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@book_lover_kent tagged me in her last, now and next post so I thought I’d post this one today. The last book I read was All My Perfects, and the review for that one is already up so check my posts out. I loved it and was a great weekend read to get me out of an impending slump. Currently reading If It Bleeds by Stephen King. I’m half way through and enjoying it. It’s been another slow few days of reading as I’ve been full of cold and seem to be getting distracted with my phone! But I’m hoping to get back into it as I’m on the Holly bit now! #ifyouknowyouknow This could change, but at the moment my next book is looking like it will be Guy’s Girl. It’s a library lend so thought would pick it up before I have to return it, unread. Interested to hear from you if you’ve read any of these. #lastnownext #allyourperfects #ifitbleeds #guysgirl #lastnownext #readingplans #readingschedule #books #booksonthesofa #booksta #bookstagram #lovebooks #lovereading

11/29/2023, 7:35:05 PM

Just got another delivery.. A book my Mum raved about. The Erratics. 🌸🌿🖤 Has anyone read it? I must say, I'm a bit hesitant to read it. A distressing memoir is still distressing, even if it's well written... Seen here on my sofa, lurking on a cushion featuring one of my own fabric designs. 🌿 - - - - - - - #booklover #bibliophile #bookaddict #theerratics #memoirs #pastelbooks #bookishlove #readinghabits #booksonthesofa #newbooksmell #vickilaveauharvie #booksandpatterns #dysfunctionalfamily

4/18/2023, 6:39:59 PM

Reading has got off to a slow start this year. I am quite busy and feel distracted a lot of the time. I’m looking to get immersed in stories for the next two weeks. Wish me luck 💫 #booksonthesofa #readingwithadog #readingtime📖 #bookstagram #lovebooks #lovereadingbooks

4/1/2023, 3:10:12 PM

„The same thing happened over and over: I would catch sight of some flawless man off in the distance, but as soon as he moved closer I immediately saw he wouldn‘t do at all.“ - Sylvia Plath „The Bell Jar“ . . Needless to say that Sylvia Plath was an aquarius rising 🙈 . #thebelljar #thebelljarsylviaplath #sylviaplath #faberandfaber #faberandfaberbooks #stellenlesen #feministbooks #feministbookshelf #autorinnenschuber #booksofinstagram #booksonthesofa #bookstagram #germanbookstagram #bookstagramgermany #bookish #bookishcontent #bibliophile #firstbookoftheyear

1/17/2023, 7:20:30 PM

It’s a snuggly kinda day. #booksonthesofa #readinginbed #wherestopher

10/7/2022, 5:23:33 AM

Yesterday was a bit of a write off... it's been a weird week for Ayah and she has not been sleeping very well, which means neither have we. So I read, napped, showered and then went to book club to talk about Sorrow & Bliss (read it, it's great). Today will be more reading and rehydrating after a 4am start 💪🏼 but @casa_du_pont has taken Ayah swimming so hopefully that will tire her out for a full night's sleep tonight. From what I can see, this book has met a lot of criticism online. But so far I like it. It's like Harry Potter meets Labyrinth. #whatmegread #bookstagram #thebetrayals #bookflatlay #bridgetcollins #booksonthesofa #curlingupwithabook #mybookfeatures #averytiredmama #averybookishpost

6/10/2022, 1:19:43 PM

I'm baby nap trapped again. It's been a hard old slog this morning but hopefully after her nap we will both be ready for the afternoon. I'm liking this one so far. I'm just waiting impatiently for the big reveal. I did not enjoy The Cook, The Rat and The Heretic as much as I thought I would. Hugo Soskin thinks he's much funnier than he is. #bookflatlay #bookstagram #smallpleasures #readingtime #readersofinstagram #booksonthesofa #prettycover #bookishfeatures

