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Take a look at these potato fries 👀 Can you see the natural colour of the potato in the first photo and the artificially preserved bright yellow fries in the next? 🤔 The second photo is highly indicative of the presence of added sulfites! Sulfites are used as a preservative to stop pre-cut chips from turning grey and/or spoiling. The sulfites create an unnatural chemical yellow. For all those with sulfite sensitivity, intolerance or allergy, steer away from those unnatural potato products (there are more that I’ll get onto later!) Ask that restaurant whether they hand-cut their chips from raw fresh potatoes or cook from a readymade or frozen source. Stay strong and make a sound choice. You can do it! Real fresh potato tastes way better anyway in my opinion and is much healthier! How to cook: cut potatoes into chip shape 🥔, place on a baking tray, dress with some olive oil and salt, roast for 20 mins in 180’C fan oven and voila! #sulfitefree #potato #fries #chips #sulphite #sulphites #sulphitefree #natural #unatural #eat #healthy #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #eatclean #eathealthy #eatwell #eatnatural #preservative #preservativefree

4/29/2024, 11:22:22 PM

From yiayia’s kitchen ~ my favorite Greek breakfast, strapatsada (also known as kagianas) 🍳🍅 Does anyone remember the super important secret ingredient? 👀 hint: check our “Limnos Life” story highlight

4/29/2024, 6:15:52 PM

„Zasilana naturą” To połączenie smaków zielonych szparagów, truskawek i prażonych płatków migdałów jest adresowane dla osób, które cenią nie tylko wyjątkowe doznania kulinarno-smakowe ale także dbają o zdrowie i dobre samopoczucie. Jest to idealna propozycja dla tych, którzy szukają harmonii między intensywnym smakiem a wartościami odżywczymi jak również dla tych, którzy chcą odkrywać nowe, kreatywne połączenia w kuchni i cieszyć się jednocześnie zadowoleniem z dobrego, zdrowego jedzenia. Czy jesteś gotowy na tę wyjątkową podróż po smaku? Skład: * Zielone szparagi (gotowane) * Truskawki * Płatki migdałów * Sól Kłodawska * Suszone pomidory i czosnek Przygotuj się na kulinarne zaskoczenie i odkryj magię tej wyjątkowej kompozycji. Rozkoszuj się smakiem Smacznego #healthyfood #runningfood #eatrealfood #eathealthy #eatfresh #eatforhealth #eatnatural #sportfood #eatfiteveryday #fitnessfood #healthyeating #eatfit #veganfood #veganfoodlovers #glutenfreefood #healthymeals #veganfitness #eatgoodfeelgood #asparagus #asparagusseason #asparagusrecipes #superfood #naturalfood #sportfoodhealthy #fitandhealthy #healthyanddelicious #gesundeernährung #gesundheit #healthychoice #eathealthybehealthy

4/29/2024, 12:12:58 PM

Emang beneran gak mudah ya Momss….. Makannya ketika jadi orang tua itu butuh kesiapan baik secara mental ataupun fisik. Tiba-tiba burn out, terus bikin mood jadi gak karuan dan akhirnya melampiaskannya ke anggota keluarga yang lain Jadi Moms, ketika moms udah ngerasain tanda-tanda diatas, yang paling utama yang harus Moms lakukan adalah beristirahat dan meluangkan waktu untuk diri sendiri #madutava #madu #EatNatural #EatOrganic

4/29/2024, 4:00:26 AM

Desayuna rico, prepárate una cacerola especial 😋 Huevos estrellados con champiñones,Tomate cherry , espárragos y frijoles de olla salteados, con un toque de microvegetales y cebolla morada, zasona con, sal, básil y pimienta. @adyquecomere Recetas y más. Disfrutalas!! #eatfood #eatnatural #mexicanfood #recipe #recetas #huevos #cocina #food

4/29/2024, 12:02:13 AM

I was in the best shape of my life almost two years ago and it quickly slipped away after going back to a processed American foods diet. We all deal with extreme stress in different ways but for me weed and junk food was my "therapy" and almost daily too. Being sick of how everything has progressed, it's about time I change what clearly isn't working and to get healthy again through exercise and proper diet. I'm going to chronicle the hardships and the victories of this journey until hitting my goal and then how to maintain everything once I get there. Hopefully you can use this as a guide and as motivation if you need it 💪🏼 #weightlossjourney #weightloss #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #fit2fat2fit #liftweights #exersice #fitness #fitlife #naturalfood #rawfood #eatnatural

4/29/2024, 12:01:29 AM

Morning routine @fskohsamui edition ❤️ We were guests at the Four Seasons for a few days, and I have to admit that this hotel was at the top of our wishlist. We didn’t get to visit it last time we were in Koh Samui because it was raining heavily, but now we’ve caught perfect weather and enjoyed it ‘till the last second ❤️ __________ #EatNatural #FourSeasons #FSKohSamui

