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#food #travel #sports #news #april #tuesday

“I AM Limitless I AM Aligned with my authentic truth I am following My calling and I am manifesting my wildest dreams!” My name is Trazana A. Staples! I had a Stroke! I Am a Stroke Survivor! I Am a Phoenix Rising! Trazana A. Staples Alternative Stroke Recovery Fund TASASRF trazanastaples.com Your continued support is needed to help bring Trazana A. Staples Alternative Stroke Recovery Fund thrive!! 💜🧘🏽‍♀️💜 🧘🏽‍♂️ #TrazanaAStaplesAlternativeStrokeRecoveryFund 4 ways to donate!! 1) Cash App: $TASASRFUND 2)Zelle: 3)Venmo: 4) PayPal: [email protected] 5) Apple Pay #trazananatrualessentials #healing #empower #inspire #mindfulness #Stroke #StrokeSurvivor #AlternativeStrokeRecovery #HealthyFood #Acupuncture #Yoga #Chiropractic #MassageTherapy #Garden #Aphasia #Reiki #Qigong #AlternativelyhAbled #PhoenixRising #CryptogenicStroke #traumaticbraininjury #gardentherapy

4/30/2024, 3:38:08 AM

QI GONG TERAPÊUTICO para aliviar as dores físicas e emocional. #qigong #quickmassage #massagens #shiatsu #tuina #doin #karate #defesapessoal

4/30/2024, 3:11:55 AM

Recuerden meditar antes de dormir. Buenas noches "No hace falta ser perfecto para merecer amor y respeto". - Autor desconocido Referencia: Invitado, C. (2023, June 2). 40 frases célebres sobre salud mental para abrazar el bienestar. Empuls. https://blog.empuls.io/es/mental-health-quotes-by-famous-people/ #bienestar #taoismovivo #oriental #wellness #taichi #qigong #chikung #salud #healing #sanacion #tao #taoismo #conexion #pazInterior #Innerpeace #armonia #taijiquan #chi #holistico #energía #clasesonline #taouniversity

4/30/2024, 3:00:24 AM

Join Peter for his weekly live online class #60. Head over to our YouTube channel to start practicing now. Every Tuesday 9 AM Bali Time for Advanced Class and 10 AM Bali Time for Beginner's 🌿 #Class #Live #YouTube #Qigong #QigongEveryday #QigongPractice #ForestRockQigong #PeterCaughey

4/30/2024, 2:59:11 AM

Join us for an afternoon of yoga, meditation, Qigong, self/partner massage, breath work and more. Spend some time taking care of yourself in the company of a small group of women, guided by three practitioners, at the beautiful Lincoln Street Studio in Lunenburg. 💗 DM me to secure your spot. 🌸 #selfcare #womensretreat #novascotiaretreats #selfcompassion #meditation #yoga #qigong #selflove #freshstarts @richness_with_inn @clairelouiseosmond @lincolnstreet_studio

4/30/2024, 2:52:43 AM

April was a month of BIG transform & change, it didn’t pull any of its punches.😅 For us it revealed we can’t lose sight of the basics, the daily habits that support the vision we have for our family and business. So we’re stepping into the month of May with a sense of certainty and clarity 👁️ Here’s what we have lined up for the month of May! • This Saturday, May 4th we will be @thehealingtreecollective for Reiki & Hypno with @hyppiehouseofhealing • Next Saturday May 11th we will be facilitating #ZendoReiki at The Healing Tree to the community. This event is SOLD OUT! Get on the waitlist to RSVP for the next FREE event • May 24th we are facilitating Acupuncture, Reiki & Sound Healing with @royallewisiv & @alyssa._renae •The last Sunday of the month, May 26th we will be back for Mastering Your Practice learning a technique to clear blocked energy in the body! We look forward to these events because they bring so much magic with them, people receiving the care and attention they need to feel seen and heard. Connections are made by complete strangers who end up becoming good friends. These events provide treasures that money can’t buy, and we’re grateful we get the opportunity to experience it with all of you! Join us this month for one or ALL of these events, click the link in my bio and RSVP 👍🏾 • • • #Healing #Growth #Community #Communitysupport #Healers #Localhealers #Localevents #tempeaz #mesaaz #downtownmesa #reikihealers #hypno #hypnotherapy #qigong #meditation #acupucture #soundhealingtherapy #energyhealingpractitioner #energyhealers #energytraining #spirituality #spiritualgrowthjourney #spiritualhealing

4/30/2024, 2:42:02 AM

Clase suave de Taichi @casadeladanza_ Ésta es sobre todo una clase terapéutica de Taichi Dirigida para principiantes o personas que quieren comenzar su semana sintiendo relajo y liviandad. Mejorar su salud, movilidad y coordinación. Dentro de los beneficios de la práctica del taichi se encuentra: 🧎Ayuda a fortalecer las articulaciones 🦵 Aumenta el rango de movilidad en distintas partes del cuerpo, como las manos, columna y cuello 🐉así también, aumenta la flexibilidad de ligamentos y propicia la salud en los 5 órganos. Son muchos los beneficios de practicar taichi, y por lo mismo, te invito a vivirlo por tí mismo en las clases Lunes a las 9:30 am Calle Buenos Aires #441, Quilpué Precio por 4 clases al mes: $25.000 Descuento por 2 personas: paga $20.000 cada una😉 Contacto: +56999339452 #taichi #qigong #wuwei #vivirliviano #quilpue #paz #calma #armonia #relajo #movimientocorporal #saludarticular #chaodolores #medicinachina

