Cherish images

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#food #travel #sports #news #april #tuesday

Sometimes it’s the little things that you cherish the most…like a hand made drawing of my dogs from my niece Ellie. #handmadewithlove #drawing #cherish

4/30/2024, 9:08:54 PM

Hallo zusammen 🥰, Welche Buchreihe hatte deiner Meinung nach das beste Ende ? Rezension: Ich fand dieser Teil war ein gebürender Abschluss für diese Reihe 💜! Ich werde die ganzen Charaktere super vermissen💜💜! Es war wieder unglaublich spannend und ich wünschte ich hätte mehr Zeit zum Lesen gehabt damit ich es noch mehr genießen hätte können . Mache Szenen fand ich auch einfach unglaublich Lustig und das hat mich den Charakteren nur noch näher gebracht 💜! Ich hatte wieder unglaublich viel Spaß beim Lesen und hoffe total das bei dem neuen Buch von Tracy Wolf was Ende dieses Jahres auf deutsch erscheint und im gleichen Universum spielt noch der ein oder andere geliebte Charakter vorkommt 🥰💜! 5⭐ Hello everyone 🥰, Which book series do you think had the best ending ? Review: I thought this book was a fitting end to this series 💜! I will really miss all the characters💜💜! It was incredibly exciting again and I wish I'd had more time to read it so I could have enjoyed it even more. I also found some scenes incredibly funny and that only brought me closer to the characters 💜! I had so much fun reading again and I really hope that the new book by Tracy Wolf, which will be published in German at the end of this year and is set in the same universe, will feature one or two beloved characters 🥰💜! #cherish #tracywolff #tracywolffbooks #katmareacademy #leseempfehlung #buchrezension #bookstergramisforeveryone #bookstergramgermany #bookreview #leseglück #yabooks #youngadult #lesenlesenlesen #bookseries #carlsenverlag #buchblog #lesenmachtspaß #Buch #leseratte #buchverrückt #fantsybooks #fantasyromancebooks #lesezeit #book #bookstergramdeutschland

4/30/2024, 9:00:21 PM

“Know, son, that everything in the universe is a pitcher brimming with wisdom and beauty…” —RUMI And you have filled my life with such beauty and wisdom shines, my son Bijan. Happy 19th birthday. #myson #bijan #happybday #wisdom #beauty #motherandson #thankful #grateful #treasure #cherish #RUMI #poem #persian #poet #poetry #aphroditenavab

4/30/2024, 8:43:15 PM

Our love story begins ❤️ #Mrs & #Mr #Love and #Cherish 😊

4/30/2024, 8:00:36 PM

PARAPHERNALIA T-SHIRT JUST LANDED 🪨🐚🔗🪙🦪🔒 Dream tee featuring treasures collected over the years ✨ Adorn yourself with the Paraphernalia T-shirt, featuring a treasure trove of jewels and found objects intricately arranged into a collage on the front of the garment. Each element is carefully curated and tells a story, from precious jewellery and vintage amulets, to sea shells, gemstones & more… AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER NOW Head to the website for more info and to pre-order 🔗 in bio

4/30/2024, 7:32:49 PM

April dump 📸🩵 •Moving abroad party 🇪🇸 •Cocktails🍹 •Party time 🥳 •Birthday bites 🥑 •Having fun 🤪 •Playing with LEGO 🤩 #memories #movingabroad #friends #april #spring #lego #birthfday #dump #happymoments #cherish

4/30/2024, 7:24:52 PM

바이크는 사랑입니다. #cherish

4/30/2024, 7:20:10 PM

O vestido LOUISE é uma ode à primavera. Uma peça perfeita para usar numa ocasião especial. Elegante, confortável e uma explosão de cor. 🌸 Disponível em magenta, roxo, verde ou qualquer outra cor em ✨

4/30/2024, 7:02:16 PM

Visiting my Gramma and the kids Great Gramma Susie last week. I’m so thankful to have her in our lives. ❤️ #gramma #grandma #greatgrandma #family #thankful #love #cherish #visit

4/30/2024, 6:39:15 PM

Hallo Bookies 🩷✨ Heute kam Cherish von @tracywolffbooks bei mir an💖 Mit Signiertem Sticker von @buchhandlung.graff 😍 Ich freue mich das die Reihe endlich komplett ist 🥰🩷✨ #bücherliebe #newadult #lesen #bookstagram #bookmoments #booklover #bookstagramgermany #bookishgirl #bookaddicted #reading #germanbookstagram #bücherwurm #instabooks #germanbookstagram #lesenmachtglücklich #lesemonat #tracywolff #cherish #bookmail #newbook #werbung *Buch habe ich selbst gekauft! *Werbung

