MCASAwareness images

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#food #travel #sports #news #june #sunday

It's not only pride month. It's time to remind people of a rare disease that's not easy to diagnose, not easy to understand and difficult to deal with in every day life. I got the symptoms slowly during the years, some allergies disappeared or became no problem until 2020. A trauma and the beginning of covid restrictions let my body overreact in a strong way. After a while I found out that I had strong histamine reactions in food, I was sometimes sick for days without an explanation. In 2021 in a extremely stressful year gluten caused strong reactions too so I went to a zero gluten diet for a while. A normal life wasn't possible anymore. I tested more and more food and observed the reactions... Even with clean eating I got symptoms under stress. My hayfever increased, asthma came back in 2022. The grass pollens forced me to stay in quarantine for 2-3 weeks last year. This year I only survive during a lot of rainy days but when I have to work in a room with open windows I suffer under fatigue which feels like having flue symptoms all the time... There is no official diagnosis, it's a long way through many check ups and a special biopsy to prove it. But with an IGE of 400 and 90% of mcas symptoms plus the exchange with my cousin who suffers under the same disease, it quite obvious. I would have to be blind in not seeing it anymore because it influences my life in a way that I need to find solutions all the time. It means a lot of isolation, considering where to go, what to eat, checking menus, asking staff for changes, taking antihistamines and hope that they will work and avoiding what I love: Food, nature, travelling, being spontaneous. There is no hope that it gets better one day so I have to move on and make the best out of it. I know that many people get a harder diagnosis than I have and I try to think about all the strong people who have been through the worst. This is another strong thought. Opening up about a chronical disease isn't easy but it influences my life in a strong way and it helps others to understand me better. It helps hopefully others to speak freely about it. Thank you that you are here #mcas #mastozytosis #awareness #mcasawareness

6/1/2024, 9:50:52 PM

Yarn yarn yarn yarn yarn yarn yarn 🥰 so much variegated, glittery yarn (I lose complete interest working in one colour unless it's glittery, but nothing feeds my hyperfocus like glittery, changey colour yarn! Dopamine central 😍) It was so cheap, catching last minute eBay bundles and they are HUGE! 😭🥰😭🥰 I'm a happy little stitch witch/blanket alchemist 😍 It's not easy being mostly nocturnal and generally all over the place but I do love quiet nights with my yarn collection. #myalgencephalomyeilitis #cfs #chronicillnesseswarrior #meassociation #meaction #millionsmissing #chroniccreative #non24hoursleepwakedisorder #canyouseemenow #adhd #severeme #mcasawareness #adhd #crochet #crochetaddict #yarndragon

5/31/2024, 3:37:00 AM

Bausteine für eine erholsame Abendruhe 🎶🧘‍♂️🍏 Warum Abendruhe so wichtig ist für deine Gesundheit In einer Welt voller Lärm und Ablenkungen ist die Abendruhe ein heiliger Moment für Körper und Geist. Sie ermöglicht es uns, uns vom Alltag zu erholen und unseren inneren Frieden zu finden. Entspannende Musik, Atemübungen, das Meiden digitaler Geräte, eine ausgewogene Ernährung und ein gutes Schlafklima sind die Schlüssel zu einem tiefen und erholsamen Schlaf. Sie helfen uns, Stress abzubauen, unseren Geist zu beruhigen und unseren Körper optimal auf die Regeneration vorzubereiten. Gönn dir diese Ruhe, du hast es verdient! 🌙💤 Wie kommst du abends gut zur Ruhe? 👇 Schreibe es in die Kommentare und Teile es mit der @immunfokus Community 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Werde Teil der @immunfokus Community für: 🧠| Mehr Wissen zum Thema Immunsystem und Autoimmunerkrankungen 🌿| Leicht verständliche Tipps für deine Gesundheit 💪| Kostenlos, aber unbezahlbar 📌Markiere jemanden, der diesen Beitrag sehen sollte! 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ #darmimmunsystem #autoimmunreaktionen #Immunstärkung #Gesundheitsprävention #Darmgesund #Erkältungszeit #Grippeprävention #Autoimmunität #ChronischeGesundheit #Autoimmunthyreoiditis #Hauterkrankungen #Fibromyalgiesupport #ColitisCommunity #MorbuschronUnterstützung #Darmgesundheitsoptimierung #Leakygutbehandlung #Reizdarmbewältigung #SIBOmanagement #MCASawareness #Migränehilfe #Schmerzbewältigung #Gelenkgesundheit #Schilddrüsengesundheit #Hypothyreose #Hyperthyreose #GesundeDarmflora #Autoimmunwellness

5/30/2024, 6:00:33 PM

An account of some of the Death by Papercuts, tiny daily insults being chronically ill brings. I'm sitting up. I need to lie down. I'm lying down. I need to sit up. I'm in pain, I can't reach my painkillers. I can reach my painkillers but I've got no water. I have spilled my water all over the bed because all my motor functions are scrambled and now I have no choice other than, 'change bed'/'avoid/cover up damp patch and hope for best. I need to eat and I need to bath, one will wipe out the energy required for the other. I dropped the pen, crochet hook, ball of wool, medicine (insert whatever damn thing you're using at the time... Bonus points if what you're using contained liquid: see above) and I cannot reach it - this task was keeping me sane - I have to get the thing. I cannot relax until I have done that thing but I am not well enough to do that thing. I have a little energy, 100 things I'd love to do, 10 things I have to do. There is only enough energy for 5 things in total. It's bedtime, but I forgot to take my third dose of meds so now I need to wait up until I can take my bedtime meds (the inspiration for this post!) EVERY DOOR HANDLE IN MY HOUSE IS DETERMINED TO SNAG ME AS I STUMBLE PAST - DEATH TO ALL DOOR HANDLES! Did I lock the front door? Did I turn the gas off? #@&£ Doorbell 😭 Where's my phone? My Gods! I slept through the important call. Godsdamned I've been woken up by someone trying to sell me life insurance (got this one right honed down to 'I'm sick and have nothing' 👌🏻 can't get away fast enough). I NEED A WEE 😭😭😭 Insert 'I don't have the energy to execute this small but necessary move!' at the end of every sentence. Sunrise every day I see it, because yet again it heralds the failure to keep any vaguely human hours with the possibility of sleeping through something important. #myalgicencephalomyelitis #cfs #mcasawareness #adhd #invisibleillness #meaction #meassociation #millionsmissing #canyouseemenow #circadianrhythmdisorder #non24hoursleepwakedisorder

5/30/2024, 6:55:27 AM

Well, I guess salmon is off the menu: A tale of MCAS 😂 I have MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome), and I have very specific foods that are “safe”, and foods that are not. My safest meat for the past year has been salmon (cooked whole from frozen). I never had a reaction to it, and it’s nice and healthy so I was pleased. Apparently I react to it now, and it is BAD! No respiratory symptoms, thankfully, but everything else,,, ugh. One of the worst reactions I’ve had in the past month. It’s always a bit of a risk whenever I eat anything, but it’s incredibly frustrating to have something that has been safe historically no longer be something you can eat, use or do. Here I am, in my absolutely 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 antihistamine state, whining a bit. Sorry! Here’s to a reaction-free Thursday tomorrow! #mcas #MCASAwareness #mastcellactivationsyndrome #mastcellactivation #mastcellactivationdisorder #mastcelldisease