4/30/2024, 2:12:06 AM

On Thursday, we'll explore Qi Gong movements and sounds to nourish the wood element. Think of the wood element as a process of BECOMING! We observe it in the growth cycle of a simple seedling that matures into a majestic tree. Lao Tzu wrote, "A tree that is unbending is easily broken." Flexibility, health, and awareness allow the human to be resilient and continually growing with the wood element. #morrobayqigong #morrobaymeditation #seatedqigong #centralcoastqigong #woodelement #qigong #morrobayyogastudio #elizabethhartmanwellness #treewisdom

4/30/2024, 2:07:31 AM

【4/29深大寺手作り市に参加しました】 春の光と新緑、ウグイスの声にも癒やされながら☀🌳🦜🍀✨ 美生氣功セラピスト仲間6人で 16人のお客様とワンコちゃん🐕🐕にマザータッチ®を体感していただきました🤲🧡💫 美生(びしょう)氣功ヒーリング 着座ヒーリング&ペットヒーリング大盛況㊗🌈✨ 〜アンケート結果〜 ☆体験会に参加してみたい→2 ☆全身の施術を受けてみたい→4 ☆学んでみたい→1 ☆またイベントで受けたい→11 お立寄りいただきました皆様 ありがとうございました😊 次回は5/4(土祝)【深大寺手作り市】に参加します♬ 美生(びしょう)氣功ヒーリング🌿を体感しませんか(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ なにか気になる〜 興味ある〜…などなど とりあえずコメントくださいませ✐ “世界美生アカデミー”は全国各地に公認美生氣功セラピストがおります。各地でイベントも開催しています! リフレッシュしてみませんか♬ ◇一般社団法人世界美生アカデミーホームページ https://bishow-a.or.jp/ #調布市#深大寺 #深大寺手作り市 #着座ヒーリング🧎‍♀ #ペットヒーリング🐕 #ほっと一息しませんか ⁡⁡⁡#美生氣功#美生氣功ヒーリング⁡ #世界美生アカデミー⁡ #庄子みどり #笑顔⁡#ヒーリング⁡ #癒し⁡#緩む#緩和ケア ⁡#マザータッチ®️ ⁡ ⁡#愛の手当⁡⁡て⁡ ⁡#手当ての手技学べます ⁡#天使のはしご ⁡⁡#自宅サロン ⁡ #Qigong#Orientalhealing

4/30/2024, 1:57:47 AM

My kid: Why do you always have to wear those shoes to Qi Gong? Me: Because you can only do Qi Gong in shoes that have this symbol on them. Totally believed me. #acuparent #acupuncture #acupuncturist #qigong #tcm #tcmlivingwell

4/30/2024, 1:55:10 AM

CONNECT 2024 starts this Friday! 🥳 There's still time to register, purchase your pass today! wanp.org/connect2024 Check out our morning sessions on Saturday and Sunday this weekend! Saturday will feature a morning Qi Gong class to calm and focus your body. Sunday will begin with some calming guided mindfulness exercises. Make sure to register so that you can enjoy these inspiring morning sessions! #connect2024 #naturopathicmedicine #wanpevents #morningmotivation #MindfulnessPractice #qigong #startyourdayright

4/30/2024, 1:20:00 AM

ACAMA Academia Cultural y Artes Marciales Asiaticas. Una breve historia de nuestro Logo: El Dragón, el Fénix y el Sol entrelazados se convierten en símbolos de fuerza, transformación y disciplina. Cada uno de estos elementos nos inspira a superar los desafíos, encontrar la belleza en el espíritu guerrero y renacer con determinación. _"En la quietud del alba, el Fénix renace de sus cenizas, el Dragón danza con gracia y el sol ilumina el camino. Así también, en las artes marciales, encontramos la resiliencia, la elegancia y la energía que nos guía hacia la maestría."_ 🤜🫷☯️ 🌅🔥🐉 #taijiquan #taichichuan #martialarts #artesmarciales #wushu #dragon #fenix #sol #taichi #qigong #kungfu

