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People who tend to follow me are those who are very empathic, conscientious, and responsible. Y'all tend to have a very easy time tuning into others' experiences, emotions, and pain so much so that you might forget about your own (or downright repress/suppress it). Hence, the idea of being proud of yourself might stir up feelings of anxiety, guilt, and shame. It's what you might have been conditioned to do to navigate and to survive your early life experiences and relationships, when you were actually powerless and vulnerable. Here's the thing - you're not in that same space anymore, so you don't need the same kinda coping anymore. Even if you're still in contact with the same family members, your relative power and positions have changed. You're not the same helpless little child who must depend on the parent for safety, shelter, and resources. Here's a trick in practicing being proud of yourself. Let's say that your closest friend did what YOU did - what would you feel towards THEM? Notice if there's a discrepancy. How can you apply the same sentiment towards yourself? If you're willing to judge or dismiss yourself for this past year, then you better also do it to your favorite person. At least be consistent and fair. Leave a comment below - tell me one thing you (are/will practice being) proud of yourself for this past year? ❤️

5/31/2024, 5:25:41 PM

🌈”I’m an introvert, except around you”… if you’ve ever said that to someone, congratulations, you’ve found a member of your soul fam. There are just certain people who actually ENERGIZE you even though you thought you were introverted. These are safe people… probably much like you. Their energy melds with yours… because you’re 2 grapes from the same SOUL vine🍇 They hold a kind of “listening” energy when they are with you. Present with you without NEEDING you, but still able to share and be vulnerable. And able to hold space for you too. An equal energy exchange (for the most part- we all take turns “going through the shit”). You need at least one person like this in your inner circle as part of your healthy sensitive person support system. Pets count if you need to start there. You spend a lot of time feeling depleted by the world and the people in it. If you find a person you can recharge with or feel energized by, keep them close. Sending all my love, Emily 🩷 #introvert #extravertedintrovert #introvertproblems #energyvampires #alonetimefortwo

5/31/2024, 2:52:48 PM

You can be sad about multiple things, because multiple things can MATTER to you. 🧸 You can be sad about CONCRETE OBJECTS. For example, the watch you lost, or your kid’s favorite teddy bear. You left it at the cabin, and your kid is really distraught. You can feel loss over RELATIONSHIPS because of a breakup, or someone moved away, or things just changed in life, and you’re finding the other person or yourself have changed in ways that y’all are no longer experiencing the same kind of intimacy anymore. 💬 You can also feel sadness about ABSTRACT THINGS. People can actually mourn things that are more ethereal, things like dreams of what could have happened. It never materialized, but a person got very excited and hopeful about something. Well, things change, and the hope for that ideal is no longer a possibility. A person can still feel bummed about that or feel grief about that. 2️⃣ Sadness also comes in the form of SECONDARY LOSSES. These come about because of the initial primary loss. For example, when someone experiences a breakup, the partner or relationship is the primary loss. The SECONDARY LOSS is the favorite restaurant you used to go to with your ex, now it’s super awkward to go there and enjoy it. Or any mutual friends you may have had could be secondary losses. Any loss that comes from a ripple effect of the original loss, those are losses too. A person from one event can experience many layers of sadness and have all those be about different aspects of the entire experience. Read more about sadness here: Link in bio > Blogs > "SAD: The Emotion of MATTERING"

5/29/2024, 5:25:53 PM

Have you been told you’re too sensitive? Too needy? You’re hard work? Raised in a culture that perpetuates the message that “good babies” don’t trouble their parents… “good children don’t talk back to adults”… worthy adults are relentlessly productive and resilient… our needs and feelings are seen as some kind of weakness or inconvenience. See through this toxic untruth. 💕 Your sensitivity is so needed in this world - allowing you to understand the emotions of others, deepening our bonds, a greater capacity to hold space for others (many of the psychologists I admire are HSPs) and our ability to pay attention is necessary for collective survival. It’s not a weakness, it takes enormous strength to move through this world as a sensitive person and the understanding we bring is transformative. Perhaps this is the skill that’s needed right now more than any other? 💕 Thoughts, lovely people? What have you been told about your sensitivity? What do you want your sensitive child to know? What does your sensitivity allow you to do or be? What do you need to do to manage life as a sensitive person? I want to say thank you for your giant heart. Right from mine to yours 💞 Suz xx . . . . . . . #HSP #hspproblems #highlysensitiveperson #highlysensitive #highlysensitivepeople #highlysensitivesoul #highlysensitivechild #highlysensitivepersontribe #toosensitive #bigfeelings #giantheart #empatheticsoul #empath #empathproblems #empathlife #hsplife #changemakers #youareneeded

5/28/2024, 8:49:43 AM

Women often get a bag rap for being “overly emotional” or “too sensitive” but the reality of it is, these are just ridged gender stereotypes that keep women disconnected from expressing how they feel in a safe and supported way. Emotions are one of the most powerful assets 🔥 we have and when we learn how to hear, trust and honor them in a healthy way, they will be some of the greatest guides you’ll ever have. ❗️Did anyone tell you you’re too sensitive? ❗️To stop crying? ❗️To just get over it? ❗️Why are you making such a big deal over it? These are all potential signs that you’ve been taught to hide, suppress, ignore or even distrust how you’re feeling. But once you learn to trust the well of feeling within you and give it a safe space to be witnessed, healed and celebrated, you have the ability to access a treasure trove of power and insight and to wield the powers of your emotions for good. ✨🪄✨ ————————— #emotional #emotionalintelligence #emotionalhealth #emotionalabuse #womensupportingwomen #womenarestrong #womenarepowerful #wisewoman #wildwoman #heartchakra #rootedwoman #wildandfree #wildandfreemama #toosensitive #tooemotional #healyourself #healyourlife #healyoursoul

5/27/2024, 5:46:34 PM

We are complex, multidimensional beings who are capable of feeling more than one thing at a time, even if those two feelings seem to go in opposite directions. It’s not EITHER/OR, but ALL/AND. 🔹 We can feel happy that our loved one got promoted while feeling frustrated about our own career. 🔹 We can feel sad about moving and also be excited for what’s coming. How much space is there within yourself for how many feelings? Do you feel like you only have room for ONE feeling at a time? (If so, that’s okay! Take care of the feeling you are connected with first. Just don’t be surprised once the first one is resolved that there might be another right behind.) Actions like a body scan, deep belly breathing, closing your eyes and tuning inward are all ways you can create more room for more feelings.

