breathitout images

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#food #travel #sports #news #may #wednesday

Note to Sef😇 You don’t have to figure it all out today,one step,one breath at a time 🙏🏼😇 #breathitout #strongspirit #positivity #isayittomyself 😜 #stressreliever #walkforawhile #ilovedayoff🥳

4/25/2024, 1:44:52 AM

○ C'EST QUOI BIENVIVANT ? ○ Je veux aider les autres à se connaitre mieux, contribuer au développement d'une connaissance de soi à travers la connexion à l'autre, dans un cadre safe et bienveillant. Je veux surtout rendre ces espaces plus accessibles aux publics plus vulnérables, comme les femmes socialement isolées. Je crois sincèrement au pouvoir de sororité et communauté et je pense que ça peut apporter énormément au niveau social. . Il ne s'agit pas de remplacer le travail psy, il s'agit plutôt d'une approche complémentaire pour explorer son intérieur et se (re)découvrir tout en échangeant avec d'autres personnes. . À travers : • les ateliers concrets pour t'aider à te connaître mieux et avoir une meilleure relation avec toi-même pour faire des choix plus justes pour toi et construire des liens plus épanouissants avec les autres. • les cercles de femmes pour explorer la sororité et la connexion à d'autres femmes, te sentir moins seule dans ton cheminement de femme. • le yoga vinyasa, qui est à mes yeux un des outils tres efficace pour apprendre à prendre conscience de ton corps et tes emotions . . Si tu veux organiser un cercle de femmes pour toi et tes copines ou bien si tu travailles au sein d'une asbl, ou cpas/maison médicale qui accompagne les femmes socialement isolées et tu aimerais leur proposer un cercle de femmes, n'hésite pas à me contacter par message ! #yogabrussels #notperfectyoga #connexionasoi #breathitin #breathitout #bienveillance #yogateacher #lacherprise #momentpresent #communauté #yogabruxelles #yogabelgique #sororité #bienetre #authenticité #communauté #developpementpersonnel #développementpersonnel #seconnaitre #cercledefemme #spiritualité #bienêtre #santementale #santémentale

4/22/2024, 6:17:19 PM

○ JE ME LANCE ○ Créatrice dans l'âme, j'ai toujours voulu lancer mon propre projet. Rassembler autour d'une thématique qui me touche, ça a toujours été mon dada. Après avoir passé des années à parler de l'écologie et de la consommation responsable, j'ai envie de me consacrer au bien-être et à la santé mentale. Et pas de n'importe quelle manière ! Je veux aider les autres à se connaître mieux et être plus épanoui.e.s. À développer une meilleure intelligence émotionnelle et acquérir des outils pour se sentir bien dans son corps et être plus résilient.e.s. Tout ça à travers les partages et les différentes activités en communauté en renforçant ainsi la cohésion sociale. BIENVIVANT - c'est la bienveillance et le vivre ensemble Je ne vais pas t'aider à développer ton plein potentiel, te dire comment attirer full abondance dans ta vie ou comment te détacher complètement de tout ce qui nous entoure. Tu pourras par contre : ○ échanger avec les autres et te sentir moins seul.e ○ développer une meilleure conscience de soi et tisser des liens plus authentiques ○ découvrir qu'être vulnérable peut être bénéfique ○ apprendre à te connecter à ton corps pour processer les émotions et prendre soin de toi ○ découvrir des outils concrets pour gérer mieux les difficultés de la vie, l'anxiété, faire face aux traumas, etc. Stay tuned pour être au courant de toutes les activités à venir ! 🧡 #yogabrussels #notperfectyoga #connexionasoi #breathitin #breathitout #bienveillance #yogateacher #lacherprise #momentpresent #communauté #yogabruxelles #yogabelgique #sororité #bienetre #authenticité #communauté #developpementpersonnel #développementpersonnel #seconnaitre #cercledefemme #spiritualité #bienêtre #santementale #santémentale

4/8/2024, 7:37:46 PM

Each one of us is different _ Each one of us is unique _ No two breath patterns are the same _ No two facilitations are the same _ What is the same.... _ is growth, emotion, spirit, cellular memory, the ability to move ourselves in space and time, connection with self _ Through conscious connected breathing _ Come see for yourself in circle _ #breathpatterns #youareunique #wearealldifferent #youaresupported #breathitout #findyourway #consciousconnectedbreath #breathworkbali

