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#food #travel #sports #news #june #saturday

A Special Mother’s Day Workshop on Compassionate Self-Forgiveness w/ Katie @mywholemosaic Sunday, May 12th 9-10:30am Join us this Mother’s Day for gentle yoga, breathwork, meditation, and a guided journaling practice that will leave you with your very own compassionate self-forgiveness statements rooted in truth. Feel free to stay, share, and enjoy mimosa’s afterward. ✨Katie is a Certified Life Coach and brings mindset work, somatic experiencing, and emotional processing into her teachings and guidance. This particular practice of Compassionate Self-Forgiveness comes from the University of Santa Monica’s Spiritual Psychology program. ☝🏼Tickets in bio #flowyogageorgetown #flowyoga #mothersday #selfcommpassion #georgetowntexas #momguiltbegone #selflove

5/3/2024, 9:12:02 PM

Healthy Community The community you belong to will surely have a reflection on your life. We all need to wise when chosing our community because your community can break or make you! You need the best community to have a trouble-free life. An healthy community will surely help you move with like minds and they will push you to become the best you want for yourself. You need to do a check on your present community and examine if you're with the best people. Do they want the best for you? Do they make you see the best of yourself? Do they bring great opportunities to your table? Are they open minded? Do they want your growth? And do you feel safe with them? You need to stay away from a toxic community and people that are full of hatred. However, you need to look out for the growth of others too. You can't be at the receiving end at all time, you need to be a good person in your community too. In summary, try your best to build a healthy community so as to become the best version of yourself. I celebrate you always ❤️ #selfworth #selfcommpassion #writingchallenge #day6

4/11/2024, 6:24:50 PM

Shame vs Guilt Shame is a powerful and toxic emotion. It causes immense pain for the person struggling with it, and those around them. Which only serves to perpetuate the shame cycle. Shame is all consuming, we feel so horribly bad about ourselves, and who we are, we are unable to get past it. Guilt is a healthy emotion. If we do something to hurt someone, guilt allows us to acknowledge our actions, show we are sorry, and make moves to not repeat those actions. Shame tells us we are bad, our entire being is bad. When we feel that we are bad it is often followed by feelings of low self worth, isolation, anger, fear, a fear of rejection, rage, and shame about our shame. Guilt allows us to feel we are still a good person at our core, we still have value, a place in our families and community, we did a bad thing but it doesn’t make us a bad person. This gives us the power to rectify the bad thing and move back to safety. It’s still doesn’t feel nice to feel guilty, but it’s healthy and we hold power to make amends. #shame #shamevsguilt #mentalhealth #somaticexperiencing #somatichealing #traumarecovery #therapy #somatictherapist #healing #selfcommpassion #compassionfocusedtherapy #therapist

11/29/2023, 2:12:01 PM

Each new day is a new beginning. It can be easy to get caught up in all that we need to do and be, and end up being self-critical and feel we're not enough. Let's be gentle with ourselves and remember that each day gives us a chance to begin again. #inspirationalquotes #upliftandinspire #newbeginning #selfcommpassion #selfawareness #selfhealing #natureheals #findyourpath #soulgarden

9/28/2023, 5:00:10 PM

You catch yourself in the mirror and your mind throws out some negative thought... Can you let it go and embrace some self-compassion instead? 🪞 Getting attached to our own negative self-talk does not lead to confidence, happiness, or improved health. So, rather than getting entangled in negative self-talk, treat your thoughts as passing events in your mind, rather than absolute truths. Observe them from a distance and recognise that they do not define you or dictate your worth. In fact, your worth and value are never tied to your body, what you eat or how you exercise. Treat yourself with kindness, understanding that everyone has their struggles and insecurities. 🤗❤️ Offer yourself words of compassionate encouragement and support, just as you would to a dear friend. You've got this... For more body confidence tips, read my latest blog "Building Body Confidence: Embracing Your Summer Journey". ✨ The link is the bio 👆 #heartchakra #bodyimage #selfcommpassion #Gutreaction #Followyourgut #Trustyourgut #Intuitiveeating #Bodytrust #Foodfreedom #Healthnotdiets #Selfcare #Mindbodyfood #Nourishyourlife #Nutritionaltherapy #Guthealth #Chakranourishment #ACTcoach

