lowfunctioning images

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Teil 3 Ein tieferes Verständnis des Autismus-Spektrums erfordert auch die Anerkennung von Begriffen wie „High Functioning“ und „Low Functioning“ Autism. Diese Begriffe beziehen sich auf den Grad der Unterstützung, den eine Person benötigt, um in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen zu funktionieren. Menschen mit High Functioning Autism können in der Lage sein, selbstständiger zu leben und zu arbeiten, während Menschen mit Low Functioning Autism möglicherweise umfassendere Unterstützung benötigen, um ihren Alltag zu bewältigen. 👩‍🎓👨‍💼 Indem wir die Schönheit und Einzigartigkeit jedes Puzzleteils im Autismus-Spektrum feiern, können wir eine inklusivere und unterstützendere Gesellschaft schaffen. In unserem nächsten Beitrag werden wir uns eingehender mit dem Asperger-Autismus befassen, einer weiteren faszinierenden Facette des Spektrums, um unser Verständnis weiter zu vertiefen. 💬📖 In unserem nächsten Beitrag werden wir den Asperger-Autismus näher erkunden und seine einzigartigen Facetten beleuchten, um unser Verständnis des Autismus-Spektrums weiter zu vertiefen #Autismus #AutismusSpektrum #KlassischerAutismus #Inklusion #Akzeptanz #Einzigartigkeit #Verständnis #HighFunctioning #LowFunctioning #Neurodiversität #EmbraceDifferences #brandenburg

4/18/2024, 8:18:59 PM

🔹 Sensitivität gegenüber sensorischen Reizen: Personen mit klassischem Autismus können überempfindlich auf bestimmte sensorische Reize reagieren, wie laute Geräusche, helles Licht oder unangenehme Texturen. Dies kann zu starken emotionalen Reaktionen führen, wie Ärger, Angst oder Rückzug. 🔹 Starke Fixierung auf spezifische Themen oder Aktivitäten: Ein weiteres häufiges Merkmal ist die intensive Fixierung auf bestimmte Interessen oder Aktivitäten. Diese Fixierungen können so stark sein, dass sie die Fähigkeit der Person beeinträchtigen, sich auf andere Aufgaben zu konzentrieren oder sich flexibel anzupassen. 🔹 Schwierigkeiten bei der Verarbeitung von Veränderungen: Menschen mit klassischem Autismus können große Schwierigkeiten haben, sich an Veränderungen anzupassen oder unvorhergesehene Ereignisse zu bewältigen. Selbst kleine Abweichungen von Routine oder Erwartungen können zu Angst, Frustration oder Wut führen. 🔹 Wortwörtliche Interpretation von Sprache: Oft verstehen Menschen mit klassischem Autismus sprachliche Nuancen oder Metaphern nicht und neigen dazu, Sprache wortwörtlich zu interpretieren. Dies kann zu Missverständnissen führen und die soziale Interaktion erschweren. 🔹 Schwierigkeiten bei der Deutung nonverbaler Kommunikation: Obwohl sie über eine normale oder überdurchschnittliche Sprachentwicklung verfügen können, können Menschen mit klassischem Autismus Schwierigkeiten haben, nonverbale Signale wie Mimik, Gestik oder Körperhaltung zu interpretieren. Dies kann zu Missverständnissen in sozialen Situationen führen. Indem wir die Schönheit und Einzigartigkeit jedes Puzzleteils im Autismus-Spektrum feiern, können wir eine inklusivere und unterstützendere Gesellschaft schaffen. In unserem nächsten Beitrag werden wir uns eingehender mit dem Asperger-Autismus befassen, einer weiteren faszinierenden Facette des Spektrums, um unser Verständnis weiter zu vertiefen. 💬📖 #Autismus #AutismusSpektrum #KlassischerAutismus #Inklusion #Akzeptanz #Einzigartigkeit #Verständnis #HighFunctioning #LowFunctioning #Neurodiversität #EmbraceDifferences

