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Kakva knjiga. Travanjski izbor za čitateljski klub @gradskaknjiznicavukovar bili su Ribari nigerijskog književnika Chigozie Obioma. Od početka mi je bilo jasno da se ne radi o laganom štivu, nego o nečemu toliko slojevitom, s toliko puno toga za raspakirati. Kvalitetnom, drugačijem, i nezaboravnom. To se pokazalo i na raspravi gdje smo puno toga pokrili, a imam osjećaj da smo tek zagrebali površinu. Uz Svježu vodu za cvijeće, Ribari će sigurno na moju top listu pročitanih ove godine. Čitali? Dojmovi? . . . #ribari #thefishermen #chigozieobioma #nigerianliterature #knjiškicitati

4/28/2024, 11:14:46 AM

📖 Uma Orquestra de Minorias 📝 Autor: Chigozie Obioma 📚 Editora: Globo Livros ⭐ 4/5 ⚠️ Violência, xenofobia , estupro e maus tratos a animais. 🐓 Narrado por um espírito ancestral um chi, uma entidade da mitologia nigeriana, Uma Orquestra de Minorias conta a história de um jovem humilde, Chinonso, que ao se apaixonar por uma moça rica, decide largar tudo, inclusive a criação de galinhas que tanto ama, para provar a moça e a família que a ama. 🐓 O livro inicia com o chi de Chinonso descrevendo o que aconteceu com seu hospedeiro, então temos a história contada desde a concepção de Chinonso, sua infância e como ele começou a amar as aves, a perda de sua mãe até a vida adulta onde conhece e se apaixona por Ndali e começa a sua jornada em busca de status e reconhecimento pela família da moça que não o aceita. 🐓 Chinonso é um personagem complexo, que você se solidariza com ele, pois ele é um homem bom e inocente, mas com os percausos que vai acontecendo (a maioria triste) iremos conhecer um homem cheio de ódio e vingança. 🐓 Gostei que o autor mostra perfeitamente e até lindamente sobre a cosmologia igbo no livro. 🐓 É um livro que te faz sair da sua zona de conforto, você vai gostar e as vezes vai ficar irritada assim como eu fiquei as vezes 😅 pois o enredo é triste e real, temos uma Orquestra de amor, de desilusão, de dor, de ódio e de perdas. Eu fiquei uns 5 minutos pensando após terminar a leitura, pois o final é chocante. 🐓 O livro é bom, e mais uma vez me embarquei na cultura nigeriana e estou amando. . . . . . . #umaorquestrademinorias #livro #ler #book #resenhaliteraria #literaturanigeriana #chigozieobioma #bookstagram #igliterario #booklover #instabook #bookreview #literaturanegra

4/24/2024, 6:18:49 PM

THE ROAD TO THE COUNTRY, the masterful new novel from two-time Booker Prize finalist Chigozie Obioma, arrives June 4! 📚🌅 Head to the link in our bio and stories to enter our Goodreads giveaway for a chance to win a copy and be one of the first to read this sweeping, heart-racing, mystical novel “destined to be a classic” (Ishmael Beah). #TheRoadtotheCountry #ChigozieObioma

4/24/2024, 4:12:05 PM

I anledningen af Verdens Bogdag giver vi her mikrofonen til @aarhuslitteraturcenter , som skriver: ・・・ GLÆDELIG VERDENS BOGDAG! I anledning af Verdens Bogdag kommer Aarhus Litteraturcenter her med blandet god inspiration til læsningen, som man jo kan tage med sig til vores læsemaraton den 4. maj. Læsemaratonet varer fra klokken 9 morgen til klokken 9 aften. Alle er velkommen, uanset om man læser ‘På sporet af den tabte tid’ eller Ugebladet Søndag, men mangler du lidt inspiration, står Laura klar med intet mindre end tre forslag: “Det er svært at vælge, og generelt læser jeg altid flere bøger sideløbende med hinanden. Derfor vil jeg også medbringe en lille stak blandende bøger til vores læsemaraton. Jeg har planer om at veksle mellem Han Kangs ‘Lektioner i græsk’ og Chigozie Obiomas ‘Fuglenes gråd’ og et sted inde imellem finde plads til Elias Sadaqs digtsamling ‘Djinn’.” Du bestemmer selv, om du har lyst til at deltage hele dagen, eller bare vil kigge forbi til et par sider, men et godt tip er at have et par bøger at skifte imellem. Læs mere om læsemaratonet via link i bio. Ses vi? #læsemaraton #læseglæde #læselyst #hankang #eliassadaq #digtsamling #lyrik #chigozieobioma #readathon #læsning #læseinspiration #detpoetiskekvarter @forlagetgyldendal @forlagetklim @gads_forlag

4/23/2024, 7:16:31 PM

GLÆDELIG VERDENS BOGDAG! I anledning af Verdens Bogdag kommer Aarhus Litteraturcenter her med blandet god inspiration til læsningen, som man jo kan tage med sig til vores læsemaraton den 4. maj. Læsemaratonet varer fra klokken 9 morgen til klokken 9 aften. Alle er velkommen, uanset om man læser 'På sporet af den tabte tid' eller Ugebladet Søndag, men mangler du lidt inspiration, står Laura klar med intet mindre end tre forslag: "Det er svært at vælge, og generelt læser jeg altid flere bøger sideløbende med hinanden. Derfor vil jeg også medbringe en lille stak blandende bøger til vores læsemaraton. Jeg har planer om at veksle mellem Han Kangs 'Lektioner i græsk' og Chigozie Obiomas 'Fuglenes gråd' og et sted inde imellem finde plads til Elias Sadaqs digtsamling 'Djinn'." Du bestemmer selv, om du har lyst til at deltage hele dagen, eller bare vil kigge forbi til et par sider, men et godt tip er at have et par bøger at skifte imellem. Læs mere om læsemaratonet via link i bio. Ses vi? #læsemaraton #læseglæde #læselyst #hankang #eliassadaq #digtsamling #lyrik #chigozieobioma #readathon #læsning #læseinspiration @forlagetgyldendal @forlagetklim @gads_forlag

4/23/2024, 10:00:29 AM

N7000 In this striking novel about an unforgettable childhood, four Nigerian brothers encounter a madman whose mystic prophecy of violence threatens the core of their close-knit family Told by nine-year-old Benjamin, the youngest of four brothers, The Fishermen is the Cain and Abel-esque story of a childhood in Nigeria, in the small town of Akure. When their father has to travel to a distant city for work, the brothers take advantage of his absence to skip school and go fishing. At the forbidden nearby river, they meet a madman who persuades the oldest of the boys that he is destined to be killed by one of his siblings. What happens next is an almost mythic event whose impact-both tragic and redemptive-will transcend the lives and imaginations of the book’s characters and readers. #bibliophile #bibliophiles #books #booklover #bookclub #bookshelf #bookreview #booknookltd #bookstagrammer #lekki #bookaddict #bookish #booksofinstagram #lagos #lagosbooklovers #nigeria #lagosbookshop #bookshop #booknookstagram #booknook #Lagos #Lekki1 #chigozieobioma #fiction #nigerianauthors

4/20/2024, 3:41:35 PM

We love when Hogarth authors come to town—welcome to New York, Chigozie and Mariana! 🤓📚🩷🏙️🗽

4/16/2024, 5:00:49 AM

Den nigerianske forfatter Chigozie Obioma er snart aktuel på dansk med sin tredje roman, ‘Vejen til landet’, og så er han dette års hovednavn til LiteratureXchange! Forsalget er startet, og du kan allerede nu sikre dig en billet til arrangementerne med Obioma under festivalen. Læs mere om og køb billet til arrangementerne via link i bio. Posted @withregram • @litxaarhus NIGERIANSKE CHIGOZIE OBIOMA ER DETTE ÅRS HOVEDNAVN Vi er stolte af at kunne præsentere den nigerianske forfatter Chigozie Obioma som hovednavnet under LiteratureXchange 2024. Han har markeret sig som en betydningsfuld nyere stemme inden for verdenslitteraturen med sine to første bøger, ’Vi var fiskere’ og ’Fuglenes gråd’, hvor Obioma gennem temaer som broderskab, ulighed, kærlighed og barndom skaber en fortælling om Afrikas skønhed og iboende politiske, økonomiske og religiøse modsætninger. Nu er han på vej med sin tredje bog, ’Vejen til landet’, som udkommer på dansk den 14. juni. Det er en roman, der tager læseren med tilbage til 1960’erne, hvor der udbryder borgerkrig i Nigeria. Hovedpersonen Kunles bror forsvinder, da krigen bryder ud, og det bliver starten på en søgen efter den forsvundne bror, og udvikler sig til, at den generte studerende må kæmpe i en krig, han ikke forstår. ’Vejen til landet’ er en historie om mennesket i krig, nærmere bestemt en af de største konflikter i afrikansk historie, men det er også en fortælling om broderskab, kærlighed og mod. I denne uge stiller vi skarpt på Chigozie Obiomas forfatterskab, og fredag den 12. april starter forsalget på arrangementerne med forfatteren under dette års festival. Så følg med her på profil, hvis du vil vide mere om dette års hovednavn. Foto: Zack Mueller. @chigozieobiomaauthor @forlagetklim #chigozieobioma #literaturexchange2024 #literaturexchange #nigeriansklitteratur #oversatlitteratur #dokk1 @aarhusbibliotekerne @aarhuslitteraturcenter @fo_aarhus @dokk1aarhus