12/28/2021, 2:31:43 PM

„Mit über dreißig kann man nichts mehr ungebrochen gut finden, die Zeiten der puren Begeisterung sind vorbei.“ Lange habe ich gehadert Leif Randts „Allegro Pastell“ zu lesen. Rezensionen zum Roman klangen oft nichtssagenden, die Figuren wirkten oberflächlich. Doch ich bin froh, den Roman gelesen zu haben und finde er ist eine der besten Auseinandersetzungen mit Dating, Beziehungen und moderner Mediennutzung. Der Webdesigner Jeromes lebt in einem Bungalow im Maintal, den seine Eltern vor Jahren gekauft haben; dass er nie in Berlin gelebt hat, hat „ihm viel Vergleichsdruck und narzisstische Kränkungen erspart, ihn vielleicht aber auch zu einem weniger akkuraten Zeitzeugen gemacht.“ Dafür lebt Jeromes Freundin Tanja, eine Autorin in den 30ern, in Berlin und lässt ihn über diverse Messangerdienste am hippen Grossstadtleben teilhaben. Soziale Medien und Messangerdienste sind die Triebfeder der Beziehung, die mit den Texten online ihren Anfang genommen hat (logisch 💬): „Jerome musste wenig darüber nachdenken, was er Tanja textete, es fühlte sich normal an, ihr mehrere kleine Messages hintereinander zu schicken, und aufregend war es trotzdem, sodass er ahnte, dass dies der Beginn von etwas Neuem war.“ Etwas Neuem, das mit der Zeit doch Substanz gewinnt. Trotz der Entfernung Maintal-Berlin schaffen Jerome und Tanja es eine harmonisch, ausgeglichene Beziehung miteinander zu führen. Und dies nicht zuletzt, weil sie die/den Andere:n über soziale Medien und Messangerdiensten am Leben von sich selbst teilnehmen lassen. Über das am Körper mitgeführte Smartphone sind sie immer nah dran: am Anderen. Das Texten mit Jerome wird zu Tanja sogar zu einer Art Tagebuch, in ihren Nachrichten an ihn reflektiert sie über sich und ihr Leben. Doch durch den Roman zieht sich eine „vorauseilende Wehmut“ wie Randt es formuliert. Werden beide es schaffen die Beziehung am Leben zu halten? Oder (durch)kreuzen Menschen aus dem direkten Umfeld ihre Pläne? #allegropastell #leifrandtallegropastell #kiwiverlag #kiepenheuerundwitsch #bookstagramgermany #bookstagrammer #instabooks #instabücher #gegenwartsliteratur #bücherliebe #literaturundmedien #bookphotography #booksonthesofa

12/13/2021, 6:50:27 PM

This one took me a while to get into. You start off not really knowing what's going on, then it sort of gets explained a little bit, then it takes you back and the story unfolds and starts to make sense. I was so unsure about this when I started. It actually made me quite uncomfortable at the beginning. But at about a third of the way through, it draws you in like a good story should. And I mean, properly draws you in. I would definitely recommend, but only if you're in the mood to persevere. #bookstagram #bookflatlay #readingtime #thebinding #readersofinstagram #cosyreading #booksonthesofa #averybookishpost #recommendedbyafriend

12/9/2021, 10:36:34 AM

If my books are on the sofa is it a sofaie? Books are washed. Shelves next. Then putting all the books back & counting how many I clean. Any guesses? Hint: it a was four bookshelves (right now it's one bookshelf, one sofa & some on the floor) Whoever is closest gets the knowledge they're good at guessing. 😭 #bookstagram #booknerd #bookish #booklover #bibliophile #booklove #booklife #booksonthesofa

9/12/2021, 5:22:23 PM

We had the last hurrah of warm weather while all the students were returning to university and then the weather deities flipped the switch for autumn. I'm trying to get out and enjoy the sun before it becomes time to curl up in a blanket on the sofa with a book and a large cup of tea. #autumnvibes🍁 #autumnvibes #autumnreading #booksandtea #booksonthesofa #bookstack #teaandbooks #readingindoors #cozyvibes #rubyinthesmoke #phillippullman #timetoread #readingspot #readallthebooks #readingislife #bookpile #bookaesthetic #bookhoarder #communityofreaders

9/27/2020, 10:49:54 AM

Se perdi tempo a litigare per il possesso dei funghi invece di dividerli equamente e goderteli, arriva una volpe furba che di frega: è la morale di “Due a me, uno a te”, libro per bambini dai 3 anni in su, disegnato da Jörg Mühle il papà di #buonanotteconiglietto @terredimezzo . . . #stoleggendo #libriperbambini #libribelli #libriconsigliati #bookstagram #bookstagramitalia #booklovers #booksonthesofa #bambinisuldivano #recensionivelocidilibri #bookish #bibliophile #yalit #ireadya #aussiereaders #childrenillustration #childrenillustrator #childrenbook

