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#food #travel #sports #news #april #tuesday

Without rights that are enshrined in law, there is nothing to stop us being harmed and exploited. Animals can suffer, like us, they have personalities and preferences like us, and they do not wish to be harmed, like us. Their rights should not be based on a human perception of their intelligence or worth . . , . , #vegan #vegansofinstagram #veganfortheanimals #loveanimals #friendsnotfood #iseeyou #meat #meatiscruel #rescuedismyfavebreed #deers #rabbitrabbit #badgersofinstagram #foxesofinstagram #foxhunting #wildlıfeplanet #humanityquotes #vegan #speciesism #speciesismisracism #racism #equality #weareallconnected #compassion #higherconsciousnessuk #empathy #empathyquotes #empathymatters #equalityforallspecies🌍 #seeanimals❤️ #openyourheart

4/29/2024, 10:41:12 PM

I have heard many times, growing up, that the animals we ate were not affected by their poor treatment, by their confinement, by their lack of any meaningful life, because “that’s all they know”, and therefore don’t feel anything different. They don’t know any other possibility, so therefore it’s ok to mistreat them, to beat, abuse and confine them, and when the slaughter comes, they will feel deliverance and relief. And as I was heavily conditioned and brain washed, I believed it. All of it. What a relief when my blinders came off. Because then, I had the power to change, and do something about the incredible misery imposed on billions of animals. I may be one person, but I could choose to not engage with any of this nonsense. I chose knowledge and compassion, because I looked at the reality of the agricultural industry. And guess what I found? I found out that, indeed, not a single animal willingly walks to their demise, with no fear and no pain. They know. Ask anyone who’s worked in a slaughterhouse. More and more are coming forward and they have much to say. Have a listen. It is highly instructive. Peace starts on our plates. . . . . . #animalsmatter #kindnessmatters #bekindtoeverykind #friendnotfood #animalsarenotproducts #farmanimalrescue #farmanimalsanctuary #endanimalcruelty #endanimalexploitation #noexcuseforanimalabuse #noexcuseforanimalcruelty #friendsnotfood #rescuedfromslaughter #inspirechange #veganlifestyle #veganism #plantbased #plantpower #fortheanimals #vegansofinstagram #bethechange #animalwelfare #animalrights #bethechange #fortheanimals #endspeciesism #speciesism #fightspeciesism #betheirvoice #someonenotsomething

4/29/2024, 6:03:47 PM

Te-ai întrebat vreodată cum cineva poate fi mișcat până la lacrimi de o știre despre un câine abuzat și totuși să nu simtă nicio remușcare mâncând un wings bucket care a dus la suferința și moartea a zeci de păsări? Acest concept poartă numele de specisism și se referă la o credință eronată conform căreia o specie este mai importantă decât alta. Această mentalitate este adânc înrădăcinată în societatea noastră, majoritatea oamenilor fiind condiționați să vadă anumite specii ca demne de îngrijire și compasiune și altele ca nedemne încă de la o vârstă fragedă. Intenționat sau nu, părinții, profesorii, mass-media și alte influențe trimit copiilor mesajul că pisicuțele și cățelușii sunt "prieteni", vacile și puii sunt "hrană", iar șobolanii și șoarecii sunt "dăunători". De asemenea, majoritatea copiilor sunt învățați că dorințele, nevoile și interesele umane întotdeauna au prioritate față de cele ale oricărei alte specii. Ca rezultat, învățăm să ignorăm propria noastră conștiință, care ne spune că este greșit să-i tratăm rău pe alții. Ne convingem că avem "dreptul" să închidem animale în laboratoare, să experimentăm pe ele și să le omorâm pentru că asta ar putea ajuta oamenii. Ne spunem că este în regulă să mâncăm înghețată făcută din lapte de vacă pentru că dorința noastră de desert este mai importantă decât dreptul unei văcuțe mame de a-și hrăni și îngriji vițelul. Că este în regulă să furăm lâna oilor pentru pulovere și șaluri și penele păsărilor pentru perne. Că este acceptabil să ținem orci în captivitate pentru profit și "divertisment" și că plăcerea pe care o obținem aruncând o undiță în apă pentru a prinde pește contează mai mult decât durerea pe care le-o provocăm când sunt străpunși prin buză și trăși într-un mediu în care nu pot respira. Oamenii folosesc specisismul pentru a încerca să justifice orice fel de cruzime imaginabilă. Toate animalele merită aceeași considerație, indiferent de opiniile noastre despre ele. Aproximativ 590.507.650 de oi și miei sunt uciși anual pentru carne.🐑 Anul acesta, de Paște, arată compasiune pentru toate ființele!❤️ Foto: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media #specisism #speciesism #freeanimals

4/29/2024, 6:02:29 PM

Você está zangado por ferir e matar pessoas inocentes, lamentar os danos e a morte de animais de estimação e tolerar os danos e a morte de animais de fazenda pelos quais você é diretamente responsável? Algumas pessoas argumentam que existem coisas que distinguem os humanos de outros animais. Estas são as pessoas que encontram desculpas para justificar as práticas humanas em relação aos animais – práticas que causam dor, desconforto, sofrimento e morte. Assim como os humanos, outros animais são pessoas. Eles têm necessidades e desejos únicos. Eles se comunicam e muitos têm vidas sociais complexas. Especismo é a atribuição de diferentes valores ou direitos aos organismos com base em suas espécies. Por que temos essa distinção moral? Como podemos nós, como pessoas racionais comprometidas com a justiça, a empatia e a compaixão, estar tão desconectados? Os animais são indivíduos com quem partilhamos uma vida comum e este reconhecimento permite-nos vê-los como são. animais! Assim como nós, eles merecem consideração moral. RP 👉 @choosecompassion.net_lebanon #التمييز ‎#نباتيين #نباتيون_عرب #نباتيون_لبنان #نباتيون #نباتي_صرف #نباتي #نباتية #حقوق_الحيوان #بيض #جبنة #لبنة #العدالة #لبنان ‏ #choosecompassion #govegan #alllivesmatter #totalanimalliberation #endspeciesism #speciesism #animallivesmatter #lebanesevegans #lebanesevegansactivists @lebanesevegans @lebaneseveganssocialhub @beirutanimalsave ‏www.choosecompassion.net ‏www.lebanesevegans.org

