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. 「穏やかな笑みがこぼれるアロマティックピュアワイン」 【Vuela Paloma de Plata Godello ブエラ・パロマ・デ・プラタ ゴデージョ】 輝きのあるレモンイエロー。甘やかなリンゴや洋梨、白い花などの優しい香り。程よい酸味とミネラル感、新鮮な葡萄本来の果実味が絶妙なバランスを織りなす、濃厚で広がりがある味わい深いアロマティックピュアワイン。 ▼お買い求めはプロフィールのリンクからお願いいたします。 @sukoruni_wine #スペインワイン #白ワイン #wine #vin #spanishwine #whitewine #vinoespañol #vinoblanco #winelover #ワイン好きな人と繋がりたい #スコルニワイン #sukoruni #東京 #青山 #赤坂 #ワイン #ワイングラス #ワイン好き #お酒 #お酒好き #ワインのある暮らし #ワイン会 #スペイン #ワインに合う料理 #ワインのお供 #お酒好きな人と繋がりたい #ワイン大好き #ワイン女子 #ワインラバー #ワインスタグラム

4/29/2024, 12:00:31 PM

The first vintage of Barón de Chirel, in 1986, was a response to the growing interest in fine-quality Riojas. 🇪🇸 Since the outset, Marqués de Riscal has had very close ties with the winemaking methods of Bordeaux. 🤓⁣ ⁣ At around that time Marqués de Riscal was working with a consultant named Professor Guy Guimberteau, successor to Émile Peynaud, who in his Bordeaux oenological training also had Francisco Hurtado de Amézaga as a student. Later, in 1997, Paul Pontallier, director general of one of the five Bordeaux premiers crus, Château Margaux, also joined. From this relationship sprang the idea of making an experimental wine which would revive the grandeur of those mythical Médoc Reservas brought right up to date with the technology and resources of the 20th century. 💫⁣ ⁣ Tag two Rioja lovers.⁣ _____⁣ 🍷 Marqués de Riscal Barón de Chirel Reserva 2015 - #Spain⁣ 📷 @winespaniard⁣ ⁣ #winerylovers #barondechirel #tempranillo #marquesderiscal #rioja #spanishwine #redwine #drink #instawine via @wein.welt

4/29/2024, 12:00:01 PM

¡Bienvenidos a Bélgica, el país de la cerveza, del chocolate y… de los tapones de vino #Nomacorc 🍷! ¡Gracias al equipo @vinventions y los compañero/as de viaje! Durante la semana visitamos el centro de producción de Thimister-Clermont🇧🇪 y profundizamos en todos los detalles de taponar los vinos. Una decisión importante como la de elegir que cierre necesita tu vino no se debe dejar al azar, y donde incide Vinventions con su experiencia de más de 25 años, asesorando y ayudando a enólogos a mejorar sus botellas, alargar la vida útil del vino y a ser más sostenibles en la producción de vino 🙌♻️🌿💧 #vinventions #nomacorc #tapones #vino #winelover #winetasting #wineexperience #wineeducation #bodegas #enologia #enologo #winecorks #ecopackaging #winepackaging #spanishwine

4/29/2024, 11:53:36 AM

🇪🇸 Mont Reaga, Myosu Blanco Verdejo 2021 (몬 레아가, 묘수 블랑코 베르데호) ​Spain > Castilla La Mancha Verdejo 🥂 날이 슬슬 더워지기 시작하면 맥주 대신 마실 요량으로 고민 없이 오픈할만한 ₩8,000 ~ 25,000 이하의 화이트 와인을 몇 병 쟁여두곤 하는데, ​ 사전 정보가 없을 경우 저가 화이트에서 가장 믿을만한 선택은 다름 아닌 스페인 와인이다. (이때는 호기심도 발동하여 ”실패해도 상관없다“는 심정도 발현됨 ㅎ) ​ 이것도 처음 보는 것인데 떼루아에서 ₩13,900에 구매한 것. ​ ​ 스토즐 레드와인 글라스로 테이스팅. ​ Medium Yellow 컬러. ​ 모과, 배, 백후추, 레몬필의 노트. 팔렛에서는 Medium 바디, 중간 산도, 경쾌함을 더해주는 미네랄. 말린 배, 감초, 복숭아, 노란꽃, 젖은 돌 등의 풍미. ​ 깊이감을 기대하긴 어렵고 코어도 다소 빈 느낌이나, 밸런스가 볼만하고 딱히 모난 데가 없기에 가격을 감안하면 제 역할은 하고도 남는 듯. ​ 추천. ​ 89. 비노파라다이스 수입품. ​ #wine #vino #vin #wein #vinho #winestagram #instawine #winelover #winetime #wineoclock #winelife #winetasting #winery #spanishwine #spain #castillalamancha #verdejo #montreaga #whitewine #와인 #와인스타그램 #와인테이스팅 #인스타와인 #스페인와인 #스페인 #카스티야라만차 #베르데호 #화이트와인 #비노파라다이스

4/29/2024, 11:32:30 AM

May Event 🍷🍷🍷 Our friends @spanishwinebyultracomida are back with us on May 23rd to showcase all things Castilla y Leon 🇪🇸 Join us for a 6 course tasting menu, paired with beautiful wines from the region. Tickets are £70 person and the dinner will be held in our Panel Room from 7pm. Head to our stories for the direct booking link and to check out the menu. Looking forward to this! . #thepriory #thepriorycaerleon #winedinner #winetasting #tastingdinner #tastingmenu #spanishwine #spanishfood #castillayleon #winelovers #firefood #southwales #welshfoodie #welshfoodies

