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As I take this moment to reflect on the journey I have been through, I am reminded of that one significant person who was and has always been there for us. I am reminded of her strength and courage to carry on with life. I am reminded of her unwavering love and support. And I am humbled to realize that indeed, life is tough and challenging, but it was easier to navigate because of people who paved the way for us. Alhamdulillah I am neither vocal nor expressive; not even once have I expressed what I truly feel, but this time, allow me to express my utmost appreciation to that one person who deserves all the best things in this world and in akhirah. To our ate, I could not thank you enough. Really, thank you is an understatement for all the things you have done for us. I could only ask Allah (swt) to ease all your discomforts, shower you with his blessings and mercy, and protect you from all forms of evil. Allahumma Ameen. Indeed, the path is long and uncertain, but I will keep moving forward. Though it may take a long, slow, or risky journey, I will keep going because there are people who believe in me. We don’t celebrate birthdays, but I pray for you every day. May Allah (swt) shower us his blessings and guide us always to his path. 🫶✨ Bismillahi tawakkaltu. # #notawriter #undelivered

4/24/2024, 3:58:16 PM

Our lovely @tallulahalicephotography was able to see @its_r_o_r_y @officialuninvited and @lleoworld a few weeks ago and got some ✨amazing✨pictures. More pictures on our website!! #rory #undelivered #lleo #london #uk #concertphotography #concert #concerts #musicphotography

4/9/2024, 11:03:00 PM

#歷史的草稿 #傑夫納思邦⁡ ⁡ 2021年1月6日,美國總統共和黨的唐納・川普在華盛頓特區舉辦「拯救美國」的示威集會,川普在演講中煽動他的支持者「要激烈的戰鬥」、「奪回我們的國家」並指示支持者向美國國會大廈行進,試圖推翻2020年大選他尋求連任失敗的結果。⁡ 這場稱為「國會山莊暴動事件」的騷動,導致美國國會大廈被佔領破壞,衝突造成五人死亡,上百人受傷。⁡ ⁡ 政治人物公開演說,可煽動群眾的威力驚人,敗選感言跟勝選感言一樣重要,理想的敗選演說是能號召支持者去支持勝選者,發表期許和道賀,這樣國家才能恢復向心力,高爾和希拉蕊的敗選感言都是有禮貌合禮儀,沒人像川普這樣不甘願,還號召群眾破壞的啦!⁡ ⁡ 相信川普一定有他的勝選演講稿,但沒有機會發表,所以他才氣噗噗的亂發表演說,《歷史的草稿》這本書就在分享那些著名的歷史時刻中未被公開的演講稿,如何改變(或沒有改變)世界。⁡ ⁡ 1963年美國民權運動最熱烈的時刻,「向華盛頓進軍」的大遊行,為了爭取天主教會的支持,學生非暴力協調委員會(SNCC)領袖約翰・路易斯原本要採取比較激進的演說內容,才能回應支持群眾的需求。他們不要耐心,要馬上消除種族隔離,要馬上看到他們的需求變成實際。但如果太激動,教會不願意背書支持,可能讓前進的一步功虧一簣,所以後來他們改了講稿,發表比較溫和的措辭,好讓事態不會變得嚴重。如果當時發表的是另一份較激進的講稿,或許後續會引發衝突騷亂,就可能沒有金恩博士那篇「我有一個夢」的著名演說了。⁡ ⁡ 裡面分享的「未出世」演講稿,我最喜歡的是伊利諾州州長奧爾高德的告別演說,他為了公平正義特赦無辜的犯人,可惜當時1893年的現實氣氛下,輿論和新聞都沒有站在正義那邊,他後來連任競選失利,卻還是要大家不要放棄希望,實在是令人感動,分享在下面,感覺到現在還可以適用。⁡ ⁡ 「不公看似戰勝了,正義似乎成了敗方。但正義的永恆引力是向上的,指向上帝的寶座。任何政治制度要長存,就必須保持與這條正義之路的方向一致。」⁡ ⁡ 書中也分享了金句的要義:「以一種深植人心且值得引用的方法簡述想表達的訊息,僅僅一句話就讓人充分領略完整訊息的精要。」在演講和寫作中就是正確下標,好的標題可以讓聽眾更加理解重點,馬上被吸引也更快達到效果。⁡ ⁡ 喜歡《#月光下的藍色男孩》導演詹金斯原本要致辭,卻被烏龍頒錯事件大亂的章節,(作者真的很在意這篇致辭沒有被完整呈現,感覺他是電影粉絲)。這裡提到卡內基大學的研究,比起「數據」人類更傾向認同「故事」,於是可知「我們不是有情感的思考機器,我們是(偶爾)會思考的情感機器。」所以演說時夾帶一些好故事,更能激起他人共鳴,也更符合人性。蘇格蘭哲學家麥金泰爾:「從人類的行動與實踐看來,其本質是說故事的動物。」這也是我們為什麼這麼愛聽故事的原因。⁡ ⁡ 這本書介紹了很多歷史上的關鍵時刻,如果當時發表的講稿是A而不是B,歷史是不是會被改變呢?⁡ 推薦大家來看,也建議翻譯能把英文姓名也附在中文譯名後面,畢竟這些西方可能耳熟能詳的例子,亞洲讀者可能沒這麼認識,認真找了奧爾高德是誰,花了半小時才看到他的照片。⁡ ⁡ 出版社:thx 衛城出版⁡ @acropolis_publish 出版日:2024.03⁡ ⁡ #JeffNussbaum #Undelivered #那些差點成真的劃時代演說 #歷史 #演講稿 #書 #book

