biketouring images

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#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

Only took me 3 separate trips to Japan to get some photos of Mt Fuji 🏔 (even managed to get the Shinkansen in the background). In my defence, I somehow completely forgot about it the last 2 times. It is hard to get a clear day to see Mt Fuji, but I really lucked out this time. The mountain is indeed majestic. No shot of Lawson and Mt Fuji because I didn't want to be one of those tourists 😂. I only go to Lawson for onigiri, strong zero and pocari. Please be respectful when you're there!

4/27/2024, 9:16:59 AM

J-7 Très heureux de vous annoncer ce nouveau projet de voyage à vélo qui débutera dans une semaine. Quel est l’objectif ? Poser les roues de mon vélo dans le sable, et passer quelques nuits dans le désert du Sahara sous un ciel étoilé. En combien de temps ? 2 mois, peut être 3. Je dois être de retour pour les J.O. à Paris L’itinéraire se compose en 3 étapes - ou 3 pays : 1️⃣ La France 🇫🇷 - départ de la cathédrale de Strasbourg puis traversée du vignoble alsacien, des Vosges pour rejoindre la route des grands crus bourguignons. Ensuite je suivrai les traces du chemin de Compostelle jusqu’aux Pyrénées 2️⃣ L’Espagne 🇪🇸 - suivi des traces du Camino Francés, jusqu’à Burgos. Ensuite ce sera cap plein sud en suivant la Via de la Plata jusqu’au détroit de Gibraltar. Ce ne sera pas l’étape la plus simple du voyage avec les nombreuses montagnes espagnoles. 3️⃣ Le Maroc 🇲🇦 - après avoir emprunté le ferry pour poser pied sur le continent africain, je m’attaquerai à la dernière étape de ce voyage : le Maroc ! En passant par des villes emblématiques du pays je compte traverser le Haut Atlas pour arriver aux premières dunes du Sahara qui marquera la fin de mon périple. Ce sera ensuite un retour vers Marrakech pour rentrer en France Le parcours fait à peu près 4400 km pour 44 000 D+ et autant de D- Vous pouvez suivre mon évolution sur mon Polarstep (lien en bio) #bikepacking #gravelbike #france #espagne #maroc #travel #biketouring #chemindecompostelle

4/27/2024, 9:02:23 AM

🇧🇦 Día 12 Bosnia Herzegovina: de Metkovic a Mostar. Hoy retomo el viaje donde lo había dejado, cruzando la frontera hacia Bosnia y Hercegovina. La primera frontera de verdad, ya que no forma parte de la UE. Me tuvieron 20 minutos esperando para echarle un ojo a la documentación pero no fue ningún problema, supongo que con otros pasaportes hubiera sido mucho más difícil. Ya camino de Mostar sigo por una carretera que va encajonada entre dos paredes de roca y junto al río Neretva. Justo antes de llegar a Mostar empezó a diluviar y acabé casi empapado. Por suerte, llegué al alojamiento que hoy había contratado, quería ver la ciudad y nada mejor que pernoctar cerca de su centro historico. Luego salí a dar un paseo por la ciudad y me encantó. . . @labicicleta_net @leventvebisikletleri @tourgravelrace @worldbybike34 @worldbycycling @worldtravelbike @extremenamente @origenext @conalforjas @bikewander @bikepacking_inspiration @bikesatforest @ciclosend_sur #acampadalibre #bicyclecamping #bikewander #bicycle #bicycletouring #biketouring #bicycletravel #bikepackingadventure #bicycling #bikepacking #bicycletrip #ciclyngphoto #bosnia #bosniaandherzegovina🇧🇦 #cicloviajantes #ciclying #cicloturismo #cicloviajeros #cicloviajero #gravelbike #ortliebbikepacking #ortlieb #ortlieb_waterproof #trek #trekbikes #trek920 #viajarporelmundo #viajarenbi #viajarconalforjas #worldbike34

