ecology images

Discover Best ecology Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

. レッドシダーと船舶照明。 𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓈒𓏸 More photos...📸 @b.h.e.p_official 𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓈒𓏸 新築住宅|性能向上リノベーション|高気密高断熱   Ecology&Picture LIFE 〜暮らしの中に自然を描写する〜 岩手の住宅の最適解を追い求め、心身ともに満たされる毎日を過ごせる。『仲良し家族をつくる家』を提供することに生きがいを感じている岩手県奥州市の工務店です。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ★『後悔しない家づくり教室』好評受付中★ べすとほうむEPの「家づくりの想い」を 伝える説明会です🔆 わたしたちは図面を描くところからは始めません。 なぜ?暖かいお家を作るのが得意なのか、 なぜ?暖かいお家を作るのを志したのか、 そして実際にべすとほうむの家に住まわれる方に 何を提供できるのかをお伝えさせていただきます。 その上で、 「べすとほうむEP」で検討したいと思って頂ける時点で、心身ともに満たされる毎日を過ごせる。エコハウスづくりのスタートです。  詳しくは、弊社HPから お問い合わせください✅ プロフィール欄にあるURLから HPへアクセスできます。    👇👇👇 * * * * * *   @b.h.e.p_official * * * * * * ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ #レッドシダー #船舶照明 #注文住宅 #高性能リノベーション #高性能住宅 #エコハウス #デザイン住宅 #高気密高断熱 #エアコン1台で暮らせる家 #床暖房のいらない家 #365日素足生活 #一棟涼暖 #ジョイコス #新築 #自由設計 #リフォーム #マイホーム #家づくり #建築 #岩手 #奥州 #べすとほうむep #おしゃれな家 #こだわりの家 #かっこいい家 #design #bheparchitectstudio #besthomeepltd #Ecology&Picture LIFE #マイホーム計画中の人と繋がりたい

4/27/2024, 8:27:23 AM

#verde #conciencia #arboles #ecology

4/27/2024, 8:19:30 AM

Settling in with Louis W. Campbell's "The Marshes of Southwestern Lake Erie." The word that immediately comes to mind describing it is Leopoldesque. #bookstagram #amreading #naturalhistory #ecology

4/27/2024, 8:16:03 AM

Walkies 🐶🐶🐶

4/27/2024, 7:59:31 AM

Här har vi en av Sveriges mest problematiska arter, den ökända Signalkräftan (Pacifastacus leniusculus, NA). Men varför är den ett problem? Ja den är otroligt invasiv, den bär nämligen med sig svampsjukdomen Kräftpest vilket är en dödsdom för våra inhemska flodkräftor (Astacus astacus, Akut hotad). Signalkräftan kan bära och sprida den utan problem så länge inte annan extern stress drabbar den, isåfsll kan den insjukna. Våra flodkräftor däremot dör i princip direkt, de har noll chans. Utan värdarter så försvinner Kräftpesten snabbt från vattnet och efter 30 dagar är den som regel borta. Så det finns möjligheter att göra vattnen lämpliga igen för den inhemska flodkräftan och återplantera dem. Problemet är att den gått från att finnas i hela Sverige och vara en otroligt vanlig art i våra vattensystem till att vara akut hotad och bara finnas kvar i cirka 600 lokaler, mestadels norrut. Tyvärr så drabbas den också negativt av modern vattenreglering, försurning och föroreningar. Det är inte lätt att vara en liten kräfta. Men hur sprider sig Signalkräftan? Ja tyvärr med hjälp av människan och hinkar. Folk sätter ut dem för att kunna fiska dem, antingen för att deras lokala flodkräftpopulationer dött ut, de inte får fiska flodkräftan som finns eller för att de tror att Signalkräftan ska ge en bättre skörd. Tyvärr så är de sällan lika produktiva som flodkräftan så detta sker i onödan. Även i isolerade system kan kräftpesten sprida sig ifall kräftorna kan ta sig ut eller ifall vatten läcker ut därifrån. Hur lever kräftorna? Både signal- och flod- lever som nattaktiva allätare mellan 1 och 10 meters djup och utgör en stor del av bottenfaunan. Dessa i sin tur är, ofrivilligt, en bra källa för protein för allt från hägrar till abborre och trollsländelarver (plus sååå många fler). De hjälper även till att bryta ned biologiskt material samt röra runt bottensubstratet och föra ner syre. Den gör detta genom att gräva håligheter som dem sedan bor i vilket utnyttjas av andra arter. PS. Tack till min kollega @pa.tur_i.kvarntorp som tagit bilden och tillät mig att använda den.

