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Très belle après-midi 😍 pour pratiquer du Hatha Yoga avec cette belle vue sur le lac du Bourget.🌈🌳🗻🌞 Un endroit reposant pour être davantage présent à soi-même. L'art de l'attention 😊🧘‍♀️, vivre en pleine conscience 😘 Être ICI et MAINTENANT ❤️🙏 Yoga Sutras de Patanjali : ♥️ ll.16 : Nous ne pouvons plus rien sur le passé. L'action se fait au présent. Le lâcher prise, sans vouloir prendre, obtenir pour soi, nos actes ne sèmeront pas de graines susceptibles de faire éclore plus tard de la souffrance. Seul le présent est le lieu d'expérimentation du lâcher prise. ♥️🧘‍♀️ Sûtra de Patanjali ❤️ Un livre génial aussi avec BKS Iyengar 😍🧘‍♀️ ❤️ Lumière sur le YOGA 🧘‍♀️ Santé du corps, Paix de l'esprit.. L'enseignement de BKS Iyengar offre un Yoga cohérent qualifié de thérapeutique 🧘‍♀️❤️😊 Une chanson que j'adore avec Roméo Elvis ❤️🎵 Lokah Samastah Sukhino bhavantu Namaste 🙏 @la_yogini_qui_coud #hathayoga #yogini #yogalife #lacherprise #lacdubourget #sitedesmottets #yogapractice #nature #etreicietmaintenant #mental #chitta #chittavritti #lepouvoirdelanature #lepouvoirdumomentpresent🧘‍♀️ #pleineconscience #livre #bksiyengar #eviterlesblessures #lumieresurleyoga #santé #corps #paixdelesprit #alignementpostural #yogasutrasdepatanjali #patanjali #addictmusic #romeoelvis

4/25/2024, 8:24:27 PM

Plaidoyer pour L'ALTRUISME ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😊🙏😍 Matthieu Ricard 🤗❤️ La FORCE de la bienveillance 🌈😘 @matthieu_ricard ❤️ Une musique que j'adore avec Moby ❤️🎵 Lokah Samastah Sukhino bhavantu ❤️ Namaste 🙏 @la_yogini_qui_coud #altruism #bienveillance #matthieuricard #aimerlire #livrepréféré #lirecestlavie #philosophiedevie #etreicietmaintenant #etreheureux #sukha #dukha #chittavritti #chitta #peaceful #peace #mind #yogalife #yogini #hathayoga #savoie #alpes #moby #music #addictmusic

4/19/2024, 2:08:16 PM

Pensée du Jour ❤️😘🧘‍♀️ Être ICI et MAINTENANT. Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha Le YOGA est l'arrêt de l'activité automatique du MENTAL. Patanjali ❤️🧘‍♀️🙏 Une chanson que j'adore avec Taylor Swift ❤️🎵 Lokah Samastah Sukhino bhavantu ❤️ Namaste 🙏 @la_yogini_qui_coud #meditation #vivrelemomentpresent #etreicietmaintenant #ancrage #yogalife #yogini #mentalhealth #positivesvibes #formationprofesseurdeyoga #bonheur #sukka #dukka #chittavritti #vritti #hathayoga #yinyoga #iyengaryoga #yogasutraspatanjali #philosophiedevie #livres #addictmusic #taylorswift

4/5/2024, 7:55:50 AM

🌟¿Qué es un Japa Mala y por qué es importante en el yoga? 📿 Un Japa Mala es un "rosario sagrado" que consta de 108 cuentas redondas de madera, además de un nudo adicional llamado "nudo de la creación". 🙏 🌿 Puede ser de diferentes materiales: ♡Semillas de bodhi: Estas semillas provienen de la higuera sagrada bajo la cual Siddhartha Gautama alcanzó la iluminación espiritual. 🌳 ♡ Semillas de rudraksha: Las "Lágrimas de Shiva" se utilizan para alejar las energías negativas. 🌰 ♡ Madera de Tulasi: Sagrada para Vishnú y sus devotos, purifica a quien la tenga. 🌱 🌟 El Japa Mala nos ayuda en la práctica de Japa Yoga, donde repetimos un mantra durante la meditación. Cada cuenta es como un paso hacia la paz interior. 🧘‍♀️ Al deslizar los dedos sobre las cuentas, nos enfocamos en el mantra, liberando la mente de distracciones. 🌟 Las 108 cuentas simbolizan el macrocosmos y microcosmos: la relación entre el ser humano y el universo. 🌌 🌸 Usar el Japa Mala es un acto de "disciplina espiritual". Nos conecta con lo divino y nos recuerda nuestra práctica constante. 🙌 Cada cuenta representa una intención positiva. Al repetir el mantra, infundimos nuestras palabras con amor y propósito. 💫 Así que, queridos yoguis y yoguinis, cuando sostengais vuestro Japa Mala, sentid su energía, respirad profundamente y permitid que os guíe hacia la paz interior. 🌟🕉️ Namasté!🌿💫 . . . . . #YogaLife #Meditación #Namaste #Mindfulness #Mantra #Chakras #Equilibrio #Pranayama #Asanas #Espiritualidad #JapaMala #Bienestar #Yoguini #PazInterior #ConcienciaPlena #YogaEveryDay #Sadhana #YogaCommunity #ChittaVritti #YogaInspiration #PrácticaDiaria #JourneyWithin #YogaLove #JapaYoga #InnerPeace #YogaFlow #MantraMeditation #YogaVibes #SelfCare #YogaMagic

4/1/2024, 9:01:04 AM

“Nello stato di sonno il Sè è il testimone. Il Sè osserva lo stato di chitta, ma chitta non osserva il Sè.” Yoga Nidra - Swami Satyananda Saraswati

3/27/2024, 2:29:06 PM

Was heißt eigentlich Meditation? Meditation ist eine unserer stärksten Regenerationstechniken. Im Grunde genommen soll sie uns in die Lage versetzen, unser Gehirn selbst zu nutzen. Hä? Du denkst natürlich, dass du dein Gehirn den ganzen lieben langen Tag selbst benutzt. Klar. Na ja, ich bin mir da nicht so sicher. Wir sind permanent unter Beschuss von Reizen. Akustischen wie visuellen. Das macht etwas mit unseren Gedanken. Zusätzlich dazu denken wir ständig darüber nach, was andere von uns denken. Nicht selten verlieren wir uns dabei im ‘Alles-oder-nichts-Denken’. Wir kreieren eine Annahme und gehen davon aus, dass diese Annahme keine Ausnahmen zulässt. Dabei gibt es niemals ‘alles oder nichts’ alleine, sondern immer auch all das was dazwischen liegt. Sprich: Es muss nicht immer eine Eins oder eine Zehn sein, sondern dazwischen liegt das ganze Spektrum. Ich kenne die Annahme, dass Mediation dazu führen soll, die Gedanken abzuschalten. Auch das ist so eine ‘Alles-oder-nichts-Annahme’. Viele Menschen sagen: “Ach, das kann ich nicht, meine Gedanken schweifen eh immer ab. Also lasse ich es lieber.”Kaum ein Mensch kann seine Gedanken über eine gewisse Dauer abschalten. Schon gar nicht, wenn er zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben meditiert. Meditieren ist Übungssache. Und manchmal reichen 60 Sekunden der bewussten Atmung, um dem Gehirn eine Pause zu gönnen. Der Fokus auf das Ein- und Ausatmen schaltet die äußeren Reize für einen Moment aus. Das versetzt uns in einen entspannten Zustand, denn sofort werden unser Puls und unser Herzschlag langsamer. Wenn wir das in entspannten Situationen üben, lernen wir auch in Momenten, in denen es darauf ankommt, von unserem Gehirn absoluten Fokus zu erhalten. Spitzensportler wie LeBronn James, Malaika Mihambo, Shaquille O’Neal oder Ray Lewis haben dieses Potenzial für sich erkannt und bekennen sich dazu, zu meditieren. #ressourcensunday #onelastpicfromthewinter #abjetztgrüneblätter #meditation #fokus #atmen #breath #regeneration #useyourbrain #useyourbrainandheart #yoga #chittavritti