5/30/2024, 5:38:07 AM

Meet Paul. Paul Walker. (Get it?) . I was talking to a new friend recently about mobility aids and when you decide you need them. She sent me a quote and it changed my mind set. . Having a dynamic disability means some days I can walk 5 miles and other days I can’t walk across my house. My symptoms fluctuate from day to day. Some days I can trust my body and some days I can’t. Every day looks different. Which means different tools for different days. . Navigating needing and using a mobility when you’re only in your 30’s is hard. I’m good at masking my pain and abilities but it’s become too much. Its time to use things that make my life easier so I’m able to enjoy and do more. . Trying to build the confidence to use mobility aids in public is very hard. So if you see us in public, come say hi to Paul. He’s a nice guy😎. . #adventureswithos #servicedog #servicedogsofinstgramm. #servicesogintraining #dogsofinstagram #workingdog #sdit #servicedogteam #multipurposeservicedog #medicalalertservicedog #medicalresponseservicedog #dog #dogtraining #mcas #mcasawareness #servicedogsofinsta #invisibledisability #labradoodle #servicesoghandler #invisibleillness #dysautonomiawarrior #potsie #potssyndrome #actuallyautisitc #autismawareness #chronicpainawareness #ehlersdanlos #disabilityawareness #babeswithmobilityaids

5/29/2024, 8:42:15 PM

🍑Hand-painted and dusted with sugar, these gluten-free and dairy-free mini masterpieces are a journey of discovery. ✨Each bite unveils the delicate essence of peach blossom, leading to a delightful surprise - a hidden heart of chocolate. 🤎 #glutenfreeeats #dairyfreedesserts #sugarcultapothecary #peachcake #peachblossomflavor #minicake #uniquecakes #glutenfreephoenix #glutenfreeaz #smallbuisness #supportsmallbusiness #glutenfreebakery #allergyfriendly #allergyfriendlybaking #fpiesawareness #mcasawareness #glutenfree #dairyfree

5/29/2024, 7:53:35 PM

Love the fact our team is a proper community club. Thanks to Jim for doing his bit to help a good friend push as the dates have been changed. If you haven't already, please sign the petition #MCAS #MCASAwareness #AFCB

5/29/2024, 6:59:02 AM

I've been doing the 100 Happy Days challenge on my personal Facebook, but I enjoyed doing the raising awareness stuff for M.E. awareness week, and I had really positive comments from both. It may be a lofty goal, but I hope it'll inspire people to notice and cultivate their own 'glimmers' because I don't think I could have survived this illness without finding ways to smile against all conducive conditions for smiling. So I'm going to carry it on, on here and call it 'glimmers' as a friend commented on one of my posts. I've had this kaftan since Saturday and haven't even felt well enough to try it on, just eyed it wistfully any time I stood up knowing I didn't have the energy to do whatever I stood up for AND try on the kaftan. It's my happy birthday Stevie present to myself 😂 Not sure why I'm so serious in the last one and my fringe is a crime against hair because I can neither find my hairdressing scissors nor see out 😂 But the kaftan makes everything better (oh and just wait till you see what's it's intended pairing is ✨) I am NOT bidding on a top hat on eBay. I am TOTALLY bidding on a top hat on eBay! Dress for the job you want 😂😂😂 #glimmers #gratitude #joy #simplepleasures #stevienicks #chronicillnesseswarrior #myalgicencephalomyelitis #mcasawareness #spoonywarrior

5/29/2024, 1:49:14 AM

Superfoods für Super-Gesundheit! 🥦🍓 Brokkoli, Beeren und mehr Kraftpakete der Natur für ein gesünderes Leben! Superfoods wie Brokkoli, Beeren, Mandeln, Kürbiskerne, Sellerie und Süßkartoffeln sind reich an Nährstoffen und Antioxidantien, die den Körper stärken und schützen können. 🌿🍇 Machen sie zu einem festen Bestandteil deiner Ernährung und spüre den Unterschied! Welches Superfood ist fester Bestandteil in deiner Ernährung? 👇 Schreibe es in die Kommentare und Teile es mit der @immunfokus Community 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Werde Teil der @immunfokus Community für: 🧠| Mehr Wissen zum Thema Immunsystem und Autoimmunerkrankungen 🌿| Leicht verständliche Tipps für deine Gesundheit 💪| Kostenlos, aber unbezahlbar 📌Markiere jemanden, der diesen Beitrag sehen sollte! 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ #darmimmunsystem #autoimmunreaktionen #Immunstärkung #Gesundheitsprävention #Darmgesund #Erkältungszeit #Grippeprävention #Autoimmunität #ChronischeGesundheit #Autoimmunthyreoiditis #Hauterkrankungen #Fibromyalgiesupport #ColitisCommunity #MorbuschronUnterstützung #Darmgesundheitsoptimierung #Leakygutbehandlung #Reizdarmbewältigung #SIBOmanagement #MCASawareness #Migränehilfe #Schmerzbewältigung #Gelenkgesundheit #Schilddrüsengesundheit #Hypothyreose #Hyperthyreose #GesundeDarmflora #Autoimmunwellness

5/27/2024, 6:00:33 PM

Hi again everyone! I'm so sorry I've been quiet and disappeared. On Tuesday I had an anaphylactic reaction to pollen, and then on Wednesday went out for a meal with my partner. I informed the waiter of my allergies and the severity but he still put citrus in my drink. I immediately began to throw up. It was honestly one of the scariest ones and most frustrating. I hadn't been out for a meal this entire year because of my allergies and I trusted him. I've been a waitress myself and would always ask my tables if they had allergies and would always put it in the orders. It just feels frustrating and sad because it could have been so easily avoided with some care. I was admitted overnight in the hospital and was discharged this morning. I've been sleeping all day and I'm on a lot of medicine for the next few days so I might stay quiet. I'm really sorry and I'm so sorry I have so many health problems. . . . #anaphalaxis #allergyawareness #mcas #mcasawareness #anaphalactic #anaphalacticfoodallergies #chillisbarandgrill #chronicillness

5/24/2024, 2:33:53 AM

Alarmzeichen deines Körpers 🚨💡 Von Müdigkeit bis Verdauungsprobleme Unser Körper spricht zu uns, doch hören wir ihm zu? Müdigkeit, Hautprobleme, Verdauungs- und Kopfschmerzen sowie Muskel- und Gelenkschmerzen sind seine Art, uns auf Ungleichgewichte aufmerksam zu machen. 🤔 Ignoriere diese Signale nicht! Sie könnten wichtige Hinweise auf Gesundheitsprobleme sein. Welche Alarmsignale sendet dein Körper dir? 👇 Schreibe es in die Kommentare und Teile es mit der @immunfokus Community 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Werde Teil der @immunfokus Community für: 🧠| Mehr Wissen zum Thema Immunsystem und Autoimmunerkrankungen 🌿| Leicht verständliche Tipps für deine Gesundheit 💪| Kostenlos, aber unbezahlbar 📌Markiere jemanden, der diesen Beitrag sehen sollte! 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ #darmimmunsystem #autoimmunreaktionen #Immunstärkung #Gesundheitsprävention #Darmgesund #Erkältungszeit #Grippeprävention #Autoimmunität #ChronischeGesundheit #Autoimmunthyreoiditis #Hauterkrankungen #Fibromyalgiesupport #ColitisCommunity #MorbuschronUnterstützung #Darmgesundheitsoptimierung #Leakygutbehandlung #Reizdarmbewältigung #SIBOmanagement #MCASawareness #Migränehilfe #Schmerzbewältigung #Gelenkgesundheit #Schilddrüsengesundheit #Hypothyreose #Hyperthyreose #GesundeDarmflora #Autoimmunwellness

