BodyShaming images

Discover Best BodyShaming Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #april #tuesday

" Nem kell instázni, facebookozni, hanem másra fordítani ezt az időt. Én pàr oldalt követek itt, de eszembe sem jutna a magánéletemet kiteregetni. Nekem másfél éves a kislányom... 10 ka ment le szülés óta. Napi 1 óra max amit a főzéssel töltök. Heti 2x megyek edzeni, akkor a férjem vigyàz a gyerkőcre. Csak eléggé akarni kell, ennyi. Kifogás mindig van, ha van gyerek, ha nincs. Olyan sohasem lesz, hogy minden ideális lesz" Kaptam ma egy előző kép alatt a kommentet.. ( cselesen lementettem, mert természetesen a válaszom után eltűnt a komment) Feltehetőleg a kedves hölgy, akit direkt nem említek nevén nem is követ és nem is tudja, hogy min mentem keresztül az elmúlt másfél évben, vagy kettő a várandóssággal együtt és azt megelőzően... Valószínűleg fogalma sincs, hogy egyszer régen 100 kg voltam... kislányként nagyon nagyon fájó szavakat kaptam nap mint nap és úgy dobálózik a szavakkal, hogy nem is tudja hogy mekkora súlya van. Én nagyon jól tudom,hogy hogyan kell lefogyni, életmódváltás után több éven át tartottam a súlyomat, viszont most már kevés az,hogy csak odafigyelek arra, hogy mit eszek nálam nagyon nagy befolyása van a kalóriáknak és a heti egy maximum két edzés jelenleg édeskevés ahhoz hogy meginduljon a fogyás... Ehhez abba kell majd hagynom a szoptatást ami szintén nagyban befolyásolja a fogyást, és erről sem szól itt a hölgynek a kommentje.. Ugyebár a heti két alkalom nekem is tök jól megvolt sőt három is amikor még csak pici volt Lilibet és nem igényelt akkora odafigyelést mozgást nem fáradtam el így és nem dolgoztam ugyebár mellette egy két hónapos korában.. Bár nekem van segítségem egyrészt a férjem másrészt a család és igyekszem megoldani, hogy eljussak edzeni, de ugye főállásban dolgozom, szóval elég nehéz... Nem lehetetlen ez tény, és rám minden is mondható csak az nem, hogy kifogáskkat keresek, de annyira szeretem, hogy azért mert az ő szervezete könnye(bbe)n a várandósság alatt felszedett kilókat, addig én nem is híztam többet, mint Lilibet és a magzatvíz súlya, de előtte és utána 15- 15 kgot pedig igen hála a hormonoknak.. Ne ítélj! #anyavagyok #lilibetanyukaja #bodypositive #bodyshaming #bodypositivity #szulesutan

4/30/2024, 8:06:04 PM

സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയയിലും പൊതു പരിപാടികളിലും സജീവമാണ് നടി അന്ന രാജന്‍. സമീപ കാലത്തായി താരത്തിന് നേരെ നിരവധി വിമർശനങ്ങളും ബോഡി ഷെയ്മിംഗ് കമന്‍റുകളുമാണ് സോഷ്യൽ മീഡിയയിൽ വരുന്നത്. പൊതു പരിപാടികളിലെ താരത്തിന്റെ വസ്ത്രധാരണത്തെയും രൂക്ഷമായാണ് പലരും വിമർശിക്കാറുള്ളത്. ഇപ്പോള്‍ തന്റെ ആരോഗ്യ പ്രശ്നങ്ങളെക്കുറിച്ച് വെളിപ്പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുകയാണ് അന്ന. അടുത്തിടെ പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്ത വീഡിയോയ്ക്ക് താഴെ വന്ന നെഗറ്റീവ് കമന്‍റുകള്‍ക്കാണ് താരം മറുപടി നല്‍കിയത്. പല കമന്‍റുകളും തന്നെ വ്യക്തിപരമായി വേദനിപ്പിക്കുന്നുണ്ടെന്നും തൈറോയിഡ് സംബന്ധിയായ അസുഖബാധിതയാണ് താനെന്നും അന്ന തുറന്നു പറയുന്നു. ‘ബോഡി ഷെയ്മിംഗ് വിഷമിപ്പിക്കുന്നു’; അസുഖ ബാധിതയാണെന്ന് തുറന്നു പറഞ്ഞ് അന്ന രാജന്‍ 4500 രൂപയ്ക്ക് വാങ്ങിയ ചെരിപ്പ് പൊട്ടി, പ്രതിഷേധിച്ച് നടി ഓട്ടോഇമ്മ്യൂൺ തൈറോയ്ഡ് എന്ന അസുഖമാണ് തനിക്കുള്ളത്. അതിനാല്‍ ശരീരം ചിലപ്പോള്‍ തടിച്ചും ചിലപ്പോള്‍ മെലിഞ്ഞും ഇരിക്കും. മുഖം വലുതാകുന്നതും സന്ധികളിലെ തടിപ്പും വേദനയും ഈ രോഗത്തിന്‍റെ ലക്ഷണങ്ങളാണ്. എന്നാല്‍ അതിനാല്‍ താന്‍ ഒന്നും ചെയ്യാതിരിക്കില്ല. തന്‍റെ വീഡിയോ കാണാന്‍ താല്‍പ്പര്യമില്ലാത്തവര്‍ കാണേണ്ടതില്ലെന്നും അന്ന പറഞ്ഞു. ‘ഞാൻ പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്ത വീഡിയോയ്ക്ക് താഴെ നിരവധി മോശം കമന്‍റുകള്‍ കണ്ടു. അത്തരം കമന്‍റുകള്‍ക്ക് നിരവധി ലൈക്ക് ലഭിക്കുന്നത് വേദനാജനകാണ്. ഒന്നും ചെയ്യാതെ വീട്ടിൽ ഇരിക്കാൻ ഞാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നില്ല, കാരണം ഈ ലോകം എന്റേതു കൂടിയാണ്’- അന്ന പറഞ്ഞു. - #annarajan #lichi #malayalamcinema #malayalamactress #bodyshaming

