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There is not enough love and goodness in the world to permit giving any of it away to imaginary beings. Friedrich Nietzsche #nietzschequotes #nietzsche #philosophy #history #lovequotes #bibliophile #marxism #socialism #humanity @quote_nietzsche

4/28/2024, 10:37:07 AM

Phew! I’m back from holidays! 2 weeks of road tripping Western Australia! Had a great time and feeling very refreshed, rested and recovered. So… in saying that, I promise I will try to be more active in May! • • • • • • • • • • • • #readersofinsta #booksofinstagram #booksofinsta #readersofig #literature #bookish #bookaesthetic #ilovebooks #bookdragon #bookaholic #bookaddict #booknerd #booksofinstagram #ilovereading #bibliophile #currentlyreading #readingmatters #bookshark #bookcommunity #writer #writersofinstagram #author #authors #authorsofinstagram #authorssupportingauthors #authorcommunity #writing #stalkingjacktheripper #kerrimaniscalco

4/28/2024, 10:36:23 AM

Do you like stories with mysterious djinns and dangerous adventures through hot desserts? Here are some titles that will send you to a magical world. #bookrecommendation #bookreader #fantasybooks #youngadultbooks #youangadultfantasy #bookphotography #booklover #bookstagrammer #bookaddict #readabook #bibliophile #readstagram #djinns #arrabian #citesteocarte #cartestagram #cititoridinromania #book

4/28/2024, 10:34:53 AM

✨Time for a book review!✨ Title: Funny Story Author: @emilyhenrywrites Rating: 3/5 ⭐️ This book was such a cute, cosy romance packed with lots of steamy moments. Miles was the golden retriever of MMCs so that was really nice to read. Only downside was I found it all a bit too ordinary, there didn’t feel like there was anything particularly at stake. But I love the interesting premise of the book! QOTD: Have you read Funny Story? 📕

4/28/2024, 10:30:56 AM

🌟 BLOGTOUR 🌟 Julia Ran heeft met Niets te verliezen haar derde boek geschreven waarvan ik genoot van haar eerste twee boeken. Met deze nieuwe feelgood neemt ze de lezer dit keer mee in het leven van Chloe die een perfect leventje lijkt te leiden, maar is dit echt wel zo als ze diep in haar hart kijkt? Ran weet met Niets te verliezen de lezer mee te nemen in een liefdevol verhaal maar ook nog meer dan dat. Wat maakt dit verhaal zo'n fijne feelgood? Morgen is @miss_reader1984 aan de beurt in de blogtour! Houdt haar blog in de gaten om te lezen of ze ook zo heeft genoten van deze feelgood. Je leest het in Antoinettes volledige recensie via de #linkinbio of via #nietsteverliezen #juliaran #godijnpublishing #feelgood #new #newrelease #bibliophile #review #recensie #boekenwurm #booknerd #bookaholic #bookaddict #bookworm #boekensteeg #boekentip #lekkerlezen #leestip #liefdevoorlezen #bookstagram #lovereading #boekentip #recensieexemplaar #blogtour

4/28/2024, 10:30:42 AM

Her decision changed history. Now her family must survive it. British Malaya, 1930s Discontented housewife Cecily is seduced by Japanese general Fujiwara and the glorious future he is promising for ‘independent’ Malaya, free from British colonialism. As she becomes further embedded as his own personal spy, she unwittingly alters the fate of her country by welcoming in a punishing form of dictatorship under the Japanese in WWII. Japanese-occupied Malaya, 1945 Cecily and her family are barely surviving. Her children, Jujube, Abel and Jasmin, are surrounded by threat, and look to their mother to keep them safe. But she can’t tell them about the part she played in the war - and she doesn’t know how to protect them. Can Cecily face up to her past to save her children? Or is it already too late... ?

4/28/2024, 10:29:53 AM

yesterday i felt like a character in one of my silly little books 📍 schloss benrath, düsseldorf

4/28/2024, 10:26:44 AM

Carina Rydberg: Korkeinta kastia || kirja-arvio Carina ei ole koskaan tuntenut kuuluvansa joukkoon, ei lapsena eikä aikuisena. Hän on joutunut pettymään kerta toisensa jälkeen, viimeisimmäksi matkallaan Intiassa ja sitten kotona Ruotsissa, tukholmalaisessa kulttuurieliitin suosimassa ravintolassa. Hän kokee olonsa nöyryytetyksi, älykkötuttaviensa pelinappulaksi. On aika kostaa ja paljastaa muut. Rydbergin vuonna 1997 julkaistu romaani Korkeinta kastia aiheutti Ruotsissa skandaalin, sillä se kertoo kirjailijan omasta elämästä ja Ruotsin kulttuurieliitistä, jonka käytöksen Rydberg tuo varsin epäsuotuisaan valoon. Kaikki henkilöt esiintyvät romaanissa oikeilla nimillään, ja Rydberg on kertonut, että kirjan julkaisulla hän halusi tarkoituksella vahingoittaa tiettyjä ihmisiä. Samalla hän tulee paljastaneeksi oman pakkomielteensä, petoksensa ja kostonsa. 1990-luvun loppupuolen Ruotsissa autofiktiivinen kostoromaani on kenties ollut jotain uutta, tai ainakin kuohuttavaa, nykyään sen shokkiarvo on laimeampi, kun aikaa on kulunut. En tiedä, johtuuko se minusta, etten ole elänyt 1990-luvun Ruotsissa ja tietänyt puoliakaan kaikista mainituista ihmisistä, vai ihan oikeasti kerronnan laahaavuudesta ja pitkäveteisyydestä, että romaani on varsin antikliimaksinen. Ymmärrän sinänsä sen arvon, ymmärrän mitä Rydberg on halunnut sanoa esimerkiksi vallasta, pakkomielteestä ja ikuisesta ulkopuolisuuden tunteesta, mutta hitto, kaipasin enemmän ryhtiä, napakkuutta, vähemmän sivuja! Sitä en ymmärtänyt, että miksi romaani jakautuu kahteen osaan, Intiaan ja Ruotsiin. Ne eivät linkittyneet tarpeeksi toisiinsa, vaikka niin kai oli tarkoitus. Että vähän sellainen erikoinen oman aikansa tuulahdus, hyvässä ja pahassa. Tulipa luettua.

4/28/2024, 10:26:44 AM

6/12 ☁️ In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado 5/5 ⭐️ This was a crazy read!!! Crazy in a heart wrenching way, in a too real kind of way. Be wary of trigger warnings for this one, had to pause in between because it did trigger a few things in me. Its a memoir, which in my previous post, I mentioned wasn't yet for me, but its the Machado's writing that had me hooked from the start. I also enjoy how she referenced movies, literatures and researches in chapters in between the story-telling. All in all, I feel for Machado. The fleeting feeling of fall in love and hoping it will last, the realization of this will not work, the wanting to get out but felt helpless to do so, and the healing and having the courage to be open about it.