4/29/2024, 11:20:58 AM

#spain #bodegacerron 4대째 같은 지역에서 와인을 생산하고 있는 보데가 쎄론 1989년 아버지께서 프랑스 여행을 하며 샤르도네를 맛보고 좋은 와인을 생산하고자 했다고 하는데요🇪🇸 . 1989년부터 현재까지 와이너리에서 직접 재배한 포도를 사용해 보데가 쎄론만의 매력으로 와인을 만들고 있습니다 지난번에 소개해드렸듯이 무더운 날씨에서 모나스트렐을 생산하는 지역인 후미야에 위치하고 있으며 흔히 접하는 진한 스타일이 아니라서 너무 놀랐던 테이스팅이었어요! . 특히 필록세라의 영향이 없어 접붙이기 방식을 하지않고 있어 어떻게 보면 날씨로 인해 좋은 영향을 받았다는 생각이 들었습니다. (Pie-Franco : 신대륙 품종을 접목 시키지 않은 원시 품종을 의미) . Remordimiento White 2023 Chardonnay 100% 레몬, 감귤, 복숭아, 높은 미네랄, 짭짤한, 깔끔하게 떨어지던 피니시 뉴오크 20%, 푸드레(5,000L) 80% (헝가리, 오스트리아) 8월말~9월초 포도수확, 자갈토, 석회암토양 아뮤즈부쉬의 단새우와 너무 잘 어울렸던만큼 해산물과의 조화가 좋았고 또 짭짤한 미네랄 덕분에 입맛을 제대로 돋아주었던 스타트☺️ . Matas Altas Blanco 2022 Iren 60% Macabeo 40% 잘 익은듯한 복숭아의 진한 과실향과 열대과일의 느낌이 잘 느껴지던 신선하기도 했지만 품종 특성때문인지 꽃향과 열대과일의 향이 꽤나 잘 다가오던 화이트로 기억에 남았습니다. 특별히 준비해주신🫶🏻 . Matas Altas Tinto 2022 Monastrell 85~90 필드블렌드 모라비아 아그리아, 블랑키아 등 식재 포도줄기 20~25% 사용, 기존 모나스트렐과는 확연히 다른 스타일 자두, 바이올렛, 야생향, 흙, 클린, 산도, 미네랄, 프레쉬 1개월간 1차발효 후에 12개월 10,000L 중고오크에서 숙성합니다. 확실히 진하고 깊은 모나스트렐이 아닌 맑고 투명한듯한 느낌이라 ‘아, 이건 정말 다른 스타일이구나!’ 잔을 따르실때부터 느끼실수 있어요! . Remordiniendo Red 2022 Monastrell Garnacha 검붉은 과실, 자두, 향신료, 허브, 서서히 풀릴수록 마시기 편해지던 앞에 마타스 알타스 스타일 보다는 흔히 마시는 모나스트렐이 느껴지지만 가르나차와의 블렌딩으로 좋은 과실의 캐릭터만 잘 살린 느낌👍🏻 . La Servil 2022 Monastrell, Maravia, Blanquilla, Forcallat, Bonicaire, Bobal 동쪽끝에 위치하고 있는 빈야드, 720~960m 북향 검붉은과실, 블랙체리, 허브, 자두, 감초, 검붉은 과실로 만든 캔디같던 와인을 알아가는 시간이 즐거웠던 테이스팅이라고 꼭 소개하고싶던 국내에 들어오는 와인은 아니지만 보데가 쎄론 디너를 위해 준비해주셔서 미수입 와인을 맛볼수 있었습니다. 하나 하나 보물같았던 리스트🍷 . 개인적으로 너무 추천드리고 싶은 와인을 하나만 꼽으라면 Remordiniendo Red 2022를 추천드리고싶어요✨✨✨ 모나스트렐을 이렇게 풀어낼수도 있구나라는 생각도 들지만 와인이 가진 캐릭터들이 진하지 않고 맑고 투명하게 느껴져서 그런지 테이스팅 후에 계속 생각이 나더라구요💜 매그넘으로 마셔서 더 쪼아! . 하나 하나 잘 설명드리고 싶었는데 혹시나 설명이 부족하시다면 @butler_seongsu 로 가시면 대표님께서 전체 라인 모두 설명 가능하십니다. (살며시 토스..!) . 스페인 지역을 요즘 하나, 둘 더 깊이 알아가면서 아직 공부가 안된 지역들도 얼른 더 맛보고싶다는 생각이 들더라구요🥹 이론에 기반해서 한 번 소개하는 자리도 만들어 보겠습니다! . @bodega_cerron @innit_seoul . . #spanishwine #winetasting #monastrell #redwine #스페인와인 #레드와인추천 #모나스트렐 #디아비노 #보데가쎄론

4/29/2024, 10:56:38 AM

¡El día de la madre está a la vuelta de la esquina! 🙌🏽 Dedícale tiempo del bueno, prepara una comida especial hecha con cariño, como la de ella y que no falte un Buuen Vino. ¡Y con VALENCISO triunfarás! Elige el blanco o el rosado, ambos reconocidos por su calidad y su excelente presentación. Gracias por tu confianza eligiendo VALENCISO para regalar o para disfrutar en compañía de tus seres queridos.💙 #Valenciso #bodega #corck #corcho #vinho #valencisorioja #winelover #winetasting #winetraveler #larioja #vineyard #winery #winemaker #rioja #riojawine #spanishwine #grandespagosdeespaña #winesfromspain #vineyardlife #ollauri #sostenibilidad #sustainability #rosado #vinoteca #primavera #winerose #primaverayvino

4/29/2024, 10:20:08 AM

Decisions, decisions: Do we stop and smell the flowers or dive into our delicious rosé?💐🥂⁠ ⁠ #DiscoverBeronia #BeroniaWines #BestSharedWithFriends #SpanishWine #Rioja #RoséWine #WineTime #InstaWine #WineLovers #WineOClock

