emotionalweek images

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Tomorrow he is graduating…from high school! 😭Damn time flies 明天他要畢業,高中!🧑‍🎓太快了 #emotionalweek

5/31/2024, 12:19:41 PM

Last trip to Clement Elementary School ever dropping a baby off in the carpool line. I feel like I’ve been here half of my life. #timeisathief #wherediditgo #emotionalweek

5/30/2024, 1:40:11 PM

WEEK THREE, DAY TWO finished of 3 Day Split 💪🏻💦. This week has been busy & emotional for me. I needed to take a few extra rest days just to relax & let myself feel all my emotions! Unfortunately on Wednesday afternoon I had to say goodbye to my best friend of 11.5 years, his name was Tucker & he was the best dog 🐶. I knew he was ready but, that still doesn’t make it easy 🩷. Lol, yes I did wear a romper while working out because it was comfy & I was feeling a bit lazy to change 😜😂. #week3day2✔️ #3daysplit #feelingbetternow #emotionalweek #workoutshelpthemind #missingmydogsomuch

5/25/2024, 5:20:49 AM

I am literally the luckiest woman in the world. Yes my life is so busy but it’s full of love. This week has been full of emotions! Rylee graduated high school, Madelyn graduated 5th grade and also competed in regionals today! #proudmomma #lovemylife #howdidigetsolucky #emotionalweek #ididit #busymom

5/19/2024, 5:02:09 AM

Definitely lookin better than I feel. Howeverrrrrrr I will see my family in a few days so even with the circumstances, I’ll be replenished. Just siting at home enjoying this good Costco (my weakness) Cristalino tequila. Hella good 😋 Is Tequila Tuesday a thing?!! Cuz it’s happening!!!! #idkwhatthstisonmyshoulder #😅 #tequilatuesday #tuesday #thirsty #chillvibes #athome #safespace #emotionalweek #selflove #selfcare #restoration #love #family #peace #bigassglasses

5/8/2024, 5:08:56 AM

We’re very honored and thrilled to announce our short film elegy …IN DARKNESS THERE IS LIGHT was awarded the Founder’s Choice Award in Experimental Film at the 2024 @queensworldfilmfest . Truly grateful to the festival for this special recognition and to all of the festival associates who made this year a memorable experience. This included connecting and forging new friendships with many talented filmmakers. Special thanks to @thequeensboro for sponsoring our screening program and to the many who came to see the film on the BIG screen at the Redstone theater @movingimagenyc We’d like to dedicate the film and this honor to the victims, survivors and first responders of the covid pandemic in Queens. #neverforgotten #Grateful #queens #experimentalfilm #queenscouncil @ics_film #handmadefilm

5/2/2024, 5:10:55 PM

Sebahagian Raya Cookies 2024 yg sempat kita ambik gambar 😂 ni pon awal2 puasa ye. Masuk minggu ke 2 dia jadi huru hara dgn anak2 sekolah 2 sesi. This year buat sorang2 takde assistant mcm last year tp minggu terakhir terpaksa import balik assistant sbb pinggang dh patah badan dah sakit #emotionalweek 🤣🤣 But Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan. 550 balang tahun ini alhamdulillah terima kasih pada semua yg sudi 💚 Selamat Hari Raya dari saya. Maaf Zahir Batin 🥰 terima kasih sekali lagi 😊

4/9/2024, 8:51:22 AM

I do love homemade pizza and a glass (or two) of wine. Perfect way to end the working week. I’m exhausted. It’s been an emotionally big week. And I physically exerted myself this afternoon when I got home. My legs are aching!!! I’m also very thankful for a conversation today that really hit home for me and helped me. 💙 #photographychallenge #blackandwhitephotography #photojournal #myyearinphotos #my43rdyear #adayinmylife #amomentinmyday #amomemtcaptured #somethingmeaningfultome #meaningfultoday #pizza #wine #timetorelax #bigweek #emotionalweek #mma #positives #gratitude

3/28/2024, 9:33:32 AM

Callan and I were swept up by the full moons pull...she was amazed to see the moon through the telescope! I tried a night moon filter on the first pic...it was SO bright out! 🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘 #misscallan #lilstuff #willowjane #lovehertothemoonandback #lilstuffisntsolittleanymore #comptonYO #fullmoonfeels #emotionalweek #thankyoupagecountyfirefighters♥️ #leerayisofftothedarksideofthemoon💜

