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第91回アカデミー賞の作品賞と助演男優賞受賞作です。 前にテレビ📺放送されていたの録画したんだけど、間違って削除してしまって… そんな作品に限って無性に見たくなるんだよね😥またテレビ放送されるの待ってたんだけど、なかなか放送されず、痺れ切らしてBlu-ray買ってしまった。 個人的にはかなり好きな作品。 時は1960年代のアメリカ🇺🇸。アメリカの歴史とか全く詳しくないのだが、この時代のアメリカではイタリア人は差別されてたんだよね?もしかしたら今でもそうなのか?調べてみたらイタリア系アメリカ人の大統領ってまだ出てないんだよね? 黒人を差別しているようだけど、実は差別されているという歴史がトニーのベースにあると思う。 冒頭の方にはトニーが黒人を嫌悪するシーンが過度に脚色され印象づけられているように思う。 旅を続ける中で、トニーの差別意識がなくなり友情を育むというのがミソなんだけど、白人の黒人に対する差別意識ってそんなに簡単になくなるもんじゃないよね? 差別されているイタリア系アメリカ人だったから比較的簡単にドンを受け入れる事ができたんじゃないのかなぁ…って思ってる。 いろいろ好きなシーンあるんだけど、トニーが手紙を書くシーンが好きだなぁ…粗野なトニーの手紙がドンの添削により甘い手紙へと変化していく。教師と生徒のようで微笑ましい。 雨の中で自らを叫ぶシーンもいいんだけど、僕はクラブでクラッシックからのジャムセッションになるシーンが好き。ドンがようやく自らを解放したように感じた。 そしてクライマックスのクリスマス🎄トニーの家のシーンだよね!ドロレスとドンのハグ🫂シーンが最高! 見てない人は絶対に見て欲しい映画です。 Blu-rayコレクション #グリーンブック #GreenBook #ViggoMortensen #MahershalaAli #LindaCardellini #SebastianManiscalco #DimiterMarinov #MikeHatton #VonLewis #BrianStepanek #JosephCortese #IqbalTheba #アカデミー作品賞 #83rohs #人種差別 #Bluray #ブルーレイ

2/16/2024, 1:23:03 AM

Iqbal Theba . @theiqbaltheba . . A Pakistani actor #IqbalTheba #IqbalThebaOA

11/23/2023, 12:00:35 PM

Watching friends and look who I found on season 5 episode 3 #glee #friends #iqbaltheba #principalfiggins

10/31/2023, 1:42:21 AM

邦題:グリーン・ブック (公開:2018年) ☆.。:・★.。:*・☆.。:*☆.。:*・★.。:*・☆.。☆.。:*・★.。:*・☆.。 【あらすじ】1962年、ニューヨークの 高級クラブで用心棒として働くトニー・リップは 粗野で無教養だが口が達者で、何かと周囲から 頼りにされていた。クラブが改装のため閉鎖になり、 しばらくの間、無職になってしまったトニーは 南部でコンサートツアーを計画する黒人ピアニストのドクター・シャーリーに運転手として雇われる。 黒人差別が色濃い南部へ、あえてツアーに 出かけようとするドクター・シャーリーと、 黒人用旅行ガイド「グリーンブック」を頼りに その旅に同行することになったトニー。出自も性格も 全く異なる2人は、当初は衝突を繰り返すものの 次第に友情を築いていく..(映画.comより) ---------- 第91回アカデミー賞では作品賞・助演男優賞など 3部門を受賞した。 タイトルはヴィクター・H・グリーンによって 書かれたアフリカ系アメリカ人旅行者のための 20世紀半ばのガイドブック「黒人ドライバーのための グリーン・ブック」にちなんで付けられている(wiki) ☆.。:・★.。:*・☆.。:*☆.。:*・★ (作品は本当に素晴らしいのに、邦ポスターの 変なキャッチフレーズとかいらないっ🙃) ヴィゴ・モーテンセンっていつのまにか ものすごい貫禄😳体も大きくなってる😳 急にホットドッグ大食い競争始まったの笑った🤣 本作を観たひとみんなケンタッキー食べたくなるって 言ってたけど本当に食べたくなった🤣 お上品なシャーリーが初めてケンタッキーを 食べるシーン可愛すぎた😂 シャーリーの「(食べ終わった)骨はどうする? 」の 問いに、窓開けて骨捨てるトニー笑 骨はともかくドリンクのゴミも投げて、 シャーリーに「拾いなさい」って言われるトニー🤣 オカンなシャーリーだった🤣トニーが石盗んだの バレたとことか笑 これもラストで効いてくるし🤣🪨 他にもトニーが特大ピザとか食べてたり とにかくお腹が空く作品…笑 車中、トニーとシャーリーの会話が 全然噛み合わないのもめちゃくちゃ笑える😂 旅道中は色々な差別問題に直面して… トイレ問題とか酷かったなぁ… ゲストで呼んだくせにトイレは別の使えって。。 レストランでも“昔からのしきたりでここでは 食事は出来ない”とか… 。VIPなのに。 NBAの選手たちも他で食べたとか言ってきてイラっ💢 ロバート・ケネディのくだりはスカッとしたけど シャーリー的には屈辱だったのもなんか切ない😢 あの警察署酷かったけど1人だけまともっぽいのもいた シャーリーが抱えているものがとても重くて、 雨の中トニーに訴えるシーンは涙😭 黒人でも白人でもない…😢 オレンジバードでの演奏は最高だったな🥹 最後の警官は良い人で本当に良かった…。 NYのトニー家へ帰れるのか最後までハラハラした。 疲労で限界のトニーに代わって、シャーリーが車を 運転してくれたことにもグッときた🥹 暖かい家庭へ戻るトニーと、お城のてっぺんでひとり 孤独なシャーリーだけど、彼もトニーとの旅で 少し変化していて自分から行動を起こす🫧 リンダ・カーデリーニ演じるドロレスはトニーからの 手紙をシャーリーが書いていたことに気付いてたので お礼をこっそり言うのも可愛すぎた🥹 冒頭ではごく自然に黒人差別していたトニーだけど 2人が生涯の友になったのも感動したし、 トニーの家族たちがシャーリーを迎えてくれたのも 素敵だった🥹 ロードムービー作品にハズレなし更新中..⭐️ #Netflix #GreenBook #ViggoMortensen #MahershalaAli #LindaCardellini #IqbalTheba #洋画好きな人と繋がりたい #洋画 #PeterFarrelly 2023年おうち映画鑑賞 No.285

