bonebrothsoup images

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Anti-aging bone broth... This bone broth is so beneficial for your entire system – It helps arthritis, muscle health, and even helps the aging process. One of the main reasons it does this is because we use chicken bones and chicken feet. I know this sounds gross, but the end result is very tasty once strained! It is also extremely cost-effective. Chicken feet contain collagen, which has many benefits: -can help improve athletic performance -it helps metabolize fats which means it is extremely beneficial for weight management -contains calcium and protein -reduces inflammation and slows down arthritis in the body -helps the circulation as it helps strengthen the blood vessels. Chicken feet are not only rich in collagen but also a good source of hyaluronic acid which can prevent the effects of aging, and chondroitin sulfate which is great for those who suffer from joint problems. To learn how to make this anti-aging bone broth click link in bio!

4/29/2024, 11:00:31 PM

1. NEGUJE NAŠE ČREVESJE Zaradi visoke vsebnosti kolagena in glicina ter vsebnosti glutamina in harmonije naravno prisotnih mineralov. Z zaužitjem skodelice kostne juhe na tešče tako nežno pripravimo črevesje na nov dan. Poskrbi pa tudi za redno, urejeno prebavo. 2. VNESEMO DNEVNO DOZO KOLAGENA Čaj ali topla slana juhica, ki jo pripravimo z dodatkom 1/4 kozarčka BoneR kostne juhe pokriva naše minimalne dnevne potrebe po vnosu kolagena. 3. JE ODLIČNA MOTIVACIJA ZA BOLJŠE PREHRANSKE ODLOČITVE TEKOM DNE! Dan tako začnemo s kakovostnim virom beljakovin in znižamo glikemični odziv telesa na naš prvi obrok. Dokazano pa je tudi, da imamo ob zdravem in zadovoljujočem 1. obroku višjo motivacijo za sprejemanje zdravju koristnih prehranskih odločitev skozi celoten dan. 4. PRINESE TOPLOTO, KI POBOŽA DUŠO Čisto moja izkušnja. Po ledenem jutranjem tušu sledi skodelica tople kostne juhe s ščepcem soli in limono. Tako nežno in mirno a hkrati polna energije začnem dan. #bonebroth #bonebrothdiet #bonebrothheals #bonebrothrecipes #bonebrothprotein #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothqueen #bonebrothrecipe #bonebrothbenefits #bonebrothlife #kostnajuha #prehranazadva #prehrana #zdravje #zdravje #healthyskin #healthylife #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthy

4/29/2024, 10:00:25 AM

春の定番、蕗と海老とお揚げの煮物に、フィッシュボーンブロスを使って。 美味しいですねぇ〜😊 #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #fishbonebroth #ボーンブロス #フィッシュボーンブロス

4/25/2024, 1:06:10 PM

1. Je že skozi stoletja velik in pomemben del naše prehrane, ki so jo trendovska, instant živila in neznosen tempo življenja izrinili iz naše prehrane. 2. Njeno izginotje je privedlo do kolagensko revne prehrane, številnih zdravstvenih težav in milijonskega trga kolagenskih dodatkov. 3. Vsebuje glicin in glutamin, ki celita sluznico črevesne stene. (To sem v začetku vedela le iz teorije, danes pa sem od uporabnikov dobila že kar nekaj potrditev). 4. Beljakovinska kostna juha z bogato vsebnostjo glicina uravnoteži presežke danes priljubljenih virov aminokislin iz pustih kosov mesa, whey, jajčnega beljaka. 5. Vsebuje, v obdobju nosečnosti esencialno aminokislino glicin, ki vpliva na zdrav potek nosečnosti in razvoj dojenčka. 6. Ni nič novega je le starodavno skoraj pozabljeno živilo, ki ga moramo s skupnimi močmi ponovno vrniti v našo prehrano. 7. Je kolagenski vir zdravja in lepote. 8. Podpira sklepno in skeletno zdravje. 9. Njeno uživanje izraža spoštljiv odnos do narave in živali. Za njeno proizvodnjo uporabimo surovino, ki smo jo v tem, vmesnem obdobju, nerazumnega ravnanja z hrano in razsipnosti brez spoštovanja zavrgli. Danes z BoneR proizvodnjo eno govedo nahrani več ljudi (filozofija prehranjevanja od nosu do repa bi morala biti in je nekoč bila samoumevna!). Odpadkov v mesni industriji pa je bistveno manj. #beljakovine #bonervizijatrajnosti #zdravaprehrana #prehranazadva #kostnajuha #bonerbonebroth #kolagen #fitobroki #bonebroth #bonebroth #bonebrothheals #bonebrothrecipes #bonebrothprotein #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothrecipe #bonebrothbenefits

