kind images

Discover Best kind Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

@ashensrilanka ගෙ video එකකින් තමයි මේ මල්ලිව මුලින්ම දැක්කේ..හැබැයි මට අද මෙතනදි සෙට් වෙයි කියලා හිතුනෙ නැ. දන්නවද ඇන්ඩෘ මල්ලී, *මේ ලෝකේ ලස්සනම සහ දක්ෂම පුතා ඉන්නේ ඔයාගෙ අම්මට* ❤️ one galle face ගියොත් මේ මල්ලිගෙ අතින්ම පාට කරල තියෙන ච්ත්‍රයක් ගන්න අමතක කරන්න එපා 🙏 #instagram #ig #igers #kind #lovequotes #art #igdaily #viralvideos #viral #artist #spreadlove #instadaily

4/27/2024, 4:36:25 PM

#儀式感生活#去衝浪啦 我們第一次衝浪 先在浪板上動作練習 居然就穩定能夠直接站立海浪上 超好玩超級刺激! 我們也佩服這次的訓練 已經有勝任的輕鬆感 也還繼續享受眺望龜山島鄰近美景 #祢代表所有執政掌權 #超會自己默默的進行 #colorful #賦予色彩 #peace #meet #license #queen #cute #humor #time #license #kind #YHWH

4/27/2024, 4:30:30 PM

Especially #kind and away from me…🤣 #oldsoulstribe #beyou

4/27/2024, 4:28:25 PM

🎐 人們經常會說 太執着過去會得抑鬱症 太擔心未來會得焦慮症 當我們沉沒於過去的悲傷或未來的擔憂時 卻忽略了當我們出生時 並沒有帶着什麼來到這個世上 而最後我們亦會化作塵埃離開這個世界 什麼也帶不走 那麼你又何必太執着過去和未來呢? ☁️ #hongkong #illustration #bear #quote #drawing #painting #kind #heart #love #mentalhealth #book #quotes #句子 #格言 #精神健康 #心靈 #心靈語錄 #金句 #語錄分享 #語錄

4/27/2024, 4:25:33 PM

#Anbaden am #Liepnitzsee der #Sommer kann kommen #Kind #Wald #See

4/27/2024, 4:19:09 PM

Du wirst immer das Wunder sein, das mein Leben vollkommen gemacht hat ✨ 💭 Ich liebe dich❣️ #kind #sohn #meineinundalles #größtesglück

4/27/2024, 4:06:02 PM

Unsere Lütti-Bären präsentieren: "Lätzchen für's Schätzchen"! Endlich wieder eingetroffen sind die niedlichen Kinder Lätzchen "Kleenes Schnüteken" und "Kleiner Kumpel" Mit ihrem liebevollem Design ein echter Hingucker an jedem Esstisch..🌞❤️ #zimmermannluetgendortmund #zimmermann #lütgendortmund #dorffest #lüdo #lätzchen # #baby #kind #geschenkartikel #ruhrpottliebe #zeche #kumpel #dortmund #bochum #boevinghausen #langendreer #aktivimort #ichbinlütgenbömmler

4/27/2024, 4:03:55 PM

Slaapt jouw kind slecht👉? De Kinderfluisteraar lost kinderproblemen op met ‘reading op afstand’🙌. Blijf niet met een kinderprobleem zitten🙏. Zie de link in bio. Lees de beste slaaptips in mijn boeken: ‘Tips van de Kinderfluisteraar deel 1 en 2’. Boordevol handige adviezen inclusief oefeningen📚🛍. Bestellen via link in bio. . . . #baby #kids #kind #kinderen #puber #moederschap #bewustouderschap #ouderschap #kinderfluisteraar #kindercoach #mama #gelukkigekinderen #gelukkigeoudersgelukkigekinderen #opvoeding #mamma #pappa #ouders #opvoedtips #opvoedcoach #parenting #slechtslapen #blijekinderen #hooggevoeligekinderen #adhd #adhdproblems #dyslexie #hoogbegaafdopvoeden #hoogbegaafdekinderen #dekinderfluisteraar

