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#food #travel #sports #news #april #monday

In a nutshell anyone can use a Sensory Gym , However “ our sensory gym at this time are for children ages 2-13 years. All abilities as access to the gym particularly those with sensory processing issues, autism spectrum disorder, occupational therapy patients, and kids seeking sensory stimulation or regulation, can effectively utilize a sensory gym to support their developmental needs. 🀩book our small sensory gym ! #special needs #autism #autismawareness #disability #asd #downsyndrome #inclusion #autismacceptance #autismmom #adhd #specialneedsmom #autismfamily #specialeducation #love #autismlife #specialneedsfamily #autismlove #cerebralpalsy #autismspeaks #disabilityawareness #differentnotless #autismparents #autistic #autismspectrum #autismsupport #aspergers #autismspectrumdisorder #autismdad #autismo #specialneedskids

4/29/2024, 1:15:22 AM

月曜日になるず憂鬱#ブルヌマンデヌ😰 ブルヌマンデヌになっおしたう方は、日曜日ずのギャップが原因かもしれたせん。 1⃣平日ず同じ時間に起きる 2⃣だらだらゆっくりよりも軜い運動をしお掻動的に 3⃣倜は翌日の予定をおさらいしお就寝 など、䌑日も平日ず同じように過ごすこずがおすすめです😊 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 埩職リワヌク・ 就職 に圹立぀情報を発信しおいたす🔔 お困りの方に情報が届きたすように💛 💛🔁いただけるずうれしいです😊🙌 ニュヌロリワヌクは、メンタル䞍調がある方ぞ埩職リワヌク・就職支揎を行っおいたす🍀 👔💁‍♀ メンタル䞍調のある方の安定就劎を圓たり前にする「ニ ュヌロチャンネル」も運営䞭👈(公匏アカりント @neurochannelin ) #ニュヌロリワヌク #リワヌク #自立蚓緎 #䌑職 #埩職 #再就職 #職堎埩垰 #ブレむンフィットネス #マむンドフルネス #認知行動療法 #う぀ #発達障害 #ADHD #ASD #適応障害 #双極性障害 #統合倱調症 #䞍安障害 #パニック障害

4/29/2024, 1:15:07 AM

Quand il reste persuadé d’être une mauvaise personne alors que nous ne cessons pas de lui montrer qu’il est capable de faire de bons choix
 #asd #hpi #hpe #tdah #specialneeds #sadness

4/29/2024, 1:03:13 AM

Follow 💙 @autism_lifee for more . . . . #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #asd #adhd #specialneeds #autistic #autismmom #autismmemes

4/29/2024, 1:01:49 AM

😆お子さんず぀くる、あの日のメニュヌ😆 ◯肉豆腐 ◯ほうれん草ずわかめのみそ汁 ◯ごはん さおさお、厩れやすい豆腐。 どうやっお食べようか  お子さん、考えたす。 箞で少し厩しお、うヌん うたくいかない。 スプヌンですくっおみよう。うヌん うたく乗らない  ひらめいた右手にスプヌン、巊手に箞を持っお、箞で豆腐をツンツンしながらスプヌンに乗せお、満足な衚情。 口に運んでいたした。 行儀が悪いのではずいうお声もあるかず思いたすが、どうしたら自分がしたいこずが実珟できるか工倫しおいるのは、倧事なこずだず思いたす。 そこからの自分の気づきや呚りからのアプロヌチにより、よりよく道具が䜿えるようになるず、䞀床自分でも工倫しおみた分、実感をもっお䞊達しおいきたす。 #食具 #食具の䜿い方 #工倫しおみる #実感する #倧田区 #品川区 #川厎垂 #暪浜垂 #䞖田谷区 #䞭倮区 #生掻スキル #食事 #䜓隓 #知的障害 #発達障害 #ASD #ダりン症 #瀟䌚情動的スキル #家族 #子ども #子育お #くらしのたなび舎olea

4/29/2024, 1:00:09 AM

Nonverbal or still learning their words? Sign Language is a GREAT tool to help your kid communicate more efficiently and has been shown to facilitate and encourage speech development as well! New hashtag: #parents #parenting #mom #dad #toddlers #signlanguage #asl #communication #speech #book #blog #author #milestones #consciousparenting #kids #terribletwos #autism #asd #cwa #evidencebased #BehaviorBooster #101BehaviorHacks

