zerowasteliving images

Discover Best zerowasteliving Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #april #monday

🌏 我が家で捨てずに食べている部分のほんの一例です。 生ゴミは限りなくゼロです。 もし食べものがなくなったら、皆どうするんだろう... 雑草や虫、飛んでいる鳥を食べる日もくるのかな... その時、食品ロスゼロになるのかな... どんな生きものも食べないと生きていけない 『全てのものには心があって  大事にしないと、ものの方から姿を消す』 と聞いたことがある 食べものも、食べものでないものも、地球も、 人間に言いたいことがあるんじゃないかな 人間が聞こえないだけで...       私の地球回復プロジェクト(第1回) 終 🕊🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🕊 To my friends sending me positive comments Thank you so much for your positive comments sincerely❣️ If you like my ideas, Just feel free to use them. I really love this beautiful planet "EARTH" and want to live here with all lives peacefully from now on. Many thanks❣️ You are amazing‼️ #食品ロス #フードロス #NoFoodLoss #nofoodloss #foodwaste #もったいない #mottainai #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #reducewaste #ゴミ問題 #ゴミ削減 #ゴミを出さない #ゴミ出さない #ゼロウエイスト #食品を無駄にしない #食品ロスゼロチャレンジ #食品ロスを減らす #使いきり #廃棄食品をなくそう #食べ物を大切に #食品ロス削減 #食品ロスゼロ #フードロス対策 #フードロスをなくそう #フードロス削減 #フードレスキュー #フードロスゼロアクション #エコ #エコライフ

4/29/2024, 4:20:57 AM

🌏 食べものをまるごと残さず食べれば 食べものを作るために費やされるあらゆる資源は全て生かされ 廃棄されるものは減るから 廃棄に関わるもの(処理場、処理燃料、処理費用、処理で排出 されるCO2など)は減らせる。 さらに、廃棄にかかる税金が減らせれば 税金を他のところにまわすことも出来る。 (私は医療機関に優先的に使って欲しいです) そうすれば 地球環境・そこに住む生きもの(含む人間)も助かるし 人間にもいいことがいっぱいあると思う。 食べものを丸ごと残さず食べきることなら私達にも出来る。 世界中の人がやったらどのくらい効果があるんだろう… 10年後の空・海・大地・風が穏やかで 全ての生きものが健やかに生きていられたらいいな… 今日も『ありがたく皆さまの命をいただきます』そして 『ごちそうさまでした。とっても美味しかったです。 ありがとう』   私の地球回復プロジェクト(第1回)⑤へ続く👉👉👉 🕊🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🕊 To my friends sending me positive comments Thank you so much for your positive comments sincerely❣️ If you like my ideas, Just feel free to use them. I really love this beautiful planet "EARTH" and want to live here with all lives peacefully from now on. Many thanks❣️ You are amazing‼️ #食品ロス #ゴミ問題 #ゴミ削減 #ゴミを出さない #ゴミ出さない #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #reducewaste #節約 #saving #省エネ #savemoney #エコライフ #感謝 #使いきり #食品ロスをなくそう #食品ロス削減 #食品ロスゼロ #食品ロスゼロアクション #食品を無駄にしない #命をいただく #もったいない #mottainai #食品ロスを減らす #食糧廃棄 #食品ロスゼロチャレンジ #食べ物を大切に #廃棄食品をなくそう #食育 #foodeducation

4/29/2024, 4:20:09 AM

🌏 食べものは、そのほとんどの部分が食べられます。 『食べものも人間と同じ生きもの ゴミでもロスでもない』 加工品、調味料、菓子、酒・・・ 『全て生きものからできている』 そして食べものを育てる人、加工する人、運ぶ人、売る人、 料理する人・・・ 『色々な人の手がかけられている』 だから 『命まるごと残さず大切に食べたい』   私の地球回復プロジェクト(第1回)③へ続く👉👉👉 🕊🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🕊 To my friends sending me positive comments Thank you so much for your positive comments sincerely❣️ If you like my ideas, Just feel free to use them. I really love this beautiful planet "EARTH" and want to live here with all lives peacefully from now on. Many thanks❣️ You are amazing‼️ #食品ロス #食品を無駄にしない #食糧廃棄 #食糧問題 #食べ物レスキュー #食べ物を大切に #廃棄食品をなくそう #フードロス対策 #フードロス削減 #フードレスキュー #foodwaste #ゼロウェイスト #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #いのちをいただく #エシカルライフ #エシカル #ethicallife #もったいない #食育 #foodeducation #食品ロス削減 #食品ロスをなくそう #食品ロスゼロ #食品ロスゼロアクション #食品ロス問題 #食品ロスを減らす #食品ロスゼロチャレンジ #フードロス #foodloss

