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Relationshipscape - The Third Place to Find Yourself @genuinereport #genuinereport #rayoldenburg #edwardsoja #thethirdplace #thegreatgoodplace

1/22/2024, 2:01:25 AM

Episode 18/3 of ⁠A is for Architecture⁠ with Dana Cuff speaking about her recent book, ⁠Architectures of Spatial Justice⁠, published by @mitpress last year, is now available. Dana is Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, and founding director of @citylabucla, both at the @uclaaud, @ucla. Architectures of Spatial Justice ‘examines ethically driven practices that break with professional conventions to correct long-standing inequities in the built environment, uncovering architecture’s limits—and its potential.’ The book builds on Dana’s founding of cityLAB in 2006, ‘a research and design center that initiates experimental projects to explore metropolitan possibilities’ and which ‘leverages design, research, policy, and education to create more just urban futures with real impacts for communities in Los Angeles and beyond’, including through coLAB, and in partnership with community organisations. Dana also founded and runs UCLA’s Urban Humanities Initiative There’s a good piece by Dana – ‘Why would architects let themselves be so vitiated?’ on Dezeen, laying into The Line, which you might seek out. Link in bio. Available on Spotify, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, YouTube and Facebook. . . #danacuff #spatialjustice #losangeles #architecture #edwardsoja #podcast #aisforarchitecture

1/11/2024, 7:18:31 AM

CAREY YOUNG: MAKING SPACE In her largest institutional show in the UK, artist Carey Young presents a mix of moving & still image works from two decades of making. At Modern Art Oxford, works across a variety of approaches and mediums consider issues of space, power, the body, and legal superstructures which tie all these together, as explored by Will Jennings. ------ It is now possible for Brits to re-join the European Union. Briefly. And somewhat physically restrained. But, nonetheless, there is a momentary legal loophole in Oxford by which you, personally, become a temporary citizen of the EU. Whether this would stand up in court remains to be tested, but for the creator of this alternate reality, artist Carey Young, it is resolutely real. “Political borders are a legal fiction we happen to have agreed on,” she explains. In her solo exhibition in Modern Art Oxford, there is a thick, single black line drawn onto the newly whitewashed walls and polished floor. It forms a rectangle across both surfaces, and invites the visitors to cross into its imagined space with the words: BY ENTERING THE ZONE CREATED BY THIS DRAWING, AND FOR THE PERIOD YOU REMAIN THERE, YOU DECLARE AND AGREE THAT YOU ARE A CITIZEN OF THE EUROPEAN UNION ------ Read & see more at: https://recessed.space/00099-Carey-Young-at-MOA Link in bio ------ @ccareyyoung @mao_gallery @paulacoopergallery #Camera #Capitalism #Commons #Court #JohnDee #Film #Gender #Judge #WillJennings #Law #Legal #Lens #Malegaze #Mirror #ModernArtOxford #PalaisdeJustice #Photography #JosephPoelaert #Politics #Power #Reflection #WGSebald #Sigma #EdwardSoja #Space #Spatial #Text #AndyWarhol #Women #CareyYoung

5/30/2023, 10:38:07 AM

#四ツ橋ブックサークル 『#惑星都市理論 』読書会第4回、ご参加ありがとうございました。次回は12/11(日)13時~、#キー・マクファーレン「千のCEO」、#林凌「出来事としての都市を考えるために」を読みます。 #以文社 #planetaryurbanization http://anoesis.jp/ybc/ #四ツ橋ブックサークル #惑星都市理論 #以文社 #批判的地理学 #プラネタリーアバニゼーション #都市社会学 #カルチュラルスタディーズ #デヴィッドハーヴェイ #アンリルフェーブル #人新世 #文化人類学 #都市研究 #ジェントリフィケーション #エドワードソジャ #ポストコロニアル都市理論 #planetaryurbanization #criticalgeography #gentrification #urbanstudies #culturalstudies # #urbansociology #davidharvey #henrilefebvre #edwardsoja #deborahcowen #notav

11/9/2022, 1:32:07 PM

四ツ橋ブックサークルでの『惑星都市理論』読書会第4回は、明日、10/30(日)13時からです。#北川眞也 「惑星都市化、インフラストラクチャー、ロジスティクスをめぐる11の地理的断章」、#仙波希望 「ポストコロニアル都市理論は可能か」を読みます。. . http://anoesis.jp/ybc/ #惑星都市理論  #四ツ橋ブックサークル #惑星都市理論 #以文社 #批判的地理学 #プラネタリーアバニゼーション #都市社会学 #カルチュラルスタディーズ #デヴィッドハーヴェイ #アンリルフェーブル #人新世 #文化人類学 #都市研究 #ジェントリフィケーション #エドワードソジャ #ポストコロニアル都市理論 #planetaryurbanization #criticalgeography #gentrification #urbanstudies #culturalstudies # #urbansociology #davidharvey #henrilefebvre #edwardsoja #deborahcowen #notav #postcolonialurbantheory

