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365일 24시간 함께하는 동물병원 잠실ON동물의료센터입니다. 오늘은 잠실ON에 내원한 강아지 미미를 소개할께요! 미미는 염증성 장질환으로 관리중이에요~! 열심히 치료 받고 건강해지자! 🧡 ‼️ 강아지 구토, 설사는 가끔 있을 수 있지만 만성적으로 이어진다면 강아지 장염, 염증성장질환을 의심해 보고 지체 말고 검진을 받아보셔야 합니다. 초기 단계일수록 예후가 좋기 때문에 조금이라도 증상을 놓치지 말고 정확한 진단을 위해 강아지 만성 장병증 전문동물병원으로 내원해 주시는 것이 좋습니다. 잠실ON동물의료센터는 PLE치료를 대표하는 동물병원인 만큼 단백소실성 장병증 혹은 만성 장병증 아이들이 전국에서 찾아주고 있는 동물병원입니다. 🏪 ㅡ 잠실ON동물의료센터는 2차 진료기관으로, 노령/중증 환자들과 고양이 치료에 있어 국내 최고의 전문가들과 함께 합니다. 🏪 📞 진료예약: 02-418-0724 💻 홈페이지: 24onamc.com 📱인스타그램: @24onamc 🏷카카오톡 채널 채팅상담: 잠실on동물의료센터 검색 후 채널 추가 #강아지만성장병증 #염증성장질환 #IBD #강아지장염 #송파구동물병원 #송파구동물병원추천 #잠실동물병원추천 #송파구2차동물병원 #외과전문동물병원 #외과동물병원 #동물병원추천 #수술전문동물병원 #2차동물병원 #잠실온동물의료센터 #잠실온동물병원 #잠실ON #잠실ON동물의료센터 #잠실ON동물병원 #24시동물병원 #잠실동물병원 #고양이외과수술 #외과동물병원추천

5/2/2024, 5:16:42 AM

*舞茸ほうれん草の白出汁粥* By うたさん 調味料は白だしだけで味が決まります! お好みで崩した豆腐を加えたり、溶き卵を入れてみても良さそうですね。 疲れてご飯を作る体力、気力がないときにぜひお試しください(^^♪ —---------------------------- <材料> 2人分 ・冷ご飯…お茶碗軽く2杯分 ・舞茸…1パック ・ほうれん草…1/2袋 ・水…1~2カップ ・白だし…大さじ2 <作り方> ① 舞茸を手でほぐし、ほうれん草は5cm長さに切りザルに入れて洗っておく。 ② 土鍋に(お鍋でもOK)冷ご飯と水を入れ、その上に舞茸を乗せて蓋をし中火にかける。 ③ 沸騰して水分が減り、舞茸がしんなりしたら、白だしを加えてゆっくり混ぜる。 ④ ほうれん草を加えて、混ぜながらご飯がお好みの硬さになったら完成。 —---------------------------- うたさん、 素敵なレシピのご提供をありがとうございました♡ #ibd #潰瘍性大腸炎 #クローン病 #gコミュニティ #グッテ #ibdレシピ #お腹痛い #腸活 #健康な食事 #栄養士 #栄養学 #管理栄養士 #registereddietitian #nutricionist #nutrition #ibs #ibs食 #ノンオイル #低脂質 #低脂質レシピ #グッテレシピ #舞茸ほうれん草の白出汁粥 #ご飯 #舞茸 #ほうれん草 #白だし

5/2/2024, 5:00:30 AM

If you have IBD, one option is medications such as steroids, other prescription anti-inflammatories, and biologics that can help reduce inflammation and suppress immune system flare-ups. Message me if you have questions about how naturopathic medicine might complement other IBD therapies. #irritablebowelsyndrome #fructosemalabsorption #smallintestinalbacterialovergrowth #ibs #sibo #boweldiscomfort #boweldisease #naturopathicdoctor #integrativemedicine #ger #gastroenterology #ibd

5/2/2024, 3:00:29 AM

Skyrizi injection day to kick off the month! I needed more bandages, so I went with Bluey this time. 💙 #ibd #crohns #crohnsdisease #crohnswarrior #chronicillness #chronicallyill #chronicillnessawareness #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniesupport

5/2/2024, 2:40:54 AM

今日のお弁当🍱 ・鯖の塩焼き ・ポテサラ ・ピーマンと椎茸炒め(焼肉ソース) 鯖って脂質高いけど、娘さんが大好きで😆 魚の油は体にいいと信じてる🐟😅 もともとお肉が大好きな娘さん。「病気になってからお魚が大好きになったし、絶食期間があったから食べ物の美味しさに気づいた」と言う。本当は辛いこともたくさんあるのに、前向きなことを考えられる娘さんを尊敬します✨️✨️ #潰瘍性大腸炎 #IBD #UC #低脂質弁当 #高校生女子弁当保温弁当箱 #低残渣弁当

