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Смесь эфирных масел "АнтиАллергия" Эфирные масла: Манука быстро и легко снижает выработку гистамина, расслабляет нервную систему, способствует уменьшению воспаления Равенсара укрепляет лёгкие и дыхательную систему Римская ромашка - природное антигистаминное, подавляет и балансирует чрезмерную гистаминовую реакцию, обладает успокаивающим и противовоспалительными свойствами Лаванда имеет антигистаминные свойства, помогает уменьшить воспаление, стресс и напряжение. Усиливает действие других масел в этой смеси для достижения оптимальной эффективности Розмарин снижает гистамин, снимает стресс и нервное истощение, стимулирует иммунную систему Голубая канадская ель помогает разжижать чрезмерную слизь и заложенность носа Ветивер модулирует гистаминовую реакцию, укрепляет иммунную систему Эвкалипт помогает при воспалении слизистой и заложенности носа 15 мл, €25 1-2 капли нанести на подошвы ног, за уши, на грудину или на шею. При тяжёлой голове, нанести пару капель на затылок. Добавлять в диффузор, на ночь или для очистки воздуха в помещении. Около 300 капель, достаточно примерно на 90 дней Essential oil blend "AntiAllergy": Manuka quickly and easily reduces histamine production, relaxes the nervous system, and helps reduce inflammation Ravensara strengthens the lungs and respiratory system Roman Chamomile - a natural anti-histamine, inhibits and balances excessive histamine response, has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties Lavender has anti-histamine properties that help reduce inflammation, stress and tension. Enhances the other oils in the blend for optimal effectiveness Rosemary reduces histamine, relieves stress and nervous exhaustion, stimulates the immune system Blue spruce helps break up excessive mucus and nasal congestion Vetiver modulates the histamine response, strengthens the immune system Eucalyptus helps with inflammation of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion 15 ml, €25 Apply 1-2 drops to the bottom of your feet, behind your ears, on your sternum or neck. For a brain congestion, apply a couple of drops to the back of the head. Add to diffuser at night or to purify indoor air. 300 drops, enough for approx 90 days

4/27/2024, 9:11:32 PM

Feast or Fear? As HIP (Histamine Intolerant People) know, when it comes to eggplant parmigiana, there’s a whopping dose of dietary histamine in there as well. Check out the blog on our website and learn more about HIT! #omnediem #histamineintolerance #histaminedigest #healthblogs #eggplantparmigiana #lowhistaminediet #healthyfood #histaminefree #daosupplement #daodeficiency #histamine #lowhistaminelifestyle #healthylifestyle #guthealth #guthealthtips #healthandwellness

4/27/2024, 8:01:48 PM

[Werbung unbezahlt] Teil 3 Ich recherchierte im Netz nach Histamin und fand mich in fast allen Beiträgen und Foren wieder. Schwäche, Energielosigkeit, unendliche Müdigkeit und all die anderen Symptome….. andere hatten sie auch. Ich war also nicht alleine damit und bestätigte mich darin : Alles war so wie ich es empfand! Ich bildete mir nichts ein. Aber wie geht‘s jetzt weiter? Endlich eine Erklärung für diese Krankheitssymptome zu haben war erstmal eine enorme Erleichterung. Kurz zusammengefasst: Histamin ist als Botenstoff im menschlichen Körper an der Steuerung verschiedener Prozesse wie Schlaf-wach-Rhythmus, allergische Reaktionen oder Entzündungen beteiligt. Es wird aber nicht nur vom Körper selbst hergestellt, sondern auch über viele Nahrungsmittel aufgenommen. BÄÄÄM! Nie im Leben hätte ich geglaubt, dass meine Symptome mit Nahrungsmitteln zu tun haben könnte und dass die Ursache in den meisten Fällen in unserem Mikrobiom liegt, in unserem Darm. Aber dort konnte ich ansetzen. Ich las mich ein, sehr hilfreich war da die SIGHI Liste. Dort sind alle Lebensmittel, Gewürze, Zusatzstoffe usw gekennzeichnet nach Histamingehalt. Also probierte ich mich aus, und fiel sehr oft noch wieder auf die Nase. Denn wie komplex das Ganze ist, war mir zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht bewusst. Ich liess die Klassiker wie Alkohol ( und ich war früher in dem ganzen Aperol Spritz Thema jetzt nicht sooo schlecht 😎😉) Kaffee, Schokolade, Tomaten usw weg, und erlebte nach und nach eine Abschwächung meiner Symptome. Ich war auf dem richtigen Weg. Jetzt nur einen Arzt finden der mich da durch bringt. Tjaaaaa was soll ich sagen…. die Schulmedizin zuckte die Achseln :“ Da kenne ich mich nicht mit aus, müssen sie mal probieren“ Der nächste schrieb ein 3 monatiges Breitbandprobiotikum auf, welches den Darm aufbauen sollte und meinte danach wäre alles weg. Weit gefehlt. Das Probiotikum boxte mich so dermassen weg, weil es Bakterienstämme enthielt die bei HiT nicht verträglich sind. Ich stand also wieder am Anfang. #histamin #histaminintoleranz #histaminarmeernährung #histaminintolerance #leakygut #histamine #histaminefree #antiendzündlich #entzündungen #körper #gesundheit #health #healthyfood

4/26/2024, 7:51:12 PM

Gemüsebowl mit Hähnchen und als Topping gibt es Reispapier-Chips. Diese Reispapier sind einfach und doch so genial! Ihr benötigt nur zwei Zutaten, die Zubereitung ist kinderleicht und sie sind auch noch blitzschnell fertig. Es verwandelt sich ein Stück Reispapier innerhalb von Sekunden in einen Chip. Ihr braucht lediglich nur Reispapier, welches im Asialaden oder auch schon in Supermärkten gibt und Öl zum frittieren. Das Reispapierblätter jeweils in 4 Teile brechen oder zerschneiden. Pflanzenöl in einer Fritteuse oder Pfanne heiß werden lassen und nacheinander die Reispapierstücke darin frittieren. Die fertigen Stücke auf ein Küchenpapier geben, damit das überschüssige Öl abtropfen kann. Ich esse die immer gerne ohne Gewürze aber natürlich könnt ihr noch Salz oder andere Gewürze eurer Wahl drüber geben. #abendessen #abendessenheute #reispapier #chips #reispapierchips #bowl #pokebowl #gemüsebowl #hähnchen #hähnchenbowl #glutenfree #glutenfreechips #essensideen #histamineintolerance #histaminintoleranz #histaminarm #histaminefree #histaminfrei #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthy #mittagessen #mittagessenheute #essen #essenmachtglücklich #resteessen

