telltales images

Discover Best telltales Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #april #tuesday

The Dogon tribe offers a culture with a strong African story. Hailing from the land of Mali it is a story, African artists and digital creators should tell. Could you imagine. The Dogon animations, movies, comics. Imagine seeing the Nommos statues brought to life with 3d on the big screen in the style and world making of Avatar. Let's tell African tales. Let's make relevant art. Posted by. the D.O.P (director of post) Tags. #theafricanartist #theafricanartistsassociation #theafricanarchive #africanfanart #africanfilm #africanphotography #africandegitalart #African #Archive #tshm #anafricanarchiveseries #create #connect #communicate #document #anafricanarchive x #thesavannahhipstermovement #dogon #dogonart #digitalart #nommo #comics #africanstories #telltales #mali #stars

4/27/2024, 10:35:58 PM

12 years ago telltale the walking dead season 1 came out with episode 1 A new Day i remember playing this game for the first time and instantly got hooked on the game i love this game series it will always have a special place in my heart and I still play this game to this day 🥹☺️💯 #twdgseason1 #twdgleeeverett #twdgame #twdgfamily #twdgfans #twdgfan #thewalkingdeadgameseason1 #telltalesthewalkingdead #twdgclementine #thewalkingdeadgame #telltalegames #telltales #twdfans #videogame #gamingcommunity #gaming #twdg #fyp #foryourpage

4/24/2024, 9:01:11 PM

12 Years 💔 “Take Us Back” 🎮 • • • #TheWalkingDead #TellTales #SkyboundEntertainment #LeeEverett #Clementine #12Years #TWDU #VideoGame

4/24/2024, 7:45:11 PM

"We're (section), Of course we..." Every section in Malabon National High School has their own unique and iconic moments! From the root word "tell" and "tales", the students can TELL their experiences, and it's up to the SSLG to tell their TALES. ✨ Share your stories, MNHSians! 🎀 #TatakMNHSians #MNHSSSLG #TellTales

4/17/2024, 4:05:42 PM

Let's talk about joy on a plate, bliss in a glass, and tales that make you laugh till you snort your wine🍷 Because honestly, what's life without a little indulgence, a dash of fine wine, and a whole lot of laughter?🤣 Can't wait to clink glasses and spill secrets with my ride-or-die crew again!🥂✨

4/13/2024, 9:57:34 AM

If you haven’t seen it already, check out our April Issue of our newsletter Telltales! If you wanna keep up with the Sailing School, subscribe to TellTales to hear about news, events and stories around our sailing community 🌊⛵️ Visit our website to subscribe today!📰 #telltales #SubscribeNow #LiteraryAdventures #annapolissailing #annapolissailingschool #annapolisnews #sailing #sailingcommunity

4/11/2024, 9:35:58 PM

“The power of imagination makes us infinite.” – John Muir Pictured: "Telltales | 3:2" Available. #telltales32 #sail #jib #telltales #mainsail #brianwhite #brianwhitephotographyart

4/9/2024, 1:01:36 AM

👁️ . . . . Eyes........ . . . 👁️ #tell.a.tale #.tell.a.tale. #tellatale #eye #eyes #dream #people #ember #puddles #eyelook #gaze #look #eyestotheworld #discover #love #eyelove #eyeslove #eyeloves #eyelover #eyelovers👁️👁️👁️👁️🥰🥰🥰🥰 #eye👁️ #telltale #telltales #tellatales

4/5/2024, 7:34:15 AM

Obsessed? Me? Never! 🤦🏼‍♀️ #TellTales #YoungAdultFiction #AllTheHiddenMonsters

3/21/2024, 7:12:17 PM

Summer Game Fest 2024 acontece em 7 de junho O evento terá duas horas de duração, com transmissão ao vivo pelo YouTube. #summergamefest #ps #videogames #e #thewolfamongus #telltale #playstation #games #gamer #mk #art #gaming #xbox #telltales #photomode #telltalesgames #telltalegames #lcgentertainment

3/18/2024, 5:11:08 AM

👄 Express yourself without saying a word! Our lips are powerful storytellers, conveying emotions effortlessly. As time passes, our skin changes, and those precious corners might lose their volume. But worry not! 🌟 Keep them hydrated and plump with our Thentix Lip Balm, ensuring they speak volumes without a word uttered. Pair it with our Face Cream to keep that skin nourished and those fine lines at bay. Let your lips tell tales of joy, curiosity, and love, with a little help from Thentix. 💋✨ #finelines #fineline #speakvolumes #telltales #telltale #worrynot #lipbalm #facecream #loveyou #cream #skin