4/30/2024, 8:03:25 PM

दिल ki बात श्वेता ke साथ #188 Beauty is never about how pretty your face is, Your kind heart holds your real beauty... #bodyshaming #stopbodyshaming #dontjudge #respecteveryone #krishna #judgemental #changeyourmindset #itstimetochange #thoughtprocess

4/30/2024, 6:28:05 PM

دعونا نتذكر دائماً قوة كلماتنا و نحرص على أن نكون مصدر إلهام و دعم للأطفال بدلاً من تشويه ثقتهم بأنفسهم بإهاناتنا✨️🌟💡 #mentalhealthawareness #psychologystudent #kidsmentalhealth #antibullying #bodypositivity #bodyshaming

4/30/2024, 6:07:38 PM

If you are a girl or a woman…you can be a topper, a CEO, a world class sportsperson; but the conversations people will choose to have with you and about you will be about your appearance Women are measured against an unfair and impossible metrics of what’s their weight, height, color, skin texture, hair type..the only metrics that applies to men is whether they are a “man”. #prachinigam #bodyshaming #bodyshamingiswrong #merit #girlskickass #topper #boardexam #tenthboardexams

4/30/2024, 5:31:41 PM

Throw back to a young Ian in Cancun. There’s two type of dad bods.. I’m definitely number two these days. 😂 #dadbod #bodyshaming #summer #beach #cancun

4/30/2024, 5:07:17 PM

We need to look around and realise how body shaming is actually harming the lives of people and our society. #bodyshaming #stopbodyshaming #selflove #bodyshamingiswrong #bodyacceptance #bodyacceptancejourney #fyp #explorepage #statistics #bodystatistics

4/30/2024, 4:53:05 PM

Body shaming and control of appearance can be very common with a coercive coparent. They see their children as a reflection of their ego in the public eye. They may make undermining comments about the child’s appearance if it’s not up to their expectations for fear of tarnishing their “perfect” public image. Their comments or image induced behaviors may lead to the child developing eating disorders, self harm, low self worth, developmental delays, and challenging relationships due lack of self worth.

4/30/2024, 2:30:11 PM

Ich stimme Louisa Dallert uneingeschränkt zu. #bodyshaming muss endlich Geschichte werden. Dafür wurden #bodypositivity und #bodyneutrality als Gegenbewegung für sehr #wertvoll befunden für die #selflove und #selfacceptance

4/30/2024, 12:17:50 PM

വെളുപ്പ് അഴകായും കറുപ്പ് അഭംഗിയായും കരുതുന്നതിനു പിന്നിലെ മനശ്ശാസ്ത്രമെന്ത്?... #fairness #fairskin #darkcomplexion #bodyshaming #reasons #psychologicalsolutions @manoramaarogyam

4/30/2024, 7:25:19 AM

En tu alimentación hay placer, hay disfrute? Cuántas veces buscamos que nuestra alimentación sea completa, suficiente pero nos olvidamos de incluir el placer, lo que nos gusta, lo que nos da satisfacción. Solemos estar desconectados y/o acostumbrados a qué nos digan qué comer, qué hacer, y se torna difícil poder identificar qué nos gusta realmente. Te invitx a qué te preguntes: 🌼Qué te gusta comer? 🌼Cuál es tu postre preferido? 🌼Qué te gusta comer cuando vas a una fiesta, de viaje, etc? De a poco reconectate con lo que te gusta, con lo que te da placer ✨🦋. Con mucho amor, Belu 🩷. #haes #saludentodaslastallas #diversidadcorporal #gordofobia #autocuidado #autoestima #bienestar #amorpropio #aceptacioncorporal #bodypositive #bodyrespect #bodyshaming #dieta #nodieta #adelgazar #perderpeso #bajardepeso #cuerpoideal #pesoideal #estandaresdebelleza #relacionconelcuerpo #relacionconlacomida

4/30/2024, 1:03:14 AM

Body shaming é um termo novo que, em português, significa "vergonha do corpo", a prática consiste em criticar ou envergonhar alguém por sua aparência física, seja por excesso de peso, magreza, formato do corpo ou qualquer outra característica. Como cirurgião plástico, vejo de perto os impactos negativos que o isso pode ter na autoestima e na saúde mental dos pacientes. Meu papel vai além de realizar procedimentos estéticos. Estou aqui para ajudar meus pacientes a se sentirem confiantes e confortáveis em sua própria pele, independentemente dos padrões de beleza impostos pela sociedade. É importante reconhecer que a cirurgia plástica não é uma solução para os comentários maldosos e ofensivos sobre o corpo. Converso com meus pacientes sobre a importância de desenvolver uma imagem corporal positiva, quero que eles saibam que são aceitos e valorizados exatamente como são. Combater o body shaming é uma responsabilidade de todos nós. Vamos promover uma cultura de respeito, empatia e autoaceitação. #bodyshaming #estetica