4/30/2024, 5:13:50 PM

💫 LA SAGA SI CONCLUDE 💫 La Crave Saga di Tracy Wolff mi ha tenuta compagnia per più di due anni e oggi in Italia esce il sesto e conclusivo volume: Cherish. Dopo un inizio tiepido con Crave, dal secondo in poi la saga per me ha subito un grande cambiamento in meglio. Forse perché entra in scena un personaggio maschile per il quale io ho perso totalmente la testa? 🤪 Sì, molto probabile 😂 Dico solo HUDSON VEGA 🔥🧛‍♂️ Dire addio a questi personaggi non sarà facile, soprattutto al mio amato Hudson, ma sono pronta ad immergermi nella loro ultima avventura, soerando non ci siano troppe tragedie e drammi. Cherish mi aspetta in libreria e io non vedo l'ora 💜 ❓️Avete letto o conoscete questa saga? ❓️Una saga o serie che avete concluso di recente? • • • #cravesaga #tracywolffbooks #tracywolff #fantasybooks #romantasybooks #sperlingkupfer #hudsonvega #hudsonandgrace #crush #covet #court #charm #cherish #inlovewithbooks #bookcommunity #bookstagrammer #bookstagramitalia #bookromance #booklover

4/30/2024, 5:00:06 PM

Universal Y-Office 10周年慶典,我哋成班第三屆嘅畢業生當然鼎力支持。 大大話話喺呢個孕育保險新一代嘅地方都有八個年頭,由學員,至畢業生,至導師,遺憾上年因私人理由辭退導師一職,而今年得以鬆綁,並得到Y-Office的接納重新再申請為見習導師,繼續薪火相傳,培養有心嘅理財策劃師,服務人群。 事實上,呢個Training Office 係一個非常有愛嘅地方,各位學員導師都係來自宇宙家族裏面不同的區域,每個人都係無償付出自己工餘嘅時間, 培養每位新加入AIA Universal不同區域的保險顧問,唔少更加係青出於藍。 好多人問, 成日8:30前返到公司又冇錢收係為咩? 係薪火相傳嘅理念呀。 #AIA #UniversalFamily #YOffice #Cherish #合作夥伴招攬中 #可能係最好嘅保險團隊新人培訓平台 #超過40位導師無償付出

4/30/2024, 4:44:13 PM

#萬眾矚目!好耐無開工作嘅小書老師返嚟喇!今次仲要係一次過比 3 個好玩工作坊大家揀! 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 立即報名: 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙 ————————— 1. #當星之花遇上香香包工作坊 (1.6.2024(六)14:30 - 17:00 - 2.5 小時 - HK$320) 2. #有燈就有光 — 押花瓶子燈工作坊 (13.6.2024 (四)18:30 - 20:00 - 1.5 小時 - HK$220) 3. #戳戳刺繡布袋工作坊 (15.6.2024(六)14:30 - 16:30 - 2 小時 - HK$280) ————————— 【對象】: 12 歲以上有興趣人士 【名額】:每場 10 人 (額滿即止) 【二人同行 9 折優惠】 【費用包括材料費、導師費、工具借用及紙包飲品】 ————————— 1. 【當星之花遇上香香包工作坊】 內容: 參加者將完成 2 項作品。 認識不用香草,備有 5 種以上香草、5 款不同香包款式以供選擇,參加者將製作 1 個約 7.5*7.5 厘米的香香包! 星之花 (STAR FLOWER) 由台灣正念手作學院創立,以古老編織工藝為藍本,加入引導及創作元素,透過專注於重複的編織,讓參加者專注當下,體驗療癒的正念狀態,放鬆身心。於本節課堂中,參加者將會用上不同顏色的毛線,學習「八角編」織法*,編織出屬於自己的 15*15 厘米大小的星之花,將祈許與祝福寫在作品上。 * 有興趣參加者可在日後學習其他進階編織方法 ————————— 2. 【有燈就有光 — 押花瓶子燈工作坊】 材料 : 玻璃瓶 (會提供不同款式任選) 各款押花及樹葉 LED 瓶子燈芯 ————————— 3. 【戳戳刺繡布袋工作坊】 戳戳繡又稱俄羅斯刺繡,是入門級刺繡技法,初學者亦可輕鬆掌握; 多款刺繡圖案選擇,如貓貓、狗狗、零食、水果等; 亦可自行草擬圖案,圖案面大小約 12*12厘米; 參加者運用刺繡筆將毛線戳入布面,動作簡單又療癒;參加者口可按需要選擇 A4 大小Tote Bag 或 約 20*20厘米斜跨包 。 ————————— #小書老師 簡介: - 國際認證園藝治療師 - 台灣星之花進階導師 - 文創活動策劃組織 Market Fairish 創辦人; - 香港浸會大學人文學學士、學位教師教育文憑、嶺南大學文化研究碩士; - 註冊教師,英文教師語文能力評核達標,曾任職中小學英文教師、新城電台《新城書房》主持; - 獲獎作家: 2022 年,著作《小情書》榮獲第19屆「十本好讀」中學生最喜愛書籍第三名 2023 年,著作《小情書2》榮獲第20屆「十本好讀」中學生最喜愛書籍第一名 - 持有香港園藝治療協會認可之「園藝治療基礎證書」、「園藝治療中級證書」、「園藝治療高級證書」、「園藝治療與生命教育專業證書」、「園藝治療實務操作證書」 - 持有 Natural Soundhealing International School 之尼泊爾認可 1-3級頌缽初階療癒師證書 (Basic Soundhealing Certificate) ————————— 個人網頁 公司網頁 Facebook 專頁:writersiusyu ————————— 團體班/商業合作/客製工作坊 歡迎DM/Whatspp 6888 5859 查詢😇 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 ————————— 如有查詢,歡迎與工作人員聯絡。 電郵: [email protected] WhatsApp 查詢: 6888 5859 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 **注意事項: - 如參加者對植物或花泥等有敏感徵狀,建議先徵詢醫生的意見才報名參與是次活動。 - 成功申請者將收到電郵通知安排繳交參加費用。 - 由於申請者眾多,未能成功申請者恕不另函通知,敬請原諒。 - 主辦單位保留一切最終決定權。 小書老師自然工作室 #勇敢做自己 #小書 #小情書 #小情書2 #作家分享 #作家講座 #寫作 #十本好讀 #小書園藝 #lovethyself #珍惜 #Cherish #小書老師自然工作室 #GREENFINGER #CNY #工作坊 #課外活動 #星之花 #刺繡 #DIY

