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#food #travel #sports #news #june #saturday

Celebrate Teen Self-Esteem Month with Mindspan! Discover the importance of self-esteem, practical tips for boosting confidence, and how parents can support their teens. ㅤ Download the Mindspan app today for more top tips and resources to help your teen thrive! ㅤ #TeenSelfEsteem #SelfEsteem #Belief #Confidence #MindsetMatters #Mindspan

5/28/2024, 10:00:25 AM

Exciting News for GATE Data Science and AI Aspirants! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our comprehensive and FREE Probability and Statistics course for GATE DA on our YouTube channel, MindSpan! #Mindspan #gate2025 #datascience #ai #probability #statistics #freecourse #education #gateda #GateDatascienceAI #DSAI

5/24/2024, 6:24:00 AM

May 2024 Cohort COMPLETE ✅ It’s been an awesome 4 days with our new Mindspan Consultants beginning their training journey and going through the initial in person development phase - our Peak Performance Mind Programme 🧠 This cohort marked the first delivery with our new Mindspan App - we had people travel from all different places in the UK, and even one of our delegates attended virtually from Spain! We’re entering a new and exciting era at Mindspan, and meeting the delegates this week excites us for how driven, passionate and focussed they all are. Welcome to the team: • Sammy @samanthaseaman_coach • Steve Chadwick • Ricky Martin • Olanda @olandalove Thanks to @gavindrake62 @_em.fletcher and Steve Eastaugh for their work over the last 4 days too - we can safely say it was a success 👏🏼 #Mindspan #Mindset #coach #trainer #personaldevelopment #MindsetMatters

5/23/2024, 7:50:13 PM

Today, on World Meditation Day, we at Mindspan invite you to discover the transformative power of meditation. As an essential component of personal development and wellbeing, meditation offers a multitude of benefits for your mindset and overall mental health. ㅤ Enhancing Mindset: Meditation cultivates a positive and resilient mindset by training your brain to focus and stay calm under pressure. Regular practice can reduce negative thinking and promote a balanced, optimistic outlook on life. By fostering mindfulness, meditation helps you stay present and effectively cope with stress and adversity. ㅤ Promoting Personal Development: Meditation enhances self-awareness, encouraging introspection and understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. This awareness leads to better decision-making, increased emotional intelligence, and a deeper understanding of yourself, paving the way for meaningful personal growth. ㅤ Boosting Wellbeing: Meditation promotes relaxation and reduces stress by lowering cortisol levels and increasing serotonin and endorphins—natural mood lifters. It improves mood, reduces anxiety, enhances emotional stability, improves sleep quality, lowers blood pressure, and boosts immune function. ㅤ #Mindspan #Meditation #Wellbeing #TopTips #MindsetMatters

5/21/2024, 10:00:16 AM

❌ "I WOULDN'T INVEST IN COACHING; THERE'S NO TANGIBLE ROI" ❌ Yeah, ok. So it's not a product you're going to be able to TRACK an ROI from. But does that mean it lacks ROI, or could it be that its returns are so varied and profound that they defy easy measurement? Here are just 3 of the many benefits I personally gained from coaching: ✅ Increased Confidence: I learned how to coach myself through those "I can't do this" moments. It empowered me to embrace change fearlessly, resulting in transformative improvements in my life. ✅ Purpose: I got some. Lots, in fact. I fully assessed my personal values and priorities, enabling me to align my actions and decisions with who I am at my core. Result: my life is more enjoyable and I'm helping others in the process. ✅ Improved Relationships: I saved the best till last here. My relationships with my husband and my children have (and continue to) blossomed. Crucially, my relationship with myself has dramatically improved. I've learned self-compassion and healthier thought patterns, growing my resilience and leading to profound personal growth. So, could the above provide a return in my professional life? You can bet your bottom dollar it does 💵 Am I constantly in a state of joy and confidence? Of course not - I'm only human. Coaching has equipped me with the tools to recognise (and deal with) moments of self-doubt or negativity. As one of my mentors says; "90% of transformation is awareness - the other 10% is making a different choice." Yet, the most invaluable lesson? Coaching reshaped my perception of what's achievable, transforming "I could never do that" into "That's entirely possible for me." And that, my friends, is truly priceless 🤑 Oh, I should probably mention that we do actually track results at Mindspan using the Mindspan Competency Inventory (MCI). All of my clients get free MCI's throughout the time we work together, to enable them to track their progress. #coaching #personaldevelopment #ROI #transformation #selfbelief #franchising #confidence #businessowner #mindspan #relationships #investment #investorsinpeople #IIP