4/29/2024, 4:18:46 AM

Unveiling the Power of SDGs Part 2! 🌍  • Did you know that Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16) focuses on promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions worldwide? ⚖️ • It's a crucial pillar for building sustainable societies and ensuring access to justice for all. Let's work together to support SDG 16 and create a more peaceful and equitable world! 🕊️ • Where to find us?   📱Lazada = ekoklaire.os • #ekoklaire #ecofriendly #smallbusiness #zerowaste #zerowastemalaysia #zerowasteliving #sustainable #sustainability #sustainableliving #gogreen #earthfriendly #earthfriendlyproducts #ecofriendlyproducts #environmentallyfriendly

4/29/2024, 3:48:24 AM

Holding the purse strings @polene_paris for a purse worth holding on to 👜 #giftideas #handbaglove #handbaglovers

4/29/2024, 3:22:30 AM

-Sikat Jari- Sikat jari toilet multifungsi untuk membersihkan dinding dan lantai toilet anda, terdapat lubang dibagian handle sikat untuk memudahkan pada saat digunakan handle sikat yang halus di coating menggunakan water based clear coat menjadikan perabot anda lebih awet dan terkesan mewah keunggulan produk kami • Terbuat dari bahan alami • Compostable • Ecofriendly • Brush tidak kasar karena terbuat dari serat kelapa Price List : 85k Gratis grafir & subaidi ongkir #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyliving #gogreen #naturalcleaning #handmade #decoration #wood #sikat #nature #noplastik #erakayu #mitramandiricocofiber #kandangharapan #compostable #produk lokal #instagood #umkm #nature #zerowaste #naturalproducts #go export #sustainable #zerowastehome #sustainablelifestyle #zerowastekitchen #zerowasteliving #sustainability #zerowasteindonesia #sustainableliving #lesswaste

4/29/2024, 2:57:24 AM

DID YOU KNOW: We ask all our suppliers to send us clothing without plastic. Most clothing manufacturers send clothes individually wrapped in plastic, but we’ve asked our brands send us stock free of plastic. Almost all of them are able to comply and now most of our clothing is sent to us plastic free. . . . . . . . . . #PlasticFree #ZeroWaste #WasteFree #ZeroWasteLifestyle #PlasicFreeLiving #PlasticPollution #NoPlastic #EcoFriendly #ZeroWasteLiving #PlasicFreeOceans #SaveThePlanet #NoPlanetB #SustainableLiving #SayNoToPlastic #Eco #BreakFreeFromPlastic #GoGreen #ZeroWasteHome #sustainablestyle #SustainableKidsClothing #EcoLiving #SustainableKidswear

4/28/2024, 10:35:07 PM

It's Back!! Blanche's Dish Soap Bar!! This zero-waste dishwashing soap bar gives you plenty of suds and it cuts through grease to thoroughly clean your dishes using goat's milk and lime juice to get the job done and leaves your dishes and hands smelling of Tangerine, Lime, and Lemon Essential Oils! Available online and in-store now! #zerowaste #zerowastehome #zerowasteliving #zerowastelife #zerowastetips #goatmilk #goatmilksoap #goatmilksoaps #goatmilkstuff #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyhome #ecofriendlyliving

4/28/2024, 10:05:09 PM

🌿 Tofu but zero waste 🌿 . Cut out plastic with this awesome reusable tofu maker, perfect for making tofu at home from whole food ingredients 💚 . Create great-tasting, zero waste and preservative-free tofu at home with a simple, straightforward recipe ✅ . Choose between silky or firm tofu depending on the dishes you are making 😋 . Make a large block of tofu from just 500 grams of dried soy beans, which works out as a fraction of the price compared to buying it ready made 💸 . Visit our platform or click the shopping bag icon to find out more 👆 . . . #zofu #zerowasteuk #zerowaste #zerowastegift #tofu #veganuk #veganuary #zerowasteliving #sustainableliving #stopplasticpackaging #elimateplastic #plasticfreeswaps #instafood #foodiegram #feedfeed #instahappy #instagramshopping #instagramshoppinguk #wholefood #unprocessedfood

4/28/2024, 8:48:26 PM

👣SLUITINGEN👣 Vandaag iets meer informatie over de verschillende sluitingen die je tegen kunt komen binnen de wereld van wasbare luiers. Vandaag uitleg over de 4 bekenste sluitingen. Drukknopen, klittenband, snappi of een strik. Maar wat zijn nu de voor- maar ook nadelen? Lees het hieronder.   ❤️Drukknopen Deze zijn zeer slijtvast. Na honderden keren open en dicht doen sluiten ze meestal zo goed als in het begin. Een enkele keer trek je er eens een stuk maar dat is, als je een beetje handig bent, zo zelf te vervangen. 💛Klittenband/velcro Klittenband heeft ten opzichte van drukkers als groot voordeel dat het snel dicht gaat. Handig voor beweeglijke kindjes. En de luier kun je traploos verstellen. Nadeel is dat het gevoelig is voor slijtage. Ook kan je kleintje, als hij/zij handig genoeg is, de luier makkelijk zelf openen en dat wil je natuurlijk niet.  💚Snappi Vouwluiers sluit je met een snappi. Eigenlijk is dat een luierklemmetje. Een snappi heeft kleine weerhaakjes en daar zet je de stof mee vast. Zo sluit je in een vlotte beweging de vouwluier.    💙Strik Dan heb je nog de strikluier, deze sluit je dus gewoon door te strikken.  💕Over een een vouw- of strikluier gaat altijd een buitenbroekje/-cover. Die sluit je dan weer met drukknopen of een klittenband/velcro💚 #reusablenappy #reusablenappyweek #clothdiapers #wasbaarluieren #wasbareluiers #zwemluier #moeder #baby #zerowasteliving #eco #ecologisch

