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#food #travel #sports #news #may #saturday

Does your calendar have dedicated time for letting the thoughts and energy flow? For anchoring in at a higher level? Give it a try. That’s where the best stuff shows up. #creativity #reflection #retrospect #freeflow #rightbrain #holisticleader #betterhumans #vision #values #k2ohsolutions #levelup

4/24/2024, 5:00:00 PM

There’s nothing better than fun in the Idaho mountains! And our team member, Marissa, has the skills to do it all. She’s a rock star in disguise. Literally. 🤣 #teamfun #holisticleader #betterhuman #growth #k2ohsolutions #winterathlete #Idaho #mountains #winterfun

3/15/2024, 4:00:00 PM

Wohoooo🎉 Endlich bekommst du meine aktualisierten Angebote im Überblick. ⬅➡Klick dich einfach durch ❓Wie buchst du? 👉Einfach Nachricht schreiben oder nutze das Buchungsformular auf meiner Webseite: https://birgit-baron.de/buchung/ ❓Du hast Fragen? 👉Schreib mir. Frag mich. ❓Und? Spürst du schon wie dein Herz und deine Seele hüpfen und laut „Jajajajajaja“ rufen? 👉Dann folge diesem Impuls und buche dich ein. Ich freue mich auf dich 💖 👑EMPOWER YOURSELF👑 Von Herz zu Herz💞 Deine Birgit #holisticleadership #empowerment #empoweryourself #resilienzcoach #mentaltrainerin #yogalehrerin #soulmate #holisticleader #seelenverkörperung #reconnet #embodiment #guidance #graceintegrity #abdundance #digdeeper #flyhigher

3/11/2024, 10:58:13 AM

Many people who have a great impact on the community end up burnt out. That can take many different forms. Maybe they get ill or even chronically ill. Maybe their mental health declines. Maybe they just lose all energy and zest for life. This is because we have to use a lot of our time, energy and emotions on others. But we have no way to then handle our own. And then our families suffer because we just have nothing left. The only answer here is to manage your energy and emotions with better strategies. One of the most important aspects of that is REST. Do things you enjoy, you find fun and have a laugh. Joy is healing for everything. Do not underestimate this OR feel bad for resting. Understand that when we come from a place of rest, everyone both personally and professionally gets a better version of us. #leader #holisticleadershipcoaching #holisticleader #burnout #energy #wellbeing

3/6/2024, 1:46:14 PM
wie wir uns (über unsere Hunde) kennengelernt haben & jetzt zusammen wirken > Einblicke in unsere Arbeit als Power-Doppelpack > AHA- Momente rund um den Zusammenhang Businessleaderin & Hund, die dir Möglichkeiten eröffnen, dein Business klarer, souveräner & gelassener zu führen. 💙🐶🌿 Ein Package mit „Wau“-Effekt aus Leadership, Kommunikation, Nervensystemregulation & Kreativität, das Wachstum auf ein nachhaltiges Fundament stellt. ➡️Schnapp dir jetzt einen der Plätze beim kostenlosen Online-Live-Event am 05.03. mit einem „💙“ in den Kommentaren. Wiebke und ich freuen uns auf Dich 🐕 Schön, dass du da bist! 💎 BEWUSST FÜHREN ALS FRAU (SELBST) FÜHRUNGSTIPPS TIEFE VERBINDUNG NATÜRLICHE KOMMUNIKATION (MIT) MENSCH UND HUND #holisticleader #dogandbusiness #ceolife #ceoanddogs #selfleadership" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3QzOS4zMDgwOC02LzQxNzUzMjg4M185NDA3MjYxNjQ3MjE1ODdfNjI5MTgxMjQyNjUzMDI0ODY0X24uanBnP3N0cD1kc3QtanBnX2UxNV9mcl9zMTA4MHgxMDgwJl9uY19odD1zY29udGVudC1hbXMyLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbSZfbmNfY2F0PTEwMyZfbmNfb2hjPWlaLXFldzgxYW9NUTdrTnZnRkFOcElWJmVkbT1BT1VQeGgwQUFBQUEmY2NiPTctNSZvaD0wMF9BWUN4OGhXQjlOaWdZT1NkWUgyc0Z1eDhYaDNlM3p3ejc4VVFaUXczemlwV1B3Jm9lPTY2NDRFRDY4Jl9uY19zaWQ9OWRjNjYw.jpg" />

Statt von einer Aufgabe zur nächsten zu springen und ständig Feuer zu löschen und einfach immer total busy zu sein zu deiner souveränen Selbstführung im Business. Zentriert und gelassen klar wissen was hat wirklich Prio und was gebe ich ab. Richtig gut vorwärts kommen ohne totale Erschöpfung. Yes, das fühlt sich gleich ganz anders an! Was viele (noch) nicht richtig auf dem Schirm haben: Was im Businesskontext auftaucht, hat oft nichts mit deinem Business zu tun, sondern mit Erfahrungen, die noch in deinem Körper präsent sind und (unbewusst) dein Handeln, Denken, Fühlen beeinflussen. Das erleben Wiebke (@wiebkegrimmig) und ich in unserer täglichen Arbeit mit Klienten und bei uns selbst immer wieder. "Wir wünschen uns für jeden mehr Bewusstheit und Klarheit und vorallem Souveränität im Umgang mit sich selbst." Das braucht deine Ober-Prio! Denn da beginnt gute Führung. Immer. Unabhängig davon, wen oder was du führst. Um dich dabei zu unterstützen haben wir einen brandneues Programm gestaltet: Business statt Busyness 🎯 Mit deinem Hund als Sparrings-Partner zur souveränen Selbstführung im Business Neugierig geworden? Lass uns ein „💙“ in den Kommentaren da und du bekommst alle Infos zum kostenlosen Live-Event zugeschickt. 🤩 Du bekommst: > wie wir uns (über unsere Hunde) kennengelernt haben & jetzt zusammen wirken > Einblicke in unsere Arbeit als Power-Doppelpack > AHA- Momente rund um den Zusammenhang Businessleaderin & Hund, die dir Möglichkeiten eröffnen, dein Business klarer, souveräner & gelassener zu führen. 💙🐶🌿 Ein Package mit „Wau“-Effekt aus Leadership, Kommunikation, Nervensystemregulation & Kreativität, das Wachstum auf ein nachhaltiges Fundament stellt. ➡️Schnapp dir jetzt einen der Plätze beim kostenlosen Online-Live-Event am 05.03. mit einem „💙“ in den Kommentaren. Wiebke und ich freuen uns auf Dich 🐕 Schön, dass du da bist! 💎 BEWUSST FÜHREN ALS FRAU (SELBST) FÜHRUNGSTIPPS TIEFE VERBINDUNG NATÜRLICHE KOMMUNIKATION (MIT) MENSCH UND HUND #holisticleader #dogandbusiness #ceolife #ceoanddogs #selfleadership

2/29/2024, 6:27:27 PM

ಪರಮಪೂಜ್ಯ ಶ್ರೀ ಶ್ರೀ ಡಾ. ಪ್ರಕಾಶನಾಥ ಸ್ವಾಮೀಜಿ ಅವರಿಗೆ ಜನ್ಮದಿನದಂದು ಭಕ್ತಿಪೂರ್ವಕ ನಮನಗಳು. ತ್ರಿವಿಧ ದಾಸೋಹಿಗಳೆಂದೇ ನೆಲೆಯಾಗಿರುವ ಸ್ವಾಮಿಗಳವರು ಧಾರ್ಮಿಕ, ಸಾಮಾಜಿಕ, ಪರಿಸರ, ಶೈಕ್ಷಣಿಕ ಹೀಗೆ ಹಲವು ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳಿಗೆ ಶ್ರೀಗಳವರ ಕೊಡುಗೆ ಅನನ್ಯವಾದದ್ದು. #PrakashnathSwamijiBirthday #DivineCelebration #SwamisBlessings #DevotionalGreetings #SpiritualLeader #DasohiCelebration #SwamijisWisdom #ReligiousHarmony #SocialImpact #EnvironmentalStewardship #EducationalEmpowerment #HolisticLeader #DivineContribution #CelebratingService #FaithInAction #SpiritualGuide #BirthdayBlessings #PhilanthropyWithPurpose #GratitudeInAction #CommunityInspiration #CelebratingDharma #InspiringLeadership #SriSriDrPrakashnath #GlobalHarmony #BlessingsOnBlessings #PositiveImpact #SacredService #JoyfulJourney #SpiritualInfluence #SwamijisLegacy