10/29/2023, 2:25:00 PM

. . . Messiah  #2020 Messiah explores the lines among religion, faith and politics. It chronicles the modern world's reaction to a man who first appears in the Middle East creating a groundswell of followers around him claiming he is the Messiah. Is he sent from God or is he a dangerous fraud bent on dismantling the world's geopolitical order? The story unfolds from multiple points of view, including a young CIA agent, an Israeli Shin Bet officer, a Latino preacher and his Texan daughter, a Palestinian refugee and the media, among others. . . This is interesting for the ones who believe in faith ... . Do you have faith ? .. . . Rating : 7.6 / 10 . #netflix #10episodes #themessiah #michellemonoghan #mehdidehbi #johnortiz #tomersisley #melindapagehamilton #stefanielavieowen #sayyidelalami #janeadams #wiltravel #barbaraeveharris #fareslandoulsi #assaadbouab #philipbakerhall #ronaleeshiomon #beaubridges #michaeloneill #oripfeffer #emilykinny #dvirbenedek #liyakurmesh #makramkhoury #iqbaltheba #nicolescimece #poornajagannathan #religion #faith

10/28/2023, 5:37:01 PM

Today was insane. Saw so many great people out on the lines. Good to catch up with a bunch of them. Then, we took over the entire street. You know what, I WON’T listen to you, @mikecnelson1 #sagaftrastrong #sagaftra #wgastrong #strike #danicecabanela #bobstephenson #jimconnor #ericstonestreet #iqbaltheba #jerrylambert #mikecnelson #scottpeat #davidlowe #kellypendygraft #mattknudsen

8/4/2023, 9:54:28 PM

Love Coach / Playing for Keeps (2012) de Gabriele MUCCINO - 1h46 🇺🇸 George (Gerard BUTLER), ancien joueur de football devient le coach de l'équipe de son fils Lewis (Noah LOMAX). Voyant le moyen de se rapprocher de lui, il attire malgré tout l'attention des mamans de ses recrues... Dans cette comédie romantique, nous retrouvons une histoire portée par BUTLER, LOMAX ainsi que Jessica BIEL, Dennis QUAID, Uma THURMAN, Catherine ZETA-JONES, Judy GREER, James TUPPER, Iqbal THEBA et Soumaya AKAABOUNE. Ce film a été une surprise pour moi. Au titre j'imaginais un film proche de "Hitch, expert en séduction" mais pas du tout. L'intrigue est bien menée et l'humour y est léger. Cela semble plus à un film familial qu'à une comédie mais le film est dans l'ensemble très sympathique. Les éclairages sont bien modulés et la musique se fait discrète. Les décors sont de bonne qualité et variés. Dans l'ensemble, le film est vraiment bien. À voir et à revoir ! La Note de la Critique : 16/20 #la_critique_du_cinema #films #film #movie #movies #cinema #cinematography #cinéma #cine #theater #tv #tvshow #television #tele #playingforkeeps #lovecoach #romance #comedy #gerardbutler #jessicabiel #umathurman #dennisquaid #noahlomax #catherinezetajones #jamestupper #judygreer #iqbaltheba #soumayaakaaboune #gabrielemuccino

7/2/2023, 10:07:05 PM

Where are all my Gleeks at? 🤓 Iqbal Theba was born in Karachi, Pakistan, and later came to the US as a college freshman at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. He originally obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Engineering Management, but would later return to OU to pursue his true love of acting. Iqbal's big break came from his being cast as Principal Figgins in the hugely successful television series "Glee." Iqbal now has a long list of TV shows and films he's appeared in, and he even has a SAG award for the show winning Emsemble in a Comedy Series. And that's what you missed on Glee 😉🎶 #IqbalTheba #Glee #PrincipleFiggins #Gleek #NayaRivera #HeatherMorris #OKPOP #popcultureisculture (Photo from @iqbaltheba on Instagram. Photo of Iqbal Theba in "Glee" (2009(Photo from @iqbaltheba on Instagram. Photo of Iqbal Theba in "Glee" (2009).

