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#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

Gostou? Salva esses livros pra ler depois! Reading é uma das melhores formas de aprender e fixar o inglês 🗽📍 . . . . . . . . . #englishtips #tips #learningenglish #methodology #levelupyourenglish #studyinspiration #sucessstudent

4/27/2024, 9:15:00 PM

All management activity can be categorized into three boxes. @calwass (Source: HR Strategy (2nd Edition) Creating Business Strategy with Human Capital by Paul Kearns, Elsevier) #research #future #learning #education #knowledge #knowledgesharing #researchers #process #data #implications #researchdesign #methodology #application #approach #book #ideas #sharing #free #design #business #building #share #free #workshop #Seminar #university #universities #gobal #testing

4/27/2024, 6:13:57 PM

The Learning Maturity Scale – only applied learning counts towards value creation. @calwass (Source: HR Strategy (2nd Edition) Creating Business Strategy with Human Capital by Paul Kearns, Elsevier) #research #future #learning #education #knowledge #knowledgesharing #researchers #process #data #implications #researchdesign #methodology #application #approach #book #ideas #sharing #free #design #business #building #share #free #workshop #Seminar #university #universities #gobal #testing

4/27/2024, 6:08:02 PM

The Learning Maturity Scale – only applied learning counts towards value creation. @calwass (Source: HR Strategy (2nd Edition) Creating Business Strategy with Human Capital by Paul Kearns, Elsevier) #research #future #learning #education #knowledge #knowledgesharing #researchers #process #data #implications #researchdesign #methodology #application #approach #book #ideas #sharing #free #design #business #building #share #free #workshop #Seminar #university #universities #gobal #testing

4/27/2024, 6:05:40 PM

منهجية البحث تعتبر أداة قوية لتحقيق الأهداف البحثية وضمان جودة العمل العلمي. إنها تساعد الباحث على تنظيم عمله، وتحقيق دقة وموثوقية النتائج، وتوجيه العمل البحثي، وتعزيز التطور والابتكار في المجال العلمي. #project #methodology #thesis #atc

4/27/2024, 5:44:10 PM

🏆⚽ "History Made! Bayer Leverkusen Clinch First-Ever Title! 🎉" Coincidence or master strategy? 🤔 With 14 goals scored after the 90th minute this season, Bayer Leverkusen's triumph seems more like a well-crafted plan than chance. 🌟 Their positive, offensive style of play and strategic positioning around the box in dying minutes illustrate a clear vision and tactical prowess. 🎯 When you have a cohesive strategy and a strong football philosophy, anything is achievable. 💥 Congratulations, Bayer Leverkusen, on a historic season! 🙌 #BayerLeverkusen #Champions #FootballStrategy #coachingmentornetwork #coachfh #coachfadihaddad #footballinnovation #philosophyvsmodel #philosophy #gamemodel #methodology #football #soccer #xabialonso 🥇👏

4/27/2024, 5:38:37 PM

⚡ "Train Smarter, Play Faster! 💪" As Xavi Hernandez famously said, "My goal is to reach 200 in decision-making speed." ⚽️💭 In football, split-second decisions can make all the difference between victory and defeat. ⏱️ Enhance your decision-making speed on the field with focused training and mental agility drills. Global Football 🧠💨 Remember, it's not just about physical speed, but also about sharpness of mind. 🚀 Stay sharp, stay ahead! #Football #DecisionMakingSpeed #TrainSmart #coachingmentornetwork #coachfh #coachfadihaddad #football #philosophyvsmodel #managers #methodology #xavihernandez #decisions #mentalspeed #soccer #playerdevelopment 🏃‍♂️🧠

4/27/2024, 5:28:58 PM

I love this stage, it's been a while 🫶 App is finished (though not released, and not ethically approved yet) and I don't want to lose momentum waiting so I'm getting on with starting writing up anything I can write up before getting any results of my research. This will be my next few months - first up posthumanism and then more on Fernand Deligny and his work with autistic children 🤸‍♀️ #PhDJourney #Posthumanism #Research #Methodology

4/27/2024, 4:23:13 PM

Methodology Summer Course 📑📑 #summer #summer2024 #methodology #onlinecourses #research @stroll_research #MBA #masters #business #law #marketing #digitalmarketing #economics #AI

4/27/2024, 2:05:18 PM

#mobility #Moviment #salute #benesserepsicofisico #longevity #life #medicine #methodology #coach #certified #original #bodyweight #palestre #topquality #allenamento #ginnasticaposturale ...💯 Richiedi la possibilità di sentirti meglio... Prenota la tua consulenza con professionisti del benessere...