3/24/2024, 11:03:07 AM

In the 8 limbed path of Yoga- The last two limbs are Meditation - (Dhyana) And continuation, absorption in a super conscious state- (Samadhi) Patanjali says these last 2 of the the 8 limbs cannot be taught. They are caught. ✨ #yoga #yogi #student #learning #conciousness #aware #reaction #response #chittavritti #observe

3/23/2024, 5:40:55 PM

Are you dealing with overthinking or fluctuation of mind? . . According to Patanjali Yoga Sutras 1.12 🌸Abhyasa-vairagyabhyam tan-nirodhaha🌸 Meaning: Practice and non-attachment together control mind modifications. Abhyasa: consistent practice vairagya: non-attachment bhyam: together tan: their nirodhah: to stop, to control Explanation: Consistent practice of any yogic technique or routine with non-attachment (not being stuck on one thing or feeling) together helps to control thoughts and overthinking of the mind. . . . . #Patanjali #Yogasutra #Patanjaliyogasutras #Chittavritti #stopoverthinking #mindcontrol #yogiclife #chittavrittinirodhah #yogicpractice

3/13/2024, 11:33:52 AM

Why Yoga?? 🤔 . . . According to Patanjali Yoga Sutras 1.2 🌸Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodha.🌸 Meaning: Stopping the mind chatter with yoga. Yogas: yoga (union / to become one) Chitta: mind Vritti : fluctuations or thoughts of the mind Nirodhah: to stop . . . . #Patanjali #Yogasutras #Patanjaliyogasutras #Chittavritti #stopoverthinking #mindcontrol #yogabeginner

3/11/2024, 10:57:47 AM

#빈야사 #전굴 맘대로 안되니 짜증이 올라온다 #chittavritti 12주차 😮‍💨

3/4/2024, 2:03:43 PM

✨✨✨✨ Buen martes, por aquí retomando un poco la práctica de balances… amo los balances en brazos porque me puedo concentrar con facilidad, aunque sea por un momento pero esos #chittavritti se van 😅 Hay épocas o momentos que estoy bastante dispersa, si estoy haciendo algo (x actividad) en ocasiones estoy como haciendo un check list mental de cosas pendientes, y si, gracias a la práctica he podido cultivar mucho más estar en el momento presente, es de las cosas que más amo del yoga, aunque sea instantes que me pueda concentrar y no pensar en nada más para mi lo es todo ✨❤️🧘🏻‍♀️ y si, por supuesto esos pendientes siguen allí, las preocupaciones, la vida…pero esos momentos de paz con nosotros mismos son justos y necesarios 🙌 #yoga #yogini #yogagirl #ekapadabakasana #armbalance #breathe #mindfulness #yogapractice

2/27/2024, 4:57:47 PM

Tough few days, but it's always calm on the mat. #findease #ahimsa #chittavritti

2/23/2024, 9:07:01 PM

Le YOGA,ma force,mon chemin de vie ❤️🙏 Quel bonheur de pratiquer les asanas sur le tapis tous les jours .🍀🧘‍♀️ Le Yoga , une philosophie de vie.❤️ Je remercie l'univers d'avoir mis le yoga sur ma route il y a 14 ans.Je sais que je pratiquerai jusqu'à mon dernier souffle.🥰 Je vis, je lis, je respire en pleine conscience.😁 Le mental s'éclaircit ,le yoga m'a toujours remis sur le droit chemin et m'a sauvé à plusieurs reprises des eaux agitées de la vie 🥰 ☺️☺️☺️🍀 Mahmood ,un de mes chanteurs italiens préférés ♥️🎵🇮🇹 Lokah Samastah Sukhino bhavantu 🧘‍♀️♥️ OM Shanti Shanti Shanti Namaste 🙏 @la_yogini_qui_coud #hathayoga #philosophiedevie #gratitude #formationprofesseurdeyoga #resilience #deuil #papa #depression #anxiété #maladie #tomber7foisserelever8 #hypersensibilité #ancrage #pleineconscienceetlâcherprise #bonheur #guerrierdelalumiere #confianceenlunivers #karma #legendepersonnelle #mental #lacherprise #serenity #chittavritti #sukha #dukha #chitta #patanjali #yogasutras #addictmusic #mahmood

2/7/2024, 9:52:28 PM

Ever heard of the #monkeymind metaphor? I recently stumbled upon another version: the drunken monkey bitten by a scorpion and frightened by a ghost 🐒🦂👻 For an experiment inspired by a book, I decided to write down the thoughts surging through my mind for a few days, and guess who I met: the famous monkey. Here are the day-by-day highlights of the experiment: Day 1: Negativity bias reigns, also quite random. Day 2: Thoughts are so repetitive, also not so reliable. Day 3: Drama unfolding, almost ridiculous. Reflecting on these encounters, I can say the metaphor was surprisingly accurate! Swipe to get to know it better. 🙊 For me it was an eye-opening few days that showed how mindfulness and compassion can actually help those of us with loud minds through non-attachment and acceptance. Have you encountered your monkey mind or explored the nature of your mind while journaling or meditating? Leave a monkey in the comments if you can relate! #mindfulness #compassion #humor #loudmind #criticalmind #doingmind #nonattachment #nonjudment #chittavritti

1/28/2024, 4:22:37 PM

Constant chatter of the mind can be unbearable: reading off to-do lists, listing your fears, both real and imaginary, recalling hurtful things that have happened in the past, judging the present and even creating catastrophic “what-if” scenarios of the future. As a result of this monkey mind, it’s nearly impossible to slow down and enjoy the present. All that negativity affects our mood, making us 🩶anxious, angry, restless; 🩶it hampers our ability to concentrate; 🩶it has a negative impact on our behavior; 🩶it interferes with our ability to have positive interactions with others. The good news is that there are ways to get the monkey mind to calm down to achieve: 💜clarity of mind. 💜focus on the present 💜improve the quality of your sleep. 💜increase your sense of calm and of well-being. The first step to calm your monkey mind is to know that it’s possible to do so. ✨Your thoughts don’t rule you. You rule your thoughts. ✨Meditate. By meditating you’ll be training your mind to become still, and you’ll be regaining power and control over your thoughts. ✨Breathe. So simple, but simply bringing your awareness to your breath will help to stop the chatter of the mind. One of my favourite ways to calm the money mind is to ✨Play the Game of Fives. Pause and notice five things in your environment, that you can see, hear, or smell. Then, fully experience the sight, sound, or smell. You can do this by imagining that it’s the first time you’ve ever experienced that sight, sound, or smell, and by adopting a sense of awe. The moment in which you do this all of your attention will be placed on the present moment, and your monkey mind will be silenced. • • • #yoga #chakracards #meditation #yogapractice #yogainspiration #love #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #chakrabalancing #yogateacher #yogalove #chakrahealing #calm #yogaeveryday #motivation #chittavritti #namaste #health #wellness #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #nature #yogachallenge #healthylifestyle #mindfulness #monkeymind #healing #olgabodyandmind #peace