4/27/2024, 4:03:29 PM

Memories with stars and artists 💫 . . . . . . . . . . #photography #Proyect #Neurodivergency #actuallyautistic #Perspective #selfcare #peace #kind #420 #partywithfriends #lgbtqia #pride #queer #bi #artist

4/27/2024, 4:02:38 PM

Have a great weekend and Dance with ASDS! 💃🕺👍 #happy #saturday #april #spring #be #kind #yourself #go #dancing #great #weekend #asds

4/27/2024, 3:56:51 PM

You are human, you are not a robot❤️ Be kind to yourself, show yourself compassion as you do things each week. Take breaks to reset. Laugh about life more, instead of being harsh on yourself every day. Read: The Ultimate Self-Esteem Toolkit- The Kindness Blanket art @nikkimiles_ #perfect #imperfect #perfectionism #impostersyndrome #progress #selfkindness #kind #bekind #kindness #risawilliams #risawilliamstherapy

4/27/2024, 3:51:21 PM

Love finds you. It shows up in many unexpectedly in different ways. Sometimes just a glimpse of a moment that stirs and changes what was and what is, never to be the same. It’s different things for everyone. It’s a million times for some who love easy and it’s that one time for those who don’t. When love finds an opening, fills the darkness, hold on and never let go. Linger in feeling and cherish the moment. Just recently I wrote an article in my Long Term Care home’s newsletter that reiterated to my residents that they could come visit my office anything and it warmed my heart to see them. A few days after the newsletter was published one of my residents showed up at my office door, she had requested that one of her nurses take her down to my office. Alice pulled from her blanket that cover her wheelchair the news letter. She looked in my eyes with tears in hers and said, “I’ve come to warm your heart”. ❤️ love finds me everyday! I live to help others and leave this world better than I found it. Love like there isn’t another day! In the end love is all there is! Have a wonderful day! ~Michelle. #soblessed #longtermcare #love #loveislove #aginggracefully #aging #caring #agingwell #lovestory #lovely #kindness #kind #kindcomments #kindhearrted #bekindtoyourself #kindcomments #kindlove #grace #gracefullydecoratedfaith #gracefully #mysavinggrace

4/27/2024, 3:49:02 PM

#kindness #kind

4/27/2024, 3:36:46 PM

Learn to shut the door behind you properly you may need it to again to go through in or out. #purelove #goodvibes #vibes #powerofthemind #positivity #billion #everyone #soft #kind #king

4/27/2024, 3:35:36 PM

송후이.. 장화에 집착하더니 드디어 신었구나?!🤣😚 #장화신은송후이 2024.04.27 #후이#후이바오#그판다#러바후#낑#송후이#뱃살이#장화#에버랜드#판다월드#퇴근길#오바오#이모 #hui #huibao #panda #everland #pandaworld #giantpanda #koreatrip #korea #辉宝#大熊猫 #장화 #derpanda #sosüß #kind

4/27/2024, 3:30:52 PM

🔥It’s #Saturday, are you working on your #dreams or are you pausing all of the #revenue #generating activities by just #partying or playing video games⁣ ⁣ I can tell you right now if you’re not #continuing a #consistent #flow of #work ethic right now 7 days a week it will be very #challenging for you to keep and #maintain a #momentum that brings you a #fruitful life🚀⁣ ⁣ I haven’t taken a single #Rest day from my #business for over #6 months now, this is the #kind of #energy that can really change the #trajectory of your #life 🔑⁣ ⁣ I personally don’t even like not working #now it’s just such an #engraved part in my head that it I’m not #working life just gets boring 💪⁣ ⁣ It’s so much #fun to just keep seeing the digits pile up and #stack up while seeing others pull them selves up out of miserable #situations, toxic people, and #habits 🚀💵⁣ ⁣ Think about it this way, what if the divine took a rest day and just said let’s pause all life in the universe, you wouldn’t like that huh? 💪⁣ ⁣ So follow his example and get to it that’s where you will see the most REAL #happiness! 😃