5/2/2024, 2:31:07 AM

Having Infusion Day in the comfort of your home with the warmth of our IV Crewneck and the coziness of our muslin blanket… 10/10 🙌🏼 Keep an eye out for our Spring Restock of Crewnecks and Muslin Blankets! #spoonie #ibd #autoimmune #chronicillness #fatigue #ms #lyme #arthritis #dialysis #chemo #cancer #pots #eds #lupus #crohns #infusionday #ivig #mcas #crps #addisons #graves #psoriasis #bloodwork #treatment

5/2/2024, 2:11:34 AM

We are searching for volunteers to help at this year’s Take Steps. Whether you can help the entire time or a few hours, your contribution is meaningful. 🤝 Please contact Jack for more information. #volunteers #ibd #sandiego #crohns #colitis #sandiegovolunteers #takesteps #takestepseffect

5/2/2024, 1:45:00 AM

Take a look at what we got up to on day 2 of the #IBD Southern section’s Irish study tour! Interested in attending events like this? Keep track of our upcoming events for more opportunities to make new friends and learn from industry leaders: https://ow.ly/AAuM50Rufi6 #IBDStudyTour #brewing #distilling #Ireland # brewery #distillery #brewingscience

5/2/2024, 1:40:51 AM

2024.5.2 テクテク歩く やっと復活できたかな。。。 季節の変わり目に弱い子 # MIZU #shiba #shibainu #しばいぬ#柴犬 #14歳1ヶ月 #食いしん坊女子復活 #お皿ピカピカ #ガツガツ食べる #食べる姿が好き #元気もらえる #椎間板ヘルニア #慢性腎臓病 #慢性腸症 #IBD

5/2/2024, 1:38:43 AM

Travelling while chronically ill- I had A LOT of questions about how I managed to travel after just coming out of hospital and out of surgery. Now, don’t get me wrong- my instagram posts were just a major highlight reel. It was hard and there was a lot of resting and down time being done. I was super fortunate that I was actually able to make it on the trip, but I know for a lot of us thats not always reality. I told my specialists that I was going on that holiday and we did absolutely everything we could to get me there. To prepare for the holiday I told my partner and my parents to do everything, I assured them that wasn’t them to experience absolutely everything even if I couldn’t, I rested as much as I possibly could before leaving, I got all my meds I needed + more and I mentally prepared myself for what I was about to put my body through. Being chronically ill and travelling doesn’t exactly go hand in hand! It’s not as simple as packing your stuff and getting it here. There is so much preparation, mentally and physically. My biggest thing is to travel with people who are understanding. I would t have had the most amazing trip if it wasn’t for Conor, mum and dad. They were SO patient with me and constantly doing things that would make life easier for me while being in a foreign country. I know how lucky I was and how fortunate I was to be able to make it onto that first plane to leave New Zealand, but I can promise you it hasn’t always been like that. I just have the best medical team behind me who fight for me to live my life the best I possibly can. I know it doesn’t and won’t always work out the way it did, I am just so so so lucky 💜 #crohns #crohnsdisease #ulcerativecolitis #uc #ibd #autoimmunedisease #autoimmunehepatitis #primarysclerosingcholangitis #psc #liverdisease #chronicallyill #chronicpain #invisibleillness #spoonie

5/2/2024, 1:37:44 AM

Mark your calendars! One week from today Dr. Goodman will be talking #Dysautonomia and answering questions. We’d love to see you in the Metrodora Demo Kitchen or virtually on Teams. It is free to attend! Please RSVP to Sara Morgan at the email below. [email protected] The Teams link is in our link in bio. Meeting ID: 294 037 442 475 Passcode: p4ZDPQ #Metrodora #MetrodoraInstitute #Healthcare #Research #ChiefMedicalOfficer #MedicalNews #MultisystemDisorder #POTS #Sjogrens #Dysautonomia #MECFS #Endometriosis #Migraine #ChronicIllness #MCAS #EDS #LongCOVID #ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #FoodAllergy #IBS #IBD #Medical #Medicine #MetrodoraNews

5/2/2024, 1:35:10 AM

Join Take Steps, make an IMMEDIATE IMPACT with a match challenge! 💙 Click the link in our bio to sign up for Los Angeles or Orange County Take Steps today!🔗 #TakeSteps #TakeSteps2024 #CrohnsAndColitisFoundation #IBD #IBDAwareness

5/2/2024, 1:03:06 AM

Understand IBD better by learning more about the gut-brain connection

5/2/2024, 1:00:05 AM

#OPI #ネイル #セルフネイル #ジェルネイル #ネイリスト #ネイルケア #自宅ネイル #トップコート #ベースコート #ネイルエンビー #ピンクトゥエンビー #サモアンサンド #オリジナル #クリストリオ #CND #ジェリッシュ #プロスパ キューティクルオイル #甘皮 #IBD #ビルダージェル #セシェ #セシェヴィート #つけまつげ #部分まつ毛

5/2/2024, 12:52:24 AM

World IBD day unites people worldwide in their fight against Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Its fact that Chron's and Colitis are lifelong conditions, to which there is no cure. Talk to your gp today by contacting (02) 8319 8777 to determine your eligibility for receiving medicare rebateable allied health services. • • • #mindyourhealthmedicalcentre #myhmedicalcentre #neutralbay #health #healthcare #medicalcentre #doctor #medicine #care #nurse #dietitian #psychologist #pathologist #lookingtogrow #Sydney #NewSouthWales #Australia #IBD #Awareness