4/29/2024, 10:00:20 AM

🍷✨ Surprises are the sweetest - especially a bottle of Sherry - Amontillado 25 years!! 😍😍 @perezbarquerobodegas is a story of three brothers from the North of Spain, José, Julián, and Emilio Pérez Barquero, who founded the winery in 1905. This incredible bottle aged through an intricate solera system for a minimum of 25 years, resulting in a masterpiece of flavor. The finish is long and nutty, with hints of toffee and dried fruits 👅 #2 captures the essence of Gran Barquero’s heritage—a label adorned with a worker rolling barrels across waves, symbolizing their traditional production methods. “Casa Fundada en 1905” (House Founded in 1905), highlights that Bodegas Pérez Barquero’s over 100 year heritage as a historic Spanish Sherry House 🥹 🌟 #GranBarquero #Amontillado25Years #SherryLovers #SpanishWine #cheerstosurprises

4/29/2024, 9:42:18 AM

Our June public events are now live! We're exploring two fantastic wine regions. First up will be our Rueda tasting. Rueda is synonymous with Verdejo, but that's not all this region can do! Expect some delicious Verdejos of various styles alongside some lesser known counterparts. Perfect for summer. The following weekend, we'll have a special Somantano Sunday. Somontano is one of the lesser known wonder regions of Spain. Known for its use of classic French grapes like Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot, you can expect some crowd pleasing beauties that are sure to ignite your interest in Somontano as a wine making treasure. 🍷 Saturday 1st June - Rueda 🍷 Sunday 9th June - Somontano Tickets are on sale for all public events now. Fancy something more intimate? Our diary is filling up with private events for May and June, so get in touch if you'd like a private event! 🍇 🇪🇸 #malagafoodies #malaga #malagacity #costadelsol #wineclub #newwines #wineevents #catasdevino #spain #winesofspain #spanishwine #malagaevents #winelovers #andalucia #marbella #mijas #nerja #torremolinos

4/29/2024, 9:34:53 AM

As everyone told me, the food in Spain is fabulous, and everyone is on the money! First stop @7portes Classic tapas and incredible paella. A wonderful way to begin! @bodegasarzuaga @adriennebunting @ericabunting_ @sarah_g_b_ #barcelona #spain #7portes #ibericohamon #croquetas #paella #redwine #spanishwine #bodegasarzuaga

4/29/2024, 9:05:31 AM

👋 สวัสดี! ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ 🥘 Arroz Spanish Restaurant Bangkok ประสบการณ์อันน่ารื่นรมย์เกี่ยวกับ 🇪🇸 อาหารสเปนในกรุงเทพฯ 🧡 • 🥘 Arroz Spanish Restaurant Bangkok cook for you with love 🧡 • • • • • ARROZ - Bangkok - Spanish Restaurant - Paella - Tapas • • • • • #arroz #arrozbkk #arrozbangkok #paella #paellabkk #paellabangkok #อาหารสเปน #ร้านอาหารสเปน #tapasbkk #tapasbangkok #spanish #spanishfood #spanishwine #spanishrestaurant #spanishtapas #bangkok #bangkokrestaurants #bangkokfoodguide #bangkoktapas #bangkokfood #bangkokcafe #bangkokstuff #bangkokfoodies #topbangkokrestaurants #bangkokfoodie #bangkokeats #bangkokrestaurant #bangkokpremium #bangkokwine #bangkokwinebar

4/29/2024, 9:00:07 AM

A few of the many wines I tasted at @realwinefair yesterday. Spent most of the day trying Spanish and Italian wines but dipped briefly into France and Oregon. #realwinefair #naturalwine #londonwine #spanishwine #italianwine #winetasting #fattoriasanlorenzo #haciendagrimon #petnat #orangewine #skincontactwine

4/29/2024, 8:34:12 AM

3 dates set for our Flamenco nights 😍 05/05/24 also 19/05 /24 and 02/06/24. Limited availability for this Friday so make sure you book on time. #flamenco #dance #spanishfood #spanishwine #spanishtapas #tapas #tapaswithatwist #spainonaplate #spanishguitar #spanishcalture #spanishcouisine

4/29/2024, 7:24:21 AM

2022 Syrah Rosé from @paresbalta is delightfully deceptive! This wine is extremely dark for a rosé, fooling you into thinking it’s a red. Dry and light bodied, this wine is a jam blast with a hint of natural effervescence. This wine is 🥰 #wine #winetasting #winelover #winetime #winelovers #winenight #wino #wineenthuisiast #wset #spanishwine #syrah #spain #rosé #syrahrosé

4/29/2024, 5:48:52 AM

Dinner time.😋🍝🥂 #日曜日はパスタの日 今日は3人だから2種類パスタ #ウチにあるもので #フレッシュトマトとモッツァレラのパスタ ←冷凍しておいたモッツァレラといくつか残ってたトマトを使って(玉ねぎ、ベーコン入り) Pike Place Market にある #シアトルでは有名 な #beechers#macandcheese ←冷凍のをオーブンで👌🏼(スーパーにも売ってます) 昔はMac&cheeseなんて子供が食べるメニューじゃん🙄って思ってたけどこれを食べたら「このMac&cheeseは大人が食べるべき🧀」って感じた私の人生で今のところ1番の #マックアンドチーズ です ワインに合いまくりだから😙🍷🥂👌🏼 この間と盛り付けも全く同じ😅 #ケールのガーリックソテー 半分残ってたケール全部使えて良かった😋 #サラダ ←オリーブ、アーティチョーク、パプリカ、ベーコン、イタリアンパセリ、チーズ入り #今日のワイン は #スパニッシュワイン Sunday is pasta day. Today there are 3 of us, so 2 kinds of pasta. Pasta with fresh tomatoes and mozzarella ←onion and bacon also I used to think that Mac&cheese was just for kids, but after trying this, I realized that this Mac&cheese is the best Mac&cheese I’ve had in my life so far. This should be eaten by adults It goes well with wine.😙👍🏼🥂🍷 #pastasunday #sundaypasta #pasta #dinner #dinnerathome #dinnertime #homecooking #husbandisgerman #seattle #シアトル生活 #おうちごはん #ふたりごはん #旦那はドイツ人 #ドイツのワイングラス #germanwineglasses #spanishwine