4/15/2024, 3:45:25 PM

FORSALGET ER STARTET - køb billetter til arrangementerne med Chigozie Obioma I denne uge har vi stillet skarpt på årets hovednavn, den nigerianske forfatter Chigozie Obioma, og allerede fra i dag kan du købe billetter til arrangementerne med forfatteren under LiteratureXchange. Læs mere om og køb billetter til arrangementerne via link i bio. Obiomas kommende roman, 'Vejen til landet', udkommer på dansk den 14. juni, og vi glæder os både til det meget fine besøg i Aarhus, og til at dykke ned i det nye kapitel i forf@dokk1aarhus Foto: Nikki Moore. @chigozieobiomaauthor @forlagetklim #chigozieobioma #nigeriansklitteratur #literaturexchange #literaturexchange2024 #dokk1 @aarhuslitteraturcenter @aarhusbibliotekerne @fo_aarhus @dokk1aarhus

4/12/2024, 11:29:27 AM

VEJEN TIL LANDET - ny bog fra Chigozie Obioma Vi har temmelig svært ved at vente på Obiomas nye bog, som bliver den tredje fra hans hånd, og den udkommer den 14. juni - lige inden du kan opleve ham til LiteratureXchange! I 'Vejen til landet' skal vi tilbage til 1960'ernes borgerkrig i Nigeria, hvor vi møder den generte studerende Kunle, hvis bror forsvinder, ligesom krigen bryder ud. Mens Kunle søger efter sin bror, bliver han viklet ind i en krig, som han ikke forstår, og må bære på en profeti fra den lokale seer om, at han er en Abami Eda: En, som vil dø og vende tilbage til livet. Det er en fortælling om mennesket i krig, om broderskab og mod, og der er ingen tvivl om, at det bliver endnu en milepæl i forfatterskabet. Husk, at vi allerede i morgen kl. 11 starter forsalget til de to arrangementer med Obioma. Hold øje med! @chigozieobiomaauthor @forlagetklim #chigozieobioma #nigeriansklitteratur #oversatlitteratur #literaturexchange #literaturexchange2024 #dokk1 @fo_aarhus @aarhusbibliotekerne @aarhuslitteraturcenter @dokk1aarhus

4/11/2024, 12:12:54 PM

KÆRLIGHED, KOLONIALISME OG MAGI - 'Fuglenes gråd' af Chigozie Obioma Vi fortsætter ugen med at stille skarpt på Chigozie Obiomas forfatterskab, og i dag skal det handle om hans anden bog, 'Fuglenes gråd', der ligesom debuten fik forfatteren indstillet til Booker-prisen. Her fortæller Obioma kærlighedshistorien om fjerkræavleren Chinonso og Ndali, som kommer af en velhavende familie. Hendes familie modsætter sig forholdet, hvilket får Chinonso til at tage til Cypern for at uddanne sig, men det viser sig hurtigt, at intet er, som han troede. "Trænger du til at læse en bog, som ikke ligner noget andet? Så er det 'Fuglenes gråd', du skal have fat i. Den tager læseren med til et Nigeria, der stadig er præget af kolonitiden, hvor man taler den hvide mands sprog og tænker i tid som den hvide mand, men man har ikke glemt traditionerne og historierne. Det er også en kærlighedshistorie om det umage par, og jeg kan kun sige: Læs den!" - Camilla, Aarhus Litteraturcenter Chigozie Obioma er dette års hovednavn, og du kan læse mere om forfatteren via link i bio. @chigozieobiomaauthor @forlagetklim #chigozieobioma #nigeriansklitteratur #oversatlitteratur #literaturexchange #literaturexchange2024 #dokk1 @aarhuslitteraturcenter @aarhusbibliotekerne @fo_aarhus @dokk1aarhus

4/10/2024, 5:09:42 PM

EN SKÆBNESVANGER PROFERI - 'Vi var fiskere' af Chigozie Obioma I dag skal det handle om 'Vi var fiskere', den nigerianske forfatter Chigozie Obiomas debutroman fra 2015, som fik den unge debutant indstillet til den prestigefulde Booker-pris. Her fisker Benjamin og hans brødre i byens flod, der er blevet beskidt, forbudt og forurenet, og det er her en gal mand kommer med profetien om, at den ældste af brødrene vil blive dræbt af de andre. "'Vi var fiskere' er en meget anbefalelsesværdig bog skrevet i et flot sprog, der centrerer sig om to brødre, hvis liv ændres dramatisk efter en tragisk begivenhed. Det er en roman, der udforsker temaer som familie, skæbne, traditioner, tro og overtro, og den giver læseren et fint indblik i nigeriansk kultur, traditioner og samfundsliv og lyst til at lære mere om de forskellige stammer og landets komplekse historie." - Kaspar, FO-Aarhus Chigozie Obioma er dette års hovednavn, og vi glæder os til at byde ham velkommen til dette års LiteratureXchange. Læs mere om forfatteren via link i bio. @chigozieobiomaugoh @forlagetklim #chigozieobioma #nigeriansklitteratur #oversatlitteratur #literaturexchange #literaturexchange2024 #dokk1 @fo_aarhus @aarhusbibliotekerne @aarhuslitteraturcenter @dokk1aarhus

4/9/2024, 10:01:09 AM

In 2016, I was invited to Aarhus for an event by @litxaarhus and my mind was blown by the generosity of the incredible Dannish literary community there. To be made the headline author for this year's festival is an incredible honor. THANK YOU!! Dannish edition of #TheRoadtotheCountry heroadtothecountry out June 6th from @forlagetklim Posted @withregram • @litxaarhus NIGERIANSKE CHIGOZIE OBIOMA ER DETTE ÅRS HOVEDNAVN Vi er stolte af at kunne præsentere den nigerianske forfatter Chigozie Obioma som hovednavnet under LiteratureXchange 2024. Han har markeret sig som en betydningsfuld nyere stemme inden for verdenslitteraturen med sine to første bøger, ’Vi var fiskere’ og ’Fuglenes gråd’, hvor Obioma gennem temaer som broderskab, ulighed, kærlighed og barndom skaber en fortælling om Afrikas skønhed og iboende politiske, økonomiske og religiøse modsætninger. Nu er han på vej med sin tredje bog, ’Vejen til landet’, som udkommer på dansk den 6. juni. Det er en roman, der tager læseren med tilbage til 1960’erne, hvor der udbryder borgerkrig i Nigeria. Hovedpersonen Kunles bror forsvinder, da krigen bryder ud, og det bliver starten på en søgen efter den forsvundne bror, og udvikler sig til, at den generte studerende må kæmpe i en krig, han ikke forstår. ’Vejen til landet’ er en historie om mennesket i krig, nærmere bestemt en af de største konflikter i afrikansk historie, men det er også en fortælling om broderskab, kærlighed og mod. I denne uge stiller vi skarpt på Chigozie Obiomas forfatterskab, og fredag den 12. april starter forsalget på arrangementerne med forfatteren under dette års festival. Så følg med her på profil, hvis du vil vide mere om dette års hovednavn. Foto: Zack Mueller. @chigozieobiomaauthor @forlagetklim #chigozieobioma #literaturexchange2024 #literaturexchange #nigeriansklitteratur #oversatlitteratur #dokk1 @aarhusbibliotekerne @aarhuslitteraturcenter @fo_aarhus @dokk1aarhus

