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Book 3 of 2024! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I read this mystery as part of a solve-along with @gavgav7 and his Patreons and really loved it! The mystery was so interesting and super short so kept the pages turning quickly! I managed to solve who the killer was but there was many times that I thought it could have been any of them. I found the writing style to be a little hard to get used to at first but once used to it, I flew through it. I’ve never read anything by Agatha Christie before and I really enjoyed this one! Definitely would like to read more now! QOTD: What are your favourite mystery books? #agathachristie #agathachristiebooks #agathachristiemurder #murdermystery #murdermysterybooks #crookedhouse #thrillerbooks #detective #solvealong #yabooks #youngadultbooks #adultfantasy #fantasy #bookstagram #booklove

1/13/2024, 11:24:06 PM

📚 Agatha Christie – Top 6 Books Mnemonic – MMMAD Agatha (Picture Agatha Christie perceived as being mad by the public, as she was when she went missing for 11 days) 1. Murder on the Orient Express 2. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd 3. The Mysterious Affair at Styles 4. The A.B.C. Murders 5. Death on the Nile 6. And Then There Were None Today's episode is on the GOAT of fiction writing Agatha Christie. Her novels have sold more than two billion copies worldwide and her stage play “The Mousetrap” holds the world record for the longest initial run, only stopped temporarily due to the lockdowns. Her characters are famous, particularly Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, along with the intricate plots and surprising twists and turns she takes you on, to eventually find out in the end who done-it. Today's mnemonic is Agatha Christie’s top 6 books. #Mnemonic #Memory #Learning #Knowledge #Facts #Trivia #Quiz #Brain #podcast #agathachristie #agathachristiefan #agathachristiequote #agathachristiebooks #agathachristiepoirot #agathachristiespoirot #agathachristiebookclub #agathachristiecollection #agathachristiemurder #murderontheorientexpress #themurderofrogerackroyd #themysteriousaffairatstyles #theabcmurders #DeathOnTheNile #deathonthenile #andthentherewerenone #dameagathamaryclarissachristie

6/30/2023, 10:42:40 AM

"Two People Rarely See The Same Thing" Murder On The Links by Agatha Christie When H. Poirot receives an urgent letter asking for his services, he rushes to France only to find his client stabbed in the back, wearing a coat too big and in a freshly dug grave near the golf course. With no clues, a competitive detective and mysterious happenings with the body Poirot yet again has to use those little grey cells to see what no one else does I had low expectations for this book to be honest, despite it being a Christie book but let me just tell you, I DEVOURED it. It's absolutely not what you expect The plot was a complete rollercoaster with crazy twists that you wouldn't see coming Right when you think you got it all figured out, BAM! A new twist will leave you astounded and questioning everything There were like 3 curveballs even in the last 50 pages or so Obviously Poirot, the all seeing genius knew everything and completely played us along Even if you know who the murderer is, like me, it will make you question everything! It was a very refreshing and dramatic story, absolutely do not judge it by it's name, cover or back of the book plot because you're in for a ride! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5/5 Have you read this book? Tell me your thoughts on it #murderonthelinks #themurderonthelinks #agathachristie #agathachristiebooks #agathachristiespoirot #agathachristiebookclub #readchristie2021 #readchristie2022 #herculepoirotmystery #agathachristiemurder #murdermysterybook #mysterybooks #whodunnitbooks #whodunnit #bookreview #agathachristiebookcollection #agathachristiebookshelf #agathachristiebookreview #mysterybookreview #classicmysterybook #bookstaexplore #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #agathachristiefan #poirotinvestigates #mysterynovel #mysteryreaders #agathachristiequote #littlegreycells #alwaysnovel

6/23/2022, 5:29:28 PM

I started reading Death on the Nile for our 2-day cruise, so I told Amanda to strike our killer poses before the boat sets off 😂 plus getting lost at #komombo at night #egypt #agathachristiemurder