4/29/2024, 5:04:01 AM

Its always exciting to taste a varietal wine for the first time. Two less familiar varietals I came across at the Abadal winery booth were Picapoll blanc & Mando (a red) grape varietals. Abadal Winery made it a point to grow more of these limited number vines and make single varietal wines from these grapes to acknowledge their long existence in Spain. This winery is located within the Pla de Bages DO appellation in Catalunya and this area is in fact one of Catalunya’s oldest wine producing area. The Abadal Picapoll blanc 2022 showed white floral notes, moderate acidity, grapefruit and herb flavours in the palate. It is fermented and aged on lees to add complexity to the body. The Abadal Mando 2021 had a light bodied fresh appeal. It showed berry and spice notes with a rounded texture. This wine is aged for 12 months; partially in oak barrels and partially in clay amphora. #spanishwine #dopladebages #picapollbanc #mando #winecommunication #sgwine #winesg #sgwinelover #spiceinwine #instawine #prowineasia #abadalwinery

4/29/2024, 4:29:24 AM

2024.3.15 / 보데가스 볼베르 배럴 셀렉션 싱글 빈야드 뗌쁘라니요 2020. 동네 아재들과 족발집에서 후루룩 마시기 좋았던 묵직 프루티한 뗌쁘. 2020 Bodegas Volver Barrel Selection Single Vineyard Tempranillo. Rich fruity Tempranillo, good with Jokbal(Braised Pig's Foot). #BodegasVolver #Volver #VolverSingleVineyardTempranillo #Tempranillo #wine #vino #Jumillawine #spanishwine #보데가스볼베르 #볼베르 #볼베르싱글빈야드뗌쁘라니요 #뗌쁘라니요 #와인 #후미야와인 #스페인와인

4/29/2024, 4:19:55 AM

O rótulo não tá lá essas coisas, mas o que vale mesmo é o líquido precioso dentro da garrafa, um belo vinho espanhol da região de Rioja, elaborado 100% com a uva Tempranillo de vinhedos com mais de 70 anos de idade, e com amadurecimento de 12 meses em barricas de carvalho francês, 50% novas e 50% usadas. No nariz o Orben revela notas balsâmicas, de frutas negras, defumado e caramelo. E em boca é um vinho bem estruturado, complexo, de taninos firmes mas arredondados, entregando frutas vermelhas e negras, com final delicioso. Adorei este vinho!! #winelover #winestagram #instawine #winephotography #winephoto #winelife #instavino #winestile #winevinhos #winelovers #vinhotinto #winemoments #winelifestyle #wonderfulwine #amazingwine #vinhoespanhol #riojawine #riojawines #spanishwine #spanishwines

4/29/2024, 3:17:54 AM

Rare and RED. 1993 Roda II Reserva Rioja & 1993 Wynns Coonawarra Cabernet sauvignon with bavette steak. A rewarding dive into the cellar. All pretty spectacular! Showing well for 31 years. The Roda layered tertiary fruit elegance with a long take-a-number finish. The Wynns still showing elements of primary fruit, fully integrated from it explosive dark fruit beginnings. And the bavette...ooh yeah! #fromthecellar #homecooking #agedwine #ageshallnotwearythem #rioja #Coonawarra #spanishwine #Australianwine #tempranillo #cabernetsauvignon

4/29/2024, 2:44:21 AM

Sunday night wine down.... Tonight's choice ~ 2022 Pago Del Vicario Blanco De Tempranillo. 100% Tempranillo free run juice from Castilla La-Mancha, Spain. Aromas of peach, apricot, pear, lime, pineapple and saline. On the palate is apple, pear, peach, apricot, pineapple, herbs, minerality with a hint of mint and honey. Refreshingly light, crisp with a long finish. It's not often I run across a white Tempranillo. This was such a fun find. Perfect way to close out the weekend. Cheers!! 🥂 #tempranillo #whitewine #spanishwine #castillalamancha #winelove #sundayvibes #winedown

4/29/2024, 2:19:34 AM

Loving this @bodegasmuga #rosé #2022 📍 with some excellent #tapas 🥂 #bestwinesonly #vinoespañol #spain #spanishwine #rioja #riojarosado

4/29/2024, 1:49:11 AM

What a great way to start a Sunday! Sherry class with the team from @bodegabarvictoria and @tapabar Rockstars! Great lineup from @lagitanahidalgo @bodegaslustau @gonzalezbyassusa #yyj #sherrywine #spanishwine 👏

4/29/2024, 12:52:26 AM

• Francisco Barona, Ribera del Duero 2020 • …tinto fino field blend ~~~ paired with ~~~ • Grilled Pure Country Pork Tenderloin • …lightly pounded, grilled & herb topping …frisée salad …bacon lardons …haricots verts …forbidden rice stuffed tomato …bacon vinaigrette …pork jus 🤍 @franciscobaronabodegas 🤍 . . . #ratemypair #winepairing #winepairings #winelover #somm #sommelier #sommlife #foodie #finedining #copine #chef #cheflife #copine #copineseattle #franciscobarona #riberadelduero #spanishwine #fieldblend #tinotfino #naturalwine #castillayleon

4/28/2024, 10:53:14 PM

🍷 Explore the essence of our 2020 “Vaquerizas” Garnacha from Tierra de Cubas. Old vines in clay-limestone soil bring this wine to life. Its aging in French oak barrels ensures that this wine is perfectly balanced with notes of vanilla and spices. Perfect for any special occasion. 🌟 #GarnachaWine #TierraDeCubas #Vaquerizas2020 #SpanishWine ————————————— 🍷 Explora la esencia de nuestra Garnacha 2020 “Vaquerizas” de Tierra de Cubas. Cepas antiguas en tierra arcilloso-caliza dan vida a este vino. Su paso por barrica francesa hace que este vino esté perfectamente equilibrado con notas de vainilla y especias. Perfecto para cualquier ocasión especial. 🌟 #VinoGarnacha #TierraDeCubas #Vaquerizas2020 #vinoespañol