4/25/2024, 10:00:33 AM

🐓🥣 @belii._official 様の #bonebrothsoup をお試しさせていただきました😊 鶏肉を骨ごとじっくり煮込んだスープです♡ 冷蔵庫に入れて冷やすとジュレ状に❣️ 香り、めっちゃ美味しそう😋例えるなら鶏白湯みたい。 爆食動画はちょっとアレンジしてみたいのでまた今度載せます♡(少しぬるま湯で薄めてあげたら引く勢いで飲んだ) これからどんどん暖かくなるので水分補給が苦手な子にぴったりかと☺️ @belii._official フォロー→私のインスタを見てベリースープを試したいとDMで初回お試し無料になるそうです🥰 #犬のボーンブロススープ #ベリースープ #犬の手作りごはん #犬の水分補給 #pr

4/15/2024, 9:12:35 PM

This one’s for you Britt, your request for my chili recipe. This rainy weather has been a great setting for chili. I am looking forward to making an egg dish with some of it and I don’t know what else yet, maybe put some over boiled and buttered Japanese red sweet potatoes. I like dreaming of of all the possibilities. This chili takes me only thirty minutes to make because I use leftover cooked meats like pot roast, barbecued hamburger or short ribs which shortens the cooking time and the roasted or barbecued meats adds extra flavor. There are some of other unusual ingredients as well that makes my chili stand out out from most others. The recipe is at #chili #nobeans #chiliconcarne #bonebrothsoup #chilicookoff #quicklunch #highprotein

4/15/2024, 5:46:10 PM

NEKAJ OSNOVNIH INFORMACIJ ZA DOMAČO PRIPRAVO KOSTNE JUHE. ALI PA LE OBJAVA ZA OZAVEŠČANJE, DA PROIZVODNJA NI TAKO PREPROSTA KOT SE MORDA ZDI. Zahteva ogromno časa, potrpežljivosti, nočnega vstajanja, fizičnega dela, pazljivosti in predvsem dvigovanja težkih bremen. O še to.... Za 1l juhe uporabite vsaj kilogram kosti. Lep dan vam želi! Špela #bonebrothdiet #bonebroth #bonebrothheals #bonebrothrecipes #bonebrothprotein #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothqueen #bonebrothrecipe #bonebrothbenefits #bonebrothlife

4/11/2024, 9:41:16 AM

⭕JE NEPOGREŠLJIVO HRANILO V NAŠI PREHRANI Kostna juha je kolagensko bogato živilo, ki se je nekoč na naših krožnikih pojavljalo na vsakodnevni ravni. S tem smo poskrbeli za zadosten vnos hranil, ki prispevajo k uspešni tvorbi kolagena v našem telesu. Izginotje kostne juhe in podobnih živil (tlačenke, žolce, hrustančki, kožice) nas je pripeljalo do kolagensko revne prehrane ki pušča številne posledice na našem zdravju. Bolečine v kosteh in mišicah, krhke kosti že pri mladih, težave s prebavo in črevesnim zdravjem, prehitro staranje in podobno. ⭕Z NJO POSKRBIMO ZA ZADOSTEN VNOS BELJAKOVIN Kostna juha je beljakovinsko živilo s katerim enostavno beljakovinsko obogatimo prav vsako jed. Ker ima izredno blag okus in se v hladilniku uželetini je primerna za pripravo številnih sladic, pudinga, sladoleda, namazov in hranljivih smutijev. ⭕Z UŽIVANJEM KOSTNE JUHE SE AKTIVNO ZAVZEMAMO ZA BOLJŠI IZKORISTEK SUROVIN V MESNI INDUSTRIJI. Kostno juho pridobivamo iz surovin, ki jih zaradi sodobnih prehranjevalnih trendov in tempa življenja pogosto zavržemo. Z njenim uživanjem se vključujemo v princip prehranjevanja od nosu do repa s čimer poskrbimo za manjši delež zavržene hrane. #smallbiz #smallbusiness #smallbusinesssupport #bonebrothqueen #bonebrothrecipe #bonebrothdiet #bonebrothheals #bonebroth #bonebroth #bonebrothrecipes #bonebrothprotein #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothqueen #bonebrothrecipe #bonebrothbenefits #bonebrothlife #collagen #collagenboost #collagen #collagendrink #collagenpeptides