4/28/2024, 12:27:20 PM

今日は @mitorohill で「GOOD MEETS FESTIVAL!!」でした! 沢山のご来場ありがとうございました🙇 加古川産の野菜と加古川の魚屋さん「ざぶーん」さんで仕入れた魚介を使ったパエリア100人前も完売🙇 ありがとうございます! ディナータイムも17時半よりオープンです! よろしくお願い致します🍷 ーーーーーーーーーーーー Work together‼️ 現在社員、アルバイトスタッフの方を募集中です。 接客、調理に興味がある 素材にこだわりたい料理人、パティシエ、 健全な食やワインをお客様と楽しみたい 店長、料理長候補募集中! 和洋中今までの調理経験問いません。 人と接することが好きな方 食べることが好きな方 健全な食やワインに 興味のあるかた ご応募お待ちしております。 #ご応募お問い合わせ、ホームページ、DMより 配属店舗、業務内容相談可👌 ・来年10周年、今年は業務に慣れながら リニューアルオープンの準備を すすめていきましょう! 加古川ワインバル  @kakogawawinebar00 ・現在6年目 東加古川の隠れ家レストラン ナポリ系創作ピザとグリル料理 ワイン食堂野菜とグリル @wine_vage_grill ・コロナ禍に誕生 SUGOMoRI リゾート生野高原のカフェレストラン、バーベキューサイト THE PERCH 153 & BBQ LEAF @theperch153 @bbq_leaf ・昨年10月オープン!みとろフルーツパーク内 カフェレストラン&コーヒースタンド NYスタイル50cmピザ🍕パニーニ🥪自家焙煎コーヒー☕️ 4月には新しくオープンする バーベキューや宿泊施設への食材提供も🥩🥓🍖 土日祝日勤務の方大歓迎です! COME's Restaurant & Cafe @mitorohill_comes ・はりまの自然派ピクルス ステーキソースやパスタソースなど 新商品も続々開発中 @harimanoshizenha 今後新しい お店の立ち上げに携わるチャンスも👌 これからも様々な食に携わることに チャレンジしていきます。 【営業時間】 ランチ 11:30-15:00(L.O.14:00) 水曜日〜日曜日 ディナー 17:30-23:00(L.O.21:30) 【定休日】 月曜日  ------------ー 加古川ワインバルは、 『EAT NATURAL』×『EAT LOCAL』 をコンセプトに 兵庫県のこだわりの契約農家さんから届く 無農薬、自然栽培、オーガニックのお野菜と ジビエなど厳選したお肉料理とビオワイン、 ナチュラルワインが楽しめるワインバルです。 ワインを気軽に美味しく健康に。 #加古川ワインバル #毎日健康と美容に良い食事を🍽 #自然な食材と自然なワインを🍷 #ワインを気軽に飲めるお店 #オーガニック野菜  #有機野菜  #自然派料理  #ナチュラルワイン  #eatnatural #eatlocal #加古川 #加古川ディナー #加古川ワイン #加古川イタリアン #加古川パスタ #加古川ランチ #加古 川グルメ #加古川駅前 #加古川路地裏

4/28/2024, 8:47:31 AM

Mita First, “Sehat” Itu kata pertama yang Mita lihat dan pastinya menggambarkan Raw Honey banget Kalo Keluarga Tava liat kata pertama apasih yang pastinya menggambarkan Raw Honey banget? Tulis di komen okeeee #madutava #madu #EatNatural #EatOrganic

4/28/2024, 4:00:31 AM

सामग्री: २ कप बासमती चावल २०० ग्राम पनीर, छोटे टुकड़ों में कटा हुआ १/२ कप दही १ कप प्याज़, बारीक कटा हुआ १/२ कप टमाटर, कटा हुआ २ हरी मिर्च, कटी हुई २ टेबल स्पून तेल २ टेबल स्पून घी २ लहसुन की कलियाँ, कटी हुई १ इंच अदरक का टुकड़ा, कटा हुआ २ टेबल स्पून बिरयानी मसाला १/२ टेबल स्पून लाल मिर्च पाउडर १/२ टेबल स्पून हल्दी पाउडर १/२ टेबल स्पून धनिया पाउडर २ टेबल स्पून हरा धनिया, कटा हुआ २ कप पानी नमक स्वादानुसार प्रिपरेशन: १. सबसे पहले, चावल को अच्छे से धो लें और उन्हें २०-३० मिनट के लिए पानी में भिगोकर रखें। २. एक कड़ाही में तेल और घी गरम करें। फिर उसमें प्याज़, लहसुन और अदरक डालें और उन्हें सुनहरा होने तक भूनें। ३. अब उसमें टमाटर डालें और उन्हें मसाले में अच्छे से मिला दें। ४. दही, हरी मिर्च, बिरयानी मसाला, लाल मिर्च पाउडर, हल्दी पाउडर, धनिया पाउडर और नमक डालें और सभी सामग्री को अच्छे से मिला लें। ५. अब इसमें पनीर के टुकड़े डालें और उन्हें हल्का भूनें। ६. अब भिगोए गए चावल डालें और उन्हें भी अच्छे से मिला लें। ७. अब पानी डालें और चावल पक जाने तक पकाएं। ८. जब चावल पक जाएं, उन्हें धीमी आंच पर ५-१० मिनट के लिए ढककर पकाएं। ९. अब बिरयानी को उतार लें और ऊपर से हरा धनिया छिड़कें। १०. आपकी मजेदार पनीर बिरयानी तैयार है। इसे गरमा गरम सर्व करें और मिठा दही या रायता के साथ परोसें। यह बिरयानी आपके मौजूदा स्वाद को दोगुना कर देगी! इसे अपने परिवार और मित्रों के साथ शेयर करें और उनके मुख में मुस्कान लाएं। #mustardoil #sadashudh #bihari #littichokha #cusine #indianfood #instagramreel #follow4followback #anantambani #ambaniwedding #bollywoodstyle #ambani #bharat #Modi #vote #indianrecepie #fafdajalebi #jalebi #indiansweets #coldpressedoil #spices #murdermubarakfilm #cooking #eatnatural #biryani #vegbiryani #muradabadibiryani #thalaivars #thalairaja

4/27/2024, 5:05:17 PM

Soalnya yang alami emang gak pernah ngecewain deh…. Apalagi kalo masalah kecantikan, rada ngeri juga kalo harus sering terpapar bahan-bahan kimia Soalnya ini ngomongin masalah penampilan yang bisa berimbah ke kepercayaan diri Raw Honey emang udah legend banget deh kalo masalah kecantikan, dari zaman Cleopatra udah dijadiin salah satu perawatan kecantikan loh Momss, pantes Cleopatra bisa secantik itu #madutava #madu #EatNatural #EatOrganic

4/27/2024, 3:09:43 AM

Chia seeds may be tiny, but don't let their size fool you! Those little powerhouses give amazing benefits to your health! From nutrient density to heart health to energy and digestion, these little superfoods punch above their weight!Adding them to your diet is an easy way to level up your nutrition game! Checkout the link in our bio for more details! . . #NaturelandOrganics #chiaseeds #organicchiaseeds #EatNatural #LiveHealthy