4/27/2024, 8:40:31 AM

Unleash your inner adventurer with the UMA RIDERS Scarm411 White Flame! 🏍️🌕 Book now for unbeatable deals and ignite your next thrill! . Location ! 📌 Sale: H1A plot no. 9 (near electronic metro station gate no. 2) Sec 63, Noida 📌 Service: H-21 (near jeep showroom) Sec 63, Noida . #RoyalEnfield #Scarm411 #REProduction #CruiserLife #TwoWheelsLife #RideRoyal #BikeTouring #Umariders #RoyalEnfieldNation #OpenRoad #RideLikeARoyal #Ridesafe #Ridesmart #EnfieldExplorers #RoyalEnfieldTouring #CruisingOnEnfield #RideToTheHills #umariders #RidingWithRoyalty #BulletProofRide #enfieldadventures

4/27/2024, 8:11:47 AM

Love is the feeling...❤️‍🩹✨️ You get when you like something as much as your Motorcycle...🏍✨️ . . . 📍: Yelegiri Hills... . . . #ktm #bajaj #duke39t❤️🚀🏍️ #ns200🔥 #ktmduke390#bajajns200❤️ #bikelovers #bikelife #bikeride #bikecrazy #biker #biketouring #ktmdukelover #duke39t #duke #ns200lover #ns200😍 #ns200pulsar

4/27/2024, 7:55:03 AM

★2002-February 19th  #Yalinli  #TURKEY *travelled distanc 42km 夜は冷え込むが、ひとたび太陽が昇ると空気はどんどんとあたたまってゆく。 「この太陽は冬の東欧にはなかったよね」日だまりの中でトモ子さんが笑う。着込んでいたフリースも走りはじめてすぐに脱いでバッグに押し込む。 Akguney という小さな村を通りかかると英語のとても堪能な紳士が、「この村は100年ほど昔にコーカサス地方からの移民が作った村なんだよ。ロシアに故郷を追い出された人々の末裔の村なんだよ」と話しかけてくれた。教えてもらわなければ、それとは全く気付かずに通り過ぎる所だ。 「今でもトルコ人とは違った文化や習慣を大切にして暮らしているんだ。」……そうな。農業以外にこれといった産業もない荒涼とした大地の中にポツンとある小さな村で、自分たちのアイデンティティを守りながら強く生きているのだな、と考えさせられた。 Beilikova の町で自動車修理工場でお茶をごちそうになる。そして、町中の食堂で昼食をして食料品を買う。 町の出口で道路工事中のおじさん達に手招きされたので近寄ってみると、昼食中だった。君らも食べていけ、と誘ってくれるので、満腹だけど、ゆでたまご、チーズ、煮豆、ブドウの葉巻きライスなどをごちそうになる。 残り物やピデ(厚焼きホットケーキ風パン)などをお土産にまで頂き、ボクらはご機嫌になった。(一成) ========================== なぜ、ふたりはこれほど長い時間旅を続けられたのだろう? そんな疑問に応える待望の旅行記を書籍でお楽しみください。 . タンデム自転車世界一周(1997~2007年) 10年間、88ヶ国・105,805km走破の紀行本は、幻冬舎文庫からの2冊が現在も販売中です。 . ●『88ヶ国ふたり乗り自転車旅』 ~北米・オセアニア・南米・アフリカ・欧州編~ 幻冬舎文庫(724円+税) . ●『88ヶ国ふたり乗り自転車旅』 ~中近東・アフリカ・アジア・ふたたび南米編~ 幻冬舎文庫(730円+税) . ●『世界でいちばん長いハネムーン』 ~10年間、88ヶ国をめぐるタンデム自転車の旅~ 風濤社 2010年発刊(単行本) . 宇都宮一成・トモ子著 . . STORY 自転車オタクのオトコ、自転車にほとんど乗れないオンナ、そんな二人が、ちょっと長めの新婚旅行をすることに。オトコは終わりのない「本物の旅」をしたいと意気込み、オンナはすぐ帰れると思っていたのだが…。二人乗り自転車で旅をした、オトコとオンナの珍道中。 . #tandembike #tandembicycle #tandembiketour #bicycle #biketour #biketouring #aroundtheworld #worldbycycling #自転車旅行 #世界一周 #タンデム自転車 #自転車世界一周 #世界でいちばん長いハネムーン #宇都宮さんちのタンデム自転車世界一周の旅 #88ヶ国ふたり乗り自転車旅 #宇都宮一成 #宇都宮トモ子 -59-中近東②009(0219.jpg-59-中近東②008(0219.jpg