4/18/2024, 8:10:57 PM

Die Schönheit im Klassischen Autismus: Eine Reise durch das Spektrum Willkommen zu einer faszinierenden Reise durch die Vielfalt des Autismus-Spektrums! 🧩 Jedes einzelne Stück dieses komplexen Puzzles trägt seine eigene Farbe, Form und Einzigartigkeit. Heute möchten wir uns eingehender mit dem klassischen Autismus auseinandersetzen, einer wichtigen Facette dieses reichhaltigen Spektrums. Der klassische Autismus, auch bekannt als Autistische Störung, präsentiert sich wie ein einzigartiges Kunstwerk, gekennzeichnet durch tiefe Herausforderungen in den Bereichen soziale Interaktion, Kommunikation und Verhaltensmuster. Menschen mit klassischem Autismus können Schwierigkeiten haben, nonverbale Signale zu verstehen oder angemessen darauf zu reagieren. Sie können sich in stark eingeschränkten Interessen und wiederholten Verhaltensweisen manifestieren. Diese Herausforderungen können den Alltag in vielerlei Hinsicht beeinflussen und erfordern oft spezifische Unterstützung und Interventionen. 🤔🗣️ Dennoch verbirgt sich hinter diesen Herausforderungen eine bemerkenswerte Stärke und einzigartiges Potenzial. Menschen mit klassischem Autismus zeigen oft eine außergewöhnliche Intensität und Leidenschaft für ihre Interessen. Diese können zu erstaunlichen Talenten und Fähigkeiten führen, die einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Gesellschaft leisten. Ihre einzigartige Sichtweise auf die Welt kann neue Perspektiven eröffnen und unser Verständnis bereichern. 🌟💪 Es ist von entscheidender Bedeutung zu betonen, dass Autismus nicht eine Größe für alle ist. Das Autismus-Spektrum umfasst eine breite Palette von Eigenschaften und Erfahrungen. Jede Person auf diesem Spektrum hat ihre eigenen Stärken, Bedürfnisse und Lebenswege, die es zu würdigen gilt. 🌈👫 #Autismus #AutismusSpektrum #KlassischerAutismus #Inklusion #Akzeptanz #Einzigartigkeit #Verständnis #HighFunctioning #LowFunctioning #Neurodiversität #EmbraceDifferences

4/18/2024, 8:08:02 PM

While these identifiers have been the important basis in determining the very real support that an individual needs, they also come with a level of inherent social value that is not widely addressed within the overall discussion of autism. Director Helen Tager-Flusberg at the Center for Autism Research Excellence at Boston University, relates that what determines those who are considered high functioning vs low functioning is often their intelligence quotients score (IQs) or how they progress academically. However, neither of these areas can account for other aspects of a person’s life like adaptive behavior, daily living skills, differing forms of intelligence, and the whole scope of cognitive functioning. #LateDiagnosis #Autism #Autistic #AutismAwareness #AutismAffirming #LGBTQAffirming #QueerAffirming #LateDiagnosedAutism #AutismAcceptance #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Neurodivergent #AutismSupport #AdultAutism #HighFunctioning #LowFunctioning

4/7/2024, 11:00:20 PM

It’s Autism awareness & acceptance month ❤️🩷💜🩵💚 Come with me to take a closer look at the concept of the autism spectrum and why popularised terms like high or low functioning, are being increasingly recognised as problematic. Move over linear line, hello colour wheel 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autisminclusion #whatisautism #definingautism #theautisticcolourwheel #highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #understandingautism

4/6/2024, 11:42:57 AM

I shared this last year and it still applies💙 The moments I see him smile it’s like a rainbow after a thunderstorm. He has the most contagious laugh. I love seeing the things he enjoys. Other times autism feels like a nightmare I can’t wake up from. I dream of a life where he isn’t trapped in his body, where he plays and has friends and plays sports and goes to school. I think of the life we could provide for him, the things he’d enjoy and the memories we’d make if autism wasn’t our reality. At the end of the day I would still choose this thunder over anyone else’s sunshine. I will be his voice until my last breath and do anything to help him. My angel, my darling, my star - my love will find you wherever you are. In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you. #nooneistalkingaboutthis #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismreality #autismfamily #autismlife #autismwarrior #autismmom #nonverbal #severeautism #lowfunctioning #highsupport #abatherapy #thunder #nightmare #livinganightmare #idchooseyou #myangel #motherson #memories #lightitupblue #advocate #autismadvocate #advocatinglikeamother #momlife #boymom #tellyourstory #speakyourtruth #inclusion

4/4/2024, 6:39:50 PM

I’m so freaking low functioning… (As an autistic and person in general.) I don’t generally describe myself as low functioning but I think I’ve been recently. I’ve been at multiple times throughout my life. As well as high functioning. And pretty much everything in between. So really, what does it say at all? . . . . . #autistic #autismawareness #autism #autismacceptance #functioninglabels #functioninglabelsareharmful #functioninglabelsarebullshit #functioninglabelsareuseless #lowfunctioning