4/8/2024, 1:33:34 PM

NIGERIANSKE CHIGOZIE OBIOMA ER HOVEDNAVNET til #LiteratureXchange2024! Swipe ➡️ for at lære mere om denne talentfulde forfatter og hans kommende bog, ’Vejen til landet’! #ChigozieObioma #NigerianskForfatter #litteraturfestival #litx #literaturexchange @litxaarhus @aarhuslitteraturcenter @aarhusbibliotekerne

4/8/2024, 12:01:10 PM

NIGERIANSKE CHIGOZIE OBIOMA ER DETTE ÅRS HOVEDNAVN Vi er stolte af at kunne præsentere den nigerianske forfatter Chigozie Obioma som hovednavnet under LiteratureXchange 2024. Han har markeret sig som en betydningsfuld nyere stemme inden for verdenslitteraturen med sine to første bøger, ’Vi var fiskere’ og ’Fuglenes gråd’, hvor Obioma gennem temaer som broderskab, ulighed, kærlighed og barndom skaber en fortælling om Afrikas skønhed og iboende politiske, økonomiske og religiøse modsætninger. Nu er han på vej med sin tredje bog, ’Vejen til landet’, som udkommer på dansk den 14. juni. Det er en roman, der tager læseren med tilbage til 1960’erne, hvor der udbryder borgerkrig i Nigeria. Hovedpersonen Kunles bror forsvinder, da krigen bryder ud, og det bliver starten på en søgen efter den forsvundne bror, og udvikler sig til, at den generte studerende må kæmpe i en krig, han ikke forstår. ’Vejen til landet’ er en historie om mennesket i krig, nærmere bestemt en af de største konflikter i afrikansk historie, men det er også en fortælling om broderskab, kærlighed og mod. I denne uge stiller vi skarpt på Chigozie Obiomas forfatterskab, og fredag den 12. april starter forsalget på arrangementerne med forfatteren under dette års festival. Så følg med her på profil, hvis du vil vide mere om dette års hovednavn. Foto: Zack Mueller. @chigozieobiomaauthor @forlagetklim #chigozieobioma #literaturexchange2024 #literaturexchange #nigeriansklitteratur #oversatlitteratur #dokk1 @aarhusbibliotekerne @aarhuslitteraturcenter @fo_aarhus @dokk1aarhus

4/8/2024, 9:55:24 AM

Yay for bookmail! 💌 thank you @penguinukbooks for sending this through the post - it was a lovely weekend surprise! that makes my 52 books in my cart 53 now 🙈 we’ll get there we’ll get there how is everyone’s weekend going? I’ve been reading in a coffee shop and making a limoncello cheesecake ☺️✨

4/6/2024, 4:50:46 PM

Unexpected book mail is the best kind of book mail! ✉️ I had a pleasant surprise this morning when something other than a bill came through my letter box: an advance copy of @chigozieobiomaauthor‘s upcoming novel, The Road to the Country, which was kindly sent to me by @penguinukbooks. Publishing in May, The Road to the Country tells the story of a nation plunged into civil war and a man’s search for his brother in a conflict he hardly understands. I read Obioma’s “The Fishermen” earlier this year and absolutely loved it, so I’m itching to get stuck in to this one! #bookstagram #booksta #africanliterature #blackliterature #theroadtothecountry #chigozieobioma #arc #books #fiction #whatimreading #comingsoon #penguinrandomhouse

4/5/2024, 1:24:31 PM

Acheté en 2017 je ne l’ai lu que plusieurs années plus tard. Je m’ennuyais au début je dois l’admettre. Puis, j’ai découvert une famille simple qui voit son destin basculé à cause de la prophétie d’un fou. On voit au fil des pages le poison du fou se propager d’abord dans l’esprit de l’aîné des enfants puis gagner chaque membre de la famille. J’ai beaucoup aimé cette famille unie, ce couple qui traverse l’épreuve sans se casser. Le mari qui prend la relève quand sa femme n’y arrive plus. Les nombreuses comparaisons avec les animaux. L’intrigue est belle et le livre difficile à lâcher dès qu’on a atteint la « page de non retour ». J’ai moins aimé le style d’écriture. Peut-être que la version originale aurait été plus agréable à lire. Finalement, prophétie auto réalisatrice ou simple épreuve de la vie? C’est au lecteur de décider. Abulu quant à lui a fini sa mission! À bientôt! F💛 Titre : Les pêcheurs Pays : Nigeria #lespecheurs #book #nigeria #chigozieobioma #livres

4/5/2024, 12:00:00 PM

The Fishermen x Chigozie Obioma “The eye that mocks a father, that scorns an aged mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures.” 🐦‍⬛ Imagine this. You, your brothers and a few friends venture to a forbidden river to fish. Many times you go, and always without your parents knowledge or permission. This one time you see the madman - the one who’s labeled as crazy but also known to give prophecies that have proven to be true. He gives a prophecy to your oldest brother, and telling him that he will be killed by a “fishermen”. You and your brother call yourself “fishermen” 🐦‍⬛ After that day of meeting the madman, everything changes. Their relationships alter, the boys are spooked, parent angry, but mostly the brother that was prophesied to takes a huge turn. I really didn’t know what to expect within this novel. Honestly after the first crazy incident I was worried with what all would happen next because the main part was only halfway through. 🐦‍⬛ For me, the wildest part was that the mother of these boys had to do it alone for some time. And besides these four older boys, she had two younger children to care for. I really feel that in raising children, family structure is important, but with jobs and things - what’s important doesn’t always work out as it should. All of this happened because these boys didn’t listen. 🐦‍⬛ The author gives euphemisms to describe the characters in relation to animalistic traits wowed me. And for this to be a Cane and Able - type story, it went to well beyond my expectations. The biggest lesson here is that when parenting children, one must remember that it’s the decisions they make that will ultimately decide their fate. 🐦‍⬛ The Fishermen dives into the politics, economy, and religious beliefs of this family. All of which play a part into the destiny of this one family. I’ve only read one book by this author, but I think he may have an auto - buy author for me - but we’ll see. 👉🏾 Please check Trigger Warnings before reading! 🏷️ #thefishermen #chigozieobioma #fiction #bookstagram #blackbookstagram #diversereads #booksbooksbooks #bookreview

4/4/2024, 12:05:00 PM

April Hopefuls - Mood Reader Edition. 🫣 The moodreader in me says this is a terrible idea. But I have been shortening my monthly hopefuls so that I won’t leave any books unread. But anywho. Here’s my stack for April, at least for now. What’s your most anticipated read for this month? 🏷️ #bookstagram #blackbookstagram #moodreader #fiction #nonfiction #romance #booksbooksbooks #booksbyblackmen #booksbyblackauthors #booksbywomen #bookrecommendations #booklover #bookclubstagram #bookcommunity #tbr #tbrlist #bookstagrammer #moonwitchspiderking #marlonjames #homebeforedark #rileysager #theyellowhouse #sarahmbroom #thefishermen #chigozieobioma #therealmrstobias #sallykaslow

4/1/2024, 12:30:00 PM

the fishermen by Chigozie Obioma I’ve never really had any book fill me with so much dread, I kept fearing what terrible thing would happen next and to whom. Great, masterful storytelling for a debut novel I must say. The narrator (Ben) poetically likens the characters to animals, often times birds and explains how they fit into them. There’s Nigeria in the 90s infused in its storytelling, making the reader have a glimpse into the national unrest at the said time. I wish the boys never went to that river and all of a sudden wanted to undo their encounter with Abulu so bad. I wonder how little distrust planted in no time, great wickedness and violence so life altering. I’m my opinion, this was dark and tragic. Pick to read at your own discretion. Ratings: 4/5 #thisbookishtam #bookreview #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #africanliterature #fiction #chigozieobioma #books

3/30/2024, 8:19:46 PM

New To Me Author Friday! Featuring: Chigozie Obioma The Fishermen - (Debut) Told from the point of view of nine-year-old Benjamin, the youngest of four brothers, The Fishermen is the Cain and Abel-esque story of an unforgettable childhood in 1990s Nigeria, in the small town of Akure. When their strict father has to travel to a distant city for work, the brothers take advantage of his extended absence to skip school and go fishing. At the ominous, forbidden nearby river, they meet a dangerous local madman who persuades the oldest of the boys that he is destined to be killed by one of his siblings. What happens next is an almost mythic event whose impact—both tragic and redemptive—will transcend the lives and imaginations of its characters and its readers. Dazzling and viscerally powerful, The Fishermen never leaves Akure but the story it tells has enormous universal appeal. Seen through the prism of one family’s destiny, this is an essential novel about Africa with all of its contradictions—economic, political, and religious—and the epic beauty of its own culture. An Orchestra of Minorities: A contemporary twist on the Odyssey, An Orchestra of Minorities is narrated by the chi, or spirit of a young poultry farmer named Chinonso. His life is set off course when he sees a woman who is about to jump off a bridge. Horrified by her recklessness, he hurls two of his prized chickens off the bridge. The woman, Ndali, is stopped in her tracks. . Chinonso and Ndali fall in love but she is from an educated and wealthy family. When her family objects to the union on the grounds that he is not her social equal, he sells most of his possessions to attend college in Cyprus. But when he arrives in Cyprus, he discovers that he has been utterly duped by the young Nigerian who has made the arrangements for him. Penniless, homeless, we watch as he gets further and further away from his dream and from home. An Orchestra of Minorities is a heart-wrenching epic about destiny and determination. 💛 These novels were included in my last book haul. Have you read either of them? If so, share your thoughts!

