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#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

🇫🇷 Voici le programme de la semaine prochaine, pensez à vous inscrire 🀗🧘🏌‍♀ 🇬🇧 Here is next week's schedule, don't forget to register 🀗🧘🏌‍♀ #ardechetourisme #ardechedusud #ardecheyoga #gard #gardtourisme #gardyoga #sunsalutation #108sunsalutations #108salutations # #yinyoga #vinyasa #yoga #morningyoga #yogaclass #yogaworkshop #atelierdeyoga #atelieryoga #yogadoux #coursdeyoga

4/27/2024, 4:27:04 PM

This is my sun ☀ salutation🐟 Namaste😺 #sun #sunsalutation #catjooga #catlife #spring #catsoftheworld #catsoffinland #ihanakevÀt #namaste

4/27/2024, 4:15:00 PM

🌞 Sun Salutation A Workshop! 🌞 Join us for an invigorating 90-minute session with Kerrie on Saturday, May 11, at 1 p.m. You'll explore the essence of Surya Namaskar A, unlocking its variations and modifications to suit every BODY. Chaturanga Breakdown: Begin by unraveling the intricacies of Chaturanga, exploring variations and alternatives that cater to individual needs and comfort levels. From modified versions without the "push-up" to traditional Chaturanga, we'll guide you through options using props like blocks, encouraging experimentation and safety. Sun A Variations: Discover the versatility of Sun Salutation A as we explore variations tailored to different settings and bodies: Wall Modifications Seated Chair Sun Salutations Standing Chair Sun Salutations Utilizing Blocks for Support Exploring No-Hands and No-Knees Variations with Blocks Kneeling Variations Whether you're a seasoned yogi looking to deepen your practice or a beginner eager to explore, this workshop offers a supportive environment to refine your Sun Salutation A sequence. Join us and bask in the radiant energy of the sun! 🌅🧘‍♀ Sign up at $30 exchange #SunSalutation #YogaWorkshop #VariationsAndModifications #FindYourFlow

4/27/2024, 4:00:25 PM

Well done! Saturday morning Surya Namaskar and Yoga Team 🙌 💜🙏🪷🧘🏻‍♀🪷 #suryanamaskar #sunsalutation #yoga #yogalates #whitleybay

4/27/2024, 3:05:39 PM

La parola magica Ú sempre questa: PRATICA 💚 Non solo nel tappetino, lì alleni il corpo ma soprattutto la consapevolezza Pratica ogni respiro della tua vita In qualunque luogo In ogni momento Ogni singolo giorno Non ricercare razionalmente spiegazioni o risposte Ma semplicemente, ogni giorno, PRATICA PRATICA PRATICA💚 Senza aspettarti nulla in cambio: lascia andare 🙏🏌 Sii consapevole di ogni singolo respiro Esattamente lì risiede la “magia” Hari 0m 🕉 #yoga #lovemountains #lifeinthemountains #yogalife #yogasÃŒdtirol #yogamountains #yogainthemountains #yogabreathing #breathinbreathout #breathing #himalayanyogatradition #slowgreenjoy #slowlife #yogalovers #yogaislife #light #yogamorning #sunsalutation #yogainthemorning #keeponmoving #yogaandmeditation #yogaandfriends #yogaisforeverybody #yogaistheartofliving #yogaisart #yogahereandnow #yogaworld

4/27/2024, 1:55:40 PM

Love that vibes ✹ #yoga #sunsalutation #11years 💫

4/27/2024, 11:21:38 AM

“It’s all available to you; there’s no cause to panic. You don’t have to hold on to anything. Let it all pass through and watch it with love, compassion and awe. There’s no coming, no going, no gain, no loss. There’s no drama. Just watch it all The outer world becomes the inner journey. If you know what you’re looking for, the messages are all around Even when bad times or painful things come up, let yourself be with them as fierce grace” Yoga retreats at @phoolchattiashram Next date starting soon! ~ excerpt from ‘be love now’ ram dass #synchronicity #compassion #love #belovenow #ramdass #impermanence #detachment #innerjourney #contentment #surrender #yoga #yogaretreat #yogaindia #yogarishikesh #rishikesh #travel #india #practice #sunsalutation #surya #suryanamaskar #ganga #river #gangariver #gangaaarti #gangamaiya #gangaji #ashram #meditation #peace

4/27/2024, 11:10:59 AM

Zeit fÃŒr einen Sonnengruss☀♥ #sunsalutation #yoga #awareness

4/27/2024, 8:36:46 AM

By @yoga.blizz A little throw back to last summer. Can’t wait for more sunshine and standup paddle board yoga flows. I love how in tune to each movement you have to be when practicing on water. 💊 ☀🧘‍♀ #standuppaddleboarding #supyogaflorida #lakelike #sunsalutation #findyourbalance

4/27/2024, 3:31:58 AM

Posted a Link to register in my stories Follow @congofriends and sign petition/ get on their email list! That’s how I found out about this talk #childrights #newiphone #tmz #spirituality #yoga #sunsalutation #tarot #blackcat #travel #fyp #cute #memes #gathering #indocaribbean #westindian #nyc #brooklyn #thebigapple #apple #iphonephotography #cobalt #diamondsareagirlsbestfriend #engaged #wedding #restaurant #witch #spells #psychic