4/9/2024, 10:00:25 AM

It's a chilly Monday but we have everything you need for your pet Grab your special today🐶🐾🐱 While stocks last!! T's & C's apply #puppy #kitten #cat #kittensofinstagram #kittens #petlovers #hills #specials #discounts #kibble #cats #petshop #pets #dog #royalcanin #dogs #dogfood #muddydogco #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothdiet #bonebrothheals #superwoof #ultradog

4/8/2024, 4:40:36 PM

水菜など冷蔵庫にある葉物野菜を1cmくらいにカットして小さな鍋で胡麻油で炒め、ボーンブロスを注いで塩で味を調節。 溶き卵を回し入れたら白ネギを加えて出来上がり😍 時間がない朝のスープにも大活躍のボーンブロス。 1人分でも簡単に❣️ #bonebrothsoup #bonebroth #broth #ボーンブロス #チキンでもフィッシュでも #朝ごはんの味方

4/7/2024, 11:36:06 PM

ᵕ̈ お声がけ頂き BeliiさんのBoneBrothSoup.を 試させていただきました😋 暑い季節になってきて水分補給は大事だけど お水だとなかなか飲んでくれず💦 これは水分補給と栄養補給ダブルで摂れるし もちろん無添加!! そのままあげても大丈夫だし ご飯に混ぜても🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️ スティックなので持ち運びもできるので 旅行でも楽ちんです〜ෆ̈ Belii.を「フォロー」&「DM」で「初回お試し無料」🎁 ▼ DM内容は「 @rupi_1021_marupu の投稿を見てベリーを試したい!」と言えば無料で試せます‎𐩢𐩺 無料なので是非♡ #犬のボーンブロススープ #ベリースープ #犬の手作りごはん #犬の水分補給 #bonebrothsoup #pr

4/7/2024, 12:33:52 PM

... Apa itu Bone Broth? Bone Broth adalah superfood untuk semua keluarga (ibu hamil, balita mpasi, anak2, remaja buat momz dan ayah juga bisa banget) Bone Broth dari @bonebroth_momachi terbuat dari sari kaldu tulang hewani, aneka sayuran dan rempah-rempah yang diproses selama 24-36jam dengan suhu rendah, menggunakan stockpot sus 304 titanium. Dalam Bone Broth kaya akan kandungan glukosamin, asam amino, kolagen, vitamin2 dan masih banyak zat zat baik lainnya. Nah, banyak banget kan manfaatnya 🥰 . . . #bonebroth #bonebrothprotein #bonebrothsoup #mpasi #nutrisi #imunitas #superfood

