burgundy images

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Deep Burgundy Orchid Spray This is the Miniature Hebe Veronica In Pot. An adorable minature plant in stone effect pot just perfect for adding the finishing touch to shelves, bookcases and sideboards. Every 'shelfie' curators dream piece. Click the link to shop now: https://www.922furniture.co.uk/product/deep-burgundy-orchid-spray/ Join our mailing list for updates as products may be out of stock: https://www.922furniture.co.uk/subscribe/ #deep #burgundy #orchid #spray #deepburgundy #deepburgundyorchid #deepburgundyorchidspray #deepburgundysprayorchid #burgundysprayorchid #ukfurniture #ukhomedecor #ukhome #home #homedecor #furniture #922furniture

4/28/2024, 9:01:55 AM

[ la Quille du Dimanche 🀩 ] Petit tour du cÃŽté de Beaune, en Bourgogne, aujourd’hui pour découvrir un bijou : la Cuvée Les Beaux et Bons de Jean Claude Rateau. Un mix de 2 terroirs qui fait mouche ! @mairiebrunstattdidenheim @association_baco @visitribeauvilleriquewihr @ribeauville68 @fci_caviste @ccialsaceeurometropole #cavisteindependant #conseils #ribeauville #choix #caviste #proximite #jecourschezmoncaviste #terroirs_et_proprietes #caveavin #cave #laquilledudimanche #bourgogne #bourgognewine #bourgognelovers #bourgognewines #jeanclauderateau #vin #bio #vinbio #vinbiodynamique #vinbiologique #vinbiodynamie #cotedebeaune #burgundy #burgundywine #burgundylover #burgundywinelover #decouverte #degustation #winelovers

4/28/2024, 9:00:37 AM

4/29月のむベントは、カゞュアルなシャンパヌニュブルゎヌニュ入門セットです。 ゞャンパヌニュ3杯、ブルゎヌニュ3杯の6杯セット4,500円です。 シャンパヌニュ・ブルゎヌニュに興味のある方、是非気軜にお越しください 6çš® / 60ml/11名 N.V. ルナヌル・バルニ゚ ブラン・ド・ブラン ブリュット N.V. パむパヌ・゚ドシック ゚ッセンシ゚ル ゚クストラ・ブリュット N.V. アンドレ・クル゚ シルバヌ ブリュット・ナチュヌル ブラン・ド・ノワヌル 2019 ルモワスネ シャブリ 2015 アルベヌル・グリノォ ブルゎヌニュ・ブラン  クロ・デュ・ミュルゞェ 2020 マルシャン・フレヌル ブルゎヌニュ コヌト・ドヌル ピノ・ノワヌル シャンパヌニュのラベルには「い぀収穫したワむンを、誰が、どんなワむンにしたか」が蚘茉されおいたす。 N.V. ルナヌル・バルニ゚ ブラン・ド・ブラン ブリュット ルナヌル・バルニ゚は19䞖玀末からブドりを栜培しおおり、1970幎代に自身のブランドを立ち䞊げたした。シャルドネ(癜ぶどう)100%のブラン・ド・ブランで、瓶内で7幎も熟成し果実の厚みずキレが䞡立したスタむルです。 https://kinoshita-intl.co.jp/products/detail.html?id=2154&w=108 N.V. パむパヌ・゚ドシック ゚ッセンシ゚ル ゚クストラ・ブリュット in2017 Deg2022 パむパヌ・゚ドシックはザ・ムヌビヌ・シャンパヌニュずも呌ばれ、カンヌ映画祭公匏シャンパヌニュずしお䜿われたり、マリリン・モンロヌにも愛飲されおいた造り手です。 このキュノェは2016幎に収穫されたのブドりをベヌスに造られおおり、7幎以䞊の熟成を経お柔らかさず少しの熟成感のある、完成床の高い味わいです。 ブドりはピノ・ノワヌルやムニ゚ずいった黒ブドりが80%皋床、残りがシャルドネです。 https://mathusalem.jp/?pid=71438559 N.V. アンドレ・クル゚ シルバヌ ブリュット・ナチュヌル ブラン・ド・ノワヌル アンドレ・クル゚はブヌゞィ村が本拠地の、スりェヌデン王家埡甚達の生産者です。 ピノ・ノワヌル(黒ブドり)100%で、力匷く匕き締たった味わいです。 ドサヌゞュ(秘䌝のタレ的な甘いリキュヌル)の添加が無く、極めおドラむでありながらもブドりからの豊かな味わいがありたす。 https://mathusalem.jp/?pid=77640380 ブルゎヌニュのラベルには「い぀収穫したワむンを、誰が、どこで収穫したか」が蚘茉されおいたす。 2019 ルモワスネ シャブリ 癜ワむンずいえばシャブリ シャブリはブルゎヌニュの䞀番北、シャンパヌニュに隣接する生産地です。 極めお理想的なシャブリの味わいに近い、぀たり硬さやスッキリ感や酞が特城の味わいです。 ルモワスネは倧手生産者ですが、近幎癜ワむンが極めお良くなっおきおいたす。 https://samurai-wine.com/shopdetail/000000000501/ 2015 アルベヌル・グリノォヌ ブルゎヌニュ・ブラン  クロ・デュ・ミュルゞェ アルベヌル・グリノォヌはムル゜ヌ村で1876幎から続く名門䞭の名門の生産者です。 ムル゜ヌ村はブルゎヌニュの真ん䞭ぐらいで、このあたりは2぀のモンラッシェ村など癜ワむンの名産地です。 シャブリは村の名前が぀いたワむンですが、これは「ブルゎヌニュ」ずいう地方名が぀いた、もっず広域な名前です。 このクロ・デュ・ミュルゞェずいう畑は、半分はムル゜ヌ村を名乗れたすが、もう半分はブルゎヌニュしか名乗れたせん。 ずはいえ味わいのレベルは村名に匹敵する、ピュアでリッチな味わいです。 なお、近幎のブルゎヌニュは異垞な倀䞊がりを続けおおり、普通はこのワむンはレストランでグラス3000円しちゃいたす(぀たりお料理2䞇円くらいのレストランでしか出せないワむンになっおしたっおいたす) https://order.luc-corp.co.jp/shop/g/g10107602301/ 2020 マルシャン・フレヌル ブルゎヌニュ コヌト・ドヌル ピノ・ノワヌル マルシャン・フレヌルはモレ・サン・ドニ村で1813幎から8䞖代続く歎史ある生産者です。 たあでも、畑持っおいたらなかなか匕っ越しできないですよね・・・ 良いワむンをお求めやすい䟡栌で提䟛するこずを目的ずする、実盎な生産者です。 このワむンは、モレ・サン・ドニ村ずシャンボヌル・ミュゞニヌ村のピノ・ノワヌルから造られた、非垞に豪華なワむンです。 ラズベリヌや赀い果実のニュアンスがあり、飲みやすくも゚レガントな味わいです。 https://kinoshita-intl.co.jp/products/detail.html?id=2607&w=11 #ブルゎヌニュ #ワむン #フランスワむン #䞉軒茶屋グルメ #䞉軒茶屋 #䞉軒茶屋ワむンバヌ #䞉軒茶屋ディナヌ #党囜グルメ #東京グルメ #東京 #グルメ #グラスワむン #1人飲み #Bourgogne #wine #vin #burgundy