4/26/2024, 10:54:35 AM

Experience the essence of pure health straight from the farm with Veidik Era cooking oil. Each drop is packed with nutrition, ensuring every meal is a delightful and wholesome experience. Order now for a taste of freshness: +91 89830 57517 . #veidikera #veidikeraoils #coldpressedoils #health #nutrition #rebranding #naturaloils #healthycooking #chemicalfree #organicoils #eatnatural #unadulterated #healthgoodness #wellbeing #natural #healthy #woodpress #stayfit #finestingredients #essentialoil #aroma #healthyoils

4/26/2024, 6:00:16 AM

It was delicious supper 🍽 made out of only natural and fresh products. A pity! But even big goatfish and shrimps are becoming small when fried! You can always find fresh 🐟 🐠 🎣 🐡 seafood in Silifke if you know the proper place! Silifke, Mersin Province, 🇹🇷 Turkey 🇹🇷, March 20, 2024. #beniculturali30 #culturalheritage30 #asia #asiaminor #easternmediterranean #turkey #türkiye #osmanli #travel #tourism #anatolia #vivoartworld #travelturkey #silifke #igerssilifke #mersinprovince #cilicia #fish #freshfish #fishmarket #turkishcuisine #fishcuisine #eatfresh #eatnatural #seafood #seacuisine #glutton #gluttony #healthyfood #goatfish

4/25/2024, 6:30:39 PM

加古川ワインバル 4月30日で9周年となります! 周年に伴い、本来祝日の月曜日は営業なのですが 4月29日(月曜) 休み 4月30日(火曜) 営業 とさせていただきます。 日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めて、サイコロを振って出た数だけ スパークリングワイン 1杯 90円(税込)とさせて致きます🍾 まだお席の方はご用意がございます! よろしくお願い致します🍷 ーーーーーーーーーーーー Work together‼️ 現在社員、アルバイトスタッフの方を募集中です。 接客、調理に興味がある 素材にこだわりたい料理人、パティシエ、 健全な食やワインをお客様と楽しみたい 店長、料理長候補募集中! 和洋中今までの調理経験問いません。 人と接することが好きな方 食べることが好きな方 健全な食やワインに 興味のあるかた ご応募お待ちしております。 #ご応募お問い合わせ、ホームページ、DMより 配属店舗、業務内容相談可👌 ・来年10周年、今年は業務に慣れながら リニューアルオープンの準備を すすめていきましょう! 加古川ワインバル  @kakogawawinebar00 ・現在6年目 東加古川の隠れ家レストラン ナポリ系創作ピザとグリル料理 ワイン食堂野菜とグリル @wine_vage_grill ・コロナ禍に誕生 SUGOMoRI リゾート生野高原のカフェレストラン、バーベキューサイト THE PERCH 153 & BBQ LEAF @theperch153 @bbq_leaf ・昨年10月オープン!みとろフルーツパーク内 カフェレストラン&コーヒースタンド NYスタイル50cmピザ🍕パニーニ🥪自家焙煎コーヒー☕️ 4月には新しくオープンする バーベキューや宿泊施設への食材提供も🥩🥓🍖 土日祝日勤務の方大歓迎です! COME's Restaurant & Cafe @mitorohill_comes ・はりまの自然派ピクルス ステーキソースやパスタソースなど 新商品も続々開発中 @harimanoshizenha 今後新しい お店の立ち上げに携わるチャンスも👌 これからも様々な食に携わることに チャレンジしていきます。 【営業時間】 ランチ 11:30-15:00(L.O.14:00) 水曜日〜日曜日 ディナー 17:30-23:00(L.O.21:30) 【定休日】 月曜日  ------------ー 加古川ワインバルは、 『EAT NATURAL』×『EAT LOCAL』 をコンセプトに 兵庫県のこだわりの契約農家さんから届く 無農薬、自然栽培、オーガニックのお野菜と ジビエなど厳選したお肉料理とビオワイン、 ナチュラルワインが楽しめるワインバルです。 ワインを気軽に美味しく健康に。 #加古川ワインバル #毎日健康と美容に良い食事を🍽 #自然な食材と自然なワインを🍷 #ワインを気軽に飲めるお店 #オーガニック野菜  #有機野菜  #自然派料理  #ナチュラルワイン  #eatnatural #eatlocal #加古川 #加古川ディナー #加古川ワイン #加古川イタリアン #加古川パスタ #加古川ランチ #加古 川グルメ #加古川駅前 #加古川路地裏

4/25/2024, 10:37:02 AM

The Sweet Secret: Why Honey Never Spoils! 🍯✨ Did you know that honey is one of the few foods that never spoils? It’s true! The remarkable longevity of honey is due to its unique composition. Honey is a natural preservative, containing low moisture and high acidity, which create an inhospitable environment for bacteria and microorganisms to grow. Additionally, bees add an enzyme called glucose oxidase to the nectar, which produces small amounts of hydrogen peroxide when honey comes into contact with moisture. This further inhibits the growth of bacteria and helps preserve honey indefinitely. So, next time you reach for that jar of golden goodness, remember its remarkable ability to stay fresh and delicious for years to come! #HoneyBenefits #NaturalPreservative #ForeverFresh #SweetSecrets #WellnessJourney #ThinkFit #DidYouKnow #HealthyLiving #NutritionFacts #FoodScience #FunFacts #FoodPreservation #HealthyChoices #FoodForThought #NaturesMiracle #Superfood #EatNatural #BeeHealthy #BeesLife #HealthAndWellness #CleanEating #EternalElixir #GoldenGoodness

4/25/2024, 5:03:05 AM

Siangnya panas, sorenya ujan 🙂‍↕ Cuacanya lagi gak konsisten, kaya niat diet Mita, ehhh 🫢 Tapi kalo soal konsumsi Raw Honey pastinya selalu konsisten, gak ada bolong-bolong 🙃 Pagi ini Keluarga Tava dah konsumsi Raw Honenynya belom? Share dibawah ya #madutava #madu #EatNatural #EatOrganic

4/25/2024, 3:51:45 AM

Ramps or wild leeks. Very Tasty and highly recommend trying but if you do always do your own research and forage responsibly. Ask me any questions and I'd be glad to answer ❣️ #ramps #ramp #ramplife #foraging #forageresponsibly #eatwild #nature #livingofftheland #eatnatural #naturelovers