4/30/2024, 4:41:21 PM

#萬眾矚目!好耐無開工作嘅小書老師返嚟喇!今次仲要係一次過比 3 個好玩工作坊大家揀! 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 立即報名: 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙 ————————— 1. #當星之花遇上香香包工作坊 (1.6.2024(六)14:30 - 17:00 - 2.5 小時 - HK$320) 2. #有燈就有光 — 押花瓶子燈工作坊 (13.6.2024 (四)18:30 - 20:00 - 1.5 小時 - HK$220) 3. #戳戳刺繡布袋工作坊 (15.6.2024(六)14:30 - 16:30 - 2 小時 - HK$280) ————————— 【對象】: 12 歲以上有興趣人士 【名額】:每場 10 人 (額滿即止) 【二人同行 9 折優惠】 【費用包括材料費、導師費、工具借用及紙包飲品】 ————————— 1. 【當星之花遇上香香包工作坊】 內容: 參加者將完成 2 項作品。 認識不用香草,備有 5 種以上香草、5 款不同香包款式以供選擇,參加者將製作 1 個約 7.5*7.5 厘米的香香包! 星之花 (STAR FLOWER) 由台灣正念手作學院創立,以古老編織工藝為藍本,加入引導及創作元素,透過專注於重複的編織,讓參加者專注當下,體驗療癒的正念狀態,放鬆身心。於本節課堂中,參加者將會用上不同顏色的毛線,學習「八角編」織法*,編織出屬於自己的 15*15 厘米大小的星之花,將祈許與祝福寫在作品上。 * 有興趣參加者可在日後學習其他進階編織方法 ————————— 2. 【有燈就有光 — 押花瓶子燈工作坊】 材料 : 玻璃瓶 (會提供不同款式任選) 各款押花及樹葉 LED 瓶子燈芯 ————————— 3. 【戳戳刺繡布袋工作坊】 戳戳繡又稱俄羅斯刺繡,是入門級刺繡技法,初學者亦可輕鬆掌握; 多款刺繡圖案選擇,如貓貓、狗狗、零食、水果等; 亦可自行草擬圖案,圖案面大小約 12*12厘米; 參加者運用刺繡筆將毛線戳入布面,動作簡單又療癒;參加者口可按需要選擇 A4 大小Tote Bag 或 約 20*20厘米斜跨包 。 ————————— #小書老師 簡介: - 國際認證園藝治療師 - 台灣星之花進階導師 - 文創活動策劃組織 Market Fairish 創辦人; - 香港浸會大學人文學學士、學位教師教育文憑、嶺南大學文化研究碩士; - 註冊教師,英文教師語文能力評核達標,曾任職中小學英文教師、新城電台《新城書房》主持; - 獲獎作家: 2022 年,著作《小情書》榮獲第19屆「十本好讀」中學生最喜愛書籍第三名 2023 年,著作《小情書2》榮獲第20屆「十本好讀」中學生最喜愛書籍第一名 - 持有香港園藝治療協會認可之「園藝治療基礎證書」、「園藝治療中級證書」、「園藝治療高級證書」、「園藝治療與生命教育專業證書」、「園藝治療實務操作證書」 - 持有 Natural Soundhealing International School 之尼泊爾認可 1-3級頌缽初階療癒師證書 (Basic Soundhealing Certificate) ————————— 個人網頁 公司網頁 Facebook 專頁:writersiusyu ————————— 團體班/商業合作/客製工作坊 歡迎DM/Whatspp 6888 5859 查詢😇 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 ————————— 如有查詢,歡迎與工作人員聯絡。 電郵: [email protected] WhatsApp 查詢: 6888 5859 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 **注意事項: - 如參加者對植物或花泥等有敏感徵狀,建議先徵詢醫生的意見才報名參與是次活動。 - 成功申請者將收到電郵通知安排繳交參加費用。 - 由於申請者眾多,未能成功申請者恕不另函通知,敬請原諒。 - 主辦單位保留一切最終決定權。 小書老師自然工作室 #勇敢做自己 #小書 #小情書 #小情書2 #作家分享 #作家講座 #寫作 #十本好讀 #小書園藝 #lovethyself #珍惜 #Cherish #小書老師自然工作室 #GREENFINGER #CNY #工作坊 #課外活動 #星之花 #刺繡 #DIY