4/29/2024, 10:56:09 PM

Have you ever noticed that the more you stand in your truth, the angrier the narcissist gets?😡 This is because your truth highlights all of their flaws which highly activates the narcissists SELF worthiness wounds™️.🩹 However, I know that if you are anything like me, the more you try to tell the truth, the angrier the narcissist gets, but if you were coming from a place of trauma, this would be highly triggering to you, leaving you feeling like you are crazy and maybe it’s YOU!!🤔 Maybe I’m not good enough?! Let me tell you, this is called GASLIGHTING!!! They will try to recruit others when you try to tell the truth to diminish you and your reputation and can even resort to a smear campaign. So you need to know THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT.❌❌ This is the narcissist getting angry PROJECTING their own pain and hurt onto you and not a reflection EVER of your worth. Just know that the angrier a narcissist gets, the more truth you are speaking ❤️ DM the word REGULATE to help heal your nervous system #weight #weightgainduetoabuse #emotionaleating #polyvagaltheory #grayrockmethod #perfectpartner #neuroplasticity #narcissisticfather #bodyshaming #nurturingchildren #ifs #apology #exhausted #grayrock #sensitivetosound #chronicpainawareness #comforteating #drama #hypersensitivity #irriatable #silence #triggered #pacing #divorceparty #askme #positive #cptsdsurvivor #shame #narcissisticabusivebehavior #narcissisticabusesurvivior

4/29/2024, 6:00:44 PM

Jakie są zalety, tego że ocenisz czyjeś ciało? Tych zalet nie ma, one nie istnieją tak samo jak prawo do oceny ciała drugiej osoby. To oczywiste, że czasem pomyślimy coś sobie o tym jak ktoś wygląda. Ale czy mamy prawo do komentowania jej wyglądu? Nie. To, czy i jak skomentujemy czyjś wygląd, może negatywnie wpłynąć na postrzeganie swojego ciała oraz samoocenę drugiej osoby. Warto spojrzeć na to również z innej perspektywy. Czy ty sam lubisz jak ktoś ocenia twój wygląd? Czy komentarze na temat twojego ciała czasem źle wpływają na ciebie i twoją pewność siebie? post inspirowany @b_ossier #skinnyshaming #bodyshaming #stopskinnyshaming

4/29/2024, 6:00:41 PM

Giornata Internazionale della danza. La festeggiamo con l'ultracorpo di Roberto Bolle. Ultracorpo presente in ULTRACORPI. #minimumfax #libribelli #libridaleggere #libriimperdibili #bookstagramitalia📚 #booklover #saggionarrativo #librichepassione #corpi #danza #giornatainternazionaledelladanza #bodyshaming #bodycheck #bodypositivity #bodybuilding #perfezioni

4/29/2024, 5:20:08 PM

Okay, don't make any sudden moves... diet culture is watching. #MemeMonday

4/29/2024, 4:31:32 PM

Ogni anno in dirittura d’arrivo dell’estate, ma anche di feste natalizie e pasquali, vengono propinate challenge nutrizionali. Il più delle volte sono schemi affamanti che prevedono l’esclusione di intere categorie di alimenti. Ma davvero nel giro di 3 settimane si possono acquisire delle nuove abitudini? 🗣️La vera challenge che puoi fare è quella di bandire rigide regole che allontanano la tua mente dal tuo corpo! #nutrition #ricettelight #ricette #breackfasthealthy #healthyfood #healtyliving #wellness #loveyourself #cambiamento #amatestesso #imparareamangiare #mindfullness #bodypositive #flexibledieting #lamiglioreversionedite #body #bodyshaming #stopculturediet #selfconfidence #dimagrimento #fakenews #intuitiveeating

4/29/2024, 3:21:02 PM

Legging Legs oder Thigh Gap, A4-Taille oder Paper Waist: Solche riskanten Schönheitstrends können die Psyche stark belasten. Vermeintlich perfekte Bilder von vermeintlich perfekten Körpern auf Instagram, TikTok & Co. schüren vor allem bei Jugendlichen Selbstzweifel, die zu seelischen Erkrankungen wie Essstörungen führen können. Junge Frauen scheinen besonders belastet zu sein, denn laut unseren aktuellen Daten sind die Fälle von Magersucht, Bulimie und Binge Eating bei den 12- bis 17-jährigen Mädchen von 2012 auf 2022 um rund 54 Prozent gestiegen. Weitere Infos zur Studie und wie Angehörige Betroffene unterstützen können, findest du über den Link in unserer Story. #BodyShaming #Magersucht #Bulimie #BingeEating #KKH #KaufmännischeKrankenkasse