3/6/2024, 12:03:49 AM

Ciao a tutti, amanti del mare! 🌊⛵️ Oggi parliamo di un'arte marinaresca fondamentale: la regolazione delle vele. La regolazione delle vele non è solo una questione di tecnica, ma un vero e proprio dialogo con il vento e il mare. 🌬️🌊 Quando navighiamo, lo skipper regola le vele in base ai cambi di rotta e di andatura, adattandosi alle variazioni del vento. Questo processo, sebbene possa sembrare complicato, è fondamentale per una navigazione efficiente e sicura. Ma come si fa a capire se le vele sono regolate correttamente? Ecco dove entrano in gioco i "telltales" o "segnavento", dei fili di lana posti sulle vele che ci aiutano a capire il flusso d'aria sulla vela. 🧶🌬️ Se i segnavento mantengono un fileggiamento orizzontale, vuol dire che il flusso d'aria è corretto. Se invece cadono, la vela potrebbe essere troppo cazzata o troppo lascata, e bisognerà correggere. Ricorda, la regolazione delle vele è un'arte che richiede pratica e comprensione. Ma con le nozioni di base e l'uso corretto dei "telltales", anche i marinai meno esperti possono migliorare la loro efficienza in navigazione. 🙌⛵️ Pronti a mettere in pratica queste tecniche durante le vostre prossime veleggiate? Buon vento a tutti! 🌊⛵️🌞 #vela #navigazione #mare #regolazionedellevele #telltales #segnavento #arteMarinaresca

2/23/2024, 12:06:41 PM

[A.I. MADE PICTURES AND ENHANCED WITH PHOTOSHOP] Hey, I made that poster a while ago, wanted to try out a poster with some key visuals as reference for A.I. of the upcoming game of @telltalegames but it doesn't really look fantastic and the way I want it to look. Still, it's interesting what we can do using A.I. #thewolfamongus #thewolfamongus2 #telltales #telltalesgames #poster #design #bigbywolf #purple #werewolf #fables

2/19/2024, 5:00:18 PM

Morning, I’m here at TT until 4pm today (Saturday February 3rd) Give me a shout if I can help with any books. Wishing you a splendid Saturday! Sending love, Les xx #TellTales #BooksForChildren #IndependentBookshop #WarringtonBusiness #PleaseSupportIndieBusinesses

2/3/2024, 11:25:05 AM

Have you ever wondered what those red little strings are on sails but didn't know who to ask? Your friends at Precision Sails have your back and we can explain everything! Check out the link in our bio for our blog "Understanding Sail Telltales: How to Read and Interpret Them" and learn everything you ever wanted to know about telltales! #howto #sailing #sails #blog #telltales #sailboats

2/2/2024, 3:00:02 PM

1/29/2024, 12:21:49 AM

【 SRT Meeting - 「新年流流信邊個好」花園Guide】 農曆新年將至,相信很多朋友已開始為過年作準備,尤其家中長輩,多數都會跟隨很多傳統習俗去安排,為的都是希望未來一年順順利利 。 在今次Zoom SRT Meeting中,Louise老師將會跟大家探討一下一些坊間的過年習俗或禁忌,有哪些可用得上,有哪些可作參考,及如何運用SRT去幫忙處理。 今個星期三晚就係喇,歡迎已經完成SRT靈性反應療法基礎課程的朋友參加! …… …… 日期:1月31日 (星期三) 時間:8pm-10pm 地點:Zoom 參加形式:即時On-line或錄影重溫 費用:HK$300 導師:Louise Pang (SRT認證教師) 語言:廣東話 報名方法:Link in Bio 或 Whatsapp / Signal 93119298 聯絡Sharon 報名 備注: 1. 參加者必須已經完成SRT靈性反應療法基礎課程。 2. 參加者需準備SRT圖表及靈擺上課,以便進行清理及練習。 3. 有關online連結將會在活動當天以Whatsapp或Signal 聯絡通知。 #靈性療癒 #靈性反應療法 #spiritualresponsetherapy #srt #newyear #telltales #新年習俗 #新年禁忌 #wemestudio #spiritualhealing #central #sheungwan #身心靈 #靈性療癒 #中環 #上環