1/13/2024, 10:44:57 AM

"Samskaras" sind im Yoga tiefsitzende, subtile Eindrücke oder Muster im Geist, die durch wiederholte Handlungen oder Gedanken entstehen. Diese Eindrücke beeinflussen unser Verhalten, unsere Emotionen und sogar unser Schicksal. Man könnte Samskaras als mentale Prägungen oder Gewohnheiten verstehen. Hier ist eine einfache Analogie: Stell dir vor, dein Geist ist wie ein Garten. Jedes Mal, wenn du eine Handlung vollziehst oder einen Gedanken hegst, pflanzt du eine Samen im Garten deines Bewusstseins. Wiederholst du diese Handlung oder diesen Gedanken, gießt du diesen Samen, und er beginnt zu wachsen. Mit der Zeit werden diese Samen zu starken Pflanzen, die deinen inneren Garten dominieren. Das sind die Samskaras. Wenn du zum Beispiel häufig negative Gedanken über dich selbst hegst, pflanzt du den Samen der Unsicherheit. Im Laufe der Zeit wird diese Unsicherheit zu einem tief verwurzelten Samskara, der deine Entscheidungen, Emotionen und sogar dein Selbstwertgefühl beeinflusst. Im Yoga geht es darum, sich dieser Samskaras bewusst zu werden und sie zu transformieren. Indem du positive Handlungen und Gedanken kultivierst, pflanzt du neue, gesunde Samen in deinem inneren Garten. Dieser Prozess hilft, alte, destruktive Muster zu überwinden und ermöglicht es dir, bewusster und freier zu leben. Yoga Nidra ist ein kraftvolles Werkzeug zur Transformation von Samskaras. Yoga Nidra, auch bekannt als der yogische Schlaf, ist eine tiefe Entspannungspraxis, bei der du dich in einem Zustand zwischen Wachsein und Schlafen befindest. Während einer Yoga Nidra-Sitzung hast du die Möglichkeit, in das tiefste Bewusstsein einzutauchen und direkt auf das Unterbewusstsein zuzugreifen, wo Samskaras verankert sind. So kannst du bewusst positive Suggestionen und Intentionen setzen, die dazu dienen, alte, limitierende Samskaras zu überwinden und durch neue, heilsame Eindrücke zu ersetzen. Wenn du Lust hast eine Yoga Nidra Session auszuprobieren, halte ein Auge auf meine Storys 😘 #samskaras #yoganidra

1/7/2024, 7:41:49 AM

When there is one main topic in my life that I also encountered in my 200 hrs Yoga-TTC, it is Balance. ⚖️ In this world where judgement is around every corner it can be easy to fall out of balance. 🧘🏻‍♂️ Yoga is one more possibility to learn to come back to it. To calm the mind. In Yoga we say: "Chitta Vritti Nirodha". "Stop the mind interpretating the outer world". 💭🤔 I guess it's a long way to stop that, but every time remembering that there is something you want to follow, will make you aware of your mind dancing around, cheering on your ego and making it fight. 💥 Then you are at the point where you can change – from thought to word to action and so on. Balance is not really a state of being still. It's a constant process of acting, reacting, reflecting and rearranging. At least this is how I see it now. I'll tell you more about this topic in another post. Namaste everyone 🙏🏼🕉️ #balance #yogadailypose #chittavritti #chitta #mindcontrol #selfimprovement #yogaknowledge #quoteofthedayy #namaste🙏 #mandalaart #butterflyartwork #midjourneyartwork

1/4/2024, 11:48:43 AM

新年が明けたとたん、明るい話題より、ショッキングなニュースが立て続けに飛び込んできた。 これから新しいことを始めようという時に、辛いニュースに胸が痛む。 今日ある方から、ニュースを見ていたら胸が苦しくなり、呼吸が浅く、胸のつかえが下りないのだが、ヨガをする事でなんとかなるのかと質問されました。 ヨガは単なる運動ではなく、心と身体のバランスを整えます。呼吸が浅ければ、胸を開いて深呼吸をしてみる。しばし目を閉じて呼吸を繰り返せば、おのずと心が穏やかに落ち着いて来るでしょう。 ヨガは自分をサトヴィック(純質・本質)な状態に戻してくれます。こんな時に、ヨガなんてやってて良いのかと思うかもしれませんが、ヨガそのものが健全に、健康に生きることなのです。 毎日健康で穏やかな日を送る。 これは当たり前のことではなく、ありがたいこと。 スタジオにいらっしゃる会員様の人生を健康で豊かにするサポートをするために、2024年もより一層学びを深めてお伝えして行きます。 本年もよろしくお願い致します。 @hotyogastudiomayura #ヨガ #ホットヨガ #ピラティス #サットヴァ #サトヴィック #アーユルベーダ #心のデトックス #心のケア #健康 #新年 #yoga #pilates #hotyoga #chittavritti #chittavrittinirodha #respiration #pranayama #meditation

1/3/2024, 2:09:49 PM

Let your breath be louder than your thoughts!! #yogasutras #chittavritti #loveryourself #nooneislookingatyou (they are all staring at me, trying not to fall over, giggling when I say something ridiculous. Don't worry, I've got you covered💕)

12/11/2023, 1:30:14 PM

Olipas jälleen mehukas tunti! Joukko varsinaisia supernaisia dynaamisen vinyasan parissa 😍 Tällä kertaa tunnin teemana ei ollutkaan mikään yksittäinen asana, vaan jooga sutra 1.2: yoga chitta vritti nirodah. Siis mitä?! Karkeasti suomennettuna tämä tarkoittaa oman mielen rauhoittamista ja selkeyttämistä joogaharjoituksen avulla. Kuvittele tilanne: saavut matolle ja päässäsi pyörii miljoona eri asiaa, olet ehkä vähän levoton ja stressaantunut. Kun alat liikkumaan, joudut keskittymään tosissasi itseesi, omaan kehoosi ja siihen mitä teet. Todennäköisesti unohdat hetkessä kaikki levottomat ajatukset tai ainakaan ne eivät ole enää niin vallitsevina omassa mielessä. Eräs oppilas kerran sanoi, että vinyasa tunnit on niin rankkoja mutta parhaita, kun ei yksinkertaisesti vain ehdi ajattelemaan mitään muuta kuin sitä, mihin laittaa jalkansa seuraavaksi ja kauanko pitää hengittää syvään alaspäin katsovassa koirassa 😂 Tunnin jälkeen on huomattavasti selkeämpi, rauhallisempi ja parempi mieli🙏 Ensi lauantaina nähdään taas matolla eri teeman merkeissä! #asanaasema #joogaopettaja #jooga #joogatunnit #vinyasa #heinola #chittavritti