4/28/2024, 8:52:33 AM

A kávéfőző társaságában ne osszatok meg titkokat, mert kikotyogja! 🙃😂😉 Mondjuk ez a Berlinger Haus márkás szépség így imádnivaló.❣ ⬇ haztartasitermekek.hu #joreggelt #reggelikave #kavefozo #kotyogos #berlingerhaus #burgundy #stilus #design #vasarnap #kave #konyha #minoseg #haztartasitermekek

4/28/2024, 8:51:06 AM

最近ボトルサむズ増倧にお困りの方が倚いので、ブログにお勧めワむンセラヌをたずめたした 倪いワむンを買いすぎお棚が厩壊しおいる方はぜひご䞀読ください。 ブルシャン奜きのための、棚幅で遞ぶワむンセラヌ遞定 https://winebarfutami.hatenablog.com/entry/2024/04/21/232039 #ブルゎヌニュ #ワむン #フランスワむン #䞉軒茶屋グルメ #䞉軒茶屋 #䞉軒茶屋ワむンバヌ #䞉軒茶屋ディナヌ #党囜グルメ #東京グルメ #東京 #グルメ #グラスワむン #1人飲み #Bourgogne #wine #vin #burgundy #burgundywine #burgundywine #winestagram #winelover #bourgogne #instawine #pinotnoir #ワむンバヌ

4/28/2024, 8:48:17 AM

#picturesbygaryang after losing my voice and having a sore throat for almost a week. Time for a gentle reset for my palette. Taken with #xperia1v processed in #lighroommobile #takenbyxperia #xperia1v #sony #sonyxperia #sonysingapore #WowExperia #mobilephotography #foodstagram #foodphotography #wine #winelovers #olivierleflaive #burgundy #bourgogne #les_setilles #whitewine #enoteca_singapore #enoteca_wine

4/28/2024, 8:44:55 AM

#Burgundy Tasting nights,good wine. Good food, nice talk, nice Photos , excellent experience, join us🀩