4/9/2024, 7:37:28 AM

[ #LinkInBio] In another #distressing #incident of #online #fraud, a 65-year-old man fell #victim to a #scam, losing over Rs 3 lakh after attempting to contact #Swiggy's #CustomerService for assistance with an #undelivered #order. The #unfortunate event was disclosed by his son Nikhil Chawla, an influencer, on social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram. Chawla recounted the entire ordeal through a video he shared on #Instagram, detailing how his #father's ordeal unfolded.

4/5/2024, 11:13:15 AM

原本 我想向立志成為講稿撰寫者的人說 只要讀過資深講稿幕僚李拓梓所寫的推薦序 大概就能掌握本書內容的精髓了 但後來想想 本書作者費盡千辛萬苦 蒐羅古今中外許多寶貴的史料 一方面見證講稿撰寫者的無奈 一方面也見證講稿撰寫者可能改變歷史的偉大 許多鮮為人知的故事 如果不深入一探究竟 那就太可惜了 所以 還是歡迎有志於此的後起之秀 可以利用喝幾杯咖啡的時間 好好咀嚼品嘗 #歷史的草稿 #閱讀心得 #閱讀記錄 #閱讀分享 #閱讀日常 #書 #booklover #books #book #undelivered#読書 #読書記録 #読書好きな人と繋がりたい #読書ノート #読書日記 #読書好きと繋がりたい #本 #コーヒー #ケーキ

3/27/2024, 9:24:59 AM

Imym. What would I have to do to just talk again? I can make promises that I feel you might not believe, and I can show you that once again you can. Don’t want to be all about ‘trying again’, we tried so many times. It’s clear now with the time passed that those were half assed chances and attempts as well. There is no need for more ‘attempts’. Everything is a constant now. Words are honest. Feelings, although confusing, are true. Things just flow when connecting with truth, that’s always been clear. I’m sorry I went and threw myself away in front of your eyes to show my love and pain, and expose my hidden flaws. I want to speak with you so I can apologise for killing us, and losing your love by driving you away. I wish you could understand where I was. Broken, out of body, blind. Numb. Traumatic events and the medications, the long and bumpy road through recovery. Remember: I never wanted to give up and lose you like I have now. I didnt want to drag you through my therapy journey, which you have to agree i needed. I only understand now, that it’s good that you left me to heal, if that is one of the reasons you left. I hope it is. I hope you have healed in your own ways too. Things are different now, as you already would know. And if you are ever willing, I’d be happy to grab some Starbucks with you some time. I believe, still. Do you? #5i #openletters #undelivered #daftpunkrecord #onemoretime #ireallystillmissyou #pleasethinkaboutit #298