3/26/2024, 4:54:49 PM

Travel & Work Cascais 💚✨ . . . #travelcascais #emotionalweek #doggydogworld

3/7/2024, 9:42:50 AM

I smile 😄 Not because I'm happy but because I'm not. I smile because I know the difference between happy and sad and that is blessing enough. I smile whether it rains or it shines. I know no matter the weather it will soon be behind. When I smile, it's my own truth. Look in each wrinkle and crease, there lies the proof. I smile, to shine my light. It's getting darker in this world but I'll continue to fight. If you see me smiling, SMILE BACK! If not, that's cool. I smile for me, not for you. • Headshot 2 - Smile 📸 @kindaarzonphotography 💇🏽‍♂️ @sharp_kutz • #smile #headshots #headshot #actor #bookme #audition #callback #offerletter #hustle #grind #journey #chicago #la #newyork #atlanta #talent #career #mambamentality #poem #emotionalweek #emotions #love #allsmiles #smileyface

2/28/2024, 3:05:15 PM

Evening 💜. Apologies for my loooong absence once again, finding the balance is never easy 🙈. Latest podcast episode is now available on most platforms. TW: this episode is focused on mental health tonight, so listener discretion is advised. It’s also a bit of an emotional one with two very different but two very difficult anniversaries this week. Still processing the “new job blues” and several things sent to challenge me lately. Welcome to new followers and thank you to those of you who have been round a while, greatly appreciated 🙏🏼💜💚 #mentalhealthbloggeruk #mentalhealthawareness #ukpodcastersofinstagram #mentalhealthpodcast #emotionalweek #ibdawareness #colitiswarrior #colitisremission #ulcerativecolitis #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalwellness #selfawareness #emotionalhealth

2/25/2024, 1:00:16 AM

Her hair has grown SO much in the last few weeks and I am here for the new hairstyles 😍 (although its like trying to put a bobble on a squid tbh 🤣)...her first pony and I may have got a bit emotional at how cute it is 🥹🥹 one of those weeks! 🫠 Love LOVE her little valentines onesie from @shopmatalan too it sums her up perfectly ❤️ (not an ad) #firstponytail #babyfirsts #babyhair #emotionalweek #valentines #matalan #littlelove

2/4/2024, 12:00:34 PM

Freitag. Veggie- Freitag. Diese Woche was "a ride on an emotional rollercoaster". Und fürs Gemüt sollte es heute bunt, leicht und lecker sein! Hat geklappt!✌️ Konjak-Nudeln ( ja, ich mag sie!) mit Wokgemüse ( Weißkohl, Möhre, Kohlrabi, Zuckerschoten, Sprossen), gebratenen Austernpilzen und Champis und Rettich-Kresse. Bisserl Mango dazu und Sweet Chili Sauce...das tat gut! Jetzt nen doppelten Espresso, Stück dunkle Schoki und dann raus an die frische Luft! Kommt gut ins Wochenende 🫶 #veggiefriday #vegan #familyfood #asianstyle #buntundgesund #spicy #leichteküche #frischgekocht #lowcarb #emotionalweek #alleswasmirschmeckt #foodofinstagram

2/2/2024, 4:50:33 PM

#firstlasts #mybabiesareschoolkids #emotionalweek #soproudofyou #soamazedbyhim #soamazedbyher so happy for my babies to toddle off to school like sweet little loud champions!! 🙌🫶🙏❤️ uh

2/1/2024, 2:23:45 AM

Following an emotional and hard couple of day I wasn't in the right mindset to concentrate on myself, however I got my butt up, ready and had an amazing 1-2-1 session with @j.lewis2000 I'm so thankful to have such an amazing instructor who will push me to achieve my goals. #2024ismyyear #thankful #pushingthrough #fitnessjourney #workingonme #emotionalweek

1/20/2024, 6:49:50 PM

We show what we want you to see.. As mothers As friends As caregivers As wives We tend to keep a lot inside. It is so important that we take the time to pour into ourselves even if it’s for 20-30 minutes per day. Life can be hard, and to give it our best we need to do some selfcare. #selfcare #selflove #replenish #caregiver #momofgirls #healthylifestyle #saunatime #lifeishard #emotionalweek #healthpartner #mefirst

