banana images

Discover Best banana Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

🇸🇻⚽️💙🎂 • • • • #elsavadorcake #selectasalvadoreña #banana #dulcedeleche

4/27/2024, 10:39:15 PM

Esse doce é pura memória afetiva! Aquele doce de vó que a gente nunca esquece. Aproveita e garante uma sobremesa cheia de sentimento para o seu almoço de domingo. . Disponível em potes de 500g R$35 . . Esperamos por você, surpreenda quem você ama, surpreenda-se!!! . . Chama no WhatsApp, link na bio!!! ❤️ . . #doce #docedebanana #banana #sobremesa #flavinhonovaes #casaforte #casaamarela #ubaiasprince #estradadasubaias #zonanorte #recife

4/27/2024, 10:38:42 PM

Ich beobachte dich schon eine ganze Weile… Du scrollst schon zu lange am Handy. Kuschel lieber noch mit deiner Fellnase und dann ab ins Bett. Habt einen schönen entspannten Abend. . . . #dackel #rauhaardackel #hundeliebe #hund #leckerchen #banana #winter #dachshund #dachshundsofinstagram #dachshundpuppy #picoftheday #instagood #instapic #dogsofinstagram #doglife

4/27/2024, 10:32:27 PM

Quick 6" job with Banana Bill and the STF gang #weldeverydamnday #banana #mobilewelding

4/27/2024, 10:28:07 PM

Nochmal das Thema: Fülle. Bananen aus dem eigenen Garten zu ernten ist schon ein besonderes Erlebnis für uns. Aber auch hier fällt auf, dass diese in einer Fülle heranreifen, die einen nur staunen lässt! Wann lässt du diese Fülle in dein Leben? #Cashflow #finanziellefreiheit #fülle #paraguay #dasgefälltmir #selbstversorger #banana #machmit #rausausdemhamsterrad

4/27/2024, 10:25:20 PM

O Ultra Shake é um alimento completo e balanceado para perda de peso. Com calorias controladas, pode ser usado também para a manutenção do peso ideal. De forma prática e saborosa, você pode substituir até duas refeições ao dia, sem precisar pular nenhuma refeição, já que ele tem o poder de saciar a sua fome e oferecer todos os nutrientes que o seu corpo necessita. Acesse o link na Bio e garanta já o seu! #ultrashake #chocolate #banana #delicioso #alimentaçãosaudável

4/27/2024, 10:23:33 PM

"Muitas são, Senhor meu Deus, as maravilhas que tens operado para conosco, e os teus pensamentos não se podem contar diante de ti; se eu os quisera anunciar, e deles falar, são mais do que se podem contar". Salmos 40:5 Colheita de hoje! #acerola #banana #amora #mamao #filhos #casa #lar #frutas

4/27/2024, 10:19:34 PM

Petit déj de ce matin 😉 Brioche @harrys_officiel avec pâte à tartiner au lait pétillant et pâte à tartiner aux éclats de pralines roses @lecomptoirdemathilde @lecomptoirdemathildestrasbourg Banane 🍌 Accompagné d'un jus d'ananas 🍍 et d'une infusion drainage pamplemousse @latisaniereofficiel 🍶 #harrys #briocheharrys #brioche #lecomptoirdemathilde #pateatartiner #laitpetillant #lapralinaise #pralinesroses #vahiné #eclatsdepralinesroses #banana #banane #jusdananas #pineapplejuice #latisaniere #infusion #drainageetelimination #tea #breakfast #gourmandise

4/27/2024, 10:19:27 PM

SABADOUUUUUUUU E nada melhor do que aquele açaí de respeito para refrescar!!! Chama os amigos e corre pro Rota do Açaí. ou Peça já o seu pelo iFood ou pelo Whats 17 99755-5778 #acai #acompamanhamentos #frutas #doces #banana #acaipremium #cremoso #gourmet #sabor #brasil #delicia #refrescante #acai 📍Rua 12, nº 2686 - Centro - Jales

4/27/2024, 10:17:55 PM

Some forgotten favorites! ~Banana Split ~Chocolate M&M Milkshake ~Cannoli Sundae Come in today to try we are open till 8pm weather permitting! @jenksboardwalk #icecream #banana #chocolate #m&m #milkshake #cannoli