4/27/2024, 7:46:36 AM

BAURHAUS A room with a view. And yes, on the right side you can find out how we share this view with some smaller inhabitants. Soon to be delivered. #hopoffice #hop #natureinclusive #architecture #biodiversity #ecology #bringingbacknature #nature #citynature #stadsnatuur #biobased #housing #birdsandbuildings #nature #architags #archilife #regenerativedesign #hopofficearchitectuur #antwerp #HOPbaurhaus

4/27/2024, 7:42:37 AM

"The States of the Earth: An Ecological and Racial History of Secularization" explores how colonial history intersects with ecology, race, and secularization in this groundbreaking work. Dr Meziane navigates into the complexities of religious and secular forces striving for a terrestrial paradise at the expense of Earth itself. Details: 📅 Date: 29th April 2024 (Monday) 🕕 Time: 6:00 PM IST / 8:30 AM EST 📍 Via: Zoom for registration: #bookdiscussion #racialhistory #ecology #cspsindia

4/27/2024, 7:40:50 AM

Nature is so generous with its beauty. The more you look, the more you see and the appreciation grows. When I create artworks, I spend hours studying wildflowers in great detail, their form, colour, texture, proportions; in turn, it creates a greater love for them. #smallbutmighty #wildflowers #beautifulbritain #ecology #ecologyart #environmentalart #mostlysunnyday #packwoodhouse #nationaltrust #naturebasedart #natureismygoddess

4/27/2024, 7:40:36 AM

寝違えから復活!精力的に営業活動再開です。 Youtubeでバングラデシュから届いたリサイクルサリーのやや厚手のブランケット・マットをご紹介! 私個人的には、リサイクルサリーの中で一番気に入っているお品かな?!? と言うのも、サリーの古布を4枚重ねてあるので、適度な厚さと重さがあるので、ひざ掛けにしたり、夏掛けにしたときに、安心感がとてもあります。 刺し子のポコポコした肌触りも心地いいです。 ビデオでは、今回入荷した14枚をすべてご紹介しているので、ちょっとバタバタとしていますが、元気に動けるようになった「私」もぜひ見てください(笑) #リサイクルサリー #ブランケット #適度な重さ #適度な厚さ #oneatakind #upcycled #ecology #fairtrade

4/27/2024, 7:14:41 AM

"The Influence of a Single Tree - Essential for Our Breathing" #trees #environment #nature #oxygen #breathe #airquality #ecology #sustainability #greenliving #climateaction #shorts #tips #howto #videos #shortvideo #youtubevideo #video #newvideo #trendvideo #trendingvideo #hdvideo Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended. All rights and credits remain reserved to their respective owners.

4/27/2024, 7:11:20 AM

➡️ Daily practice, daily progress. 📌 Join our UPSC prep telegram channel for your daily dose of exam-ready key concepts and questions. #environmentalscience #ecology #questionoftheday #dailyupscquiz #ias #upsc #ips #upscexam #upscaspirants #LBSNAA #PCS #upscmotivation #questionoftheday #alleniasofficial #allenaceofficial

4/27/2024, 7:04:21 AM

Mados ženklas @andiataofficial ypač rūpinasi medžiagų, iš kurių siuvami rūbai, kokybe ir nuolat ieško inovatyvių sprendimų, prisidedančių prie patogesnės kasdienos. Pavasario naujiena – palaidinė iš orui pralaidžios medvilnės🌱Audinys neleidžia įsigerti skysčiams bei nešvarumams. Patogu ir tai, kad jis greitai džiūsta. Medvilnė atitinka „BCI CERTIFIED COTTON“ (Better Cotton Initiative) standartą. Organinė medvilnė yra draugiškesnė aplinkai už įprastą. Jos išgavimo procese sunaudojama mažiau vandens, nenaudojamos genetiškai modifikuotos sėklos ar kenksmingi chemikalai, pesticidai. *ANDIATA naujienos laukia @gedimino22 ir #ecology #sustainablefashion #inovation