6/7/2023, 9:00:06 AM

As the season changes and we pull out the summer clothes and ​the ​media pressure to diet mounts,​ please​ remember that your 'summer body' is simply the body you have this summer. 🌞 ​Own it! ❤️ Read my ​latest ​blog "Building Body Confidence: Embracing Your Summer Journey" for seven essential​ tips to guide you along the way.​ ✨ The link is in the bio 👆 #heartchakra #bodyimage #selfcommpassion #Gutreaction #Followyourgut #Trustyourgut #Intuitiveeating #Bodytrust #Foodfreedom #Healthnotdiets #Selfcare #Mindbodyfood #Nourishyourlife #Nutritionaltherapy #Guthealth #Chakranourishment #ACTcoach

6/4/2023, 9:00:04 PM

💚 I loved this message so decided to repost and share it with you… REPOST: image & caption by Christyna, MS, RDN, LDN @EncouragingDietitian via @EncouragingDietitian: you deserve to be radically cared for. In my body image group, we've been having this on-going conversation of what it means to radically care for yourself, even if you feel like you don't deserve it. and I am holding space for the variety of feelings you may have towards your body. You and your body still deserve to be cared for. you deserve to care for fully and wholly. you deserve to be seen, heard, and validated as a person. Sometimes on our journey to healing, we have to reverse engineer. Sometimes caring for the body you're not fond of can help you develop radical acceptance for your body. acceptance that is not based in appearance or functionality, but in this is my body today. Please do something nice for yourself today. brush your teeth, attend to (a part) of your skincare routine, put on fresh clean and comfortable clothes, eat something, drink some water, talk to someone you care about, take your meds on time as prescribed, look at nature, listen to your favorite jams, journal, or something else that you enjoy. #heartchakra #bodyimage #selfcommpassion #Gutreaction #Followyourgut #Trustyourgut #Intuitiveeating #Bodytrust #Foodfreedom #Healthnotdiets #Selfcare #Mindbodyfood #Nourishyourlife #Nutritionaltherapy #Guthealth #Chakranourishment #ACTcoach

6/2/2023, 10:00:07 PM

🦋 Since losing my beloved step-mom to liver cancer 4 years ago, this is the first Mother's Day for my children and myself that hasn't been engulfed in tremendous grief. The grief is definitely still there; it is just softer and less consuming. But the grief of losing my wonderful sister-in-law this last June has created a deep void within our family and yet another layer of grief. 🦋 There are phases, stages, and cycles of grief. I did not expect to be triggered by memories of my former mother-in-law's death when my father had surgery 7 weeks ago. Grief and trauma are funny like that. Especially when working through the fresh and sudden, unexpected loss of my step-dad in December. Self-compassion and kindness to self are what I have found very important to cultivate when waves of grief hit and trauma is triggered. Taking time away from social media has been vital for me, as well. 🦋 Holidays can also bring up lots of memories and reminders of those we love. I am grateful to be able to find pockets of peace and joy within the grief. #grief #griefandtrauma #holidaygrief #griefandmothersday #selfcommpassion

5/14/2023, 10:23:43 PM

Coming Back to Life - a series designed to honor your individual timing while you integrate transformational and challenging life experiences. There are many nuggets to support you on your journey from an experience that may have left you on crumbled ground, unsure of your footing, to renewed awareness of self and enthusiasm for life. @7heartzzz Link in bio… #tensummityoga #comingbacktolife #ackowledgement #selfcommpassion #lovingsupport #prana #reintegration #simultaneousemotions #yoga #natureishealing #somaticmovement #honoryourexperience