10/29/2022, 5:20:34 AM

『惑星都市理論』読書会第3回、ご参加ありがとうございました。次回は10/30(日)13時~、北川眞也「惑星都市化、インフラストラクチャー、ロジスティクスをめぐる11の地理的断章」、仙波希望「ポストコロニアル都市理論は可能か」を読みます。. . 今回取り上げられた「#ヒンターランド」については、「ファスト風土化」や「マクドナルド化」のような風土論や文化論へ導かれてしまう危うさもあるのではないか、場所ではなく、経路や過程として捉えることが重要なのではないかという指摘が出ました。. . また、極度に情報化、抽象化が進んだ中で、ロジスティクスインフラへの介入や抵抗はいかにして可能なのか、情報化、抽象化が、その困難さそのものなのではないかという議論も交わされました。. . 一方で、奴隷貿易、奴隷制度に対する奴隷解放や反人種差別の動きの中に、ロジスティクスやインフラへの介入、抵抗の萌芽を見出すことができるのではないか、という議論も交わされました。オラウダ・イクイアーノ、あるいは、ファノンの『地に呪われたる者』などが挙げられました。. . 批判的地理学、惑星都市理論じたいも、反人種差別、反植民地主義、あるいは洋上の運動に多くを負っているのかもしれませんし、昨今言われている、人種資本主義の議論と並行して、考えていく必要があるのかもしれません。むろん、そうした営為を無化しようとするのがロジスティクスの動きではあるのでしょうけれど。 http://anoesis.jp/ybc/ #惑星都市理論  #四ツ橋ブックサークル #惑星都市理論 #以文社 #批判的地理学 #プラネタリーアバニゼーション #都市社会学 #カルチュラルスタディーズ #デヴィッドハーヴェイ #アンリルフェーブル #人新世 #文化人類学 #都市研究 #ジェントリフィケーション #エドワードソジャ #planetaryurbanization #criticalgeography #gentrification #urbanstudies #culturalstudies # #urbansociology #davidharvey #henrilefebvre #edwardsoja #deborahcowen

9/7/2022, 9:27:16 AM

【大阪での読書会、第2回】7月24日(日)の13時から、『惑星都市理論』(平田周、仙波希望編、以文社、2021年)の第2回目が開催されます。今回はニール・ブレナー「ヒンターランドの都市化?」を読みます。ニール・ブレナーは、本のタイトルにもなっている「プラネタリー・アーバニゼーション(惑星都市理論)」の概念を提起した人物のひとりで、この本を読み進めていくにあたってのキーマンと言えます。. . 序章では、従来の都市研究が前提としてきた「高密度の都市化」を基礎づける条件として、ブレナーらが「広範囲の都市化」という概念を導入したことが言及されていました。今回登場する「ヒンターランド(後背地)」は、「広範囲の都市化」で重要な役割を果たす場所を指す言葉として提起されています。「ヒンターランド」は本来は都市でないところを指していたはずですが、今や、それは「都市/非都市」という区分が有効でないことを証拠づけているわけです。今回は都市論や都市研究で「ヒンターランド」に着目することの重要性を、具体的に見ていくことになると思います。. . 今回からの参加もまだ可能ですので、もしよろしければご参加ください。四ツ橋ブックサークルのサイトを作っていただいていますので、詳細はそちらをご覧ください. https://anoesis.jp/ybc/ . == 「批判的地理学から都市や生活を考えてみる」. . 月1回/全10回程度(予定). . 各回、担当を決めて発表する形式. . 課題図書:『惑星都市理論』(以文社). . http://www.ibunsha.co.jp/new-titles/978-4753103614/. . ガイド:藤墳智史. . 主 催:髙木大吾(anoesis). . 場所:立売堀ビルディング51号室. . 定員:6名. . 参加費:500円(1回). . 第2回:第1部第2章「ヒンターランドの都市化?」. 日 時:2022年7月24日(日)13:00~. . 第1回:序、第1部第1章「都市のリスケーリングと排除/包摂の論理」. 日時:2022年6月4日(土)13:00~【済】. ※スケジュールはメンバーで都度調整. ==. . #四ツ橋ブックサークル #惑星都市理論 #以文社 #批判的地理学 #プラネタリーアバニゼーション #都市社会学 #カルチュラルスタディーズ #デヴィッドハーヴェイ #アンリルフェーブル  #人新世 #文化人類学 #都市研究 #ジェントリフィケーション #エドワードソジャ #planetaryurbanization #criticalgeography #gentrification #urbanstudies #culturalstudies # #urbansociology #davidharvey #henrilefebvre #edwardsoja

6/16/2022, 10:52:23 AM

【再送、大阪で読書会します。6/4(土)13時~】大阪の本町あたりで、「批判的地理学から都市や生活を考えてみる」というテーマで、エディターの高木大吾さんと読書会をやります。読む本は『惑星都市理論』(平田周、仙波希望編、以文社、2021年)です。.都市」についての論文集で、月1回、1章ずつのペースで読み進めて行こうと思っています。初回と導入は、6月4日(土)の13時からを予定しています。藤墳が全体やバックグラウンドの紹介をしようと思っています。高木さんが申し込みページを作ってくださったので、詳細については、下記のリンク先をご覧ください。 「四ツ橋ブックサークル」(『惑星都市理論』とは別企画として、「文芸部」という集まりも開催されます。) https://anoesis.jp/ybc/ 『惑星都市理論』についてはこちら。 http://www.ibunsha.co.jp/new-titles/978-4753103614/. . 新型コロナウイルスの流行があって、リモートワークが定着しても、「都市」は存在して活動をしていますし、開発、再開発も盛んに行われています。また、人が動くことが難しい状況でも、物やお金の流れが止まらなかったことを思えば、ある「都市」が、それ単独で成り立っているものではないということも印象付けられたのではないでしょうか。. . この読書会では、『惑星都市理論』を通じて、現在の「都市」について見るヒントや理論を学びながら、自分たちが仕事をしたり、生活をしたり、遊んだりしている「都市」について、より掘り下げて考えていくことができればと思っています。. . だいたい、多くて10人くらいまでで、毎月1章ずつを担当して報告をしてもらって、疑問を解消したり、議論したりしていくという形で進めていく予定です(全部で12章あります)。. . 場所代、資料代として、1回につき500円ほど、ご負担をお願いしたいと思っています。2回目以降の日程については、随時、集まったメンバーで決めていこうと思っています。. . 読んでみたいな、という方がいらっしゃったら、お知らせください。よろしくお願いします。. . == 「批判的地理学から都市や生活を考えてみる」. . 月1回/全10回程度(予定). . 各回、担当を決めて発表する形式. . 課題図書:『惑星都市理論』(以文社). . http://www.ibunsha.co.jp/new-titles/978-4753103614/. . ガイド:藤墳智史. . 主 催:髙木大吾(anoesis). . 場所:立売堀ビルディング51号室. . 定員:6名. . 参加費:500円(1回). . 第1回 6月4日(土)13:00~/藤墳が少し解説、序、1章を報告. . ※スケジュールはメンバーで都度調整. ==. . #四ツ橋ブックサークル #惑星都市理論 #以文社 #批判的地理学 #プラネタリーアバニゼーション #都市社会学 #カルチュラルスタディーズ #デヴィッドハーヴェイ #アンリルフェーブル  #人新世 #文化人類学 #都市研究 #ジェントリフィケーション #エドワードソジャ #planetaryurbanization #criticalgeography #gentrification #urbanstudies #culturalstudies # #urbansociology #davidharvey #henrilefebvre #edwardsoja