4/28/2024, 8:42:52 PM

Amazing Jars & Containers🫙 Material: Glass Type: Pickle Jar Features: Airtight Product Breadth: 6 Cm Product Height: 6.5 Cm Product Length: 9 Cm Net Quantity (N): Pack Of 3 Quality Assured Product✅ COD Accepted✅ DM for more details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #PreserveFreshness #AirtightStorage #GlassContainer #ZeroWasteLiving #EcoFriendlyChoices #KitchenEssentials #SustainableStorage #FoodStorageSolution #ReduceFoodWaste #ReusableContainers

4/28/2024, 7:47:26 PM

Amazing Jars & Containers🫙 Material: Glass Type: Pickle Jar Features: Airtight Product Breadth: 6 Cm Product Height: 6.5 Cm Product Length: 9 Cm Net Quantity (N): Pack Of 3 Quality Assured Product✅ COD Accepted✅ DM for more details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #PreserveFreshness #AirtightStorage #GlassContainer #ZeroWasteLiving #EcoFriendlyChoices #KitchenEssentials #SustainableStorage #FoodStorageSolution #ReduceFoodWaste #ReusableContainers

4/28/2024, 7:46:25 PM

A breakthrough in sustainable living is here. 🚀 We’re so proud to announce that we’ve been selected as a finalist by US Plastics Pact for the 2024 Sustainable Packaging Innovation Award - Refill! 🏆 Our mission has always been to make waste reduction accessible to everyone, and to be recognized alongside @Cleancult and @bananaboatbrand makes us feel that much more hopeful about a plastic-free future. 🙌 We can’t wait to see which innovative packaging solution will be announced as the winner and featured in @Walmart’s Circular Connector. See you at @GreenBiz_Group's #Circularity24! #RefillRevolution #zerowasteliving #CircularEconomy

4/28/2024, 7:46:06 PM

🌸 Have you checked out the new wild scents 👀 Think spring time blossoms with the @staceysolomon floral whispers and for those who aren’t into strong scents there is an unscented refill yet it still keeps you fresh 🌊 You can try wild using my link (I’ll add it to my bio and my 20% off code). Thank you @wildrefill All products were kindly gifted. Code: ECOANXIOUS #zerowaste #ecofriendly #plasticfree #sustainability #sustainable #sustainableliving #recycle #eco #savetheplanet #zerowasteliving #environment #gogreen #reuse #handmade #vegan #noplastic #nature #climatechange #zerodechet #organic #green #lesswaste #sustainablefashion #reducereuserecycle #zerowastelifestyle #plasticpollution #natural #zerowastehome #saynotoplastic #recycling

4/28/2024, 7:26:17 PM

Introducing! Botanical Soy Wax Melt Jars! Beautiful AND practical so wax melt jars - just place them directly on your wax melter of choice! These contain beautiful botanicals and gemstones as well as fragrance, so they’re beautiful to see as well as add scent and good energy to your living space. 4.5 oz reusable glass jars with lids. Also a great choice for those trying to purchase plastic-free products. #soywax #soywaxmelts #soywaxcandles #plasticfree #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #zerowastelifestyle #greenwitch #aromatherapy #cottagecore

4/28/2024, 6:38:56 PM

Надеюсь вам это будет полезно 🙌🏻 Берегите Землю🌱🌏 #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #принципы #природа #экология #компост #земля #ресурсы #планетаземля #нольрасходов А вы соблюдаете какой нибудь из этих принципов?