5/27/2024, 5:24:39 PM
Blogs > "Feeling GLAD: The Emotion of VALIDATION"" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1sZ2EzLTEuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yODg1LTE1LzQ0MzgyMzM4OV80MTYzMDUwNDEzNjUyNzhfODI1MDY2NDQxNjA3NDkwMjU4MV9uLmpwZz9zdHA9ZHN0LWpwZ19lMzUmX25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWxnYTMtMS5jZG5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJl9uY19jYXQ9MTEwJl9uY19vaGM9MXMtM3ZBYzItbFlRN2tOdmdGenl0MC0mZWRtPUFPVVB4aDBCQUFBQSZjY2I9Ny01Jm9oPTAwX0FZQ0NycDdLbnZmT1VCMWQwNnFzSncyS0NRS3BjaVZDOFk0QnMzUXlZNzc1Nmcmb2U9NjY2MEY0QUUmX25jX3NpZD05ZGM2NjA=.jpg" />

GLAD is one of the BIG 5 Feelings (MAD, SAD, GLAD, SCARED, and NUMB). 🟡 Four of the other emotions are negative emotions. They basically mean that you HAVE a legitimate NEED that’s not being met. If you think of these needs as tanks, these tanks are running low or are empty. So, the main thing with negative emotions is that you need to FILL those tanks. You need to go find out what those needs are and to meet them directly. Don't push away the negative emotions. Learn from them and FILL the need. Of those BIG 5 Emotions, GLAD is the only positive one, and positive emotions basically mean that those tanks are being filled or are already full to the brim, whereas the negative emotions are signaling, "Hey, I need attention in this particular area, go meet that need!" Read more about what to do when your tank is full here: Link in bio > Blogs > "Feeling GLAD: The Emotion of VALIDATION"

5/24/2024, 5:26:02 PM

TOO SENSITIVE. TOO MUCH Blah blah blah. Have always been told this… even by family members🙈 Well guess what? I love it!!!💥 We are the ones that are bold enough to do the things. Get up and go ladies!! With the biggest hearts AND The deepest souls to heal others. YOU ARE PERFECT Why on earth do we wanna be less? Is what I question!!! Part of reshaping myself was owning this. I have always loved me, I was different. However, I did question and watch others. It was still a process to fully own that “I was just enough” I came to the conclusion that everyone else was boring. Hahaha. (I don’t say that out loud😉). Our energy triggers others and that’s ok. To each their own, I would never say this to anyone. We are all needed equally in this world. If this is part of your journey to reshaping your life, to rewire this limiting belief, reach out. The subconscious energy method can help rewire your subconscious mind and clear these limiting beliefs to help you move forward. ♥️anna •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #toomuch #toosensitive #womanpower #fyp #healingthesoul #annkajner #loveyourself #subconsciousenergymethod #vibratehigh #energyhealingcoach #hypnotherapy

5/24/2024, 3:42:57 PM

If you’re struggling to express your emotions and needs, feeling overwhelmed and finding it tough, it might be time to break free from this emotional barrier. I’ve been there too. There was a time when I found it challenging to express my feelings, and saying „I love you“ felt so difficult. On my healing journey, I reclaimed safety, rebuilt trust, and boosted my self-worth to share my thoughts openly. By learning and practicing compassionate communication, as well as focusing on inner healing, I finally navigated these challenges and grew in my relationships. Here are steps for your journey: 🦋Reflect on your feelings and needs. 🦋Identify a trustworthy person to confide in. 🦋Take time to heal and nurture your inner child. 🦋Rebuild self-worth, trust & safety. 🦋Practice expressing yourself openly and honestly. 🦋Embrace vulnerability and authenticity in your interactions. 🦋Prioritize compassionate communication and self-care. Drop 🤍🤍🤍 if this post resonates with you If you’re ready to start your healing journey with me, comment „ready“ or fill out the form in the bio. #motherwound #fatherwound #compassionatecommunication #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #truth #selflove #selfworth #trueself #authentic #authenticity #authenticselfjourney #toosensitive

5/24/2024, 2:20:50 PM

It's a harsh world...if you can connect with an animal today it will help regulate your nervous system. It will be a mutual blessing...seeing each other. Feeling each other I had a horse as a teenager and young adult. I absolutely feel this connection in this card. This is a sweet deck. Cherub Angel cards for children. One of the many that Doreen Virtue (the creator) now wants nothing to do with. Which I think is terribly sad. I have taken them to our local Organic community Garden where we gather on a Saturday morning for homemade cakes and tea. The tiniest of children have given cards to adults. They understand the value of these messages. Be kind. Connect. Animals are all soul. I was upset this morning because I could smell something out of place and then realised that my neighbours gardener was spraying weeds...(only a few short days ago we were delighted to see any green at all after our drought). I don't understand spraying weeds...but even more so...I don't understand spraying weeds beside kangaroos grazing nearby. They will graze where sprayed. Can we please just turn this world upside down and start making some sense. I don't think I am too sensitive. Though I often feel an awful lot of everything, and I grew up shamed by this. I think it's time for us sensitives to rise up and challenge the mainstream perspective of so, so much. #toosensitive #dontspray #considertheanimals #compassionateliving

5/23/2024, 3:21:08 AM

Reposted from @haileypaigemagee Being 👏 sensitive 👏 to 👏 mistreatment 👏 is 👏 healthy! 👏 Sometimes, people who don't have our best interests at heart will try to convince us that our sensitivity (not their mistreatment treatment) is the problem. "Too sensitive." "Can't take a joke." "Hysterical." "Over-reacting." 🚨 Don't buy that story. Your sensitivity is a messenger. It is communicating to you. It's your internal alarm system saying, "Hey, pay attention. This isn't right. You have an unmet need. Something needs to change." Listen to it. Honor it. Let you instincts do their job. They're there to protect us; our job is to listen. #mistreatment #selfcare #setboundaries #trustyourself #friendlyreminder #mentalhealth #toomuch #youareenottoomuch #trustyourgut #boundaries #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #stoppeoplepleasing #introvert #empath #toosensitive #selflove

5/22/2024, 8:39:39 PM

@haileypaigemagee Being 👏 sensitive 👏 to 👏 mistreatment 👏 is 👏 healthy! 👏 Sometimes, people who don't have our best interests at heart will try to convince us that our sensitivity (not their mistreatment treatment) is the problem. "Too sensitive." "Can't take a joke." "Hysterical." "Over-reacting." 🚨 Don't buy that story. Your sensitivity is a messenger. It is communicating to you. It's your internal alarm system saying, "Hey, pay attention. This isn't right. You have an unmet need. Something needs to change." Listen to it. Honor it. Let you instincts do their job. They're there to protect us; our job is to listen. Ready to take action and start setting boundaries in your relationships? Watch my on-demand workshop Boundaries 101 for the Recovering People-Pleaser at #mistreatment #selfcare #setboundaries #trustyourself #friendlyreminder #mentalhealth #toomuch #youareenottoomuch #trustyourgut #boundaries #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #stoppeoplepleasing #introvert #empath #toosensitive #selflove

5/22/2024, 6:39:52 PM

Absolutely LOVE this Feelings Wheel by @avanmuijen!! ❤️ My Top 2 feelings for this week are "I need a break" and "Grateful". What are yours? Do share! 👇

5/22/2024, 5:25:52 PM

Wanting to try a type of therapy that can heal matters of the heart more readily? You may have seen people stare off blankly into space, deeply reflecting on something or being emotionally detached from what’s happening around them. They're not really looking AT anything, in particular but just off into the distance in that general direction. Their eyes are directed outward, but their focus is directed inward. That may be an example of Brainspotting (specifically called gazespotting), which is a way by which the body is attempting to process through a memory with the emotions and thoughts related to it. Brainspotting (BSP) is a brain-based processing method that taps into the body’s natural ability to heal itself from overwhelming or stressful experiences that often generate symptoms like anxiety, depression, hypervigilance, and overreactivity. It does so by finding the specific eye positions that directly connect to where unprocessed stress is stored in the brain so that the body can “detox”. Brainspotting directly accesses our “lower brain” where emotionally charged experiences are stored, far out of reach of the thinking “higher brain.” By doing so, we can process them more deeply and rapidly than we might with traditional talk therapy or with reading books, listening to podcasts, and learning useful skills. Learn more by grabbing your copy from the creator of Brainspotting, David Grand!