4/27/2024, 10:10:04 PM

3️⃣ alternativas deliciosas y mega fáciles que podés preparar para una merienda y compartir con amigos o familia. 🍌 GALLETITAS DE BANANA Y AVENA 🥥 GALLETITAS DE AVENA Y COCO 🍎 COOKIES DE AVENA, MANZANA Y CANELA Todas a base de alimentos reales, usando avena instantánea o harina de avena, sumando frutas para poder utilizar menos azúcar. También podés hacerlas sin azúcar, para disminuir el umbral del dulzor, o reemplazar por otro endulzante, como stevia 100% (ojo‼️hay edulcorantes que no son 100% stevia, aunque parezca que sí. Si querés que te recomiende alguna marca comercial, pedimelo en comentarios y te cuento) . ❌️ Las galletitas de paquete son productos ultraprocesados con múltiples aditivos (conservantes, saborizantes, colorantes, emulsionantes, edulcorantes, etc.) que dañan nuestra microbiota 🦠, aumentando la permeabilidad intestinal y perjudicando nuestra salud. Además, contienen en general altas cantidades de azúcar y grasas, como lo podés observar en los sellos de advertencia que traen impresos en sus paquetes. Te recomiendo que su consumo sea solo ocasional. Y vos, hacés galletitas caseras❓️ Cuál te gustó más❓️ Contame en los comentarios. Guardate este post si te gustó 📂, comentá 💬, compartí 📤 o etiquetá🏷️ a quien le pueda servir. Dale ❤️, si te gustó. Con eso me ayudas un montón 😃. 👩‍⚕️ Si necesitas asesoramiento nutricional personalizado para modificar hábitos y sentirte mejor, podes contactame por privado o al link en mi perfil y te cuento como trabajo en consultas. #nutrición #nutricion #nutricionista #nutricionsaludable #nutri #alimentacionsana #alimentacionsaludable #cambiodehabitos #habitossaludables #receta #recetas #recetassaludables #recetascaseras #recetasfaciles #comidareal #cocinafacil #cocinasana #cocinasaludable #avena #merienda #desayuno #banana #caseroesmejor #recetasfaciles #galletitas #cookies #galletas #galletascaseras #coco #manzana

4/27/2024, 10:09:14 PM

Estamos atendendo, faça seu pedido e monte seu açaí é melhor do jeito que você quiser ..! #acai #morango #loveacai #banana #acaidelivery #uva #acaibowl

4/27/2024, 10:05:52 PM

🍓🍌🫐🥝 #açai #amo #açaiteria #morangos🍓 #banana #kiwi #delicia #insntagram

4/27/2024, 10:05:38 PM

Petit déj d'hier matin ☺ Fromage blanc avec avoine soufflé @prozis @prozisfrance, banane 🍌, noix de cajou enrobées de chocolat et peanut butter white chocolate @prozisportugal Accompagné d'un jus d'ananas 🍍 et d'une infusion drainage pamplemousse @latisaniereofficiel 🍶 #envia #fromageblanc #prozis #prozisfrance #prozisfood #oatpuffs #avoinesoufflé #banana #banane #noixdecajou #chocolate #peanutbutter #beurredecacahuetes #peanutbutterwhitechocolate #jusdananas #pineapplejuice #latisaniere #infusion #drainageetelimination #tea #breakfast #gourmandise

4/27/2024, 10:04:14 PM

🍕 Calabresa. mussarela e MUITO Catupiry! 🤩 Peça AGORA. 💛| Pede um Rão no APP Mundo Rão pelo link na Bio 🎫| Use o cupom "MundoRaoPizza" e GANHE R$ 12,00 de DESCONTO no seu primeiro pedido! 🛍| Peça também pelo iFood, ou no Balcão e ganhe 20% de DESCONTO! Pizza do Rão, a Quadradinha mais gostosa do Brasil! 😍 #PedeUmRão #PedeUmRao #MinhaPizzaDoRão #FicaVaiTerPizza #Pizza #SoVoceTemEssaPizza #PizzaDoRão #MinhaPizzaÉDoRão #PizzaDoRao #Food #SuaVidaMaisFeliz #AVidaFicaMaisFelizComPizza #ProporcionandoBonsMomentos #Banana #BananaNevada #Sextou Código valido apenas para primeiro pedido. Imagem meramente ilustrativa. Taxa de entrega não incluída. Preço e promoção sujeitos a alteração ou cancelamento sem aviso prévio. Consulte a disponibilidade no aplicativo.