3/29/2024, 3:10:22 PM

🌍 Africa 🌍 #africabookstack 📍Karen Blixen - Out of Africa 📍Ayòbámi Adébáyò - Stay with me 📍Corinne Hofmann - Den hvide masai 📍Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Americanah 📍Chigozie Obioma - Vi var fiskere 📍Yaa Gyasi - Homegoing #bookstagram #bookstack #bookstackchallenge #africa #africanbooks #bogsnak #bogstak #bentesbookstacks #karenblixen #outofafrica #staywithme #ayobamiadebayo #denhvidemasai #corinnehofmann #americanah #chimamandangoziadichie #chigozieobioma #vivarfiskere #yaagyasi #homegoing

3/24/2024, 10:51:56 AM

En otrolig historieberättare är precis vad Chigozie Obioma är! Språket är så levande att det sticker ut ur boken, man känner med alla karaktärers ångest, och miljöbeskrivningarna gör mig alldeles klibbig och varm då boken utspelar sig på den Nigerianska landsbygden. Jag vet inte hur jag ska beskriva boken mer än: wow. Allt flyter på, precis som man vill att det ska göra. Varje ord för berättelsen framåt även om tempot inte alltid är högt. Men boken är aldrig långsam, allting är uppbyggt mot vad som komma skall. Det är syskonrelationer, rädsla, framtidshopp, skuld, och försoning. Spännande teman att utforska! Jag är läst Minoritetsorkestern av samma författare och älskade den. Men att detta är hans debutroman är otroligt imponerande! Jag såg precis att hans tredje bok The road to the country kommer ut i sommar och ni kan ge er på att den kommer förbokas!! #chigozieobioma #fiskarmännen #thefishermen

3/16/2024, 8:33:08 AM

#어부들 #치고지에오비오마 #은행나무 햇살 좋은 주말 점심에 읽기에는 부적절했지만 언제나 상황에 맞는 책만이 손에 잡히는 건 아니다. '어부' 형제와 그 가족에게 원치 않은 비극이 닥친 것처럼. 당연한 수순이라는 듯 슬그머니 찾아오는 비극과 증오는 1/3 지점에서 최고점을 찍고 그 이후론 얼음이 녹아 라테 위에 층을 만들 때까지 멈출 수 없었다. 섬뜩함에 손이 차게 식고, 희망이 올 듯 하다가도 무너저내리는 전개가 안타까웠다 단 하나의 꼬리표를 붙인다면 '비극적인 구원'이 가장 어울릴 책이 아닐까. _ _ _ 나는 너희들이 교양 있는 사람답게 서구적 교육을 받을 수 있도록, 너희를 학교에 보내겠다고 땀 흘리며 고생하고 있어. 그런데 너희들은 대신 어부가 되기로 했구나. 어-부-가!" 아버 지는 증오스럽기 짝이 없다는 듯 그 단어를 반복적으로 소리쳤고, 몇 번인지 모를 정도로 여러 번 그 단어를 말한 뒤에는 이켄나에게 탁자에 엎드리라고 명령했다. _ 어머니는 매부리였다. 언덕 위에 서서, 아이들에게 닥쳐오는 나쁜 일로 인식되는 것이면 뭐 든 쫓아내려고 지켜보는 존재. ... 어머니는 아버지가 아쿠레를 떠나기 전부터 우리 대화의 토막토막을 들어보려고 이따금 우리 말을 엿들었다. 형들 방에 모여 있을 때면, 우리 중 한 명이 살금살금 문으로 가서 어머니가 그 뒤에 서 있는지 살펴보는 경우도 많았다. 우리는 문을 당겨 열고 어머니를 현장에서 잡곤했다. _ 우리는 꽤 멀리까지 갔다. 어두워서 알아보기 어려웠지만, 나는 우리 가 지역 중심부에 거의 다다랐다고 생각했다. 그때 아버지의 말이 그러니까 무슨 짓이든 벌이기 전에 일단 어머니를 생각해라. 너희들이 하는 일이 어머니에게 어떤 영향을 끼칠지에 대해서 말이야. 그런 다음에만 결정을 내려야 한다"-날카롭게 나를 관통했다. #책 #읽은책 #책리뷰 #📚 #book #书#本 #TheFishermen #ChigozieObioma

3/16/2024, 7:41:59 AM

Chigozie Obioma (@chigozieobiomaauthor) is the acclaimed author of “The Fishermen” and “An Orchestra of Minorities,” both of which were shortlisted for the Booker Prize (@thebookerprizes) around the year when they were first published. His highly anticipated third novel, “The Road To The Country,” is scheduled for release in June of this year. He has been described as the heir to legendary Chinua Achebe. #opencountry #opencountrymag #opencountrymagazine #chigozieobioma #theroadtothecountry #thefishermen #anorchestraofminorities #africanliterature #dailyquotes #bookquotes #believes

3/11/2024, 4:54:25 PM

😇😇😇 Come join us! @oxfordliteraryfestival @chigozieobiomaauthor has been confirmed for #OLF24. The Nigerian award-winning novelist will talk about his new novel, ‘The Road to the Country’ 🇳🇬 #nigerianauthors #TheRoadtotheCountry #ChigozieObioma #oxfordliteraryfestival

3/10/2024, 12:41:12 PM

Fiskarmännen - Chigozie Obioma Nigeria på 1990-talet. Vi möter den oskiljaktiga brödraskaran Ikenna, Boja, Obembe och Benjamin. Deras stora nöje är att fiska i den nedsmutsade floden, något som egentligen är förbjudet men då deras far fått arbete på annat ort tar bröderna sig friheter. Så en dag stöter de ihop med byns galning Abulu, som anses vara synsk och som spår att en av bröderna kommer att döda en av de andra. Efter det blir sig ingenting likt. 💭 Först och främst vill jag ge ett stort tack till @vajb_books för tipset. Vilken oväntad läsupplevelse som jag annars troligtvis hade missat! På samma gång så spännande att få veta vad som händer men också så sorgligt att bara "se på" när en familj rasar samman så. Inblickarna man som läsare får i Nigerias kultur och historia känns också viktigt för att förstå berättelsen fullt ut. Eller som Lennart Bromander på Aftonbladet skrev: "En fascinerande gestaltning av hur uråldriga tankemönster tar sig in och bryter sönder en bräcklig modernitet". Den här är en bok som skulle passa väldigt bra för bokcirkeln, och då kanske speciellt den för ungdomar. BETYG: ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ (4/5) #chigozieobioma #fiskarmännen  #ordfront

3/7/2024, 11:40:39 AM

Wow. This was a heartbreaking and graphic tale of Kunle’s life in the Biafran war. This was a dark and heavy read, but so worth it. “Before the war, we always want this or that; we always have big dreams, big ambitions. But now our needs have become so small, and our dreams have vanished. What is the hope we have? Just that we survive…that’s it” We see the graphic descriptions of war and death. Very graphic. I had to take breaks from reading this at times because of how visceral the imagery was. That said, I think it’s important to read about the terror and reality of war. While this is considered fiction, it seems to be based in the truth of the real Biafran war. I’m astonished at the brutality of the scenes Obioma wrote throughout this book. It had me sick to my stomach, and I can only imagine what the reality of these sights could do to a person. This was a dense read, and very serious. It’s heartbreaking to know that terrors like this actually occurred. I can’t imagine how terrifying and awful it was, and how it would have impacted people on both sides so deeply. “They have seen so much, and they will see yet more. They must learn to withstand what they have seen, to adapt. If it shocks you, then it can haunt you; if it haunts you, it can damage you” We follow Kunle through his journey of trying to find his brother, where he gets swept up into the Biafran army. This is his story of love, loss, betrayal, and discovery. This perspective is sandwiched in between the visions of the seer, sprinkled with details of African folklore (which I struggled to understand at first, but would love to learn more about now). “Life is like earth, soil - you never know what you will dig up” This was an incredible, poetic, and realistic read. I was crying by the end of it. I wholeheartedly recommend this to everyone, just be wary of your limitations for gore. A huge thank you to @netgalley and Chigozie Obioma for the ARC. I’m honoured to have been able to read this book. This book will be publicly available June 4, 2024 #theroadtothecountry #chigozieobioma #netgalley #netgalleyreads #biafra #biafranwar #nigeria #bookreview #warfiction #militaryfiction

