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#food #travel #sports #news #june #saturday

We can understand the intellectual ideas of the universal interconnection of all things…but can we realise it in our feeling of it…’togetherness’…being with anything can we feel the connection… can we not sense or create a separateness… and can that change our relationship to everything and make it therefore more kind, caring and compassionate…? 😊🙏 #mind #mindset #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindfulnessassociation #mindful #mindfulliving #mindfulmoments #mindfulcompassion #mindfulselfcompassion #selfcompassion #compassion #compassionate #compassiontoday #compassioninternational #daveoldham

6/1/2024, 10:39:46 AM

We can’t forget most things, acceptance isn’t easy, people tell us to let go … all these are possible and take practice…but as we do that and observe our process we can diminish the impact things have along the way, practicing holding them in awareness or mindfully noticing them, allowing them to inform us about ourselves and our experiences whether they are in the past as memories that pop up, triggered events, things happening in the present or even how we create ideas about the future… diminishing the impact may be a practice that helps us towards less and less suffering and greater happiness and may be a gentler and less pressured way of working with our experiences with less expectation of how we think we should be!!!😊🙏 #mind #mindset #mindfulness #mindful #mindfulness #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulcompassion #mindfulnesstips #mindfulnesscoaching #mindful #mindfulliving #compassion #compassionate #compassiontoday #selfcompassion #compassioninternational #daveoldham

5/28/2024, 11:11:27 AM

Finding the point of stillness deep inside you and focussing your attention there, resting in that stillness, letting it spread into the whole body and mind allows you to transcend all the movement within you and outside you… transcending it all will helping stay calm and still even when the most challenging movements are happening… practice 😊🙏 #mindfulnesstips #mind #mindset #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindful #mindfulness #mindfulliving #mindfulcompassion #mindfulness #mindfulnessassociation #mindovermatter #mindfulmoments #mindfulmovement #compassion #compassionate #compassionateliving #compassioninternational #compassiontoday #daveoldham

5/24/2024, 12:46:17 PM

Transform your inner dialogue with The Mindful Self-Compassion App. Silence the critic, awaken the nurturer within, and step into a world of self-love and mindfulness. 🧘‍♀🧘 Let's embark on this healing journey together. . . . #selfcompassion #lifebalanc #stressfree #welnessjourney #holistichealth #mindfulawarness #mentalhealth #mindfulcompassion #calmmind #stressrelief

5/21/2024, 2:00:28 AM

Instead of seeking externally for what you have always been looking for … look within and discover the treasures you have always carried, like jewels 💎 of awareness, mindfulness, love, loving kindness, joy, happiness, calm and peace to name but a few … then practice maintains your connection with them so they’re always accessible 😊🙏 #mindset #mindfulness #mind #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindful #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfulcompassion #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulmoments #mindfulpractice #mindfulnesspractice #mindfullness #compassion #compassionate #selfcompassion #compassiontoday #compassioninternational #awareness #peace #joy #calm #lovingkindness #love #daveoldham

5/18/2024, 12:33:05 PM

Join us this summer to learn more about the importance of kindness, with Ruth Weston. She is a business owner (Aquabirths Birthing Pools), veteran birth activist, speaker, and now author. Using her own experience of activism, burnout and the long years of recovery, she reflects on how the practice of mindful compassion and specifically the practice of loving kindness has enabled her to work again. This will be a practical session and the first time Ruth shares openly this part of her life ahead of the publication of her book Birthing Change: Grassroots actions anyone can take. 13 June 9:30am - 4pm Bubble Theatre 5 Elephant Lane London, SE16 4JD ARM Member – £25 | Non-ARM Member – £35 ARM Student Midwife Member – £15 Non-ARM student midwife – £20 Lunch and refreshments included. Get your ticket at: www.midwifery.org.uk/event/arm-summer-2024 Because Midwifery Matters. #KindnessMatters #MindfulCompassion #LovingKindness #BirthingChange #MidwiferyMatters #Activism #CompassionateActivism #SummerLearning #LondonEvents #ARM #MidwiferyEvent #RuthWeston #Aquabirths #BirthingPools #SpeakerEvent #AuthorTalk #SelfCare #BurnoutRecovery #GrassrootsActivism #BubbleTheatre #Summer2024

5/16/2024, 10:00:40 AM

Learn how to listen to your body, adjust expectations, and cultivate resilience in the face of change. Embrace the journey with kindness and grace... #MSStrength #Resilience #mindfulcompassion https://tinyurl.com/3zdsvcht Leelo en español: https://tinyurl.com/5n8zzcxt