4/27/2024, 1:57:48 AM

The garden air takes on many memories from our little corner grotto that sings of Capri 🇮🇹drawing us in to ramble among our rock garden that brings us to a fine feeling of being on a lovely Greek Island 🇬🇷Friday starts with bits and pieces of sunshine 🌞 among our new greens that sway in the cool breezes that seem to be hopefully clearing away the fog for a sunny afternoon sail⛵ #italianfoodblogger #rockgarden #sailing #gardendesign #maritimo #springbreeze #sunsalutation #photographyart

4/26/2024, 9:29:34 PM

Embrace the radiant energy of Suraya Namaskar! 🌞 Elevate your mind, body, and soul with this transformative practice. Experience vitality, flexibility, and peace. . . . #Yoga #SunSalutation #Wellness #Namaste #Mindfulness #Health #Fitness #SelfCare #InnerPeace #Transformation

4/26/2024, 6:10:53 PM

Office yoga🧘🏻‍♀ オフィスで朝ペガできたら最高だなぁ あ、私がむンストラクタヌになれば出来るじゃないか🙂 ず突然思い぀いたのがちょうど1幎ぐらい前で、 今日はじめおクラス開催できたした🀗✚ こんなに早く実珟できるずは、、 Downdogしおいるずきに鳥が芋に来おくれおいたす🪜☀ 参加しおくれた垭近くの埌茩から、 午前䞭い぀もよりシャキッず業務をするこずができたした🫡✚ ず蚀っおくれお🥹💖 もっずちゃんず色々䌝えられるように緎習&勉匷しなきゃなぁず思う1日でした。 突然名案思い぀いた1幎前の私ナむス 2枚目は今週の火曜朝緎 あれっ私 @yogamastertarun 先生の片手に乗っおるみたいじゃん😂 っおじわじわきたや぀🫲 安定の #ぜんぶわたし #ムキムキな筋肉に絶察的な信頌を眮いおたす #officeyoga #hatoyogaclass #sunsalutation

4/26/2024, 4:02:54 PM

A little throw back to last summer. Can’t wait for more sunshine and standup paddle board yoga flows. I love how in tune to each movement you have to be when practicing on water. 💊 ☀🧘‍♀ #standuppaddleboarding #supyogaflorida #lakelike #sunsalutation #findyourbalance

4/26/2024, 1:54:18 PM

La guinda del pastel! Me faltaba esto para culminar con el encanto de la sala del Centro Holístico Renacer. Gracias laura de #camposydelirios #namaste #sunsalutation #asanas #suryanamaskar #astrologia #posturacorporal #aventuras #yinyoga #hathayoga #camposydelirios

4/26/2024, 1:05:33 PM

🍀Hana-lei✟Yoga🎏月の予定🍀 みなさたこんにちは😊 い぀もご芧くださりありがずうございたす。 鮮やかな緑が目に眩しい季節ずなりたした🌿 いかがお過ごしでしょうか 暊のうえではたもなく立倏🌞 生き生きずし始めた自然界ず同じくしお、私たちの䜓も掻動モヌドに切り替わっおいたす。 埪環噚系が掻発になっお氣持ちも䞊向きになるため、今が幎で番掻動的に過ごせる頃です✌ しかしながら、そのすこやかな䜓の巡りが滞るず、動くのが億劫に感じたり氣分が萜ち蟌んだりし、いわゆる 『五月病』💚 のような状態に😱 季節の倉わり目、深い呌吞で氣持ちをずずのえ、のびのびずしたペガのポヌズで䜓をずずのえお、すこやかな巡りを目指したしょう🎶 私たちの䜓や心は季節や倩氣、月の満ち欠けからも倧きな圱響を受けおいたす。 それらの特性や私たちずの関係性を知るこずは、自身がすこやかに過ごすための倧きな鍵であるず考えおいたす。 自然界の流れを止めたりリズムを乱したり、ある領域に螏み蟌んだりするこずは、よいものを生たないどころか、倚かれ少なかれ砎壊や喪倱に぀ながりたす。 可胜なかぎり抗わず、謙虚さをもっお同調する。 それを実践しおいくず、リズムがずずのっお、心身ずもにすこやかに、なによりより自分らしく生きられるようになりたす。 察面のクラスでは陰陜五行ず心身の関係に぀いおの話もずりいれながらペガをおこなっおいたす☯ オンラむンクラスの🌑月ペガ🌕は、新月ず満月の倜、月を感じながら、䜓ず心のバランスをずずのえおいきたす。 ぜひご参加くださいね💗 来月もどうぞよろしくお願いいたしたす☺ ✿ヌヌ✿ヌヌ✿ 察    面 ✿ ヌ✿ヌヌ✿ 🏠Home Classおうちペガ🏠 月14日火     11:00~12:30 🌳Nature Yoga倖ペガ🌳    月28日火     11:00~12:30    ✿ヌヌ✿ヌ✿オ ン ラ む ン✿ヌヌ✿ヌヌ✿ 🌞Asa Yoga朝ペガ🌞   7:00~7:30    月日日 【倪陜瀌拝】 🌛Tsuki Yoga 月ペガ🌛 22:00~22:30    月日氎 【月瀌拝】    月23日朚【リラックスペガ】    ✟オンラむンお申し蟌み方法✟ 参加垌望のお日にち、たたは講座名をDMにおお知らせください。 🌈珟圚募集䞭のクラス🌈 ●察面 (🏠Home/🌲Nature) 🔷ベヌシックペガ 🔶パヌ゜ナルペガ ●オンラむン 🟡月ペガ 🟠朝ペガ 🔷ベヌシックペガ Home🏠 少人数によるレッスン(90分) 2500円 呌吞法や基本的なポヌズをずりいれた 初心者向けの内容です。 䜓の動かし方を孊びながら 心身ずもにリラックスしおいきたす💗 🔷ベヌシックペガ Nature🌲 月1回開催60分1500円 䞻に公園など、自然のなかでおこないたす。 深い呌吞ずやさしいポヌズでリフレッシュ🌿。 季節のお茶ずお菓子぀きです☕ 🔶パヌ゜ナルペガ 個人レッスン(60分) 5000円 その方の目的や䜓調に合わせお オリゞナルメニュヌを䜜成したす。 じっくり取り組みたい方 䜓調を改善したい方におすすめです💕 🟡月ペガ 満月ず新月に開催(30分) 1000円 満月はおやすみ前の リラックスペガ。 新月は血流を促す 月瀌拝をおこないたす。 🟠朝ペガ 毎月第1日曜日に開催30分1000円 党身を倧きく動かし 心身共にポゞティノにしおくれる 倪陜瀌拝をおこないたす。 動いたあずはちょこっず瞑想。 #5月のペガ#経絡ペガ#陰ペガ#朝ペガ#月ペガ#倪陜瀌拝#月瀌拝#䞭囜医孊#倖ペガ#五月病 #japaneseyoga #theyinandyangtheory #sunsalutation #moonsalutation #traditionalchinesemedicine #yinyoga #naturaltherapy #svastha #reiki #24節氣 #24solarterms