4/28/2024, 10:25:43 AM

♫ MUSIQUE ET LECTURE ♫ Pour m’accompagner dans ma nouvelle lecture j’ai immédiatement choisi le voyage et l’évasion de Skáld et leur magnifique dernier album Huldulfólk 𖤍 ♫ @skaldvikings ✑ #branimirscepanovic ᐒ @editionslibretto #bibliophile #livre #roman #lecture #bookstagram #bookstagramfrance #bookstabarbe #musique

4/28/2024, 10:25:34 AM

📚 #1133 유은실 저. 비룡소 출판. 256쪽. [순례 주택] (2021) *10만 부 돌파 기념 스페셜 봄 에디션도 있어요. ☑️ #비룡소출판사 #블루픽션시리즈 #블루픽션81 ☑️ 순례 주택 소개 · 주택 주소: 거북로 12길 19(거북동) · 수익성: 17억 이상, 월세 400만 원 보장 · 순례 씨가 때를 밀어 주고 번 돈으로 산 집 · 순례 주택 거주자 401호: 영선 402호: 순례 301호: 허성우(박사님) 302호: 홍길동(이군자), 홍길동의 남편 201호: 예전에 박승갑(수림의 할아버지, 순례 씨의 오랜 연인)이 살았고, 수림의 식구들(오민택, 박영지, 오미림, 오수림)이 들어와 살게된다. 202호: 조은영과 아이들(진하, 병하) 1층 상가: 조은영 헤어 입점 ☑️ #표지후면 다 말아먹은 시즌 마지막 야구 경기 같은 가족 속에 눈부시게 등장한 구원투수 16세 오수림! 여기에 인생의 달인 75세 순례 씨가 뭉쳤다! ☑️ 캐릭터들이 모두 발랄하지만 골치 아픈 가족들이네요. 요즘 아이들 사이에서 빌라 살면 빌라거지, LH 살면 엘사거지, 휴먼시아 살면 휴거, 주공아파트 살면 주거, 개근하면 개근거지라던데… 빌라촌 사람들 무시하는 그런 혐오사상이 일부 포함되어 있어요. 수림 엄마, 마흔세 살에 제 힘으로 처음 돈을 벌어본 분이 할 말은 아닌거 같은데… 수림이네 가족이 순례 주택으로 이사와 서서히 어른이 되가는 과정을 봐야합니다. 조금이라도 자기 힘으로 살아가려는 노력이 가치있는 인생이고 어른의 의미라는 걸 깨닫게 해줘요. 재미있고 유쾌했어요. P13 순례 씨는 개명을 했다. ‘순하고 예의바르다’는 뜻의 순례(順禮)에서 순례자(巡禮者)에서 따온 순례(巡禮)로. 나머지 인생을 ‘지구별을 여행하는 순례자’라는 마음으로 살고 싶어서. P50 네 학비를 댄 걸 후회한다. 내가 공부할걸 그랬다. - 큰 누나 어렸을 때 너에게 계란과 우유를 양보한 걸 후회한다. 나는 벌써 골다공증이다. - 둘째 누나 네가 명문대 나왔다고 자랑한 걸 후회한다. 네가 나온 학교가 명문이 아니거나, 네가 제대로 배운 사람이 아닌 거다. - 셋째 누나 부모님께 용돈 드린 걸 후회한다. 부모님이 너에게 다 뜯겼지, 돌아가신 부모님 병원비는 결국 누나들이 냈다. - 넷째 누나. P53 “수림아, 어떤 사람이 어른인지 아니?” (···) “자기 힘으로 살아 보려고 애쓰는 사람이야.” P60 나는 순례 씨를 꼭 안았다. 순례 씨는 예전보다 덜 폭신해졌다. 할아버지가 돌아가신 다음에 좀 말랐다. P73 “감사하며 살아.” “알았어.” P81 정원엔 부추꽃, 목백일홍, 사루비아, 메리골드, 원추리 꽃······ 순례 씨가 사랑하는 꽃들이 만발했고. P99~100 순례 씨가 좋아하는 유명한 말― 관광객은 요구하고, 순례자는 감사한다―가 떠올랐다. 나도 순례자가 되고 싶다. 순례자가 되지 못하더라도, 내 인생에 관광객은 되고 싶지 않다. 무슨 일이 있어도. P154~155 “수림아, 있지.” “응.” “너 나중에 넉넉하게 살게 되면 말이지.” “응.” “둘째 고모처럼 조의금을 많이 내는 어른이 되면 좋겠어.” “그럴게.” “돌려받을 거 생각하지 말고, 많이 해.” “응.” #책추천 #책체질 #책책이 #bibliophile #소설 #국내소설 #한국소설 #청소년소설 #유은실 #순례주택 #비룡소 2024년 4월 #도서관대여 (완)(독)

4/28/2024, 10:25:16 AM

Do you like sprayed edges? This its probably my favourite one- its @afterlightbooks SE of At First Spite by Olivia Dade. The strawberries are soo cute! Talking about special edition books, I recieved my @afterlightbooks and @fairyloot boxes on the weekend! The books are SO PRETTY! I will show you guys soon but I didn’t want to post straight away and ruin the element of surprise for anyone here still waiting to get theirs. #afterlightbooks #illumicrate #specialeditionbooks #sebooks #sprayededges #stencillededges #stencilededges #booksbooksbooks #prettybooks #romcombooks #romancebooks #romancenovels #bibliophile #bookblog #bookvlog #bookreviews #booktbr #bookrecs #bookrecommendations #booklove #booknerd #fairyloot

4/28/2024, 10:24:25 AM

Sunday Shelfie Look at all that blank space, waiting to be filled with books not yet read or discovered. Today is a miserable day in Cheshire. All this rain is making everything green and vibrant but it's not much use if you're stuck inside. I'm going to make the most of it and start packing for our holiday and attempt to paint my toe nails. It's not an easy task when you have a belly like mine 😃 Hope you have a lovely Sunday everyone.

4/28/2024, 10:23:15 AM

women writing women, women rewriting women, women writing herself.

4/28/2024, 10:21:49 AM

I meant to post this weeks ago 🙈 but better late than never….! so have a mini Magabala Books haul ✨🖤 🐍Super Snake by Gregg Dreise - a new telling of the Rainbow Serpent story that, I am sure, you have at least heard of. It’s a story I grew up with and one that transcends mob/language groups. But every telling is unique and thus valuable. So I am always so excited to see another version of the story drawn/written/retold. As Dreise writes, there are hundreds of Countries on this continent and thousands of different Dreaming stories, Aboriginal people are not one and the same. So this beautifully illustrated picture book is the author’s telling, informed by his Kamilaroi and Euahlayi descent. ❤️Compassion by Julie Janson - the next book by Dharug author Julie Janson and a return to her historical fiction roots a la Benevolence. In fact, Compassion follows the daughter of Benevolence’s MC, Duringah, in 1800s colonial NSW and is deeply rooted in the author’s ancestor’s experiences. As someone who loved Benevolence (albeit was simultaneously spiritually broken by it) I am really appreciative to be able to continue to follow the threads of its story —— Image Description - two books it on a black background. A soap in the shape of the Aboriginal flag is in the background. So too are the words “my future my culture my way” highlighted in red and blue #BookQuotes #BookReview #Bookstagram #Fantasy #YABooks #Bookshelves #Bibliophile #BookPhotography #Aboriginal #AboriginalAustralia #Yuin #IndigenousBookstagram #Queer #QueerBooks #LGBTQIA #Book #Books #BookLover #Reading #Reader #Read #BookHaul #NewBooks #BookRecommendations #RainbowSerpent #Compassion #Indigenous #IndigenousBooks #FirstNations

4/28/2024, 10:21:05 AM

Life is negotiation, “they” say. And if you think about it, they are right. But what if you could read a book that would make you a better negotiator? Doesn’t that mean you would have an advantage in life? Checkout the Review of “Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It” by Chriss Voss . . . #book #bookstagram #books #booklover #reading #read #bookaddict #bookworm #instabook #bookstagrammer #booknerd #bookish #bookshelf #bookphotography #booklove #reader #bookaholic #livre #libro #booksofinstagram #bibliophile #bookblogger #author #livrestagram #bookreview #booksbooksbooks #booklovers #bookcommunity #bookrecommendations #readersofinstagram