12/22/2021, 10:19:03 PM

4,2🦋/5 🦋 🦋 În Petra pe fundalul măreţelor stânci roşii, stă trupul lipsit de viaţă al doamnei Boynton. Hercule Poirot se întreabă oare cine nu ar fi avut motive să dorească moartea bătrânei deoarece doamna Boynton este cea mai detestabilă fiinţă. 🦋 Hercule Poirot are la dispoziţie numai 24 de ore ca să rezolve misterul, aducându-și aminte de o remarcă pe care o surprinsese întâmplător într-un hotel din Ierusalim: " Înțelegi, nu-i așa, că trebuie să moară?" 🦋 În prima parte a cărții, Agatha ne face cunoștință cu o familie plecată în vacanță la Ierusalim. Ne este prezentată familia Boynton, care este destul de ciudată 🦋 În a doua parte, este găsită fără suflare doamna Boynton, toată lumea fiind convinsă că este o moarte naturală din moment ce era destul de bătrână , avea probleme cu inima și drumul până în tabără a fost foarte dificil. 🦋 Astfel, datorită declarației doctorului Gerard referitoar la lipsa unei seringi și a unei cantități de otravă , îl face pe colonelul Carbury să devină banuitor. Acesta îl cheamă pe Hercule Poirot să investicheze cazul. ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° #readingcrimefiction2021 #agathachristie #agathachristiespoirot #herculepoirot #agathachristiebookclub #agathachristiemurder #agathachristiebooks #provocareaagathachristie #crima #fictiune #agathachristiemurder #carte #cititoridinromania #lectura #ciobanuldeazi #lovebooks📚 #lovebooks #lovebooksforever #edituralitera #reading #carte #lectura #citescdinpasiune

9/2/2021, 11:20:09 AM

(review) 𝙈𝙪𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙀𝙭𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 - 𝘼𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙖 𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙚 A train stopped at midnight in the snow. A dead body found in a compartment. Twelve stab wounds leave no doubt it was a murder. And Hercule Poirot, tasked with solving the crime, is certain the culprit is a passenger on the orient express. My Agatha Christie journey began with her most well-known novel! I'm not sure why it took me so long to read one of her works. I was trying to figure out who the murderer was and how he/she did it but the end really surprised me! I read a lot of reviews to see if anyone had found out who the killer was and one of the reviews said "If you've never read one of her books, this one sums up the Agatha Christie experience quite nicely. As in: You will never solve her mysteries." A friendly advice: If you're on a train (or boat, or island), planning to commit a nice, unsolvable murder, and you find out Hercule Poirot is one of the guests . . . Just change your plans. That is all.

8/4/2021, 11:10:26 AM

4,5🦋/5🦋 Bună tuturor! Am revenit după o perioadă de timp, cu forțe proaspete și timp pentru citit! ❤️ 🦋Am terminat de citit "Moartea pe Nil" de Agatha Christie. 🦋Este o carte polițistă, dar și un jurnal de călătorie, care ne poartă într-o destinație pitorească, exotică (în Egipt, într-o croazieră pe Nil, fiind descrise peisaje și obiective turistice). 🦋 Anormal pentru romanele polițiste, chiar și pentru cele scrise de Agatha Christie, prima crimă are loc abia la jumătatea cărții. Până atunci, autoarea încearcă să introducă cititorul în exotica atmosferă egipteană, care va deveni cadrul unor povești mai mult sau mai puțin romantice, dramatice. 🦋Mai mulți turişti aleg, ca din întâmplare, să-și petreacă vacanța în Egipt, astfel, printre pasageri, se regăsesc doi tineri aflați în luna de miere, Linnet Ridgeway și Simon Doyle, Jacqueline de Bellefort, o mamă împreună cu fiul ei, o scriitoare ratată și alcoolică cu fiica sa, o domnişoară bătrână excentrică, însoțită de o asistentă medicală și de o nepoată, un avocat și multe alte personaje. 🦋Simon, Linnet și Jacqueline sunt într-o relație extrem de tensionată. Linnet, o tânără foarte bogată și frumoasă, are tot ce și-a dorit, mai puțin pe logodnicul celei mai bune prietene ale sale, Jacqueline (Jackie) , pe care îl cunoaște când aceasta din urmă a rugat-o să-i ofere o slujbă de administrator la moșia ei. I-a oferit slujba, dar nu a ezitat să-l "fure" prietenei sale și să se căsătorească cu el! Cei doi au plecat în luna de miere în Egipt, dar Jacqueline îi urmărește peste tot, stricând liniștea din cuplu. 🦋Linnet este găsită moartă în cabina sa, împuşcată în tâmplă (aceasta scăpase de încă o tentativă de crimă asupra sa), dovedimndu-se că fiecare pasager ar fi avut un motiv mai mult sau mai puțin clar de a-i dori moartea! 🦋Crima nu e singulară, fiind destul de rapid urmată de încă două, având, bineînțeles legătură cu prima. Pe măsură ce ancheta avansează, secrete din trecutul suspecților ies la iveală, oferind noi indicii. ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° #readingcrimefiction2021 #agathachristie #agathachristiespoirot #herculepoirot #herculepoirot #agathachristiebookclub #agathachristiemurder