4/26/2024, 6:40:00 PM

Bunter siboverträgliche Hähnchensalat 🥬🥕🥒 • 1/2-1/3 von einem Eisberg oder Kopfsalat • 1 kleine Möhre • 50g Gurke • 50g Zucchini • 100g Hähnchenbrustfilet Toppings: • 1 EL Raps- oder Olivenöl • 10g Kürbiskerne • 10g Hanfsamen • Meersalz, getrockneter Basilikum Tipp: Für eine bessere Verträglichkeit dünste ich das gesamte Gemüse ( auch den Salat und die Gurke) vorher etwas und lasse es danach abkühlen oder esse es leicht warm:) ‼️Die individuelle Verträglichkeit muss immer beachtet werden ‼️ #histamin #histaminintoleranz #histaminefree #histaminarm #histaminarmeernährung #histameanlyheaven #sibo #sibodiet #lowfodmap #lowfodmapdiet #lowfodmaprecipes #glutenfree #laktosefree #glutenfreerecipes #lowcarb #lowcarbrecipes #keto #ketorecipes

4/26/2024, 4:00:57 PM

Repost from @bernadette.abraham • What is histamine?⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣I’m sure most of you have heard of ‘anti-histamine’ meds before, to help reduce allergy-type symptoms produced by our immune system.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣But histamines aren’t bad. They help remove whatever’s bothering us from the body. But they need to be in the right balance. Not too little, and not too much. Either extreme will lead to symptoms.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣Excess histamine (pictured 👆🏻) can affect a number of organ systems:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🔹respiratory system (nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing…)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🔹gastrointestinal system (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, pain…)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🔹skin (rashes, hives, sudden flushing…)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🔹nervous/circulatory systems (headaches, migraines, dizziness, tachycardia…)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🔹reproductive system (irregular periods)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝘁? Swipe right for a list of common factors!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣👉🏻It can either be due to a high amount of histamine that’s being released/brought into the body, and/or an issue with the body’s ability to break it down.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣Yes, genetics can play a role too – but our lifestyle choices determine how these genes express themselves.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣Imagine a bucket with an opening at the bottom. If you fill the bucket too quickly and/or you can’t drain it quick enough, the bucket will overflow, right?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣That’s histamine intolerance.💁‍♀️⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣If you want to learn more, comment ‘𝗛𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲’ for the link to join the discussion with myself and nutrigenomics expert @drbenlynch 𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗼𝘄, 𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 25𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝘁 8𝗽𝗺 𝗗𝘂𝗯𝗮𝗶 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲/9𝗮𝗺 𝗣𝗦𝗧.⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣It’s going to be an amazing session with opportunities to ask your questions live over zoom!⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣Hope to see you on the call! Please share with someone who needs this ❤️⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #histamine #histamineintolerance #histaminefree #histaminediet #histamineintolerant #histaminefriendly #guthealth #guthealing #guthealthmatters #functionalmedicinedubai #dubainutritionist #askb #bbetter #bbettermembership

4/26/2024, 3:10:01 PM

Prepara estas tartaletas de rosas de manzana 🌹🍏 y deja boquiabierto a tus invitados este fin de semana. 😎 Una opción #vegetariana, dulce pero apta para dietas bajas en #histamina que te encantará. 👌🏽 𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗦 📌 Hojaldre de yuca 📌 4 manzanas: 2 verdes y 2 rojas si quieres darle más color 📌 Mermelada casera de melocotón o compota de tu gusto 📌 Miel ⚒️ Utensilios de cocina 🧁 Una bandeja de horno para madalenas 𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗖𝗖𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦 ➡️ Lava 💧 las manzanas SIN pelar y pon agua a hervir con una cucharada de miel. 🍯 ➡️ Divide la manzana por la mitad y quita el corazón. 🍎🍏 Corta en láminas finas (no demasiado) manteniendo la piel, por ejemplo, con una mandolina o un cuchillo apropiado. 🔪 ➡️ Echa las láminas al agua caliente 🔥 y después de un par de minutos, retira, escurre y déjalas enfriar. ➡️ Enciende el horno para que se caliente. 🌡️ Extiende el hojaldre de yuca en tu superficie de cocina. ⚡ Tienes la receta completa en el post de croissants de yuca 🥐. ➡️ Corta la masa en tiras largas y 🖌️ pinta con mermelada casera de melocotón u otra compota o sabor que te guste. ✨ ➡️ Coloca las láminas de manzana en las tiras de yuca. Sigue este truco: coloca las láminas por toda la tira pero ocupando📌 solo la mitad del ancho. Recuerda: que las láminas se pisen unas a otras 🖇️ para crear el efecto perfecto. 🪄Por un borde sobresaldrán para crear el efecto rosa y tendrás el otro borde libre para doblarlo fijando⚓ todas las láminas en su posición exacta. ➡️ Con mucha delicadeza, y con las manos húmedas, enrolla las tiras sobre sí mismas. 🌀 A medida que enrolles, la tira se irá convirtiendo en la flor de tartaleta. 🏵️ ➡️ Colócalas en una bandeja de magdalenas 🧁 y hornea a 200 °C durante 30 min. ⏱️ Retíralas, desmóldalas, déjalas enfriar un poco ¡y listo! 🎉 Tendrás una merienda, un desayuno o un postre que es tan bonito 🌹 de ver como gustoso de comer. 💗 #lowhistaminediet #freehistamine #histaminediet #histamineintolerance #histaminefree #histaminefreerecipes #lowhistamine