1/28/2024, 10:39:03 AM

TELLTALES #sailing #sail #boat #telltales #howtosail #learningtosail

1/27/2024, 11:15:08 PM

Barrels breathe life into the wine, influencing the flavor, aroma, structure, and aging potential of the wine. #winelife #telltales #winelovers #CapitalCallVintners #uncork #winestories #bts #behindthescenes #winery #orwine

1/26/2024, 6:24:30 PM

Red, white and blue never goes out of style 🇺🇲 Especially while toting a one of a kind bag crafted out of a vintage sail ⛵️ Fyi👉 The red dot with string on the front of the bag is called a tell-tale. Tell-tales are pieces of yarn or sailcloth near the luff of the sail. – If the windward (closest to the direction from which the wind is coming) telltale is fluttering, either sheet in the jib toward the telltale or turn the boat away from the telltale (bear away) until it stops fluttering and flows smoothly. #telltales #sailing #vintagesailbags #tidewatermercantile #williamsburgantiquemall

1/21/2024, 2:43:05 AM

back to quilt work in progress on this very cold day….🥶….tying knots 🪢 I leave the tails long, these remind me of telltales (the ribbons or string on sails )so that when they are washed and dried they fall askew and don ‘t hang only in one direction. The unravelling of the ends helps them along as well. Although it may appear to be a lazy detail, the length of the thread is intentional. These knots are made from cobalt shashiko thread. Still to be tied!🤦‍♀️ . . . #quiltwork #contemporaryquilt #modernquilt #shashiko #knots #tiedquilt #maker #designermaker #handquilting #handquiltingwithperlecotton #telltales #susanlukachko #quilt #themqg #themodernquiltguild #quiltcon #wip #workinprogress

1/17/2024, 8:58:39 PM

【 SRT Meeting - 「新年流流信邊個好」花園Guide】 「年廾八大掃除但係公司OT啊,點算啊?」 「大年初一到初三唔可以洗頭?咁臭點見人呀⋯⋯」 「農曆新年啲鞋舖三折呀,但係阿媽話新正頭唔可以買鞋呀,點呀~」 新年流流,各大家族長老都會有好多唔同嘅習俗,紛紛出嚟提醒大家,希望新年開個靚頭,全年順順利利 。 但面對咁多資訊,點樣先可以分到邊啲真係幫到手、邊啲只需要參考下甚至乎大家笑下開心下百無禁忌就好呢? 今次嘅 SRT Zoom Meeting Louise會同大家一齊喺眾多運程/習俗裏面搵出啱使有用嘅資料,安住我哋嘅心同能量!咁大家新一年,就自然過得更加得心應手啦 🉐 日期:2024年1月31日 (星期三) 時間:8pm-10pm 地點:Zoom 參加形式:即時On-line或錄影重溫 費用:HKD 300 導師:Louise Pang (SRT認證教師) 語言:廣東話 報名方法: 查詢:Whatsapp/Signal 93119298 聯絡Sharon 備注: 1. 參加者必須已經完成SRT靈性反應療法基礎課程。 2. 參加者需準備SRT圖表及靈擺上課,以便進行清理及練習。 3. 有關online連結將會在活動當天以Whatsapp或Signal 聯絡通知。 #靈性療癒 #靈性反應療法 #spiritualresponsetherapy #srt #newyear #telltales #新年習俗 #新年禁忌

1/14/2024, 6:54:37 AM

DON’T FORGET THIS IF YOU SHOOT A WEDDING👰🏼‍♀️🤵🏻‍♂️   Here in the realm of everlasting love, every click tells a tale. Step into the enchanting world of and Herman. #WeddingPhotography #LoveInFrames   🌟 In the mosaic of their special day, emotions weren't just captured; they were embraced. Each photograph is a silent narrator, telling tales of laughter, tears, and the timeless bond that unfolded.   📚 Remember, the beauty of a picture is only as good as the couple feels. The genuine smiles, the shared glances – that's where the true enchantment lies. It's not just about capturing moments; it's about creating an experience that resonates with the heart.     #specialday #telltales #capturingmoments #capturemoments #tellatale #createanexperience #weddinginspiration #wedding #lovediary #love #bestday #emotion #tears #bond #smiles #smile #moments #moment #experience #heart #remember #sky #flashphotography #cloudscape #loveyouforever #happylife #naturescenery #happyness