12/10/2023, 7:54:28 AM

Do you ever find that your mind just runs away from you, carried by a seemingly endless parade of thoughts? Known as Chitta Vritti in Sanskrit, this monkey mind is a common experience for many of us. We each think thousands upon thousands of thoughts a day and the vast majority of them are either negative, irrelevant, or unproductive. To make matters worse, when we’re trapped in this mindless chatter, our energy is being sucked away, leaving us with far less energy to devote to our magickal and spiritual practices. So, what can we do? It will take some concerted effort, especially at first, but the monkey mind can be tamed and used as a tool for developing clarity, insight, and focus. Try this simple exercises to declutter your mind whenever you notice your thoughts running away from you. Imagine a box sitting high up on the top shelf of your closet. As the unproductive thoughts flow through your mind, take the box down and see yourself putting them one by one into the box. Perhaps even visualize the thoughts as little icons or pictures and see yourself placing them each inside the box. Once your mind has been emptied of these thoughts, imagine returning the box high up on the shelf once again. Make a deal with yourself that all of these thoughts will stay in that box until you’re ready to think about them again. If any of the thoughts creep back in, pause, and see yourself putting them back in the box and back up on the top shelf. At first it may take some time for this exercise to really work, and your thoughts may escape the box over and over again. But with time, not only will this exercise help you clear away the mental clutter, but it will also aid you in retraining your brain to stay focused on what truly matters. So, spend a few minutes daily decluttering your mind and before no time, you’ll realize how much better you feel and how much more energy you have to devote to your magical and spiritual practices! Blessed Be! Aislin #witch #witchcraft #mentaldeclutter #monkeymind #chittavritti

11/29/2023, 10:00:22 PM

Western astrology is rooted in understanding the world as a system of dualities, beginning with the most misunderstood pairs, the living and non-living, and then the male and female. From that understanding, in a constant search of the lines of distinction and division, we are in perpetual search for a deeper or higher meaning of life, universe, and love, in search of ourselves or our whole selves, and our purpose. This search is governed by Gemini and Sagittarius, where the constellation of Gemini represents the knowledge that our bodies hold, and Sagittarius represents the knowledge that we seek outside our bodies – hence, the higher knowledge or meaning, the universal, the divine. Naturally, we hear the call to find or reevaluate our life purpose during the Sagittarius season. And naturally, only because we were raised (or should I say poisoned) by this idea of separateness and duality, we aim our arrows far out, looking for something, anything good that is separate from us and yet to be found, grasped, and integrated. Both signs, Gemini and Sagittarius, are prone to this search; alone, none gets anywhere. More about the Full Moon in #Gemini on my website or find the link in stories. #fullmoon #gemini #sagittarius #mind #chitta #chittavritti #chittavrittinirodha #yoga #yinyoga

11/27/2023, 2:30:46 PM

🌙 When mental activities and the consciousness are disrupted - Chitta Vritta, the barrier to yoga - we seek a place to connect within ourselves. Keep it simple. Remind yourself of your true nature. Take a moment to feel your breath expand into existence.

11/24/2023, 9:46:36 PM

Creo que de lo mas valioso que aprendí en estos ultimos años, es sobre la #Respiración ... La respiracion es mágia ! Nuestro primer y nuestro ultimo aliento es lo que nos conecta y desconecta con este mundo. En las imágenes dejo una seguidilla de palabras sánscritas, que van en correlación a lo que quiero explicar: #Shvasa-Prashvasa #RespiraciónIrregular se podría decir que es la base de todos los males, porqué ? por que una respiración inestable, entrecortada, muy rápida o con dificultad, repercute directamente en las emociones y en los estados mentales, acrecentando los #Chittavritti o torbellinos mentales, ese sin fin de pensamientos que acosan desde que empieza el día... ausentándonos del aquí y ahora, lo que repercute en acciones no conscientes. Creo firmemente en que la inestabilidad corportal #Angamejaytatva y las dolencias físicas #Vyadhi tienen su gran porcentaje de origen en los estados emocionales y mentales, trayendo todo esto Sufrimiento y Dolor #Dukha ; En terminos positivos: A mejor respiración, mejor estado mental, mejor estado emocional, mejor estado corporal, felicidad plena. Que puede ayudar a respirar mejor ? Pues como todo en la vida es práctica, ...eso mismo... practicar a diario... la respiración se practica, se avanza día a día con ella. #RespiraciónConsciente #YogaLife #FloresBach #ConscienciaCorporal

10/27/2023, 1:34:12 AM

Savasana o postura de cadáver #savasana #meditation #medicine #yogasavasana #consciousness #healingjourney #chittavritti La práctica de Savasana, esta es la última postura de la práctica; y aunque la esperamos con ansias , es una postura compleja, meditativa y de gran dificultad. Una recomendación para profundizar en esta postura, es llevando la atención a cada parte del cuerpo, percibiendo sensaciones, llevando además, la atención a la respiración, evaluando cómo ha cambiado durante las diversas asanas de la práctica. Entreguese en este hermoso camino de la transformación. Chitta Vritti Nirodha: " El yoga es el reposo de sus fluctuaciones mentales".

10/23/2023, 12:10:02 AM

There is the #tremendous fact of #death. The whole world is going towards death; everything dies. All our #progress , our #vanities , our #reforms , our #luxuries , our #wealth , our #knowledge , have that one end death. That is all that is certain. Cities come and go, #empires rise and fall, #planets break into pieces and #crumble into dust, to be blown about by the #atmospheres of other planets. Thus it has been going on from time without beginning. Death is the end of everything. Death is the end of life, of beauty, of wealth, of power, of #virtue too. Saints die and sinners die, kings die and beggars die. They are all going to death, and yet this tremendous clinging on to life exists. Somehow, we do not know why, we cling to life; we cannot give it up. And this is #Maya ! “Know nature to be Maya and the Ruler of this Maya is the Lord Himself”- #ShvetashvataraUpanishad #shiva #brahmasutras #jnanayoga #karmayoga #swamivivekananda #krishna #adiyogi #spirituality #vedanta #upanishads #samskara #chittavritti #sattva #buddhism #helloftantalus

10/22/2023, 6:03:51 AM

Creo que de lo mas valioso que aprendí en estos ultimos años, es sobre la #Respiración ... La respiracion es mágia ! Nuestro primer y nuestro ultimo aliento es lo que nos conecta y desconecta con este mundo. En las imágenes dejo una seguidilla de palabras sánscritas, que van en correlación a lo que quiero explicar: #Shvasa-Prashvasa #RespiraciónIrregular se podría decir que es la base de todos los males, porqué ? por que una respiración inestable, entrecortada, muy rápida o con dificultad, repercute directamente en las emociones y en los estados mentales, acrecentando los #Chittavritti o torbellinos mentales, ese sin fin de pensamientos que acosan desde que empieza el día... ausentándonos del aquí y ahora, lo que repercute en acciones no conscientes. Creo firmemente en que la inestabilidad corportal #Angamejaytatva y las dolencias físicas #Vyadhi tienen su gran porcentaje de origen en los estados emocionales y mentales, trayendo todo esto Sufrimiento y Dolor #Dukha ; En terminos positivos: A mejor respiración, mejor estado mental, mejor estado emocional, mejor estado corporal, felicidad plena. Que puede ayudar a respirar mejor ? Pues como todo en la vida es práctica, ...eso mismo... practicar a diario... la respiración se practica, se avanza día a día con ella. #RespiraciónConsciente #YogaLife #FloresBach #ConscienciaCorporal