4/25/2024, 12:26:34 AM

Keeping up in good shape @druckermarie 🌰 🌱🫘🌱🌰 #healthylifestyle #eatnatural #almond #fig

4/24/2024, 10:45:10 PM

फफड़ा और जलेबी दोनों ही भारतीय खाने की पसंदीदा मिठाई हैं। ये दोनों ही विभिन्न तरीकों से तैयार की जा सकती हैं और अपने अनूठे स्वाद के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं। जलेबी को आमतौर पर खाने के बाद मिठाई के रूप में सर्व किया जाता है, जबकि फफड़ा सभी समय के लिए पसंद किया जाता है, चाहे वह नाश्ते के रूप में हो या फिर शाम के चाय के साथ। यहां निम्नलिखित हैं फफड़ा और जलेबी की सरल रेसिपी हिंदी में: फफड़ा रेसिपी: सामग्री: बेसन - 2 कप दही - 1 कप हरी मिर्च - 2, बारीक कटी हुई हरा धनिया - 2 टेबल स्पून, कटा हुआ हल्दी पाउडर - 1 छोटी चमच नमक - स्वाद के अनुसार पानी - आवश्यकतानुसार तेल - तलने के लिए प्रक्रिया: एक बड़े पात्र में बेसन, दही, हरी मिर्च, हरा धनिया, हल्दी पाउडर और नमक मिलाएं। सभी सामग्री को अच्छे से मिलाकर घोल तैयार करें। घोल को उबाल लें और धीरे-धीरे पकाएं, अब इसे ठंडा करें। ताजा तेल में फफड़ा तलें और स्वादनुसार नमक चिड़काएं। तला हुआ फफड़ा सर्व करें। जलेबी रेसिपी: सामग्री: मैदा - 1 कप दही - 1/2 कप चीनी - 1/2 कप पानी - 1/2 कप जाफ़रान - 1/4 छोटी चमच घी - तलने के लिए इलाइची पाउडर - 1/4 छोटी चमच बेकिंग पाउडर - 1/4 छोटी चमच प्रक्रिया: सबसे पहले, एक बड़े पात्र में मैदा, दही, चीनी, पानी, और जाफ़रान को मिलाएं। इस मिश्रण को 6-8 घंटे के लिए फेंक दें ताकि यह फफड़ा और खीर के आकार में फूल सके। बाद में, मिश्रण को अच्छे से फेंककर मिक्सर में पीस लें। फिर, इसमें इलाइची पाउडर और बेकिंग पाउडर मिलाएं और अच्छे से मिक्स करें। एक कटोरे में घी गरम करें। अब, एक निक्षेपण बॉटल में मिश्रण डालें और चारों ओर के गोले में आकार दें। गरम घी में उन्हें सुनहरे होने तक तलें। जलेबी को गरम गरम सर्व करें। #mustardoil #sadashudh #bihari #littichokha #cusine #indianfood #instagramreel #follow4followback #anantambani #ambaniwedding #bollywoodstyle #ambani #bharat #Modi #vote #dhokla #gujratifood #indianrecepie #fafdajalebi #jalebi #indiansweets #coldpressedoil #spices #murdermubarakfilm #cooking #eatnatural

4/23/2024, 5:00:28 PM

colors of summer (kokan edition) . . . . #raanmeva #kokanifood #superfoods #summer #kokan #konkan #ratnagiri #whatweeat #eatnatural #naturecolors #organicfood #konkanfood #bazaar #natural #amla @kokanacha_nisarga @maharashtratourismofficial

4/23/2024, 4:33:20 PM

豚ロースと生ハムの間にセージ(ハーブ)を挟んで 焼き上げた「サルティンボッカ」 個人的に暖かくなってきたら食べたくなる一皿 レモンを絞って白ワインとどうぞ! それでは本日も酔い夜を🍾 ーーーーーーーーーーーー Work together‼️ 現在社員、アルバイトスタッフの方を募集中です。 接客、調理に興味がある 素材にこだわりたい料理人、パティシエ、 健全な食やワインをお客様と楽しみたい 店長、料理長候補募集中! 和洋中今までの調理経験問いません。 人と接することが好きな方 食べることが好きな方 健全な食やワインに 興味のあるかた ご応募お待ちしております。 #ご応募お問い合わせ、ホームページ、DMより 配属店舗、業務内容相談可👌 ・来年10周年、今年は業務に慣れながら リニューアルオープンの準備を すすめていきましょう! 加古川ワインバル  @kakogawawinebar00 ・現在6年目 東加古川の隠れ家レストラン ナポリ系創作ピザとグリル料理 ワイン食堂野菜とグリル @wine_vage_grill ・コロナ禍に誕生 SUGOMoRI リゾート生野高原のカフェレストラン、バーベキューサイト THE PERCH 153 & BBQ LEAF @theperch153 @bbq_leaf ・昨年10月オープン!みとろフルーツパーク内 カフェレストラン&コーヒースタンド NYスタイル50cmピザ🍕パニーニ🥪自家焙煎コーヒー☕️ 4月には新しくオープンする バーベキューや宿泊施設への食材提供も🥩🥓🍖 土日祝日勤務の方大歓迎です! COME's Restaurant & Cafe @mitorohill_comes ・はりまの自然派ピクルス ステーキソースやパスタソースなど 新商品も続々開発中 @harimanoshizenha 今後新しい お店の立ち上げに携わるチャンスも👌 これからも様々な食に携わることに チャレンジしていきます。 【営業時間】 ランチ 11:30-15:00(L.O.14:00) 水曜日〜日曜日 ディナー 17:30-23:00(L.O.21:30) 【定休日】 月曜日  ------------ー 加古川ワインバルは、 『EAT NATURAL』×『EAT LOCAL』 をコンセプトに 兵庫県のこだわりの契約農家さんから届く 無農薬、自然栽培、オーガニックのお野菜と ジビエなど厳選したお肉料理とビオワイン、 ナチュラルワインが楽しめるワインバルです。 ワインを気軽に美味しく健康に。 #加古川ワインバル #毎日健康と美容に良い食事を🍽 #自然な食材と自然なワインを🍷 #ワインを気軽に飲めるお店 #オーガニック野菜  #有機野菜  #自然派料理  #ナチュラルワイン  #eatnatural #eatlocal #加古川 #加古川ディナー #加古川ワイン #加古川イタリアン #加古川パスタ #加古川ランチ #加古 川グルメ #加古川駅前 #加古川路地裏