3/5/2024, 6:06:19 PM

TFW you need a book to spell out in bright, bold lettering who the good guys and bad guys are 😫 #chigozieobioma #anorchestraofminorities #goodreads #badreads #book #books #bookstagram #literature #bookreview #goodreadsreview #fiction #novel

3/2/2024, 1:28:56 PM

A book that’s bound to travel far, in terms of space and time….Congratulations, Chigozie Obioma…Glad for this good news… Masobe Books: COVER REVEAL 🚨🚨🚨 When his younger brother disappears as the country explodes in civil war, Kunle must set out on an impossible rescue mission. Kunle’s search for his brother becomes a journey of atonement that will see him conscripted into the breakaway Biafran army and forced to fight a war he hardly understands, all while navigating the prophecies of a local Seer, he who marks Kunle as an abami eda—one who will die and return to life. Chigozie Obioma’s forthcoming novel is an odyssey of love and unimaginable courage set during one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of the African continent. Intertwining myth and realism into a thrilling, inspired, and emotionally powerful novel, The Road to the Country is Chigozie Obioma’s masterpiece. Coming to bookstores in Nigeria on July 18th 2024. #MasobeBooks #ForthcomingTitle #ChigozieObioma #LetUsRead #CoverReveal

3/1/2024, 8:57:07 PM

COVER REVEAL 🚨🚨🚨 When his younger brother disappears as the country explodes in civil war, Kunle must set out on an impossible rescue mission. Kunle’s search for his brother becomes a journey of atonement that will see him conscripted into the breakaway Biafran army and forced to fight a war he hardly understands, all while navigating the prophecies of a local Seer, he who marks Kunle as an abami eda—one who will die and return to life. Chigozie Obioma’s forthcoming novel is an odyssey of love and unimaginable courage set during one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of the African continent. Intertwining myth and realism into a thrilling, inspired, and emotionally powerful novel, The Road to the Country is Chigozie Obioma’s masterpiece. Coming to bookstores in Nigeria on July 18th 2024. #MasobeBooks #ForthcomingTitle #ChigozieObioma #LetUsRead #CoverReveal

3/1/2024, 5:59:51 AM

- 'Fiskarmännen' av Chigozie Obioma En bok jag drogs till på nån loppis för ett par år sedan för att jag tyckte omslaget var så snyggt 😊 Historien utspelar sig i Nigeria på 1990-talet och i centrum står fyra bröder där den yngsta, nioåriga Benjamin, är berättar-jaget. När deras stränga pappa blir förflyttad i jobbet till en annan stad utnyttjar pojkarna sin nyvunna frihet till att börja fiska i floden. En plats dit de egentligen är förbjudna att gå. På vägen hem en kväll stöter de på Abulu, en galning som byborna tror har synska förmågor. Han siar om olycka och död i brödernas framtid, vilket ofrivilligt skapar osämja dem emellan och får deras relation att totalt haverera. Det är inte alla vackra omslag som har ett fantastiskt innehåll, men den här boken var en fullträff; den har både och. Jag tycker mycket om språket och stämningen i boken, katastrofen som obönhörligen kryper närmare. Jag vill veta hur det ska gå samtidigt som jag nästan inte vågar läsa vidare, för hur ska det gå??? Riktigt bra! Kan verkligen rekommendera denna. - #vajbharläst #fiskarmännen #chigozieobioma #ordfrontförlag #recension #boktips #lästips #bokstagram #bookstagramsweden #läsaärlivet #böckerjagharläst  #läsabörmanannarsdörman #hemmamedenbok #böcker #books

2/29/2024, 12:35:26 PM

#lesemonatfebruar 🦦 Gail Honeymans “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” ist ein Wolf im Schafspelz. Es startet wie eine charmante und mit viel Wortwitz geschriebene Komödie, je tiefer man einsteigt, desto mehr nähert man sich aber dem versteckten Trauma der Protagonistin und ihrer furchtbaren Vergangenheit. Eleanor arbeitet in einem Büro, macht gerne Kreuzworträtsel und hört Kulturprogramme im Radio. Bei einem zufälligen Konzertbesuch stellt sie fest, dass der Sänger der Band ihr Traummann ist und sie ein Makeover benötigt, um ihn von ihren Qualitäten überzeugen zu können.   🦦 Dmitrij Kapitelman „Eine Formalie in Kiew“, erzählt von einer teils autobiografischen, teils fiktiven Reise in die Ukraine. Der zum Großteil in Deutschland aufgewachsene Protagonist möchte die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft beantragen und muss dazu seine Geburtsurkunde aus Kiew besorgen – aber geht so ein Behördengang überhaupt ohne Bestechungsgelder?   🦦 In Yoko Ogawas „Insel der verlorenen Erinnerungen“ (übersetzt von Sabine Mangold) verschwinden nach und nach die Dinge aus dem Leben der Inselbewohner:innen. Vögel, Fotos, Romane, alles muss nach und nach vernichtet werden und wird polizeilich streng kontrolliert. Ein wahrlich kafkaesker Roman. 🦦 Chigozie Obiomas „Der dunkle Fluss“ (übersetzt von Nicolai von Schweder-Schreiner) ist ein feiner, gut geschriebener Pageturner. Es erzählt von vier Brüdern, die bei einem Ausflug an den Fluss eine Prophezeiung hören, die ihr Leben verändert und sie immer mehr in einen gewalttätigen Strudel reißt.  🦦 Und last but not least Sally Haydens “My Fourth Time, We Drowned” ist der Bericht einer Journalistin, die über Jahre im engen Austausch mit Geflüchteten stand, die in lybischen Lagern festgehalten wurden. Sie berichtet von Menschenhandel, Kriegsverbrechen und den Geldern der EU und der UN, die all dies mitfinanzieren. Ein absolutes Must-Read. / Jenny #gailhoneyman #eleanoroliphantiscompletelyfine #dmitrijkapitelman #eineformalieinkiew #yokoogawa #inselderverlorenenerinnerungen #chigozieobioma #derdunklefluss #sallyhayden #myfourthtimewedrowned #bookstagram #bookstagramgermany #whatiread #booklover #nonfiction #ukraine #libya #wereadindie

2/28/2024, 6:50:00 AM

Here are a few recommendations of books written by black authors in honor of Black history month 🐟 I recently finished reading The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma and I really enjoyed the story,which was centered around 4 brothers, living in a town in Nigeria called Akure, and how their lives were impacted after hearing a madman's prophecy concerning the oldest. 🇿🇦 I had to read Born a crime for my English class a few years ago, and it became one of my all-time avorite books. While talking about serious subjects mainly Apartheid in South Africa, Trevor Noah,also adds his own humor when recounting his childhood making this book funny and informative at the same time. 🏳️‍🌈 Last year , read Girl, Woman, o her, which was gifted by my aunt, and I absoIutely loved it. This book follows the story of 12 characters with different lives and identities, each one unique in their own way, but as the stories unravel, it becomes apparent that all these characters might be connected one way or another. 🍰 Party of two is a light-hearted romance between Olivia, a lawyer, and Max, a senator, who both bond pver their love of cake. This book was a really cute romcom with lovable characters! 👑 You should see me in a crown is a YA novel following Liz Lighty, who decides to enter the competition to become Prom Queen and win a scholarship for the college of her dreams. Not only is this book a fun read as we follow Liz's character develop confidence, but it also has a Sapphic romance! ☀️ Although I already talked about the Raybearer duology in a previous post, I'm talking about it again because it's one of my favorite fantasy series. It has a lot of representation, the world building is amazing, and it also talks about mental health, which is an aspect I love about this duology! If you've read any of these books, let me know! And tell me what books you've read or that you've decided to read during black history month. Also if,you have any other recommendations of books by black authors don't hesitate to share them in the comments! #blackauthors #bookstagram #books #bookseries #bookcover #bernadineevaristo #trevornoah #jasmineguillory #jordanifueko #chigozieobioma #leahjohnson