4/6/2024, 8:13:51 AM

🆕たまねぎスープ登場してます🧅 笹山精肉店さんからお譲りいただいた、抗生剤などを与えず大切に育てられた牛や豚の骨を何日も煮込んでとったお出汁!ボーンブロス🦴 そのボーンブロスを使用したロンポワンのスープは 素材の味がしっかりでてコクと旨味たっぷり🥄😊 今回はたまねぎです🧅 「玉ねぎの甘みすごい!」と毎年ご好評のたまねぎスープなんですが、今年はそこへセロリとクミンを加えさらに味わいの奥行きと食感のバラエティを増やして帰ってきております✨🧅✨ ・スープセット 1,100円+税 〈サラダ/本日のパン4種/ドリンク(ワインもお選びいただけます)付〉 ・単品スープ 700円+税 ・トーストセット ・ クロックムッシュセット ・オムレツセット についているミニスープ ・煮込みハンバーガー ・キッシュ に追加300円+税でつけていただけるミニスープ ・テイクアウトスープ 500円+税 でお楽しみいただけます👍 ぜひ!お試しくださいませ🧑🏻‍🍳 みなさまのご来店をお待ちしております😊 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★      日曜営業時間  10:00 - 16:00(ラストオーダー15:30) ご予約も承ります👍 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ #レコルト #ブーランジェリーレコルト #レコルトロンポワン #boulangerierecolte @recolte_matsuo #ロンポワン #rondpoint #神戸カフェ #カフェ #神戸ランチ #ボーンブロススープ #bonebrothsoup #パン #神戸パン #kobe #クロワッサン

4/4/2024, 4:15:16 AM

⭕BoneR pa je kolagensko bogato živilo, kjer se kolagen nahaja v svoji najbolj naravni in telesu lahko dostopni obliki. ⭕Poleg danes pogrešanih aminokislin ga spremljajo številni naravno prisotni vitamini, minerali in elementi v sledeh kot so cink, železo, vitamine, maščobne kisline, selen, kalcij, kalij, magnezij, fosfor, natrij, mangan in baker. ⭕V primeru, da kolagensko bogata živila kot so koža, kremplji, parklji ali pa dolgotrajna priprava prave kostne juhe ne ustrezajo vašemu načinu življenja, je vključitev BoneRja v vašo prehrano odlična rešitev. Ne glede na to ali ste noseči, ali ne. ⭕S svojim nevtralnim okusom in značilno želatinasto strukturo je vsestransko uporaben in enostaven za pripravo ali obogatitev slanih, sladkih jedi in sladic. #smallbusiness #bonebrothdiet #bonebrothdiet #bonebrothheals #bonebrothrecipes #bonebrothprotein #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothqueen #bonebrothrecipe #bonebrothbenefits

4/3/2024, 9:32:55 AM

MOJA URADNA PREDSTAVITEV: Ukvarjam se s proizvodnjo in promocijo tradicionalne kostne juhe, kot naravnega vira beljakovin za izgradnjo kolagena. Rešujem vprašanje zavržene hrane in neučinkovite uporabe surovin v mesni industriji. Vzpostavila sem lastno proizvodnjo visokokakovostne kostne juhe z uporabo organskih govejih kosti, ki bi jih sicer zavrgli, pri tem pa izločila vsa pomembna in koristna hranila. S ponovnim uvajanjem tradicionalnih, hranilno bogatih živil, kot je kostna juha, spodbujam potrošnike k bolj zdravim prehranskim izbiram, ozaveščam o problematiki velikega deleža zavržene hrane in prispevam k družbeno odgovornejšemu kmetijsko-živilskemu sistemu. Pred kratkim pa sem v svojo ponudbo dodala tudi kakovosten goveji loj. #meettheteam #meetthemaker #smallbusiness #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothdiet #bonebrothheals #bonebrothrecipes #bonebrothprotein

3/27/2024, 9:00:24 AM

We'll be at Pimlico @londonfarmersmarkets this Saturday 9-2pm along with our friends @springbroth Spring make the most fabulous bone broths and soups. I'll be getting my fix this month opting for a beef and tomato soup to go along with my cheese and SaltPig Smoked Air Dried Ham toastie. This is a family favourite! #shoppinginspiration #artisanfoods #ShopSmall #artisanmade #artisanproducers #greatbritishfood #buybritish #artisanfood #supportsmallbusiness #shopsmall #slowfood #artisanmarket #artisanproducts #pimlico #pimlicoroad #farmersmarket #buybritishmade #curedmeat #londonfoodie #pimlicofarmersmarket #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothheals #thingstodoinlondon #naturalproduce #SustainableEating