4/26/2024, 2:40:33 PM

By now you’re likely quite familiar with what histamine intolerance is and the symptoms it may cause. After reading about the symptoms of histamine intolerance, you can probably understand why you get hives and skin rashes as a result of histamines being released into the skin. But... why would histamine intolerance be associated with such severe brain splitting headaches? Especially since the brain itself does not contain pain receptors, and is unable to feel pain? The answer might surprise you… 🌸 Click the link in bio to find out if histamine is causing your headaches and migraines! . . . #histamineintolerance #histamine #histaminefree #histaminefriendly #womenshealth #femalehormones #guthealth #foodintolerance #probiotics #nutrition #fitness #fitfam #health #holistichealth #IBS #crohns #headaches #migraines

4/25/2024, 10:00:24 PM

Het Histamine Vrij Leven Traject We noemen het online programma een traject omdat je echt stuk voor stuk stappen doorloopt om bij de finish te komen: een traject. Het bevat een uitgebreid protocol, inclusief voedingslijsten, een kookboek, een deskundig suppletieprogramma en een herintroductie protocol. Mijn praktijk bestaat inmiddels al 13 jaar en ik heb al meer dan 4000 mensen mogen begeleiden met allerlei vormen van allergie. Omdat mijn praktijk altijd vol zit, besloot ik 2 jaar geleden mijn protocol om te zetten naar een online traject. Op deze manier hoop ik nog veel meer mensen te kunnen en mogen helpen. Je kunt het traject geheel zelfstandig opvolgen en uitvoeren: ik neem je (schriftelijk) stap voor stap mee in het proces. Ben jij al begonnen? #histamine #histamineintolerance #hit #histaminediet #histaminefree #glutenfree #lactosefree #intolerant #allergies #hooikoorts #insomnia #migraine #slapeloosheid #eczeem #psoriasis #histaminevrijleven

4/25/2024, 8:03:12 PM

Supplementen: dé oplossing? Je hoopt dat er een simpele oplossing is voor je HIT (histamine intolerantie). Je denkt dat een combinatie van supplementen je klachten gaan oplossen of in elk geval genoeg verlichting gaan geven. Mijn antwoord: NEE! Helaas is dit niet dé oplossing. Supplementen zijn een prachtige en, in het geval van HIT, essentiële aanvulling, maar ze bieden enkel ondersteuning. Je lost je chronisch verhoogde ontstekingsgraad niet op met enkel suppleren. Om dit voor elkaar te krijgen zul je écht je gehele lichaam moeten aanpakken. Het HVL-traject zorgt hiervoor. Is het een investering? Ja. Is het het waard? 100%! Een relatief kleine investering waar je heel je leven profijt van zult hebben. #histamine #histamineintolerance #histaminarm #histaminediet #histaminefree #glutenfree #lactosefree #histaminevrijleven

4/25/2024, 7:57:31 PM

🔷️🔹️STARTING WEANING?🔹️🔷️ About to start weaning? Then this guide is for you.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 🔹️Our friends at @theallergyteam are giving away their Guide to Weaning with Food Allergies worth £7.99 for FREE this week in honour of allergy awareness week. 🔹️Head to the link in our bio to sign up to their newsletter and receive your free guide. 🔹️TAG any parents who might like this too. But hurry, it’s only free during allergy awareness week, which ends on Sunday. #healthhackers #aais #allergydads #allergymom #allergyseason #asthma #foodallergies #maycontain #seasonalallergies #foodallergymama #lactoseintolerance #histaminefree #health #anaphylaxisawareness #allergynews #allergyfriendly #allergyblog #allergyawarenessweek #allergies #foodallergymum #publichealth #parents #healthylifestyles #mothers #foodallergy

4/25/2024, 10:30:13 AM

🍠 About to start weaning? Then this guide is for you.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​❤️ Our friends at @theallergyteam are giving away their Guide to Weaning with Food Allergies worth £7.99 for FREE this week in honour of allergy awareness week. 👉Head to the link below to sign up to their newsletter and receive your free guide. 💙 TAG any parents who might like this too. But hurry, it’s only free during allergy awareness week, which ends on Sunday. www.daisyfirstaid.com/weaning-with-food-allergies #healthhackers #aais #allergydads #allergymom #allergyseason #asthma #foodallergies #maycontain #seasonalallergies #foodallergymama #lactoseintolerance #histaminefree #health #anaphylaxisawareness #allergynews #allergyfriendly #allergyblog #allergyawarenessweek #allergies #foodallergymum #publichealth #parents #healthylifestyles #mothers #foodallergy

4/25/2024, 9:25:24 AM

🥣About to start weaning? Then this guide is for you.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ❤️ Our friends at @theallergyteam are giving away their Guide to Weaning with Food Allergies worth £7.99 for FREE this week in honour of allergy awareness week. 👍 Head to the link in our bio to sign up to their newsletter and receive your free guide. www.daisyfirstaid.com/weaning-with-food-allergies 💙 TAG any parents who might like this too. But hurry, it’s only free during allergy awareness week, which ends on Sunday. #healthhackers #aais #allergydads #allergymom #allergyseason #asthma #foodallergies #maycontain #seasonalallergies #foodallergymama #lactoseintolerance #histaminefree #health #anaphylaxisawareness #allergynews #allergyfriendly #allergyblog #allergyawarenessweek #allergies #foodallergymum #publichealth #parents #healthylifestyles #mothers #foodallergy

4/24/2024, 9:10:58 PM

. 🇸🇰 Domáce Reese's z iba 3 ingrediencií !!! . 🥜🍫 🥜 . jednoduchý ale neskutočne chutný dezert, ktorý si ľahko pripravíte doma a hlavne viete, aké ingrediencie do toho dávate . RECEPT v NEDEĽU . . 🇬🇧 Home-made Reese's made out of only 3 ingredients !!! . a simple but incredibly tasty dessert that you can easily prepare at home and above all you know what ingredients you put in it . RECIPE on SUNDAY . . dairy-free (dark chocolate) . histamine-free (white chocolate) . . #parkersmuffins #muffin #baking #baker #bakedgoods #bake #poodle #bakery #bakersofinstagram #bakersgonnabake #bakestagram #bakebakebake #bakeyourworldhappy #reeses #whitechocolate #darkchocolate #peanutbutter #peanuts #easiestrecipe #recipe #dairyfree #histaminefree