3/12/2023, 11:24:21 PM

Puszczam w eter życzenia❤️ Od kilku lat te słowa Emily Nagoski rezonują w mnie mocno. Wierzę, że dobrostan świata mocno zależy od naszej życzliwości - do siebie samych i innych kobiet do siebie wzajemnie. Pięknego dnia dla NAS 🌷 #kobieta #kobiety #women #womenpower #zyczenia #dzienkobiet #moc #selfcommpassion #życzliwość

3/8/2023, 11:56:52 AM

Yoga Session Take two with this Beauty! 🧘‍♀️ #grandvalleyhathayoga #namaste #selfcommpassion

9/23/2022, 2:36:40 AM

😃 Un coaching hors du commun ☀️ avec l’astrologie comme outil de re-connaissance de soi 🫶🏻 pour ensuite travailler en profondeur et changer ce qui continue à nous bloquer et faisant déjà partie du passé. 🤩 Un boost puissant vous attend à l’Atelier Cala avec Émilie Dandois. #womanentrepreneur #coach #coachdeveloppementpersonnel #coachdevie #astrologue #astrology #spiritualité #spychologiepositive #eft #efttapping #eftpractitioner #pnl #pnlcoaching #emotion #liberation #developpementpersonnel #alleger #confidence #choisirsavie #accompagnement #communicationnonviolente #bienveillance #estimedesoi #selflove #selfreminder #evolutionpersonnelle #selfcommpassion #positivity #enviedechangement

7/11/2022, 12:37:40 PM

Beautiful Capri 🥰 Did yiu ever not realise how badly you needed a break until you got there? ITALY has been just incredible. A week of wondering, getting lost, discovery, no timetables, no commitment to plans, food ,drinks and the best company. Life is short, make memories, feel emotions and reconnect to you. She's in there! 💙 #capri #emeraldgrotto #sailing #sailawaywithme #itsly #holidays #vacation #likeapostcard #selfcare #wellbeing #selflove #selfcommpassion

4/16/2022, 9:19:22 AM

In your opinion, what is the difference between compassion and empathy?☘️ Do you usually show self-compassion towards yourself? How do you do that?😇 #newwords #english #learnenglish #consciously #followme #newpage #support #love #share #comment #compassion #selfcommpassion

3/18/2022, 8:54:51 PM

🪶 CONNECTED “Whenever you find a feather near by - it’s your angels letting you know that they are close by.” I came across this brilliant white feather on my Sunday stomp yesterday, just after I floated out of a beautiful meditation in the sunshine pondering on being present, believing I’m exactly where I need to be, doing what I’m meant to be doing, connected to nature, my breath and the people I care for in my life. My guardian angel was right by my side; thanks dad 🙏🏻. #mindfulness #mindfulliving #mindfulmoment #mindfulmeditation #meditation #compassion #guardianangel #selfcommpassion #mindset #gratitude #vitamind #sundaystroll #nlp #connected #connections #nlppractitioner #bluemind #bluemindmagic #bluehealthcoach #beach #dad #walking #hiking #present #breathwork #breathe #pranyama

10/11/2021, 10:06:07 PM

Take it day by day and be grateful for the little things in life. Today I am grateful for a clear mind, regulated nervous system, rested body, and soothed soul after a much needed self retreat, over the past week I have focused on all 4 bodies - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, bringing each into alignment. Life is tough at times, the trick is not to get caught up in the hardships, do not focus on what you cannot control, rather turn your attention on what you can. When feelings become overwhelming connect with and nourish each of 4 bodies, considering what each need, be mindful of the little moments of happiness and be gentle with yourself through those moments of hardship. Sending love to those who need it 💜 #realighnment #4bodies #energyhealing #spirituality #emotional #physical #soul #spirit #balance #gowithin #selfcommpassion #healing #retreat #selflove #selfcare #rest #recharge #relax #therapy #mindfulmoments

