LifeWishlist images

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What's on your bucket list? 📝✨ Share your dreams with us! | 304-664-8589 | 49 Mountaineer Hwy, Gilbert, WV 25621⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #BucketListDay #DreamBig #LifeGoals #AdventureAwaits #BucketListIdeas #ShareYourStory #LifeAdventures #DreamChasing #GilbertWV #ExploreDreamDiscover #LifeWishlist #MakeMemories #PursuePassion #BucketListJourney #CollectExperiences

4/24/2024, 11:59:06 PM

U can't run to solve a problem but u can always run for a marathon. Done & Dusted 5kmsMarathon.🏃‍♀️ One more strike off from my Life's wishlist 😇 Annual Quota achieved 🤭 #nmdchyderabadmarathon2023🏃🏻‍♂️🏃‍♀️🥇🏆 #hyderabadmarathon2023 #5krun #hyderabaddiaries #runrunrun #marathon #hyderabadmarathon😍❤️ #bucketlist✔️ #lifewishlist

8/27/2023, 7:31:54 PM

hihi New York! It's on my bucket list 🧾! Love the vibe of New York so much ☄️ #NewYork #LifeWishList #timessquare

6/30/2023, 4:08:28 AM

It’s my first time saw the snow in my life ,was really good weather for saw the snow now 😌 人生第一次看到雪 現在的天氣也很適合看到雪了! #melbourne #donnabuang #snowman #workingholiday #lifewishlist #firstsnow #人生清單 #願望達成 #photographer #beautifulplaces #park #travel #australiatravel #travelphotography #walkoutside #australiasnow #selfie

6/20/2023, 3:32:25 PM

Hi New York! This is on my list 🧾! Really like the NYC vibe ☄️ #newyork [topic] #lifewishlist [topic] #timessquare [topic]#

5/12/2023, 9:30:44 PM

Сьогодні – найкращий день для написання списку зі 100 цілей (мрій) вашого життя, адже вночі було зимове сонцестояння, а раніше багато народів святкували початок нового року в саме цей день. Робити це потрібно, дотримуючись деяких правил: 💫 100 мрій життя – це як калейдоскоп яскравих подій, які ми хочемо прожити в нашому житті. Тому вони повинні викликати у вас почуття радості, любові, наповненості. Намагайтесь відчути все серцем: хотіти всім серцем - це не теж саме, що хотіти всією головою. 💫 Складати цей список потрібно, перебуваючи виключно у спокійному та радісному настрої. Ми не можемо створювати істинно надихаючі цілі, якщо ми перебуваємо в похмурому стані. Головне - це наш стан. Тому зробіть щось приємне для себе, що подарує вам відчуття радості та наповненості. 💫 Почніть з визначення своїх ключових життєвих цінностей, бо саме вони допоможуть вам бачити життя своєї мрії. Тільки ви знаєте, що для вас важливо, а що ні, і тільки ви зможете розставити пріоритети, а ваші мрії зможуть знайти своє місце на вашій лінії життя. 💫 Формулюйте ваші мрії та бажання у ствердній формі (без частки не), дуже конкретно, максимально детально, у теперішньому часі. Також можна спробувати формулювання, що починається зі слів “Я вдячен/вдячна за те, що...” і продовжуємо писати про свою ціль/мрію в теперішньому часі, нібито ви зараз вже це маєте. 💫 Візуалізуйте кожну свою мрію, відчуйте ваш стан, коли ви знаєте, що та чи інша мрія збулася, запам’ятайте його. 💫 Не ставте конкретні дати здійснення мрій, SMART з цим не завжди працює, достатньо розставити приіритети (1 рік/5/10/20/30 років), при цьому не обмежувати себе і Всесвіт конкретними термінами, залиште місце для чудес. 💫 І головне - не відкладайте ваші мрії на потім, зробіть маленький крок для найприоритетнішої мрії на наступний рік саме сьогодні, сама зараз! І так поступово робіть маленькі кроки і для інших мрій в наступному році, і ви побачите, як весь світ почне вам допомагати на шляху до здійснення ваших мрій! Хай всесвіт принесе вам більше чудес, ніж ви мріяте 🙏💫🚀 #mindfulness #mindfullife #mindbodysoul #awareness #hereandnow #selfreflection #lifewishlist #lifegoals #coaching #lifecoaching #clarity