4/27/2024, 12:27:56 PM

Éveiller la curiosité, nourrir la créativité c’est ça, l’esprit Montessori! 🩵🩵🩵 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #montessori #methodology #artbois #jeu #jeu_enfants #kidsfurniture #kidstoys #kids #kidsfun #nabeul #benikhiar #toy #meuble #furniture #design #productdesign #tunisia #tunisie #babyfoot #xo #chessgame #chess #checkboard

4/27/2024, 10:47:18 AM

Interval in learning and a little (not little) about memory [scroll for Eng.] Інтервальність у навчанні і трохи (не трохи) про памʼять Бо як ви могли здогадатися, інтервальність необхідна для кращого запамʼятовування 🤌 Памʼять формується нейронними звʼязками, які утворюються в нашому мозку. Коли ви згадуєте щось, якусь ситуацію, наприклад перший день на роботі. Ви укріплюєте нейронний зв’язок, який відповідає за цей спогад. В наступний раз, коли ви будете згадувати цей день, ви пригадаєте не його, а ваш останній спогад про нього. А якщо не пригадувати? Я впевнена, що ви не памʼятаєте багато цікавих днів. Не тому що «памʼять погана». А тому, що ви про них не думали і не укріплювали цим нейронний звʼязок 💁‍♀️ Ще раз! Ми згадуємо не саму подію, а наші останні спогади про неї. Так будується памʼять. Спогад за спогадом. Звідси: Коли ми щось вивчаємо, в нашому мозку формуються нейронні звʼязки. Якщо ці звʼязки не укріплювати повторенням, вони поступово зітруться з вашого мозку. Кожне повторення - міцний нейронний звʼязок - якісне вивчення теми. Хоч допис про «інтервальність», я спеціально розповідаю про памʼять, щоб показати ЧОМУ вона так НЕОБХІДНА. А як організувати інтервальність в навчанні поговоримо далі😉 Stay tuned 👌 #методологія #methodology #methodology #learning #studying #teaching #методологіяонлайнкурсів #memory