3/26/2024, 11:00:19 AM

Had the best day with the #lingotot gang today in sunny Newcastle 💖💖 Ang sure knows how to throw a party! Thank you so much for sharing your time and energy with me today, ladies 😘 #lingototagm24 #conference #keynotespeaker #wellbeing #mindspan #psychology @lingotot

3/16/2024, 11:38:36 PM

🎯 Ready to unlock your full potential and step into 2024 as the best version of yourself? 💪 ㅤ Join us at the Mindspan Open Programme from the 4th to 6th of December in the peaceful setting of Norfolk. 📆 Over three immersive days, we will guide you through our unique Mindspan Performance framework, The Triad™, along with valuable insights from the world of performance psychology. 🧠 ㅤ This isn't just another seminar. It's an opportunity to explore, learn and grow. Each day is filled with engaging activities, thought-provoking exercises and interactive discussions that will inspire you to step outside of your comfort zone and reach new heights. 🚀 ㅤ Prepare to uncover powerful insights about yourself, learn how to optimise your mindset for success, and develop strategies to handle stress, overcome challenges and enhance your performance in all aspects of life. ㅤ At a cost of £995 + VAT, this investment in your personal and professional development could be the game-changer you've been waiting for! 💼 ㅤ Don't miss out on this chance to transform your life. Book your spot now and start your journey towards becoming the BEST version of yourself! 🌟 ㅤ MORE INFORMATION: mind-span.co.uk or email [email protected]#personaldevelopment #trainingcourse #personalgrowth #psychology #mindset #mindspan #peakperformance

11/17/2023, 9:01:14 AM

Excited to be chatting to Nicci Stewart today on her "Changing Perspectives" podcast. At 1pm CAT/CET, we are going live to discuss my 7 Natural Laws of Longevity. Some laws are one's you'd expect like Nutrition, Movement, and Rest. Others might surprise you. Tune in to Nicci Stewart on LinkedIn, YouTube, or Facebook to catch our Live. #niccistewart #changingperspectives #longevitylaws #healthspan #mindspan #joyspan

11/2/2023, 6:01:24 AM

Mindspan is your gateway to reaching new heights in various aspects of life. Whether you're an organisation striving to maximise employee performance, an individual looking to enhance personal growth, or part of the education sector seeking transformation, we have the solutions for you. ㅤ Mindspan for Businesses: Is your organisation getting the best out of its people? Whatever your performance challenges, we have the training and coaching tools to help you fulfil your performance potential. ㅤ Mindspan for Individuals: Want to get more out of life by getting more out of yourself? You’re in the right place if you are looking for a personal development coach or would like to attend one of our inspiring public training events. ㅤ Mindspan in Education: Do you work within the education sector or a school? We work in partnership to develop a whole school agenda using research-based practices, meaning all stakeholders engage to instigate change. ㅤ Join us in this transformative journey. Work with us and become a Mindspan Coach today! Continue with this link - https://gh891b0admr.typeform.com/to/ciQAuXC2 ㅤ #MindspanCoaching #Mindspan #Coaching #LicenseCoach #BecomeACoach #PersonalDevelopment #BusinessGrowth #EducationalTraining #Training #ProfessionalDevelopment

10/26/2023, 10:40:44 AM

Become a Licensed Mindspan Coach today and welcome to the world of possibility and career and personal growth. In this post we explained the 6 Reasons Why Mindspan is the Perfect Option For You. ㅤ If you're looking to upskill and maximise value for yourself, your team, or your organisation, then look no further. ㅤ Partnering with us could be the perfect option for you. Becoming a Mindspan coach gives you the chance to transform lives, including your own. Here at Mindspan, you'll have access to expert training, support, and tools that will help you hone your skills as a coach and achieve your goals. ㅤ Start your journey with us through this link - https://gh891b0admr.typeform.com/to/ciQAuXC2 ㅤ #Mindspan #Psychology #MindspanTriad #coach #careerdevelopment #professionaldevelopment #professional #trainer #mindspan #selfdevelopment #personaldevelopment #licensedcoach #coachlicensing #becomeacoach