4/27/2024, 3:28:46 PM

🔥It’s #Saturday, are you working on your #dreams or are you pausing all of the #revenue #generating activities by just #partying or playing video games⁣ ⁣ I can tell you right now if you’re not #continuing a #consistent #flow of #work ethic right now 7 days a week it will be very #challenging for you to keep and #maintain a #momentum that brings you a #fruitful life🚀⁣ ⁣ I haven’t taken a single #Rest day from my #business for over #6 months now, this is the #kind of #energy that can really change the #trajectory of your #life 🔑⁣ ⁣ I personally don’t even like not working #now it’s just such an #engraved part in my head that it I’m not #working life just gets boring 💪⁣ ⁣ It’s so much #fun to just keep seeing the digits pile up and #stack up while seeing others pull them selves up out of miserable #situations, toxic people, and #habits 🚀💵⁣ ⁣ Think about it this way, what if the divine took a rest day and just said let’s pause all life in the universe, you wouldn’t like that huh? 💪⁣ ⁣ So follow his example and get to it that’s where you will see the most REAL #happiness! 😃

4/27/2024, 3:26:28 PM

An alle Mamas & Frauen mit Kinderwunsch Du must nicht zwischen Karriere und Familie entscheiden, es geht auch beides. Bist du offen für eine Veränderung? Willst du zu den gehören die in Zukunft mehr: - Zeit mit der Familie - Finanzielle Mittel - Flexibilität - Freiheit - Lebensqualität uvm. haben Denke daran, es ist nie zu spät um anzufangen, viel wichtiger ist es überhaupt mal zu beginnen 😎 Kommentiere mit "Mama" und ich erkläre dir wie das geht.🤗 #mamas #networkmarketing #zeitunabhängig #Zeit #kind #freiheit #business #liebe #persönlichkeitsentwicklung #karriere #karrieremöglichkeiten #lebensqualität

4/27/2024, 3:22:01 PM

Es ist wieder soweit...🤧🤒 Kind Krank, selbst Krank, Familie Krank....😮‍💨 Tue deinen Kindern und dir was Gutes und Stärke euer Immunsystem.. Baue dir ein Mama oder Papa Business auf und lebe Gesünder und stressfreier mit deinen Kindern und sei immer da wenn deine Kinder dich brauchen. Gerne gebe ich dir mehr Infos 🤗 Schreibe mir einfach das Wort 'Mama' oder 'Papa' ❤️ #erkältung #herbst #mama #business #kind #winter #elternzeit #eltern #gesundheit #aloevera #aloeveragel #mamas #papas #geschwister #familie #familienleben

4/27/2024, 3:21:40 PM

#Esslingen Am Freitagabend versprühten eine oder mehrere unbekannte Personen in einem Linienbus der Linie 120 vermutlich Reizgas. Als gegen 19.30 Uhr der Bus gerade die Zollbergstraße abwärts Richtung Pliensauvorstadt/Stadtmitte fuhr, verspürten mehrere Fahrgäste plötzlich Atemreizungen und begannen stark zu husten. Unter anderem auch eine Mutter mit ihrem #Kind. Eine 25-Jährige, die als erste auf den starken Reiz reagierte, äußerte später gegenüber der Polizei, dass sie die Fahrt nicht weiter fortsetzen konnte und an der Haltestelle #Weilstraße aussteigen musste. Einen vagen Verdacht richtete sie gegen eine Gruppe von etwa zehn Jugendlichen im Alter zwischen 14 und 16 Jahren, die sich im hinteren Bereich des Busses aufgehalten haben. Die Jugendliche verließen ebenfalls an der gleichen Haltestelle den Bus und rannten von dort sofort weg. Im Rahmen der Fahndung konnte zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt am ZOB ein 15-Jähriger festgestellt werden, der Teil dieser Gruppe gewesen sein soll. Das Polizeirevier Esslingen hat die Ermittlungen zu diesem Vorfall aufgenommen und bittet unter Telefon 0711/3990-330 um Hinweise. Insbesondere werden die bislang unbekannten und möglicherweise geschädigten Fahrgäste gebeten, sich bei der Polizei zu melden.