10/20/2023, 11:14:29 PM

Just as every #action that emanates from us comes back to us as #reaction, even so our actions may act on other people and theirs on us. According to #Karma yoga, the action one has done cannot be #destroyed until it has borne its fruit; no power in nature can stop it from #yielding its results. The #cause must have its #effect. We may work through all #eternity, but there will be no way out of this #intricate maze. #Unselfishness is #God. One may live on a #throne, in a golden palace and be perfectly unselfish. Another may live in a hut, wear rags, and have nothing yet can be selfish. Good action will take the good effect, bad action will take the bad effect, but any action that is not done for your own sake, whatever it way be, will have no effect on you. #brahman #atman #om #karmayoga #bhaktiyoga #rajayiga #jananayoga #brahmasutras #upnashids #vedanta #bhagwadgita #krishna #shivapuran #garudpuran #chittavritti #kundalini #serpentpower #mysticism

10/18/2023, 5:03:12 AM

Work as if you were a stranger in this land, a sojourner; work incessantly, but do not bond yourselves; bondage is terrible. This world is our habitation, it is only one of the many stages through which we are passing. “The whole nature is for the soul, not the soul for nature”. The very reason for nature’s existence is for the education of the soul, so that soul must have the knowledge and through it free itself. Remember this always and we shall never be attached. Instead, however we are identifying ourselves with nature, that spirit is for the flesh/body, that man “lives to eat” and not “eats to live”. We are continually making this mistake. This attachment binds us down and makes us work not from freedom but like slaves.🫧 #nature #soulawakening #eattolive #thespiritualpath #whatisduty #karmayoga #yogasutras #higherconsciousness #spiritualawakening #sattva #soulhealer #clairvoyant #divination #closertoGod #upnashids #vedantaphilosophy #brahmasutra #bhagwatgita #om #brahman #atman #chittavritti #satchitananda #samadhipada #vyasasutra #bhaktiyoga #jnanayoga #rajayoga

10/16/2023, 4:31:31 AM

Our duty to others means helping others; doing good to the world. We should always try to help the world, that should be the highest motive, but if we consider well, we find that the world does not need our help at all. The world was not made that you and I should come help it. Helping others is only helping ourselves. We may all be perfectly sure that the world will go on beautifully well without us. Yet we must do good; the desire to do good is the highest motive power we have, if we know all the time it is a privilege to help others. It is not the receiver that is blessed, but it is the giver!! Start this navratras with sharing your abundance with the less fortunate, and be off to a good start! Well begun is half done. #navratrispecial #thespiritualpath #wehelpourselves #whatisduty #karmayoga #yogasutras #higherconsciousness #spiritualawakening #justthebeginningofmyjourney #sattva #learntomeditate #calmyourmind #soulhealer #clairvoyant #divination #closertoGod #upnashids #vedantaphilosophy #brahmasutra #bhagwatgita #om #brahman #atman #chittavritti #satchitananda #samadhipada #vyasasutra #bhaktiyoga #jnanayoga #rajayoga

10/15/2023, 2:57:21 PM

The goal of mankind is Knowledge. After a time man finds that it is not happiness, but knowledge, towards which he is going, and that both pleasure and pain are great teachers, and that he learns as much from evil as from good. Good and evil, misery and happiness have an equal share in moulding/formation of character, and in some instances misery is a greater teacher than happiness. In studying the great characters the world has produced, I dare say, the vast majority of cases, it would be found that it was misery that taught more than happiness, it was poverty that taught more than wealth, it was blows that brought out their inner fire more than praise. #patanjali #yogasutras #upnashids #vedas #vedanta #bhagavadgita #karmayoga #bhaktiyoga #rajayoga #jananayoga #atman #om #brahman #samadhi #vairagyam #antaryamin #gauni #sannyasin #krishna #brahmasutra #mahanirvantantra #puran #vakmiki #chittavritti #sattva #vyapti #satchitananda #omnipresent #omnipotent #omniscient

10/15/2023, 2:52:32 AM

Like fire in a piece of flint, knowledge exists in the mind; suggestion is the friction that brings it out. So with all our feelings and action—our tears and smiles, our joys and our griefs, our weeping and our laughter, our curses and our blessings, our praises and our blames—everyone of these we may find, if we calmly study our own selves, to have been brought out from within ourselves by so many blows. The result is what we are. These blows taken together are called : Karma! 🪶 #karmayoga #karmaphilosophy #karmatheory #thespiritualpath #yogasutras #atman #brahman #shiva #mahanirvanatantra #brahmasutras #sattva #satchitaananda #vedantaphilosophy #upanishads #bhaktiyoga #jnanayoga #chittavritti #kundalini #samadhi #varahapurana #existenceknowledgebliss #gauni #pravritti

10/13/2023, 4:23:41 AM

The whole universe is a symbol and God is the essence behind. The symbols of religion have a natural growth. Certain symbols are universally prevalent. Like the Cross may be found to have been in existence among the Aztecs and the Phoenicians (existing before Christianity was, before Moses was born, before the Vedas were given out). The circle has been a great symbol throughout the world. Then there is the most universal of all the symbols, the Swastika. At one time it was thought that the Buddhists carried it all over the world with them, but it has been found that ages before Buddhism it was used among nations. In Old Babylon and in Egypt it was to be found. What does this show? All these symbols could not have been purely conventional. There must be some reason for them, some natural association between them and the human mind. #moreonthislater #thespiritualpath #wehelpourselves #whatisduty #karmayoga #yogasutras #higherconsciousness #spiritualawakening #justthebeginningofmyjourney #sattva #learntomeditate #calmyourmind #soulhealer #clairvoyant #divination #closertoGod #upnashids #vedantaphilosophy #brahmasutra #bhagwatgita #om #brahman #atman #chittavritti #satchitananda #samadhipada #vyasasutra #bhaktiyoga #jnanayoga #rajayoga

10/12/2023, 6:35:26 AM

Baron Baptiste said “We are either now here, or nowhere.” I have a big problem not cherishing the present moment. I’m always thinking of what’s next, trying to plan things I will do or say due to anxiety. I’ve learned there’s always something I can learn or gain from being present. Being stuck in the past or so caught up in what’s to come, you miss everything available right now. I encourage you to quiet the mind chatter and take advantage of the people, setting, offerings that this moment has for you :) #chittavritti #yogaknowledge

10/5/2023, 2:46:28 PM


10/3/2023, 4:50:23 PM

Like a tyre spinning in the mud, we sometimes get stuck in groves of habit. Notice the habits that manifest in your body and your mind. When you sit cross legged/sukhasana, does one leg always want to go on top or in front? Are you practicing the yoga pose/asana in a way of least resistance or ease? Every movement in our practice is a chance to challenge our groves of habit, our samskaras. In the same way off the mat, what habits in your life are ready to expire? Let them go! Join me for a gentle samskaras observation today, 9.45am at @breathingspaceyogastudioderby ❤️ #samskaras #samskara #habits #grovesofhabit #challengeyourself #Observe #notice #chittavritti #letitgo #expired #releaseandletgo #fullmoon #Aries #reclaimyourpower #moonchild #mooncycles #moonenergy

9/29/2023, 7:54:44 AM

These shots of my computer are probably getting boring (but that's just my perception), but this session on Chitta Vritti with @michelleyoungyoga was so great! @myvinyasapractice #yoga #yogateachertraining #200hrytt #myvinyasapractice #mvpyogatraining #chittavritti