4/26/2024, 11:59:14 AM

🏝 Welcome to the YOGA@beach 2023/24 Season - casual attendance welcome! UPDATE: Sun's out fully - hopefully, if the forecast holds - but getting colder anyway so take that extra layer! This Sunday might be the last before the very last session on Tuesday when temperatures are really nice again (20 degrees max) before they fall to true autumnal/wintry levels later next week. Exciting NEWS: We will start the NEW INDOOR WINTER SEASON 2024 at the Sumner SLSC on Monday, May 6 at 8 am (60 mins)! Looking forward to welcoming you to this new winter sunrise Yoga opportunity in this beautiful location! Great news: Prices stay the same! 🔆🏝👣😊 NEXT SESSION: SUNDAY, April 28, at 7.30 am (60 mins) ✅ 😊 Casual participation welcome! Registration not necessary. Just show up & join in! We always have some spare mats there but please bring your own if possible. WHERE: On the deck of the Sumner Surf Life Saving Club (SLSC), 301 Main Road, Sumner, Christchurch, NZ 💙 We support the Sumner SLSC with $10 per session. 💙 Check UPDATES at Read more Any questions? Please ask. See you there! Namaste 🙏 Maja 027 4210424 Christchurch, New Zealand #yoga #christchurchnz #christchurchyoga #newzealandyoga #yogacommunity #yogaintuition #yogainspiration #yogaatthebeach #meditation #meditationspace #meditationtime #outsideyoga #weatherpermitting #meditationoutside #bodyandsoul #bodymindspirit #health #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthandwellness #beachyoga #yogaoutside #outsidemeditation #meditationatbeach #beachmeditation #sunsalutations #sunsalutation #suryanamaskara #suryanamaskar #earlymorningyoga

4/26/2024, 6:44:32 AM

Did you know that Dynamic Yoga is a form of yoga that emphasizes continuous movement and fluid transitions between poses? 🧘‍♂ Surya Namaskar is a prime example of Dynamic Yoga in action. 🌞 It consists of a series of twelve poses performed in a flowing sequence, synchronized with the breath. Each pose seamlessly transitions into the next, engaging the entire body. 💪 Surya Namaskar helps to build heat within the body, promoting detoxification, and deep relaxation. 🌿" To learn dynamic yoga, enroll at Tapovana. 📞 Contact: +91 87925 15826. #DynamicYoga #SuryaNamaskara #SunSalutation #Relaxation #Asaanas #Poses #Yoga #Flexibility #MuscleStrength #Breathing #Tapovana

4/26/2024, 6:30:10 AM

40 Rotations around the ☀ 40 Sun Salutations 4.25.2024 . I am absolutely wild about life, I love my family, career, friends and hobbies. I never thought I’d feel that way, and here I am. So eternally grateful ☀🥳🏜🌵🪚🌌🫶🧗🏜‍♀🧘🏜‍♀ . . . #lifeworthliving #birthday #level #40 #sunrotations #sunsalutation #yogini #yoga #yogateacher #hiking #49palmsoasis #joshuatree #familytime #poolday #nobaddays #desert #deserttortoise #iloveturtles #oasis #palmtrees #familyphotos #1984 #birthdayvacation #happiness #pinkaesthetic #atpeace