2/7/2024, 12:30:18 AM

Mein Herz hüpft und ich freue mich wie eine Schneekönigin💓✨👸❄️ Zum allerersten Mal veranstalte ich diesen einzigartigen 3-tägigen Online-Workshop: FIND YOUR INNER TRUTH Fr. 2.2. - So.4.2.2024 Ich habe in meiner persönlichen Schatzkiste gekramt und teile in diesem Online-Workshop meine Tipps, Tricks, Tools und Erfahrungswerte, die mir geholfen haben, meine Antworten auf folgende Fragen zu finden: ❓WER BIST DU IN WAHRHEIT? ✨Gehe in Verbindung mit deinem wahren Selbst und erkenne deine Essenz. ❓WIE WIRKE ICH IN WAHRHEIT? ✨Vertraue deiner Essenz und Intuition als deine innere Führung. ❓WIE DIENE ICH IN WAHRHEIT? ✨Verleihe deinem wahren Selbst Ausdruck. Damit auch du deine Antworten auf diese Fragen findest, komme von Herzen gerne zum Workshop dazu. Für mehr Infos: ➡⬅ Swipe einfach nach links. ❓Du willst dabei sein? Einfach Buchungsformular ausfüllen unter: 👉https://birgit-baron.de/buchung/ 👉Oder schreib mir: INNER TRUTH Ich freue mich auf dich 😘 EMPOWER YOURSELF deine Birgit #findyourinnertruth #workshop #innertruth #wahresselbst #wesenkern #innerewarheit #seelenweg #resilienz #resilienzcoach #holisticleader #werbinichinwahrheit #onlineworkshop

1/25/2024, 6:16:22 PM

🌿 Behind the scenes of Hire Holistic Virtual Assistants! 💼 Meet Anna, Passionate about holistic wellness, research, and design. Join us in embracing the holistic approach with Anna at the helm! #TeamSpotlight #HolisticLeader #VirtualAssistantPro #WellnessAdvocate #MeetTheTeam #HolisticBusiness #HolisticSupport #HireHolisticVAs

1/16/2024, 5:00:45 PM

✨ Class NOW AVAILABLE to book for The MASTERCLASS Series: Growth & Sales Mastery Stream with @pman_life_360 ✨ Learn directly from the pioneer leader who, for over 10 years, was the driving force in creating a 🔹 1 billion dollar eco-system for a global brand!🔹 🔸Pele’s historically-proven expertise in goal setting, his extensive knowledge and mastery of all things ‘Sales’, and his gifted understanding of what makes a business- or thought-leader not merely survive but thrive, make him the perfect champion of your growth story. 🕘The Class will run from 9-12 noon on 3rd February and includes tea/coffee and a morning tea spread. Seats are strictly limited❗️Don’t miss out - book your ticket today in our LINK IN BIO ☝ 🔸In this Class ‘Holistic Leadership + Goal Mapping’ Pele drills down on the mechanisms and activation power of goal-setting; unlocks foundational insights to grow resilience and build longevity into your personal and professional journey; and humbly guides you through an innovative, curated experience with like-minded individuals. With over 30 years of business experience, and having conducted 2,400+ Goal Setting sessions in the last 10 years, YOU are in capable and safe hands! 🚀If you’re driven by a desire to: go to the next level in your business; to overcome obstacles and unlock your leadership potential; or kick goals out of the water, whilst maintaining your personal wellbeing, then this Masterclass is FOR YOU! 🔹It’s professional development, in a personal way // The MASTERCLASS Series by Stone Creative🔹 #stonecreativegroup #masterclassseries #masterclass #suite79 #businessgrowth #development #masterclass #sales #salesmastery #businessdevelopment #business #leadership #leader #goals #goalsetting #goalmapping #brisbaneclass #brisbanemasterclass #holistic #holisticleader #wellness #develop #leaders #2024goals #newyear #goal #business #development #leaders #leadershiptraining

1/11/2024, 7:14:16 AM

My coachee/mentee reminded me this week… I am Motivator I am Believer I am Innovator I am Educator What’s your “I am” reminder? #motivator #innovator #believer #educator #STEMleader #leadership #personaldevelopment #holisticleader #asmmentors #mentoring #coaching

12/21/2023, 2:07:24 AM

You have a certain amount of energy each day before you need to replenish yourself. The way you use your energy is essential to self-care. Be aware of how you regulate your various tasks throughout the day. Our bodies and minds have certain rhythms. It is necessary to pay attention to your rhythms. By doing so, you can readily stay in balance and accomplish everything you need to accomplish. #bodymindenergy #mindbodyenergy #mindfulwellbeing #holisticmind #holisticmindfulness #holisticenergyhealing #holisticenergy #balanceyourenergy #listentoyourbodyandmind #listentoyourmindandbody #holisticleader #creativeleader #newjerseyinfluencer #newjerseyinfluencers #selfcareinfluencer #healinginfluencer #writerinfluencer #writerinfluencers #authorinfluencer #productivehabits #mindfulpatterns #mindfulapproach #mindfulinfluencer #mindfulleader

11/21/2023, 12:23:48 PM

3 consejos para tu crecimiento y desarrollo personal. 1. Identifica tus fortalezas - Escribe en un papel tus talentos, habilidades y fortalezas. Pon toda tu energía en maximizar tus fortalezas y no tus debilidades. 2. Cultiva una mentalidad de crecimiento - Es esencial que mantengas un actitud positiva. Cuando comiences a crear el drama (“la novela”) en tu mente, interrumpe el pensamiento inmediatamente. Sácalo de raíz. 3. Invierte en ti - Significa que estés aprendiendo constantemente. Lee un libro, escucha un podcast, participa de una conferencia o taller. Tu mente es el activo más importante. No olvides de darle compartir estos consejos con otros. ¡Feliz día! ✨ #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #strengths #leadershipdevelopment #latinaleader #holisticleader #asmmentors #desarrollopersonal #crecimientopersonal #crecimientoespiritual #autora #navegador #diarioreflextivo #invierteenti #growthmindset

11/14/2023, 3:07:39 PM

Gestern saß ich an meinem Schreibtisch und starrte auf den leeren Bildschirm. Eigentlich sollte hier gerade ein neuer EMPOWER-Letter entstehen. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass ich feststeckte und dass mir die Ideen ausgegangen sind. Tatsächlich habe ich diese Situation nicht oft😊 Doch gestern war erstmal nix da.... In diesem Moment als ich dachte "Puh, was schreib ich nur" kommt plötzlich eine Erleuchtung. Es ist, als würde ein Funke meine Kreativität entzünden und mich zu neuen und aufregenden Gedanken führen. ✨Das ist die Kraft der Inspiration. Sie sprudelt aus uns hervor und bringt uns dazu, Dinge auf eine ganz neue Art und Weise zu sehen. Neben der Inspiration gibt es noch deine Intuition. Oftmals können wir die beiden Begriffe Inspiration und Intuition verwechseln. Aber das Verständnis ihrer subtilen Unterschiede kann uns zu erstaunlichen Einsichten über uns selbst und unsere Umgebung verhelfen. Du willst mehr wissen? ⬅️➡️ Swipe dich gerne durch den Beitrag. Und falls dich deine Intuition und Inspiration gefühlt gerade im Stich lassen und du nicht mehr weiter weißt oder dich im Kreis drehst, dann weißt ja: ICH BIN FÜR DICH 😊 In diesem Sinne: EMPOWER YOURSELF deine Birgit PS: Mein EMPOWER-Letter landet jeden Freitagmorgen exklusiv mit einem "Impuls-to-go" für dich in deinem Postfach. Du willst ihn auch bekommen: Link in Bio oder direkt unter https://birgit-baron.de/newsletter/ #intuition #inspiration #bauchgefühl #herztest #bauchtest #resilienz #empowerment #holisticleader #selfleadership #selbstführung #seelenweg #impuls