7/18/2021, 6:56:42 PM

🦋3,5🦋 🦋Hercule Poirot nu are liniște nici când are o programare la dentist, cel ucis fiind chiar medicu. Sinucidere sau crimă ? La scurt timp un pacient este găsit mort din cauza unor supradoze de medicamente. Dupa acest fapt Inspectorul Japp ii sugerează lui Poirot sa renunțe la caz pentru ca dentistul si a luat capăt zilelor. 🦋Însă Hercule Poirot este convins ca a fost o crimă și caută indicii. 🦋Voi ati citit această carte? 🦋Cartea o găsiți pe @editura_litera ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° #readingcrimefiction2021 #agathachristie #agathachristiespoirot #herculepoirot #agathachristiebookclub #agathachristiemurder #agathachristiebooks #provocareaagathachristie #crima #fictiune #agathachristiemurder #carte #cititoridinromania #lectura #ciobanuldeazi #lovebooks📚 #lovebooks #lovebooksforever #edituralitera #reading #carte #bookstagram #bibliophile #bookblogger #bookphotography #booklover #bookstagramromania #lectura #citescdinpasiune

5/14/2021, 8:57:14 PM

🦋5🦋 🦋Ca de fiecare dată Agatha Christie a reușit să mă surprindă cu finalul, cu personajul care a stat in spatele crimei. 🦋Un bărbat împușcat, pe marginea piscinei; soția lui, alături, ținând în mână un revolver; ceilalți oaspeți ai conacului dintre dealuri, ajunși suspect de repede la locul crimei. Invitat și el la conac, Poirot are sentimentul că în fața lui se desfășoară scena unei morți atent regizate. Pe măsură ce investighează asasinarea medicului John Christow, detectivul începe să-și dea seama că sub aparenta respectabilitate a gazdelor sale, se ascund numeroase secrete și drame de familie. 🦋Pe cine vor acești oameni să protejeze? Și de ce? De data aceasta, Hercule Poirot va trebui să se încline în fața unui adversar pe măsură. ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° #readingcrimefiction2021 #agathachristie #agathachristiespoirot #herculepoirot #agathachristiebookclub #agathachristiemurder #agathachristiebooks #provocareaagathachristie #crima #fictiune #agathachristiemurder #carte #cititoridinromania #lectura #ciobanuldeazi #lovebooks📚 #lovebooks #lovebooksforever #edituralitera #reading #carte #lectura #citescdinpasiune