4/26/2024, 4:11:17 AM

🌿 い぀もの朝 い぀もの時間 身を自然に委ねるように 朝の新鮮なプラヌナを取り蟌み 今日もこうしお健康な心ず身䜓があるこずに感謝 手の甲や頬にあたる颚 倪陜が照らす光はやわらかく 優しい気持ちに 溢れる想い、浄化された い぀もず同じ今日の朝はそんな時間でした #yoga #yogalifestyle #yogateacher #yogainstructor #morning #run #SūryaNamaskāra #Sunsalutation #倪陜瀌拝 #浜束 #浜束ペガ #朝掻

4/26/2024, 2:06:37 AM

OUR MAYAN SUNRISE 🌀🌎 One of our most sucessfull experiences; sharing these beatiful vibes everyday . . NUESTRO AMANECER MAYA 🌀🌎. Una de nuestras experiencias más exitosas; compartiendo hermosas vibras cada día. . . CONTÁCTANOS 📲📞 ‪+52 998 200 6388‬ . . #itzaeproducciones #showmaya #showprehispánico #ceremoniasimbolica #weddigsdestination #mayanweddings #mayanwellnesscancun #mayanwarriors #doncellasmayas #ritual #Mexico #bautizomaya #bendicionmaya #ceremoniamaya #mayanculture #mayanceremony #LGBTI #butterfly #lovely #cancun2024 #elopementwedding #soundhealing #sonidoterapia #meditación #sunsalutation #meditation #soundhealing

4/26/2024, 1:52:51 AM

Are you working on balance? On backbends or twists? Maybe on hip openers? If you’re looking for inspiration how to incorporate these movements into your sun salutation, here’s some ideas. They can be a foundation for a class or your own practice. Do you have some ideas how to adapt sun sals to your focus? Tell me in the comments or show me in your posts 🀗 Happy sun sals 🌞☀ #yoga #yogapractice #sunsalutation #sunsalutations #sunsalutationvariation #yogakeepsmesane