5/12/2024, 8:01:51 PM

Ever feel like you're playing traffic cop with your empathy, letting everyone else pass through, but forgetting about your own boundaries? Here's the truth: that's a fast lane to a dysregulated nervous system! 🤯 Imagine your empathy pouring out like an open faucet. Beautiful, right? Now imagine forgetting to turn off the tap for yourself – not so pretty. Your nervous system deserves better! You deserve better. 💙 Here's the scoop: Setting boundaries isn't a roadblock to empathy; it's the GPS that keeps your emotional highway flowing smoothly so you can continue showing up for those that you love the most. 🗺️🌐 Pouring endless compassion into others' cups is admirable, but here's the catch: if you neglect your own boundaries, you risk an emotional traffic jam. Your well-being deserves a seat in the driver's car too! Setting boundaries isn't selfish; it's self-love in action. It's like putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others – because, my friend, you can't pour from an empty cup! ☕🙅♀️ Curious how you can show up with empathy and compassion for others while still taking care of yourself and staying regulated? Comment "TELL ME MORE" 👇 and let's chat. XOXO, Dr. B #EmpathyWithBoundaries #NervousSystemCare #SelfLoveRoadtrip #MindfulCompassion #nervoussystemfacts #sensoryoverload #irritated #overstimulatedintrovert #momlifeunfiltered #copingskills #sensorysystem #parenting #parenthood #thrive #nervoussystemhealing #sensorydysregulation #sensoryissues #neurosensorybasedparenting #sensorysensitivity #regulation #burnout #mentalhealthisimportant #trauma #battlingburnout #guiltinparenthood #calmyournervoussystem #lifebalance #mentalhealthsupport #prioritizeyourself #realmotherhood

5/8/2024, 1:02:31 AM

As though just touching whatever your focus of attention is on with the lightness of a feather , so gentle it’s almost imperceptible and yet the focus remains 😊🙏 #mind #mindfulness #mindset #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindful #mindfullness #mindfull #mindfulliving #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnes #mindfulpractice #mindfulcompassion #compassion #compassionate #selfcompassion #compassionateliving #compassionatecare #compassioninternational #compassiontoday #awareness #daveoldham

5/6/2024, 12:07:36 PM

Happy May! We're starting the 5th month of the year How are you doing so far? One of the quickest ways we can return to feeling balanced is through connection ✨ connect with a loved one ✨ connect with nature ✨ connect with beauty ✨ connect with yourself Add a quick check in for clarity and focus ✔️Pause - stop for a few gentle breaths ✔️Praise - recognize the difficult things you are managing ✔️Persevere - your next goal may be right around the corner ✔️Patience - keep believing ✔️Peace - is a practice of regularly connecting to yourself Be well! #connectioniskey #mindfulcompassion #lifebalancecoach #everydaywellbeing

5/1/2024, 7:12:36 PM

Rather than being an observer looking at the experience you may be having, can you let go of the observer and the subjective view of your experience and simply become just the experience? 😊🙏 #mind #mindfulness #mindset #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindful #mindfullness #mindfull #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulmoments #mindfulmovement #mindfullness #mindfulcompassion #awareness #compassion #selfcompassion #compassionate #compassioninternational #compassiontoday #daveoldham

4/30/2024, 11:17:19 AM

Mindful Monday. As we practice mindfulness, we have the opportunity to plant and cultivate the seeds of compassion and love for ourselves and others. #MindfulMonday #MindfulLiving #Mindfulness #MindfulMondays #TheHereandNow #InthePresentMoment #PracticingMindfulness #MindfulCompassion

4/29/2024, 6:46:58 PM

Take time to make time  Join Rye's Compassion Circle today at 1pm to:  🌱 Discuss attributes of compassion like sensitivity, sympathy, empathy, nonjudgment, and distress tolerance 🌱 Try a "compassionate self" guided meditation 🌱 Be in conversation with supportive friends and neighbors   We don't have to figure it all out on our own.   Rye Compassion Circle @ryefrr @westchesterlibrarysystem Monday, April 29th at 1 pm  1061 Boston Post Road, Rye. NY Benefits of a compassionate mindset 🔹show up for yourself and others, even on tough days  🔹change your ability to tolerate distress 🔹bounce back from setbacks  🔹treat yourself like a good friend  A compassionate perspective helps us deal with challenges. With greater self-awareness and kindness, we: 🔹gain clarity about what's most important  🔹make decisions quicker 🔹set limits without resentment  🔹lean into the support and love around you  Admission is free. Registration required. Space is still available. Sign up at avivacoaching.com/events or link in my bio ⤴️ #bettertogether #mindfulcompassion #compassionateliving #lovingkindness #globalcompassioncoalition #compassionatemeditation #compassionatemindfoundation #compassioncircles

4/29/2024, 11:57:31 AM

It’s often in the smallest@things and brief moments that if we pause we can find joy and beauty that we may normally have missed … big things are great and we often look for those to bring us joy happiness beauty and so on… but it’s the small things, the tiniest of flowers, the moment of a smile that connects us, a glimpse of the magic in the mundane, repetitive things that we barely notice as they’re almost habitual … so instead of seeking the big things we can try to constantly recognise the myriad of tiny things and moments that bring us all we need to appreciate beauty and joy in our day to day lives 😊🙏 #mind #mindfulness #mindset #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindful #mindfulliving #mindfulness #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulcompassion #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulmoments #compassion #compassiontoday #compassionateliving #compassioninternational #awareness #daveoldham