4/27/2021, 8:21:37 PM

🦋5🦋 🦋Astăzi am terminat de citit acestă carte. Primul roman polițist de Agatha Christie a reușit să mă impresioneze și de data aceasta. 😍 🦋Atunci când bogata și despotica Emily Inglethorp este descoperită moartă, într-o cameră cu toate ușile închise, nu lipsesc nici suspecții, nici dovezile otrăvirii cu stricnină. Poate că ucigașul e mult mai tânărul soț și proaspătul beneficiar al celui mai nou testament al doamnei Inglethorp, cu atât mai mult cu cât, în mod straniu, acesta nu se străduiește prea mult să se disculpe, ba chiar pare că ar vrea să fie adus cât mai curând în fața judecătorului. Sau poate unul dintre fiii vitregi ai acesteia ori Cynthia, protejata bătrânei. 🦋Poirot, genialul detectiv belgian refugiat în Anglia din cauza Primului Război Mondial, este adus de prietenul său Hastings să dea o mână de ajutor la elucidarea crimei. ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° #readingcrimefiction2021 #agathachristie #agathachristiespoirot #herculepoirot #agathachristiebookclub #agathachristiemurder #agathachristiebooks #provocareaagathachristie #crima #fictiune #agathachristiemurder #carte #cititoridinromania #lectura #ciobanuldeazi #lovebooks📚 #lovebooks #lovebooksforever #edituralitera #reading #carte #lectura @editura_litera #citescdinpasiune

4/24/2021, 5:46:18 PM

🦋5🦋 Când credeam că Agatha Christie nu poate sa mă mai surprindă, iată că a reușit și de această dată. Cazul de față este unul mult mai complex deoarece au loc mai multe crime, în diferite localități. Ce este ciudat? Faptul că ucigașul își va alege victimele în ordine alfabetică. Hercule Poirot nu își dă seama motivul pentru care criminalul a ales această metodă. Detectivul primește cate o scrisoare cu câteva zile înaintea crimei l, anunțând-ul unde va avea loc crima. Este vorba de un criminal sau doi? 🤔 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° #agathachristie #agathachristiespoirot #herculepoirot #agathachristiebookclub #provocareaagathachristie #crima #fictiune #agathachristiemurder #carte #cititoridinromania #lectura #ciobanuldeazi #readingcrimefiction2021 #lovebooks📚 #lovebooks #lovebooksforever #edituralitera #citescdinpasiune

4/22/2021, 6:01:40 PM

🦋5🦋 Cine se aștepta la un asemenea final? 😍 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° #agathachristie #agathachristiebooks #agathachristiespoirot #agathachristiebookclub #agathachristiemurder #crima #crimadinorientexpress #crimadinorientexpress🚞 #provocareaagathachristie #edituralitera 💙💙💙💙

4/13/2021, 7:44:45 AM

Watching Hercule Poirot. Such a big fsn. 😀

12/19/2020, 5:31:32 PM

#marakchi #agafay 👍🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦 #agathachristiemurder@@@buggystylemarrakech #agafaydesert❤️🇲🇦🐪 🇲🇦🌹🌹

10/22/2020, 3:22:35 PM

📚 Book Review 📚 Murder on the Orient express by Agatha Christie. "The murderer is with us- on the train now......" Just after midnight, the famous Orient Express is stopped in its tracks by a snowdrift. A passenger lies dead in his compartment, stabbed a dozen times, his door locked from the inside. Isolated by the storm and with a killer in their midst, detective Hercule Poirot must identify the prime suspects from a scornful and impatient array of foreign passengers- before the murder decides to strike again..... Set in the year 1934, the book draws a picture of that time and what the foreigners thought of each other. Murder on the Orient express is a perfect detective story with great descriptions, thrilling suspense, a suspicion on everyone and a great revelation at the end. The reader is deceived at first thinking that the evil character Ratchett must be involved with the murder they know is going to happen in the future, but, it turns out that he is the victim instead. However, after learning about his past, the readers are left to wonder whether he was the victim at all ? The story makes us wonder whether the murder of a man is justified even if he was a criminal? Whether the murderer should be punished in this case? If you have read the book and you know what I am talking about, let me know your thoughts about this in the comments 💫 . . . . #bookreview #review #book #booktheory #murder #murdermystery #thriller #suspense #murderontheorientexpress #agathachristie #agathachristiebooks #agathachristiemurder #agathachristiemurderontheorientexpress #agathachristiemurdermystery #agathachristienovels #herculepoirot #herculepoirotmystery #herculepoirotquotes #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booksofinstagram #bookfollow #bookaddict #murdermysterynovel