4/28/2024, 6:31:55 PM

Broken lighters, broken toys, zip ties,bottle caps, packaging, syringes, nerf bullets, tooth brushes,cloth pegs,vinyl gloves,spray caps… the list is endless. If they are in one of my sculptures they are not in the fields, beaches, forests, lakes, rivers or sea. I have made almost fifty of these sculptures each one have 100’s of pieces of plastic big and small. ——————————————————————————— #plasticpollution #plasticfree #instagood #savetheplanet #environment #ecofriendly #pollution #recycle #climatechange #sustainability #noplastic #plasticwaste #ocean #singleuseplastic #beachcleanup #plasticfreeoceans #reuse #nature #love #breakfreefromplastic #plasticfreeliving #plasticpollutes #eco #photooftheday #saynotoplastic #zerowasteliving #gogreen #reducereuserecycle #savetheocean

4/28/2024, 6:27:12 PM

Broken lighters, broken toys, zip ties,bottle caps, packaging, syringes, nerf bullets, tooth brushes,cloth pegs,vinyl gloves,spray caps… the list is endless. If they are in one of my sculptures they are not in the fields, beaches, forests, lakes, rivers or sea. I have made almost fifty of these sculptures each one have 100’s of pieces of plastic big and small. ——————————————————————————— #plasticpollution #plasticfree #instagood #savetheplanet #environment #ecofriendly #pollution #recycle #climatechange #sustainability #noplastic #plasticwaste #ocean #singleuseplastic #beachcleanup #plasticfreeoceans #reuse #nature #love #breakfreefromplastic #plasticfreeliving #plasticpollutes #eco #photooftheday #saynotoplastic #zerowasteliving #gogreen #reducereuserecycle #savetheocean

4/28/2024, 6:25:57 PM

Broken lighters, broken toys, zip ties,bottle caps, packaging, syringes, nerf bullets, tooth brushes,cloth pegs,vinyl gloves,spray caps… the list is endless. If they are in one of my sculptures they are not in the fields, beaches, forests, lakes, rivers or sea. I have made almost fifty of these sculptures each one have 100’s of pieces of plastic big and small. ——————————————————————————— #plasticpollution #plasticfree #instagood #savetheplanet #environment #ecofriendly #pollution #recycle #climatechange #sustainability #noplastic #plasticwaste #ocean #singleuseplastic #beachcleanup #plasticfreeoceans #reuse #nature #love #breakfreefromplastic #plasticfreeliving #plasticpollutes #eco #photooftheday #saynotoplastic #zerowasteliving #gogreen #reducereuserecycle #savetheocean

4/28/2024, 6:23:29 PM

Broken lighters, broken toys, zip ties,bottle caps, packaging, syringes, nerf bullets, tooth brushes,cloth pegs,vinyl gloves,spray caps… the list is endless. If they are in one of my sculptures they are not in the fields, beaches, forests, lakes, rivers or sea. I have made almost fifty of these sculptures each one have 100’s of pieces of plastic big and small. ——————————————————————————— #plasticpollution #plasticfree #instagood #savetheplanet #environment #ecofriendly #pollution #recycle #climatechange #sustainability #noplastic #plasticwaste #ocean #singleuseplastic #beachcleanup #plasticfreeoceans #reuse #nature #love #breakfreefromplastic #plasticfreeliving #plasticpollutes #eco #photooftheday #saynotoplastic #zerowasteliving #gogreen #reducereuserecycle #savetheocean

4/28/2024, 6:21:21 PM

Broken lighters, broken toys, zip ties,bottle caps, packaging, syringes, nerf bullets, tooth brushes,cloth pegs,vinyl gloves,spray caps… the list is endless. If they are in one of my sculptures they are not in the fields, beaches, forests, lakes, rivers or sea. I have made almost fifty of these sculptures each one have 100’s of pieces of plastic big and small. ——————————————————————————— #plasticpollution #plasticfree #instagood #savetheplanet #environment #ecofriendly #pollution #recycle #climatechange #sustainability #noplastic #plasticwaste #ocean #singleuseplastic #beachcleanup #plasticfreeoceans #reuse #nature #love #breakfreefromplastic #plasticfreeliving #plasticpollutes #eco #photooftheday #saynotoplastic #zerowasteliving #gogreen #reducereuserecycle #savetheocean

4/28/2024, 6:20:11 PM

Broken lighters, broken toys, zip ties,bottle caps, packaging, syringes, nerf bullets, tooth brushes,cloth pegs,vinyl gloves,spray caps… the list is endless. If they are in one of my sculptures they are not in the fields, beaches, forests, lakes, rivers or sea. I have made almost fifty of these sculptures each one have 100’s of pieces of plastic big and small. ——————————————————————————— #plasticpollution #plasticfree #instagood #savetheplanet #environment #ecofriendly #pollution #recycle #climatechange #sustainability #noplastic #plasticwaste #ocean #singleuseplastic #beachcleanup #plasticfreeoceans #reuse #nature #love #breakfreefromplastic #plasticfreeliving #plasticpollutes #eco #photooftheday #saynotoplastic #zerowasteliving #gogreen #reducereuserecycle #savetheocean