5/23/2024, 6:00:20 PM

Das Mastzellaktivierungssyndrom, kurz MCAS, ist eine häufige Nebendiagnose bei LongCovid und ME/CFS. Die Mastzellen, die zu den Immunzellen gehören, sind überaktiv. Dadurch leiden die Betroffenen an einer Vielzahl von Symptomen. Diese können einer Allergie oder chronisch-entzündlichen Erkrankung ähneln, etwa: - Atemnot - Erschöpfung - Verdauungsstörungen - Schwindel und vieles mehr. Getriggert wird die Überreaktion der Mastzellen beispielsweise durch Hitze, Duftstoffe, starke Emotionen oder HIstamin. Um die Symptome zu mildern, müssen Betroffene ihre individuellen Auslöser meiden, etwa durch eine histaminarme Ernährung. #MECFS #postcovid #MCASAwareness #wirsindviele #chronisch #nichtgenesen #limitkunst

5/23/2024, 4:00:44 PM

Hoy queremos hablarles sobre el Síndrome de Activación Mastocitaria (MCAS), que es un desorden donde las células mastocitarias se activan demasiado en todo el cuerpo, causando un montón de síntomas alérgicos 🤧. Parece que hay una conexión entre el MCAS y el Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos (EDS), con una incidencia de MCAS entre el 24-66% en pacientes con EDS según investigaciones publicadas 📊. También hay una relación entre MCAS y EDS con otras condiciones como disautonomía y desórdenes gastrointestinales 🤯. Aunque no hay evidencia de que las células mastocitarias causen directamente la hipermovilidad, sí pueden jugar un rol en la sanación de lesiones y, por lo tanto, en la severidad de los síntomas 💪. Así que, el tratamiento exitoso del MCAS puede mejorar los síntomas y la calidad de vida de muchos pacientes con EDS 🌈. Si te han diagnosticado o sospechas que tienes el síndrome hipermóvil de Ehlers-Danlos, te recomendamos que te evalúe un médico general para MCAS debido a la superposición clínica 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️. 📚 Monaco 2022 - Asociación de condiciones relacionadas con células mastocitarias y síndromes hipermóviles: una revisión de la literatura #PoleDanceLife #MCASAwareness #EDSAwareness #HypermobileWarrior #HealthJourney #PoleFitness #SpanglishPole #PoleCommunity 💃🩰

5/21/2024, 4:00:28 AM

Please go support this if you can! I also still resale donated items as my health allows to help with medical. If you would like to help another ways with costs to travel to see specialist and treatments, medications, medical supplies (Amazon Wishlist), & help aid, I would greatly appreciate it. We are in the process of trying to find a safer place to make home. Links to help are in my profile. I’m thankful for those helping to make this possible. #healthiswealth #health #medical #MCAS #MastCellActivationSyndrome #support #inthistogether #mcsawareness #mcasawareness

5/19/2024, 2:54:59 AM

🌟 Calling all Mast Cell Action followers! We want to hear from you. What's your most infuriating MCAS symptom? Whether it's relentless itching, brain fog, or pesky hives, share your experiences with us. Let's raise awareness and support each other through this journey. 💬💪 #MCASAwareness #SymptomSpotlight #MastCellAction

5/16/2024, 2:00:39 PM

Raising awareness for EDS connections! Happy awareness month lovely warriors! [image transcription] an infographic entitled conditions that are often associated with EDS. On a purple background, the conditions are positioned around the central title in white bubbles: raynaud's phenomenon, aneurysms, heart valve prolapse, autism, osteoarthritis, autonomic dysfunction, heart murmur, ADHD, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, cataracts, chiari malformation, osteoporosis, cervical cranial instability, fibromyalgia, GI dysmotility, neuropathy, hernias, mast cell activation syndrome, endometriosis and tethered cord syndrome. Hashtags: #raynaudsyndrome #raynaudsphenomenon #aneurysmawareness #heartvalveprolapse #autismawareness #osteoarthritis #autonomicdysfunction #heartmurmur #adhdawareness #potsawareness #cataractsawareness #chiariwarrior #osteoporosis #cciawareness #fibrowarrior #gidysmotilityawareness #neuropathy #hernias #mcasawareness #endometriosis #tetheredcordsyndrome #edsawareness #ehlersdanloswarrior #edswarrior #ehlersdanlosprobs #ehlersdanlosproblems

5/14/2024, 7:00:31 PM

Discover the mystery of mast cells, unearthed by Nobel Prize winning Physician Paul Ehrlich over 150 years ago. Dive into their role in our immune system, and how they can go awry in conditions like Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), often affecting those with Hypermobility and EDS. MCAS can lead to Histamine Intolerance, unleashing a cascade of symptoms from itching to fatigue, making diagnosis and management challenging. While medications offer temporary relief, holistic approaches targeting root causes are essential for sustainable management. 🌿 Beware of top histamine-rich foods if you suspect MCAS or Histamine Intolerance: fermented dairy, fermented veg like kimchi, cured meats, citrus fruits, and more. Knowledge is power, so consult with professionals for more information and symptom management. 💙 #MCASAwareness #HolisticHealing

5/13/2024, 7:23:17 AM

Unsichtbar für andere und Vergessen... Heute ist der 12.5 was heißt es für andere:Es ist ein ganz normaler Tag oder vielleicht der eigene Geburtstag für so viele Menschen weltweit ist es der Me/Cfs awareness day. Aber was ist Me/Cfs überhaupt? MECFS bedeutet Myalgische Enzephalomyelitis/Chronisches Fatigue Syndrom und ist eine neuroimmunologische Multisystem Erkrankung. Diagnostiziert wird sie zur Zeit über die kanadischen Kriterien ,das Hauptsymptom ist PEM(es ist die Zustandsverschlechterung nach körperlicher oder mentaler Belastung). Wichtig ist zu wissen Me/Cfs ist NICHT Fatigue: Eine Fatigue ist ein Symptom bei zum Beispiel Krebs,Rheuma,Morbus Crohn etc..heißt für euch habt ihr Fatigue und eine dieser Erkrankungen,habt ihr nicht unbedingt me/Cfs. Deswegen merkt euch Me/Cfs≠Fatigue! Me/Cfs ist eine postvirale eigenständige Erkrankung Auslöser sind zb Borrelien, EBV, Influenza und auch COVID usw. Noch gibt es keine einzige Therapie oder eine Versorgung und deswegen fordere ich für alle mit Me/Cfs,also egal welcher Auslöser Forschung,Versorgung und Hilfe. #goblueformecfs2024 #mecfsawareness #mecfssucks #potsawareness #smallfibreneuropathy #mcasawareness #potssyndrome #mecfsawarenessday2024

5/12/2024, 12:00:03 AM

MCAS - what is it, what are the symptoms, triggers, causes and treatment? ✨ MCAS is one of the conditions i suffer with the most so it was great to make this awareness post! i find that most people are unaware of what MCAS is until they have a friend/family member suffering or start to suffer themselves - however recent studies show that it’s actually very common, and around 17% of the worldwide population suffer from some form of MCAS 🤯 i am hoping to do a more in depth post about mast cell mediators and the different symptoms they can cause as i found that part of the science really interesting too! #mcas #mastcell #mastcellactivationsyndrome #mastcellactivationdisorder #mastcellactivation #allergies #allergy #anaphylaxis #mcasawareness #awareness #conditions #disabled #disability #disabilityawareness #chronicillness #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #mecfs #longcovid #autoimmunedisease #autoimmune #autoimmunediseases #chronicallyill #ms #artwork #symptoms #allergicreaction #allergictoeverything #allergyawareness #disabledlife