3/27/2024, 1:53:47 AM

Insanity Day 36 | Fit Test 3 | Coach Sean T. | 💪🙏🙌🤙 1. Switch kicks: Day 1- 50, Day 15-60, Day 36- 120 2. Power Jacks: Day 1- 47, Day 15- 52, Day 36- 62 3. Power Knees: Day 1- 50, Day 15- 60, Day 36- 100 4. Power Jumps: Day 1- 35, Day 15- 30, Day 36- 45 5. Globe Jumps: Day 1- 11, Day 15- 9, Day 36- 11 6. Suicide Jumps: Day 1- 12, Day 15- 15, Day 36- 18 7. Push-up Jacks: Day 1- 22, Day 15- 31, Day 36- 29 8. Low Plank Oblique: Day 1- 27, Day 15- 40, Day 36- 62 Keep moving forward. #barefoot #insanityworkout #fittest #circuittraining #cardio #hiit #core #fullbody #plyometrics #squats #pushups #suicidedrills #workitout #breathitout #sweatitout #progress #consistency #patience #ifit #fitbitversa2 #teambeachbody #onestepcloser

3/11/2024, 10:52:35 PM

TRUST YOUR INTUITION Il y a 2 ans, j'ai suivi mon intuition et je me suis inscrite pour faire un yoga teacher training. Je n'avais pas spécialement comme objectif de donner cours, j'avais juste lu la description et ça m'avait beaucoup parlé. J'avais des étoiles dans les yeux. Je ressens énormément de gratitude de l'avoir fait, car ce fut une des meilleures expériences de ma vie. Pour la première fois, j'ai touché à des choses qui m'appellaient depuis longtemps sans que je m'en rende compte. ○ La sororité, la communauté, la bienveillance, l'amour pour tout et pour tout le monde. Je me suis sentie connectée et aussi à 100% à ma place. Un sentiment que je n'ai jamais eu auparavant. Plus qu'un apprentissage de yoga, c'était un voyage intérieur et une découverte de soi. Une porte qui s'est ouverte et depuis j'ai entamé un chemin où je me sens beaucoup plus alignée avec moi et ma place dans ce monde. ○ Sans oublier toutes les belles âmes rencontrées, coucou @lilmoving @karell_rmy @vandevenstephanie @mar06cristo ❤ ○ Si un truc t'appelle, n'hésite surtout pas ! Ton intuition et ton corps, ils savent ♡ #yogabrussels #notperfectyoga #connexionasoi #breathitin #breathitout #bienveillance #yogateacher #lacherprise #momentpresent #communauté #yogabruxelles #yogabelgique #sororité #bienetre #ceremoniecacao #authenticité #communauté #developpementpersonnel #développementpersonnel #seconnaitre #cercledefemme #spiritualité #bienêtre

2/23/2024, 8:35:11 PM

We have guided meditation classes at Belmont Spiritual Health and Wellness Centre. #mindfulliving #meditation #breathitout #SpiritualJourney #holistichealth

2/17/2024, 12:00:24 AM

Je suis végane, je pratique du yoga, je fais mes courses en magasin bio et je bois du matcha le matin 🍵. Un cliché parfait. 🤷‍♀️ Pourtant, ce n'est pas la perfection que je cherche ni la perfection que je prône. Est-que je fais du yoga tous les jours ? Non. Est-ce que je suis zen tout le temps ? Non plus. Est-ce que je sais faire le handstand ? Nope. Pour moi, le yoga est avant tout un outil d'exploration corporelle qui permet de prendre conscience du mental, des émotions et de la respiration. De se connecter à son être dans sa globalité. Un outil d'émancipation et non de perfection. Une manière aussi de créer du lien et renforcer le sens de communauté. C'est sur base de cela que je construis mes cours, dans la bienveillance, la douceur et le partage. Des cours où les personnes parlent entre elles et non se regardent avec jugement et se comparent. Mes élèves me racontent parfois leurs vies et j'adore avoir un tel contact avec elleux. 🥰 Je trouve que c'est très difficile de trouver ces valeurs de bienveillance, communauté et inclusivité dans les cours existants, même si j'ai beaucoup de respect pour les autres enseignant.e.s. Des choses aussi humaines comme connaître les prénoms des élèves semblent encore être oubliées. C'est d'ailleurs pour ça que j'avais décidé de me former en tant que prof de yoga, parce que je ne trouvais pas de cours qui me convenaient et qui correspondaient à mes valeurs. Et toi, c'est quoi ton expérience par rapport aux cours de yoga ? Trouves-tu facilement ton bonheur et des cours qui te correspondent ? #yogabrussels #notperfectyoga #connexionasoi #breathitin #breathitout #bienveillance #inclusion #yogateacher #lacherprise #momentpresent #developpementpersonnel #direbonjour #communauté #yogabruxelles #yogabelgique