4/30/2024, 4:40:21 PM

4月終わりー 💜🤍🤎💗💙😍💓🌸🌷🎶 #可愛い #高崎スプリングフェスティバル #ありがとうございました✨ #Lilakids #Cherish

4/30/2024, 4:30:48 PM

Tüm hazineler arasında en değerlisi zaman çünkü onu geri alamayız. Bu yüzden her anı değerlendirmeli, dolu dolu yaşamalı ve hayatımıza anlam katmalıyız. Time is the most valuable treasure because we cannot get it back. That’s why we should cherish every moment, live life to the fullest, and add meaning to our lives. #Zaman #Hayat #Değer #Anlam #Yaşam #Treasure #Life #Value #Meaning #Cherish

4/30/2024, 4:22:56 PM

One of the most freeing & yet frightening reasons why every moment, interaction, experience & encounter deserves to be deeply cherished. The fact that inevitably everything ends — becomes beautiful & bestowing. New chapters always await🏔️🏔️ #uttarkashi #uttarkashidiaries #uttarkashi#road #roadtrip #ontheroad #views #greenery #heaven #travel #travelphotography #travelblogger #insta #instagood #instamood #solo #solotravel #unknown #happy #enjoy #cherish #gratitude #blessed #levelup #chill #chillvibes #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #naturegram

4/30/2024, 4:21:31 PM

Don't miss a thing! Let us help you cherish those special moments with clear, vibrant hearing. Schedule your hearing assessment today! #Family #Cherish #lovinglife

4/30/2024, 4:21:25 PM

Every chance Mylon got, he wanted “smooches” 💋 (as he loved to call them.) At the close of our anniversary month, I’m reminded of the beautiful gift of my affectionate husband for 25 years. We enjoyed heaven on earth in our marriage, a gift I will forever cherish. 💞 If you’re believing today for more loving relationships, be encouraged God’s tender mercy hovers over you! 🗣️ Let’s declare together, “For the Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and abounding in mercy. The Lord is good to ALL, and His tender mercy is over all His works.” Psalms 145:8-9 Thank you Jesus! #love #mylonlefevre #christilefevre #mylonandchristi #holymatrimony #cherish #marriage #arizona #anniversary

4/30/2024, 4:16:14 PM

🌸⛩️ When I was a kid Grandma brought me to travel Now I grew up It’s my turn 🫶🏻👵🏻💕 . #travel #trip #grandma #family #love #thankful #treasure #cherish #memorable #osaka #memory #japan #enjoy #shopping #sweet #warm #kid #grewup #forever #best #blessed #hope #wish #smile #laugh #thai #gay #gayboy #lgbtq

4/30/2024, 4:15:02 PM

💜Gewinnspiel💜 Habt ihr die ›Katmere Academy‹-Reihe schon gelesen? Wir verlosen heute nämlich den letzten Band ›Cherish‹ 🥰🧛. ➡️ Liked diesen Post ➡️ Folgt uns und @dtv_junior_reihehanser ➡️ Kommentiert, welcher Band euch bisher am besten gefallen hat 💜. Teilnehmen könnt ihr bis am Sonntag, 5.5., 23:59 Uhr. Viel Glück🍀. Übersetzt von: @kalliope777 #Katmereacademy #cherish #verlosung #gewinnspiel #tracywolff #lesetipp #dtvverlag

4/30/2024, 4:02:42 PM

comel😜 . ada hal yang ada tempat KHAS nya tersendiri... . ada hal yang kekal ISTIMEWA.. . ada hal menjadi antara yang TERBAIK penah kita lalui... . ada hal yang tak boleh DILUPAKAN.. . apa pun hal itu..andai ia bermakna dlm hidup kite.. hargai ia, bersyukur walau apa pun terjadi.. ingat n ambil y baek itu lbh penting.. yg kurang baek pasti ada alasannye... kerna hal2 ini akan menjadi bahagian dlm perjalanan n kenangan hidup... terima kasih,alhamdulillah untuk tiap sesuatu.. dan maaf utk tiap kesilapan... sesungguhnya mmg terbaik y selalu diterima =) . #simpansini #memory #13022024 #cherish #zizielifestory

4/30/2024, 3:51:15 PM

#mariewallen #aran #cherish 새 뜨게 서적 .. 보기만 해도 설레브러 🤪

4/30/2024, 3:46:41 PM

#May is #mentalhealthawareness month Start thinking about how you want to #cherish and #honor yourself 💕🧠💚Do things this month to make you feel #sensational For me, the #ocean is my happy place 💚

4/30/2024, 3:34:45 PM

Continue to let the spring blooms over your heart🤗🌞🌷💐. #april #spring #happiness #sun #wellness #flowers #tulipe #pinkstar #life #cherish #smile #life #live