4/27/2024, 10:29:09 AM

2-0) negroni 네그로니란 진, 이탈리안 버무스, 캄파리로 이루어진 칵테일을 일컫는데 이 조합이 막 유행했던 20세기 초에는 해당 칵테일을 부르는 다양한 말이 있었고 네그로니가 대표성을 갖게된 건 꽤 이후의 일입니다. 네그로니가 스피릿, 버무스, 비터 계열의 기본형으로 자리잡으면서 유사한 조합의 칵테일들이 파생으로 해석되고 있습니다. 하여 여러 칵테일에 앞서 몸을 풀기에 좋은 칵테일입니다. 심지어 네그로니는 희석에 비교적 관대하고 조합의 여지가 적어 연습하기에 적합합니다. 또한 네그로니는 표현법에 따라 다채로운 모습을 띌 수 있는데, 재료의 개성보다는 방법론에 의해 완성도가 판가름나는 편이기에 중요한 기본 칵테일이라 볼 수 있습니다. 현재 중점적으로 고려중인 조합과 방법을 소개합니다. 보스턴 셰이커의 작은 부분을 피쳐 린서로 헹구고 보타니스트, 안티카 포뮬라, 캄파리를 각 30ml 씩 넣습니다. 제빙기 재냉동 얼음 세알로 시작하여 두알씩 세번 첨가하며 점진적으로 스터하되 재료간 조화가 경쾌하게 풀릴 수 있도록 유의합니다. 락잔에 옮겨 담아 오렌지필을 하여 마무리합니다. 가용 얼음과 잔, 제품군을 고려했을 때 누구나 학습하기 용이하고 기본으로 두어 변형 및 발전시킬 수 있도록 구성한 방안입니다. 일전에 아페르티보 콘셉트를 위해 이탈리안 비터가 익숙하지 않은 분들에게 아마로적인 매력을 전달하고자 화사한 네그로니를 주창하였는데, 이제는 화사하다는 것이 흔한 개념이 되었고 심지어는 화사함을 표방하며 맥아리 없는 음료를 내는 것에 질려 구식의 비터 스윗 스트롱에 입각하여 새로운 네그로니 접근법을 구축하려 다각으로 시도해보고 있습니다. 2-1) milano torino americano 어떤 요소가 이탈리아와 연관되면 낭만적인 개념이 되곤합니다. 네그로니 역시 느낌적인 느낌이 있기에 배경과 정취를 이해할 필요가 있습니다. 이를 알고 전달하는 칵테일과 그렇지 않은 음료는 큰 차이를 보이기 때문입니다. 네그로니의 중점이자 시작이라 할 수 있는 건 캄파리입니다. 붉고 씁쓸한 이 술은 밀라노 태생으로 동명의 집안으로부터 탄생하고 이를 적극 활용한 공간이 생기면서 유명세를 얻습니다. 에스프레소가 그러하듯 이탈리아인들에게 씁쓸함과 강렬하게 응축된 풍미는 필수요소라 할 수 있습니다. 또 다른 씁쓸함을 담은 달콤한 강화 와인이 캄파리와 만납니다. 이 와인은 주요 약초 재료로부터 이름이 붙여져 버무스라 불립니다. 버무스는 오래된 역사를 지녔지만 명성과 상용화의 첫걸음은 토리노 지역이 차지합니다. 토리노는 밀라노에 비해 서쪽에 위치하여 산맥 하나만 넘으면 여러 유럽에 닿을 수 있는 곳입니다. 두 술의 만남이 밀라노 토리노라 불리며 유럽 전역에 전파되고 20세기의 트렌드가 됩니다. 19세기 중엽부터 미국에 버무스가 수입되었는데 19세기 말에는 버무스 회사의 공격적인 마케팅과 미국의 음주문화가 뒤섞이며 새로운 칵테일들이 탄생합니다. 미국이 버무스와 비터스를 음용하는 방식을 버무스와 비터로 재해석하여 아메리카노라 부르며 대세로 자리잡고 아메리카노의 탄산수를 스피릿으로 대체한 조합이 각광받아 그 중 하나가 네그로니라는 이름으로 불리게 됩니다. 2-2) dilution 네그로니 조합은 세가지의 뚜렷한 개성이 만나 한데 어우러지는 특징을 지니며 공통된 요소로 보타니컬을 가지고 있습니다. 술에 사용된 다양한 식물의 향미를 뜻하는 보타니컬이 네그로니의 관건이라 할 수 있습니다. 이를 어떻게 발현시키는지에 따라 기분좋은 혹은 불편한 음료가 되기 때문입니다. 이러한 매력을 끌어올리는 데에는 무엇보다 다일루션이 중요합니다. 칵테일에서 다일루션은 희석 또는 가수라 불리기도 하는데 음료에 물을 융화시키는 행위 일체를 말합니다. 앞서 말한 물의 역할과 개념이 같습니다. 또한 칵테일에서 대부분의 다일루션은 얼음에서 시작되기에 칠링도 동시에 이루어진다고 볼 수 있습니다. 얼음으로부터 스미는 물로 용액의 풍미를 다룹니다. 이 과정에서 다일루션과 칠링이 어떻게 이루어졌느냐에 따라 결과물의 차이가 벌어집니다. 이는 단순히 양과 정도의 차이가 아니라 과정이 중요합니다. 급박한 칠링과 잘못된 다일루션은 칵테일을 망칠 수 있기에 연습을 통해 결과물을 확인하고 이 과정이 어떻게 이루어지는지 느껴야합니다. #cocktail #methodology