4/28/2024, 6:19:20 PM

Broken lighters, broken toys, zip ties,bottle caps, packaging, syringes, nerf bullets, tooth brushes,cloth pegs,vinyl gloves,spray caps… the list is endless. If they are in one of my sculptures they are not in the fields, beaches, forests, lakes, rivers or sea. I have made almost fifty of these sculptures each one have 100’s of pieces of plastic big and small. ——————————————————————————— #plasticpollution #plasticfree #instagood #savetheplanet #environment #ecofriendly #pollution #recycle #climatechange #sustainability #noplastic #plasticwaste #ocean #singleuseplastic #beachcleanup #plasticfreeoceans #reuse #nature #love #breakfreefromplastic #plasticfreeliving #plasticpollutes #eco #photooftheday #saynotoplastic #zerowasteliving #gogreen #reducereuserecycle #savetheocean

4/28/2024, 6:18:44 PM

Broken lighters, broken toys, zip ties,bottle caps, packaging, syringes, nerf bullets, tooth brushes,cloth pegs,vinyl gloves,spray caps… the list is endless. If they are in one of my sculptures they are not in the fields, beaches, forests, lakes, rivers or sea. I have made almost fifty of these sculptures each one have 100’s of pieces of plastic big and small. ——————————————————————————— #plasticpollution #plasticfree #instagood #savetheplanet #environment #ecofriendly #pollution #recycle #climatechange #sustainability #noplastic #plasticwaste #ocean #singleuseplastic #beachcleanup #plasticfreeoceans #reuse #nature #love #breakfreefromplastic #plasticfreeliving #plasticpollutes #eco #photooftheday #saynotoplastic #zerowasteliving #gogreen #reducereuserecycle #savetheocean

4/28/2024, 6:17:12 PM

So we have a lot of peas this year 🤩 We are going to blanch them before freezing to preserve their bright green colour and prevent them from turning to mush when cooked afterwards. 1️⃣ Bring water to boil 2️⃣ Fill a large bowl with ice and set aside 3️⃣ Boil the peas for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, just until crisp tender 4️⃣ Cool the peas in the ice water to stop the cooking process 5️⃣ Drain the peas and spread them in a single layer (on a tray, for instance) to freeze - this prevents from stick to each other 6️⃣ After freezing them for one hour, you can put them in freezer friendly bags and then back in the freezer. Consider freezing individual portions to make it easier to use them later 😊 Enjoy peas season. What's your favourite recipe with peas? 🤗 #peas #preservepeas #freezepeas #preservefood #preservefoodskills #foodpreservation #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #homestead #homesteading #permaculture #Portalegre #setefontes #wwoof #workaway #volunteer #Farm #growyourownfood #Garden #vegetablesgarden #Portugal #spring #harvest

4/28/2024, 6:13:51 PM

Acknowledged by the Additional Deputy Commissioner (Urban Development), Amritsar Punjab for our exceptional dedication to the Swachh Bharat Mission across Urban Local Bodies ; Rayya, Raja sansi, Ramdas, Ajnala, Jandiala Guru & Baba Bakala Sahib, Majitha, District Amritsar . Reflecting our steadfast commitment to effective management of solid waste across these towns contributing to cleanliness and community upliftment. #SwachhBharat #AmritsarPride #swachhbharatmission #swachhbharatabhiyan #amritsar #punjab #oneearth #zerowasteliving #zerowaste #zerowasteindian #communitycomposting #awareness #solidwastemanagement #buddyprogramme

4/28/2024, 6:09:24 PM

Beautiful, convenient, effective and eco-friendly—what more can we desire in a soap dish? The classic look goes with any interior and smart, slip-proof design allows to keep soaps and shampoo & conditioner bars dry and easily accessible. 🌿 SPECIAL FEATURES: ✔️ Durable ✔️Waterproof ✔️Heat-resistant ✔️Non-toxic ✔️Biodegradable (in about 1.5 years) ✔️Sustainable (made with renewable resources) 🌿 Get yours on

4/28/2024, 6:01:47 PM

fresh is best. but if you can't hand squeeze your own avocado oil directly onto your plate, west~bourne does the trick ;)

4/28/2024, 5:30:41 PM

Tired of the endless cycle of single-use plastic bags cluttering your kitchen and harming the environment? Stasher Bags emerge as a game-changing solution in our latest review. Crafted from 100% pure platinum silicone, these reusable marvels offer a blend of sustainability, durability, and versatility that’s hard to beat. Top 5 Benefits of Switching to Stasher: 1. Endlessly Reusable 2. Eco-Conscious Choice 3. Multi-Functional 4. Simple Cleanup 5. Supports Ocean Preservation Read our full review (link in bio) and discover the detailed benefits, personal experiences, and why they've become a staple in eco-friendly homes.