4/28/2024, 8:38:55 AM

My two new absolute favourite people - Franck Gautherot @franckgautherot and Seungduk Kim @sdkim1209 the powerhouses behind @le_consortium and pioneering champions of art and artists 
 Here at their satellite space Académie Conti in the former hunting lodge of the Dukes of Bourgogne and the Prince of Conti which is currently showing ‘Various Fires’, the small very lovely paintings on terracotta by Xie Fan @xiexiexiefan 
 Then on to one of the most memorable lunches of my life hosted by @_domainedelaromaneeconti in the harvesters dining room drinking the world’s greatest wines - “as good as it gets” according to my top wine pal @cjrseely 
 (happy face of @mr.sam.talbot says it all
) What a day! #romaneeconti #xiefan @galeriemarguo #leconsortium #art #wine #burgundy

4/28/2024, 8:17:55 AM

5/13月限定 ブルゎヌニュ 赀叀酒䌚 7çš® / 75ml / 8名 / 26,000円 1995良 ベルトラン・ド・モンセニヌ ブルゎヌニュ・ルヌゞュタストノァン、倚分熱劣化 1986普 フェノレ ニュむ・サン・ゞョルゞュ 1986普 マラヌド ラドワ(タストノァン) 1986普 フィリップ・ガノィネ オヌト・コヌト・ド・ニュむ レ・ダム・ナグレット MG 1969偉 ピアP&F ブルゎヌニュ・ルヌゞュ 1969偉 フェノレ ニュむ・サン・ゞョルゞュ 1er プリュリ゚ヌル(タストノァン) 信頌できるタストノァンを挟み぀぀、色々叀酒を楜しむ䌚です。 ベルトラン・ド・モンセニヌは恐らく熱劣化しおいるので、金額蚈算からは陀倖しおありたす。 叀酒のため、1日限定で開催させおいただきたす。 #ブルゎヌニュ #ワむン #フランスワむン #䞉軒茶屋グルメ #䞉軒茶屋 #䞉軒茶屋ワむンバヌ #䞉軒茶屋ディナヌ #党囜グルメ #東京グルメ #東京 #グルメ #グラスワむン #1人飲み #Bourgogne #wine #vin #burgundy #burgundywine #burgundywine #winestagram #winelover #bourgogne #instawine #pinotnoir #ワむンバヌ #vintagewine

4/28/2024, 8:12:55 AM

5/7火 ロワヌル シュナン・ブラン䌚 3çš® / 60ml / 11名 / 9,000円 2016偉 ギベルトヌ ゜ミュヌル・ブラン ブレれ 2002良 ニコラ・ゞョリヌ ロッシュ・オヌ・モワンヌ クロ・ド・ラ・ベルゞュリヌ 1995普 ニコラ・ゞョリヌ クロ・ド・ラ・クレ・ド・セラン い぀の間にか人気になっお買えなくなっおたギベルトヌず、ニコラ・ゞョリヌガチャを楜しむ䌚です。 ギベルトヌはただ人気のなかった2016が玠晎らしくお沢山買っおたした偉い 5/79ぐらいの間でご予玄頂けるず幞いです。 ※通垞ず異なり火曜日の開催です #ブルゎヌニュ #ワむン #フランスワむン #䞉軒茶屋グルメ #䞉軒茶屋 #䞉軒茶屋ワむンバヌ #䞉軒茶屋ディナヌ #党囜グルメ #東京グルメ #東京 #グルメ #グラスワむン #1人飲み #Bourgogne #wine #vin #burgundy #burgundywine #burgundywine #winestagram #winelover #bourgogne #instawine #pinotnoir #ワむンバヌ #Guiberteau #NicolasJoly #Loire #CheninBlanc

4/28/2024, 8:12:10 AM

📞 Charlene Jorandon 📍Charité-sur-Loire --⁠ Vous aimez votre région ? Abonnez-vous !⁠ Et pour être publié, identifiez @bourgogne.franchecomte à vos photos⁠ . . . . . #nievretourisme #nievre #niÚvre #bourgogne #franchecomte #mybourgogne #bourgognefranchecomte #bourgognefranchecomte_tourisme #happybourgogne #franchecomté #bourgognefranchecomtetourisme #burgundy #regionbourgognefranchecomte #bourgognefranchecomté #burgundytourism #welovebourgogne #bourgognetourisme

4/28/2024, 8:02:39 AM

Lunch time yummyyummy #enjoy #enjoylife #享受 #享受生掻 #享受人生 #foodlover #foodlovers #foodlove #hkfoodlover #hkfoodlovers #lovefood #lovefoods #foodie #foodies #吃貚 #吃貚人生 #吃貚日蚘 #吃貚女孩 #winelover #winelovers #winelovers🍷 #winelove #winelover🍷 #burgundy #bordeauxwine #redwine #whitewine #tokyo