4/24/2024, 8:12:46 PM

🥜 About to start weaning? Then this guide is for you.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ❤️ Our friends at @theallergyteam are giving away their Guide to Weaning with Food Allergies worth £7.99 for FREE this week in honour of allergy awareness week. 🤩 👉 Head to the LINK below or in our Stories to sign up to their newsletter and receive your free guide. 👇 www.daisyfirstaid.com/weaning-with-food-allergies 🏷️ TAG any parents who might like this too. 💨 But hurry, it’s only free during allergy awareness week, which ends this Sunday! #nutallergy #dairyallergy #aais #allergydads #allergymom #allergyseason #asthma #weaningbaby #firstaidforparents #epipentraining #jext #foodallergies #maycontain #seasonalallergies #foodallergymama #lactoseintolerance #histaminefree #health #anaphylaxisawareness #allergynews #allergyfriendly #allergyblog #allergyawarenessweek #allergies #foodallergymum #foodallergy

4/24/2024, 7:12:47 PM

🍠 About to start weaning? Then this guide is for you. ❤️ Our friends at @theallergyteam are giving away their Guide to Weaning with Food Allergies worth £7.99 for FREE this week in honour of allergy awareness week. 👍 Head to the link in our bio to sign up to their newsletter and receive your free guide. 💙 TAG any parents who might like this too. But hurry, it’s only free during allergy awareness week, which ends on Sunday. #healthhackers #aais #allergydads #allergymom #allergyseason #asthma #foodallergies #maycontain #seasonalallergies #foodallergymama #lactoseintolerance #histaminefree #health #anaphylaxisawareness #allergynews #allergyfriendly #allergyblog #allergyawarenessweek #allergies #foodallergymum #publichealth #parents #healthylifestyles #mothers #foodallergy

4/24/2024, 6:45:37 PM

What is histamine?⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣I’m sure most of you have heard of ‘anti-histamine’ meds before, to help reduce allergy-type symptoms produced by our immune system.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣But histamines aren’t bad. They help remove whatever’s bothering us from the body. But they need to be in the right balance. Not too little, and not too much. Either extreme will lead to symptoms.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣Excess histamine (pictured 👆🏻) can affect a number of organ systems:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🔹respiratory system (nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing…)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🔹gastrointestinal system (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, pain…)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🔹skin (rashes, hives, sudden flushing…)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🔹nervous/circulatory systems (headaches, migraines, dizziness, tachycardia…)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣🔹reproductive system (irregular periods)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝘁? Swipe right for a list of common factors!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣👉🏻It can either be due to a high amount of histamine that’s being released/brought into the body, and/or an issue with the body’s ability to break it down.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣Yes, genetics can play a role too – but our lifestyle choices determine how these genes express themselves.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣Imagine a bucket with an opening at the bottom. If you fill the bucket too quickly and/or you can’t drain it quick enough, the bucket will overflow, right?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣That’s histamine intolerance.💁‍♀️⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣If you want to learn more, comment ‘𝗛𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲’ for the link to join the discussion with myself and nutrigenomics expert @drbenlynch 𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗼𝘄, 𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 25𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝘁 8𝗽𝗺 𝗗𝘂𝗯𝗮𝗶 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲/9𝗮𝗺 𝗣𝗦𝗧.⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣It’s going to be an amazing session with opportunities to ask your questions live over zoom!⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣Hope to see you on the call! Please share with someone who needs this ❤️⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #histamine #histamineintolerance #histaminefree #histaminediet #histamineintolerant #histaminefriendly #guthealth #guthealing #guthealthmatters #functionalmedicinedubai #dubainutritionist #askb #bbetter #bbettermembership

4/24/2024, 4:41:26 PM

🟢 Certaines céréales ou graines sont appropriées pour une alimentation sans histamine. ✅ Par exemple : avoine, chanvre, graines de chia, millet, quinoa, petit épeautre... ❌ Attention au soja qui est fermenté donc très riche en histamine. 👇Quelle céréale ou graine supportez-vous le mieux ? 👉 Découvrez le kit HistaDiet avec ses livres sur l'alimentation sans histamine (lien en bio). #histamineintolerance #histamine #histaminefree #histamineintolerant #histaminediet #histaminefriendly #histaminerevolution #sanshistamine #sama #syndromeactivationmastocytaire #mastocytose #histaminose #regimesanshistamine #regime #mangersainement #sante #alimentationsaine #mieuxmanger

4/24/2024, 8:00:24 AM

There is a close relationship between histamine intolerance and stress. In fact, the levels of stress and histamine release impact one-another dramatically. And - your brain may be influencing everything from your sleep to your symptoms. Especially if it's severe, as in the case of panic attacks, anxiety and depression. So, whether it's common daily stress or extreme stress - let's get to discussing the relationship between histamine and stress. And, how stress and histamine release may be creating a cycle that's doing your body more harm than necessary. 🌸Click the link in bio to read more about the relationship between histamine intolerance and stress, and to get your free low histamine diet guide with a $5 gift voucher to our store! . . . #histamineintolerance #histamine #histaminefree #histaminefriendly #womenshealth #femalehormones #guthealth #foodintolerance #probiotics #nutrition #fitness #fitfam #health #holistichealth #IBS #crohns #headaches #migraines

4/23/2024, 10:00:14 PM

While the symptoms of Histamine Intolerance (HIT) may mimic allergic reactions, HIT is not a classical food allergy. Rather, research suggests that HIT is mediated by a deficiency in levels and/or activity of the Diamine Oxidase enzyme. Check our website to learn more about the differences! #omnediem #histaminedigest #histamineintolerancediet #histaminefree #lowhistamine #lowhistaminediet #glutenfree #healthyfood #mcas #dietabajaenhistamina #foodintolerance #mastcellactivationsyndrome #histamin #histaminosisalimentaria #mastcellactivationdisorder #healthylifestyle #ibs #intoleranciaalahistamina #leakygut #guthealthmatters