9/26/2020, 11:05:21 AM

Here is a villa depicted in Agatha Christie's Poirot, a British mystery drama television programme. We could see this building in an episode based on a novel titled Triangle in Rhodes. Why did I use it as a theme for my post? Well, Agatha Christie literally hypnotize her readers! As it is well established, certain words and phrases push buttons unconsciously in people, so they respond to them without being aware of it. Christie was extremely skilled in using them in her writings. The mystery novelist used literary techniques mirroring those employed by hypnotherapists and psychologists, which have a hypnotic effect on readers, to make her books — as one scientist* un-hypnotically said — “unputdownable". Her favorite words and phrases, repeatedly used in a “mesmerizing” way include “she, yes, girl, kind, smiled” and “suddenly.” And it sure worked for her! Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, (1890-1976) is possibly the world’s best-known mystery writer. The Guinness Book of Records listed her as the best-selling fiction author of all time with over two *billion* copies in print in the English language. #bbcdocumentary #bbcbritain #bbc1 #agathachrisiequote #agathachristiefan #agathachristiebookclub #agathachristiebookshelf #agathachristiefans #agathachristienovels #agathachristienovel #agathachristielovers #agathachristielover #agathachristiebook #agathachristiemurder #agathachristiestyle #agathachristieofficial #agathachristiehouse #agathachristiemystery #mysterynovel #mystery #mysterynovels #adaptation #tvadaptation #itvpoirot #tealovers #hypnoticlanguage #hypnoticlanguagepatterns #hypnoticlanguagepattern #hypnoticskills #hypnoticdiary

8/6/2020, 6:45:12 PM

📖📚🔟👩🏿‍🦲 #dieznegritos #agathachristie #agathachristiemurder

7/31/2020, 12:57:38 AM

Livro - Depois do funeral Autor - Agatha Christie Editora - Record Páginas - 248 Ano - 1953 Sinopse: Na mansão dos Abernethie, após a morte do patriarca, o advogado da família, sr. Entwhistle, procede à leitura do testamento. Quando ele está prestes a revelar como a herança será dividida, uma frase dita pela irmã do falecido milionário deixa todos pasmos: "Mas ele foi assassinando, não foi?". Até então ninguém questionara as causas naturais da sua morte. A situação se agrava em seguida com o assassinato violento de um dos presentes na leitura do testamento... Só resta uma saída ao sr. Entwhistle: ligar para o velho amigo Hercule Poirot Resenha: Após a morte de Richard Abernethie, toda a família se reúne para a leitura do testamento do falecido, e é quando a irmã de Richard questiona a forma de sua morte, famosa por falar verdade em momento inoportunos todos suspeitam da veracidade dos fatos, até que a irmã é assassinada. A partir deste momento todos os familiares são suspeitos de ambas as mortes até que o genial Hercule Poirot entre em cena, e com sua astúcia resolva esse mistério. Vale muito a pena essa leitura super envolvente e com esse mistério que perdura até o último minuto, dando um final surpreendente que só Agatha consegue nos dar. Nota ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

7/25/2020, 12:26:39 AM

Доброе утро друзья ☀ Решила прочитать "Убийство в Восточном экспрессе" Агаты Кристи. Фильм по книге мне очень понравился. Думаю, книга еще больше впечатлит. ☺ Вы уже читали ее? Может что-то посоветуете из книг которые вам запали в душу?😌 #прокнигитаис

7/9/2020, 9:38:40 AM

Murhamysteeri ja käsityöt. Siinä ne olennaiset. . . . . . . . . #villakirjonta #woolembroidery #yllebroderi #broderafrittpåylle #agathachristiemurder #artbyminna67 #ageofcorona