6/14/2023, 4:00:45 PM

#SFTFilmReview #Illegal (2019) #Hindi Rate7/10 🎼📖📽️4/5 😍8/10 🇮🇳9/10 🇺🇸10/10 Drama Thriller #SurajSharma #AdilHussain #ShwetaTripathi #IqbalTheba #HannahMasi A great cast! Story is of a young film school student from middle-class India who's forced to drop out to support his family while staying in the United States as an undocumented worker. Music is awesome. Written and Directed by #DanishRenzu is truly thoughtful poignant “life / relationship / immigration / society” desi movie. 🤔 “The Namesake” meets “American Desi”. Beautiful! One of the most realistic and gritty desi movie of 2023! Available on @primevideouk 📺 @surajsharmagram @_adilhussain @battatawada @theiqbaltheba @hannahrosemasi #film #films #movie #movies #cinephile #filmreview #moviereview #filmcritic #moviecritic #filmlover #movielover #filmbuff #moviebuff #filmaddict #movieaddict #filmcommunity #moviecommunity #filmrecommendation #movierecommendation #drama #primevideo

5/10/2023, 12:43:57 AM

Congratulations to the cast and crew of ✨LAND OF GOLD✨ on their upcomming Los Angeles premiere! Cherokee Nation Film Office is proud to have worked with this team to bring this story to the world! YOU can stream Land of Gold on HBO Max starting May 15th! Until then, you can watch the trailer here:

4/18/2023, 5:05:55 PM

"You never win with violence, Tony, you only win when you maintain your dignity. Dignity always wins." - Dr. Don Shirley Green Book (2018) Dir. Peter Farrelly • • • #greenbook #greenbookmovie #peterfarrelly #seanporter #viggomortensen #mahershalaali #lindacardellini #sebastianmaniscalco #dmiterdomarinov #mikehatton #iqbaltheba #cinema #cinematography #cinematographer #directorofphotography #movie #film #filmstill #filmlover #cinemalover #comedy #drama #biography #donshirley #franktonylipvallelonga #oneperfectshot #moviequotes #2018 @makingoutlikebandits

2/15/2023, 10:37:16 PM

Green Book (2018) Rating: 8.2 Drama/Comedy Drama Based on the real-life story P.S: One of the best movies I have ever seen, their chemistry is tremendous.. #moviescenes #movie #moviemagic #moviequote #basedonrealevents #blacklivesmatter #blackopression #italian #mahershalaali #viggomortensen #nickvallelonga #lindacardellini #iqbaltheba #dimitermarinov #brianhayescurrie #greenbook

1/26/2023, 3:06:16 AM

LEGO Scooby-Doo!: Strandparty (2017) Auf lustige Art und Weise, versucht der Spielzeughersteller LEGO mit der Scooby-Doo Filmreihe Millionen von Kindern zu begeistern, mit Erfolg. #unbezahltewerbung #unbezahltewerbungdamarkennennung *unbezahlte Werbung wegen Markennennung/Markenerkennung* _____________________________________________ #scoobydoo #lego #legoscoobydoo #frankwelker #mathhewlillard #greygriffin #katemicucci #jeffbennett #katehiggins #joshkeaton #tomkenny #natalielander #jackmcbrayer #kevinmichaelrichardson #fredtatasciore #iqbaltheba #hyndenwalch

11/23/2022, 6:33:32 AM

Mis pelis favoritas: 6 #greenbook Años 60. Tony Lip, un rudo italoamericano del Bronx, es contratado como chófer del virtuoso pianista negro Don Shirley. Ambos emprenderán un viaje para una gira de conciertos por el Sur de Estados Unidos, donde Tony deberá seguir "El libro verde" una guía con los establecimientos donde se aceptaba a los afroamericanos. Ambos deberán hacer frente al racismo y los prejuicios #peliculon #peliculas #movies #caratulas #covers #trailers #miercoles #wednesday #2018 #peterfarrelly #viggomortensen #mahershalaali #iqbaltheba #stevevila_pelis

