born from this and so many marriages between people with abusive past who are hiding abuse in their life structures are really built on a trauma bond waiting to break. I'm going back to bed. Lolol #traumatranslator #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine

8/26/2022, 10:21:36 AM

Write the (ugly) truth about yourself. I journal a lot. And when I do, I try to write down everything as honestly as possible (after all, no one else will see it). If I make a mistake or do something disgustingly stupid, I write it down. It’s painful to write and painful to read, but I find it’s necessary. Because when I re-read records of past mistakes, I will not be able to think too highly of myself. This is particularly important if you are going through a season of success, when you are most vulnerable to an attack of pride. At these times, review those old entries regularly so that you don’t develop an inflated ego. #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #copingskills #johnmholman

8/24/2022, 10:05:02 AM

How would you describe the scapegoat in a toxic family along with the reasons for it? What should the scapegoate victim do about it? In a toxic family with children, the scape goat 🐐 usually is one of the children who notices the unfairness, cruelty and unloving behavior from their own parents and siblings. What we don't talk about is that the escape goat always gets hurt in many ways: They feel they're not good enough in the eyes of their parents. 🥺 Always wrestling with the fear of being devalued and carrying a requirement of constantly having to prove themselves just to get a little bread crumbs 🍞of love 💕 😕 from the toxic parents. The toxic parent alway compares others to the scape goat 🐐 they should be like or better than their siblings. In the toxic family environment there's always favoritism and the scape goat always feels unfavorable and unimportant in the family circle ⭕️ The scape goat is always bullied from both parents and siblings in one way or another. A lot of the times even unconsciously 🥺😞 so the scape goat feels invisible unless there needs to be a target. scape goat never receives the encouragement within the family no matter how much they try to fix in… 😕  Unfortunately there’s nothing the scape goat 🐐 can do to change things within the toxic family. The scape goat will never be heard or valued no matter how much they try , that’s just how it is … and that’s why most scape goats 🐐 cut their losses and cut contact. It may be painful for some but to most it is the only way to conserve inner peace and happiness. #scapegoat #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #copingskills

8/23/2022, 6:30:50 PM

Survival mode is nothing to be ashamed of. You did what you needed to, you behaved how THEY PREDICTED. Don’t be ashamed. your kind heart will always pierce through the shadows of lies and deceit. Survival mode does bring truth and you will find in time, you'll not just SURVIVE but you will THRIVE. #knowyourworth #johnmholman #teamhelp #iamadaptable #lionsnotsheep #ambition #minds #startuplife #ambition #garyveemotivation #money #marketing #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana

8/23/2022, 6:07:35 PM

EXCUSES become results!! If you are someone who's worrying about tomorrow. Stop! We all put shit off and somehow make ourself believe we wont have to do twice as much tomorrow to stay included in our own lives. We all have and still do every day. Real talk- No matter what. You gotta get in the game!!! Do your fair share today for you. I had a buddy tell me the other day. " do you at all cost"- there isn't anything that compounds everything we don't deserve faster than an excuse. Get up. Get your shit together and crush it today. Worries are so very irrelevant to reality that it's hard to explain coherently why we should stop making them. But we all should!  #excuses #result #goals #mindset #money #marketing #johnmholman #businessman #growingupholman #guitars #gibson #traumatranslator #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #anxietyawareness

8/23/2022, 3:09:05 PM

I used to think that. I dont regret shit anymore. These days I don't let much get under my skin. It wasn't always that way though. Not by a long shot. I used to set and ruminate over everything and everyone I couldn't control. Those were some of the worst times of my life. Yeah-- I have an idea what a hard times feel like. I've had a leg cut off. I'm a lightning strike survivor. I've been through drug and alcohol addiction. Overcome childhood abuse. The list goes on. But that's not what this is about and that shit can't define me. Those are just some of the things that have strengthened me. I've told some really dark family secrets so that I could stop carrying guilt and shame that didn't belong to me. I get being ignored as well. Remember 6 things When someone ignores you : 1. Never get too attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you, because one sided expectations can mentally destroy you. 2. Do not beg for their time or convince them to choose you. The world is too big, and you have too much to offer. 3. Show that cheater that who is the master of this game of ignoring. 4. When someone ignoring you , they are only teaching you how to live without them. They think you are suffering; whole time you are adjusting. 5. If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option. You will miss finding the one who treats you like a priority. 6. Never forget that people make time for what they value in life. If you keep getting excuses. Ignored. Or rejected by someone, you are not valued by them. ..So Let them go to hell . Just don’t don’t give a f**k . There are many who really love you and your company. John Holman- Trauma Translator #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #trauma #copingskills #johnmholman #teamhelp