9/26/2023, 3:13:07 AM

- Observe the fluctuations of the mind, don't become them. -

9/25/2023, 5:38:21 PM

Ever feel like your mind is a buzzing group chat, with thoughts vying for your attention? 📱💬 That's what 'Chitta Vritti' is all about in yoga philosophy and Buddhism — the non-stop mental chatter. But here's a hack: Be the moderator of your mental group chat! 🧘🏾‍♀️✨ Find a quiet corner (think of it as your 'Do Not Disturb' zone), focus on your breath, and let those thoughts chat away without needing to respond. By the way, I've got an episode all about 'Quieting the Mind, Taming the Mind Chatter' on our podcast 'InnHER Glo,' available on Spotify! 🎙️✨ How do you manage your mental group chat? Share your modern mindfulness tips and check out our podcast for more insights! 💻💭 — #MindChatter #ChittaVritti #DigitalMindfulness #Wellness #WellnessJourney #WellnessPodcast #WellnessCoach #Yoga #SelfCare #SelfCareTips #MentalHealth #MentalWellness #InnHERGloPodcast #CalmTheMind #MillennialMindset #MindfulTech #ThoughtTaming #PodcastDiscovery

9/14/2023, 2:27:52 PM

Day #10 Of #turnthewheels with @cyogalife and @jozzieland @elenaperdomoyoga Off the wall : I’ve been trying this variation the last couple of days before posting this one today. It really made me think .. what was this pose telling me. First of all I wanted to rush through it.. get that dang elbow to my knee and my mind kept cluttering up . #chittavritti 🙉 I had to find my drishti and try and to find my concentration. I was then able to ( on and off) tune into inner sensations. The lengthening of the rooted side and the compression of the other. I could feel both strength and weakness in my muscles that were involved. Spaciousness and groundedness. 🌳 There was no way I could rush or I’d lose the medative quality- the connection of breath and movement. Present and observant. I noticed on my left foot ( when I watched the video ) that my toe wanted to lift from the earth. I loved this whole exercise. One inhale and one exhale at a time .. ebb and flow . Maybe - off the mat as well. #treepose #sidebend #vrschikasana 🌳🌳🙉🙉

9/12/2023, 6:28:24 PM

Full of the rasa, this pose (virasana/vajrasana) might seem sort of “easy” for a yogi. (Imagine too, sitting on a block or two, a blanket between your bum and calves to soften it so it actually feels good.) It’s a place to settle, a place to rest, but not in the way of checking out. This is hero’s pose. This is where we come to rest in the knowing that we are, already. This can be a space of deep-seated approval and peace. (Still sound easy? 😂) Resting passively isn’t really an option here. Physically the tops of the feet are so active that they could press you off the floor, out of the seat and into action in a flash. The spine, pulled into a strong straight line of energy from the root of the seat through the crown of the head connects you to your divinity. It runs upward in the current of ascention, it anchors you in the current of manifestation. This is where you come to know your true hero’s journey, to understand that you are unlike any other in your dharmic path. You are here for a reason, perhaps many a reason. It’s also a seat to rest to ask the questions if you’re still unclear: Who am I? Why am I here? When we get quiet and find a spot to rest, often we hear the chatter of those voices…the diversity in our thoughts, the chaos of the mind stuff. This is chitta vritti. Yogas chitta vritti nirodha (patanjali’s sutra 1:2) offers the foundation of the yoga, as it reminds us that we come to the practice to calm, soften or settle the fluctuations of the mind. Virasana is a place to dive under the waves. You’ve been placed here for a reason. Even if you don’t know it yet. You are your own champion, nothing outside of the Self is can define the path you’ve been gifted. #nextlevelyoga #ownyourshit #unleashyourinfluence #virasana #herospose #settle #chittavritti #rasa #youalreadyare #approval

9/12/2023, 2:07:58 PM

Full of the rasa, this pose (virasana/vajrasana) might seem sort of “easy” for a yogi. (Imagine too, sitting on a block or two, a blanket between your bum and calves to soften it so it actually feels good.) It’s a place to settle, a place to rest, but not in the way of checking out. This is hero’s pose. This is where we come to rest in the knowing that we are, already. This can be a space of deep-seated approval and peace. (Still sound easy? 😂) Resting passively isn’t really an option here. Physically the tops of the feet are so active that they could press you off the floor, out of the seat and into action in a flash. The spine, pulled into a strong straight line of energy from the root of the seat through the crown of the head connects you to your divinity. It runs upward in the current of ascention, it anchors you in the current of manifestation. This is where you come to know your true hero’s journey, to understand that you are unlike any other in your dharmic path. You are here for a reason, perhaps many a reason. It’s also a seat to rest to ask the questions if you’re still unclear: Who am I? Why am I here? When we get quiet and find a spot to rest, often we hear the chatter of those voices…the diversity in our thoughts, the chaos of the mind stuff. This is chitta vritti. Yogas chitta vritti nirodha (patanjali’s sutra 1:2) offers the foundation of the yoga, as it reminds us that we come to the practice to calm, soften or settle the fluctuations of the mind. Virasana is a place to dive under the waves. You’ve been placed here for a reason. Even if you don’t know it yet. You are your own champion, nothing outside of the Self is can define the path you’ve been gifted. #nextlevelyoga #ownyourshit #unleashyourinfluence #virasana #herospose #settle #chittavritti #rasa #youalreadyare #approval

9/12/2023, 2:07:54 PM

🌟 Navigating the three states of mind is like understanding the rhythm of our own hearts: Reasonable Mind (our thoughts), Emotional Mind (our feelings), and the Wise Mind (our inner wisdom). 🧠❤️🤔 In the Reasonable Mind, we acknowledge what we think. In the Emotional Mind, we honor what we feel. But it's in the Wise Mind where we find the true power – where thought and emotion converge, and our innate wisdom shines through. 🌟✨ Acknowledging our thoughts and feelings is essential, but the real journey lies in embracing both while understanding what we truly know to be right. It's a bit like unlocking the secrets of our own minds, just as the ancient teachings of Chitta Vritti in yoga philosophy guide us toward inner harmony. Chitta Vritti refers to the fluctuations of the mind—those thoughts and emotions that come and go like ripples in water. By observing these fluctuations, we can find the stillness within us, where wisdom resides. 🌿🙏🏾💚 #MindfulMind #ChittaVritti #WellnessJourney #Wellness #Yoga #Mindfulness #mindfulliving #MentalHealth #MentalWellness #SelfCare #selfcarematters #MindfulMonday

9/12/2023, 12:45:00 AM

One of the first things that resonated with me during my teacher training was the discussion around chitta vritti (“monkey mind” or mind chatter, in other words, thoughts that clutter the mind) and how to recognize these mental fluctuations through practice to eventually calm the mind. The phrase “we are not the thoughts and feelings or physical body but the life force living in our body” stuck with me. Our emotions and feelings are based on our own experiences (they are not universal), and therefore they contribute to a distorted reality, which can lead to negative self-talk, for example. It is said that we have up to 60,000 thoughts per day! Therefore, it is important to see our thoughts/emotions/feelings (recognize them and when they arise) and let them go. Also important is to not label things good or bad (practice non-judgment) and be compassionate towards self and others. When I turn inward during my yoga practice and focus on breathing, movement, and alignment, I am able to calm the mind and develop a richer, more compassionate relationship with not only myself, but also with the outside world. Does that resonate with you? Wanna try out yoga? Let me know! #monkeymind #chittavritti #mentalfluctuations #nonjudgement #selfcompassion #calmmind

