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#food #travel #sports #news #april #tuesday

Vous êtes vous déjà sentis très stressé et remarqués que votre mâchoire se serrait ou que vous croisiez les jambes sans arrêt ? Ces signes physiques peuvent être la façon dont votre corps vous dit « hé, ralentissez ! ». Il est important de se concentrer sur ces signaux. C’est l’occasion de respirer, de faire des étirements ou de trouver des moyens sains de déstresser. Pour ceux dont l’anxiété généralisée est trop importante, la Cupping Therapy aide énormément à vous détendre et à surmonter les crises trop fortes. Lorsque vous prenez soin de votre corps, cela peut aider votre esprit à se sentir mieux aussi ! #anxietyawareness #mindbodyconnection #stressrelief #selfcare #ventousothérapie #ventouses #cupping #cuppingmassage #cuppingtherapy❤️ #hijamacuppingtherapy #hijama #bienêtre #santé

4/30/2024, 9:24:46 AM

I love starting off my day strengthening my mind body connection! Feeling stronger every day with my personal trainer cemcondition83 🏋🏻 #workout #mindbodyconnection #healthylifestyle #portland #naturopath #strength

4/30/2024, 9:22:15 AM

Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut and can't seem to break out of it? Or maybe you're dealing with anxiety, phobias, or other mental health issues? If so, you might want to consider trying hypnotherapy as a tool to help you cope and move forward. ⁣ Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that uses hypnosis to induce a state of deep relaxation and focused attention. This can help you tap into your subconscious mind and work through issues that may be holding you back. It's a safe and effective way to address a wide range of concerns, from improving sleep and managing stress to overcoming phobias and breaking unhealthy habits.⁣ ⁣ Don't let fear or skepticism hold you back. If you're looking for a way to make positive changes in your life, hypnotherapy is definitely worth exploring.⁣ ⁣ www.quandarypond.com⁣ ⁣ #Hypnotherapy #Hypnosis #RTT #MentalHealth #MindBodyConnection

4/30/2024, 9:21:55 AM

✨"Heilung verläuft nicht linear" haben wir alle schon einmal gehört - aber hast du diesen Satz wirklich verinnerlicht? Man neigt schnell dazu, schlechtere Phasen als Rückschritt zu bewerten. Doch in den schwersten Zeiten können wir am meisten lernen und die größten Veränderungen in die Wege leiten. Es gibt keinen Rückschritt wenn wir unseren Heilungsweg verfolgen, auch wenn es sich manchmal so anfühlt. Solange das Ziel stimmt, gehen wir immer in die richtige Richtung und dürfen uns auch in herausfordernden Zeiten sagen: "Das ist nur temporär und ich befinde mich auf dem richtigen Weg" 💪🏻 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #Heilungverläuftnichtlinear #Heilungsreise #MindBodyAnsatz #MindBodyConnection #HealingJourney #ChronicPain #ChronicIllnessWarrior #PainManagement #PainRelief #HolisticHealth #nervensystemregulieren #PainScience #Mindfulness #WellnessJourney #SelfHealing #PainFreeLiving #MindOverMatter #Neuroscience #HealingPower #nervensystem #MindfulnessMeditation #SomaticExperiencing #selbstheilung #mecfs #cfs #postvacsyndrom #longcovid #longcovidrecovery #cfsrecovery #chronischgesund

4/30/2024, 9:21:49 AM

Life comes in waves, and I'm slowly finding my way back to the world of books after a few weeks of being away. There were moments when I felt guilty and impatient about not being able to read, but hey, that's okay - We all have those times when life takes the driver's seat and reading has to wait. I hold on to the belief that "this too shall pass," knowing that nothing lasts forever (the good nor the bad). And so now, I'm ready to jump back into my reading journey and learn more about physical and mental wellbeing. Confession time: I'm not a tennis expert (I've played maybe twice in my whole life), but this book turned out to be about so much more. It’s a book that uncovers personal growth, mental clarity, and high-performance living. Here are some of my key takeaways from 'The Inner Game of Tennis': 🎾 Non-judgmental awareness is a game-changer. Letting go of labeling things as 'good' or 'bad' opens the door to clarity and acceptance, helping us gracefully navigate life's challenges. 🎾 We all have an inner wisdom waiting to be tapped into. By quieting our overthinking minds, we can tap into our unconscious and unlock our true potential. Trusting our instincts and embracing the mind-body connection is where the magic happens. 🎾 Getting in the flow state is the key to peak performance. Being fully present, focusing on what we can control, tuning in to how things feel, and paying attention to our breathing all lead to that state of flow where everything falls into place. Even though I admit I skipped over some of the technical tennis parts (oops), I absolutely loved this book! It’s such a short and lovely read with many insights into mindset and unleashing your potential. It's all about letting go of judgment and reaching your peak performance by staying focused and aware. So, even if you know nothing about tennis (like me), I’d encourage you to give this one a try if anything mentioned above sparks your interest ☺️ With love Dagmar #bookstagramcommunity #personalgrowth #peakperformance #mindbodyconnection #unleashyourpotential #holisticwellbeing #innergameoftennis #flowstate #nonfiction #nonfictionbooks #bookrecommendations #flatlay #bookreview

4/30/2024, 9:19:53 AM

Het is bijna zover! Op 2e Pinksterdag, maandag 20 mei, nodigen wij jou en je gezin uit voor een onvergetelijke dag vol welzijn en plezier: het Nova Wellness Fest. 🌟💚 Meld je NU aan! Reageer op deze post, stuur ons een DM of een Whatsapp bericht! Wat kun je verwachten? • Workshops voor Iedereen: Of je nu jong of oud bent, er is voor elk wat wils! Ontdek de pijlers van Nova Health Lifestyle Coaching tijdens onze boeiende workshops op het gebied van Sport, Voeding, Ontspanning en Coaching. Denk hierbij aan energieke Bootcamp, rustgevende Yoga, verhelderende Meditatie, en zelfs een uitdagende Nova Hyrox Race. • Gezinsvriendelijk: Kinderen zijn van harte welkom! Speciaal voor hen hebben we diverse workshops georganiseerd. En maak je geen zorgen, er is een oppasservice aanwezig zodat jij onbezorgd kunt genieten. • Samen Genieten: We sluiten de dag af met een gezamenlijke lunch om 13:00 uur. Een moment om te verbinden, te delen en te stralen! Praktische informatie: • Datum: Maandag 20 mei (2e Pinksterdag) • Tijd: 10:00 - 14:00 uur • Locatie: Nova Health Lifestyle Coaching, Wegtersweg 1, Hengelo • Kosten: o Volwassenen: €15,- o Kinderen: €5,- Meld je nu aan! Laat deze kans niet aan je voorbijgaan. Of je nu een sportliefhebber bent, nieuwsgierig naar voedingsadvies, behoefte hebt aan ontspanning of gewoon wilt kennismaken met onze community, het Nova Wellness Fest biedt voor ieder wat wils. Meld je vandaag nog aan, door te reageren op deze mail, reageer op onze Instagram Post, of stuur ons een Whatsapp of mailtje. Laten we samen stralen en gezondheid delen! 🌿🌼 #personaltrainerhengelo #lifestyle #lifestylechange #hengelo #12wekenafslankchallenge #personaltrainingdelden #lifestylecoach #novahealth #borne #delden #sporten #smallgroup #gezondleven #fitzijn #mindfull #mindsetmatters🧠 #mindbodyconnection #ontspanning #voedingsadvies #meditation #ademhalingsoefeningen #mindsetmatters #bewustzijn #stressverlichting #yoga #coaching #yogainhengelo