12/22/2022, 2:47:43 PM

America has experienced its third skydive of a lifetime and now looks more professional than the first two #SanDiego #skydivingbase #skydivingfeelings #lifewishlist #California #shooting #scenery

7/20/2022, 4:53:37 AM

🧧🎁🎉🎊🎡🎠 人生的願望清單有很多,踏入社會後,想買車、買房、買奢侈品、成家立業、環遊世界、我一直認為讀萬卷書不如行萬里路,踏出的每一步,像是刻劃在心裏~ 真的是第二次因爲疫情,而無法出國⋯以前都是因爲「沒錢」而無法出國⋯😅😭 這輩子跟兒子肩並肩漫步,看電影🎬、吃美食🍱、還期待兒子帶我戰酒店💃🕺🥃🍾⋯ 無法完成的清單~ #人生清單✔️ #恭喜恭喜 #又老了一歲 #下一站幸福 #findsomething #onmyway #ironman #purple #mestrious #betheone #homesweethome #lifecalendar #lifewishlist

2/1/2022, 12:11:51 PM

i really don’t even want to be famous, just cool enough to have access to runway clothes like @christiancowan

11/3/2021, 6:12:01 PM

만나보고 싶은 새2) 지빠귀류(개똥지빠귀), 바다직박구리, 멋쟁이새, 흰멧새, 아비류(회색머리아비) 도감이나 다른 탐조인, 해외 탐조인 사진까지 보다보면 사실 보고 싶은 새는 끝도 없이 많다. 내게 탐조에서 가장 흥미롭고 매력적이게 느껴지는 건 ‘다양한 종’이다. 개인적인 관찰 종 개수나 희귀도는 내게 별로 중요한 점은 아니다. (4개 넘으면 세던 개수도 까먹어서..) 어차피 세계엔 너무나도 많은 종류의 새가 있고, 이를 관찰한 사람은 차고 넘치며, 새 말고도 중요한 생물과 크고 작은 세계가 있기 때문이다. 하지만 다양한 취미활동을 해보며 느낀 건 뭐든 자세히 들여다보면 그 안에 세계가 있다는 점이고 난 이 점에서 그렇게 관찰하고 탐구해볼 종이 우리나라에만 약 450종, 전세계에 nnnnn종(추후 확인하여 보강하겠습니다..)이 있다는 사실이 짜릿하고 재미있다. 이 각 종이 분화되고 다른 외모와 생태를 가지게 된 이유와 서사(?)를 듣다 보면 의외로 ‘그런거 알아서 뭐해?’ 보다는 인생에 써먹을 좋은 아이디어를 많이 얻는다. 그리고 이 작고 알지도 못했던 생명체 안에 깃들어있고 주변으로 얽히고 설켜있는 어떤 원리나 내 삶과의 관련성을 이해하면서 위로받기도 하고 겸허해지기도 한다. 어쨌거나 이번에 떠올라 갑자기 그린 궁금한 종 다섯 종은 다음과 같은 이유로 선정(?)되었다. (어차피 다 궁금하고 다 보고 싶지만 ㅋㅋ) 지빠귀류는 고향집 나무 위에서 흰배지빠귀 같은 실루엣을 본 뒤로 아직 한번도 제대로 못봤다. 궁금해서 찾아보면 하나같이 다 바닥에서(?) 찍혔길래 새친님들께 여쭤보니 가을 낙엽속에서 팍! 팍! 소리가 나며 보면 먹이를 찾는 개똥지빠귀라는 말에 궁금해졌다. (=매우 귀여울 것 같다) 바다직박구리는 여름에 뭣도모르고 아무 섬이나 갔던 때 은은한 실루엣으로 (실루엣 탐조인) 본듯한 친구인데 직박구리란 국명과 달리 실제론 지빠귀라고 한다(!) 바다 근처에만 주로 보이고 내륙으론 잘 오지 않는데다 이름처럼 바다색의 푸른 몸을 가져서(암컷은 바위같은 갈색) 꼭 보고 싶다. 그냥 바다직박구리 말고 푸른바다직박구리 라는 종도 있는데 진짜 영롱한 푸른 빛이다. 이 친구도 사는 동안 꼭 한번 봐보고 싶다. 멋쟁이새는 도감에서 본 순간부터 내 메모장에 ‘멋쟁이새는 왜 멋쟁이새인가?’라는 질문을 안겨준 새였다. 아직도 정확히는 모르지만 다른 수많은 화려하고 기상천외한 새들과 수수한 새들을 보고 난 뒤 묘하게 갑자기 멋쟁이새가 귀엽고 좀 보고 싶다는 생각이 들었다. 전세계 새 외모를 봤을 때 멋쟁이새는 약간 꾸안꾸(?) 멋을 가지고 있는 축인데 그래서는 아니었을까…? (서프라이즈톤) 흰멧새는 직박구리와 꼭 세트같은 동화같은 색감의 새다. 서양 새 일러스트에 상당히 많이 등장해서 사진보다 그림으로 눈에 익었다. 밝은 베이스털에 볼터치를 한 것이 겨울느낌이 가득하고 우리나라 야생에서 보면 느낌이 어떨지 궁금한 새다. 아비 류는 도감에서 보고 이름도 특이하고 생김새도 특이하고 (비슷한 새로 느시도 좀 그렇다) 이질적인 새였다. 정말 그동안 새 몰랐던건 그렇다치고(?) 별의별 그림체 새가 다 있구나 싶어진 매끈매끈하고 조금 새같지 않은 새라서 꼭 실물을 봐보고 싶은 새이다. 지면상 다섯마리밖에 못그렸는데 궁금한 새 시리즈는 한국에 한정하지 않고 다양하게 그려보고 싶다. 학창시절에도 위시리스트 같은 것은 스크랩북처럼 붙이고 그리고 하면서 힐링했는데, 본 새가 아닌 보고 싶은 새 리스트도 그런 점에서 재밌고 힐링이다🥰 #나만의새도감 #만나보고싶은새 #개똥지빠귀 #바다직박구리 #멋쟁이새 #흰멧새 #회색머리아비 #새그림 #손그림 #인스타툰 #탐조 #lifewishlist #birding #birder #birddrawing #duskythrush #bluerockthrushmale #pacificdiver #snowbunting #commonbullfinch