3/31/2024, 4:52:09 AM

High functioning autism usually means individuals have strong verbal and thinking skills, while low functioning autism often involves more challenges with communication, socializing, and daily tasks. What are the other differences that come along with these two types? With this post, we dive into the complexities of functioning levels and understanding their impact on social and emotional well-being. #athapsychotherapy #autisminadults #adults #difference #highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #difficulties

2/7/2024, 1:34:32 PM

Growing up…. ©2024 Jack Davis Mom must have taken this picture of Dad, Mike and me (I'm on the left).  This was before Dave was born so it must be around 1954, 1955.  Mom and Dad said that they knew that Mike was different very early on, even though he was their first child. Autism was just beginning to be acknowledged as a entity separate from other mental conditions. The public at large had no idea about autism and mental conditions were kept very much under wraps back then. Please visit my Etsy shop for my artwork for sale inspired by my autistic brother Mike at: https://autisminspiredart.etsy.com My other artwork for sale is at: https://otherartbyjack.etsy.com #autism #autisticsibling #brotherlylove #autistic #mybrothermichael #autismbook #autisticbrother #autismfamily #autismparents #lowfunctioning #nonverbal #frustration #crying #abstractpainting #symbolicpainting #autismportraits #autismdivide #autismhope #1950s_autism #refrigeratormother

2/2/2024, 6:48:07 AM

When I was born…. ©2024 Jack Davis The photo and text here are from the book, My Brother Michael, that I worked on for quite a long time. I am the middle child, Mike, my autistic, nonverbal, low functioning brother is the oldest and Dave is the youngest. In the 1950s, when we grew up, very little was known about autism and there were no support groups of any kind. In fact, the science of the time squarely blamed the ‘refrigerator mothers’ for the plight of their autistic children. It was difficult. Please visit my Etsy shop for my artwork for sale inspired by my autistic brother Mike at: https://autisminspiredart.etsy.com My other artwork for sale is at: https://otherartbyjack.etsy.com #autism #autisticsibling #brotherlylove #autistic #mybrothermichael #autismbook #autisticbrother #autismfamily #autismparents #lowfunctioning #nonverbal #frustration #crying #abstractpainting #symbolicpainting #autismportraits #autismdivide #autismhope #1950s_autism #refrigeratormother

1/30/2024, 4:16:51 AM

There Was Hope Back Then… © 2024 Jack Davis Most likely my mom took this picture. I think I was about 6 years old at the time, which would make the year 1958. Mike never spoke and I think tried helping him even back then.. I think I was hopeful back then, that I would be able to communicate with my brother. Dad never gave up hope. Please visit my Etsy shop for my artwork for sale inspired by my autistic brother Mike at: https://autisminspiredart.etsy.com My other artwork for sale is at: https://otherartbyjack.etsy.com #autism #autisticsibling #brotherlylove #autistic #mybrothermichael #autismbook #autisticbrother #autismfamily #autismparents #lowfunctioning #nonverbal #frustration #crying #abstractpainting #symbolicpainting #autismportraits #autismdivide #autismhope

1/26/2024, 2:52:53 AM

Functioning labels are incredibly MISLEADING! Just because you may be labelled "high functioning" doesn't actually mean you're able to function any better than someone who is considered "low functioning"! It simply means that other peoples experiences of your neurodivergent traits are minimal. I prefer to use the term 'High Masking' for this very reason! You have the skill and ability to MASK and HIDE away all parts of yourself that make you DIFFERENT... it doesn't mean that your experience of being neurodivergent is any worse or any better than someone who has been labelled as "low functioning" and you may actually find that your support needs are the same/similar to each other.. they just appear different on the surface! Where do you feel most safe to unmask more (besides home)? 🥰 #unmasking #asd #adhd #ocd #neurodivergent #bpd #anxiety #highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #highmasking #masking

1/25/2024, 6:37:00 PM

Low vs. High Functioning Anxiety #jrocktherapy #anxiety #Repost @dlcanxiety with @use.repost ・・・ Low functioning or high functioning? Which side of the scale do you sit on? Your journey to recovery has already started, each persons path may look a little different but you are all incredible and I admire each step you take forward! ❤️continuing your progress, by koping ‘untangle your anxiety’ you know where to look for it! - - @mentalhealthpathways (Via @justgirlproject) #lowfunctioning #highfunctioninganxiety #highfunctioning #selfcareeveryday #journeytorecovery #itsoktonotbeok #youcandoit #endthestigma #breakthestigma