5/30/2022, 1:45:39 PM

【読書会します】大阪の本町あたりで、「批判的地理学から都市や生活を考えてみる」というテーマで、エディターの高木大吾さんと読書会をやります。読む本は『惑星都市理論』(平田周、仙波希望編、以文社、2021年)です。. . http://www.ibunsha.co.jp/new-titles/978-4753103614/ . . 「都市」についての論文集で、月1回、1 章ずつのペースで読み進めて行こうと思っています。初回と導入は、6月4日(土)の13時からを予定しています。藤墳が全体やバックグラウンドの紹介をしようと思っています。. . 新型コロナウイルスの流行があって、リモートワークが定着しても、「都市」は存在して活動をしていますし、開発、再開発も盛んに行われています。また、人が動くことが難しい状況でも、物やお金の流れが止まらなかったことを思えば、ある「都市」が、それ単独で成り立っているものではないということも印象付けられたのではないでしょうか。. . この読書会では、『惑星都市理論』を通じて、現在の「都市」について見るヒントや理論を学びながら、自分たちが仕事をしたり、生活をしたり、遊んだりしている「都市」について、より掘り下げて考えていくことができればと思っています。. . だいたい、多くて10人くらいまでで、毎月1章ずつを担当して報告をしてもらって、疑問を解消したり、議論したりしていくという形で進めていく予定です(全部で12章あります)。. . 場所代、資料代として、1回につき500円ほど、ご負担をお願いしたいと思っています。2回目以降の日程については、随時、集まったメンバーで決めていこうと思っています。. . 読んでみたいな、という方がいらっしゃったら、お知らせください。よろしくお願いします。. . == 「批判的地理学から都市や生活を考えてみる」. . 月1回/全10回程度(予定). . 各回、担当を決めて発表する形式. . 課題図書:『惑星都市理論』(以文社). . http://www.ibunsha.co.jp/new-titles/978-4753103614/ . . ガイド:藤墳智史. . 主 催:髙木大吾(anoesis). . 場所:立売堀ビルディング51号室. . 定員:6名~8名程度. . 参加費:500円(1回). . 第1回 6月4日(土)13:00〜/藤墳が少し解説、序、1章を報告. . ※スケジュールはメンバーで都度調整. ==. . #惑星都市理論 #以文社 #批判的地理学 #プラネタリーアバニゼーション #都市社会学 #カルチュラルスタディーズ #デヴィッドハーヴェイ #アンリルフェーブル #人新世 #文化人類学 #都市研究 #ジェントリフィケーション #エドワードソジャ #planetaryurbanization #criticalgeography #gentrification #urbanstudies #culturalstudies # #urbansociology #davidharvey #henrilefebvre #edwardsoja

5/19/2022, 12:19:08 PM

değil seninle benim, benim kendimle aramda bi' dünya var... dünya en "birincil mesafe..." insan olmak aşmayı gerektiriyormuş... var'oluşsal mesafe... dünya düş'künleriyiz, küs'künleriyiz hepimiz... 🤭 #edwardsoja #postmoderncoğrafyalar #postmoderncoğrafya #postmoderngeography #kitap #okumak #book #reading #coğrafya #geography #dünya #insan #yaşam #life #human #world #mekan #zaman #time #space #toplumsalteori

12/9/2021, 7:49:11 PM

Thirdspace. #edwardsoja #southbank #skateboard

8/6/2021, 11:58:18 AM

@c1typlann3r was a mentee of Professor Edward W. Soja [Rest in Power] at @UCLALuskin Dept of Urban Planning. Soja taught praxis. Much of the DNA of #EmbeddedPlanning traces back to Ed’s classes. • Repost from @motorsal13 🔁 "Los Angeles, like Borges's Aleph, is exceedingly tough-to-track, peculiarly resistant to conventional description. It is difficult to grasp persuasively in a temporal narrative for it generates too many conflicting images, confounding historization, always seeming to stretch laterally instead of unfolding sequentially...perhaps more than any other place, Los Angeles is everywhere." -Edward W. Soja #LAleph #postmodern #geographies #losangeles #spatiality #edwardsoja #edwardwsoja #laiseverywhere #countyline #movement