2/20/2024, 2:33:29 AM

Latest read - set in Akure, Nigeria in the 1990s Wikipedia says The Fishermen is the debut novel by Nigerian author Chigozie Obioma, published in 2015. The novel follows four brothers in a quiet neighbourhood of a Nigerian town, who were given a violent prophecy which shakes their family to the core. It is set in the 1990s, during the rule of Sani Abacha. This is quite a dark and moving story but only a 3/5 for me personally as the rhythm of the prose and some of the metaphors were a little off for me. But I would still recommend. #rejbooks #nigerianauthors #readingbooks #readingchallenge2024 #books #fiction #fictionreads #fictionbooks #chigozieobioma #read #thefishermen #reading #modernliterature

2/16/2024, 11:48:13 PM

📚 2024 Releases: April ~ May PT II 📚 There are so many good books coming out in the first half of 2024 generally but look at the list for 23rd May!! What a ridiculous day 😂 I am excited for ALL of these books (apart from Blue Sisters which I have already read and LOVED of course) and have been lucky to receive early copies of a number of them. Which of these are you excited for/have you loved? 😊 Also can anyone tell me why so many great books are coming out on 23 May? I'm really curious ♥️ 💜 ENGLAND IS MINE by Nicolas Padamsee out 11 April 🤍 MANNY AND THE BABY by Varaidzo out 11 April 💜 EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS by Oisín McKenna out 9 May 🤍 BAD HABIT by Alana S Portero out 23 May 💜BLUE SISTERS by Coco Mellors out 23 May 🤍 EXILE by Aimée Walsh out 23 May 💜 LONG ISLAND by Colm Tóibín out 23 May 🤍 MOUTHING by Orla Mackey out 30 May 💜 THE ROAD TO THE COUNTRY by Chigozie Obioma out 30 May #2024books #2024inbooks #chigozieobioma #bluesisters #cocomellors #booksilove #bookstolookforwardto #booksimlookingforwardto #readingplans #literaryfiction #booklist #tbr #booksbooksbooks #readbooks #booksofinstagram #bookblog #booknerd #debutfiction #colmtóibín #eveningsandweekends

2/16/2024, 9:59:43 PM

Chigozie Obioma - Der dunkle Fluss (Übersetzung: Nicolai von Schweder-Schreiner) Als ich zu Beginn des Buches „Thriller“ lese, muss ich kurz schlucken. Das ist sonst so gaaar nicht mein Genre. Aber das hier ist irgendwie gar kein Thriller - und irgendwie ist es doch auch genau das. Es geht um Benjamin und seine Brüder, die im Südwesten Nigerias leben, in der Nähe des Omi-Ala. Ein Fluss, den die Menschen früher einmal verehrt haben, der als Folge von Kolonialisierung und Missionierung inzwischen jedoch verteufelt wird. Entgegen aller Warnungen wagen es Benjamin und seine Brüder, im Omi-Ala fischen zu gehen. Es ist der Beginn einer Reihe grauenvoller Ereignisse, die über Benjamin und seine Familie hereinbrechen. Dieses Buch ist voller Spannung und Symbolkraft, intensiv und düster. Es gibt so viele Schichten, die nach und nach aufgedeckt werden, so viele schreckliche und schicksalhafte Verkettungen. Ich habe selten eine Geschichte gelesen, die so intensiv davon erzählt, wie sehr Angst, Hass, Verzweiflung und Trauer einen Menschen, eine ganze Familie einnehmen können. Es war furchtbar und spannend und ich habe beim Lesen einfach ständig die Luft angehalten, so sehr hat es mich gepackt. Chigozie Obioma hat eine wirklich besondere Art zu schreiben, erzählt in sehr starken Bildern. Ich konnte beim Lesen die ganze Zeit über spüren, wie sehr mein ganzer Körper mitgefühlt hat - was schrecklich und grossartig zugleich war. (Selbst gekauft ; erschienen bei @aufbau_verlage) #ausgelesen #nigeria #schicksalsschläge #familiengeschichte #buchtipp #thriller #buchrezension #germanbookstagram #bookcommunity #chigozieobioma #buchwerbung

2/10/2024, 9:09:39 AM

295. Booker prize shortlist, 2019.  Chigozie Obioma; An Orchestra of Minorities; Little, Brown; Great Britain.   Obioma’s second novel to be shortlisted for the prize – the story of a young Nigerian poultry farmer who rescues a young woman from a suicide attempt and subsequently attempts to woo her by heading to Cyprus to study.   He runs into a series of problems, and returns to Nigeria greatly damaged by his experiences.   The novel is told as a series of flashbacks by his spiritual guardian to a divine jury sitting in judgement on his human host.   This copy signed, dated and lined by the author.  A gripping story well told, immersed in Nigerian folklore and culture with nods to the Odyssey. #chigozieobioma #anorchestraofminorities #littlebrown #thebookerprize #firstedition  #bookstagram #booktok #bookstofurnisharoom #bookcollector #bibliophile #signed #nigerianfiction

2/9/2024, 3:55:53 PM

📚Read Black Authors: Paperback Edition📚 Hello, bookstagram! Hope we're all doing well and that February is filling you with bookish joy (the sun broke recently, so it's been nice to see the skies a bit less gray lately). Here are some elite paperbacks I've read over the past few years by Black authors. I have cherished all of these, which all got a 9 or a 10 of 10: Daré - The Girl with the Louding Voice. Oh, what a testament to the education; Adunni, your voice blazed into my conscience, and you have a piece of my heart forever. I cannot wait for her second novel "And So I Roar" later this year! Ellison - Invisible Man. This is a classic of the highest order, and experiencing this work is a core, seminal memory. It plays like a gorgeous, winding jazz solo, and the protagonist's journey was a voyage I will never forget. Gyasi - Homegoing and Transcendent Kingdom. Both are tour de forces in their own way. And you can't tell me Gifty isn't real; she was alive and in the room with me as she poured her heart onto the page. McBride - Deacon King Kong. What a masterpiece. McBride will tell it to you like it is - and he is unflinching. But he always clings to hope, not dime-store pabulum but real, tender empathy that lives and breathes. Morrison - Beloved. Enough said. I also read her "Bluest Eye" and loved that too. But I can't stop there: Jazz, Rectitatif, and Sula are all on my TBR. We are a better universe because Toni Morrison lived within it. Obioma - The Fishermen. Stunning, blazing, completely underrated work about a Nigerian family in the 1990s. A paramount achievement - my first Obioma will not be my last. Reynolds - Look Both Ways. Interconnected short stories about middle schoolers going through everyday life. This took me by complete surprise, and I need more Reynolds in my life, for sure. Ward - Sing, Unburied, Sing. My first Ward was a wild, literary journey, and she is writing modern-day classics. I will certainly be getting to "Salvage the Bones" and "Men We Reaped" down the line; that's a fact. And that's all for now! Let me know if you have read any of these or if you have any recommendations based on them, and I'll talk soon! Mikey

2/7/2024, 9:08:31 PM

Book: The Fishermen Author: Chigozie Obioma (@chigozieobiomaauthor) Rating: 4.8/5 Review: A beautiful allegory! The debut novel by Chigozie Obioma, has been nothing short of a literary magic. When my lovely bookworms suggested this book as the First Book of the year 2024, we went all in, since WE ALL LOVE BOOKS A LOT!! Nigeria, has always been very close to my heart. Also, I loved reading about the Igbo culture in this book. Trivia for those who are not acquainted with the Nigerian culture; It boasts of 3 major tribes – Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba; and a lot of warmth and love <3 “The Fishermen” is a story of four brothers—Ikenna, Boja, Obembe, and Benjamin—whose lives are irrevocably altered when they encounter the mad and the malevolent Abulu, a local madman who prophesies that Ikenna will be killed by one of his brothers. This prophecy sets off a chain of events that unravels the fabric of their once close-knit family, leading to a tragic and inevitable conclusion. The relationship between the brothers lies at the heart of the novel, and Obioma masterfully portrays the complexities of sibling dynamics—the rivalry, the loyalty, and the unbreakable bond that persists even in the face of adversity. Each brother is distinct in personality, yet united in their shared experiences and the burden of their destiny. As the narrative unfolds through the perspective of Benjamin, the youngest brother, we are drawn into a world where reality blurs with myth, and the boundaries between truth and fiction become increasingly blurred. However, “The Fishermen” is more than just a gripping tale of sibling rivalry and tragedy; it is a profound meditation on the human condition and the eternal struggle to make sense of a world governed by forces beyond our control. Obioma’s novel forces us to confront uncomfortable truths about the nature of fate and the inevitability of our own mortality, leaving a lasting impact that lingers in the mind long after the final page has been turned. Review continued ⬇️