2/9/2024, 2:40:51 PM

Let’s embrace the chance to start again this Mondays with a reminder to not let worry, anxiety or rushing about to get everything perfect, steal our peace of mind. Inhale the present, exhale the stress. Get the start of the week how we want it and we could flow through our week with grace and gratitude. 🧘‍♀️💫 🙏🤍🦋 #MondayMindfulness #YogaFlow #breathitout

12/18/2023, 9:20:00 AM

Who woulda thought this bike road trip would start off with some pool laps, steam room, and sauna time. The last time I swam lanes was back in 2020 when I ended up getting multiple blood clots in my arm which lead me to being diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome and then having my first rib removed. It sure felt great to be back in the pool, and remind myself how much I enjoyed swimming lanes. Thanks @danielletoddlife for getting me back in the pool! :) #whowouldathought #cleansing #breathitout #sweatitout

11/4/2023, 5:18:17 AM

Incoming: Breathe to be FREE! Breath Immersion. Sunday 22nd October 2023. Created because you asked. A number of people have asked for a breath immersion on a day other than Saturday so I have created this one in just two weeks time! 🤭 If you wish to breathe and free yourself from old stresses, worries, challenges and upsets, then this is for you! Join us on SUNDAY 22nd October. Let’s breathe to be free, together. Link in the bio. See you on the mat. Namaste xx #breathworkimmersion #breathitout breathworkhealing #breathyourselffree #conscioubreathing #wecanletitallgo #livealifeyoulove #bemoreyou #warriorgatherings #letgoandlive #healyourselfhealtheworld #loveya

10/8/2023, 11:18:28 AM

Conversemos, Respiremos ¡ te esperamos ! Viernes 29/9 @ 14h00 CEST #breathitout #breathingthroughgriefandloss #conciousbreathing #respirandoando #metime #breathworkhealing #breathworkmaster

9/28/2023, 12:07:59 PM


9/14/2023, 10:06:16 PM

You know when you notice you are way more stressed than you should be, but you can't seem to figure out the cause? Maybe your stress is coming from something you didn't expect.  Are you looking for a mental health professional? Well, Eurekka can help you with that. We have experienced therapists that can help you deal with whatever hardship you are going through. Check out the link in our bio @eurekka.en and schedule an initial consultation.  . . . #toomuchstress #stressmanagement #stressrelief #stressawareness #stress #stressawarenessday #stresskills #naturalstressrelief #originalbachflower #bachflower #rescueremedy #bachflowerremedies #thisis #stressedout #stressleliever #grief #burnoutprevention #burnoutcoach #feelingstuck #feelingtoomuch #stressfreeforparents #needabreak #breathitout #stressfultimes #stressisharmful #dealingwithstress #calmdown #copingwithstress #losingmysanity #loosingpatience

6/18/2023, 2:01:15 AM

Feeling stuck? Need an energetic cleanse? Craving a good scream? Join Jenni-Rose for this month's Breathwork Healing workshop! Utilize the breath to release stuck and suppressed energies, dissolving all that is no longer needed to be held onto in our conscious and subconscious mind. Register at | Events & Workshops #findyourzen #breathwork #pranayama #breathitout #screamitout #moveitout #mayslandingnj #atlanticcountynj #southjersey