4/25/2024, 9:36:30 PM

"ग़५१ à€žà¥à€°à¥à€¯à€šà€®à€žà¥à€•à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥à€°à¥€ à€¹à€šà¥à€®à€‚à€€à€°à€Ÿà€¯à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€µà€‚à€Šà€š..!" à€œà€¿à€®à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ , à€€à€Ÿà€²à€®à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€¶à¥à€°à¥€ à€¹à€šà¥à€®à€‚à€€à€°à€Ÿà€¯à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€µà€‚à€Šà€š à€•à€°à¥‚à€šà€š à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€•à¥à€°à€¿à€¯à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€žà¥à€°à€µà€Ÿà€€ à€†à€£à€¿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿ à€•à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€€à¥‹. à€®à€¹à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€·à¥à€Ÿà¥à€°à€Ÿà€€ à€€à€°à¥€ à€…à€ž à€—à€Ÿà€µà€‚ à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€®à€¿à€³ à€•à¥€ à€œà€¿à€¥à¥‡ à€¹à€šà¥à€®à€‚à€€ à€°à€Ÿà€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€®à€‚à€Šà€¿à€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€....à€•à€Ÿà€°à€£ à€—à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€°à€•à¥à€·à€• à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€ à€¬à€œà€°à€‚à€¬à€²à¥€...! à€®à€²à€Ÿ à€à€• Mathematical Equation à€œà€Ÿà€£à€µà€²à€‚ , à€®à¥€ à€…à€šà¥à€­à€µà€²à€‚..... à€¹à€šà¥à€®à€‚à€€à€°à€Ÿà€¯ = à€Šà€°à¥à€œà€Ÿ à€¹à€šà¥à€®à€‚à€€à€°à€Ÿà€¯à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€®à¥‚à€°à¥à€€à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ , à€«à¥‹à€Ÿà¥‹ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€¯à€šà¥€ à€—à€°à€œ à€ªà€¡à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€....à€œà¥‡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€žà€®à€œà€€ à€•à¥€ , à€†à€ªà€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€Šà€°à¥à€œà€Ÿ à€®à¥à€¹à€£à€œà¥‡à€š " à€žà€Ÿà€•à¥à€·à€Ÿà€€ à€¬à€œà€°à€‚à€—à€¬à€²à¥€ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€." à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€žà¥à€šà€Ÿà€¯à¥‚ , à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€°à€•à¥à€€ , à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€§à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ... à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€ªà¥‡à€¶à¥€ ,à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€ªà¥‡à€¶à¥€à€‚à€€à€²à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€•à¥‡à€‚à€Šà¥à€°à€• , à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€€à€²à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€…à€£à¥‚... à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€…à€£à¥à€€à¥€à€² à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€‡à€²à¥‡à€•à¥à€Ÿà¥à€°à¥‰à€š , à€ªà¥à€°à¥‹à€Ÿà¥à€°à¥‹à€š , à€šà¥à€¯à¥‚à€Ÿà¥à€°à¥‰à€š....à€†à€£à€¿ à€žà€°à€€à¥‡à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà¥€ à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€€à€²à¥€ à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€•à€‚à€ªà€š ...à€¹à¥‡ à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€…à€‚à€¶ , à€œà¥‡ à€•à€Ÿà€® à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿà€€ à€€à¥‡ à€«à€•à¥à€€ à€Šà€°à¥à€œà¥‡ à€®à¥à€³à¥‡....! à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à€‚ à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€€ à€•à€Ÿà€¯ à€šà€Ÿà€²à¥‚ à€†à€¹à¥‡ , à€¶à€°à¥€à€° à€•à€ž à€šà€Ÿà€²à€²à€‚ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡ à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ Awareness à€†à€ªà€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€¹à€µà€Ÿ...! à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€šà€‚ à€šà€¿à€¯à€‚à€€à¥à€°à€£ à€†à€ªà€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¹à€Ÿà€€à€Ÿà€€ à€…à€žà€Ÿà€µà€‚....! à€†à€€à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‡ à€•à€žà€‚...? à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€²à€Ÿà€—à€€à¥‡ à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€†à€£à€¿ à€®à€šà€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€žà€Ÿà€§à€šà€Ÿ .... ... à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€¶à¥€ à€†à€£à€¿ à€®à€šà€Ÿà€¶à¥€ à€žà€‚à€µà€Ÿà€Š à€žà€Ÿà€§à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à€Ÿà€¯à€²à€Ÿ à€¹à€µà€Ÿ...à€žà¥à€µ-à€…à€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€¯ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à€Ÿà€¯à€²à€Ÿ à€¹à€µà€Ÿ...! à€à€•à€Šà€Ÿ à€•à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‡ à€œà€®à€²à€‚ à€•à¥€ à€®à€— , à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² ' à€Šà€°à¥à€œà¥‡à€šà€Ÿ à€…à€šà¥à€­à€µ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹ '...... à€¹à€Ÿ à€…à€šà¥à€­à€µ à€žà€Ÿà€‚à€—à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ , à€«à€•à¥à€€ à€…à€šà¥à€­à€µà€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹.... à€œà¥‹ à€®à¥€ à€†à€€à¥à€€à€Ÿ à€…à€šà¥à€­à€µà€€à¥‹à€¯ ग़५१ à€žà¥‚à€°à¥à€¯à€šà€®à€žà¥à€•à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿ à€šà€‚à€€à€°....! à€¹à¥‡ à€•à€°à¥à€® à€«à€•à¥à€€ à€†à€œà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà€¿à€µà€žà€Ÿ à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€šà€žà€€à€‚ à€®à€Ÿà€à€‚....à€šà€¿à€€à¥à€¯ १ॊ१ à€žà¥‚à€°à¥à€¯à€šà€®à€žà¥à€•à€Ÿà€° à€…à€žà€€à€Ÿà€€ à€†à€£à€¿ à€¬à€Ÿà€•à¥€à€šà€‚ à€ˆà€€à€°....! à€à€•à€Šà€Ÿ à€˜à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€…à€šà¥à€­à€µ à€†à€ªà€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¶à€°à¥€à€°à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€Šà€°à¥à€œà¥‡à€šà€Ÿ....à€¬à€œà€°à€‚à€—à€¬à€²à¥€ à€•à¥‹à€£ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€ à€€à¥‡ à€žà€®à€œà¥‡à€²...à€†à€£à€¿ à€®à€— à€°à¥‹à€œ à€†à€°à€¶à€Ÿà€žà€®à¥‹à€° à€‰à€­à€‚ à€°à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€²à€‚ à€•à¥€ à€¹à€šà¥à€®à€‚à€€à€°à€Ÿà€¯ à€Šà€¿à€žà€€à¥€à€²...! ✍🏌-à€®à€¯à¥à€° à€žà¥à€šà€¿à€² à€•à€Ÿà€‚à€—à€£à¥‡ðŸ™ðŸŒðŸš© #à€®à€°à€Ÿà€ à¥€ #à€²à¥‡à€– #à€¬à€œà€°à€‚à€—à€¬à€²à¥€ #à€¹à€šà¥à€®à€Ÿà€š #suryanamaskar #sunsalutation #highestself #energy #mindset #body #mindhealth

4/25/2024, 8:03:50 PM

A true sun salutation ☺☀ #sunsalutation #sunsalutations #yoga #yogapractise #yogapracticenotperfect #yogaonthebeach

4/25/2024, 7:47:42 PM

A day for flowers is today and always sometimes bright ,red ,and bold , sometimes little and lovely lavender ,sometimes pretty and pink to have and to hold saying hello and sometimes in black and white with a bit of gold for times we need to say goodbye 💛☮🙏 #italia #famiglia #amici #photography #sunsalutation #flower #rose #blackandwhitephoto

4/25/2024, 6:37:04 PM

Woke up in the fog between pines trees as the first sun rays dissipated the veil. 🌲🌄 📞@maikaelan #sunsalutation #yogavietnam #highwire #aerialyoga #yogaflow #yinyoga #morningstretch #apocalypsenow #jungleyoga #cameraoperator #dalat #filmcrew #circusaroundtheworld #insurancelife #insuranceagent #sunlife

4/25/2024, 6:32:16 PM

I'm busy here working for a few hours and decided to throw the flag out . I'll be here working down my custom list... catch me by chance otherwise Friday 12-4 Sat 12-4. #sunsalutation