5/11/2024, 9:34:34 PM

Was soll ich sagen,ich habe es tatsächlich geschafft Eis essen zu fahren und ich bin so unfassbar glücklich,dass ich das gepackt habe.😍 Wetter war traumhaft,die Atmosphäre war traumhaft und es hat sich echt gelohnt und ich sah echt cute aus finde ich.🥹 Nun liege ich wieder im Dunkeln aber das war's mir wert.Genießt das Wetter wenn ihr könnt und ich wünsche euch ein wunderschönes Restwochenende!🫂💙🌸 #chronicillnessawareness #mecfssucks #mecfsawareness #potsawareness #smallfibreneuropathy #mcasawareness #chronischkrankundtrotzdemglücklich #eis #family

5/11/2024, 3:56:23 PM

Ich liebe locken an mir einfach so doll..🥹🥀 #chronicillnessawareness #mecfsawareness #potsawareness #mcasawareness #girl #blueeyes #makeup #happygirl #mecfssucks

5/9/2024, 10:50:54 PM

Going back to the start for M.E. awareness week. At the beginning of 2016 I had a nasty COVID like virus. When the fatigue persisted I discovered I was anaemic, but I didn't improve with iron tablets. My GP suggested SSRIs, upped to the maximum dose but if I wasn't at work I was asleep and in the end I was sleeping on the floor of one of the (many) disabled toilets in my office on my lunch hour just to get through the day My tests were all negative but I was getting worse. Eventually a trainee Dr said 'the only other thing I can think of is m.e. but it wouldn't be that because it's really rare'. I googled the symptoms; had pretty much all of them. I printed, highlighted and faxed them to the surgery. I got my formal diagnosis in March of 2017, over a year after the symptoms started... And that was fast, most people go for years undiagnosed. I made two almost full recoveries, relapsed both times, then nose dived dramatically over the next 4 years with very little monitoring or intervention. This approach also got me my co-morbid diagnosises of VVS (similar to POTS), ADHD and although I'm still seeking formal diagnosis MCAS. M.E. feels like having the life force sucked out of you, but fighting the people you thought were there to help is soul crushing. For me, learning about MCAS and mostly self treating with supplements and diet has helped me move from permanently in the 10-20s on the severity scale into occasional periods in the low 30s and that's a huge difference in terms of quality of life. This isn't always possible but if you can or have someone to advocate for you, familiarise yourself with the NICE guidelines (they aren't great but most physicians aren't aware of them) and join the support groups, they are a great resource for support and learning from each other. Despite having been #missing for nearly 8 years I count myself one of the luckier ones, but I cannot stress enough the importance of knowing your rights and if you're really lucky finding a GP who's knowledgeable or at least open to suggestion. #meawarenessweek #millionsmissing #canyouseemenow #meassociation #meaction #cfs #mcasawareness

5/9/2024, 10:09:28 PM

Said I was going to do one a day but this is too typical not to share. After carefully researching low histamine and mast stabilising ingredients, forking out for the juicer and groceries, near killing myself trying to get it all done in one go... And I'm having the first MCAS 'flushing' I've had in ages! The problem with histamine intolerance of any kind is that our body naturally produces them, and no ingredients are histamine free. These symptoms can be caused by anything from an external trigger, from a stressful situation and sometimes just for the freaking sake of it (ie histamines are higher at certain points in the hormonal cycle). Is this from over exertion or is my smoothie cache more gonna be a daily game of russian roulette? Also didn't keep track of what went in where for future reference 🤦🏻‍♀️ Tune in fot the next exciting installment of MCAS is shit (AKA is it something I've eaten or am I just allergic to myself again today?) 😂 Anything could happen, it's so exciting 🎢🤦🏻‍♀️ #mcas #mcasawareness #mcad #histamineintolerance #meawareness #meaction #millionsmissing #meassociation #meawarenessweek #canyouseemenow #spoonywarrior

5/8/2024, 11:01:07 PM

Ich bin so glücklich auch diesen Geburtstag mitgemacht zu haben,es sind zwar nur 30-45min aber für mich schon genug!🥰 Weil ich gefragt wurde,wie man meine locken hinkriegt→automatischer Lockenstab.❤️ Ich liege nun überglücklich im Bett und ruhe aus,um Nacher dann zu Abend essen zu können im Bett.☺️ Ansonsten passiert diese Woche nichts außer ausruhen,da ich Samstag mit meinen Eltern und meinem älteren Bruder Eis essen fahren möchte und es unbedingt schaffen mag.✨🥹 Nun ein Nap.🫰🏻😴 #chronicillnessawareness #mecfsawareness #potsawareness #mcasawareness #smallfibreneuropathy #blueeyes #happygirl #geburtstag #happy

5/7/2024, 5:07:49 PM

Neue Fähigkeiten, neues Ich! 🧠 Stärke dein Immunsystem 💪🌟 Wusstest du, dass das Erlernen neuer Fähigkeiten nicht nur deinen Geist belebt, sondern auch dein Immunsystem stärkt? 🤯🔥 Es ist wie ein Workout für dein Gehirn und deinen Körper! Also schnapp dir ein Buch, ein Instrument oder probiere eine neue Sportart aus - deine Gesundheit wird es dir danken! 💖🚀 Was möchtest du als nächstes Lernen? 👇 Schreibe es in die Kommentare und Teile es mit der @immunfokus Community 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Werde Teil der @immunfokus Community für: 🧠| Mehr Wissen zum Thema Immunsystem und Autoimmunerkrankungen 🌿| Leicht verständliche Tipps für deine Gesundheit 💪| Kostenlos, aber unbezahlbar 📌Markiere jemanden, der diesen Beitrag sehen sollte! 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ #darmimmunsystem #autoimmunreaktionen #Immunstärkung #Gesundheitsprävention #Darmgesund #Erkältungszeit #Grippeprävention #Autoimmunität #ChronischeGesundheit #Autoimmunthyreoiditis #Hauterkrankungen #Fibromyalgiesupport #ColitisCommunity #MorbuschronUnterstützung #Darmgesundheitsoptimierung #Leakygutbehandlung #Reizdarmbewältigung #SIBOmanagement #MCASawareness #Migränehilfe #Schmerzbewältigung #Gelenkgesundheit #Schilddrüsengesundheit #Hypothyreose #Hyperthyreose #GesundeDarmflora #Autoimmunwellness

5/6/2024, 6:01:19 PM

What do you think of my New IG Look? 🤩 I’m your healthy skin cheerleader 📣 that just happens to be a licensed esthetician, and certified in all the methodologies that create real results. I’ll try it, use it, and see how it performs before I ever dare recommend. I love to provide scientifically proven tips, tricks, and real honest advice. Listen, I know you don’t always wash off your makeup, can’t stop picking that pesky pimple, or eat the things your skin hates! I’m here for it all! I personally travel the healthy skin care journey with you whether in person or virtually. There’s no question I won’t answer or product I won’t research for you. My goal is for you to have beautiful healthy skin with confidence and a touch of sass! Side note: I absolutely love doing puzzles, I’m currently working on a Bridgerton 1000 piece beauty! I’m a wife and a mamma to two amazing grown kiddos that have my heart! Love my son-in-law and daughter-in-law maybe just a little more than my own kids (just kidding 😉). I have 3 amazing gorgeous grandchildren, and a little 4.5 lb Chiweenie named Rose. Can’t wait to get to know you! If I’ve had the honor to work with you, well you know how much I love you 🥰! If I haven’t, well that’s your cue to contact me and let me help you achieve your skin goals properly. No more guessing, wasting money, and time, just real long lasting results! 🙌 How do you do this? Simply DM me and journey begins! #skin #skincareroutine #skincaregoals #healthyskin #licensedesthetician #skincarespecialist #holisticskincare #gentleskincare #sensitiveskincare #acneskincare #antiagingskincare #allergyfriendly #mcasawareness #eczemarelief #realresults #skinstagram Thank you @the.creative.bodega for your amazing classes and The Content Coven 🩷