4/30/2024, 3:21:21 PM

Channeling good vibes only. 🌈😎 . . #love #loveyourself #captured #cherish #summervibes #selflove #instalike #instagram #summer #happy #onelove

4/30/2024, 3:18:05 PM

Christmas And Vaillancourt Go Hand-in-Hand. We have reached our 40th year, prompting a moment of reflection for co-founder, Gary Vaillancourt. Although our history has been covered in his book, “It Is Hard To Tell When A Tradition Begins,” Gary was compelled to share some personal observations and the unlikely connection between the Vaillancourt lineage and Christmas... #linkinbio #ChristmasTraditions #Traditions #MadeInMA #Chalkware #40thAnniversary #Cherish . . . . #retail #smallbusiness #shopsmall #shoplocal #fineart #art #collectibles #quality #christmas #holidayshopping #inspirations #MadeInMassachusetts #CentralMassShops #ChristmasTree #christmasdecor #chalkwaresanta #chalkwaresantas #colonialchristmas #Vaillancourt #Santa #FatherChristmas #MyLocalMA

4/30/2024, 3:14:21 PM

Visiting the Devipatnam temple, particularly the Navagraham, is deeply rooted in belief and tradition. Many devotees hold the conviction that an annual pilgrimage there can alleviate their hardships and usher in prosperity. The temple offers opportunities for devotees to perform various rituals themselves, with the aim of bringing peace, prosperity, and spiritual cleansing. One of the significant aspects is the belief in alleviating afflictions caused by unfavorable planetary positions in one's birth chart, such as the Kaal Sarpa Dosha and Pitru Dosha. Rituals involving immersion in water and specific poojas are performed to seek relief from these afflictions and ancestral curses. It's evident that the temple holds profound significance for those who seek solace, blessings, and liberation from various life challenges. Here is some pictures that offer a glimpse into the spiritual ambiance and practices observed at this sacred place. Feeling blessed for the moment🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 #ogether #bonding #family #love #life #lifestyle #lifegoals #couplegoals #memories #cherish #moment #instamoment #pic #picoftheday

4/30/2024, 2:41:18 PM

Finalmente la conclusione di questa serie fantasy stupenda @tracywolffbooks @sperlingkupfer #tracywolff #tracywolffbooks #cherish #romancefantasy #fantasy #fantasyromance #fantasyromancebooks #sperlingkupfer

4/30/2024, 2:21:38 PM

・ いつもありがとうございます♡ʾʾ CHERISH ・ ・ #カルジェル#ネイルサロン #CHERISH #松山市ネイルサロン #松山市フェイシャルサロン #プライベートサロン #大人上品ネイル #グラデーションネイル #自宅サロン #上品ネイル #オフィスネイル#シンプルネイル #エステサロン#エステ #きれいめネイル#大人ネイルサロン #美爪#美人ネイル#韓国ネイル

4/30/2024, 1:19:25 PM

You’ll only ever get one ‘first’…there is something magical about it…something so gratifying…something so rewarding. So cherish the moment, capture it as best you can, and remember that you only ever get one ‘first’. #moments #memories #cherish #gratitude #gratitudeattitude

4/30/2024, 1:10:39 PM

Cheers to an amazing 2024 🥳🥳 because this year is all about the 24, the best number jeje 😜 I’m not feeling that im getting old, I’m feeling proud and so grateful that I got to make it to this age🙏 because nothing is promised and we don’t know how much time he have left. In the last years I’m surrounded by so many sad news and that makes me realize we must appreciate what we have and enjoy it. We must make the best of this life we have Now, and we should stop complaining about what we don’t have yet. I’ll start enjoying more my life and make the best out of it for me and only me, because people be judging anyways no matter what we do.😜😂 I’ll live the way I want and with no regrets and without listening to all that noise surrounding us day by day😂🫣 Tomorrow is not promised and we need to realize that. Cheers to really living and enjoying this life we have with all the ups and downs that belong to it!🥂 Amen🙏 #cheerstolife #lifelessons #lifeiabeautiful #beautifullife #enjoy #enjoythelittlethings #cherish

4/30/2024, 12:43:54 PM

Add a dash of Mompresso magic to your special occasion! Elevate every moment with our tantalizing catering creations. 🎀🤍 #mompresso #catering #cherish #food #decor #occasions #partyideas #eventplanner

4/30/2024, 12:23:43 PM

Add a dash of Mompresso magic to your special occasion! Elevate every moment with our tantalizing catering creations. 🎀🤍 #mompresso #catering #cherish #food #decor #occasions #partyideas #eventplanner

4/30/2024, 12:23:36 PM

Add a dash of Mompresso magic to your special occasion! Elevate every moment with our tantalizing catering creations. 🎀🤍 #mompresso #catering #cherish #food #decor #occasions #partyideas #eventplanner

4/30/2024, 12:23:29 PM

Celebrate with Mompresso Catering! From birthdays to baby showers, we’ve got everything you need for a fantastic event. Reach out to us via DM to discuss and let’s make your occasion unforgettable! #MompressoCatering #Celebrate #EventPlanning #Birthdays #BabyShowers #Decor #cherish #mompresso #tumblehouseduplo