4/27/2024, 10:00:16 PM

#MingauAmazônico "Pacovan e Castanha" #festadoAçai #Manicoré #Banana #Amazonas

4/27/2024, 9:54:42 PM

Banana. • • DM for commissions! • • #art #traditionalart #sketch #illustration #ink #texture #drawing #banana #design #food #oilpastel

4/27/2024, 9:53:34 PM

We are thrilled to announce the commencement for sale of our specially baked banana breads. Contact us via DM to place your order. #bananabread #banana #homemade #baking #food #foodie #healthyfood #breakfast #bread #yummy #instafood #foodstagram #ottawa

4/27/2024, 9:44:37 PM

[Fanart] Drawing @rising_teh_dumbass cause why not the oc belongs to @rising_teh_dumbass . . . . . . . . . #fanart #art #traditionalart #random #banana #fukuaskullgirls

4/27/2024, 9:40:14 PM

Cuidado com a diabetes porque os docinhos chegaram!! 🍬 . Cada par por R$15 . #arte #artesanato #doces #biscuit #bijuterias #brincos #donuts #marshmallow #banana #art #craft

4/27/2024, 9:38:53 PM

RHUM ARRANGÉ BANANA SPLIT Ingredients 🔸1 litre de rhum blanc 40°C 🔸3 bananes 🔸100 g de chocolat noir 🔸1 gousse de vanille 🔸3 cas de miel 🔹Dans un bocal, mettre les 3 bananes fendues en deux. 🔹Ajouter le chocolat noir cassé en morceaux. 🔹Ajouter le miel et la gousse de vanille fendue en 2. 🔹Verser le rhum. Laisser macérer 4 mois. BONNE DÉGUSTATION 😋 #rhumarrangé #rhumarrangébananasplit #bananasplit #boissonalcoolisée #rhumblanc #banane #miel #chocolatnoir #goussedevanille #rum #arrangedrum #honey #alcoholicdrink #banana #darkchocolate

4/27/2024, 9:35:51 PM

Budín de banana express 🍌: la receta perfecta para endulzar la tarde de hoy 🥰. ¿Qué te pareció esta receta? 😋 🛒Ingredientes: Para el budín •300gr de harina leudante •200 gr de azúcar común •3 bananas maduras •100 cc de aceite •100 cc de leche •3 huevos •1cucharda de esencia de vainilla Para el crumble: •1 cucharadita de Canela en Polvo Cumaná •40 gr de Almendras Cumaná •50 gr de manteca fría •40 gr de azúcar •40 gr de harina 0000 ✏️Preparación Budín 1.En un bowl colocamos las bananas pisadas (tipo puré) junto con los huevos, la esencia, el azúcar, la leche y el aceite. Mezclamos bien. 2.Integramos de a poco la harina y seguimos mezclando hasta lograr una mezcla homogénea y sin grumos. 3.En una budinera grande previamente enmantecada y enharinada, volcamos la preparación. 4.Cubrimos el budín con el crumble y llevamos a un horno mínimo a 160°C por aprox 1 hs. Crumble: 1.Ponemos en un bowl la harina, el azúcar y la canela. Añadimos la manteca cortada en cubos y mezclamos con las manos hasta obtener una masa arenosa. Por último, agregamos las almendras picadas y mezclamos. 📣Tips: •Podés reemplazar las bananas por media Lata de Peras, Duraznos o Ananá Cumaná. •Para el crumble, podés reemplazar las almendras, por 40 gr de Coco rallado Cumaná. ¡Queda espectacular! Si te gustó la receta no te olvides de guardarla en tus favoritos y compartirla 😊 #cumanacocina #budindebanana #budin #crumble #banana #postres #rico #delicioso #merienda #almendras #recetas #saludable

4/27/2024, 9:33:56 PM

My grandparents gave me this banana while I was in St. Croix. It’s finally growing. They call it a cucoy banana 🍌