5/15/2021, 6:13:46 PM

I remember, and I compute moqarnases; I remember, and I draw triangles; I remember, and I cut diamonds; I remember, and I fuse nine thousand geometrical forms onto a mesh to represent my effort to build a place that I can call home. Each geometry carries a memory. Each memory depicts a broken voice. Each broken voice contains a pain. The American scholar and activist bell hooks, in her article “Choosing the Margin as a Space of Radical Openness,” writes, “When you hear the broken voice, you also hear the pain contained within that brokenness”. When I remember my broken voice in moqarnas fragments, I also remember the pain enclosed within that brokenness. My source of inspiration for installing the tent was the nomadic tents of Lorestan. The nomads use ropes to anchor their tents to the ground. I also use ropes to anchor my tent, but attached to the studio’s walls, not the floor. In doing so I question my authority over the land, suggesting that there is no land that I can claim, and my home is hovering in the air. Transforming the veil made of a moqarnas pattern, which represents my spatial memories, into the tent conveys the idea of creating a temporary home with my pains and memories. A home which I can wear and carry around with myself, reinstalling it again wherever I get permission to do so. #thirdingwithninethousandmemories #artistlife #space #memory #displacenent #immigration #moqarnad #geometry #siahchador #blacktent #blackveil #thirdspace #henrylefebvre #edwardsoja #sarahahmad

4/11/2021, 11:53:44 PM

Edward Soja, “Postmodern Geographies” 🚣‍♂️ #edwardsoja #humangeography #space #place #spaceandplace #geography #criticaltheory #fakegang #theorygram

3/27/2021, 6:49:12 PM

| Dica de Leitura 📚 Geografias Pós-Modernas: a reafirmação do espaço na teoria social crítica Edward W. Soja #Books #Geografia #Geografía #Geography #EdwardSoja #DicaDeLeitura

10/30/2020, 1:23:57 PM

As a human-cultural geographer, it is important to focus my attention on migrant and transnational gathering spaces, known as “thirdspaces.” Thirdspace is a concept developed by Edward Soja (1996) and can only be understood through first- and secondspace. Firstspace is the physical space that we currently occupy (for example, Reno), and secondspace is an imagined or remembered space (for example, Punjab). So, thirdspace is BOTH the physical space that we currently occupy AND a perceived or remembered space. Thirdspaces take the form of festival events, parades, sporting events and leagues, dance performances, pop-up flea markets, etc., and often take place in empty parking lots, pubic parks, or neighborhood streets. They exist as migrant/transnational spaces only temporarily, to be returned to their customary purposes once the events conclude. Today’s photos provide an example of a Sikh thirdspace in California during Hola Mohalla in Livingston. Sikhs from all over the Central Valley gather here to participate in this holiday celebration. Festivities include a parade, music, food, worship, and the selling/purchasing of Indian goods. The parade begins at the Peach Street gurdwara and continues through the neighborhood until it reaches the gurdwara on B Street. Both temples have festivities that start in the streets and conclude in the temple parking lots. Thirdspaces unite migrants and transnationals by providing them with a leisure activity and a shared outlet in which to socialize, network, and collectively reminisce on life back home. Additionally, thirdspaces offer an area to transmit cultural traditions to the American-born generation and cultivate social networks. Do Sikh thirdspaces exist in Northern Nevada? If so, what events, markets, parades, and performances occur? Please share your experiences in the comments below! (Photos by @commonheather) #thirdspace #secondspace #firstspace #edwardsoja #geography #humangeography #culturalgeography #transnationalism #migration #holamohalla #centralvalley #Livingston #California #sikh #Sikhism #renosikhs #reno #Nevada #DFMI #homemeansnevada #northernnevada #biggestlittlecity

8/3/2020, 10:21:49 PM

Geografía intelectual de #edwardsoja

8/1/2020, 4:25:29 PM

Edward Soja pictured above〰️ For Soja, the third space was “continuously shifting and changing ideas, events, appearances, and meanings.”- Miriam Kahn on the writing of Edward Soja #tamforum2020 #torranceartmuseum #thirdspace #losangelesart #contemporaryartist #curator #artist #urbanist #cityplanning #edwardsoja

7/27/2020, 4:39:02 PM

Hermoso día para... 📝📚📖📙 #literatura #leer #read #EdwardSoja #LiteraryCriticism #ThirdSpace #Space #Espacio #HacemosTeoriaLiteraria

10/1/2019, 6:48:14 PM

I had the incredible honor of working with Edward W. Soja as my graduate advisor in urban planning at UCLA. Soja was one of the most prolific scholars and prominent urban theorists and geographers of all time. He was also a wonderful person who loved graffiti. When his last book was finished, just before he died, he asked me to help with the cover design. I had co-written the final chapter of this book, focusing on the Occupy Movement in LA and contributions from graffiti writers like @mear_one @cachicken and @eyeone_sh, but for the cover of the book I wanted something a bit more abstract but no less bold. I asked Kofie @keepdrafting for a hi res image of one of his pieces and this incredible cover is what resulted thanks to the designers at @uc_press. This is Soja’s final book, with a fitting cover to represent his love of LA. ..................................... #edwardsoja #edwardwsoja #bookcoverdesigner #bookcoverdesign #bookcover #graphicdesign #graphicdesigner #criticaltheory #urbanism #urbanismo #urbanist #urbanplanning #losangeles #ilovela #graffiti #graffitiart #bibliophile #postmodern #bookstagram #culturalgeography #spatialjustice #books #goingallcity #urbantheory #augustinekofie

8/23/2019, 7:18:35 AM

Evolución intelectual, biografía geográfica de #edwardsoja de Editorial Icaria, gran colección de Espacios Críticos de los autores Benach y Albet