10/24/2023, 10:15:22 AM

Why do some people get more out of life than others? Why do some people handle challenges better? Why are some people happier than others? Why are some people more successful than others? ㅤ These are the questions we asks ourselves. 🤔💭 ㅤ At Mindspan, we believe we work differently to other Personal Development and Training Organisations. Our team has always been very curious about finding answers to these questions. ㅤ In the 1990’s our founder, Gavin Drake formally started his journey towards answering these questions and over the years his findings have repeatedly taken him into the fields of psychology, thinking, mindset and attitude. ㅤ So, after concluding that the most important factor for any of us in life is what’s going on in our head he set about creating the Mindspan Triad. This is a framework of 3 Psychologies and 9 Competencies that are the foundation for all of our coaching and training work with our clients. ㅤ Let's dive deep in this post about our Mindspan Triad. ㅤ #Mindspan #Psychology #MindspanTriad #MentalStrength #TheMindspanTriad #MindsetTraining #Coaching #belief #focus #coachlicensing

10/19/2023, 10:15:17 AM

In today's ever-changing and multicultural workplace, empathy has become more crucial than ever before. It's not just a soft skill anymore; it's an essential skill for career development and job satisfaction. ㅤ At Mindspan we believe that empathy is a fundamental component of effective communication, leadership, conflict resolution, fostering diversity, and building trust. ㅤ In this post, we'll dive deeper into how empathy can enhance your career and transform the way you work. You'll learn practical tips and strategies that you can use to unleash the power of empathy and revolutionise your workplace experience. If you're looking to take your career to the next level, then this post is a must-read for you. ㅤ #Mindspan #Psychology #Empathy #Influence #Workplace #WorkplaceCulture #Career #CareerDevelopment

10/17/2023, 10:15:17 AM

🧠💪 At Mindspan, we believe that working on your psychology is key to unlocking your full potential. ㅤ Why? Because by understanding and managing our thoughts and emotions, we can overcome personal challenges, reduce anxiety, and enhance concentration. This is not just about achieving professional goals, but also about improving our overall quality of life. ㅤ In fact, studies show that individuals who engage in positive psychological activities experience greater happiness and satisfaction in their work. They are more resilient, have better stress management techniques, and a healthier perspective of self and one's abilities. ㅤ So whether you're an athlete aiming for peak performance or a professional striving for success, remember: Your mind is your most powerful tool. Harness its power and see the transformation in your personal performance. 🚀 ㅤ Remember, a healthy mind leads to a healthy life! ㅤ #Mindspan #Psychology #PersonalPerformance #MentalStrength

10/12/2023, 10:15:14 AM

Happy Teacher's Day! At Mindspan, we celebrate #WorldTeachersDay and we developed a learning tools for children like our Mini Mind Programme to help our Teachers and schools. ㅤ "Children are our future and we want to give them the tools to be confident, clear and conscious in their own thinking, so they can live happy, fulfilled lives." -Says our Founder, Gavin Drake. ㅤ The Mini Mind Programme is designed for Key Stage 1&2 children to understand how they think about themselves, life, and the world around them. The programme has 12 hours of learning and support tasks across the following nine competencies: ㅤ Self – Focus, Belief, Responsibility Life – Attitude, Purpose, Clarity World – Emotion, Empathy, Influence ㅤ The aim of the programme is to empower children to take responsibility for their actions and choices, provide greater understanding of how their mind works and consider the relationships around them. ㅤ Find out more with this link: mind-span.co.uk/mini-mind/ ㅤ #WorlTeachersDay #MiniMind #school #learnings #childlearning #teachers #learningtools #keylearnings #learningprogramme #kidslearning #teach #coaching #mindspan

10/5/2023, 10:15:14 AM

Calling all aspiring coaches. We are now expanding our team and on boarding aspiring Coaches & Trainers to become licensed in the Mindspan principles. ㅤ Here are the 3 Reasons To Become A Mindspan Coach... and there's a BONUS Reason - Our bespoke Intellectual Property (i.e the Mindspan Triad & Tools) ㅤ Whether you’re looking for full time or part time opportunities, we offer flexible solutions to suit you. There are 3 tiers, each designed for you to progress or specialise at your chosen level. ㅤ BOOK A CALL WITH US and become a Licensed Mindspan Coach just by continuing with this link - https://gh891b0admr.typeform.com/to/ciQAuXC2 ㅤ #coach #careerdevelopment #professionaldevelopment #professional #trainer #mindspan #selfdevelopment #personaldevelopment #licensedcoach #coachlicensing #minspantriad #becomeacoach