4/27/2024, 9:31:05 PM

One Year Anniversary Celebration ✨🎉 Join the Party on Sunday, May 19th 💥 ⏰ Between 3-4 pm • Balloons 🎈 • Face painting 🎨 • DJ 🎧🎼 Ciao Ciao Gelato & Cafe 📌5355 W Irving Park Rd Chicago, IL 60641 📲708-667-0464 . . . . . . #gelato #fresh #irvingpark #chicago #sweet #fruit #mango #berries #Banana #Chocolate #Coconut #ItalianVanilla #Stracciatella #VanillaBean #BacioBianco #minipancakes #Gelato #Nutella #Chocolate #Caramel #mocha #whitemocha #cookies #ciaciaoanniversary #anniversary #celebration

4/27/2024, 9:28:14 PM

Customer Cam!📸 ✨Banana Pudding Minis✨Thank You All For All Of Your Support! • • #bananapudding #banana #pudding #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #yum #sweets #desserts #reels #viral #viralvideos

4/27/2024, 9:27:53 PM

#banana!!! 🍌🍌🍌 Eccoci siamo tornati!! 🍌 Portachiavi #minions realizzati a mano

4/27/2024, 9:25:10 PM

Couple good clutches layed this week. Banana Mojave DH pied albino X Albino Pied. Same male X Pied First 2 of 8 more clutches to come #ballpythonbreeder #BDC #banana #snakelove #ballpython #pied #albino #breedingseason #ballpythonsofinstagram #breeders #2024 #babies #eggs

4/27/2024, 9:20:15 PM

Don’t know exactly why I bought these cuz they just slide right out of my hair….but I just couldn’t pass them up! 😂 Maybe if I curl my hair again they might stay. We’ll see. #80s #banana clips #80shairclips

4/27/2024, 9:18:01 PM

🥰 Nosso clássico 𝗕𝗼𝗹𝗼 𝗱𝗲 𝗙𝘂𝗯𝗮́, 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗱𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗺 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲 𝗱𝗲 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗼 𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗱𝗮! 😍 É claro que estamos falando do 𝗕𝗼𝗹𝗼 𝗣𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗥𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘂 𝗲 𝗝𝘂𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘁𝗮 (R$34) ❤️ Perfeito para o final de semana, encomende e conheça este sabor maravilhoso ☎️ 𝗙𝗮𝗰̧𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗮 𝗘𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮: (𝟭𝟭) 𝟵𝟲𝟭𝟵𝟯-𝟴𝟳𝟳𝟭. ___ 🥧 𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗔 𝗗𝗘 𝗕𝗢𝗟𝗢𝗦 𝗗𝗘𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛𝗜 📍 𝗔𝘃. 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗶 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶, 𝟰𝟭𝟴 - 𝗕𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗿𝗼 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶 - 𝗦𝗕𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗼 - 𝗦𝗣. #QueroBoloooo #cafecombolo #boloscaseiros #bolodemilho #sobremesascaseiras #QueroBoloViu #sobremesas #sobremesascaseiras #bolodechocalate #chocolate #bolos #brigadeiro #milho #bolodeaniversario #boloformigueiro #bolosaindoforno #bolosaudaveis #brigadeiro #pudim #bairrodemarchisbc #saobernardocampo #bomdiaboatarde #tortas #banana #bolocaseiro #casadebolos

4/27/2024, 9:13:34 PM

@chommang Drawing routine 083-077 and some other unposted sketches and gesture drawing practice sorry for the bad quality i only have a mechanical pencil and one old eraser, too lazy to buy art supplies lol

4/27/2024, 9:12:41 PM

KIT BANANA E MEL 🍌🍯 Além dos cuidados diários que temos que ter em casa, os cuidados no salão de beleza são essenciais para manter nossos cabelos incríveis, e quem não gosta de um cuidado no salão né?! 💆🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️ Mantendo sua exclusiva fórmula O Kit Banana e Mel 🍌🍯 além de ter sua alta concentração de nutrientes naturais esse kit irá transformar os fios deixando visivelmente mais hidratados, nutridos e trazendo a revitalização intensa com aspecto saudáveis e cheios de vida. 🥰✨ Experimente a combinação perfeita de ingredientes naturais para uma beleza radiante que começa nos cabelos. Consulte nos salões parceiros 🤝🏻🩷 Link na bio 📲 . . . . . . . . #mpcosmeticos #banana #mel #salao #cabeleireiro #cabeloshidratadossempre #nutrição #brilho #cabelos