8/2/2019, 4:20:07 AM

Fotograma del video (BRUTAL) que @diskolo ha hecho para @faak2k19 durante la #nochedelosmuseos en @centroparraga ⛓🎥 [ IGTV ] “Nuestro objetivo fue reivindicar y reflexionar sobre el espacio urbano mediante la acción de facto. En términos legales una realidad puede ser reconocida por la propia fuerza de los hechos pese a no tener reconocimiento formal. @tnnnzzzzzzggggggggg “ 🌃🌌 GRACIAS a todos los asistentes y GRACIAS a FAAK por invitarme a formar parte de este colectivo creado para la acción, rodeado de personas alucinantes 🖤⚙️: @derek.v.bulcke • @aurora_rdgz • @diego_lobenal • @tnnnzzzzzzggggggggg • @gambperraa • @elyarah • @zara_perra • @memirasll @pdrolobo • @ulisesferso • @centroparraga • @bydavidloren • @ga_galindo @itsjusee #PedroLobo #FAAK #FAAK2019 #FeriaAmbulantedeArteKontemporáneo #CentroPárraga #art #EdwardSoja #Postmetropolis #perfomance #artist #arte #urbanismo #instalación #FAAKforever

5/30/2019, 4:48:26 PM

FAAK durante la #nochedelosmuseos en @centroparraga ⛓🎥 by @diskolo “Nuestro objetivo fue reivindicar y reflexionar sobre el espacio urbano mediante la acción de facto. En términos legales una realidad puede ser reconocida por la propia fuerza de los hechos pese a no tener reconocimiento formal. @tnnnzzzzzzggggggggg “ 🌃🌌 GRACIAS FAAK por invitarme a formar parte de este colectivo creado para la acción, rodeado de personas alucinantes 🖤⚙️: @derek.v.bulcke • @aurora_rdgz • @diego_lobenal • @tnnnzzzzzzggggggggg • @gambperraa • @elyarah • @zara_perra • @memirasll @pdrolobo • @ulisesferso • @centroparraga • @bydavidloren • @ga_galindo @itsjusee #PedroLobo #FAAK #FAAK2019 #FeriaAmbulantedeArteKontemporáneo #CentroPárraga #art #EdwardSoja #Postmetropolis #perfomance #artist #arte #urbanismo #instalación #FAAKforever

5/30/2019, 1:53:37 PM

Fotograma del video (BRUTAL) que @diskolo ha hecho para @faak2k19 durante la #nochedelosmuseos en @centroparraga ⛓🎥 [ IGTV ] “Nuestro objetivo fue reivindicar y reflexionar sobre el espacio urbano mediante la acción de facto. En términos legales una realidad puede ser reconocida por la propia fuerza de los hechos pese a no tener reconocimiento formal. @tnnnzzzzzzggggggggg “ 🌃🌌 GRACIAS a todos los asistentes y GRACIAS a FAAK por invitarme a formar parte de este colectivo creado para la acción, rodeado de personas alucinantes 🖤⚙️: @derek.v.bulcke • @aurora_rdgz • @diego_lobenal • @tnnnzzzzzzggggggggg • @gambperraa • @elyarah • @zara_perra • @memirasll @pdrolobo • @ulisesferso • @centroparraga • @bydavidloren • @ga_galindo @itsjusee #PedroLobo #FAAK #FAAK2019 #FeriaAmbulantedeArteKontemporáneo #CentroPárraga #art #EdwardSoja #Postmetropolis #perfomance #artist #arte #urbanismo #instalación #FAAKforever

5/30/2019, 1:08:36 PM

Faak siempre sera un colectivo para la accion y para todas las que quieran desarrollarlas. Por eso este año somos: @tnnnzzzzzzggggggggg @derek.v.bulcke @zara_perra @elyarah @pdrolobo @ulisesferso @aurora_rdgz @memirasll @gambperraa @diego_lobenal Y mas sorpresas. #edwardsoja #postmetropolis

5/15/2019, 12:26:05 PM

“Space itself may be primordially given, but the organization, and meaning of space is a product of social translation, transformation, and experience.” Edward Soja Postmodern Geography. . . I was reading this line is Postmodern Geography and thinking that it nicely articulated something we were talking about on the Global Capitals panel at NeMLA, regarding space and why fiction matters, that yes there is a material side to urbanism, but how we make sense of urbanism through language is something that literature can help us explore. . . Happy Friday! . . #prettycitynewyork #prettycity #prettycitynyc #urbanphotography #newyorkcity #skyscraper #oneworldobservatory #oneworldtradecenter #glassandsteel #architecturephotography #architecture #postmoderngeography #urbanstudies #cityandliterature #edwardsoja #urbanism #phdlife #academiclife #quotes #learnwithme #studywithme #readwithme

3/30/2019, 1:51:37 AM

A reading recommendation on Space for while I’m gone this weekend! Postmodern Geographies is one of those books that, whether you agree with it or not, if you’re studying space, urbanism, metropolitanism, you should know. Soja is a seminal figure in the field and offers a great overview of geography. That being said, stay tuned for some lines from Gillian Rose’s Feminism and Geography, which addresses the gaps in the field of geography regarding women and female scholarship. I have the ebook so I need to come up with some other way of visually representing that one, but particularly because Soja doesn’t address gender. Rose is also a seminal read on space and place! And I think both books are pretty affordable. . . what are you reading? Tell me in the comments below. I’ll definitely be book shopping at this conference 📚📖 . . #bookstagram #bibliophile #bookstagrammer #bookphotography #readingrecommendations #readwithme #bookworm #academicbooks #booklovers #academiclife #phdlife #phdstudent #dissertation #research #comparativeliterature #urbanstudies #spaceandplace #edwardsoja #postmodern #postmodernism #postmoderngeography #studywithme #learnwithme #studygram