3/7/2024, 9:34:22 PM

📘雪梨試讀 試讀書籍|《歷史的草稿:那些差點成真的劃時代演說》 試讀篇章|〈第八章 領導的語言:艾森豪與諾曼第登陸失敗的道歉文〉 ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ≣心得 「世人會記得作戰成功的人,淡忘失敗之人。」試讀完本章後,我以這句總結艾森豪將軍進行諾曼第登陸的指揮表現。戰爭往往是場賭注,聽取幕僚提供的資訊,理性分析戰況,由最高指揮官主動下指令,再感性提振士氣。 然而,這樣還不夠,他也須擁有承擔責任的勇氣。艾森豪的道歉稿中不斷強調「我一人」、「我決定」,將責任集中於自身;接著作者納斯邦指出:道歉稿中的語態使用主動語態。如此既可以讓聽眾清楚分辨主詞是誰,又能讓講者在發表演說時,有條不紊地直指重點。 我們都明瞭歷史事實已然發生不可改變;作者搜集了無緣問世的講稿,經過他的專業指出講稿中的寫作技巧、傳遞信念與掙扎,提供讀者不同角度看待這些演講者,延伸出多元的歷史解釋。 ≣內文摘錄 📍作家薩菲爾在《薩菲爾的政治辭典》一書形容「錯誤已被犯下」,這句話是「一種被動且模稜兩可的認錯方式,讓講者與犯錯的責任保持距離。」 📍從艾森豪的字跡可以看到,他將被動語態的「軍隊已被撤回」改為主動語態的「我已撤回軍隊」。(……)撰寫講稿時,被動語態聽器來少了人情味,像是在打官腔,而領導人應是主動出擊的人。 ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 期待本書後續其他13篇🫶🏻 對於想從事幕僚的人來說,滿適合獨看看這本書🤔 作 者|傑夫.納思邦(Jeff Nussbaum) 書 名|《歷史的草稿:那些差點成真的劃時代演說》(Undelivered: The Never-Heard Speeches That Would Have Rewritten History) 譯 者|李寧怡 出版社|衛城出版(書系-Beyond) @acropolis_publish #歷史的草稿 #試讀心得 #閱讀 #閱讀心得 #好書推薦 #閱讀分享 #人文社科 #jeffnussbaum #undelivered #speeches #History #reading #readintw #読書

2/26/2024, 9:25:24 AM

SF Express Undelivered Parcels Available 03110242139 . . . . #amazon #mystery #undelivered

2/11/2024, 10:45:18 AM

After Nourway, modern pop duo asal Jakarta membuka tahun baru dengan mengeluarkan karya terbarunya. EP Undelivered yang terdiri dari lima lagu pop ini sekaligus menjadi mini album perdana duo dengan personilnya Vino (vokalis) dan Rafi (pianis) ini. Rafi, pianis dari After Nourway menjelaskan bahwa lagu-lagu di album ini bercerita tentang 5 stages of grief yang dirasakan seseorang dalam sebuah hubungan yang telah berakhir. Vino sang vokalis menambahkan, “Singkatnya, EP ini menceritakan tentang “apa sih yang dirasain seseorang ketika mereka putus cinta?” dan perasaan itu kami sampaikan dalam 5 lagu kami. Soalnya jaman sekarang banyak yang engga bisa ngutarain perasaannya sendiri. Luckily, we’re here to help you!,”ujar Vino di siaran pers tertulis, Jumat, 9 Februari 2024. 2 lagu baru berbahasa Inggris yang masuk ke mini album ini yakni ‘Numb’ dan ‘Maybe’. ‘Numb’, yang menjadi jagoan dari EP ini bercerita tentang seseorang yang mati rasa, karena hubungan percintaannya membekaskan luka yang cukup dalam. ‘Numb’ diciptakan dan diproduseri oleh After Nourway Bersama dengan SEEK. Mereka juga berkolaborasi sebagai pencipta lagu dan produser untuk keempat lagu lain di ‘EP Undelivered’. Proses pembuatan albumnya sendiri, mereka bercerita, berlangsung sekitar 3 bulan. “Semoga dengan adanya EP ini After Nourway lebih dikenal lagi oleh kalangan komunitas musisi serta para penikmat musik di seluruh Indonesia. Dan juga, semoga lagu-lagu dari After Nourway juga sarana yang tepat buat orang-orang yang mau dengerin lagu kita dari berbagai situasi.”kata mereka. @afternourway #musik #ep #undelivered #radio #radiojakarta #1042mstrifm