1/23/2024, 5:22:35 AM

Apakah Anda merasa 'low functioning' atau 'high functioning'? Ingat, setiap perjalanan kesehatan mental unik. Tidak masalah dari mana Anda memulai, yang terpenting adalah langkah-langkah positif yang Anda ambil. 💙✨ #temanbicaraku #ayokitacerita #PerjalananPemulihan #KesehatanMental #LowFunctioning #highfunctioningsociopath

1/21/2024, 7:48:05 AM

The Divide © 2024 This is an autism-inspired abstract portrait of the divided attention I was always trying to get from my autistic brother. During most of the time I spent with Mike I felt there was an unbridgeable gap between us. I often tried to engage him, but it was very difficult to get his attention. I painted this to try picturing the divide. Please visit my Etsy shop for my artwork for sale inspired by my autistic brother Mike at: https://autisminspiredart.etsy.com My other artwork for sale is at: https://otherartbyjack.etsy.com #autism #autisticsibling #brotherlylove #autistic #mybrothermichael #autismbook #autisticbrother #autismfamily #autismparents #lowfunctioning #nonverbal #frustration #crying #abstractpainting #symbolicpainting #autismportraits #autismdivide

1/17/2024, 6:37:43 PM

Mike Behind Barriers © 2024 Jack Davis I think I took this picture of Mike when in the early 60s. I most likely thought that I was just taking a snapshot of my brother, but looking at it today, it the fence separating us is the most important part of the picture. The barriers between Mike and me were much more than physical. He was in a different world, by himself, apart from everything else. Some of my artwork is a visual articulation of this barrier, which is hard to describe in words. Please visit my Etsy shop for my artwork for sale inspired by my autistic brother Mike at: https://autisminspiredart.etsy.com My other artwork for sale is at: https://otherartbyjack.etsy.com #autism #autisticsibling #brotherlylove #autistic #mybrothermichael #autismbook #autisticbrother #autismfamily #autismparents #lowfunctioning #nonverbal #frustration #crying #abstractpainting #symbolicpainting #autismportraits

1/15/2024, 8:31:01 PM

One of My Portraits of Mike © 2017 Jack Davis I’ve drawn many portraits of my brother Mike, who was autistic, low functioning and nonverbal. Some of my attempts were matters of observation and capturing his features and others (including this one) were abstract. In this portrait (from 2017), I included many of the symbols and icons that evolved from my previous visual experiments in which I tried to capture my feelings about my brother. Please visit my Etsy shop for my artwork for sale inspired by my autistic brother Mike at: https://autisminspiredart.etsy.com My other artwork for sale is at: https://otherartbyjack.etsy.com #autism #autisticsibling #brotherlylove #autistic #mybrothermichael #autismbook #autisticbrother #autismfamily #autismparents #lowfunctioning #nonverbal #frustration #crying #abstractpainting #symbolicpainting #autismportraits

1/11/2024, 12:18:39 AM

Third Portrait - Mike Crying © 2024 Jack Davis Looking at this picture tightens up my chest a little bit. I think it was first time I saw Michael crying. It was in his group home. He was always acting out, yelling or hitting himself. Sometimes he would take my hand and try hitting himself with it, usually with a laugh or a smile. Since Michael never spoke, I relished the contact. I don't remember him crying. When I started documenting Mike’s life, I kept written journals. Part of the reason for this admittedly, was to improve my photography. Did I have the right exposure? Was the lens appropriate? What about the f-stop and the depth of field?  This was necessary for me to improve, in the days of film photography. The other aspect of journaling that appealed to me was that I could capture on paper, what I was thinking at that moment. I would be able to read it later in life and remember what it was like before. The words would be worth a thousand pictures, to coin a phrase. Memory can heal; it can smooth rough edges. Does it also fill in holes, like spackling the wall before painting?  I think memory can create holes too, either by remembering something different from what happened or by forgetting something significant.  My mother used to tell us that her mother chased her around the piano. My aunt told us that the piano was firmly ensconced against the wall.  Just goes to show you. A true story needs accurate memory, and memory needs backup. #autism #autisticsibling #brotherlylove #autistic #mybrothermichael #autismbook #autisticbrother #autismfamily #autismparents #lowfunctioning #nonverbal #frustration #crying

1/9/2024, 11:42:24 PM

Second Portrait of Mike in My Brother Michael, a book by Jack Davis This was the caption in my original post from August 2020: "Mike was, and still is a mystery.” My brother Mike passed away in July of 2022. #autism #autisticsibling #brotherlylove #autistic #mybrothermichael #autismbook #autisticbrother #autismfamily #autismparents #lowfunctioning #nonverbal #frustration #death