5/2/2024, 12:43:34 AM

Truly proud and honoured to be part of this team #ECCO #DECCO! Incredible IBD dietitians ready to REACH! R - #rapiddiagnosis and #improvedcare E - #equitableaccess to IBD care A - #attainsustainable IBD care C - #causes of IBD H - #holistic IBD care #ECCO24 #ECCO2024 #ibd #crohnsdisease #ulcerativecolitis #ECCOIBD

5/2/2024, 12:36:35 AM

Since the antiviral IV med has kind of been destroying my IV's pretty quickly, my doctors thought it'd be reasonable to place a midline IV yesterday. Which is a long, flexible tube inserted into a large vein in the upper arm to administer medication into the bloodstream. The midline is inserted into the basilic, cephalic, or brachial veins using ultrasound images, and the tip is advanced to the level of the armpit and away from the shoulder. The PICC team tried to place the midline twice in my right arm, but my veins would start out very dilated and then shrink up as soon as they tried to advance the catheter. So then they switched to my left arm, no success. They FINALLY got the midline all the way in during the second attempt in my left arm, pushed a saline flush, which caused me to have a vasovagal response. I started seeing swirling stars, slurring my words, and totally blacked out. But they've seen that before, so it was a little surprising but not out of the realm of possibilities. However, apparently I also started thrashing and flexing my legs weirdly, which was a small seizure response. They had to rub my sternum, and call out my name to wake me up and I immediately started sweating. They had never seen the 20 second seizure response, which was definitely a little scary. The good news is they WERE able to successfully place the midline IV!!! So the antiviral infusions shouldn't be painful for me anymore, and the midline IV should last up to 2-3 weeks! Otherwise today we're mostly just in a holding pattern with our treatment plan. My hemoglobin is up to 8.2, because I received a unit of blood yesterday, so no need for a transfusion today. Which is great! My white blood cell count shot up pretty high yesterday and today, but since white blood cell counts can be affected by so many different things, especially for me, we're just going to keep monitoring that. We're also going to run a battery of blood tests to see if I have any other deficiencies that we're missing. There's not a specific concern, but we just want to cross our "t's" and dot our "i's" while I'm here. (Con't in comments)

5/2/2024, 12:24:49 AM

2024.5.2(木)東京都渋谷区 グループホーム!夕食! 焼き薩摩揚げ!おーいお茶! 白滝の炒め物!味噌汁!ご飯! コーヒーゼリー!常温水! きくらげ昆布!ミルク! #グループホーム#笑がおの園幡ヶ谷#笑がおの園新宿#朝食#飯テロ#クローン病#炎症性腸疾患 #IBD#軽度知的障害#知的障害#関東#東京都#渋谷#幡ヶ谷 #新宿

5/2/2024, 12:22:07 AM

Celebrating our client Robert, who has reduced his calprotectin by more than 1000 points in the last 4 months without any medications. His doctor was shocked, but we are not because this is normal in our world. Our clients consistently see their inflammation levels reduce when they follow our recommendations. This is because when they eat the right foods, the inflammation goes away. It’s like they stop putting fuel into the fire. And when they do this right, the fire gets put out on its own, without any interventions. The body is self-healing, when you give it the right conditions. This is what we teach you to do. Based on your symptoms, we will tell you the exact conditions you need to give to your body to get rid of Colitis and Crohns for life. You don’t need to stop your medications right away, but eventually, you will see that your body does not need them anymore. Like our client Josh, who is seeing his symptoms reduce as he lowers his medication dose. The medication was *increasing* his symptoms. We see this happening all the time. Once you implement the right conditions for your body. You will get rid of Colitis and Crohn’s with ease. This is what you do when inside Colitis and Crohn’s Recovery. Message us for the details. #ulcerativecolitis #ibd #crohns #crohnsdisease #ibdawareness #crohnscolitis #colitis #crohnswarrior

5/1/2024, 11:10:06 PM

May is Crohns & Colitis Awareness Month I just so happened to have treatment on today. I took some time after treatment and reflected on my Crohns Journey. It’s been a long time coming. I have been living with Crohn’s disease for 4 years now and I must say i’m a lot better than I was when I first got diagnosed. God really be doing His big one for me🙌🏽 When I first got diagnosed I couldn’t hold on to weight let alone gain weight now I can gain weight and hold on to it. Im in less pain than I have been in previous years. I haven’t had any extended hospital stays for crohns in 4 years. I’m not as fatigued as I used to be. I have a consistent workout routine. I know how to eat and enjoy life and not feel so restricted all the time. Mentally im the best i’ve been since being diagnosed. I’ve had to change doctors 3 different times and i’m on my second biologic. I have rough days trust me but I refuse to give up despite my condition Pretty Girls Do Hard Things 💪🏽 Keep Rising 🐦‍🔥🧡 Outfit @phenixactivewear Top Medium Leggings Small #crohns #ibs #uc #ibd #uc #crohnsdisease #crohnsawareness #crohnswarrior #gym #gymlife #motivation #inspiration #fitness #healthylifestyle #gymrat #legday #fullbodyworkout #glutes #naturalbody #builtnotbought #trainer #personaltrainer #memphisfitness #memphistrainer #memphis