2/10/2024, 9:29:39 AM

#undelivered #texts

2/5/2024, 12:03:13 AM

#undelivered #texts

2/4/2024, 11:56:11 PM

#undelivered #text

2/4/2024, 11:47:32 PM

#undelivered #texts

2/3/2024, 5:15:58 PM

Meross Outdoor Smart Plug, MSS620HK (EU Version) . Contact us at Whatsapp. 0324 2025833 . #meross #merosshome #merosssmarthome #skmproduct #skmproducts #undeliveredparcels #undelivered #Undelivered #subkuchmilega

2/3/2024, 12:58:40 PM

Uolor 300KG Pull Force Double Sided Complete Fishing Magnet Kit for Magnet Fishing - Includes 20M Rope with Carabiner, Gloves, Threadlocker for Retrieving Items in River, Lake, Beach, Lawn Price: 8000/= . For order visit us at https://www.facebook.com/subkuchmilegaonline?mibextid=ZbWKwL . Or Contact us at Whatsapp. https://wa.me/message/Q67CI5LEBJISL1 . Website: www.subkuchmilega.com #fishingmagnet #fishingmagnet #fishingmagnets #fishingmagnetkit #fishingmagnetkits #amazonproducts #amazonproduct #SKM #undeliveredparcels #Undelivered

1/31/2024, 8:12:24 PM

All #Undelivered orders are returned back to our #warehouse and resorted either back to the #Seller or a second delivery attempt is made to the #buyer 📦 Kindly ensure you provide us the right details when you order on #Mmaraka 🛒 🚚 House Number, Street Name, Suburb, Postcode 📫 Kindly note that we only currently serve #SouthAfrica 🇿🇦🇿🇦

1/28/2024, 5:08:34 PM

if i miss you any harder, my heart might come looking for you . . . . . #undelivered #missyou #art #music #journal #heartbroken #alone #pain

1/26/2024, 12:39:18 AM

Pitch pine letter box for ‘Dead Letters’ letters returned undelivered. From the post office in Fowey, Cornwall #postoffice #fowey #cornwall #returntosender #undelivered #deadletters #forsale #pitchpine #letterbox

1/13/2024, 4:24:25 PM

📨📩❌ The Undelivered Letter by @sonialusiveira #undelivered #letter #poezia #poems #poem #lovepoem #editcanva #just #want #to #post ^^

12/14/2023, 3:05:41 PM

“In the end, words delivered—and those undelivered—are the real first draft of history, of actions taken or avoided, of paths traveled or not traveled, of leaders chosen or forsaken. They prove that the past is prologue, and for every generation, the work of peace, of understanding, of compassion is theirs to make real over and over again.” . Jeff Nussbaum Undelivered 2022 @flatiron_books . 2023:72 . h/t @opl_bpo . . . #jeffnussbaum #undelivered #nonfiction #speeches #history #politics #book #books #bookstagram

12/6/2023, 10:25:24 PM

Baby, NO, NARN, NOTTA, NOT ONE weapon formed against me shall prosper, IT WON’T WORK! God will do just what he said he would do, he will stand by his word, HE WILL COME THROUGH! #requestarefund #getyourmoneyback #refund #itwontwork #itdidntwork #noweaponformedagainstmeshallprosper #Godprotected #Godprotectshisown #angelswatchingoverme #goback #returntosender #undelivered #covered #lawandapetersministries #likefollowshare

11/23/2023, 12:21:18 AM

Book Review: "Undelivered" by Jeff Neusbaum is a compelling exploration of an alternate history centered around speeches that were never delivered. The author skillfully delves into the historical context of each speech, offering readers a nuanced understanding while sparking contemplation about the potential impact if these speeches had been given. Neusbaum's background as a former speechwriter adds depth to the narrative, seamlessly weaving in diverse speech techniques and emphasizing the profound influence of language. 4.75 out of 5 #foureyebooks #politics #history #speech #storygraph #undelivered #bookstagram #saclibrary #alternatehistory #kobo #reading #coldwar #ww2 #hilaryclinton #plymouthrock #einstein #civilrights