4/29/2024, 2:19:08 PM

Você está zangado por ferir e matar pessoas inocentes, lamentar os danos e a morte de animais de estimação e tolerar os danos e a morte de animais de fazenda pelos quais você é diretamente responsável? Algumas pessoas argumentam que existem coisas que distinguem os humanos de outros animais. Estas são as pessoas que encontram desculpas para justificar as práticas humanas em relação aos animais – práticas que causam dor, desconforto, sofrimento e morte. Assim como os humanos, outros animais são pessoas. Eles têm necessidades e desejos únicos. Eles se comunicam e muitos têm vidas sociais complexas. Especismo é a atribuição de diferentes valores ou direitos aos organismos com base em suas espécies. Por que temos essa distinção moral? Como podemos nós, como pessoas racionais comprometidas com a justiça, a empatia e a compaixão, estar tão desconectados? Os animais são indivíduos com quem partilhamos uma vida comum e este reconhecimento permite-nos vê-los como são. animais! Assim como nós, eles merecem consideração moral. RP 👉 @choosecompassion.net_lebanon #التمييز ‎#نباتيين #نباتيون_عرب #نباتيون_لبنان #نباتيون #نباتي_صرف #نباتي #نباتية #حقوق_الحيوان #بيض #جبنة #لبنة #العدالة #لبنان ‏ #choosecompassion #govegan #alllivesmatter #totalanimalliberation #endspeciesism #speciesism #animallivesmatter #lebanesevegans #lebanesevegansactivists @lebanesevegans @lebaneseveganssocialhub @beirutanimalsave ‏www.choosecompassion.net ‏www.lebanesevegans.org

4/29/2024, 2:14:34 PM

Credit @grumpyoldvegans #vegan #welfarism #speciesism

4/29/2024, 12:56:53 PM

هل يغضبك أذية وقتل الأبرياء وتأسف على أذية وقتل الحيوانات الاليفة وتتغاضى عن أذية وقتل حيوانات المزارع التي أنت مسؤول مباشر مم يحدث لها؟ يجادل البعض من الناس أن هناك أمور يمكن أن تميز البشر عن بقية الحيوانات. هؤلاء هم الأشخاص الذين يجدون اعذار لتبرير الممارسات البشرية تجاه الحيوانات - ممارسات تسبب الألم وعدم الراحة والمعاناة والموت. مثل البشر، الحيوانات الأُخرى هم أشخاص. لديهم احتياجات ورغبات فريدة. يتواصلون والعديد منهم لديهم حياة اجتماعية معقدة. التمييز بين الانواع هو تعيين قيم أو حقوق مختلفة للكائنات على أساس نوعها. لماذا لدينا هذا التمييز الأخلاقي؟ كيف يمكننا كعاقلين ومتمسكين بالعدالة والتعاطف والرحمة أن نكون منفصلين إلى هذا الحد؟ الحيوانات هم أفراد نتشارك معهم حياة مشتركة وهذا الاعتراف يسمح لنا برؤيتهم كما هم. حيوانات! مثلنا تمامًا وهم يستحقون الاعتبار الأخلاقي. @choosecompassion.net_lebanon . #التمييز ‎#نباتيين #نباتيون_عرب #نباتيون_لبنان #نباتيون #نباتي_صرف #نباتي #نباتية #حقوق_الحيوان #بيض #جبنة #لبنة #العدالة #لبنان ‏ #choosecompassion #govegan #alllivesmatter #totalanimalliberation #endspeciesism #speciesism #animallivesmatter #lebanesevegans #lebanesevegansactivists @lebanesevegans @lebaneseveganssocialhub @beirutanimalsave ‏www.choosecompassion.net ‏www.lebanesevegans.org

4/29/2024, 11:46:15 AM

هل يغضبك أذية وقتل الأبرياء وتأسف على أذية وقتل الحيوانات الاليفة وتتغاضى عن أذية وقتل حيوانات المزارع التي أنت مسؤول مباشر مم يحدث لها؟ يجادل البعض من الناس أن هناك أمور يمكن أن تميز البشر عن بقية الحيوانات. هؤلاء هم الأشخاص الذين يجدون اعذار لتبرير الممارسات البشرية تجاه الحيوانات - ممارسات تسبب الألم وعدم الراحة والمعاناة والموت. مثل البشر، الحيوانات الأُخرى هم أشخاص. لديهم احتياجات ورغبات فريدة. يتواصلون والعديد منهم لديهم حياة اجتماعية معقدة. التمييز بين الانواع هو تعيين قيم أو حقوق مختلفة للكائنات على أساس نوعها. لماذا لدينا هذا التمييز الأخلاقي؟ كيف يمكننا كعاقلين ومتمسكين بالعدالة والتعاطف والرحمة أن نكون منفصلين إلى هذا الحد؟ الحيوانات هم أفراد نتشارك معهم حياة مشتركة وهذا الاعتراف يسمح لنا برؤيتهم كما هم. حيوانات! مثلنا تمامًا وهم يستحقون الاعتبار الأخلاقي. @choosecompassion.net_lebanon . #التمييز ‎#نباتيين #نباتيون_عرب #نباتيون_لبنان #نباتيون #نباتي_صرف #نباتي #نباتية #حقوق_الحيوان #بيض #جبنة #لبنة #العدالة #لبنان ‏ #choosecompassion #govegan #alllivesmatter #totalanimalliberation #endspeciesism #speciesism #animallivesmatter #lebanesevegans #lebanesevegansactivists @lebanesevegans @lebaneseveganssocialhub @beirutanimalsave ‏www.choosecompassion.net ‏www.lebanesevegans.org

4/29/2024, 11:46:07 AM

Welfare biology is an emerging field that draws upon knowledge in existing disciplines like animal welfare science and ecology but focuses on the wellbeing of wild animals as individuals, rather than as parts of an ecosystem. Welfare biology seeks to understand how various circumstances in ecosystems affect the wellbeing of wild animals. This knowledge is essential in order to develop interventions to improve their welfare. The basic difference between welfare biology and other areas such as conservation biology, conservation welfare, and compassionate conservation is that the focus of the study is how animals are affected positively or negatively from the point of view of animal welfare. Welfare biology focuses on animals' wellbeing as individuals, regardless of whether or not this knowledge is useful for conservation.

4/29/2024, 10:27:28 AM

Visit https://buff.ly/3w9x95B to chat about welfare biology or other topics in animal ethics.