5/1/2024, 11:03:15 PM

📝The time difference between these pictures is 1 day! Chronic conditions can fluctuate by the day, hour and minute. This makes it hard to plan & stick to plans but don’t let it deter you because things can also change quickly for the better 🙏🏼💪🏼 📝So please don’t stop inviting your chronically ill friends❤️ I’m so grateful to always be included by family & friends, never made to feel a burden or a Larry let down. In fact I have to tell them to go out & have fun without me because I don’t want anyone to miss out because of me🫶🏻 Thank you for being thoughtful🙏🏼 #onedaydifference #beforeandafter #chronicillness #bloatedbelly #chronicpain #boweldisease #bowelsurgery #ibd #crohnsdisease #adhesions #crohns #bowelresection #adhesiolysis #surgeryrecovery #pleasedontstopinviting #keepgoing #livemore #lovemore❤️

5/1/2024, 10:48:10 PM

My reality of the suffering and side effects from Rinvoq 😞 This was the 4th medication now that I had tried for my crohns and hands down the worst one. It has completely ruined my body and this doesn’t even show half of the damage it’s done… It’s left me with needing more surgery, more scars, more trauma and neglect, body dysmorphia, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, acne on my face back and chest, hair loss, weight gain, chronic fatigue, affected my menstrual cycle, folliculitis in my scalp, cystic boils - potential Hidradenitis suppurativa. I’m having to wash with hibi scrub to prevent the reoccurrence of infections because my skin is so inflammed. After needing surgery I took myself off this drug. I had no guidance or support through my IBD team or consultant due to being on A/L and no other resources were available to me. The effects this has had me has really been soul destroying and just adding to the trauma. This isn’t to scare people of taking medication but to bring awareness for anyone taking treatment for any kind of chronic disease and risking the nasty side effects. It’s risking ourselves to get better but feeling worse off. In this case, I was suffering more with these side effects than my normal Crohn’s symptoms and that’s saying something 😞 Following an appointment with the professor and surgeon who I got referred to- we decided that coming off medication altogether was not a wise idea as I risk myself deteriorating more which terrifies me, so we have decided to try another drug Skyrizi which I start tomorrow and will be monitored closely 🙏 The support and encouragement I receive never seizes to amaze and I appreciate it all 🫶 #crohnsandcolitis #awareness #crohnsandcolitisawareness #sideeffects #medication #remedy #crohnsdisease #colitis #ibd #autoimmunedisease

5/1/2024, 10:42:08 PM

2024.5.2(木)東京都渋谷区 体重→57.8 体脂肪率→16.5 内臓脂肪→4 BMI→20.0 #体重#体脂肪率#内臓脂肪 #BMI#クローン病#炎症性腸疾患 #IBD#軽度知的障害#知的障害

5/1/2024, 10:35:55 PM

It was a pleasure to attend Dilemmas & Debates in #ColorectalSurgery Meeting ( #DDCRS) @lifeatkings in #London last weekend. I participated in a debate with Gareth Parks on whether patients with inflammatory terminal ileal #crohns. I think the scene will soon be set for #trial. #surgery #IBD #inflammatoryboweldisease #crohns #crohndisease @bowelsofstmarks @acpgbi @escp_insta @crohnsandcolitisuk

5/1/2024, 10:25:46 PM

My heart is absolutely filled to bursting with joy and pride tonight💜 So finally she’s laced up her boots tonight and kicked her beloved football ⚽️ Seeing her start the warm up was very emotional but this kid is strong and determined! No she couldn’t keep up, she couldn’t kick the ball in a straight line, she fell over but that’s totally ok and the only way is up and she’s going to get stronger and stronger. This is going to be her summer for gaining that physical strength back and doing what she loves the most and I cannot wait to watch and support her through this, mixed with her new treatment there will be no stopping her🦾 #strongkids #stronggirls #mygirl And what a night to return, it was like a tropical storm out there🌊 #ulcerativecolitisfighter #ulcerativecolitiswarrior #crohnsandcolitisuk #ibd #ibdcommunity #proudmom #thisgirlcan #footballmom #crohnsandcolitis #ulcerativecolitis #uc #💜

5/1/2024, 10:15:26 PM

We hear from many of you about the struggles you faced leading up to surgery. But we also hear from you how life has changed for the better following surgery. Many ostomates comment that they have an incredible new lease of life! What is something you do now that you never thought you would be able to do before surgery? #IA #Stoma #StomaLife #Ileostomy #UlcerativeColitis #Colitis #UC #IBD #InflammatoryBowelDisease #Crohns #CrohnsDisease #Ostomy #OstomyLife #JPouch #InternalPouch #KockPouch #SafeWithIA

5/1/2024, 9:51:49 PM

Meme-ing Stoma Life So Far - Bumper "Mainly Funny But With Some Opinions" Edition. Yea, it's not #mememonday but I don't care! After all the shit of the last week with supposed "influencers", I had fun with these! #CrohnsDisease  #Crohns  #Colitis  #ulcerativecolitis  #stoma  #stomawarrior  #stomasupport  #ibdsuperheroes  #IBD  #chronicillness  #chronicillnessawareness  #mememonday  #meme  #subtotalcollectomy  #colectomy  #colostomy  #stomabag  #stomalife