4/28/2024, 9:49:49 PM

SPARKLING WINE BRUT PROSECCO DOC Controlled designation of origin A fermentation in thermoconditioned steel vats, followed by a scrupulous sparkling wine with the Martinotti-Charmat method and, subsequently, we will proceed with filtration and then be bottled in an isobaric environment. ===================== How to pair Prosecco DOC A prosecco to be served cold, about 4-6 degrees at most, and with a glass high and narrow enough to appreciate the perlage and aromas, with aperitifs, appetizers, fish dishes, vegetarian, meats and cheeses. We imagine it with grilled scampi, baked snapper with olives, linguine with sea urchins, ricotta ravioli with butter and sage, dried Abruzzo scamorza. ============ ============= #wineimporte #wineimportes #instagram #winedistributor #winelovers🍷 #wineretailer #winelover #somm #wineshopathome🍷 #winefordinner #spanishwine #winesocietystore #winejapan #winetaiwan #chinesewine #winesingapore #spanish #WALACLUB #sgwinelover

4/28/2024, 9:34:33 PM

Tinto varietal de Monastrell, uva de origem mediterrânea (o que é praticamente uma redundância), que tem aptidão para aportar intensa coloração e uma considerável carga de taninos ao vinho. Esse daí provém de uma Denominação de Origem não tão celebrada quanto algumas coirmãs espanholas, intitulada Bullas, na região de Múrcia, sudeste da Espanha. Provém de vinhedos de mais de 40 anos de idade, portanto estampando no rótulo a identificação “cepas viejas”, tratando-se de um vinho já bastante maduro, não só pelas suas características organolépticas mas também em função de sua idade (já atingiu 8 anos, já no início do seu natural declínio), mas ainda com bastante concentração de aromas e sabores, esbanjando salientes notas de frutas vermelhas maduras e especiarias doces, com sabor intenso, de boa textura, excelente volume de boca e taninos já muito bem domados e macios. Um vinho delicioso e que impressionou demais, mostrando o quão prodigiosa é a Espanha em matéria de vitivinicultura, com suas mais de 60 denominações de origem e a maior produção de uvas viníferas do planeta. #vinho #wine #vinhotinto #redwine #vinhotintoseco #drywine #vinhoespanhol #spanishwine #instavinho #instawine #igvinho #igwine #vinhogram #winegram #momentodovinho #winetime #winelovers #wineoclock #monastrell #bullas #múrcia #espanha #vinhoadois #vinatrois #empóriosantanadebatatais

4/28/2024, 9:19:11 PM

Además de su cocina, en @lokalzgz cuentan con una bodega pequeña pero con opciones interesantes, fomentando también los vinos de proximidad aragoneses como este Quasivita de Lanaja (Monegros) 🍷🙌🏼 Coupage de Marselan (cruce ancestral de las variedades Garnacha y Cabernet Sauvignon) y Syrah con 12 meses de crianza en barricas de roble americano y francés (80-20%). Una propuesta voluminosa y elegante, frutas rojas y negras maduras con especias y vainillas perfectamente integradas. Equilibrado, con cuerpo y carnoso, tiene buena acidez y un postgusto largo fantástico, vinazo 😍🔥 #wine #vino #winelover #winetasting #winetime #wineoclock #wineblogger #winelife #winestyle #winery #spanishwine #winefromspain #vinotinto #redwine #coupage #marselan #garnacha #grenache #cabernetsauvignon #cabernet #syrah #shiraz #quasivita #bodegalanica #lanaja #vinodelatierra #monegros #losmonegros

4/28/2024, 8:52:52 PM

Мой витамин К 🌱 Murviedro Crianza Темпранильо Сира Монастрель DOP Испания 2019 ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌠 Апрель заходит тяжело: вроде и весна в разгаре, и солнышко светит, и птички поют, но почему-то ни сил, ни вкуса, ни аппетита, ни, соответственно, вина! 🤒💤 - Доктор, посмотрите, что это у меня? - О Господи, больной, что это у вас? 😵 У нас, похоже, авитаминоз, и ничто не радует, даже огромный фруктовый торт 🥞 и +10 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋с фотосессии, которые достались мне ОДНОЙ! Но авитаминоз явно не у меня одной, поэтому, пожалуй, спОлзаю в сад, нарву кроликам травы, они тоже как-то приуныли и исхудали после зимы. 🐇🐇 Что у нас там наросло? Пырей, одуваны, клевер, сныть, крапива, лаванда, земляника, мусор какой-то… А ну-ка, ну-ка, вот молодая крапивка ничего так себе, ммм… Хрум-хрум. Если зайцам ок, то, может, и мне поможет? 🙏 А эти мохнатые дурачки не такие уж и дурачки! Молодая крапива: а) реально вкусная, б) легко жуется, в) полезная как +100 🍋. Посмотрите, что за чудо эта крапива: витамины А, В, С, Е, К, микро- и макроэлементы - железо, магний, медь, кальций, кремний, селен, флавоноиды, фитонциды и органические кислоты. Крапива укрепляет иммунитет, ускоряет метаболизм, выводит шлаки и токсины, обладает противовоспалительным и кровоостанавливающим действием. Забыты все страданья и разочарованья, а также рак, диабет, инфаркт, подагра, артрит, ожирение и анемия! 👋 А посмотрите, что за чудо эти щи с яйчишком и потрошками, и салат с сыром и горчицей! 🤤 Ой, ну ладно, так и быть, налейте мне бокал вина, уговорили. Только этот великолепный высокоэкстрактивный купаж из монастреля, сиры и темпранильо способен справиться со жгучей сочной молодой растительностью (на всякий случай ошпарим ее кипятком, чтоб не слишком жгла!) 🔥 Яркое, кислотное, но удивительно сбалансированное и бархатное «Мурведро» с тонами сливы и ежевики, дополненными нюансами шоколада, гвоздики, мускатного ореха, перца и табака, так гармонично ложится на свежий вкус и аромат молодой зелени, что только диву даешься! Вот она, волшебная сила витаминов 💖 PS В загашнике еще Резерва стоит. Что бы к ней подобрать, чтоб уж наверняка? 💪🌱