4/30/2024, 12:47:06 AM

CHI KUNG ou QI GONG_ significa chi (energia vital) e kung (domínio). Esta prática terapêutica está dentro da Medicina Tradicional Chinesa – MTC. Altera e controla o movimento da energia vital dentro do organismo, gerando qualidade de vida e longevidade física. A origem desta artes corporal chinesa data da dadinastia de Song (960-1279); é atribuida ao taoísta Lu Dunbing, mestre da alquimia e integrante do grupo dos “oito imortais” (ba xien); e ao general Yue Fei, criador de doze séries de exercícios para fortalecer os guerreiros. O tai chi chuan é um chi kung marcial, o lian kung é um chi kung terapêutico. O chi kung terapêutico, tem o objetivo de trabalhar e harmonizar a circulação energética e vitalização dos órgãos através de repetições precisas de movimentos, projetados especificamente para beneficiar a saúde. O número oito (ba), simboliza a abrangência da uma atuação terapêutica sobre o corpo físico, emocional e mental. Os movimentos focam em abrir e alongar suavemente as articulações e os músculos do corpo, liberando tensões instaladas. Aumentando o fluxo de sangue e energia, eles ajudam a nutrir todas as partes do corpo. Os benefícios do Qi Gong, ou Chi Kung, são diversos: • Harmoniza, fortalece e tem um efeito curativo no funcionamento de todos os órgãos internos e sistema endócrino; • Aumenta o fluxo de energia em todo corpo, contribuindo para estabilização da pressão arterial e tratamento de dores crônicas; • Rejuvenesce prevenindo doenças e aumentando a resistência imunológica; • Alivia estresse e ansiedade, induzindo a estados mentais e emocionais calmos, e um sono tranquilo e restaurador; • Fortalece a auto-estima, amplia a consciência corporal, autoconhecimento, dentre outros; A prática terapêutica regular é fácil e agradável, e produz um efeito revigorante para todo o corpo e seus diversos sistemas (nervoso, digestivo, respiratório, circulatório,esquelético-muscular, hormonal, ginecológico, etc.), ajudando na cura de uma grande variedade de lesões e doenças crônicas e agudas. Aulas presenciais e on-line Contato: 51.98925.7554 ⛩️ #qigong #chikong #terapiachinesa #praticacorporalterapeutica

4/30/2024, 12:32:17 AM

Waiest Qigong Spirit Warrior ~ The Temple Of Your Mind: .Waiest Qigong ~ Mental and Fitness Training ~ The Art of your Journey! Follow no one yet learn from everyone.  .Everywhere is your temple .Universal life is your teacher .Every breath is your guru .Learn to be at one with nature and with the life energy that flows all around you, that flows through all things. Mean and rude people and troubling situations are not your enemy. They are practice to help forge the focus of your mental discipline. Peace & Kindness ✌🏼👽✌🏼 . . @thebeardedhippiewizard #art #music #Waiest #Qigong #Chi #Meditation #HomeStudy #art #painting #arts #artist #artstudio #thebeardedhippiewizard #Peace #Kindness #Nature #Garden #Kungfu #vikings #Fitness

4/30/2024, 12:14:03 AM

Wer den heutigen “Holz im Frühling” Tag – den 30.04.2024 – ausgleichen möchte, erhält über die 5 Elemente und deren Wandlungsphasen vielfältige Möglichkeiten dazu. Heute ist insbesondere das Element Feuer günstig. Welche Möglichkeiten der Harmonisierung haben wir? Aktivierung der Elemente durch: • Bewegung (Qigong) • Ernährung (5-Elemente Ernährung) • Wellness Anwendungen (TCM) • Gestaltung der Umgebung (Feng Shui) • Verhalten (BaZi Suanming) Erfahre mehr hierzu auf https://time2.care #time2care4me #30April2024 #KOMMEinBALANCE #5elemente #ElementFeuer #KlimaTag #günstig #Balance #Harmonie #Lebensenergie #Harmonisierung #Ausgleich #Aktivierung #Qigong #5ElementeErnährung #BaZiSuanming #Geomantie #FengShui

4/30/2024, 12:10:03 AM

✨️Frase Maestra ☯️ ▪️El Dr. Mario Schwarz es Director y fundador de la Escuela de Naturoterapias Argentina. ▪️Profesor de Tai Chi Chuan desde 1977. Estudio bajo la tutela del Maestro Ma Tsun Kuen y continuó su aprendizaje con el Maestro Jou Tsung Hwa. ▪️Actualmente es discípulo del Maestro Yang Jwing Ming. ▪️Es Presidente del Colegio de Acupuntores y naturoterapeutas de la Argentina y Director se la Asociación de Artes Marciales Yang, donde se practican estilos internos y externos de artes marciales chinas. 🔺️El Qi correcto es el que le otorga al cuerpo el calor justo. Un calor excesivo genererafuego en los tejidos, es decir, una inflamación. Esto se lo conoce en MTCH como estancamiento de energía. 🔺️Este fuego a su vez generará inquietud emocional, como la ira o la euforia, que nos desgastará y quemará por dentro, consumiendo así nuestra energía. 🔺️Una respiración adecuada y profunda nos evitaría todo esto... Gracias por leer 🙏 ✨️Si querés conocer y aprender como regular tu respiración, te invito a participar de las PRÁCTICAS SEMANALES DE CHI KUNG ☯️ 📍Más info en la BIO o por MD📍 #chikung #qigong #chi #energia #salud #bienestar #marioschwarz #arte #armonia #yinyang #equilibrio #calma #respiracion #respirar