4/30/2024, 9:14:06 AM

Sometimes, amidst the chaos of life, we forget to listen to the whispers of our own bodies. Yet, these gentle murmurs hold the key to our well-being and vitality. 🌿💭 I've come to understand the profound truth in the saying, "If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won't have to hear it scream." Each ache, each pang, each subtle signal is a gentle reminder from within – a call to action, urging us to make a change, to prioritise our selves and our health... It's time to make a vow: 💡 To tune in, to pay attention, and to honour the whispers of our bodies. For in doing so, we pave the path towards a life of balance, vitality, and harmony. Take the time to embrace this journey of self-awareness, one realisation at a time. 🌟✨ When we heed the whispers and nurture our well-being from within the only outcome is peace... 💚🌿 #ListenToYourBody #SelfAwareness #MindBodyConnection #HealthRealizations #WellnessJourney #SOUKYAHealthAndWellBeing #SelfCare #BodyWhispers #InnerBalance #HealthyChoices

4/30/2024, 9:10:38 AM

Et tandis que nous naviguons ensemble sur ces eaux agitées du stress, rappelons-nous que chaque vague est une opportunité de croissance et d'apprentissage. Parfois, il faut affronter les vagues de front, avec détermination et résilience. D'autres fois, il suffit de se laisser porter par le courant, en acceptant les défis qui se présentent à nous. En partageant nos expériences et nos conseils, nous créons une communauté de soutien et d'entraide, où chacun peut trouver refuge et inspiration. Que vous soyez un athlète accompli ou un novice dans le monde du sport, votre voix compte dans cette conversation. Vos mots peuvent être la bouée de sauvetage dont quelqu'un a besoin pour traverser ses propres tempêtes intérieures. 🌟 #GestionDuStress #BienÊtre #Sérénité #Resilience #SportThérapie #SelfCare #MindBodyConnection #DépassementDeSoi #Motivation #Inspiration #CommunitySupport #Entraide #PaixIntérieure Alors, continuons ce voyage ensemble, en explorant les profondeurs de notre propre bien-être et en nous soutenant mutuellement sur le chemin de la paix intérieure. Ensemble, nous sommes plus forts que la tempête. 💪🌊 N'hésitez pas à partager vos réflexions et vos expériences dans les commentaires ci-dessous. Votre contribution enrichira notre discussion et aidera chacun à trouver son chemin vers un esprit plus calme et plus résilient. 💬✨

4/30/2024, 9:00:16 AM

✨ Consider this: Pain and pleasure... what you associate them with will sculpt your weight loss journey more than mere intellectual knowledge about it. 🧠💭 We might know intellectually that indulging in chocolate isn't the healthiest choice, yet we still find ourselves drawn to it. 🍫 Why? Because our actions are propelled by the associations our nervous system has learned to make between pain and pleasure. It's these neuro-associations that dictate our behaviour. 💡 Our emotions, the sensations we link to our thoughts, are what truly propel us forward. 💪🏼 Often, we try to override this system. We stick to a diet for a while, driven by the pain of being overweight, until we finally reach a breaking point and say, "Enough is enough." 🚫 However, if we haven't addressed the root cause of the issue, it will inevitably resurface. 🔄 What are your genuine sources of pain and pleasure in the weight loss journey? Let's explore and understand them together! 💬🔍 #WeightLossJourney #MindBodyConnection #EmotionalWellness #SelfAwareness #HealthyHabits 🏃‍♀️🥦💖

4/30/2024, 9:00:12 AM

Feel yourself spiralling? Try this quick grounding technique. 🧠🗣️Name ... 5 Things you can see 4 Things you can feel 3 Things you can hear 2 Things you can smell 1 Thing you can taste ✨Anchoring your senses to your body helps feelings of dysregulation and brings you back to the present moment. #MoreThanMentalHealth #Mindfulness #PresentMoment #EmotionalRegulation #GroundingTechniques #StayPresent #MindBodyConnection #HealingJourney #SelfAwarenes #MentalHealthAwareness #Calmness

4/30/2024, 8:54:16 AM

Het is bijna zover! Op 2e Pinksterdag, maandag 20 mei, nodigen wij jou en je gezin uit voor een onvergetelijke dag vol welzijn en plezier: het Nova Wellness Fest. 🌟💚 Meld je NU aan! Reageer op deze post, stuur ons een DM of een Whatsapp bericht! Wat kun je verwachten? • Workshops voor Iedereen: Of je nu jong of oud bent, er is voor elk wat wils! Ontdek de pijlers van Nova Health Lifestyle Coaching tijdens onze boeiende workshops op het gebied van Sport, Voeding, Ontspanning en Coaching. Denk hierbij aan energieke Bootcamp, rustgevende Yoga, verhelderende Meditatie, en zelfs een uitdagende Nova Hyrox Race. • Gezinsvriendelijk: Kinderen zijn van harte welkom! Speciaal voor hen hebben we diverse workshops georganiseerd. En maak je geen zorgen, er is een oppasservice aanwezig zodat jij onbezorgd kunt genieten. • Samen Genieten: We sluiten de dag af met een gezamenlijke lunch om 13:00 uur. Een moment om te verbinden, te delen en te stralen! Praktische informatie: • Datum: Maandag 20 mei (2e Pinksterdag) • Tijd: 10:00 - 14:00 uur • Locatie: Nova Health Lifestyle Coaching, Wegtersweg 1, Hengelo • Kosten: o Volwassenen: €15,- o Kinderen: €5,- Meld je nu aan! Laat deze kans niet aan je voorbijgaan. Of je nu een sportliefhebber bent, nieuwsgierig naar voedingsadvies, behoefte hebt aan ontspanning of gewoon wilt kennismaken met onze community, het Nova Wellness Fest biedt voor ieder wat wils. Meld je vandaag nog aan, door te reageren op deze mail, reageer op onze Instagram Post, of stuur ons een Whatsapp of mailtje. Laten we samen stralen en gezondheid delen! 🌿🌼 #personaltrainerhengelo #lifestyle #lifestylechange #hengelo #12wekenafslankchallenge #personaltrainingdelden #lifestylecoach #novahealth #borne #delden #sporten #smallgroup #gezondleven #fitzijn #mindfull #mindsetmatters🧠 #mindbodyconnection #ontspanning #voedingsadvies #meditation #ademhalingsoefeningen #mindsetmatters #bewustzijn #stressverlichting #yoga #coaching #yogainhengelo