1/17/2024, 1:46:33 AM

來到一月第二週啦,希望大家上週都過得還好~我終於要回台灣了,也很期待去想享駐店,和一些客人相見歡。 請靜心選牌,請注意大眾占卜的結果請參考就好,可能沒有每張卡都可以對應到每個人唷。 準備好了就可以往下看解答惹 do re mi so / / 第一組:戀人逆位,可能和伴侶或是其他在意的人有口角,或是無法溝通的部分。也可能只是單純花太多力氣在身邊的人身上,忘記照顧好自己,要練習「愛自己」的一週。 第二組:錢幣皇后逆位,在家庭和工作上貢獻良多的你,這週有點心累,是時候該休息一下,偶爾耍廢也沒關係的。 第三組:聖杯七,眼前突然多了許多條路,容易被迷惑的一週,仔細思考自己想要的為何。也可能是指你有太多想做的,但一直在空想,白日夢做久了,也該起身實施了吧。 第四組:聖杯侍衛逆位,可能是你或是身邊的某人,這週情緒會因為自身的不成熟影響到你本人,或是情緒有點卡卡的,出不來的感覺。 #emotionalweek #selfloveweek #weeklypredictionjan #2024 #tarotprediction #tarotreader#週報 #1月#運勢#塔羅#占卜 #wochenvorhersage #wochetarot

1/7/2024, 7:20:23 PM

a roller coaster of events in the first week of January already 🎢 #EmotionalWeek

1/7/2024, 12:31:02 PM

My sweet baby Monkey had a really rough week…Monday she was fine, full of bubbles, playing like a pup. Tuesday morning she couldn’t stand or hold her head up and was completely disoriented. Emergency day at the vet resulted in her coming home Tuesday night to watch for any signs of improvement. Weds morning she seemed worse, so I made the hard call to our amazing vet to end her suffering. The release was signed, the procedure paid for, the syringe loaded and on the examining table. Our amazing vet looked up during her final exam and said she’d like to give her one more day - three days later she’s still with us and improving daily! On the way home with her I stopped to pick up a sandwich and saw these socks and this garden stone in the cafe…and when I came out of the cafe monkey was sitting up in the backseat!! The vet thinks she may have had some sort of a clot overnight, her symptoms are neurological and not related to her diabetes. Our vet says she may never recover fully but I am so grateful for every tiny improvement I see! She’s spending most of her time resting but can walk short distances now, although she’s extremely wobbly and leans to one side. No stairs yet which means I’m carrying this 20lb potato up and down the stairs and my back is aching…but I’ll gladly do it! We are praying she continues to recover…her new nickname is the Miracle Monkey! 🙏🥹🙏 . . . #miraclemonkey #miracle #furbaby #sweetangel #jackrussell #emotionalweek #dogsofinstagram #lifeonthemountaintop #whatawaytostarttheyear

1/6/2024, 5:40:17 PM

I could say so much about my time in South Dakota and what it meant to me to have this opportunity and be surrounded by people who genuinely wanted to see Archer and I succeed but I’ll keep it short, mainly so I don’t cry again. Surrounded yourself with people who speak your name in a room full of opportunities - but do the work to become that person that they want to talk about and bring to the feast! #emotionalweek #grateful #goodingoodout #floodedwithpride #overcomewithtearsandsograteful #southdakota #wild #myfirstpheasants #etchedinmyheart #purebredgoodboy #thisismylife #womenspheasanthunt #girlstrip

12/1/2023, 6:35:28 PM

Full News Of Tiger Woods’ Emotional Week At St. Andrews Ends Early Read more https://newskrest.com/full-news-of-tiger-woods-emotional-week-at-st-andrews-ends-early/ #TigerWoods #StAndrews #EmotionalWeek #GolfNews #EntertainmentNews #TrendingTopics #StAndrewsGolf #USA #Canada #NorthAmericanNews #GolfUpdates #EntertainmentHeadlines #FollowUsNow #SportsEmotion #SocialMediaSensation #GolfHeartbreak #TigerWoodsNews

11/27/2023, 2:53:42 PM

#CampanhasEmocionantes 🤩 Já fez a sua encomenda??? A nossa EMOTIONAL WEEK termina já amanhã! 📌 No Universo das Emoções não temos Black Friday, mas temos uma EMOTIONAL WEEK! 😁 ✅ De 18 a 24 novembro, aproveite a fantástica promoção em vários materiais e recursos disponíveis na nossa loja online. 😍 Descontos até 20% nos artigos assinalados no link na bio - Loja Online. APROVEITE! #UECampanhasEmocionantes #universodasemocoes #competenciassocioemocionais #EmotionalWeek #descontos

11/23/2023, 11:00:32 PM

#CampanhasEmocionantes 🤩 Já começou a EMOTIONAL WEEK! (18 a 24 novembro) 📌 No Universo das Emoções não temos Black Friday, mas temos uma EMOTIONAL WEEK! 😁 ✅ De 18 a 24 novembro, aproveite a fantástica promoção em vários materiais e recursos disponíveis na nossa loja online. 😍 Descontos até 20% nos artigos assinalados no link na bio - Loja Online. APROVEITE! #UECampanhasEmocionantes #universodasemocoes #competenciassocioemocionais #EmotionalWeek #descontos