4/28/2024, 10:20:59 AM

🖤Book Review🖤 Title - Shatter Me Series Author - Tahereh Mafi Ratings - Overall a ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 This series pulled me in all kinds of directions. I started off reading the first few books and then moved onto audio books and it was definitely the right move! Listening to the books kept my interest for the series at a high. I loved the characters interactions with each other and how the dynamics changed throughout the series. Kenji is my all time favourite book best friend, everyone deserves a friend like Kenji 🫶🏼 I don’t normally fall for a blonde but Aaron can sneak into my dreams anytime 😍 this dystopian world gave Divergent/Maze Runner/ The Host vibes and I ate it up. The idea of a world full of supernatural children and why they were created that way was very intriguing but felt like there were two parts to this series and the second half just fell a little short for me! Definitely I series I would recommend for an easy listen, jam packed full of drama and twists to keep you on edge! #booktok #bookstagram #books #booklover #book #bookrecommendations #bookish #bookstagrammer #bookworm #reading #bookreview #booknerd #bookaddict #readersofinstagram #bookcommunity #booksbooksbooks #bookblogger #bookshelf #read #bookhaul #reader #bibliophile

4/28/2024, 10:20:28 AM

⚔️ D E C I S I O N S 🦌 I’ve finished my book club book really quickly and need another portable paperback choosing. Here are three unread ones sitting on my TBR shelf I could choose… Which one would you pick? 🏹🦌⚔️🏰 ————————————————————————-

4/28/2024, 10:20:23 AM

BOOK REVIEW: Castle Ever Dark, Sara Knightly. Rating: 5/5 ⭐️ ( I received an Advance Review Copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. ARC received via @booksirens ) @saraknightlybooks outdid herself with this sequel to Secrets Ever Green. It holds even more questions, mystery and magic than its predecessor, along with an added eerie and unsettling undertone. Her writing is just as gorgeously descriptive, mystic and enthralling as ever, and I found myself completely submerged in life at the castle, so much so that I stayed up until 7:30am to reach the final page! The pacing of clues appearing and information being revealed was executed perfectly in my eyes, and I didn’t find myself losing interest at any point which is something that I struggle NOT to do - I was thoroughly captivated and enchanted from start to finish. I enjoyed the Count’s point-of-view chapters dotted throughout the story. Along with Ivy’s POV, they slowly began to weave together to reveal the dark secrets of the castle and the dangers that lurked around every corner. Learning the Count’s reason for his obsession with the carpenters of Windermere brought a whole new understanding to the story. The twists and revelations that started to come into light (especially during the second half of the story) explained so much but still left enough mystery and questions for the next book to answer. All in all, I was undeniably impressed with how Knightly continued this series, and I’m already beyond excited for Book Three! #booksbooksbooks #bookworm #bookstagram #booktok #bookish #bookreview #bookreviewer #bookstagrammer #bookblogger #bookrecommendations #booklover #tbr #bookclub #bookstoread #bibliophile #fictionbooks #literature #arc #booksirens

4/28/2024, 10:19:32 AM

Sociologa,scrittice,poetessa,economista ma soprattutto fervente femminista,Charlotte Perkins Gilman ci ha lasciato in dono la sua lucida visione sulla condizione della donna durante il periodo della sua vita in epoca vittoriana.In particolare questa, sotto il nome de "Il glicine rampicante" è una raccolta di otto racconti (che prende il nome dal primo in esso racchiuso) intervallati da sei poesie che celano dietro una semplice apparenza gotica una chiara impronta femminista.Impronta che non si rivela se non a narrazione inoltrata,non prende mai il sopravvento ma come una brezza leggera si posa sull'intero scritto caricandolo di maggior forza. Come un faro nella notte la scrittice vuole essere una guida in un mare di incertezze.Liberare la donna dai ruoli in cui la società l'aveva ingabbiata.Non più solo moglie,madre ma prendere parte attiva all'interno della società stessa.Vivere secondo i propri dettami senza seguire il copione impostole dalle convenzioni dell'epoca. Riscoprire la Gilman significa riscoprire una donna che ha dedicato la sua intera vita alla causa femminista aiutando così il movimento a prendere sempre più piede.La ricercatezza del linguaggio pone i suoi scritti sicuramente tra i più rappresentativi del tempo.Parole e frasi evocano atmosfere antiche e cariche di mistero in cui molte volte l'inconoscibile si accompagna alla cruda realtà dei fatti. Conosciuta ai più soprattutto per il racconto "La carta da parati gialla",che prende spunto da una vicenda personale della stessa Gilman,di quando afflitta da una d3pressione p0st-partum le venne prescitta la "cura del riposo" che invece di aiutarla rischiò di farla impazz1re,il resto della sua produzione contenuta in questo piccolo volume riesce ad affrontare e pone una feroce critica a quelle che erano le difficoltà in cui incorrevano le donne in un tempo poi non troppo lontano da quello attuale. Un'altra perla della @abeditore che rientra a tutti gli effetti tra le mie pubblicazioni preferite di questa casa editrice,che sa sempre come distinguersi sia nella grafica ma soprattutto nel contenuto. ❓️❓️Conoscete la Abeditore? Avete già letto questo volume o altro di questa casa editrice?

4/28/2024, 10:18:51 AM

“𝐼 𝑓𝑖𝑔𝑙𝑖 𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑜 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑟𝑒, 𝑠𝑖 𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑒, 𝑐𝑖 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑜 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖 𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑜 𝑖 𝑛𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑖, 𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑜 𝑙𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒 𝑚𝑎 𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑟𝑒..” Un attimo di disattenzione è sufficiente a perdere di vista Nina.. Un senso di angoscia attanaglia i genitori fino a quando la bambina viene ritrovata sana e salva. La paura lascia spazio al sollievo, tranne che per Emma, la madre, insegnante di Belle Arti che, abituata ai falsari, è convinta che la bimba ritrovata, tanto somigliante a sua figlia, sia solo una copia.. ➤ Fin dalle prime pagine, l’atmosfera di questa storia è pesante, scomoda, claustrofobica.. L’autrice delinea i meandri della sfera affettiva di una una madre che vive un lutto bianco, portandola ad essere in guerra con se stessa ed a lottare contro il suo cervello. ♡ È difficile essere madri, specialmente quando portiamo dentro di noi un’eredità familiare disseminata di traumi e ferite impossibili da curare.. Ed è scoprendo il doloroso passato di Emma che il lettore si ritroverà a disagio ed impossibilitato nel “giudicare” il rifiuto che questa donna prova verso sua figlia. L’amore materno che non può essere descritto, ma solo sentito, rimane in silenzio davanti a questa bambina disposta ad accettare la follia della madre pur di guadagnarsi il suo amore. ☞ Stéphanie Kalfon da vita ad un thriller psicologico tanto forte quanto inquietante che evidenzia la sua bravura nel tratteggiare i disturbi mentali quali: disgregazione della personalità, delirio paranoico e distorsione della percezione, facendo di lei, una precisa e sapiente esploratrice dell’animo umano. ༄ 𝑪𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒆 è un pugno allo stomaco che, in sole 198 pagine, condensa molte tematiche delicate come la fragilità della mente, il legame Madre-Figlia, i traumi infantili e l’elaborazione del lutto. → Consiglio questa storia dolorosa e commovente a chi cerchi una lettura forte che non lasci indifferenti. ♥ Ringrazio di cuore @edizioniclichy per la copia omaggio. ❓Qual è il libro letto più intenso che non vi ha lasciato indifferenti? #book #bookstagram #leggeresempre

4/28/2024, 10:18:23 AM

Lush non fiction display! Looking forward to reading @victoriasmith775 ‘s Hag #books #booklover #booksbooksbooks #lovetoread #readersofinstagram #igreads #instareads #bookstagram #nonfictionbookstagram #bibliophile #buch #feminist #feministbooks

4/28/2024, 10:17:23 AM

Happy Sunday! Welcome to the chaos that is my shelves. Too many books, newbies get thrown into the mess. Are your shelves tidy, messy or somewhere in between?