11/17/2023, 7:46:04 AM

I hope you can see yourself the way I see you. #undelivered #unsent #tearsasink #reveriesevilla

11/16/2023, 11:08:06 AM

Please be so kind as to give us a follow and keep up to date with our quotes, memes and self-help advice. Together we can make the world a brighter, happier more compassionate place. 🧠😇 x #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #me #depression #antidepressants #anxiety #love #stress #health #selfcare #positivevibes #positivity #emotions #friends #follow #smile #help #instagood #forgive #loveyourself #instagood #insta #instadaily #potd #instafollow #instamoment #undelivered

11/13/2023, 2:50:48 AM

#fraudulent @uber #cheatingpartner @uber_india #nocustomerservice #nocontactdetails #corruption #packagemissing #undelivered @delhi.police_official @cyber_cell_delhi @dara.khosrowshahi @prabhjeetsingh

8/28/2023, 12:42:24 PM

In this interesting concept of a book, speechwriter Jeff Nussbaum details the speeches that were written but never had the occasion of being read, from Hillary Clinton's 2016 Victory speech to the director of Moonlight's Best Picture Remarks. I thought that this book was well organized and sourced material from a variety of interesting and diverse material. I also appreciated Nussbaum's comments on the techniques of speechwriting that readers can see in these texts, which provided additional layers of nuance. The book is interesting in terms of providing a peek into the multiverses in which the various events that would have prompted these speeches did occur. The diversity of the times, places, and figures involved in the speeches means that I learned a lot about various historical events, from busing in the segregated South to Japanese culture at the end of World War II. I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in history or politics. Rating: 4/5 #undelivered #jeffnussbaum #nonfiction #bookstagram #reading #readingtime #readinglist #bookworm #readingcommunity #bookoftheweek #booksta #bookblogger #booklover #igreads #bookreview #readersofinstagram #bookclub #readwithme #mybookfeatures #bookobsessed

8/25/2023, 2:57:23 AM

....as he, steps into what is his own realm, dazed and lost, simmering yet tired, the poet just wants to flop down on the heaps of unwritten broken dreams and promises, flailing ideological conflicts that can upturn the cynical balance inside... #intellectual #poet #kobita #bangla #life #depression #passion #penart #inkart #sketch #scribble #arstagram #instaart #doodlegram #pengram #art #brokendream #undelivered #failedwriter #fail #sadness #nihilism #cynicism #cynicalart #depressionera #depressioneraart #sketchdaily #artdaily #india #bangladesh

8/21/2023, 4:32:03 AM

What if unheard voices had reshaped the world? Ready to explore the "what ifs" that might have changed it all? 📚✨ Dive into the alternate pages of history with "Undelivered: The Never-Heard Speeches That Would Have Rewritten History" by Jeff Nussbaum. 🌟 🎙️🌍 #Undelivered #AristocBooklexUganda #RewriteHistory #historybooks #history #historylovers #books #bookstagram #historyinpictures #historynerd #historylesson #historyclass #historyfacts #historybuff #historymemes #historylover #historyteacher

8/15/2023, 10:11:43 AM

I'm having a great summer of reading! One standout was Undelivered by Jeff Nussbaum. It's about speeches that would have made history had they been given. For example, what Edward VIII would have said if he refused to abdicate or what Hillary Clinton would have said had she won the election. I read the audiobook, and it included interesting sound clips. Really fascinating nonfiction. (I think I heard about it on What Should I Read Next.) #bookstagram #undelivered #jeffnussbaum #whatshouldireadnextpodcast #summerreading