10/27/2023, 11:11:12 AM

“Let it go so it can flow.” - ASM An evening… 💙 I will always treasure in my heart. 🤍 I felt God’s presence since the moment I stepped into the the venue. 💛 Family, friends, and coworkers came together in support of the Navegador Series (Reignite. Grow. Shine.) Book Launch and Signing. Prayer is the key that unlocks the door. I prayed. I waited. I trusted. God did the rest. As I shared my journey with the attendees, the underlining theme and message emerged. “Let it go so it can flow”. As I said those words, I remember saying out loud “I like that”. I had a revelation. Finally, it’s all coming together. It was right in front of me. I had to release and surrender to God so He can do his part. This special day would not have possible without the help of so many people. Thank you Jacqueline Ruiz Fig Factor Media Publishing for seeing the vision behind the Navegador Series. Thank you for helping me build my legacy. Thank you Vanessa’s Coffee Shop (Orlando, FL) for your support and excellent service. Thank you Juliana No Stand Out Consulting LLC for all your help with creating the banner, invitations, and venue decoration. Thank you Francisco Rodriguez One Creative Media for capturing this special day. Thank you Lisandra Suarez for navigating with me since the day we met seven years ago. Thank you to my John 3:16 Church Lake Nona family for you support and prayers. Thank you to my friend and sister (from another mother) Myrelis Aponte Samalot for your support and for coming all the way from West Palm Beach. Thank you to @naydacruzrealtor @nmdipandmore & Lashmy Sweets for the delicious appetizers. Thank you to everyone who joined me in this special day. To my husband and daughter, Thank you. I love you. “Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” Luke‬ ‭5‬:‭10‬b #reignite #grow #shine #navegadorseries #navegador #author #booklaunch #journaling #career #faith #calling #spiritualgrowth #spiritualjourney #leadingwithpurpose #holisticleader #leader #latinaauthor #latinaspeaker #mentoring #transformationalleadership #transformation #figfactormedia #standoutconsulting #events #Purpose #intention

10/21/2023, 12:31:30 AM

Thank you And Still She Stands Inc for a beautiful evening of sisterhood. An evening where we learned from each other the ART of Leadership. It was a very special evening for me. As I walked the room, I noticed the painting in the back of the room. A beautiful painting (see photo below). I stood still and contemplated the painting. I saw waves 🌊. Calming waves. The storm had passed. As I kept looking at the painting, I saw myself on a boat navigating life. Navigating different challenges and situations. I felt I was in the middle of the ocean and the storm had just passed away. I felt peace. This painting reminded me of the story of the disciples in the boat with Jesus. “Suddenly a furious storm came up on up to the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown. He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.” Matthew 8:24-26 There are times in our life that we find ourselves in the storm. The winds blow. The waves are high and you feel you are going against the current. Have you been there? I don’t know what your storm may be today (financial, personal, health, personal, family, or professional). All I can say is to… Pray. Wait. Trust. Stay calm. Let the Creator in with you. Although you may think and feel nothing is happening, He is working. In His divine time, you will see what He has promised. Trust. Be blessed! 💛💙💛 #faith #storm #navegador #reignite #grow #shine #navegadorseries #spiritualgrowth #holisticleader #pearlsofwisdom #leadership #calling #artofleadership #andsshestands #asmmentors #purpose #leadingwithpurpose

10/18/2023, 2:02:12 PM

„Selbstwert kommt nicht von den Bestätigungen der Welt, sondern von deiner Fähigkeit, dich selbst zu schätzen und zu lieben.“ ❓Wie steht es bei dir um deinen Selbstwert? Ich erinnere, wie ich damals zur Schulzeiten Briefchen an „coole“ Klassenkameradinnen geschrieben habe. Darin fragte ich, ob wir gemeinsam die Pause verbringen sollen oder ob wir zusammen zum Sportunterricht laufen. Ich fügte immer den Hinweis dazu: „Wenn du mit jemandem wie mir überhaupt zusammen sein magst.“ Mein Stottern, mein „Makel“ setzte mir damals noch richtig zu. Ich fühlte mich regelrecht „makelbesetzt“, anders, nicht richtig, minderwertig, also weniger wert als all die anderen. Lange ist es her… Heute würde ich am liebsten die kleine Birgit in den Arm nehmen und sagen: „Du bist wertvoll. Du bist liebenswert. Du bist genau richtig so wie du bist. Tief in dir weißt du das auch selbst.“ Im Nachhinein betrachtet, führte mein „Makel“ dazu, dass ich mich schon früh mit mir und meinem Selbstwert auseinandergesetzt habe. Die Erkenntnis, dass ich viel mehr bin, als das worüber ich mich selbst definiere (Stottern, Sport, Job, Familie….), trägt mich noch heute. Mein persönlicher Prozess des Bewusstwerdens startete also schon sehr früh. In den letzten Jahren durch all meine Aus- und Weiterbildungen sowie mein Wirken als ganzheitlicher Resilienz-Coach & holistic Leader, habe ich nochmal einen Turbo eingeschalten. Es durfte noch tiefer gehen! ❤️So bin ich heute getragen von einem starken Gefühl der (Selbst)Liebe und innerem Frieden. 🙏Daher bin auch so dankbar, dass ich dich heute, in DEINEM PROZESS, auf DEINEM WEG begleiten darf. Mein nächstes Angebot - Komme gerne noch dazu: ✨24 Std Gruppen-Healing mit Grace Integrity® ✨Thema: SELBSTWERT ✨Start: Freitagabend 13.10 ✨Begleitung & Betreuung in einer geschlossenen WhatsApp-Gruppe ✨Energieausgleich: 100 € ✨Buchung: Einfach Nachricht schicken! ❓Du hast noch Fragen? Frag mich ☺ In diesem Sinne: EMPOWER YOURSELF Deine Birgit #selbstwert #resilienz #resilienzcoach #holisticleader #holisticleadership #graceintegrity #selbstwertgefühl #empowerment #empoweryourself

10/12/2023, 12:35:38 PM

ONLY 5 SEATS LEFT!! Learn More: https://bigskyway.mykajabi.com/leading-teams-program The number one driver of long-term organizational success is the team leader. Yet too many leaders are stuck in the trap of being 'one-dimensional comfort zone' leaders. Big Sky Way’s Leading Teams Certificate Program provides research-based strategies and skills to effectively lead and manage your teams with a holistic framework. Our goal is to re-tool leaders to solve the engagement problem and develop a road map for high-performance teams. #leadership #leadershiptools #DiSC #managers #managementskills #holisticleader #BigSkyWayMT

10/4/2023, 11:24:41 PM

✨ New Class NOW AVAILABLE in our MASTERCLASS Series: Growth & Sales Mastery Stream with Pele Ramdhani.✨ Learn directly from the pioneer leader who, for over 10 years, was the driving force in creating a 🔹 1 billion dollar eco-system for a global brand!🔹 🚀If you’re driven by a desire to: go to the next level in your business; to overcome obstacles and unlock your leadership potential; or kick goals out of the water, whilst maintaining your personal wellbeing, then this Masterclass is FOR YOU! 🕘The Class will run from 9-12 noon and includes tea and coffee on arrival and a morning tea spread. Seats are strictly limited❗️ Don’t miss out - book your ticket today in our LINK IN BIO ☝ 🔸Pele’s historically-proven expertise in goal setting, his extensive knowledge and mastery of all things ‘Sales’, and his gifted understanding of what makes a business- or thought-leader not merely survive but thrive, make him the perfect champion of your growth story. 🔸In this Class ‘Holistic Leadership + Goal Mapping’ Pele drills down on the mechanisms and activation power of goal-setting; unlocks foundational insights to grow resilience and build longevity into your personal and professional journey; and humbly guides you through an innovative, curated experience with like-minded individuals. With over 30 years of business experience, and having conducted 2,400+ Goal Setting sessions in the last 10 years, YOU are in capable and safe hands! 🔹It’s professional development, in a personal way // The MASTERCLASS Series by Stone Creative🔹 #stonecreativegroup #masterclassseries #masterclass #suite79 #businessgrowth #development #masterclass #sales #salesmastery #businessdevelopment #business #leadership #leader #goals #goalsetting #goalmapping #brisbaneclass #brisbanemasterclass #holistic #holisticleader #wellness #develop #leaders