4/23/2024, 8:01:52 PM

Heute ist Tag des deutschen Bieres 🍺, der 1. Mai steht vor der Tür, die Biergärten werden auch bald geöffnet. Sommer! Straßenfeste, Hochzeiten, Gartenpartys. (Ok, im Moment ist es noch recht kalt 🥶, aber ich bin Optimist 😁). ▶️ Das sind perfekte Gründe um zu klären, welches Bier bei einer Histamin-Intoleranz in Frage kommt. ✅️ Untergärige Biersorten sind histaminarm und daher besser verträglich. Dazu zählen: 🔹️Export 🔹️Pils 🔹️Helles 🔹️Dunkles 🔹️Schwarzbier 🔹️Märzen ❌️ Obergärige Biere solltet ihr lieber vermeiden. Dazu zählen: 🔸️Altbier 🔸️Kölsch 🔸️Weizenbier 🔸️Dinkelbier 🔸️Kellerbier 🔸️Berliner Weiße ▶️ Grundsätzlich sollte Alkohol nicht auf nüchternen Magen getrunken werden! Lieber vorher etwas gut verträgliches Essen und den Alkohol-Konsum beschränken. ▶️ Gerade am Anfang von meiner Histamin-Intoleranz habe ich ganz auf Alkohol verzichtet. ❗️Achtet auf eure eigene Toleranzgrenze❗️ Mehr zum Thema Bier bei einer Histamin-Intoleranz findet ihr auf unserer Seite 👉🏻 https://histaminta.de/bier-bei-histamin-intoleranz-ratgeber-liste/ ✳️ So als Frankfurterin trinke ich ja auch gern mal einen Äppler (Apfelwein), als Alternative zum Bier. ❓️Wie vertragt ihr Bier? Oder habt ihr ein Alternativ-Getränk? Oder verzichtet ihr ganz auf Alkohol? Schreibt es gerne in die Kommentare 👇🏻 . . . . . #histamin #histaminintoleranz #histaminintolerant #histaminwissen #histaminta #histaminverträglich #histamineintolerance #histaminefree #bierbierbier #histaminunverträglichkeit #unverträglichkeiten #histaminarm #ohnehistamin #histaminarmeernährung #histaminarmgeniessen #histaminarmelebensmittel #histaminabc

4/23/2024, 3:23:12 PM

Dairy Allergy Alert 🥛 Struggling with skin flare-ups? Dairy might be the #healthtips When your immune system mistakenly identifies dairy proteins like casein or whey as threats, it can for some, trigger an allergic reaction, leading to skin issues, digestive discomfort, and other symptoms. Always check labels for hidden sources in dressings and breakfast cereals 📝 If dairy is disrupting your skin health, it's time to explore dairy-free alternatives! There’s a host of great plant-based options nowadays 🌱 #DairyFree #SkinHealth. #infantdermatitis #histamineintolerant #healthissue #histaminefree #healyourskin #skindisease #eattoheal #guthealthiskey #healingfromtheinsideout #eczemaawareness #skinissues #foodsensitivities #atopicdermatitis #skinproblem #eczemaproblems #eczemahealing #feedyourskin #gutmicrobiome #healthyskintips #skinproblems #nutritionadvice #takecareofyourskin #functionalnutrition #healthylifehappylife #nutritioniskey #healthmatters #foodasmedicine #healthtips

4/23/2024, 3:00:35 PM

Co je to histamin? 👉Histamin je tělu vlastní látka, která se za běžných okolností uvolňuje z buněk imunitního systému🧬. Neschopnost odbourávat nadbytek histaminu způsobuje projevy jako bolesti hlavy, únavu, nevolnost či svědění kůže a nazýváme jej histaminou intolerancí. Doplněk stravy Super Histamine je složen z čistých přírodních ingrediencí ✅– list stromu moringa, plody šípky, je obohacen o silný rostlinný kvercetin a extrakt z kurkumy. Je určen hlavně pro lidi, kteří mají alergie z potravin, trpí tzv. alergií. onemocněním HIT (histaminová intolerance) a hledají pro usnadnění běžného a plnohodnotného fungování hlavně přírodní zdroje antihistaminik🌱 #superstrava #histamine #histaminefree #histaminovaintolerance #intolerance #alergie #antihistaminika #prirodniprodukt #prozdravi #histaminici #tipnaprodukt #prirodnezlozeni

4/23/2024, 7:01:10 AM

This unique, 5-stage protocol will show you the step-by-step approach I used to resolve histamine intolerance, for good. And, you can try it for 30 days to ensure you’re seeing results! In a 10 module, self-paced video course, you’ll get: 📚 5 education modules covering all you need to know about histamine intolerance 🛠️ 5 intervention modules with step-by-step instructions for each stage of healing ⏳ 10 hours of video content to watch at your own pace 🌸Click the link in bio to get the How I Solved My Histamine Intolerance Course! . . . #histamineintolerance #histamine #histaminefree #histaminefriendly #womenshealth #femalehormones #guthealth #foodintolerance #probiotics #chronicillnessawareness #nutrition #health #lowhistaminerecipe #IBS #crohns #IBD #lowhistaminerecipes #lowhistaminefoods #recipes #healthyrecipes #gutbacteria #epigenetics #histamineintolerancecourse