4/28/2024, 7:47:57 AM

"𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚖𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝, 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚖 𝚝𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎, 𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚏𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗, 𝚊 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚜 𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚜, 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚢 𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚜, 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐."💌🍷🏛🕰⏳📜 ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ #darkacademia #darkcoquette #coquette #burgundy #fallaesthetic #gilmoregirls #readingcommunity #rorygilmore #janeausten #sylviaplath #oscarwilde #shakespeare #romeoandjuliet #writersofinstagram #deadpoetssociety #thesecrethistory #oscarwilde #nietzsche #authorsofinstagram #penguinblackclassics

4/28/2024, 7:26:06 AM

Enjoyed these wines with dinner at my favourite small restaurant with a couple of friends. No detailed notes but the 2016 Chassagne-Montrachet was absolutely delicious and mineral. The 2007 IGT Cabernet Sauvignon was drinking really well and can still age a bit longer. #wine #winelover #winelife #winestagram #winetasting #winetime #burgundy #winesoffrance #cheerstowine #winejourney #champagne #chardonnay #tuscany #cabernetsauvignon #ワむン #シャンパン #フランスワむン #むタリアワむン

4/28/2024, 7:04:06 AM

 also here are the ‘21s from @domainelamy with longer elevage in recent vintages. Tiny crop as we all know from the frost-hit vintage, and very much affected in St Aubin. No new oak at all this vintage, with the wines showing exceptional tension with a good concentration from the low yields. Another stellar range from Olivier! Not pictured: Bourgogne Chataigners Santenay “Clos de Hates” #hubertlamy #burgundy #saintaubin #weawines #winestagram #instawine

4/28/2024, 7:00:00 AM

Some pre-summer French wines, with a Busin Millesime 2015 Champagne, a 19 village Puligny from Leflaive & Associes and a 16 La Garenne from Marc Colin. All good stuff and fun & easy to drink with good friends pre-summer. #wwav #wwanv #winewithanewview #champagne #burgundy #burgundywhite #chardonnay #leflaive #marccolin

4/28/2024, 6:58:18 AM

Happy Weekend! 🀠🍻———————————————————————————— Visit our store @coasterfield ———————————————————————————— #coasterfield #coaster #coasters #burgundy #red #color #style #cool #cute #design #decor #weekend #saturday #tabledecor #beer #beers #wine #winelover #whiskey #tequila #cocktails #tea #coffee #hotchocolate #goth #gothic #bar #bartender #dallas #texas

4/28/2024, 6:46:24 AM

C’est une fois par an. La glycine embaume les matins d’avril. . . . . #accomodation #boutiquehotel #gitedecharme #visitfrance #maisondecampagne #springbreak #burgundy #bourgogne #weekendalacampagne #countryside #countrylife #gardenlife #maisonalouer

4/28/2024, 6:36:28 AM

Invitații deosebite de nuntă❀ #burgundy #burgundyinvitations #burgundywedding #invitatiidenunta

4/28/2024, 6:14:09 AM

It’s Sunday Burgundy & D’n’D day again (Burgundy&D?) Anyway, Volnay from Le Grands Poisot, on the Pommard side of the village, crafted by François Millet so as expected, no punch downs. It has an absolutely arresting nose, floral, wild blackberry and so sweetly perfumed, beautifully silky and delicate on the palate - just lovely and very classical. Clearly a year or two away from being ready but so easy to love right now. #burgundy @francoismilletetfils #volnay #sunday

4/28/2024, 6:00:58 AM

@danaestateswine @vasocellars with #koreancuisine 😍🇰🇷 @superpan_seoul 👍🏻 #kangseomyunok 👍🏻

4/28/2024, 5:43:26 AM

I Feel Proud💪🏜 #burgundy&Gold 🔎🟠🔎🟠🔎🟠🔎🟠🔎

4/28/2024, 5:35:15 AM

Margie Jumpsuits🛍 in stock 🛍 ✈ shipping worldwide Price 2,950 THB. Size : XS, S , M , L, XL Colors :Black Line id 📲 details (àž¡àžµ @ àž”à¹‰àž§àž¢àž™àž°àž„àž°) 📌Pls contact 📲 (+66) 080 2444418 📌 Online Only 📌 àžªà¹ˆàž‡àžŸàž£àžµ EMS #detailsbyjp #instock #dress #cocktaildress #dress #bridesmaids #tailored #àžŠàžžàž”àž­àž­àžàž‡àž²àž™ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹€àž”àž£àžª #àžŠàžžàž”àž£àž²àž•àž£àžµ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹€àž”àž£àžªà¹€à¹€àžŸàžŠàž±à¹ˆàž™ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹àž‹àž #àžŠàžžàž”à¹ƒàžªà¹ˆàž—àž³àž‡àž²àž™ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹àžŸàžŠàž±à¹ˆàž™ #madetoorder #bloggerstyle #blackdress #bodycondress #burgundydress #burgundy #olivegreen #jumpsuit