5/22/2024, 5:25:33 PM

Being 👏 sensitive 👏 to 👏 mistreatment 👏 is 👏 healthy! 👏 Sometimes, people who don't have our best interests at heart will try to convince us that our sensitivity (not their mistreatment treatment) is the problem. "Too sensitive." "Can't take a joke." "Hysterical." "Over-reacting." 🚨 Don't buy that story. Your sensitivity is a messenger. It is communicating to you. It's your internal alarm system saying, "Hey, pay attention. This isn't right. You have an unmet need. Something needs to change." Listen to it. Honor it. Let you instincts do their job. They're there to protect us; our job is to listen. Ready to take action and start setting boundaries in your relationships? Watch my on-demand workshop Boundaries 101 for the Recovering People-Pleaser at #mistreatment #selfcare #setboundaries #trustyourself #friendlyreminder #mentalhealth #toomuch #youareenottoomuch #trustyourgut #boundaries #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #stoppeoplepleasing #introvert #empath #toosensitive #selflove

5/22/2024, 2:00:25 PM

2024 BOOK GOALS 100 #39 THE HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON IN LOVE: Understanding and Managing Relationships When the World Overwhelms You . . . #toosensitive #lovehard #selfesteem #audiobook #blackgirlsread #personalities #books #relationships #goodreads #highlysensitiveperson #readmore

5/21/2024, 2:25:27 AM

The ability to take advantage of the opportunities that your current circumstances provide is definitely an important skill to have in life, but as with all adages, there are limitations. If you have a biased view on life that makes things SEEM worse than they actually are - if being critical and unhappy is your baseline - do practice blooming where you’re planted. But useful also is the skill of attuning to yourself and knowing what works best for YOU. What works for one plant doesn’t work for another unless they have similar needs. We are all individual and unique. Sure, we have some universal needs like food and sleep we share in common, but even in those things we have differences in how much or in what way. Know your own distinct needs and take steps to meet them, rather than judging yourself for not “growing” or “performing” in the way someone else is. Both of you are neither inherently better or worse; y’all are who you are, you’re both worthy, and each of you have specific needs to flourish well. More on this here: Link in bio > Blogs > "3 Lessons Plants Taught Me"

5/20/2024, 5:25:52 PM
Blog > "The BIG 5 Emotions: MAD, SAD, GLAD, SCARED, & NUMB"" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1sZ2EzLTIuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yODg1LTE1LzQ0NDc0MDI5OF85NzEyOTY0NDgwNTUyMTNfMjM0MTM1ODMzNTU2MTA2NDk3OV9uLmpwZz9zdHA9ZHN0LWpwZ19lMzUmX25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWxnYTMtMi5jZG5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJl9uY19jYXQ9MTA5Jl9uY19vaGM9RENPTnFHMXJQcG9RN2tOdmdIelB5SzEmZWRtPUFPVVB4aDBCQUFBQSZjY2I9Ny01Jm9oPTAwX0FZQkZiSUEzRmF3dV9jS0hhR1pxa0tNSURhRWZqS01KTnVhcmE5XzlxMTMxRWcmb2U9NjY2MEZERTQmX25jX3NpZD05ZGM2NjA=.jpg" />

I live in the Silicon Valley, and SO MANY PEOPLE have anxiety that anxiety doesn't even get registered as such - lots of folks think it's just them "being responsible" or "realistic". Unfortunately, so many of us accidentally end up CREATING or MULTIPLYING fear because it gives us the ILLUSION of being in control, when in fact it's actually DEPRIVING us of it. (Hint: the word "anxiety" literally means "TO STRANGLE"). I'm not saying that fear is BAD - it can be very useful in our way of navigating through the uncertainties of life. I just want people to see what's TRUE by focusing on what IS, instead of what it COULD be or SHOULD be or HAS to be...OR ELSE. Each emotion has an essential role they play in our lives. Like a spoked wheel, if one part is less or more developed than others, the wheel won't roll but rather get STUCK, causing more stress and setting us up to be reactive. Here are some of the key features of fear so that you can INTEGRATE it appropriately into your life as a powerful resource that REVITALIZES your life and relationships! Which one stands out to you? Wanna know what to do with fear and the 4 other emotions? Grab the free BIG 5 Feelings Chart! Link in bio > Blog > "The BIG 5 Emotions: MAD, SAD, GLAD, SCARED, & NUMB"

5/17/2024, 5:24:29 PM

🌈If anyone said to me “you’re too sensitive” I would be like… immediately no. Friends off, banished from my inner circle, buh bye 👋🏻 To take such a beautiful part of your character and turn it into a judgement is just gross🤮 Be selective in who gets close to you. People who see your sensitivity and celebrate it. It’s not like you’re made of glass. But sarcastic remarks and “joking” put downs are not gonna fly. Honestly, they shouldn’t fly with anyone. As a sensitive you’re not even going to be able to pretend that cruelty is funny. There is a time for teasing… you deserve to have people in your life who know the line. You deserve people who will honour your sensitivity and respect your limits. People whose motives are pure and are safe for you to open your heart around. I am sensitive to your sensitivity and I celebrate it, Emily🩷 #Highlysensitive #highlysensitiveperson #highlysensitivepeople #sensitivity #empathlife

5/17/2024, 3:30:37 PM

Ok, truth time. 👇🏻 But first, save this for later to come back to the benefits of Inner Child Healing & follow @anna.malci 🤍 Is it easy to change your life and finally gain healthy coping mechanisms and rediscover yourself? Here are some things that really changed the game for me to make this as easy as possible. First, it wasn’t about doing hours of inner work per day because I simply didn’t have the time. Instead, it was about taking 5-20 minutes a day for my morning routine. The truth is, it’s much easier to wake up earlier than my family in the morning when I’m alone and connected with myself. The day just starts completely differently when I am in the flow, believing in myself and my purpose. If any triggering situation comes up I journal, process my feelings and work through it. I release what no longer serves me. The core things you need to know: First: If you read and watch podcast about healing jouneys, that’s amazing and very informative, BUT the real inner work only starts when you are ready to discover all emotions, not just the comfortable ones. It is also about accepting that you made mistakes, that you sabotaged your goals at some points, and that forgiveness is the key to healing. Your inner child deserves now all the care, love and acceptance they lacked in the past 🤍 Second: If you regularly apply the tools I share with you, you will grow all the way. Third: You need compassion and empathy for yourself. What you’ve lived with for decades needs time to heal and be reprogrammed. On this journey, you are not alone; we are all in this together. If you work with me, you get support in our 1:1 sessions (Zoom or face-to-face) and there will also be message support on your healing journey with me. Once you’ve done that, the rest will come easier with each step. We all face obstacles in our lives, and here you will learn that with all the tools you can process any new challenge easier in your life, keeping trust and faith. If you are ready for your healing journey, comment « ready » or write me a personal message and I will reach out to you. #innerchild #innerchildhealing #toosensitive #compassionatecommunication #coach

5/16/2024, 5:27:25 PM

This is one of my go-to books for people who reach out wanting help figuring out how to do feelings. Whether you’re a person who: has BIG feelings you don’t know how to convey without crying emotionally flat but feels dissatisfied or disconnected doesn’t know how to navigate your partner or kids’ feelings …this book is for you. You might not have gotten the coaching or guidance we all need around feelings, meaning your might have grown up with Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN). This book explains what CEN is, how it happened, and what you can do to live a connected with yourself and others and live a vibrant life. There’s a handy 22-question CEN Questionnaire that I use as my normal therapy intake form. Try it out by getting a copy for yourself!