6/16/2023, 1:00:50 PM

Do you relate to any of these signs? Comment below 😉 Are you looking for a mental health professional? Well, Eurekka can help you with that. We have experienced therapists that can help you deal with whatever hardship you are going through. Check out the link in our bio @eurekka.en and schedule an initial consultation.  . . . #toomuchstress #stressmanagement #stressrelief #stressawareness #stress #stressawarenessday #stresskills #naturalstressrelief #originalbachflower #bachflower #rescueremedy #bachflowerremedies #thisis #stressedout #stressleliever #grief #burnoutprevention #burnoutcoach #feelingstuck #feelingtoomuch #stressfreeforparents #needabreak #breathitout #stressfultimes #stressisharmful #dealingwithstress #calmdown #copingwithstress #losingmysanity #loosingpatience

6/13/2023, 7:02:04 PM

My desire to heal, learn and support others to heal, has taken me all over the World. This is me in Bali, completing my breathwork facilitator qualification. I remember on the flight over, speaking with my guides and asking for the deep wounds to be revealed with this practice. The ones I couldn’t see. What was holding me back from the freedom to step into being a full expression of who I came here to be. And I had many experiences… Past lives revealed in visions, energy healing with grandparents. I even asked what it looked and felt like beyond death of the physical vessel. It was beautiful and awesome! So much was purged that I found it very hard to recall memories of the past. As energy of past is breathed away, it does not come forward with you. It was my deepest understanding of living in the now. No past references. Not knowing anything but what we were experiencing in that moment. And all we could do was laugh… The joy. The freedom. I love sharing this practice. If you’d like to breathe with me, watch this space. New offerings coming soon. With so much love, Clover 💛💫 #breathe #breathitout #iamwarriornow #breathworkhealing #breathworkfacilitator #connecttoyourbreath #connecttoyoursoul #letthepastgo #traumarelease #breatheyourselffree

6/3/2023, 10:59:58 AM


5/18/2023, 7:28:48 PM

Find gratitude to start your day... #BIOMindfulMassage #Massage #GiveThanks #BreathItOut #Peace #Love

4/28/2023, 1:13:32 AM

Book your appointment now! #Massage #CentralCoast #Sydney #Relax #BreathItOut #BIOMindfulMassage

4/18/2023, 4:16:06 AM

IL MURO Ciò che si nasconde dietro al muro di insicurezze paure e esitazioni che ci costruiamo intorno, é a noi sconosciuto. Abbiamo questa grande capacità di convincerci che oltre non ci sia nulla, che tutti i nostri sforzi siano vani, inutili. A volte basta un piccolo passo, un cambiamento veramente piccolo, del ordine di bere un bicchiere d'acqua la mattina appena svegli invece di guardare il telefono, per riassestare il proprio sentiero. PROMEMORIA: la nostra vita é nelle nostre mani. Spetta solo a noi decidere cosa farne. E nostro diritto non darla in mano a nessuno perché sia in grado di condizionarla. Nemmeno. Un singolo. Minuto. #travel #journey #goodtime #love #relax #riflections #caption #photography #teagarden #mountain #peace #breathitout

4/15/2023, 7:34:20 AM

Quédate contigo #aqui #ahora #breathitout #decisiones #felicidad

3/14/2023, 12:30:01 PM

I was so blessed to attend the Witality Breathwork Summit tonight and it was life changing! It’s amazing how our breathing has the power to release pain emotionally and physically! For anyone who is searching for a way to heal in a safe open space this is for you! The energy in the room was magnetic! I’m feeling lighter and excited to keep up this journey of self love and healing! #witalitybreathwork #facingyourtrauma #putinthework #screamitout #cryitout #breathitout #magicalmoments #inspiringleadersinaction

3/10/2023, 6:30:46 AM

Mirror Wall... #wip #breathitout #SophiaDassisi

2/27/2023, 8:25:58 AM

RECORDING 🎥 - 5 minute reset #breathworkpractice 🙏 Songs recommended to accompany this session 👇 ✨Emotions by Drums on Earth ✨Calculating Chaos by Luciferin ✨ Temple by Jean du Voyage Enjoy xx #breathworkjourney #breathworkhealing #justbreathe #breatheitin #breathitout #breatheyourselfbetter #yogaintentions #yogavibes