4/28/2024, 10:14:51 AM

Now They See Us by Balli Kaur Jaswal ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I love reading anything Balli Kaur Jaswal writes and I will always buy and read her books. She is one of my favourite authors. That being said I found Now They See Us to be an okay read. It is well written, researched and inspired by true events. Shedding light on the experiences and lives of domestic workers in countries such as Singapore. Who leave their home countries to help provide for their families. I found the subject matter and the core themes of the book interesting and what drew me to want to read the novel, and I love that Balli Kaur Jaswal has given these women a voice through her novel. However… I feel like at times the book was pretty rushed towards the end and that also that the same time there wasn’t much investigation. It was a slow beginning and then everything seemed pretty rushed to me. I will still keep reading books by her no matter what. #bookreview #bookstagram #bookreader #contemporarybooks #bookaddict #booknerd #bookish #bookaesthetic #bibliophile #bipocbookstagram #poccharacters #igreads #igbooks #instabook #instareads #bookshelf #nowtheyseeus #ballikaurjaswal #contemporaryreads #contemporary #bookphotography #bookcommunity #bookcover #bookgeek #reading #readersofinstagram

4/28/2024, 10:14:39 AM

@ikarosbooks Αυτό το βιβλίο είναι από αυτά που πρέπει να χαρίζονται οπωσδήποτε ως δώρα στην γιορτή της μητέρας. Φυσικά, κάθε γυναίκα εκεί έξω, που έχει ανάγκη η και όχι τη μητρότητα θα το αισθανθεί και θα το καταλάβει πολύ περισσότερο από εμάς. Θεωρώ σημαντικό όμως να διαβαστεί όπως και να έχει, και ας μην είσαι γυναίκα. Δύσκολα να μην σε βάλει σε σκέψεις , να μην σε ταρακουνήσει και σε συγκινήσει. Θα το ήθελα εκτενέστερο, θεωρώ ότι είχε πολλά ακόμη να πει αυτήν η ιστορία. Ωστόσο, μου άρεσε παρά πολύ και ο τρόπος γραφής της συγγραφέως και η προσέγγιση της στα θέματα γύρω από την γυναίκα και την μητρότητα. Η γραφή ήταν λακωνική, χωρίς πολλά-πολλά. Ήξερε ακριβώς τι έγραφε, τι ήθελε να πει και το έκανε στον βαθμό που έπρεπε. Χωρίς περικοπές και υπερβολές. Χρησιμοποιούσε κατάλληλα τους χαρακτήρες για να περάσει τα μηνύματα που έπρεπε. Ανθρωποκεντρικό και ρεαλιστικό. Για όσους το έχετε διαβάσει. Ο αγώνας της μικρή Ίνες ήταν αυτός που με συγκλόνισε και με άγγιξε περισσότερο. Διαβάστε το! 4/5⭐️ #books #booksbooksbooks #booksaremylife #bookishpost #booksalways #bookland #bookworms #bookcommunity #bookphotography #bookpic #bookobsessed #booknerd #booksforlife #reading #love #bibliophile #bibliophilia #vivlio #bookstagram #bookclub

4/28/2024, 10:13:47 AM

Vuk - Samuel Bjerk Odavno sam pročitala prethodne knjige iz serijala pa sam se radovala povratku poznatih likova. Ovde i jeste akcenat na upoznavanju istih, tako da je ovo komotno mogla da bude i prva knjiga u nizu, umesto četvrta. Ono što je jako uočljivo je da su likovi prilično mlaki, sušta suprotnost Holgeru i Miji u nastavcima. Što se same radnje tiče, priča se vrti oko, scenski postavljenog, ubistva dva dečaka. Dopada mi se način na koji Bjerk piše, ta konstantna dinamika, ali moram priznati da su mi očekivanja od ove knjige bila veća. Ukoliko se još niste sretali sa ovim serijalom, redosled je sledeći : 1. Anđeo u šumi 2. Sova 3. Dečak koji je voleo jelene 4. Vuk Žanr: Triler Broj stranica: 480 Izdavač: Laguna #vuk #samuelbjerk #triler #serijal #preporuka #preporukaknjige #laguna #bookreader #bookstagramserbia #bookphotography #booksofinstagram #booklover #bookandflowers #booksandcoffee #bookaholic #bookrecommendations #bookreview #bibliophile #photooftheday #recomendationtriler #readingtime #tellmeyourbook

4/28/2024, 10:13:13 AM

✨ 𝙽𝚎𝚞𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚒 ✨ ℍ𝕖𝕪 𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕤 🌙 Auf welche Neuerscheinungen im Mai freut ihr euch am meisten? 💗💫 Der Mai wird bei mir buchtechnisch zum Glück ein ruhiger Monat. 😅 es sind nur knapp eine Handvoll Bücher auf die ich mich freue und die ich teilweise schon vorbestellt habe 🥰 daher kann mein SuB erstmal ein kleines bisschen aufatmen 😅 schließlich waren die letzten Wochen doch schon ziemlich kauflastig 😅 Naja, trotzdem freue ich mich auf ganz viele Lesestunden im Mai mit hoffentlich schönen & warmen Frühlingswetter ☀️ Die Bücher die mit einem Herzchen markiert sind, werden bei mir einziehen & ich freu mich schon drauf. 💗 Ich wünsche euch einen schönen Sonntag 🥰 Eure Lia 🤍

4/28/2024, 10:12:58 AM

“in one in about two hundred fifty injections, the recipient feels the urge for, let’s just say, intense and homicidal violence. Like, ‘murder everyone in the building and build a pyre with their skulls’ level of violence.” “I can understand that,” I assured her. “No, you can’t,” she assured me back. “Fortunately, there’s a direct and accompanying side effect of extreme lassitude, which keeps most people from acting on the urge.” “So, like, ‘I want to kill you but that would mean leaving the couch.” “Exactly,” Dr. Lee said. “We call it murder stoner syndrome.” Næste bog færdig læst er ‘The Kaiju Preservation Society’ af John Scalzi - en ret populær scifi-forfatter som jeg endnu ikke havde læst noget af. Dette er en ret hurtiglæst og humoristisk bog som praktisk talt er Jurassic Park, hvis parken var fyldt med Godzillas. Desværre var den også en tand for overfladisk for mig. Kunne bruge væsentlig flere beskrivelser både af Kaijus, så det ikke bare blev i mit forskellige varianter af Godzilla, og menneskerne som kun adskilles ved navne og personlighed. Men jeg vil ikke kunne danne mig et billede af nogen af dem. Stadig en underholdende læseoplevelse. En let snack

4/28/2024, 10:11:08 AM

Rainy Sunday morning reading. Making a start on Richard Osman’s latest #ThursdayMurderClub mystery, The Last Devil to Die, which was a Christmas gift. I heard the series is going to be made into a film with Helen Mirren, Pierce Brosnan and Ben Kingsley featuring. What a cast! A friend recommended another series of cosy mysteries written by Rev Richard Coles about a sleuthing vicar. Can you recommend any other series I should look out for? . . . #cosymystery #readwhatyouown #tacklemytbr #read #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #books📚 #whatimreading #reading #bookblogger #bookblog #iread #lovereading #booksbooksbooks #bibliophile #tsundoku #bookworm #allthebooks #book #books #booksofinstagram #instareads #readmorebooks #readinggoals #❤️📚

4/28/2024, 10:10:55 AM

The housemaid - Freida McFadden 📖📖📖📖📘 Een spannend boek met een goede plottwist. Vanaf het begin af aan raakte het verhaal me en werd ik geïrriteerd van de gebeurtenissen die zich voor doen. Ik ben erg benieuwd naar deel 2. Deze staat al op me te wachten in mijn boekenkast. TBR. #bookstagram #books #bookaddict #bookstagrammer #bookreviewer #bookreviews #bookworm #read #readersofinstagram #reader #tbr #bookblog #bookadaptation #bookrecommendations #bibliophile #booktoks