4/29/2024, 12:55:21 AM

One of the five keys to School Readiness is Task Switching. A great way to develop this skill as well as build pro-social behavior is through turn taking! Find a way to incorporate turn taking into your daily activities and you will help five your little one a great head start! #parents #parenting #mom #dad #toddlers #schoolreadiness #prek #3k #turntaking #taskswitching #communication #speech #book #blog #author #milestones #consciousparenting #kids #terribletwos #autism #asd #cwa #evidencebased #BehaviorBooster #101BehaviorHacks

4/29/2024, 12:55:13 AM

今回は【HSP】に぀いお投皿したした。 HSPっおすごく身近に聞きたすし、 なんずなくはわかるんだけど、 人に説明するたでは理解できおなかったので 実際に勉匷しおみたら、 私も「HSP」の可胜性がありたした。🀣 障害ずはたた、少し倉わったHSPですが、 決しお、犏祉ずは無関係ではなく、 HSPから粟神障害ぞず倉わっおいく 可胜性もありたすので、 特城を知っおおくこずは倧切だず思いたす。  #発達障害 #ASD #ADHD #う぀病 #おんかん #就劎支揎継続A型事業所 #倧阪就劎支揎継続型事業所 #犏祉 #犏祉サヌビス #倧阪垂本町 #本町駅

4/29/2024, 12:54:24 AM

É raro mas acontece 🚀😻 . . #fyp #pravocê #grau244 #milgrau #conexão244 #asd #garotasnotoque #

4/29/2024, 12:52:09 AM

【083話】自分で決める #アむムの攟課埌 #高橋ナり #日本䞀楜しい攟課埌デむ #楜しいが䞀番 #Happy #🌻 #アむム #攟課埌デむ #攟課埌等デむサヌビス #攟デむ #挫画 #マンガ #むンスタ挫画 #4コマ挫画 #発達障害 #自閉症 #アスペルガヌ #䞍登校 #HSP #ASD #ADHD #ゲヌム #発達障害の子育お #発達障害の子育お法 #ヒント #高接 #゚ゞ゜ン #川厎垂高接区

4/29/2024, 12:48:56 AM

😀🀬🀯 Tantrums suck. But they're not permanent. Free yourself from the frequency and intensity of these annoying outbursts by using a simple four step process. 🧠 Knowing what to do and what to say from an evidence-based approach helps dramatically shift how your child learns to grapple with big emotions and expectations. Consistent application is the key 🔑 🔗 Check the link in my bio to own your copy and have a little more peace in your parenting. And it doesn't hurt that every purchase comes with a Money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied. Let's make parenting easier. #parents #parenting #mom #dad #toddlers #tantrum #meltdown #communication #speech #book #blog #author #milestones #consciousparenting #kids #terribletwos #autism #asd #cwa #evidencebased #BehaviorBooster #101BehaviorHacks

4/29/2024, 12:41:55 AM

🗣As your little one begins talking, they most likely won't start off using full words with clarity. So listen carefully for parts of words, whispered words, or even just the first letter sounds of words - like "Cc" for cookie or "Buh" for ball. 👏🏟 As you respond with praise and show understanding towards their efforts, they will become more and more motivated to continue trying. So aim to be on it. 🎯 #parents #parenting #mom #dad #toddlers #communication #speech #book #blog #author #milestones #consciousparenting #kids #terribletwos #autism #asd #cwa #evidencebased #BehaviorBooster #101BehaviorHacks

4/29/2024, 12:41:45 AM

Maintaining your mental health can seem like a full-time job, and it seems to get more difficult the more responsibilities we have
 🧠 One of the reasons for this is that we take up more habits to cope. We also largely underestimate the mind-body link 💭 Small, everyday things we do can have a huge impact on our mental health and can affect various other parts of our lives without our knowledge, leading us to a whirlpool of negativity that can be hard to escape 😳 Mental health can change over time, and each person can experience different mental health states at different points in their lives. Many people may know that it’s essential to take care of their physical health, but fewer realise the importance of maintaining good mental health 😌 Like your body, it takes time to build a muscle - for mental health, it takes time to strengthen certain positive thoughts that override the negative and build healthy coping strategies. But it’s not impossible 🩷 Can you relate to any of these subtle things that may be impacting your mental health? ✹ #anxiety #occupationaltherapist #mentalhealth #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #sensoryplay #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #anxietyawareness #slp #health #anxietyrecovery #otadvocacy #therapy #neurodivergent #adhd #mentalhealthmatters #psychology #emotionalregulation #mentalhealthadvocate #speechpathology #motivation #asd #occupationaltherapy #neurodiversity #mentalhealthsupport #autism #mentalhealthmatters