2/6/2024, 7:54:40 PM

"The Fishermen" by Chigozie Obioma has a definite rites of passage tone to it but also a warmth, a tribal bond not just linking the four brothers who are the main protagonist's in the story but the whole family as they battle not just their devil..their demons but the potential destruction of the household. I loved the way childhood in Nigeria was portrayed, particularly the snippets that could have made it any childhood anywhere in the world.. A wonderful tale.. each page deserving to be savoured. #book #booklover #read #thefishermen #chigozieobioma

2/6/2024, 7:31:12 PM

2/5/2024, 2:25:57 PM

An Orchestra of Minorities - Chigozie Obioma “He had not asked too much of the world. What he had asked recently was simple: just to be with the woman he loved.” Narrated by his chi/spirit, this book follows the life of Chinonso, a young poultry farmer whose life is upturned after he meets a woman, Ndali, attempting suicide on a bridge. Despite their very contrasting backgrounds, Chinonso and Ndali fall in love, to the displeasure of Ndali’s family. To win Ndali’s family over, Chinonso decides to get an education in Cyprus in barter for his father’s house and his beloved feathered creatures. This book gave me a lot of things to think about, one of them being how seemingly small or insignificant decisions can utterly change the course of our lives. What would have been of Nonso’s life had he decided to drive past Ndali or not seen her at all? Well, we’ll never know. I wanted to like this book more than I did. The beginning completely blew my mind; the narration by the chi was unusual, but I liked it a lot (till I didn’t anymore). Some parts dragged, especially with the chi’s recounting stories from the past. I was, however, intrigued by how colorful the language was. Generally, I think the writer did well portraying the Igbo culture. I liked the Igbo parables and sayings. On the subject of characters, though, I’d have loved it if Ndali’s character had been explored a little bit more. Nonso’s character was one that left me so conflicted. I understand this was a man who had been terribly wronged, but some of his actions were very questionable and left me wondering if he even loved Ndali at all. As much as this was an okay read, I don’t think I’ll be reading anything by this author anytime soon. The pain the characters went through was just too much for me. #anorchestraofminorities #chigozieobioma #bookedwithamba #bookstagramghana #bibliophile

2/4/2024, 7:47:34 PM

Off the dome 🧠📚 What I love most about reading is the freedom to take what’s on the page and draw my own conclusions on the story being told. Here’s what came to mind as I read. The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma is a story of a families undoing. Set in 1990’s Nigeria, four brothers Ikenna, Boja, Obembe and Benjamin proclaim themselves ‘The Fishermen’ after their new-found hobby. But when they venture to the forbidden Omi-Ala river, the village madman sends them spiralling with a disturbing prophecy. The cultural framework paired with Aristotelian tragedy and myth is beautifully written. I envisioned the greek tragic hero’s referenced including Shylock from Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice’ (one of my favourite tragic villains of all time). I will recommend this book over and over again 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #bookstagram #booklover #chigozieobioma

2/4/2024, 2:40:01 PM

Five Star Review At first the vision is grainy—like something seen through wet glass. But slowly it clears, and there appears the figure of a man. This was incredible! THE ROAD TO THE COUNTRY by Chigozie Obioma out June 2024 from @HogarthBooks ★★★★★ A quaking and powerful read that you must not miss! A story of brotherhood, of war, of redemption… this was incredible. With visceral imagery, incredible writing and devastating events happening at every turn, this book truly packs a punch. With a stunning mix of brutal reality and sweeping folklore, we follow Kunle as he searches for his brother, gets caught up in a war and learns things about himself he never imagined. This is a denser, much more serious book than I was envisioning, but I was blown away! This is a MUST READ! —Q: What are you starting the month with? —A: I just finished Gabino Iglesias’s House of Bone & Rain and it was great. #TheRoadToTheCountry #ChigozieObioma #Hogarth ❤️

2/1/2024, 6:20:20 PM

N8000. In this striking novel about an unforgettable childhood, four Nigerian brothers encounter a madman whose mystic prophecy of violence threatens the core of their close-knit family Told by nine-year-old Benjamin, the youngest of four brothers, The Fishermen is the Cain and Abel-esque story of a childhood in Nigeria, in the small town of Akure. When their father has to travel to a distant city for work, the brothers take advantage of his absence to skip school and go fishing. At the forbidden nearby river, they meet a madman who persuades the oldest of the boys that he is destined to be killed by one of his siblings. What happens next is an almost mythic event whose impact-both tragic and redemptive-will transcend the lives and imaginations of the book’s characters and readers. #bibliophile #bibliophiles #books #booklover #bookclub #bookshelf #bookreview #booknookltd #bookstagrammer #lekki #bookaddict #bookish #booksofinstagram #lagos #lagosbooklovers #nigeria #lagosbookshop #bookshop #booknookstagram #booknook #Lagos #chigozieobioma #Lekki1 #nigerianauthors #thebooknookexperience #fiction

1/27/2024, 1:13:46 PM

What the Fishermen teaches you is that it is always the fear. It is the fear that would kill you - Not the dreams, not the threats, not the curses but the fear. Chigozie Obioma is phenomenal, he writes male pain in a way that is personal, that we can feel it. In a way that makes you feel it. On behalf of men. Chigozie has yet to produce a subpar book; with him, expect your heart to bear the weight. The madman though, was he really a seer? Have you read any Chigozie book? Is he your instant buy? And whoosh are you also anticipating his new book? If you are, you can request for an ARC on NetGalley. #bookstagram #bookstagramghana #books #thefishermen #chigozieobioma

1/27/2024, 8:30:41 AM

O święta naiwności! Cypr - brzmi jak plaster miodu. Pozwólcie, że najpierw o sobie, ale krótko. Mam specjalną moc, tylko jeszcze nie umiem jej wykorzystać. Wychodzi czasem tak, że mówię lub czytam jakieś słowo (naprawdę dowolne) i równocześnie ktoś stojący nieopodal lub spiker w radio mówi to samo słowo, które właśnie wypowiedziałem, przeczytałem. Odległość pomiędzy jest minimalna, nie można uznać tego za powtórzenue, więc czasem wychodzą śmieszne sceny. Uśmiecham się wówczas do siebie jakoś tak Ameliowato. Ostatnio ujawniła się inna strona mojej mocy. Ale to za chwilę... Czytałem ORKIESTRĘ BEZDOMNYCH Chigozie Obiomy. Kurtka na wacie! - dobre to danie. Epos pełną gębą. Narrację prowadzi Chi, opiekuńczy duch, mieszkający w młodzieńcu Chinonso, jak o nim mówi duch "mój właściciel". Lud z Nigerii, do którego należy, wierzy w reinkarnację, więc interwencję sił nadprzyrodzonych mamy odhaczoną, bo duchy rozmawiają z sobą. Opisywane wydarzenia są istotne dla społeczności, mieszkańcy odwracają się od pierwotnych systemów wierzeń, marzą o lepszym życiu, ucieczce do Europy. Mezalians Chinonso i uratowanej przez niego przed samobójstwem Ndali nie ma szans na sukces. Dlatego hodowca ptaków próbuje odmienić swój los studiami na Cyprze. (...) Obserwujemy jego marszrutę, która przypomina trochę losy Odysa, a trochę Hioba. W artykule o WEISERZE DAWIDKU przeczytałem zdanie, że powieść okazała się podatna na szereg różnorodnych strategii interpretacyjnych. Naprawdę to również kluczowe sformułowanie dla doświadczenia lektury ORKIESTRY BEZDOMNYCH. W tym także miejscu wrócę do moich super mocy. Okazałem się ostatnio naiwny i padłem łupem fałszywego sklepu internetowego, który podszywał się pod inny. Sprawdziłem, kto bawi się teraz za moje pieniążki i wyszło, że konto, na które je przesłałem mieści się na Cyprze. W książce Cypr i u mnie Cypr, czas czytania i czas przelania się zgadzają - pojąłem losy bohatera namacalnie. Wierzcie mi, było warto, szczególnie czytać, czego i Wam życzę! #czytam #powieść #bookerprize #lubieczytac #orkiestrabezbronnych #epopeya #chigozieobioma #ksiazka #toczytam