3/21/2024, 7:00:10 PM

CHICKEN ENCHILADA SOUP 🥣 👉 I like to consume bone broth as much as I can, sometimes it’s hard to always have homemade on hand! For days I don’t have any homemade broth thawed my go to is kettle and fire! It’s all simple ingredients I trust and feel comfortable promoting! I would never promote something I don’t already love and use! 👉 Head to the link in my bio to save some 💸🤑💸 or use code COOKINBROOKE Ingredients: -2 pasture raised chicken breasts -4-6 cups chicken bone broth (@kettleandfire) -1 container of green enchilada sauce (@saucylipsfoods) -1 red bell pepper -1 small yellow squash -1 onion -1 small tin black olives -1 can of white beans -Shake of cumin, salt, pepper -Drizzle of hot sauce -optional: cream cheese (creamy version) -Cilantro + avocado for on top Instructions: -Turn your instant pot to sauté, add avocado oil proceeded by onion, bell pepper, squash and black olives. -Saute till softened. Then add your chicken breasts, enchilada sauce, seasonings, hot sauce and bone broth. -Set to high pressure for 25 minutes. Let sit for 10 minutes then do a pressure release. -Take the chicken out and shred. Return back to the soup and stir in the beans and chicken. 👉 (Optional: scoop out some broth and blend in some cream cheese then pour that back into the soup. *coconut can be subbed here too!) #soup #kfpartner #kettleandfire #kettleandfirerecipes #kettleandfirebonebroth #kettleandfirerecipes #kettleandfirepartner #soup #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #chickensoup #chickenenchiladasoup

3/21/2024, 6:30:43 PM

Ker še vedno večina posameznikov misli, da je kostna juha skoraj isto kot goveja le da jo kuham malo dlje... #bonebroth #bonebrothdiet #bonebrothheals #bonebrothrecipes #bonebrothprotein #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothqueen #bonebrothrecipe #bonebrothbenefits #bonebrothlife #beef #beefsoup #beefsoup #beefsoups

3/18/2024, 11:53:09 AM

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We’ll have lots of Bone Broths for tasting and of course Bone Broth by the cup! ~ Chile Verde ~ Power Punch ~ Garlic Thyme ~ Mushroom ~ Broffee #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothdiet #bonebrothheals #tasteandsee #chickenbonebroth #collagen #gelatin #guthealth #loveyourguts #thebrothbar #brothbaraz

3/16/2024, 1:13:15 PM

健康診断で筋肉と体重を増やしなさいと言われて、ボーンブロススープを始めました。体質的に体重は増えにくいし、歳のせいか少食になっています。 食べる量を少しは増やしましたが、効果的で体に良い物はないかなと探していて見つけました。 今は市販の物ですが、いずれは自分で作りたいです。#筋肉つけたい#体重ふやしたい #bonebrothsoup#スープ#ボーンブロススープ#ミラスープ #10kg増やす

3/16/2024, 2:59:04 AM

‼Za vas 5, ki še berete tako obsežne objave 😵‍💫. Naš pogled v razmislek vsem. #bonebroth #bonebrothdiet #bonebrothheals #bonebrothrecipes #bonebrothprotein #bonebrothsoup #beeftallow #fromnosetotail #smallbusiness #smallbiz #meettheteam #meethemakers

3/11/2024, 11:18:01 AM

Bone broth 🍵 Highly digestible, rich in minerals, collagen and amino acids. A perfect dish to help the body recover and support post-partum emotions. The broth is nutritious, comforting, warming and remineralising. Ideally, you should drink the broth every day from 15 days to 2 months. It can be used as an accompaniment to your meals or to create complete meals by adding other ingredients, like ramen for example. Our broth is perfect for all women, even those who are not post-partum. In fact, broth has multiple benefits. It plumps and softens the skin, strengthens the hair and eases digestion. 🫚Our broth contains ginger and turmeric for their anti-inflammatory properties. Available on the menu or as a one-off purchase. To order, click on the link⬆️ All the ingredients in our broth are organic and local🌱 #postpartum #antiinflammatoire #naturalpostpartum #maternité #accouchement #Lisbonne #lisboa #ericeira #mypostpartum #thefourthquarter #mumtobe #allaitement #digestion #doula #antioxydants #bouillondepoule #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothtime

3/8/2024, 5:27:46 PM

[FR] Bouillon de poule 🍵 Très digeste, riche en minéraux, en collagène et en acides aminés. Un plat parfait pour aider le corps à récupérer et soutenir les émotions lors du post-partum. Le bouillon vous apportera un moment nutritif, réconfortant, Réchauffant et reminéralisant. On conseille de boire idéalement du bouillon tous les jours de 15jours à 2mois. Il peut être utilisé comme accompagnement de vos repas ou créer des repas complets en rajoutant d’autres ingrédients, comme un ramen par exemple. Notre bouillon est parfait pour toute femme même en dehors du post-partum. En effet, le bouillon a de multiples bienfaits. Il repulpe et assouplit la peau, renforce les cheveux et adoucit la digestion. 🫚Notre bouillon contient du gingembre et du curcuma pour leurs actions anti-inflammatoire. Disponible dans le menu ou à l’achat unique. Pour commander, cliquer sur le lien en BIO⬆️ Tous les ingrédients du bouillon sont BIO et local🌱 ————————— [PT] Caldo de galinha 🍵 Altamente digerível, rico em minerais, colagénio e aminoácidos. Um prato perfeito para ajudar o corpo a recuperar e apoiar as emoções pós-parto. O caldo é nutritivo, reconfortante, quente e remineralizante. O ideal é beber o caldo todos os dias, de 15 dias a 2 meses. Pode ser utilizado como acompanhamento das suas refeições ou para criar refeições completas, adicionando outros ingredientes, como o ramen, por exemplo. O nosso caldo é perfeito para todas as mulheres, mesmo para aquelas que não estão no pós-parto. De facto, o caldo tem múltiplos benefícios. Encolhe e suaviza a pele, fortalece o cabelo e facilita a digestão. 🫚O nosso caldo contém gengibre e curcuma pelas suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias. Disponível no menu ou como compra única. Para encomendar, clique no link ⬆️ Todos os ingredientes do nosso caldo são biológicos e locais🌱 #postpartum #antiinflammatoire #naturalpostpartum #maternité #accouchement #Lisbonne #lisboa #ericeira #mypostpartum #thefourthquarter #mumtobe #allaitement #digestion #doula #antioxydants #bouillondepoule #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothtime

3/8/2024, 5:26:31 PM

This was so tasty and illustrates that a nutritious, hearty meal doesn’t need many ingredients! Just poach an egg in bone broth, add some gem lettuce, and you have a delicious and healthy dish! #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #gemlettuce #poachedeggs #easymeals

3/7/2024, 9:15:24 PM

a cozy sunday in 🧺🎞️🥘🧶 . . . . .

3/3/2024, 11:16:59 PM

Bone broth is a nutritious liquid made by simmering animal bones for 24 hours. The long cooking time allows the bones to release various nutrients, including collagen, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals into the liquid. Spear & Arrow's bone broth is 100% natural and handmade from Irish grass-fed cattle bones. #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothdiet #bonebrothheals #BoneBrothProtein #bonebrothrecipes #bonebrothbenefits #newryandmourne #microbiohealth #newry

3/3/2024, 9:00:17 PM

In een handomdraai (nouja, schenkbeweging) heb jij een ware powerdrank over het voer van je eten gegoten! 💪🏻⚡️ Met onze bottenbouillon hoef je bijna geen moeite te doen om je hond een boost te geven vol vitamines en super goed voor de darmgezondheid. Het is kant en klaar in een zakje met alle voordelen van krachtige bottenbouillon! Dat is nog eens meedenken met honden & hondenbaasjes. 💪🏻🌟 Onze bottenbouillon wordt minstens 12u gekookt. Het is van zeer hoogwaardige kwaliteit met wortelen van bio boerderijen en beenderen van wilde, vrije uitloop of bio dieren. Echt het best en het makkelijkste voor je hond. 🐕🌟 Heeft je hond een allergie? Dan hebben we ook nog eens keuze uit verschillende diersoorten waardoor er voor iedere hond makkelijk zo’n powerdrankje verkrijgbaar is! 😍💪🏻 #bottenboullion #bonebroth #healtydogs #dogsoup #bonebrothheals #bonebrothfast #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothbenefits #bonebrothfordogs #superfood #dogfood #hondengezondheid #hondengezondhouden #gezondehonden #Ydolo #biologisch #powerfood #healtydogstyle #hondenleven