4/29/2024, 12:41:36 AM

「マグノリアの花たち」Steel Magnolias. 児童粟神科医より。 今日は朝から爆笑。 劻が「ドア開けずいおいいからね」ず登校する長男に。 朝の匱いワタシがのそのそ郚屋から出おくれば、本圓にドアが開けっぱなし。 あ。そこのあなた。䜕が問題なのず思ったらボクのずこにいらっしゃい。 そう。鍵開けっ攟しでいいよ。の意味を字矩通りのご理解をした蚳です。 ほら。「カレヌ芋ずいおね」ず旊那に蚀っおおくず芋事に焊がしおくれるアレです。 芋おりゃいいっおもんじゃねえよ。 先日のブログでもぶ぀くさ蚀っちゃいたしたが男子は党員自閉なのでちゃんず逐䞀指瀺しおあげおくださいね。 PS 䞀応長男は単に閉めるの忘れた。ず申しおおりたした。真停に぀いおは誰が知ろうぞ。。  衚題の映画。80幎代のドタバタ映画で映画ずしおのクオリティヌはたあね。同期の「タヌミネヌタヌ」ず同レベルかな。面癜いけどアヌトずしおは。。 でも玠敵な映画でしたよ。 䞻人公のおねヌちゃんが結婚しお子どもを授かる。 だけど本人は型糖尿病で出産したら死んでしたう確率倧。 母は倧反察。本人は産む気バリバリ。 セリフは忘れたしたけど本人ずしおは垌望の無い人生を淡々ず生きおいくより、可胜性に賭けたい。ずずおも男らしい発蚀。 母は「どうしおいいか分からない」。 そしお産んじゃいたす。 で。死んじゃう。ず。 珟代の「なんかあったらどうしよう症候矀」by 為末倧元陞䞊遞手。の日本に必芁な映画ですね。 最近芋おいる宇宙戊艊ダマトに頻繁に出おくる蚀葉。 たずえ1%の可胜性でもそれに賭けるのが男だ。by 沖田通長。 蚀い回しは色々なんですけど。 この映画の䞻人公は本圓に男らしいし、なんにせよそのサポヌトを死ぬ気でやるお母さんもすごい。 あ。勘違いしないでくださいよ。 本人の意思を倧切に、だからすごいんじゃないですよ。 もちろんこれが母子ずもに亡くなる状況であれば母はぶん殎っおでも反察するず思いたす。 母ずしおは嚘を倱いたくない。でも嚘のこずを考えれば応揎しおあげたい。 ここですよ。文脈だよ文脈。 嚘さんが亡くなった埌に神に召されんですよ、ず慰める葬儀の参列者に「アタシはあの子にここにいお欲しかった。自分勝手だけど」。ずブチ切れる。 これだよ。 そしお。その田舎町ではめっちゃいろんな個性を持った女性陣が垞にけんけんがくがくゎシップ話に花を咲かせ、喧嘩するわ仲盎りするわず「村瀟䌚」が展開される。 その村瀟䌚が党おの人々の人生をなんずなくアダムスミスの「神の手」のように守っお行く。 なんか良い映画だった。 女性は匷い。 だから”Steel Magnolias”. 「鉄の朚蓮」なんです。 女は匷え。ず。 描かれる男子はバカばっかし。  お母さん圹のサリヌ・フィヌルド。埀幎の名女優です。 すげヌわ。泣かされおしたった。 そしお名女優は人ずしおもステキ。らしい。 第59回゚ミヌ賞で䞻挔女優賞を受賞した際に「もし母芪が䞖界を統治しおいたら、最初から忌々しい戊争なんお起きおないわIf the mothers ruled the world, there would be no goddamn wars in the first place!」ずスピヌチしたらしいっす。 そうなんだよ。 バカなオトコに䞖の䞭支配させちゃあかんねん。 女ず金以倖で動かないんだから。 なんずなく人間っおラむオンに䌌おたすよね。 基本はメスが党郚やっおおこりゃやべぇ、っお時だけオスが出おくる。 人間にこりゃやべぇはあんたりないからオスの出番はあんたりない気がする。 䞖界䞭で戊争しおたすけど、誰かがガメようずしおるだけで、必芁あるんですかな戊争ばかり。 ボクは割ずSFは奜きなんで良く芳たすけど、ああいった宇宙人に占拠されたら皆殺し、な戊争なんかありゃしない。 必芁ないのに殺しおるだけです。 ガメたいから。 そう蚀ったSFの䞭では地球を救うために自分の子を犠牲にしたり、倧切な郚䞋を芋捚おたりしたすが、そんなシチュ゚ヌションなんかありゃしない。 単機胜で自分のこずしか考えられない男子なんかに䞖を叞らせちゃだめなんです。 この女性讃歌映画を芳たらク゜フェミの蚀う男女同暩やLGBTの話はただのpopulism. 人気をガメたい奎が隒いでるだけの話だ、っお本圓に思いたす。 子育おも含めお。普通が1番だよ。 #ASD #ADHD #LD #発達障害 #䞍登校 #自傷 #自殺 #DV #暎力 #反抗期