5/3/2024, 10:49:22 PM

🌟 In another universe, we would be gifted. While living with MCAS brings many challenges, it also bestows unique gifts upon us. Meet the #MCASWarriors! Jack, with the ability to detect electrical points, can feel hidden currents and power sources, turning everyday tasks into adventures. Together, we can raise awareness and highlight the positive side of our journeys. 💪💫 #MCASAwareness #MCASWarriors #UniqueStrengths

5/3/2024, 6:01:07 PM

Bitterstoffe fürs starke Immunsystem! 🌿 Stärke dein Immunsystem mit Bitterstoffen 🍵! Löwenzahn, Bitterschokolade, Grapefruits, Rucola und Grüner Tee enthalten wichtige Bitterverbindungen, die Entzündungen bekämpfen und die Immunabwehr stärken. Genieße die Vielfalt der Natur und bringe Schwung in deine Gesundheit! 💚👊 Welcher Bitterstoff-Lieferant darf bei dir nicht fehlen? 👇 Schreibe es in die Kommentare und Teile es mit der @immunfokus Community 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Werde Teil der @immunfokus Community für: 🧠| Mehr Wissen zum Thema Immunsystem und Autoimmunerkrankungen 🌿| Leicht verständliche Tipps für deine Gesundheit 💪| Kostenlos, aber unbezahlbar 📌Markiere jemanden, der diesen Beitrag sehen sollte! 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ #darmimmunsystem #autoimmunreaktionen #Immunstärkung #Gesundheitsprävention #Darmgesund #Erkältungszeit #Grippeprävention #Autoimmunität #ChronischeGesundheit #Autoimmunthyreoiditis #Hauterkrankungen #Fibromyalgiesupport #ColitisCommunity #MorbuschronUnterstützung #Darmgesundheitsoptimierung #Leakygutbehandlung #Reizdarmbewältigung #SIBOmanagement #MCASawareness #Migränehilfe #Schmerzbewältigung #Gelenkgesundheit #Schilddrüsengesundheit #Hypothyreose #Hyperthyreose #GesundeDarmflora #Autoimmunwellness

5/2/2024, 6:00:42 PM

May is EDS awareness month. I have had hypermobile eds my whole life as it is inherited but wasn't diagnosed or aware of the condition until last year. It affects your connective tissue through out your body and has made me more susceptible to my other conditions. Why a Zebra? “When you hear the sound of hooves, think horses, not zebras.” "This phrase is taught to medical students throughout their training. In medicine, the term “zebra” is used in reference to a rare disease or condition. Doctors are taught to assume that the simplest explanation is usually correct to avoid patients being misdiagnosed with rare illnesses.  Doctors learn to expect common conditions." -From the EDS Societies Website I am a Zebra of many colors and an advocate for all. For a long time I have believed I lost a part of myself when my health fell to pieces. Now I believe I have found deep inner strength and a mission in life. Orange-hEDS Orange-CRPS Yellow-Endometriosis Turquoise-POTS/Autonomic Dysfunction Purple-MCAS Purple-Neuropathy Blue-Alopecia #ehlersDanos #EhlersDanosSyndrome #Hypermobility #HypermobilitySpectrumDisorder #edsawareness #togetherwedazzle #MyEDSChallenge #MyHSDChallenge #Zebrastrong #Zebraofmanycolors #crps #crpswarrior #complexregionalpainsyndrome #crpsawareness #raredisease #endometriosis #endowarrior #endoawareness #autonomicdysfunction #pots #Dysautonomia #potsawareness #mastcellactivation #mcasawareness #neuropathy #neuropathyawareness #alopecia #alopeciaawareness #chronicallyill #neverstop

5/2/2024, 1:59:36 PM

#MyEDSChallenge Day 1: Share a Selfie! ✨ Hi, everyone! My name is Emily, and I live in a small town in Michigan, USA 🇺🇸. I have hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and the biggest health issue I'm dealing with right now is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, which is a common comorbidity of EDS. Having MCAS is like being allergic to life itself, and I'm sick of it!!! I'm tired of being allergic to seemingly everything around me. I trust in God, though, and I'm believing and hoping that good things are coming soon! I currently have some doctor's appointments coming up that I'm looking forward to. (I'm hoping to have better luck than I've had with doctors in the past.) I'm excited for this month's challenge and am looking forward to meeting some new fellow zebras! 🦓🧬😷🩷 #edswarrior #edswarriors #ehlersdanlossyndrome #eds #mcas #mastcellactivationsyndrome #mcaswarrior #mastcelldisease #allergictolife #mastcelldiseaseawareness #medicalzebra #edsawarenessmonth #edsawareness #mcasawareness

5/2/2024, 3:34:37 AM

Thank you to everyone who completed the life experiences survey for Mast Cell Action! Your input is invaluable in advocating for better care and understanding of MCAS. The results will be presented at the BSACI conference this October to highlight the urgent need for improved support and treatment options. Together, let's make a difference in the lives of those with MCAS. Stay tuned for updates! 🧡 #MCASAwareness #PatientCare #BSACIConference

5/1/2024, 7:00:57 PM

Das Beste draus machen… …ist manchmal alles, was bleibt! Für mich heißt es grade Immunsuppression und Trinknahrung. Ruhe in mein kaputtes System bringen. Reaktionen stoppen. Den Dominoeffekt unterbrechen und den Schub beenden. Ich würde lügen, würde ich behaupten, das macht mir gar nichts aus. Denn das tut es. Es ist frustrierend. Aber ich versuche dennoch das Beste aus dieser Situation zu machen. 👉🏻 Ich nehme sie an! Denn ändern kann ich es nicht. Der Gedankenkreislauf aus wieso und alles Mist würde mich nicht weiter bringen. Im Gegenteil, es nur noch schlimmer machen. 👉🏻 Ich richte meinen Fokus auf positive Gedanken! Anstatt meine Angst vor einer eventull dauerhaften Verschlechterung zu fokussieren, richte ich meinen Blick auf das, was ich bereits positiv für mich verändern konnte. Darauf, was ich bereits alles meistern konnte. 👉🏻 Ich liebe mich selbst! Denn auch das ist wichtig! Gradezu unerlässlich. Natürlich wäre es ein leichtes, der Wut auf meinen Körper zu erliegen. Aber ich liebe mich, zur Gänze und das schließt all meine Besonderheiten mit ein. Denn ich verdiene es, mich selbst nicht weniger zu lieben, als ich jeden anderen liebe. Das macht, zugegeben, die Situation nicht besser. Aber die Last wird etwas leichter. Alles wird etwas heller und freundlicher. Und vor allem entsteht etwas Platz für Hoffnung, Mut und Zuversicht. 😉 Eben für all das, was ich zum weiter gehen brauche! #leben_mit_mcas #mcashope #mcas #eds #spoonielife #cfs #chronischeerkrankungen #selteneerkrankungen #hypermobilitätssyndrom #positivesdenken #immunsuppression #mcassucks #mcassupport #mcasawareness