4/29/2024, 8:27:04 AM

#abolicionismo #abolitionism #abolitionnisme #antropocentrismo #antropocentrism #antropocentrisme #derechosdelosanimales #animalrights #droitsdesanimaux #direitosdosanimais #ecología #ecology #écologie #especismo #speciesism #spécisme #liberaciónanimal #animalliberation #libérationanimal #libertaçãoanimal #sincrueldad #crueltyfree #sanscruauté #semcrueldade #sintiencia #sentience #senciência #veganismo #veganism #véganisme https://www.instagram.com/anima.lista.cuenta.nueva https://www.facebook.com/anima.lista.argentina https://twitter.com/anima_lista Buenos Aires Argentina

4/29/2024, 3:01:39 AM

#abolicionismo #abolitionism #abolitionnisme #antropocentrismo #antropocentrism #antropocentrisme #derechosdelosanimales #animalrights #droitsdesanimaux #direitosdosanimais #ecología #ecology #écologie #especismo #speciesism #spécisme #liberaciónanimal #animalliberation #libérationanimal #libertaçãoanimal #sincrueldad #crueltyfree #sanscruauté #semcrueldade #sintiencia #sentience #senciência #veganismo #veganism #véganisme https://www.instagram.com/anima.lista.cuenta.nueva https://www.facebook.com/anima.lista.argentina https://twitter.com/anima_lista Buenos Aires Argentina

4/29/2024, 3:00:26 AM

#abolicionismo #abolitionism #abolitionnisme #antropocentrismo #antropocentrism #antropocentrisme #derechosdelosanimales #animalrights #droitsdesanimaux #direitosdosanimais #ecología #ecology #écologie #especismo #speciesism #spécisme #liberaciónanimal #animalliberation #libérationanimal #libertaçãoanimal #sincrueldad #crueltyfree #sanscruauté #semcrueldade #sintiencia #sentience #senciência #veganismo #veganism #véganisme https://www.instagram.com/anima.lista.cuenta.nueva https://www.facebook.com/anima.lista.argentina https://twitter.com/anima_lista Buenos Aires Argentina

4/29/2024, 2:59:22 AM

#abolicionismo #abolitionism #abolitionnisme #antropocentrismo #antropocentrism #antropocentrisme #derechosdelosanimales #animalrights #droitsdesanimaux #direitosdosanimais #ecología #ecology #écologie #especismo #speciesism #spécisme #liberaciónanimal #animalliberation #libérationanimal #libertaçãoanimal #sincrueldad #crueltyfree #sanscruauté #semcrueldade #sintiencia #sentience #senciência #veganismo #veganism #véganisme https://www.instagram.com/anima.lista.cuenta.nueva https://www.facebook.com/anima.lista.argentina https://twitter.com/anima_lista Buenos Aires Argentina

4/29/2024, 2:58:13 AM

#Speciesism discriminates and #carnism chooses one to love and one to eat....

4/29/2024, 12:45:07 AM

Why love one and eat the other? Speciesism: A misguided belief that one species is more important than another. #animals #animallovers #loveallanimals #vegan #veganism #vegansofinstagram #speciesism

4/28/2024, 11:56:00 PM

Reposted from its.vegan.jim By denying the intelligence in animals, ignoring their extensive abilities to feel and to live as subjects in their own ways in the natural world, we have made our culture and ourselves less intelligent. ~ Will Tuttle #AnimalRights #vegan #sentientism #carnism #speciesism #dieren #stopeatinganimals #quotes #dierenrechten

4/28/2024, 11:51:20 PM

Cube of Truth am 27.04.2024 in Mannheim! 🖤 Gestern standen wir in Mannheim wieder für die Stimmlosen auf der Straße. Wir konnten viele Menschen erreichen und vom Veganismus als Lebenseinstellung überzeugen. Vielen Dank an alle Aktivist*innen, die dabei waren, durch Euch ist die Welt veganer geworden! Du bist bereits vegan? Dann sei auch Du das nächste mal dabei und gib den Tieren Deine Stimme! Wir freuen uns auf Dich! ✊🖤 @anonymousforthevoiceless @av_deutsch #cubeoftruth #avcube #animalliberation #animalrights #animalrightsactivist #vegan #bevegan #veganfortheanimals #speciesism #speziesismus #straßenaktivistmus #tierrechte #tierrechtsaktivismus #truth #wahrheit #anonymousforthevoiceless #avdeutsch #avmannheim #fortheanimals #untileverycageisempty #wewillneverstop #mannheim

4/28/2024, 10:23:00 PM

Danke für euren Einsatz heute auf der Domplatte. Mit zwischenzeitlich 15 Aktivisten (5 nicht auf dem Foto) haben wir 3h den Menschen ihre Verantwortung für Tierausbeutung bewusst gemacht! #vegan #veganismus #speziesismus #tiere #tierrechte #aktivist #tierrechtsaktivist #tierbefreiung #demo #wahrheit #veganism #speciesism #animals #animalrights #activists #truth #cubeoftruth #nichtveganseinistnichtok #anonymousforthevoiceless #schlachthaus

4/28/2024, 8:52:21 PM

Diversity X Speciesism #illustration #diversity #speciesism

4/28/2024, 5:44:48 PM

📢 ¡Liberemos a Beagles ancianos usados en experimentación por la Universidad de Murcia! En pleno siglo XXI, con todos los avances tecnológicos y científicos que tenemos a nuestro alcance, es inaceptable que las universidades sigan recurriendo a la experimentación animal, especialmente cuando existen métodos alternativos disponibles. Sin embargo, la Universidad de Murcia persiste en esta práctica, manteniendo en cautividad a animales como roedores, anfibios, primates y beagles, tanto para docencia como para investigación. "La Universidad de Murcia tiene ahora la oportunidad de elegir entre mantener una postura anacrónica que perpetúa la explotación animal o adoptar una posición moderna y progresista, a la vanguardia de los nuevos avances científicos y éticos." A pesar del Acuerdo de Transparencia sobre el Uso de Animales en Experimentación Científica en España propuesto por la COSCE (que establece cuándo, cómo y por qué usan animales en investigación y los falseados beneficios que derivan de ello, los acuerdos europeos sobre dicho tema y el lavado de imagen que realizan promocionando los 3R (Reducción, Refinamiento y Reemplazo), resulta contradictorio y cruel que continúen utilizando animales en sus instalaciones. Recientemente, saltaba a la luz la noticia de @sosabuelos1, una iniciativa que solicitaba la reubicación de un beagle de 14 años con posible hernia que estaba en manos de la Universidad de Murcia. Sin embargo, este caso es sólo la punta del iceberg, ya que sabemos que aún hay más beagles ancianos en el centro de la universidad. Y, por supuesto, animales de otras especies. Como vemos en su web, el Servicio de Experimentación Animal cuenta con instalaciones para la cría y mantenimiento de roedores y lagomorfos, perros, gallinas y codornices para obtener huevos fecundados, animales terrestres como ratas, ratones, conejos, cobayas, hámster y babuinos. ⬇️ SIGUE EN COMENTARIOS ⬇️