11/2/2022, 8:28:15 AM

Green Book, 2018. 1962, New York. Tony Vallelunga, detto Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen), è un buttafuori senza lavoro che si ritrova a fare da autista al pianista afroamericano Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali) in un suo tour nel sud degli Stati Uniti, zona ancora contraddistinta dalla segregazione razziale. Il primo esuberante, rozzo, pieno di pregiudizi molto fragili; il secondo colto, raffinato, freddo. Il Negro Motorist Green Book era una guida per automobilisti afroamericani che indicava hotel e locali dove i neri erano accolti durante l'era delle leggi Jim Crow: viene consegnata a Tony per evitare guai al suo cliente. Non basterà. Uno tra tantissimi film che mostrano cos'è stato e cos'è il razzismo, Green Book suggerisce come lo scontro non sia riducibile ad un semplicistico "bianchi contro neri". Don è un afroamericano che non frequenta gli afroamericani, che non si sente parte della comunità: lo sguardo che gli rivolgono i coltivatori di colore nei campi quando lo vedono in auto, con un bianco come autista, è emblematico. Si sente escluso, ma in buona parte si esclude da sé. Poi c'è Tony, italoamericano che a inizio film getta nella spazzatura, schifato, i bicchieri dai quali due idraulici neri hanno bevuto a casa sua: la xenofobia rabbiosa dal basso, di una comunità che i pregiudizi li ha vissuti sulla propria pelle, e più che essersi integrata si è costruita un'isola di quiete in un mare di ostilità. La convivenza forzata porterà i due a scontrarsi, a capirsi, sia l'un l'altro che sé stessi, e ad aiutarsi: a scrivere una lettera per la moglie lontana, o a sciogliersi e finalmente divertirsi nel suonare il piano in un locale tanto sperduto quando caloroso. Un film apparentemente sulla segregazione diventa presto qualcos'altro: un film sulla crescita, e come il relazionarsi con gli altri aiuti, arrivando a migliorarsi. Come dice Tony: "Il mondo è pieno di gente sola che ha paura di fare il primo passo." #greenbook #movies #peterfarrelly #mahershalaali #viggomortensen #lindacardellini #iqbaltheba #academyawards #oscars

10/10/2022, 7:54:07 PM

Green Book (2018) Rating: 8.2 Drama/Comedy Drama Based on the real-life story P.S: One of the best movies I have ever seen, their chemistry is tremendous.. #moviescenes #movie #moviemagic #moviequote #basedonrealevents #blacklivesmatter #blackopression #italian #mahershalaali #viggomortensen #nickvallelonga #lindacardellini #iqbaltheba #dimitermarinov #brianhayescurrie #greenbook

9/26/2022, 6:05:40 AM

Artie being questioned by Sue. Kurt being a strong amazing person. #geekingout #nerdlife #glee #kevinmchale #janelynch #chriscolfer #iqbaltheba

9/11/2022, 6:47:49 AM

GREEN BOOK (2018) Genere: Commedia/Dramma Lingua: Inglese (USA) Attori: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali, Linda Cardellini, Dimiter Marinov, Sebastian Maniscalco, Iqbal Theba Regista: Peter Farrely Sceneggiatura: Brian Hayes Currie, Peter Farrely, Nick Vallelonga Durata: 2h 10min COMMENTO: Green Book non è solo un film da vedere e rivedere, ma è anche una storia (semplice e) incredibile che conquista immediatamente! I 3 Oscar (film, attore non protagonista e sceneggiatura originale) sono meritatissimi e le interpretazioni principali hanno qualcosa in più rispetto alla solita commedia americana vecchio stile. Valutazione: 8,5 #greenbook #viggomortensen #mahershalaali #lindacardellini #dimitermarinov #sebastianmaniscalco #iqbaltheba #peterfarrely #brianhayescurrie #nickvallelonga #italianbestfilm #ibf

9/8/2022, 11:42:54 PM

Green Book (2018) Rating: 8.2 Drama/Comedy Drama Based on the real-life story P.S: One of the best movies I have ever seen, their chemistry is tremendous.. #moviescenes #movie #moviemagic #moviequote #basedonrealevents #blacklivesmatter #blackopression #italian #mahershalaali #viggomortensen #nickvallelonga #lindacardellini #iqbaltheba #dimitermarinov #brianhayescurrie #greenbook

9/5/2022, 8:08:56 AM

An action packed beginning to the second half of season 1 #morenerdthoughts #nerdsrule #nerdlife #glee #janelynch #matthewmorrison #corymonteith #marksalling #leamichele #iqbaltheba

9/5/2022, 6:05:39 AM

Never a dull moment with Sue around #nerdthoughts #nerdandproudofit #normalisboring #glee #iqbaltheba #matthewmorrison #janelynch

9/5/2022, 6:02:50 AM

💚​​📽️ 230 - Green Book 🎬​​​​​​​💙 📅 Año: 2018 🇺🇸​ País: Estados Unidos 🎞️ Trama: Año 1962. Tony Lip es un rudo italoamericano del Bronx que es contratado como chófer del virtuoso pianista negro Don Shirley. Ambos emprenderán un viaje para una gira de conciertos por el Sur de Estados Unidos, donde Tony deberá tener presente "El libro verde", una guía que indicaba los pocos establecimientos donde se aceptaba a los afroamericanos. Son dos personas que tendrán que hacer frente al racismo y los prejuicios, pero a las que el destino unirá, obligándoles a dejar de lado las diferencias para sobrevivir y prosperar en el viaje de sus vidas. @filmaffinity 🎦​ Productora: Universal Pictures, Participant Media, DreamWorks SKG, Innisfree Pictures, Wessler Entertainment. 📽️​🎬​ Distribuidora: Universal Pictures (@universalpictures // @universalpicturesarg) ⭐ Opinión: La actuación de Mortensen y Ali es algo que aprecie en todo momento, la forma en que se fueron desarrollando (más que nada el primero) es algo que maravilla al espectador. En todo momento sentí que se trato de un camino por recorrer, para aprender la forma en que ambos personajes tenían vivencias construidas y, que al principio, era con esa vivencia les jugaba en contra en los momentos de experimentar o salir de esa zona de confort. Todo el viaje aprendemos con ellos, y más cuando los planos utilizados son muestran determinadas cosas o momentos esenciales. El vestuario es precioso y sin mencionar ese auto, es algo que me fascino. 🌟💯 Puntuación: 9/10. ⭐ Me gustaría saber su opinión con respecto a esta película. ¿Pudieron ver está película? Si es así, ¿Qué les pareció? Pero si no lo hicieron, ¿Le darían una oportunidad? 💜👀 Los leo 🤩👌 #greenbook #peterfarrelly #viggomortensen #mahershalaali #iqbaltheba #lindacardellini #davidkallaway #mikeyoung #dondipetta #mikehatton #film #movie #peliculas #review #universalpictures