4/27/2024, 7:43:19 AM

大家平安! 凌晨2:00多還在玩電腦準備要睡覺時警報聲大響, 我拿起手機看幾級地震結果是4級, 一邊闔上筆電一邊螢幕拍照一邊叫家人趕快起來, 然後我跟我阿母就在說地震的事情, 原本以為沒事了我要回房間關燈, 正當我躺下開啟小夜燈地震警報又響了, 我直接穿上外出衣物背上包包到客廳躺著, 阿母也背上包包跟我在客廳聊天。 後來她餓了到廚房熱了豆漿喝, 期間貓孫兒們貌似也嚇到了,一直在貓房裡發出聲音, 我也在注意餘震,準備萬一搖很大影響安全時趕快放牠們出來。 我在客廳躺到天亮都沒睡著(其實後來睡著了)。 6:00我才上樓回房睡到11:00。 平常我都會關心地震的發生及報導, 最近日本漫畫家たつき諒的“我所看到的未來”讓我很在意, 因為前面她預言的15個當中已經有12.5個已經應驗了, 接下來跟我們台灣比較有關的則是明年7月15日即將發生的大海嘯, 有人說預言的事情不要太在意, 我也且看且走了, 說是地震防患未然但說真的也是防不勝防。 只能自求多福了! 剛才熱完車回來,這幾天還會下雨, 極端氣候已經開始影響人們的生活了。 #biketouring #touring #motorcycle #bikes #tabi #yamahabikes #yamahafzr #yamaha #fzr #バイクの日 #バイク男子 #バイクが好きだ #ハイク #旧車 #旧車バイク #貓 #ねこ #ねこすたぐらむ #ねこのいる生活

4/27/2024, 7:39:22 AM

Le bonheur de pédaler dans les paysagesontegneux dé Shikoku. On y va en dilettante au gré des rivières #biketrip #biketravel #nomadfamily #cyclingadventures #barouderenfamille #travelwithkids #voyagerautrement #voyagerenfamille #slowtravel #biketouring #parentsvoyageurs

4/27/2024, 7:30:42 AM

# #nightphotography # #bikeracee# #bikelifestyle # #luxarylife # #bikeride # #biketurning # #biketouring .. . . . ...... . . .. # #r15v3modified # #r15v3 ...........

4/27/2024, 7:23:01 AM

ついについについに冬期間預けていたバイクを引き取って来ました~❗ 嬉しくて市内大廻りして帰ろうと思ったけど革上下はさすがに暑かった、信号で止まる度に汗が・・・挫折して最短で帰宅。近年カスタムらしきものをしてないのでステッカー貼ってみました。 #biketouring #bike #yamahavmax1200 #yamaha #yamahavmax #バイクのある景色 #バイクが好きだ #バイク #バイクカスタム #北海道 #春がきた #バイクのある人生 #バイク好き #bikelife

4/27/2024, 7:12:40 AM

VERTHA 🚴‍♂️ #bikeride #bike #biketouring #bikelover #bikelife

4/27/2024, 7:12:06 AM

Now it´s your part😂😂 Remember to like and follow 📸Credit: @saddle_sniffa ⛔ I don't take credit for this post. DM me if u want to be tagged or the post to be removed . Follow @cyclists_friends for more cycling memes😉 . . Tags: ____________________ #cyclingfun #cyclingphotos #cyclinglove #cyclinglifeisgood #roadbike #cyclinglife #cyclingsociety #mtb #cyclelife #cyclingrace #cyclingroad #cyclingworld #cyclingshots #cyclingtrip #biketouring #cyclestyle #cyclingscenes #cyclingselfie