4/27/2024, 3:18:25 PM

Happy birthday to the beautiful human I gave birth to on April 27, 1995. Olivia, you know I’m a total mush so hear it comes…. Not only are you smart, beautiful inside and out, you are also my light, my best friend, my person for anything big or small. We have been through a lot together and with those moments- difficult and challenging we have both fostered and grew this amazing bond. I am a lucky mama. This is only the beginning- a beautiful dog (or is she human), a wonderful boyfriend and a new home!! I’m so proud of you in every way! Have a wonderful day surrounded by people who truly love you. I will be there in spirit. Cheers to you🥂 Health and happiness my “sweet thing “. 🥳🎂🍹😎💋👑🐶🕷️🌼. P.S. Thank you for loving my creations and wearing them proudly. It means so much💫 Love, Mama #birthaygirl #aprilbaby #mybestfriend #happybirthday #daughterlove #kind #iloveyou

4/27/2024, 3:16:47 PM

Hat sich der vermisste Sechsjährige in einem Feld versteckt? Die Behörden in Elm haben eine amtliche Gefahrenmitteilung veröffentlicht. . In einem Radius von 15 Kilometern rund um die Ortschaft Elm soll von Mäharbeiten abgesehen werden. Mehr dazu bei uns im Netz (Link in Bio). . #Ndrniedersachsen #Ndr1niedersachsen #Halloniedersachsen #Wirinniedersachsen #niedersachsen #arian #vermisst #kind #sechsjähriger #bremervörde #elm #suche #landwirt #landwirtschaft #gefahrenmitteilung #mäharbeiten

4/27/2024, 3:12:56 PM

To smart for her own good Alma, Gal's 12 year old said "Oh how appropriate mom" when learning her mom would play the Evil Queen in snow white. 🤣 OMG you can't make this up Oh Gal @gal_gadot thanks for the laughs and your mom too @irit__gadot You guys are the best ever😍 #galgadot #galgadotfan #galgadotedit #galgadotfans #wonderwoman #beautiful #actress #wonderful #lovinglife #powerful #badass #hollywoodactress #lovely #gorgeous #model #legs #tall #stunning #talented #funny #kind #sweet #fire #beautifulgirls #star #israel #smile

4/27/2024, 3:11:27 PM

Hello Saturday. The most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or touched. They must be felt by the heart. Kindness is a blessing. #kind #grammied #beautifulthings #feltbytheheart #saturdaymood #Saturday

4/27/2024, 2:59:21 PM

Fold other people’s clothes . . For more details Call us or WhatsApp Us on 9833053244 . . . #1kindstep #spreadpositivity #uncoditional #help #favor #positivity #love #care #kind #kindness #kinder #bekind #kindideas #support #spreadlove #smile #positivevibes #spreadpositivity

4/27/2024, 2:55:52 PM

Help someone to change house . . For more details Call us or WhatsApp Us on 9833053244 . . . #1kindstep #spreadpositivity #uncoditional #help #favor #positivity #love #care #kind #kindness #kinder #bekind #kindideas #support #spreadlove #smile #positivevibes #spreadpositivity

4/27/2024, 2:55:29 PM

Zo leuk!! 😍 Hulp van mijn moeder bij Oranje Markt Amer in Aa-landen. ❤️ Blij mee! Bedankt mam! We zijn er nog tot 17 uur! Kom gezellig langs! 🛍 #koningsdag #markt #oranje #koninklijkekorting #korting #moeder #blijmee #hulp #Zwolle #baby #kind #tassen #handwerk #eigenontwerp #peperbus