4/30/2024, 12:22:11 PM

🎉 Let’s party with Mompresso Catering! 🍰 Birthdays, baby showers, and all the fun stuff - we’ve got you covered! DM us to chat and let’s make your event awesome! 🍼🎈 #MompressoCatering #PartyTime #cherish #party #birthday #decor #eventplanner

4/30/2024, 12:22:04 PM

Celebrate with Mompresso Catering! From birthdays to baby showers, we’ve got everything you need for a fantastic event. Reach out to us via DM to discuss and let’s make your occasion unforgettable! #MompressoCatering #Celebrate #EventPlanning #Birthdays #BabyShowers #Decor #cherish #mompresso #tumblehouseduplo

4/30/2024, 12:21:42 PM

👑Sono passati mesi dalla morte di Cyrus. Mesi in cui la più grande preoccupazione di Grace è stata consegnare i compiti in tempo per gli esami... Ma il suo mondo sta per cadere a pezzi ancora una volta: la Corte dei vampiri non ha un re, la Corte dei draghi non ha un cuore e la Corte dei gargoyle può contare solamente su di lei, un'adolescente che non sa più cosa fare. Ed è il peggior momento possibile, perché una terribile minaccia incombe proprio mentre il Circolo sta crollando. Grace non ha altra scelta se non quella di tornare nel Regno delle Ombre per affrontare la regina che li ha quasi uccisi e stringere un patto con lei, se vuole trarre Mekhi in salvo. Questa volta, però, non sarà sola: i suoi amici sono con lei, e anche Hudson, sebbene ci sia qualcosa che non va in lui... Grace è certa che nasconda un segreto, anche se non sa di cosa si tratti. Ora però le loro vite sono in pericolo, e solo lei può tentare di salvarli. #cherish #tracywolff #sperlingkupfer #booktok #bookrecommendations #bookalert #nuoveuscitelibri #libreriaianni

4/30/2024, 12:16:59 PM

こんばんは、ぽむ。です🥰 先ほど19時にYouTubeにて平袋コラージュの動画をアップロードしました🌷 コラージュ動画をあまり撮ったことがなく 参考になるか分からないですが… 普段こんなふうに作ってるんだなぁと見て頂けたら とても幸いです(* ´ ` *)ᐝ💗💗 以前YouTubeに投稿した平袋作りの動画で制作した平袋に コラージュしたのでそちらの動画も良ければ…😌 こちらの平袋は @h._.collage ちゃんの交換便へ💌‪‪𓂃 𓈒𓏸 ෆ˚*好きな作家さん(デザペ)ෆ˚* @cherish365_zakka さん ෆ˚*人物ステッカー(女の子)ෆ˚* @nyaachan_bung さんと @eundi_ed さんを今回使用しました😌✨✨ とても可愛くて大好きです。 ぜひ参考になれたら嬉しいです ぜひYouTube見て頂けると嬉しいです🌷 ✼••┈┈••✼••┈┈••✼••┈┈••✼••┈┈••✼ 久しぶりにYouTube動画アップロードしました☺️ 更新頻度は高くないのですが いつも見てくださりとても嬉しいです🌸*・ 励みになっております(⁎ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈⁎) コラージュの動画見てみたい…👀 というお声を頂き今回撮ってみました。 遅くなったのと参考になるのかとても不安です🙉💦 ⁡ チャンネル登録・高評価・コメント嬉しいです(*¨̮*) 最近はリプやDMでお話するようになり、 Instagramを開くのがとても楽しくなりました🥰 話したことがない…仲良くなりたい…… という方(居たら嬉しいです🥲🥲) ぜひぜひお話しましょう⁽⁽ ◟(灬 ˊωˋ 灬)◞ ⁾⁾ 皆さまとお近付きになれたら嬉しいです。。 連休皆さま楽しんでますか|ू・ω・` )✨ 私は人が多くていつも通り引きこもってます。🏠 交換便もまだまだいっぱい予定が…🗓 体調が良い時にどんどん作っていますので もう暫くお待ちください…🙇‍♀️ (お待たせしてしまい申しわけないです) では今日も1日皆さまお疲れさまでした🌷 無理せず明日もお互い頑張りましょう〜!!! ではまた*˙︶˙*)ノ" ⁡ #コラージュ #コラージュアート #コラージュ素材 #平袋 #平袋コラージュ #collage #collageart #journal #flipflopjournal #紙もの #紙もの好きさんと繋がりたい #人物ステッカー #にゃあちゃん さん #eundi さん #ステッカー #シール #マステ #マスキングテープ #デザインペーパー #デザペ #cherish #cherish365 さん #ピンク #可愛い #youtube #作業 #vlog #お友達探し #コラージュ好きな人と繋がりたい