8/7/2022, 2:55:50 AM

2021902🌹 #2019茉莉 #幸福綠皮書 | #GreenBook 推薦分數 ★★★★ | ★1分 ☆0.5分 | 滿分5 第91屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳影片 以歧視為題敘述一對因工作而結識的白人與黑人,在經歷百般波折後而相互尊重的故事,是一場溫馨的公路之旅。 在觀影的過程中,偶爾會替身為黑人的唐的遭遇感到緊張,因為活在自由年代的我們實在很難體會到受排擠的感覺。即便膚色從來都不是我們可以所選擇的,但過去的人們需要因此背負世人眼光的壓力真的很不公平,所以能夠在自由的環境下生活真的很幸福。 飾演唐的馬赫夏拉阿里藉由本片再次拿下奧斯卡最佳男配角,可說是實至名歸。劇情雖然沒有太大的起伏,仍然有不少令人揪心之處,是令人收穫滿滿的兩小時。 #茉莉聊電影 | #Catchplay #維果莫天森#馬赫夏拉阿里#琳達卡迪林尼#伊克巴爾席巴 #PJ拜恩 #ViggoMortensen #MahershalaAli #LindaCardellini #IqbalTheba #PJByrne

8/6/2022, 6:23:25 AM

The world has changed so much & yet not enough from #LandOfGold. Feature directorial debut of lead actor #NardeepKhurmi tells a story from a rarely seen POV. Sikh truck driver Kiran (Khurmi) takes a long haul job across the country, leaving his VERY pregnant wife Preeti #PallaviSastry w/ his mom #RitiSachdeva. She doesn’t want him to go, but he’s feeling the strain of bills & maybe fearing a bit of what the future holds. Instead of the traditional turban, Kiran wears a ball cap to cover his head. He has seen what this new country did to his very traditional father, authorities harassing him. It haunts him. At the same time, he dreams of the stars. He carries a prized possession of a telescope w/ him & will look up at Orion’s Belt. It’s doing this on top of his trailer that he hears a noise from within & discovers he has a stowaway, Elena #CarolineValencia. She’s trying to get to her uncle in Boston because she can’t go back to her family. Can’t, not won’t. While most #movies would have her plead to Kiran for help, she runs. He can’t leave her in the desert alone, so he promises to help her get to her uncle in Boston. The trip across the country is perilous in a way most Caucasians can’t conceive. Elena has to hide from the truck inspectors, some of whom are violently racist. He has to shield her from predators, like the father he fears becoming. Indeed, Elena has to pretend to be his daughter to avoid questions they don’t want to answer. But he doesn’t keep Elena a secret to those important to him. He tells his wife immediately, even puts her on the phone w/ Elena. Kiran treats his wife as a partner, even as he’s kinda running away for a bit. Along the way, he visits his brother Kudip #DhruvUdaySingh & his wife Asha #KarenDavid. They’ve been taking care of their father Gurinder #IqbalTheba, who’s suffering from dementia thanks to beatings he got & alcoholism. It’s a confrontation made easier by Elena’s presence & necessary to ease Koran’s concerns for himself. It doesn’t end happy. Sacrifices are made. Decisions have consequences. #film #films #movie #movies #screeningoftheday #TribecaFilmFestival #filmfestival #filmfestivals