2/16/2023, 4:26:07 PM

Flowing with the change of weather, tomorrow’s class will be in the studio instead the park. ➰ Saturday 8.30am First we’ll dive into some warming flowing sequences, followed by a beautiful Yin practice to ignite the heart chakra. ground 〰️ connect 〰️ be There are 2 spaces left, which can be booked with Momoyoga or drop me a DM. See you there! #heartwarmingyoga #yogaroots #torbayyoga #breathitin #breathitout #yinyoga #aucklandyogastudio #aucklandyogateacher #longweekendyoga

1/27/2023, 12:19:52 AM

Evening Folks Following on from the learnings of #islamicpsychology and the caption from the post - this how women (Muslim & non Muslim) become #depressed #suppressed & #oppressed leading to #mental and physical health issues. Due to external pressures of not being married or divorced and not confirming to the mediocre life get such a raw deal of it - everyone has put there two pence or there advise even when not wanted - the Muslim Umma forgets how the beloved prophet (pbuh) chose his wives - yet if a son wants marry an older or divorced woman his family will forbid or if they agree they will constantly remind the woman how they saved or done her favour! Upon until very recently it was frowned upon Muslims marrying outside their ethic race or cast system which goes against Islam and forget about #classism and #colourism that’s another level! #muslim forget the fundamental of our religion and it’s purpose allowing the ego or societal demands to take over. If you need to be married and have children to live or survive that’s fine but a lot people don’t! Marriage is an sacred act not shit show or make do that one reasons why people stray etc. People have their own reasons for not being married or being married & not having kids - people marry & divorce then don’t want marry again -so be it - what’s it to you?? Ask yourself that before you start playing judge jury & execution! Against which goes against Islam ☪️😵‍💫 single women, married and divorced women have so many rights in Islam but #toxicmasculinity & #toxicfemininity not let you breath! This boils down to unresolved childhood trauma 🤔. This is a #contextpost I would have made a #reel but I’m off sick 🤢 #traumahealing #innerchildtherapy #anxietyawareness #depressionawareness #stressawareness #breathitout #coachitout #danceitout #shakeitout

1/26/2023, 8:20:56 PM

Yesterday we closed our last Rapéh circle for 2022 with a deep appreciation for this year! 🙏 Our One day retreat was very intense. 🔥 💫We let our bodies speak and express it self during dynamic meditation. 💨Holotropic breathing helps us to heal our past dramatic experience. Thanks for @the_psychmedlab 👊Maestro Tobacco gave us clarity, healing, and strength. Some could heal their inner child, someone could see their next steps in life, someone let go of fears and heavy energy. Bravo beautiful and brave team!💪 Moreover we made a beautiful Despacho ceremony. 🌎Despacho is an Andean ceremonial practice of making offerings to Mother Earth (Pachamama), and other spirits of nature in reciprocity, reverence, and thanksgiving ☀️Traditionally Despacho ceremony is performed after each earth cycle to renew and re-imprint the powers of nature on our luminous body, to connect with the Universe and helps us to remember about the great balance between humanity in nature. 💚A Despacho is an act of love and a reminder of universal energy exchange and the connections we share with all beings, elements, spirits, and sacred places. Beautiful day that remind us that life is experienced as a true gift to be lived, not a problem to be solved. 🙏 Thanks to all of you who join yesterdays event. I will bury our Despacho gift for a slow, steady result. 🙏🦋🦉🐆 . . . . . . . #rapehcyprus #rapehcirclecyprus #breathitout #danceitout #masterplantscyprus #mestrotobacco #gratitudefor2022 #cyprusevents #lifeisagift

12/27/2022, 6:29:14 PM

The #pain will come. Let it visit, #cry it out, vent it out, bleed it out. And then ask it to leave. Do not allow it to build a #home and call it #broken. We aren't meant to be broken forever. That is #punishment to our #hearts and #minds . . . #bestrong #noforpain #breathitout #lifeisgood #motivationalquotes #me #damascus #syria #behappy #dontletanythingstopyou #lifequotes

12/5/2022, 6:34:58 PM

Well this is sometimes easier said than done. I remember a friend once shared a poem with me at school: Worry does not remove the sorrow from tomorrow It removes the strength from today. What would life be with out dreams? To realise ones dreams can involve stepping out of the comfort zone, doing thing that quite frankly terrifies you. No doubt some hard graft will need to be done , sleepless nights, tears, questioning every thing. But… keeping the vision in sight is key. When the ‘what am I doing’ comes up. Switch to the ‘why am I doing this’ To see change you have to change you ❤️ What are you working on today, this week this year? What are your dreams? And more importantly What’s holding you back? #youvegotthis #breathitout #Dreambig #Stepbystep #xenalife #changestartswithyou