4/27/2024, 5:13:27 AM

Coasts,Borders and Capital Enter the Red List of Climate Risk in Costa Rica… @minaecr Follow @TheCRNews Hashtag #TCRN 📍To expand this and other information visit our linktree page anchored in our biography #TCRN #CostaRica #new #urban #planning #methodology #combat #brought #threat #type #region

4/26/2024, 11:01:07 PM

#agile #methodology #businessenglish

4/26/2024, 8:47:24 PM

HR-Business Strategy Human Systems @calwass (Source: HR Strategy (2nd Edition) Creating Business Strategy with Human Capital by Paul Kearns, Elsevier) #research #future #learning #education #knowledge #knowledgesharing #researchers #process #data #implications #researchdesign #methodology #application #approach #book #ideas #sharing #free #design #business #building #share #free #workshop #Seminar #university #universities #gobal #testing

4/26/2024, 6:25:17 PM

The total framework for HR-business strategy is centred around value and human values. @calwass (Source: HR Strategy (2nd Edition) Creating Business Strategy with Human Capital by Paul Kearns, Elsevier) #research #future #learning #education #knowledge #knowledgesharing #researchers #process #data #implications #researchdesign #methodology #application #approach #book #ideas #sharing #free #design #business #building #share #free #workshop #Seminar #university #universities #gobal #testing

4/26/2024, 6:21:02 PM

Ah la la les discordances… Courage, vous allez y arriver 💕 #medecine #medecin #edn #edn2023 #edn2024 #ecni #ecn #etudiantmedecine #externat #medlife #externat #motivation #studygram #methodology

4/26/2024, 5:29:20 PM

Join us for Episode 2 of #InConversationwithPaulLovejoy! Immerse in a captivating exploration of research and methodology with one of today's most prominent figures in historical discourse. Dive in now and broaden your historical insights! Watch here: Subscribe to our emailing list for updates on our projects and productions: 🎥 #PaulELovejoy #Autobiography #DocumentarySeries #Inspiration #LifeStory #AfricanStudies #AfricanDiaspora #Launch #StreamNow #PaulLovejoy #Research #Methodology #ResearchProfessor #Research #Scholarship #HistorianSpotlight #HistoricalInsights #HarrietTubmanInstitute #WalkWithWebProductions📺

4/26/2024, 4:03:23 PM

ᴊɪɢꜱᴀᴡ (ɢɪᴏᴄᴏ ᴀ ɪɴᴄᴀꜱᴛʀᴏ)🖇📌 ᴜɴ'ᴇꜱᴛᴇɴꜱɪᴏɴᴇ ᴅᴇʟ ᴄᴏᴏᴘᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ʟᴇᴀʀɴɪɴɢ, ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴏᴛᴛᴀ ᴅᴀ ᴇʟɪᴏᴛ ᴀʀᴏɴꜱᴏɴ ɴᴇɢʟɪ ᴀɴɴɪ 70. ᴍᴇᴛᴏᴅᴏʟᴏɢɪᴀ ᴀʟᴛᴇʀɴᴀᴛɪᴠᴀ, ʙᴀꜱᴀᴛᴀ ꜱᴜʟʟᴀ ʀɪᴄᴇʀᴄᴀ.ʟᴀ ᴘᴜᴏɪ ᴜᴛɪʟɪᴢᴢᴀʀᴇ ɴᴇʟʟᴀ ᴛᴜᴀ ᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛᴀᴢɪᴏɴᴇ ᴘᴇʀ ɪʟ ᴄᴏɴᴄᴏʀꜱᴏ, ᴍᴀ ᴀɴᴄʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴍᴇᴛᴏᴅᴏʟᴏɢɪᴀ ᴀʟʟ'ɪɴᴛᴇʀɴᴏ ᴅᴇʟʟᴀ ᴄʟᴀꜱꜱᴇ. ɪᴏ ɴᴏɴ ʟ'ʜᴏ ᴍᴀɪ ꜱᴘᴇʀɪᴍᴇɴᴛᴀᴛᴀ, ᴍᴀ ᴍᴀɢᴀʀɪ ꜰᴏʀꜱᴇ è ᴏʀᴀ ᴅɪ ᴘʀᴏᴠᴀʀʟᴀ. ᴛᴜ ᴄᴏꜱᴀ ɴᴇ ᴘᴇɴꜱɪ? ʟᴀ ᴄᴏɴᴏꜱᴄɪ?👀 ᴛɪ ᴀꜱᴘᴇᴛᴛᴏ ɴᴇɪ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛɪ📥 #scuola #scuolaprimaria #learning #methodology #education #child