1/12/2024, 12:00:00 PM A Duel of Wits between Sherlock Holmes & Hannibal Lecter In a dimly lit room, two intellectual titans sit across from each other: Sherlock Holmes, the world-renowned detective, and Hannibal Lecter, the cunning psychiatrist with a dark secret. Fast Reads! This is a collection of #flashfiction #stories told quickly . Most are #speculativefiction, and all are to be #read in one sitting. #TellTales #speculativeencounters #readingcommunity #readers #supernatural #fantasy #scifi #horror #substack #reader #readersofinstagram #speculativefiction #serial #flashfiction

1/9/2024, 5:22:05 AM

⚜️ Flipping through the chapters of a season'2023 🫀 . . #endof2023 #telltales #moments #memories #serenescene #etherealmoments #chiccaptures #timelesstales #sleekvisions #radientreflection #opulentvibes

12/31/2023, 8:16:35 AM

Jahresrückblick 2023 - Was wurde aus den Plänen vom Jahresanfang? 1. 100Tage 100 Blöcke habe ich geschafft 💕 bis zum Ende jeden Tag einen Block nähen, war Dank viel Nähzeit kein Problem.... jetzt liegen die Blöcke und warten auf Vollendung 😇 2. TemperatureQuilt wurde vollendet. Ziel erreicht ✔️ 3. Tell Tales Picknickdecke ist zu Ostern verschenkt worden und wird 2024 wohl wieder zum Einsatz kommen. Ziel erreicht ✔️ Das erste Halbjahr 2023 bot viel Nähzeit. Daher habe ich meine Ziele problemlos erreichen können und noch einiges mehr... #quiltersofinstagram #quiltsofinstagram #nähenmachtglücklich #nähenverbindet #ilovepatchwork #ilovemystash #patchwork #instaverbindet #100blocks100days #telltales #temperaturequilt2022 #jahresrückblick #nähpläne

12/30/2023, 3:30:38 PM

Matilda’s send off celebration… celebrate the people who matters most in your life because they deserve to know that you care #cakedecorating #cakedesign #sendoffcake #telltales #makingmemories

12/18/2023, 4:26:58 PM * #Armageddon #Chess * Salassa moved her knight, her gaze flickering between the board and the distant #mushroomcloud. Fast Reads! This is a collection of #flashfiction #stories told quickly . Most are #speculativefiction, and all are to be #read in one sitting. #TellTales #speculativeencounters #readingcommunity #readers #supernatural #fantasy #scifi #horror #substack #reader #shortstories #readersofinstagram #writing #speculativefiction #serial #flashfiction

12/14/2023, 7:19:55 PM

Are you ready to soar into the sky? .................................................................................🦋 #tellatales #telltales #tell.a.tale #telltale #tellatale #wings #butterfly #spreadyourwings #soar #soarintothesky #pain #sprouting #joy #high #soarhigh #soaringhigh #worththejoy #motivation #inspiring #inspirational #inspirationalquotes

12/10/2023, 7:14:14 PM The Foot - a short story What had he seen? A car with an open trunk with a foot sticking out. Fast Reads! This is a collection of #flashfiction #stories told quickly . Most are #speculativefiction, and all are to be #read in one sitting. #TellTales #speculativeencounters #readingcommunity #readers #supernatural #fantasy #scifi #horror #substack #reader #readersofinstagram #speculativefiction #serial #flashfiction

12/6/2023, 2:39:52 AM Random TellTales "The Anomaly Archives" Fast Reads! This is a collection of #flashfiction #stories told quickly . Most are #speculativefiction, and all are to be #read in one sitting. Nestled within a nondescript building, there exists a repository that stands as a silent sentinel to the inexplicable, the strange, and the enigmatic. Welcome to the #Anomaly #Archives. In this unassuming space, shelves sag under the weight of countless volumes, each dedicated to cataloging the mysteries that defy logic, attempting to bring order to the #chaos of the #unexplained. #TellTales #speculativeencounters #readingcommunity #readers #supernatural #fantasy #scifi #horror #substack #reader #readersofinstagram #speculativefiction #serial #flashfiction

11/29/2023, 9:49:27 PM

"I am a storyteller, that's the only identity I uphold loud and clear. And, aren't we all the same, anyway? Don't we all love narrating our lives, thoughts and imagination day in and out?" The most enthralling, enticing and engaging Ms. Geeta Ramanujam took us all on a trail with her storytelling. Our attention undivided and her charm unbroken, we were spellbound in more than one genre that she presented to us. Here's to a web of tales that holds a literary festival together! Ms. Ramanujam was honoured and felicitated by President of KIIT and KISS Smt. Saswati Bal and the kids endowed her with warm responses. #Storytelling #GeetaRamanujam #TellTales #StoryTime #NCLF #kiitis