11/16/2022, 6:09:37 PM

How sweet it is! Just look at these wonderful Yogis in their calmest state! ☯️🙏 #bodyandmindyoga #bamyoga #relax #unwind #breathitout

11/15/2022, 5:57:29 PM

Sometimes they’re the tears of your enemies, sometimes they’re the tears of your ancestors, sometimes they’re the tears of you soul. They all must be spilled in order to fill yourself with new belonging and escape the longing of wanting to be spilled. #breathitout #theworkisneverdone #justsurrender

11/9/2022, 4:37:25 PM

This time Not for anyone else, but you ❤️ "Cheers to you" "Cheers to your happy soul" ❤️⭐️ . . Follow @haf_x_a . . #cheerup #cheers #merriment #spunky #guarddown #openup #thoughtful #goodvibes #living #breathitin #breathitout #joyfull #instagram #instadiary #instamood #instafashion #newbeginning

10/19/2022, 4:09:31 PM

Più si apre il corpo, più la mente si calma e lo segue nell'aprirsi. Ogni giorno mi rendo conto di quanta umiltà serva per farlo perché in quel silenzio vengono fuori cose del passato, errori fatti, sbagli che vorresti non aver commesso, sbagli che continui a commettere, difetti difficili da guardare in faccia perché per quanto tu cammini, ti dicono che la strada che hai davanti è ancora lunga, e che forse non finirà mai. E poi ci sono quelle ferite che stanno lì, ci hai messo i cerotti, ma non guariscono. Ci vuole umiltà nell'accettare che non sempre si ha le forze per camminare in avanti, che a volte ci sono quei giorni in cui sei stanco e ti crolla tutto addosso, e allora non puoi fare altro che fermarti ad abbracciare tutte le parti più scure e ostinate. Perché ci sono anche loro e va bene così, anzi forse sono proprio a fornirci le occasioni di crescita più grande, quei momenti in cui ti fermi a sentire cosa hanno da dire i dubbi, le ansie, le paure che ti attorcigliano i pensieri, in cui impari a trovare la calma anche in mezzo al temporale. Non ci può essere sempre il sole, però possiamo scegliere di aspettarlo, di cercarlo, di non lasciarci andare alla pioggia e di cercare ogni giorno, anche in quelli storti, qualcosa di bello, qualcosa per cui essere grati. Questa gratitudine io la cerco nel movimento, nel vento, nella luce e nelle nuvole perché so che non mi deluderanno mai, mai, mai. E poi, quanto è bello Settembre. Baci ✨️ . . . . . . . . . . #yogapractice #yogaflow #communeyoga #awakeningyoga #spiritualawareness #breathitout #exploreyourself #trusttheprocess #septembervibes #bekind #begrateful #beyou

9/21/2022, 2:52:01 PM

Breath it out! All of it. What no longer serves you. Let it go. Join us. We’ll do it together. The experience will be uniquely yours. The breath takes us to what we are individually ready for… Some discover relaxation, a good nights sleep, a quiet mind, answers to questions, guidance from ancestors, clarity, visions, deep release & letting go of the seed point of trauma, healing and more. Get in touch for information. Or follow the link in my bio. I look forward to sharing this practice with you. Clover x #consciousbreathing #breathworkhealing #breathe #deeprelease #letitallgo #healyourself #breathitout #breathworkimmersion #pathtohealing #yougotthis

8/21/2022, 12:33:27 PM

Touching our earthly nature Creation stories, lines, connections……. New pendants!!! Each an individual imprint from Earth 🌏 Grounding nature, connecting with our earthly realms……. #breathandessence #breath #deep #breathitout #inspiredinnature #natureinspired #earthlyconnection #grounding #makers #creatives #contemporarysilver #contemporarymetalsmith #kimrayner #coastaljewellery #consciouslycreated #consciousliving #missionbeachjewellery #adornyourself #farnorthqueensland #djirucountry