4/30/2024, 8:49:07 AM

Good morning lovely folk🌜 I’m just popping in with an update on up and coming classes/events ✨ I’ll pin this post to the top of the page📍 so that it’s easier to find and update monthly 👀 📄 These sessions/events are available to book via my link in bio ⬆️ … I’ll add the next two events in the comments below with direct links which you can copy and paste if you prefer to book straight away 🤍 or …of course …feel free to contact me if you’d like to know more 🤍🪬✨ I really hope this helps🙏🏻✨ Much love all 🌜🪬🪷✨ #Reiki #ReikiEnergy #Meditation #YogaNidra #releasestress #anxietyrelief #bettersleep #sankalpa #intentions #values #livinginalignment #authenticity #presentmoment #releasestress #relieveanxiety #alignment #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #mindbodyconnection #HinckleyAndBosworth

4/30/2024, 8:36:23 AM

🌟 Evidence Based Motion News Flash! 🌟 Exciting research alert! 📢 Recent findings from the Trends in Molecular Medicine journal highlight the potential of resistance exercise training to boost mental health. Conducted by leading experts, including Professor Matthew P Herring at University of Limerick and Professor Jacob D Meyer at Iowa State University, this study underscores the power of evidence-based fitness. 💡 At Evidence Based Motion, we’re thrilled to see science supporting what we’ve always known: exercise isn’t just about physical health – it’s about mental well-being too! Our mobile personal training services are designed to bring the benefits of research-backed workouts right to your doorstep. 🏋️‍♂️ Ready to elevate your fitness game while boosting your mood? Let’s harness the transformative power of evidence-based exercise together! Reach out to us today to start your journey towards a healthier, happier you. 💪 📚 Reference: Matthew P. Herring, Jacob D. Meyer. Resistance exercise for anxiety and depression: efficacy and plausible mechanisms. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 2024; DOI: 10.1016/j.molmed.2023.11.016 #EvidenceBasedMotion #FitnessForWellness #MindBodyConnection

4/30/2024, 8:32:40 AM

🧠 Did you know there is another great way to regulate and protect your nervous system that pairs very well with breathwork? Check this out: Your body has a complex system designed to interact with compounds found in cannabis, like C🐝D. It's called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). 🤔 What's the ECS? Think of it as your body's master regulator, influencing: Mood Stress Response Sensory Experiencing Sleep Cycles Pain & Inflammation Appetite Digestion And more! 🤝 How C🐝D Helps 🧬C🐝D works by interacting with ECS receptors, potentially boosting the system's overall function. 🧘‍♀️This translates to potential support for better balance within your body! 🌿 The Power of Purity Organic, ethically sourced C🐝D ensures you're getting the benefits without unwanted chemicals. 🧭Enter Green Compass. It is organic, clean, and ethically grown in North Carolina. ✨️It means supporting your ECS, not hindering it. With all the exposure to toxins in our environment, who couldn't use a little support, right? Investing in your body's wellness is much cheaper than spending money and time being sick. I know from experience. Breathwork and organic, clean C🐝D are changing lives all around me on the daily. Mine included. Ready to empower a healthier version of your ECS? I'd love to help you with that. 😁 Message me, and let's talk about it. #wellness #cleanliving #healthyliving #naturalwellness #healing #plantmedicine #mindbodyconnection #greencompassglobal

4/30/2024, 8:20:14 AM

Next time you workout, don't just go through the motions. Focus, engage, and truly connect with your muscles. You'll be amazed at the difference it can make in your workout routine.  We provide the tools you need to crush your goals. Shop via the 🔗 in our bio. #fitness #fitnessguide #trainhard #traininghard #trainharder #hardtraining #trainhardplayhard #hardtrain #musclegain #gainmuscle #gainingmuscle #gainleanmuscle #musclesgain #musclegrowth #musclesgrowth #growthatmuscle #workoutperformance #performanceworkout #workout #workoutmotivation #workoutfromhome #workoutplan #workoutgym #workoutfun #muscle #mind #mindbodyconnection #mindmuscleconnection #mindovermuscle #mind2muscle

4/30/2024, 8:13:58 AM

🧘‍♀️ Enjoy yoga with clarity and comfort thanks to contact lenses! Say goodbye to glasses and hello to crystal clear vision. #YogaWithContacts Learn more click on the link https://www.pvopticians.co.uk/BV-CL-yoga #YogaLife #YogaJourney #YogaEveryday #YogaLove #YogaCommunity #YogaPractice #YogaInspiration #YogaFlow #YogaForLife #HealthyLiving #WellnessJourney #FitnessGoals #FocusOnHealth #EyeHealth #VisionCare #ClarityOfMind #hullbridge #opticians #perfectvisionopticians #MindBodyConnection #SelfCare #StayActive #ExerciseMotivation #Namaste 🙏

4/30/2024, 8:09:03 AM

Stress can take a toll on your gut health. This National Stress Awareness Day, prioritize practices that promote relaxation and well-being. IG:https://www.instagram.com/nutritionist_kavitha_kothari?igsh=MzRyb2EzbzZneTNw #SampoornaNutrition #NationalStressAwarenessDay #GutHealth #StressManagement #Relaxation #Wellbeing #Nutrition #Dietician #MindBodyConnection #HealthyLiving #KavithaKothari

4/30/2024, 8:04:01 AM

"But it could be really good. I should probably say yes."⁠ ⁠ Even as I say those words, I can feel the resistance in my body.⁠ ⁠ I know something isn't quite right but rather than admit it, my pattern is to keep toying with a decision by rationalising and thinking it through.⁠ ⁠ I'm learning though that this apparent indecision is a signal. It's a sign that I'm attempting to think my way past a resounding somatic "no." ⁠ ⁠ It's a common battle in the realm of perfectionism, where our brains try to override a clear somatic response with logical reasoning. ⁠ ⁠ We label it as indecision but I think it's more accurately an inability or an unwillingness to acknowledge the decision a part of us has already come to.⁠ ⁠ The resistance has its own wisdom.⁠ ⁠ It doesn't mean it's automatically right but I have learnt that if I don't listen to it, I will go round and round in circles unable to move forward.⁠ ⁠ Acknowledging my body's wisdom despite my brain's insistence is a challenge and it's worth it.⁠ ⁠ Share with someone who could benefit from hearing it or let me know what you think.⁠ ⁠