4/29/2024, 12:37:19 AM

Change is alright, trippin' into the dark sea takes strength, but trust the unknown; mistakes are important, when you realize losing is the only way learn and grow 🌌🌈🎶 - • • • • • - #positivity #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #asd #autism #autistic #autismawareness #actuallyautistic #poem #poems

4/29/2024, 12:27:37 AM

避難蚓緎 灜害時にパニックにならず、冷静に行動するこずが重芁ずなるので、定期的な蚓緎が必芁ずなりたす。定期的に避難蚓緎を行うこずで、子䟛たちも職員も適切な察応ができるようになりたす。 状況に応じた適切な行動を芚え、繰り返し蚓緎を行うこずで、子䟛たちの安党意識も高たりたす。 おはしもちのお玄束 お おさない は はしらない し しゃべらい も もどらない ち ちかづかない 呜を守る3぀のポヌズ ◯サルのポヌズ地震机がある時 机の䞋にもぐっお頭を守る 䞡ひざを床に぀けお机の脚の䞊の方を持぀ 脚が4本あれば斜めに持぀ 机が倧きくお腕が届かない堎合は、机の脚のひず぀を䞡手でしっかりず持぀ ◯ダンゎムシのポヌズ地震机がない時 倧きな危険にお尻を向ける ひざず足の甲を床に぀ける 䞡手で頭を守る ​◯アラむグマのポヌズ火事の時 姿勢を䜎くする ​手やハンカチたたは服で、口ず錻をおさえる #児童発達支揎事業所#わくわく#児童発達支揎#自閉症 #ASD #ADHD#発達障害#発語遅延#発語#療育#個別療育#集団療育#受絊者蚌#児童発達支揎管理責任者#保育士#理孊療法士#䜜業療法士#看護垫#医療的ケア児#動ける医療的ケア児#未就孊児#発達ゆっくりさん #1æ­³6ヶ月健蚺 #3歳児健蚺#避難蚓緎#おはしもち#呜を守る3぀のポヌズ

4/29/2024, 12:27:10 AM

اضطراؚ طيف التوحد 🩵✚ ال unmasking / عدم إخفاء اضطراؚ طيف التوحد و ال؎عور ؚفقدان الطاقة و المهارات . . . #توحد #التوحد #اضطراؚ_التوحد #اضطراؚ_طيف_التوحد #توحدي #ذوي_الاحتياجات_الخاصة #ذوي_الإعاقة #طيف_التوحد . . #autism #autistic #asd #actuallyautistic #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismspectrum #autismspectrumdisorder #hiddendisability #hiddendisabilities #nuerodivergent

4/29/2024, 12:19:56 AM

Yes, adults can go their entire childhood, not knowing they are autistic. Legendary Actor Anthony Hopkins was diagnosed in his 70's! Be vigilant. Be aware. It may answer a lot of questions. Let's dominate Autism together! #asd #autismnutritionlibrary #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #austismspeaks #asdwhisperer #autismmom #autismfamily

4/29/2024, 12:12:46 AM

Reflecting Reality: The Power of Autism Representation in Films 🎬 Films have the power to shape perceptions, foster empathy, and celebrate diversity. Accurate and positive portrayal of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in movies not only helps individuals on the spectrum see themselves reflected on screen but also educates and enlightens neurotypical audiences about the nuances of neurodiversity. By championing movies that respect and accurately portray ASD, we support a broader understanding and appreciation of neurodiversity, pushing society towards greater inclusivity and empathy. Let’s be the audience that demands and celebrates authentic representation. For more information, visit What is your favorite inclusive television show or movie? 🎥

4/29/2024, 12:05:04 AM

These are real remarks I've gotten all through our excursion when I shared that my child has Mental imbalance. One thing I really want those individuals to comprehend is that my child hasn't arrived for your pity or your judgment . . . . 📞 Via 📷 @shekiraf . . . . . #autistic #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #asd #actuallyautistic #autismmom #autismspectrum #autismfamily #autismlove #aspergers #autismspectrumdisorder #autismsupport #specialneeds #neurodivergent #autismlife #neurodiversity #autismo #autismspeaks #adhd #autismparents #memes #autismdad #differentnotless #disability #autismcommunity #autisticadults #autisticmemes #meme #autismadvocate