4/30/2024, 12:00:07 AM

You were built to fulfill great things, all you need to do is — 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 to them. When we choose the path to heal in the safe haven of nature, it’s an opportunity to come back home to ourselves. This 7-Day Yoga, Meditation, Sound Healing, Qigong, and hiking adventure will provide the space you need to regulate your nervous system. Give yourself the time to see the wounds that weren’t created by you. A journey to nurturing the inner child. Mother and Father Wound Healing work to guide your inner children into peace. Somatic exercises and therapies to help your body release the stagnancy. Cacao and Drum circle ceremonies to open your heart. Locally sourced plant-based meals to nourish your vessel. Secluded waterfalls and lush forest to envelop you as you rest in the jungle. Explore ancient petroglyphs as you connect to the fertility of the land and ocean. Immerse yourself in the biophony and energy of this spiritual sanctuary. Awaken your self-healing abilities. Awaken your creativity. Awaken to your authentic self. 🔗 in bio for more info + full itinerary 🔗 🌊 2 new excursions added! 🌊 #cuevadelindio #riolaplanta ompeaceyogi.com/yoga-retreats message me with any questions or to book 🫶🏼 . . . #awaken #retreat #yogaretreat #pr #puertorico #utuado #yoga #qigong #soundhealing #traumahealing #forest #hiking #plantbased #ompeaceyogi

4/29/2024, 11:45:25 PM

Neste sábado temos mais um encontro do GRUPO DE ESTUDOS - FILOSOFIA CHINESA! Onde explorar juntos as profundezas da filosofia chinesa e sua influência sobre a vida, a Medicina Chinesa e as práticas corporais tradicionais, como Kung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan e Qi Gong. Nesse ciclo estamos dedicados à leitura e discussão do clássico Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching), uma das obras fundamentais do pensamento chinês, sob a orientação dos professores @jamilaithaia @fisio_rodrigogiovanella @nabyllafiori Os encontros ocorrem sempre nos 1º e 3º sábados de cada mês, das 8h às 9h. Taxa de participação mensal: R$50 para quem já é nosso aluno e R$70 para o público externo; matrícula: R$30,00. Você pode iniciar a qualquer momento🍀 Solicite o link de inscrição e o Pix para pagamento (41)99988-0325 #taoteching #taichi #qigong #kungfu #iching #mtc #acupunturacuritiba #acupuntutura #sabedoria #filosofiachinesa #medicinachinesa  #daodejing #entenderavida #meditacao #jinglife

4/29/2024, 11:41:38 PM

Taller ☯️🙌🏻 #taichi #taiji #qigong #chikung #copiapoatacama

4/29/2024, 11:38:13 PM

Are you ready to start Tai Chi training or to take your Tai Chi to the next level? We offer Clear Style Tai Chi Chuan Forms, Qigong (Chi Kung), Neigong (Nei Kung), Internal Push Hands, Martial Applications, and more. www.NewJerseyTaiChi.com (Link in bio) #taichi #taichichuan #taiji #taijiquan #qigong #chikung #neigong #neikung #pushhands #cleartaichi @cleartaichi

4/29/2024, 11:07:22 PM

Alcuni momenti di pratica in occasione della Giornata Mondiale del Tai Chi e Qi Gong. Sapevate che queste due discipline sono patrimonio UNESCO? Venitele a provare! Lezioni aperte e gratuite nei parchi di Jesi ed Ancona! #taiji #ancona #jesi #qigong

4/29/2024, 11:00:00 PM

Interested in taking a first step towards more harmony in your health and a balanced lifestyle? Your health is your greatest wealth! Contact us today, online and in-person consultation available. #wellness #health #balance #harmony #theharmonyplace #nairobi #california #kenya #natural #acupuncture #nutritionalcounseling #holistic #wholistic #integrativemedicine #energy #energymedicine #qi #qigong #healingarts

4/29/2024, 10:57:51 PM

»See through the Dragon Head«   soundscape: @wib_________ HD video, 9:16, 27 min 2024   On view at my solo show »2Dbody3Dcode« 12.04.–01.06.2024 @philippvonrosen »See through the Dragon Head« shows parts of the ancient Qi Gong dragon form to question the current relation between the human body and the perception of space in the realm of the current use of technology. In the dragon form the hands stand for the dragon heads. In the performance one of the hands is holding a smart phone, which films the movements in slow-motion, while at the same time being moved in space. In the sequence the smart phone camera slides around the body and entangles the performer and per casted shadow with the seaside surrounding, representing the Chinese elements water (sea) – earth (sand) – wood (trees) – fire (sun) and metal (smart phone). The Qi Gong teaching holds a deep knowledge of the perception of space. In its forms a very detailed idea of moving bodies in three-dimensional space and its inner and outer relation is inscribed. The video work ponders what will happen with this kind of physical knowledge in the near future, in a time in which daily life increasingly happens in front of screens and in virtual spaces. With a reference to early feminist video art of the 60s, »See through the Dragon Head« continues the endeavor of the relation between the body and recording technology from a queer non-binary angle.  Thank you to my wonderful teachers Stev @xuan_gongfu and @keremshemi for teaching me the dragon form in it’s depth and so much more about living with Gong Fu. #rebeccaanntess #wibketiarks#2dbody3dcode #künstlerhauslukas#kuenstlerhaus_ahrenshoop #schlossbalmoral #philippvonrosen #contemporaryphotography #photography #photographyexhibition #xuangongfu #wudangkungfu #qigong