11/26/2023, 4:16:45 PM

Who let the cat 🐱 out the bag? #grassbags #telltales #lies

11/25/2023, 3:39:36 PM

Ciao a tutti, amanti del mare! 🌊⛵️ Oggi parliamo di un'arte marinaresca fondamentale: la regolazione delle vele. La regolazione delle vele non è solo una questione di tecnica, ma un vero e proprio dialogo con il vento e il mare. 🌬️🌊 Quando navighiamo, lo skipper regola le vele in base ai cambi di rotta e di andatura, adattandosi alle variazioni del vento. Questo processo, sebbene possa sembrare complicato, è fondamentale per una navigazione efficiente e sicura. Ma come si fa a capire se le vele sono regolate correttamente? Ecco dove entrano in gioco i "telltales" o "segnavento", dei fili di lana posti sulle vele che ci aiutano a capire il flusso d'aria sulla vela. 🧶🌬️ Se i segnavento mantengono un fileggiamento orizzontale, vuol dire che il flusso d'aria è corretto. Se invece cadono, la vela potrebbe essere troppo cazzata o troppo lascata, e bisognerà correggere. Ricorda, la regolazione delle vele è un'arte che richiede pratica e comprensione. Ma con le nozioni di base e l'uso corretto dei "telltales", anche i marinai meno esperti possono migliorare la loro efficienza in navigazione. 🙌⛵️ Pronti a mettere in pratica queste tecniche durante le vostre prossime veleggiate? Buon vento a tutti! 🌊⛵️🌞 #vela #navigazione #mare #regolazionedellevele #telltales #segnavento #arteMarinaresca

11/24/2023, 12:14:25 PM

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! While you're enjoying the holiday vibes, don't forget to check out the latest episode of our #Telltales podcast, now streaming on YouTube and your favorite podcast player. In this episode, there's a lot to unpack, including insights into the oil and gas markets, the impact of #OpenAI's recent developments on the tech industry, and what the White House's AI executive order could mean for tech companies. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just curious about the latest trends in geopolitics, macroeconomics, energy, and tech, this episode has something for everyone. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful content: Stay safe, stay thankful, and enjoy the episode! #TelltalesPodcast #InvestingInsights #MSFT $NVDA #openai

11/23/2023, 4:45:35 PM Random TellTales 40: "The Primate Penmanship Project" A Brief 7-Act Play Fast Reads! This is a collection of #flashfiction #stories told quickly . Most are #speculativefiction, and all are to be #read in one sitting. ------------------------------ Professor Wren: (Excitedly) Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round! Today marks the commencement of our grand experiment – the Primate Penmanship Project! We aim to test the Infinite Monkey Theorem! Dr. Leonard Finch: (Skeptically) You really think monkeys can write Shakespeare, Professor? ------------------------------ #TellTales #speculativeencounters #readingcommunity #readers #supernatural #fantasy #scifi #horror #vella #reader #readersofinstagram #speculativefiction #serial #flashfiction #writingcommunity #writing #literary

11/20/2023, 4:48:04 PM

❤️‍🔥 #killerbeesgr #fw2324 #telltales

11/14/2023, 5:06:23 PM

#Telltales is now on Youtube, check out the latest episode here:

11/14/2023, 3:04:14 PM

It's the little things, I expect. Little treasures we find without knowing their origin. And they come when we least expect them. It's beautiful, when you think about it. - T J Klune, The house in the cerulean sea It’s a warm hug in the form of a book. It’s the vacation we all need in our hustle cultured life. This book emphasizes the different aspects of life. It’s about hope and colors. It’s about how people can change. It’s about being different and standing out. It’s about family. Family isn’t always blood, it’s about the ones you choose to be your family. ♥️ The character development has been beautifully portrayed. You’d be transported to the cerulean island and the little house in it. 🌊 if you’re in the mood to read a light feel good book, do pick this one up ! Rating 8/10 🏖️. #books #bookreview #bookcoverartists #bookreviewer #coffee #writer #thehouseintheceruleansea #bookstagram #booktok #bookreader #poems #art #cadencesinclair #writersofindia #telltales #sadbooks #youngadultbooks