3/21/2019, 3:40:35 PM

... عنوان: جغرافیاهای پسامدرن نویسنده: #ادوارد_سوجا مترجم: #بهزاد_ملک‌پور_اصل . . . «پیشنهاد من در این‌جا طرح‌ریزی یک پروگرامِ سیاسیِ پسامدرن رادیکال نیست. بلکه در پی حصول اطمینان از این موضوع هستم که پروژه­‌يِ پسامدرن، که به هر حال شکل‌ می‌گیرد، از همان ابتدا آگاهانه فضامند است. ما مصرانه می‌بایستی نسبت به این موضوع که فضا چگونه پیامدها را از ما پنهان می‌کند آگاهی پیدا کنیم؛ و این‌که چگونه روابط بین قدرت و انضباط در فضامندی ظاهراً معصومانه‌یِ زندگیِ اجتماعی نقش بسته‌اند و چگونه جغرافیاهای انسانی از سیاست‌ و اید‌ئولوژی‌، اشباع می‌شوند. » #فضا_و_دیالکتیک #spaceanddialectics #space #urbantheory #criticalurbantheory #criticaltheory #edwardsoja #geography #postmoderngeography #socialtheory #criticalsocialtheory #humangeography #فضا#نظریه_انتقادی #ادوارد_سوجا #جغرافیا #جغرافیای_پسامدرن #نظریه_اجتماعی #نظریه_اجتماعی_انتقادی #جغرافیای_انسانی #پسامدرنیسم . . برای مطالعه‌ی این مقاله به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید: http://dialecticalspace.com/postmodern-geographies-edward-soja/

3/3/2019, 6:36:39 PM

... عنوان: دیالکتیک اجتماعی‌ـ‌فضایی نویسنده: #ادوارد_سوجا مترجم: #نرگس_خالصی_مقدم . . . «فضا یک ابژه علمی نیست که از ایدئولوژی و سیاست بریده شده باشد؛ بلکه همواره استراتژیک و سیاسی بوده است. اگر فضا با توجه به محتویات‌اش حال‌‌وهوای بیطرفی و بی‌تفاوتی دارد و در نتیجه به‌نظر می‌رسد که صرفاً فرمال است و فشرده‌ای از انتزاع منطقی، دقیقاً به این دلیل است که اشغال شده و مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است، و پیشاپیش محل همگرایی فرآیندهایی از گذشته بوده که رد پای آن‌ها همیشه در چشم‌انداز آشکار نیست. فضا از عناصر تاریخی و طبیعی سرشته شده و شکل گرفته است، اما این یک فرآیند سیاسی بوده است. فضا سیاسی و ایدئولوژیک است. محصولی است که به‌معنای واقعی کلمه، انباشته از ایدئولوژی است» #فضا_و_دیالکتیک #spaceanddialectics #edwardsoja #davidharvey #urbanrevolution #dialectic #urbanism #space #ادوارد_سوجا #دیوید_هاروی #انقلاب_شهری #دیالکتیک #شهرگرایی #فضا . . برای مطالعه‌ی این مقاله به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید: http://dialecticalspace.com/sociospatial-dialectics/

2/18/2019, 6:53:40 PM

A small remaining stack of @mdaphoto’s beautiful book Third Space: Landscapes & Windows. Get your copy here: https://www.stereohype.com/298-third-space-landscapes-windows — A selection of 43 photographs taken by Mark Adams between 2000 and 2014 in various locations from southern Spain, the United States, Sweden and northern Britain. — #thirdspace #EdwardSoja #subjectivity and #objectivity #abstract #concrete #real #imagined — 🔝 Link via @stereohype profile (then books and mags).

8/30/2018, 2:58:20 PM

We have compiled a #ReadingList of texts, books and audio/video material in collaboration with #PaulMaheke to accompany his exhibition, 'A fire circle for a public hearing', at #ChisenhaleGallery.⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ This week's pick is #EdwardSoja, 'Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places' (1996)⠀ ⠀ "Soja has continued to interject trenchant and inspirational commentaries into interdisciplinary debates on spatiality [...] to become more aware of the power relations at work in the construction of individual and collective spatialities, and the consequences of those constructions" - #DeborahDixon, Between Difference and Alternity: Engagements with Edward Soja’s Thirdspace (1999)⠀ ⠀ The reading list expands on ideas raised through Maheke’s new commission. Visit the #Exhibitions page of our website to download the full bibliography, link in bio.⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ As part of #PaulMaheke's exhibition, daily performances take place in the gallery at 3pm and last for 45 minutes. The exhibition is open Wednesday to Sunday, 12-6pm. ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ -----------------------------------⠀ ⠀ 64 Chisenhale Road, London E3 5QZ⠀ ⠀ -----------------------------------⠀ ⠀ @paulmaheke #chisenhalegallery #eastlondon #london ⠀ -----------------------------------⠀ ⠀ 64 Chisenhale Road, London E3 5QZ⠀ ⠀ -----------------------------------⠀ ⠀ @paulmaheke #chisenhalegallery #eastlondon #london #readingmaterial

5/15/2018, 7:10:34 PM

time, space and order. Think i found my book #postmetropolis #edwardsoja

4/30/2018, 7:50:08 PM

Edward W. Soja, postmodern dönemin coğrafi veçhesine odaklanarak tarihi mutlaklaştırıp coğrafyayı geri plana iten yaklaşımların kapsamlı bir eleştirisini yapıyor ve eleştirel toplumsal teoriyi mekânı içerecek bir kapasiteyle donatıyor. 2017'de neler yaptık? Aralık ayı boyunca #2017Sel etiketinden takip edebilirsiniz. #selyayincilik #edwardsoja #esitsizgelisim #kentsel

12/19/2017, 7:04:53 PM

9/10/2017, 6:05:06 PM

“Los espacios pueden ser reales e imaginados. ⠀ Los espacios pueden contar relatos y desvelar historias. ⠀ Los espacios pueden ser interrumpidos, apropiados ⠀ Y transformados a través de la práctica artística y literaria.” ⠀ Edward Soja, urbanista estadunidense ⠀ #SoyDistrito