4/29/2024, 3:01:27 PM

What Happened: Actress, host and model, Mathira has responded to Dr. Omer Adil’s remarks on her body. Details: Dr. Omer Adil recently went on a T.V. show and made some disparaging remarks about model and actress, Mathira. He stated that she has done a lot more than Botox to her body and does not look attractive anymore. The actress responded to his remarks strongly saying that she is proud of her weight and of anyone who has her body-shape. What You Need to Know: People on social media criticized Omer for his derogatory remarks. Reported by: Uswa #mathira #omeradil #omer #adil #actors #entertainment #bodyshaming #appearance #news #breaking #story #entertainmentindustry #Pakistan #talkshow #host #celebrity #socialmedia #remarks #reaction #Propergaanda

4/29/2024, 2:44:19 PM

Καλη Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα! Η διατροφη της Μεγαλης Εβδομάδας χρειάζεται να είναι απλή, λιτή και χωρις άγχος. Ειναι μια ευκαιρία να κόψεις ταχύτητα, να αλλαξεις πρωτεραιότητες, να δεις μεσα σου τι πραγματικά εχει αξία. #μεγαληεβδομαδα #μεγάληεβδομάδα #πασχα #easter #easternutritiontips #happyeaster #easter2024 #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodygoals #bodyimage #bodyshape #bodyshaming #loveyourbody #eatingdisorderrecovery #eatmindfully #mindfulness #mindfulleating #emotionaleating #eatmindfully #loveyourbody #bodycare #eatthisnotthat #nutritioncoach #nutritiontips # #nutritioncoaching #dietcoach #dietculture #dietcoaching #dietitianinrhodes #michalakispyridoula #κέντρο_διατροφικής_αλλαγής

4/29/2024, 12:01:00 PM

"À quand la fin des préjugés et des recommandations non sollicitées ? Chacun est libre de mener la vie qu’il souhaite. Le poids et la morphologie d’une personne ne vous indique absolument rien sur son mode de vie. On peut être en surpoids et pratiquer du sport régulièrement comme être mince et n’en faire jamais. J’ai toujours pratiqué un sport en club depuis l’âge de mes 6 ans. Suis-je “fit” pour autant ? Non. Combattre la grossophobie et le body shaming est important plus que jamais. Quand allons-nous comprendre que stigmatiser les autres ne sera jamais productif et bénéfique ? MON CORPS, MES CHOIX 🙌🏻" 📸 @thegingerchloe #leseclaireusesbienetre #grossophobie #bodyshaming #tennis #bodypo #bodypositive #bodypositivity

4/29/2024, 12:00:34 PM

È normale non piacersi al 💯% È normale avere giorni in cui non ci si sente bene nel proprio corpo In quei momenti puoi scegliere se criticare e giudicare il tuo corpo o se trattarti comunque con cura e gentilezza. Una scelta che può cambiare il tuo vissuto... ➡️In un caso aumentando il disagio per il tuo corpo e innescando controlli e privazioni sul cibo che peggiorano il malessere😔 ➡️Nell'altro caso favorendo scelte e comportamenti che ti aiutano a ritornare più in fretta a sentirti bene con te stessə.🫶🏼 Come reagisci di solito? E cosa vuoi provare a cambiare la prossima volta? #rapportoconilcorpo #prendersicuradisé #bodyshaming #bodypositivity #sentirsibenenelcorpo #amorepersestessi #gentilezza #psicologia #nadiazarospsicologa

4/29/2024, 11:56:38 AM

"Compra" perché così come sei non vai bene. "Produci" perché ti servono i soldi per comprare. "Stai male con te stessə e con gli altr*" perché è l'unico risultato possibile se sei sensibile. Perché così sei tu che sei fragile, non il sistema che sbaglia. Perché così hai bisogno di "fare qualcosa" per sentirti meglio. E il sistema ha la cura: una crema per la pelle. . . . #capitalismo #sistemacapitalista #bodypositive #bodyshaming #grassofobia #femminismo #articolidigiornale #corpinonconformi #trattamenticorpo #sephorakids

4/29/2024, 11:11:39 AM

🕶Ak je stres z plaviek príliš veľký Možno ste už počuli vetu „Každé telo je plážové telo“. Áno, každé telo patrí na pláž, ale to neznamená, že všetky naše mindráky z plaviek zmiznú mávnutím čarovného prútika.⚡️ Keď sa povie „plážové telo“, tak sa nám v hlave vynorí obraz štíhlej ženy s blond vlasmi, modrými očami, plochým bruchom a to môže spôsobiť, že sa budeme za to naše nedokonalé telo hanbiť. Ako môžeme zmierniť túto hanbu a neistotu❓👇 #plavky #plaz #kupanie #swiming #bodyshaming #balancenutritionsk #milujsvojetelo #selflove #nutricnyterapeut #chudnutie #zdravastrava #jedalnicek #travenie #cojest #jedlo #stres #uzkost #zdravyzivotnystyl #mojetelo #uzdravenie @Nitra #strava #stravovanie #chudnem #nutricnyspecialista #vyziva #vyzivovyporadca #zdravie

4/29/2024, 10:54:40 AM

It′s just another manic Monday (Woah, woah) I wish it was Sunday (Woah, woah) ′Cause that's my fun day (Woah, woah, woah, woah) 😎✌🏽💚 #theguybeyondsixty #manicmonday #bangles #foreverme #night #living #growingold #memories #lifestyle #photography #age #sixtyplus #bodyshaming #agedsicrimination #life #love #ınstagood #fashion #gaywidower #gayfollow #stache #instagay #gaystagram #gaycommunity #lgbtq #gaypride #picoftheday #instapicoftheday