10/4/2023, 9:14:30 AM

🙋‍♀️Hey ich bin Birgit, studierte Dipl. Betriebswirtin (FH), ausgebildeter Resilienz-Coach, Mental-Trainerin, Master of Grace Integrity®, ThetaHealing® Practitioner, Yogalehrerin und Job-Mentorin. Außerdem bin ich Polerina, Mama, Ehefrau, Turn-Trainerin, Vereinsengagierte, doch vor allem bin ich eins: MENSCH. ✨Heute wirke ich als HOLISTIC LEADER & RESILIENZ-COACH, um dich an deine innere Wahrheit zu erinnern, dich in deine Kraft zu bringen und in ihrem wahren Sein und Wirken zu unterstützen. Denn das führt zu innerer Klarheit, einem starken Selbst-Bewusstsein, zu einer tieferliegenden mentalen Gesundheit sowie zu einem neuen körperlichem Wohlbefinden. Denn die Essenz meines ganzheitlichen Ansatz liegt darin, dich daran zu erinnern, dass du ein wahrer NATURAL BORN LEADER bist. Ein Mensch, der aus einer inneren Kraft und Verbundenheit heraus, mutig, mit Herz, Seele und Verstand vorangeht und neue Weg aufzeigt!! 👑So bist du der Leader | die Leaderin einer neuen Ära auf dieser Welt - Genau das was wir alle brauchen!! STARKES ICH – STARKES WIR! Genau so ist es. ❓Willst du auch endlich wieder... ...mit dir selbst in Verbindung sein? ...innere Klarheit, Frieden und Verbundenheit empfinden? ...mehr Selbst-Bewustssein und mehr Vertrauen in dich und das Leben haben? ...mit der Kraft deiner Seele in deine Zukunft gehen? ...mit dem Vertrauen auf deine innere Führung die nächsten Schritte angehen? ...erhaben und klar in (Selbst)Führung gehen? Dann melde dich bei mir. Jetzt. 👉Einfach PN schreiben oder Kennenlerngespräch über den Link in der Bio vereinbaren. Von Herz zu Herz verbunden💖 EMPOWER YOURSELF Deine Birgit . . #mensch #vorstellung #thisisme #yoga #guidance #reconnect #embodiment #graceintegrity #thetahealing #holisticleadership #holisticleader #resilienz #selfleadership #selbstführung #soulempowerment #empoweryourself

10/2/2023, 7:01:18 PM

Welcome October! 🍁 Goodbye September! 👋 As we enter a new month, I reflect on the lived experiences of the month of September. For me, it was a month of growth and development. A month where I celebrated life. 🥳 A month of meeting new people. A month of reconnecting with colleagues. A month of service. A month where I was reminded to turn 📴 the distractions and focus on my calling. Distractions come in so many ways. They can come very nicely wrapped and we don’t event noticed it is a distraction. They show up as an opportunity that we think it aligns with our purpose. I learned through the process (and my coach reminded me too) that the opportunity was going to be a distraction. I’m so thankful for the opportunities that came and God closed the door. Did it hurt? Absolutely. I’m human! I’m sure you can relate. Today as I reflect on the lived experiences, I was reminded to focus on the goal… to focus on the calling. Pray. Wait. Trust. God leads the way. “Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalms‬ ‭25‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭ #welcomeoctober #goals #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #spiritualgrowth #navegador #asmmentors #navegadorseries #reignite #shine #grow #journaling #reflection #reflectivejournaling #pearlsofwisdom #latinaleader #leadership #holisticleader #purpose #intention #transformationalleader

10/2/2023, 5:04:09 AM

Celebrating our own, Erica Byrd! 🌟 She's been recognized in Bakersfield Life Magazine's prestigious "20 under 40" list for her remarkable achievements. 🎉 Erica, a devoted wife and mother of three, is also the innovative owner of Free Byrd Collective. Her journey is awe-inspiring. 🌿 From Licensed Reverend to Board-Certified Holistic Practitioner and Digital Marketing Director, Erica defies boundaries, excelling in diverse domains. Her roles as a Licensed Cosmetologist, UC Berkeley Marketing Graduate, and Google Certified Digital Ads professional underline her mastery of varied skill sets. But that's not all! Erica's spiritual commitment is equally remarkable. She became an ordained minister in 2016, pursued a ministry-focused Bachelor's Degree, and obtained a degree and license in 2022. Currently working towards a PhD in Holistic Ministry, Erica embodies her belief in holistic integration, aiming to unite spiritual, physical, and relational elements. Her pursuit of higher education, including her UC Berkeley Marketing Degree, UOS Bachelor's Degree in Ministry, Board Certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner, multiple certifications & licenses (19 total), and ongoing PhD studies, demonstrates her leadership through a commitment to continuous learning and personal growth. 📚 Erica's journey showcases resilience, learning, and unwavering dedication to positive change. Balancing her spiritual calling and professional pursuits, Erica's platform, Free Byrd Collective, reflects her holistic approach to life, business, and ministry. 🌟 Due to Erica's accomplishments, being a Woman of God, dedicated professional, and holistic visionary, we believe she stands as an exceptional role model for young professionals and is more than deserving for this honor. 👏 #EricaByrd #20Under40 #Inspiration #HolisticLeader

9/30/2023, 8:50:00 PM

R A D I A N C E 🌹 Today I bumped into one of my incredible clients and took this gorgeous photograph of her! Hayley and I worked together for about 6 months and last week she sent me some kind words, describing her experience of Thrive. “Thank you so much for such an amazing and insightful experience on the Thrive Programme! It has given me so many tools, both inner and outer, to start me on a new approach to my life, my work, my passions and my dreams – all without hitting burnout! What intuitive wisdom and knowledge you have imparted in how I relate to myself - as fully embodied woman; in relationship to the more dominant masculine work world. These tools are invaluable in my life moving forward to a place where I am no longer victim to the choices I make in my life. Life before coaching was dominated by imbalance and a seeming battle between working for others vs creative time and at times not knowing where to place my energy, which ultimately led to burnout and stress. With the tools I have learnt from you, I have found ways to see HOW to move forward into more of a cyclical nature with all that is, inner and outer, creating a balanced view and taking empowered steps towards a harmonious existence where life is enriched by all of the pursuits of life and work. I’ve discovered a way to make powerful choices from an intuitive knowing place that I wasn’t able to access before the coaching sessions. This has enabled me to be much more present to the life I am living NOW, rather than in a projected idea of where I ‘should’ be. It’s given me my life back – to make empowered choices that benefit my life in the present. From the intuitive coaching sessions, I have made changes to the way I am living my life and I am much more in tune with myself and the seasons and rhythms of life, both by the calendar and my internal world. I look forward to seeing where this growth may take me” ~ Hayley Walsh. Thank you @hayleythefolkpixie, you are one bright light 💫

9/9/2023, 9:28:59 PM

🚀 If you’re driven by a desire to: go to the next level in your business; to overcome obstacles and unlock your leadership potential; or kick goals out of the water, whilst maintaining your personal wellbeing, then the Holistic Leadership + Goal Mapping Masterclass with Pele Ramdhani is FOR YOU! 🔸 Bethany from @storytellersco_ , a recent attendee of Pele’s Class, described her experience in the following way: “The atmosphere was one of encouragement and support, fostering an environment where everyone felt comfortable sharing their dreams, stories and aspirations. The lessons learned weren’t just confined to the realm of business; they extended to personal growth and a deeper understanding of one’s purpose… I have never had an experience like that”. 🔸If you would like to be part of the experience, join us at our upcoming class: 🗓Saturday 16th September 🕘9am-12noon ☕Includes tea and coffee on arrival and a morning tea spread. 🎫 Book your ticket today in our LINK IN BIO - seats are limited It’s professional development, in a personal way // The MASTERCLASS Series by Stone Creative @andrewstone_scg @pman_life_360 #stonecreativegroup #masterclassseries #masterclass #suite79 #businessgrowth #development #masterclass #sales #salesmastery #businessdevelopment #business #leadership #leader #goals #goalsetting #goalmapping #brisbaneclass #brisbanemasterclass #holistic #holisticleader #wellness #develop #leaders #leadership #professionaldevelopment #personaldevelopment #lifecoach #coaching #goalmapping #mentorship #mentoring

9/6/2023, 7:50:00 AM

Eres una líder de corazón La líder tiene una cualidad muy grande, es la de ser vulnerable. Y ya es el momento de descubrir tu fuerza detrás de tu vulnerabilidad. Ya no puedes fingir que estás de acuerdo con todo lo que dicen los demás, estás cansada de contenerte. El líder que hay en ti sabe qué hacer, cómo actuar y no le importan los mandones autocráticos que no toman en cuenta la opinión de los demás. Te gusta estar rodeado y permitir que todas las personas se expresan y comparten sus ideas para seguir adelante. Crees que la vibración de la palabra “juntos” te permite desplegar tu cualidad de líder. Ahora es el momento de que tomes en serio tu misión de vida y seas consciente de la fuerza del líder del corazón dentro de ti. Deja de esconderte y asume tus fortalezas que te hacen una mujer inspiradora y carismática con la que queremos estar para seguir adelante y solucionar todo tipo de problemas. La líder de corazón es aquella que, con su comportamiento y su actitud carismática, inspira gracia y escucha. . . Sigue en comentarios. . #Holisticleader #Leader #LiderHolistico #Lider #workspace #liderazgoempresarial #liderazgoconsciente #liderazgotransformacional #liderazgoaltorendimiento #liderholistico #liderazgohumano #liderazgohumanizador #liderazgoteam #liderazgoconpropósito #liderazgoconsentido #liderazgoteamup #liderencrisis #lidership #desarrollodeempresas #crecimientoempresarial