8/5/2017, 11:30:26 PM

Temmuz kitapları matbaada! Haziran kitapları raflarda* *Postmodern Coğrafyalar - Eleştirel Toplumsal Teoride Mekânın Yeniden İleri Sürülmesi / Edward W. Soja Türkçesi: Yunus Çetin Kitap hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi www.selyayincilik.com adresinde. #selyayincilik #postmoderncografyalar #edwardsoja

7/4/2017, 9:26:10 AM

Temmuz kitapları matbaada! Haziran kitapları raflarda: . •••Geçiş Ayinleri - Deniz Üçlemesi 1 / William Golding . •••YerKuşAğı / Deniz Gezgin . •••Avâre Gençlik & Gardenbar Geceleri / Fikret Adil . •••Postmodern Coğrafyalar - Eleştirel Toplumsal Teoride Mekânın Yeniden İleri Sürülmesi / Edward W. Soja . •••Sonsuz Dikkat Dağınıklığı - Gündelik Yaşamda Sosyal Medyaya Odaklanmak / Dominic Pettman . •••Edebiyatta Kötünün Yeniden Doğuşu - Cehennem Azabı, Şeytan Ayinleri ve Sefahat Alemleri / Peter-André Alt . Ayrıntılı bilgi için: www.selyayincilik.com #yenikitaplar #selyayincilik #gecisayinleri #denizuclemesi #williamgolding #yerkusagi #denizgezgin #avaregenclik #gardenbargeceleri #fikretadil #fikretadilkitapligi #postmoderncografyalar #edwardsoja #kentsel #sonsuzdikkatdaginikligi #dominicpettman #edebiyattakotununyenidendogusu #kötününestetiği #peterandréalt #kitapkokusu #kitaptavsiyesi #iyikikitaplarvar #bookstagram #kitapkurdu

7/4/2017, 8:59:13 AM

YENİ / Postmodern Coğrafyalar - Eleştirel Toplumsal Teoride Mekânın Yeniden İleri Sürülmesi Edward W. Soja Türkçesi: Yunus Çetin Ayrıntılı bilgi ve tadımlık okuma parçası www.selyayincilik.com adresinde. Toplumsal bilimlerde“mekân”uzun süre tarihselciliğin gölgesinde kaldı. Düşünürler hep tarihsel olana, süreçlere odaklanıp mekânı yapay, ampirik düşünceye ve diyalektiğe aykırı görürken coğrafyacılar da kendi disiplinlerine saplanıp kaldılar. Postmodern Coğrafyalar’da Edward W. Soja, mekânın eleştirel teoride yeniden boy gösterme sürecini ele alarak, bu süreçteki tartışmaları gözler önüne seriyor. Foucault ve Lefebvre’den Giddens ve castells’e dek yirminci yüzyılın pek çok düşünürünün coğrafya ve kent planlamasına bakışını inceleyen Soja, postmodern dönemin coğrafi veçhesine odaklanarak tarihi mutlaklaştırıp coğrafyayı geri plana iten yaklaşımların kapsamlı bir eleştirisini yapıyor ve eleştirel toplumsal teoriyi mekânı içerecek bir kapasiteyle donatıyor. Coğrafya disiplininin sınırlarını aşan bu çalışmasında Soja, Marksist coğrafyacıların mekân konusundaki eksiklerini irdelemenin yanı sıra toplumsal mekâna odaklanan kendi diyalektik düşüncesinin de temellerini atıyor. Mekânın zamanla ilişkisinin kentsel teoriyi ne açılardan derinleştirebileceği ve kent mücadelesinde ne tür perspektifler sunabileceği üzerine düşünenler için. #selyayincilik #yenikitaplar #postmoderncografyalar #edwardsoja #kitaptavsiyesi #bookstagram #kentsel

6/15/2017, 3:30:24 PM

YENİ: Postmodern Coğrafyalar - Eleştirel Toplumsal Teoride Mekânın Yeniden İleri Sürülmesi / Edward W. Soja Türkçesi: Yunus Çetin KentSel: 10 Raflarda! Ayrıntılı bilgi ve tadımlık okuma parçası www.selyayincilik.com adresinde. #selyayincilik #yenikitap #postmoderncografyalar #edwardsoja #kentsel #bookstagram #kitaponerisi #kitapkurdu #kitapkurdu #kitaptutkusu

6/6/2017, 2:40:22 PM

YENİ / Haziran kitapları raflarda! . . •••Geçiş Ayinleri - Deniz Üçlemesi 1 William Golding Türkçesi: Bülent Doğan . . •••YerKuşAğı Deniz Gezgin Roman . . •••Avâre Gençlik & Gardenbar Geceleri  Fikret Adil Fikret Adil Kitaplığı: 03 . . •••Postmodern Coğrafyalar - Eleştirel Toplumsal Teoride Mekânın Yeniden İleri Sürülmesi Edward W. Soja Türkçesi: Yunus Çetin KentSel: 10 . . •••Sonsuz Dikkat Dağınıklığı - Gündelik Yaşamda Sosyal Medyaya Odaklanmak Dominic Pettman  Türkçesi: Yunus Çetin . . •••Edebiyatta Kötünün Yeniden Doğuşu - Cehennem Azabı, Şeytan Ayinleri ve Sefahat Alemleri Peter-André Alt Türkçesi: Sabir Yücesoy Kötünün Estetiği Dizisi: 04 Ayrıntılı bilgi için: www.selyayincilik.com #yenikitaplar #selyayincilik #gecisayinleri #denizuclemesi #williamgolding #yerkusagi #denizgezgin #avaregenclik #gardenbargeceleri #fikretadil #fikretadilkitapligi #postmoderncografyalar #edwardsoja #kentsel #sonsuzdikkatdaginikligi #dominicpettman #edebiyattakotununyenidendogusu #kötününestetiği #peterandréalt #kitapkokusu #kitaptavsiyesi #iyikikitaplarvar #bookstagram #kitapkurdu