11/19/2023, 11:00:06 PM

#CampanhasEmocionantes 🤩 Prepare-se para a EMOTIONAL WEEK! - de 18 a 24 novembro 📌 No Universo das Emoções não temos Black Friday, mas temos uma EMOTIONAL WEEK! 😁 ✅ De 18 a 24 novembro, aproveite a fantástica promoção em vários materiais e recursos disponíveis na nossa loja online. 😍 Descontos até 20% nos artigos assinalados no link na bio - Loja Online. APROVEITE! #UECampanhasEmocionantes #universodasemocoes #competenciassocioemocionais #EmotionalWeek #descontos

11/16/2023, 11:00:24 PM

Custom friendship bracelets that the boys and I made to help make their new transition a little fun. As a parent, we do our best and whatever it takes to ease their little hearts when they are hurting. Change can be scary, but we refuse to let the fear win in the end. #friendshipbracelets #friendship #emotionalweek

11/15/2023, 4:23:51 AM

Jason is out of town this weekend with Gracie. Every morning Jason makes me coffee nothing special just coffee… This week has been nothing but an emotional rollercoaster between wedding details and finishing up Jason fathers funeral’s details. This morning my son made me coffee when he hands it to me he says I hope it’s good like dad makes it for you. I smile hug him and tell it’s better. He says mom when I have a wife I’ll make sure to make her coffee like dad makes you coffee. I wrote all of this to say that I’m sure there were things that Jason’s father did for his mother that Jason picked up on and I’m sure they were all the good things about Jason. Here’s to one hella of an emotional rollercoaster week… for better or for worse 11🤍10🤍2023 #forbetterorworse #emotionalweek #weddingweek #blessed

11/5/2023, 5:59:09 PM

It's such a sad moment that you left us my aunt ,but there is one thing I learned from you in such a short period of time that I will surely keep learning always.God give us strength in all our darkest moments #lordletyourwillbedone🙏 #hope #emotionalweek

10/31/2023, 7:05:08 PM

I ❤️ NY • • • #travelmore #emotionalweek #newyorkers #lifestyleblog #mindbodysoul

10/3/2023, 9:31:12 PM

Feel like shit and it’s been an emotional week. Smiling because at the end of the day, I have a lot to be thankful for and I know my mom is watching over me. ♥️ . . . . #thankful #sickday #friday #emotionalweek #fall #fallvibes #smiling #appreciatinglife #gay #lgbtqia #missyoumom

9/30/2023, 12:54:52 AM

And that’s another wrap… the boy has officially left to continue his life in Wales with his lovely lady Bethan!! End of an era, just us and the pups now, good luck and lots of love to you both and see you when you come back to collect the rest of your stuff!! 📦📦📦🤣 xx #emotionalweek

9/10/2023, 8:27:58 PM

…and then off goes my little heart mender into year 4! Oh Florrie, you will never know your power, shine bright my darling girl, you will no doubt flourish even more, keep being the wonderful you. So proud of you and love you beyond words 🤍🌈 #emotionalweek #florriebay #florencebay #ourrainbowbaby

9/6/2023, 12:22:22 PM

Breakfast in work an I don't give a shit!! combo of 3am starts all week and emotional new school beginnings has me emotionally and physically TIRED 😴😴😴 Fruit loaf with Nutella and banana 🍌 #synsgalore #nonslimmingworldfriendly #nonslimmingworldpost #nonslimmingworld #dontevencare #sowhat #itiswhatitis #tootired #feelingtired #emotionalweek #newventure #newchapter #slimmingworldmafia #slimmingworldfollowers #trybetternexttime

9/1/2023, 9:53:01 AM

Perfect way to spend a Saturday morning after a tiring, emotional week 🥹✂️🪡🧵🐾🐈‍⬛🌳🌻💜 . . . #saturdaymorning #weekendcraft #emotionalweek #relax☀️ #lovemykitties❤️ #peaceful @craftynat_83

8/26/2023, 1:20:12 PM

I got to fly down, just me, to help our oldest move into her new apartment. Used me for my rental truck 😉 She’s a junior now and doesn’t really need me (ok, maybe) but it was sure nice helping her get settled and seeing her fancy new digs. 🤗 Have a great year girly! Love you! 🥹🥰 #trinityuniversitysanantonio #carelliclan #madsisters3 #emotionalweek #almostemptynesters