4/28/2024, 8:42:10 PM

初陣primera batalla @talking_grapes #winetasting #spanishwine

4/28/2024, 8:23:13 PM

Vera De Estenas Winery - free with España Discovery membership #travelspain #vanlifeeurope #veraderstanas #spanishwine #espanadiscovery

4/28/2024, 8:18:06 PM

Bodega Neleman free with España Discovery membership #travelspain #vanlifeeurope #bodeganeleman #spanishwine #espanadiscovery

4/28/2024, 8:13:21 PM

A 1964 Marques de Riscal, it’s amazing how long a simple Rioja can hold! After 60 year still a interesting glass of wine. #riojawine #vintagewijndiner #redwine #spanishwine #wijn #wijnhobby #vintagewine #vintagewijn #meerwijn #riojawijnen #marquesderiscal #riojaensteak

4/28/2024, 7:42:17 PM

¡Dame una A! ¡Dame una B! ¡Dame una C! ¡Dame una D-12! Y eso es lo que nos bebimos, este Lan D12 crianza 2018, de @bodegaslan , que desde que probamos hace ya un tiempo, no ha dejado de acompañarnos, porque cada vez que los bebemos, se nos dibuja una sonrisa ☺️... ¡¡¡Feliz Domingo!!!! #vivaélvino #docarioja #spanishwine #wineoclock #winelovers #wineinfluencer #amantesdelvino #riojawine #redwine #wine #rioja #domingo

4/28/2024, 7:39:33 PM

Happily, @ultracomida was exhibiting @threewinemen Great Bristol Wine Fest yesterday so after co-hosting there, my late night supper, brought home afterwards (shared between two) was their gorgeous manchego with the last of the salted almonds I bought at Malaga market ten days ago and - bliss - a chilled half-bottle of @tiopepewines preserved-lemony, intensely yeasty, freshly released En Rama Fino 2024. Perfect. (sherry was a press sample) #sherry #fino #saltedalmonds #spanishwine #manchego @gonzalezbyassuk @randrdrinkers #ultracomida #threewinemen #enrama #malagamarkets #malaga

4/28/2024, 7:15:02 PM

Brunch? Wine not? 🥂🥚 . . . . #huevosrellenos #cava #sangria #spanishwine #tapasbrunch

4/28/2024, 6:50:23 PM

🍷Saccharomyces cerevisiae🍷 ¿Sabías que esta levadura es la encargada de fermentar el vino? ¡Y no solo eso! También es la misma que fermenta el pan o la cerveza. Pero… ¿cómo lo hace? Se alimenta de los azúcares presentes en el mosto para seguir multiplicándose y como resultado los genera el etanol y dióxido de carbono. Cuando esta levadura ya ha terminado su trabajo, se inactiva o muere y pasa a llamarse “lías”. Si se deja en contacto con el vino, da untuosidad y aromas más complejos al mismo. ¿Cómo sabemos si un vino ha pasado por este proces? Porque el producto indicará en la etiqueta ‘sobre sus lías’ o ‘en contacto con sus lías X meses’. . . . . . #vino #wine #vinoblanco #vinotinto #whitewine #redwine #cata #winepairing #winetasting #rioja #ribera #spanishwine #vinoespañol #wineoftheday #picoftheday #bread #pan #beer #cerveza #saccharomycescerevisiae

4/28/2024, 6:40:52 PM

Tim Atkin alaba la frescura de este Gran Reserva 904 2015 obtenida por un “afortunado coupage” de Tempranillo con un 10 % de Graciano y por la elección de parcelas de mayor altitud. James Suckling lo describe como un vino “delicado y preciso, con un final largo y pulido”. Para Luis Gutiérrez –embajador de Parker para España– estamos ante un vino “sabroso, muy clásico, equilibrado y fresco. Impresionante para un año tan poderoso”. Por su parte, Guillermo de Aranzabal, presidente de La Rioja Alta, no duda en afirmar que este Gran Reserva 904 Selección Especial 2015 va a convertirse en una de las “referencias eternas” de la bodega mientras nos recuerda que “los grandes vinos del mundo son los que te emocionan, los que te hacen sentir cosas, los que te ofrecen mucho placer”. Nosotros, que no podemos estar más de acuerdo con esto, tan sólo añadiríamos que si el placer se siente con amigos en una cata a ciegas, miel sobre hojuelas. Si quieres saber más sobre esta “referencia eterna”, no dudes en consultar gratuitamente la última entrada de la web (enlace en la bio y en nuestras historias). _____ 🇬🇧 English version in the comments below.