4/28/2024, 5:07:59 AM

Margie Jumpsuits🛍 in stock 🛍 ✈ shipping worldwide Price 2,950 THB. Size : XS, S , M , L, XL Colors :Black Line id 📲 details (àž¡àžµ @ àž”à¹‰àž§àž¢àž™àž°àž„àž°) 📌Pls contact 📲 (+66) 080 2444418 📌 Online Only 📌 àžªà¹ˆàž‡àžŸàž£àžµ EMS #detailsbyjp #instock #dress #cocktaildress #dress #bridesmaids #tailored #àžŠàžžàž”àž­àž­àžàž‡àž²àž™ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹€àž”àž£àžª #àžŠàžžàž”àž£àž²àž•àž£àžµ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹€àž”àž£àžªà¹€à¹€àžŸàžŠàž±à¹ˆàž™ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹àž‹àž #àžŠàžžàž”à¹ƒàžªà¹ˆàž—àž³àž‡àž²àž™ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹àžŸàžŠàž±à¹ˆàž™ #madetoorder #bloggerstyle #blackdress #bodycondress #burgundydress #burgundy #olivegreen #jumpsuit

4/28/2024, 5:06:34 AM

Margie Jumpsuits🛍 in stock 🛍 ✈ shipping worldwide Price 2,950 THB. Size : XS, S , M , L, XL Colors :Black Line id 📲 details (àž¡àžµ @ àž”à¹‰àž§àž¢àž™àž°àž„àž°) 📌Pls contact 📲 (+66) 080 2444418 📌 Online Only 📌 àžªà¹ˆàž‡àžŸàž£àžµ EMS #detailsbyjp #instock #dress #cocktaildress #dress #bridesmaids #tailored #àžŠàžžàž”àž­àž­àžàž‡àž²àž™ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹€àž”àž£àžª #àžŠàžžàž”àž£àž²àž•àž£àžµ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹€àž”àž£àžªà¹€à¹€àžŸàžŠàž±à¹ˆàž™ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹àž‹àž #àžŠàžžàž”à¹ƒàžªà¹ˆàž—àž³àž‡àž²àž™ #àžŠàžžàž”à¹àžŸàžŠàž±à¹ˆàž™ #madetoorder #bloggerstyle #blackdress #bodycondress #burgundydress #burgundy #olivegreen #jumpsuit

4/28/2024, 5:05:31 AM

"...mortal until the first 💋, and the second glass of 🍷" Recognising body, nuance, and opulent tones of burgundy on this herringbone sideboard and comoda. KWBA's custom-order couplet embellished with #liveedge boards, #gold finished steel and fittings, and a variety of bespoke oil tints handbrushed on reclaimed timbers for a classy, sanguine patina. A cave fave, especially for the many nights, spirits, and debauchery it culls together. CHEERS kaibigan!! 🩷❀‍🔥❀ #kwba #kwbafurniture #bespokefurniture #madetoorder #drinkup #finelikewine #kampai #herringbone #buffettable #sideboard #consoletable #commode #comoda #classic #burgundy #redwine #currant #furnitureinspiration #custommadefurniture #tallboy #shoerack #dresstoimpress #conversationstarters #curated #setthemood

4/28/2024, 4:00:19 AM

Today’s Heist - Picked up 27 singles Velvet 48 wine bar is having their 5th anniversary celebration until tomorrow w 50% off their wine list to go only. Domestic 18&19 Harlan 16 Bond Vecina 16&18 Dominus French 10&15 Lafite 95 Angélus 17&21 Dujac Vosne Romanee Malconsort 17&18 George de Vogue Musigny 98 Beaucastel 19 Beaucastel Blanc 19 Leflaive Pucelles & Clavoillon 18 Bonneau de Martray Corton Charlemagne Italian 2nd pic 17&18 Masseto 09&16 Solaia 15&16 Ornellaia 2011 Biondi Santi Australian 3rd pic 2015 Penfolds Grange 13&14 Henschke Hill of Grace Good Hunting! . . . . . . . @familleperrin #rhonevalley @domaineleflaive #pulignymontrachet #whiteburgundy @bonneaudumartray #burgundy @chateaulafiterothschild #pauillac #bordeaux @penfolds @henschke #shiraz @harlanestate @bondwinery #napa @dominusestatewinery #vosneromanée #dujac #musigny @chateauangelus @marchesiantinori @ornellaiawinery #bolgheri @massetowinery #tuscany @biondisantigreppo #brunello @velvet48winebar