10/19/2021, 1:35:53 PM

There are so many things I wish to do... But when it really comes down to it, I don't feel I will get to accomplish them all... I want so many things that I know I can't control whether or not they happen... I want to experience a love that I'm not sure exists outside of my brain... because it's unique... I want to travel & accomplish my bucket list along the way... I want to make new memories that make my heart happy & full again... I want to find that inner piece of self love that I've been chasing for so many years... I want to beat my mental health issues & overcome them triumphantly... I want to make a difference in the world, whether it's through writing, vlogging, speaking, whatever it may my book I want to say "yes" to more things out of my comfort zone to truly live this beautiful life... I want to wake up every day knowing that today is a present & the Universe gave me one more day to chase my dreams, goals & desires. I want to give love & be loved unconditionally..and wake up every day knowing the journey was with it... I know this is a lot of things...and I don't know that I'll have enough time here in this lifetime to complete them...but I want to make it my mission, because at the end of the day, this one life is all we get. Let's get to experiencing this beautiful bifida life I get to live! 💞💜💛 #spinabifida #spinabeautiful #spinabifidafitness #disabled #disability #mentalhealthawareness #adaptive #adaptivefitness #spinabifidaawareness #disabilitytothisability #tooabletobedisabled #spinabifidajourney #strength #riseabove #love #able #fitfam #confidence #bucketlist #onelife #spinabifidacommunity #selflovejourney #lifewishlist #wednesdaymood #depression #mybeautifulbifidalife #adaptiveathlete #futureauthor #mentalhealth

9/29/2021, 4:18:54 PM

Pengen kesana lagi, hahaha. Soalnya perjalanan sebelumnya belum sempat ngunci gembok di Namsan Tower. Gak nyangka bakalan di kasih interval selama ini. Yuk bisa yuk adaptasi dengan kenyataan ini, meskipun maskeran mulu 😷 #yoyokorea1sttrip #lifewishlist

8/18/2021, 6:18:16 PM

Sejujurnya, dana buat kesana kemarin mengandalkan tabungan yang dititip simpan, tapi karna satu dan lain hal uangnya gak bisa kepakai. Jadi ceritanya pinjam uang temen + nabung supaya ada traksaksi keluar masuk di rekening buat salah satu dokumen. Eits, bukan berarti pergi kesananya maksa, iya siapa tau ada yang mikir maksa pergi padahal dana minjam. Sebelum terbang duit yang dipinjam sudah dikembalikan, jadi terbang bener-bener pakai duit sendiri. Tapi tetap, tanpa suntikan dari kawan mungkin prosesnya bakalan panjang atau malah ga jadi pergi karna kehalang dana. Terima kasih buat yang meminjamkan 😁 #yoyokorea1sttrip #lifewishlist