9/12/2021, 8:56:16 AM

Hi Everyone, I want to take a moment to introduce myself and tell you a bit about what I will be sharing with you on this page. My name is Josh Funfer and I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor. I created “Eyes of Love Psychotherapy” because my life’s purpose is to find the courage, each and every day, to view myself and the world around me with an open heart. So many of us close our hearts in order to survive traumatic experiences and cope with suffering, I know I did. Through this effort to protect ourselves, and the conditioning that we must always be hypervigilant in order to survive this harsh world, our vision may become clouded by fear. I believe that we all have the capacity to see through eyes of love. This inherent ability can NEVER be lost, only forgotten. I created this page so that every week I can share some of the insights, practices, and wisdom that help me remember. So my friends, I invite you to follow my page and join me on this sacred journey of cultivating our innate ability to see through eyes of love.

6/25/2021, 3:30:12 AM

I’ll let you in on a little secret… Sometimes I have no idea how I'm feeling. Like, no idea! 🤷‍♀️ So, here’s what I do: I take my time. I observe my thoughts and feelings. Then I observe what sensations I'm feeling in my body. Then without any judgment I let my feelings come and go. Sometimes this means stepping away from a conversation or situation so you can check-in with yourself and reset. Let's normalize this! 🙌 #theneedscards #healthylove #emotionalintelligence #timeout #tunein #reflect #feel #mentalhealth #bigemotions #selfsoothe #bigfeelings #youremotionsarevalid #takeupspace #observeyourthoughts #selfcommpassion #selflove #selfcaretips #depressionhelp #assertivecommunication #selfawareness #selfacceptance

6/23/2021, 4:15:26 AM

Thought for your evening... how much conditioning (she loves herself dat wan, etc etc) do you think we have to shake off to act like we are living the words of Maya Angelou? How many of us accept piss poor behaviour, and fail to establish boundaries for how we deserve to be treated? Could be your BFF your partner or your parents. Do you kill yourself people pleasing and worry too much what others think? The good news is we can establish those expectations whenever we like. You have a right to say I refuse to accept this. This is not helpful. And by doing so you can give yourself permission to shine like that shiney ass crab in Moana 😂 🙏what do you think? . . . #mayaangelou #stillirise #cagedbird #freewoman #boundaries #selflove #selfcommpassion #beingsound

6/17/2021, 10:00:39 PM

We need one another. We are built for community and connection. We experience the deepest flourishing when we are interconnected in restorative healing-centered community. We are not meant to walk the road alone or meet all of our own needs. It is ok to need help and support. #community #connection #flourish #selfcare #selfcommpassion #communitycare #healingcenteredengagement #relationships #parenting #parentingtips #weneedoneanother #restorativecommunity #healingcommunity #freedom

5/25/2021, 3:17:37 AM

“Perfection is the enemy of progress.” Waiting until we’re good enough to do something, until we have our ‘shit together’, until we have our business plan nailed to the wall, until we’ve got more time, until we have done every course available and feel like we’re ‘ready’, is a sure way to feel anxious, fearful, frustrated, exhausted...... Everyone has to start somewhere. Even the experts. So start with baby steps. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you’ll be amazed how things start to unfold before you. No one leaps forward over night. I have to remind myself of this on a daily basis, otherwise I fall into the procrastination spiral and it’s so hard to get out of the that one! View is from the beautiful @rainforestspa studio. Can’t wait to be able to practice there again. #everyonestartssomewhere #goeasyonyourself #selfcommpassion #perfectionistheenemyofprogress #doneisbetterthanperfect