4/30/2024, 8:00:15 AM

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐩 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 #𝟐𝟑 ​ There's something truly magical about putting pen to paper, feeling the smooth glide of the ink, and watching your thoughts come to life in swirling cursive or precise print... 🖋️ ​ So, I invite you to do this... Step away from your screens, pick up a pen and a piece of paper 📝, and let your imagination roam free. ​ Let me know how it goes! ​ #AbigailBetts #Writer #Author #Therapist #AuthorsLife #WritingCommunity #booktok #WritingByHand #CreativeExpression #MindBodyConnection #PenToPaper

4/30/2024, 7:46:24 AM

Unwind and de-stress with our simple breathing techniques. Take a deep breath, exhale slowly, and feel the tension melt away. 🌬️💆‍♂️ Visit us at Kalyani Hospital Pvt Ltd or Reach Out to Us for Your Healthcare Needs: 📍 Location: @kalyanihospitalpvtltd 📞 Contact: 9873666799 - 0124-4666999 📧 Email: [email protected] Your well-being is our priority. Connect with us for comprehensive healthcare services. #RelaxationBreath #BreatheDeeply #StressRelief #BreathingTechniques #RelaxationTechniques #Mindfulness #DeepBreathing #StressRelief #BreathWork #MindBodyWellness #MindfulBreathing #RelaxationMethods #HealthyLiving #WellnessJourney #MindfulLiving

4/30/2024, 7:38:43 AM

Grateful for this heartfelt testimonial from Rakhi. Working with her was such a powerful reminder that physical pain is often just the tip of the iceberg, hiding unexpressed feelings and deeper emotional struggles. 💔 Through #hypnotherapy, we got the root cause which allowed #healing and newfound strength to emerge In her muscles 💪 And her mind too! 🧠 Curious to explore if hypnotherapy can be useful for whatever you’re going through? Reach out for a free 15-minute call with me. #emotionalwellness #mindbodyconnection

4/30/2024, 7:33:48 AM

✨ Body Mind Heart® 200 Hour Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training - Intensive Week in Melbourne✨ How can we combine Yogic wisdom & science for maximum benefit? What elements come together to create a sequence to soothe the nervous system and invite calm or nurture revitalisation? How can you share Yoga in an accessible and trauma informed way? The Body Mind Heart® 200 Hour Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training cohort in Melbourne navigated these questions and more in tailoring sequences for frontline healthcare workers, survivors of domestic violence, groups of refugees and other community groups Thank you to @_bodymindheart Faculty @janellekingsley @harrietemilyyoga @daniellebegg & Guest Teachers @omnitude.yoga @laura_baxterr @create_your_yoga Missed out on joining us this cohort? DM to register your interest for the next cohort! 📸 @_bodymindheart 200 Hr Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training Cohort (not all pictured) at @prana_house #melbourne #melbourneyoga #yogateachertraining #traumainformedyoga #yogafortrauma #nervoussystemregulation #polyvagaltheory #neurobiology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthandyoga #yogapsychology #psychology #somatictherapy #ptsdrecovery #depression #anxiety #mindbodyconnection #yogaresearch #evidencebased #yogaimpactcharity #yogaforeveryone #accessibleyoga #communityyoga #yogaforrefugees #yogaforhealthcareworkers #prisonyoga #yogaformilitarycommunities #domesticviolence #bodymindheart

4/30/2024, 7:13:07 AM

“Nourish your mind, body, and soul with mind-body practices like yoga and meditation. Cultivate inner peace, balance, and resilience for overall well-being.”🫶 . . #mindbodyconnection #wellness #selfcare

4/30/2024, 7:03:22 AM

Ever wondered how your thoughts affect your health? 🤔 The latest in psychosomatic medicine is uncovering some mind-blowing stuff! 🧠💥 Scientists are finding ways your mind and body talk to each other and how this chat can sometimes lead to health issues. At Psyfold, we take this science and make it super practical for you. With our AI-driven guides and expert-backed approaches, you'll have the tools to tackle those sneaky psychosomatic symptoms. 🛠️ Ready to heal? Order your personalized guide at psyfold.com and start your journey to wellness today! 🌟 #PsychosomaticHealth #MindBodyConnection #HolisticHealing #MindBodyConnection #PsychosomaticHealth #HealWithAI #HolisticHealth #MentalHealthMatters #Psychosomatic

4/30/2024, 7:01:16 AM

Cardio isn't just about torching calories – it's a game-changer for both body and mind! 🚴‍♀️💥 From strengthening your heart and lungs to boosting mood and reducing stress, the benefits of cardio are endless. Plus, it's a fun way to shake off the day's stress and feel revitalized. Let's get that heart pumping and reap the rewards together! #CardioBenefits #HealthyLiving #MindBodyConnection

4/30/2024, 7:00:53 AM

🌟 Explore the benefits of Pilates at Club Pilates Southwood! We're excited to offer you a FREE 30-minute Intro class this week! Come check out our brand-new studio, meet with our experienced instructors, and see how Pilates can enhance your well-being. 💪 And you won't want to miss our special opening promotion of 20% OFF! Secure your Free Intro spot today and begin your journey to a healthier, more balanced life. Call us at 850-777-3354! Let's get moving! 🌟 #experiencePilates #ClubPilatesSouthwood #FreeIntroClass #reformerpilates #clubpilates #pilates #pilatesclasses #lowimpact #fullbodyworkout #FitnessGoals #NewBodyNewYou #mindbodyconnection #getstronger #southwood #tallahassee #tallahasseefitness #womanownedbusiness

4/30/2024, 6:53:15 AM

And we are so grateful for these beautiful testimonials from our loving participants of the Love Yourself Heal Your Life 2 Day Workshop conducted on the 23rd & 24th of March. It's a beautiful feeling when we spread the teachings of love , for as we heal, the whole planet heals 💜💫 Do register for our upcoming Love Yourself Heal Your Life 2 Day Workshop !! https://bit.ly/LoveYourselfHealYourLife_May2024 @healyourlifetraining @louise_hay_affirmations @hayhouseindia @louisehayfanpage @hayhouseuk @hayhouseinc #loveyourself #healyourlifetraining #healyourmind #louisehayworkshops #mindbodyconnection #prosperity #affirmations #manifestyourdreams #positivethinking #changeyourthoughts #forgiveness #innerchild #youareworthy

4/30/2024, 6:41:55 AM

YOGA FOR TIRED PEOPLE is a weekly reservation-based practice focused on a slower alignment-based vinyasa practice. This practice focuses on building capacity to be in body, and sensation with some supportive restorative asana [poses] sprinkled throughout. Note: This is a heated practice above 80 degrees. Please hydrate before, and during class. This week we will be exploring the side body. Gently opening + releasing through the side body——a practice in expansion. HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Practice is held Friday from 5:45-7:00pm at Salt City Therapy. You will be given the address upon reservation. Each class you attend is 22.00 and reserved through Venmo: @YogaForTiredPeople IMPORTANT DETAILS: SPACE IS LIMITED: There are 8 spots available each week. 2 SPOTS ARE LEFT FOR: May 3rd, 2024 practice. Once we are at 8 people participating I will start a waitlist, and inform you if someone can’t make it. I will also announce any availability the day of in Yoga For Tired Peoples stories. A reminder: If you are unable to make class and have already paid you will not be refunded due to the limited availability. Yes, this is a hard boundary. For now this is how it is. RESERVING YOUR SPOT: To reserve your spot you will Venmo @YogaForTiredPeople this will hold your spot for class and act as your reservation. When Venmoing please include the date of the class you are attending [ex: Practice 1/5/2024]. Classes can only be reserved for this week [trying to keep this simple and sustainable]. I will post on Tuesday each weeks availability here. If you attend Friday’s class you will be able to reserve for the following week at that time. COMMUNITY CARE: If you aren’t feeling well, or have been exposed to someone who isn’t well please don’t come to class. Have questions!? Want to join!? Let me know….