10/3/2023, 10:15:06 AM

Sometimes, all it takes is a little boost in self-belief to supercharge your concentration. Here are 7 scientifically proven tips to enhance your concentration and helps you with your focus! From mindful meditation to staying hydrated, these strategies are your path to peak productivity. Let us know what you think! ㅤ #concentration #focus #productivity #workproductivity #selfbelief #belief #mindsettraining #mindbodyhealth #mindfulnesstraining #psychologicaltraining #mindsetdevelopmenttraining #mindspan

9/26/2023, 10:15:20 AM

It’s been amazing being back in the uk over the last few weeks. My trip started better than I could have ever imagined. I got to spend 3 days at the MindSpan peak performance academy in beautiful Norfolk, learning psychology and the power of the mind with the most wonderful people. I’m extremely grateful to Gavin Drake for giving me the opportunity to take part in this 3 day course, you are a phenomenal coach and truly wonderful human being! I learned so much and I’m really looking forward to implementing what I have learned into my daily practice and eventually qualifying to teach what I have learned. A massive thank you to the lovely @em.drake_ and the @mind.span team I thoroughly enjoyed every minute at the academy and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Much love and appreciation 🙏🏼 #mindspan #peakperformance #connection #belief #responsibility #focus #grace #clarity #purpose #growth #power #control #empowerment #love #grateful

8/11/2023, 3:05:23 PM

Confidence, or more a lack of confidence, is a key driver behind why we may not do something... because we don't believe we can! ㅤ Here's 15 pre-written affirmations you can use to help boost yours! Let us know what you think! ㅤ #positiveaffirmations #affirmations #affirmationoftheday #positivity #mindset #growth #inspiration #goal #confidence #selfcare #selflove #mindsettraining #mindbodyhealth #mindfulnesstraining #psychologicaltraining #mindsetdevelopmenttraining #mindspan

7/24/2023, 10:00:08 AM

🌟 Welcome to Mind-Span! 🌟 🧠 Explore the fascinating world of knowledge and curiosity with us! 🌐 We're thrilled to embark on this journey of discovery, mindfulness, and growth together. 🌿 🎥 Don't miss out on our intriguing YouTube shorts - check out the link in our bio! 🎬 🔍 Join the community of curious minds and let's uncover the wonders of the universe! 🌌💫 #MindSpan #Curiosity #KnowledgeSeekers #Mindfulness #YouTubeShorts

7/22/2023, 5:33:23 PM

Today I was fortunate enough to run 2 @mind.span sessions with Nottingham Uni Sports Department all around ‘how to be your best self’ - what a TOPIC hey?! Each session was 2 hours and we covered a whole host of things to help the team: 1. The Power of Our Thoughts 2. Ways We Focus & How To Improve Our Focus 3. Presenting With Impact Thank you to everyone who attended today and engaged during the sessions - I thoroughly enjoyed it 🥰 Now I’m back from my road trip… it’s time for a chilled evening ❤️ #mindset #mindspan #selfdevelopment #personaldevelopment #performance

6/21/2023, 6:41:17 PM

Our visionary leader, Mr. R Rajan attended India’s largest retail intelligence event - Phygital Retail Convention (PRC). Here he is seen interacting with the dignitaries of the Vardhman Group. @vardhmanamrante @vardhmancitycentre . . . . . . . . #prc2023 #retail #retailindustry #retailtransformtion #india #retailinnovation #indianmarket #retailinnovation #omnichannelretail #retailawards #mindspanbrandcommunication #mindspan #punjab #india

5/25/2023, 2:08:18 PM

Mindspan is elated to have been recognized for the creative contributions to SBP Group. This Award of Appreciation is a great motivation for us to strive for greater things in times to come. We look forward to working together and scale newer heights! @sbpgroup1 . . . . . . . . #mindspanbrandcommunication #mindspan #recognition #award #success #appreciation #clientrecognition #realestate #advertising #marketing #chandigarh #agencylife #punjab #india