4/28/2024, 2:03:31 PM

There’s no humane way to kill something that doesn’t want to die 💚🌱 🌱 No meal is more important than an animals life. Make the connection between what you’re eating and their life. 💔💚🌱 🌱 Go vegan with the support of @weareveganuary and @_challenge22_ It’s never been easier. 🌱 💔💔💔 #endspeciesism 🌱 🌱 🌱 🌱 🌱 #vegan #vegans #veganfortheanimals #govegan #planttheseed #goveganfortheanimals #vegano #veganism #veganismo #vegetarian #endanimalcruelty #speciesism #veganfollow #vegansofig #veganuary #vegancommunity #veganblogger #veganuk #vegansofinstagram #discoverunder20k #glamvegan #tryvegan #loveanimals #animals #loveallanimals #vegannottingham #veganactivist #veganactivism #nottinghamvegans

4/28/2024, 10:04:14 AM

हम अंडा मजे से खा सकें इसलिए सालाना लगभग 700 करोड़ मुर्गियों को अंडा उद्योग में तड़पाया जाता है। मुर्गियों को छोटे से स्थान में कैद रखा जाता है, चूजों के चोँच काटे जाते है, मुर्गियाँ आमतौर पर सालाना 10-15 अंडे देती हैं लेकिन अंडा उद्योग जबरदस्ती इनसे सालाना 300 अंडे निकलवाता है, समय के साथ ये कमजोर और बिमारी से ग्रस्त हो जाते हैं और अंत में इनके 8 साल के संभावित जीवन को 2 साल में ही ख़त्म कर दिया जाता है। इनकी हत्या का कारण हमारी अंडे की अंधी कामना है। वनस्पति आधारित अंडे उत्पाद अपनाकर हम इस क्रूरता को समाप्त कर सकते हैं। जानवरों के साथ हो रही हिंसा को रोकने के करुणा और बोध को अपने जीवन का आधार बनाएँ, वीगनशैली अपनाएँ। So that we can enjoy eggs, approximately 700 crore chickens are tortured annually in the egg industry. Hens are kept confined in small spaces, the chicks' beaks are cut, hens usually lay 10-15 eggs a year but the egg industry forces them to lay 300 eggs a year, over time they become weak and disease-ridden. And in the end their potential life of 8 years is ended in just 2 years. The reason for their murder is our blind desire for eggs. We can end this cruelty by switching to plant-based egg products. Let compassion and understanding serve as the foundation of your life to put an end to this violence against animals— adopt veganism. #yvcare #eggs #chickens #egg #chickensofinstagram #animalliberation #animallivesmatter #justiceforanimals #veganfortheanimals #govegan #stopeatinganimals #stopusinganimals #boiledeggs #scrambledeggs #chickens #eggburji #eggfree #eggcruelty #eggindustry #vegan #eggrolls #animalrights #sentientbeing #veganism #layerhen #speciesism #veganindia #veganvaad #veganhindi #veganawareness

4/28/2024, 9:41:15 AM

When they say the quiet part out loud 👀

4/27/2024, 10:22:39 PM

A lot of existing scientific knowledge could be used to help improve the lives of wild animals. Unfortunately, most of the information is used only to further scientific or environmentalist goals. Welfare biology is an emerging cross-disciplinary field that studies wild animals and their environments with a focus on understanding and improving their wellbeing, rather than viewing animals merely as parts of an ecosystem. It draws on animal welfare science, ecology, zoology and other fields to gain a fuller picture of the lives of individual animals in the wild, including the hardships they face. The goal is to eventually identify effective interventions that can help reduce wild animal suffering on a large scale.

4/27/2024, 8:36:34 PM

Just like us, animals feel pain, love, and joy. They deserve a life free from exploitation. Let's build a world where compassion extends to all beings. #GoVegan #speciesism 🌱Shop now and wear your commitment! - link in bio . . . . . . . . . . . . #vegansoninstagram #veganforanimals #vegansoftheworld #veganislove #eatplantsnotfriends #vgang #veganrevolution #ethicalvegan #veganworld #bevegan #veganvibes #veganapparel #veganactivism #veganshares #thefutureisvegan #veganshirt #veganactivist #vegansofinstagram #veganclothing #vegangirl #vegangirl #vegangirlsofig #vegangirlgang #vegangirlpower

4/27/2024, 7:44:12 PM

Cow slaughterhouse. Jalisco Mexico, 2015. - Matadero de vacas. Jalisco, México, 2015. #cowslaughterhouse #slaughterhouse #animalexploitation #speciesism #animalrights #animalliberation

4/27/2024, 4:12:35 PM

Animals have rights! Confining, mutilating, forcibly breeding and slaughtering animals (farming) violates those rights. You can not 'farm' a life! Farming = Abuse! Choose Justice, Choose Vegan! animaljusticeproject.com #AntiSpeciesist #AntiSpeciesism #Speciesism

4/27/2024, 9:00:30 AM

@traslosmuros - In 1990, the Animal Liberation Front accessed Interfauna, an animal breeding facility supplying laboratories located in Huntingdon (United Kingdom), and liberated 82 dogs and 22 rabbits, in addition to obtaining secret materials. On November 5th, 1999, the ALF returned to the same facilities in an action involving over 20 people and rescued 79 dogs. 34 years after that initial action, the breeding facility remains operational under the name MBR Acres. In June 2021, a group of activists, under the name Camp Beagle, camped at its gates to draw public attention and demand the cessation of its activities. The camp is still active today (you can follow their activities or support them at @thecampbeagle). On June 20th, 2022, the group @animal.rising —previously known as Animal Rebellion—entered the MBR Acres facilities and liberated 5 dogs; six months later, on December 20th, they re-entered and freed an additional 18 dogs. — En 1990 el Frente de Liberación Animal accedió a Interfauna, un criadero de animales destinados a laboratorios ubicado Huntingdon (Reino Unido), y liberó a 82 perros y 22 conejos además de obtener material secreto. El 5 de noviembre del año 1999 el FLA regresa a las mismas instalaciones en una acción que involucra a más de 20 personas y rescata a 79 perros. 34 años después desde aquella primera acción, el criadero sigue operativo bajo el nombre de MBR Acres. En junio del año 2021, un grupo de activistas, bajo el nombre de Camp Beagle, acampó a sus puertas con el fin de llamar la atención pública y pedir el cese de sus actividades. El campamento sigue activo a día de hoy (puedes seguir sus actividades o apoyarles en @thecampbeagle). El 20 de junio del año 2022 el grupo @animal.rising —conocido antes como Animal Rebellion — entró en las instalaciones de MBR Acres y liberó a 5 perros; seis meses más tarde, el 20 de diciembre, accede de nuevo a su interior y libera a 18 perros más. #vivisection #animaltesting #mbracres #campbeagle #animalrising #animalliberationfront #speciesism #animalexploitation #animalabuse #beaglebreeder