11/13/2023, 7:19:13 PM

NEW VIDEO IS OUT!!! I played Tell Tale's The Walking Dead, but the farm we went to nearly gave us man-meat to eat! 📺 Watch here: #thewalkingdead #telltales #horrorgame #gaming #gamingchannel #zombie

11/12/2023, 8:00:31 AM

Game Walking Dead Rilis Lagi?? #thewalkingdead #telltales

11/11/2023, 10:54:11 AM

Ich durfte diese Blöcke von @katebasti für die #beequeen des Monats Oktober @kerstin.boettger nähen. Das hat viel Spaß gemacht. I sewed these #telltales blocks for our #beegroup for our queen Kerstin. It was so much fun. #bee4youandme #beeautifulblocks #tulapink #tulapinkfabric #curioserandcurioser #aliceinwonderland #aliceimwunderland #chemiebuch #chemistrybook

11/11/2023, 8:04:13 AM

Anonymous confession Type of confession: Petra and Axel, issues within writing of the characters. (I couldn’t find a good background photo for this confession, I heavily apologize.) While yes, the writing was definitely I would describe poor for these two characters especially the chemistry and Petra in season 2. There’s was SO much better ways this could of been written, the constant need to make it child friendly was a bad excuse as it’s still very much possible to write child friendly media in a tolerable fashion (something telltales wasn’t used to at all as they mostly made games rated T or over). Eric stripe was the cause along with the studios constant horrible choices of business, Eric is considered a “cheap side writer” and they made him a main writer because yet again.. budget constraints because telltales is bad at business. So while Eric is not on full on fault, the real cause here is the studio and Eric was a corporate puppet. (We also don’t know if he was truly able to bail out of the project, as this studio was also treating employees as lifeless robots during its past.) Tags (feel free to ignore!): #mcsm #minecraftstorymode #mcsmpetra #mcsmaxel #minecraft #telltales

11/10/2023, 11:05:43 PM

The Evolution of The Greens’ Family FarmHouse 🧑‍🌾🏠 • THE WALKING DEAD UNIVERSE ❗️🧟‍♂️🧟 ( The Comics 📓 | The Show 📺 | The Telltales Series 🎮 | Destinies 🎮 ) 🔪🩸 • • • #TheWalkingDead #TheWalkingDeadUniverse #TheComics #TheSeries #VideoGame #HershelGreen #Farmhouse #Evolution #TheWalkingDeadDestinies #Telltales #TWDFamily @telltalegames @thewalkingdead

11/4/2023, 1:36:56 AM

I wear many hats in this world...@providenceghosttour is still going strong, but the intensity of October is releasing. I donned on my day hat and popped my parasol this morning for a delightful stroll. It is so exciting sharing these little stories with my new guests. Today's group was three generations of women in a family. They are new to Providence and so enthusiastic to learn more and embrace it. What a gift to be part of their story, and what a beautiful fall morning to spend strolling down Benefit St💜 Next tour walks next week. Will you be with me? . . . #walkingtour #realstories #historicalfashion #history #suffragette #newenglandliving #newenglandlife #historyisfun #telltales #providence #rhodeisland #rhody #gorhody #goprovidence #visitprovidence #discoverprovidence #discoverrhodeisland #parasolsandpocketwatches #anelegantstrollthroughtime

11/3/2023, 3:16:55 AM Random TellTales - 38: "DareDevil" Fast Reads! This is a collection of #flashfiction #stories told quickly . Most are #speculativefiction, and all are to be #read in one sitting. Yolanda's lithe form was adorned in a costume of vibrant reds and blues, shimmering in the glow of the overhead lights. Strands of her jet-black hair peeked out from beneath a sequined headpiece, framing her determined face. Her eyes, once dulled by a childhood of hardship, now sparkled with a fierce determination. #TellTales #speculativeencounters #readingcommunity #readers #supernatural #fantasy #scifi #horror #vella #reader #readersofinstagram #speculativefiction #serial #flashfiction

10/31/2023, 9:29:47 PM

NEW VIDEO IS OUT!!! I played Tell Tale's The Walking Dead, but keep choosing the worst options! (well mostly) 📺 Watch here: #thewalkingdead #telltales #horrorgame #gaming #gamingchannel #zombie