4/28/2024, 3:57:45 AM

Despite the late surge our 2 match win streak and 4 game unbeaten streak come to a grinding hault. - - - Back on the road again next week vs NYCFC

4/28/2024, 3:40:49 AM

Had some excellent wines yesterday at @vinousreverie. We had the 2013 Saffredi super Tuscan, 2016 Il Poggione (@ilpoggione) Brunello Riserva, 2020 Domaine Faiveley (@domainefaiveley) Mercurey Clos Rochette Monopole, and 2018 Joseph Faiveley Charmes Chambertin Grand Cru. Thanks to @991_jt3 for sharing the 2016 Chateau d’Yquem, which is one of the most fantastic dessert wines in the world. . . . , . #saffredi #tuscanylovers #tuscanwines #tuscanwine #italianwine #italianwines #ilpoggione #brunello #brunellodimontalcino #brunelloriserva #faiveley #burgundy #redburgundy #grandcru #frenchwine #frenchwines #dyquem #chateaudyquem #sauternes #oldworldwine

4/28/2024, 3:39:15 AM

Will encore! yummyyummy #enjoy #enjoylife #享受 #享受生掻 #享受人生 #foodlover #foodlovers #foodlove #hkfoodlover #hkfoodlovers #lovefood #lovefoods #foodie #foodies #吃貚 #吃貚人生 #吃貚日蚘 #吃貚女孩 #winelover #winelovers #winelovers🍷 #winelove #winelover🍷 #burgundy #bordeauxwine #redwine #whitewine #tokyo

4/28/2024, 3:39:02 AM

A little S\O to all of YOU for trusting me with all your special needs 🀍✚ #prom24 #corsage #boutinniere #blue #burgundy #whiteroses #lovelyclients #justabeginner #thankful #gratitude

4/28/2024, 3:37:14 AM

🫶🏻 . . . . . #photoshoot #model #blackandwhite #studio #loft #brooklyn #nyc #mua #backdrop #movement #weekend #potd #mixedasian #lighting #burgundy#쎬영#몚덞#흑백#슀튜디유#람룚큎늰#뉎욕#메읎크업#배겜#토요음#팚션#몚션#혌혈#조명#드레슀

4/28/2024, 2:47:09 AM

Como ya mencioné anteriormente este color es muy fácil de combinar

. Excelente queda la combinación con blanco 🀍 ¿Ustedes qué opinan?. ✄- - - - - - ✄- - - - - - ✄- - - - - -✄- - - - - ✄ #trend #tendencias #outfitinspiration #outfitoftheday #ootd #shopping #fashioninspo #fashioninspiration #casualstyle #casualoutfit #streetstyle #styletips #fashiontips #timelessfashion #modaatemporal #howtostyle #styletips #trucosmoda #tipsmoda #autumnwinter #greylook #outfitdeldia #looktendencia #red #trendcolors #burgundy #burdeos #granate #maroon #detailphotography

4/28/2024, 2:40:42 AM

Rapids throughly outplayed in the first 45 sees them 1-0 down at the break.

4/28/2024, 2:32:40 AM

二倜連続シャンパヌニュ🥂たたたた芋぀けたドラピ゚衝動買いwww Carte d'Or Extra Brut NV / #Drappier #ワむン#わいん#ワむンスタグラム#わいんすたぐらむ#ワむンのある生掻#ワむンラバヌ#ワむン䌚#䜙垂 #ブルゎヌニュ#ボルドヌシャブリ#ロワヌル#ロヌヌ#ランドック#プロノァンス#ピノノワヌル#シャルドネ#カベルネ゜ヌノィニペン#゜ヌビニペンブラン#アリゎテ#フランスワむン#むタリアワむン #winelover #wineparty #winestagram #winelife #burgundy #bordeaux #champagne

4/28/2024, 2:26:46 AM

2013 Bernard Dugat-Py Gevrey-Chambertin TrÚs Vieilles Vignes - Coeur de Roy. Unexpected find on our last day in Tokyo. Price was too good pass up on. PnP with good friends at Bowrington Food Market in HKG as a contrast to the champagne. Hoping that this wine is coming out of its hibernation. Big mistake. Made the bear angry!😆 Do not poke the Bear! 😂 Medium purple colour. Nose of dark brooding fruit this is typical of this producer (dark cherries and perhaps some brambleberry) and a hint of Asian spice that statues showed more prominently the next morning. A slight hint of green stem that added complexity and got integrated into the fruit with more air time. Medium plus body and acidity. Firm fine tannins that have yet to begin to shed. Long unyielding finish. Concentrated, masculine and structured is my impression of this wine at this stage of its life. Went well with the braised beef clay pot dish and sticky pork popsicles. Old vine village level wine? Easy 1er Cru and borderline Grand Cru density to me. Easy 20+ year more years on this. Too bad it was their only bottle. #dugatpy #burgundy #geverychambertin #coerduroy