3/19/2021, 11:16:26 AM

Love this #griefquote by Tony Talbot. Grief does crash over you in very unexpected waves (and ways). Speaking for myself - Megan, RPLA Co-Founder - I've done so much healing from the trauma of my miscarriages, but some days I still get knocked down by grief. My triggers (for lack of a better word) have evolved over time. At this point, I'm able to see pregnant women and babies without being overwhelmed. Now it's the science and stories that get me. I hear about another woman who had a baby by doing something I didn't try and I get pulled back into a shame cycle of questioning my decisions and my history. It's awful. But, like a wave, after the feeling twists through me, it eventually recedes. This may always happen to me. I think grief leaves marks that never fully leave us. How do you experience grief? How has it changed as your RPL journey has progressed? #rplawareness #griefjourney #pregnancyloss #miscarriage #infertility #recurrentpregnancyloss #recurrentmiscarriage #multiplemiscarriages #ttcafterloss #ttcaftermiscarriage #whatsyourgrief #mentalhealthmatters #selfcare #selfcommpassion

2/11/2021, 6:46:33 PM

Your decision to be who you want to be now holds the power that transforms both your past and your future constantly and simultaneously. Who do you choose to be in this very moment? An angry one? A resentful one? A victim? A powerless one? A depressed and miserable one? ⠀ Something that we want to understand is: ⠀ ⠀ Our judgment of what is good and what is bad creates a huge resistance, an emotional blockage to feel and experience what is happening in our life. This idea of separation is an illusion created in our mind but when we believe it, it begins to create feelings of fear which later manifests in the form of all sorts of worries and anxieties.⠀ ⠀ So, allow yourself to stay receptive to the lessons to see the light in any situations by giving a meaning and a purpose for that to exist that will serve you, rather than sabotage you. ⠀ ⠀ We have the power to create the meaning and give it a purpose. This means, you have the power to transform any emotions, situations, your self, and your life at any given moment. 💜 ⠀ ⠀ #asksidneyc #empowerment #quoteoftheday #dailyquotes #quotetoinspire #inspiringquotes #inspiringquotesandsayings #mayaangelouquotes #letgoofthepast #forgiveyourself #forgivenessquotes #emotionalfreedom #emotionalhealing #selfhealing #selfhelp #youarethelight #consciousness #wisdom #wisdomquotes #liveandlearn #letgoquotes #compassion #selfcommpassion #mayaangelou #receptivity

10/19/2020, 10:23:13 AM

Love this illustration. Not everyone is for you. Or they may not be for you at this moment. Or they may not be for you, but the love/message/purpose you have, that you give to another person, is passed on to another.⁠ ⁠ It's like a smile. How often have you been stuck in a queue at a shop, or sitting on a train, grumpy faces everywhere, maybe even some frustration, anxiety, apathy - it's contagious. Then.....someone catches your eye and smiles at you. A genuine, friendly, brief smile. No attachment, no ulterior motive, just a smile. Wow, the energy shifts, doesn't it? ⁠ ⁠ Suddenly that grumpy person standing nearby is on your side. Is a loving human being! And it changes our mood. Like, literally changes our physiology - feel good, and love hormones like oxytocin and endorphins are released in our body, and we feel better. Sometimes, a smile from someone might shock us and actually make us feel a little uncomfortable or vulnerable, like we are jolted out of our grumpy or closed reality, it breaks the barrier.⁠ ⁠ Sometimes, it take one person to say what others are thinking. Sometimes, the support or wisdom, or kindness of one person, expands to others, having the capacity to change for the better: ⁠ ⁠ 🌤️ our mood in that moment⁠ 🌤️ our ability to feel more positive⁠ 🌤️ our feeling of self worth⁠ 🌤️ our faith in humanity⁠ 🌤️ our priorities⁠ 🌤️ our ability to be open to receive⁠ 🌤️ our experience⁠ 🌤️ our life⁠ 🌤️ our capacity to do the same for others⁠ ⁠ Like sun appearing out from behind the clouds. Do you feel you want to shine your light out more into the world? I do. I am working on this every day - it's a work in progress. With my clients, with my family, with my friends. I am finding people and practices which help me shine brighter and inspire others. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it take some work. Sometimes feels like a light switch, sometimes like a sunrise, even a slow, winters' dawn. Within me, or for the people I work with. Keep shining your light, for yourself, for the world, even if you feel it's a small corner. It starts with you. ⁠ DM me if you'd like to find out more.⁠ ⁠ 💛