7/1/2022, 8:54:00 PM

Marvels: The Series Season 3, Episode 2: Return of the Marvels, Part Two Rating: TV-PG Written by: Willow Jones Story: Karla is continued and sees the Starforce soldiers in the beach. Karla helps a one of the Soldier soldier, and then they are talking. At the night, Carol and Kamala head back to the Khan's house when Muneeba welcomes back for them. Carol and Kamala eat at dinner with Muneeba. Kamala makes enjoy with her mother while Carol also makes happy. The next day, Bruno talks about Carol to Kamala, she said makes her idol. Bruno makes perfect about Carol. Kamala heads to the diner with Carol while Bruno stays back. At the diner. Kamala visits Carol, and then both are eating a french fries. Carol sees the Starforce soldiers are here in the city. Meanwhile at the office, Karla calls one of the Starforce soldiers is searching for Carol and Kamala. Carol and Kamala covered on a table because the Starforce soldiers are visiting at the diner. The Starforce soldiers didn't find for Carol and Kamala. Carol kicks one of the Starforce soldier. Kamala stretches her arms, and then she punches one of the Starforce soldiers. Carol and Kamala fight the Starforce soldiers at the diner. Karla gets revenge in the city, and then Carol and Kamala leave the diner. Karla talks Carol and Kamala when she said gets revenge. Karla attacks Carol and Kamala, and then she laughs evilly. Carol gets angry and talks Karla when about her partner Yon-Rogg. Kamala stretches her hand, and then she punches Karla. Carol and Kamala run and head back to Khan's house while Karla is angry. At Khan's house, Carol and Kamala go back to this while Muneeba sees and says "Hello" to them. At night, Carol, Kamala and her family eat at the dinner. Yusuf talks Carol when gets happy when Kamala is worried about her fan, and Aamir laughs for Carol and Kamala. The next day, Karla is upset. and she sees picture of Carol and Kamala on her phone, then she is revenge. Karla is getting ready for the Starforce soldiers against Carol and Kamala. - (Continued in the comments)

6/7/2022, 2:04:20 AM

“Dünya ilk hamleyi yapmaktan korkan insanlarla dolu” Green Book (2018)

2/18/2022, 3:48:25 PM

Heather and Naya with Iqbal. ❤ Heya sandwiched! 😂😍 #nayarivera #Glee #heathermorris #Gleecast #iqbaltheba #brittana #heya

2/3/2022, 6:35:21 AM

Jane Lynch e Iqbal Theba (happy Bday!) em Glee (2011) (original em cores) #coffeewiththestars #photographerandcoffee #iqbaltheba #janelynch

12/20/2021, 11:33:12 PM

Happy Birthday to Iqbal Theba (Pakistani-American Television Actor & Film Actor) #IqbalTheba #Actor #IqbalThebaBirthday About : #IqbalTheba

12/20/2021, 1:58:48 PM

presents… 🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤. 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲, 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖 🇺🇸 𝐐𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞 - Dr. Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali): “You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity” #greenbook #peterfarrelly #2018 #brianhayescurrie #nickvallelonga #seanporter #krisbowers #viggomortensen #mahershalaali #iqbaltheba #lindacardellini #rickmuse #davidkallaway #montrelmiller #universalpictures #drama #comedy #truevents #oscarwinner #roadmovie #pianist #cinema #cinefilia #cinematography #buddyfilm #2010s #burnside #lousiana #carnegiehall #neworleans (*) All rights related with the images and quotes belong to their respective owners

11/24/2021, 1:59:48 AM

IQBAL (1877-1938) آسمان تیری لحد پر شبنم افشانی کرے یہ سبزہ نورستہ اس گھر کی نگہبانی کرے A GREAT LEGEND WAS BORN ON 9TH NOVEMBER 1877 WHO'S PRESPECTIVE WAS TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE OF ALLAH AND HIS MESSENGER (P.B.U.H)... EACH AND EVERY VERSE OF IQBAL IS TRULY A GUIDEING LIGHT FOR MUSLIMS ESPECIALLY FOR YOUTH @ash._mansuri اللہ پاک سے دعا ہے کہ اقبال رحمۃ اللہ علیہ کی لحد کو جنت کا باغ بنا دیں اور ان کے اس پیغام کو اور لوگوں تک پہنچانے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے آمین۔ #iqbal_day #allamaiqbalquad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #pyar #gareeb #nfak #pehlapyar #muhabbat #iqbal #iqbalpoetry #iqbalday #iqbalians #iqbalhussain #iqbalm #iqbal_day #iqbal_poetry #iqbaltheba #allamiqbal @photos_vatrina_

11/9/2021, 6:08:57 AM

Glee Cast and their Ethnicity🌍 [Part3] _____________________________________ Note: The ethnicity that is most present is always at the beginning and the less there is, the further back it is. IN ADDITION: I did NOT just go to any website (e.g. Wikipedia [which is even dubious, so this is definitely not my source]) and took over what is there, but I went to many pages and have the information that is also on the other pages have found again. So please don't hate♡ _____________________________________ 🇧🇪 = Belgium 🇨🇦 = Canada 🇨🇺 = Cuba 🇩🇰 = Denmark 🇩🇪 = Germany 🇮🇳 = India 🇮🇷 = Iran (back then Persia) 🇮🇪 = Ireland 🇮🇹 = Italy 🇲🇽 = Mexico 🇳🇴 = Norway 🇵🇰 = Pakistan 🇷🇴 = Romania 🇷🇺 = Russia 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 = Scotland 🇺🇲 = the United States of America 🇬🇧 = the United Kingdom 🇨🇭 = Switzerland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 = Wales _____________________________________ #gleefamily #gleeks #gleecast #gleek #gleeedit #gleeclub #gleeedits #glee #wearetheworld #ethnicity #adamlambert #ashleyfink #blakejenner #damianmcginty #finneas #finneasoconnell #grantgustin #iqbaltheba #katehudson #marshallwilliams #maxadler #mikeomalley #neneleakes #olivianewtonjohn #samuellarsen