4/30/2024, 8:00:55 AM

Morgen ist es soweit aus der Magen und Darmspiegelung wird zur Zeit nur eine Magenspiegelung.Wieso? Nun wenn nichts kommt und man sich nur übergeben muss ist's nicht wirklich das Ergebnis.🥹 Ich versuche jedenfalls morgen oder übermorgen an einen Arzt zu gelangen um mit dem zu quatschen.Irgendwie ist bei mir immer alles anders und es nervt.😒 Aber ich bin Alexa und ich sage euch aufgeben? Keine Chance ich mache weiter und versuche mit dem Arzt eine Lösung zu finden.💪🏻 Somit habe ich mich trotzdem an das alles gehalten für die Darm Sache.🤣 Zb wunderschöne Gourmet Brühe..😅 Dann schreibe ich seit Tagen an einem Beitrag für den MECFS awareness day...der ist übrigens am 12.05 falls ihr blaue Sachen habt Kleidung , Accessoires oder so macht gern mit am 12.05 darauf aufmerksam zu machen,in dem ihr was blaues tragt.💙(Kein muss) Ansonsten bin ich für jeden Rückhalt von euch dankbar,ihr seid echt tolle Menschen.🥹Eure Unterstützung ist einfach unbezahlbar.💙💙💙 #mecfsawareness #potsawareness #mcasawareness #smallfibreneuropathy #chronicillnessawareness #mecfs #goblueformecfs2024

4/29/2024, 8:30:35 PM

Oxytocin und die Kraft der Bindung! 💖🌟 Mehr Liebe, weniger Stress: Wie du dein Oxytocin steigern kannst! 💕🧘‍♂️ Oxytocin, das 'Liebeshormon', wird durch Umarmungen, soziale Interaktionen, Entspannungstechniken, gemeinsame Aktivitäten und sogar Tiergesellschaft freigesetzt. Diese Wege fördern nicht nur unsere Bindungen und Beziehungen, sondern reduzieren auch Stress und steigern unser Wohlbefinden. Eine kleine Dosis Oxytocin kann einen großen Unterschied machen! 💫❤️ Wie steigerst du dein Oxytocin? 👇 Schreibe es in die Kommentare und Teile es mit der @immunfokus Community 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Werde Teil der @immunfokus Community für: 🧠| Mehr Wissen zum Thema Immunsystem und Autoimmunerkrankungen 🌿| Leicht verständliche Tipps für deine Gesundheit 💪| Kostenlos, aber unbezahlbar 📌Markiere jemanden, der diesen Beitrag sehen sollte! 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ #darmimmunsystem #autoimmunreaktionen #Immunstärkung #Gesundheitsprävention #Darmgesund #oxytocin #Liebeshormon #Autoimmunität #ChronischeGesundheit #Autoimmunthyreoiditis #Hauterkrankungen #Fibromyalgiesupport #ColitisCommunity #MorbuschronUnterstützung #Darmgesundheitsoptimierung #Leakygutbehandlung #Reizdarmbewältigung #SIBOmanagement #MCASawareness #Migränehilfe #Schmerzbewältigung #Gelenkgesundheit #Schilddrüsengesundheit #Hypothyreose #Hyperthyreose #GesundeDarmflora #Autoimmunwellness

4/29/2024, 6:00:33 PM

April-Nährstoffe 🌱🌼 Genieße die Vielfalt der Natur! Der April bringt eine Fülle von köstlichen und nährstoffreichen Lebensmitteln hervor🍽️💚! Spinat mit seinem eisenreichen Profil, Rhabarber voller Vitamin K, Kohlrabi für Vitamin C, Radieschen für einen Vitamin C-Kick, Spargel mit seiner Folsäure und Lauch für Vitamin K. Nutze die Vielfalt des Frühlings für deine Gesundheit! 🥗✨ Welche dieser Nährstoffquellen ist deine liebste? 👇 Schreibe es in die Kommentare und Teile es mit der @immunfokus Community 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Werde Teil der @immunfokus Community für: 🧠| Mehr Wissen zum Thema Immunsystem und Autoimmunerkrankungen 🌿| Leicht verständliche Tipps für deine Gesundheit 💪| Kostenlos, aber unbezahlbar 📌Markiere jemanden, der diesen Beitrag sehen sollte! 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ #darmimmunsystem #autoimmunreaktionen #Immunstärkung #Gesundheitsprävention #Darmgesund #Erkältungszeit #Grippeprävention #Autoimmunität #ChronischeGesundheit #Autoimmunthyreoiditis #Hauterkrankungen #Fibromyalgiesupport #ColitisCommunity #MorbuschronUnterstützung #Darmgesundheitsoptimierung #Leakygutbehandlung #Reizdarmbewältigung #SIBOmanagement #MCASawareness #Migränehilfe #Schmerzbewältigung #Gelenkgesundheit #Schilddrüsengesundheit #Hypothyreose #Hyperthyreose #GesundeDarmflora #Autoimmunwellness

4/25/2024, 6:00:30 PM

Covid infection in June '23 caused Long Covid which caused Epstein Barr Virus reactivation and MONO in July. Long Covid then caused Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with PEM which caused me to become housebound since Christmas. In January I started having severe histamine reactions and led to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome which is a nightmare. This journey is the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. The worst part is not being believed, being dismissed and people thinking it's depression or anxiety, being forgotten about and ignored. I'm here to answer questions if you're got em. #longcovid #epsteinbarrvirus #mecfs #mecfsawareness #mastcellactivationsyndrome #mcas #MCASAwareness

4/25/2024, 5:34:01 PM

It’s been awhile since I worked out about 3 weeks. I won’t lie this workout was struggled, but got through it. I’m going to try to workout as often as I can even if it’s just once a week. It’s definitely getting harder this is probably 2x tougher than my MALS battle. It’s hitting on every avenue of pain from muscle to nerve pain. #personaltrainer #ncsawareness #mcasawareness #fiife #getfit #fitgirls #fitnessmotivation #atlfit #houstonmethodisthospital #houstontexas #photooftheday #mondaymotivation #igfit #personal

4/22/2024, 9:37:04 PM

Well my birthday weekend did not go as planned. I thought I was doing pretty well and then was randomly hit with an episode after eating. Many of my episodes happen after eating. Eating used to be something I enjoyed. Now it’s something I am constantly scared off because I never know what is going to set me off. But hey at least I have a double album to vibe to! 🤍 Thank you @maggie_montag and @shurleythe_1 for documenting and giving me so much support. Even though I did look like a fish out of water. • • • #pots #mcas #potssyndromeawareness #potsiesproblems #potsawareness #mcasawareness #chronicillnessawareness #birthday #aprilbirthday