4/23/2024, 10:25:45 AM

ನಿತ್ಯ ಈ ತರಾ ಎಷ್ಟು ಮಕ್ಕಳು ವಿಷ ಸೇವಿಸಿ ಅನಾರೋಗ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ತುತ್ತಾಗುತಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಇದು ಒಂದು ತರಹದ ಕೊಲೆನ್ನೆ. Food safety law ಬೀಗಿ ಗೋಳಿಸದೆ ಹೊದ್ರೆ ಮುಂದೆ ದೊಡ್ಡ ದುರಂತಗಳಿಗೆ ಸಾಕ್ಷಿಯಾಗುತ್ತೆವೆ. #eatnatural #GoOrganics

4/23/2024, 8:19:58 AM

SAHAJA FARMACY Happiness is- homegrown and homemade On this World Earth Day, in our soil -to-soul superfood series presenting all natural vanilla chocolatey mixed fruit custard Ingredients Naturally ripened seasonal home grown fruits . Here I used banana, anjoor, papaya, chikkoo Homegrown, homemade Arrow root powder Natural raw honey as sweetner Homegrown, homemade Pure cacao magic powder and cacao nibs, natural vanilla powder as natural flavourings Fresh A2 milk/fresh coconut milk Chopped tender coconut pulp Dry fruits and nuts Soaked Chia seeds Recipe In a bowl add chopped fruits, dry fruits,nuts, tender coconut pulp, half teaspoon of natural vanilla, 2 teaspoons each of cacao magic powder and natural raw honey. Refrigerate it for 20-30 minutes and let all the flavours infuse to the mixture Prepare the custard using arrowroot powder by mixing 2 teaspoons of powder in little water , heat 2 cups of milk/fresh coconut milk, add arrowroot slurry, sweetner of choice( I used honey at the end) pure cacao magic powder 2 teaspoon heat on medium flame to the required consistency. Let it cool ( enough for 4-5 servings) Now in a glass jar assemble prepared custard, flavoured fruit mix,soaked chia seeds and repeat it. Top it with few cacao nibs In this healthy delicious dessert flavours meet wellness, The mixed tastes and flavours comes straight from nature from the real food sources, retaining antioxidants and nutrients in its purest form, the way nature intends it to be and quite interestingly no package,no plastic, no preservatives,no artificial colours and nature imitated flavours. #ourhealth #planethealth Real, natural food diets have benefits for everything from maintaining a healthy weight to reducing inflammation and improving overall health, for people of every age. Continued in the comments Proud to be a homestead natural farmer.🙏 Farming since 1987🌴🌳🌿🌾 #EatSeasonal #EatLocal #EatNatural #Summertreat #sahajafarms #shefarmer #farmHer #naturalfood #safefood #worldearthday #naturefirst #homesteadfarmer #naturalfarmer #naturalfarming #forestfarming #ecofriendlyfarming #probioticfarming #permaculturefarming

4/23/2024, 2:32:04 AM

Been solid month with eating nutritionally dense meals have been absolutely thriving of these changes with prep. My days have been chaotic and busy and I found I was falling behind with trying to prep so many meals to have throughout the day . Since I’ve merged my meals together having 2 bigger meals instead of trying to eat 4 it’s been a massive game changer for me been so much more consistent this month with eating healthier if your time strapped and have little time in kitchen just cook bigger high protein meals and eat more veg and fruit simple and effective on those busy days 💪🏻 #nutrition #eatnatural #gymfood

4/22/2024, 8:25:03 PM

World Earth Day 2024 …. “a global network promoting local food and traditional cooking” This year’s theme is Planet vs. Plastic. I have always been a supporter of local markets and love the fresh fruit and veg from Faulkner & Sons in Uppingham market each week. Taking my own market basket to be filled with their produce and using as little packaging as possible. Small steps, but the less plastic we use can only be a good thing for the earth. #worldearthday #worldearthday2024 #recycle #noplastic #eco #localmarkets #shoplocal #uppingham #rutland #localfood #traditionalcooking #marketbasket #cabbages #freshveg #healthyeating #carrots #markettraders #savetheplanet #smallsteps #gourmet #gourmetfood #environmentallyfriendly #delicious #eatnatural

4/22/2024, 4:56:12 PM

👵Your grandmother or great-grandmother wouldn't even consider a pack of noodles as - food! Right? Because in her kitchen the only ingredients allowed were the ones whose names she can pronounce easily. Not the ones written at the back of many processed food labels but natural ones like - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, local spices, seasonal produce etc. 🍏 ✨ And voila! Out used to come the most delicious and healthiest of dishes from her kitchen, isn't it? Time has come full circle. Aren't all of us being more aware of the health hazards of processed foods and going back to whole foods? ♾️ Rewind. Recalibrate Your Food. 🌿 Choose natural, whole foods for a healthier and happier you! #wholefoods #healthyeating #avoidprocessedfoods #saynotoprocessedfood #eatnatural #howtoeathealthy

4/22/2024, 3:51:22 PM

dinner open 17:30〜23:00(lo.21:30) 牛肉の赤ワイン煮込み 赤ワインとご一緒にどうぞ 【営業時間】 ランチ  11:30-15:00(L.O14:00) ディナー 17:30-23:00(L.O.21:30) 【定休日】 火曜日 【TEL】 079-451-7970 ------------ー ワイン食堂野菜とグリルは、 『EAT NATURAL』×『EAT LOCAL』 をコンセプトに 兵庫県のこだわりの契約農家さんから届く 無農薬、自然栽培、オーガニックのお野菜と ジビエなど厳選したお肉料理とビオワイン、 ナチュラルワインが楽しめるワイン食堂です。 #ワインを気軽に美味しく健康に #自然な食材と自然なワインを🍷 #ワインを気軽に飲めるお店 #ワイン食堂野菜とグリル #オーガニック野菜  #有機野菜  #自然派料理  #ナチュラルワイン  #eatnatural #eatlocal #加古川 #加古川女子会 #東加古川イタリアン #東加古川パスタ #加古川ランチ 駐車場8台あります 場所はプロフィールのハイライト、もしくはHPに