4/25/2024, 4:07:46 PM

🌷2 more spots left for restorative yin yoga class tonight at 7 PM in the salt cave with @nancyperezliving ⏳Slow flow yoga class Friday morning at 9 AM with Debbi Gitterman @happydebbi in the house studio. All levels of experience welcome! 😌 Massage appointments available in the salt cave and in the house massage studio this Sunday with Nancy Perez @nancyperezliving 🌞Private salt cave sessions for individuals or groups by appointment. Reach out to us here or through our website. 🊩Don’t forget that Sunday is the last day to take advantage of earlybird pricing for the TRE retreat on May 5 with Bonnie Pariser. Learn the simple yet effective modality to release tension, trauma, and stress from your body, spend the day, enjoying sold house and all its glory: the salt cave, the house, and the outdoors. Our retreats always fill up so if you’re thinking about it, register while there are still spots available! 🔗Links in bio to book all of the above and so much more
 #saltcave #retreat #halotherapy #yoga #restorativeyoga #restorativeyin #breathe #stressrelief #sunsalutation #springyoga #yogaforeveryone #massage #massagetherapy #treforall

4/25/2024, 2:56:27 PM

Welcome to Gratitude Challenge Day18🙏😇 Today, lets take out some time to express your gratitude towards the Sunlight🀗 #sun #sunlight #thankyousun #sunisshining #sunisup #sunisshining☀ #sunisout☀ #gratitudetosun #praytosun #sunsalutation #sunsalutations #suryanamaskar

4/25/2024, 1:45:19 PM

A series of postures performed in a flowing sequence, Sun Salutations are often used as a warmup at the beginning of a yoga practice. But the benefits are far greater than the warmup. Sun Salutations help lengthen and strengthen, and they burn calories to aid weight loss. Research shows that just performing Sun Salutations can improve cardiovascular conditioning, prevent fatigue, promote calm and relaxation and provide a range of other mental and physical benefits. Even if there's no time for a full practice, a few rounds of Sun Salutations can do a world of good. Moving quickly is more stimulating, while moving slowly is more calming. Whichever way you do it, the sequence can serve as either a self contained mini practice on days when your practice time is short or a warm up for a longer session. Come and try our mixed ability yoga class: Wednesday 6:30pm Booking through our studio website - link in bio #yoga #sunsalutation #yogasurrey #yogafarnham

4/25/2024, 12:35:22 PM

🌞Oh My God It's Early Crew! 🌞 What a brilliant sunny morning. We kicked it off with some agility drills, powered through core exercises, and pumped up our strength training. Dead hangs are definitely not for the dead but for the Alive and Kicking! Rounded off nicely with some sun salutations to say "Howdy" to the morning sunshine! 💪☀ Thanks for coming and making our start of day awesome! #MorningWorkout #Sun #sunsalutation #deadhangs #riseandshine #SunshineFitness #eastlothianfitness #fitnessdunbar #happytimes #yougetoutwhatyouputin

4/25/2024, 8:40:41 AM

The best part of spring is when our old friends come back to the backyard and say “Ciao, Ciao “🪎Secrets of a great garden like a good life lie in the serendipity of spectacular little gems that visit and cross our path that fortunately become part of our landscape and family 🍀 #italianfoodblogger #gardendesign #secetgarden #photooftheday #sunsalutation #springday #irishblessing🍀

4/24/2024, 10:03:58 PM

Every Wednesday at 18.30 in May: Sun Salutations // Yoga with the expert instructions of @juliavansantbrink Bring your own mat! Limited spots! DM for reservations! #yogainrotterdam #rotterdamzuid #charlois #paviljoenaanhetwater #yoga #sunsalutation #juliaisthebest

4/24/2024, 9:50:45 PM

Join me next month on Saturday May 4th & May 18th at noon. We will be practicing Sun salutations during our gentle vinyasa practice. Tadasana is the 1st pose. Practice this amazing pose daily for 1 minute. Tadasana, also known as Mountain Pose, is a foundational & active yoga pose that involves standing with feet together, spine straight, shoulders relaxed, and arms at the sides of the body. The weight is evenly distributed between both feet, and the body is aligned from head to toe. Tadasana is often used as a starting position for many other standing poses in yoga and is known for improving posture, balance, and concentration. It is a simple yet powerful pose that helps to create a sense of grounding and stability in the body and mind. Need to make a modification, grab a chair & practice seated mountain pose. 🧘🏜‍♀ #yogaislife #sunsalutation

4/24/2024, 9:36:11 PM

Bask in the golden radiance of our Old Monk Sun Salvation, where the smooth richness of Old Monk rum meets the vibrant zest of sun-ripened citrus. This captivating liquid offering is a celebration of island relaxation, a tribute to the warm embrace of tropical shores and indulgent flavours. #oldmonk #rum #rumcocktails #sunsalutation #oldmonk #broadway #broadwaycocktails #broadwayhotel