4/22/2024, 10:00:15 PM

🐖🐑🐄Across Europe, kidney dishes hold a significant culinary tradition, with devilled kidneys being a popular recipe in the UK. The Arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson noted that Inuit children consumed kidneys as if they were “candy.” ⭐️Kidney is a nutrient-rich source containing riboflavin, retinoic acid, selenium, B12, folate, pantothenic acid, and thiamine. Additionally, it provides Diamine oxidase (DAO), an enzyme crucial in histamine breakdown. The kidney is also abundant in copper, which is important for treating histamine intolerance as DAO is a copper-dependent enzyme, and deficiency of this mineral could lead to impaired functioning. The kidneys contain substantial levels of copper, selenium, and l-histidine, which are essential nutrients serving as cofactors for metallothionein. This naturally occurring protein in the body acts as a chelator for heavy metals. By binding to heavy metals, these sulfur-rich proteins facilitate the elimination of toxins from the body. Pork kidneys contain the highest levels of natural DAO, while lamb and veal kidneys typically have a more subtle flavor. Always aim to get pasture raised, organic organ meats. #histamineintolerance #histaminediet #mcas #ancestraldiet #histaminefree

4/22/2024, 6:59:36 PM

🌱 Navigating the Signs of Histamine Intolerance 🌱 Does your body react unpredictably after meals? Look out for these symptoms that may signal histamine intolerance: Headache - More than just a bad day? Nausea - When your stomach is in knots... Diarrhea - Your gut's way of saying "no thank you!" Asthma - Wheezing your way through the day? Food Allergies - What’s on your plate might be the culprit! Listen to your body's whispers before they become screams. Our 90-Day Transform Your Health Program is tailored to help you identify triggers, reset your system, and thrive in your daily life. Join the transformation: https://thrivewellsolutions.com/90-day-transform-your-health-program/ #ListenToYourBody #HistamineFree #GutHealth #BreatheEasy #AllergyAwareness #ThriveWell #HealthTransformation #90DayWellness 🍂 It's time to TEST, RESET, and THRIVE. Start your journey to wellness with us today!

4/21/2024, 8:00:21 PM

Histaminarmes Spargelrisotto Zutaten: - Olivenöl - Knoblauch - Risottoreis - Wasser - jodfreies Alpensalz - Spargeln - Thymian - Feta - wenig Creme fraiche, Ricotta oder Frischkäse #histaminintoleranz #histaminarmeernährung #histamineintolerance #histaminarm #histaminefree #rezept #spargelrezept #spargelrisotto #frühlingsrezepte #saisonaleküche

4/21/2024, 6:53:08 PM

Thank @ralphmoorman for this bread 🙌🏼 I had to take out the black pepper from my favorite combination and swap lemon curd for red berries to get the perfect taste #histaminefree

4/21/2024, 11:23:04 AM

Zugegeben - die erste Woche meiner „Histamindiät“ war alles andere als einfach. Viele meiner regelmäßig verzehrten Lebensmittel enthalten Histamin, Liberatoren von Mastzellmediatoren („Histaminliberatoren“), andere biogene Amine oder DAO-Hemmer. 🥴🥊 So reduziert sich die Auswahl der verträglichen Lebensmittel auf eine überschaubare Größe, was zu Beginn wirklich frustrierend sein kann. 🙃 Auch die Herstellungsprozesse sind anzupassen: kein Aufwärmen von Speisen - eine frische Herstellung und anschließend zeitnaher Verzehr sind sehr wichtig. Gerne möchte ich meinen „Morgenklassiker“ mit euch teilen. Die Frühstücksbowl ist reich an Quercetin (ein Mastzellstabilisator), ballaststoffreich, eiweißreich - lecker, gesund und vor allem schnell zubereitet. 🤩🙏👍 🥣 Rezept (Anteile veränderlich): Haferflocken Feinblatt Bio Hanfsamen Bio Chiasamen Bio Leinsamen Heidelbeeren Apfel gerieben Heidelbeersaft (alternativ Apfelsaft) Zimt Probiert es aus und lasst es euch schmecken 🫶! #mcas #histamineintolerance #mastzellenaktivierungsyndrom #mastzellstabilisator #histaminarmeernährung #quercetin #healthyfood #diaminoxidase #fybromyalgie #migräne #interstitialcystitis #vulvodynie #reizdarmsyndrom #reizdarm #flush #brainfog #depression #gesunderezepte #histaminefree #histaminarmesfrühstück

4/20/2024, 10:08:05 AM

Suffering from unexplained allergies or #digestive discomfort?🤧😖 It could be histamine intolerance. Histamine intolerance is a lesser-known but important issue, affecting 1-3% of people globally.🌎 Too much #histamine in your body can lead to #symptoms like headaches, digestive woes, and more. A chat to a nearby dietitian (or even via telehealth) can go a long way to seeing if an unexplained group of symptoms such as these which other medical causes have been ruled out could be this lesser known intolerance. Remember, guess work isn't the way, chat to your dietitian or GP specialising in allergies and intolerances to make sure you get the right advice! But here's the good news: you can take control. Start by adjusting your diet to avoid high-histamine foods in line with professional guidance (need to make sure you are getting the nutrients you need), and consider a DAO enzyme supplement for extra support 💪 Learn more at our website and don't let histamine #intolerance hold you back. 😋 ❤️🍅 #intoleran #histamine #histamineintolerant #histamineintolerance #daoplus #daomini #dao #daoenzyme #daosupplement #diamineoxidase #foodintolerance #histamineallergy #histamineintoleranceawareness #histaminefree #histaminesupport

4/20/2024, 2:22:09 AM

Are you looking for a delicious low histamine wine to kick back and relax without any histamine intolerance symptoms? I've got you covered. Let's face it, we all like to indulge in rich, decadent delights. You know the kind - you arrive at a dinner party and, before you, lies a table with all kinds of to-die-for treats spread out in front of you - exotic wines, cheeses, all kinds of meat, fresh vegetables and fruits. Can you picture it? Of course you can. 🌸Click the link in bio to learn how to choose low-histamine wines and enjoy a glass without the symptoms! . . . #histamineintolerance #histamine #histaminefree #histaminefriendly #womenshealth #femalehormones #guthealth #foodintolerance #probiotics #chronicillnessawareness #nutrition #fitness #fitfam #health #holistichealth #IBS #crohns #IBD #bloating #byebyebloat #microbiota #wine #winelovers