5/9/2023, 2:10:02 PM

We hope you find our stress awareness content helpful. Stress harms both your emotional and physical well-being. It limits your capacity to think clearly, work successfully, and have fun. Allow yourself to be happier, healthier, and more productive! #stress #stressawarenessmonth #workstress #workrelatedstress #aprilstressawarenessmonth #stressmanagement #managementstress #stressandanxietymanagement #mindsetdevelopmenttraining #productivity #workproductivity #mindspan

4/29/2023, 10:00:02 AM

Did you know that we waste time every time we get sidetracked? Remembering your most important goal for the day might help you make the most of your time. ㅤ But, how can we better manage our time and avoid distractions? ㅤ #distractions #distractionsandinspirations #nomoredistractions #avoiddistractions #avoidingdistractions #digitaldetox #mentalbreak #mindsetcoaching #mindsetdevelopmenttraining #mindspan

4/25/2023, 10:00:13 AM

Work-life can be stressful, even for those of us who enjoy our jobs and get along with our coworkers and employers. ㅤ Do you want to know how many people in the UK suffer from stress regularly? Take a look at the results of these surveys. ㅤ #worklife #workstress #workrelatedstress #stressawarenessmonth #aprilstressawarenessmonth #stressmanagement #managementstress #stressandanxietymanagement #mindsetdevelopmenttraining #mindspan

4/22/2023, 10:00:13 AM

Archived Big Box PC Game #895 Summer Challenge - MindSpan (3.5 Inch Version) (3.5 Inch Version) #bigboxpcgames #pcgamearchives #bigboxpc #bigboxpcgamescollection #bigboxpcgamecollectors #pcbigbox #summerchallengeaccolade #accoladegames #accoladepcgame #mindspan

4/20/2023, 1:24:47 AM

Archived Big Box PC Game #894 The Games Winter Challenge - MindSpan (3.5 Inch Version) #bigboxpcgames #pcgamearchives #bigboxpc #bigboxpcgamescollection #bigboxpcgamecollectors #pcbigbox #thegameswinterchallenge #accoladegames #accoladepcgame #mindspan

4/20/2023, 1:22:36 AM

Our minds generate all types of thoughts when overworked, and learning to silence your inner monologue is the key to realising the truth and feeling less worried and sad. ㅤ Time for your brain to take a well-earned break! ㅤ #breakfree #breakfromwork #mindfulnesspractice #mindsetcoaching #mindsettraining #mindbodyhealth #mindfulnesstraining #psychologicaltraining #mindsetdevelopmenttraining #mindspan

4/18/2023, 10:00:19 AM

Stress can contribute to emotional problems, depression, panic attacks, and other forms of anxiety and worry. ㅤ Understanding what causes stress is the first step in dealing with it. ㅤ Find out what has been causing the most concern amongst the UK... ㅤ #anxiety #stress #anxietyawareness #depressionawareness #stressawarenessmonth #stressawareness #workrelatedstress #financialstress #mindspan #mindspanuk

4/15/2023, 10:00:12 AM

Archived Big Box PC Game #870 The Games Winter Challenge - MindSpan (5.25 Inch Version) #bigboxpcgames #pcgamearchives #bigboxpc #bigboxpcgamescollection #bigboxpcgamecollectors #pcbigbox #thegameswinterchallenge #accoladegames #accoladepcgame #mindspan

4/14/2023, 11:52:53 PM

Are you feeling stressed at the wheel? You’re not alone. ㅤ According to new research, many people regularly experience stress when driving. If you're a stressed driver, it's a good idea to learn how to manage your stress. ㅤ Read our tips to help keep your stress in check! ㅤ #stressawarenessmonth #driving #stressfree #stressdriving #drivesafe #nationalstressawarenessmonth #stressedout #aprilstressawarenessmonth #mindspan

4/4/2023, 10:29:36 AM

Are you happy? and if not why not?   I believe you can choose the way you think to reach your potential, be successful in all walks of life, plus make yourself more optimistic and happier all round.   Let me prove it to you by reading my latest article in the link in my bio and judge for yourself. . . . . .  #Happiness #Mindset #Selfleadership #Optimism #Leadership #happy #optimistic #highperformance #peakperformance #mindspan