4/29/2024, 10:53:06 PM

We must claim our inner authority and sovereignty💬⬇️ For most of our lives, we have been governed by the external. Societal standards and other people have influenced our relation to independence. Yet, we must realize that we have the freedom to deny their attempts of control at any given time. Our innate strength is non-compliance to the rulers. They can only get as far as we allow it. We have the autonomy to withdraw consent. The true power is the sovereign will of the people and our ability to question and discern what is right and wrong. The clarity and conviction of our self-determination is sacred in a world full of blind followers! -PLB

4/29/2024, 10:45:09 PM

Qigong (Chi Kung) means cultivating energy. Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice (similar to Tai Chi) that uses soft, circular movements while standing. The gentle pace heightens this meditative and mindful experience to let your energy flow. QiGong stimulates the body, mind, and energy while practicing balance, strength, and flexibility. How to find us: Meet at Crown Beach, at the end of McKay Ave., on the grass. #qigong #alamedaqigongmeetup #alameda #yoga

4/29/2024, 10:43:19 PM

*Early Bird ends Wednesday* Join us in the Firelight Tipi on Lopemead Farm to celebrate Summer Solstice under the Capricorn Full Moon 🌕 Sarahmooneyjones.com #lunarcycle #moonceremonies #cacao #cacaoceremonies #mumacacao #spiritofcacao #reiki #energyexercises #fullmoon #dayretreat #summersolstice #plantmedicine# #balance #clarity #release #selfhealing #qigong #retreat #higherpurpose #intentionalliving #qigong #fireceremony #connection

4/29/2024, 10:42:51 PM

Spring in the soul and around *** Falun Dafa (Falungong) is an advanced practice of cultivation based on assimilation of the highest qualities of the universe - Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. #falundafa #falungong #meditation #falundafaisgood #фалуньдафа #法轮功 #qigong #法轮大法

4/29/2024, 10:13:19 PM

Breath Practice: The breath is the source of all vitality. It gets faster when you are stressed. It slows down when you feel safe and relaxed. Notice That .. If we take a moment and truly just settle and relax, the breath will regulate itself and when you need energy it comes to your aid. It is powerful and subtle at the same time. This is the true nature of the breath. Smooth, steady, deep and even. If you feel like you're off balance or a little stressed...STOP. Put on the brakes and slow your world, even for a minute. A minute is a long time ...to STOP... if you're spinning. Feel your feet...soften your shoulders and your chest, let your body be soft. Bring your awareness to your belly and feel it expand and relax. It's naturally like a balloon, expansive and flexible. It can regulate your body systems and heal you from the inside out. Your blood pressure, heart rate, and circulation, all are impacted by slow and steady breathing...and ultimately, we can create relaxation and balance internally. It can regulate your emotions and stabilize your central nervous system. This is essential in a world that challenges kindness and slowness. The beauty of it all is......It is always available to us. #pathofspiritualboxing #qigong #meditation #spiritboxer #breathpractice #selfregulation #jeditraining #mentorship

4/29/2024, 10:11:33 PM

Lerne Qi Gong in Goslar und Bad Harzburg. Melde Dich jetzt an unter www.pure-lebenskraft.de Kostenloser Onlinekurs und Podcast unter www.kungfucoach.de PROFESSIONELLER WISSENSTRANSFER VON DEN MEISTERN AUS HONG KONG Chi Gong ist eine jahrhundertealte chinesische Praxis, die Körper, Geist und Seele vereint. Durch sanfte Bewegungen, Atemtechniken und Meditation fördert es die Lebensenergie und innere Balance. Die Vorteile von Chi Gong umfassen Stressabbau, verbesserte Flexibilität, gesteigerte Konzentration und ein gestärktes Immunsystem. Regelmäßiges Üben kann zu innerer Ruhe, mehr Gelassenheit und einem allgemeinen Gefühl des Wohlbefindens führen. Chi Gong ist eine wertvolle Methode, um die Gesundheit zu unterstützen und ein bewusstes, erfülltes Leben zu führen. #ChiGong #Qigong #TaiChi #Entspannung #Meditation #Gesundheit #Fitness #Stressabbau #Wellness #Achtsamkeit #Energie #Harmonie #Körperbewusstsein #Selbstheilung #badharzburg #goslar