4/27/2024, 9:07:06 PM

canukgirI352 Sunday my daughter and I made homemade popsicles. I had bought some molds the week before and thought this would be a healthy option and fun thing for us to do, plus she’s learning about measuring and volume in math so I had her do most of the work These are strawberry, banana and oranges juice!! We made some today, and these are cat and dog shaped! Next time I’m going to add full fat Greek yogurt to them maybe 2 tablespoons to them. I like to add stuff for a healthier option. #homemade #homemadepopsicles #strawberries #banana #rocketstyle #healthyfood #madeathome #madewithlove

4/27/2024, 9:05:34 PM

An amazing breakfast at home this morning. Banana crepes with strawberry sauce and whipped cream 😋 #morning #breakfast #crepes #banana #strawberry #inthekitchen #delicious

4/27/2024, 9:05:20 PM

BA-NA-NA!!! 🍌🍌🍌 If you're a banana lover you have to try the banana flavored popcorn at Pop-A-Nana in Minion Land at Universal Studios Florida! A sweet and salty snack inspired by our favorite yellow friends! #universalorlandoresort #universalorlando #universalstuidosflorida #universalstudios #minionland #minions #banana #popanana #bananapopcorn #minionpopcorn #minionlove #travelagent #travelplanner #travelMVP #janellecartermagicvacations

4/27/2024, 9:00:14 PM

Парти с Блуи и Бинго 😄 Ванилови блатове с ванилов крем и банан 😉🫠😊 #blueyandbingo #happybirthday #celebration #vanillacake #vanilacream #banana

4/27/2024, 9:00:04 PM

Chegamos a 20 seguidores. Valos lá galera!!!! #viral #banana #reel #superação

4/27/2024, 8:58:50 PM

🍌😄 Take a bite out of humor with our Eat Me Funny Banana T-Shirt! Perfect for those who love a good laugh and a quirky sense of style. Tag a friend who needs a dose of hilarity in their wardrobe! Grab yours now - link in bio! #FunnyFashion #BananaHumor #EatMe #QuirkyStyle #GagGift #FruitFashion #TrendyTees #Banana #Humor #Funny #Shirt #Couple #Love #Partner #Husband #Wife #Boyfriend #Girlfriend #T-Shirt #Sarcastic

4/27/2024, 8:54:38 PM

our bruises build character, they make us unique and all the more capable of love. without having been bruised it would make it very hard to feel and appreciate real joy. purchased a banana, gave it some character, made it smile, placed it back with the so called “perfect” looking bananas at CIBO Express Terminal C, Newark Airport. #handpaintalways #banana #leahtinari #artist

4/27/2024, 8:51:36 PM

🍌🥜 Banana & Peanut butter Biscuits 🥜🍌 INGREDIENTS 1 large very ripe Banana (140g pre peeled) 2 Tosp of natural peanut butter (you can use almond, or any seed butter instead if needed) 11/4 cups/180g of self raising flour METHOD 📍Preheat the oven to 180 degrees 📍Mash the banana in a mixing bowl, and stir in the peanut butter to combine. 📍Add flour and mix to form a dough 📍Roll out the dough to approx 1/2 a cm in thickness 📍Use cookie cutters or a knife and cut out the biscuits 📍Bake in the oven on 180c for 10-12 mins, or until cooked. 6. Allow to cool before serving. BLW • Suitable 6+ months #blw #easyrecipes #healthysnack #foodforbaby #foodfortoddler #foodforadults #biscuit #banana #peanutbutter

4/27/2024, 8:49:34 PM

Race prep. Schuhe putzen und los kann es gehen zum #hermannslauf #nike #garmin #dextroenergy #banana #ryzon

4/27/2024, 8:47:15 PM

Le banana cake qui refroidit au bord de la fenêtre 🍌🍃 Cake banane-chocolat sans oeufs, la texture de la banane remplace facilement la texture de l'oeuf ☺️ Parfait pour les goûters du weekend ! 🥰 #cake #bananacake #banana #pastry #patisserie