8/22/2023, 5:46:15 PM

Gosh what an emotional week since Tuesday, continued on Friday by taken advantage of being too kind and end yesterday 😔. So tired today, pretty drained emotionally. Universe is trying to tell me to cut down on my social life and if I do meet a friend has to be a good friend who I know is good to me and I won't take advantage of my kindness😪. Our time is precious and our soul is fragile. I must admit I become perhaps more sensitive for the last few years since the cancer and menopause. I do enjoy my own company and Dubby of course so will stay at home or just do things I love by myself so I can control my mental health and it won't be depending on other people behaviour. #emotional #sensitive #emotionalweek #menopause #veryemotional #verysensitive #earlymenopause

8/21/2023, 12:13:05 PM

Our sons' traditional first day of school pic, 7th grade and Senior Year! Beyond proud of both of them. Tobias, keep paving the way, my son. We can't believe you'll be graduating soon. . . . . . . . . . . . . #emotionalweek #proudmomma #senioryear #seventhgrade #brunette 🧑 #blonde👱 #handsomesons #Godslove #myloves 🙏

8/19/2023, 5:25:41 PM

Wishing you a Spectacular first day of 1st Grade My Love...🥹 #dominicearljackson #firstgrade #2023 #mybabiestheywillalwaysbe #myhousefeelsempty #emotionalweek #boysrock

8/7/2023, 5:46:25 PM

Excitement, Fear, Pride, Joy, Nervousness, Happiness, Thrill… the week was full of emotions! We are so proud to announce that our little Speedy finally touched water on Lake Geneva ♥️ We can’t wait to show you how she did on those first tests, stay tuned in the coming weeks 🚀 #SP80 #drivenbypassion #jointhequest #world #sailing #speed #record #worldrecord #speedrecord #Vitesse #voile #sailboat #kiteboat #sail #kite #firsttime #emotionalweek #testing #teampower #lakegeneva #leman #switzerland #lake

8/3/2023, 6:00:04 PM

When you've had an absolute rubbish week and lots of tears, this box arriving today from America and the Disney Character Warehouse curtesy of Sharon was much needed #rubbishweekmadebetter #emotionalweek #disneyshopping #disneyadult #disneyaddict #disneyhaul

7/22/2023, 9:43:59 PM

It’s been a very hectic and emotional week, so many lovely bouquets made; from teachers gifts, Thankyou bouquets to 60th wedding anniversary party flowers and many more…💐 🌻🌻 Thankyou to @country_lane_flowers and @southeastflowers for the flowers, as always they are beautiful, flower boxes from @floralbox_packaging making the bouquets look fab 😍 Thankyou to everyone who has ordered from me, it means so much to me 🥰💐 #busyweek #hectic #emotionalweek #teachersgifts #thankyouflowers #60thweddinganniversaybouquets #sonleavingprimaryschool #shoplocal #wingham #winghamwell

7/22/2023, 11:07:16 AM

Who else has had an emotional week? 😢🥲. Just like that, my little boy has said goodbye to his Primary Years!! And is ready for the next chapter to begin!! Not so sure that I’m ready though 😬😳😬😳😬

7/22/2023, 9:26:32 AM

This week has been an emotional one! We've said goodbye to so many toddlers who are heading off for school or preschool in September! I try to remain professional on these occasions (and not cry!) , but fail when the emotions take over and I realise how much these toddlers mean to me! 😭😭 Each and every single one of my Toddlers has come such a long way since joining me. I have seen some every week for the last 4 and a half years as they have been attending since being newborns with their older siblings. I have zoomed all the way through lock down in their living rooms, along with their cats, dogs and us all muddling through Covid lockdowns together. Others have attended since we first started back after lock down, wearing face masks and trying to get toddlers to stay on their mats! What a long way we have come and the world has finally gone back to normal! Thank you so much to all my wonderful toddlers and families who have supported me through these crazy times. It has been amazing to be such a part of your lives and see such confident and independent toddlers so ready for their next chapter at school. #toddlersenseyork #endofterm #saygoodbye #emotionalweek #schoolstarters2023 #toddlers #toddlerclasses

7/21/2023, 11:04:46 PM

Celebrating the end of term 😍 Another year done in school for my gorgeous boy and my baby graduating from nursery 🥹 It’s been all too emotional, and I now have the realisation it’ll be like this every year 🙈😭 Time to enjoy the summer holidays! I’m on the hunt for lots of free things to do with the kids so any suggestions welcome! I’m on a mission to be ‘fun mum’ this summer without going bankrupt or having to sit in a park every day 😂 See you on the other side… 🙏🏼 . . . . . . . . . . . #schoolsout #schoolsoutforsummer #endofterm #nomoreschool #nurserygraduation #mybabiesaregrowingup #summeroffun #funmum #thingstodowiththekids #proudofyou #proudmummy #emotionalweek #summerholidays #summeroffun #familytime #preciousmoments #milestones #workingmumlife #workingmumlifebalance #mummyfitluton #mummyfituk #6weekholidays #siblings #friends #parklife #mybabies #love #lovethem #happyfriday #friyay #family