4/26/2024, 12:22:05 PM

. The biggest mistakes people make when trying to support someone who is grieving… . When someone we care about is grieving, sometimes it can be hard to find the right words to say. While people usually mean well, sometimes the words can come off as invalidating, unhelpful, or even hurtful to the person in the grieving process. . Here are a few commonly said phrases to people who are grieving, along with alternative more sensitive and mindful phrases you can use to show someone you’re still there for them. . The key is to be genuine, validate their emotions, provide encouragement as they work through the stages of grief, take away pressure, and show your willingness to provide help and a non-judgmental listening ear. 🕊 . Save this post and use it later! . ~ Leaya . . #griefsupport #mindfulcompassion #mentalhealthsupport #griefcounseling

4/25/2024, 4:10:32 PM

Heard this today... the keys to living well are ✨ something to do ✨ someone to love and ✨ something to look forward to #everydaywellbeing #biglittlelife #mindfulcompassion #compassionateliving #enjoylife

4/24/2024, 8:00:49 PM

I’m aware sometimes change can be very challenging and we tend to focus on the difficult aspects of life quite naturally more than the good stuff…but sometimes change can be really advantageous and bring about lots of benefits and I think it’s a good thing to focus on those aspects too…and changes are a great lesson in impermanence each time they happen 😊🙏 #mind #mindset #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindful #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfulcompassion #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnes #mindfulnessmeditation #compassion #compassionate #compassiontoday #compassioninternational #awareness #daveoldham

4/23/2024, 12:17:19 PM

Can you find out just how it feels as you simply let your awareness go further and further beyond any limits you may have given it before … 😊🙏 #mind #mindset #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindfulcompassion #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulmoments #mindfulmovement #mindfullness #awareness #compassion #compassionate #compassioninternational #compassiontoday #daveoldham

4/19/2024, 12:59:22 PM

#PullUpOnMe When empathy knows no boundaries, it can lead to self-neglect and burnout as individuals continuously prioritize others’ needs over their own. Establishing healthy boundaries allows for compassionate support of others while safeguarding one’s own emotional well-being, fostering a balanced approach to empathy and mental health. #EmpathyLimits #BoundariesMatter #MentalHealthBalance #LoveandEmpathy #HealthyBoundaries #EmpathyJourney #SelfCareFirst #MindfulCompassion #EmotionalWellness #EmpathyBoundaries

4/18/2024, 9:54:59 PM

Join the conversation on navigating uncertainty. We don't have to figure everything out on our own.   Be a part of planning the next steps for Rye's Compassion Circle    Rye Compassion Circle Monday, April 29th at 1 pm Rye Library @ryefrr 1061 Boston Post Road, Rye. NY Benefits of a compassionate mindset ✨ show up for yourself and others, even on tough days ✨ change your relationship with discomfort  ✨ bounce back from setbacks  ✨ treat yourself like a good friend  A compassionate perspective helps us deal with challenges, with greater self-awareness and kindness we: 🔹gain clarity about what's most important  🔹make decisions quicker 🔹set limits with less resentment  🔹lean into the support and love around us  On April 29th, we'll discuss attributes of compassion and the practice of loving-kindness along with guided meditation.    It's free to attend. Registration is required. Space is limited. Sign up at avivacoaching.com/events or link in bio ⤴️ #bettertogether #mindfulcompassion #compassionateliving #lovingkindness #globalcompassioncoalition #compassionatemindfoundation #compassioncircles #westchesterlibrarysystems #ryefreereadingroom

4/18/2024, 8:09:50 PM

Sounds obvious to many but it’s so important if you have a meditation practice to realise the immense benefit of cultivating calm in body and mind, even before you engage in any other type of practice… out of calmness practices flow that benefit ourselves and others and for many calm may be enough to realise all we need is already within ourselves … and I would suggest when we think we have become calm there may be a lot more calmness beneath that so keep going😊🙏 #mind #mindset #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindfulness #mindful #mindfullness #mindfull #mindfulliving #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulcompassion #compassion #compassionate #compassiontoday #compassioninternational #daveoldham

4/13/2024, 11:45:32 AM

Definitely not always easy to wait for anything as in many ways we have been raised to want things now! However developing patience in our practice which is really helpful especially if we may have things to do afterwards…and patient with the time it takes to become more calm … and patient with the activity in our minds and how long it may take to allow the mind to settle … will also help us to become more patient in lives when we wait for anything … 😊🙏 #mind #mindfulness #mindsetcoach #mindset #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindfulness #mindful #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulcompassion #mindfulliving #mindfulparenting #mindfulmoments #mindfullife #compassion #compassionate #compassioninternational #compassionforall #compassiontoday #daveoldham

4/10/2024, 10:23:51 AM

Solar eclipse 2024 ☀️🌑 🔥 Instructions for living a life: ✨ Pay attention ✨ Be astonished ✨ Tell about it - Mary Oliver #solareclipse2024 #maryoliverquotes #poetrymonth #mindfulcompassion  #beastonished Thanks to @rainbowsymphony for the eclipse photo

4/8/2024, 4:24:52 PM

Someone being a friend or a moment of kindness got me through some of the darkest times of my life. Even if those moments were fleeting they kept me going. Friendship and kindness can be profoundly life changing and we may never know how deeply. Thay (a Buddhist Zen master) said one time that the gift of presence is the greatest expression of love we can give. That remains true in my own personal experience.