5/15/2024, 5:29:56 PM

🌈I learned so much about coaching from my other biz cleaning houses. I learned my presence makes a difference in people’s lives. I bring calm into the world by doing my thang. I learned the immense value of making people feel seen and acknowledged. Wherever you are, you can begin to use your gifts more. It can be scary. But lean into trust. Opportunities will come your way that will blow your mind. Magic moments of synchronistic connection will start to happen. You will shift someone’s whole day in a way that only you can. When you show up to life willing to use your gifts, the Universe will bring people your way. So many of us get stuck in “little ol me??” thinking: Who am I to offer help? What difference can I possible make? I am not enough You’ve heard it before… no one else has your magic. Sometimes people will have heard a much needed message 100s of times but it only clicks when they hear it said with your voice… your unique literal frequency is the frequency they needed to receive the message 🤯 (Now you know why I say all the things that have already been said time and time again. No one says it like me😏) Your energy is a gift. Your presence is a gift. Your intuition and empathic abilities are a gift. “Living your purpose” isn’t some elusive thing on the tip of Maslow’s pyramid… it’s available to you…today… as you serve someone else with your magic. Sending all my love, Emily🩷 #Highlysensitive #highlysensitiveperson #sensitivity #empathlife #spiritualgifts I’m a spiritual coach. If you’re sensitive and you struggle with your emotions I can help you raise your default emotional state. I work with spiritual principles, energetics and mindset. My realm! I have a 3 month coaching spot available. 12- 90min weekly calls. Lots of love. A safe space. Use my link to set up a 30min chat (Tuesday + Thursday evenings available and Saturday between 10-2). Can’t wait to connect!💌

5/15/2024, 2:32:41 PM

My Wednesdays can at times be an adventure. Sometimes I wonder why I gave away work on this day to help family. Well if in doubt wine cures all. Hmmmm maybe not. #toosensitive #burdenbearer #justbeme #life #theadventuresoflife #alwaysbelievethereisaway

5/15/2024, 9:27:22 AM

Here you’ll find the steps to heal your inner child 👇🏻 🌸 Create inner safety—a deep sense of peace and trust in yourself, the world, and the universe. 🌸 Process, feel, nurture your inner self, and transform your old reality. Coaching sessions, journaling, and EFT are excellent tools for reprogramming your subconscious mind. 🌸 Take responsibility to compassionately and truthfully acknowledge the limiting beliefs or self-sabotaging patterns. 🌸 Realize that your subconscious mind is protecting you from something vulnerable. 🌸 Allow yourself to connect with this vulnerable part within you. 🌸 Take the opportunity to fully see, hear, and love this wounded part of yourself. 🌸 Through understanding and nurturing, you can begin the journey of self-healing. 🌸 By understanding and nurturing, you embark on your healing journey, and break the cycle of repeating what you can’t process, feel, and change. If you’re ready to break cycles and step into your power, comment « READY » or send me a private message. #innerchild #innerchildhealing #healingjourney #toosensitive #compassionatecommunication #breakcycles #generationaltrauma

5/14/2024, 3:08:05 PM

I wish I knew this sooner 👇🏻 I wish I’d known sooner how much our beliefs, experiences, and past wounds shape how we see relationships—it’s a real game-changer. We often put friends or partners on a pedestal when they make us feel loved and safe. It feels great, until suddenly, it doesn’t. When old wounds are triggered, it’s easy to blame others without realizing these reactions are rooted in our past, and in societal expectations, beliefs that pressure us, especially women, to people-please in relationships, putting their needs last. What happens when those we idealized slip up? Our perfect image of them shatters, leading to unhealthy dynamics or even breakups. But here’s the thing—if you’re on a healing journey, remember that every mistake doesn’t define your worthy. We all make mistakes sometimes. These moments are chances for growth, highlighting the wounds that need healing. By reparenting our inner child, we can face loved ones without blame or judgment, setting boundaries, and seeking clarity instead of making assumptions. As you heal, you’ll understand your own emotions and behaviors better. This helps you forgive yourself for past mistakes and accept all parts of yourself. With this self-awareness, you can also forgive others even more. If you’re ready to break these cycles and start healing, comment „Ready“ or send me a personal message. If you found this post helpful: Drop a 🤍, Share 📤, Like 👍🏻, and Save 💾 for future reference and follow @anna.malci 🌷 #innerchild #innerchildhealing #compassionatecommunication #toosensitive #relationships #healthyrelationships #unhealthyrelationships #toxicrelationshipsurvivor #toxicrelationship #nervoussystemhealing #explorepage #explorepage

5/13/2024, 6:26:54 PM

The May Talk Series for Midlife Women is starting!! I talk with "Midlife Courage Coach" Sheree Clark @forkintheroadiowa about how to break through the emotional buildup that's clogging up our nervous system. 🧠 This free series involves super short convos (~20ish minutes) by a bunch of guest experts on a range of topics such as: 🔸 Eating Joyfully 🔹 Get Better Sleep 🔸 Managing Chronic Illness 🔹 Healing After Loss 🔸 Abusive Relationship Recovery 🔹 Money Empowerment 🔸 Aging Reimagined If you're 45+ and need a fresh infusion of vitality in your life & relationships, register in my link in bio!

5/13/2024, 5:26:02 PM

When you experience the positive emotion GLAD, there are two things for you to do: 🥳 Celebrate it. 💕 Pay it forward. Now, it's really important that you do these things in this order. CELEBRATE first and then PAY IT FORWARD. What we often do instead is to DISMISS or GIVE AWAY goodness when it happens. Instead of dismissing good things, it’s really important for you to acknowledge and celebrate them. Learn more about how to do just that here: Link in bio > Blogs > "GLAD: The Emotion of VALIDATION"

5/10/2024, 5:25:54 PM

How to tap into your peace quickly 👇🏻 When someone consciously tries to blame, judge, or criticize you, shame may initially arise after being triggered. You start criticizing yourself and overthinking how you could have avoided this, what others might think of it, or you might fear rejection. This pattern shows how deeply we internalize experiences as our fault. Don’t let your negative thoughts define you. Allow yourself to let all your emotions through, without judgement and reclaim your most peaceful self 🤍 You may journal and ask yourself: What emotion(s) am I feeling, and why? What does this situation mean about me? If someone’s actions hurt you, explore them instead of denying or suppressing these emotions. What we welcome to feel and heal, we can change, resolve with empowerment and release. Unfortunately, many of us were raised to project our wounds onto others instead of taking responsibility for our part of the healing. Feeling, acknowledging, and healing emotional pain helps us to avoid further suffering for ourselves and others. It’s tough not to react to those who try to sabotage me, but I’ve learned to protect my energy. Projecting my hurt onto others just repeats the harm that was done to me. I hold the power to start with finding peace within me; that is when freedom occurs. I believe that with every sign of self-love and self-worth towards ourselves, we can stop the cycle of spreading our pain, our wounds onto others, and make a ripple of peace in this world 💫🤍 If you found this post helpful: Drop a 🤍 Share 📤, Like 👍🏻, and Save 💾 it for future reference, and follow @anna.malci 🌷 #innerchild #innerchildhealing #compassionatecommunication #toosensitive #peace

5/9/2024, 10:59:33 AM

This is THE book to get to learn the ins and outs of not just the 9 Enneagram types, but the 27 subtypes!! As a therapist by training, Beatrice Chestnut focuses on the behind-the-scene core motivations, needs, & fears (the WHYs) of each Enneagram type & subtype, whereas a lot of other Enneagram resources tended to focus on what each type tends to DO (how they show up in the world). There are so many subtypes that by default DON'T focus on their internal world (for example, others-referencing types like Type 2, 3, and 9 or feeling-avoiding types like Type 5, 7, and 8). Beatrice pulls back the curtain so we can see the details of our type's cages SO THAT we can grow BEYOND the cage. If you want to life a fuller, richer life that's NOT dictated by your Enneagram type, definitely need to get yourself a copy!