9/30/2021, 2:09:18 PM

#GreenBook - #InspiredbyATrueFriendship. Written, Directed, and Produced by #PeterFarrelly. Also written by #BrianHayesCurrie and #NickVallelonga. Also produced by #JimBurke and Brian Hayes Currie. Music by #KrisBowers. Film named after the #NegroMotoristGreenBook, written by #VictorHugoGreen. Filmed at various locations in Southeastern #Louisiana and #MaconGA. 2018. #MahershalaAli is classical/ jazz pianist Dr. Donald "Don" Shirley. #ViggoMortensen is Frank "Tony Lip" Vallelonga. #LindaCardellini is Tony's wife, Dolores Vallelonga. #SebastianManiscalco is Dolores' brother, Johnny Venere. #DimiterDMarinov is Dr. Shirley's cellist, Oleg. #MikeHatton is Dr. Shirley's bassist, George. #VonLewis is Copa Club singer Bobby Rydell. #BrianStepanek is Country Club manager Graham Kindell. #IqbalTheba is Dr. Shirley's attendant, Amit. #NinjaNDevoe is Orange Bird Club bartender. #KermitBurnsIII is Country Club pimento cheese waiter. Have YOU watched #GreenBookMovie? What was your experience? #GreenBookFilm #Hulu

7/12/2021, 9:11:08 PM

. #グリーンブック . #GreenBook @greenbookmovie . 🇺🇸 2019/3/1 . 🎬 監督 ✏️ 脚本 #PeterFarrelly #ピーターファレリー ✏️ 脚本 #NickVallelonga #ニックヴァレロンガ #BrianCurrie #ブライアンヘインズクリー 👥 キャスト #ViggoMortensen #ヴィゴモーテンセン #MahershalaAli @mahershalaali #マハーシャラアリ #LindaCardellini @lindacardellini #リンダカーデリーニ #DimiterDMarinov #ディメターマリノフ #MikeHatton #マイクハットン #IqbalTheba #イクバルテバ #SebastianManiscalco @sebastiancomedy #セバスティアンマニスカルコ #VonLewis #ヴォンルイス #PJByrne #PJバーン . #映画 #洋画  #movie #アカデミー賞

7/1/2021, 1:54:05 PM

"Its in ever face of every restaurant worker. And though sometimes to an outsider, every one of those faces looks the same, every story is different. And now I have a story." The movie explores the dark reality behind pursuing the shiny American dream. Movie: The Illegal Director: Danish Renzu Available On: #PrimeVideo #cardsinmovies #theillegal #iqbaltheba #surajsharma #hannahmasi #shwetatripathi #immigrants #immigrantmovies #immigrantsinamerica #moviestowatch #moviesthatmatter

6/13/2021, 4:50:34 PM

⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Glee • Season 6 • 2015 #LeaMichele #DarrenCriss #ChrisColfer #ChordOverstreet #MatthewMorrison #JaneLynch #DotMarieJones #DiannaAgron #KevinMcHale #NayaRivera #JennaUshkowitz #MarkSalling #AmberRiley #HeatherMorris #BeccaTobin #SamanthaWare #NoahGuthrie #LauraDreyfuss #BillyLewisJr #MarshallWilliams #MaxGeorge #JustinPrentice #MykoOlivier #BrianStokesMitchell #IqbalTheba #CarrotTop #RyanMurphy #6528 @netflix 📺The series features the New Directions glee club at the fictional William McKinley High School (WMHS) in the town of Lima, Ohio, and some of the graduates of McKinley. The season focuses on the former glee club member, Rachel Berry, who returns to McKinley after her TV Pilot bombs to rebuild the disbanded glee club. 1. Loser Like Me 2. Homecoming 3. Jagged Little Tapestry 4. The Hurt Locker, Part One 5. The Hurt Locker, Part Two 6. What the World Needs Now 7. Transitioning 8. A Wedding 9. Child Star 10. The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester 11. We Built This Glee Club 12. 2009 13. Dreams Come True

6/9/2021, 7:23:15 AM

Hollywood meets Pakistan - the big fashion fit featuring Ahsan Khan and Iqbal Theba wear Amir Adnan embroidered jackets styled to perfection ✨ ✨✨ : : : : #amiradnan #ahsankhan #hollywood #celebstyle #menswear #uomo #embroideredjackets #swag #iqbaltheba #runwayfashion #throwback

5/25/2021, 3:43:02 PM

Hollywood meets Pakistan - the big fashion fit featuring Ahsan Khan and Iqbal Theba wear Amir Adnan embroidered jackets styled to perfection ✨ ✨✨ : : : : #amiradnan #ahsankhan #hollywood #celebstyle #menswear #uomo #embroideredjackets #swag #iqbaltheba #runwayfashion #throwback

5/25/2021, 3:42:52 PM

Hollywood meets Pakistan - the big fashion fit featuring Ahsan Khan and Iqbal Theba wear Amir Adnan embroidered jackets styled to perfection ✨ ✨✨ : : : : #amiradnan #ahsankhan #hollywood #celebstyle #menswear #uomo #embroideredjackets #swag #iqbaltheba #runwayfashion #throwback