6/5/2017, 8:38:59 PM

Finally the summer semester has started 🤓🗒 . #spatialjustice #urbangeography #uibstudent #universitätheidelberg #heidelberg #erasmuslife #edwardsoja #uibgeografi #geogeogeo #urbanism #kindle

4/21/2017, 4:17:39 PM

Se m'han colat dos postmos #foucault #edwardsoja #postmodernism #postmodernitat

1/19/2017, 6:40:05 PM

We are on the road today, so fingers crossed that the roads will not be too icy! Before I left, I had to share the cutest piece of artwork in my mother's house in honor of a new year. I love this print so much and, try as I might, she is not willing to give it to me 😭😂 Also pictured are my current #tbr or what I am currently reading at the beginning of 2017 — classes begin again so my reading pile is very modest, because between work and school there is little time to have a stack of 20 books 😅 #bookstagram #books #bookish #igreads #bookworm #booklover #bibliophile #currentlyreading #whatimreading #instabook #instaread #igbooks #thesympathizer #hannaharendt #arendt #politicalscience #edwardsoja #読者 #本 #文房具 #撮影 #bookstack

1/4/2017, 4:52:54 PM

"Los Angeles has been defying conventional categorical description of the urban, of what is city and what is suburb, of what can be identified as community or neighborhood, of what co-presence means in the elastic urban context. It has in effect been deconstructing the urban into a confusing collage of signs which advertise what are often little more than imaginary communities and outlandish representations of urban locality...everything seems to come together in Los Angeles, the totalizing Aleph. It's representations of spatiality and historicity are archetypes of vividness, simultaneity, and interconnection." -Edward Soja #LAleph #LAiseverywhere #losangeles #totality #spatiality #history #space #urban #community #locality #collage #edwardsoja #postmoderngeography

12/22/2016, 8:57:04 PM

"With exquisite irony, contemporary Los Angeles has come to resemble more than ever before a gigantic agglomeration of theme parks, a lifespace comprised of Disneyworlds. It is a realm divided into showcases of global village cultures and mimetic American landscapes, all-embracing shopping malls and crafty Main Streets...attractively packaged places for rest and recreation all cleverly hiding the buzzing workstations and labour processes which help to keep it together. Like the original 'Happiest Place on Earth', the enclosed spaces are subtly but tightly controlled by invisible overseers despite the open appearance of fantastic freedom of choices." -Edward W. Soja #LAleph #LAiseverywhere #magickingdom #happiestplaceonearth #themepark #westworld #overseer #disneyworld #postmoderngeography #spatiality #edwardsoja

12/21/2016, 7:53:06 PM

"Where else can there be a City of Industry and a City of Commerce, so flagrantly commemorating the fractions of capital which guaranteed their incorporation. In other places, names casually try to recapture a romanticized history (as in the many new communities called Rancho something-or-other) or to ensconce the memory of alternative geographies (as in Venice, Naples, Hawaiian Gardens, Ontario, Manhattan Beach, Westminster)...making lived experience of the urban increasingly vicarious, screened through simulacra, those exact copies for which the real originals have been lost." -Edward W. Soja #LAleph #LAiseverywhere #inlandempire #simulacrum #ranchocucamong #rancho #whatsinaname #cities #urban #copies #edwardsoja #postmoderngeography

12/20/2016, 9:03:55 PM

"To maintain adhesiveness, the civic centre has always served as a key surveillant node of the state, supervising locales of production, consumption and exchange...It is not production or consumption or exchange in themselves that specifies the urban, but rather their collective surveillance, supervision and anticipated control within the power-filled context of nodality." -Edward W. Soja #LAiseverywhere #LAleph #nodes #watchyourself #watchout #ifyouseesomething #saysomething #electriceye #report #surveillance #edwardsoja #postmoderngeography

12/19/2016, 7:17:08 PM

"Perhaps more than ever before, downtown serves in ways no other place can as a vantage point, an urban panopticon counterposed to the encirclement of watchful military ramparts and defensive outer cities. Like the central well in Bentham's eminently utilitarian design for a circular prison...downtown can be seen (when visibility permits) by each separate individual, from each territorial cell, within its orbit." -Edward W. Soja #LAleph #LAiseverywhere #panopticon #spatiality #overseer #downtownla #edwardsoja #postmodern #geography #electriceye #center #watchfuleye

12/19/2016, 4:38:31 AM

"There are other outer cities fringing the older pentagonal urban core...Another is being promoted (although not yet in place) in the 'Inland Empire' stretching eastward from Pomona (General Dynamics is there) through Ontario (with Lockheed and a growing International Airport and Free Trade Zone) to the county seats of San Bernardino and Riverside...cruelly packed with new housing estates that automatically lure families ever farther away from their places of work in Los Angeles and Orange counties, a truly transitory landscape." -Edward W. Soja #edwardsoja #postmoderngeographies #LAleph #inlandempire #Ptown #IE #route66 #periphery #spatiality #LAiseverywhere

12/18/2016, 2:27:24 AM

"Los Angeles, like Borges's Aleph, is exceedingly tough-to-track, peculiarly resistant to conventional description. It is difficult to grasp persuasively in a temporal narrative for it generates too many conflicting images, confounding historization, always seeming to stretch laterally instead of unfolding sequentially...perhaps more than any other place, Los Angeles is everywhere." -Edward W. Soja #LAleph #postmodern #geographies #losangeles #spatiality #edwardsoja #laiseverywhere #countyline #movement

12/15/2016, 11:18:20 PM