5/8/2024, 5:26:04 PM

Curious about the hidden struggles of people-pleasing? 👇🏻 As a people-pleaser you might fear rejection or failure, which may be rooted in early relationships. Perhaps, you had a parent whose love was conditional. You may have had to earn your parent’s love and affection, or your parent was unavailable emotionally, or the parent’s availability was inconsistent. While people-pleasing can initially serve as a coping mechanism to protect yourself from rejection and to get secure validation from others, in the end, it can hurt your relationship with yourself and others even more. When you constantly prioritize others’ needs over your own, people don’t get to meet the real you. This can have a profound impact on your well-being and how others perceive you. Your actions may not align with your true needs and desires, leading to feelings of frustration and resentment. Some may take advantage of your willingness to please, while others may feel disappointed when they realize you’re not fully invested. By withholding your true opinions and feelings, you prevent others from truly connecting with you, leaving you feeling isolated and unfulfilled behind your mask. Constantly putting others’ needs first can leave you feeling exhausted and resentful, eventually leading to blaming others for your own dissatisfaction. Living in fear of rejection and abandonment, you may struggle to embrace your true self and celebrate your own worth without seeking validation from others. In the end, giving love to receive love creates an unhealthy and fear-driven dynamic that can cause pain for both you and those around you. If this post resonates with you, drop a 🤍 #innerchild #innerhealing #peoplepleasing #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasernomore #toosensitive #compassionatecommunication

5/8/2024, 3:31:51 PM

Crying was never meant to un-spill the milk. The milk was spilled, it still needs to be cleaned up, but crying was originally meant to be an EXPRESSION of one's PAIN and to verify and VALIDATE the truth of what happened: 🔺What SHOULD HAVE happened NEVER DID 🔺What SHOULDN'T HAVE happened DID. That's what crying is for. Emotions tell the truth; they say what's actually happened. So, you spill milk, you still gotta clean up the milk at some point in time, but it's still important to have a time or a moment to give yourself permission to actually ACKNOWLEDGE the REALITY of what's happened. Crying is an inherently physiologically healing experience where the body is trying to ADJUST to the new reality of what's happened while also trying to hold on to the past reality or the past possibility. Read more about the emotion of sadness here: Link in bio > Blogs > "SAD: The Emotion of MATTERING".

5/6/2024, 5:25:44 PM

You deserve to be in a healthy relationship 🤍 Having toxic partners does not mean that you are unworthy or that it is your destiny. It is often a sign that there are unmet needs, limiting beliefs and unresolved traumas from your past that need attention. Here are some steps to help you break free from this pattern and cultivate healthier relationships: 1️⃣ Choose yourself: Be aware of your worth and cultivate self-love. 2️⃣ Set boundaries: Learn to set boundaries and stick to them. 3️⃣ Watch out for red flags: Trust your instincts and recognize toxic behavior early. 4️⃣ Surround yourself with trusted friends who cheer you up. 5️⃣ Embrace personal growth: Take the time to understand yourself better, strengthen your emotional resilience and heal your inner child. As a Coach and inner child healing facilitator, I’m here to support you on your journey to healthier relationships. Remember, you deserve to be happy. 🤍 If you found this post helpful: Drop a 🤍, Share 📤, Like 👍🏻, and Save 💾 it for future reference, and follow @anna.malci 🌷 #emotionalabuse #emotionalabusesurvivor #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #emotionalabuseawareness #emotionalabuseawareness #innerchild #innerchildhealing #innerchildwork #innerchildlove #toxicrelationships #toxicrelationshipsurvivor #toxicrelationshipsurvivors #toxic #toxicpeople #toxicfriends # #healthyrelationships #unhealthyrelationships #unhealthyrelationship #toosensitive #compassionatecommunication

5/6/2024, 3:06:55 PM

When texass comedy comes to town this what you drink lol (this is my sis Elle's song but imma borrow it tonight lmao) #aladdintheaterportland #lovetequila❤️ #comedyclub #portlanddontknow #toosensitive #youandtequilamakemecrazy🎶 #canthelpit #tequilamakesherclothesfalloff #lmao @texastrevino #cheers🍻 #welcometoportlandia

5/5/2024, 5:41:01 AM

Reframing the stigma around being “too sensitive” as a strength. It means you are connected to yourself through heart, mind, and body. It means you are more likely to be able to identify your feelings and make decisions that are in alignment with yourself. . . . #toosensitive #strengthsbased #feelings #emotionalawareness #connectedness #mindbodyheart

5/3/2024, 9:24:01 PM
Blog > "The BIG 5 Emotions: MAD, SAD, GLAD, SCARED, & NUMB"" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1sZ2EzLTIuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yODg1LTE1LzQ0MTM3NzE5M18xMTE2NTA5NjU2MzIzMDk3XzYyNjg1NjIyNzkyMDc3Nzk5NTlfbi5qcGc/c3RwPWRzdC1qcGdfZTM1Jl9uY19odD1zY29udGVudC1sZ2EzLTIuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbSZfbmNfY2F0PTEwMSZfbmNfb2hjPUxDUk5IMEE1WERvUTdrTnZnRnZsLUwwJmVkbT1BT1VQeGgwQkFBQUEmY2NiPTctNSZvaD0wMF9BWUNVdkNPMEpfSDBEeGpVekk2cWRUc0RqaW1pd0hmXzN2MjE3RWRUbTA0ZE5RJm9lPTY2NjBDRkZCJl9uY19zaWQ9OWRjNjYw.jpg" />

Some people worship JOY, others mistrust it. Either case, a lot of us have an imbalanced relationship with joy - sometimes pursuing it at the expense of other emotions, sometimes as a way of feeling like we're in control ("If I expect BAD, and then BAD happens, at least I called it!") But each emotion has an essential role they play in our lives. Like a spoked wheel, if one part is less or more developed than others, the wheel won't roll but rather get STUCK, causing more stress and setting us up to be reactive. Here are some of the key features of joy so that you can INTEGRATE it appropriately into your life as a powerful resource that REVITALIZES your life and relationships! Which one stands out to you? Wanna know what to do with joy and the 4 other emotions? Grab the free BIG 5 Feelings Chart! Link in bio > Blog > "The BIG 5 Emotions: MAD, SAD, GLAD, SCARED, & NUMB"

5/3/2024, 5:24:30 PM

🌈That’s privileged info you’re receiving. Not everyone has access to it. Honour it by believing it. Sometimes you learn your intuition was right by looking backwards but if you want to build INTUITION MUSCLE 💪🏻 you want to practice trusting BEFORE you get the PROOF. Some people aren’t being malicious when there is a mismatch between their words and their energy. And now you know which to trust. Sometimes they WANT you to see their truth. They may want to be seen but they don’t feel safe. Or, your ability to see through them makes them uncomfy so they hide. I pity the fool who tries to hide from a sensitive😏 Keep being your magical all seeing self by knowing what you know and letting your intuition trump all. Sending all my love, Emily🩷 #Highlysensitive #highlysensitiveperson #highlysensitivepeople #sensitivity #empathlife

5/3/2024, 2:59:38 PM

21-year-old me didn’t know how to spell “successful” when I made this block print. It was intended as a gift to an art world star who was visiting my college. However, the sincere/sensitive man was insulted rather than amused when I gave him an image defining success as stepping on others to get to the top. I still feel proud of this ridiculous picture.