7/21/2023, 10:07:49 PM

⭐️One for those of you who have a little one who is finishing primary school tomorrow! Our eldest daughter finishes tomorrow, I know it’s a cliche but I really don’t know where the time has gone. Our son finished primary school during lockdown, back when we were living our lives in bubbles and he didn’t have a leaver’s concert, so it feels like a completely different level of emotional this time! To those of you with little ones who are at or starting primary school - enjoy the time spent walking to school and talking about their day, soaking in the things you see on the way. And to those of you with little ones who are finishing school tomorrow - hold their hand as you walk down once more!⭐️ #mylittlelearningstar #lastdayofschool #endofschool #schoolleavers #year6 #year6leavers #parenting #mumlife #dadlife #school #educationuk #emotionalweek

7/20/2023, 7:55:07 PM

Sonny’s last day at the playgroup he has been going to since he was a little baby 😢 Bonnie used to go as well and they are closing down and relocating so I felt quite emotional saying goodbye today. Thank you for the lovely craft bags for the children ❤️ #endofanera #emotionalweek #mumofboys

7/18/2023, 9:45:08 PM

So proud of these two! 🥹 Fabulous school reports (albeit lacking any pace and urgency and a little chatty in class - can you guess which is which! 😂) The older one only started guides in April and has just spent the weekend in a tent 🏕️ doing a 25k ish 2 day orienteering challenge 🙌🏽 and the younger one did a brilliant leavers assembly 😭 and got the class trophy for being helpful and cheerful 👏🏽👏🏽 They’re alright sometimes, these two ☺️ #emotionalweek #notcrying #gotsomethinginmyeye

7/16/2023, 5:55:17 PM

🌤️❤️Driving back from Boston to Missouri, has not gone as planned, with the rain & other unforeseen circumstances, it somehow lead us here & gave me the privilege to stop by & see my other grandparents & to pay my respects. #BackinMissouri #RIPgrandparents #emotionalweek #ElginFamily

7/12/2023, 2:45:33 AM

Cheers to Friday and my version of a Watermelon Mint Martini ❤️ #Fridayfeels #emotionalweek #emotionalmonth

7/1/2023, 2:58:10 AM

Although it’s been in the pipeline for what feels like a very long time, we finally got confirmation at the weekend that we have been registered by the Care Inspectorate, to be an outdoor nursery 🎉 . You will not see many changes on how we do things, other than we are lucky enough to be able to have a few more little bugs around the place, having adventures, getting muddy and creating memories. We will function as a small, outdoor setting, which provides council funded spaces and private spaces for 2-5 year olds. The only downside is this is our final week with our after school bugs. We’ve known them for such a long time and are so grateful to have had this time with them, where we’ve had so much fun, and seen them grow into the most amazing individuals, we are so proud and so sad to see them move on. A super emotional week all round ❤️‍🩹 , as we say, see you soon to these wonderful families who have supported us through everything. But we know, we will see them all soon enough 😊❤️, they can’t get rid of us that easily. In addition a huge thank you to our friends and family who have put up with us being very busy most weekends for the past 10 months trying to get this altogether, we are looking forward to spending lots more time with you now (or at least that’s the plan 🤣). #littlebugs #outdoornursery #outdoorsfun #localchildcare #happybugs #emotionalweek #newbeginnings❤️ #feelsveryrealnow #thankyou #grateful

6/26/2023, 9:58:16 PM

Some weeks we need a break… break from social media, correspondence..etc. We need to sit, to process and feel our emotions…alone with my thoughts, my tea, my pottery… I cocoon until I am done. I lost a friend to cancer and a friendship to setting boundaries… When one door closes another one opens. 🦋 #infusemelisa #burleigh #blueandwhite #alonetime #boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #teatime #teainthegarden #tea #burleighteapot #spodeblueitalian #blue #cotswoldslife #afternoonsnack #pottery #potterylover #trusttheprocess #processyouremotions #emptyspace #emotionalweek #greif #future #process #blueandwhitechina #blueandwhitepottery