4/28/2024, 5:01:38 PM

This is why parents are RENTING baby clothing: 🌍 Sustainable: Our current way of wearing & throwing away clothing has taken a big toll on our planet. Reduce the burden by extending the life of clothing by renting. 🚚 Convenient: Free deliveries and easy swaps 💰 Huge Savings: Premium clothing at low costs 👕 Less Clutter: More of what you need and less unused clothing sitting in your closet ⏰ Saves time: Families no longer need to shop for all the unexpected growth spurts 👗 Free styling service! Includes a fully customized wardrobe suited for all your clothing style preferences: colours, styles are all chosen by parent. Click the link in our bio to get started on your sustainable journey today! 💚🌎 Every order plants a tree. 🙂🌳 Happy Sunday! 🫶🏻

4/28/2024, 4:50:16 PM

Nummer 83-85 ✔️ #stopplasticpollution #plasticpollution #stopsingleuseplastic #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #ecofriendly #rivercleanup #rivercleaning #cleanup #cleanuptheworld #cleanoceanproject #cleanupchallenge #oceancleanup #oceanmata #ocean #oceanplastic #dosomethinggood #blockblocksrheincleanup #catchandclean #pelyalltagundumwelt #4ocean #sungaiwatch #fridaysforfuture #bethechange #forabetterworld #beachcleanup #plasticsucks #fridaysforfuturegermany #oceanmata #sungaiwatch @4ocean @theoceancleanup @cleanriverproject @rivercleanup @k.r.a.k.e.cgn @blockblocks_rhein_cleanup @catchandclean @pely_alltagundumwelt @thetrashtraveler @sungaiwatch @cleanupnetwork @ulmer_dreckspatz @muellpiratin @oceanmata

4/28/2024, 4:31:59 PM

We know you have at least one of these little personalities running around your house. Let us know which one in the comments — 💙, 💜, 💖, 💛 or 💚.

4/28/2024, 4:00:23 PM

Breaking Down Microplastics: The Challenge of Cleanup With billions of microplastics already in our oceans, cleanup efforts face enormous challenges. Prevention is key to tackling this global issue. #MicroplasticCleanup #GlobalChallenge #ChooseWisely #PlasticFreeOcean #ZeroWasteLiving #PurplePlumeria

4/28/2024, 4:00:15 PM

🌟✨ Sunday Fun Fact from a Second Grader! ✨🌟 👧📚 Let's learn straight from the imaginative minds of our future leaders! Today's #funfactsunday comes directly from an elementary school kid who's passionate about our planet. 🌍💚 Did you know that learning about the environment can be as fun as playing at recess? It's true! 🌱🐝 Teaching our little ones early about the beauty of nature and the importance of protecting it from pollution is key to safeguarding our planet for generations to come. 🌈💧 Let's inspire curiosity and a love for Mother Earth from a young age! 🚀 Stay tuned every Sunday for more fun facts and insights from the brilliant minds of our future changemakers! Together, we can make a world of difference. 🌟 #sundayfunday #environmentaleducation #futureleaders #inspirechange #plasticfree #plasticpollution #plasticpollutes #earthdayforkids #ecokids #savetheplanet #naturelovers #greenliving #learnwithkids #sundaymotivation #boston #massachusettsgreen #massachusetts #elementaryscience #climateaction #stemeducation #stemeducationforkids #zerowasteliving #ecofriendlyliving #sustainability #naturalsponge #simplysantulan #noplanetb #fightagainstpollution #elementaryteacher #elementaryscience #elementaryscience

4/28/2024, 3:41:14 PM

Salted soft-boiled egg packed in plastic 😳 Humans must have gone crazy! 🔄 via @eatitaz 🤙 Follow @UseLessPlastic for more 💙 Turn on notifications for future updates

4/28/2024, 3:23:04 PM

Rectangular dishwashing sponges can be a hassle or tiring for you to hold, so we designed this eco friendly dish sponge with a unique S shape for easier use. Lesser risk of straining your hands while cleaning!⁠ ⁠ 🌱 SAVE MONEY, SAVE THE PLANET: Be one of the 7,000 households (and still growing!) who saved up to 15% with "Subscribe & Save" (no fees, cancel anytime). Learn more here:⁠ ⁠ #greenliving #reduce #sustainable #ecofriendlyproducts #zerowasteliving #environmental #biodegradable #saveenvironment #allnaturalproducts #gogreen💚 #compostablepackaging #plantbasedproducts #plantbasedlifestyle #reduceplastic #plasticfreepackaging #plasticfreeforthesea #plasticfreelife #environmentfriendly #sustainableliving #environmentalsustainability #sustainabilitymatters #sustainableproducts #sustainablehome

4/28/2024, 3:15:14 PM

Underneath an endless blue, we wish you a peaceful and happy Sunday. 🌞💙 #moroccannatural#ukbrand#luxurybrand#makeupartisttricks#makeuptips#skincarecommunity#cosmeticinaturali ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #moroccannatural ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #naturalskincareproducts⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #ecobio⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #beautyeditor ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #zerowasteliving⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #homespa⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #organicskincare ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #mindfullymade ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #beautypost ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #beautywriter ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #skinpost ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #beautyjunkie ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #ecobeauty ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #beautyaddict ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #ecobiolovers ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ #skincareroutine⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁣ ⁣ ⁣