8/10/2023, 11:08:59 AM

🌎 As the world continues to spiral into a hot mess of chaos, it's clear that we need leaders who can rise above the fray. And by that, I mean leaders who don't just focus on one aspect of an issue, but take a more holistic approach. You know, the kind of leader who can see the bigger picture and doesn't get bogged down in the details. The kind of leader who isn't afraid to tackle systemic problems with systemic solutions. The kind of leader who, well, frankly, isn't a narrow-minded buffoon. So if you're looking for someone to lead you out of the dumpster fire that is modern society, may I suggest a holistic leader. Or, you know, just a competent human being. 🌠 Take the first step towards becoming an exceptional leader today! Explore our program at https://leadership.davidcouperconsulting.com/ OR Schedule a FREE Career Strategy Call and receive tips on reducing work-related stress. #leadershipdevelopment #dreamjob #interviewsuccess #aceinterview #executivejobs #careergoals #professionaldevelopment #networking #careeradvice #jobopportunities #leadershipcoach #careersuccess #careerbreakthrough #interviewprep #takeaction #holisticleader #transformationalleadership #leadershipdevelopment #davidcouperconsulting

8/7/2023, 6:00:05 PM

We are very excited to announce that our first Class in our MASTERCLASS Series is NOW AVAILABLE for you to book✨ 🔹This Class is from the Growth & Sales Mastery Stream with Pele Ramdhani where he will present Class 1 - Holistic Leadership + Goal Mapping.🔹 As Stone Creative Group’s Senior Coach and Global Development Consultant, Pele brings over 30 years of business experience to your growth journey. With his trademark gentle and affirming authority, and having conducted 2,400+ Goal Setting sessions in the last 10 years, you can be assured that Pele’s historically-proven expertise will tangibly benefit your professional and personal development. Hosted at the comfortable and classy Suite 79 by Stone Creative, this exclusive and intimate professional development experience is limited to a total of 8 seats per Class. We encourage you to take advantage of this immersive Class, which combines exceptional content with a curated opportunity to lean into a small scale round-table with other business and thought leaders. The Class will run from 9-12 noon on Saturday 12th August and includes tea and coffee on arrival and a morning tea spread ☕ Don't miss this in-person, practical, and outcomes-based opportunity to connect with the pioneer leader who, for over 10 years, had and was the significant influence and driving force in creating a 1 billion dollar eco-system for a global brand. 🔸 Find out more and book your ticket in the LINK IN BIO☝ #stonecreativegroup #masterclassseries #masterclass #suite79 #businessgrowth #development #masterclass #sales #salesmastery #businessdevelopment #business #leadership #leader #goals #goalsetting #goalmapping #brisbaneclass #brisbanemasterclass #holistic #holisticleader #wellness #develop #leaders @pman_life_360

7/14/2023, 7:45:19 AM

You are the artist of your life. It is shaped by your thoughts and actions. Everyone has encountered a different set of circumstances. But what you learn, and how you handle your experiences, are your own choices. Your journey is influenced by your own decisions. You hold the keys to what you want and how to make it happen. #howtomakeithappen #mindsetmanifesting #thekeytoinspiration #successinfluencer #personalmasterycoach #selfmasterycoach #selfmasterycoaching #personalawareness #thesecretsofsuccess #thesecretofsuccess #theseeker #enlightenmentcoach #enlightenmentcoaching #consciousnesscoach #consciousnesscoach #visionaryvibes #visionarycoach #visionarycoaching #visionarywitch #visionaryinspiration #followyourblisters #visionaryjourney #followyourpurpose #listentoyourenergy #holisticvisionary #visionaryinfluencer #visionarywoman #thefoolsjourney #holisticleader #holisticwisdom

7/9/2023, 3:19:03 PM

Je vais dire tout haut ce que je pense tout bas. Selon les règles de la société, dire tout ça de soi, ça ne se fait pas. FUCK THE RULES. Je suis Marjorie. Je suis une femme tellement puissante. Je suis une coach & mentor de folie, comme t’en as rarement vu dans ta vie. Je suis une entrepreneuse badass. Je suis inarrêtable même quand ma vibration est basse. Je suis ambitieuse et audacieuse. Je suis une challengeuse et une changemakeuse. Je suis une grande rêveuse et mon âme est joueuse. Je suis une leader au grand coeur. Je suis magnétique et inspirante. J’attire à moi des entrepreneuses puissantes. Mon énergie et ma magie les emmène au 7ème ciel et les ramène à l’essentiel. Mes clientes ont envie de jouer avec la vie et son potentiel infini. Tout ceci n’est pas une auto-prophétie. C’est juste la réalité que j’ai choisi. #femmepuissante #femmeleader #holisticleader #leaderdeconscience #leadershipfeminin #leadercoach #highvibrations #loidelattraction #inspirer #magnetique #entrepreneurecreative #entrepreneurebienêtre #puissancepersonnelle #pouvoirpersonnel #femmeaudacieuse #femmeambitieuse #visionnaire

7/6/2023, 9:48:08 PM

28🎊✨🦚Enormous Gratitude. Costume by moi, jewelry by moi, make up by moi📷 @i_am_nicole5 #UnshakableBalance💪🏽😇 • #HolisticLeader#HolisticProtector#HolisticDetective#HolisticHealer#HolisticInfluencer#HolisticBender #HolisticEngineer

5/25/2023, 8:09:39 AM

What about you? 🩵 * * * What do you want your creativity to be? ✨️ #creativeleadership #creativeselfleadership #holisticleader #artofliving

4/26/2023, 2:27:46 PM

In today's world, a leader's job is no longer to command and control but to cultivate and coordinate others' actions at all levels of the organization. Only when leaders see themselves as incomplete—as having both strengths and weaknesses—will they be able to make up for their missing skills by relying on others. Many people in leadership positions still operate from this false concept that they should have all the answers, someone with superhero powers who should try to be everything to everyone, but these "so-called Leaders" often get burned out and lash out aggressively when things don't go as expected. Don't try to do everything; that's why you build a team in the first place. Remember, leadership is all about inspiring and motivating people to become the very best version of themselves. According to Simon Sinek, when you are a leader, you are now responsible for the people who are responsible for the job, and your role as a leader is to bring out the best in others, even when they know more than you. Book your free consultation with me if you want to become a confident leader, making 7-figure with my Super Confident Leadership Method in just 8 weeks or less. Guaranteed 💯 Link in bio ☝🏻 #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #holisticleadership #holisticleader #holisticleadershipcoaching #wellnesscoach #women #womenempowerment #womeninbusiness #womeninleadership #womenasleaders #leadershipskills #leadershipcoaching #leadershipcoach #coach #coaching #mentoring #faithingod #instagood #selfdevelopment #mindset

2/11/2023, 5:32:28 PM

One of my most favorite thoughts is: but what is light without darkness ? 🕯 We can’t see light unless we have experienced darkness; therefore, when we experience struggles, grief, hardships etc. It is an opportunity to grow and make consistent and conscious decisions to continuously make an effort to strive and create a better future. What brings light into your life? For me it is knowing and being in touch with, and never forgetting my resilience. Any current moment of struggle can not be harder than one I have already lived through and risen above, I got this is 💙 and you do too. Book your free VIP CONSULTATION call with me Link in bio ☝🏻 . . . #ťhoughtoftheday  #thoughtsnlife  #holisticlife  #holisticleadership  #holisticleaders  #holisticleader #holisticleadershipcoaching  #thoughtsmatter  #empoweredwomenempowerwomen  #christianwomenleaders #christianleaders #womeninleadership #worklifebalance #holisticwellness #wellnesscoach #leadershipdevelopment #personalitydevelopment #confidentleader #women #usa #arizona #instagay