8/20/2022, 7:55:07 AM

Phil Collins - one more night. Whole Foods parking lot. Three more states. I want to draw more. ✌️❤️

8/10/2022, 9:27:31 PM

Un respiro profundo y un poco de sol ayudan a ver todo con más claridad ☀️ • • • #sole #respiro #nettuno #roma #italia #balcone #breathitout #fightlikeagirl #peleacomoniña #momentofpause #blesed #estate #summervibes #verano #daje • • • 📸 @maria_armeria

8/5/2022, 2:53:35 PM

✨ DIVINE CODES ✨ The call was deep and clear Be the SANCTUARY Create sacred space for healing Create a space for each women to share her medicine Ensure your channel is clear and in line with Source/God 🌹⚜️❤️ Deep initiations & explosions of love for our sisterhood and the potency we are grounding in! 8.6.2022 We have been here before. *chills* This is the portal, the times and the greatest movement of the sacred divine feminine has been called into creation - the time is now - only now. With the grace of God and the blessings of the sacred codes of the Divine Feminine Goddesses ⚜️ 🌹 it’s truly an honour to rise amongst the most powerful women 🌟🙏🏼 Blessings and gratitude for the Sacred divine feminine that have gracefully called us in and have been weaving us together to anchor this vision for the New Earth 🌎 ☝🏻 this photo was me last weekend on my journey of release 🍄 . Giving to God all the shame, fear, guilt, shame, anger and all limiting beliefs and stories to allow for our sisterhood to rise. We are free. We are sovereign. This is our time. I honour each and every one of you stepping into this calling and deep initiation. You are worthy. You have enough. You are enough. You are safe. Thank you for trusting in us @moonstonecollectivewellness #GoddessPortal in holding you through this day and initiation. #honoured We see you. We feel you. We are you. “Breaking the silence” off we go sisters. 💋 Reach out if you’re on the fence or feeling uncertain of joining us. More to come. Feel into it! ✨ #divine #divinegoddess #medicineceremony #souljourney #empoweredwomenempowerwomen #goddessportalopening #thetimeisnow #starseedlove1111 #letitgo #breathitin #breathitout #theportal #marymagdalene #isis #ancientwisdom #timelines #activations #starseedsunite

8/3/2022, 8:40:56 PM

😲 Oh my. It's been a very long day. I didn't get the chance to post this mornings card!! Now I breath out. 😁 Let Go of stress! Don't take on other people's stress. Breathe It Out now. I liked this thought. It is so true. Today many other people had supreme stress. I kept it at arms length. How did you do?? Also, it's good to monitor our own drama too! And cautiously not put our stress on others. Blessings. 🙏😇 #unicornoraclecards #magicalunicornsoraclecards #aplace_todock #rememberyourdivinity #tarotcommunity #tarotreader #jewelsofwisdom #womanofthegarden #dailymessage #sugarandspicetarot #destress #nostress #breathitout #alas #unicorn #dailymessage

8/3/2022, 4:27:49 AM

Who’s up for a daily challenge?? #mindrop #turnoffdropin 🧘🏼‍♀️🎧💃💚🌍✌️ Goes like this... 1) Set a daily reminder (pref same time each day) 2) Sit for 15mins, (pref in the same place) close your eyes, tune outer distractions 3) Connect to the ground beneath you, imagine you have roots like a tree strongly connected into the earth, oh and worth remembering we are all rolling around in a giant ball... Perspective helps in times of uncertainty... 🌍 4) Take 3 deep, slow breaths, inhale mind... exhale drop... 5) Then settle back to your natural breath, just sit there... (pretty simple right?) 6) Notice anything and everything that comes up in the noisy/egoic mind, observe it, then just watch it go by... No attachment to it... You just gotta breath... (pretty easy right?) 7) The last few mins focus all your attention on how you want your tomorrow to look? Visualise it, see it and feel it... Imagination is your super power! (If used correctly) 8) When your 15mins is up put on a song that resonates with you and makes you feel good!! Turn it up and feel it throughout your whole body! #tingle #feelit #dance 9) And if you don’t feel better, more energised, more free of mind stuff, more calm balanced and at ease, then repeat all over again until you do! (Pretty simple right?) 10) The goal of meditation isn’t to control your thoughts, it’s to stop letting them control you... 🙏 #insideout #raiseyourenergy #repeatdaily #energyshifts #mindset #reprogrammeyourmind #ohhowsimple #musicup #moveyourbody #nature #breathitout #bethechange #meditation #hypnosis #lookup #shiftyourenergy #connect #reset #rebalance #calm #grounded #yourenergyiseverything #musiceverydammday #everythingisinsideyou✌️