4/28/2024, 2:36:11 PM

👝 Voici la nouvelle ceinture pochette Bowie en cuir recyclé de chez Kazak !! Jolie, simple et pratique, elle est parfaite pour voyager, faire du vélo, aller danser ou se promener dans les festivals ! 💃 Peut se porter à la taille ou en bandoulière 👌 Petit plus original : Vous pouvez enlever la ceinture et la porter simplement avec un pantalon ou une robe! *** Nous sommes ouverts tous les jours de la semaine à partir du lundi 29 avril ! *** #fannypack #sacbanane #cuirrecyclé #ethicalfashion #leatherbag #faitauquebec #produitquebecois #modeethique #modelocale #slowfashion #modeecoresponsable #faitmain #maroquinerie #sacbandouliere #zerowasteliving #lescoureursdejuponsmasson #lespromenadesmasson

4/28/2024, 2:30:16 PM

Last couple of days to get 15% off at our online sale! #onlineshopping #sustainableshopping #plasticfree #zerowaste #zerowasteliving

4/28/2024, 2:25:08 PM

Our traditional vegan 🌱slipper! 100% Natural Linen Upper. Perfect for the spring and summer months! Very comfy, sustainable and eco friendly. Town & Country Style. Perfect replacement for artificial, plastic slippers. All UK(3-8) and EU(36-41) sizes are available. Handmade in Europe. Visit our vegan and eco friendly fashion store on line #veganslippers #womenslippers #giftideasforher #linen #sustainable #zerowasteliving #zerowastehome♻️

4/28/2024, 2:22:08 PM

⚡️PROMO RELÂMPAGO⚡️ aparentemente hoje é 〰️dia nacional do frete grátis... achamos aleatório porém taí: 24 horas de frete grátis liberado, sem valor mínimo de compra 😉🚀✨ #fretegratis #promo #belezalimpa #cleanbeauty #lowpoo #shampoosolido #shampooembarra #shampoovegano #cosmeticosnaturais #cosmeticosveganos #desodorantenatural #veganbeauty #plasticfree #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #stopplastic #climatechangeisreal #govegan #timetoclean #wearesape

4/28/2024, 2:18:43 PM

🛒Listed a few days ago! 👍

4/28/2024, 2:10:08 PM

Weekend sudah berlalu, kini saatnya kumpulkan semangat menggebu untuk Senin esok. Bagaimana kesan akhir pekan kalian tadi?? TUMBLER mulai dari 70ribu? Bisa banget sudah FREE DESAIN & CETAK GRAFIR!! • BPA FREE ♻️ • Size 500ml • Cetak GRAFIR/LASER dan UV PRINTING • Tahan PANAS dan DINGIN 8-12 JAM • Bisa GROSIR atau ECER • Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia 🚚🚉⛴️✈️ • Bisa request warna PROMO SAAT INI 🔽 🛍️ FREE desain CUSTOM 📦 GARANSI BARANG sampai TUJUAN 🔖 SUBSIDI ONGKIR untuk pembelian dalam jumlah tertentu 💸 Harga bersahabat _dapatkan diskon untuk pembelian grosir_ Info lebih lengkap silahkan menghubungi #kado  #kadounik  #kadolucu  #kadomurah  #souvenir  #souvenirunik  #souvenirmurah  #souvenirlucu  #tumbler  #tumblerunik  #tumblerlucu  #jualtumbler  #botolminum  #jualtumblermurah  #tumblermurah  #tumblercustom  #tumblercustommurah  #tumblerindonesia  #zeroplastic  #sayangibumi  #saynotoplastic  #stopsampah  #lesswaste  #zerowaste  #lesswastemovement  #lessstraw  #cintaalam  #lessplastic  #saveearth  #zerowasteliving

4/28/2024, 2:06:54 PM

RICH COCO SCRUB ▫️Арьсны целлюлитийг багасгаж цусны эргэлтийг сайжруулна ▫️Арьсанд үрчлээ үүсэхээс сэргийлж , арьсыг чангална ▫️Антиоксидантаар баялаг тул арьсны эсийн энергийг хадгалж уян хатан чанарыг сэргээнэ ▫️Арьсны хар цагаан батгыг арилгаж эрүүлжүүлнэ ▫️Жирэмсний болон таргалалтаас үүссэн язралтыг сорвийг эрчимтэй бүдгэрүүлнэ Үнэ: 35000₮ /2 уут буюу 1 сарын хэрэглээ , хүргэлттэйгээ/ #rich #richbrand #organic #organicskincare #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #zerowaste #ecoliving #earthcare #zerowasteliving #instagood #instagram #womanpower #womansupportingwomen #naturalbeauty #naturalskincare #healthybeauty #healthybeautifulskin #betterliving #selfcare #relax #relaxtime #relaxing #relaxation