4/27/2024, 3:45:43 AM

Without rights that are enshrined in law, there is nothing to stop us being harmed and exploited. Animals can suffer, like us, they have personalities and preferences like us, and they do not wish to be harmed, like us. Their rights should not be based on a human perception of their intelligence or worth . . , . , #vegan #vegansofinstagram #veganfortheanimals #loveanimals #friendsnotfood #iseeyou #meat #meatiscruel #rescuedismyfavebreed #deers #rabbitrabbit #badgersofinstagram #foxesofinstagram #foxhunting #wildlıfeplanet #humanityquotes #vegan #speciesism #speciesismisracism #racism #equality #weareallconnected #compassion #higherconsciousnessuk #empathy #empathyquotes #empathymatters #equalityforallspecies🌍 #seeanimals❤️ #openyourheart

4/26/2024, 10:39:23 PM

If social justice is about tearing down every form of oppression, lifting up vulnerable groups, and championing equity for everyone, we need to include *everyone*. Nonhuman animals and preborn humans often get left out, which causes them to be the most oppressed groups. There are more nonhuman animals and preborn humans killed than all other groups combined, and there are many ways in which they are systemically oppressed. Social justice can't exclude them or else it is simply performative.

4/26/2024, 9:35:58 PM

Imágenes de la acción del pasado sábado, 20 de abril, en la semana de acción global contra Max Mara. Es 2024, ya nadie necesita utilizar a los demás animales para ningún tipo de fin ni beneficio humano.

4/26/2024, 8:45:20 PM

Un grand merci aux activistes qui défendent les animaux 🙌❤️ Si vous souhaitez rejoindre nos actions à Genève et/ou Lausanne n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Si vous n'êtes pas encore confortable pour engager des discussions, une présence est déjà très bienvenue ! #animalliberation #activism #fortheanimals #animaux #outreach #liberation #militantisme #vegan #veganfortheanimals #speciesism #antispécisme #fermonslesabattoirs #endspeciesism #justicesociale

4/26/2024, 4:00:31 PM

Hummus is not only delicious, one study found that "Consumers of chickpeas and/or hummus have been shown to have higher nutrient intakes of dietary fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, potassium, and iron as compared to non-consumers." And when you make it with tahini, double-win: "Sesame seeds specifically provide the most benefit of all nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains," says Dr. Michael Greger. But if you’re not a tahini fan, substitutes include everything from peanut and almond butter to sunflower, macadamia, chia, flax seed, and hemp. And it’s especially good—and nutritious—with Artisana walnut butter. Another superstar that’s one of the healthiest nuts. Organic, vegan, gluten-free recipe in bio ☝️ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5188421/ bit.ly/3IbDEHn #hummus #veganrecipes #chickpeas #dips #appetizers #stopanimalcruelty #vegandiet #crueltyfree #govegan #vegan #plantbased #veganfortheanimals #plantbaseddiet #longevity #legumes #veganism #healthyfood #dairyfree #glutenfree #healthyeating #plantbasedvegan #animalrights #veganforlife #plantbasedrecipes #earthfriendly #veganfortheplanet #veganforlife #veganrecipes #speciesism #plateofgrass

4/26/2024, 2:05:22 PM

हम अंडा मजे से खा सकें इसलिए सालाना लगभग 700 करोड़ मुर्गियों को अंडा उद्योग में तड़पाया जाता है। मुर्गियों को छोटे से स्थान में कैद रखा जाता है, चूजों के चोँच काटे जाते है, मुर्गियाँ आमतौर पर सालाना 10-15 अंडे देती हैं लेकिन अंडा उद्योग जबरदस्ती इनसे सालाना 300 अंडे निकलवाता है, समय के साथ ये कमजोर और बिमारी से ग्रस्त हो जाते हैं और अंत में इनके 8 साल के संभावित जीवन को 2 साल में ही ख़त्म कर दिया जाता है। इनकी हत्या का कारण हमारी अंडे की अंधी कामना है। वनस्पति आधारित अंडे उत्पाद अपनाकर हम इस क्रूरता को समाप्त कर सकते हैं। जानवरों के साथ हो रही हिंसा को रोकने के करुणा और बोध को अपने जीवन का आधार बनाएँ, वीगनशैली अपनाएँ। So that we can enjoy eggs, approximately 700 crore chickens are tortured annually in the egg industry. Hens are kept confined in small spaces, the chicks' beaks are cut, hens usually lay 10-15 eggs a year but the egg industry forces them to lay 300 eggs a year, over time they become weak and disease-ridden. And in the end their potential life of 8 years is ended in just 2 years. The reason for their murder is our blind desire for eggs. We can end this cruelty by switching to plant-based egg products. Let compassion and understanding serve as the foundation of your life to put an end to this violence against animals— adopt veganism. #yvcare #eggs #chickens #egg #chickensofinstagram #animalliberation #animallivesmatter #justiceforanimals #veganfortheanimals #govegan #stopeatinganimals #stopusinganimals #boiledeggs #scrambledeggs #chickens #eggburji #eggfree #eggcruelty #eggindustry #vegan #eggrolls #animalrights #sentientbeing #veganism #layerhen #speciesism #veganindia #veganvaad #veganhindi #veganawareness