4/29/2024, 10:04:22 PM

JOin us on Saturdays for Theraputic Qi Gong Classes or on Thursday evenings for Circle Qi. Both programs run as a 5-class series we have now made them available to take a single class. Feel free to join us! Saturdays 10-11:15 am Thursdays 6:30-7:45 pm #qigong #freeclass #Stressrelease #Joyfulenergyshift #MandalaArt #northreadiingma #northreading #Boston #bostonwellness @angel369_insight

4/29/2024, 10:01:50 PM

Im Segen der Natur... #qigong #frauenqigong #mitdernatur #elements #5elements

4/29/2024, 10:00:41 PM

Eleva tu enfoque y claridad mental con Qigong 🌿✨ 🔍 En el mundo acelerado de hoy, la concentración es clave para el éxito profesional. 🌱 Qigong, con sus movimientos meditativos, te ayuda a mejorar la concentración y a manejar el estrés diario. 🚀 Visualiza tu día con más calma, control y una mente clara. 👤 Desliza para ver cómo el Qigong puede ayudarte y únete a nuestras clases exclusivas para jóvenes profesionales. ¡Comienza tu camino hacia un rendimiento óptimo hoy! https://centromarcialcr.com/nuestro-blog/tai-chi-chuan-los-fundamentos-de-esta-antigua-forma-de-ejercicio-y-meditacion-en-movimiento.html #Qigong #Concentración #JóvenesProfesionales #SaludMental #Bienestar #SifuLaTouche🙏

4/29/2024, 10:00:13 PM

Siendo uno mismo, te puedes fijar en alguien que admiras pero nunca olvidarte de tu esencia, de tu Qi(energía). Solo los que muestran la verdad, conecta profundamente con su Qi y se convierte en lo que realmente es. . . #qigong #chikung #mtc #medicinatradicionalchina #saludybienestar

4/29/2024, 9:56:24 PM

Accept. Appreciate. #qigong #shaolinkungfu #taichi

4/29/2024, 9:50:46 PM

Upcoming seminars with Mu Yuchun http://www.zhengongfu.org/association/upcoming-seminars/ #muyuchun #health #massage #magnet #taiji #tcm #taijiquan #qigong #wellbeing #wellness #holistic #holistichealth #longevity #yoga #energiepositive #santénaturelle #santéetbienêtre #corpssain #medecinechinoise #mouvement #BodyAwareness #somatiques #aimant #magnet #wushu #bagua #seminar

4/29/2024, 9:48:59 PM

Im Naturpark Schöneberg fand das Element Holz statt. Qigong, Frauenkreis, Austausch #qigong #elements #frauenqigong #qigongfürdieleber #qigongforliver

4/29/2024, 9:46:24 PM

Started Kung Fu class last year (September 2023) and I really loved it because there is a philosophy and a spirit behind this Chinese martial art #martial arts #kungfu #brucelee #fitnessmotivation #fitness #kickboxing #chaolin #chinamartialarts #mentalhealth #qigong #qigongpractice #warriorspirit #warriormindset #warriormind

4/29/2024, 9:45:58 PM

𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝟑 𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬: 🪷Meditation: Dedicate a few minutes each day to meditation, focusing on your breath or observing your thoughts without judgment. This practice cultivates mindfulness by training your mind to be present in the moment and enhancing self-awareness. 🪷Mindful Movement: Engage in activities like yoga or walking meditation, where you can focus on the sensations of movement and the present moment. By bringing awareness to your body and surroundings during physical activity, you can cultivate mindfulness and deepen your connection to the present. 🪷Daily Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine by practicing activities such as mindful eating, mindful listening, or gratitude journaling. 𝐃𝐌 𝐨𝐫 𝐄𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥 📧 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 🌎 #breathwork #bodywellness #meditation #resistence #mind #soul #body #peace #nature #spirit #balance #healthyeating #healthylife #healthymindset #healthychoices #coldforhealth #sobriety  #Veterans   #breathwork  #yoga  #coldplunge  #sauna  #infraredsauna  #fmacetraining  #qigong  #meditate  #mindfulness  #coach #addiction #sober

4/29/2024, 9:45:55 PM

Jahreskreis für Frauen im Element Holz, die Wut und den Ärger anerkennen, die Tigerin im Qigong #qigong #frauenqigong #tigerqigong

4/29/2024, 9:43:55 PM

Jahreskreis für Frauen Element Holz #qigong #qigongforwomen #zifagong

4/29/2024, 9:41:36 PM

Wilde Köstlichkeiten Im Jahreskreis für Frauen #Frauen #frauenqigong #qigong #wildherbs #herbsforliver #womensqigong

4/29/2024, 9:37:47 PM

Join me for the last workshop of the season..get your Spring going and your body, breath and spirit in harmony! WEDNESDAY, MAY 1ST 5:30-7PM Register at Belmont Yoga Barn! #qigong #QiYog #chinesemedicine #yoga