4/26/2024, 3:51:05 PM

METHOD - a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one. #morningmantra #methodology #fortune #destiny #methodacting #メソッド #dailymemes #brainscience #flatlaystyle #loveisinthedetails #itsallaboutthedetails

4/26/2024, 3:32:34 PM

A͟L͟T͟E͟R͟N͟A͟T͟I͟V͟E͟ ͟C͟O͟N͟N͟E͟C͟T͟I͟O͟N͟S͟ One on the most important things to us is connecting: in our socially engaged practice, making, 𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 fostering and facilitating connections is fundamental. For this we have developed an unconventional, performative and interactive activity. It is aimed as a quick, prompt and in-situ way of getting to know each other (or each other‘s points of view, research topics, etcetera) It requires no preparation. The activity is designed to be inclusive and requires nothing but a few materials and an open mind. Every part of the exercise is adding something to the net of connections, with every connection being of equal value. We had the pleasure of hosting this workshop and connecting with participants at the Arnhems Leernetwerk at @hanuniversity_com last week! 𝗖𝒖𝒓𝑖𝗼𝘶𝑠? You can now find the full educational resource of this methodology on our website! Link in bio ;) Lovely pictures by: @bengalsportfotografie . . . #connecting #workshop #methodology #newperspectives #collectiveknowledge #sociallyengagedarts #sitespecific #education #inclusivity #diversity #lifelonglearning #artisticresearch #belfast #shankill #issuesbasedresearch #community #curiosity #encounter

4/26/2024, 3:14:17 PM

Meet The Faculty Members Hanan Shakeel & Sukhwinder Singh. They Recently Published their Research Paper In Overview of chemometrics in forensic toxicology. "Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences" Call Now:- 9041002246, 70872 17674 Website:- Location: Nh 05, Chandigarh - Ludhiana State Highway, Mohali . . #ForensicToxicology #Chemometrics #ResearchPaper #FacultyMembers #HananShakeel #SukhwinderSingh #EgyptianJournalofForensicSciences #ScientificResearch #Overview #DataAnalysis #Methodology #ForensicScience #AcademicPublication #ForensicChemistry #ResearchFindings #StatisticalAnalysis #ScientificInquiry #DataInterpretation #Expertise #SGCollegeMohali #SGCMohali

4/26/2024, 11:15:29 AM

🟡 NOVĚ na našem profilu najdete inspiraci a užitečné tipy z metodiky. 🤩 Začínáme metodickým mini-seriálem zaměřeným na NEVERBÁLNÍ OPRAVU CHYB. ✅ ❎ 👉 Dnes vám ukážeme univerzální gesta, která využijete v každé lekci a každém jazyce. 🟡 V dalších dílech seriálu se můžete těšit na tipy pro neverbální opravu chyb v konkrétních jazycích i opravu chyb v online výuce. 💻 * S = student, L = lektor #sjazykovkouvpohode #glossa #metodika #methodology #gestures #bodylanguage #errorcorrection #opravachyb

4/26/2024, 10:00:37 AM

It’s a wrap… Together with @myba_worldwideyachting, we brought environmental transparency to the charter fleet at the Genoa Charter Show!🌱🛥 We provided a 1-page YETI report to each showcased yacht, indicating their estimated score compared to the other yachts on display and to the existing assessed fleet. And yes — we’ve gone so in-depth with YETI that scores can now be estimated with up to 90% accuracy!📈 This exercise provided a valuable opportunity to share the leading method of the Yacht Environmental Transparency Index (YETI) with captains & chief engineers on board. Sooner than later, we aim for the entire charter fleet to have assessed YETI scores, providing a reliable reference for clients to make more conscious choices. Find out more about this sophisticated method for assessing & comparing superyachts by joining the next YETI webinar - link in bio!👏 #waterrevolution #mybachartershow #myba #transparencyindex #reduceimpact #impact #environmentalimpact #impactreduction #energylabel #yachtingindustry #charterfleet #yachtcharter #superyachtindustry #charter #sustainability #environmentalcredentials #lca #methodology