4/6/2024, 4:38:26 AM

When fear is in the driver's seat we may freeze or pull away from what's important to us. Life is short and feels different when we're going for what matters to us. Thanks 🙏🏼💗 to @themagdaleneproject for #repost ... #letyourlightshine #speakyoutruthwithlove #authenticself #followyourheart #johnodonohuequote #johnodonohue #mindsetcoaching #mindfulcompassion #poetrymonth

4/4/2024, 7:54:43 PM

Compassion is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, alongside a sense of connection and desire to be supportive. On one hand, compassion can be treating others as you would wish to be treated. Then self-compassion can be treating yourself with the same kindness you would treat a friend with. #Mindfulness #MindfulnessEveryday #EverydayMindfulness #MindfulPerformerTraining #MindfulLearning #Compassion #SelfCompassion #MindfulCompassion

4/3/2024, 9:35:03 PM

We all seem to fancy a little calm amidst the busyness of our minds … and it is there waiting for you in the depth of the infinite spaciousness of your own awareness… practice concentration into the single point within and gradually notice how with patience it opens back up into the depth of the infinite space… and experience the calmness that’s always there 😊🙏 #mind #mindsetcoach #mindset #mindfulness #mindfulcompassion #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulliving #mindfull #mindfullness #mindfullife #mindfulnesspractice #mindfullnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnessmoment #compassion #compassionate #compassioninternational #compassiontoday #daveoldham

4/3/2024, 5:31:10 PM

Let empathy guide your actions. Walk in someone else's shoes before passing judgment." #EmpathyMatters #MindfulCompassion #mindfulness #mindfulnesssg #BrahmCentre #BrahmCentreSG #MentalHealth #Wellness #Mindfulness #QuoteoftheDay #DailyQuotes #Insights

4/2/2024, 4:03:30 AM

Life will always have its challenges and ups and downs but YOU can CHOOSE to ride these waves PEACEFULLY. You can choose peace within your soul, your mind, your heart, your body, your energy. Peaceful prayers, peaceful words, peaceful kindness, peaceful nurture, peaceful frequencies. This NOT about overriding the difficulties of life nor difficult emotions, but rather choosing to surrender to them with love, acceptance, and peaceful forgiveness. To choose to walk away, to disengage, to sit still, to cry, to be grateful for the little simplicities of life. In other words, PEACE begins within. Share this with someone who needs to remember that they can be the PEACE within the CHAOS. I love you and am on this rollercoaster ride of life with you. Your Legacy Coach #peace #mindfulcompassion #meditation #mindfulness #compassion #forgiveness #unconditionallove #leadership #empathy

4/2/2024, 2:39:08 AM

Everything we take into our bodies also impacts on our mind in one way or another … so I thought as it’s water I’d notice the impact of chocolate on my own being … great experiment and so much fun to watch … from happy to giddy to calming to crashing to the desire and craving for more … may not be as much fun to pay attention to other foodstuffs but it can all be practice in one way or another 🤣😊🙏 #mind #mindset #mindfulness #mindsetcoach #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindblown #mindfulness #mindful #mindfulnessassociation #mindfuleating #mindfulliving #mindfullife #mindfulmoments #mindfulcompassion #compassion #compassionate #compassiontoday #compassioninternational #compassioninaction #daveoldham

4/1/2024, 2:23:20 PM

"In the realm of unspoken emotions, those who grasp the silent battles of our hearts emerge as true champions. 💖 #SilentStruggles #UnderstandingHearts #ChampionsOfEmpathy" Aman Jain @amanjain.aj Anjaan Lekhika @anjaan_lekhika_ #MindfulCompassion #SoulfulConnection #HeartToHeart #EmpatheticSupport #InvisiblePain #HeartfeltUnderstanding #EmotionalIntelligence #UnspokenWords #EmpathyWins #InnerFeelings

3/30/2024, 6:53:42 AM

Discover the transformative power of Mindful Compassion ✨ 🌿 Delve into our latest blog post where we explore the beautiful synergy between Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Loving-Kindness Meditation. Learn how to integrate these practices for greater inner peace, empathy, and well-being. #MindfulCompassion #ACT #LovingKindness

3/26/2024, 4:00:25 PM

So I think it’s helpful to realise what we are practicing moment by moment and make wise choices to attend to our day to day routines, habits, thought processes, what we do and say and if we would benefit from making a few alterations to those things there’s no time like now to begin making those changes … it’s not just on the cushion we cultivate ourselves towards how we want to be..the rest of the time is equally as important 😊🙏 #mindfulselfcompassion #mind #mindset #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindful #mindfulcompassion #mindfulliving #mindfulpractice #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulmoments #mindfulmovement #mindfulmeditation #compassion #compassionate #compassioninternational #compassiontoday #compassionateleadership #daveoldham

3/22/2024, 11:58:18 AM

This little sweetie pie is seven years old today! She got a 3 1/2 mile hike and lots of treats! I just love her so much♥️♥️♥️ #dogmom #powerofnature #mindfulcompassion #mindingthewaves