4/30/2024, 12:02:43 PM

𝑯𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅...🍃 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄 ::🥀 • ═══════ ✰ ════════ • 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐒 💭 🍧 ғɪʟᴛᴇʀ ʙʏ ::@hitixfilter 🥥 ɪᴅᴇᴀ ʙʏ ::mine 🍯 ᴅᴇᴅɪᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ::@nehaalnaseem ⛱️ ᴄᴀᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ʙʏ ::dk • ═══════ ✰ ════════ • ‼️ 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 ‼️ 😾 Don't repost my edits with or without credit 🍟 Give proper credits if you recreate 🍡 Drop your feedbacks 🥙 Save and Share my edit on your story • ═══════ ✰ ════════ • ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ [ ] ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴀᴇsᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ ᴇᴅɪᴛs :: 🌿 • ═══════ ✰ ════════ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 🍨 #explore #edits #editingskills #editing #trending #trend #actress #p #post #picsartedit #celebrity #cherish #goviral #fanpages #feed #fanedit #igreach #igtrend #nehaalnaseem #nehaalnaseemedits #nehaalnaseemfan #nehaalnaseem❤️‍🔥 #nehaalnaseemedit #nehaalnaseemsupraedit #mineaffinity

4/30/2024, 11:30:09 AM

#cherish every moment

4/30/2024, 10:48:07 AM

Cheers to friendship & unforgettable moments! #cherish #friends #friendship #business #cheers #preciousmoments #memories

4/30/2024, 10:45:54 AM

Education is a key development and plays an important role further in one’s life. Receiving my Bachelor degree from my College was a proud moment. I cherish all my learning experiences at the College and remain grateful & sincere gratitude to my Parents, Respected Principal, Dean and to all my faculty ma’am’s who not only taught me subjects but also supported & encouraged me in pursuing my profession ❤️🙏🏻✨ and I feel, I am blessed to have you all in my life ! @st.annscollegeforwomen @i_geethagandhi Amma❤️ #convocation #dayofcelebration #cherish #celebration #achievement #graduationday🎓 #ceremony #lifetime #goals #heights #score #rank #student #studentlife #studentgoals #convocationday #2023 #batch

4/30/2024, 10:22:24 AM

ℍ𝕠𝕝𝕒 𝕞𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕟 🥰🌺, —ℝ𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕓𝕠𝕨 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜-ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖— Auch wenn ich an der Challenge schon teilgenommen habe, konnte ich nicht widerstehen nochmal einen Beitrag vorzubereiten, nachdem mich die liebe @ivyliestalles markiert hat - danke dafür🥰. Sie hat mir die Farbe 💜 gegeben und da bin ich doch direkt mal auf die Suche gegangen und habe mich für folgende Bücher entschieden: 💜Divine Rivals 💜Dark Sigils 💜Cherish 💜Fragile Heart 💜Wie die Stille vor dem Fall Vielleicht habt ihr ja auch Lust mit zu machen oder nochmal mit zu machen. Total egal 🤭 lasst uns einfach wieder etwas Farbe ins Spiel bringen: Ich nominiere: ❤️ @chiarasanchez1205 💚 @bookish_lia 🧡 @carrys_loveofbooks 💜 @malisbookworld 🩷 @on_the_same__page ••• Welche lilanen Bücher kommen euch noch in den Sinn? Habt ihr schon was von meiner Auswahl gelesen? #bookstagramgermany #bookstagram #bookblogger #bücherliebeverbindet #lesenmachtglücklich #bücherempfehlung #lesenmachtsüchtig #lesenverbindet #bookaddict #bücherwurm #bookiesupport #reading #booklover #bücherwelt #leseratte #bookaholic #igreads #bookstagramdeutschland #bookcommunity #rainbowbookchallenge #bookiesforsupport #divinerivals #cherish #darksigils

4/30/2024, 9:56:08 AM

🌸 NOVITÀ IN CASA SPERLING & KUPFER 🌸 Ciao a tutti amici #readers! Da oggi potete trovare finalmente in libreria "Cherish", l'ultimo attessissimo capitolo di una delle serie Paranormal Fantasy più amate degli ultimi tempi. 📚 TRAMA 📚 Sono passati mesi dalla morte di Cyrus. Mesi in cui la più grande preoccupazione di Grace è stata consegnare i compiti in tempo per gli esami... Ma il suo mondo sta per cadere a pezzi ancora una volta: la Corte dei vampiri non ha un re, la Corte dei draghi non ha un cuore e la Corte dei gargoyle può contare solamente su di lei, un'adolescente che non sa più cosa fare. Ed è il peggior momento possibile, perché una terribile minaccia incombe proprio mentre il Circolo sta crollando. Grace non ha altra scelta se non quella di tornare nel Regno delle Ombre per affrontare la regina che li ha quasi uccisi e stringere un patto con lei, se vuole trarre Mekhi in salvo. Questa volta, però, non sarà sola: i suoi amici sono con lei, e anche Hudson, sebbene ci sia qualcosa che non va in lui... Grace è certa che nasconda un segreto, anche se non sa di cosa si tratti. Ora però le loro vite sono in pericolo, e solo lei può tentare di salvarli. LO LEGGERETE ❓ SIETE FAN DI QUESTA SERIE ❓ VI ASPETTO NEI COMMENTI 🌟 #giftedby @sperlingkupfer @tracywolffbooks #novità #nuoveuscite #newrelease #cherish #craveseries #bookblogger #bookstagrammer #bookstagrammeritalia #booksofinstagram #booknerd