8/18/2021, 6:17:24 PM

Pengalaman pertama terbang jauh sendiri tanpa orang tua. Ya tetap ada teman travelnya kok, gak sendirian tok. Kalau aja seandainya gak ditelpon dan diajakkin ke negeri ginseng sana gak tau dah apa ini foto-foto bakalan ada sekarang 😆 #yoyokorea1sttrip #lifewishlist

8/18/2021, 6:17:01 PM

Been thinking of all the things I plan to do after I “kick the bucket.” To some the idea of doing anything after we die seems odd. But before I get to heaven (I’m not going to think about hell), there are some things here on earth I want to do. Not in my earthly body. My earthly body is not built for the places I wish to go and things I wish to do. For that I’ll need glorified body similar to the one Jesus had during the forty days he walked the earth after he rose from the grave. I’m hoping I’ll get more than forty days. Here’s the start of my list. (read on) I'd love to know what's on your "beyond the grave" bucket list. #bucketlist #lifewishlist #

5/21/2021, 2:02:15 AM

Ready for your Xmas Surprise? 😍😜 #xmasgifts #lifestyle #lifewishlist

12/9/2020, 4:52:20 AM

又想騙你生女兒囉,林小貝❤️ Life feel incomplete and empty without a baby😔😔 #motherhoodlove #說好的baby呢 #lifewishlist

10/6/2020, 12:23:51 PM

蜜月旅行去過冰島之後,就對那念念不忘,那是個冰與火的國度,也有像女人一樣善變的天氣,可以真切感受到大自然的鬼斧神工是多麼讓人驚嘆不已!旅行中最幸運的就是看到了極光!!完成了人生願望之一☺️☺️☺️如果還有機會,希望下次能再帶鵝子一起去看這幸福之光☺️☺️☺️   #Aurora #Iceland #reykjavik #honeymoon #honeymoontravel #時光寶盒回憶系列 #lifewishlist

6/25/2020, 6:46:24 PM

• Reset •⁣ ⁣ Imagine if we changed the word “Lockdown” for “Reset..?” Automatically it seems much more positive doesn’t it..? ⁣ ⁣ Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not disregarding the heartache, loss, pain and struggles that so many of us have had over these last few months... nothing will take that away... ⁣ ⁣ Imagine if this is your time to Reset ..? ⁣ Your time to remove the things in life that don’t serve you or cause you stress and instead put the things in place that DO serve you, make you happier.. ⁣ ⁣ It may be that you’ve always hated the commute to work and have recently enjoyed working from home..? Can you make this a reality..? ⁣ ⁣ It may be that you’ve had an opportunity to reflect on your career and day to day life and feel that you have had the time and headspace to consider changing to do something that you’ve always been passionate about ..? ⁣ Can you turn this into a reality..? ⁣ ⁣ It may be that during this time of worry and anxiety, Lockdown COULD actually become a positive - I’ve worked with many people who have wanted to change job roles, lifestyle, manage their work / life balance better .. and one of the main barriers has been “ I wish I had the space / time to leap”⁣ ⁣ What if your time is NOW...? ⁣ What if you could Reset - without consequence, what would you do..? ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #reset#dreamitliveit#liveyourdreamlife#womanonamission

6/9/2020, 8:18:02 AM

❤️❤️❤️🤩🤩🤩ein Traum auf meiner Lebenswunschliste geht heute für mich in Erfüllung ~ Probefahrt. Ich habe mir mein allererstes Cabrio gekauft. Ok er ist mit 18 Jahren so alt wie mein ältester Sohn gerade geworden ist, aber was heißt das schon. Und schließlich hat jeder so seine Macken. 😉 Schockverliebt 🤩 #traumerfüllt #cabrio #mazdamx5 #yellow #firstcabrio #lebenswunscherfüllt #lebenswunschliste #lifewishlist #check #sohappy #oldcar #18yearsold #probefahrt #happy #goodvibes #meinmazdamx5 #meinmazda @mazdamx5_official_club @mazda_de