3/30/2020, 8:29:07 PM

B O O K R E V I E W Hie #mybookstafam! I read this book as I signed up for @officialagathachristie 2020 reading challenge and the book for January was The Mysterious Affair at Styles(I'm sorry for posting the review in Feb but I had HP readathon going on which couldn't be interrupted) and let me tell you,it is absolutely worth all the hype! . Things I loved about this book: 1)Thoroughly happening,neither did I feel the story was bland for even a page nor was it dragged at any point. 2)This book introduces you to Hercule Poirot,let's say,from the beginning-as it is the first Poirot book so his madness and methodologies along with his little persona are truly interesting and enjoyable as well as impressive. 3)It was one of the most complicated books,because at one point I was so sure that I had guessed the murderer right but alas! I was wrong. Mr. Poirot reached the murderer through extremely tangled up paths that I had to give my little grey cells some break😂 . . . And I want you guys to know that Agatha Christie murder mysteries are the top notch,and even if you think you're not the one for murder mysteries,give Christie a chance-you'll never regret! . . 📸-@officialagathachristie . . . . . . . #thebooknook713 #bookstagram #bookstagrampakistan #bookstagrampak #mysteriousaffairatstyles #themysteriousaffairatstyles #agathachristie #agathachristiebooks #agathachristiefan #herculepoirot #herculepoirotmystery #monsieurpoirot . . #readingchallenge2020 #januaryreads #murdermystery #agathachristiemurder #queenofmystery #mysterybooks #classicbooks #classicbookstagram #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookreview #littlegreycells #booksofinstagram #booksiread #readersofinstagram #readerlife #bookreviewsbynageen

2/14/2020, 8:10:12 AM

‪Thank you #India for being so amazing & a special shoutout to our friends & audiences who made every show memorable for us in #Chennai, #Bengaluru & #Mumbai! ‬ ‪ On the 67th birthday of #TheMousetrap, our India tour concludes! Year 68, here we come! #KeepTheSecret 🐭🕵🏻‍♂️‬ ‪ Best wishes,‬ ‪Team #MousetrapIndia#TheMousetrap #AgathaChristie #westend #murdermystery #whodunnit #whodidthis #theatre #stagelife #agathachristieplay #agathachristiemurder #agathachristiemystery #herculepoirot #missmarple #christiemystery #longestrunningplay #londontheatre

11/25/2019, 8:13:08 AM

Crime Club Books First Editions from 1958 All hardcover with dust jacket in very good condition #forsale #findrarebooks #vintagebooksforsale #crimeclub

11/21/2019, 11:31:16 AM

Shoutout to the audience in #Mumbai! We're so excited to be here! See you soon! The original #WestEnd production of #AgathaChristie's #TheMousetrap is here this week at @bgrangmandir, Bandra. We have shows at 7:30 pm on Wed, Thu & Fri. Over the weekend, we have shows at 3 pm and 7 pm. Join us! #TheMousetrap #AgathaChristie #mumbai #bombay #westend #murdermystery #whodunnit #whodidthis #theatre #theatreinmumbai #mumbaitheatreguide #mumbaitheatrecircuit #mumbaievenings #mumbailifestyle #mumbaiperformance #mumbailife #mumbaitheatre #mumbaiplays #stagelife #mumbaibookstagram #thingstodoinmumbai #agathachristieplay #agathachristiemurder #agathachristiemystery #herculepoirot #missmarple