4/29/2024, 9:28:14 PM

🍀Don’t worry, Be happy 🍀 Happy hikers, happy togetherness, happy trails, happy vultures (we were in the Vultures’canyon, at Cortes de la Frontera), happy to be fully recharged, body and spirit. All fired up for the next wellness retreat at the end of June. Join us, if your heart calls for a big reset and you need to give more clarity or more directions to your life... going on a mindfulness retreat can be your best bet for boosting your dreams/missions or living in a state of gratitude and presence. 🌈Aloha🌈 #slowliving #retreat #yogaretreat #personaldevelopment #spiritualgrowth #yoga #qigong #mindfulness #maisonduchevalierdeshuttes #gite #aurillac

4/29/2024, 9:25:43 PM

Celebrate your inner divine feminine Thursday May 2 with an intimate women’s circle at my tranquil office in the Water Court. We will do guided meditation, breath work, qi cultivation, and oracle card readings. 6-8pm ~ Suggested Donation $30 @ 890 Hampshire Rd, Ste S, Westlake Village. Text me to RSVP 805-379-1108 With Love, Karen Laird Reid L.Ac. #oraclecards #womanscircle #pranayama #qigong #newmoon #spiritual #womanempowerment #heal #selfgrowth #emotionalwellbeing #shiftyourmindset #Personaldevelopmentjourney #divinefeminine

4/29/2024, 9:24:09 PM

BIOENERGÉTICA Teoría y Aplicación MEDICINA TRADICIONAL CHINA - Para sentirte bien . Nuevo enfoque de la teoría de la MTC, conocernos  para trabajar en la prevención de la salud. Aplicación en la práctica de meditación, Chi Kung y Tai Chi como terapias preventivas y estabilizadoras. . DIRIGIDO A: A todas las personas que deseen conocer cómo funciona su cuerpo, su energía, su vitalidad y su relación con las emociones y la mente.   Profesionales, estudiantes, practicantes con o sin conocimientos previos.   . A CARGO DE: Norma Rey, Odontóloga Diplomada en Medicina Tradicional China Adriana Vellegal, Directora fundadora de ConCiencia TAI CHI, M° de Tai Chi y Chi Kung . DURACIÓN 3 meses 3 Jornadas intensivas de 3 hs. el segundo sábado del mes . MODALIDAD: Presencial el segundo sábado de cada mes Online diferido con acceso a clases grabadas. . INICIA: el sábado 11 de Mayo a las 13:30 hs.  *los módulos serán rotativos, sin embargo recomendamos comenzar con el primero o el segundo para comprender mejor los conceptos al llegar al tercer modulo que tratara en parte de la aplicación. . LUGAR: Juramento 1669, 1°piso Galería Paseo de la Recova Barrio Chino - Barrancas de Belgrano . Consultar COSTO INVERSIÓN promo en efectivo  . Bioenergética: Teoría y Aplicación PARTE 1 Cosmogonía parte 1:  * Yin- Yang * Los cinco elementos y su relación con los órganos. Fisiología parte 1:  * Cómo funciona nuestra energía y su relación: cuerpo - emoción - mente. . @adrianavellegal @conciencia.taichi . Te esperamos! . ConCiencia TAI CHI Escuela Integral de Tai Chi & Chi Kung . ESTAMOS en Juramento 1669, 1°piso en el Barrio Chino de Belgrano. CITA PREVIA Contáctanos antes de venir enviándonos un mensaje escrito por WhatsApp al 1154703440 (Solo mensajes por favor, no siempre podemos atender llamadas) O escribimos a: [email protected] ❤️ . #concienciataichimarcaregistrada #concienciataichi #taichi #chikung #taichichikung #qigong # Energy #energia #respirar #salud #equilibrio #armonia #flexibilidad #concentracion #meditacion #meditacionenmovimiento #bioenergética #movimientoconsciente #mtc #medicinatradicionalchina #tradiciónchina  #b

4/29/2024, 9:16:31 PM

AS A LEADER, AS HIGH AS THE NECESSITY THERE IS FOR TRUST. IS ALSO THE NECESSITY OF RESPECT. • • • ⛩️🏝️ WARRIOR TEMPLE ISLAND UNIVERSITY 🏝️⛩️ Start Your Journey Today, Tmrw Not Guaranteed Warrior Ki-Do Temple: Way Of The Warrior Spirit Martial Arts Programs For All Experience Lvlz Dr. Moses Powell • Sanuces Ryu Jujitsu 👊🏾 The Island Monk • Sacred Lion Tai Qi Gong ☯️ ☎️ 917 767 9786 🌐 www.WarriorKiDo.com 💻 [email protected] #WelcomeToTheIsland #WarriorTribe #Master #BreathWork #TaiChi #QiGong #EnergyWork #MartialArtsKids #WomenEmpowerment #WarriorKiDoTemple #WayOfTheWarriorSpirit #Sanuces #Warrior #Brooklyn #NYC #WestPalmBeach #FortLauderdale #Miami #Florida #Trinidad #SacredLionTaiQiGong #Art #Family #Beach #TheIslandMonk #SurvivalSafetySummit #HigherEducation #WarriorTempleIslandUniversity