4/27/2024, 6:19:07 AM

When going on a trip, one of the best parts is trying new foods and the Versailles bike tour provides the perfect opportunity to stop at Versailles Market Square and sample local products. 🍓🍆🍒🍌🍉🍰🍇🍪🧀🧀🧀 #versailles #biketouring #tourleader #tourism

4/27/2024, 6:15:33 AM

生平第一次走上靜安橋😁 走過路過不知道都幾次了,卻一直沒有走進來過😋 剛好成就解鎖這天是桐花季節,又是週末, 十分老街上放天燈的人還真多~😀 #CB300R #本田重機 #平溪 #靜安橋 #桐花季 #基平隧道 #瑞濱隧道 #深澳漁港 #爆炒一番 #象鼻岩 #水豚君 #八斗子 #和平島 #正濱漁港 #彩色街屋 #寶莉髮廊 #重機旅遊 #重機旅行 #機車旅遊 #機車旅行 #公路旅行 #重機vlog #鍋巴老師 #騎車巴 #biker #biketouring #바이크여행 #バイクが好きだ

4/27/2024, 5:54:27 AM

A little bit of Thailand by bike #biketouring #thailand #worldbybike34 #worldbycycling #cycling #traveling

4/27/2024, 5:49:20 AM

- WHY? Teka, an Ethiopian immigrant who was eking out a living from a small Spaza shop built inside a container, simply uttered out this one word when he saw my loaded bicycle. I have to admit that I prefer the equally common "what is your mission?", "what are you fundraising for?" or "where is your car?". At least I have straightforward answers to those, but this is one I hardly have figured out myself, let alone give a satisfactory answer on the fly on the side of the road... In a way, as impossible to answer as in a 100-word postcard. -------------------------- 🇫🇷 POURQUOI ? Teka, un immigrant éthiopien qui gagnait modestement sa vie dans une petite boutique construite à l'intérieur d'un conteneur, a simplement prononcé ce mot lorsqu'il m'a vu débarquer de mon vélo chargé. Je dois admettre que je préfère les questions tout aussi fréquentes : "quelle est ta mission ?", "pour quelle cause collectes-tu des fonds ?" ou "où est ta voiture ?". Au moins, j'ai des réponses simples à ces questions, mais celle-là, j'ai du mal à y répondre moi-même et encore moins à y répondre de manière satisfaisante à la volée sur le bord de la route... En quelque sorte, tout aussi impossible que d’y répondre dans une carte postale d’une centaine de mots. #worldbycycling #worldbybike #bicycletouring #bicycletour #biketouring #biketour #cycletouring #bicycletrip #bikewander #adventurecycling #biketravel #bicyclenomad #explorebybike #travelblogger #travelblog #TravelMoments #MyTravelStory #littlestoriesofmylife #travelstories #TravelWithMe #traveldiaries #postcardsfromtheedge #postcardsfromtheworld #postcards #misadventure #solotraveldiaries #solotravelstories #southafricatravel #travelsouthafrica #mpumalanga

4/27/2024, 5:03:33 AM

Stopi 🎃👻 _____ . Follow :: @mr_striker_devil #v3 #v3modified #v3lovers #r15v3 #v3riders #v3 #r15 #r15v4 #r15V3 #bike #biker #bikelovers #bikelife #biketouring #modifiedcars #modifiedbikes #mo difiedsocietyy #trendingreels #reels #daily