1/8/2024, 2:48:19 AM

First Portrait of Mike in My Brother Michael, by Jack Davis © 2020 Jack Davis Mike would get frustrated. He would always take it out on himself.  He has never spoken, so we had to guess what the problem was. #autism #autisticsibling #brotherlylove #autistic #mybrothermichael #autismbook #autisticbrother #autismfamily #autismparents #lowfunctioning #nonverbal #frustration #anger

1/5/2024, 8:36:59 AM

Letter from Mom © 2024 I don’t imagine that a mother would write a letter such as this today, but in the 1950s, 60s, autism was relatively unknown and low functioning children (called retarded at the time) were generally hidden. #autism #autisticsibling #brotherlylove #autistic #mybrothermichael #autismbook #autisticbrother #autismfamily #autismparents #retarded #lowfunctioning #nonverbal

1/4/2024, 2:25:47 AM

If all we focused on was a diagnosis or the lack of a diagnosis then we would miss all the nuances of the child in front of us. Or we might have a misunderstanding. ADHD is not a deficit in attention and not all inattention is ADHD. At Omatas, we consider the whole child and their experience of themselves and the world around them. While we create a school environment that works to support concentration and learning through all of these considerations, we also support you in adjusting your home life to cater for the child you have and what they need in order to flourish. #adhd #inattention #anxiety # highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #autismawareness #learningdifficulties

12/1/2023, 12:21:41 PM

Lots of people might assume that the autism spectrum is a scale from less/not autistic to very autistic. This is where labels like ‘high functioning’ and ‘low functioning’ often come from. This idea can invalidate the experiences of those seen as ‘lower on the spectrum’ and minimise the strengths of those seen as ‘higher on the spectrum’. Someone who appears ‘functioning’ in one situation may be completely different in another situation. Also, what someone shows on the outside may be completely different to how they actually feel, so these labels and ideas can be very harmful. In reality, the spectrum looks more like a circle representing different areas of our brains and skills, and the ‘spectrum’ is unique to each person. Autistic people tend to have more differences between these areas, with the strengths being stronger and the challenges being more challenging, which creates a spikier looking spectrum. This is often known as a ‘spiky profile’. Each autistic person is different and everyone’s spiky profile will look different, and these profiles can change in different situations or on different days. When I’m tired or overwhelmed, my profile will look completely different than on the days when I’m energetic and enthusiastic. 😄 #adhd #adhdawareness #adhdacceptance #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autistic #actuallyautistic #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #neurospicy #neurodiverse #neurodiversityacceptance #mentalhealth #audhd #autismspectrum #spectrum #highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #functioninglabels #spikyprofiles

11/23/2023, 4:41:18 PM

While these identifiers have been the important basis in determining the very real support that an individual needs, they also come with a level of inherent social value that is not widely addressed within the overall discussion of autism. Director Helen Tager-Flusberg at the Center for Autism Research Excellence at Boston University, relates that what determines those who are considered high functioning vs low functioning is often their intelligence quotients score (IQs) or how they progress academically. However, neither of these areas can account for other aspects of a person’s life like adaptive behavior, daily living skills, differing forms of intelligence, and the whole scope of cognitive functioning. #LateDiagnosis #Autism #Autistic #AutismAwareness #AutismAffirming #LGBTQAffirming #QueerAffirming #LateDiagnosedAutism #AutismAcceptance #AutismSpectrum #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Neurodivergent #AutismSupport #AdultAutism #HighFunctioning #LowFunctioning

11/10/2023, 6:47:02 PM

#OMG, I mean we all know #factually that #RacisttRUMP hates black women, especially #BlackWomen considerably better educated than the #TwiceImpeached, #QuadrupleIndicted, #LowFunctioning #Dotard, #donaldtRUMP, but he’s #FallingApart if he thinks he can use the #Pword to denigrate the @newyorkstateag. I think it’s time for that #GagOrder to be enforced honourable #JudgeEngoron 🙄😱🤬🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ P**kaboo #RacistTerm used in #whitesupremacist circles to refer to a person of color, usually black, of upper or upper-middle class social standing. That uppity p**kaboo thinks she can golf here just because she has money. #RealityTVStarsMakeShitPresidents #TraitorsSupportTraitortRUMP #tRUMPklan #gopPOS #Deliverance