2/7/2023, 5:09:52 PM

Do you know why elevation requires separation? 🤔 I believe in the saying that iron sharpens iron. I also believe that you have to be responsible enough to maintain your own place of growth. 💚If you have weeds and poor soil how can you produce anything of value? 🌷We recycle information we have learned, experiences we have been through that taught us something and when we expose ourselves to people who are where we want to be, we allow that creativity to flow. Yes, I said it. So what? You needed to hear it. I’m not here to baby your feelings. It’s true. Think about it. 🤓How many times have you read a book and been inspired to try something you’ve done a dozen times in a new way? 🤓How many conversations have you had with a mentor that provided foresight into where you’re heading to better prepare you and allow you to be at ease to a degree? ❌Stop thinking you have to do everything on your own. Yes! You have to be the one to take action. You have to be the one to believe in yourself enough to be coachable. So why not do it? Aren’t you exhausted 😩 running that rat race that never got you where you wanted to be any how? 🦄Join me in a discovery call to uncover your purposeful path with clarity as to the next steps for you! ☎️www.SoulpreneurLifeLLC.com Much love, Kendra . . . . . #soulpreneurlifewithkendrabolden #soulpreneurlife #soulpreneurlifellc #soulpreneurlifehealing #spiritualbiz #holisticbiz #soulpreneurship #soulpreneur #soulpreneurs #masteryourmindset #mindsethealer #visionary #sage #mystic #holisticleader #energyworker #lightworker #akashicrecordspractitioner #intuitivehealer #authenticallyme #spirituality #personaldevelopment #akashichealer

12/29/2022, 9:49:55 PM

As a ‘professional perfectionist’ I’ve definitely held myself back for fear of failing. I think about how I’ve delayed or stopped because it wasn’t “perfect” or ready…😱 Sometimes fear of failing can feel like a prison for the magnificent creative part of me Of course, The beautiful side of being a perfectionist is that what I put out is really good. I have high standards for my offerings and I serve my clients on the highest level! 💕 But my practice over the years has been “just get it out there” whatever state it’s in …just get MYSELF out there whatever state I’m in. (Otherwise I’d never do anything!) ❤️ And every time I just take a step or put something out …it works! ✨ Do you hold yourself back? Are you waiting until the right moment? Do you have some thing that is ready to go but you haven’t released it yet? Are you still worried about what other people will think? 🤪 When will it be good enough? You are already good enough You are already a queen You are already worthy Are you ready? I love This quote 👸🏻 It reminds us to think Queenly… Because a queen is not afraid to fail She takes action She knows that there is no failure There are simply lessons Steppingstones to greatness Queens go for it Queens move forward ✨ Queens understand that their responsibility to their people is greater than their fear 🦋 Queens know they were put here for a reason, to serve and uplift others. Queens know that any mistakes will be surpassed by the light of their magnificence 🪷 Are you ready? #thinklikeaqueen #spiritualleader #womenrising #youareaqueen #womeninbusiness #oprahwinfrey #oprahquotes #womenleaders #womenentrepreneurs #holisticleader #spiritualteacher #womensholisticbusinessacademy #queensinbusiness #spiritualbusiness

11/22/2022, 6:07:04 PM

Can I say that?! It took me a while to own it. I mean I'd started stuff before and felt like I'd failed. I'd quit, given up, was focused on my 'nots', rather than seeing my worth. And then this amazing thing happened, or really I chose this isntead...(yes I know that mistake is there 😜) I gave up perfectionism to embrace this title: Business Woman. Boss lady. Small Biz owner. Oooft. That felt too big to hold and impossible to put down. Yesterday was Business Woman's Day and I'm owning the heck out of it. It cost me ALOT to get here, and I'm not talking just moolah. I had to clear out: 🗑️ the fear of failure 🗑️ the value of others' perceptions 🗑️ thinking mistakes were avoidable 🗑️ needing a specific, exact plan to begin Are you being held back in life because of the 'what ifs'? I understand how that feels and also how sad it is to see the possibilities lying at the bottom of the drain. You don't have to stay there my friend. You can grow through it, grow stronger, get bolder, find clarity. From one reformed wallflower to another - You. Can. Let's eliminate the blockages, the reasons why you can't and replace them with knowledge and certainty about who you're created to be. Along with a dose of Godly confidence. If you haven't heard about the new way you can work with me...It's cos it's a secret I'm letting out of the bag to my subscribers first. Make sure you're on the list. Reach out and shoot me your email addy and I'll get you connected. God made you for things - whether big or small - they all matter. Your life is on purpose my friend, if you have expressions that are in your heart to see, I want to let you know that there is a way to unfold and unfurl that thing. Getting unstuck and free is totally possible and we can do it together! "Business Woman" signing off, Mel xx 💛

9/23/2022, 2:10:22 AM

Untangle the Chaos! Bring clarity to your workplace and homelife by exploring with us how to become a centered, holistic and remarkable leader. It's easy with the right tools and anyone can master the skills. EVERYONE IS A LEADER...Become the best leader you can at any level in your career! 🌿Reach out for a complimentary 30 minute discovery call. Let's untangle the chaos together. #bigskyway #bigskywaymt #culture #workplacechaos #teams #managers #visionary #skillbased #researched #realskillsrightnow #bringclarity #centeredleader #holisticleader

9/6/2022, 9:38:42 PM

What inspiring and incredibly exciting moments I had yesterday - I met a true #Swami ( #HolisticLeader in Kautilyan terms) and his family. Every single word he shared was #Arthashastra in action. When #Kautilya authored the Arthashaastra, he did not mean it to be just good #economics (a subset) but to be the Science of #Prosperity, which in turn, would drive the governance of #Bharat. @khushroopoacha has got this cycle of Prosperity going. Khushroo is able to convert all his thoughts into manifestations, but these thoughts are not the average human thoughts of self advancement and self glory – instead, these are thoughts - one may describe them as noble - because each thought is about caring for the deprived, feeding the unfed, saving the sick and malnourished, respecting the marginalized, raising the self esteem of every human, in all corners of India. And all of this, while performing his day job, as a #Railways employee. There’s more to admire! He has done all of this and more, not by receiving and distributing money (which people desperately want him to do) but by enabling #volunteers, do-gooders, caregivers - with Indian Blood Donors service, Seva Kitchen, Daanveer, Neki ka Pitara and so many more initiatives. This can be called as Setting in motion a virtuous cycle, which keeps gaining momentum. As a result, your resources keep growing and your ecosystem too, gets strengthened. This is the Science of Prosperity – converting meagre resources - into inclusive abundance, with a larger purpose in mind. When mind numbing fame comes to him due to all this work, his response : to multiply these initiatives! His 9 year old daughter has become the next #Daanveer!!! My faith and confidence in the impact of this science has multiplied several times over, thanks to this gentle and kind soul in #Nagpur! *Thank you Khushroo for enriching me! I look forward to becoming a small instrument of your great work…* 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

8/13/2022, 3:50:46 PM

Conscious or holistic businesses are gaining momentum. Real estate agents and employees want to partner with companies that take the whole person into account. They want to go to work somewhere they can truly be themselves and be celebrated for it. They want to work smart and have their hard work matter.⁠ ⁠ This new era of real estate teams and companies will require conscious leaders. But what does being a conscious leader even mean? ⁠ ⁠ There are five signs that you are a conscious leader or that you are working with one. You can also develop your conscious leadership skills, by reviewing these qualities. ⁠ ⁠ Head to the link in our bio to learn about the 5 signs! ⁠ #consciousleader #holisticleader #leadership #consciousleadership #holisticleadership #mindfulleaders #mindfulleadership #businessowner #consciousbusinessowner #consciousbusiness #holisticbusiness #thoughtleader #consciousthoughtleader

7/26/2022, 3:58:24 PM

As a Leader, your own wellness should be a top priority. Mental Health and wellness determines how we think, feel, and act. It plays a role in how we relate to others, how we handle stress and our ability to make healthy decisions. ALL of these things are critical to successful Transformational Leadership. Do you consider yourself a leader? How are you modeling prioritizing your mental health and wellness? Join us in the “Wellness As A Collective” Sharecast, where I share three 5-minute holistic wellness lessons per week. Visit the the link in bio! #holisticwellness #holistichealthcoach #holisticleader #transformationalleadership #holistichealthtip

6/22/2022, 8:11:16 PM

Added to my collection of amazing books 📚 today! And got to hear the incredible Tal Ben-Shahar & Raj Sisodia who shared their incredible stories and put me on my path to greater happiness, fulfillment and a way of doing business that is human centered as a force for change #blessed #holisticleader #consciousleader #consciousbusiness #learntobehappy #happinessisachoice #justdoit #lifecoach #leadershipcoach #mindfulnesscoach #humancentereddesign #culture #consciouscapitalism