4/27/2024, 4:59:08 AM

Salimos de la ciudad de Piura para subir las montañas 🌄 y apesar de que fue una ruta dura, se logró llegar a los 2.700 msnm! 💪 Pedalear con las nubes es de lo mejor en rutas 💚 Comparte y siguenos a pedalear la vida, 🚵🌍🏞️🏝️🌄 @bas_enbici #viajerosporcolombia #ecuador #peru #lavidaenbici #biciviajerosporlemundo #cicloturismo #basenbici #cicloviajerosporsuramerica #viajarenbici #biker #bicicleta #biketravelofficial #worldbybike34 #worldbycycling #cyclingphotos #cicloviajantes #cycleplanet #biketouring #dreamofcycling #storytime #nomada #viajero #enbiciporperú

4/27/2024, 4:30:00 AM

“Officially” started the Southern Tier this morning! The route really starts at the dog beach in San Diego, so the last couple days were just a prologue. First real speed bump of the trip: my tire must be going through puberty because it has an enormous zit. Luckily I think I’ve got one or two fixes in the works. Time for a drink! #thesupplelife #toosupple #biketouring #southerntier

4/27/2024, 4:12:34 AM

🧧𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙔.. 🧧 . #bikergram . #bikelovers . #biker . #biketouring . #bikelifestyle ... 🧧

4/27/2024, 3:45:42 AM

Thank you for watching Please like if you like it 🙋‍♂️👍 Couple phot best shot📸 partner:@sr2000alc phot by:@md2x_rexha TAG………………………………………………………………………………………… #yzfr1 #yzfr1m #yzfr7 #yzfr25 #yzfr3 #yzfr6 #yamaha #yamahar1 #yamahabikes #motorcycle #instamoto #bikersbakery #boysbike #bikersofinstagram #instamotorcycle #bikelife #bikelovers #biker #biketouring #scproject #shoei #couple #couples #バイク男子 #バイク乗りと繋がりたい #バイク写真部 #バイクライフ #カップルフォト

4/27/2024, 3:12:20 AM

🇯🇵 went to Kyoto stayed in a hotel for a couple of night to refresh ate a quails egg inside an octopus walked around some shries and got annoyed at the amount of people then left. back on the saddle for the next leg towards the shimanami kaido . . . . #bikepacking #biketouring #japan #traveljapan #kyoto #inari

4/27/2024, 3:08:48 AM

Pack your bags, get your bike and come ride on Vancouver Island! We love riding the country roads, gravel tracks and rail trails that cover the island. Come experience them for yourself on one of our custom self-guided tours. . #bikepacking #britishcolumbia #travel #nature #adventure #gravelbike #bicycletravel #rideyourbike #enjoyeverymile #adventurebybike #cycletouring #canada #camping #community #gravel #bikes #mountains #explore #allbodiesonbikes #beautifulbc #biketouring #spring #mountainbiking #fun #bikepacking_inspiration #explorecowichan #explorevictoria #friends

4/27/2024, 2:00:09 AM

Left London today! Long 1st day. Off to harwich, tomorrow to take overnight ferry to Holland. #charitybikeride #sueryder #biketouring #biketour #charitybiketour #jesse_on_a_bike

4/27/2024, 1:16:13 AM

Run♬ #harleydavidson #harley #xlh #xlh900 #vintagestyle #vintagebike #bikegirl #biketouring #ironsports #ハーレーダビッドソン #ハーレー女子 #バイク女子 #バイクツーリング

4/27/2024, 12:47:33 AM

Bro forgot the n+1 formula 📸Credit: @foundcycling_ ⛔ I don't take credit for this post. DM me if u want to be tagged or the post to be removed . Follow @justacyclingpage for more cycling memes😉 . . Tags: ____________________ #cyclist #cyclingculture #cyclinglove #cyclingphotos #cyclingtraining #cyclingfitness #outsideisfree #bikewander #cyclingroutes #biketouring