8/20/2020, 3:35:24 PM

Self compassion⠀ ⠀ #bekind #selfcommpassion #selfcare

7/29/2020, 2:45:07 AM

Lauraly's boudoir shoot was blessed by Yams' presence. It's a joy to have clients who bring their own ideas to the table! Lauraly showed up with some gorgeous greenery and we made good use of it in several different ways. First we created a jungle in my bedroom and then we threw everything into the tub and got this gorgeous shot. I always invite my clients to create a pinterest board and to bring anything that makes them feel like themselves. For Lauraly it was eucalyptus and flowers, which proves once again that lingerie might just be overrated... what? who said that? ⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #boudoirforselflove #selflove #selfcommpassion #tubpics #boudoirphotography #ligthandfoundboudoir #newyorkphotographer #newyorkphotography #newyorkboudoir #boudoirsession #

2/10/2020, 8:25:28 PM

Self-compassion 💕✨💗 . . . . . #selfcommpassion #selflove #selflovequotes #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #mantra #love

1/10/2020, 4:21:38 AM

Yet, Still EXTREMELY Important To Love Yourself 💕🖤❣️🖤💕 . . . . . #quotes #love #selflove #selfcommpassion #therightlove

7/3/2019, 10:40:12 PM

I’ve always so badly and painstakingly wanted to be someone else. I wanted to look, sound, act, and just BE SOMEONE ELSE. Someone prettier, skinnier, taller, more talented, more ‘known’, more stylish and the list goes on. I still battle with accepting myself as I am. But I can feel myself walking with my held higher in content & happiness that I was blessed with the opportunity to be myself, to be this soul in this journey I am in. Connecting with all of you. I have daily battles & struggles.. my demons, past and conditioning takes over & hurts & haunts me at times. But in this moment of appreciation and reflection they are nothing but something I’m choosing to push out of my way. It’s not easy, I work hard. And I’m so grateful I do because if you saw me a few years ago you wouldn’t recognise me... yet I look exactly the same 😉 ////// ///// //// //// #withlovearivb

3/30/2019, 10:56:28 AM

#slowliving I have been busy lately and even when I would have spare time I will fill it with something (my todo list) but today while my little one sleeps I’m enjoying a cup of herbal tea in the sun and a good book. . . . . #slowliving #slowdown #metime #dontforgetsboutyou #herbaltea #agoodbook #youareagoddess #sunshine #selfcommpassion #selflove #replenishing #growing #becomeyou #blossom #nevergiveup #yoursoclose #plantbase #plantsaremedicine #plants #herbs #healing #wellness #healingfromwithin #healingjourney #lyme #lymedisease #pure #rejuvenate #rejuvenation #mindfulness

2/23/2019, 2:15:34 AM

I have wanted to try and make elderberry syrup for so long and think it would be so hard. I was wrong, it’s so simple!! With my little one starting day care and has been getting colds so now each morning the whole house has a shot of elderberry syrup to build our immune system up and keep cold and the flu at bay. . . . . #elderberrysyrup #buildtheimmunesystem #stayhealthy #fightsoffcolds #thestartofdaycare #selfcommpassion #selflove #replenishing #growing #becomeyou #blossom #nevergiveup #yoursoclose #plantbase #plantsaremedicine #plants #herbs #healing #wellness #healingfromwithin #healingjourney #lyme #lymedisease #pure #rejuvenate #rejuvenation #mindfulness

2/21/2019, 4:47:21 AM

You are, believe it!

11/6/2016, 1:02:10 AM

New month...what are you going to do with it? What are your intentions?

11/2/2016, 12:29:37 AM

Pain and struggle are normal parts of life. It's okay to not feel okay. Take a deep breath or two.

11/1/2016, 3:14:14 AM

Just breathe and focus on our breath

10/30/2016, 2:49:35 AM

Couldn't we all use a deep breath and some calm?

10/30/2016, 12:50:49 AM