1/26/2024, 11:02:34 PM

Happy Friday people! Let’s switch up from romance to thriller. 🤭 In ‘The Fishermen’, the friendship between 4 brothers is tested when they receive an ominous prophecy. 👀 Check it out at the Skokie Public Library! Of course, my review is up on my Goodreads page 😉 @skokielibrary #skokiereads #africanbooks #africanbookstagrammer #nigerianbooks @chigozieobiomaauthor #TheFishermen #chigozieobioma

1/26/2024, 3:40:18 PM

In the hands of Chigozie Obioma, language emerges as a potent force dismantling preconceptions, forging a path toward a more inclusive and empathetic world. #tobistales #WordsMatte #LiteraryActivism #AfricanWisdom #AfricanWisdom #LiteraryHeritage #AfricanVoices #africanauthors #ChigozieObioma

1/26/2024, 12:12:09 PM

#challengemonday #4xallerleigetier Lieber Andreas @kueck_andreas und liebe Corinne @buchstaplerei , ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass es in meinem Regal so tierisch wuselig zugeht. Da verstecken sich doch tatsächlich Berglöwen, Wölfe, Distelfinken, Wale und viele Lebewesen, die sich in atemberaubenden Höhen bis in die unendlichen Tiefen der Meere tummeln und auch ganz seelenruhig in meinem Regal ♥️ Aber letztlich habe ich mich zur #mondaychalldnge #4xallerleigetier für diese vier entschieden, die ich allesamt liebe. 🪶 Nestan Nene Kvinikadze „Die Nachtigallen von Isfahan“ übersetzt von Tamar Muskhelishvili @orlandabuchverlag 🪶 Jasmin Schreiber „Der Mauersegler“ @eichbornverlag 🪶 Chigozie Obioma „Das Weinen der Vögel“ übersetzt von Nicolai von Schweder-Schreiner @piperverlag 🐾 Behzad Karim Khani „Hund. Wolf. Schakal.“ @hanserberlin #nestannenekvinikadze #dienachtigallenvonisfahan #jasminschreiber #dermauersegler #chigozieobioma #dasweinendervögel #behzadkarimkhani #hundwolfschakal #bücherliebe #challengemonday #challenge #challengetime #bücherliebeverbindet #lesen #literatur #readmorebooks #beautifulbooks #books #booklover #bookstagram #lesenverbindet #leseliebe #reading #booklove

1/15/2024, 8:59:09 PM

⁠Introducing Chigozie Obioma⁠ ⁠ ⁠ Writer of When The Risen Dust Settles⁠ Narrated by Șope Dìrísù⁠⁠ ⁠ Listen now on Alexander⁠ ⁠ #story #nonfiction #audio #film #artists #reading #artist #audiobook#bookish #bookclub #reader #bookstagram #instabooks#hollywood #entertainment #actor #nigeria #education #politics #survival #escape #religion #ChigozieObioma #ȘopeDìrísù

1/11/2024, 5:00:54 PM

BOOK RECOMMENDATION Chinonso and Ndali are in love, but Ndali is from a wealthy family and Chinonso is a young poultry farmer. When her parents object to the union because Chinonso is uneducated, he sells most of his possessions to attend university in Cyprus. Once in Cyprus, Chinonso discovers that all is not what it seems. Furious at a world which continues to relegate him to the sidelines, Chinonso gets further and further away from his dreams, from Ndali and the place he called home. Novel: An Orchestra of Minorities. Author: Chigozie Obioma Publisher: Parresia Publishers #booklover #bookcommunity #bookboss #chigozieobioma #africanliterature #anorchestraofminorities #bookphotography

1/11/2024, 9:01:03 AM

⁠Introducing Șope Dìrísù⁠⁠ ⁠ Narrator of When The Risen Dust Settles⁠ Written by Chigozie Obioma⁠ ⁠ Listen now on Alexander⁠ ⁠ #story #audio #film #artists #reading #artist #audiobook#bookish #bookclub #reader #bookstagram #instabooks#hollywood #entertainment #actor #nigeria #education #politics #survival #escape #religion #ChigozieObioma #ȘopeDìrísù

1/9/2024, 8:19:49 PM

I’m hooked🪝 Folklore, myth and Aristotelian tragedy all in one. 📸 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣 by Chigozie Obioma #bookstagram #bookblogging #chigozieobioma

1/2/2024, 6:55:13 PM

My favourite reads of the year! In no particular order: 👉🏾 Maus II by Art Spiegelman 👉🏾 Wool by Hugh Howey 👉🏾 The Life and Adventures of Nat Love by Nat Love 👉🏾 The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma @chigozieobiomaauthor 👉🏾 Bishop by Candace Nola . . . It was a strange reading year for me, but it was a beneficial one. I breakdown my reading year with a review and ranking of each of these five books over on Substack, along with a couple of honourable mentions. Link is in my bio or go to Let me know your thoughts on any of these. I hope you had an enjoyable (reading) year. Have a safe and happy new year! ✌🏾🖤🍾🥂

12/31/2023, 8:21:16 PM

Nu blir det lästimme/-ar. En riktigt bra bok och en katt på magen. Bästa jullovet. 🎄😻📚 #minoritetsorkestern #anorchestraofminorities #chigozieobioma #julhögen 🇳🇬

12/26/2023, 9:38:05 AM

I was so impressed with Chigozie Obioma’s An Orchestra of Minorities that I had high hopes for his debut, The Fishermen. It was so good! He comes in again with tragic, biblical story arcs with complicated characters and makes it all work so well. I really look forward to what he is does next. #thefishermen #chigozieobioma #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #reading

12/24/2023, 2:41:24 AM

@chigozieobiomaauthor did a thing with this book!!!!! Can’t stop recommending it to my friends who are looking for holiday reads. What’s funny about this experience is that I started to read his The Fishermen one year but never got into it. So I only took this from @torontolibrary because I thought it was amazing that they had 2 Nigerian authors on their display shelf that week so I took both 😁 So unexpected but yeah, this book was an experience and a journey - an amazing one at that. I couldn’t sleep because I just wanted to get to a happy ending but ‘nope, not on my watch,’ the author said! 😁 It’s not a light read in any way but you’ll get sufficiently invested in the story, that I can promise. And the language? It’s amazingly rich. This is a good book. One of my best 2023 reads and I 100% recommend if you’re looking for a holiday read. #chigozieobioma #nigerianauthors #instabook #bookstagram #anorchestraofminorities

12/21/2023, 7:45:18 PM (Kindle) (Audiobook) (Hardcover) A university student in Lagos tries to save his brother—and himself—amid the chaos of Nigeria’s civil war in this sweeping, heartracing, mystical novel by the two-time Booker Prize finalist and “the heir to Chinua Achebe” (New York Times) “Chigozie Obioma is that rare thing: an original. His world is a mix of the real and the folkloric, and his writing sounds like no one else’s.” —Wall Street Journal At first the vision is grainy—like something seen through wet glass. But slowly it clears, and there appears the figure of a man. When Kunle’s younger brother disappears as his country explodes in civil war, Kunle must set out on an impossible rescue mission. Set in Nigeria in the late 1960s, The Road to the Country is the epic story of a shy, bookish student haunted by long-held guilt and shame who must go to war to free himself. Kunle’s search for his brother becomes a journey of atonement that will see Kunle conscripted into the breakaway Biafran army and forced to fight a war he hardly understands, all while navigating the prophecies of a local Seer, he who marks Kunle as an Abami Eda—one who will die and return to life. The story of a young man seeking redemption in a country on fire, Chigozie Obioma’s novel is an odyssey of brotherhood, love, and unimaginable courage set during one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of Africa. Intertwining myth and realism into a thrilling, inspired, and emotionally powerful novel, The Road to the Country is Chigozie Obioma’s masterpiece. Release: 6/4/24 #TheRoadtotheCountry #Novel #ChigozieObioma #Fiction #ComingOfAge #Hogarth #PenguinRandomHouse #newrelease

12/21/2023, 5:27:52 AM

African Excellence: Chigozie Obioma Discover the captivating world of Chigozie Obioma's storytelling—where every word is a journey, and every page, an exploration of profound narratives. 📚✨ #ChigozieObioma #LiteraryMagic

12/20/2023, 5:00:52 PM