8/2/2022, 11:16:46 PM

No clue what I’m doing 80% of the time #clutchwork #pops #breathitout #logsnrocks #bushwhack #shethrottlesdirtseason2022 @shethrottles

7/5/2022, 10:42:37 PM

⁣ We are spiritual beings in a physical body, and we are meant for 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘄𝘁𝗵 and 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻. ⁣ ⁣ We have 𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 potential that the majority of us don’t ever tap into. It gets buried under layers of self limiting beliefs and perceived traumas that prevent us from accessing this innate intelligence.⁣ ⁣ Next Somatic Breathwork session is coming up this week ….. link in bio ⚡️🌬⁣ ⁣ #somaticbreathwork #somaticrelease #breathtaking #breathwork #healing #healingjourney #spirituallearning #growth #expansion #getuncomfortable #breathitout #letthatshitgo #breathe

6/19/2022, 6:23:56 PM

“And if you care, don't let them know Don't give yourself away” -Joni Mitchell Some days you realize that it’s more about them and how they feel about themselves than you. I have always followed the simple motto of “have courage and be kind”. Some times it sucks to do both, especially when all you want is someone to practice both in return. I didn’t get the night I had hoped for. The one I shaved legs and put on those smaller sized jeans (that I didn’t even realized fit me again) for. But thanks to friends and some laughs. I am snuggling some puppies tonight, watching baseball, and grateful that I managed to once again treat someone better than they did me. #bekind #letitgo #breathitout #itstillsucks

6/18/2022, 5:30:56 AM

Yes it’s Monday and back to work and school, but if you focus on all the positives, it’s so much easier to deal with. How lucky have we been to get 4 days holiday for the Queen’s Jubilee! Street parties, bbq’s, family and friends, sunshine…have a great week x #morningrun #rainyrun #breathitout

6/6/2022, 8:21:04 AM

Aloha beautiful friends 🌺 Happy Friday 🎉 Day 5 of 5 minutes 5☆5 Breath at 5:55am Hawai'i Time 🌈🤙 . Today is a mellow day for this Mama. Sweet son called out at 3am, "Mom, you forgot to read me a story!!" . And I'm feeling the gathering tension in my Womb as my Life Giving Blood prepares to release❣️💦 Thank you BodyTemple, for you excellent timing 👏 . I love using my Breath to nurture and love myself 💨❤️ And the best part? It's always available! . But... do you sometimes forget to Breathe? Catch yourself holding your breath, or taking shallow breaths? Drop ✋️ below if you relate . We often hold our breath when something unpleasant is happening to us, and then breath shallow and never truly exhale that energy our body received when that unpleasant thing was happening... . This leads to decades of trapped energy stored and stuffed into every nook and cranny of our tissues, organs, muscles, bones even!!! 🧠🫀🫁🦴🦴🦴 . But, GOOD NEWS!🎉🎉🎉🎉 . You can 💨 🎶 🔎 Breathe it Out. Sound it Out. Use your focused intention and attention to Release, Reset & Rejuvenate every cell in your body! . I am now inviting 3 Mamas👩‍👦 who are ready to release the pain and feel the Divine Self Love 💖 to work with me 1:1 in my Divine Sacred Space ✨️🛕 . I will hold you safe as you calm your body and mind, let go of fear, and invite Divine Love into your cells. . Let's connect & Breathe together. Book a complimentary ❤️2❤️ chat ☎️ 👇 . #YouareDivine #ILoveYou #ILoveMyBody #sweetmamalove #DivineSelfLove #momlife #selfhealers #selfhealing #selfawarenessjourney #breathislife #Breathwork #breathewithme #calm #breathempowerment #breathworkforimmunity #energyhealing #justbreathe #BREATHEMAMA #BREATHITOUT #SOUNDITOUT #YOUCANDOIT #youareworthit #love #Aloha

5/6/2022, 7:07:46 PM