4/30/2024, 6:39:42 AM

Get ready to be inspired by Neena Paul! 🌟 She reminds us to find balance in our lives by connecting to each breath we take. Let's live a meaningful life that blends the spiritual and physical! Follow @Neenainspire for daily doses of inspiration. 🌟 Book Links in Bio. 📞 Contact or 📧 Email Us: https://neenainspire.com/ https://onelivelovelife.com/ #livelovelife #life #journey #honesty #positivevibes #goodvibes #blessed #enjoylife #selflove #thankfulness #live #relationships #motivate #motivationalspeaker #author #life #peace #happy #motivation #selfcare #wellness #motivationmindset #InspireOthers #unlockyourpotential #EntrepreneurLife #WordsOfWisdom #DreamBig #MindBodyConnection #InspirationGoals 🙏🌿

4/30/2024, 6:30:15 AM

Ayumantra आयुर्वेद की पहचान 🌿 How Your Emotions Affect Your Body: Anger weakens your LIVER. Sadness weakens your LUNGS. Worry weakens your STOMACH and digestion. Stress weakens your HEART and BRAIN. For More Information, Contact Us At +91-90501-33777 or Visit Ayumantra.in. #Ayumantra #Ayurveda #EmotionalWellness #HealthTips #HolisticHealth #WellnessJourney #HealthAndWellness #StayHealthy #MindBodyConnection #HealthIsWealth #EmotionalHealth #Wellbeing

4/30/2024, 6:30:12 AM

Did you know? Naturopathy emphasizes the powerful connection between the mind and body. By promoting mental well-being through techniques like meditation, mindfulness, and stress management, naturopathic medicine fosters overall health and vitality. #MindBodyConnection #wellness

4/30/2024, 6:30:09 AM

Ready to tune into your body’s whispers and roars? Experience our 7-day unlimited intro package for just $39 (excluding Fly Pole). 🌿💫 #MindBodyConnection #booteacommunity #yogajourney #yogajourneystartshere #mondaymotivation

4/30/2024, 6:12:48 AM

Have you ever considered taking cold showers? I know it may sound unpleasant, but hear me out. Cold showers have numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health. They can boost your immune system, improve circulation, increase alertness and focus, and even help alleviate depression symptoms. Plus, they're a great way to start your day with a jolt of energy. I decided to take on a 30-day challenge of cold showers to see if these benefits were real, and I have to say, it was a game-changer. The first few days were admittedly tough, but I quickly adapted and even started looking forward to my daily cold shower. I noticed an increase in my overall energy levels, and I felt more alert and focused throughout the day. Plus, my skin looked and felt better than ever before. Overall, I highly recommend giving cold showers a try. Start with just a few seconds of cold water at the end of your regular shower and gradually increase the time until you can take a full cold shower. Trust me, the benefits are worth it! #ColdShowers #SelfImprovement #SelfDevelopment #Motivation #Goals #Health #Wellness #MentalHealth #PhysicalHealth #Fitness #HealthyLiving #EnergyBoost #Alertness #Focus #DepressionHelp #ImmuneSystem #Circulation #Skincare #PersonalGrowth #Productivity #StressRelief #Mindfulness #MindBodyConnection #Hygiene #PositiveChanges #ChallengeYourself #ColdTherapy #Motivation #NoPainNoGain #SelfCare

4/30/2024, 6:09:17 AM

धीमा होने में प्यार हे। धीमा होने में शक्ति हे। धीमा होने में शांति हे। धीमा होने से ये पल हमारे लिए बड़ा बनता है। और मजेदार बात ये है की जब ये लिख रहा था तभी एक क्षण के लिए महसूस हुआ की गौतम धीमे से, प्यार से लिखना हे कोई जल्दबाजी नहीं और बस ये पल को जी लिया। सांस को धीमे से लेना हे, कोई जल्दबाजी नहीं| धीमा होने से आप लोगो का क्या मतलब हे ये बताना। और पहले ट्राय करना क्योंकि इस जीवन की रफ्तार में हम हमेशा बहुत जल्दबाजी में होते है। BREATH LIFESTYLE Let's fall in love with our breath @Breath Lifestyle . . . Follow for more updates @gautambreathawareness . Contact Us for Transform your life through conscious breathing. Reach out for personalized breathwork guidance and workshops. . . #breathlifestyle #ConsciousBreathing #MindfulLiving #BreatheWithIntention #BreathAwareness #MindfulnessJourney #MeditationPractice #BreatheInBreatheOut #MindfulMeditation #BreathWork #PresentMoment #BreathingTechniques #MindBodyConnection #ConsciousnessShift #MeditateEveryday #MindfulBreathing #BreathControl #InnerPeace #MentalClarity #SelfAwareness #SerenityNow #BreathEmpowerment #WellnessJourney #MindfulTransformation #BreatheWellLiveWell #MindfulBeing https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1LjEJkgHKi/?igsh=ZXB0NDZpazhhNzJt

4/30/2024, 5:58:53 AM

🌿 Did you know? Aligning your chakras and grounding goes beyond meditation and yoga poses. It’s a journey of self-betterment that includes nourishing your body, embracing healthy habits, and staying open to growth. It is a forever practice. Don’t worry though! Feel free to treat yourself to a desert every once in a while. Maybe try making healthy alternatives. Balance and discipline is key.🌱 #SelfCare #MindBodyBalance#flowithyahyah #YogaNidra #GroundingPractices #PresentMoment #MindBodyConnection #RelaxationTechniques #StressRelief #DeepRest #Wellbeing #Mindfulness #InnerPeace #Balance #YogaJourney

4/30/2024, 5:49:45 AM

Unlocking the Power of Mindful Eating for Diabetes Management 🍽️ Embrace these mindful eating tips to cultivate a deeper connection with your food, regulate intake, and conquer cravings. #DiabetesAwareness #MindfulEating #HealthyLiving #NutritionTips #WellnessJourney #FoodIsFuel #BalanceIsKey #SelfCare #HealthGoals #EatWithPurpose #ConsciousEating #DiabetesSupport #CravingControl #MindfulChoices #EmpowerYourPlate #WellnessWednesday #HealthFirst #NourishYourBody #MindBodyConnection #EatSmart