4/30/2024, 9:55:52 AM

. "𝓐 𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓾𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝔀𝓮𝓪𝓻.” -𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓵𝔂𝓷 𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓻𝓸𝓮 .❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #smile #love #selflove #cherish #redlover #ethnic #ethnicwear #instagood #instamood

4/30/2024, 9:35:04 AM

Experience the enchanting fusion of Sur and Taal with Dhamak - The Magic of Sur Taal LIVE tonight! Let their captivating rhythms and melodies ignite your soul and transport you to a realm of musical bliss. . . For Reservation:- +91 9873773747, +91 98119 36856, +91 7838271741 : Address:- N-49, 2nd Floor, Middle Circle, Connaught Place, Delhi . . . . . #MyBarHeadquarters #dance #drinks #liveperformance #music #crazynights #cocktail #mocktail #beer #wine #ILoveMyBar #delhinightlife #delhifoodie #moment #magicmoment #bestindelhi #placetobe #cherish #cherishmoment #nightlife #delhilife #delhiiteslife #dilli #mybarescape

4/30/2024, 8:26:12 AM

Budweiser Horses arrived safely in Palm Desert for the Kick off to StageCoach 2024. These Big Star Horses had more Security than most Humans. Thanks to the City of La Quinta for the invite and Epic Day! . . . #budweiser #budweiserhorses #arrival #elpaseo #palmdesert #laquinta #happy #cherishthemoments #cherish #desert #horsegirl #horsegirlenergy #Clydesdales #desertlife #horsesofinsta #thankful #horsesofinstagram #funday #Horses #followthehitch

4/30/2024, 8:12:48 AM

A top that means so much, into a bear 🧸 I’ve included as many features as possible from the original top ❤️ #remember #cherish #smallbusiness #handmadewithlove #love #loved

4/30/2024, 7:34:33 AM

During life’s challenges, the support of meaningful relationships can be our greatest strength. Whether it’s a friend who truly understands or a loved one who brings joy to our days, positive connections play an important role in stress management. Let’s cherish the laughter and shared moments that friendships bring as they provide comfort during difficult times. Tag a friend who lifts your spirits and makes life brighter! #wellness #healthandwellness #relationships #friendship #family #cherisheverymoment #cherish #wellbeing

4/30/2024, 7:32:46 AM

Jade(제이드) 단독 콘서트 티켓 오픈 ! 프로필 링크에서 확인해주세요🙏 Jade(제이드) 단독 콘서트 [Yours, Jade] 사랑하는 팬분들께 ‘제이드가 쓴 편지’를 음악과 함께 읽어드릴게요📜 제이드의 과거, 현재, 미래를 노래하는 단독 콘서트에 여러분을 초대합니다💌 ‘Just As the Way That You Are’, ‘My Violet and My Blue’, ‘Youth’, ‘서로에게 전부가 되지 않았다면’ 등 기존 발매하였던 곡들과 더불어, 제이드의 미발매 곡을 이번 공연을 통해 최초로 공개합니다🫶 ✦ 𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘 2024.06.01(토) 7PM ✦ 𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗧 예매처 : 멜론티켓 ✦ 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗨𝗘 살롱문보우 ✦ 𝗦𝗘𝗔𝗧 60석 (지정좌석제) ✦ 𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗧 𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗘 ₩55,000 - Jade Solo Concert ticket open ! Check out the link in bio🙏 Jade Solo Concert [Yours, Jade] I will read 'Jade's Letter' to beloved fans with music📜 You are invited to a solo concert where Jade sings about her past, present, and future💌 Alongside previously released songs like 'Just As the Way That You Are', 'My Violet and My Blue', 'Youth', and 'If We Weren’t Everything to Each Other', Jade will do unreleased songs for the first time at this performance 🫶 ✦ 𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘 2024.06.01(Sat) 7PM ✦ 𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗧 Ticketing: Melon Ticket ✦ 𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗨𝗘 Salon Moonbow ✦ 𝗦𝗘𝗔𝗧 60 seats (assigned seating) ✦ 𝗧𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗧 𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗘 ₩55,000

4/30/2024, 7:08:37 AM

Paradise, a place where I have a clear mind, fully express myself in a way that there’s nothing in my way but space, and nothing in the world that’s bad is there to stop this amazing moment that I’m never gonna forget. #cherish #atmospgere

4/30/2024, 7:00:52 AM

Gifts are a way to show we care. Choose a gift from Etceteramart that will be cherished for years to come (gifts, gifting solutions, Etceteramart, quotes, love, appreciation, gratitude, affection, cherish, heart, thought, friendship, memories, special, perfect, show, and care) #gifts, #gifting, #giftingideas, #giftsolutions, #etceteramart, #quotes, #love, #appreciation, #gratitude, #affection, #cherish, #heart, #thought, #friendship, #memories, #special, #perfect, #show, and #care.

4/30/2024, 6:30:15 AM