4/26/2024, 9:53:24 AM

-Benefits Of Market Research . . . #Bims9 #bimsofficial #methodology #survey #ajmanchamber #research #mrbenefits

4/26/2024, 8:00:43 AM

Thursday 25 April 2024. #methodology for writing #APoemADay - it's not much but #itswhatido. == Method - close eyes, open eyes - look around, see what you can see - what have you been thinking about today? - what are you thinking about now? - do you have any ideas? - if yes, write about them - if no, write about not having anything much to say. == #FridayIsPoetsDay #itsonlypoetry #listpoem #poemoftheday #dailypoem #dailypoems #cardindexpoems #poet #poetry #poem #BristolPoet #bristolpoetry #ProperPoets #playfulpoetry #playingwithpoems #playingwithpoetry #playingwithwords #playingwithform #experimentalpoetry #experimentingwithpoetry #poetsofig #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity

4/25/2024, 11:39:27 PM

A bit more progress on this piece which I leave and come back to over a few days #methodology #artoftheday #studioart

4/25/2024, 8:00:15 PM

Establishing an inclusive environment for children of smaller stature in our Jolly Phonics classes involves several key strategies. Firstly, fostering a culture of respect and empathy among classmates is crucial. Encourage students to appreciate and celebrate individual differences. Incorporating activities and discussions that promote empathy, kindness, and acceptance can help create a supportive atmosphere where every child feels valued and included.Additionally, adapting teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and physical abilities is important. Utilizing multisensory teaching approaches in Jolly Phonics lessons, such as incorporating visual aids, hands-on activities, and auditory cues, can enhance learning experiences for all students, regardless of size. #jollyphonics #phonics #phonicsounds #creative #methodology

4/25/2024, 7:57:07 PM

Athens is such a beautiful and unique city with alot of cats 😆 🐈 😻 #honeymooners #Greek #gyros #cats #Athena #beauty #acropolis #methodology #zeus #blueandwhite #love #amor #mitologiagriega #stairsrestaurants #streetcats

4/25/2024, 7:37:02 PM

Last month, we visited Prague as part of our current research on the re-use of demolition materials, Description by Design, supported by @stimuleringsfonds as part of the Talent Development Programme. Accompanied by our architecture masterclass from @ravb010, we went together on the tracks of Czech artist Jiří Kolář whose work, sometimes described as visual poetry, developed a series of collage techniques, exploring new meanings through surgical manipulations. We particularly share our gratitude to @ngprague and @museumkampa for unlocking the doors to the wonders of their collection. Pictures by @polagraphgallery #prague #jirikolar #architecture #research #reuse #laboratory #surrealist #collage #studytrip #demolitionmaterial #methodology #descriptionbydesign

4/25/2024, 3:59:28 PM

Last month, we visited Prague as part of our current research on the re-use of demolition materials, Description by Design, supported by @stimuleringsfonds as part of the Talent Development Programme. Accompanied by our architecture masterclass from @ravb010, we went together on the tracks of Czech artist Jiří Kolář whose work, sometimes described as visual poetry, developed a series of collage techniques, exploring new meanings through surgical manipulations. We particularly share our gratitude to @ngprague and @museumkampa for unlocking the doors to the wonders of their collection. Pictures by @polagraphgallery #prague #jirikolar #architecture #research #reuse #laboratory #surrealist #collage #studytrip #demolitionmaterial #methodology #descriptionbydesign

4/25/2024, 3:58:17 PM

Last month, we visited Prague as part of our current research on the re-use of demolition materials, Description by Design, supported by @stimuleringsfonds as part of the Talent Development Programme. Accompanied by our architecture masterclass from @ravb010, we went together on the tracks of Czech artist Jiří Kolář whose work, sometimes described as visual poetry, developed a series of collage techniques, exploring new meanings through surgical manipulations. We particularly share our gratitude to @ngprague and @museumkampa for unlocking the doors to the wonders of their collection. Pictures by @polagraphgallery #prague #jirikolar #architecture #research #reuse #laboratory #surrealist #collage #studytrip #demolitionmaterial #methodology #descriptionbydesign