5/1/2024, 9:48:50 PM

One Whole Week Post Surgery That has gone fasssst, I told myself I would be honest on this account, so here goes! So I had my reversal surgery last Wednesday, they weren’t sure if they would have to reopen my scar from my last surgery, which luckily they didn’t have to, they managed through the stoma hole which I was so so happy about. My bowels started working again literally the morning after my surgery, which wow, after 4 years, it was interesting 😂 the pain I was getting wasn’t too bad at all, I was extremely swollen, but was managing the pain with paracetamol and was walking around the hospital. I felt so positive and well that they discharged me on the Friday as I cannottt sleep in hospitals so I was exhausted. They changed my dressing, repacked the wound and sent me home. Thennn it’s just been a downward spiral, the cramps…. THE CRAMPS I was getting were absolutely horrific, and just seemed to get worse over the weekend. I was so happy to get home to the kids but after Saturday they had to spend a few nights with grandparents as I was just in so much pain. Which now thinking about it, may also of been wind as it took me a full 6 days to feel hungry and actually want to eat. I do think I underestimated the surgery, I don’t know if it’s been worse because it’s been such a long time and everything’s had to work a little harder to get back to normal. But here we are, one week in, I’ve started eating, the cramps have calmed a lot, and I’ve got my babies back 🤍 My stomach is still swollen, and my rash from where my bag sat is now not agreeing with my dressing either ✌🏼🙃 but the nurse said my wound is doing well so fingers crossed it heals up quickly 🤞🏼 Mentally getting used to having no bag is going to take a while I think, but I’m definitely feeling abit more positive now, and hoping the crohns stays at bay. #crohnsdisease #crohnsawareness #stoma #ileostomyreversal #ileostomy #stomabag #ibd #chronicillness #stomaawareness

5/1/2024, 9:32:03 PM

Revitalize your digestive system with Vinco Oxy Powder Colon Cleanser. Infused with a potent concentration of oxy powder, our formula gently detoxifies your entire digestive tract with time-released oxygen, safeguarding your gut health. Say goodbye to gas, bloating, and constipation with our high-strength formula for rapid relief. Made with premium colon cleanse powder, these capsules stand out for their quality and performance. ----- Order now: https://vincosupplements.co.uk/products/vinco-supplements-oxy-capsule-magnesium-compound-vegan-oxygen-powder-natural-colon-cleanser-gas-relief-bloating-relief-constipation-relief-intestinal-cleanser-for-adults-120-count . . . . #vincosupplements #supplements #digestivehealth #fitness #health #nutrition #digestive #ibs #healthy #colon #ibd #digestivehealth #health #constipation #natural #naturalhealth #bloating #digestion #guthealth

5/1/2024, 9:30:04 PM

I had a great #IndependentBookstoreDay this year! 📚🏬🛍️ My friend and I were able to stop at three bookstores in the North Shore MA area: @wickedgoodbooks in Salem, MA, @bookshopofbeverlyfarms in Beverly, MA, and @copperdogbooks in Beverly, MA! I picked up a few paperback titles on my TBR that I’m planning on reading this spring and summer. Do you have a favorite indie bookstore? #NOBBookTrail #IndieBookstoreDay #IBD #Bookstagram #LocalBookstores #FunnyYouShouldAsk #ElissaSussman #ALettertotheLuminousDeep #SylvieCathrall #TheWisteriaSocietyofLadyScoundrels #IndiaHolton #Paperback #Paperbacks #Romance #Fantasy #Romantasy #Bibliophile #BostonBookstagrammer  #IndependentBookstores #IndieBookstore

5/1/2024, 9:24:38 PM

3 years ago.... 3 years ago I did a podcast with @rt66sam for rolling with the cronies all about chronic illness and my colitis and newly diagnosed crohns at that point. From meeting Sam and doing this podcast and another with a few others I also do a photo shoot for stomas and scars with the stoma squad, this was before I got my second stoma. I was so glad I did the shoot it helped my confidence and knew that actually getting my stoma this time I would not be as anxious or bothered by it. If anyone wants to watch the podcast on YouTube I will put the link below. https://youtu.be/B4JMoURiM8U?si=77NzE11khz9pIiCO #podcast #ibd #inflammatoryboweldisease #stomasurgery #stomaawareness #stoma #ulcerativecolitis #chronicillness #invisabledisability

5/1/2024, 9:11:34 PM

What is IBD? Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of disorders that cause chronic inflammation (pain and swelling) in the intestines. IBD includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Both types affect the digestive system

5/1/2024, 9:08:42 PM

Look by @madeby.rie using our Clear Hard Gel for 3D designs! This self-leveling gel allows for easy application and a high-shine finish.💫