8/19/2022, 11:05:48 PM

A big lesson Angie and I have been learning is that until you begin to understand your life experiences objectively, and can see that the way you were treated had nothing to do with you, but bad parenting, you will continue to see yourself as flawed." When anyone starts raising kids as a broken parent, and at some point doesn't face the maddening process and begin to heal their trauma, the toxic lineage is passed to everyone who follows from our kids and from our children's children on down the line. Ancestral trauma is a real thing. Break the stigma cycle that bad parents means bad people- it doesn't. It means that people need to learn differently than in the past. That way we can start talking about the abuse we've been hiding. We heal like we live!!!! #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #traumainformed #mentalhealth #traumatranslator #badparenting

8/14/2022, 7:11:31 PM

How do we stop taking things so personally? For starters, stop giving your power away. I remember when I was in therapy, one of the wisest things my therapist asked me was, “Why are you giving your power away?” This was usually in response to allowing myself to get upset by what others might say. Its something I still work on daily. The more you allow someone to upset you, the more power you give to them. As a child we have very little power. We are dependent upon our caregivers. If you were in a situation as a child where the adults in your life abused their power, you may still believe that you are helpless even as an adult. As difficult as it may be to believe, time does change this equation. You do have control and power as an adult. You don’t have to put up with a bad situation, and you don’t have to give away your power to anyone. #traumatranslator #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #traumainformed #cannabiscommunity

8/5/2022, 5:06:22 PM

I've been a lot of things to many different people. (Some of it good, some of it bad.) I have no EXCUSES, I've been helpful and hurtful. I've forgiven myself for everything though. 3 lessons amongst many I've learned. 1. we heal like we live. 2.We're what we think of ourselves not what others think of us. 3.we can only help the people we used to be. #traumatranslator #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #copingskills

6/21/2022, 5:31:38 PM

I personally know just how scary change is. How it makes your world turn upside down. I believe It's scary for everyone. One thing I have learned is that everyone deals differently. we change in many different ways from many different situations, for many different reasons. We change from raising a family to being retired. We learn more about the world or get distance from people who thought one way, and we find that our point of view shifts, or our empathy lies in unexpected places. Change is how we adapt and survive as a species and within our individual lives. Change is a good thing. "Every beginning, started with and ending" #changeisgood #beyou #evolve #growthmindset #dreambigger #traumatranslator #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy

5/22/2022, 3:55:24 PM

MMM BITCHIN Tell it like they wrote it. 🔥NO MATTER HOW HOT THE TRUTH BURNS🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 There was a big part of my life where I'd almost forgotten myself, then I realized it was because I wasn't telling the truth. The real STORY! Just the way some screwed up people wote it in my life. "YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE A BIG DEAL OUT OF WHAT'S IMPORTANT TO YOU" @bitchinsauce #tellyourstory #speakup #stand #takeastandnotaknee #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #trauma #copingskills #teamhelp

4/14/2022, 7:01:04 PM

Swipe if you have trouble saying NO  If someone treats you like shit and you just let it go, you’ve taught them that it’s okay to treat you like shit. But make no mistake: it is okay to feel hurt and it is okay to tell someone they hurt you. #bravery #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #cannabiscommunity #marajauna #medicalmarijuana #joint #weedlife #tagafriend #follow4follow #f #soultribe #truthteller #istatements #psychology #traumainformed #mentalhealth #selfimprovement #selfdiscovery #growth #createyourownreality

4/10/2022, 10:12:25 PM

I dont sugar coat shit, if you write a shitty story in my life, I tell your shitty story. Never be afraid of telling the story the way they wrote it. That's not your shame to carry. Tell the story the way they wrote it. #tellthetruth #abuseinformed #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #psychology #selfdiscovery #growth #selfimprovement #therapy #psycedelictherapy #plantmedicine

3/28/2022, 3:33:20 PM

Our life is a devine appointment 👍 We have a limited life span so we won't get to comfortable. 😳 I remember how hard it was in the beginning dealing with amputation. I remember telling myself; " john you gotta set one goal each day, and make that goal little- and step into that goal" And that was it, I just had to do that!! So I set a goal to get up in the morning and walk 8 feet down the hall to the bathroom, go to the bathroom by myself, then come back to my bed without help. That was my first goal, it doesn't sound that ambitious but it was my goal lol. The next day came, I said I'm going to do this by myself--- I remember everything hurting, even just setting up I got incredibly dizzy. I'm struggling with my leg and looking at the bathroom door like it might lend me a hand, I stand up or at least attempt but fall back down. "I'm doing this" I said and braced myself and pushed off the bed. I'm leaning on the wall, taking very short and uncertain steps, I can't feel the ground on my right side and I'm scared and beginning to sweat. I mean sweat profusely... I made it!!! I did my business and made it back to the bed and that was it. I did it though... I made it to my goal how ever small.. Looking back even now it seems small but to me it was huge, I literally passed out when I got back to bed and that was all I did all day. But I got my goal crushed it didn't crush me. The next day I did a little more, I learned how to close my eyes when I stood up without falling down so I could put on my own shirt. We are stronger than we know is something my mom used to say all the time and it's still rings true for me today. So no matter where you're at on your journey to greatness, be it the beginning the middle or the end, be prepared and humble every day that you've come this far so you can go further. John Holman Alpha♤Amputee #teamamputee #psychology #traumainformed #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #traumatranslator #goals #mindset #money #familytime #forthekids