4/27/2024, 12:24:15 AM

We always feel honored when one of our guests returns for a second tour. I got the good fortune to hang out with Peter a few years ago, and I'm looking forward to meeting him again this summer! #Alaskabike #BicycleAlaska #Alaska #Bike #Bicycle #Cycling #Adventure #Nature #Fitness #Fun #Wilderness #Mountains #Vacation #Hike #Hiking #Active #BikeTour #BikeTours #BikeTouring #BicycleTouring #BicycleTours #bicycletouringpro

4/27/2024, 12:20:09 AM

🤌🏾😮‍💨 Seguir nois aí z 🥺❤️ . . . . #graudichava abc #grauéartesp #exploring #explodiu #relsinstagram #grauévida #bikelife #biketouring #bikestyle #graumonstro #bhenois #suicidakm #suicidadebike

4/26/2024, 11:55:01 PM

Temos Varias Bicicletas para você, Feminino ou masculino e infantil. Garanta sua Bike e tenha uma vida mais Saudável! @pinheirobikeclube_oficial designer by: @davinsestudio Venha em nossa loja! Estamos localizados na AV. Tarquínio Lopes, Nº1437/A, Centro. Temos Oficina em nossa Loja! #PedalCiclo #BikeDosSonhos #cyclist #cycling #bikelife #roadbikes #cyclingculture #cyclist #amopedalar #rotadaluz #lovebike #biketour #mundociclismo bikepacking #biketouring #cycletouring #bikepackingbrasil

4/26/2024, 11:21:55 PM

📣 Get ready for wheels, jokes, and plenty of spokes! Our funny bike tees are here to make you laugh while you pedal. 🤣🚲 Don't wait! Click the link in bio @cyclingdailypage and get your dose of humor today! 😄 ____________________ Gear up with our cycling t-shirts, proudly made in the USA! 🇺🇸🚴‍♀️ #cyclingshots #cyclist #roadbike #cyclingfitness #cyclingworld #biketouring #cyclingroutes

4/26/2024, 11:16:48 PM

📣 Get ready for wheels, jokes, and plenty of spokes! Our funny bike tees are here to make you chuckle while you pedal. 🤣🚲 Don't wait! Click the link in bio @just_a_cycling_page and get your dose of humor today! 😄 #bicycle #cyclelife #cyclingsociety #roadbike #cyclinglifeisgood #biketouring #cyclingrace #cyclingselfie #cyclinglifeisawesome #cyclingquotes

4/26/2024, 11:10:51 PM

O grupo Morada do Sol MTB esteve hj em reunião na Secretaria de Trânsito e Transporte e Mobilidade de Araraquara com o secretário Nilson Carneiro e secretário Alexandre da secretaria de Assuntos de Segurança Pública do Município, tratando de assuntos referentes ao ciclismo e apoio, futuramente novidades. @margaretetransporteescolar @radicalbikegalerashow @tribo_dos_peba @grupo_de_ciclismo_hard @giromtbararaquara @giro.bikecafe @bikers_mtb_team @pacocas.mtb @piratasdopedalararaquara @chamamaeoficial ongbikers @lojaduckbike @nacionalbikes @querobike @consertabike_araraquara @bikescanetao @sabinobikes #passeiodebike #trilhasdebike #cicloturismo #eusouciclista #biketouring #bikelife #mtbararaquara #mtblife #mtblife#mtbgirl @nanico.bikeshop @vaiquemquer2022 @soaresbikecenter @4nutrihealth

4/26/2024, 11:10:18 PM

O mandril Lezyne ABS-1 PRO é conhecido por sua durabilidade lendária, design ergonômico e invertível compatível com Presta e Schrader e rosqueamento para engate seguro e confiável de alto fluxo. . COMO: 1. Certifique-se brevemente de que o núcleo da válvula esteja apertado com a ferramenta de remoção do núcleo da válvula integrada, 2. Rosqueie o mandril compatível, evite apertar demais, 3. Bombeie a roda até a pressão desejada, 4. Pressione o botão ABS para sangrar a pressão da mangueira antes da remoção (Nota* O botão ABS libera a pressão do pneu para ajuste preciso da pressão nas válvulas Schrader) 5. Remova o mandril. #Lezyne #engineereddesign #gps #bikegps #bike #mtb #mountainbike #ciclismo #racing #mtblove #rideconfident #Commute #ebike #biketrekking #biketouring #cycling