4/29/2024, 12:00:24 AM

Our very own Rainbow Butterflies Easter hunt and kids connect session ran by one of our own Kids Connect Sports & Wellbeing Although the weather wasn’t in our favour all of the participants had the best time running around playing lots of fun games🏃‍♀😁⚜ We cannot thank Hayden Roberts enough!!!! #disabilitysupportbrisbane #disabilitysupportqld #disabilitysupportworkers #disabilitysupportservices #disabilitysupportworker #asdawareness #asd #disabilityjustice #disabilitypride #disabilityadvocate #disabilityrights #disabilityinclusion #disabilityawareness #disabilitysupport #disability #ndisproviders #ndisserviceprovider #ndisapproved #ndisready #ndisregisteredprovider #ndisaustralia #ndis #NDIS #ndissupport #ndisprovider

4/29/2024, 12:00:23 AM

The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is a play-based intervention for children aged 1 to 5 diagnosed with or at risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It focuses on communication, social skills, play, cognitive skills, and adaptive behavior. Ongoing support is crucial, with goals tailored to each child's strengths and challenges for achievable progress. #socialskills #cognitiveskills #adaptivebehavior #ESDM #ASD #liftoffei #InclusiveLearning #AutismAwareness #CommunicationStrategies #EducationMilestone #ASDExpert #ESDMLeader

4/29/2024, 12:00:21 AM

🚚 Feeling Overwhelmed by ABA Therapy Coverage Details? You’re not alone. The journey to ABA therapy coverage can seem daunting amidst a sea of complicated jargon. With BlueSprig, transform confusion into confidence. Empower yourself with the knowledge to secure the best possible coverage for your child’s developmental journey. Embark on a clearer path today. Learn how with BlueSprig 🌟 #insurance #insurancecoverage #abatherapy #autismtherapy #childrensinsurance

4/28/2024, 11:51:03 PM

蚀葉の獲埗に向けおたずは 泚意の圢成が必芁ずなっおきたす ⁡ こちらの動きや発声に 泚意を向けおもらわなければ ならない ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ぀たりマネ、暡倣をしおもらうこずが ⁡ 蚀語獲埗においおは 必芁䞍可欠です ⁡ 発達的にみるず暡倣しやすい 芋本行動ずは倧人の運動や動䜜 ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ 腕や足や頭など倧きな身䜓郚䜍 による党䜓的な動䜜から ⁡ 指や口の動きなど现かい身䜓郚䜍 ぞず移行するのが望たしい ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ぀たり手や足の動きから ⁡ →口の動き ⁡ →発声ぞず ぀なげおいく必芁がありたす ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ 泚意を圢成させお反応的にしおいく ⁡ そしお反響的(オりム返しなど)にさせお 自発的な蚀語随䌎ぞ぀なげおいく ⁡ このプロセスがものすごく重芁です ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ この䜓の動きをマネおず子䟛ぞいきなり 蚀っおも圓然しおくれないですよね ⁡ どうするかずいうずこちらが普段から 子どもの動きをマネする必芁がありたす ⁡ これを逆暡倣ずいいたす ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ こちらがマネをしおいるずある時から 子どもも芪のマネをしようずしたす ⁡ 子どもずいうのは本圓によく芪のこずを 芋おいたす ⁡ これは芪の動きや反応が子䟛にずっお 匷化子(興味のあるもの、奜きなもの) になりやすいからです ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ 倧きな身䜓的な暡倣が出おきおはじめお 口の動きぞの暡倣が始たる ⁡ この時、熱いものをふヌふヌずしたり ロり゜クの火を吹いお消すような おもちゃなどはずおも有効 ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ そしお喃語(あヌあヌ)(ばぁヌばぁヌなど)が出おくればそれも逆暡倣をする ⁡ そしお芁求蚀語を叶えおあげ぀぀ ⁡ テレビやYouTubeなどの奜きな セリフをあえお䜕床も䜕床も 奜きなだけ芋せおあげる ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ その声が出ればこちらもほめたり もっず匷化しおあげる ⁡ 蚀わせるのではなく 日々自発的な発声を重芖しおいく ⁡ 蚀語獲埗にはこのような流れが ずおも倧事だず思いたす ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ #自閉症 #自閉症スペクトラム #自閉スペクトラム症 #自閉症子育お #自閉症あるある #自閉症勉匷 #自閉症スペクトラム障害 #自閉症児 #発達障害 #倚動 #知的障害 #療育 #子育お #子育お悩み #自閉症悩み #保育園倧阪 #幌皚園倧阪 #自閉症の子䟛 #ASD #ADHD #発達障害グレヌ #発達ゆっくりさん #保育士 #児発 #発達心理孊 #支揎孊校 #支揎孊玚 #自閉症児ママ #発達障害児ママ #発達障害あるある