3/21/2024, 2:01:05 AM

Amidst the weight of caring for others, let's not forget to nurture our own mental and emotional health ❤️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #CompassionFatigueAwareness #SelfCareForHelpers #MentalHealthMatters. #PsychologicalWellness #CaringForCarers #EmpathyAndResilience #SupportingHealers #MindfulCompassion #TherapistSelfCare #UnderstandingBurnout #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealth #psychology #foryou #trending #manastithiconsultancy #psychedelicart

3/17/2024, 7:31:39 PM

With this in mind we can begin to see reality as it is, as opposed to how we want it to be or wish it to be or would prefer it to be… or not to be of course 😊 coming back to our awareness instead of being lost in interpretive or thinking aspects of mind allows us to understand our selves, others and things as they are 😊🙏 #mindset #mindfulness #mindful #mind #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindfulness #mindful #mindfulliving #mindfulcompassion #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnesscoach #compassion #mindfulselfcompassion #compassiontoday #compassioninternational #compassionate #daveoldham

3/17/2024, 11:35:05 AM

A compassionate mindset allows you to be there for others in the way you intend. To learn more about compassion, join a Compassion Circle 3 seats are still available for this Monday March 18th at 1pm Compassion Circle of Rye Rye Free Reading Room 1061 Boston Post Road, Rye, NY 10580 Sign up in bio ⤴️ or at avivacoaching.com/events  It's free to attend. Registration is required. Space is limited. "Your legacy is every life you touch." - Maya Angelou Thanks to @drmayaangelou & @philosophyinsight for the quote and repost @let.repost • • • • • • #compassioncircleofrye #compassioncircles #globalcompassioncoalition #mindfulcompassion #compassionatemind #ryefreereadingroom @ryefrr #compassionatemindfoundation #mindfulnessmindset #growthmindset #mindsetcoach #mindsetcoaching #westchesterlibrarysystems #rye #ryebrook #ryeneck #mamaroneck #larchmont #portchester #ryemoms #10580 #10543 #10573 #10604

3/16/2024, 5:29:56 PM

We don't bury feelings, we may suppress them but they find a way to come out and then we walk around feeling overwhelmed, defeated, exhausted, or overreacting in other situations. Facing our inner fears directly isn't always easy but it leads to feeling better sooner. • • • • • • Thanks to @tricyclemag and Scott Tusa for repost • • • • • • #feelyourfeelings #mindfulcompassion #mindsetcoaching #allowing #mentalstrength

3/12/2024, 2:46:39 PM

The 2nd Compassion Circle of Rye  When: Monday, March 18th @ 1 pm, 75 minutes Where: Rye Free Reading Room We'll be talking about the three flows of compassion:  🔹Flowing compassion toward others 🔹Receiving compassion from others 🔹Flowing compassion toward oneself We'll discuss and experience a soothing rhythm breathing practice and more... Each Compassion Circle explores a different aspect of compassion, deepening understanding and accessibility. Each meeting is designed to be understood on its own.  If you missed the first circle, no problem; feel free to join us this Monday March 18th at 1 pm. 🔹Attend as many Compassion Circles as you like.      🔹Sign up link in bio ⤴️, or at avivacoaching.com/events  🔹It's free to attend. Registration is required. 🔹Space is limited. Look forward to seeing you there! #compassioncircleofrye #compassioncircles #globalcompassioncoalition #mindfulcompassion #compassionatemind #ryefreereadingroom #compassionatemindfoundation #mindfulnessmindset #growthmindset #mindsetcoach #mindsetcoaching #westchesterlibrarysystems #rye #ryebrook #ryeneck #mamaroneck #larchmont #portchester #ryemoms #10580 #10543 #10573 #10604

3/12/2024, 12:37:02 PM

A mindful compassion practice will help cultivate self-reflection, optimism, patience, and equanimity. Thanks to @thehappygardens for the #repost with @let.repost • • • • • • Love. This. Sign. 😍 #mindfulcompassion #mindfulmindset #mindsetcoaching #growthquotes #growyourmind

3/11/2024, 1:33:22 PM

🌸💫 Embrace the gentle power of mindfulness! Let kindness guide your journey as you cultivate inner peace and harmony. 🌿 ✨ Dive into the serenity of each moment with gentle awareness and watch your world transform. 💖 #MindfulnessMagic #GentleLiving #KindnessMatters #MindfulAwareness #InnerPeace #SerenitySeeker #SelfLove #MindfulLiving #EmbraceYourself #PositiveVibesOnly #MindBodySoul #EmbraceYourJourney #MindfulPresence #ConsciousLiving #SelfAcceptance #LoveYourself #MindfulCompassion #InnerStrength #PersonalGrowth #MindfulMoments #BePresent #GentleHeart #KindnessIsKey #MindfulLife #ChooseGentleness #EmbracePeace 🌸💫 Embrace gentleness, embrace mindfulness, and watch beauty unfold! 💖✨ #GentleMindfulness #EmbraceTheNow #bekindtoyourself