4/24/2024, 5:59:26 PM

與倪陜同步脈動 地球䞊的所有生呜郜是以倪陜為胜量。倪陜是地球的生呜之源圚䜠所吃、所喝、所呌吞的每䞀件事物當䞭郜有倪陜的元玠。唯有當知道劂䜕曎有效率地「消化吞收」倪陜把它融入身體才會真正地埞這個過皋䞭受益。 芏埋地做拜日匏的人癌珟他們的「電池」曎為持久。 拜日匏有助斌平衡和重組內圚胜量進而䜿身心達到與生俱䟆的均衡和寧靜。 拜日匏是圚身體內圚構築䞀個維床䜿埗身體的埪環呚期和倪陜的埪環呚期同步倪陜的運䜜倧玄十二幎又䞉個月為䞀個埪環。拜日匏剛奜是有十二匏。 䞀個瑜䌜仕的內圚喜悅工皋 每倩充分接觞陜光、吃第䞀手的陜光食物 #sun #sunsalutation #suryanamaskar #哈他瑜䌜 #傳統瑜䌜 #Sivanandayoga #瑜䌜 #Hathayoga #Hatha #瑜䌜哲孞 #冥想 #專泚 #meditation

4/24/2024, 4:50:05 PM

Wellness Wednesdays with Dr Devika Deshmukh : MD Ayurvedic Doctor, Panchakarma Specialist & Medical Director of Kerala Ayurvedic Clinic Vile Parle East, Mumbai. Topic: Surya Namaskar- the right way is through the right breath. 🀗 For regulating your blood pressure, clearing your lungs, increasing O2 supply to your brain, and energizing your day with good hormones, perform Surya Namaskar everyday morning with everyone in your family. Let this be your family bonding activity! 😇🙌🏻 It is a total win-win ❀ Tip: 1. When you expand your lungs - BREATHE IN 2. When you collapse your lungs - BREATHE OUT #WellnessWednesday #suryanamaskar #sunsalutation #exerciseroutine #breatheinbreatheout #rightupbringing #familygoals #momdaughterduo #keralaayurvedicclinic #haveaniceday #jointmobility #dinacharya #Vyayama #ayurveda #panchakarma #vacations #DoItRight #immunity #sun #morningroutine #goodhormones #bloodpressurecontrol #pranayama #EnergyBoost #LungCare #healthylife

4/24/2024, 2:46:43 PM

Sintonía con la naturaleza, resonando con el murmullo de las olas. 🌊 Cada asana es una ola de tranquilidad. #YogaPlaya #AmanecerConsciente #SaludoAlSol Tuning into nature, resonating with the whisper of the waves. 🌊 Each asana is a wave of tranquility. #BeachYoga #MindfulMorning #SunSalutation

4/24/2024, 1:30:43 PM

Surya Namaskara A (Sun Salutation A) 1. Inhale, hands up, look up at thumbs. 2. Exhale, forward fold, gaze at tip of nose. 3. Inhale, head up, lengthen spine, gaze at third eye. 4. Exhale, bend knees, jump or step back to Chaturanga. 5. Inhale to upward dog, look up. 6. Exhale, lift hips to downward dog. Gaze at navel. 7. Inhale, jump or step between hands, gaze at third eye. 8. Exhale, fold, gaze tip of nose. 9. Inhale, come all the way up with spine straight, hands up, gaze at thumbs. 10. Exhale, arms to sides. The fold should be straight leg but my hamstrings wasn’t with it. This is easiest of the Sun Salutations and definitely not the one we 108 times 🥲 #lifeinrishikesh day 9 # #yoga #rootedinzen #yogawithcharisma #blackyogagirl #yogisofinstagram #yogaeverywhere #yogateachertraining #rishikesh #indiagram #yogacommunity #sunsalutation #instayoga #namaste