6/16/2023, 5:37:45 PM

I’m semi-human today. First time I’ve actually fixed my hair in a week . 🤷🏻‍♀️ I didn’t want to but I made myself do it. It’s been an emotional week 😢 #strugglingeachdaytosurvive #emotionalweek #thatsalligottasay #darkandtwisty🖤

6/15/2023, 3:12:18 PM

#lovequotes #neverbrokeagain #hardwork #emotionalweek #collegelife💯💯💯💯💯

5/31/2023, 8:17:51 AM

Береги… каждый день 🙏🏻✨❤️ . . . . . #intuitive #intuitivesoul #emotionalweek #freeking #emotional #vintage #filmphotography #filmsalive #filmsnotdead #goodnight #goodnightworld #береги #каждыйдень #Limassol #limassolmarina #Cyprus

5/27/2023, 11:50:56 PM

He always makes me so proud of him. #emotionalweek #firstborngrowinguptoofast

5/25/2023, 7:13:46 PM

Hit my Momma heart today as I usher in 3 more highschoolers. How in the hell did this happen so fast?? #momof4 #4boys #4highschoolers #emotionalweek

5/22/2023, 9:05:08 PM

Another week is upon us and honestly this may be one of the most emotional weeks for me. Between preparing for the Dublin 4 Miler, watching a family friend graduate from college and most important part of the week seeing my mini-me close one chapter of her life and prepare for the next chapter, I am already an emotional mess. Sometimes a song even hits you emotionally and I have found the last couple days one of Lauren Daigle new songs just hitting me. It reminds me of how God can only do what no one else does. Thankful for the life God has given me. Does not matter if there are obstacles thrown my way, disagreements happen, or you go through knee pain, my faith in God constantly reminds me He is in control, He watches over us, and He is the best encourager I know. Be encouraged knowing this and wishing you an amazing week and stay safe and healthy. #accountabilitypost #blessed #family #encouragement #graduationseason #hope #faithoverfear #lovelife #overcomer #emotionalweek #healthierme #changetheworld #kindnessmatters #lifelessons #leadbyexample #1corinthians13 #phil413 #authenticity #transparent

5/22/2023, 3:56:24 PM

🌟 Life/Self-care/Mom Lesson #8392… 🌟 The week leading up to graduation is the WRONG time to run out of your hormone supplement. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But…it’s here…I’m restocked…and ready to go. Seriously though, if you need some support and/or are feeling a little off, (especially for someone like me that’s almost to enter the 50s club) let me know and I can send you all the details! 💜 And what makes me even happier?!? All I paid for was shipping! Customer Reward points…for the win!! 🏆 #emotionalweek #graduationisalmosthere #stressandemotions #whatafunpairing #poorplanningonmypart #helloUSPS #brainenergy #energyboost #goodbyebrainfog #moodbalancing #hormonebalancing #stressmanagement #muscletone #threemonthslefttomy40s #getofftherollercoaster #solongteetertotter #medicalgrade #supplementlife #customerrewards

5/18/2023, 6:17:05 PM

💔 It's been an incredibly emotional week for us. After saying goodbye to our sweet cat Breezer, our German Shepherd puppy Nacho became seriously ill. Since Tuesday morning he has been staying in Hospital Vetsum @veterinariodealhaurin in Alhaurin el Grande, where he is closely monitored and receives the necessary medication and fluids and the necessary attention from the nurses and veterinarians. For which we sincerely thank them! It turns out that Nacho was infected with the Parvo virus. Parvo is a highly contagious disease that primarily affects dogs less than a year old. This virus attacks their gastrointestinal system, causing severe symptoms and complications. Nacho's life was hanging by a thread and our hearts were filled with sadness. To make matters worse, Taco, Nacho's brother, also fell ill and was admitted to the veterinary clinic yesterday. Our pups are both battling this horrible virus. Today there is a glimmer of hope. The prognosis for Nacho looks a little better. However, he is still reluctant to eat. At the request of the vets we tried to feed him ourselves today, but unfortunately we didn't succeed. As soon as they both eat independently again and show no more symptoms, they can go home. We want to take the opportunity to emphasize the importance of vaccinating your puppies against this terrible virus. Vaccination greatly increases their chances of survival and protects them from the devastating effects of Parvo. Consult your vet and make sure your furry friend is properly vaccinated. Your kind words and encouragement have given us strength during this difficult time. 🐾 Keep Nacho and Taco in your thoughts as they bravely fight their way back to health. We believe in the resilience and determination of our furry darlings. We will never lose hope. We'll keep you updated on Nacho and Taco's progress and cherish every little win they get. Together we can overcome this battle and bring them back home where they belong. ❤️🐶❤️🐶 #EmotionalWeek #NachoAndTacoStrong #FightAgainstParvo #VaccinateForProtection #parvovirus