4/19/2024, 10:00:23 PM

Eating lots of vegetables, ideally 7 different types and 3 types of fruit daily, make for a nutritionally optimal diet. However, if you are sensitive to histamine you might find it really helps not to eat fruits and vegetables that either contain histamine, encourage more histamine to be released in the body, or those that block the DAO enzyme. DAO is a key enzyme for the breakdown of histamine in the body. Reducing such foods may help you minimise the frequency or severity of your symptoms. Aubergine for example is particularly high in histamine, which can result in histamine reactions in susceptible individuals, such as those suffering from MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome), or histamine intolerance. On the other hand, quercetin, a flavonoid found in foods like onions and apples, are anti-inflammatory and can help to lower the amount of histamine released by mast cells in the body. #histaminefree #histaminefreediet #antiinflammatoryfoods #antiinflammatoryfood #quercetin #quercetinfoods #mcas #histamineintolerancediet #histamineintolerance #antihistaminefoods #antihistaminediet #dao #daoenzyme #histaminediet #histaminesensitivity #aubergineallergy #aubergine #onions #apples #lowhistamineliving #lowhistaminefood #lowhistaminelife #lowhistamine #lowhistaminediet #lowhistaminefoods #lowhistaminecoach

4/19/2024, 8:43:50 PM

Eating lots of vegetables, ideally 7 different types and 3 types of fruit daily, make for a nutritionally optimal diet. However, if you are sensitive to histamine you might find it really helps not to eat fruits and vegetables that either contain histamine, encourage more histamine to be released in the body, or those that block the DAO enzyme. DAO is a key enzyme for the breakdown of histamine in the body. Reducing such foods may help you minimise the frequency or severity of your symptoms. Aubergine for example is particularly high in histamine, which can result in histamine reactions in susceptible individuals, such as those suffering from MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome), or histamine intolerance. On the other hand, quercetin, a flavonoid found in foods like onions and apples, are anti-inflammatory and can help to lower the amount of histamine released by mast cells in the body. #histaminefree #histaminefreediet #antiinflammatoryfoods #antiinflammatoryfood #quercetin #quercetinfoods #mcas #histamineintolerancediet #histamineintolerance #antihistaminefoods #antihistaminediet #dao #daoenzyme #histaminediet #histaminesensitivity #aubergineallergy #aubergine #onions #apples #lowhistamineliving #lowhistaminefood #lowhistaminelife #lowhistamine #lowhistaminediet #lowhistaminefoods #lowhistaminecoach

4/19/2024, 8:43:47 PM

Histamin intoleransında yasaklı gıda tükettiğimizde ne olur sorusunun cevabı geldi 🤭 Histaminin vücutta aşırı artması histamin intoleransı olarak tanımlanabilir. Histamin artışı, histaminin sindirilmesinde görevli olan DAO (diamin oksidaz) enzimlerinin normalden az olması durumunda histaminin vücutta birikmesine sebep olabilir. #histamindiyeti #histaminsizyaşam #histamineintolerancerecipes #histamineintolerance #histaminefree #histamineintolerance

4/19/2024, 10:07:12 AM

#FridayMorning ☀️ Starting the last workday of the week right with some avo-toast 🥑, packed with those healthy fats we all love! Healthy fats, like those found in avocados, play a crucial role in supporting brain function, hormone production, and overall heart health. Plus, they help keep us feeling full and satisfied. And of course, we've got our LactoJoy tablets ready to roll for lunch out with colleagues. No lactose, no worries, just pure enjoyment. 🌱 Perfect for taking to work or fitting into our tiny pocket! #AvocadoToast #HealthyFats #LactoJoy #NoLactoseNoProblem #OnTheGo #TravelFriendly #CleanEating #BreakfastGoals #LastWorkdayVibes #GoodMorningWorld #GutHealth #PocketSized #GlutenFree #HistamineFree #NutritionMatters #HeartHealthy #WellnessJourney #EatingClean #HealthyChoices #FoodieFriday #PlantBased #LactoseIntolerant #WorkLunch

4/19/2024, 7:00:08 AM

Though it can be difficult to diagnose, there are some more common histamine intolerance symptoms that are noticeable after eating high histamine foods. These could include hives, headaches, digestive distress, anxiety, trouble sleeping and more. They can also be more complicated, moving from these allergy-like reactions to skin issues and persistent digestive symptoms. Although the disorder may seem confusing at times, the bright side is that no matter what type of symptoms you’re experiencing, they can be controlled very quickly when you eliminate high histamine foods and replace them with low histamine foods. 🌸Click the link in bio to find out which high histamine foods to avoid and what to eat instead! . . . #histamineintolerance #histamine #histaminefree #histaminefriendly #womenshealth #femalehormones #guthealth #foodintolerance #probiotics #chronicillnessawareness #nutrition #fitness #fitfam #health #holistichealth #IBS #crohns #IBD #bloating #byebyebloat #microbiota #gutbacteria #epigenetics #functionalmedicine #foodismedicine #chronicillness #digestivehealth

4/18/2024, 10:00:18 PM

Ever wondered why certain foods leave you feeling off? It could be due to their high histamine content, which can trigger discomfort for some. Keep an eye out for these sneaky culprits: yeast products like bread and baked goods, aged meats and cheeses, condiments like soy sauce and vinegar, alcoholic beverages, overripe fruits, canned foods, fermented goodies like sauerkraut and kimchi, comforting bone broth, and even those tempting leftovers. Being mindful of histamine levels in your diet can make a big difference in how you feel day-to-day. Comment HISTAMINE is you want a full list. #histamine #histamineoverload #histamineintolerance #histaminefree #mcas #histaminebucketoverflow

4/18/2024, 9:40:00 PM

. 🇸🇰 Cookies s kúskami čokolády z jednej misky . najchutnejšie cookies s tým najchutnejším receptom, aký môžete nájsť . RECEPT v NEDEĽU . . 🇬🇧 One bowl chocolate chip cookies . the most delicious cookies with the easiest recipe there is to find . RECIPE on SUNDAY . . dairy-free . histamine-free (if you use white/ruby/gold chocolate chips) . . #parkersmuffins #muffin #baking #baker #bakedgoods #bake #poodle #bakery #bakersofinstagram #bakersgonnabake #bakestagram #bakebakebake #bakeyourworldhappy #chocolatechipcookies #cookies #chocolate #vintage #wizardingworld #easiestrecipe #recipe #dairyfree #histaminefree