4/28/2024, 10:09:57 AM

«Finalmente sei tornata!» «Ti sono mancata?» «Tanto!» Time and space, vol 1, La nascita di un regno Immagine create con IA #bookstagram #booklover #kitap #reading #love #books #bookworm #instabook #read #art #photography #kitapkurdu #libro #bookish #repost #bookshelf #bibliophile #instagood #bookstagrammer #booknerd #bookaddict #author #okudumbitti #bookaholic #life #writer #instagram #booklove #kitaptavsiyesi #libros

4/28/2024, 10:08:31 AM

* What this weekend* Hi Bookstafam! What are you doing this weekend? This whole last week was crazy because we are in the middle of a heatwave and it was just go to work, get home and stay indoors ! The weekend isn't any better and I imagine not many people will be planning anything outdoorsy or social at this time! Neither am I - but as we all know, not having any social obligations can be the best thing for a reader 😄 So here's what my weekend looks like:- ✨ I finally get to start on my new jigsaw puzzle! I bought it more than a month ago but haven't been able to get around to doing anything with it! Excited to finally begin! ✨ I finished the last book I was reading on Thursday night, so I get to start completely new books this weekend! I picked Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice and Mahabharata Unravelled by Ami Ganatra! Wonder if it says something about me that I choose to read about Vampires and Gods and heroes at the same time? 🤷🏽‍♀️😄 ✨ Other things - getting a little more work done on that Mandala, listening to a couple of episodes from my favourite podcasts (What Should I read Next & Sentimental Garbage!) and watching the IPL cricket match this evening! I wanted to start watching something new on Netflix /OTT - but I am confused with all those choices! What are you watching these days? Did you watch anything fun lately? (Looking for recs 😊) #bookreader, #bookstagram, #booklove, #weekendreads , #weekendplans , #booknerd , #bookaholic , #bookaddict , #bibliophile , #interviewwiththevampire , #themahabharataunravelled , #jigsawpuzzles , #reader , #readingtime , #readingandchill , #readinglove , #booksofinstagram , #readrersofinstagram

4/28/2024, 10:04:40 AM

📸: @samrosestudio : Ey up Bookstas, something I used to do years ago on my personal insta was share nice quotes etc at regular intervals on my grid. I was reminded of it recently when scrolling way back when looking for a photo and I right liked it actually so I'm bringing it back for me booksta. For both myself and anyone that else that wants to be able to scroll through for a bit of random positivity ✌️ : I've been a huge lover of quotes for a long time and think the power of someone else's words should never be underestimated. For me I find them extremely comforting, as reading something someone has written that's resonates highly with me means I'm not the only one who's felt that way. I used to have an "inspiration wall" in my bedroom which an old flame found quite alarming at first encounter 😂 : I'm not clever enough to make the cute stuff myself so naturally I'll always credit the person I've nicked it from! : #bookstagram #booklover #bookworm #bookstagrammer #bookish #bookaddict #bibliophile #instabook #booksofinstagram #readersofinstagram #bookaholic #booksbooksbooks #bookphotography #bookreview #bookcommunity #bookblogger #instabooks #booklovers #igreads #bookrecommendations #yorkshirebookstagrammer #positivity #positivityquotes #positivethinking #positivethoughts #positiveaffirmations #positiveenergy #motivationalquotes #illustratedquotes #illustratedquote

4/28/2024, 10:04:19 AM

📕 Book Review 📕 2.5⭐️ This book is a fascinating premise, however, the book’s blend of fiction, biography, and essay style format didn’t quite work for me. This style made for a jumbled and confusing reading premise. Funder brings Eileen to life in this book by raising important awareness about her literary brilliance and political nous, however, some controversial conclusions are recreated about her marriage to George Orwell. Unfortunately, we live in an age where misinformation is spreading rapidly online. A lot of what Funder writes is speculative, which is problematic if you’re a reader who isn’t able to distinguish between fact and fiction. At times, this story felt more like a lesson about the importance of feminism, without taking into consideration Eileen’s social and historical context. Is it right to think about the past in the same vein as the present? Lastly, if you’re going to tell Eileen’s story, why not conclude the novel with her voice? Isn’t this the whole idea of this book - to raise our awareness of this woman? Despite my issues, this book made for a fantastic book club discussion! This was the March @booketybookbooks book club pick. • • • #annafunder #wifedom #blendedfiction #bookclub #bookclubofinstagram #booksbooksbooks #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookcommunity #nzbookstagrammer #nzbookstagram #nzbookcommunity #bookworm #bibliophile

4/28/2024, 10:03:38 AM

𝔸𝕧𝕚𝕤 𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 : ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✦ Hello #booksta j’ai lu je tome 2 de The croaking édité chez @kotoon_editions et écrit par @megjgrey ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✦ Il y a déjà un an sortait le tome 1 que j’avais beaucoup aimé. C’est directement aprés les évènements du 2 que l’on reprend cette histoire. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✦ J’étais heureuse de retrouver les personnages et surtout de voir que nos héros se rapprochent ! Et ça c’est beau ! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✦ L’histoire avance doucement mais surement. La vie de notre corbeau préféré se complique et se corce. J’ai franchement hâte d’en savoir plus et surtout de voir comment leur relations va évoluer. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✦ C’était une bonne lecture ! vivement la suite ! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ mots clés : webtoon - graphique - MxM - université ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #kotoon #TheCroaking #MeganGrey #webtoon #webcomics #thecroakingcomic #bd #bookstagram @megjgrey #bookstagram #bookstagramuk #bookstagramus #livrestagramfrance #avislecture #chroniquelitteraire #booklover #bookaddiction #lirelirelire #romangraphique #MxM #lectureterminee #bookcommunityofinstagram #bookfriendsarethebest #livrestagram #lirecestpartir #lirecestvoyager #bibliophile #bookbloger #bookstagrameuse #lirecestlavie

4/28/2024, 10:03:34 AM

⭐Diese zehn Neuerscheinungen erwarten dich hier bei Bookouture im Mai!⭐ Von abgründigen Psychothrillern und rasanten Thrillern bis hin zu traumhaften Wohlfühlromanen ist alles dabei!📚📖 Worauf freust du dich am meisten?🤔 #bookish #bücher #buch #bookstagram #bookstagramgermany #bibliophile #bücherliebe #bookstagramDeutschland #bookouture #bookaholic #igreads #readingtime #booklover #bookaddict #bookoutureDE #buchtipp #buchempfehlung #kindleunlimited

4/28/2024, 10:01:19 AM

💖 Career Paths. Medical Equipment Repair. Student's Book (With Digibooks App) 💖 Shop now 🛍️ at Career Paths. Medical Equipment Repair. Student's Book (With Digibooks App)Career Paths: Medical Equipment Repair is a new educational resource for emergency responders and managers who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Career Paths: Medical Equipment Repair addresses topics including hospital departments, IV pumps, infant care equipment, testers, and soldering.Included Features: A variety of realistic reading passages Career-specific dialogues 45 reading and listening comprehension checks Over 400 vocabulary terms and phrases Guided speaking and writing exercises Complete glossary of terms and phrases SPECIFICATIONS:Author:Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, John Lehnert - Вирджиния Эванс, Дженни Дули, Джон ЛенертPublisher:Express PublishingLanguage:EnglishPublication Date:2017Number of pages:120 pstFormat:PaperbackWidth:210 mm / 8,3'Height:290 mm / 11,4'Weight:370 gIllustrations:ColoredISBN:9781471552571 #9781471552571 #CareerPaths.MedicalEquipmentRepair.Student'sBook(withDigibooksApp) #JennyDooley #JohnLehnert #VirginiaEvans #ВирджинияЭванс #ДженниДули #ДжонЛенерт #book #booklove #booklover #bookphotography #bookish #bookaddict #bookshelf #bookcommunity #read #reading #bibliophile #literatura #booknerd #bookrecommendations #bookworm #reader