4/29/2024, 10:34:43 AM

La maigreur et ses dessous ✨ Le débat de ce moment repose sur la visibilité des discriminations faites à l'egards des personnes maigres. En effet, les personnes maigres n'ont pas de terme reconnu comme pour les personnes à corpulence élevée (grossophobie). Pour certains, il n'y a pas lieu d'être puisque la minceur serait la norme et ne rencontre donc pas ou peu de difficultés dans les différentes sphères de la société. Ils considèrent que le terme "BodyShaming" serait plus adéquat, ce qui correspondrait à des remarques désobligeantes et humiliantes sur le physique Sans prendre part à ce début virulent quant au "terme approprié" ni discréditer la lutte contre la grossophobie, qui est également un combat qui mérite d'être mené, je vais t'exposer les difficultés rencontrées en tant que personne maigre. Le but est d'y apporter de la visibilité 🌸Des vêtements inadéquats Je fais 40kg pour 1m63 et je porte du XXS Souvent, les gammes ne commencent qu'à partir de S. Je ne peux généralement pas me séparer de mes ceintures car je retrouverais mes bas sur mes chevilles. Les XXS, notamment en ligne, sont vendus plus chers. Souvent donc, je me dirige vers les rayons 12-14 ans, qui vendent forcément du design "ado" 🌸 Des douleurs J'ai mal lorsque je m'asseois sur les banquettes. J'ai mal sur la plupart des literies typiques J'ai mal sur les sièges de bus Puisque la graisse n'est pas présente pour amortir les chocs, je ressens plus intensément la dureté des supports 🌸 Le manque de soutien/ressources L'entourage peut ne pas comprendre/invalider nos ressentis face à notre poids. Les médias en parlent peu, donnant majoritairement des conseils pour perdre du poids plutôt qu'en gagner. On parle de diète, de régime hypocalorique,... 🌸Remarques désobligeantes D'un autre côté, même les inconnus viennent régulièrement me demander si je ne suis pas an.r.xique. Bien que l'intention peut être bonne, ce sont généralement des gens qui manquent de tact et cherchent à s'immiscer dans notre vie privée, qu'on le veuille ou non ⬇️ (Suite en commentaires)

4/29/2024, 10:02:15 AM

« Body shaming » qu’est ce que c’est ? 💡 Ce mal qui nous vient des réseaux sociaux et de ce que devrait être un corps « parfait ». Des cuisses jugées trop grosses, des vergetures apparentes, une jupe dite trop courte et c’est un commentaire que peut recevoir une femme. Sache que tu es libre, libre de faire ce que tu souhaites et ce que tu veux de ton corps car il t’appartient. Rien n’y personne ne peut juger ton comportement, la manière de te vêtir ou une partie de ton physique. 🤫 On se fiche que tu aies de beaux cheveux, un ventre plat, une taille fine, de belles affaires, des cuisses qui ne se touchent pas. Ce qui compte c’est que tu sois toi-même et c’est ça qui te rends parfaite, unique et irrésistible. 💕 N’oublie pas que les commentaires que tu peux recevoir d’autrui, qu’ils soient sur les réseaux sociaux ou en réels, ne sont que le reflet de leurs propres insécurités. Cela ne doit en aucun cas t’impacter. ✋🏼 Reste toi et ne prend jamais personnellement le comportement d’autrui. Si tu souhaites obtenir chaque jour des conseils et de la motivation pour prendre confiance en toi et t’aimer un peu plus, n’oublie pas de t’abonner. 🦋 #bodyshaming #bodypositive #bodypositivity #etresoi #etresoimeme #womenempowerment #acceptationdesoi #confianceensoi #confiance #confiante #instagramvsreality #instagramvsreallife #stylenotsize #fashionasnosize #cellulite #vergetures #bourrelets #plussize #plussizebeauty #normalbody #regimeuse #harcelement #motivation #saimer #saimersoimeme #saimerçasapprend #moivsmoi #naturelle

4/29/2024, 9:00:00 AM

Dosyamıza hakkında tesis edilen Yargıtay kararı çeşitli gazete haberlerine konu edilmiştir. #haber #gazete #boşanma #tazminat #kiloverme #bodyshaming

4/29/2024, 8:59:08 AM

feels like we got matching wounds but… it’s a heavy debate for as long as body shaming and beauty standards have existed. We are taught to believe that one body type is more ideal than the other. It is impossible to fit into these shapes when human bodies aren’t made to be one and the same. I am skinny. I am thin. Yet, I don’t fit into these standards at all, and neither do millions of people who either fall short or have too much to ever fit into this cookie cutter, and if we don’t fit into that mold, we are bound to be shamed and called names. So many can attest to being constantly bullied because they’re “boney” or that they “look like a skeleton.” So many have expressed the toll on their mental health these names have subjected them into. So many have come out crying for help because people just won’t stop pointing out that they look like a “door”. When will the stigma around mental health ever cease when a whole demographic continues to be ignored? One side’s struggle does not negate the existence of the other. It was never a competition over who gets to be validated and who doesn’t. We often forget that these struggles exist at all because of, again, society and its standards, not because of people you see everyday. Fat shaming is real. Skinny shaming is also real. They are not the same, and they never were. They were never equal nor are they supposed to be. My channel is not just about empowering skinny people, but all body types. I hope you’ll be kind to yourself today, and to others as well. love youuu🫶 #beautystandards #bodyimage #bodyshaming #skinnyshaming #bodypositive #bodypositivity