9/9/2023, 8:33:53 PM

Meditation Was mittlerweile aus meinem Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken ist, war immer eine große Herausforderung für mich. Der Versuch zu meditieren war immer ein direktes Konfrontiert sein mit meinem ausgeprägten Monkeymind - mein Chitta Vritti. Und das sah dann ungefähr so aus: Hinsetzen Ruhe finden Ich denke: einatmen - ausatmen Einatmen - mein Asthma hat sich auch schon lang nicht mehr gemeldet - naja, war ja auch die Katzenallergie - oh die Katze, die wir letzten beim Spaziergang gesehen haben war süß - aber ich mag ja Hunde lieber - ob ich je wieder einen Hund haben werde - hier in der Wohnung nicht - würd ich umziehen wollen - wohin - oh in die Berge wäre toll - da kann man entspannen - Entspannung klingt gut - oh apropos - Atmung Einatmen - ausatmen .... Wem geht's auch so? Mir haben geführte Meditationen und Japamala Meditationen geholfen, mein Monkeymind zu beruhigen. Und mittlerweile kann ich auch gut ohne Führung oder Mala meditieren, auch wenn ich diese beiden Arten der Meditation immer noch sehr liebe. Meditierst Du? Wie meditierst Du am Liebsten? Spürst Du auch Dein Monkeymind während der Meditation? Wie gehst Du damit um? #meditation #meditieren #meditierenlernen #meditate #monkeymind #chittavritti #dengeistberuhigen #donthatemeditate #meditationecklace #candle #buddha #klangschale #sansula #meditationspace #méditation #meditationpractice #geführtemeditation #japamala #meditationtime #yoga #yogateacher #yogalehrerin

8/31/2023, 9:55:24 PM

“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness. Even when it feels like nothing is happening, transformation is taking place. To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.” Lately, I've been feeling called to share a practice that previously I've found intimidating: mediation. I've seen how powerful dedicating time each week to truly rest & quiet my mind has been in my personal life and want to share that with you. Tomorrow I'll be sending out my email newsletter with the first of my FREE weekly recorded mini meditations - DM me to get on the list before the newsletter goes out! Since I'm such a fan of journaling, I'll include some New Moon in Leo Journal Prompts too! 📸: #SakyongMipham # #SakyongMiphamquotes #LaoTzu #LaoTzuquotes #stillthemind #movethebody #chittavrtti #chittavritti #minefulliving #mindfulnesspractic #rest #restandrecover #stillness #stillnesspeaks

8/16/2023, 2:00:03 AM

LAS METAS DEL YOGA por Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar 🪔La práctica del #yoga tiene como objetivo superar las limitaciones del cuerpo. El yoga nos enseña que la meta de la vida de cada individuo es emprender el viaje interior hacia el alma. El yoga ofrece tanto la meta como los métodos para alcanzarla. ☀️Cuando existe perfecta #armonía entre el cuerpo y la #mente, alcanzamos el despertar o #autorrealización. El #yoga nos enseña que los obstáculos del camino de nuestra autorrealización se ponen de manifiesto a través de la indisposición física o mental. ☀️Cuando nuestro estado físico no es perfecto, esto causa un #desequilibrio en nuestro estado mental que se conoce en sánscrito como #chittavritti. La práctica del yoga nos ayuda a superar ese desequilibrio. Las #asanas, o posturas yóguicas, pueden curar las #vyadhi o dolencias físicas, y corregir la #angamejaytatva o inestabilidad corporal. La shvasa-prashvasa, que se traduce como "respiración irregular" (una indicación de estrés), se alivia mediante la práctica del yoga.🫶 Las asanas tonifican todo el cuerpo. Fortalecen los huesos y los músculos, corrigen la postura, mejoran la respiración e incrementan la energía. Este bienestar físico ejerce un impacto fortalecedor y calmante sobre la mente.🪔 ✨️ASANAS Y PRANAYAMA✨️ Practicar asanas purifica el cuerpo. Así como un orfebre calienta el oro en el 🔥 para eliminar las impurezas, las asanas, incrementando la circulación de sangre limpian el organismo, lo purifican de las enfermedades y toxinas que son las consecuencias de un estilo de vida irregular, hábitos insanos y las malas posturas. La práctica regular de los estiramientos, torsiones, flexiones, extensiones e inversiones, (los movimientos básicos de las asanas) devuelve al cuerpo la fuerza y la resistencia física. Las asanas, junto con el #pranayama, o control de la #respiración, rectifican trastornos físicos, fisiológicos y #psicológicos. ✨️Ejercen un impacto positivo sobre los efectos del estrés y la enfermedad. Entre las muchas dolencias que se benefician con la práctica de asanas, se encuentran la osteoartritis, la hipertensión o hipotensión arterial, la diabetes, el asma y la anorexia. 🪔

8/10/2023, 12:23:36 PM

Yes, let's connect. I want to feel you fully, like my own soul. But please, let's slow down first. Slow down your walk, your heart beat. Slow down your speech, take a pause between the sentences. Slow down your breath. Slow down your mind. Slowly....slowly...can you feel it? We are connected. One❤️ #leajourney #yogapoetry #yogainsights #patanjali #chittavritti #personalretreat

7/29/2023, 11:29:19 AM

Sometimes one pose is enough. To stretch your body, regulate your breath, ease your mind. Kurmasana - Turtle pose is one of those shapes with many variations. Forget words like good/bad, positive/negative, right/wrong. Do what you can here. Entering the pose requires a lot of concentration. Take your time. Keeping the shape requires breath control and letting go of the mind chattering. Be kind to yourself. And once you feel you've had enough, come out and go about your day. How does it feel? Do you have a go-to asana/pose/shape? Let me know in the comments! #yoga #yogacommunity #yogaasana #yogashapes #asanavariations #kurmasana #turtlepose #gotopose #prana #pranayama #selfcare #personalpractice #myyogajourney #yogaover40 #mentalchatter #chittavritti #yogafocus

7/24/2023, 9:06:57 AM

The journey to trust. Shrimp squats, L sits, handstands - all very different but all require trust in the body and for the mind to take a back seat. It’s so easy to think ‘I can’t do it’.. and sometimes that’s valid. but it’s sometimes a case of ‘I can’t do it yet’ .. now there’s a different concept. our bodies are phenomenal and sometimes we just need to trust our bodies, trust them to be capable of being pushed and trust them to find strength that the mind thinks is lacking. the asana practice is so much about trusting the body and encouraging the mind to be led by it rather than the other way around. The more faith I put into my vessel the calmer the waters are in the mind. the vritti - the waves of thoughts or streams of consciousness are not us. we’re just the one that witnesses them. something to ponder next time the mind says you can’t do something.. when actually..maybe… you can. ✌️🖤🤙 📷: #chittavritti #trusttheprocess #calmthemind

7/18/2023, 3:35:52 PM

Liberare la mente… • • • #yoga #asana #kakasana #chittavritti #mountain #hathayoga

7/9/2023, 8:04:48 PM

My First 2 Meditation Episodes are on my YouTube channel. Attention my fellow Smiths… episode 2 is a great meditation for clearing your mind for a day of creating! Look for Tracy Gross Design on YouTube or click the linktree link in my bio. #meditation #yoga #artist #yogi #guidedmeditation #monkeymind #chittavritti #yogachittavrittinirodha

6/27/2023, 2:47:10 AM

#savasana #meditation #yogasavasa #yogalove #yogainspiration #meditate #consciousness #healing #chittavritti La práctica de Savasana (postura de cadáver) es la última postura en la práctica de yoga, y aunque la esperamos con ansias al final de la clase es una postura compleja y de gran dificultad. Una recomendación para que su Savasana no sea solo un descanso y pueda profundizar, lleve la atención a cada parte de su cuerpo, también a su respiración, observe sus pensamientos y emociones sin juzgar y entreguese en esta hermoso camino de la transformación. Chitta Vritti Nirodha :"El yoga es el reposo de sus fluctuaciones mentales".