4/28/2024, 10:01:02 AM

📖 Neve ✍ Maxence Fermine 📇 Bompiani Tascabili 🤍In questa ultima domenica di Aprile, ho pensato di condividere con Voi un libro molto particolare, per alcuni ‘strano’, per altri ‘particolare’, per altri ancora ‘splendido’. Io, come si potrà facilmente immaginare, faccio parte di quest’ultimo gruppo! 🤍È molto breve, si legge in pochissimo tempo e nella sua brevità racchiude tanta di quella bellezza, che solo le emozioni, forse, la possono spiegare. Le parole secondo me, fanno fatica. Ma voglio provarci lo stesso. 🤍 Siamo a fine Ottocento, in Giappone. Al suo interno c’è una storia d’amore, è vero ed anche parecchio tormentata, quella tra Saseki e Neve, ma a fare da sfondo c’è la poesia, espressa nella sua manifestazione più semplice ed essenziale: l’haiku. Minuscolo componimento poetico della tradizione giapponese al cui interno, con tecnica e dono di sintesi, cogliendo l’essenza delle piccole cose, si condensa emozione e poesia. A scrivere questi componimenti, tutti incentrati sulla neve, è Yuko, diciassettenne ribelle, che lascia la famiglia per diventare poeta. 🤍Sarà il suo incontro con Saseki, oramai divenuto cieco, a fargli comprendere che la sua poesia è troppo bianca e che necessita di colore. Ma cosa davvero significa tutto questo? In un costante e continuo gioco di rimandi metaforici, si prova, con immagini e parole ad andare ‘oltre’ l’apparenza. 🤍La neve tutti sanno essere bianca, ma sarà davvero così? E se provassimo ad andare oltre il nostro naso, sarebbe lo stesso? 🤍Una lettura breve, semplice, priva di fronzoli, ma dall’altissimo rimando emozionale. Una scrittura estremamente raffinata, dove racconto e poesia si uniscono e si completano vicendevolmente, creando incantevoli metafore e delicata commozione. 🤍✍ #neve #MaxenceFermine #tascabilibompiani #bompiani #haiku #giappone #libribelli #bibliophile #booklover #bookishlove #booklovers #bookblog #vita #bookreviewer #amore #bookstagram #bellezza #incanto #poesie #poesía #aprile

4/28/2024, 10:00:17 AM

Today is National Superhero Day! ⁠ ⁠ As a career librarian, of course, Batgirl Barbara Gordon is my favorite comic book superhero! 🦇⁠ ⁠ But if you go beyond the comic books and big screen, who inspires you on a daily basis? ⁠ ⁠ Leave a comment and let me know! ⁠ ⁠ Know an avid reader? Check out these great gifts for book lovers - link in bio⁠ ⁠ #nationalsuperheroday #superheroes #whosyourhero #youareahero #hero #heroes #whoisyourhero #lifecreativelyorganized #library #retiredlibrariansneverretire #librarylife #librarynerd #librarylovers #booklover #booknerd #books #bookaddict #bookworm #bookish #librariansofinstagram #librarian #librarianlife #librarians #librariansrock #giftsforbooklovers #giftsforbookworms #giftsforbooknerds #giftsforbibiliophiles #bibliophile #bibliophilelife

4/28/2024, 10:00:15 AM

📚Your Next Read📚 The Irish Key By Daisy O’Shea 📚Bookouture Book Tour📚 @bookouture @netgalley @daisyoshea My thoughts: What happens when life throws you an unexpected curve? It takes courage to start over again. Family secrets abound as main character, Grace, delves into her family history. She is ready for a fresh start with her young daughter, Olivia. The setting of Roone Bay, a little Irish village, sounds like such a lovely place. The author’s descriptions of the area make me want to go visit there. The Irish Key will pull on your heartstrings. The mystery aspect was intriguing. The romance aspect was beautiful. The characters were engaging and likeable. All in all, a very enjoyable read! All opinions expressed are my own. #shortbookthyme #daisyoshea #theirishkey #bookreview #bookworms #romancereader #romancereadersofinstagram #ireland #irishvillage #bibliophile #bookstagram #bookish #booksbooksbooks #bookcommunity #readers #bookishlove #readersofig

4/28/2024, 10:00:13 AM

🌸☕️ 𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚏𝚒𝚎 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢 ☕️🌸 #qotd welches Buch begleitet dich heute? Guten Morgen meine lieben #bookies, Mich begleitet heute Consider Me vom @carlsenverlag . Bisher gefällt es mir echt gut und ich freue mich das Buch bald in den Händen halten zu können. Außerdem machen wir heute eine Dünenwanderung und das Wetter ist gerade so semistabil - Bilder folgen ! 🌾 Ich wünsche euch einen schönen und entspannten Sonntag 🫰🏻💐 #shelfie #shelfiesunday #newadult #newadultbooks #newadultromance #enemiestoloversbooks #enemiestolovers #romancebooks #bookish #bücher #bookstagram #bookstagramgermany #bibliophile #booknerd #girlswhoread #readersofinstagram #bookaesthetic #bookaholic #igreads #readingtime #booklover #bookaddict #bookiesupport #cozyreading #buchblogger #bookiesinnercircle

4/28/2024, 9:59:05 AM

📚 Book Review 📚 The Nesting by C.J Cooke ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Deep in the forest of Norway, Lexi finds a fresh start with Tom and his two daughters working as their nanny. But Lexi’s telling lies and she’s not the only one. This forest and family have a past and in the woods, a dark presence lurks… I really enjoyed The Lighthouse Witches by this author so I was excited to read this one but it did fall a little flat for me. The location and the folklore stories were really interesting and added to the creepy feeling, Lexi and Aurelia were both flawed and unreliable narrators and you never fully knew what was real and what was imagined. However the end fell a little flat for me, Lexi’s secret was forgiven seemingly overnight and the prologue to the book made absolutely no sense when I re read it after finishing the book. Also the supernatural element to the story didn’t seem to fit with the main storyline so all in all a mixed bag for me this one. It certainly won’t put me off reading the other books I have on my shelf of theirs though. #bookreview #happysunday #booktok #weekend

4/28/2024, 9:57:23 AM

The Chestnut Spring Series is here to stay! 🏒🩰🥹😊 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 💜💜💜 . Powerless Written by Elsie Silver, How did you find the story so far? 🥹✨💜 #bookstagram #books #booklover #book #bookworm #bookstagrammer #reading #bookish #bookaddict #booknerd #bibliophile #instabook #booksofinstagram #readersofinstagram #read #bookaholic #booksbooksbooks #bookphotography #bookshelf #booklove #love #bookreview #bookcommunity #bookblogger #instabooks #booklovers #reader #igreads #bookrecommendations #bookquotes

4/28/2024, 9:55:12 AM

Good morning bookworms I love plots that play with the mind and I read this one a few months back and I’d say It does it well Plot: Perfect daughter, Perfect role model and a successful star up business owner, 25 year old Anna O is found deep asleep after stabbing both her best friends 4 years later, not a blink but now the case needs to end, she needs to wake up and there’s only one person who can Dr. Benedict Prince, who’s a forensic psychologist who specializes in sleep. Will he be able to? what i loved: 1. The plot itself, mysterious and full of twists, a new subject to me so i was very intrigued, But, it was easy to solve the mysteries at around 30% in, It managed to still leave me shell shocked at the very end So big up to that 2. Multiple characters and timeline which kept us deeper in the story and i would say caused even more mystery what i didn’t like: 1. There were some scenes that were too dragging, scenes that could have easily been skipped example we didn’t need a whole journal entry on an old article on sleepwalking when it could have been explained in a paragraph 2. I hated how Dr. Prince’s character was portrayed. In the beginning, we are made to assume he’s a successful psychologist, author of books, and so we expect him to be confident in his work but throughout the book, he’s a weakling, confused, distracted, slow to react, too many theories in the mind and mostly played victim and never the psychologist I rate this one 3.5 stars and I’d like to thank @Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange of my honest review I’d recommend this to anyone who loves mystery and psychology genres. Do you read mysteries? #currentlyreading #tbr #bookworm #bookobsessed #flatlay #reads #readinglist #instablog #readingaddict #readingupdate #bookphoto #currentread #bibliophile #summerreading #readmorebooks #tbrpile #literaturelover #bookstagram #getlit #nextread #bookaholic #classics #whatimreading