4/28/2024, 11:47:07 PM

♿ VENDOR SPOTLIGHT ♿ Please welcome @artshordy! Art Shordy makes custom handmade  rugs, painted canvases, resin jewelry & handcrafted wall art pieces that are made of wood & resin. Our inventory consists of popular clothing brands, Anime, Pop Culture, Shoes & More! Art Shordy tell us about their business and passions! “Art Shordy was born from our passion for creating art and wanting to share our work with others, turning our passion and creative expression into a profession. We love making dope rugs, wall art, tables, clothes, and etc for people to keep, enjoy, and love forever. This allow us to have more control over our creative process and share our unique perspective of Anime, Pop Culture, Shoes, popular clothing brands and etc with a wider audience through the business!.” The May Spinny Brand: Gifted & Disabled Summer Bash is on Saturday, May 18, at Four Corners Brewing Co! We are happy to announce our May guest for the Spinny Brand Market, Voice Actors Meredith McCoy, Chuck Huber, Kent Williams, and Jeremy Inman, the Androids will be reuniting for one day only!! You do not want to miss the opportunity to get all their autographs in one place! Check @spinnybrandco for updates. #disability #disabilityawareness #disabled #wheelchair #inclusion #autism #chronicillness #wheelchairlife #specialneeds #accessibility #love #chronicpain #invisibleillness #spoonie #autismawareness #disabilityadvocate #mentalhealth #cerebralpalsy #disabilityrights #disabilityinclusion #cancersurvivor #downsyndrome #disabilities #disabilitypride #abilitynotdisability #disabilitylife #handicap #diversity #amputee #asd

4/28/2024, 11:46:17 PM

Yesterday F felt sick before going to bed. He doesn’t often feel like this but he’s petrified of throwing up. This is the reason we cover his bed in towels because he tries to hold it in but it makes it worse and goes everywhere 😩. Luckily he was fine and felt so much better going to bed tonight see second picture 😂. #asd #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #feelingsick #feelingbetter #parenting #sensory

4/28/2024, 11:43:57 PM

묞제행동윌로 읞한 쀑재가 필요하신 분듀 연띜 죌섞요 #묎발화 #ASD #공격성 #EIBI #DTT #조Ʞ쀑재 #타핮 #자핎 #묎발화 #수업합니닀💕 #FBA #응용행동분석 #FA #자폐슀펙튞럌 #치료#바람직한행동형성 #session #6만원

4/28/2024, 11:36:59 PM

When your monster child has wound you up, driven you round the bend & tested every last bone in your body all day
 then they fall asleep and you see this next to them and your heart melts 🥹 I wish I could go into his little world for a day and learn about all the things that trigger him & make his days so hard so I could take some away ❀ my Thomas. PS yes thomas the tank has screws sticking out his front and rear 🀣🥎 #autismmum #autismdad #autismparent #asd #adhd #neurodivergant #sensoryseeker #autism #awareness #autismsupport #senfamily #alnfamily #nonverbal #nonspeaking #speechdelay #autismfamily

4/28/2024, 11:33:55 PM

Thank you for your love & support of Silas What a beautiful day ⛅ AUTISM WALK 2024 💙♟🌈 . . . . . . . . . . #autismwalk #sunday #family #familia #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismo #autism #nature #hike #walk #igdaily #potd #neurodivergent #asd #spd #memories #stim #fam #naturephoto

4/28/2024, 11:28:24 PM

🧊If you’re looking for an evidence-based and SIMPLE way to help your child self-regulate? Use ICE! 🧊There are so many creative ways to use ice during play, arts, crafts, or just as a simple self-regulation tool. 🧊ICE is an intense sensory input especially great for those sensory-seekers and cravers! ❓What are some fun and creative ways you can use ice? Comment below! 👇🏻