2/21/2023, 12:10:48 PM

This week I have been inspired by the likes of Marcus Rashford and other sporting professionals. This gesture symbolises shutting out the noise and being mentally tougher. My view is to always focus on what you can control to be able to focus on priorities that positively impact your day to day. I see this as a really good trigger for people, as for me it is not what you think about that's important but more 'how' you are thinking about it. Be good to hear other peoples thoughts on this. . . . . #mentalwellbeing #mindset #psycology #focus #peakperformance #trigger #cue #wellness #highperformance #mindspan

2/10/2023, 9:23:55 AM

Humbled by a student today who posted on Linked In and has been to a few of my Mindspan sessions. He shared the positive impact it is having on his imposter syndrome and the confidence it is giving him to push himself outside his comfort zone. . . . . . #mindset #impostersyndrome #mindspan #emotionalintelligence #eq #psychology #personaldevelopment #highperformance #flow #peakperformance

1/27/2023, 5:12:04 PM

Personally I find journaling really useful.   It helps me reflect, get things out of my head plus formulate tasks and goals.   I do it first thing in the morning but not every day. I did find it a little awkward to start with and even if I was doing it right!   I don't believe there is a one size fits all approach to it, but lots of high performing people get massive benefits from doing it.   If you are looking at changing just one thing this year I'd recommend journaling.   Here are a few different techniques that might help you find your style of journaling.   #mindspan #journaling #reflection #goalsetting #mindset #writing #headspace #goals #productivity #newyear @mindspantriad

1/14/2023, 11:15:50 AM

Thank you so much to Carole Burman, and Charlotte Bate and the whole @wearemadhr team for making me feel so welcome earlier this week. I spent an afternoon with them delivering a @mindspantriad Time Management session. We went through Thinking Cycles and What distracts us? As well as the psychology behind that. Then it was onto Time Audits and Productivity grids. There were sone great examples and very good engagement from a top top team. A big shout out to the facilities at IKON Training too, just off the A12 and such good quality. . . . . . #Mindspan #Mindset #HighPerformance #TimeManagement #selfleadership #focus #leadership #HR #motivation #flow #productivity

11/4/2022, 11:46:54 AM

Worries, doubts, and anxieties are a normal part of life and given what is going on in the UK right now can come across as natural. But ‘normal’ worry becomes excessive when it’s persistent and uncontrolled. If you worry every day about “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios, it is difficult to get anxious thoughts out of your head, and it interferes with your daily life. Constant worrying, negative thinking, and always expecting the worst can take a toll on your emotional and physical health. The good news is that conscious thinking and being more present can turn worry into a constructive process. The minute a problem occurs, stop, take a few deep breaths, and ask yourself some of these questions: ▶ What is the evidence that the thoughts I am having are true? ▶ Is there a more positive, realistic way of looking at the situation? ▶ Is what I am thinking about helpful? ▶ How do I want to feel about this? ▶ Is the problem something you’re currently facing real, rather than an imaginary what if? The brain plays tricks on us. ▶ If the problem is an imaginary what if, how likely is it to happen? Are the concerns realistic? ▶ Can you do something about the problem or prepare for it, or is it out of your control? If it is out of your control, then let it go! ▶ If you stop worrying and start thinking of solutions, will this serve you better? In Mindspan terms, we like to think of this as reframing the problem. We do this because a recent study at Penn State University shows that 91% of worries don’t come true. They asked people what they were worried about and checked in 30 days later to see the reality and guess what most people were over worrying as such a low percentage (9%) actually came true. And I challenge anyone today to do the same, write down now all the things that are worrying you, then set a reminder for 30 days’ time to see what the reality is and how many Actually came true. So, the key here is to interrupt the thought process, assess the actual reality so you aren’t tying yourself in knots and coming up with a more positive and tangible process. #mindset #selfleadership #anxiety #positivethinking #mindspan #stress #clarity

10/20/2022, 10:11:49 AM

Your appreciation and advice mean alot to us. We really are fortunate to be able to work with a great BOSS like you. Wish you many many happy returns of the day sir. . . . #happybirthday #birthdaywishes #greatvibesonly #birthdayparty #mindspan #chandigarhblogger