5/1/2024, 9:00:37 PM

I used to feel this way as well, it doesn't help that we are told medication and surgery are pretty much our only options. It wasn't until after 20 years of living with IBD did I start to truly look at how I could support my IBD, did I think what can I do besides take my medication and not eat the foods that trigger me? When I started doing this I saw great improvements in my IBD. I came at it from the point of view that stress was a trigger and so I worked on that with meditation. That was just the starting point as started to explore and understand more. What I learnt from studying after I reached remission was that I had actually been focusing on the root cause of my illness. I was addressing what was causing my immune system to function incorrectly, because that is the cause of our disease. IBD is an autoimmune disease which means that the immune system is not acting as it should. Your immune system does not want to attack you, it's just being triggered in the wrong way. I had faced the reason why my immune system was triggered. I had dealt with the cause of the overactivity, over stimulated systems in my body. I had dealt with the chronic stress and trauma that was in my body. I had done some deep inner personal work. I am currently in a period where I have let the maintenance side of this work slide, the emotional and mental side of things, I had let that slide, well dropped the ball completely. And my disease has been re-triggered, only in a small way but enough for me to go HELL NO. I am not going back to dealing with the symptoms, impact of IBD. No thank you. So I have recommitted to doing the daily practices that keep my health in check, my body functioning in more of its natural state, in the relaxation response, the healing place. You can follow my reset on my page as I share the practices and why. You can definitely support your disease by more than taking medication and avoiding foods that trigger you. For big impact go for the core, go for the root and then maintain that vibe. #ibd #ibdfam #ibdlife #ibdsupport #ibdremission #crohnsandcolitis #spoonie #ibdvisible #autoimmue #ulcerativecolitis #crohnsandcolitisaustralia

5/1/2024, 9:00:29 PM

PART 2/4 🎬 This past Saturday, IBD Connect hosted our annual trivia night fundraiser. This year, the theme was “Trivia Night at the Movies.” We decided what better way to embrace this theme than make our own “movie” to showcase at the event. It was a hit so we figured we’d share it with everyone! This video captures a quick glimpse of the many amazing moments that IBD Connect has been grateful to be a part of over the past five years. We love you IBD Warriors! Please enjoy! ❤️ #movie #movienight #trivia #trivianight #ibd #inflammatoryboweldisease #ibdwarrior #CrohnsDisease #crohnsdisease #crohnswarrior #uc #ulcerativecolitis #UlcerativeColitis #ulcerativecolitiswarrior

5/1/2024, 8:56:39 PM

Our new GI relief IV bag now includes glutamine. This powerful amino acid is produced by the body and found in food, but getting enough when your GI tract is struggling can be difficult. Getting extra in your IV bag can support your body's immune and digestive systems. The GI relief bag now includes: 💧Electrolytes 💧Glutamine 💧Toradol 💧Pepcid 💧Zofran 💧Magnesium Let us help you get back to your A-game! Call us today or book online. We are here to help you 7 days a week: 📱 1-833-TRY-CRYO ✉️ [email protected] 🌐 stationhydration.com/ #book-now (link in bio) #ActivateIV #IVtherapy #Cryotherapy #GIrelief #LiveYourBestLife #StomachUpset #GastricBypass #GastricSleeve #CrohnsDisease #Colitis #IBD #IBS #GERD #Nausea #indigestion

5/1/2024, 8:54:34 PM

🌸 MÁJ 🌸 Podle mě máme skvělé zdravotnictví. Neříkám, že nemá své mouchy. Ale popravdě třeba moc nechápu stížnosti na jídlo 🤔 Je to nemocnice, ne Hilton. Téměř veškerá péče je zdarma. Jen Aťova léčba se za posledních 5 měsíců vyšplhala na mega a půl. Vím, že ne všechno kryjí pojišťovny a v takovém případě je na místě poděkovat všem dobrým lidem, kteří ze svého přispívají na naději druhých 🙏 Personál? Fantastický. Všichni onkolékaři v Dětské jsou úžasní. Sestry na onkoJIPkách? Andělé. Stejně tak na odd. 23. Až na jednu, jedinou 😈 Pro co vážně pochopení nemám, je necitlivá komunikace s dětským pacientem. 🔹️Neřvi, bude to bolet ještě víc. (Upřímně, pomohla tahle věta někdy někomu? 🤷🏻‍♀️) 🔹️Proč furt tak kňouráš? (Protože je to dítě, ne asi. Nesmí opustit postel a trčí z něho x hadiček. Mám pokračovat?) 🔹️Nehýbej pořád s tou rukou, bude se to měřit furt znovu. (No a? Spěcháte na kafe?) Když jsme byli minulý týden v nemocnici, přetekl můj pohár trpělivosti, když na ubrečeného Arťu dost pohrdavě odfrkla: Ty jsi ale HRDINA. Podívala jsem se na ni a takovým tím ledově smrtícím hlasem (který umí každá matka) jsem jí řekla, že JE hrdina. Stejně jako všechny ostatní děti, které tam leží. Já to chápu, señoro, pracujete s dětmi, které brečí, ječí, mají depky, výlevy a nespolupracují. Ale vybrala jste si onkologii, co přesně jste čekala, že tu najdete? Jestli chcete svůj pracovní život trávit mezi vyzenovanýma dětma, dejte se ke kolotočům. Arti, dnes je první máj, lásky čas. Miluju tě celým svým ❤️ a chtěla bych ti říct, že ty budeš vždycky můj hrdina. #onkologie #hlh #hlhsyndrom #hemofagocytujicilymfohistiocytoza #hlhsurvivor #crohnovachoroba #crohn #ibd #zdravotnisestra