4/27/2024, 6:57:43 AM

Sharing one of the first appearances of 'Nature TV News' on #GreenHumour , now that the fourth mass bleaching event is officially underway. A 2015 comic from my book Green Humour for a Greying Planet, on Amazon and in bookstores: (link in bio). Swipe tp read #coralbleaching #massbleaching #cartoons #comics #ecology #conservation #climatechange #globalwarming #marinebiology #oceans #coralreefs

4/27/2024, 6:23:04 AM

修行是什麼都放。 什麼都放,不是迷糊,是很清楚,一切都釋然。——心之道 #寧靜 #peace #meditation #靈性 #生態 #spirituality #ecology #心靈 #love #photooftheday #photography #intelligent #Hsintao

4/27/2024, 6:22:14 AM

Esta es la cantidad de toallas que se utilizan aproximadamente por las estudiantes de nuestra institución. . . . . . . . . . #unplastify #greenheart #ecology #toallasfemeninasdetela #desplastifícate #medioambiente♻️ #reutilizar #reutilizable @unplastify

4/27/2024, 5:49:46 AM

Hoverfly (Eupoedes sp.) on an impossibly green elm leaf. The bumps are developing aphids growing within the galls created by the plant's reaction to their presence. The larvae of these flies are voracious aphid predators, so it all works out! #insects #insectphotography #bugsofinstagram #pollinators #plants #plantsofinstagram #trees #treesofinstagram #ecology #ecosystemservices

4/27/2024, 5:30:32 AM

🌸 Spring time is a time of new life! 🥚🐛 Here are our endangered baby pictures! This is one of our aging female butterflies that has laid soooo many eggs (and if you zoom in you can see some have hatched!!) Photo Credit: @maxsprutephotography @max_sprute • • • #endangeredspecies #conservation #wildlife #conservation #conservationbiology #ecology #esa #californiawildlife #palosverdesbluebutterfly #butterfly #endangeredbutterfly #endangered #larva #caterpillar #research #naturephotography #rarebutterflies #maxsprutephotography #moorparkcollege #americasteachingzoo #usfws #pvplc #cdfw #socal

4/27/2024, 5:29:41 AM

. 看赤腹游蛇的後續: 1.~3. #布氏樹蛙 在公車站附近的馬路上發現的,布氏的特徵非常充足,把牠帶到附近的草叢中避免路殺(順便拍一下)。晚上能有公車到這裡固然方便,但路上多了許多大大小小的路殺屍體,值得深思~ 4.~6. #貢德氏赤蛙 今年第一隻肥蛙。3/24時溫度已經回暖了,但是貢德還沒有開始鳴叫,找到這隻純粹是往一旁的溝渠看一下就找到了,只有頭露出來很像某種蛇頭 7.~8. #枯球籮紋蛾 久違的枯球,但是死掉了😢,不過只有中間的軀體被啃食,那兩對獨特的翅膀幾乎完好無缺,好奇是誰吃了這隻枯球?感覺是吃一口就不吃的感覺。因為不完整就不拿回家做標本了,讓牠在大自然待著 #生物#生態 #taiwan #wild #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildanimals #wildphotography #animal #nature #ecology #biology #青蛙#籮紋蛾科#蛾 #insect #nikkor

4/27/2024, 5:23:55 AM

Para abelhas que fazem ninho no solo, a vida na cidade não é nada fácil! Elas precisam achar um local com solo menos compactado para que consigam cavar. Solos "caváveis são cada vez mais raros nas cidades de asfalto e cimento.🏣🏣🛣️🛣️ Neste flagra da querida @jocianefrans vemos uma abelha que aproveita a "terrinha" entre um paralelepípedo para cavar e se tudo der certo construir seu ninho. Vejam que abelha linda! Suas pernas tem cerdas especiais, próprias para transportar o óleo que retiram das flores. Este óleo será utilizado para alimentar suas larvas e na construção das células de cria. ❤️🐝❤️🐝❤️🐝 #abelhasnativasbrasileiras #ecologiaurbana #ecology #ecoresponsable #biology #biologia #biodiversidade #conservation #conservação

4/27/2024, 5:22:28 AM

ඩීසල් එන්ජිමට Super Power එක ECO Tablets ඔයත් අදම කතාකරන්න 📞 077 9290 222 . . . . . #BackToBlack #AutoElegance #DriveBright #autodetailing #HeadlampRevive #fuel #FuelYourDestination #fuelup #EcoFriendly #eco #EcoBoost #ecology #car #raceing #raceingcar #raceingdog #racingfashion