4/29/2024, 9:14:18 PM

🙋🏽 #imho, yoga is both a practice and a lifestyle. When we experience its capacity to build loving presence in our physical body, energetic body, heart-mind body, elemental body, and spiritual body, we receive greater fluency in relationships of healing. So we practice things like · Asana (postures) to get a sense of our physical capacity and energetic snapshot of the moment · Pranayama (breathing) to build relationship between nervous-system and heart-mind connection · Ayurveda to understand how we are elementally in company with our environment · Meditation to enliven our spirit These are practices, yes… but their fullness lies in the way they allow us to inhabit our bodies, our life. #yoga #qigong #acupuncture #creativity #healing #culture #somatics #vancouver

4/29/2024, 9:02:15 PM

Just over a week until the beginners Qigong class starts at Westerham Hall! In a modern world where our attention is being stolen, Qigong is a an effective tool to dampen ‘over thinking’ and bring us back to our bodies and encourage presence. The ability to be present has many benefits in every day life from managing daily stress to improving sporting performance. Qigong is fantastic for: - relaxation - improving balance - managing stress - lower blood pressure - improving energy - improving overall health and vitality This will be a weekly Qigong class, every Tuesday 1.30 - 2.30pm with another class running straight afterwards 2.30-3.30pm. The dates are: May 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th June 4th and 11th This 6 week class will cover: - Moving, standing and seated meditation - More energy, less stress - Great way to relax your mind and body - A sequence of simple mind/body movements that cultivate energy and focus your mind - Simple breathing, grounding and relaxation techniques - Basic postural work For more information or to book your place click here click on link in bio or use the link below: https://healthtribe.co.uk/healthtribes-holistic-services/qigong-classes/ No experience is required, movements are very gentle. To book a place click here - https://healthtribe.co.uk/healthtribes-holistic-services/qigong-classes/ Send me a message if you have any questions 😀 #qigong #tachi #qi #qigongclass #energy# #relaxation movementmeditation #breathwork #mindfulmovement #nature #connection #sevenoaks #westerham #westerhamvillage #classoming

4/29/2024, 9:01:28 PM

When the master makes a mistake, he realizes it. Having realized it, he admits it. Having admitted it, he corrects it. He doesn’t get offended by the ones who point out his faults. Instead, he treats them as his generous teachers. He catches himself when he’s not giving his best, and then he fixes it. He treats every faulty realization as an opportunity to increase self-awareness and become better, not an excuse to feel down. (via fourminutebooksummary) #taoteching #laotzu #tao #taoism #meditation #zen #daodejing #taoist #daoism #dao #yinyang #mindfulness #laozi #philosophy #spirituality #qigong #taichi #buddhism #buddha #yoga #taoismo #wisdom #iching #peace #meditationquotes #zenbuddhism #consciousness #meditationpractice #laotzuquotes #meditate

4/29/2024, 9:00:55 PM

10 consejos para una crisis de pareja 4. Ponte en su lugar Leer la nota completa en: https://taouniversitymexico.blogspot.com/2024/04/10-consejos-para-una-crisis-de-pareja_25.html #taichi #qigong #chikung #tao #taoismo #saludmental #pareja #taouniversity

4/29/2024, 9:00:17 PM

Recuerdo de una hermosa práctica, con la Maestra Ana Wu y con el Profesor-Discípulo Leandro Rearte, en su última visita a la Argentina. #qigong #taijiquan

4/22/2024, 1:22:33 AM

Из архива: В 2017 году я принял участие в мастер-классе с выдающимся мастером Чжан Пэнфэй по Чжунгун Цигун. Этот курс стал важным этапом в моём пути самооздоровления и духовного развития. 🌀 Чжунгун Цигун — это древняя и эффективная практика, направленная на улучшение здоровья и самосознания через гармонизацию духа и тела. В ходе мастер-класса я освоил три ступени: Первая ступень — изучение основ самооздоровления и профилактики. Вторая ступень — глубокое погружение в методы внутреннего самопознания. Третья ступень — развитие способностей к единению с природой и вселенной, открытие внутренних сверхспособностей. 💫 Я получил не только теоретические знания, но и практические навыки управления энергией Ци, что позволяет мне достигать внутренней гармонии и улучшать качество жизни. 🎉 Мастер Чжан Пэнфэй, почетный председатель Мировой китайской ассоциации и наследник богатой традиции, передал мне уникальные методики, разработанные на основе многолетних исследований и практики. 🏆 Под руководством мастера Чжан Пэнфэя, я смог раскрыть свои потенциалы и значительно продвинуться в практике Цигун. Этот опыт оказал неоценимое влияние на моё развитие и жизненный путь. Благодарю мастера Чжана Пэнфэя за его мудрость и преданность искусству Цигун! #чжунгунцыгун #мастеркласс #ЧжанПэнфэй #самосовершенствование #духовноеразвитие #единение #цыгун #практика #selfimprovement #healing #qigong

4/4/2022, 10:15:49 AM