3/10/2024, 5:20:00 PM

🌸 Happy Mother’s Day 🌻 I know some people find today difficult - myself included 🌿 Today, let's practice kindness, empathy, and self-care #MothersDay #SelfCareSunday #MindfulCompassion

3/10/2024, 10:08:08 AM

Here is a cheeky look at this month's jam-packed schedule in my Membership: Thrive & Empower! Are you tired of going round in circles or feeling stuck, longing for a life filled with more energy, less stress, and happiness? However, you might be saying 'yes, though I don’t have time' or 'I’m so tired, so adding more is too much' and 'I’m just doing the best I can just now.' You may have heard this all before, and it sounds great, though in reality, we are busy with other demands, and maybe you’ve tried lots of different ways to move forward. My way is different. It is real, relatable, and tangible that you can apply in your everyday life! My membership is designed to equip you with easy-to-apply tools and techniques, in the moments you need them, that will help you move forward. Imagine yourself armed with straightforward yet potent tools and techniques for your daily life, enabling you to confidently face life’s challenges, cultivate resilience, stay grounded, and progress with optimism, empowering you to make choices that lead to your flourishing. Want more from your life? You’re in the right place! However, that’s not all…. Join before tomorrow evening and get not 1, not 2, but 3 amazing bonuses: New members who join before next week will get a free place at my Radical Self-Care Mini Retreat worth a whopping £95. You will pay the reduced price of just £55 per month, saving you £12 per month. Or you can sign up annually for just £550, giving you 12 months for the price of 10. You will also receive my 5-star rated mindful meditations to help you deal with overwhelm, stress, and anxiety. Now if that's not enough, your monthly fee has no long-term tie-in and gives you instant access to a treasure trove of information, live sessions, guest experts AND the most supportive community to Thrive alongside you. You will also get access to the exclusive members' area on my website that you can visit at any time, and all videos are available on #Replay. Access the coach in your pocket for just £55 and prepare to change your life! The link is in the bio. - #ThriveandEmpower #ThriveNotSurvive #EdinburghCoach #MindfulCompassion

3/10/2024, 10:00:45 AM

We have the potential to choose and practice whatever we want to… if we can remember we have that choice we can transform not only our lives but the lives of everyone we connect with…if we forget then we cannot make the choices we want…let’s all practice remembering to choose wisely to benefit us all 😊🙏 #mindfulness #mindful #mindset #mind #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindbody #mindfullness #mindfull #mindfulliving #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulcompassion #compassion #compassionate #compassiontoday #compassioninternational #daveoldham

3/9/2024, 12:16:23 PM

🌟✨ Let go of judgment, embrace the beauty of mindfulness! 🌸💭 Experience the freedom that comes from being present without criticism. 🌿💖 Cultivate compassion for yourself and others as you journey on the path of non-judgment. 💫 #MindfulnessJourney #NonJudgmentalLiving #EmbraceCompassion #MindfulAwareness #InnerPeace #SerenitySeeker #SelfLove #MindfulLiving #EmbraceYourself #PositiveVibesOnly #MindBodySoul #EmbraceYourJourney #MindfulPresence #ConsciousLiving #SelfAcceptance #LoveYourself #MindfulCompassion #InnerStrength #PersonalGrowth #MindfulMoments #BePresent #NoJudgmentZone #CompassionIsKey #MindfulPath #LiveWithoutJudgment 🌟✨ Embrace mindfulness, let go of judgment, and watch your world transform! 💖💭 #MindfulTransformation #EmbraceTheNow #ChooseCompassion

3/8/2024, 5:15:00 PM

The Three Flows of Compassion 🔹We can direct compassion towards others 🔹Experience compassion flowing from others toward us 🔹We can direct compassion to ourselves While these three flows overlap, we may need different skills and face different challenges when it comes to practicing and receiving each of them. 🔹Compassion Circle of Rye 🔹 We'll be discussing the three flows and more in greater detail on March 18th @ 1 pm, Rye Free Reading Room @ryefrr Sign-up in bio ⤴️ or at avivacoaching.com Space is limited #mindfulcompassion #mindfulliving #mindfulselfcompassion #mindsetcoach #threeflowsofcompassion #cft #livewithease #findpeace #dalailamaquotes #compassioncircleofRye #compassioncircles #ryefreereadingroom #westchesterlibrarysystems #ryeny #ryemoms #10580 #westchestermoms #10543 #10538 #ryebrookny #portchesterny #mamaroneckny #larchmontny #globalcompassioncoalition

3/5/2024, 1:34:34 PM

COMING SOON: mindful compassion sessions- turning towards what's difficult with compassion, wisdom and acceptance. EMAIL me for more info and dates, ONLINE to make it accessible for a wider group. #mindfulcompassion #selfcompassion #selfcare #mindfulliving #mindfulness #eastlothianlife #wellbeing #joy #healthylifestyle #kindness #joycelukkesmindfulness #fairbairnhousehaddington

3/5/2024, 11:08:12 AM

Why not consider joining Tina and myself for a peaceful retreat in this wonderful place … we have a few places left and it’s only a couple of months away now so contact us, book your place and benefit from some self-caring practices, good company, fabulous food as you create inner peace in body and mind 😊👍 #mindset #mindfulness #mindful #mindfullness #mindfulcompassion #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulnessmeditation #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirit #mindbody #compassion #compassiontoday #compassionate #compassioninternational #peace #peacewithin #daveoldham