10/5/2023, 4:18:51 PM

Many of us can be high functioning and many of us may not be able to function with mental illness. Both are ok. Make a decision while keeping you and your well-being at the centre. Being well is the most important thing and staying well takes work. You can build the life you want and take definitive steps that lead to recovery. #recovery #mentalillnessrecovery #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellbeing #selfcare #highfunctioninganxiety #highfunctioningdepression #lowfunctioning #mentalhealth #mentalillness #healthylifestyle #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellness #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthisimportant

9/18/2023, 3:54:45 AM

How do you feel 'low functioning' vs 'high functioning' depression and anxiety are perceived? While labels can be helpful in certain contexts, generally, such labels can diminish our struggles and cause us to compare and feel less than. Remember that no matter how you cope on the perceived scale of functioning, you are worthy of support 🫶 For 1-1 personalised help, we recommend reaching out to a mental health professional. #lowfunctioning #highfunctioning #highfunctioninganxiety #highfunctioningautism #highfunctioningdepression #functioninglabels #functioninglabelsareharmful

8/28/2023, 5:03:15 PM

#selfawareness #improveyourself #improvement #problemsolvingskills #criticalthinkingskills #highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #boundaries #selfdiscipline #focus Most of the time once you increase your self awareness it’ll become easier to identify and solve issues.

7/17/2023, 11:27:35 PM

#cars_2 #cars2 autism_scale #autism_rating_scale #autismratingscale #کارس٢ #کارس_٢ #هەلسەنگاندنا_ئوتیزمێ #ئوتیزم #high_funcioning #lowfunctioning #parenting #autismawareness #autismfamily #autism #autismscale #scale #nbac #autismduhok #duhok #kurdistan

6/22/2023, 7:02:37 PM

Instead of using these labels, we need to focus on individual abilities and needs. All autistic people are different, and therefore have individual strengths that they excel in, and various different abilities and needs, that need to be considered and met. The World would be very boring if we were all the same! I’ve been told (by people with no expertise by the way) that our youngest is both high- functioning and low-functioning!?! People seem to like to label things. I think it helps them to process everything! The truth is, he’s really, crazily, good at some things, and not at all interested in others! Certain things could hold his interest forever (or maybe it just feels like that sometimes 😂) whilst other things simply don’t interest him at all, and he’s then very easily distracted! He also doesn’t like not being able to do things, so he doesn’t tend to practice until he can do something, instead he prefers to watch and wait. It’s as if he practices in his head, then he can do it perfectly straight away. I think he could probably do anything that he put his mind to, if he wanted to, but most of the time he chooses not to, and we respect that! I can’t prove that of course, because he doesn’t supply evidence on demand! He’s definitely not a performing monkey! We’re sometimes told that he obviously looks autistic, and sometimes told that he doesn’t look autistic at all, and I guess sometimes it’s obvious, and sometimes it isn’t!?! I’m not saying that any of this is typical of autism, just our experience of our very individual boy who functions exactly as is best for him! 💙 #autismlabels #autismlabelling #autism #highfunctioningautism #highfunctioning #lowfunctioningautism #lowfunctioning #autismspectrum #autismspectrumdisorder #autismisaspectrum #autismisasuperpower #autismisawesome #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismfamily #autismmum #autismmummy #autismmumlife #autismadvocate #autismadvocacy #autismadvocates #autismlove #autismspeaks #autismrocks #autismparent #autismparents #autismlife #autismsupport #autismtravel #certifiedautismtravelprofessional

6/17/2023, 10:23:14 PM

Posted @withregram • @mentalhealthpathways Low functioning or high functioning? Which side of the scale do you sit on? Your journey to recovery has already started, each persons path may look a little different but you are all incredible and I admire each step you take forward! ❤️continuing your progress, by koping ‘untangle your anxiety’ you know where to look for it! - - @mentalhealthpathways (Via @justgirlproject) #lowfunctioning #highfunctioninganxiety #highfunctioning #selfcareeveryday #journeytorecovery #itsoktonotbeok #youcandoit #endthestigma #breakthestigma

6/5/2023, 2:01:34 PM

Low functioning or high functioning? Which side of the scale do you sit on? Your journey to recovery has already started, each persons path may look a little different but you are all incredible and I admire each step you take forward! ❤️continuing your progress, by koping ‘untangle your anxiety’ you know where to look for it! - - @mentalhealthpathways (Via @justgirlproject) #lowfunctioning #highfunctioninganxiety #highfunctioning #selfcareeveryday #journeytorecovery #itsoktonotbeok #youcandoit #endthestigma #breakthestigma