3/2/2024, 10:00:17 AM

“Cozy up with a bowl of comfort and warmth with our hearty scotch lamb bone broth soup! Made with love and simmered to perfection, each spoonful is a sip of nourishment and flavor. Join us and let the soothing goodness of our soup fill you with joy! 🍲❤️ #ScotchLamb #BoneBrothSoup #ComfortFood#tflthefoodlounge #tflvijayawada #tflgardenia #newmenu #vijayawada #manavijayawada #vijayawadafoodies #foodlovers #vijayawadafoodlovers #lambbonebrothsoup

2/29/2024, 3:29:18 PM

Breakfast this morning was so good! It’s cold here so a hot homemade soup and crusty sourdough wheat bread with honey 🍯 lifted my spirits! 🙏❤️ The homemade soup was from yesterday and super quick. I literally made enough for 2 servings or 2 people! I had 1/2 jar of leftover bone broth in fridge and 1 uncooked piece of bacon, 1 shallot and a few stalks of Swiss Chard (leaves and stems)! The red stems from the Swiss Chard really deepen the broth’s color! All I did was add to small pot 🥓1 bacon strip diced up over medium heat. 🧅 1 shallot or onion 🧅 diced up finely was added to the bacon after the bacon had cooked 3-4 minutes and pinch of salt here. 🪴 I added some fresh thyme leaves but you could add dried or your favorite fresh herb here. 🫘 next I added 1 can of kidney beans rinsed and drained and stirred to coat the beans with shallots and bacon. Pinch of salt again. Broth time - I added the jarred bone broth and cut up small pieces of the Swiss chard and stems and added them. As soon as it came to a boil I lowered heat and simmered for 3-4 minutes longer. It was delicious 🤤 You can make this #vegan using olive oil instead of bacon as your base and veggie broth. #quicksoup #glutenfreesoup #soupforbreakfast #bonebrothideas #bonebrothsoup #freshthyme #swisschardsoup

2/26/2024, 2:21:10 PM

Our favourite after a long day outside 😋 #sourdoughbread with #garlicbutter and #bonebrothsoup ✨✨✨

2/18/2024, 3:19:18 PM

Stock yesterday, to bone broth today, and now, the fruits of my labor. Chicken noodle bone broth soup with plenty of fresh cracked black pepper. #foodforthesoul #chickenbonebroth #bonebrothsoup #winterfood #comfortfood #goodforthesoul #howifood #whatsforlunch #delicious #mmmmmmgood #goodtothelastdrop #chickennoodlesoup #bonebroth #homemade #homemadesoup #perfectspoon #prettyfood #homecook #lunchisserved #warmmeup

2/14/2024, 12:20:29 PM

This recipe for Chicken Bone Broth Soup uses homemade bone broth and vegetables. It’s a simple and healthy soup that can be made in the Instant Pot, slow cooker, or on the stove top. It’s the perfect bone broth soup for a cold winter day. Get the recipe link in my story or bio! #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #healthy #healthygirl #healthyrecipe #healthyrecipes #soup #healthysoup #healthyfood #cleaneats #cleaneating #cleaneatingrecipe #winterrecipes #coldnightrecipes #easyhealthyfood

2/8/2024, 8:27:02 PM

Winter weather always inspires me to make warm and savory dishes. Homemade bone broth is a wonderful base for soups stews, sauces, or even consumed on its own for its health benefits. Beef bone broth is made by simply simmering beef bones in water for an extended period, typically 24-48 hours, along with aromatics like onions, garlic, and herbs. This slow cooking process extracts the collagen, amino acids, minerals, and other nutrients from the bones, resulting in a flavorful and nutritious broth. Bone broth is nutrient-rich, supports joint health, gut health, skin health, boosts immunity and supports hydration. It truly is a miracle food! #beefbones #beefbonestock #bonebroth #bonebrothsoup #jennerfamilybeef #ranchtotable #ranchtotablebeef #eatbeef #supportlocal #beefitswhatsfordinner #beeflover #bringthebeef