4/26/2024, 1:31:01 PM

In this year, one of the biggest AV events in Europe will take place in Cologne. The largest event in the chapter so far will run for 4 days, with each day lasting 6 hours, totaling 24 hours of Cube time! In a professional manner, we will hold people accountable for their exploitation and violence against animals at the Domplatte! We expect international support, including from @av_france_belgique, @av_nederlands, @av.norway, as well as many chapters from Germany such as @av__essen, @av__berlin, @av__hamburg, @av_munich, @av__koblenz, @av_magdeburg, @av_duisburg, @av_bonn , and many others! Not vegan yet? Then face the victims of your choices and end your violence against animals! Already living vegan? Then support us in our work for animal rights! Just come dressed in black and on time for the event, and the rest will be explained to you on the spot! This is your chance to experience the effectiveness and reach of our work and to be part of the animal rights movement! #vegan #veganismus #speziesismus #tiere #tierrechte #aktivist #tierrechtsaktivist #tierbefreiung #demo #wahrheit #veganism #speciesism #animals #animalrights #activists #truth #cubeoftruth #nichtveganseinistnichtok #anonymousforthevoiceless #schlachthaus

4/26/2024, 10:41:06 AM

To understand equality between our fellow animals and us is to truly dismantle oppression. We are not superior simply because we are humans, and to think so is to have a diabolically huge ego. We must humble ourselves.

4/26/2024, 6:23:50 AM

Danke für diesen produktiven Cube am Rudolfplatz! Anderer Ort, andere Leute und die gleichen Gespräche. Eine Mischung aus einsichtigen und uneinsichtigen Heuchlern, sowie offenen Menschen, die ihre Fehler eingestehen und vegan werden! Sonntag geht es weiter auf der Domplatte! Werde selbst aktiv, mehr Infos hier oder bei @av_deutsch ! #vegan #veganismus #speziesismus #tiere #tierrechte #aktivist #tierrechtsaktivist #tierbefreiung #demo #wahrheit #veganism #speciesism #animals #animalrights #activists #truth #cubeoftruth #nichtveganseinistnichtok #anonymousforthevoiceless #schlachthaus

4/25/2024, 11:40:50 PM

From a naturalistic, evolutionary perspective What is a person? What is personhood? #vegan #plantbased #philosophy #veganism #sentientism #science #sentience #sentientism @sentientism @sentient_media @cosmicskeptic @yuval_noah_harari @coreyleewrenn #carnism #speciesism #endspeciesism @speciesism.wtf @equalspecies

4/25/2024, 11:32:08 PM

Be kind to all kinds, let’s form a new relationship with the natural world. HAUS OF CONSERVATION Image: unknown

4/25/2024, 7:13:48 PM

🐅❤️🌱🤔 🐯Meine Erklärung für dieses Phänomen ist: Viele Menschen leben in einer Art "Wunschwelt". 🐯Sie spalten das Schlimme ab und entzücken sich am Schönen, das eher über den Äther geht, als Bilder aus der Tierhaltung. 🐯Leute, hinterfragt euren Konsum! 🐯Kälber, Ferkel, Hühner, Lämmer ... das alles sind auch Tierbabies und genauso süß! 🐯Lebt vegan, denn alle Babies haben ein Leben in Freiheit verdient ❤️ #zoo #Köln #kölnerzoo #zoosindeutschland #tigerbaby #tierbabys #zoossindgefängnisse #zootiere #gefangenschaft #untilallcagesareempty #bisallekäfigeleersind #tierewollenleben #liebe #zooanimals #zoos #nurdiefreiheitistartgerecht #Tiger #wild #veganleben #veganlife #kölle #kölnerzoo #wildlife #befree #speciesism #speziezismus

4/25/2024, 6:30:34 PM

Climate, pollution, deforestation and land use change. It’s hard to find an #environmental issue that isn’t caused by or exacerbated by #speciesism.

4/25/2024, 5:48:31 PM

Vivisection, the practice of conducting experiments on live animals is a cruel and inhumane practice that subjects innocent creatures to unimaginable pain and suffering. Animals used in vivisection are often confined to small cages, subjected to invasive procedures, and endure extreme physical and psychological distress. This form of scientific research fails to acknowledge the inherent rights and dignity of animals. The act of torturing animals for the sake of human advancement goes against the principles of compassion and empathy. Animals, like humans, have the capacity to experience pain, fear, and distress. It is morally unjustifiable to subject them to unnecessary suffering for the sole purpose of scientific curiosity or human convenience. Supporting animal rights means recognizing that all living beings have an inherent value and deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. By choosing to go vegan, individuals can actively promote the well-being of animals by abstaining from the consumption of animal products. This decision not only benefits animals but also has positive impacts on the environment and personal health. 𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐲 & 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐨 𝐕𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧! #animalliberation #animalliberationfront #animalrights #animalrightsmovement #animalsarefriendsnotfood #animalrightsday #nationalanimalrightsday #antispeciesist #compassionoverkilling #endanimalabuse #endanimalagriculture #endanimalcruelty #endanimalsuffering #endanimaltesting #govegan #abolitionistapproach #stopanimaltesting #sentient #sentientbeings #speciesism #untilecerycageisempty #vivisection #veganfortheanimals #vivisectionismurder #endvivisection #veganismistheanswer #veganlife #veganrevolution #supporttheanimalliberationfront #worlddayforanimalsinlabs

4/25/2024, 2:25:00 AM

Our first banner-making workshop at BASE Social was a great start to this year's artsy endeavors ahead of the Bristol National Animal Rights Day event and Compassion Fair!

4/25/2024, 1:02:25 AM

ANIMISM IS NOT POETRY⁣ ⁣ Language was not invented by humans. Humans’ capacity to communicate and speak comes directly from the Land herself.⁣ ⁣ When I say that Rain and Ocean, Grasses and Vines, Frogs and Spiders, Engines and Teapots have voices, I am not being poetic or communicating with metaphors. To say these beings are voiceless, uncommunicative, or even mute is to deny their consciousness and validity, as well as suppress our own participation and responsibility in the experience of life. To reduce animism to poetry is a form of objectification. ⁣ ⁣ When we diminish animism to “quaint” or “poetic” ways of seeing the world, we deny and forget the deep, practical, and tangible meanings of the languages that surround us. It comes as no surprise that when we stifle our senses, our intuition, our ability to know and un-know, meaning becomes lost—meaning in language, meaning in role, meaning in purpose, meaning in life. When meaning is lost, there is an impoverishment or extinction of language. (Monoculture results from language eradication). We make the mistake in thinking language must be audible or that it must mimic how humans speak, write, or gesture for it to be credible. Yet much of the natural and human-made world communicates silently and invisibly. We also err when we believe human language is more sophisticated and complex than the languages of our non-human counterparts. (Note how this way of thinking is deeply colonialistic).⁣ ⁣ Folks ask why I can perceive things that are profoundly true and real that are not yet perceptible to them—in other words, how does one become more intuitive and psychic? One would think this question has nothing to do with… SEE COMMENTS