4/18/2024, 8:34:24 PM

🏆THE MIGHTY DAO ENZYME 🏆 Diamine Oxidase (DAO) is a digestive enzyme that is responsible for breaking down histamine in the body so it can be effectively excreted. Why is this important? It prevents excess histamine levels in the body. Because as histamine levels rise, so do your symptoms!! When robust levels of DAO are found in the small intestine, DAO is able to break down histamine that was in the food eaten thus preventing it from entering the body. If you don’t have enough DAO, it can cause histamine levels to rise, causing Histamine Intolerance, chronic inflammation and/or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. If you suspect you have too much histamine in your diet or not enough DAO enzyme, you can boost DAO enzyme production by eating foods rich in nutrients that support DAO production. #DAO #histamineintolerance #histaminefree #mcas #mastcell #guthealth101 #digestivehealth #mastcellactivation #histamineintoleranz #lowhistamine #lowhistaminediet #guthealth #guthealthmatters #foodallergies #allergyhelp

4/18/2024, 7:08:15 PM

Diète low histamine La diète faible en histamine (low histamine en anglais) est envisagée lorsqu'il y a une suspicion d'intolérance à l'histamine. Elle même découle d'un manque ou d'un mauvais fonctionnement des enzymes qui la dégradent (multiples causes). C'est un régime d'éviction très restrictif qui doit être encadré. L'objectif n'est pas de le mener à vie mais de trouver les aliments posant réellement problème et la fenêtre de tolérance pour les autres. Cela pourra d'ailleurs changer au cours de la vie. Selon le profil et les autres troubles associés, il sera judicieux de travailler dessus. Symptômes de l'intolérance à l'histamine dans mon précédent post. --------------------------------------------- Olivia naturopathe & conférencière en entreprises. Je vous accompagne à retrouver du confort au quotidien dans votre pathologie inflammatoire chronique. + d'infos dans la bio ⚠️ La naturopathie est une approche complémentaire qui ne peut se substituer en aucun cas à la médecine ⚠️ #histamineintolerance #histaminefree #lowhistamine #dao #journaling #migraine #troublesdigestifs

4/18/2024, 5:04:10 PM

Wir dürfen die Produkte von @histafood.eu bei uns im Sortiment willkommen heißen.🎉 Was und wer ist @histafood.eu? Ana und Milena sind die Gründerin von @histafood.eu, sie waren beide von einer Histaminintoleranz betroffen und mussten schnell feststellen, dass es bisher kaum ausgewiesene Produkte gibt, die für eine Histaminarme Ernährung geeignet sind. Deshalb haben sie @histafood.eu entwickelt. 👍🏽 Ihre Produkte sind: - Glutenfrei - Laktosefrei - teilweise geeinigte für eine fructosearme Ernährung - vegan - Bio Qualität - ohne Zusatzstoffe Wir haben euer Interesse geweckt? Kommt doch gerne vorbei☀️ #histamineintolerance #histaminefree #histamin #histafood #vegan #bio #glutenfrei #reformhaus #reformhausbacher

4/18/2024, 12:12:58 PM

🍴Ebéd ötlet🍴Ropogós csirkeszárny saláta ágyon, sült édesburgonyával 👩‍🍳🍟 #ebéd #lunchtime #chicken #sweetpotato #salad #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipes #hisztaminmentes #histaminefree #histamineintolerance #healthyfood #healthy #food #foodblogger

4/18/2024, 11:30:00 AM

‼️WHAT IS CAUSING YOUR AUTOIMMUNITY‼️ Because the mistake that leads to autoimmunity doesn’t just happen. There are of course genetic predispositions, but when we look at these mutations we find they conferred benefit in the environment we evolved in. It’s just the modern environment that causes these genes to express themselves in a way that may result in an autoimmune condition. Your biology is constantly responding to inputs from our environment. There is a reason for everything. So figure out your reasons and start watching your symptoms disappear. ✅follow @summit__health for more information on improving or reversing chronic symptoms and conditions #chronicillnesswarrior #chronicillnessawareness #autoimemunewarrior #aipdiet #functionalmedicintedoctor #histamineintolerance #gravesdisease #hashimotosthyroiditis #crohnsfighter #rheumatoidarthritiswarrior #ibslife #autoimmunity #gravesdiseasefighter #crohnsdiet #ulcerativecolitisfighter #functionalmedicinecoach #healthyguthealthyyou #leakygutdiet #paleodietlifestyle #carnivoretribe #lowfodmapliving #paleoketo #histaminefree #mastcellactivationsyndrome #hashimotosdiet #ibswarrior #reflux #abdominalpain #gravesdiseasewarrior #thyroiddiet

4/18/2024, 8:49:56 AM

Gluten has been shown to stimulate Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). In those sensitive to gluten, it may trigger a histamine response by activating histamine receptors. A study found 9 out of 10 patients with non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), were found to have lower DAO enzyme levels (a key enzyme which breakdowns histamine in the body), than patients without gluten sensitivity. Unmanaged histamine intolerance was also found to play an important role in non-responsive celiac disease. Why not try going gluten free, since gluten may trigger a histamine response? Avoiding gluten could help manage your histamine load. #glutenfree #ncgs #celiac #celiacdisease #celiacdiseaseawareness #wheatfree #wheatfreediet #wheatfreelife #gluten #glutenfreefood #glutenfreeliving #celiactreatment #mcas #histamineload #histamineintolerancediet #histamine #histaminefree #glutenintolerance #glutensensitivity #glutensensitive #mastcell #mastcelldisease #mastcelldiseaseawareness #mastcelldisorders #mastcellawareness #glutenintolerances #glutenfreefood #avoidgluten #avoidhistamines #avoidhistamine

4/17/2024, 8:53:53 PM