10/29/2023, 7:01:10 AM

Morning, It’s only 8 o’clock & I’m already running late 😂😂 I’ll be over at Tell Tales around 10am and I’ll be there until late as Sue Flufftastic Needle Felting is delivering the pumpkin workshop - so if you fancy trying your hand at a new hobby do give Sue a message as there maybe one place still available! I have lots of sweet treats to accompany your cuppa - I’ll post pictures once I’m in. If you fancy supporting this independent bookseller by buying a book for the child in your life then I’d be very appreciative! Have a great day - sometimes that’s not be because of your circumstances but in spite of them! Sending love, Les xx #TellTales #BooksForChildren #IndependentBookshop #WarringtonBusiness #IndependentBusinessesNeedYourSupport #LetsTalkAboutBooksForChildren #Needlefelting #Mindfulness #Hobby #Craft

10/25/2023, 9:25:28 AM

Oh, Patrice, Patrice, Patrice! This is pure magic. I absolutely love it! Your young readers only have to wait until January ❤️📚📚 #JaneEyre #abridgedclassics #TellTales

10/24/2023, 11:41:06 PM Random TellTales - "Blood Moon" Fast Reads! This is a collection of #flashfiction #stories told quickly . Most are #speculativefiction, and all are to be #read in one sitting. Deep in the heart of the serene village of Stoneybrook, a growing unease rippled through the air, signaling the impending return of an ancient darkness. The Blood Moon Rite, a chilling event that echoed through the ages, cast its ominous shadow not only over Stoneybrook but across the entire realm. Fate beckoned four disparate souls, each carrying the weight of their own past, into a maelstrom of danger that threatened to consume all they held dear. #TellTales #speculativeencounters #readingcommunity #readers #supernatural #fantasy #scifi #horror #substack #reader #readersofinstagram #speculativefiction #flashfiction

10/21/2023, 6:35:12 PM

VENDIDO 🏷️ The Walking Dead GOTY Xbox 360 🎮 Estado de discos: 9/10 💿 *Sin manual Despacho gratis en Peñalolen, La Reina, Ñuñoa, Providencia y Macul. Entrega en estaciones de metro y lugares a convenir de estas 5 comunas (sin costo). Despacho a otras comunas y regiones vía Starken y Chilexpress a cargo del comprador. #xbox #xbox360 #x360 #xbox360chile #xboxchile #360chile #microsoft #thewalkingdead #thewalkingdeadgoty #walkingdead #telltales

10/20/2023, 7:56:10 PM

In this week's episode of #Telltales we discuss The FTC vs. Google,Google's payments to Apple, and the potential repercussions for the tech industry. ⚖️💰 🔗 #FTCTrial #GoogleAntitrust #TechNews #FTC #ANTITRUST

10/17/2023, 2:43:04 AM

Good evening, I hope you’re having a lovely weekend. We should have been away with the caravan this week but, unfortunately, we weren’t able to go for one reason or another. So I’m going to give myself a little breathing space this week. I’ll be closing Monday & Tuesday BUT I will be opening Tuesday 7pm until 8pm just in case you fancy coming over and chatting about children’s books! I spend hours thinking about and reading children’s books - & I’d love to chat to you about them too. What’s good, what’s not & what would you recommend?! I know not everyone will be able to make it & if another day suits you better I’ll take it on board for next month. Sending lots of love, Les xx #TellTales #BooksForChildren #IndependentBookshop #WarringtonBusiness #LetsTalkAboutBooksForChildren

10/15/2023, 9:59:06 PM

Sometimes questions are what makes life so hard... Gosh!!! Those unavoidable, twisted, stupid questionsss..... No matter how much we try, they pop up without any warning; messing up almost everything. Almost. And the worst are those silent whispers; "YOU'RE NOT DEAD!!!" Well, not yet. So keep on searching, asking, digging... Because that's the only thing that shows you're still alive. #question #questions #messylife #alive #why #whynot #whyislifesohard #rebellion #idontunderstand #idontunderstandthis #confusion #tellatale #tell #telltale #tellatales #telltales

8/6/2023, 1:01:08 PM

The spark is still there... 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 Don't tell me that you lost it. Look deeper; Did you see it? 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 #tell #tellatale #telltale #tellatales #telltales #fire #freefire #burn #burnme #burnmedown #burnitdown #unstoppable #mptivational #motivation #motivationalquotes #imfire #littledidyouknow #littledidweknow #littledidthey know #dontstop #wontstop

7/21/2023, 5:21:06 PM