4/24/2024, 11:57:47 PM

#abolicionismo #abolitionism #abolitionnisme #antropocentrismo #antropocentrism #antropocentrisme #derechosdelosanimales #animalrights #droitsdesanimaux #direitosdosanimais #ecología #ecology #écologie #especismo #speciesism #spécisme #liberaciónanimal #animalliberation #libérationanimal #libertaçãoanimal #sincrueldad #crueltyfree #sanscruauté #semcrueldade #sintiencia #sentience #senciência #veganismo #veganism #véganisme https://www.instagram.com/anima.lista.cuenta.nueva https://www.facebook.com/anima.lista.argentina https://twitter.com/anima_lista Buenos Aires Argentina

4/24/2024, 11:38:08 PM

"Animal lovers" when they find out people torture and eat cats and dogs in some parts of the world: "Monsters! Savages! Burn in hell! 😭😤😡" "Animal lovers" when they find out you respect the lives of all animals, not just cats and dogs: "Cult! Extremists! Burn in hell! 🤬🤬🤬" Reminder: you can't love animals and pay for their suffering at the same time. Pigs, cows, and chickens suffer no less than dogs, cats, and guinea pigs. They have the same sentience, the same desire to live, and the same capacity for fear and pain. In our ability to suffer, we are all the same. So the question is: are you really an #animallover or a #petlover in disguise? 👀🤷‍♀️ #animallovers #speciesism #allanimalsmatter #vegan 🎶 Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? @moby

4/24/2024, 7:39:17 PM

Animal testing is an outdated and unnecessary practice that causes harm to animals and often produces unreliable results. While it may have been useful in the past, there are now numerous alternative methods available that are not only more humane but can also provide more accurate and relevant data.  Computer modeling, in vitro testing, microdosing, and human tissue engineering are just a few examples of these alternatives. By supporting companies that use animal-free methods and advocating for greater investment in these alternatives, we can move towards a more ethical and effective approach to scientific research.  Let's work together to end animal testing and build a better future for both animals and humans.

4/24/2024, 6:39:55 PM

‼️URGENT: SIGN PETITION TO SEND THE ESCAPED MILITARY HORSES TO A SANCTUARY‼️ ‼️Petition link by @animal.rising in my Bio‼️ (see my link tree) We all are shocked by the images of the blood-covered horses, that were running through London today morning. This horrifying image is a clear display of how we treat animals in today’s society. Animals in distress have been escaping from slaughterhouses, farms and this time from a military rehearsal. We have to do better. These horses have served their country through no choice of their own. Now, it is time for us to serve them. ‼️We are urgently calling for those horses to be sent to a sanctuary where they can live out the rest of their lives in peace - link in bio‼️ #PlantsHaveFeelingsToo #Dairycow #Dairy #Pig #Dog #Meat #Agvocate #GoVegan #Burger #Vegetarian #Cheese #Fur #Vegan #Fish #AnimalRights #Chicken #Cow #horseriding #Leather #Steak #WhatVegansEat #horserescue #GoVegan #IAmNotAPeoplesFeelingsActivist #Speciesism #Bacon #horse #Hunt #Evolve #dairyfarmer

4/24/2024, 6:32:10 PM

📍SAVE THE DATE 📍 Der nächste Cube in Mannheim findet am Samstag, den 22. Juni statt. Wir treffen uns um 14:45 Uhr am Paradeplatz. Wir sind eine weltweite Organisation von Straßenaktivist*innen, die den Stimmlosen eine Stimme geben! Dabei setzen wir uns gemeinsam gegen alle Formen der Ausbeutung nicht-menschlicher Tiere ein. Bei unserem Cube of Truth trägt ein Teil unserer Aktivist*innen Guy-Fawkes-Masken und zeigt Szenen aus der Tierindustrie auf TV-Bildschirmen. Die restlichen Aktivist*innen, unsere Outreacher, sprechen mit Passant*innen, um sie dazu zu bewegen die Tierausbeutung nicht länger zu unterstützen und vegan zu werden. Du bist bereits vegan und möchtest bei uns mitmachen? Dann bist Du herzlich willkommen! Sei bitte 15min vor Beginn des Cubes (14:45 Uhr) für Briefing und Aufbau vor Ort! Komme im schwarzen Dresscode ohne Logos (außer AV) oder anderweitige Messages und kämpfe mit uns für die Rechte der nicht-menschlichen Tiere! Melde Dich gerne bei uns oder komm einfach vorbei! Wir freuen uns auf Dich! ✊🖤 @anonymousforthevoiceless #cubeoftruth #avcube #animalliberation #animalrights #animalrightsactivist #vegan #bevegan #veganfortheanimals #speciesism #speziesismus #straßenaktivistmus #tierrechte #tierrechtsaktivismus #truth #wahrheit #anonymousforthevoiceless #avdeutsch #avmannheim #fortheanimals #untileverycageisempty #wewillneverstop #mannheim

4/24/2024, 5:46:32 PM

📍SAVE THE DATE 📍 Der nächste Cube in Mannheim findet am Samstag, den 8. Juni statt. Wir treffen uns um 14:45 Uhr am Paradeplatz. Wir sind eine weltweite Organisation von Straßenaktivist*innen, die den Stimmlosen eine Stimme geben! Dabei setzen wir uns gemeinsam gegen alle Formen der Ausbeutung nicht-menschlicher Tiere ein. Bei unserem Cube of Truth trägt ein Teil unserer Aktivist*innen Guy-Fawkes-Masken und zeigt Szenen aus der Tierindustrie auf TV-Bildschirmen. Die restlichen Aktivist*innen, unsere Outreacher, sprechen mit Passant*innen, um sie dazu zu bewegen die Tierausbeutung nicht länger zu unterstützen und vegan zu werden. Du bist bereits vegan und möchtest bei uns mitmachen? Dann bist Du herzlich willkommen! Sei bitte 15min vor Beginn des Cubes (14:45 Uhr) für Briefing und Aufbau vor Ort! Komme im schwarzen Dresscode ohne Logos (außer AV) oder anderweitige Messages und kämpfe mit uns für die Rechte der nicht-menschlichen Tiere! Melde Dich gerne bei uns oder komm einfach vorbei! Wir freuen uns auf Dich! ✊🖤 @anonymousforthevoiceless #cubeoftruth #avcube #animalliberation #animalrights #animalrightsactivist #vegan #bevegan #veganfortheanimals #speciesism #speziesismus #straßenaktivistmus #tierrechte #tierrechtsaktivismus #truth #wahrheit #anonymousforthevoiceless #avdeutsch #avmannheim #fortheanimals #untileverycageisempty #wewillneverstop #mannheim