4/29/2024, 8:50:29 AM

Body Positivity ist besser als Body Neutrality! There, I said it. Damit kein Missverständnis aufkommt: Ich will Body Positivity und Body Neutrality nicht gegeneinander ausspielen. Der provokante Einstieg ist lediglich eine Anspielung darauf, was ich oft in umgekehrter Form bei anderen lese. Body Neutrality ist für die einzelne Person absolut sinnvoll und ein gutes und realistisches individuelles Ziel in unserer Diätkultur. Aber Body Neutrality verpasst es anzuerkennen, dass wir nun mal in einem System leben, in dem Menschen aufgrund ihres Aussehens bewertet und diskriminiert werden - ganz unabhängig von ihrer eigenen Einstellung. Wenn wir strukturelle und systemische Muster wie Lookismus, Healthism, Rassismus und Gewichtsdiskriminierung ignorieren oder nicht benennen, ändert sich nichts am System. Und wenn sich weiterhin Leute daran beteiligen, Body Positivity gegen Body Neutrality auszuspielen, gewinnt nur einer: das System, unter dem wir alle leiden. 📸Fotokreation: @noack_fotografik 🤝 Findest du wichtig, was Marshmallow Mädchen macht? Sag danke: 𝕎𝕖𝕘𝕨𝕖𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕚𝕠 → 𝕌𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕥ü𝕥𝕫𝕖𝕟 #bodypositiverevolution #ichbineinmarshmallowmädchen #dubistmehralsdeinkörper #bodypositivity #radikalebodypositivity #fettpolitisch #plussizecommunity #fatbodypositivity #bodyliberation #fettakzeptanz #fatliberation #fatshaming #bodyshaming #antidiät #fckdiätkultur #haes #bodypositivitydeutsch #bodypositivityblog #bodyneutrality #selbstliebe #bodylove #allekörpersindgutekörper #körperliebe #körperakzeptanz

4/29/2024, 8:00:11 AM

Independientemente tu talla, el día que pones "el qué dirán en segundo lugar" comienzas a ponerte como prioridad, comienzas a ser más tu, abrazando quién eres sin importar las opiniones externas. Esto te permitirá sentirte bien en tu propia piel, una de las claves para poder transformar tu vida. 👉🏼🎁 Es uno de los mejores regalos que te puedes hacer. ¿Qué piensas sobre este tema? #selflove #bodyshaming #BodyPositive #transformatuvida

4/29/2024, 12:07:09 AM

Ja, ich darf das! My Body, my Choice! Bodyshaming geht in jede Richtung. Ich kann aus Erfahrung sagen, egal wie man aussieht oder was man tut es gibt Menschen die immer etwas daran auszusetzen haben. Was erstmal eigentlich kein Problem ist, nicht jeder kann das schön finden, was mir gefällt oder würde das machen, was ich mache. Wär ja auch schlimm, wenn jeder wie der andere aussehen würde. Ich liebe die Vielfalt in Großstädten, in denen sich keiner um den anderen kümmert. Auch bin ich für jede anständige Konversation offen, solange es nicht auf eine unverschämte und verletzende Art und Weise passiert. Sollte man nicht so viel Anstand besitzen??? Was meint ihr ? Wer hat auch schon schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht? . #bodyshaming #mindset #body #mychoice #inked

4/28/2024, 7:19:30 PM

Dedicated this photo to those who says “നീ സാരി ഉടുത്താൽ കോലേൽ തുണി ചുറ്റുന്നത് പോലെയുണ്ടാവും ”😎 #bullying #bodyshaming #traditionaldress #sareelove

4/28/2024, 7:12:24 PM

#share78 "Body Positivity" Grace and Gratitude Recently a young girl of 10th board Prachi Nigam was badly trolled by social media accounts for having hair on her upper lips 👄. To which this brave girl slapped them by becoming UP state topper of board exams. She also slammed the trollers for body shaming her & once again re-ignited the debate of what matters more, external physical beauty or what a person is??!!! She has surely raised the bench mark for many women world over by standing against negatives towards her appearance & coming forward representing womanhood that women of this era will not take up such judgemental stereotypical behaviour of society toward them. They are surely more than an eye pleasing human. What a contradiction in our society - on one side we have girls like prachi who give damn to such cheap comments & ppl who appreciate her for this attitude  while on the other side ppl who criticized her for her looks! Well there is definitely something that we are missing to instill in our values & cultures for we in india use BHARAT MATA to respect our country still judge women by their looks & push them in the darkness of body shaming.  But one thing is sure, girls like  prachi are truly an inspiration for every other girl to imbibe the lesson that beauty is IN BEING WHO YOU ARE and not in how you look. #bodyshaming #bodypisitivity #up #topper #10th #10thboard #prachi #woman #girls #females #womansupportingwoman #women #beauty #trollers