5/2/2024, 11:12:38 PM

🌈Even if “people” is just you. All alone. In peace. You’ve probably heard it before … people pleasing is a form of dishonesty. It’s scary how good we get at PRETENDING we want to go along with someone else’s plan for us. For some of us it was a survival strategy. Don’t rock the boat. Don’t say how you really feel in case you let someone else down. Their happiness is your responsibility don’t you know.🤨 If people around us were happy… then we were safe. Speaking our truth can be so upsetting because we are smashing up against all that old programming. It’s scary and unnerving. Have you ever watched someone effortlessly speak their truth and you were simultaneously in awe and judging them for being so “harsh”. We still feel like we’re being bitches when we speak up. (Ok, not all of us. Some of you are quite good at speaking up and feeling free😉) But when we allow the tsunami of discomfort hit as we speak our TRUE truth more… we get to experience FREEDOM!!! Freedom to choose: What you like How you want to spend your time What you want to wear How you want to show up in the world Who you want in your sacred circle To be alone To do nothing To have fun The possibilities are UNLIMITED and you’ll like ALL OF THEM So yeah. Breaking people pleasing patterns feels like dying 1000 deaths at first… but it gets easier and the payoff is your heart… happy + heard. Sending you all my love, Emily🩷 #Highlysensitive #highlysensitiveperson #highlysensitivepeople #empathlife #peoplepleasing

5/2/2024, 3:32:44 PM

Does this sound familiar? Healing comes from understanding and love, not from blame. When you understand the barriers to love that your mother faced which resulted in her inability to give you love, you can begin to care for your own well-being. You can only change you and heal from these past wounds. When parents nurture and love you, you grow up feeling secure and your emotional needs are being met. When you don’t receive this nurturing, you grow up with a lack of emotional confidence and security. With a solid bond of trust and love, you learn to trust your mother, to experience warmth, compassion and acceptance, allowing you to develop self-confidence. As a child you might have thought: « If my mum can’t love me, who can? » We all need the unconditional love of trusted parents. We all need more than a roof over our heads, food and clothing. As you learn more about maternal narcissism and how to recover from its effects, you will develop a healthy appreciation and love for yourself and know how to fill the old emotional void. If you need support on your healing path, I am here to guide you. Drop a 🤍 if this post resonates with you Share 📤, Like 👍🏻, and Save 💾 it for future reference, and follow @anna.malci 🌷 #innerchild #innerchildhealing #selflove #narcissticabuse #narcissticabuseawareness #narcissist #narcissism #narcissists #narcissistrecovery #narcissisticmother #mother #attachmentparenting #emotionalabuse #emotionalabusesurvivor #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #emotionalabuseawareness #toosensitive #compassionatecommunication #worthy

5/2/2024, 3:08:33 PM

Jonice Webb's book "Running on Empty" was a gamechanger book for me in growing out of alexithymia (in short, "without words for emotions" ) myself. This is one of the Top 5 books I recommend to people who work with me, and I use the 22-question Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) Questionnaire as part of my normal therapy intake. This book talks about how people become disconnected from emotions in the first place, and what can be done to reconnect themselves and with others. One of the things I like most about this book is Chapter 2 (“Twelve Ways to End Up Empty”). This chapter lists out twelve different types of parents or situations that led someone to experience emotional neglect when they were kids. These include: 🔺 The Narcissistic Parent 🔺 The Authoritarian Parent 🔺 The Permissive Parent 🔺 The Bereaved Parent: Divorced or Widowed 🔺 The Addicted Parent 🔺 The Depressed Parent 🔺 The Workaholic Parent 🔺 The Parent with a Special Needs Family Member 🔺 The Achievement/Perfection Focused Parent 🔺 The Sociopathic Parent 🔺 Child as Parent 🔺 The Well-Meaning-but-Neglected-Themselves Parent How many of these things apply to you? I personally resonate with four of these. By the way, the goal for the author is NOT to shame or blame our parents. A lot of our parents are just doing their best with what they know. Rather, the reason this book is important is that it helps validate YOUR experiences so that you can identify what you’re needing and get those needs met. If you resonate with these, grab a copy of this book for yourself.

5/1/2024, 5:25:49 PM

Let’s talk about not taking things personally! Growing up, I was such a sensitive little soul. If someone was upset, I had to make them feel better, if kids were laughing in a group, I knew (thought) they were laughing about me. I took everything personally. After years of working in the retail environment, my sensitivity callused, my skin thickened, life sh!t happened, I became tougher. But I think there are more gentle ways to do this and get the same results. For one, over the last few years, I’ve learned the power of perspective. Remember, what others say or do often reflects their own inner battles, experiences and emotions, not your worth. Embrace compassion for yourself and others. Stay grounded, focus on your energy, and embrace the art of letting go. Trust in your journey, and watch how inner peace becomes your superpower. Clear communication and positive self talk have been game changers for me this year. By communicating clearing, and asking questions for clarity, it helps reduce the negative self talk in my noggin (my brain likes to make up stories!!). Start using one or two of the above, and see what impact they have for you. What has worked for you? #donttakeitpersonal #thistooshallpass #toosensitive #thickerskin #lifeforceenergy #reikidublin #reikimasterdublin #reflexologydublin #yourejustperfect #riverholistic

4/30/2024, 8:40:31 AM

I joined Midlife Courage Coach Sheree Clark @forkintheroadiowa in her May Talk Series for Midlife Women, coming up in a few weeks! ❤️ This free series involves super short convos (~20ish minutes) by guest experts on a range of topics such as: 🔸 Eating Joyfully 🔹 Get Better Sleep 🔸 Managing Chronic Illness 🔹 Healing After Loss 🔸 Abusive Relationship Recovery 🔹 Money Empowerment 🔸 Aging Reimagined ...and 🔹 Dealing with Emotions 🔹 by yours truly (live on May 28)! If you're 45+ and need a fresh infusion of vitality in your life & relationships, register in my link in bio!