4/26/2024, 11:08:41 PM

Little bike tour of Zion NP before heading home Got hit by a bit of rain but only added to the magic of this park #zionnationalpark #biketouring #redrocks #landscapephotography #landscape #studentathlete

4/26/2024, 11:07:48 PM

Day 715 .  Yesterday we did an event on Western Sahara together with Climate Strike in Bern and today we did one in Zürich at Rotefabrik together with SUKS. .  Every day between the biking we are either doing events or organizing them. Everything to raise awareness about the biggest colony in the world, Western Sahara #bike4westernsahara 🇪🇭🚴🏽‍♀️ #biketouring #bikepacking #switzerland  #westernsahara #saharabarat #saharaoccidental #Västsahara #الصحراءالغربية  #bikewander #travelbybike #biketour #worldbybike #bikepacking #adventurecycling #biketravel #solidarityrising #cycletouring #bicycletouring #worldbycycling

4/26/2024, 11:05:43 PM

There’s just something about Vermont, ever sense I did the VT long trail I’m just amazed at the mountains and the people that live there , I absolutely can’t wait to be in Vermont again in September on the VTXL route #vtlongtrail #longtrail #thruhike #lt2022 #vtxl #bikepacking #biketouring #comebacktour2024 #amputee #amputeestrong #humanpoweredmovement #cycling #bikelife #bikepackinginspiration #townshirt #redshiftsports #ethirteen @fabtechsystems @poseidonbike

4/26/2024, 11:00:34 PM

O grupo Morada do Sol MTB esteve hj em reunião na Secretaria de Trânsito e Transporte e Mobilidade de Araraquara com o secretário Nilson Carneiro e secretário Alexandre da secretaria de Assuntos de Segurança Pública do Município, tratando de assuntos referentes ao ciclismo e apoio, futuramente novidades. @margaretetransporteescolar @radicalbikegalerashow @tribo_dos_peba @grupo_de_ciclismo_hard @giromtbararaquara @giro.bikecafe @bikers_mtb_team @pacocas.mtb @piratasdopedalararaquara @chamamaeoficial ongbikers @lojaduckbike @nacionalbikes @querobike @consertabike_araraquara @bikescanetao @sabinobikes #passeiodebike #trilhasdebike #cicloturismo #eusouciclista #biketouring #bikelife #mtbararaquara #mtblife #mtblife#mtbgirl @nanico.bikeshop @vaiquemquer2022 @soaresbikecenter @4nutrihealth

4/26/2024, 10:59:53 PM

I know what i have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it 📸Credit: @dailybikememe ⛔ I don't take credit for this post. DM me if u want to be tagged or the post to be removed . Follow for more cycling memes😉 . . Tags: #bicycle #cyclinglove #cyclingsunday #cyclingculture #roadbike #cyclingphotos #cyclingshots #cyclist #ridebikes #cyclinglifeisawesome #cyclingrace #cyclingtravel #cyclingfitness #cyclingroutes #cyclingsport #cyclingloveit #biketouring #bikewander

4/26/2024, 10:20:03 PM

Meals on the road #vanlifebutonabike #owlsmovingcastle #biketouring #bikepacking

4/26/2024, 9:24:44 PM

Là je m'apprête à pousser mon vélo dans la neige sur 5 km de nuit. Je viens alors de terminer l'ascension du col de Goderdzi à 2025 m d'altitude après 25 km de route de gravier et de pierre. Est-ce que c'était une bonne journée ? Bien sûr que oui ! #voyageavelo #biketouring #bikewander #biketravel #mountains #snow #pass #goderdzi #georgia #sakartvelo