4/24/2024, 5:46:02 PM

📍SAVE THE DATE 📍 Der nächste Cube in Mannheim findet am Samstag, den 25. Mai statt. Wir treffen uns um 14:45 Uhr am Bahnhofvorplatz L15 (vor der Sparda-Bank L15,15). Wir sind eine weltweite Organisation von Straßenaktivist*innen, die den Stimmlosen eine Stimme geben! Dabei setzen wir uns gemeinsam gegen alle Formen der Ausbeutung nicht-menschlicher Tiere ein. Bei unserem Cube of Truth trägt ein Teil unserer Aktivist*innen Guy-Fawkes-Masken und zeigt Szenen aus der Tierindustrie auf TV-Bildschirmen. Die restlichen Aktivist*innen, unsere Outreacher, sprechen mit Passant*innen, um sie dazu zu bewegen die Tierausbeutung nicht länger zu unterstützen und vegan zu werden. Du bist bereits vegan und möchtest bei uns mitmachen? Dann bist Du herzlich willkommen! Sei bitte 15min vor Beginn des Cubes (14:45 Uhr) für Briefing und Aufbau vor Ort! Komme im schwarzen Dresscode ohne Logos (außer AV) oder anderweitige Messages und kämpfe mit uns für die Rechte der nicht-menschlichen Tiere! Melde Dich gerne bei uns oder komm einfach vorbei! Wir freuen uns auf Dich! ✊🖤 @anonymousforthevoiceless #cubeoftruth #avcube #animalliberation #animalrights #animalrightsactivist #vegan #bevegan #veganfortheanimals #speciesism #speziesismus #straßenaktivistmus #tierrechte #tierrechtsaktivismus #truth #wahrheit #anonymousforthevoiceless #avdeutsch #avmannheim #fortheanimals #untileverycageisempty #wewillneverstop #mannheim

4/24/2024, 5:45:41 PM

4/24/2024, 3:33:17 PM

En el Día Internacional del Animal de Laboratorio es urgente replantear nuestra relación con los animales a los que consideramos sujetos científicos. Mientras que la humanidad entera y todas las instituciones científicas se jactan del progreso científico que nos aporta la experimentación animal, la mayoría de papers sobre ciencia ponen indirectamente en duda la eficacia de esta metodología de estudio, que peca de ser inútil y para nada ética, y se puede intuir que el verdadero interés para seguir sosteniendo esta práctica no es otro que el negocio, retrasando, así, el verdadero avance científico. En el mundo en el que vivimos ya existen muchas alternativas a la experimentación animal, como los modelos computacionales, los organ-on-a-chip o las prácticas tuteladas sobre casos clínicos reales, que es el método que más se utiliza para estudiar la medicina humana. Los animales no son objetos inertes a los que podamos explotar sin remordimiento, sino sujetos con consciencia que merecen vivir sus vidas lejos de nuestros egoístas intereses. Hazte vegano/a ahora y empieza a respetar a los demás animales.

4/24/2024, 2:17:37 PM

バンダナ🤍 バンダナつけて ドッグランやお散歩で すれちがうわんちゃん🐶 どこかワンランク上で いいところの犬にみえる(私の偏見🙈) なんとなく名犬にみえる(私だけ🙊) 隣の芝は蒼く見える(それそれ🙉) つけるだけでそうみえるなら もうつけないてはない いいところ風の めいけん風のツキに変身🌛 魔法のアイテム🧙‍♀️バンダナ✨ #保護犬 #殺処分 #里親 #保健所収容 #元野犬 #殺処分ゼロ #ブリンドル #雑種犬 #徳之島出身犬 #愛犬 #いぬすたぐらむ #いぬのいる暮らし #四季 #侘び寂び #dogsofinstagram #wilddog #protectiondog #speciesism #cherryblossom #dogrunning #love #thankyou

4/24/2024, 1:41:54 PM

Happy Wednesday everyone🌸Here's Coco, a dog that I've befriended a few days ago and with whom i had a blissful time✨He looks stunning and we fall in love with each other in the very first sight 🥰He didn't even hesitated to know me and the very first moment that he saw me, he came running towards me🌸 it felt like he knew me from a very long time ❤ It's amazing how quickly he fall in love with me & we had a lot of fun. I gave him some cookies🍪to eat and he loved eating that and then he returned me all the love and affections by licking my arms and following me everywhere. He was wagging his cute tail throughout and sniffing me & it was so lovely. He made me so happy 🥰 There are so many people who considers only dogs as man's best friend but what i believe is that every animal when shown love and kindness becomes man's best friend. It's a popular misconception that farm animals like goats 🐐sheeps 🐑 cows 🐮and others are less intelligent and unfriendly. Farm animals are no different than our dogs & cats in our homes and they deserve the same amount of love and compassion we give to our dogs & cats 🐑 When treated with love & care farm animals show you first hand how lovable and affectionate they are. They all have unique personalities and deserve nothing but love and respect from us. If you have a dog or cat companion 🤗 then you're already a compassionate being and i ask you to open your hearts and extend your compassion to animals of all species 🐑🐮🐷🐔🐟🐐🐽not just dogs and cats ❤and consider going vegan 🌱It's very simple when you think about the animals and it's never too late. I'm doing great with my goat Sukumar🐐🥰 and my father brought us a watermelon🍉 yesterday and we ate the watermelon together and it was delicious 🍉😋I hope you all are doing great. Have a beautiful day friends🥰🐕 . . . . . #endspeciesism #farmlife #guardiandog #streetdogs #adoptdontshop #veganism #guardiandogs #bekindtoeverykind #animalphotography #bekindtoanimals #veganforthem #vegan #dogslife #rescuedog #happyanimals #vegansofig #farmanimals #farmanimalsanctuary #choosekindness #speciesism #animalliberation #dogphotography #whyloveonebuteattheother

4/24/2024, 11:42:21 AM