2/7/2024, 10:29:46 PM

After a 40-hour journey of fasting, where my willpower faced its ultimate test, I’m about to break the silence of my stomach with a symphony of homemade bone broth. It’s like a warm hug from the inside, celebrating the end of my fasting odyssey. Cheers to nourishing my body in the most comforting way possible! Breaking a fast with bone broth is beneficial because it’s gentle on the digestive system, allowing it to gradually readjust to processing food. Bone broth is rich in nutrients like amino acids, minerals, and collagen, supporting gut health and aiding in the repair and growth of tissues. It’s hydrating and can help replenish electrolytes lost during the fasting period. The warmth and ease of digestion of bone broth can also stimulate digestive enzymes and bile production, easing the body back into its normal digestive rhythm. Lastly, it’s a comforting, nourishing way to reintroduce food, aligning with mindful eating practices post-fast. .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #bonebrothcollagen #bonebrotheveryday #bonebrothheals #soup #bonebrothproteinpowder #bonebrothsoup #glutenfree #ketodiet #bonebrothbenefits #bonebrothdiet #nutrientdense #bonebrothhealsthegut #bonebrothlife #bonebrothprotein #bonebrothrecipes #bonebrothsmoothie #paleo #collagen #bonebroth#immunesupport #healthcoach #guthealth #holistichealth #healthyfats #guthealthtips #healthandwellness #holistichealing #womenshealth

2/5/2024, 8:29:24 PM

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #Yakhni is a tasty bone broth soup packed with nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and natural #collagen 🤩 Having a cup of yakhni soup regularly can give you so many amazing health benefits. If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s a must have starter to unlock the secret to youthful skin and strong immunity🤫 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #bonebroth #bonebrothdiet #healthandbeauty #collagenboost #collagensoup

2/5/2024, 5:12:46 PM

It’s a blustery day with 25 mph wind and intermittent downpours blowing through my town. Nothing is more comforting on such a day than a bowl of Bone Broth Soup with Mirepoix, Bok Choy, Langostino, and seasoned with Crunchy Chili Onion Oil. I’m heating up the Curry Pizza to go with my soup. I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! #bonebrothsoup #lunch

2/4/2024, 11:42:10 PM

🌿 Red Russian Kale 🌿 I totally forgot about this gorgeous Kale as it’s been hiding under the netting to protect it from pigeons. Sadly the Purple Sprouting Broccoli which was also under the netting has been eaten by Mr/s Mouse but thankfully they haven’t found the taste for this delicious Kale. 🌿 This is the first time I’ve grown this Kale, with it’s frilly leaves and red stems, it’s quite a pretty plant and would look amazing as an ornamental addition to a garden. 🌿 I’ve added the delicious Kale to my Ham stock and Orzo soup together with the Ruby, Rhubarb and Swiss Chard from the greenhouse. The chickens have devoured the Kale stems which were a little tough and the Ham Stock was leftover from our Christmas Ham. 🌿 I love a delicious soup made from organic Bone Broth and this one was especially tasty. My mum showed me how to make soups using bones and they are the best for a winter’s evening and has many health benefits. It solidified when left overnight in the fridge so I know it is packed with goodness. There were plenty of leftovers too! #carolinesorganics #harvest2024 #limekilnbarn #redkale #redrussiankale #organickale #organicchard #rubychard #rhubarbchard #organicbonebroth #organicbonebrothsoup #bonebroth #bonebrothheals #bonebrothsoup #bonebrothsoups #hamhocksoup #homemadesoup #homemadesoups #homemadesoupisthebest #hamandpastasoup #growyourownveggies #growyourownvegetables #growyourownfood🌱 #organicgarden #organicgardener #organicgardens #organicgardeners #organicgardenersofinstagram #organicgardeningtips #organicgardeningproblems

2/1/2024, 7:10:59 PM