7/31/2023, 6:36:47 PM

Golden opportunity for RETAILERS! iOttie Easy One Touch 5 Dashboard & Windshield Universal Car Mount Phone Holder Desk Stand with Suction Cup Base and Telescopic Arm For: iPhone, Samsung, Google, Huawei, Nokia, other Smartphones Color: Black Available units: 80 pieces Kindly WhatsApp for price inquiries and order placement. WhatsApp: +923022365446 Discover a world of extraordinary imports at our shop page, where every click opens the door to exquisite treasures, captivating stories, and the thrill of indulging in the finest luxury items from around the globe. #carmount #Smart #cargadgets #mobileholder #windshield #caraccessories #mobile #smartphone #luxury #vlogging #vlogginglife #camera #vloggingcamera #amazonfinds #AmazonPakistan #amazonprime #Amazon #NaranValley #kaghanvalley #skardu #shahalam #shershah #Undelivered #parceldelivery #estore #lifestyle

7/16/2023, 1:13:21 PM

Dear Papa, Aapki beti jo kabhi har choti baat pe chupke roti thi aaj har baat ko sahna janti hai. Ek haadsa hua jisne aapki beti ko jhootha bana diya tha, sehem gayi thi par aapse kaha kab chupa aapne mujhe sambhala mujhe waqt diya aur phirse sahi rasta dikhaya. Sabne kaha tha "nahi hoga isse" lekin aapko vishwas tha aapki beti haaregi nahi. Aapne sabke khilaf jaake mujhe apne se door kiya khator mann se sirf meri safalta ke liye. Yahan aake ehsaas hua aapse zyda pyaar aapki beti ko koi karta hi nahi hai. Akela rehna seekh gayi aapki beti, khudse ladna seekh gayi aur ab toh rone ke liye bhi movie dekhni padti hai. Aapka saath nahi hota toh main kabhi apne sangharsh ko khatam nahi kar paati aur logo ke muh chup nahi kara pati. ❤️ Bahut guroor hai mujhe aap mere papa ho... ❤️ Narazgi bhi hai thodi ki chote ko sab kuch krne diya lekin chalta hai.. ❤️ ❤️ You are still best. Happy Father's Day #undelivered #message #Papa

6/18/2023, 12:34:39 PM

The sea is where my soul's at peace.

5/16/2023, 6:58:48 PM

Source(English): "Annihilation of Caste", in Volume 1, DBAWS, GoM. . Source(Hindi): "जातिप्रथा-उन्मूलन", in Volume 1, Ambedkar Foundation, GoI. . Radical Ambedkar . #AnnihilationOfCaste #Hindus #Mahatma #Hate #Speech #Undelivered #1936 #JatPatTodakMandal #Lahore #AntiCaste ? #SocialOrder #Saints #God #Men #Relations #Conversion #ReligiousRights #IntellectualClass #Ambedkar #Virtue #RepublicanVirtue #Annihilation #Conversion #Ethic #Morality #ReconstructiveEthic #ForAnotherSociality #Buddha

5/12/2023, 3:52:18 AM

Source(English): "Annihilation of Caste", in Volume 1, DBAWS, GoM. . Source(Hindi): "जातिप्रथा-उन्मूलन", in Volume 1, Ambedkar Foundation, GoI. . Radical Ambedkar . #AnnihilationOfCaste #Hindus #Mahatma #Hate #Speech #Undelivered #1936 #JatPatTodakMandal #Lahore #AntiCaste ? #SocialOrder #Masses #Texts #Conversion #ReligiousRights #IntellectualClass #Ambedkar #Virtue #RepublicanVirtue #Annihilation #Conversion #Ethic #Morality #ReconstructiveEthic #ForAnotherSociality #Buddha

5/10/2023, 4:53:19 AM

Source(English): "Annihilation of Caste", in Volume 1, DBAWS, GoM. . Source(Hindi): "जातिप्रथा-उन्मूलन", in Volume 1, Ambedkar Foundation, GoI. . Radical Ambedkar . #AnnihilationOfCaste #Hindus #Mahatma #Hate #Speech #Undelivered #1936 #JatPatTodakMandal #Lahore #AntiCaste ? #SocialOrder #Mahatma #GlassHouses #Conversion #ReligiousRights #IntellectualClass #Ambedkar #Virtue #RepublicanVirtue #Annihilation #Conversion #Ethic #Morality #ReconstructiveEthic #ForAnotherSociality #Buddha