3/3/2024, 11:57:31 AM

Couldn’t resist it on leap year day … but it’s a phrase people use ‘a leap of faith!’ So have faith in your idea of how you’d really like to be and leap away 😊🙏 #mind #mindset #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirit #mindfulness #mindful #mindfulness #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulcompassion #mindfulselfcompassion #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulliving #compassion #compassioninternational #compassiontoday #compassionate #daveoldham

2/29/2024, 12:58:46 PM

A client once shared with me, "This may not be the novel I would have written, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good story." Can you sense the wisdom, flexibility, and acceptance in those words? Many of us find ourselves trapped in notions of how life is "supposed" to be.  It's natural to consider the various potential outcomes of different decisions. The problem is when people get fused with these ideas, convinced that their well-being hinges on circumstances being different. This is when the story becomes the obstacle in their journey to well-being. Humans possess remarkable adaptability and strength. Our story can be a good one, even if it isn’t the one we originally envisioned for ourselves. Join my email list, link in bio ⤴️ stay connected, read more about mindful compassion, and receive my guided meditations. #mindfulcompassion #mindsetcoaching #mindtraining #dontbelieveeverythingyouthink  #oneheart #compassionatemind #goodstory #yourstory #takecareofyou #dowhatyoucanwithwhatyouhave

2/28/2024, 12:43:13 PM

Embrace self-compassion with these gentle reminders. 💖✨ Remember: this is just a moment of suffering, it's a part of life, and may you be kind to yourself. In every challenge, find the strength to be gentle and compassionate towards your own journey. 🌈💕 #SelfCompassionReminders #GentleKindness #YourJourney #MomentsOfSuffering #CompassionateMindset #InnerStrength #PositiveMindset #SelfLoveReminder #BeKindToYourself #MindfulCompassion #YouAreEnough

2/28/2024, 5:30:11 AM

Like a crescendo and diminuendo in music, peaks and troughs of a wave in the ocean, or a gust of wind…the nature of the movement of energy we notice as an aspect of the universal flow of energy whatever may be causing it..emotions, thoughts, movement or any other aspect of nature … noticing what may channel it or change it or focus it in some way… the cause and the effect we notice and how if we can let it simply happen then it will return to the main flow of universal energy as it dissipates back into it…! Can we sense it happening and maybe learn not to disturb it as much or as often so as to be more calm and peaceful within ourselves and within the world as less disturbance may impact less on others as well as us… that way we can be in the natural flow, appreciating and often enjoying it as much as possible 😊🙏 #mindset #mindfulness #mindful #mind #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirit #mindfullness #mindfulliving #mindfulcompassion #mindfulness #mindfulnessassociation #mindfullnessmeditation #mindfullnesspractice #compassion #compassionate #compassiontoday #compassioninternational #compassionatecommunication #daveoldham

2/27/2024, 11:15:30 AM

How would it be to love yourself unconditionally? To embrace all of your light and dark, highs and lows, ups and downs? Once upon a time I found it very difficult to love myself. I used be VERY self critical (I am a Virgo after all and this was definitely my shadow side) and back in the day my inner critic was a total BITCH! Over many years through compassion and mindfulness practices, I have learned to unconditionally love myself, although it took a while. I’ve learned to befriend my inner critic and to understand that she is, in her own way, just trying to protect me. And the more I feel into my own divinity as a human being, the easier it is to feel that love for myself. My inner critic has now now developed into my inner cheer leader. So now when things feel difficult she is there to comfort me. If I f**k up (as we all do from time to time) she is there to say, it’s ok, you are a human being, we all make mistakes. And when I do something good or that I’m proud of she is there to celebrate with me and say well done. She also gives the best hugs. Have you ever tried hugging yourself when you need one? It really works. If you would like to explore self love and uour relationship to your inner critic I am holding an online early lunchtime talk on International Day of Happiness on 20th March. You can book here https://lakelandwellbeing.co.uk/wellbeing-events-and-retreats/ through the events calendar or via the events link in my bio. #selfcare #selflove #innercritic #mindfulness #compassion #mindfulcompassion #loveyourself #besthugs #lakelandwellbeing #internationaldayofhappiness

2/27/2024, 7:59:31 AM

Thanks to the Rye Library @ryefrr and to everyone who attended the first #CompassionCircleofRye making it a success. Today we talked about meditation and compassion as a motivation and went through a compassionate body scan along with a shorter concentration exercise. People shared their interests in deepening meditation practices, feeling more connected, and managing emotions like anger and experiences like judgment. Next meeting we'll talk about the three flows of compassion, soothing rhythm breathing practice, and more. Join as many meetings as you like, you don't need to have attended the first meeting to go to the next ones The local weather was sunny and relatively warm for February all and all a wonderful day ❤️ Looking forward to our next Compassion Circle March 18th at 1 pm Rye Library 1061 Boston Post Road, Rye NY Sign up link in bio ⤴️ #mindfulcompassion #compassioncircles #cft #globalcompassioncoalition #compassionfocussedtherapy #compassionatemind #compassionatemindfoundation #ryefreereadingroom #ryeny #westchesterlibrarysystems #portchesterny #ryebrookny #ryemoms #mamaroneckny #larchmontny #10580 #10543 #10538 #10573 #10604