4/22/2024, 10:21:38 AM

Sekedar himbauan.. "Buanglah sampah pada tempatnya" tampak seperti guyonan, dan tak berpengaruh apapun untuk bumi kita ini. Padahal, setiap hal sederhana yang kita lakukan di bumi ini berdampak pula pada keindahan dan keamanannya Jadi, mulai lah menyayangi bumi kita dengan hal-hal yang mungkin masih dianggap remeh oleh sebagian orang, karena hal remeh pun jika dilakukan secara terus menerus akan menjadi hal yang sangat besar dan menakjubkan 🥰 Selamat Hari Bumi untuk kita semua Kita bersama bumi, dan bumi yang memberi kita kehidupan ❤ #madutava #madu #EatNatural #EatOrganic

4/22/2024, 1:35:04 AM

Setuju kan? Harus setuju dong Raw Honey bukan hanya untuk dinikmati, tapi juga untuk diapresiasi. Di balik setiap tetesnya, terdapat upaya besar dari alam dan semua apis yang bekerja keras. Makannya Raw Honey selalu jadi juara dihati Mita dan Keluarga Tava, ya kan? xixixi #madutava #madu #EatNatural #EatOrganic

4/21/2024, 4:00:26 AM

Special delivery for Rodney today... Natural chews from @thepetshopventnor ... all the way from the Isle of wight! Waggly tail and play after picking out a beef skin... Happy puppa and hopefully happy kitchen bench now that he has a healthy chew distraction! 🤦‍♀️🙌 #natural #naturalchew #distraction #dogchew #healthydog #naturaldog #eatnatural #naturaldog #beefskin #chews #dogsofinstagram #supportindie #petshop #indiepetshop #independantshop #dogstagram #puppy #playfulpuppy #puppyplay #pupoftheday #puppytreats #dogtreats #healthydogtreats

4/20/2024, 10:49:05 PM

Special day for a special women 😍 Aku, Kamu, dan kita semua adalah kartini-kartini yang hidup di masa kini. Yang hebat dan selalu berjuang untuk kebaikan dan kesejahteraan dirinya serta orang terkasih Selamat hari Kartini untuk setiap wanita hebat diseluruh Negeri 😍🌸 #madutava #madu #EatNatural #EatOrganic

4/20/2024, 7:00:28 PM

Brilliant morning selling Thai curry with #reddaygreenday @barnstaplepanniermarket #foodfest listening to some fantastic live music! #foodfestival #foodies #localproduce #eatnatural #cleaneating #artisanfood #thaifood #homemadefood #plantbased #barnstaplepanniermarket #northdevon

4/20/2024, 5:03:39 PM

Food should be medicine, but so much of what people consume is actually poison. People need to be informed, these additives need to be banned, we need to use natural ingredients to create health and support local. 🌿⚕️ #checkthelabel #foodismedicine (should be) #eatnatural #avoidthesefoods #supportlocal

4/20/2024, 3:16:01 PM

When I saw these gorgeous #islandofwight tomatoes at Brimsmore Garden centre I wanted to take the whole plate - yumminess and decoration all in one! Delicious! #tomatoes #tomato #springveggies #veggiesrule #stillife #farmersmarket #localproduce #besttomatoes #letseat #eatnatural #freshfood #rawfood #shoplocal #inseasonnow

4/20/2024, 11:20:51 AM

With a little planning, we minimise wasted food and energy #winning #helptheplanet #ecoliving

4/20/2024, 8:13:21 AM

こんにちは 本日も lunch11:30〜15:00(lo.14:00) dinner17:30〜23:00(lo.21:30) で営業しております! 明日4/21のランチは、 ワイン試飲会のため、 通常営業はお休みです😌 今回の試飲会は フランスの赤ワインに絞って飲み比べです🍷 残り少しですが、まだご参加可能ですので、 ご希望の方いらっしゃいましたら、 ご連絡お待ちしております😊 来週から待ちに待ったGW! まだまだご予約も可能です! ピザのテイクアウトなども🍕🙆‍♀️ 皆様楽しい週末、楽しい連休を お過ごしください🙌😊🥂 【営業時間】 ランチ  11:30-15:00(L.O14:00) ディナー 17:30-23:00(L.O.21:30) 【定休日】 火曜日 【TEL】 079-451-7970 ------------ー ワイン食堂野菜とグリルは、 『EAT NATURAL』×『EAT LOCAL』 をコンセプトに 兵庫県のこだわりの契約農家さんから届く 無農薬、自然栽培、オーガニックのお野菜と ジビエなど厳選したお肉料理とビオワイン、 ナチュラルワインが楽しめるワイン食堂です。 #ワインを気軽に美味しく健康に #自然な食材と自然なワインを🍷 #ワインを気軽に飲めるお店 #ワイン食堂野菜とグリル #オーガニック野菜  #有機野菜  #自然派料理  #ナチュラルワイン  #eatnatural #eatlocal #加古川 #加古川女子会 #東加古川イタリアン #東加古川パスタ #加古川ランチ 駐車場8台あります 場所はプロフィールのハイライト、もしくはHPに

4/20/2024, 4:15:06 AM

Gila super gilaa 😫 Si ayah beneran tergila-gila sama cemilan asal Tiongkok ini, padahal pedes pake chili oil, tapi terus aja dihantam.. Setiap hari dia bisa bawa makanan ini kalo pulang kerja. Biar gak boncos dan lebih sehat juga, Mita bikinin deh dirumah. Enak loh Momss, beneran mirip sama pangsit ayam di Tiongkoknya, udah gitu lebih hemat, lebih sehat, lebih puas dan lebih disayang sama keluarga 😍 Yuk Momss bikin dirumah 🤩 #madutava #madu #EatNatural #EatOrganic

4/20/2024, 4:00:22 AM

Our amazing Head Chef @leonaarts1 made this delicious Rhubarb Surprise for the lucky children of Chisenhale School. Not a mouthful was left! #HealthyEating #eatnatural #foragedfood