5/16/2020, 6:40:32 PM

Are you the wishing type? Do you blow dandelion puffs? Toss coins into fountains? . When I was younger I used to wish for a mansion filled with fancy furniture and art from around the world. . Now I prefer a smaller space with less clutter and a simpler décor – something that I own and can change or update as often as I want and in a neighborhood that is spaced out enough that I can’t see inside of the windows of my neighbors. . I know I hold the power to work until my wishes become my reality. What wishes are you working toward? . . . . . #funfactfriday #fridayfunday #wishing #wishingandhoping #dreamingaboutthefuture #dreamchasing #workinghardformydreams #goalcrushing #goalcrusher #goafteryourdreams #fierclychaseyourdreams #wisheschange #updatedwishes #newwish #wishlistforlife #lifewishlist #makingalist #personalwishlist #oregongirl

1/31/2020, 9:00:13 PM

— J'AIMERAI FAIRE DANS MA VIE — Hello mes belles pousses Aujourd'hui je vous partage un peux de moi. Il y a de cela des années j'ai commencé à faire une liste des choses que je voulais réaliser dans ma vie. Sans pression, juste car ce sont des choses qui me plaisent sur le moment. Elle peut évoluer selon les âges et les circonstances c'est NATUREL. D'ailleurs des choses peuvent être ajoutées et enlevées à celle que je vous présente. ~ Cette liste est dans la porte intérieur de mon placard, et tous les matins je pars avec ces rêves plein la tête. Il y a pas mal de choses que j'ai réalisé, et cela me motive. ~ D'où la photo du traîneau. J'ai réalisé ce rêve le jour de mes 21 ans. Et à ce moment là je me suis rendu compte que chaque rêve pouvait devenir réalité si on se donne les moyens. ~ Et vous ? Des choses à faire dans votre vie avant de partir ? * * * #traineau #chienloup #dreamcomestrue #lifewishlist #winter #montagne #astuces #naturalista #consommermieux #consommerautrement #zerodechet #zd #zw #zerowaste #nature #naturelovers #reallife #green #gogreen #greenblogger #minimalism  #ecoresponsable #mangersaint #picoftheday  #instapic #zerowastehome #healthy #modelphoto #maisonzerodechet #styledevie

11/22/2019, 9:03:14 AM

I can’t change all things in my life!so i decided to enjoy it!sooo excited to achieve one of my wish lists!yep!today must to be recorded hhh👏🏼👏🏼 #skydiving #lifewishlist #lovelife #london

11/17/2019, 12:22:29 AM

Even when the workout wasn't what I wanted it to be I keep smiling. Some days you just aren't feeling it, this isn't just in the gym but in your normal day to day. Some days you just wake up and say "nope not feeling today" but I try to keep the mindset of making sure I'm always moving forward. Working towards that life "wish list", making sure to not be looking behind rather I ask myself what can I do today to make sure I'm one step closer to tomorrow's goals. So even when you aren't feeling the day just remember why you got up to begin with. #fitfam #lifegoals #lifewishlist #alwaysmovingforward #mindset #onedaycloser

7/25/2019, 1:19:25 PM

Terkejut tgh dok belek fon time2 ni husband cuit bahu 😵 Him : Buat apa tak tido lg? Me : Tgk pasal makanan. Cari idea. Him : Idea apa? Me : Mana tau 1 day nnt impian nak bukak kafe ka restaurant terkabul. Tgh kumpul menu la ni. Berangan pi la sebelum tidoq... Berangan tak salah.. Walaupun ntah bila, jadi atau tidak. Doakan moga Noor Izyani bt Bakhter ni ada rezeki nak bukak kafe 1 sweet day nanti, InsyaAllah... Aaminnn... Good night everyone ☺️ . #mydream #lifewishlist

6/24/2019, 7:50:44 PM

Orice decizie ne invita sa ne indreptam catre un potential viitor eu, o probabila varianta rafinata a noastra.✨ Daca finalul parcursului nu-ti ofera entuziasm, afectiune, apreciere, bucuria si nerabdarea intalnirii, mandrie fata de persoana ce urmeaza sa devii, ce te face sa ramai pe acest drum? 💫 Indiferent de aspiratie, daca nu simti sa te imbratisezi si sa te cunosti la finalul ei, cum poate devenii ea parte integranta din tine? ✨ #potentialme #mirroring #lifewishlist #loveyourselfbeforeyougetthere