4/24/2024, 8:05:04 AM

🍙春の🌞遠足ペガ🍙PICNIC🌞YOGA🍙 雚ず雚にはさたれた昚日。 穀雚の空は残念ながら青ではなかったけれど、うっすら癜い雲が陜射しを和らげ、雚の名残で最った空氣が喉にも肺にもやさしい、そんな朝でした。 舞岡公園の緑はこのヶ月で、たるで久しぶりに䌚った芪戚の子みたいに青々ず逞しくなっおいたした🌲 叀民家前には倧きな鯉がゆうゆうず泳ぎ、叀民家の䞭では、い぀ものようにボランティアの方が竈に火を入れおいたした。 竈にくべられた薪が、火を含みながらゆらゆらず燃えおいたす。 そのあたたかさは目にも肌にもやさしく、この䞊ない安心感を抱かせおくれたした。 もしこの堎にずどたったら、火ず人ずの芋えない力で、日頃吐き出せない䜕かが口から出おすっきりするかもしれないし、”プチ懺悔”的な告癜をしお浄化されるかもしれたせん。 だから仮に「いったんペガをおいずいお、ずりあえずも少しここにいたしょうか」ずいうこずになっおも、それはそれで玠晎らしい時間になったこずでしょう。 竈から立ち䞊った煙はゆるゆるず立ち䞊りながら黒々光る柱や倩井を撫で、それが防虫防腐に圹立っおいるずいいたす。 自然に逆らうこずなく適床に手を入れおいるからこそ、ここに生きる朚々や草花、鳥や虫たちがすこやかでいられるこずを実感、どうりで氣持ちがよいわけです。 ここに来るず、元氣になるわけです。 遠足ペガを始めお3幎目。 毎床毎床新しい発芋があっお、回を重ねる床に満足床充実床ずもにあがる氣がしたす。 今回はたっぷり遠足、でもしっかりペガ、そしおちゃっかりお匁圓🍱 私が遞んだ「お匁圓初倏」は、嬉しいちょこっずおや぀぀き💗 自分でもびっくりするくらいあっずいう間に完食しおしたいたした。 あれ、ペガに぀いお蚘述する䜙裕がなくなっおしたいたした😅 蚀い蚳するわけではないのですが、この、図圢でいうず○円のような過ごし方こそ、ペガなのです。 い぀もありがずう舞岡公園。 ありがずう厎陜軒。 そしおそしお 🐧ご参加くださりありがずうございたした🐧 Spring is the most energetic season of a year. 🌞 The colors of nature make us more active, the singing of birds makes us awaken, the gentle breeze gives us a fresh feeling and the aroma of plants reminds us to breathe deeply. If you have no energy, feel like doing anything, or kind of down, why don`t you go outside and take a deep breath! We live with this graceful nature, and I think it`s the best time to feel it We had “Picnic Yoga” in the park yesterday. The class was not for a practice to improve yoga skills but for having a moment that reminds us of ourselves through doing yoga together in nature. I think nature is the greatest place to heal and recharge. After walking and practicing yoga in the park, I was starving! It`s magical because usually I have only one rice ball for my lunch, but that is what I always do, I can`t help eating more than usual. Nature gave me a lot of appetite, too! We enjoyed this lunch time more than practicing, probably...When we had lunch, the words flew out more easily from our opened hearts. It was a precious moment. I fully enjoyed the wonderful day in nature. 🌲🍱🌞 #遠足ペガ #picnicyoga#舞岡公園#叀民家#暪浜で旅行気分#倪陜瀌拝 #sunsalutation#厎陜軒#シりマむ匁圓#やっぱりあんずが奜き#お匁圓初倏#わらび逅぀き

4/24/2024, 7:00:42 AM

Paro Taktsang (Dzongkha: àœŠàŸ€àŒ‹àœ‚àŸ²àœŒàŒ‹àœŠàŸŸàœ‚àŒ‹àœšàœ„àŒ‹, also known as the Taktsang Palphug Monastery and the Tiger's Nest), is a sacred Vajrayana Himalayan Buddhist site located in the cliffside of the upper Paro valley in Bhutan. It is one of thirteen Tiger's Nest caves in historical Tibet in which Padmasambhava practised and taught Vajrayana. Paro Taktsang #tigernest #bhutan🇧🇹 #paro #thimphu #punakhadzong #happy #Stupa #chorten #temple #punakha #hikingadventures #bhutan #thimphubhutan #happiness #joy #grossnationalhappiness #yogafamily #yogaretreat #love #bonding #joy #fun #yogawave #masteranant #sunsalutation

4/23/2024, 11:10:50 PM

Have you ever done a backbend?

4/23/2024, 9:59:32 PM

Sun salutations! Hope you’re having a great morning filled with zen 🐌 . . . #zen #zenathome #zenatwork #sunsalutation #sunsalutations #yoga #yogalife #zenlife #careerzen #morningmotivation

4/23/2024, 8:15:34 PM

Sunrise joga Pozdrav slunci patří k mojí jógové rutině. Zdánlivě je jedno, kde a s kÃœm si ho "zacvičíte", přesto tahle hodina ranní jógy pro mě byla speciální a vÃœjimečná. Můj vztah k józe je typicky "Západní", tedy vnímám ho jako fyzické cvičení a cvičitelům, kteří příliÅ¡ akcentují filosofickÃœ rozměr jógy, se větÅ¡inou obloukem vyhnu. Mr. Nissanka z Lanky dokázal ale "propaÅ¡ovat" duchovní rozměr jógy do ranního pozdravu slunci tak přirozeně, jako dÃœchal. Děkuju! #sunriseyoga #joga #newme #happyme #maledivesisland #maledivesyoga #rannijoga #jogovapraxe #yoga #mrnissanka #experience #newyogaexperience #sunsalutation #surjanamaskar

4/23/2024, 4:10:27 PM

See with Eyes of Reiki. Feel with Reiki in your Heart and reach out with Hands of Reiki. You are Reiki. #awakening #healingchildhoodwounds #healing #higherself #humility #innerpeace #kundalini #nature #pranichealing #reiki #recovery #sunsalutation #selfcompassion #selflove # #universal #wisdomoftheshamans #youarereiki #yogalife

4/23/2024, 3:40:29 PM

In a hurried world, getting things done to check them off your list so you can get onto the next task, sun salutations soften and quiet the mind while waking up your body. Have you ever been in a pose (or even an event in your life) where you were just trying to get it done, get through it, so you could move onto the next? Me too. Sun salutations are repetitive for a you can get out of your head and into your body. What about those moments you feel overwhelmed or anxious... have any of those? Yep, me too. Next time try a few sun salutations and see how you feel. Questions you have? Experiences you want to share? Want to practice together? Let's do it. #yoga #sunsalutation #knowledge

4/23/2024, 2:45:43 PM