4/22/2024, 2:06:39 AM

I spend a lot of time seeking mellowness….which might sound odd to those that don’t need to do this. Whether it’s from being in relaxing physical surroundings, spending time by the sea - blue nature, in the countryside - green nature, in open views, spending time outdoors or by trying to minimise stress in life as much as possible. Why is this so important for me…? Well suffering from mast cell illnesses, such as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) or Mastocytosis, can mean mast cells over react to physical and emotional stress….even those that might appear as small stresses. This has been a real issue for me. I’ve had my fair share of stress including childhood trauma and divorce. My anxiety can be, and has been, debilitating. But, when I fully relax, it calms down - and I feel some relief. Why could this be? Mast cells have cortisol receptors. Cortisol is one of the body’s key adrenal hormones, produced to help us cope and respond better to stress. However, if we have too many mast cells, and/or over reactive mast cells, this cortisol can result in the over production of inflammatory chemicals in the body. This can lead to anxiety, as well as many physical symptoms of ill health, fatigue and in my case thoughts of impending doom and feeling like ‘I’ve been hit by a ton of bricks’. I know how debilitating and frightening these flare ups can be, and hope that by sharing my experience and what I’ve learnt along the way, that I can help others to lessen or avoid such symptoms. Particularly those severely life limiting and horrible neurophysiological symptoms that can be part of mast cell illnesses. Sending love and hope to live, beautiful life, better 🙏❤️❣️💫✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #mcas #mcasawareness #mcasmentalhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthcauses #mentalhealthcausesandsolution #anxietyattacks #unexplainedanxiety #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #stress #stressrelief #natureformentalhealth #calmingnature #stressmanagement #stressrelieving #stressresponse #silentstresser #impendingdoom #fear #mastocytosis #mastocytosisandmastcelldiseasesawarenes #mastcelldisorder #mastcell #mastcelldisease #mastcells #mastcelltumor #mastcellwarrior #mastcellreaction

4/20/2024, 12:34:57 PM

I spend a lot of time seeking mellowness….which might sound odd to those that don’t need to do this. Whether it’s from being in relaxing physical surroundings, spending time by the sea - blue nature, in the countryside - green nature, in open views, spending time outdoors or by trying to minimise stress in life as much as possible. Why is this so important for me…? Well suffering from mast cell illnesses, such as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) or Mastocytosis, can mean mast cells over react to physical and emotional stress….even those that might appear as small stresses. This has been a real issue for me. I’ve had my fair share of stress including childhood trauma and divorce. My anxiety can be, and has been, debilitating. But, when I fully relax, it calms down - and I feel some relief. Why could this be? Mast cells have cortisol receptors. Cortisol is one of the body’s key adrenal hormones, produced to help us cope and respond better to stress. However, if we have too many mast cells, and/or over reactive mast cells, this cortisol can result in the over production of inflammatory chemicals in the body. This can lead to anxiety, as well as many physical symptoms of ill health, fatigue and in my case thoughts of impending doom and feeling like ‘I’ve been hit by a ton of bricks’. I know how debilitating and frightening these flare ups can be, and hope that by sharing my experience and what I’ve learnt along the way, that I can help others to lessen or avoid such symptoms. Particularly those severely life limiting and horrible neurophysiological symptoms that can be part of mast cell illnesses. Sending love and hope to live, beautiful life, better 🙏❤️❣️💫✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #mcas #mcasawareness #mcasmentalhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthcauses #mentalhealthcausesandsolution #anxietyattacks #unexplainedanxiety #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport #stress #stressrelief #natureformentalhealth #calmingnature #stressmanagement #stressrelieving #stressresponse #silentstresser #impendingdoom #fear #mastocytosis #mastocytosisandmastcelldiseasesawarenes #mastcelldisorder #mastcell #mastcelldisease #mastcells #mastcelltumor #mastcellwarrior #mastcellreaction

4/20/2024, 12:34:50 PM

I just had an overwhelming post op that didn’t go as positively as I was hoping, a mix of good and bad for sure. So this may not be my most coherent post but I’m processing how I feel about everything. I wish something medical could go simply for once. it’s so hard being on such a long journey, with no forseeable end in sight. I wish that i wasn’t always such a complicated patient. I wish that it was easier to manage my pain. I wish that even one of my (many) conditions could be easily treated. I wish that for once i could be in the majority of patients that a procedure worked fully for. I wish that my doctor didn’t throw out all of his medication pain management suggestions and then look discouraged when I told him I’m already on all of them. I wish i didn’t have to choose between (likely) a lifetime of chronic pelvic pain and another surgery. I wish that i hadn’t gone through 15+ procedures and surgeries with at least 80% success rates, none of which worked for me. I wish new doctors didn’t always comment on my extensive list of diagnoses and medications. Have you been through any of this? Leave a 💜 or comment! #chronicpain #chronicillness #autoimmune #disability #raredisease #geneticdisorder #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniecommunity #spooniesupport #medicallife #medicallifestyle #vestibulodynia #vestibulectomy #mcas #mcasawareness #mastcell #mastcelldisease #chronicpelvicpain #chronicpelvicpainisnotnormal #chronicpainawareness

4/19/2024, 9:00:00 PM

#triage #thursday up in this bitch. I had #arthoscopicsurgery today on my knee that I tore back in 2011. ‘Don’t worry about it, it will heal on its own.’ Nope. No one knew I had #EDS / #elhersdanlossyndrome, a #connectivetissuedisorder. My body produces faultly #collagen and #connectivetissue makes up almost all of body parts. Yay! . . . . . . . #lizzidown #thicclizzi #tattooedbbw #edsawareness #zebra #thinkzebrasnothorses #POTS #POTS #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #potsawareness #potsy #MCAS #mastcellacticationsyndrome #mcasawareness #theunholytrinity #theunholytrfecta #chronicillnesses #disabled #disabiltyawareness #spoons #spoontheory #spoonies #knivesoverspoons

4/19/2024, 1:24:28 AM

Let’s delve into the intricate web of symptoms that characterize Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), a condition that affects individuals in multifaceted ways: 🌟 Skin: MCAS often manifests through skin reactions, ranging from hives and rashes to itching and flushing. These visible signs can be both distressing and uncomfortable, impacting one’s confidence and quality of life. 🍽️ GI (Gastrointestinal): Digestive issues such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and nausea are common symptoms of MCAS. These disruptions in gut health can significantly affect daily functioning and overall well-being. 🧠 Nervous System: MCAS can wreak havoc on the nervous system, leading to symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, headaches, and cognitive impairments. These neurological symptoms can be debilitating, affecting one’s ability to concentrate, remember, and perform everyday tasks. 🤧 Allergy: Individuals with MCAS often experience allergy-like symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, watery eyes, and throat tightness. These reactions can occur in response to various triggers, further complicating the management of the condition. 💀 Skeletal: Joint pain, muscle stiffness, and bone pain are common skeletal symptoms of MCAS. These musculoskeletal issues can make movement difficult and contribute to overall discomfort and decreased mobility. 🔥 Hormones: MCAS can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, mood swings, and fatigue. These hormonal fluctuations can have a significant impact on mood, energy levels, and overall quality of life. Navigating the complex landscape of MCAS requires a comprehensive understanding of these diverse symptoms and their potential triggers. By recognizing and addressing these manifestations, individuals can work towards managing their condition effectively and reclaiming their health and vitality. 💪💫 #MCASAwareness #SymptomSpotlight