5/11/2019, 6:40:39 AM

#lifewishlist⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #worldexplorer⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #travellerforever

3/22/2019, 6:45:13 PM

These lovely ladies are high-end fashion dolls and just perfect. If I have them in my life I would make them snobbish high society woman. That's what they look like #dolls #fashondolls #barbiesilkstone #fashonroyalty #dominiondoll #brunettes #preferenceforbrunettes #highsocity #diva #lovelyladies #lifewishlist #myfamilybannedmefrombuyingmoredolls

1/24/2019, 6:02:49 PM

Among the best days of 2018, the trip to Azerbaijan with the #eldersister that had been on our minds for a while before it finally happened! That's one thing ticked off life's wishlist...hoping 2019 allows a few more ticks. . . . #bucketlist #wishlist #lifewishlist #lifegoals #travelgoals #familytravel #sisterstrip #azerbaijan #fromthecornertable #traveltuckintalk #azerbaijan #baku #azerbaijan🇦🇿 #azerbaijan_instagram #bakupeople #ilovebaku #travellife #instatravel #travelandleisure #travelersnotebook #travelblogger #wanderlust #wanderer #letstravel #throwback #memories #bloggerstyle #traveldeeper #instagram2018

1/7/2019, 5:06:32 PM

“Loving life is easy when you are abroad. Where no one knows you and you hold your life in your hands all alone, you are more master of yourself than at any other time.” -Hannah Arendt . My first solo traveling (overseas) ✔️ . #travelling #solotraveler #backpacker #womenwhotravelsolo #womentraveler #littleholiday #singapore #queenelizabethwalk #noneedtofear #lifewishlist #checked #quote #travelingquotes #introvertproblems #elcesonvacation

10/25/2018, 6:33:20 AM

I'm going to need more pages. #LifeWishList ⠀ ⠀ -⠀⠀ -⠀⠀ -⠀⠀ -⠀⠀ -⠀⠀ -⠀⠀ -⠀⠀ -⠀⠀ -⠀⠀ #writer #writing #poetry #poet #inspired #inspiration #PoemADay #instagood #instaquote #positivevibes #PoetryCorner #poetrycommunity #thegoodquote #quote #quoteoftheday #LifeAdviceIn5Words #LifeGoals #Memes #Colors #Words

9/12/2018, 11:50:02 PM

When I will have my own big house with a huge garden and pool, preferably near by the sea, I will have lots and lots of palms. And dogs. Lots and lots of dogs. And a horse or maybe two. Not to ride them, nooo, but to love and let them run free. And some balloons. And cherries. And a trambouline....wishlist still open🤩 #hypewit #lifewishlist #wheniwillhavethatbighouse #wearyourbrains #palmslover

6/12/2018, 3:56:51 PM

🎨Glad that we human beings have such a healing activity in the world. 💜 @paintnite #cravesolved #lifewishlist #50paintingsproject #torontopaintnite #torontoinsta #torontolife #mbalife #dailylife #paintlife #leisurelife #weekendlife #colorlife #colorlifestyle

6/5/2018, 6:00:58 AM

#lifewishlist #❤️

5/22/2018, 5:43:19 PM

Количество пунктов в моем #lifewishlist сократилось еще на один🎉💃🏼🎉💃🏼 Посидеть в кабине пилота✅ А тем временем,веселые балийские каникулы подошли к концу,ночью в аэропорт,пора собирать чемоданы🤗 Спасибо,Бали,ты крут!)😎 #300418 #byeapril #byebali

4/30/2018, 2:05:54 PM

Some angel choose fur instead of wings. I NEED YOU SO BAD... and ILYSB!!! #lifewishlist #hopeful #oneday #microteacup photo credits to the one who owns this. May i borrow him please 🙏

4/17/2018, 4:18:35 PM

I’ll never forget the city of love. ❤️ - #BlingBlingEiffelTower #UnforgettableMoment #LifeWishlist#ParisFrance 🇫🇷 #TheCityOfLove

1/9/2018, 5:51:51 PM

Remarkable for my 1st time try out & get it ✅ #skiing #lakesonghuaresort #lifewishlist

1/1/2018, 8:40:48 PM

🍦 Icecream fits the snow most!!! #lifewishlist#newyearcountdown2018

1/1/2018, 10:16:09 AM

Living-room view!! #LifeWishList

12/23/2017, 11:30:02 PM

Flashback photo to the beautiful Fall time🍂🍁. #lifewishlist #walkinthewilderness #natureandme #beautifulfallcolors🍂🍃🍁🌰