4/27/2024, 5:18:17 AM

April 26, 2024 AMPHIBIAN OF INTEREST:  🦎 Cynops pyrrhogaster🦎 AKA The Japanese Fire-Bellied Newt These cute little bastards are native to Japan, and are considered a "Near Threatened" species by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature. Specifically, they are threatened by habitat destruction, overcollection for the pet trade, and parasites. This species is most notable for secreting a defensive poison called Tetrodotoxin, as well as for being able to actually regenerate lost body parts. Image Credit: The Spruce Pets #frog #frogs #amphibian #amphibians  #herpetology #ecology #conservation #educational

4/27/2024, 5:10:50 AM

呷奔皇帝大🍴 #鳳頭蒼鷹 #野鳥#野鳥撮影#生態#生態攝影 #wildlife #ecology #photography #bird #birdphotography #Sony

4/27/2024, 4:56:11 AM

This week’s Flora Friday presents Monarda fistulosa, commonly known as wild bergamot. M. fistulosa is a perennial native to North America. It typically grows to heights between 2 to 4 feet (about 60 to 120 centimeters) and features square stems, characteristic of plants in the mint family (Lamiaceae). The leaves enhance its visual appeal and texture. Its flowers form dense, spherical clusters atop the stems, ranging from lavender to pinkish hues. Each flower comprises tubular petals emerging from a prominent calyx, often surrounded by a whorl of bracts. The plant features auricles at the leaf base. Wild bergamot thrives in diverse habitats such as prairies, meadows, woodlands, and along roadsides in the aspen parkland, foothills fescue, and mixed grassland natural subregions. M. fistulosa is an increaser species as it can spread readily through its rhizomatous roots. Photo from TCS herbarium and caption by TCS Junior Ecologist, Brooklyn Clay, B.Sc. #tannasconservation #tannaconservationservices #tannasconservationab #florafriday #alberta #albertaplants #plantlovers #albertanature #fieldwork #plant #botany #ecology #agrology #nativeplants

4/27/2024, 4:54:08 AM

Great time with CactusQuest! Check out the video:

4/27/2024, 4:51:21 AM

April 26, 2024 AMPHIBIFACT 18 Wild poison Dart Frogs don't make their own poison! Instead, they derive it from certain insects they eat, which similarly derive theirs from certain plants they eat. This dietary origin is why captive Poison Dart Frogs actually aren't poisonous at all! Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons #frog #frogs #amphibian #amphibians  #herpetology #ecology #conservation  #educational

4/27/2024, 4:50:27 AM

🚨 CUVE RÉCUPÉRATEUR D'EAU 🚨 Capacité de 1000 litres à 75€ pièce. Livraison possible pour 35€. Uniquement en petite couronne 92,93,94. #ecologie #ecosystems #ecolo #écolo #ecology #ecologies #ecologiste #éco #écolo #ecologist #ecologistes #jardin #cuve #cuves #recuperateurdeau #eco #ecolos #écologie #eau #recycle #eaux

4/27/2024, 4:42:33 AM

MISS ECO INTERNATIONAL VENEZUELA 🇻🇪 - EN LA COMPETENCIA PRELIMINAR @missecointernational celebrada el día de hoy 26 de abril ✨👑 #valeriamedina #missecointernational #missecovenezuela #ecology #venezuela

4/27/2024, 4:30:29 AM

I am officially a UC Santa Cruz slug! Class of 2026! There are so many emotions running through me. Despite it all, I’m so excited for this new chapter in my life and to finally finish my degree. This wouldn’t be possible without my family’s love and support. Definitely feeling a deep sense of pride for myself. 😌🥹🌳🌲🌊🐝🌎🐠🌱🦭🐆💙💛 #ucsc #ucsantacruz #santacruz #transfer #transferstudent #nontraditionalstudent #ucscbound #ucsc2026 #ucscslugs #goslugs #sammytheslug #ecologymajor #ecology #ecologist #yes2ucsc