6/26/2023, 1:06:35 AM

“Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha” is one of the beginning sutras from Patanjali's Yoga Sutra. Chitta refers to the mind, and vritti represents the fluctuations or whirlpools of thoughts that often distract us from inner stillness. This beautiful Sanskrit phrase reminds us of the power of meditation and mindfulness, guiding us towards a state of complete mental clarity and calm. By observing and acknowledging our thoughts without judgment, we can gradually learn to quiet the mind and cultivate a sense of inner peace. Chitta vritti nirodha is not about suppressing thoughts but creating space for awareness, insight, and self-discovery. Embrace the beauty of stillness and let it permeate every aspect of your being ✨ #ChittaVrittiNirodha #InnerPeace #MeditationJourney #MindfulnessPractice #YogicPhilosophy #FindYourStillness #SelfDiscovery #MindfulLiving #BreatheDeeply #PresentMomentAwareness #YogaWisdom #EmbraceYourself #InnerHarmony #ChittaVritti #Nirodha #YogaCommunity #Namaste

6/17/2023, 7:01:08 PM

چیتا وریتی یک اصطلاح است که به افکاری اشاره می کند که ذهن را مختل می کند. چیتا در زبان سانسکریت به معنی “حافظه “و وریتی یه معنای “امواج “است . پچ پچ ذهن یاmonkey mind ( ذهن میمون )نامیده می شود. یکی از اهداف یوگا این است که با آرام کردن ذهن ، Chitra Vritti را کنترل کند و در نتیجه به خود آگاهی و کاهش استرس می شود. به گفته ی پاتانجلی ، پنج نوع وریتی وجود دارد : ۱)kshipta(حواس پرت ) ۲)mudha (خاموش ) ۳)Bikshipta(تا حدی متمرکز) ‏Ekagra ( یک نقطه)(۴ ۵)Niruddha ( کنترل شده ) #shanthiy0ga #yoga #یوگا #یوگابانوان #یوگابرای_همه #مدیتیشن #چیتاورتی #chittavritti #chittavrittinirodha

5/24/2023, 10:20:26 AM

This may be one of my favorite quotes of all times 💛 thanks Lao Tzu In yoga I have learned the word. ( Chitta Vritti ) it means mind chatter or clutter of the mind. Did you know we have roughly, 6000 + thoughts a day ( a estimation ) Wild right! —-> I’m learning to observe them and tell the negative ones a positive and the ridiculous ones to go 💛 Still learning lots, but basically finding that calm spot is really beautiful 💛 #themindfulmeproject #presentmoment #hereandnow #calmness #zen #laotzu #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #chittavritti

5/9/2023, 4:18:14 PM

Join in the practice! Breathing & Meditation class starts in a few minutes. We practice pranayama (breath regulation), mudras, mantra and meditation online every Wednesday morning from 8-9 a.m. suggested donation scale: $5-$15/class. #breathinbreathout #morningmeditation #wednesdaymorningmeditation #wednesdaymorning #AwarenessMatters #ease #breathing #breathwork #meditative #centered #grounded #startyourday #mudras #mantras #mindfulnesspractice #meditationcommunity #presentmoment #present #presentmomentawareness #pranayama #viloma #mudra #breathingcommunity #chittavritti #present #presence #presentmomentawareness #springtime #birdnest

5/3/2023, 1:40:10 PM

Having a mantra can help calm and centre the mind . When you keep your mind focused on your breath and a mantra during yoga practice and meditation it can help reduce your chitta vritti (your mind chatter) . #yogamantra #chittavritti #iamstrong #openmind #openheart #yogaforall #yogaforbeginner

4/19/2023, 7:55:38 AM

Bummela, a Berlin-based sound artist, is deeply intrigued by the captivating effects of trance-like states induced by sonic repetition and looping. As an avid sound collector, he passionately records his own sounds and explores the internet for new sonic gems to re-contextualize and weave into mesmerizing tapestries of sound that evoke a sensory experience of closing one's eyes and moving the body. His latest track, "Chitta Vritti," was born from recording samples of healing instruments at a ceremony, with the monolina being a prominent feature in the track. The emotive landscape created by this instrument inspired a profound message that challenges the illusion of separation. Bummela conveys the idea that we are all travelers on the same road, journeying towards a universal and unconditional destination of love. Listen here: #soundartist #berlin #SonicRepetition #looping #soundcollector #trance #chittavritti #healinginstruments #monolina #universallove #sonictapestries #berlinartist #soundscape #unity #musicartist #soundart #berlinsoundscene #trancemusic #spiritualjourney #soundhealing #eclecticsound #sonicexploration #musicinspiration #berlincreativescene #elevateyoursenses #musicisart #bummela

4/18/2023, 6:56:21 PM

Yup! Just another of my illustrations of a cat in space. Totally normal 😸 Hahaha! Det er mange måter å roe kropp, tanker og følelser på. Man kan meditere, eller illustrere… Har du flere metoder? Noen strikker… Noen….? . . . . #chittavritti #calmthemind #parasympatheticnervoussystem #roened #meditasjon #meditativt #meditation #dharana #yogaoffthemat #catinspace #catillustration

4/16/2023, 10:18:14 PM

Breathing & Meditation class starts in a few minutes! We practice pranayama (breath regulation), mudras, mantra and meditation online every Wednesday morning from 8-9 a.m. scale: $5-$15/class. #breathinbreathout #morningmeditation #wednesdaymorningmeditation #wednesdaymorning #AwarenessMatters #ease #breathing #breathwork #meditative #centered #grounded #startyourday #mudras #mantras #mindfulnesspractice #meditationcommunity #presentmoment #present #presentmomentawareness #pranayama #viloma #mudra #breathingcommunity #chittavritti

4/13/2023, 1:35:07 AM

Welcome the present moment with our sweet community. Breathing & Meditation class starts in a few minutes! We practice pranayama (breath regulation), mudras, mantra and meditation online every Wednesday morning from 8-9 a.m. scale: $5-$15/class. #breathinbreathout #morningmeditation #wednesdaymorningmeditation #wednesdaymorning #AwarenessMatters #ease #breathing #breathwork #meditative #centered #grounded #startyourday #mudras #mantras #mindfulnesspractice #meditationcommunity #presentmoment #present #presentmomentawareness #pranayama #viloma #mudra #breathingcommunity #chittavritti

4/5/2023, 1:35:06 PM