8/17/2022, 1:12:54 PM

Team Mindspan designed compelling brand & marketing collateral for Khetan Swiss Gardens an ideal choice for those who aspire to build a life of ease with excellent amenities in Sector 126, Mohali. . . . . #mindspanbrandcommunication #mindspan #creativestudio #marketing #branding #brandguidance #brandstrategy #advertising #digitalmarketing #brochure #brochuredesign #marketingcollateral #chandigarh #mohali #zirakpur #india #delhi #mumbai #ludhiana #jalandhar #design #residential #realestate

8/4/2022, 7:40:09 AM

Nature Inspired Ad Campaign, Outdoor Hoarding & Standee Creatives for @aerovista_mohali designed by Team Mindspan. . . . . . . . #mindspanbrandcommunication #mindspan #brandguidance #marketing #realestate #chandigarh #mohali #zirakpur #advertising #adagency #designstudio

5/7/2022, 9:49:02 AM

AD campaign & outdoor creative for our client @jubileegroup . . . . . . . #mindspanbrandcommunication #mindspan #brandguidance #marketing #realestate #chandigarh #mohali #zirakpur #advertising #adagency #designstudio

5/2/2022, 10:40:40 AM

Some thoughts by researchers on Psychology Day. #psychology #psychologyday #mindspan #lifespan #connection #lovematters #relationshipessentials #lovechangesthebrain

4/21/2022, 2:13:22 PM

Mindspan designed one-of-its-kind, innovative site branding using different mediums to create brand visibility for the upcoming project "Jubilee Clio" using cost-effective yet environmental – friendly materials to build attention-grabbing, multi-purpose branding which has minimum impact on the environment & its design is inspired by its upcoming façade to maintain sober, exclusive and upmarket scale. @jubileegroup . . . . . . . . #mindspanbrandcommunication #mindspan #brandguidance #marketing #realestate #chandigarh #mohali #zirakpur #sitebranding #projectbranding #tricity #jubileegroup #advertising #advertisingagency #designstudio

4/8/2022, 8:10:33 AM

Panic disorder is a mental health issue that affects 2% of the population in some countries. Today, more than ever, people are undergoing a lot of mental stress, and at Mindspan we wanted to encourage them to slow down, relax, and reach out for help without hesitation. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It's good to be aware of various healthcare tactics and get rid of anything that makes you feel stressed and anxious. . . . . . #worldpanicday #panicattacks #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #wellbeing #mindspan @mindspantriad #health #healthcare #employeewellness

3/9/2022, 12:06:37 PM

Team Mindspan is privileged & overwhelmed in accepting the prestigious award as the “ Most Trusted Partner” by @aerovista_mohali . It is a Proud Moment and exhibits the belief they have in us. Hoping our trust for each other enhances with each passing day & our association continues for years to come. . . . . . . . . #mindspanbrandcommunication #creativestudio #brandguidance #marketing #branding #advertising #realestate #education #retail #industrial #advertisingagency #brand #chandigarh #mohali #panchkula #zirakpur #tricity #punjab #delhi #mumbai #ludhiana #mindspan #work #award #recognition #appreciation

2/26/2022, 12:55:22 PM

Team that eats together, laughs together - stays together. Team Dinner - February 2022 . . . . . . . . #mindspanbrandcommunication #mindspan #teamactivity #teamdinner #monthlyritual #teamdinnernight #creativeagency #creativestudio #marketing #brandguidance #media #advertising #f4f #facesofmindspan #office #justofficethings

2/22/2022, 11:06:12 AM

Feeling the Positive energy today after last weeks 2 day @mindspantriad Peak Performance Mind Training. Thank you @gavindrake62 for a fantastic brain workout 👌 we’re still buzzing 😄 • • #training #teamtraining #agencylife #digitalagency #mindspan #creativeagency #braingym #norfolk #norwich #positivevibes #positivethinking #selfbelief