4/28/2024, 7:07:18 PM

Wie reagiert ihr, wenn ihr wegen eures Gewichts beleidigt werdet? ℹ️ 𝗠𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝗶𝗽𝗽𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝘂 𝗺𝗶𝘁 𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗺 𝗞𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗮𝘂𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗪𝗲𝗴𝘄𝗲𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗕𝗶𝗼 oder direkt im Marshmallow Blogazine: War das hilfreich? Wenn du meine Arbeit schätzt, kannst du mich mit einem einmaligen Dankeschön oder als Super-Marshmallow unterstützen: ᴡᴇɢᴡᴇɪsᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴍᴇɪɴᴇʀ ʙɪᴏ → ᴜɴᴛᴇʀsᴛüᴛᴢᴇɴ #marshmallowblogazine #bodypositivityblog #bodypositiverevolution #ichbineinmarshmallowmädchen #dubistmehralsdeinkörper #fatshaming #bodyshaming #beleidigung #selbstbewusstsein #selbstwert #strategien #radikalebodypositivity #bodypositivity #fatbodypositivity #bodyliberation #fettakzeptanz #fatliberation #antidiät #fckdiätkultur #haes #bodypositivitydeutsch #bodyneutrality #allekörpersindgutekörper #körperakzeptanz

4/28/2024, 7:00:15 PM

Non è la tipica “wag“ e così la insultano. Offese pesanti, tanto da costringere la ragazza a mollare i social. Tempi folli. Lauren Fryer è la 24enne fidanzata di Declan Rice, centrocampista dell’Arsenal e uno dei calciatori più noti della Nazionale inglese. Fryer, vittima di body shaming, ha cancellato da Instagram tutti i suoi post perché per i continui insulti a causa del suo peso.⁠ ⁠ «Avrebbe potuto scegliere di meglio», uno dei commenti rivolti al calciatore. Siccome è ricco e famoso, secondo i bulli del web dovrebbe trovarsi una ragazza più magra.⁠ ⁠ 👉🏼 Link in bio⁠ ⁠ #leggo #leggoit #declanrice #calcio #laurenfryer #bodyshaming

4/28/2024, 6:01:02 PM

feels like we got matching wounds but… it’s a heavy debate for as long as body shaming and beauty standards have existed. We are taught to believe that one body type is more ideal than the other. It is impossible to fit into these shapes when human bodies aren’t made to be one and the same. I am skinny. I am thin. Yet, I don’t fit into these standards at all, and neither do millions of people who either fall short or have too much to ever fit into this cookie cutter, and if we don’t fit into that mold, we are bound to be shamed and called names. So many can attest to being constantly bullied because they’re “boney” or that they “look like a skeleton.” So many have expressed the toll on their mental health these names have subjected them into. So many have come out crying for help because people just won’t stop pointing out that they look like a “door”. When will the stigma around mental health ever cease when a whole demographic continues to be ignored? One side’s struggle does not negate the existence of the other. It was never a competition over who gets to be validated and who doesn’t. We often forget that these struggles exist at all because of, again, society and its standards, not because of people you see everyday. Fat shaming is real. Skinny shaming is also real. They are not the same, and they never were. They were never equal nor are they supposed to be. My channel is not just about empowering skinny people, but all body types. I hope you’ll be kind to yourself today, and to others as well. love youuu🫶 #beautystandards #bodyimage #bodyshaming #skinnyshaming #bodypositive #bodypositivity

4/28/2024, 5:42:57 PM

Ieri siamo state alla nostra gara preferita ❤️ @soulonpole 🥰 @alessia.nicora alla sua prima volta si aggiudica il terzo posto in categoria storytelling amatori o18 🥉🎉🎊🎉🎊😍 Una coreografia che ti ho cucito addosso e che hai interpretato magistralmente. La tua dolcezza e la tua eleganza sono una magia e su quel palco hai brillato per davvero. Abbiamo raccontato "la storia di Alessia" che potrebbe essere la storia di tante altre,purtroppo. Avete mai pensato alle parole taglienti che,senza motivo,vi permettete di dire ad una persona con una fisicità asciutta e longilinea? " sei troppo magra. I tuoi genitori ti danno da mangiare? Gli uomini vogliono toccare la carne,non le ossa..." Le direste mai ad una persona in sovrappeso? Abbiamo parlato di #bodyshaming al contrario, perché esiste e non se ne parla abbastanza. Monologo scritto da @maddalena_tedesco Perfettamente interpretato e recitato da @federicamariagiulia (che era più in sbatta di Alessia 😂❤️) Mixato,registrato ed editato dal nostro mr dj @sampifever Ringraziamo I giudici e l'organizzazione! @eleonoracoppola @beartpoleaerial @magamanga @marinavish @nadiabudurusi @eleni_quartana Grazie a tutti, è stato bellissimo ❤️‍🔥 Ci vediamo l'anno prossimo 🥰 #poledance #powerfunlab #soulonpole #competition #🥉 #bodypositive #selfconfidence #selflove #smile #happiness #podium #proud #poledanceisasport #brunette #elegance #magic #magical #sparkling #tirdplace #gallarate #theatre #instagood #instagram #powerofnow #sunday #weekend #❤️ @jenniferbongio @michi_muse e la tifoseria sempre presente 😍🙏