11/19/2019, 12:20:35 PM

In her typical style, Christie introduced red herrings and twists into the story so that each of the eight cast members (all British actors), including the owner of the inn and its housekeeper Mrs Barlow (who isn’t present) are suspects. The original West End production of Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap is in Mumbai from November 20 - 24 at Balgandharva Rang Mandir, Bandra #TheMousetrap #AgathaChristie #mumbai #bombay #westend #murdermystery #whodunnit #whodidthis #theatre #theatreinmumbai #mumbaitheatreguide #mumbaitheatrecircuit #mumbaievenings #mumbailifestyle #mumbaiperformance #mumbailife #mumbaitheatre #mumbaiplays #stagelife #mumbaibookstagram #thingstodoinmumbai #agathachristieplay #agathachristiemurder #agathachristiemystery #herculepoirot #missmarple

11/19/2019, 11:09:30 AM

There’s a murderer in your midst; can you figure out whodunnit?! Only two shows left in Bengaluru! Sunday, 17 Nov at 3 pm & 7 pm at St. John’s Auditorium, Koramangala 7 shows in Mumbai from Nov 20 to 24 at Balgandharva Rangmandir, Bandra @bgrangmandir #TheMousetrap #AgathaChristie #mumbai #bombay #bengaluru #bangalore #mousetrap #koramangala #theatre #agathachristieplay #agathachristiemurder #christiemystery #agathachristiemystery #murdermystery #herculepoirot #missmarple #poirot #detective #bookstagram #stagelife #thingstodoinmumbai #thingstodoinbengaluru #bangaloretimes #mumbaitimes #theatreindia #TheMousetrapIndiaTour #TheMousetrapInMumbai #TheMousetrapInBengaluru #MousetrapIndia

11/16/2019, 4:13:46 PM

Shoutout to the audience in Bengaluru! We're so excited to be here! See you soon! The original West End production of Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap is here this week at St. John’s Auditorium, Koramangala. We have shows at 7:30 pm on Thursday & Friday. Over the weekend, we have shows at 3 pm and 7 pm. Join us! #TheMousetrap #AgathaChristie #bengaluru #bangalore #westend #murdermystery #whodunnit #whodidthis #theatre #theatreinbangalore #bangaloretheatre #bengalurutheatre #bangaloretimes #bangaloredays #bangaloreevents #bengalurudiaries #things2doinbengaluru #stjohnsauditorium #sobangalore #iLoveBangalore #whatshotbangalore #agathachristieplay #agathachristiemurder #agathachristiemystery #herculepoirot #missmarple

11/13/2019, 8:05:01 AM

It raises you and lowers you, you’re always waiting for the next twist! (L-R) Eugenie Pinto, former Principal, Queen Mary's College, Chennai Dr. C. T. Indra, former prof and head of the dept of English, University of Madras Ms. Susan Grace, Counsel General of Australia #TheMousetrap #AgathaChristie #mumbai #bombay #bengaluru #bangalore #chennai #madras #theatre #agathachristieplay #agathachristiemurder #christiemystery #agathachristiemystery #murdermystery #herculepoirot #missmarple #poirot #detective #bookstagram #stagelife #thingstodoinmumbai #thingstodoinbengaluru #thingstodoinchennai #theatreindia #TheMousetrapIndiaTour #TheMousetrapInMumbai #TheMousetrapInChennai #TheMousetrapInBengaluru #MousetrapIndia

11/9/2019, 2:43:59 PM

This isn’t just any theatrical production of world-famous, The Mousetrap. It’s the closest experience you will get to watch it as it is performed nine days a week at St Martin’s Theatre in London. Now in India for a three city tour! Chennai: 8 - 10 Nov 
Bengaluru: 14 - 17 Nov 
Mumbai: 20 - 24 Nov #AgathaChristie #mumbai #bombay #bengaluru #bangalore #chennai #madras #theatre #agathachristieplay #agathachristiemurder #christiemystery #agathachristiemystery #murdermystery #herculepoirot #missmarple #poirot #detective #bookstagram #stagelife #thingstodoinmumbai #thingstodoinbengaluru #thingstodoinchennai #theatreindia #TheMousetrapIndiaTour #TheMousetrapInMumbai #TheMousetrapInChennai #TheMousetrapInBengaluru #MousetrapIndia

11/9/2019, 11:24:08 AM