4/27/2024, 2:54:31 PM

Forever Dallas M.💕 The light💡of my life. My social butterfly🦋with the sweetest personality. My super friendly princess👸🏾 My reason to keep going 💪🏾 I ❤️ you more than anything in this world 🌎‼️ #myminime👯 #mommysgirl🤗💕 #daddysworld 🕊️🥹🙏🏾 #girlmom #stylistmom #stylesforgirls #smart #sassy #unique #kind #beautiful #love #🚫bullyingallowed🙅🏽‍♀️ #mysunnshine☀️ #nothinglikeadaughterslove #kidsfashion #littlefashionista #sheishermotherschild💯

4/27/2024, 2:51:02 PM

Kindness begins with me. #kind #bekindtoyourself #kindness #kindnessmatters #soulmirrorstudios

4/27/2024, 2:49:54 PM

At events we always bring testers for everyone to try 😍. If you've not tried our products yet (or have already) come over and say hi to get the CALLIDORA experience! Next event details to follow soon 😊. #kind #to #skin #products #natural and #organic #ingredients #nourish #soothe #moisturise #my_callidora

4/27/2024, 2:49:16 PM

𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗚𝗛𝗧𝗦 ✨🤗💖🎉. . . . . . . . *DOUBLE TAP if you love this❤. *Follow @bestquotes for more🤗 *Save this post to see again, later . *Share this post to your story🙏. . . . . #bestquotes #lovely #kind #inspiration #inspiration #positivity #positivelife #personalgrowth #personallife #lifemagic #silent #lifechances #lifechanges #keepcalm #keepgoing #dailymassage #motivating

4/27/2024, 2:44:33 PM

Happy World Veterinary Day!! If you amazing people out there like our work we request you to please support us by donating to our cause. Please help us help street animals in need. To help an animal in need in and around Vadodara, call 9409027166. This helpline is available from Monday to Saturday from 9:30 am to 5 pm. In case the call doesn’t go through, please message us your contact details on the same helpline number and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. follow @vcarevadodara for more updates. #speedyrecovery #doyourbit #animalwelfareindia #animalshelter #donatelife #savealife #beaguardian #vcarevadodara #streetanimalsdeservelove #streetanimalsofindia #animalabuse #animalwelfarevadodara #animalcruelty #rescue #gujarat #help #kind #animalsofinstagram #donate #help #animalrescue #healingdog #injureddogs #injureddogsofinstagram #rescuedogs

4/27/2024, 2:40:43 PM

#be #humble #kind #gentle #loving

4/27/2024, 2:33:22 PM

Book now 🇰🇼 First tooth............................... Beautyfull first tooth ballloon decoration kuwait Whats app 97972044 #balloon #decoration #kuwait# #partyvillaq8 #kwt #instagram# #genderreveal #boy or girl # #genderreveal #balloon # #kuwait #kuwait city# kuwaiti# #theme #balloon #kuwait# #partyvillaq8 #kwt #instagram# #barbie #barbie #theme# #unicorn #spiderman #all #kind # #Partyvillaq8 #kuwait #

4/27/2024, 2:29:49 PM

My sweet, sassy, spunky and kind mother will be missed. One of the truest servants to people I have ever known. I will miss you enormously but I will see you again!!! #motherslove #kind #truediscipleship #1corinthians15v52

4/27/2024, 2:29:42 PM

Book now 🇰🇼 First tooth............................... Beautyfull first tooth ballloon decoration kuwait Whats app 97972044 #balloon #decoration #kuwait# #partyvillaq8 #kwt #instagram# #genderreveal #boy or girl # #genderreveal #balloon # #kuwait #kuwait city# kuwaiti# #theme #balloon #kuwait# #partyvillaq8 #kwt #instagram# #barbie #barbie #theme# #unicorn #spiderman #all #kind # #Partyvillaq8 #kuwait #