4/28/2024, 2:01:19 PM

Bertemu dengan teman baru tapi satu frekuensi itu bak baterai yang baru di charge full 100%. Cerita menghijau dari rumah kian menambah tawa dan canda. Tak ada kata sempurna untuk menciptakan konsep hijau dari rumah. Semua berawal dari hal yang paling kecil, mulai dari diri sendiri, mulai hari ini. Hindari kata tidak boleh dan gantilah dengan kata lebih baik agar mereka yang terusik dengan konsep hijau yang kita lakukan tak merasa kecewa dan bersalah. Sesungguhnya kebaikanmu adalah untuk dirimu dan begitu pun sebaliknya. Terima kasih untuk @bidadarikuofficial sudah mengirimkan pakaian dari Lombok untuk aku kenakan di Gelaran UMKM 2024 Semarang. Teruslah berproses untuk produk yang membumi🌳 karena sesuatu yang istimewa tak lahir dalam sekejap. #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #greenlifestyle #greeneconomy

4/28/2024, 1:54:44 PM

🛎🛎 Calling Stall Holders 🛎🛎 For just $35 you can have your own site at our upcoming Preloved Night Market!! Join us on Friday May 17th 6 - 8pm at @3littlebirdsespresso for a brilliant night of shopping and sustainability!!! Book now as spaces are limited! Or [email protected] #zwsconsultancy #zwsreduceyourimpact #zwsprelovedmarketnight #zwsworkshops #zerowasteliving

4/28/2024, 12:42:26 PM

April 🍁☀️🌷🍄‍🟫 We started with an Early Easter, followed by lots of Autumn garden preparation and have ended (almost) with my sons first lap around the sun. I’m definitely ready for Winter; log fires, hot soups, cosy nights in, slow days and rest. It’s going to be a quiet Winter for us. My goal is to only eat vegetables from the garden and explore some natural medicines. What are your Winter plans? #ecomumau #April #winter #autumn #zerowaste #sustainability #gardening #renewandreuse #plasticfree #plasticwaste #earthmother #earthlover #choosetoreuse #gogreen #plasticfreeliving #socialchange #reducereuse #savetheplanet #climatechange

4/28/2024, 12:33:25 PM

Immer dabei, immer bereit – mit BIDETLITY überlasse ich nichts dem Zufall. 🚶‍♂️💦 😁 #BIDETLITY #ImmerBereit #HygieneToGo #EcoFriendly #Nachhaltigkeit #Gadgets #Lifestyle #Trendsetter #hygièneintime #wandernmachtglücklich #healthcare #intimatehealth #wellnessjourney #zerowasteliving #mobilesbidet #bidettogo

4/28/2024, 11:21:03 AM

Good products come from good materials, which are 100% biodegradable and compostable modified resin raw materials. #GreenMaterials #SustainableFuture #NatureFriendly #ZeroWasteLiving #BiodegradablePackaging

4/28/2024, 10:40:26 AM

2024 Chinaplas exhibition is coming to an end, and our company has taken another successful step in the exciting exhibition! Thank you to every friend who visited our booth. It is your support and trust that allowed us to share more innovation and breakthroughs. In the future, we will work harder and continuously innovate our products, and your satisfaction is our greatest pursuit. #GreenMaterials #SustainableFuture #NatureFriendly #ZeroWasteLiving #BiodegradablePackaging

4/28/2024, 10:35:31 AM

THE SUNDAY RECIPE Sun Dried Tomato Risotto Have you noticed how plump and succulent our dried tomatoes are, and what a good colour? Scroll to see! A far cry from the shrivelled brownish objects often found in plastic packets 😝 Here they are used to give comfortably creamy risotto a bit of savoury punch. A heartening dish for a wet and chilly spring day… For 2 Ingredients: 175g arborio rice FL 2 tbsp olive oil FL 1 medium onion 1 pint vegetable stock 1 glass white wine (optional) 50g dried tomatoes FL Parmesan or vegan equivalent Seasalt and black pepper FL Method: A wide shallow pan is best. Soak the tomatoes in a little warm water for 30 minutes, then chop finely. Save the soaking water to incorporate in stock. Chop the onion and slow fry in olive oil until really soft and golden. Add the rice and stir until coated with oil. Add the wine if using, then the stock little by little, as each dollop gets absorbed. Add the tomatoes after the first dollop. When all the stock is used up check the rice to make sure it’s firm to the bite but not chalky. Add a bit more stock if needed, then finish with the Parmesan to taste, plus seasoning if required - black pepper is definitely good here. Nice for a light lunch with just a vegetable or salad, but also lovely with grilled fish or sausages for a more hearty supper. Blue glazed bowl by @greenbankpottery, meadow teatowel by @ambling_press Call in | Click and Collect | Bicycle Delivery | #cheltenham #gloucestershire #loosefood #refillnotlandfill #plasticfree #zerowasteliving #ditchthedisposables #ethical #organic #cooperative #shoplocal #supportlocal #lovelocalchelt #supportsmallbusinesses #visitcheltenham #circulareconomy

4/28/2024, 10:04:48 AM