5/1/2024, 8:46:26 PM

After every storm, comes a rainbow 🌈❤️ #ileostomy #ileostomylife #ileostomywarrior #chronicillnesses #chronicillnesseswarrior #ibd #ibdwarrior @colostomyuk @coloplast.uk @coloplastcharter @convatecstomauk @ia_together @ia.support

5/1/2024, 8:43:42 PM

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve shared any updates but since May is #edsawarenessmonth thought it was about time. For the last few months I’ve been in hermit mode trying to get back to a more stable baseline after crashing; focusing on rest and gentle movement. I’ve also had a lot of doctor appointments, testing and a few new diagnosis to add to the list. I was referred to a rheumatologist due to all my autoimmune issues. Because of my #IBD and ongoing #uveitis issues, he wanted to test me for a type of inflammatory disease of the spine called anklosing spondylitis. Thankfully that was ruled out but I do have Degenerative Disc disease as well as osteoarthritis in my spine; which isn’t that surprising considering my entire spine is hypermobile due to my #EDS. The other update is that I started a new weightloss medication called Orlistat which works by helping my body let go of fat. Unlike most weight loss meds, this is the only one which is not an apetite suppressant. I haven’t talked much about my weight gain however as I went through my three major bowel surgeries I somehow gained 60 lbs (while on a liquid/soft diet and absolutely no appetite as well as exercising between surgeries). Originally I assumed it was connected to hormones and possibly cortisol/cushings disease because I knew it wasn’t calorie intake or lifestyle choices. In the end none of my drs or specialists could explain why I gained the weight in the first place and nothing I was doing worked so it was time for an intervention. Since February I’ve lost about 15 lbs which is an amazing start, unfortunately last month I hit a plateau. Today I spoke to a weight management clinic and for the next six months will be working with a dietitian to help fill in some of the nutritional gaps and hopefully won’t be stuck in this plateau for too long 🤞 In addition to my mini health update, I’ve also been working on my book. I actually scraped the first version and started over and I’m incredibly proud of what I’m creating. My goal is to finish it by the end of summer and I can’t wait to share! I only get about one good brain day a week if I’m lucky to write so I take advantage when I can! #POTS #EDS

5/1/2024, 8:41:20 PM

Our new GI relief IV bag now includes glutamine. This powerful amino acid is produced by the body and found in food, but getting enough when your GI tract is struggling can be difficult. Getting extra in your IV bag can support your body's immune and digestive systems. The GI relief bag now includes: 💧Electrolytes 💧Glutamine 💧Toradol 💧Pepcid 💧Zofran 💧Magnesium Let us help you get back to your A-game! Call us today or book online. We are here to help you 7 days a week: 📱 1-833-TRY-CRYO ✉️ [email protected] 🌐 stationhydration.com/ #book-now (link in bio) #ActivateIV #IVtherapy #Cryotherapy #GIrelief #LiveYourBestLife #StomachUpset #GastricBypass #GastricSleeve #CrohnsDisease #Colitis #IBD #IBS #GERD #Nausea #indigestion

5/1/2024, 8:32:39 PM

May is here!🌷 If you’re an IBD Connect subscriber, check your inbox! 📩 Our May newsletter was sent out this afternoon! Not a subscriber? Our newsletter features the latest information about IBD Connect meetings and events, as well as provides exciting updates. You can subscribe to our email newsletter by visiting our main website’s home page. Link is in our bio 🔗 #ulcerativecolitiswarrior #crohnsdisease #crohns #crohnsawareness #crohnsdiseaseawareness #supportgroups #ulcerativecolitisfighter #ulcerativecolitis #UlcerativeColitis #crohnswarrior #inflammation #crohnsfighter #inflammatoryboweldisease #ibd #supportgroup #ibdwarrior #ibdawareness

5/1/2024, 8:30:02 PM

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 We're thrilled to announce a new addition to our event day lineup: an Ostomy Awareness Tent! Join us at this year's event to learn more about living with an ostomy, connect with others, and discover helpful resources. Metro WOC nurse's look forward to seeing you there! Special thank you to our Ostomy Tent Partners: Coloplast & Convatec! #OstomyAwareness #IBDCommunity #EventDay #TakeStepsEffect #IBD

5/1/2024, 8:13:05 PM

Our new GI relief IV bag now includes glutamine. This powerful amino acid is produced by the body and found in food, but getting enough when your GI tract is struggling can be difficult. Getting extra in your IV bag can support your body's immune and digestive systems. The GI relief bag now includes: 💧Electrolytes 💧Glutamine 💧Toradol 💧Pepcid 💧Zofran 💧Magnesium Let us help you get back to your A-game! Call us today or book online. We are here to help you 7 days a week: 📱 1-833-TRY-CRYO ✉️ [email protected] 🌐 stationhydration.com/ #book-now (link in bio) #ActivateIV #IVtherapy #Cryotherapy #GIrelief #LiveYourBestLife #StomachUpset #GastricBypass #GastricSleeve #CrohnsDisease #Colitis #IBD #IBS #GERD #Nausea #indigestion