4/26/2024, 9:08:06 PM

Per eclissare la realtà quotidiana serve cambiare la frequenza ottica , renderla implacabile, sfiorando altitudini contrapposte come se fossimo condannati ad esagerare. In bici succede proprio questo. Una sorta di divinità emerge, sfiorando i limiti che moltiplicano sensazioni e colori. Una proliferazione di luce e sangue che attraversa vene e confini. Tutto ciò che , in sintesi, vorremmo. Da Tirana a Qeparo costeggiando il mare: 1 tappa: Tirana - Divjake 2 tappa: Divjake - Orikum 3 tappa: Orikum - Qeparo. . . . #cicloturismo #biketour #bikelife #bikegirl #ridingforchange #datiranaadateneinbici #albania #albaniabybike #bikelifestyle #bikephotography #biketouring

4/26/2024, 9:03:06 PM

You already know I "need" it 📸Credit: @kienko29 ⛔ I don't take credit for this post. DM me if u want to be tagged or the post to be removed . Follow @funnycyclingclub for more cycling memes😉 . . Tags: ____________________ #cyclingcommunity #cyclingadventures #cyclinglove #cyclingsunday #cyclingpics #cyclingmotivation #cyclinglifeisgood #cyclingtrip #cyclingshots #bikewander #cyclingholidays #biketouring #cyclingselfie #cyclingsport

4/26/2024, 9:01:22 PM

"Launching into the rhythm of life on two wheels! 🚴‍♂️🎶 As I pedal through scenic paths and bustling streets, each turn of the crank syncs perfectly with the beats in my ears. Join me as I explore the harmony between cycling and music, embracing the freedom of the open road and the endless playlist of life. Let's ride to the rhythm together! #BikeAndTune #bikingAdventures #MusicIsLife #bikeandbeats #newmusic #bikersofinstagram #musiclover #musicaaovivo #motobike #instabike #musically #music #musicman #roadbike #biketouring #musica #bikelife #experimentalmusic #goodmusic #musicvideo #bike #musicaboa #instamusic #livemusic

4/26/2024, 8:48:58 PM

WE BIKED FOR 6 MONTHS IN SOUTH AFRICA 🥳 Let’s discuss the country's reputation for crime… Yes, it’s here, and yes, it can be dangerous. The good news is that crime is confined to localised areas, making it easy to avoid. As a result, we were never threatened or robbed and felt safe 99.99% of the time. Small towns are usually quite safe, but cities contain lots of roads and suburbs to avoid. Make sure to ask the local people where to go, and where to avoid, and it’s unlikely you’ll have any problems. 👍🏻 The off-road biking adventures in the country feel endless. There are dirt tracks in every direction and the backdrops are unbelievably dramatic! We couldn’t believe the places we got to bike and camp through - it was a new adventure every day. 💎 South Africa is home to some of the most pristine environments on Earth, and the national parks are truly epic places. Kruger is famous for a reason: the sheer scale, raw beauty, and diversity of animals are incredible. But the dozen other NPs we visited were virtually as good, including Table Mountain! If you want your mind blown by rare plants and their unique adaptations, visit Richtersveld, the only arid biodiversity hotspot on earth! If you’re into good food and wine, you will be in heaven in South Africa. The region around Cape Town is where to take your taste buds on a date - it’s a foodie's dream. The best wines we sampled were in Stellenbosch. Don’t miss a trip to Lesotho, the landlocked country in South Africa, as it has a completely different culture and traditions. The entire country is at altitude, with great views everywhere, and the Basotho people ride around on horses wearing blankets! What’s not to like? And lastly, South Africa has a dark history that is worth understanding. We honestly couldn’t believe the depths of the institutionalised racial segregation that ended just 30 years ago. You will still find that racism permeates society, with many kindhearted, well-meaning locals completely clueless about their racism. But it’s best to remind yourself of the beliefs these people were taught from a young age - if this was your worldview for a long time, you too might still think this way. 🤷‍♂️

4/26/2024, 7:00:03 PM