4/27/2024, 2:29:12 PM

TALK A LITTLE NICER TO YOURSELF TODAY.🍃 . . . . . . . . #nice #love #kind #today #yourself

4/27/2024, 2:29:11 PM

Book now 🇰🇼 First tooth............................... Beautyfull first tooth ballloon decoration kuwait Whats app 97972044 #balloon #decoration #kuwait# #partyvillaq8 #kwt #instagram# #genderreveal #boy or girl # #genderreveal #balloon # #kuwait #kuwait city# kuwaiti# #theme #balloon #kuwait# #partyvillaq8 #kwt #instagram# #barbie #barbie #theme# #unicorn #spiderman #all #kind # #Partyvillaq8 #kuwait #

4/27/2024, 2:28:33 PM

Book now 🇰🇼 First tooth............................... Beautyfull first tooth ballloon decoration kuwait Whats app 97972044 #balloon #decoration #kuwait# #partyvillaq8 #kwt #instagram# #genderreveal #boy or girl # #genderreveal #balloon # #kuwait #kuwait city# kuwaiti# #theme #balloon #kuwait# #partyvillaq8 #kwt #instagram# #barbie #barbie #theme# #unicorn #spiderman #all #kind # #Partyvillaq8 #kuwait #

4/27/2024, 2:27:54 PM

Aurora 💜 new edition Acrylic original painting 🖼️ Artist canvas 100 cm x 80cm fully stretched Edge 1.5 cm Available Frame can be arranged at an extra cost #art #love #purple #artist #gallery #cabin #abstractart #loveart #affordableart #artforsale #lovetopaint🎨 #arty #energy #love #kind #amaze #exibit #expressionism Available Uk shipping free USA £95 Europe £65

4/27/2024, 2:16:29 PM

Who is a mid-century modern woman? Do you know? #modernwomen #confidence #pride #powerful #kind #stufnsuch

4/27/2024, 2:15:09 PM

🤍 For the Mamas that are up in the night this weekend. It may feel heavy and hard but your babies are feeling safe and loved because of your care. Happy Weekend x #calmmama #mama #calm #kind #fierce #brave #encouragement #toddler #baby #children #mamahacks #love #mamaadvice #bebcare #lowemissions #safe #love #forever

4/27/2024, 2:10:37 PM

“Being single doesn’t mean you’re lonely; it means you’re strong enough to wait for what you deserve.” #men #beard #beardstyle #gentleman #kind #blessed #humble #grateful #mentalhealthawareness

4/27/2024, 2:10:35 PM

"In the gentle ebb and flow of life's seasons, the bonds of female friendship remain steadfast, like the eternal rhythm of the tide. Through the sands of time, we walk hand in hand, laughter echoing like seashells along the shore, for in each other's company, we find the timeless beauty of companionship that transcends age and embraces the essence of sisterhood." 🌊💕 #AgelessFriendship #SistersByTheSea #friendsforever #support #talktherapy #friendship #women #kind #sisterhood #beachsessions #londonontariophotographer

4/27/2024, 2:08:03 PM

Krachtige #gesprekken met krachtige #ouders. Nou, vooral #moeders moet ik zeggen 😏. Ik #ontmoet ze regelmatig in mijn #praktijk. Ze voelen zich misschien niet altijd even #krachtig, en toch zijn ze dat. Krachtig omdat ze, m.b.t. het #gedrag van hun #kind, naar zichzelf #durven te kijken. Naar de invloed van hun #eigen #pijn en #verdriet, hun eigen (aangeleerde) gedrag en de zwaartes uit hun #verleden. En hoe dat zichtbaar wordt via hun kind. Krachtig, omdat ze weten dat het helpt als zijzelf zich eerst beter gaan #voelen. En krachtig omdat ze deze #uitdaging aan gaan. De #daad bij het #woord voegen. Geen makkelijke opgave, want vaak gaan er deuren open die ze misschien heel graag dicht hadden willen laten zitten. Vaak moeten ze zelf door diepe pijn, om uiteindelijk richting #herstel te gaan. En zoals Daniël Siegel het zo #mooi verwoordt, zullen de #kinderen daar de #vruchten van plukken. 🍀 Petje af voor deze bewuste #papa's en #mama's 💖 Margreet Leeflang-Wobbes