4/28/2024, 9:52:03 AM

✨ Step into a world where words weave spells and pages hold secrets untold. 📚✨ Join us as we journey into the enchanting realm of books, where every turn of a page is a doorway to endless magic. #bookishdelights #bookmagic #literarywonders #booklovers #readingcommunity #bookworms #bibliophile #bookishlife #bookishquotes #magicalreads #escapewithbooks #bookishjourney #discovermagic #unlockimagination #literaryadventures

4/28/2024, 9:50:29 AM

Snapshot Sunday 👻 I had a little reading date in Costa 👻The underworld saga by @jayherrans released this week 🤩😱🫠😭 👈🏻the exact emotions 👻 I went on a little book buying binge 🖤 Strange Sally Diamond by @liznugentwriter 🖤 Scarlet by @genevievecogman1 🖤 Bride by @alihazelwood 🖤 Orphia and Eurydicius by @elysejohnbooks #laurenatread #snapshotsunday #bookblogging #bookpics #weekendreads #bookrecs #booknerdproblems #bookpictures #bookstagram #amreading #booksbooksbooks #instablog #booknerds #bookphotos #bibliophile #bookbuyingaddict

4/28/2024, 9:49:58 AM

✨BOOK HAUL✨ Some recent preorders and a few I got from a Facebook swap group: ✨The Maiden- I know literally nothing about this book but have seen a few 5 star reviews so I’m giving it a whirl ✨Black Sheep- I’ve read another of Harrison’s books and I like her writing, this one sounds up my street ✨Bright Young Women- one of my five star predictions, I have a feeling I’m going to love this one ✨Funny Story- anyone who knows me knows I don’t do romance but Emily Henry is one I make an exception for, I gave Happy Place 5stars so let’s hope this one is just as good! ✨The Gathering- I adore CJ Tudor, an auto buy author for me! Excited to read her take on a vampire horror book! What is the last book you bought? #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeature #bookstagramuk #bookflatlay #bookstack #bookhaul #newbooks #booksbooksbooks #ilovebooks #ilovereading #readingcommunity #readersuk #readersgonnaread #readersofinstagram #readreadread #booklovers #bookdragon #bookhoarder #bookcollector #readinglist #readingaddict #bookrecommendations #readersareleaders #livetoread #letsread #reading #bookworm #bibliophile

4/28/2024, 9:48:32 AM

I've added this book to my queue of books to read because I've heard sooooooo much about it. I know there's a movie as well, but I wanna read the book first. Has anyone read it? What are your thoughts? Please let me know in comments 🥰📚📚📚 #wherethecrawdadssing #deliaowens #book #books #booklover #bookrecommendations #goodread #goodreads #study #bookworm #bookstagram #whattoread #whattoreadnext #bookreview #booklovers #readinglist #ireadandreviewbooks #bibliophile #bookaholic #reading #bookclub #readintime #readabook #iread #i'vereadthatbook #bookcommunity #bookworm #booksbooksbooks #reading #paperback #bookblogger

4/28/2024, 9:44:21 AM

"The Monk and the Hangman’s Daughter", by Ambrose Bierce A short confessional novel about a young monk whose chance encounter with a young woman will have lasting consequences on both of their lives. Written as a series of diary entries, it tells the tale of Ambrosius a young monk who is training to become a priest. One day he sees a young woman, Benedicta, protecting a hanged body from vultures and he is struck by her kindness and determination. The town, and the other monks, however, despise and shun her because her father is the hangman, a role that is deemed both necessary and worthy of vilification. Ambrosius seeks to protect and include Benedicta in the church, but when she begins to receive attention from a powerful son of the town the monk begins to realise his feelings may not be as innocent as he first believed. This packs a lot into a small number of pages. It is a tale of religious hypocrisy, male privilege, and the dangers of unbridled power. But it is also a lovingly wrought nature novel, drawing cinematic landscapes awe inspiring in both their beauty and their horror. Ambrosius is an intriguing narrator, pulling the reading into his perspective, making them culpable in his actions, as you side with him against the small mindedness of the town and his fellow monks. This is a tragic tale of possession mistaken for love, and control mistaken for faith. The ending truly chilled me, I can already tell it will stay with me for a long time.

4/28/2024, 9:44:19 AM

I am years behind with this recommendation but if, like me, you're ancient and oblivious, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is a wonderful read. I highly recommend giving it a go! . . #thesevenhusbandsofevelynhugo #taylorjenkinsreid #readingrecommendations #bookstagram #bibliophile

4/28/2024, 9:42:44 AM

A man about town holding a book. I do like my home town of Colchester, which is now a city but still a town to me, even though they call it a city. What better place than to display SHOAL? … well maybe in the hands of a celebrity on a red carpet at its film release, but this’ll more than do. 2 more days at reduced price of £1.99. Do check it out. #selpromotesunday with @julieembletonauthor is a great hashtag to find your next read.