4/25/2024, 3:56:49 PM

check it out for more details,located%2C%20and%20how%20knowledge%20increases. 🌹Use your laptop or Mac to copy the link 🖇️ #sociology #socio #knowledge #epistemology #methodology #sociologist #methodo #metodología #sociological_approach #sociologicalimagination #sociological_cartoonist

4/25/2024, 12:40:57 PM

Reflection as an activator of long-term learning [scroll for Eng] Рефлексія як активатор довготривалого навчання. Багато хто недооцінює рефлексію у навчанні, а потім скаржиться, що «от я пройшов курс, наче вчив все, а потім навчання закінчилося і я всеодно забув» Бувало? Особливо з мовами, так? Давайте зараз розберемо рефлексію на навчання покроково, а далі вже буде видно чому ж вона така важлива Рефлесуємо: ▪️Які були початкові знання ▪️Яка була мета навчання Аналізуємо: ▪️Що я тепер знаю ▪️Навіщо мені ці знання ▪️Як його використовувати ▪️Що я ще не знаю☝️ ▪️Чи досягнута мета? ▪️Чи задоволений я? ▪️Що робити далі? Це беремо з пункту «що я ще не знаю»😉 Тож для чого рефлексія? Так, для самоаналізу і розуміння куди йти далі🤌 #methodology #reflection #learningreflection #studying #learning #teaching #методологія #рефлексія

4/25/2024, 9:42:42 AM

Robotics at St. Patrick’s International School. Lunch Clubs to develop personal abilities and interests. St. Patrick’s International School. British school in Barcelona. British teachers. British Curriculum. British assessments. #stpatricksinternationalschool #britishschool #britisheducation #prenursery #earlyyears #primary #secondary #personalisededucation #mystpatricksfamily #funlearning #emotions #feelings #values #interests #methodology #walldisplays #highqualityteaching #achievingexcellencetogether #topics #arts #diversityandinclusion #sportsday

4/25/2024, 7:23:40 AM

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (@nseindia), the world’s largest derivatives exchange for consecutive fifth year in a row in the year 2023 based on contracts traded as published by FIA. #nse #nifty #fia #india #methodology #FinancialServicesSector #stocks #bizzbuzz

4/25/2024, 7:11:33 AM

-Different types of survey methods. . . . #Bims9 #bimsofficial #methodology #survey #ajmanchamber #research

4/25/2024, 6:59:10 AM

Digital Prototyping Method 📲If you have any questions or interest to our services just contact us now! WhatsApp : 011-1866 9999 Website : #mobileappdesign #sarawak #borneo #webdevelopment #designinspiration #uidesign #MasterUpline #kuching #creativity #appdesignin #impressions #softwarecompany #smallbusiness #startup #entrepreneurship #localbusinesses #uxdesignprocess #prototype #methodology

4/25/2024, 3:00:09 AM

Have an idea? Let TAG aid in cultivating that 💡 to life! By starting your journey today we can establish the steps to startup success for your tomorrow! #Consulting #Consultant #Community #Startups #Miami #Business #BusinessConsulting #ScaleYourBusiness #Outreach #Methodology #Grants #Project

4/25/2024, 2:03:28 AM

How do these real-world experiences improve its effectiveness in driving sales growth? By tapping into the wisdom of successful individuals across various industries. It offers actionable strategies for accelerating sales and driving business growth. Get your copy now! Https://amzn.To/3rjpizl #Hakeemadebiyi #success #process #sales #business #methodology #accountmanagement #reproducibleresults #consistency #salesformula #salesbook #bookstagram #salestraining #salestips #salescycle