4/28/2024, 2:01:13 AM

A red ranunculus boutonniÚre for Prom 🕺🏌 💃

4/28/2024, 1:56:02 AM

Might be the first time trying a Beaujolais Blanc, 100% chardonnay, rich with minimals, stone fruits, melons, and pears. Long finish, smooth and structured. They make up only about two percent of the region’s production, which is more known for its red wines from Gamay. #beaujolais #beaujolaisblanc #chardonnay #burgundy #whitewine #bourgogne #grandcru #winelover #somm #sommlife #winecellar #winecollector #vin #vino #frenchwine #frenchwines

4/28/2024, 1:52:21 AM

ROLLING DUB TRIO "CASPER Burgundy Chromexcel" 1week履き蟌み-Day2- クロム゚クセル、やはり足銎染みが早いですね☺✚ #rollingdubtrio #casper #rollingdubtriocasper #bootslover #leatherboots #madeinjapan #chromexcel #burgundy #BurgundyChromexcel #ロヌリングダブトリオ #キャスパヌ #バヌガンディ #革靎 #革靎倶楜郚 #革靎奜き #茶芯倶楜郚 #足元倶楜郚 #経幎倉化 #゚むゞング #shoestagram #お排萜は足元から #日本補 #365daysofraw #photooftheday #ootd

4/28/2024, 1:36:45 AM

Second event for today. Beautiful 80th Birthday celebration for a wonderful woman #burgundy #rose-gold #decor #milestone #80th birthday #balloons #backdrop#

4/28/2024, 1:28:05 AM

On the way to #france #atoutfrance #burgundy #1850 #paris

4/28/2024, 1:26:14 AM

. Charles Lachaux Bourgogne Aligote Les Champs d’Argent Charles Lachaux Bourgogne Rouge La Croix Blanche Charles Lachaux Cote de Nuit-Villages Aux Montagne Charles Lachaux NSG La Petite Charmotte Charles Lachaux Aloxe-Corton Les Valosieres Jerom Prevost La Closerie Les Beguines Extrabrut Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 1995 Chateau Belgrave 2005 Mag. Aubert Wines Powder House 2021 띌쇌알 숚Ꞟ 수 없는 고꞉짐읎 있윌나 아직 시간읎 필요하겠고, 귞쀑에선 뉘생읎 접귌성읎 ì € 좋았닀. 읎날의 죌읞공! 샀륌띌쇌 마시자고 만나놓고, 도넀 읎러Ʞ에요? 감사히 잘 마셚습니닀🙇🏻‍♂👏🏻🙏🏻 #wine #winestagram #instawine #winetasting #winelover #wineholic #winetime #vine #vino #france #champagne #champagnelover #bourgogne #burgundy #burgundylover #bordeaux #bordeauxlovers

4/28/2024, 1:14:09 AM

Meine Empfehlung! #sommelier #winparing #wine #pinotnoir #burgundy #restaurant

4/28/2024, 1:06:00 AM

Ein soft glam Look fÃŒr diese wunderschöne Frau ✚❀ Benutzte Produkte: Augen @charlottetilbury Wimpern @ardell_de Gesicht @makeupforever Konturen @charlottetilbury Blush @patmcgrathlabs_contact Puder @hourglasscosmetics Mascara @sephora Lippen @charlottetilbury , @chanel.beauty #makeup #muagermany #glam #nÃŒrnberg #burgundy #beauty #greeneyes #softglam #makeupartist *unbezahlte Werbung wegen Markennennung. Alles ist selbst gekauft. In keiner Weise bin ich zugehörig zu den oben geschilderten Marken* *Unpaid ad because of brand naming. Everything is self bought. I am in no way affiliated with the shown brands.*

4/28/2024, 1:05:18 AM

Weekend WIP 🍷 Can't wait to share the finished top with you, in every pic/ vid I've taken this yarn has shown up a different colour to the real shade :') Yarn: Shade Bordeaux @scheepjes Softfun Pattern: Colosseum top by @edsfart long sleeve edition <3 Ft. My current earworm 🪱 #wip #weekendproject #currentproject #handmadetop #crochetersofinstagram #crocheter #crochetinfluencer #crochet #colosseumtop #pinterest #summertop #ss24 #burgundy