4/28/2024, 9:41:12 AM

আদুরে মেয়ে তোত্তোচান। জাপানি নিয়মে বাচ্চাদের নামের শেষে চান আর বড়োদের নামের শেষে সান যোগ করা হয়।ঠিক সেভাবেই তেৎসুকোর(তোত্তোচান)নামের শেষে চান যোগ করে তেৎসুকোচান ডাকলেও সে শুনতে পেতো তোত্তোচান।তাই তাকে নিজের নাম জিজ্ঞেস করলে সে বলতো "আমার নাম তোত্তোচান। ছোট্ট তোত্তোচানকে স্কুল থেকে বহিষ্কার করা হলে তাকে বহিষ্কারের কথাটা না জানিয়েই তার মা তাকে ভর্তি করিয়ে দিলো তোমেয়ে স্কুলে।স্কুলটি গতানুগতিক ধারার বাইরে ছিলো।ক্লাসরুমের বদলে সেখানে একেকটা ট্রেনের বগিতে ক্লাস হতো,টিফিনে তাদের আনতে বলা হতো "সাগরের কিছু আর পাহাড় থেকে কিছু" ।তোমেয়ে স্কুলে পড়াশুনা ছাড়াও নানারকম খেলাধুলা,নাটক,বিশাল লাইব্রেরীতে সবাই মিলে বই পড়া,ইউরিদমিক্স,হলঘরে ক্যাম্পিং,একসাথে সাঁতার,হাঁটতে যাওয়া,খেলার ফাঁকে ইতিহাস,পদার্থবিজ্ঞানের জটিল বিষয়গুলো বুঝে যাওয়া,নানাবিধ এডভেঞ্চারসহ আরও কতো রকম নিত্যনতুন ঘটনাই না ঘটতো।তোত্তোচানের এই স্কুলে প্রাণখুলে কথা বলার,নিজের মতো পড়াশুনা করার,নিজের মনের কথা শোনার কোনো বাঁধা ছিলোনা।স্কুলের প্রধান শিক্ষক কোবাইশি মশাই ছিলেন চমৎকার একজন মানুষ।তিনি স্কুলের বাচ্চাদের ভেতর মানবিক গুণাবলি গুলো খুব সুন্দর ভাবে বপন করে দিতে পেরেছিলেন।তাই এই স্কুলের বাচ্চারা শারীরিক ভাবে ত্রুটিসম্পন্ন কাউকে দেখলেও অন্য চোখে দেখেনি।সাধারন একজন মানুষের মতোই তার সাথে মিশেছে।তোমেয়ে স্কুলটা ছিলো জাপানের টোকিও শহরে।এই অদ্ভুত সুন্দর স্কুলটিকে ঘিরে তোত্তোচান এবং তার বন্ধুদের সারাজীবন মনে রাখার মতো অনেক স্মৃতির জন্ম হয়েছিলো যা তারা অনেক বড়ো হয়ে যাবার পরেও আনন্দের সাথে স্মরণ করেছে।দুঃখের ব্যাপার এই যে দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের সময় বোমার আঘাতে স্কুলটা নিশ্চিহ্ন হয়ে যায়।ছাই হয়ে যায় কোবাইশি মশায়ের বিন্দু বিন্দু করে গড়ে তোলা অনেকদিনের স্বপ্নের স্কুল।বাতাসের সাথে মিশে যায় বাচ্চাদের কলহাস্য মুখরিত ট্রেনের বগিতে নেয়া ক্লাসরুম,লাইব্রেরী আর তাদের শৈশবের বেশকিছু অংশ। লেখক তেৎসুকো কুরোয়ানাগিই হলো বইয়ের ছোট্ট তোত্তোচান।একটা বাচ্চার শৈশব ঠিক কেমন হওয়া উচিত তা খুব সুন্দরভাবে বর্ণনা করেছেন তিনি।বইটা শিশুপাঠ্য হলেও অভিভাবক,শিক্ষক এবং শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানের সাথে জড়িত সবারই বইটি পড়া উচিত। #bookishmaple526 #booklist #bookstagrambd🇧🇩 #books #bengalibookstagrammer #bibliophile #bookphotograph #bookphotography #bookrecommendations #bookheaven #bookholic #booklove #booknerd #booksofinstagram #bookstagramcommunity #aesthetic #bookphotograph #বইকথন📖☺️ #বই #bookblogger #april #aprilbooks #2024 #booksofbd #boi #newbook #bookishgirl

4/28/2024, 9:41:10 AM

Je n'ai que trop tardé à découvrir l'écriture douce et enivrante de @melissadacosta_of Maintenant que c'est chose faite, je me réjouis de pouvoir m'y immerger encore et encore avec l'espoir d'y retrouver la multitude d'émotions que m'a procuré son roman, Les femmes du bout du monde. Tout comme Flore, une française qui fuit une vie à la dérive, nous atterrissons en Nouvelle-Zélande. Après quelques heures de route, c'est à travers son regard de backpacker ( routards, randonneurs en anglais ) comme les appellent les locaux, que nous allons faire la connaissance de Autumn et de sa fille Milly. Propriétaires d'un camping désuet, elles vivent avec pour seule compagnie ou presque, la faune et la flore sauvages qui se sont appropriées ces terres ancestrales nommées Les Catlins. Dans cette région isolée, la frénésie citadine n'y a pas sa place.La contemplation et l’introspection sont vos meilleurs bagages/alliés. Le roman est porté par le regard de ces trois femmes.Cabossée par la vie pour l'une et enlisées dans leur quotidien pour les autres. Page après page, jour après jour, Flore, Milly et Autumn vont livrer un peu d'elles-mêmes pour nous laisser entrevoir leurs douleurs, leurs espoirs et leur grande résilience. Les femmes du bout du monde n'est pas une lecture que l'on « dévore ». Le pouls du lecteur bat au rythme cette région reculée et calme. On vit au rythme des saisons, de la culture Maori et de ses légendes, des migrations animales... Tout est propice à la découverte de soi-même et à la beauté de ce qui nous entoure. Je vivais au même rythme que Flore, Milly et Autumn. Je travaillais dur avant de pouvoir (re)plonger mon regard fictif sur ces paysages uniques, j'avais soif de savoir sur la culture Maori et ses légendes et j'encourageai ces trois femmes à se délester de leurs carapaces et à entrevoir l'avenir avec sérénité et apaisement. Les femmes du bout du monde est une lecture que je n'oublierai pas de si tôt. Elle m'a fait voyager, vibrer, avancer. Avez-vous lu Les femmes du bout du monde ? Qu'en avez-vous pensé ? #lesfemmesduboutdumonde #melissadacosta #roman #bookinstagram #booknerd #lectureaddict #lecture #passionlecture #bibliophile #booklove

4/28/2024, 9:38:44 AM

📖 Avis lecture catho ✝️ Bonjour ☺️, Si vous cherchiez un cadeau de communion, confirmation voire même de mariage j’ai ce qu’il vous faut! Cela fonctionne aussi si c’est un auto cadeau pour votre coin prière bien sur! Les @editionsdesbeatitudes éditent ce très bel ouvrage rassemblant les 100 plus belles prières. Les plus connues et incontournables bien entendu mais également certaines qui ont pu être oubliées ou plus ciblées. J’ai beaucoup aimé qu’une grande partie de ces prières soit à la fois en latin et en français. Quant à la beauté de l’objet livre elle est indéniable. Un bonheur à consulter, à feuilleter, à ouvrir en se laissant guider. Bref à s’offrir, à offrir et surtout à s’en servir sans modération. Merci beaucoup @editionsdesbeatitudes pour ce très beau cadeau. Et vous quelle est votre prière préférée? Les 100 plus belles prières du Chrétien chez @editionsdesbeatitudes #bookstagramfrance #bibliophile #livres #passionlecture #passionlivre #igreads #instalivres #book #instalecture #bookaddict #booklover #livrestagram #readerslife #readingbooks #livresaddict #lecturedumoment #lecture #lectureaddict #catho #lecturecatho #livrechretien #priere #prier #rosaire #oraison

4/28/2024, 9:38:22 AM

"The Annual Banquet of the Gravediggers’ Guild", by Mathias Enard (translated from French by Frank Wynne) A mammoth, humorous, gluttonous love letter to pastoral France and the circulation of life. “We shall all be entombed in turn! So turns the Wheel!” This novel was a bizarre experience – at turns strange and alienating, and then heartachingly tender and familiar. It is bookended by sections written in journal entries by David Mazon, a pretentious scholar undertaking a thesis on contemporary agrarian life. David’s observations however quickly swing from academic interrogation to introspective entries about his loneliness, his misgivings about the countryside and its people, and a growing connection to a certain infuriated woman who runs a small farm. The centre sections, in great swathes of unpunctuated prose, turn to the cyclical nature of life. We follow characters in the village not only through their inner thoughts and daily lives, but also through a cascading itinerary of their past lives. A recently deceased priest reincarnates as a rutting wild boar. A distempered bar owner is revealed to have once been a bed bug that suckled on the thigh of Napoleon. And then there is the Gravediggers’ Guild who have a deal with the Wheel – for three days, Death will give them a break to rejoice, forget, and revel in a gargantuan feast. The novel devotes over eighty pages to describing the feast: the speeches made, the wine inhaled, endless pages dripping with details of the endless French delicacies, meats, cheeses, and cream stuffed pastries. If this all sounds strange, then, well, it was, but it also was incredibly rewarding and enjoyable to read. Even when I was confused (wait, someone is a hedgehog now?) I was riveted, fascinated to see how each subplot, each short life, would intersect and influence another. It was both a treatise on the temporality of life, and a warning of humans lasting effect on nature. As a complete aside to the quality of the writing however, I have to complain that this edition had SO MANY typos – it was very distracting. I heartily recommend reading this but find a different publication.

4/28/2024, 9:36:54 AM