5/1/2024, 8:10:34 PM

Although the internet can have so much valuable information it can also be a very scary place, please be careful with the information you are taking on board and the resources you are looking at. IBD is a life long condition which has no known cure but is treated with medication, diet and sometimes surgery. But if you want to discuss any of your treatment options or want advise on some information you have read contact your IBD Team Crohns and Colitis Uk have information about your condition, medications that may be offered, diet advice and much more. They also have a helpline you can call. #ibd #crohns #colitis #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #inflammatoryboweldisease #crohnsandcolitisawareness #ulcetativecolitisuk #ulcerativecolitis #ibdawareness #ibdawarenessweek #crohnsdisease #ibdnurse #invisableillness #goodhopehospital #goodhopehospitalibd #gastroenterologyghh #ibd #ibdawareness #ibdpatientpanel #patientpanel #crohnsdisease #ulcerativecolitis #ibdnurse #colitis #crohns #crohnsdiseaseuk #ulcerativecolitisuk #inflammatoryboweldisease #ittakesguts #uhbhospitals #universityhospitalsbirmingham #universityhospitalsbirminghamcharity #universityhospitalsbirminghamnhsfoundationtrust

5/1/2024, 8:03:41 PM

1 mes de crecimiento 🤪 un lindo cambio con nivelación y el tono ocean 😍 Agenda tu cita 📲 💅 #manicurerussa #manicurachile #manicurapermanente #manicurarusa #manicurenails #manicureruso #manicura #manosbellas #manicuristas_chile #manicuristavenezolanaenchile #polygelnails #organicnailschile #cosiachile #ibd #chile

5/1/2024, 7:51:03 PM

Our new GI relief IV bag now includes glutamine. This powerful amino acid is produced by the body and found in food, but getting enough when your GI tract is struggling can be difficult. Getting extra in your IV bag can support your body's immune and digestive systems. The GI relief bag now includes: 💧Electrolytes 💧Glutamine 💧Toradol 💧Pepcid 💧Zofran 💧Magnesium Let us help you get back to your A-game! Call us today or book online. We are here to help you 7 days a week: 📱 1-833-TRY-CRYO ✉️ [email protected] 🌐 stationhydration.com/ #book-now (link in bio) #ActivateIV #IVtherapy #Cryotherapy #GIrelief #LiveYourBestLife #StomachUpset #GastricBypass #GastricSleeve #CrohnsDisease #Colitis #IBD #IBS #GERD #Nausea #indigestion

5/1/2024, 7:48:35 PM

Please comment with answers and support! Remember, these are people’s experiences, not medical advice. DM me with questions that I will post. All posts are 100% anonymous. Don’t forget to #KeepCalmAndFightCrohnsAndColitis 💜💪 #crohnsdisease #colitis #ibd #staystrong #crohnswarrior #colitiswarrior #ibdwarrior #crohnsawareness #colitisawareness #crohnsfighter #colitisfighter #medications #remicade #entyvio #infusion #crohns #remission #ostomy #ileostomy #humira #crohns #crohnssucks #colitissucks #methotrexate

5/1/2024, 7:44:39 PM

Please comment with answers and support! Remember, these are people’s experiences, not medical advice. DM me with questions that I will post. All posts are 100% anonymous. Don’t forget to #KeepCalmAndFightCrohnsAndColitis 💜💪 #crohnsdisease #colitis #ibd #staystrong #crohnswarrior #colitiswarrior #ibdwarrior #crohnsawareness #colitisawareness #crohnsfighter #colitisfighter #medications #remicade #entyvio #infusion #crohns #remission #ostomy #ileostomy #humira #crohns #crohnssucks #colitissucks #methotrexate

5/1/2024, 7:44:33 PM

Please comment with answers and support! Remember, these are people’s experiences, not medical advice. DM me with questions that I will post. All posts are 100% anonymous. Don’t forget to #KeepCalmAndFightCrohnsAndColitis 💜💪 #crohnsdisease #colitis #ibd #staystrong #crohnswarrior #colitiswarrior #ibdwarrior #crohnsawareness #colitisawareness #crohnsfighter #colitisfighter #medications #remicade #entyvio #infusion #crohns #remission #ostomy #ileostomy #humira #crohns #crohnssucks #colitissucks #methotrexate

5/1/2024, 7:44:21 PM

Please comment with answers and support! Remember, these are people’s experiences, not medical advice. DM me with questions that I will post. All posts are 100% anonymous. Don’t forget to #KeepCalmAndFightCrohnsAndColitis 💜💪 #crohnsdisease #colitis #ibd #staystrong #crohnswarrior #colitiswarrior #ibdwarrior #crohnsawareness #colitisawareness #crohnsfighter #colitisfighter #medications #remicade #entyvio #infusion #crohns #remission #ostomy #ileostomy #humira #crohns #crohnssucks #colitissucks #methotrexate

5/1/2024, 7:44:14 PM