6/5/2023, 1:58:41 PM

Low functioning or high functioning? Which side of the scale do you sit on? Your journey to recovery has already started, each persons path may look a little different but you are all incredible and I admire each step you take forward! ❤️continuing your progress, by koping ‘untangle your anxiety’ you know where to look for it! - - @mentalhealthpathways (Via @justgirlproject) #lowfunctioning #highfunctioninganxiety #highfunctioning #selfcareeveryday #journeytorecovery #itsoktonotbeok #youcandoit #endthestigma #breakthestigma

6/5/2023, 12:40:42 PM

Perfectionism is all about having unrealistically high expectations of yourself that are unattainable or unsustainable. It can vary from expecting yourself to complete a task perfectly without an error, without any help, as fast as possible. If you were able to, your perfectionism would say, do it again!⁠ ⁠ Expecting yourself to do things perfectly and better every single time creates stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. These emotions are activated in our Amygdala, the part of the brain in our limbic system that is known to play an important role in threat processing to promote survival. Meaning the brain starts to feel threatened, and our fight-or-flight-freeze response is activated. ⁠ ⁠ As a result, some with perfectionism can "fight" by overworking, while others may freeze, feel flooded and flee the scene. ⁠ ⁠ And most of us have falsely learned to ignore our nervous system dysregulation and just go back to the starting point, aka the high expectations and keep pursuing Perfectionism. The goal is to notice these moments when our nervous system feels uneasy, scared, or flooded and ask ourselves what we need to do to feel more regulated, safe, and confident. The answer is simple: challenge your perfectionism!⁠ ⁠ #perfectionism #perfectionismcycle #perfectionist #recoveringperfectionist #overcomingperfectionism #iamgoodenough #iamenough #iamworthy #buildconfidence #amygdala #highfunctioning #highfunctioninganxiety #lowfunctioning #procrastination #procrastinator #stressresponse #stressresilience #stressful #fightorflight #avoidance #bodyawareness #bodymind #nervoussystemhealth#anxietyisreal #mindbodyconnection #nervoussystemregulation#brainretraining #generalizedanxietydisorder #vagusnervestimulation

5/17/2023, 6:02:55 PM

😜Are you aware of your true potential? >Energy= Performance Ready to address the root cause of your energy levels? #energy #movement #highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #nutrition #integrativehealth #htma #minerals #balance #grounding #happy #fitnessmotivation #getoutside#

5/11/2023, 5:46:47 PM

When a disabled or chronically ill person is "doing well" or is hiding their symptoms well, when we still achieve or are still managing to do a good job, people conveniently forget that we are ill or disabled. They forget the accommodations that have previously been requested, they forget how much harder it might be for us to do something which may be a simple task to a healthy or non-disabled person. So we are denied support. When a disabled or chronically ill person is finding things hard, having medical episodes or physically or mentally struggling, people suddenly infantalize them. Start making assumptions about them, acting as if they are weak or incapable. Start wanting to make decisions about their life, how, when and if they should work, not allowing them to be the expert on their own bodies and taking away choice in their health care. Not listening to them as an intelligent person and simplifying their challenges. So we are denied agency. "High functioning" or "low functioning" there is no stable or comfortable ground. #highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #chronicillness #chronicillnessawareness #chronicillnessadvocate #chronicillnesscommunity #medical #learn #listen #health #healthcare #nhs #disabilityawareness #disabilityrights #disability #disabled #agency #accessibility #accomodations

3/23/2023, 11:19:26 PM

Do you have high-functioning or low-functioning Perfectionism?⁠ ⁠ The term high-functioning Perfectionism refers to a level of functioning that is above average and excessive due to one's Perfectionism. I would argue that this type of Perfectionism often fits society's view of Perfectionism, where you think this is your Type-A people who are always overdoing, overworking, and over-giving in any situation and/or relationship.⁠ ⁠ In contrast, low-functioning Perfecitonism is where your level of functioning is decreased, often to debilitating points, because of your Perfectionism. This often becomes the less-known version of Perfectionism. It is when your Perfectionistic, aka highly unrealistic, expectations of yourself causes you to feel paralyzed, procrastinate, and/or isolate. Due to the intense fear of making mistakes, you often choose to follow others' lead and avoid making any decisions.⁠ ⁠ You might see yourself going back and forth between these two types, e.g., during the work/school week, you are highly functional and overly productive; then comes the weekend, and you crash, leaning more into the low-functioning mode. ⁠ ⁠ It is normal to see yourself in both of these types of Perfectionism. The end goal is not to find "the type" that describes you the best. More so, the end goal is to understand that Perfectionism shows up very differently depending on many things, including but not limited to the day of the week, circumstances, and the stress in your life. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #perfectionism #perfectionist #recoveringperfectionist #overcomingperfectionism #imperfections #iamgoodenough #iamenough #iamworthy #worthiness #rumination #anxiousmind #peoplepleasing #codependency #perfectionismrecovery #progressnotperfect#youaregoodenough #begentlewithyourself #bekindtoyourmind #innergrowth #controlyourthoughts #isolationlife #overachiever #overdoer #overworking #hardworking #highfunctioning #highfunctioninganxiety #lowfunctioning #procrastination #procrastinator