11/9/2017, 3:05:23 PM

Untuk menjadi BAHAGIA, kamu sendiri yang menentukan seperti apa jalannya. Jangan jadikan kebahagian orang lain sebagai tolak ukur untuk kebahagianmu sendiri. Dengan begitu hal kecil sekalipun akan bernilai besar nantinya. #myhappiness❤️ #dreamcomestrue #lifewishlist #yoyo #yolo #latepost

8/25/2017, 7:57:09 PM

Waktu itu kesana beli gemboknya dulu, trus dibawa pulang ke Indonesia lalu disimpan. Next trip, kesana lagi buat pasang gemboknya bareng Kamu~ 😁 . . . Kamu yang dimaksud disini adalah subjek yang digunakan sebagai kata pelengkap saja dalam kalimat tersebut😂😂😂 #yoyokorea1sttrip #lifewishlist #dreamcomestrue #cantwaitfortnexttrip #seoul #southkorea #latepost

8/7/2017, 6:34:44 PM

#lifewishlist @chatsworth #done #culturaleducation

7/31/2017, 2:34:28 PM

got one checked #alaska #lifewishlist

7/10/2017, 1:59:59 AM

Lagi beberes jemuran di gudang (hujan mulu jadi jemur indoor) Nemu pita lucu ini hahaha bekas boneka my youngest sister (yg sekarang udah g main boneka lagi) Wish someday could dress up my daughter with many pretty things If not biological daughter then unbiological daughter like a lucky one who will Hikaru brings to me as my daughter in law 😇😍👼👼 Happy weekend 'calon' #ranieputri #lifewishlist #daughter

3/25/2017, 11:57:17 AM

#lifewishlist 🙂

2/7/2017, 6:47:28 AM

✔️mi lista de deseos por cumplir ✨ #lifewishlist #unalome #unalometattoo "De nuestros errores aprendemos y el camino hacía la sabiduría e iluminación debe ser constante" H. #🎼 gracias @flacatattoo

2/3/2017, 8:25:04 PM

Aurora seems like so excited for Christmas this few days, I shouted like hell when she was dancing and brighten up the ground. Ermm, Aurora I need a ride with you to see the world. #aurora #auroraborealis #scandinavian #inari #finland #lifewishlist

12/24/2016, 5:13:56 AM

FINALLY! My life-wish list-Aurora Borealis, aka northern light-checked! OMG, I'm still stunned and amazed, tears streaming down indeed. #auroraborealis #aurora #northernlights #finland #inari #lifewishlist #scandinavianchristmas

12/23/2016, 1:29:44 AM

#lifewishlist but add making chunky babies! When I really look at this list though, I feel fortunate to be experiencing all of these. ♥️♥️♥️ #travel #residualincome #love #friendship

12/1/2016, 1:52:25 PM

As I live and breathe You have killed me You have killed me Yes I walk around somehow But you have killed me You have killed me. . . #moz #morrissey #worldtour2016 #missionaccomplished #lifewishlist #riseup #meatismurder

10/14/2016, 8:30:02 AM

Replace beer with qauva vodka and my life is complete :) #funny #smiles #happy #lifewishlist #lovethislist #myfavoritethings #motivated #inspired

12/15/2015, 10:27:51 PM

#want #oneday #lifewishlist @_lalylaly

6/18/2015, 5:06:59 AM

One day. Taken from pinterest. #lifewishlist #butuhtravelingakut

6/12/2015, 1:23:58 PM

Couldn't be anymore in L💙VE with this Mulberry 'Delphie' bag. @sccoleman87 what are your thoughts? I'm thinking in black?!? #bag #mulberry #delphie #dream #lifewishlist #addingtothewishlist

2/16/2015, 3:15:39 PM

The things I would do to have one of these cats. 😻 #ineeddontwant #chesterwantsabrother #lifewishlist

1/16/2015, 10:57:19 PM

It was one of those days where wishes are fulfilled #number85 #lifewishlist #blessedbeyondmeasure

7/18/2014, 9:48:26 PM

#Charmed still my favo witches movie ever! ^_^ #IWishIcanMeetThemSomeday #LifeWishList @theshando

2/3/2014, 11:43:31 AM