2/21/2022, 10:06:12 PM

It’s time to become more protective of our peace, especially in a world with so much external noise, it’s so important to be mindful of what we spend our time and energy on. We often look outside for peace and then get frustrated. We try to control the uncontrollables, people things, situations but none of these areas can bring us inner peace. Most of the time we aren’t even conscious of what we’re giving our energy to. We spend time listening to the news, drama, scrolling mindlesslessly on our phones! We say we have no time to ourselves but yet we give so much of our time and energy away without question or noticing that we do it in the first place. There are so many ways we can reclaim our time and energy by becoming more conscious of what we choose to focus on. The half hour of social media scrolling could be spent reading, going for a nice walk, calling a friend, meditating, exercising, playing & being present with your child. This week challenge yourself to be more mindful around where you’re spending your time and energy and what you can let go of so you can make space for the things that will bring you more peace and joy in your day. Have a good week x #mindset #mindspan #selflove #selfdevelopment #personaldevelopment #coaching #intention #selfjourney #focus #energy #time #bepresent #mindsetcoach #psychology #positive #focusonyourself #mindspan #mindsetmonday #mondaythoughts #mondayreminder

2/14/2022, 8:59:08 AM

This week Intention is one month old and to celebrate I am giving 5 people the chance to win one month’s FREE coaching. I will provide you with the emotional & practical tools, education and support to make positive, sustainable changes in your life, through actionable tasks. Some areas I can help with are; Confidence Coaching Mindset Coaching Change Coaching Goal Setting Focus & Attention Clarity around your values & beliefs Helping you prioritise your needs because YOU matter too! DM if you want to get involved 🌸 #mindset #mindspan #selflove #selfdevelopment #personaldevelopment #coaching #intention #selfjourney

2/8/2022, 2:03:46 PM

Mindspan conceptualized an elaborated, attractive & visually appealing Calendar for Jubilee Group. It is beautifully designed with eye-catching colours & fonts. . . . . . . . . #mindspanbrandcommunication #brandguidance #mindspan #brandmarketing #marketingcollaterals #calendardesign #calendar2022 #calendar #aesthetic #realestate #tricity #chandigarh #zirakpur #mohali #punjab #india #delhi #gurgaon #bangalore #advertisingagency #digitalmarketing

1/7/2022, 7:18:16 AM

Riverdale Aerovista opens the gateway to a blissful life. Team Mindspan created a detailed Gatefold Brochure exhibiting features of Aerovista. . . . . . . . . . . #mindspanbrandcommunication #brandguidance #mindspan #brandmarketing #marketingcollaterals #brochuredesign #smallbrochure #realestate #tricity #chandigarh #zirakpur #mohali #punjab #india #delhi #gurgaon #bangalore #advertisingagency #digitalmarketing

1/5/2022, 6:26:32 AM

Want to extend your #lifespan and #mindspan? Harvard’s Director of Gerontology, Dr. Preston Estep, explains the secrets of populations that live the longest—with low levels of dementia. Read the exclusive interview in our magazine with the link in our profile. #LifeExtension #Healthscience⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #healthspan #longevity #iamwellandgood #mindbodygram #adaptogenic #superfood #healthybrain #healthyliving #powerofplants #antioxidants #medicinalherbs #nourishyourbody #gerontology #aging #healthyaging #antiaging

1/3/2022, 9:05:16 PM

A great musician I respect and would like to collaborate with is James Clements (ASC/Mindspan). @ascaux @silentseason #asc #mindspan #silentseason

1/3/2022, 10:19:54 AM

Happy 56th Birthday Gong Li 🎂 Posted @withregram • @fashioneditors Gong Li by Feng Hai, Vogue China, October 2021. @stunningmagazine #GongLi #VogueChina #FashionEditors

12/31/2021, 5:33:28 PM

Try Affirmational Goal Setting "It is the 31st of December 2021 & I have read 24 books this year. I see the value in continued learning & for me it is escapism. They have been a mixture of Professional, Autobiographies & Fictional books to keep me interested, focused & above all enjoy what I am reading" I set this goal 1 year ago and I 'completed it' a couple of days ago ( I did a little dance as I was ahead of schedule 😂). Don't get me wrong there were touch and go moments but I'm pretty chuffed I did it, as it is something I wanted to do. This type of Goal setting is pretty easy to learn and has multiple benefits, but the main one is you are living it everyday and sort of become your own Self Coach. And it means you hit what you set out to achieve. So, if you haven't put thought into what you want to achieve yet next year, give it a go. . . . . . #GoalSetting #Mindset #PersonalDevelopment #ExecutiveCoach #Affirmations #leadership #cpd #businesscoach #highperformancecoach #reading #books #selfdevelopment #wants #mindspan #2021wins #selfleadership #

12/31/2021, 10:45:30 AM