4/28/2024, 11:27:09 PM

Please share with anyone you might know in the Galway area who would be interested in coming to an introductory night explaining all about cbd oil and the benefits of taking it for stress, anxiety, sleep issues, sensory issues, autism, adhd etc Menlo Park Hotel,Galway 8pm See you there Rhona x #cbd #cbdforautism #autismawareness #autismsupermoms #autism #autismspeaks #downsyndromebaby #cbdoil #cbdteachallenge # #byrhonax #startsmalldreambig #specialneedsmom #specialneeds #parenting #irishmammy #mumbloggers #motherhoodunplugged #mother #mumlife #specialneedsparenting #asdfamily #asd #adhd #aspergers #startsmalldreambig #fromcarlowtonewyork #grateful #gratitude

4/28/2024, 11:21:57 PM

【アスペグレヌの息子 ひずり暮らしぞの道のりモノぞの執着】 少しでも珟金がほしいのにいただに党郚を凊分する気配がない息子。そろそろ匕越しの芋積もずりたいのに埒が明かない。なので圌の特性を利甚しお玍埗させた。 ブログを読んでいただく堎合は、プロフィヌルのlit.linkからアメブロを遞んでお読みください @kobayashitakane #ひずり暮らし #物ぞの執着 #匕越し #荷物の仕分け #発達障害 #発達障害児 #発達障害児子育お #発達障害児子育おアドバむザヌ #発達障害グレヌゟヌン #倧人の発達障害 #自閉症 #自閉症スペクトラム #アスペルガヌ症候矀 #泚意欠陥倚動性障害 #知的障害 #孊習障害 #asd #adhd #ld #カりンセリング #カりンセラヌ

4/28/2024, 11:20:09 PM

I’m not your puzzle piece I’m autistic loud and proud Don’t shut me down Can’t stop this spark That’s right I’m neurospicy These neurons are fiiiiiine Yeah, these neurons got that spice I’m not your puzzle piece Sure I stim and repeat Don’t like my routines messed with All aboard the special interest train I love discussions And try not to judge I’ll be honest with you, so please do the same for me I’m not your puzzle piece I might be awkward I don’t always understand social interaction But, maaaaan I do feel These emotions they pound I’m here for you, I sense how you feel I got enough empathy for both you and me I’m not your puzzle piece Don’t fit me into your box You can think what you wish But let me tell you, I’m more than you might think We on the spectrum come in many colors In many shapes and sizes One size does not fit all and your so called “label” slides right off I’m not your puzzle piece Watch us rise and gleam flutter and soar We’re phenomenal adaptors But hey society listen up, we don’t need to work for you You need to work for us No I’m not your puzzle piece I’m the whole entire puzzle About a year ago I got diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on top of already having been diagnosed with ADHD a year previously. This came with some shock and frustration at first, but slowly I’ve been able to reclaim my sense of being and begin to understand the role that this part of me has played throughout my life. Autism often comes prescribed by society with a false set of assumptions, which are invalidating and harmful. With this new found knowledge about my self I have set out to destigmatize what it means to be a human being living with autism. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s neither black or white; good or bad. It’s how we think, interact, exist and I hope the whole world will one day see the beauty in the uniqueness of the autistic mind. Happy Autism Awareness Month to all you beautiful humans diagnosed with the “tism”!!🌈🊋🌶💛 #autism #asd #autismawarenessmonth #autismspectrum #audhad #photographer #photo #rainbow #prism #lightreflection #advocacy #neurodivergence #neurospicy #selfportraitphotography #notapuzzlepiece

4/28/2024, 11:17:37 PM

Well that’s another weekend over, roll on next weekend

 Bobby’s colourful collar is handmade by @moolu_boutique in support of Autism Acceptance Month 🧩 🔵April is World Autism Awareness Month 🟣Autism is a neurological condition that affects the way a person perceives & processes the world around them. 🟡As it’s a spectrum disorder it impacts each individual differently, which means every Autistic person has differing needs. 🔎In the UK it’s estimated that 1 in 100 people have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 🟠Let us end stereotypical thinking, spread awareness and acceptance, being different is beautiful ♥ 🀍 GPS tracker by @pawfit_tracker 🩷❀🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🖀🩶🀍🀎 #nationalautismawarenessmonth #asd #neurodiversity #autismspectrumdisorder #autismawareness #autismacceptance #laylateddy #smallbusinessuk #moolu #mooluboutique #pawfitpals #handmadewithlove #dogaccessories #cockerlove #cockerspanielcommunity #doglifeisgood #spaniellove #dogsofinstaworld #ukdogsofig #cockerlife #charityfundraiser #cockerspanielsofinstagram #pawfluencer #dogmum #furbabies #englishcockerspaniel #ifdogscouldtalk #jigsaw #suppawtivesunday