5/9/2023, 5:18:37 AM

Source(English): "Annihilation of Caste", in Volume 1, DBAWS, GoM. . Source(Hindi): "जातिप्रथा-उन्मूलन", in Volume 1, Ambedkar Foundation, GoI. . Radical Ambedkar . #AnnihilationOfCaste #Hindus #Mahatma #Hate #Speech #Undelivered #1936 #JatPatTodakMandal #Lahore #AntiCaste ? #SocialOrder #ReligionOfRules #Change #ReligionOfPrinciples #DoctrinalBasis #CompleteChange #FundamentalNotions #Conversion #ReligiousRights #IntellectualClass #Ambedkar #Virtue #RepublicanVirtue #Annihilation #Conversion #Ethic #Morality #ReconstructiveEthic #ForAnotherSociality #Buddha

5/7/2023, 5:00:39 AM

Undelivered by @jeffnussbaum is out now in paperback! 📜 It’s a fascinating book that offers insight into notable speeches that were never delivered, showing what could have been if history had gone down a different path. It’s perfect for history buffs or as a gift for grads! #undelivered #speechwriting

5/4/2023, 4:30:09 PM

Source(English): "Annihilation of Caste", in Volume 1, DBAWS, GoM. . Source(Hindi): "जातिप्रथा-उन्मूलन", in Volume 1, Ambedkar Foundation, GoI. . Radical Ambedkar . #AnnihilationOfCaste #Hindus #Mahatma #Hate #Speech #Undelivered #1936 #JatPatTodakMandal #Lahore #AntiCaste ? #SocialOrder #Interdining #InterMarriage #ReligionOfRules #Brahmanism #ReligionOfPrinciples #ReligiousRights #Distribution #IntellectualClass #Ambedkar #Virtue #RepublicanVirtue #Annihilation #Conversion #Ethic #Morality #ReconstructiveEthic #ForAnotherSociality #Buddha

5/3/2023, 5:12:48 AM

Source(English): "Annihilation of Caste", in Volume 1, DBAWS, GoM. . Source(Hindi): "जातिप्रथा-उन्मूलन", in Volume 1, Ambedkar Foundation, GoI. . Radical Ambedkar . #AnnihilationOfCaste #Hindus #Mahatma #Hate #Speech #Undelivered #1936 #JatPatTodakMandal #Lahore #AntiCaste ? #SocialOrder #Interdining #InterMarriage #ReligionOfRules #ReligionOfPrinciples #ReligiousRights #Distribution #IntellectualClass #Ambedkar #Virtue #RepublicanVirtue #Annihilation #Conversion #Ethic #Morality #ReconstructiveEthic #ForAnotherSociality #Buddha

4/29/2023, 4:48:45 AM

Source(English): "Annihilation of Caste", in Volume 1, DBAWS, GoM. . Source(Hindi): "जातिप्रथा-उन्मूलन", in Volume 1, Ambedkar Foundation, GoI. . Radical Ambedkar . #AnnihilationOfCaste #Hindus #Mahatma #Hate #Speech #Undelivered #1936 #JatPatTodakMandal #Lahore #AntiCaste ? #SocialOrder #Interdining #InterMarriage #DestroyHinduism #NothingIrreligious #Irreligious #ReligiousRights #Distribution #IntellectualClass #Ambedkar #Virtue #RepublicanVirtue #Annihilation #Conversion #Ethic #Morality #ReconstructiveEthic #ForAnotherSociality #Buddha

4/26/2023, 4:18:30 AM

Source(English): "Annihilation of Caste", in Volume 1, DBAWS, GoM. . Source(Hindi): "जातिप्रथा-उन्मूलन", in Volume 1, Ambedkar Foundation, GoI. . Radical Ambedkar . #AnnihilationOfCaste #Hindus #Mahatma #Hate #Speech #Undelivered #1936 #JatPatTodakMandal #Lahore #AntiCaste ? #SocialOrder #Interdining #InterMarriage #Principles #Rules #ReligiousAct #ReligiousRights #Distribution #IntellectualClass #Ambedkar #Virtue #RepublicanVirtue #Annihilation #Conversion #Ethic #Morality #ReconstructiveEthic #ForAnotherSociality #Buddha

4/25/2023, 5:22:49 AM