4/30/2024, 5:30:19 AM

Consistency is key 🔑 Just like watering a plant daily helps it thrive, consistently taking care of your mind and body health leads to long-lasting well-being. 🌱💬 Whether it’s through regular exercise, nourishing meals, mindfulness practices, or adequate sleep, every small step adds up to a healthier you! 🫶🏼 #consistencyiskey #mindbodyconnection #holisticmedicine #healthisyourwealth #naturalremedies #eatplants #herbsforhealth #selfgrowth

4/30/2024, 4:36:07 AM

🧠💫 Gut Health & Brain Connection 💫🧠 Did you know that what you eat can impact not just your body, but also your brain? 🍽️🧠 Research suggests that the health of your gut microbiome—the trillions of bacteria living in your intestines—can influence your mental well-being. Here’s how: 1️⃣ The Gut-Brain Connection: Your gut and brain are in constant communication via the gut-brain axis. A healthy gut can positively affect mood, cognition, and even behavior. 2️⃣ Probiotics & Mood: Probiotics (good bacteria) found in foods like yogurt and sauerkraut can support a healthy gut. Studies show that probiotics may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. 3️⃣ Fiber for Brain Health: Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are excellent for gut health. They promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, which produce short-chain fatty acids crucial for brain function. 4️⃣ Avoiding Gut Disruptors: Processed foods, excess sugar, and artificial sweeteners can disrupt gut bacteria and negatively impact brain health. Remember, a happy gut = a happy brain! 🌱 Take care of your gut by eating a diverse range of whole foods and probiotics to support your brain’s well-being. Your body and mind will thank you! 🙌 #GutHealth #BrainHealth #Probiotics #HealthyEating #WellnessTips #MindBodyConnection #NutritionTips #nutrition #diet #dietitian #health

4/30/2024, 4:25:40 AM

Unlock Your Inner Grace and Strength with Barre and Pilates—The Perfect Fitness Cousins! 💪 Discover the harmonious relationship between Barre and Pilates: GET OUR FULL FITNESS GROUP CLASS SCHEDULE AT BFFgym.com ----- 1️⃣ Core Strength: Both Barre and Pilates focus on strengthening the core muscles, including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back. By targeting these muscles, you'll improve your stability, posture, and overall strength. 2️⃣ Lean Muscle Tone: Barre and Pilates exercises use small, controlled movements to sculpt and lengthen muscles, resulting in a long, lean physique. Say goodbye to bulk and hello to sleek, toned muscles. Looking for LONG, LEAN MUSCLES? this blend is your solution! 3️⃣ Flexibility and Mobility: Incorporating elements of ballet and dance, Barre workouts promote flexibility and mobility, helping to improve range of motion and prevent injuries. Pilates, with its emphasis on controlled movements and breathwork, also enhances flexibility and joint mobility. AND.....Posture Improvement: Barre and Pilates exercises target the muscles that support good posture, such as the back, shoulders, and core. By strengthening these muscles, you'll stand taller, with improved alignment and less risk of back pain. Low-Impact Options: Both Barre and Pilates offer low-impact workout options that are gentle on the joints while still providing a challenging workout. Whether you're recovering from an injury or looking for a safe and effective exercise routine, Barre and Pilates are suitable for all #lowimpactworkout Come meet Heather (Barre) and Louise (Pilates) for a great STRENGTH building combo that will keep your CONSISTENT in your fitness game. Experience the transformative power of Barre and Pilates at Bogue Falaya Fitness! Join us for classes that blend the best of both worlds and unlock your full potential. #BogueFalayaFitness #Barre #Pilates #Strength #Flexibility #MindBodyConnection #PostureImprovement #LowImpactWorkout

4/30/2024, 4:12:07 AM

It’s always nice to know where to start... And this... this list is it. This is where we start. When it comes to healing, we have to clear the muddy waters first. We have to discern was is and is not supporting us. Otherwise, were just throwing gluten-free spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. SLEEP. 😴 BLOOD SUGAR BALANCE. 🩸 POOP. 💩 Sleep is EVERYTHING. Everything. Literally everything. And tuning into your sleep environment, sleep cascade, and so much more can be the biggest hitter when it comes to your health. (Sleep has a big impact on the other two so for me, it’s numero uno.) Blood Sugar Balance is essential for energy levels, hormonal support, digestion success, and more, and more. Poop is how our body gets rid of the yuck. The elements it wasn’t able to utilize and the elements it no longer needs. When it comes to hormones... this is HUGEEEE!! Talk about estrogen dominance... But yes, it’s that simple. These three components change the game. And this is just my intro to these friends. I will continue to dive deep on how you can improve these components in your life. Follow along for more goodies! #shiftingsimply #consciousliving #cyclicalliving #lowtoxliving#womenshealth #hormonalhealth #hormonebalancing #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorphysio #familyhealth #generationalhealth #hypermobility #hypermobilityspectrumdisorder #ehlersdanlossyndrome #eds #movementismedicine #mindbodyconnection #qualityoflife #happyhealthybody #bendyandbold#functionalnutrition #nutritioncounseling #holisticnutrition #somaticcare #findyourformula #startlowandgoslow #slowandsteady

4/30/2024, 4:07:20 AM

Currently reading 📖 {or listening to you could more accurately say!} This audiobook on Audible is one of the best books I’ve come into contact with recently! 10 out of 10 for interesting! It is all about the emotional - physical connection & not just about how detrimental it can be to those who have suffered trauma, but how powerful it can also be in helping someone to heal from it. Important stuff! #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #book #goodread #goodreads #audible #mindbodyconnection #health #wellbeing #physicalhealth

4/30/2024, 4:03:14 AM

Sometimes, you can't talk your way out of heartbreak 💔⁠ ⁠ Connect with your body, move it, feel into it. Even if it's just with one breath 😮‍💨⁠ ⁠ Stop running from uncomfortable feelings and sensations in your body, this is the bridge to change & healing 👏🏻⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ ⁠ #fascia #selfcare #movement #healing #anatomytrains #myofascia #musclesense #proprioception #massage #backpain #bodywork #mind #soul #balance #body #pain #painrelief #change #EmotionsInTheBody #MindBodyConnection #HealingJourney