12/2/2019, 11:32:37 AM

Un sabato sul divano a leggere “Due a me, uno a te” svolta il weekend. #stoleggendo #libriperbambini #libribelli #libriconsigliati #bookstagram #bookstagramitalia #booklovers #booksonthesofa #bambinisuldivano @terredimezzo

11/30/2019, 6:34:30 PM

When in doubt go to the library... and come back with at least 3 new books!!! 📚📚☕️ #reading #ravenclaw #cosy #autumnisperfectforreading 🍂🍁 #booksaroundtheworld #booksonthesofa #instabook #bookstgram #happyreading

10/10/2019, 10:54:22 PM

Have you picked up your copy of Waisted by @randysusanmeyersauthor? It’s the May selection for #ReadByPattyJ @barringtonbooks book club. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨Read along w/us and get 20% off when you mention “Read By Patty J” at checkout at both of their locations. (Barrington Books also has it available before the official publication date next week.) My fav yogini, healthy eating guru is also reading this month @iamgianarosa and will be sharing insights, etc. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨Be sure to tag us in your Stories updates about the book, so I can repost them in the Patty J Stories this month. [Repost from Barrington Books IG] #bookclubbook #newbooks #newnovels

5/18/2019, 3:57:30 PM

Cosy Sunday 😁😁📙📚🍵🍰🍁🍂 #newbook #cosysunday #thelibrarian #booklover #tea #instabook #bookstagram #ravenclaw #booksonthesofa #autumnmode

11/18/2018, 6:09:46 PM

Oh hello, beautiful fall 🍁🍂, you’re finally here and apparently today is #NationalHotMulledCiderDay 🍺. Did you even know there was such a thing? Okay, well neither did we until @winc said they'd send us some of their cider to enjoy with our latest fall reads, so we couldn't decline. And even though we love spending our time leaving you books on the subway, sometimes we like to just kick back, read and drink some delicious cider. So, they've given us a code for our followers too, you know the drill. If you sign up to winc with this URL you'll get $20 off your first box. And it's free to cancel or skip, so pretty much you can get $20 off some delicious wine and cider! And, it's also pretty handy if you live in NYC and don't want to carry bottles around town. Anyway, Happy Fall guys, we'll be back on the subway tomorrow with some new reads for ya'll. #cider #wincwine #trywinc #fallreads #autumnreading #autumn #fall #booksonthesofa

9/30/2018, 8:49:12 PM

The #shadeybunch enjoying their books whilst holidays! #booksonaplane #booksbythepool #booksonthesofa #lovetoread📚 #lovetotravel #lovetodraw#lovetolearn

8/23/2018, 10:53:32 AM

There are so many books about plants at our store. Feel free to come around and flip through them while having a nice cup of coffee or tea. #wintertime #books #booksonthesofa #chill #read #plants #plantbooks

11/25/2017, 5:25:43 PM

Tovekanapa ☺❤ Kto pocieszy Maciupka? oraz Lato #lato #latonakanapie #tovejansson #naszaksiegarnia #books #bookstagram #ksiegarniakameralna #marcinwicha

7/26/2017, 7:32:01 PM

Idź spać, synku, mama chce poczytać... "A Little Life" czyta się dalej, ale potrzebuję coś pomiędzy. Niewiarygodne, że Kate Merton tyle czekała na swoją kolej, normalnie połykam jej książki od razu. A tu nadchodzi polska premiera, książka już zdecydowanie nie nowa, a ja dopiero zaczynam czytać. #thelakehouse #beautifulcover @katemortonauthor #booksonthesofa

5/2/2016, 10:34:04 AM

Next up in this Sunday's #booksonthesofa, THE PIANO MAN PROJECT by Kat French. #onthesofa #Sunday #romance

9/13/2015, 10:06:35 PM

For this Sunday's #booksonthesofa we've gone for a #romantic theme! first up: AS GOOD AS IT GETS by Fiona Gibson, #onthesofa #Sunday #romance

9/13/2015, 5:26:41 PM

My new/old way of studying... #ImOnTheFloor #BooksOnTheSofa #HangOnThisIsntRight

1/19/2013, 10:50:49 PM