4/29/2024, 5:25:26 PM

Experiencing a tough breakup? Read this 👇🏻 When you’re going through a break up, it’s difficult to be an adult. Your emotions take over and all you can think of is the pain and grief that you have to now endure. It’s at this very moment that you can decide how your grieving process will go by taking responsibility of your emotional self, aka your Inner Child. Parenting your Inner Child during your breakup is the key to effectively communicating your needs during this phase and for your heartbreak recovery. Inner child healing sessions can ease the following challenges and make navigating a breakup smoother and built a life where : 💫 your true self can flourish 💫 you feel whole and regain trust 💫 you surround yourself with trusted people 💫 you feel safe again 💫 you start trusting again 💫 you stop worrying about what others might think of you 💫 you forgive yourself 💫 you heal your relationship with money 💫 you set boundaries 💫 you express your feelings and needs 💫 you attract healthy relationships If you’re seeking guidance through a breakup and want to learn about reparenting your Inner Child, reach out to me for support. If you found this post helpful: Share 📤, Like 👍🏻, Comment with 🤍, and Save 💾 for future reference and follow @anna.malci 🌷 #innerchild #innerchildhealing #narcissticabuse #narcissticabuseawareness #breakup #breakupadvice #relationship #heartbreaking #heartbreakrecovery #toosensitive #compassionatecommunication #healthyrelationships #healthyrelationship #toxicrelationships #toxicrelationship #narcissist #narcissisticmother #attachmentstyles

4/29/2024, 3:21:04 PM

You aren't too much. You were never too much. Just because your parents didn't have the capacity to help you with the things that you needed help with doesn't mean that you were too sensitive or too needy - it just means they didn't have the capacity or tools to support you. And the just because they didn't have the capacity to show up in the way you needed doesn't mean others' won't be able to. So if someone tells you that they are able to show up practice leaning into that and letting them. Share this reminder with someone who needs it and follow @jen.nobo for more relatable mental health content. *my content is generalized and doesn't reflect individual nuances. . . . #emotionalintelligence #adultchildrenofemotionallyimmatureparents #emotionallyunavailable #eip #healingjourney #healthyrelationships #youarenttoomuch #toosensitive #gofindless

4/28/2024, 5:41:18 PM

Part 3: phrases to stop using …Please Which one really gets you going? As a late adhd diagnosed woman, I heard these phrases all through my teens, adulthood and motherhood. I’m definitely an over thinker, too sensitive & differently wired. I was often referred to as being overly anxious, a sooky person & “tomboyish.” The shame these phrases caused . I know they described me perfectly but I didn’t understand why at the time. After my formal diagnosis, finally at 38. It hit me, I’ve been labeled these my whole life. I never fit the “mold” so to say. Anyone else?! #adhdwomen #latediagnosed #adhdadult #adhdinspiration #adhdofinstagram #adhdmomlife #differentlywired #adhdshame #toosensitive #overthinker #nottypical

4/28/2024, 4:59:48 PM

Feedback like this (from RWAs Ripping Start competition) keeps me going - just imagining that someone wants to read something I wrote is insane to me but wow. I typically recoil at the idea of feedback ( #toosensitive) but it's so helpful to improve. #romancewritersofaustralia #romcom #romancewriters

4/28/2024, 4:57:53 AM

NUMBNESS is one of the most invisible yet omnipresent emotions. When I ask people, “What are you feeling?” I often hear the response, “I don’t feel anything.” I then ask, “Are you feeling NEUTRAL (no particular feeling) or NUMB?” to which most people respond the latter. Numbness is not the ABSENCE of feeling but the PRESENCE of a particular feeling. It, too, speaks to certain legitimate needs we have, so it behooves us to practice seeing the unseen. These are *some* of the themes and needs that numbness speaks to. What stands out to you?

4/26/2024, 5:25:23 PM

I had no idea just how much my environment mattered to me. Growing up, my body as a Highly Sensitive Person was so overloaded by sensory stimuli that the only way to go through the day was to live NUMB. It wasn’t until only a few years ago that I realized just how much I was dissociated. The running joke was that I couldn’t tell the difference between lamb and beef. Of the 5 senses, taste and smell took the biggest hit. The other three (sight, hearing, touch) remained strong, but these got into a feedback loop with my Enneagram 4 patterns that I constantly felt like there was something wrong with me. Why was I upset about things that others wouldn’t notice? Part of the dissociation came from these self-gaslighting experiences. It wasn’t anyone’s fault per se, but without words to understand or describe my experiences as an HSP, I often felt like I was going crazy. 🔹Was I upset to get attention? 🔹Why can’t I be okay with how things are? 🔹How come I can’t just get over it? Eventually I became so disconnected with myself that I learned to mistrust my body. In the last few years, I discovered the healing power of nature. I can’t quite explain why, but I felt my body thaw out of numbness. Today, I am learning to acknowledge my sensitivities and to befriend my body. I don’t judge myself as much for readily being affected by sound, sight, or touch. I’m also learning to reconnect with the senses of taste and smell. Do you have the Highly Sensitive Person trait? What was your experience like in your daily life, emotions, or relationships? Comment below! I wanna know 👇

4/22/2024, 5:25:46 PM

This. I needed this affirmation. I am tired. 😴 While I wouldn't change being an HSP and high empath (or as my family of origin says, "too sensitive") at all, living in the world with people who are not this way is while trying to understand and take care of myself is A LOT. 💯 😊 Empathy and sensitivity are my SUPERPOWERS. They help me excel in my career as a therapist and leader. 😊 Empathy and sensitivity help me excel at giving my children an emotionally safe and secure childhood filled with unconditional love. Allowing them to be exactly who they need to be instead of something I may want/need them to be. 😊 Empathy and sensitivity help me excel at my marriage so I can balance things I need to take responsibility for and things I don't need to take personally. 😊 Empathy and sensitivity help me with self-care, self-acceptance, and self-love. After almost 5 decades on this planet, I am THE MOST comfortable in my skin and voicing my needs/wants than I have ever been. ➡️ While this has been a process and I can see how the "learning" has happened over my whole life, the understanding and acceptance has happened in the last 6 years, during my "F*ck it Forties". 📖 The book that was my tipping point: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*CK by @markmanson. If you have any ounce of stress, worry, anxiety, etc. this book is a MUST READ. 📣 The two phrases two wise women gave me that also tipped the scales: 😊 You can't play tug-of-war if you're not holding the rope. 😮 😊 "Home" is where you live now, with your people (partner/kids/animals), not where you grew up or who you grew up with (parents/siblings). ☀️I have so much gratitude for everyone along the way (positive and not-so-positive). Every relationship has helped me learn and grow - to embrace my light and my shadow. 🌜 ❤️ To everyone who reads this, I send you much gratitude. Fear can not coexist with gratitude. And I. Am. Fearless. ❤️ #empathy #empath #exhaustion #fear #fearless #home #sensitive #toosensitive #sensitivity #tugofwar #familyoforigin #foo #mindfulness #mytherapistsays #whatyoufeedgrows #boundaries

4/22/2024, 4:23:39 PM
Blog > "The BIG 5 Emotions: MAD, SAD, GLAD, SCARED, & NUMB"" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" focusable="false" src="/img/aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1sZ2EzLTIuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3Q1MS4yODg1LTE1LzQzODk5NzYwOF80NTc1MzE3Nzk5ODcxMDVfNDQ4MTA0MTA2NTMwOTIyMzIyMl9uLmpwZz9zdHA9ZHN0LWpwZ19lMzUmX25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWxnYTMtMi5jZG5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJl9uY19jYXQ9MTA5Jl9uY19vaGM9VzNxazMtR0JsallRN2tOdmdINnlNRUgmZWRtPUFPVVB4aDBCQUFBQSZjY2I9Ny01Jm9oPTAwX0FZQTVEcGZtRHNTVXcyMmMtREF2aHlkeHM2LXRtTnlRMmNQdWVQXzczLTI5M1Emb2U9NjY2MERERjMmX25jX3NpZD05ZGM2NjA=.jpg" />