4/19/2024, 5:17:11 PM

Vegan Ghee???😱 Drop a 💚here if you never tried Vegan Ghee !😘 Wow!!!! It’s been more than half a year since I started my plant-based journey! and you know what? I haven’t quit anything (but I replaced them🍀) Frame 1: Had a meeting with Aline who runs @karmakitchenvegan in Goa, India. It’s a plant-based Vegan cuisine from delightful vegan cheese to alluring mock meats, divine vegan butter (even vegan ghee!) Frame 2: A vegan twist on the classic Spaghetti Bolognese with plant-based protein and vegan Parmesan. Frame 3: Vegan Moussaka: Eggplants, potatoes, Bolognese sauce, vegan parmesan😋 Frame 4: I made my mirror selfie after 100years lol Frame 5: Vegan cheese 🍰 The texture is just amazing, taste like just wow!! Frame 6: Lemon tart- I would say this is one of my favorite from Karma kitchen Last Frame: Yammy collections from karma kitchen #plantbased #vegan #goa #goadiaries #eatnatural #foodieindia #foodstagram #bestrestaurants #koreangirl #veganfood

4/19/2024, 10:54:36 AM

🌅Start your day off right with a good breakfast. 🧇 A quick sugar-based breakfast is a very bad idea, this choice raises our blood sugar levels and forces our body to secrete insulin to restore the balance. Once the blood sugar level is low, which happens quickly, we feel very weak and crave more sugar. 🥞So what is a good breakfast? It is a balanced meal: proteins, good fats and a source of carbohydrates. 🍳 For some it may be a savory breakfast with poached or scrambled eggs, cheese and a slice of whole wheat bread, while for others it is yogurt with fruits and a few nuts. 🥣 🍓Personally, my favorite breakfast is banana and raspberry porridge with 90% dark chocolate and some nuts for plant-based protein and good fats. All accompanied by a good cup of coffee ☕️ 😍 🫖And what is your favorite healthy breakfast? Bon appétit #breakfast #petitdejeuner #breakkie #porridge #oat #oatmeal #berries🍓 #snack #sweetbreakfast #banana #healthybreakfast #healthybreakfastideas #healthybreakfastrecipes #healthybreakfastclub #healthybreak #sugarrush #eatwell #eatseasonal #eatclean #eatnatural #sugaraddiction #fruitsandveggies #holisticlifestyle #holisticwellness #eatlean #uk #england #makeukhealthyagain #london #sugarcravings

4/19/2024, 10:19:15 AM

Our liver is the ultimate detox warrior and it is important to take care of this most important organ in our body! This Liver Day is a reminder for all of us to take necessary self care measures to safeguard our liver health which plays an important role in our digestive health! . . #NaturelandOrganics #EatNatural #LiveHealthy #liverday #liverhealth #selfcare

4/19/2024, 7:40:14 AM

April HEALTH Friday 19th in Thanksgiving.... I borrowed this photo of a 1963 Apia Primary class for this morning's April HEALTH tribute. WHY? Because there's not one Obese, Overweight child. I was still at our district school in Fagasā, Savai'i in 1963. I can't recall 1 Obese, Overweight child in our whole school. We never took any lunches and we mostly walked to and from school. Most Samoans were already practicing #intermittentfasting as a way of life. #eatnatural #eatonlywhenhungry #NaturalSamoaFoods

4/18/2024, 7:55:20 PM

Intenta seguir una dieta equilibrada rica en frutas, verduras y cereales integrales, que son esenciales para tu salud y bienestar general. Recuerda que eres lo que comes, ¡así que elige sabiamente! 🍏🥦 #DíaMundialDelBienestar #MagentaNature #GWD2024 #Wellness #HealthyEating #EatClean #EatNatural

4/18/2024, 3:00:12 PM

Losing fat is more than just slinging a few weights around in the gym! Nutrition is probably the most important factor, in my opinion. But that’s a whole other story. The other extremely important thing is moving! And when you start out it’s gona be pretty much impossible to hit the gym every workout. So… it’s best to move everyday in some way or another. You don’t have to be max effort every time. And an excellent way to keep your momentum is to get out for a walk!! Even 30 minutes on your lunch break is great 💪 #absolutefitnesscoaching #fatloss #walking #hiking #weightloss #diet #nutrition #fitnesscoach #england #thailand #onlinefitness #onlinehealthcoach #sustainablefatloss #fitnessmotivation #getmoving #moveeveryday #nozerodays #metabolism #lifestylechange #walktofit #dailysteps #dailymovement #personaltraining #exercise #eatnatural #lessprocessedfood #carbs #protein #nutrients #getstrong

4/18/2024, 11:23:43 AM

🌅Start your day off right with a good breakfast. 🧇 A quick sugar-based breakfast is a very bad idea, this choice raises our blood sugar levels and forces our body to secrete insulin to restore the balance. Once the blood sugar level is low, which happens quickly, we feel very weak and crave more sugar. 🥞So what is a good breakfast? It is a balanced meal: proteins, good fats and a source of carbohydrates. 🍳 For some it may be a savory breakfast with poached or scrambled eggs, cheese and a slice of whole wheat bread, while for others it is yogurt with fruits and a few nuts. 🥣 🍓Personally, my favorite breakfast is banana and raspberry porridge with 90% dark chocolate and some nuts for plant-based protein and good fats. All accompanied by a good cup of coffee ☕️ 😍 🫖And what is your favorite healthy breakfast? Bon appétit #breakfast #petitdejeuner #breakkie #porridge #oat #oatmeal #berries🍓 #snack #darkchocolate #banana #healthybreakfast #healthybreakfastideas #healthybreakfastrecipes #healthybreakfastclub #healthybreak #healthyliving #eatwell #eatseasonal #eatclean #eatnatural #healwithfood #fruitsandveggies #holisticlifestyle #holisticwellness #eatlean #uk #england #makeukhealthyagain #london