4/27/2024, 4:10:34 AM

어청도에서 본 robin 들 1,2. 울새 3. 진홍가슴 4. 쇠유리새 #울새 #진홍가슴 #쇠유리새 #어청도 . . . #새 #새사진 #새관찰 #탐조 #탐조사진 #탐조기록 #조류 #조류사진 #조류관찰 #야생조류 #생태 #자연 #한국의새 #bird #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #ecology #wildanimal #wildbirds #wildlife #koreanbirds #nature #니콘 #d500 #nikkor200_500

4/27/2024, 3:57:08 AM

Australian Barn Owl out past their bed time (Tyto alba) . . . Birds of Central Oz . . . @birdlifeoz @canonanz #owl #bird #birdlife #wildlife #zoology #ecology #photo #photography #nocturnal

4/27/2024, 3:50:53 AM

Our super Ecoheroes!💚💪🏼 Nuestros alumnos de Kids y 1st Form realizaron estas hermosas producciones en casa, jugando a ser superheroes que salvan al planeta de la basura🦸🏻‍♀️🦸🏽‍♂️ También aprendimos qué acciones hacen enojar a nuestro planeta (angry Earth😡) y cuáles lo hacen sentir feliz (happy Earth😃) Felicitaciones a todos/as por sus trabajos!🥰 #earthday #pollution #ecology #englishinstitute #reduce #reuse #recycle

4/27/2024, 3:50:50 AM

A very interesting find that I have never seen in person! This is a Rufous-winged Sparrow (Peucaea carpalis) nest with three eggs. The two white eggs actually belong to the Rufous-winged Sparrow but the last egg is from a Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater). Brown-headed Cowbirds are brood parasites. Instead of spending their energy building a nest and caring for their young, females of this species lay their eggs into the nests of other birds and devote the extra energy to laying more eggs. The host species will care for the parasitic young as their own to grow and continue the cycle. It’s a fascinating adaptation and an amazing way to approach the challenge of energy expenditures associated with reproduction. ———————————————————————————— #biology #wildlifebiology #wildlifebiologist #ecology #ornithology #birds #birding #birdegg #birdnest #rufouswingedsparrow #brownheadedcowbird #broodparasite #arizona #tucsonarizona #wildlife #arizonawildlife #uofa #universityofarizona #uarizonacals #uarizonacales

4/27/2024, 3:49:19 AM

🌈おはようございます🌈 れいんぼーランチです 📢GWのお知らせ📢 5月1日(水)営業いたします 5月3日(金)〜5月8日(水)までお休みをいただきます 5月9日(木)〜営業再開です よろしくお願いいたします🙇🏻‍♀️🌈 . ☆今日の日替わり チキン南蛮 チヂミ のり塩ポテト ☆今日のスペシャル弁当 お豆腐ハンバーグ おろしわさびソース ☆定番弁当 鶏のからあげ弁当 ハンバーグ弁当 鮭とコロッケ弁当 ヒレカツ弁当 ☆今日のお惣菜 鶏のからあげ 鮭のタルタルコロッケ キャベツたっぷりメンチカツ 玉子焼き ブロッコリーとほうれん草のたまご炒めサラダ マスタードマヨネーズ味 厚揚げのオイスターソース炒め ※お弁当お惣菜はお早めにお召し上がりください ☆今日のおやつ レーズンラスク 黒糖ラスク シナモンラスク . ぜひお立ち寄りください お待ちしております😊🌈 . . #れいんぼーランチ#今日も笑顔でありますように#手作り#お弁当#お惣菜#ランチ#テイクアウト#港南区グルメ#港南区#日野#日野中央公園#日野公園墓地#港南台#上大岡#港南中央#上永谷#食べログ#ラスク #ECO #eco#エコ #ecology#エコロジー

4/27/2024, 3:43:45 AM

22 de Abril: Día Mundial de la Tierra🌎🌱 Durante esta semana la cartelera del instituto se vistió de verde💚 El objetivo de esta fecha es crear conciencia acerca del cuidado de nuestro Planeta, que es nuestro ÚNICO hogar y el de muchas especies más. La contaminación crece día a día y queremos recordarte que con pequeñas acciones podemos colaborar y hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor y más sano. Te dejamos unos tips😉👇🏼 🌱 Reutilizá bolsas cuando vayas a hacer compras 🌱 Llevá tu botella o termo para recargar agua 🌱 Apagá las luces de las habitaciones que no se están usando o que tienen entrada de luz natural 🌱 Desconectá dispositivos electrónicos que no estés utilizando 🌱 Reutilizá hojas cuando vayas a imprimir 🌱 Transportate en bici, utilizá el transporte público o compartí auto Y vos, ¿qué acciones tomas para cuidar el planeta? Dejá tus tips en comentarios!😊💪🏼 Y no te olvides de darnos like y compartir esta publicación📲 #earthday #pollution #ecology #englishinstitute #reduce #reuse #recycle