4/28/2024, 6:04:44 PM

Retour sur un vin que j'ai eu l'occasion de boire à Madrid cette semaine. @baron_de_ley reserva 2019. Mon premier rioja. Alors comment on fait on resto à l'étranger pour choisir un vin? Pour une fois je suis la méthode de @second_cru qui regarde sur vivino. 3.9 allez on valide pour un vin à un peu plus de 20 euros. 🍇 100% tempranillo 👀 Couleur cerise grenat 👃 Un nez sur les fruits, framboises et mûres 👄 En bouche c'est onctueux rond avec une belle acidité. On retrouve les notes du nez avec une petite note de cacao àla fin. C'est franchement pas mal et je suis content de mon choix! Il a accompagné parfaitement ma paella au poulet! #rioja #spanishwine #vinho #tempranillo #redwine #barondeley #winetaster #winetourism #winegeek #wineloversclub #winepic #winephotography #wineeducation #winediscovery

4/28/2024, 5:56:23 PM

It’s #rioja #spain for #sundaywineday with this fantastic #wine from @baron_de_ley The #fincamonasterio is simply superb! This comes from the #tempranillo grape, it’s smooth with a little complexity, beautiful to drink, strong 4.1 rating on @vivino Great offer at @costco_uk to get this for £17.96, otherwise normally £25. Recommend this very much! #redwine #winetasting #wineoclock #winelover #winetime #spanishwine #barondeleyfincamonasterio #barondeley @reena_mander

4/28/2024, 5:28:38 PM

🍷: @lectoresvini 2020 Montsant ‘La Selección’ 🍇: a blend of 80% #Grenache ( #Garnacha), 15% #Carignan ( #Cariñena), and 5% #Syrah hand-harvested from ~10-40 year-old vines planted in red clay loam (‘roig’) soils in Masroig at varying altitudes (average of ~300 meters) within Montsant; fruit is 90% de-stemmed and macerated for ~9 days (10% whole cluster) to be pressed and fermented in stainless steel tanks with indigenous yeasts before being aged for ~9 months in stainless steel and lightly filtered prior to bottling 🗺: #Masroig #Montsant #Catalunya #Spain 📝: enjoyed in a ‘Kalimotxo’ cocktail (adapted recipe from @martibuckley’s ‘Basque Country’) ⭐️: Lectores Vini is currently a collaboration between @freditorres and @ollivierjacq dedicated to fresh and fluid wines that express the energy of distinctive Mediterranean terroirs in surprising new ways 💭: fruity and aromatic, this young red blend from Catalunya is nicely balanced (even at its ABV of 14%) with fine tannins and perceived lightness – great solo or with food; this was a fun addition to the Kalimotxo cocktail, though next time I might pick something similar but with a slightly lower alcohol content so knocking a few back won’t be as strong 🗃️: Quintessential QPR, Crowdpleasing Commodity, Pairing Pal #TwoBottleStef #SpanishWine #Catalonia #DO

4/28/2024, 5:11:23 PM

富士山と江の島の海に沈むお日様に乾杯! 私達、タフでなきゃね!😊 赤ワイン美味しく飲んでくれてありがとう! #赤ワインで乾杯 #江の島 #サンセット #パゴデサルサス #cheers! #spanishwine

4/28/2024, 5:01:21 PM

Barcelona in spring is a feast for the senses. The blooming of flowers and the warmer weather make Park Güell, one of Antoni Gaudí's creations and the inspiration behind the Vilarnau bottle, a particularly magical place. The park offers breathtaking views of the city, making it a perfect spot to witness the blend of nature and Gaudí's architecture. #barcelona #cava #spanishwine #spanishdrinks #springinbarcelona #springblossoms #winestagram #spanish

4/28/2024, 4:41:13 PM

Hacienda Zorita Natural Reserve Syrah 2019, Unamuno Vineyard, Arribes del Duero, Spain Plum and blackberry on the nose upon opening. After breathing a while, more notes of prune, raisin, liquorice, vanilla and oak on the nose. Flavours of green bell pepper and black pepper alongside some lovely silky, rich black fruits on the palate. Medium tannins and medium acidity. Not bad for a wine from Madrid airport duty free. #haciendazoritanaturalreserve #unamunovineyard #arribesdelduero #duero #spain #spanishwine #syrah #redwine #drinkwine #enjoywine #instawine #winestagram #winepost #wineblog #winereview #wineblogger #winereviewer #oenophile #winelover #lovewine

4/28/2024, 4:39:02 PM

Yesterday my brother and I celebrated the birthday of our King, Kingsday, with two nice bottles of wine. Actually it was just a good excuse for us to drink😏 He brought the Clio 2018 of #bodegaselnido. So I also decided to do something else then the usual Bordeaux or Burgundy. Not many things beat a well ripened Barolo.😅 The Clio was young of course but certainly delicious with lots of dark fruits and some oak present. I was not familiar with this region in Spain ‘Jumilla’ but I will definitly try this some more!👌Also like the label, simple but nice! The @rattiwinery Rocche 2004 a totally different animal. Soft, beautiful ripe fruits, oak nicely integrated, leather and earthy tones.🍷🍷 #barolo #jumilla #spanishwine #italianwine

4/28/2024, 3:57:30 PM

🇮🇹 Casanova Di Neri Rosso di Montalcino DOC 2020 ⭐️93JS / 93 XW / 92 Wine Advocate Grapes : Sangiovese 100% Aging : 8เดือนในถังไม้โอ๊ค Alc : 14% Tasting notes: สีแดงของ Montalcino ปี 2022 ที่มาด้วยสีแดงที่สวยงามและมีชีวิตชีวา บนจมูกมีรสผลไม้ที่น่ารับประทาน พร้อมด้วยผลไม้สีแดงเล็กๆ และเครื่องเทศ และ บนเพดานปากนั้นทำได้อย่างเรียบเนียนและกลมกล่อม แทนนินมีความสมดุลอย่างสมบูรณ์แบบกับความเป็นแอซิด คุณลักษณะทั้งหมดนี้ทำให้ Rosso di Montalcino มีความมีชีวิตชีวาและมีความซับซ้อนที่คอไวน์ทุกคนไม่ควรพลาด 🍷 สอบถามเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ #mason8 #ไวน์ออนไลน์ #ไวน์คัดคะแนน #ร้านไวน์ออนไลน์ #redwine #ร้านไวน์ #australianwine #sidewood #massolinowinery #spanishwine #ไวน์แดง #ไวน์ #winelover #WineConnoisseurs #italianredwine #wine #italianwine #zenatowinery #ของขวัญ #ของขวัญปีใหม่ #ของขวัญวันเกิด #ของขวัญแต่งงาน #ของขวัญวาเลนไทน์ #ของขวัญให้เพื่อน #ของขวัญให้แฟน #ของขวัญสั่งทำ