4/17/2024, 10:33:13 PM

No Mow No Ever : Roundup should be illegal: Save the pollinators by letting your lawns go absolutely hog wild. No bees, no food. Pretty simply and easy step to save the planet. #savethebees #pollinatorgarden #pollinatorfriendly #nomowmay #nomowlawn #acryliconcanvas #acylicpainting #beeart #dandelion #dandelionlove #naturalmedicines #eatnatural

4/17/2024, 8:47:05 PM

Siła ukryta w naturze Wyobraź sobie kolorową sałatkę pełną smaków: grillowany halloumi pośród pikantnej rukoli, soczystych pomidorków koktajlowych, chrupiącego ogórka, kwaśnej żurawiny i lekko prażonych migdałów. Wszystko polane delikatnym olejem rzepakowym, tworzącym symfonię smaków i tekstur, które będą drażnić Twoje kubki smakowe z każdym kęsem. Składniki: * Ser Halloumi * Rukola * Pomidorki koktajlowe * Ogórek * Migdały * Żurawina * Olej rzepakowy Ten posiłek jest idealny dla tych, którzy cenią świeże składniki, bogactwo smaków oraz różnorodność tekstur w jednym daniu. Sałatka, która zachwyci każdego kto ceni wysoką jakość i unikalność kulinarnych doznań. Smacznego #healthyandfit #runnerfood #healthyeating #eatnatural #superfood #naturalfood #fitandhealthy #sportfood #eatfit #fitnessfood #eathealthy #eatfresh #eatsmart #gesundeernährung #salad #saladlover #salatliebe #salat #gesund #healthyfood #eatrealfood #zdroweodżywianie #healthychoice #eatforhealth #healthysalad #halloumisalad #gesundundlecker #healthymeals #glutenfreefood #eathealthyfood

4/17/2024, 10:12:34 AM

蕗の薹オイル よもぎオイル ミハルちゃんのご実家から よもぎを沢山おすそ分け頂き こちらは半量をよもぎオイルにしました 蕗の薹は投げ売りされていたもの どちらも素敵な春の香りのオイルに変身 料理の隠し味に楽しみます #cook #cooking #homecooking #foodlovers #foodie #foodoftheday #foodpics #beautifulcuisines #foodstyling #foodpost #foodphotography #foodlife #eeeeeats #eatnatural #thekitchn #preservedfood #homemade #保存食 #日々のこと #lifeisbeautiful #蕗の薹オイル #よもぎオイル

4/17/2024, 9:18:12 AM

A sweet, juicy watermelon sounds like the perfect treat for the blazing hot summer. A few pieces, maybe a sprinkling of chaat masala, and you’re cooled right down! But think again - the same watermelon can be a red flag! Some resort to using chemicals to improve the quality of the produce. Calcium carbide, a white powdery substance, is used to ripen fruits quickly. Artificial dyes and sweeteners are injected into watermelons to sell them. And this adulterated produce comes to markets - and maybe even to our houses? Consuming these hazardous chemicals harms your body. Severe cases have seen heavy or prolonged dosage affect thyroid function, and even cause nervous system malfunction, coma, and cancer. So eat natural food to stay away from these risks. Go organic! #जनहितमेंजारी #awareness #EatNatural #watermelon #summer #BioBasket #Pune #OrganicFruits #OrganicFood #OrganicLife

4/17/2024, 7:30:16 AM

Makin gak ada duanya udah 🤩 Makin banyak yang suka, makin banyak yang terbantu, makin banyak yang sehat, dan makin banyak yang bahagia. Mita jadi makin-makin semangat nih buat ngasih yang terbaik untuk Keluarga Tava 😍 #madutava #madu #EatNatural #EatOrganic

4/17/2024, 4:00:31 AM

Curate your fridge with care – opt for the freshest, locally sourced, organic, and sustainable ingredients from your community-owned co-op 👀

4/17/2024, 2:00:02 AM

Ayurveda wisdom : A spoon of ghee consumed in the morning can work wonders! Packed with Vitamin A, D, E and K, Omega - 3 fatty acids, this age old potion is a powerhouse of nutrients 🍀 To make sure you receive the best of nutrients, we craft our A2 cow ghee with A2 milk rich in A2 casein protein with various health benefits! Check our website for more details! . . #NaturelandOrganics #EatNatural #LiveHealthy #cowghee #a2ghee #A2cowghee

4/16/2024, 4:51:25 PM

Have you heard the news? Eat Natural bars are available to buy through Ferrero Foodservice! Your customers will enjoy the delicious ingredients in these bars on-the-go, as a snack or as a quick, easy breakfast! Learn more about our range through the link in our bio. #EatNatural #FerreroFoodservice #Ferrero #grabandgo #ooh #onthego #foodinnovation #cafe #hospitality #foodindustry #grabandgo #tasty #food #foodie #foodstagram #leisure #snack

4/16/2024, 1:00:21 PM

Experience the essence of pure health straight from the farm with Veidik Era cooking oil. Each drop is packed with nutrition, ensuring every meal is a delightful and wholesome experience. Order now for a taste of freshness: +91 89830 57517 . #veidikera #veidikeraoils #coldpressedoils #health #nutrition #rebranding #naturaloils #healthycooking #chemicalfree #organicoils #eatnatural #unadulterated #healthgoodness #wellbeing #natural #healthy #woodpress #stayfit #finestingredients #essentialoil #aroma #healthyoils

4/16/2024, 8:48:07 AM

@globalwellnessday This week try to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which is essential for your overall health and well-being. Remember, you are what you eat, so choose wisely! 🍏🥦 #GlobalWellnessDay #MagentaNature #GWD2024 #Wellness #HealthyEating #EatClean #EatNatural

4/16/2024, 6:53:40 AM

Inovasi baru bikin cake ulang tahun yang lebih healthy dan nikmat 🤗 Pake Raw Honey dong tentunya. Kalo biasanya yang jadi topping cakenya itu coklat, messes atau yang lainnya. Kini Mita ganti pake Raw Honey, yang jauh lebih nikmat dan sehat Di momen special menyambut hari lahir kita kedunia, masa sih sajiannya harus yang biasa-biasa aja. Setuju gak Momsss ? 🤗🤗 #madutava #madu #EatNatural #EatOrganic

4/16/2024, 4:00:22 AM