2/27/2024, 12:37:54 AM

Compassion, integrated into mindfulness practices like MBSR, unfolds a myriad of benefits that extend beyond individual well-being. Here's a perspective on how compassion is exceptionally beneficial: Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Cultivating compassion fosters a positive emotional environment. It allows individuals to navigate and understand their emotions with kindness, leading to a greater sense of emotional well-being. Stress Reduction and Resilience: Compassion acts as a buffer against stress. Individuals learn to approach challenging situations with understanding and self-compassion, promoting resilience in the face of life's uncertainties. Improved Interpersonal Relationships: Practicing compassion enhances empathy and understanding. This, in turn, strengthens interpersonal relationships, fostering a sense of connection, trust, and mutual support in both personal and professional spheres. Positive Mental Health Impact: Regular engagement with compassion practices positively influences mental health. It can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, creating a more optimistic and resilient mindset. Cultivation of Mindful Presence: Compassion anchors individuals in the present moment. By cultivating mindful presence through compassion practices, individuals can let go of judgment, regrets, or anxieties about the future, fostering a sense of peace in the now. Ready to bring more compassion for self and others into your life? Join us in the Mindful Stress Resilience Program, starting March 5th! Link in bio for more information and to register! #yyc #calgary #holisticwellness #stress #CompassionInAction #HeartfeltLiving #MindfulCompassion #KindnessMatters #EmpathyJourney #CultivateLove #CompassionateLiving #MindfulHeart #KindnessInEveryDay #EmbraceEmpathy #HeartCenteredLife #SpreadLove #MindfulLiving #CompassionateSoul #BeKindToYourself #LoveAndLight #MindfulnessJourney #CompassionatelyYou #InnerKindness #EmbraceLove #MindfulWisdom

2/22/2024, 10:39:50 PM

Finding the space of your own awareness that’s there around anything that appears in it…awareness of the space that is the present moment…not separate from it…but when an object appears and you engage with it in thoughts and feelings then you tend to lose the space, diminishing awareness a d in a way losing your mind … practicing letting objects come and go maintains and often expands the space and so expands awareness…practice practice practice…we are the present moment …nothing more required😊🙏 #mindfulselfcompassion #mind #mindset #mindfulness #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirit #mindful #mindfulliving #mindfulnessassociation #mindfulness #mindfull #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulcompassion #compassion #compassiontoday #compassionate #compassioninternational #daveoldham

2/22/2024, 4:37:16 PM

True compassion considers the interconnectedness of life. 💫 It is deeply intertwined with our ability to recognise our interdependence and understand we are not alone in our struggles. Together, we share a journey of vulnerability and resilience. 🪸 In celebrating our common humanity, we can acknowledge that self-compassion is the foundation for compassion towards others. 🪷 . . #compassionquotes #selflove #selflovejourney #heartfulliving #mindfulcompassion #kindnessmatters #embraceyourself #wellnessjourney #mindfulthursday #compassionatesoul #innerharmony #nurtureyourbeing #connectwithcompassion #selfkindness #holisticwellbeing #cultivatelove #mindfulnessquotes #gentleselfcare #selfcompassionpractice #mindful #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #jackkornfield #selfkindness #selfkindnessmatters #mentalhealthsupport #counsellorsofinstagram #anxietyrecovery

2/22/2024, 4:26:30 PM

🌍✨ May the spirit of World Thinking Day ignite our minds, hearts, and actions. Let's pause to reflect on global challenges, empathize with those in need, and commit to meaningful change. Together, we can create a world where every voice is heard, every perspective valued, and every dream realized. Happy World Thinking Day! 🌟💭 #worldthinkingday #globalreflection #empathyforall #positivechange #inclusiveworld #thoughtfulactions #mindfulcompassion #unityinaction #inspirechange #reflectandact #communityengagement #globalperspective #empatheticleadership #mindfulcitizenship #dreamsrealized #voicesheard #meaningfuldialogue #culturalappreciation #globalawareness #interconnectedness #compassionateleadership #empathybuilding #collaborativeaction #diversitymatters #changemakers #bettertogether #embracediversity #equalityforall #hopeforfuture #makingadifference

2/22/2024, 7:36:26 AM

Join us for self-compassion and mindfulness, SUNDAY 25th FEBRUARY- DALKEITH country park. We may be aware that we have a harsher, critical voice that nips at us, whenever it pleases...It is not very pleasant...and you can ask yourself: would I talk to this to a dear friend? No you won't. We can grow, develop and nourish self-compassion, it is not selfish to do so. It can do so much good for your heart and mind. #mindfulcompassion #selfcompassion #themindfulenterprise #dalkeithcountrypark #retreat #wellbeing #mindfulness #eastlothianlife

2/20/2024, 5:43:35 PM