4/27/2024, 2:04:53 PM

Please help me wish my granddaughter Dallas a happy 9th birthday. Dallas, I love you to infinity and beyond!!! Today is YOUR day. #birthdaygirl #dallas #loved #beautiful #kind #nine

4/27/2024, 2:02:42 PM

Sharing some meaningful moments from our intimate launch party at Freenatives Home Cafe on April 20th. Thank you to our friends and family who dropped by and supported us. What a day! More photos on Facebook. Feel free to message or email us for bookings and other inquiries. #freenatives #bekindminded #community #coffee #beans #tea #pursuits #care #people #kind #fyp #family

4/27/2024, 2:01:41 PM

Wishing you all a Happy World Veterinary Day! 🩺👩🏽‍⚕️ I feel so honoured to be part of this community. To the school teachers that believed in me that I will get into vet school even when I had doubts, thank you. To the lecturers that are teaching me the incredible veterinary knowledge, thank you. To my friends in vet school that study with me and practice OSCES with me, have a coffee, be a listening ear, do study sessions with me, thank you. To the friends outside of vet school, that believed in me that I will get into vet school organise meet ups, keep me going, thank you. To the family that support me through my studies, supported me throughout my life, thank you. All of the veterinary professionals I have met have incredible dedication, knowledge and compassion towards animals. As a veterinary student, thank you for showing me this world, inspiring me along the way. Your commitment towards animal welfare is truly inspiring 💚💙 #happyworldveterinaryday #animals #veterinary #vetstudentlife #receptionists #animaltechnician #vetstudent #vetschool #vets #vetnurses #vetlectures #veterinary #veterinary #surreyvetschool #theguildfordvet #fitzpatrickreferrals #medivet #cvsvets #locumvetnurse #locumvets #kind #celebratework #celebrate #trust #incrediblecontribution #surgery #vetvisit #globalimpact #dedication #uniofsurrey #dyslexicthinking

4/27/2024, 1:59:45 PM

🤍 Hi Mamas 🤍 I am excited to be working with Bebcare Baby and their low emissions baby monitors. Bebcare Baby are proud to have focussed their time on putting the health and safety of babies and their families first through manufacturing monitors that emit the lowest electromagnetic emissions of any baby monitor on the market. Please make use of the below link and use the code CalmMama12 to receive 15% discount when purchasing their monitors. Calm homes start with parents who know that the products that they are using are safe and healthy for the whole family. Enjoy x #calmmama #mama #calm #kind #fierce #brave #encouragement #toddler #baby #children #mamahacks #love #mamaadvice #bebcare #lowemissions #safe

4/27/2024, 1:58:52 PM

Dag 70/100. En wij weer even samen zijn 💛.

4/27/2024, 1:57:01 PM

Wusstest du schon? Fakten zur Suche vermisster Kinder. Das es sinnvoll ist, im Vermisstenfall izunächst im Nahbereich mit der Suche zu beginnen. Studien haben gezeigt, dass mehr als 90% der vermissten Kinder innerhalb eines Radius von 5 km um den Wohnort herum gefunden werden.   Daher ist es entscheidend, schnell zu handeln und die Suche in der unmittelbaren Umgebung zu intensivieren , #wohnort #kind #Vermisst #suche

4/27/2024, 1:51:22 PM

….. ….. ….. #advice #words #hope #kind #faith

4/27/2024, 2:30:10 AM