4/28/2024, 9:50:56 AM

Ein ganz normaler Körper. Mal ohne Anspannen. Sondern so wie man halt da steht. Und ein etwas komischer Blick. Ich fand die Idee von @about_elsa richtig klasse mal ein Bild von sich zu posten, das man sonst gelöscht hat. Oder nicht gepostet hätte. Mit 76kg auf 1,73m gelte ich als übergewichtig. Manchmal heißt es gerade im Fitnessbereich ein Körper so wäre nicht schön, zu weich, nicht definiert genug. Gerade dieser Körper ermöglicht es mir im Training an meine Grenzen zu gehen, führt mich durch den Alltag und mal ganz ehrlich, für 41 bin ich stolz so auszusehen. Instagram kann manchmal eine ganz schöne Bubble sein. Deshalb finde ich es schön auch mal anderen Content anzusehen, sich auszutauschen und einfach zu zeigen, jeder ist schön so wie er ist. #bodybuilding #bodypositivity #bodyneutrality #liebedichselbst #kraftsportliebe #femalefitness #fitover40 #musclemommy #muscleflexing #muskelaufbau #homegym #trainingzuhause #strongwomen #womenbodybuilders #fitnessmotivation #bodygoals #weightlifting #krafttraining #kraftsportfrauen #fitgirls #fürmehrrealitätaufinstagram #fitfamgermany #fitfamdeutschland #fitnessmotivation #bodybuildingmotivation #notperfect #bodyneutral #bodyshaming

4/28/2024, 8:29:15 AM

Sabes que es el body shaming? #bodyshaming #loveyourself #bodypositive #girl

4/27/2024, 11:29:15 PM

Bodies change over the years yet we treat people according to it #fat #shame #bodyshaming #mentalhealth #women #skinny

4/27/2024, 7:39:08 PM

“Nico è magra, attiva, ossessionata dalla forma fisica, mentre sua sorella Marisol è il suo opposto, sia nel fisico che nell’attitudine verso la vita. Un evento traumatico ribalta i ruoli, e Nico capirà quanto sia stata ingiusta, sia con Marisol che con se stessa. Una storia sulla tossicità del mito di una perfezione che ci rende infelici. Un libro che fa bene all’anima, con una trama di una giustezza saggia e importante...” •~ Conforme di Ilaria Palleschi 👤 Lo specchio. La bilancia. Quei cm di giro vita in più o meno che tanto ci turbano. Il vestito tanto carino taglia XS o XL ma di certo lontano dalla nostra taglia. Inadeguatezza. Errore. Disagio. Quante volte ci siamo trovate almeno una volta a fissarci davanti allo specchio e pensare “non mi piace... il mio corpo non mi piace”. Non mentite, è successo almeno una volta a tutti. Se a questo aggiungiamo commenti negativi sul nostro aspetto fisico o messaggi pubblicitari e sociali completamente opposti a ciò che vediamo nello specchio questi momenti di insoddisfazione aumentano: si entra nel turbinio del corpo perfetto, della dieta, della palestra, dell’apparire ad ogni costo... Ecco, questa grafic novel parte proprio da questo concetto di base: la ricerca del corpo perfetto e conforme, in linea con l’ideale della società. Questo ti rende gradevole e migliore: ti dota di “assenso” al giudizio è il bosyshaming diventa la tua arma principale, spesso involontaria. Ma le parole fanno male. Una storia che ti colpisce dritta al cuore, che ribalta gli sguardi e le coscienze e apre alla riflessione: quante volte diciamo la cosa sbagliata al momento sbagliato? E se questo fosse rivolto a noi? Se le parti fossero invertite? Una grafic novel dai temi importanti e variegati: l’aspetto fisico e il bodyshaming sono solo la punta dell’iceberg: aspetto fisico, disturbi alimentari, rapporto tra sorelle, necessità di appartenenza e omologazione... sono solo alcuni dei temi che emergo dirompenti dalle tavole colorate e pulite. L’ho letteralmente amata e divorata! •~ Lo conoscete? #conforme #baopubblishing #graficnovel #fumetto #rapportotrasorelle #bodyshaming #disturbialimentari #aspettofisico #apparenza #ilariapalleschi

4/27/2024, 7:00:52 PM

Not the best moment to market! Moment marketing is good. But marketing an individual's personal moment by integrating a product / service - at a time, this critical, where the individual has faced excess trolling that too for what, who and how they are - might not be the best thing to tap on. Of-course the intention of this piece might not be as negative as it's being talked about and might even be liked by the affected individual itself - but then, is it really worth it? @ascionline #prachinigam #momentmarketing #advertising #bodyshaming #asci

4/27/2024, 5:17:25 PM

It took me this long to get to this place. To love my physical body, my skin, my shape. To finally be able to celebrate how I look. This was a conscious healing journey, now especially because I'm mother of two girls. I wanted to teach them to love them for they way they are and celebrate their beauty. ❤️ From the 5 YO to now!! Wow Jesus has done alot, so have I ❤️ #healing #selflove #therapy #mentalhealth #bodypositive #bodyshaming #colourism #selfcare #positive #inspire #mentalhealthawareness #bestdayeveryday #beautiful #instagood

11/9/2023, 9:38:33 AM