4/30/2024, 3:58:11 AM

Today is a hard day. After a couple weeks of almost daily headaches, neck, face and sinus pressure… I’m exhausted. Chronic illness is different for everyone, I often feel that I’m seen as more functional because I work a full time job, look healthy on the outside and push through the hard. That doesn’t negate what I am going through internally. There are many things doctors don’t have answers for, “it’s your ‘new nomal’”, “we don’t know”. This shouldn’t be my normal. The number of times I know more medical information and terminology than the doctors is not that rare. When a doctor says you need to go into the medical field because your needed due to your knowledge, understanding and experience, that says a lot. When doctors can talk to you more as a peer than a patient because you understand and you know what questions to ask… chronic illness looks different for everyone. #heartstrongwithcarneys #spoonielife #chronicfatigue #chronicillness #chronicillnessandmotherhood #openheartsurgery #Strokesurvivor #cardiacmyxoma #Cushingsdisease #cushingssyndrome #carneyscomplex #schwanoma #aphasia #adrenalectomy #gritandgrace #grit #posttraumaticgrowth #chronicmigraine #migrainessuck #AndersenTawilSyndrome #pacemaker #heartwarriorlife #nevergiveup #growthmindset #chooselife #keepfighting #motherhood #mentalhealth #optimism #mindbodyconnection

4/30/2024, 3:49:26 AM

Becoming an international registered prenatal yoga teacher (RPYT) with Shivam Yoga Studio School is an enriching journey that combines ancient wisdom with modern techniques. Our comprehensive course equips you with the knowledge and skills to guide expectant mothers through a safe and empowering yoga practice tailored to their unique needs. From anatomy and physiology to specialized prenatal asanas and meditation techniques, our curriculum is designed to deepen your understanding of pregnancy and childbirth while nurturing your ability to support mothers-to-be on their transformative journey. Join us and embark on a path of service, empowerment, and growth as a certified prenatal yoga teacher. To join the course WhatsApp +919580516741 #PrenatalYoga #RPYT #YogaTeacherTraining #ShivamYogaStudio #Empowerment #PregnancyWellness #YogaJourney #YogaEducation #MindBodyConnection #HolisticHealth #PrenatalWellness #YogaForMothers #PregnancyJourney #YogaCommunity #CertifiedYogaTeacher #InternationalYogaTraining

4/30/2024, 3:40:35 AM

Have you ever experienced how closely connected your mind and body truly are? 🧠💫 The mind-body connection is a powerful phenomenon that influences our health, emotions, and overall well-being. When we're stressed or anxious, our bodies often respond with physical symptoms like tension, headaches, or stomach discomfort. Similarly, when we're feeling joyful and at peace, our bodies may feel lighter, more energized, and more vibrant. Understanding and nurturing this connection can have profound effects on our health and quality of life. Practices like meditation, yoga, and deep/ diaphragmatic breathing help us cultivate awareness of our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations, fostering harmony between mind and body. By honoring this connection and prioritizing practices that support it, we can unlock new levels of vitality, resilience, and inner peace. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic well-being, where mind and body work together in perfect harmony. 🌿✨ #MindBodyConnection #HolisticHealth #WellnessJourney #chronicpainrecovery #tms #nervoussystem #healing #scoliosispain

4/30/2024, 3:31:42 AM

If there was just ONE thing that I could teach my clients for the rest of my life… It wouldn’t be the exercise, although dang that was a close second. It wouldn’t be the nutrition or Autoimmune Paleo Protocol. It wouldn’t even be the lymphatic drainage routine. It would be how to practice and develop INTEROCEPTION - the ability to know and feel what is happening on the inside. This is the foundation to connection with yourself. Healing autoimmunity, or any disease for that matter, begins with healing the relationship with the self. We search and seek out protocols in an effort to avoid ourselves. We believe that if we can find the right routine, practice, or protocol, then the inflammation will go away. Not realizing that the inflammation is self-created. And the only way to heal it, is to heal the self that creates inflammation. I know it sounds out there, maybe super spiritual or something. But really, it’s based in science. It’s based in being able to meet your body’s unique needs. It’s based in knowing your body enough to know what it needs. Interoception is something I work on with all my clients - autoimmune or not. Because it’s the foundation to all the other protocols. Once you develop better interoception, you can make any protocol work for you. Are you ready to understand the secrets of your own body? Are you ready to feel like your body is no longer a mystery? I am here to help 🫶🏼 Schedule a free consultation and let’s chat about how a Restorative Movement Session can help you heal autoimmune disease. LINK IN BIO. #autoimmune #autoimmunehealing #autoimmunewellness #healingispossible #youcanhealyourlife #selfhealers #selfhealing #chronicillness #healyourmind #healyourbody #mindbodyconnection #somatichealing #somatictherapy #somaticmovement #remadewellness #remadewellnessservices #restorativemovement

4/30/2024, 3:24:25 AM

Feeling safe and having a calm nervous system are essential to healing imbalances within the body because our bodies respond to stress with hormonal changes. When we feel safe and at ease, our nervous system can shift into a state of relaxation, allowing our hormones to function more harmoniously. This gentle, nurturing environment supports the body’s natural healing processes, encouraging balance and restoration within our hormonal systems. Embracing moments of peace create a nurturing space for our bodies to heal and thrive. What is one of your favorite ways to bring safety to your body?

4/30/2024, 3:12:36 AM

🌿🥕 Thinking About Going Plant-Based? Here’s Why It’s a Great Idea! Have you ever considered switching to a plant-based diet? Even if you are switching just a few times a week the benefits are amazing. I've been exploring this, and it's pretty amazing what a few changes can do. Here’s why I think it’s worth giving it a shot: 𝐈𝐭’𝐬 𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞-𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫: Seriously, loading up on veggies, fruits, nuts, and seeds means you’re getting tons of nutrients, reducing inflammation, and protecting yourself against big health issues like heart disease and diabetes. Who knew carrots and kale could be so powerful? 🥕🥬 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞: Eating plant-based is like giving the earth a big hug. It uses less water, less land, and produces fewer emissions than meat-based diets. Plus, it’s a great way to combat climate change—one meal at a time! 𝐁𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬: It’s also about kindness. Less demand for meat means less farming pressure, which can mean better conditions for animals. It’s all about making choices that feel right. Who’s with me? Let’s eat well and live kindly. Drop a 🌱 in the comments if you’re on board or thinking about it! #plantpower #greeneating #bethechange plantbaseddiet #plantbased #vegan #plantbasedfood #healthyfood #vegetarian #coachingtips #weightlosshack #healthyliving #healthandwellness #wellness #wellbeing #nutritiontips #exercise #fitness #coach #pncoach #nutritioncoach #MindsetShift #MindBodyConnection #WellnessGoals #EmpowerYourBody #HealthyHabits #FitLifeChoices #MindfulLiving