5/25/2021, 3:42:36 PM

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Glee • Season 1 • 2009-2010 #LeaMichele #CoryMonteith #MatthewMorrison #JaneLynch #NayaRivera #ChrisColfer #KevinMcHale #DiannaAgron #AmberRiley #HeatherMorris #MarkSalling #JennaUshkowitz #HarryShumJr #JaymaMays #StephenTobolowsky #PatrickGallagher #IqbalTheba #JessalynGilsig #VictorGarber #JoshGroban #KristinChenoweth #Eve #IdinaMenzel #MollyShannon #NeilPatrickHarris #RyanMurphy #6523 @netflix 📺Optimistic teacher Will Schuester heads up McKinley High School's glee club -- New Directions -- a place where ambitious and talented students can find strength, acceptance and their voice. As the students find themselves, they also enjoy a respite from the harsh realities of life. Mr. Schuester hopes to help the kids in every way he can, and also dreams of taking the group to nationals. As Schuester and the glee club pursue their goal, they face opposition from a conniving cheerleading coach, Sue Sylvester, who tries to sabotage the group at every turn. 1. Pilot 2. Showmance 3. Acafellas 4. Preggers 5. The Rhodes Not Taken 6. Vitamin D 7. Throwdown 8. Mash-Up 9. Wheels 10. Ballad 11. Hairography 12. Mattress 13. Sectionals 14. Hell-O 15. The Power of Madonna 16. Home 17. Bad Reputation 18. Laryngitis 19. Dream On 20. Theatricality 21. Funk 22. Journey to Regionals

5/23/2021, 8:21:08 AM

🇪🇸 Un virtuoso pianista afroamericano en plena segregación racial en USA y, su conductor italoamericano receloso de las personas de color. Harán un tour de conciertos por el viejo sur del país, en el que tendrán la oportunidad de acercar posturas. Maravillosa película en el que tratan el racismo con una delicadeza y, maestría apta incluso para los más jóvenes. Las actuaciones son complementarias, ninguna sobra. Desde los protagonistas hasta los secundarios pasando por los figurantes. Drama y comedia para una cinta inolvidable. Ganadora de 3 Oscars incluida a la Mejor Película. 🇬🇧 A virtuous African-American pianist in full racial segregation in the USA and his Italian-American conductor suspicious of people of color. They will do a concert tour through the old south of the country, in which they will have the opportunity to share positions. Wonderful film in which they treat racism with a delicacy and mastery suitable even for the youngest. The performances are complementary, none is superfluous. From the protagonists to the secondary ones through the extras. Drama and comedy for an unforgettable film. Winner of 3 Oscars including Best Film. #GreenBook #LibroVerde #Películas2018 #Drama #Comedia #Comedy #PG12 #PeterFarrelly #Oscars #MahershalaAli #ViggoMortensen #NickVallelonga #LindaCardellini #BrianCurrie #DimiterMarinov #PJByrne #MikeHatton #DonStark #IqbalTheba #BrianStepanek #VonLewis #TomVirtue #####

5/20/2021, 11:50:24 PM

<2021 / 映画16> 2021年5月4日(火) ☆×8 #greenbook #greenbookmovie ちょうどアメリカにいる時に上映されていて気になってた作品! 時間の関係で見れてなかったから念願 ・ 白人さんと黒人さんの話だから 雰囲気はフランス映画「最強の二人」っぽいかなー ・ 黒人に偏見のある白人のトニーが黒人のシャーリーご主人と旅しながら理不尽な扱いされたり暴力を振るわれてるのを身近で見て理解していく姿が好きだった ・ 車の中でチキン初めて食べてトニーに外に投げるんだ!って言われてニコニコで投げ捨てたシャーリーが可愛かった♡笑 ・ 映画の最後に実話だったんだ!って知ってびっくり! 映画のように平和な世界になってほしいね ・ #グリーンブック #📗 #viggomortensen #mahershalaali #iqbaltheba #ヴィゴモーテンセン #マハーシャラアリ #イクバルセバ

5/8/2021, 3:41:01 AM

Sami Malik, a young Indian, travels to America in the 1970s. He dreams of becoming an engineer to impress his childhood crush and live up to the legacy of his father, a legendary tiger hunter. When Sami's job falls through, he takes a low-end job and joins with a gang of oddball friends in hopes of convincing his childhood sweetheart that he's far more successful than he truly is -- or perhaps ever could be.The Tiger Hunter is a 2016 American comedy film directed by Lena Khan, written by Khan and Sameer Gardezi, and starring Danny Pudi, Kay Kay Menon, Jon Heder, Rizwan Manji, Karen David, Iqbal Theba, Samuel Page, Parvesh Cheena, Michael McMillian, and Kevin Pollak. @kaykaymenon02 @danielpudi @hederjon @karendavidofficial @parvey @mcmillzz @kevinpollak123 #kkmenon #kaykaymenon02 #kaykaymenon #kaykaymenonmostversatileactor #thetigerhunter #netflix #hiddengem #dannypudi #kaykay #kaykaymenon #jonheder #karendavid #kevinpollak #rizwanmanji #iqbaltheba #filmquotes #immigrants #immigration #migrants #filmbuff #cinema #cinephile #cine #india

4/28/2021, 8:07:14 AM