4/27/2024, 3:43:04 AM

The NEW Splash Proof Collection is here!💦 Two new colors and introducing a new pattern “Aqua Soul” on our Splash Proof Utility Packs and Fanny Packs. Only 200 of each available!

4/27/2024, 3:38:30 AM

Earth Day is everyday💚♻️🌎 🌱 By 2nd Course "C" "El día de la Tierra es todos los días" En esta cartelera contamos qué podemos hacer para ayudar a nuestro planeta y evitar que la contaminación siga creciendo🙌🏻 #earthday #pollution #ecology #englishinstitute #reduce #reuse #recycle

4/27/2024, 3:04:19 AM

[English] We love connecting with you. If you’re an AFO member, we’d love to have you at our annual Members Meeting in May. We will discuss our latest accomplishments thanks to your support, and Agus Torretta, our Communications and Marketing Specialist (hi, everyone!) will give a fun presentation afterward. ⁠ ⁠ Will you be there? Comment below!⁠ ⁠ [Español] Nos encanta conectar contigo. Si eres miembro de AFO, te invitamos a nuestra reunión anual de miembros, donde te pondremos al día respecto a los últimos logros que alcanzamos gracias a tu apoyo. Al finalizar, Agus Torretta, nuestra especialista en comunicación, dará una entretenida charla (¡hola a todos!). ⁠ ⁠ ¿Vendrás? ¡Déjanos tu comentario! ⁠ ⁠ 🦜 Common tern (Sterna hirundo) | 📷 MikeLane45 | Getty Images⁠ #AFOinstitutional #AFOevents #ornithology #science #ecology #scientificresearch #conservation #conservacion #investigacióncientífica #ornitología #conservación⁠ #fieldwork

4/27/2024, 3:00:18 AM

Coleção GΛIΛ. Faz tempo que queria inserir uma cor nova na minha Palete. Não foi uma escolha e decisão fácil, isto porque a minha palete está muito bem definida e não a quero "manchar". Cada tom tem uma intensa mensagem, cada frio das minhas cores são palavras quentes para o coração de quem as recebe, cada pantone é minimalista de neutros suaves e apaixonantes. Aquelas cores que se conectam com todas as outras e se complementam, sabem o que digo, certo? Mas havia uma cor muito importante que tinha de entrar na minha palete. E depois de várias tentativas, lá encontrei o "meu verde" especial que irá ser uma tentação. Mantendo a simplicidade e a neutralidade , esta cor vem complementar as simbologias e mensagens, vem comunicar convosco da forma mais natural possivel, tão natural quanto a sua origem! A Terra, a Mãe Natureza, Gaia, força da nossa criação e existência. Comenta a tua opinião é mais do que valiosa! #verde #green #pantonegreen #colecaovgaia #dizacampino #eco-friendly #ecologic #ecology #ecolife #ecosweat #ecológicos #sustentabilidade #artistasportugueses #feitoamao

4/27/2024, 2:41:26 AM

The tree is dead! Long live the tree! The "ecological value", or whatever that means, of a tree is just beginning after the tree has ceased to live. The time a tree spends living and growing is just 1/3 of the time it provides habitat, nutrients, and safety, by some estimates. The fungus eating this ash is Basidioradulum radula, or toothed crust. #fungi #basidiomycota #crustfungus #deadash #toothedfungi #decomposition #wisconsinmushrooms #uwm #uwmilwaukee #trees #arborday #fraxinus #ecology

4/27/2024, 2:36:27 AM

Happy National #ArborDay! Did you know that trees... 🌳 Purify air and water 🌳 Provide shade and mitigate the heat island effect 🌳 Boost our immune systems 🌳 Improve mental health and mood 🌳 Increase property values 🌳 Correlate to better academic performance 🌳 Reduce energy costs 🌳 ...and so many other things! What's your favorite benefit trees provide? #tennessee #trees #nature #forest #history #tree #forests #conservation #science #gardening #sustainable #sustainability #landscaping #wood #woods #forestry #earthfocus #ecology #dendrology #cityliving #earthfocus #wilderness #goodvibes #positivevibes #reforestation #community