4/30/2024, 3:10:18 AM

Within the torn edges of healing, lies a simple truth: You are whole. Despite the challenges, the setbacks, and the moments of doubt, your essence remains complete. Each fragment represents a part of your journey, but none diminishes your inherent wholeness. It’s not about reaching some ideal state of being; it’s about recognizing the strength within your healing, the resilience that stitches you back together when it feels like you are ripping at the seems….with every step forward. So hold onto this truth: You are whole, resilient, and infinitely capable of navigating this journey with courage and grace. . . . #painreprocessingtherapy #resilience #healingjourney #selfdiscovery #mindfulness #neuroplastichealing #prt #selfcompassion #chronicpain #mindbody #mindbodyconnection #mindbodymedicine #nervoussystem #somatictherapy #fightorflight #painrelief #mindfulness #chronicpainwarrior #healingtools #healingtips #healinginspiration #healingchronicpain #selfhealers #paineducation #sciencebased #neuroscience #brainscience

4/30/2024, 3:08:45 AM

Imagine a world where your health mysteries aren't so mysterious anymore. 🌟 AI is a game-changer in health diagnostics, especially for tricky psychosomatic conditions. It's like having a super-smart buddy who's read all the health books and can give you the lowdown on what's up with your body. 🤖💡 Our service at Psyfold combines top-notch AI with real-deal scientific data to give you personalized guides that get to the heart of your symptoms. It's all about a tailored approach that understands you and your body's unique story. No more guesswork, just straight-up answers and practical tools to help you feel your best. 📚✨ Ready to team up with AI and start your healing journey? Tap that link and let's roll! 🚀 #AIHealthcare #PsychosomaticWellness #HealingJourney #MindBodyConnection #PsychosomaticHealth #HealWithAI #HolisticHealth #MentalHealthMatters #Psychosomatic

4/30/2024, 3:01:07 AM

There’s a whole world of healing modalities you haven’t discovered yet, including Brain, Nervous System and body-based techniques that go far beyond mindset & behaviour change and enable root cause healing. Want to know how they work and how you can use them to transform your healing journey? Increase your knowledge and awareness of these powerful, lesser-known practices by signing up to my newsletter - follow the link in my bio to join Receive expansive lessons, insights and gentle guidance sent straight to your inbox, and keep updated with my latest offers and posts . . . . . . . . . . #vagusnerve #polyvagaltheory #traumawork #recoveryfromtrauma #anxietysurvivor #chronicillnessfighter #chronicillnesswarriors #chronicillnesscommunity #healingchronicillness #healingmodalities #emotionalregulation #somatichealing #stressreduction #overcominganxiety #healingispossible #healingfromtrauma #traumasurvivor #anxietywarrior #youcanhealyourlife #selfregulation #emotionalresilience #takeadeepbreath #traumahealing #chronicillnesswarrior #efttapping #stressreduction #selfcareisntselfish #mindbodyconnection #healingjourney #holisticwellness

4/30/2024, 3:00:19 AM

When we're young, we tend to internalize the voices of those around us. And, sometimes, those voices aren't always so kind. An important part of therapy can sometimes be learning how to re-parent yourself. We can learn to identify and separate ourselves from those negative voices and begin to choose a newer and kinder way of speaking to ourselves. Today, take a moment to think of somethings you say to yourself that didn't come from you. Where did that voice come from? Who is it? Now, what do you say? What is your voice? If you would like more help with being kinder to yourself, you can find more information about our clinicians at https://connectedcounseling.life/ The quote on this image is a poem from the book "When The Waves Come" by Maia. #counseling #lafayettecounslor #louisianacounselor #lafayettetherapist #louisianatherapist #holisticcounseling #holisticmentalhealth #mentalwellnessjourney #holistictherapy #mindfulnesstherapy #somatictherapy #mindbodyconnection #mentalhealthawareness #traumainformed #mentalhealthmatters #mindbodytherapy #therapyworks #counselorsofinstagram #therapistlife #connectedcounseling #acadianawellness #acadianapsychotherapist #acceleratedresolutiontherapy #traumatherapy #traumaresolution #energytherapy #quantumscience #emotionalregulation #lifecoaching #embodimentcoach

4/30/2024, 3:00:07 AM

The thing I wish more people knew is how managing stress and the impact it has on your mind, body, health and relationships… is a skill. And it’s very unlikely that you’ve actually spent any intentional time building this skill. That’s because it’s not something you were taught (most people aren’t) — Instead, you’ve been taught to just power through, keep your chin up, keep going. But this is one of the most important skills for any highly driven woman to gain mastery over, because it affects every area of your life. The cost of not learning it is, External success without internal peace and fulfillment Ticking all the boxes but also experiencing mysterious chronic health symptoms Being in a relationship or desiring one without being able to communicate in a way that actually builds connection and intimacy especially when there’s conflict Looking like you’ve got it all together on the outside, but internally feeling anxious, second guessing yourself and being flooded with thoughts you can’t turn off Being productive and proactive, even being able to hold a lot of weight on your shoulders, but burning out and feeling exhausted every few months. Appearing as a confident and capable woman, but internally judging yourself for the mistakes you make and doubting your own worthiness. If you’ve ever play a spot or an instrument, you’ve had hours of practice. Learning to navigate your internal world that supports you in creating the successful life you desire and deserve, Is a skill like any other. Message me EXPAND to learn how our mentorship program can help you build this skill. I’m rooting for you, Violetta #hustleandflow #personalpower #mindbodyconnection #somaticcoaching #mentalperformance #emotionalregulation #burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #emotionalhealing #womenceomindset

4/30/2024, 2:46:12 AM

Nature has a way of nourishing both our body and soul. The calming sound of waves, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the fresh scent of flowers all contribute to our overall wellness. Take a moment today to immerse yourself in the healing power of nature. 🌿🌸 Shop/Sell www.crystaloasiswellness.com #NatureWellness #MindBodyConnection #CrystalOasis #CrystalOasisWellness #WellnessMarketplace #OnlineMarketplace

4/30/2024, 2:41:04 AM

Introducing our revolutionary Resume Remedy Spray, a potent blend designed to amplify the stress-relieving benefits of red light therapy. Crafted to target stress and mild anxiety, this synergistic combination offers a holistic approach to rejuvenation and relaxation. Say goodbye to tension and embrace a calmer, more centered you. Experience the power of Resume Remedy Spray alongside your red light therapy sessions today and rediscover your inner peace. Embrace tranquility and elevate your wellness journey now. Available at reception for only $25! . . . . #HolisticHealing #WellnessJourney #RedLightTherapy #NaturalHealing #MindBodySpirit #HealthyLiving #HolisticHealth #HealingJourney #LightTherapy #SelfCareSunday #WellnessRetreat #EnergyHealing #InnerPeace #HealthAndWellness #HolisticLifestyle #SelfLove #Mindfulness #SpiritualGrowth #HealthyMindset #BodyMindSpirit #WellnessCommunity #WellnessWednesday #HolisticLiving #NaturalRemedies #RedLightTherapist #SelfCareEveryday #MindBodyConnection #WellnessWarrior #HealthyHabits #HealingVibes

4/30/2024, 2:37:29 AM