4/27/2024, 8:46:27 PM

Açaí com banana e Nutella = a uma perdição 🤤🤤 #perdição #banana #bananaeaçai

4/27/2024, 8:44:19 PM

Thanks to my buddy @jerichos_library for the tag. I'm new to this type of posts so it will be a simple one! 🟡💛🟨 Colour Challenge So, in the first pic we have 4 classics, 3 in Portuguese and 1 in English. The english one is The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke The other 3 in Portuguese: The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein In the second pic we have a painting of my favourite magic the gathering card , Damnation And in the third pic, well, be careful with that one!!! I'm not sure who I can tag so feel free to join if you want. 🟨💛🟡 #yellow #fantasybooks #scifibooks #banana

4/27/2024, 8:42:30 PM

Greeshma Chenni Veettil, “Banana for Scale”, 2024, on view in Requisite Acts, at varying stages of melting. Banana shaped ice, de-icing salt, wooden pedestal. #requisiteactsartshow #requisiteacts #mfashow2024 #novadogallery #jerseycity #powerhouseartsdistrict #banana #ice #blue #artcollecting #downtownjerseycity #whitney #GreeshmaChenniVeettil

4/27/2024, 8:42:01 PM

Journal 741: April 27, 2024 Woken up by the rain drops. Immediately made a cup of Nespresso and made my ultimate favorite Banana Pancakes for breakfast. Ultimate peaceful and comforting morning. Thank you @bobsredmill pancakes mix. #pancakes #breakfast #breakfastideas #banana #bananapancakes #deliciousness #deliciousfood #eatwell #팬케이크 #아침 #아침밥

4/27/2024, 8:41:44 PM

Banana apple milk shake #banana #tredtional #milkshake #v

4/27/2024, 8:39:50 PM

Açaí + banana + granola + leite condensado = COMBO PERFEITO! 😍 A combinação perfeita existe e eu posso te provar! Corre logo pra Frutydellys montar o seu açaí! 😋 📍 Avenida das rosas,603- Birigui 📲 18991731206 #frutydellys #sorvete #sorveteria #açai #banana #granola

4/27/2024, 8:33:21 PM

Till middag tog vi fram Raclettejärnet och grillade på bordet. Alltid lika gott. Denna gång testade vi även att göra desserten i Raclettejärnet. Skivad kiwi, banan, blåbär, marshmallows och vita och mörka chokladchips. Rekommenderas. #chocolatechips #banana #kiwi #blueberrie #marshmallow #dessert #raclettedessert #grillapåbordet

4/27/2024, 8:32:39 PM

Sugestão de sobremesa para o final de semana🥜🍌🍫 Ingredientes: - Uma banana grande - Uma colher de sopa de pasta de amendoim - Chocolate 70% (ou qualquer outro) - Bolacha de arroz para decorar Modo de preparo: 1. Corte a banana em rodelas de mesmo tamanho 2. Ponha pasta de amendoim em uma parte da banana e em seguida junte com outra rodela 3. Derreta o chocolate no microondas ou em banho maria 4. Pegue o “sanduichinho” de banana e banhe apenas um lado no chocolate 5. Triture as bolachas de arroz e polvilhe um pouco por cima para dar aquele toque🤌🏻 6. Leve ao congelador por 1 hora e está pronta a sobremesa mais deliciosa para o finde😋 Dica: quanto mais madura a banana estiver mais doce e cremoso vai ficar! #banana #docesaudavel #saude #sobremesa #delicia

4/27/2024, 8:32:05 PM

#bride #butterfly #buttercream #cocoa #banana #chocolate 🦋🌸

4/27/2024, 8:31:53 PM

Dinner @billsrestaurant London Gluten Free Menu - Chicken Shawarma, Flatbread, Hummus, Salad, Chillies & Banoffee Pie Sundae for Dessert Simple - Tasty - Gluten Free . . . . . . . . . . . . #dinner #glutenfree #billsrestaurant #london #coventgarden #glutenfreemenu #gf #chickenshawarma #gfflatbread #salad #dips #hummus #fries #greenchillies #banoffeepiesundae #banoffeepie #caramel #banana #icecream #cream #tasty simple #glutenfree @billsrestaurant

4/27/2024, 8:31:37 PM

Pack a special order with me... Celebrate with this tasty banana tarte.. 9" size Priced @ksh 1600 only.. #nairobibaker #mauritius #nairobikenya #bakersgonnabake #bakinglove #banana