4/27/2024, 2:34:20 AM

An educational epicenter empowering people towards greater personal fulfillment, happiness, and a more meaningful existence. #seveninstitute #bettereveryday #mentalhealth #mindfulness #psychology #psychedelics #personaldevelopment #neuroscience #movement #connection #spirituality #nature #music #ecology

4/27/2024, 2:28:43 AM

An educational epicenter empowering people towards greater personal fulfillment, happiness, and a more meaningful existence. #seveninstitute #bettereveryday #mentalhealth #mindfulness #psychology #psychedelics #personaldevelopment #neuroscience #movement #connection #spirituality #nature #music #ecology

4/27/2024, 2:28:28 AM

An educational epicenter empowering people towards greater personal fulfillment, happiness, and a more meaningful existence. #seveninstitute #bettereveryday #mentalhealth #mindfulness #psychology #psychedelics #personaldevelopment #neuroscience #movement #connection #spirituality #nature #music #ecology

4/27/2024, 2:28:12 AM

An educational epicenter empowering people towards greater personal fulfillment, happiness, and a more meaningful existence. #seveninstitute #bettereveryday #mentalhealth #mindfulness #psychology #psychedelics #personaldevelopment #neuroscience #movement #connection #spirituality #nature #music #ecology

4/27/2024, 2:27:29 AM

An educational epicenter empowering people towards greater personal fulfillment, happiness, and a more meaningful existence. #seveninstitute #bettereveryday #mentalhealth #mindfulness #psychology #psychedelics #personaldevelopment #neuroscience #movement #connection #spirituality #nature #music #ecology

4/27/2024, 2:27:16 AM

An educational epicenter empowering people towards greater personal fulfillment, happiness, and a more meaningful existence. #seveninstitute #bettereveryday #mentalhealth #mindfulness #psychology #psychedelics #personaldevelopment #neuroscience #movement #connection #spirituality #nature #music #ecology

4/27/2024, 2:26:37 AM

#tiputininews Did you know that there are rodents that can weigh 150lb? Capybaras, the world’s largest rodents, can be found at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station. 🐾 Wait, these massive rodents eat dirt? Why? Learn more about the fascinating study published by Ethan Duvall, Naia Andrade, Esteban Suarez, and Alexander Flecker 🔎 🔗Link in our bio. • • • • #tiputininews #CapybaraResearch #AmazonWildlife #ecology #minerallick #saltlick #capybara #TBS

4/27/2024, 2:20:46 AM

I posted this a year and a half ago when I was a scared rabbit full of anxiety on and off IG. Anyhow, I love you Marvin. I was in the back of a New York cab when I heard your father shot and killed you. I lost air for a full minute I’m sure. Your impact is still with us… #MarvinGaye was an activist and humanitarian long before most of us realized there was a problem on this earth. If I had it in my power I would award him. #whatsgoingon #mercymercyme #fishfullofmercury #soulsinger #environmentalist #ecology #mothernature 📷 photo by #GordonParks

4/27/2024, 2:10:37 AM

Progress Update: We are excited to collaborate with Peter Pfister of Peter Rocks on this stream restoration project. While calm, most of the time, this stream can generate surprisingly powerful flows during heavy rainstorms. A natural approach to stabilizing steep streams is to line them with medium-sized rocks. This nature-based solution creates a tumbling flow that reinforces channel stability and reduces stream velocities. Peter was responsible for sourcing the boulders and river rocks and meticulously placing each boulder using his impressive excavator skills. The hardscaping will be completed in a few weeks, and then we’ll move on to the planting phase. Stay tuned for more updates! 🌿 #community #connection #habitat #landscapedesign #naturebasedsolutions #biodiversity #landscapearchitecture #gardendesign #garden #architecture #design #outdoorliving #nature #landscapedesigner #plants #nativeplants #construction #backyard #patio #hardscape #boulders #landscapelovers #gardeninspiration #naturelover #pollinators #ecology