SADNESS is an emotion that gets labeled as "immature" because it's one of the emotions that's a low-energy / low-action one (the other being JOY and NUMBNESS). It's often thought to be useless or pointless: "What's the point of crying over spilled milk?" If only un-spilling the milk is the purpose of sadness. That's not its mission! Here are some of the other essential functions that sadness plays. Each emotion has an essential role they play in our lives. Like a spoked wheel, if one part is less developed than others, the wheel won't roll but rather get STUCK, causing more stress and setting us up to be reactive. Here are some of the key features of sadness so that you can INTEGRATE it into your life as a powerful resource that REVITALIZES your life and relationships! Which one stands out to you? Wanna know what to do with sadness and the 4 other emotions? Grab the free BIG 5 Feelings Chart! Link in bio > Blog > "The BIG 5 Emotions: MAD, SAD, GLAD, SCARED, & NUMB"

4/19/2024, 5:24:43 PM

🌟 Do any of these signs seem familiar to you? 🌟 If you find yourself carrying any of these wounds into your relationships, don’t worry, you’re not alone. We all have moments when we act less maturely, especially when we’re feeling disappointed, frustrated, or hurt. But if these behaviors start defining your relationship, it might be time to consider making some changes and healing this younger, wounded version of yourself to improve the quality of your relationships. It might also mean finding a partner who brings out the best in you. Remember, you deserve a healthy and positive relationship. If you’re ready to work on healing and growth, I am here to support you. Drop a 🤍 if this post resonates with you. If you found this post helpful: Share 📤, Like 👍🏻, and Save 💾 it for future reference, and follow @anna.malci 🌷 #innerchild #innerchildhealing #wounds #compassionatecommunication #toosensitive #selfsabotage #love #fear #anxiety #luxembourg🇱🇺

4/19/2024, 5:22:33 PM

🌈”October You” would like to say “hello… Nice work on the FOCUS Nice work on making the hard decision and prioritizing something meaningful. Nice work on being honest about what you actually wanted and acting on it.” There is an area of your life that is needing the spotlight of your magnetic energy and gentle attention. A part of you is primed to shift in a dramatic way. A part that you may have had to put on the back burner. Not for lack of desire, but you just didn’t have the JUICE to give. Now you gots the juice 🧃💦 There is a part of you that needs your “get up and go” vibes. It’s whatever thing is popping in your head right now… no, not that one… the one that ACTUALLY popped in your head first before you talked yourself out of it. You DO know how to start. If you genuinely feel like you don’t know how to start… GUESS. (This is a top secret coaching technique btw). Small tweaks go a long way. Micro steps totally count. They add up and they will completely change your trajectory 🚀 Time to activate your inner gladiator/ yogi/ creatrix/ genius/ healer and LEAD yourself into transformation. In 6 months an area of your life will be undeniable improved. Don’t ask me why 6 months 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m just the messenger Sending all my love, Emily🩷 #Highlysensitive #highlysensitiveperson #highlysensitivepeople #sensitivity #empathlife

4/19/2024, 3:01:16 PM

The concept of SELF, which I am referring to, comes from the Internal Family System Model, which I adore deeply as the most effective way (in my opinion) of finding the TRUTH and real YOU. Richard Schwartz, the brilliant creator of the Internal Family System, describes the self in the "8C's" characteristics. There is so much I want to share about this concept! And I will🥰 but for now, just let me tell you this: To me being in the state of SELF-energy, equals happiness, which to me means freedom, safety, clarity, and spaciousness. Once I discovered that, I understood this was the state I needed to be. And when having worse days or stressful times, my task is to work towards reconnecting with that SELF-state. This might take time, learning, and practice, but it is worth the work! #staytuned for more!🤝 #hsp #highlysensitiveperson #highlysensitive #hspcoach #empowerment #empoweringwomen #internalfamilysystemsmodel #ifs #self #selfenergy #selfcare #selflove #selfcomassion #selfcompassionpractice #anxiety #hspanxiety #depression #limitingbeliefs #traumahealing #toosensitiveforthisworld #toosensitive #authenticself #innercritic #healing #selfhealing

4/18/2024, 4:16:18 PM

Bye friend, maybe someday you’ll tell me what I did wrong #facebookdrama #giveittomestraight #toosensitive #takemebacktothe90s #moodymood

4/17/2024, 6:07:58 PM

Are You a Cycle Breaker? For me, recognizing the unhealthy dynamics and behavior patterns in my family was only the beginning. True change didn’t start until I understood the struggles that my grandmother, my mother, and I all shared. My healing began when I chose to nurture my inner child with the love, compassion, and acceptance that I didn’t receive from my mother until the age of 11 years. It was crucial to acknowledge that while my mother didn’t deserve her suffering, neither did I. Forgiving her was a key step, not just for my emotional freedom but also for improving our relationship in ways I never imagined possible. Remember, forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean letting someone back into your life - it’s about healing on your terms. My journey towards healing transformed my life and my relationships profoundly. If you’re on a similar path and need support, I’m here to help. Contact me to break the cycle and start your healing journey. — If this resonates with you drop a 🤍 If you found this post helpful: Share 📤, Like 👍🏻, and Save 💾 it for future reference, and follow @anna.malci 🌷 #innerchild #innerchildhealing #toosensitive #cyclebreakers #cyclebreaker #nonviolentcommunication #compassionatecommunication #trauma #traumainformed #narcissticabuseawareness #narcissticabuseawareness #luxembourg🇱🇺

4/17/2024, 5:33:45 PM

If you struggle with perfectionism or impostor syndrome, or have been judged or jeered by others, this is for you! What does “right” even mean? How do you live a life that’s free and full? Grab yourself a copy (link in bio)! One of my fave illustrators ❤️ @peterhreynolds

4/17/2024, 5:27:03 PM

Wave if you’ve been accused of being too sensitive 👋❤️‍🩹 Your sensitivity can help you notice things others miss, and if you speak up from a place of love you use it as a strength. You can use your sensitive creativity as a strength. You can use your strong sensitivite passion for the greater good and altruistic projects based on values. Your sensitivity is a part of you - what benefits would come from accepting it and treasuring it’s beauty? Idea: @thesecurerelationship #sensitivity #sensitive #toosensitive #emotions #emotional #strength #sensitivityisastrength #relationships #relationshiptips #womenempowerment #sensitiveandstrong #emotionalwellbeing #acceptance #beyou #beyourself #selfacceptance #acceptyourself #compassionate #intuitive #emotionalpain #emotionalhurt #emotionalneglect #selfreminder #selfconfidence #peoplepleaser #peoplepleasing #hsp #highlysensitive #highlysensitiveperson #loveyoursensitivity

4/15/2024, 8:49:22 PM

What do you do when someone you love is in pain? In seeing their pain, you might find yourself feeling trapped, powerless, or scared. It can be tempting to stop their feelings by saying things like, “It’s not a big deal.” “At least something good happened.” “Calm down.” More often than not, this backfires, because the other feels invalidated, dismissed, or alone, which only amplifies their pain and their emotions. Learn how being like a rabbit can help you grow in empathy here: Link in bio > Blogs > "How to Grow in Empathy: Be a Rabbit"

4/15/2024, 5:25:03 PM

Damnnn I can’t even respond to #male #bishes comments without getting censored 😩😹😹😹😹😹😹 But it’s okay, he could see it here 🙃 mack_alp mack_alp mack_alp #maleego #toosensitive #yougottabejoking 🙄 #freedomofspeech #myass #VIVALAKITTY 🐾

4/12/2024, 3:00:36 AM