4/24/2024, 7:00:20 PM

It's the first of several co-authored articles with George Kenny, an Elder from Lac Seul First Nation, in Northwestern Ontario, Ontario. This article “Colorizing Historical Photographs: Ethical Dilemmas of a New Digital Technique In: First American Art Magazine Spring 2024, No. 42: 102-104 Read the entire article here: #colorization #colourisation #photographs #photography #LacSeul #historical #history #ethics #digital #methodology #methods #technique #northwesternOntario #Ontario #Canada #NorthernOntario #LacSeulOjibwe #collaboration #research #archaeology #anthropology #mediastudies #ethnohistory #article #photographs #north #indigenous

4/24/2024, 6:28:48 PM

🌱 *Step Up as a Climate Leader!* 🌍 Embark on a transformative journey with the *Climate Action Center Karachi*. Dive into our *FREE 13-week CAMAT Training Course* and become an agent of change. 🚀 Gain the expertise to lead climate action in diverse sectors of Pakistan. Your efforts will contribute to fulfilling Pakistan's commitments under the *Paris Agreement*. 🌿 📢 *Join the Vanguard* of sustainability advocates! 🔗 *Claim Your Spot* in the quest for a greener tomorrow! 👉 Reserve Your Seat Now! Link in bio 🔗 . . . [Climate change, Climate, cackarachi, climatepakistan, Training course, Environmental activism, Video production, Professional development, JournalismMedia Climate awareness, Youth empowerment, Sustainable future, Advocacy, Leadership, Environmental impact] . . . . #climate #awareness #methodology #tools #climateliteracy #cackarachi #cackarachipakistan #climatepakistan #instagram #explore #instareels #reels

4/24/2024, 1:07:17 PM

Our facilities. Growing and building new learning areas. St. Patrick’s International School. British school in Barcelona. British Curriculum. British assessments. #stpatricksinternationalschool #britishschool #britisheducation #prenursery #earlyyears #primary #secondary #personalisededucation #mystpatricksfamily #funlearning #emotions #feelings #values #interests #methodology #walldisplays #highqualityteaching #achievingexcellencetogether #clasdisplays #topics #arts #diversityandinclusion

4/24/2024, 11:53:02 AM

Academic books currently on loan from library, friends and supervisor. Some of these have been on high rotation/ renewal for months now! #book #books #borrowedbooks #textbook #textbooks #research #methodology #theory #library #librarybooks #sociology #phd #phdstudent #phdcandidate #university #study #reading

4/24/2024, 8:16:00 AM

💰The #Nifty_50 #weightage is the proportional representation🌎 of #individual stocks in the Nifty 50 index.🥂 The Nifty 🍻50 is a #benchmark stock #market index in India that comprises the top 50 companies listed🧬 on the 🥽National Stock #Exchange (NSE) based on market #capitalization. The Nifty 50 ✌️ #weightage is calculated using a market 📈 #capitalization-weighted #methodology, 🧠which means that 🪙each stock's weight in the #index is determined 💡by its market 😎 #capitalization.

4/24/2024, 4:36:04 AM

When it was over with him you swoop in , with your methodology crystal blue eyes like you’re the end game of my life , or was I going in this death sentence with you to punish myself for losing him. #newpost #newpoetrycollection #newpoetrycomingsoon #poetrycommunity #poetry #poetrysociety #poetryofinstagram #poetryofig #poetryislove #poetryoftheday #poetrybooks #poem #mypoetrymysoul✍❤ #sadpoetry💔 #mypoems_myfeelings #mypoetrymysoul #mypoems #deathsentence #methodology #bluecrystals #blueeyes #punishmyself

4/24/2024, 3:45:56 AM

Paper Prototyping Method 📲If you have any questions or interest to our services just contact us now! WhatsApp : 011-1866 9999 Website : #webdesign #malaysia #masteruplineholdings #mobileappdesign #sarawak #borneo #webdevelopment #designinspiration #uidesign #MasterUpline #kuching #creativity #appdesignin #impressions #softwarecompany #smallbusiness #startup #entrepreneurship #localbusinesses #uxdesignprocess #prototype #methodology

4/24/2024, 3:00:14 AM

At my heaviest I was 270. Lowest was 170. 100 pounds. Gained back 10 cause the last weight loss was unhealthy. Working on building muscle. Then I’m getting tatted. #healthylifestyle #healthy #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #methodology

4/24/2024, 12:23:27 AM