2/27/2023, 6:03:17 PM

It goes without saying that the Chris Packham Autism and Me series was amazing. But is it not now plain to see that functioning labels can be harmful? The whole programme clearly showed this in my opinion? Murray being non verbal yet cognitively able and as Chris said no one would believe it! The person I most connected with was Anton … like him I go under the radar but actually if things don’t go to plan life can implode! I hope this is a start to people understanding that non verbal doesn’t mean low functioning and verbal doesn’t mean high functioning! #autism #understandingautism #functioninglabels #highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #verbal #nonberbal #chrispackham #autismandme

2/25/2023, 11:38:32 PM

Some thoughts on mental illness and being classed as "high functioning" I hate that so much of society sees the severity of mental illness through a lens of what you are or are not capable of doing Someone who cannot get out of bed all day is no more or less depressed than someone who gets up, goes to work and holds down a successful job Someone who is paralysed with anxiety and cannot speak to others is no less anxious than the person giving a presentation to many others Someone who internalises all their struggles and hides them from view is no less mentally ill than someone who let's their struggles rule their actions and is unable to hide them from those around them High functioning just means you have mastered appearing okay to others despite what is going on in your mind High functioning means you bury everything inside you and try to fit in High functioning, for me, means you keep going until things get to breaking point because you feel that's what you should do There is no such thing as high functioning Maybe I was working, or at uni, or doing social activities, but I wasn't really functioning or living, just treading water and trying not to let the sharks at my feet be visible to those around me The idea of high or low functioning need to be stopped because these labels do more harm than good I know for me they aren't helpful I hope this makes sense and isn't some weird ramble from a messy brain Sending love and hugs to you all ❤💕❤💕❤ #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthstruggles #mentalillness #mentalillnessawareness #mentalillnessrecovery #highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #harmfullabels #recoverycommunity #recovery #depressionrecovery #anxietyrecovery #anorexianervosarecovery #eatingdisorderrecovery #eupdrecovery #bpdrecovery #ptsdrecovery #bipolarrecovery #fighter #warrior #endthestigma #youarevalid #youmatter #keepgoing #strong #brave #nomatterwhat

2/6/2023, 11:28:46 AM

Functioning labels are at best meaningless and at worst harmful. The problem with the term "High-Functioning" is that it dismisses a person's support needs. Here the expectations that are placed on the individual are unrealistically high. It assumes that the supposedly "high-functioning" Autistic is consistently competent across all or multiple domains of ability, when the reality is that they might have "above average" ability in only a single domain their culture recognises as important. The problem with the term "Low-Functioning" is that it dismisses one's humanity. That the key thing about them and all they have at the forefront of their identity is a permanent reminder that they can't perform at an optimal level in ANY domain of ability that their culture recognises as important? Poppycock! Multiple variables predict our ability to "function". Our environment, energy levels, company and what we are engaged in all determine how well we are functioning in a given moment. It's a lot more complicated than just whether or not one has "average to above average intellect". "High-Functioning", "Low-Functioning": we don't need either, thanks. This post was inspired by Kate Jones from Neuroclastic, to whom credit is due for the insight: "The term 'High-Functioning' dismisses a person's support needs, and the term 'Low-Functioning' dismisses a person's humanity". autistic #adhd #audhd #neurodivergent #highfunctioning #lowfunctioning #pda #pathologicaldemandavoidance #duck

1/17/2023, 1:31:20 PM

Did you know? Autism has a number of good things about it. A personality trait that makes a person fixate on their interests and study them over and over again until they know everything there is to know about them. Also, they are interested in different things. .. .. #Careaffairs #disability #autismawareness #autism #spectrum #autistic #asperger #nonverbal #mild #lowfunctioning #adult

12/2/2022, 4:00:40 PM