4/27/2024, 2:02:41 AM

Faz tempo que queria inserir uma cor nova na minha Palete. Não foi uma escolha e decisão fácil, isto porque a minha palete está muito bem definida e não a quero "manchar". Cada tom tem uma intensa mensagem, cada frio das minhas cores são palavras quentes para o coração de quem as recebe, cada pantone é minimalista de neutros suaves e apaixonantes. Aquelas cores que se conectam com todas as outras e se complementam, sabem o que digo, certo? Mas havia uma cor muito importante que tinha de entrar na minha palete. E depois de várias tentativas, lá encontrei o "meu verde" especial que irá ser uma tentação. Mantendo a simplicidade e a neutralidade , esta cor vem complementar as simbologias e mensagens, vem comunicar convosco da forma mais natural possivel, tão natural quanto a sua origem! A Terra, a Mãe Natureza, Gaia, força da nossa criação e existência. Fica atenta à Coleção GΛIΛ. E comenta a tua opinião é mais do que valiosa! #verde #green #pantonegreen #colecaovgaia #dizacampino #eco-friendly #ecologic #ecology #ecolife #ecosweat #ecológicos #sustentabilidade #artistasportugueses #feitoamao

4/27/2024, 1:58:11 AM

Ten-year-old Fiammetta attends her online lessons surrounded by her shepherd father's herd of goats in the mountains, while schools are closed due to coronavirus restrictions, in Caldes, northern Italy, on March 20, 2021. Martina Valentini via Reuters #eco #ecology #tech #photo

4/27/2024, 1:56:40 AM

어청도에서 본 Flycatcher 들 1.제비딱새 2.황금새 3.흰눈썹황금새 4.흰꼬리딱새× -> 큰유리새 o 5.큰유리새 #제비딱새 #황금새 #흰눈썹황금새 #흰꼬리딱새 #큰유리새 #어청도 . . . #새 #새사진 #새관찰 #탐조 #탐조사진 #탐조기록 #조류 #조류사진 #조류관찰 #야생조류 #생태 #자연 #한국의새 #bird #birding #birdwatching #birdphotography #ecology #wildanimal #wildbirds #wildlife #koreanbirds #nature

4/27/2024, 1:51:06 AM

Agua Micelar Sentida Botánica en frasco de vidrio con atomizador x 60cc y x 150cc. Limpia en profundidad, Revitaliza y Demaquilla en un solo paso consiguiendo una piel limpia, sana y luminosa 🤩♻️ Libre de Parabenos, no testeada en animales e inscripta en ANMAT. #sustentgreen #sentidabotánica #sustentable #biodegradable #ecology #reciclable #reutilizable #crueltyfree #ecofriendly #aguamicelar #atomizador #concienciaambiental♻️ #cuidadoambiental #savetheplanet #notesteadoenanimales #libredeparabenos #anmat #limpiezafacial #revitaliza #demaquillante

4/27/2024, 1:35:06 AM

🍀 "Ekolog"  jamoat birlashmasi Oliy Majlis Jamoat fondining "Plogging:  yoshlar o‘rtasida zamonaviy ekologik madaniyatni yuksaltirish va sog‘lom turmush tarzini targ‘ib qilish" loyihasi doirasida Jizzax shahrida 2 kunlik treningni o‘tkazildi. ⚡️ Treningda Buxoro viloyatidan Buxoro davlat universitetida tahsil olayotgan eco bilimdonlar, shuningdek Yoshlar ittifoqi koordinatorlari Nargiza Nu'monova hamda Navro'z Amonov faol ishtrok etib oʻz bilim koʻnikmalarini oshirib kelishdi. ❇️ Ekologik oʻquv seminar hamda eko volontyorlar tomonidan "Plogging" aksiyasi ham tashkil qilindi. ✅ Bundan ko'zlangan asosiy maqsad - yoshlarni ekologik bilimlarini oshirish, sog‘lom turmush tarzini targ‘ib etish, "TENGDOSHGA-TENGDOSH" usulida olgan  bilimlarini  keng tarqatish va O‘zbekistonda yoshlarning ekologik harakatni shakllantirishdan iborat. @nargisqosimova @nodira3139 @feruzbek_sayfullayev @amonov_mb @buxdu_yi #ekologiya #plogging #ekojurnalistika #ekoblog #ekojurnalist #ekovolenityo #ekomadaniyat #ecology #ecolife #ecoland #green

1/9/2024, 4:42:40 AM