5/12/2023, 4:02:56 PM

💔 Het was een ontzettend emotionele week voor ons. Na afscheid te hebben genomen van onze lieve poes Breezer werd onze Duitse Herder pup Nacho ernstig ziek. Sinds dinsdagochtend verblijft hij in Dierenhospitaal Vetsum @veterinariodealhaurin in Alhaurin el Grande, waar hij nauwlettend wordt gevolgd en de nodige medicatie en vocht krijgt en de nodige aandacht van de verpleegsters en dierenartsen. Het blijkt dat Nacho besmet was met het Parvo virus. Voor degenen die niet bekend zijn, Parvo is een zeer besmettelijke ziekte die voornamelijk honden treft die jonger zijn dan een jaar. Dit virus valt hun maagdarmstelsel aan en veroorzaakt ernstige symptomen en complicaties. Nacho's leven hing aan een zijden draadje. Tot overmaat van ramp werd Taco, het broertje van Nacho, ook ziek en werd gisteren opgenomen in de dierenkliniek. Onze pups vechten allebei tegen dit vreselijke virus. Vandaag is er een sprankje hoop. De prognose voor Nacho ziet er iets beter uit. Hij is echter nog steeds terughoudend om te eten. Op verzoek van de dierenartsen hebben we vandaag geprobeerd hem zelf te voeren, maar dat is helaas niet gelukt. Zodra ze allebei weer zelfstandig eten en geen symptomen meer vertonen, mogen ze naar huis. We willen van de gelegenheid gebruik maken om het belang van het vaccineren van uw puppy's tegen dit vreselijke virus te benadrukken. Vaccinatie vergroot hun overlevingskansen aanzienlijk en beschermt hen tegen de verwoestende effecten van Parvo. Raadpleeg uw dierenarts en zorg ervoor dat uw harige vriend goed is gevaccineerd. Jullie lieve woorden en aanmoedigingen hebben ons kracht gegeven in deze moeilijke tijd. 🐾 Blijf Nacho en Taco in jullie gedachten houden terwijl ze zich dapper een weg terug naar gezondheid vechten. Wij geloven in de veerkracht en vastberadenheid van onze harige schatten. We zullen nooit de hoop verliezen. We houden jullie op de hoogte van de vorderingen van Nacho en Taco en koesteren elke kleine overwinning die ze behalen. Samen kunnen we deze strijd overwinnen en ze terug naar huis brengen, waar ze thuishoren. ❤️🐶❤️🐶 #EmotionalWeek #NachoAndTacoStrong #FightAgainstParvo #VaccinateForProtection #parvovirus

5/12/2023, 3:47:54 PM

F*ck this shit! This has been a very emotional week. Sorrow, frustration, irritation and anger coming out of the system. And that's good. Feels also very empowering to post a picture like this. Not always those happy smiles. #sacredrage #emotionalweek #lettinggo #fckofffeeling #showyourmood #purifying #tunteidenpurkua #releasedsomestuff

5/12/2023, 3:45:30 PM

My moms not home yet. I can’t wait till she returns cause I miss her so much. Lil Eve handled her not being here really hard #MomLife #EmotionalWeek #Updates

5/6/2023, 4:52:29 AM

🏅✨🏃‍♀️🤩 #firstmarathon #reflection #emotionalweek #runner #gotmymedal 🙏🙏🙏

4/21/2023, 8:35:22 PM

It’s that time of year again. Totally emotional one for me this year as the littlest member of the team starts school in September 🥹 If you have a little one starting too this was a little booklet I worked on with a group of others many moons ago when I was doing school skills classes. If you would like a copy sending just dm me your email and will send one over 🙌 • • • #startingschool #september2023 #mybabyisgrowingup #emotionalweek #ispyamudpie #schoolskills

4/19/2023, 9:52:43 PM

What a week.. we’ve had the shop open for a week and it’s been all the emotions! But the beginning of something really worth while for us a farming business 😊 #butchershop #buylocal #farmingfamily #freerange #newbusiness #hampshire #emotionalweek #exhausted

3/25/2023, 8:31:37 PM

I woke up early to catch the sunrise 🌅 something I haven’t done in a few months. I took a mindful minute as this week has been mentally challenging. Reflected on what is and what I cannot change, reminded myself to be present and enjoy the moments with people while you have them. ✨💗🙌🏻🦋🥹 #mindfulminute #sunrise #reflection #emotionalweek #timetounwind

3/24/2023, 10:01:22 PM