4/27/2024, 8:31:02 PM

Výberová tavená čokoláda ARTHEMIA 🍫 Neodolateľnú chuť čokolády doplní čerstvé ovocie 🍓🍌 V ponuke máme tri príchute: mliečnu horkú a bielu 🤍 @streetcafebb #banskabystrica #horucacokolada #hotchocolate #darkchocolate #milkchocolate #whitechocolate #strawberry #banana #slovakia

4/27/2024, 8:29:37 PM

最愛香蕉🍌的小小兵 來到了爪爪主場洲際棒球場🏟️ 是一場超級精彩 有點鬧鬧的之你追我跑拉鋸戰 爪隊先發投手艾士特 再加上第二、三局的打者發威 率先領先4分的象隊 一路壓制了統一7-11 6局 獅隊沈默6局後 在他們的lucky7開始有了攻勢 9局上半比賽分數來到了差距一分之時 已經夠緊張了 我們的俊秀啊~ 俊秀啊~ 一切就從我們的俊秀啊 開啟延長之戰 第9局結束比數追平 開始下起細細毛雨 從第十局起 2壘直接給一位跑者 有夠刺激! 我都快要不敢看了🫣 等於是一支安打就可以定勝負的一半了 第11局 果不其然 喵隊進帳兩分 分數超前結束了上半 幸好 棒球真沒有憨人所想的這麼簡單 不到最後一刻都不算 11局下半 我們子豪 直接炸裂擊出全壘打 將二壘跑者一起送回本壘 讓全場球迷 都炸裂起來了啊 比數又追平了🤣 心情根本洗三溫暖 比賽來到12局 喵上半又有人安打上壘 但安打不夠深遠 被擋在3壘無法前進 成功守下的12⬆️ 12⬇️啟用代打 其中政順的安打 1、3壘有人的情況下 貓貓團隊保送了思齊 填滿壘包的奇妙用意沒有人懂 最後靠再見暴投 結束了這精彩又鬧鬧的賽事 😹 好啦 總之開心 棒球看過 能深深記在腦海的不多 於是把今天聯名鬧鬧的小小兵跟鬧鬧的結局寫下來~😌 #taiwan #taichung #cpbl #brother #baseball #야구 #野球 #촣아요 #台中洲際棒球場 #棒球 #應援 #小小兵 #minions #banana

4/27/2024, 8:22:42 PM

Jai Guruji 🙏🏻 🌹 Although promoted as a weight loss program, as you can see, detox is so much more. This full-body reset helps boost energy, improve mental clarity, reduce hunger and cravings, minimize aches and pain, rebalance hormones, restore sleep cycles, support digestion and strengthen the immune system. Contact or Watsapp us today at 9212068752 to know it's benefits Yojna Vihar Fat To Slim/ Chander Nagar Dietician n Nutritionist : Madhu Goel . #stress #wellness #lowcarb #muscle #goals #love #anxiety #weightwatchers #weightlossstory #cardio #detox #fitspo #eggs #instagood #healthylifestyle #motivation #healthy #healthylifestyle #vitaminC #fruit #kiwifruit #kiwi #fruit #fruits #healthyfood #food #healthy #healthylifestyle #strawberry #kiwis #banana #foodphotography

4/27/2024, 8:20:58 PM

てるてるバナナ🍌 #絵 #イラスト #バナナ #picture #painting #banana #illustration #art #banana

4/27/2024, 8:19:52 PM

This morning @murray_williams_ got pancakes from our favourite bakery @veganbaybaker and I added all my favourite Yummys for my breakfast this morning. 🥞 🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞 🥜 #peanutbutter 🍌 #Banana #chaiseeds #flaxseed #syrup #pumpkinseeds #sunflowerseeds #datesfruit #pancakes #vegan #veganbreakfast #brunch #aberdeenvegan #veganscotland #Scotlandvegan #veganpancake #happysaturday

4/27/2024, 8:19:14 PM

I missed this little guy so after selling out he is back in a new neon orange and blue colour colour way! 🍌 Limited edition of 8. DM for details or see my Etsy shop! #bigten #bigtenprints #banana #bananas #letsgobananas #neon #orange #limitededition #limitededitionprints #london #artist #screenprint #screenprinting

3/28/2023, 2:58:55 PM