4/28/2024, 2:58:18 PM

GW初日から自然に囲まれた小さなキャンプ場でソロキャンプしてきました! スパークリングの白ワイン、美味しかったです😋 * #ワイン #スパークリング #スパークリングワイン #白ワイン #フランスワイン #ピッコロペカトスパークリングワイン #ピッコロペカト #ミュスカデ #スペースオーシャン #ワインが好きな人と飲みたい #wine #sparking #piccolopecato #spanishwine #whitewine #francewine #spaceocean #muscadet #camping

4/28/2024, 2:03:09 PM

マタロ - キプロス🇨🇾 マタロはもともとスペイン原産のぶどう品種で、1970年代にキプロスに伝わりました。これらのぶどうはキプロスの温暖で乾燥した気候で非常によく育ち、有機栽培されています🌞🌿 マタロのぶどうから作られたワインは、一般的にグルナッシュ、シラーズ、地元のキプロスのイアヌディなど他のワインとのブレンドに使用されますが、100%のマタロ種も存在します🍷 有機キプロスのマタロワインは、濃厚で力強いワインで、濃いフルーツ、すみれ、ハーブ、黒胡椒の味がします。赤身の肉、鴨、羊肉、キノコとの相性が抜群です。マタロの強い香りと土のような味わいは、夕食にもぴったり🌟 みなさんは、赤ワインと何をペアリングするのが好きでスカ?コメントで教えてください! #spanishwine#winelovers#wine #Spain#EU #EUQuality

4/28/2024, 2:00:30 PM

Os informamos de la próxima actividad de la asociación, que será una CATA TÉCNICA DE 5 VINOS, DE LA PRESTIGIOSA BODEGA @martin_berdugo_bodega guiada por su enólogo D. ANTONIO DÍEZ MARTÍN. Los vinos a catar, cuya imagen se muestra en el cartel adjunto, serán: 1. Blanco de la varidad Verdejo 2. Rosado de la variedad Tempranillo 3. Joven de variedad Tempranillo 4. Crianza de la variedad Tempranillo con barrica entre 12 y 14 meses. 5. Reserva, cúspide del cultivo de la uva y la elaboración de vino Martín Berdugo. La cata tendrá lugar en el hotel Guadiana de la capital, el próximo día 3 de mayo a las 21:00 horas. Plazo de inscripción en el cartel. Si no eres miembro de la asociación, también eres bienvenido. No lo dejes para última hora que las plazas son limitadas. #ciudadreal #catadevinos #winelover @aytociudadreal #enjoylife #spanishwine #riveradelduero

4/28/2024, 1:30:38 PM

À la découverte des vins de Valence et de ses cépages locaux 🥂 . . . #vin #vins #vinblanc #vinrouge #whitewine #redwine #wine #wines #valencia #vindespagne #spanishwine

4/28/2024, 12:41:52 PM

☀️Pleeeease can we go to California? 😁It’s not often that you get to try wines from a Spanish legend who took her grapes and expertise to the sunshine state. But indeed, Marimar Torres has just done that and has slayed at it! 😁Founded in the late 1980’s, Marimar Estate now creates outstanding wines from Spanish grapes but kissed by the Californian sun in the Russian River Valley. Although first focusing on the old Burgundian favourites Chardonnay & Pinot Noir, she quickly realised that Spain was where her heart was and so focused on her loves. 😁Miramar Estate, Albariño 2020: £35 from Vinum, London End Wines, The Secret Cellar & Liquorice. A really steely, floral wine filled with apricots and jasmine. A really decent acidity means that even though this is 4 years old already it can go a little longer… 😁Miramar Godello 2021: Stockists & Pricing TBC: it’s not often that you get to try this grape so this was a real treat. Not as floral as the Albariño, nonetheless this still showed refined elegant flavours including a more smoky note. 😁Miramar Estate Tempranillo 2017: £50 from the Secret Cellar: ah the classic and mother of all Spanish grapes. This one is best after being decanted, but once it decides to show itself man is it Sex.y. Still has bright red fruit flavours but is also showing delicious tobacco, dark chocolate and coffee flavours. A little touch of earthiness is starting to show. I definitely enjoyed this one 😉 🧐Which one would you go for first and who’s booking the flights?! #californianwines #miramar #torres #spanishgrapes #winetasting #albarino #godello #spanishwine #winesofcalifornia

4/28/2024, 12:16:29 PM

. 「注目度急上昇!ヴィーガン認証を受けた華やかなオーガニックロゼワイン」 【Pasión de Bobal Rosado パシオン・デ・ボバル・ロサード】 淡いローズピンクの色調。チェリーやラズベリーのような赤系ベリーのアロマ。ほんのりとジャムやコンポートのような甘いニュアンスを感じる。 フルーティーでチャーミングな一面、ブドウ本来のしっかりとしたストラクチャーが楽しめる。ユーロリーフ、ヴィーガン認証を受けた味わい深いロゼワイン。 ▼お買い物はプロフィールのリンクからお願いします。 @sukoruni_wine #スペインワイン #カバ #wine #vin #スパークリングワイン #ワイン好きな人と繋がりたい #spanishwine #cava #vinoespañol #winelover #docava #スコルニワイン #sukoruni #東京 #青山 #赤坂 #ワイン #ワイングラス #ワイン好き #お酒 #お酒好き #ワインのある暮らし #ワイン会 #ワインラバー #スペイン #ワインに合う料理 #ワインのお供 #ワイン女子 #お酒好きな人と繋がりたい #ワインスタグラム

4/28/2024, 12:00:20 PM