3/20/2022, 12:33:49 AM

Hey you! You made it to the weekend. Maybe it feels like you 'just made it'? Well, I hope you can cosy up this weekend, take a breather from what drains you, and choose what you need to fill your tank again 🔋 Maybe its... 👌🏻 switching off the news all weekend 💛digesting only good words that build 🛑 binning the to-do list for a day 🤭 staying in your PJs from the am to pm! What is it friend? What does your soul need in order to be cared for? It might be a little more tired than usual right now and that's totally understandable. Don't push those tired, cranky, teary messages down - they're little notes of 'I love you, you're valuable, let's choose life'. Enjoy your evening lovely 😘 Mel x 🐝 #leadership #womenwholead #christianleadership #ministryleader #ministry #daringgreatly #atlasoftheheart #hustle #sheislight #theleaderwithinyou #johnmaxwell #brenebrown #unstoppable #godiswithinher #consciousleadership #holisticleader #dreamteam #godlyleader #empathy #gratitude #compassion #qualified #burnout #emotionalburnout #fatigue

3/4/2022, 4:52:12 AM

I don’t know who else needs to hear this today because I know I do! I would change YOUR abuser to AN ABUSER- because really, who’d want an abuser to belong to them? 🙅🏽‍♀️Having said that, abuse is never ok. Your feelings are valid, your experience is valid. YOU are Valid. And even though you don’t need my validation because you are worthy all on your own, just know that you are not alone and you CAN restore your mind body and soul after abuse. My DMs are always open and my ear ready to listen. . . #restoreyourconfidence #restoreyourmind #restoreyourbody #restoreyourlife #healyourmind #healyourmindbodyandsoul #healyourlife #healyourbody #healyoursoul #surviving #survivingtothriving #holistichealingvibes #holistichealthpractitioner #holistichealthcare #holistichealthtips #holistichealthcoach #holisticleadership #holisticleader #holistichealthcare #holistichealth #holisticmama #holisticliving

2/28/2022, 7:47:55 PM

I used to have terrible insomnia. Not sleeping more than a couple hours a night, months on end. Sometimes no hours of sleep at all. The hardest part of insomnia is the more you go without sleep- the harder it is for you to return to a restful state. So I became more and more tired, more and more sick, more and more numb, and more and more miserable. My spirit is strong so the spark was always there- but damn did it barely flicker. The journey to overcoming insomnia was not short, and was supported with natural and chemical sleep aids. Different parts of the journey required different helpers: but I knew deep down no sleep aid would CURE my condition. So I dove more deeply into my studies of, "HOW DO WE CURE EXTREME LEVELS OF STRESS?" Yes: self regulation, unwinding, relaxing yadda yadda... But after years of those practices: it STILL wasn't enough. So where is the hidden key so many seemed to have that I couldn't find with glasses on? It was trust. Surrender. Flow. Joy. Pleasure. Instinct. I was tense because I was always trying to control. Everything. Every cost needed validation. Every choice needed explanation. Every action needed discipline. Phew! I'm exhausted just typing this. That tension starts to quickly unwind when we relinquish all what we think we can control, and just start listening to what we DESIRE. Do you desire Rest? Connection? The taste of sweet? Adventure? Money? A new haircut? I just spent what used to be my monthly rent on a hair cut, earrings, a necklace, and new clothes. Because I DESIRED it. My inner knowing felt it was time to level up not only internally- but externally. To Become the woman and business owner that already exists inside. In the past: I would have ignored that calling. I would've overridden it and said "I already have earrings," "a haircut can wait." Creating chronic tension between my inner knowing and my inner control freak. A forever push and pull, yes and no. So the invitation is ask yourself, "What do I desire?" And once a day, make space for yourself to ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE. Comment below: What do you desire? #burnout #insomniarepair #businessstressmanagement #holisticleader

2/28/2022, 6:33:19 PM

Every year I share my intentional word for the year. I haven’t shared it this far into 2022 because well, it wasn’t time until this moment. My word and intention is 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄. That’s it. Just love that allows me to be present for myself and others. Loving my wins 𝐀𝐍𝐃 my losses, loving my success and my struggles. Practicing self-love while holding the space and duality for putting others before myself. Love that matters and makes a difference. My intentional action to go along with my more is 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄. ❓𝔻𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕕/𝕠𝕣 𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐?! Tell me in the comments below! @simply_sharing_sara @hair0bsessed @thenissiprojectorg 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐬!

2/27/2022, 1:33:29 AM

𝗠𝘆 𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝗰 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗱.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ I sit and try to comprehend.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ But it feels like it’s not something the mind can grasp.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ There is certainty and peace in my body.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ There’s a level of clarity I feel in my whole being.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Feeling whole and walking on a golden path, my path…⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ It feels on the edge because the mind cannot comprehend it as fast.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Yet, I have trust in the intelligence of my being.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ And that the right shifts are happening and being integrated.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ All I can do is to be present.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Observe.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Nourish myself and be in a nourishing environment.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Plant proactively seeds of creation, love & respect…⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Do subtle adjustments, when the mind interferes, acting out of fear.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Trust that what I desire is on the way with all its glory and grace.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Because I am that already.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑑? ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 𝐶𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑏𝑒 𝑜𝑘 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔?⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Happy weekend beautiful humans.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ K

2/26/2022, 1:15:39 PM

Nothing like the #holisticlove of a pet 🥰 🐶. Unconditional love, no questions asked, best listeners, and snugglers. What life lesson have learned from your pet? . . . #dogsaretherapy #dogtherapy #holisticpet #holisticpetcare #wholisticdoghealth #dogmama #holisticmama #dogmamalife #holisticlearning #holisticleader

2/16/2022, 2:46:29 AM

One of my most favorite thoughts is: but what is light without darkness ? 🕯 We can’t see light unless we have experienced darkness; therefore, when we experience struggles, grief, hardships etc. It is an opportunity to grow and make consistent and conscious decisions to continuously make an effort to strive and create a better future. What brings light into your life? For me it is knowing and being in touch with, and never forgetting my resilience. Any current moment of struggle can not be harder than one I have already lived through and risen above, I got this is 💪🏼💙 and you do too. . . . #saturdayponderings #ťhoughtoftheday #thoughtsnlife #holisticlife #holisticleadership #holisticleaders #holisticleader #holisticleadershipcoaching #thoughtsmatter #empoweredwomenempowerwomen #empoweredbeing #thoughtsarethings #thoughtsarepowerful #thoughtsbecomethings #thoughtsoftheday #thinkandgrow #thinkandbecome

2/5/2022, 10:24:17 PM

"The way we move influences the way we make moves"~ Cheryl Jones Today, I challenge you to simply decide how to move. As leaders, we must move more than just our mouths. As an introverted career woman in leadership, I want to incite you to action. It is time to decide what you truly want. Today's word for week 2 of 2022 is " Commitment". So many times, we say we "wanna" do this or that, yet where is the commitment? We make time for the things that we truly deem important. It is time to commit to you! What are you gonna do differently in 2022? #introvertedleaders #leadershipdevelopmentcoaching #femaleleaders #committed #holisticleader #introvertedcareerwomen #powerfulposition #

1/13/2022, 7:01:59 PM

🌓 share in the comments below so I know I’m not the only one!! For me my spiritual practice is a non negotiable. It sets me up for my day, helps me switch off when it's crazy, refocus my mind, connect deeply with what really matters. What does it for you? ⁠ ⁠ #spiritualcoaching #spiritualleadership #holisticleader #spiritualbusiness #spiritualbusinesscoach

1/5/2022, 9:00:55 AM

Today I choose to see life for what it is. LIFE. I am breathing, my body is moving, my heart is beating. Sometimes life is fleeting and when we're faced with this truth, we promise ourselves we'll be more intentional, soak it all in a little longer, make time for what really matters...BUT what if... you take that opportunity *today*? So friend...breathe in deep. Feel the life within you. Thank God for this new day. Accept the grace and mercy that is ever present and waiting. And C H O O S E to see your day with new eyes and new promise. What word could you set as an intention over your weekend? I choose gratitude. How about you? I'd love to know what yours will be. Let me know below 👇🏼 Enjoy your weekend! Mel x #leadership #womenwholead #christianleadership #ministryleader #ministry #risingstrong #daringgreatly #daretolead #sheislight #goodtogreat #theleaderwithinyou #unstoppable #godiswithinher #keepgrowing #growthmindset #nevertooold #personaldevelopment #consciousleadership #holisticleader #dreamteam #godlyleader #empathy #gratitude #compassion #qualified #gratitudepractice #gratitudejournal #gratefulmindset #amerryheart #nofilter