4/17/2024, 8:45:00 PM

Unlocking the mystery of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) means delving into a multitude of potential triggers, each playing a role in the intricate dance of symptoms and flare-ups. Let’s unravel this complex web: 🌱 Mold exposure: Hidden in damp corners, mold can trigger mast cell activation, leading to a cascade of symptoms. 🦠 SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth): Imbalance in gut bacteria can fuel inflammation, exacerbating MCAS symptoms. 🚫 Toxins and heavy metals: From everyday pollutants to environmental toxins, these sneaky culprits can send mast cells into overdrive. 🐛 Parasites: Uninvited guests in the body can incite an immune response, aggravating MCAS symptoms. 🕳️ Leaky Gut: When the intestinal barrier is compromised, toxins leak into the bloodstream, triggering mast cell activation. 💆 Nervous System Dysregulation: Stress and dysautonomia can disrupt the delicate balance of mast cells, exacerbating symptoms. 🍄 Candida: Overgrowth of yeast in the gut can fuel inflammation and worsen MCAS symptoms. 🦠 Viruses: Infections can send mast cells into hyperdrive, intensifying symptoms and triggering flare-ups. 🕷️ Tick-Borne Illness: Lyme disease and co-infections can further complicate MCAS symptoms, adding to the overall burden on the immune system. Understanding these triggers is key to managing MCAS and reclaiming control over your health journey. By identifying and addressing these underlying factors, you can work towards a more balanced and symptom-free life. 💪🌟 #MCASAwareness #TriggersUnveiled #HealingJourney #mcas #mastcellactivationsyndrome #histamineintolerance #histamine

4/16/2024, 8:50:00 PM

🦓 Meet Robin, an athlete with classical-like EDS whose journey through dance is a testament to determination and passion. “I’ve been dancing since the age of 4 - a combination of dance, cheer, and gymnastics,” she shares, her love for movement evident from a tender age. 🦓 Despite enduring frequent injuries and hip dislocations, Robin’s love for dance never faltered. High school brought a temporary halt when stomach issues forced her to step away. “I had to stop dancing until college,” she recalls. “Dance became my minor,” she shares, seizing the opportunity to reignite her love for movement. Fueled by the encouragement of her which soon blossomed into a major alongside a minor in exercise and sports science pre-physical therapy. In her final college years, Robin faced additional challenges with diagnoses of gastroparesis and POTS. “My dance teachers created accommodations for me,” she acknowledges, highlighting the unwavering support that propelled her forward. With accommodations such as seated performances and choreography, her spirit remained undaunted. Graduating cum laude and inducted into the honor society, Robin’s journey stands as a testament to strength and dedication. As she sets her sights on physical therapy school, her aspirations to merge her love for dance with hypermobility in performing arts and injury prevention illuminate a path of hope and inspiration. Robin’s journey epitomizes the strength and courage of athletes with EDS. Her unwavering determination and perseverance in overcoming obstacles serve as a beacon of inspiration. Through triumphs and setbacks, Robin’s story illuminates the indomitable spirit driving athletes with EDS to pursue their passions with unwavering resolve. As she continues forward, Robin’s impact inspires countless others to defy limitations and embrace their own strength, forging a path of resilience and possibility. #ehlersdanlosathlete #cleds #ehlersdanlossyndrome #ehlersdanlosawareness

4/14/2024, 5:21:57 PM

Another day, another flare. 🎶My face is on fire... My face is on fiiiiirree🎶 All because I smelled food in a cafeteria. #mcas #calmdownyacrazy #calmdown #backoffmastcells #mastcellactivationsyndrome #spoonie #advocate #raiseawareness #MCASAwareness #flare

4/14/2024, 2:03:24 AM

“I’m not scared of death, I have dreams again” Today marks 3 months post op from my renal autotransplant and it’s amazing to see how much my life has drastically changed. I’m doing super well and my labs look mostly good, but I am struggling a bit with eating and that’s affecting them some so I’ll have to try and eat more and get more protein in. I also am going to have to get my may-thurner fixed soon, but we are in the process of finding a doctor. But I’ve been finally able to live out the senior year I’ve always wanted and I can’t wait to see where the future takes me💗 #mcas #heds #hypermobileelhersdanlos #smas #ncs #vascularcompression #mals #wpw #brugadasyndrome #migraines #maythurnersyndrome #chronicillnessawareness #chronicillness #hedsawareness #malsawareness #smasawareness #mcasawareness #ncsawareness #mts

4/12/2024, 9:01:34 PM

‼️You MUST be someone who: ➡️is committed to make changes in their diet and lifestyle to benefit their health ➡️has goals of symptom improvement or reversal ➡️views their health as a priority and is ready to take action now ✅if this is you, comment below or DM me “SYMPTOM” and I’ll send you a couple of questions 👍🏻 #AutoimmuneWellness #GutHealth #HistamineIntolerance #MCAS #LongCovidRecovery #NutritionTherapy #HolisticHealth #HealYourGut #FunctionalMedicine #AntiInflammatoryDiet #WellnessJourney #DigestiveHealth #ImmuneSupport #HolisticNutrition #GutHealing #NutritionCoach #AutoimmuneProtocol #HistamineFriendly #HealthyLiving #GutReset #NutritionConsultant #HolisticHealing #FoodAsMedicine #MicrobiomeHealth #EliminationDiet #MCASAwareness #FoodSensitivity #MindBodyHealth #OptimalWellness #NourishYourBody

4/9/2024, 10:06:21 AM

In my experience MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) can be triggered by many things….in my case it’s meant my health is unpredictable which has meant I’ve lost confidence in doing things I used to take for granted. Mine is triggered by cold temperates, eating yeast, eating foods that either contain histamine or release endogenous histamine in the body, environmental mould or pollution, emotional stress, physical stress such as exercise, lack of sleep or disturbed sleep. I know it makes life tough and I’d like to share my experience and learnings with you if you suffer, so that hopefully I can make things a little easier for you. Get to know your triggers. Avoid them. Eat helpful foods - antihistamine foods like pea shoots, onions and apples. #mcas #pots #eds #edsawareness #mcasawareness #mastcelldisease #mastcells #mastcelldisease #madtcelldisorders

4/8/2024, 7:29:43 PM

In my experience MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) can be triggered by many things….in my case it’s meant my health is unpredictable which has meant I’ve lost confidence in doing things I used to take for granted. Mine is triggered by cold temperates, eating yeast, eating foods that either contain histamine or release endogenous histamine in the body, environmental mould or pollution, emotional stress, physical stress such as exercise, lack of sleep or disturbed sleep. I know it makes life tough and I’d like to share my experience and learnings with you if you suffer, so that hopefully I can make things a little easier for you. Get to know your triggers. Avoid them. Eat helpful foods - antihistamine foods like pea shoots, onions and apples. #mcas #pots #eds #edsawareness #mcasawareness #mastcelldisease #mastcells #mastcelldisease #madtcelldisorders

4/8/2024, 7:29:37 PM

Saturday appreciation for my life saver 💜🐕‍🦺 Some weeks are harder than others. She keeps me going and safe. #shibainu #goldenretriever #servicedog #love #dog #dogsofinstagram #potsawareness #celiacdisease #celiacawareness #mcasawareness #hedsawareness #edsawareness #zebrastrong🦓 #cuddles

4/6/2024, 6:13:44 PM

Could you have MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome)? If so, there are things that can help! There may also be underlying causes that can be addressed. Although the cause may also be predominantly or partly genetic! #mcas #mcasfood #mcasawareness #mastcelltumor #mastcelldisorder #mastcellaction #mastcellwarrior #mastcellproblems

4/6/2024, 12:06:37 AM

Could you have MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome)? If so, there are things that can help! There may also be underlying causes that can be addressed. Although the cause may also be predominantly or partly genetic! #mcas #mcasfood #mcasawareness #mastcelltumor #mastcelldisorder #mastcellaction #mastcellwarrior #mastcellproblems

4/6/2024, 12:06:32 AM