3/13/2022, 4:47:00 PM

Teaching Zoe to be greateful for her life, her heart, animals, plants, oxygen, water the moon and the sun. Kids love what their parents love. They need to know how to be greateful, humble and kind. They don't need to know how to cope by drinking, smoking, hating others or hurting themselves. "Little pictures have big ears" @john_prine #bekind #betterkids #sun #moon #animals #water #land #soul #soil #life #children #abuseinformed #anxietyawareness #yoga #kidsart #ptsd #parenting101 #playguitar #dads #daughters #stopbullying #drugaddict #recovery #cleanandfree #alchaholic #alchaholabuse #teachers #organic #organiclifestyle #psychology

3/8/2022, 4:18:53 PM

SWIPE TO THRIVE No one says parenting is easy, we all start with what we've been given emotionally from our parents. Some kids had more nurtument, emotional connection, positive thoughts and encouragement than others. Some were shamed and, punished, left to form their own realities. Being a bad parent isn't wrong, staying a bad parent is, because that's a choice. Especially In this age where knowledge is so ready available. I make 0 EXCUSES for the parents not doing better for themselves to help their kids do better for themselves. It starts by accepting your part, that maby you aren't emotionally okay and that maby your home wasn't so warm and loving as everyone wants to pretend. It's ok to not be okay with the lack in your life, even when its taught to you by the people we're supposed to trust the most, our parents. So it's our jobs, as an empowered generation of parents to explore our beginnings if we want our kids to have better emotional intelligence for their families. What you do or don't do is a big deal when it comes to our kids. Be better- learn that it's not bad to talk about your emotions and question how we were taught to cope. #copingskills #johnmholman #teamhelp #iamadaptable #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #psychology #offthekcuf #tipsfromthejar #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #trauma #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #parenting #toxicparents #familytime #forthekids #goals #counceling #therapy #toxic #mom #dad

3/4/2022, 3:15:44 PM

An attachment disorder is a type of mood or behavioral disorder that affects a person's ability to form and maintain relationships. These disorders typically develop in childhood. They can result when a child is unable to have a consistent emotional connection with a parent or primary caregive. #attachmentdisorder #disorder #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #trauma #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #parents #yoga #joy #psychology #family #childhoodtrauma #relationshipgoals #traumatranslator #mentalhealth

3/3/2022, 10:07:12 PM

If the family and larger environments that we grew up in did not support us to honour, process, and be present to what we felt on a daily basis (and most did not), we will have built up a much stronger ego and disconnected from our emotions to a larger degree. This is a natural response to not knowing how to attend to our feelings for ourselves. If, on the other hand, we grew up with emotionally aware and present parents, then we would have been supported in understanding and expressing our emotions and would not have needed to build up such strong walls. #familycounceling #ego #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #psychology #offthekcuf #tipsfromthejar #johnmholman #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #trauma #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #rainbowchild #prana #youmatter #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower

2/28/2022, 10:32:43 PM

“I feel very blessed to have the ability to still be here and still inspire people,” “I want others to see that it’s gonna be okay. You can feel rough on some days but that doesn’t have to be the end of our story. Like it wasn’t the end of my story.” #AlphaAmputee #teamhelp #teamamputee #soultribe #truthteller #johnmholman #yoga #joy #smiles #brainpower #psychology #traumainformed #mentalhealth #metahuman #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #trauma #story #freedom #healingtrauma #deepakchopra

2/28/2022, 5:25:24 PM

speaking up about what is going on inside of you is an act of bravery. Shame, embarrassment, and fear live within each and every one of us, but it is imperative that we, confront that discomfort and anxiety and give voice to our suffering. Take a stand or take a walk!!! #abuseinformed #amputee #amputeelife #therearenoreasons #shine #traumatranslator #traumainformed #mentalhealth #psychology #offthekcuf #tipsfromthejar #johnmholman #anxietyawareness #ptsd #complextraumatherapy #wheelchair #trauma #recovery #stopabuse #abuseinformed

2/28/2022, 4:59:18 PM