4/28/2024, 12:13:20 AM

🇫🇷🍷 Rouge 🍷🇫🇷 #france #burgundy #dijion #beaune #moutarderie #roadtrip #redwine #neverstopexploring

4/28/2024, 12:07:44 AM

🇫🇷 Domaine Pattes Loup, Chablis Vent d’Ange Nose - orchard fruit , apple , pear and peach Palette - medium bodied , apricot , honey , chalk notes. Great balance of softness and minerals. Had this wine at my favorite wine bar in DC @corkdc. Not your typical Chablis , more fruit flavors than oak but very acidic and leaves you longing for more. I drank it on its own which I like to do sometimes to see how it holds up in the absence of food. Hard to not drink fast and was a perfect wine to have before one of the best Chardonnays I’ve had yet , a Francois Carillon Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru ‘Les Macherelles’ , which I didn’t get a good picture of unfortunately but I’ll have the memory and that’s what matters. #wine #winelover #winetasting #burgundy #burgundywines #chablis #chabliswine #chablisfrance #naturalwine #winebar #washingtondcfood #winesofburgundy #winewinewine

4/27/2024, 11:44:05 PM

Keep it Simple Art Of War 🔥🔥 #Burgundy #Tan #retro #1

4/27/2024, 11:38:28 PM

It’s the start of the brocante season in Burgundy, time to go bargain hunting #brocante #barginhunting #burgundy #fleamarketfinds

4/27/2024, 11:24:23 PM

"Les grands ne sont GRANDS que parce que nous rampons à leurs pieds. ✍🏌" Akhenaton . #Citation #Philosophie #Bourgogne #Burgundy #Motivation #DijonCity #DijonVille #Holidays #LaVéloVie

4/27/2024, 11:17:10 PM

Best jacket in the game! 👔 Always looking #TailorMade

4/27/2024, 11:15:42 PM

Enfin en cave !! Les vins de Kei Shiogai incarnent l’essence de la passion et de la précision. Hâte de goûter dans quelques années 
.. Cuvée Dame Gantzer / Vin de France Millésime 2022 Production : 1283 bouteilles @kei_shiogai #keishiogai #winexplorers #winelover #winetasting #burgundy

4/27/2024, 11:14:49 PM

Domaines Leflaive Mâcon-Verzé Les Chenes 2018. Bakte sitroner, mineralsk i retning sjÞ, samtidig floral og delikat. #leflaive #domaniesleflaive #macon #maconverze #leschenes #burgund #burgundy

4/27/2024, 11:11:46 PM

Fleurs des bois... 🌍🏞🌿❀ @_fleurs_des_champs @nature.focus_on @flowersinthewoods @nature @rk_flowers._ @amazingflowers @bfc_biodiversite @igersbourgogne @grandest.focus_on @woods #myphoto #flower #woods #nature #spring #trees #fleurs #countryside #colors #amazing #beautifuldetails #enjoy #natureislife #simplelife #portuguese #frenchielife #burgundy #dreamer #foret #bois #relax #sassenay #burgundy #bourgogne #monicasimpleetnaturelleacoeur

4/27/2024, 10:36:09 PM

Fan Tang 飯堂 in Hong Kong - Thanks to Andrew for bringing us to this exclusive private dining place, and setting such great menu! For wines, best of the night: -this 2005 Montrose bottle showed the 2005 good left bordeaux’s black currant, cedar and full body characteristic really well! Far better than another 2005 Montrose bottle I had last year! Can tell it’s 2005 even i was drunk! 😅 -And of course i love the Louis Latour Charmes Chambertin Grand Cru 2008 I brought very much, so elegant, velvet tannin, red cherries flavored once opened and poured to glass! 6 persons finished 8 bottles, got too drunk again and not taking many pictures!😅😅😅 The restaurant wine cellar is impressive too, many DRC, Jayer, Leroy
. And magnum Le Pin For food, really impressive too: -The jumbo drunk fatty raw mantis prawn! 特倧醉賎尿蝊, 埈倚膏😋😋😋 -The garoupa with sour veggi 甚老虎班做的酞菜魚😋😋 -The shark fin in traditional thick pepper pork belly soup😋😋😋 -Me is not fans of lamb but the lamb stick crispy outside and soft inside and really tasty!😋😋 -crayfish always so so, but this one really good! 😋😋 #charmeschambertin #louislatour #chateaumontrose #montrose #pauillac #chateaulynchbages #lynchbages #montrose2005 #cosd’estournel #chateaucosdestournel #burgundy #bordeaux #bordeauxleftbank #saintestephe #france #frenchwine #redwine #bestredwine #grandcru #finewines #winetasting #instawine #winelife #bestwine #vino #葡萄酒 #privatedininghk

4/27/2024, 10:18:17 PM