12/10/2021, 10:23:07 PM

Hello! If we haven't met yet, W E L C O M E 🙏🏼 I'm genuinely delighted you're here. I love connecting so please shoot me a DM to get to know each other a little more! I'm Mel 👋🏻 Coach, Counsellor and Creator at Manna & Hive. I *adore* seeing people understand what holds them back and then become free from those limitations. I walked my own path in this prior to starting M&H. I do believe lived experience matters. A few years ago, I left my role as a Pastor after spreading myself too thin: juggling life as mum, wife, volunteer and casual employee. Then I burnt out from a job I enjoyed, but wasn't in alignment with my value of helping others grow. So...I took the 'enforced' rest that life gave me and reimagined my future. My passion is in helping people feel seen, heard and valued. Healing begins when we truly hold space for someone's story. What makes me come alive is helping others begin confidently living out of their God-breathed identity 💛 Ahhh, even writing that makes me smile. Cos when someone carries the authority of heaven in their hearts and actions: you. just. know. Don't we all want this? To live with Godly confidence? So, that's why I'm here and why I do this work. One of the most amazing things for my clients is that often - I'm their FINAL therapist for... 💔 those who've been disappointed by past therapy 💔 those who don't want to go 'around the mountain', talking about the same things, in the same way 💔 those who know there's more than what they're living out, but don't know how to unlock fulfilment and peace And I unashamedly say - this is my gifting - helping others become free in a faith centred way. My client's results speak of this too. Can you tell I've done the work myself, to be able to proudly own this part of who I am? 😉 I believe when we do what we're designed for, we bring glory to God: I'm working in what He created me to do and it's so wonderful! I want this for others too 😘 I'll be taking a break over the holiday period, but if you're curious to connect you can begin by purchasing The Reset Journal 👏🏻 which is like a few coaching sessions in one handy book! Link in bio 😁 What about you? 👇🏼 Mel x 🐝

12/1/2021, 10:58:07 PM

Which way are you looking? Towards where you're heading, or fixated on what was lost?⁠ ⁠ Honestly, there is a time and place for *𝗯𝗼𝘁𝗵*.⁠ ⁠ Taking the time to notice what's drawing your attention, or filtering how you see the world is super important.⁠ ⁠ Perhaps you can't help but look behind you because there's pain that seemingly follows a couple of steps behind. In this case, finding a space to process the pain is really important.⁠ ⁠ Maybe you've left the past behind, but you're focusing on just taking just the next step right now. Often this comes after a time of survival because you need to be in the now, to be able to slowly recover from the last season. This is good too.⁠ ⁠ Have you started dreaming into the future yet? When was the last time you had a dream in your heart? Are you in the space where possibilities begin to come to life again? There's a good chance the healing has happened for you 🙂 ⁠ There's a cycle that happens here, the important thing is to not get stuck too long in one of these places 🌀 You'll know you're in a healthy place if you're moving between these seamlessly:⁠ ⁠ ⏳ Learning from the Past⁠ ⁠ 🧭 Being in the Present⁠ ⁠ 🔍Leaning toward the Future with anticipation⁠ ⁠ 𝙄'𝙙 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙩 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤? 👇🏼⁠ ⁠ Mel x 🐝⁠ ⁠ P.S If you need a bit of support in one of these areas, The Reset Journal can help guide in exploring and experiencing shifts that will set you up for entering a new phase safely (and with support from myself and community at The Reset Collective). Grab one of the remaining copies via the link today to get your resource for processing, recalibrating and dreaming into a new season with clarity and hope.⁠ ⁠ And as always, I'm here on DMs if you have any questions 📩

11/25/2021, 8:50:11 PM

This is a weird thing to be known for...⁠ ⁠ I do this thing, because I think it's valuable to: ⁠ ⁠ 🧠 Help the brain reach for new information (yay for new neural pathways).⁠ ⁠ 😘 See people express parts of themselves that allow them to be truly heard in their story.⁠ ⁠ 💪🏻 Encourage people to see their strengths so they can step into new possibility.⁠ ⁠ 🎁 Explore the gifts found in life that may not be noticed otherwise.⁠ ⁠ Can you see the value in drawing this out in others?⁠ ⁠ Here's the secret thing (you can do this too):⁠ ⁠ I ask questions that no one else thinks to ask, like this one 👇🏼⁠ ⁠ If you were a milkshake, what flavour would you be and why? 💛⁠ ⁠ I'd be a smores milkshake: I'm a bit nutty, a lot comforting (hello chocolate), a bit of softy with some hard bits every now and again and I love creating memories with people who tell stories/have fun.⁠ ⁠ Let me know your flayva friend 😏 ⁠ ⁠ Mel x 🐝⁠ ⁠ P.S ⁠ There are MANY brilliant questions to unlock your gifts, purpose and possibility in The Reset Journal (which is selling out FAST). Grab your copy via the link in my bio today and get it before Christmas.⁠ ⁠

11/17/2021, 9:03:13 PM

Your life is waiting. Are you creating it? 🌴 I heard something recently “don’t wait for your dream job, create it” OHHH I LOVE this so much ❤️ I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was 8 years old. 😻 Over the years I tried to work for other people and other companies 😭 but my path always lead me back to a place where I feel most fulfilled. 🥰 Creating my own world and working for myself. (And truly it’s not only for my SELF it’s in service to others!) 💗🦋💗 and as I grow my company @womensholisticbusinessacademy I am creating more than a dream job, it’s a dream life. Not just for myself but for others. It starts with the powerful women I work with. Holistic, spiritual, heart centred entrepreneurs. I help them to fulfill their professional, financial and personal goals as quickly and impactfully as possible...without burning out or making the mistakes that I did along the way!! 🤪 (I’ve learned a few things in a few decades of entrepreneurial endeavours! 🤩) women are POWERFUL creators and when we create from a place of fully aligned power we can truly change the world. Even if you aren’t a leader or an entrepreneur in the external world - you can be this within a business you work for, your home or your family...and also deep in your own heart and soul 💙💜❤️ So my questions to you are: 1) are you creating? 2) why or why not? 3) if anything was possible what would your life and business look like? ✅ answer below 💙 #createyourdreamlife #womeninbusiness #womensholisticbusinessacademy #womenempowerment #womenleadingbusiness #holisticwomeninbusiness #holisticbusiness #holisticbusinesscoach #spiritbusiness #spiritualbusiness #spiritualbusinesscoach #womenrising #holisticleader #spiritualteacher #spiritualleader #gabbybernstein #rebeccacampbell #brenebrown #rachelhollis #lisanichols #womenrising #risetogether #wellnesswomen #inspiringwomen #womeninspiring #inspirationalwomen #inspirationalspeaker #spiritualspeaker #businesswisdom

10/27/2021, 6:07:30 AM

So how are you, as a business leader, making this world a better place? 🌏 Functioning on a one track leadership mindset is now in the past and a post-pandemic leader is expected to display holistic capabilities. And @michellechancrouse - the Executive Director at @russellreynoldsassociates - delves into why that’s the case plus other planning session topics with our Managing Director, @beatrizlim. In case you missed out on our latest Breakfast to Business episode, you can listen to it through the link in our bio. #Breakfast2Business #WhereIsTeamAsia #RussellReynoldsAssociates #BusinessLeaders #BusinessLeadership #Leadership #Leaders #HolisticLeader

10/1/2021, 12:00:23 PM

This teacher training with @audrabear was amazing. I learned so much during my training. When I was finished with the program and a certified breathwork facilitator. I had the knowledge and confidence to guide others and share this healing modality. I urge people who are interested (or know anyone who is interested) to take this training with Audra. Her leadership and support was tremendously professional. Sign-up and you will be happy you did. https://breathetv.com/teacher-training/ #breathwork #breathworktraining #becomeahealer #certifiedbreathworkfacilitator #propertraining #holisticleader #holistictraining #thepowerofthebreath #deepbreathingexercises #deepbreathing #breathworkheals #breathworkhealseverything #leadershipmatters

8/6/2021, 10:02:52 PM

For years I dreamed of a space that felt like a hug. A space that felt like a warm, safe, loving embrace. Scooping you into it’s arms and soothing the worries and the woes. In February 2020 I signed the lease for The Sanctuary. A month later a global pandemic hit and everything stopped. It has been a year of patience, being asked to slow down and allow. As life opens up a bit more I sit back in awe as the vision I had for a warm loving space for this community and other holistic leaders and practitioners begins to take form all on its own. If you are a wellness practitioner looking to share your gifts (workshops, trainings, private clients etc) we have a membership program for weekly renting and/or events. Visit our website for more information. #reikimasterteacher #healingspace #healing #safespace #holisticleader #wellnesscenter #holistichealers #lifecoaching #divinefeminine #womeninbusiness #womenownedbusiness #thesanctuary #shareyourgifts

7/7/2021, 3:11:15 AM