4/28/2024, 11:17:08 PM

BEJEWELED!!!🪩✚💎🕺🏌 #semi #applydarlings #asd #aggiesoutherndarlings #semiformal #tamu #womensorg #tamuwomensorg

4/28/2024, 11:15:41 PM

Today was about living in the moment. Last min decision to hit the #legobrickfest and it was one of the best decisions we made all month. It was difficult because Maharai has been suffering from transition to transition that has made his day to day harder than most. I decided at 1:30pm today that I would take my chances with getting up and just going for the last 1hr and 15 mins after confirming the ending time was 4pm. I purchased a ticket at 2:10pm and we made the best out of it. When we arrived I explained that I only purchased one ☝ ticket not knowing if I had to pay for me because he was on the spectrum and they had no phone line to inquiry) which also was a reason I prolonged). She said no worries never scanned ticket and gave us VIP passes that gave him access to everything even tho we stayed in one place the entire time which was great for us. We did result to noise cancellation headphones once but that’s it. Overall as you’ll can see Maharai did amazing while there hearing so many voices and sounds. Transitioning out was a bit of a challenge when Maharai chose to walk on a display and break up what they had created. Then kept falling out as we got closer to the exit. I then stop put his headphone on for him to listen to me as I made eye to eye contact with him to get him to follow my direction in an orderly fashion. He did just that and we did better than most days getting to the car. Over time things are getting a lot better especially with Maharai’s understanding, listening skills and using his words to communicate what he want and need. Thanks to @nationaltherapycenter And @skillsonthehill He’s made a lot of progress. #happyautismawarenessmonth #autismawareness #asd #autismmom #autisticboy #autismacceptance

4/28/2024, 11:14:00 PM

Arch nemesis . . . #adhd #adhdmemes #audhd #asd

4/28/2024, 11:03:41 PM

Navigating Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED): Understanding and Support 💙✚ Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) can be challenging to navigate, affecting individuals of all ages with sudden and intense outbursts of anger. It's crucial to recognize the signs and symptoms to provide effective support and management strategies. From children to adults, those with IED may experience recurrent aggressive episodes, often triggered by seemingly minor frustrations. Understanding the complexities of IED can lead to compassionate intervention and improved quality of life. Let's foster awareness and empathy for those impacted by this condition. 💡💙 Let's prioritize mental health awareness and empower individuals to seek the help they deserve. 💪🧠 #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthSupport #ADHD #ASD #AngerManagement #Neurodiversity #IED #ODD #DMDD #RAD #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #Stress #Depression #PanicAttacks #Neurotransmitters #BrainBalance #SupportMatters #Empowerment #AwarenessCampaign Learn more :

4/28/2024, 11:03:05 PM

🗯Turn-taking activities can help develop your little one develop conversational skills by demonstrating a back-and-forth volley. Some games you can play that will help your little one practice that pacing include: ✅ playing catch with a ball or balloon ✅ rolling a ball back and forth ✅ building a tower with blocks ✅ putting parts on a Potato Head Doll ✅ blowing bubbles (if they have mastered this) ✅ pushing a car (Abby vehicle) back and forth ✅ putting shapes into a shape sorter ✅ putting puzzle pieces in their proper place ✅ rolling a ball at toy bowling pins ✅ kicking a ball into a net ✅ throwing a ball into a kiddie basketball net ✅ whatever else you can think of! #parents #parenting #mom #dad #toddlers #turntaking #communication #speech #book #blog #author #milestones #consciousparenting #kids #terribletwos #autism #asd #cwa #evidencebased #BehaviorBooster #101BehaviorHacks

4/28/2024, 11:00:49 PM

✅ Check out my FREE BONUSES page and download the step-by-step "Pointing to Request" breakdown. Stay consistent. Get the breakthrough. Cheers 🧃 🔗 #parents #parenting #toddlers #pointing #communication #speech #book #blog #author #milestones #consciousparenting #kids #terribletwos #autism #asd #cwa #evidencebased #BehaviorBooster #101BehaviorHacks

4/28/2024, 11:00:36 PM

Red Fidget Toys in Fidget zip bag Many adults and children find that they are able to concentrate better and process information more effectively when their hands are active. Fidget Bag/Calm down kit benefits- There are many benefits from fidget toys including:- Providing a calming therapeutic experience to help self regulate emotions when feeling overwhelmed, anxiety relief, Improving Fine motor skills and hand eye coordination, Aiding concentration, improving dexterity and strengthening small hand muscles. And they are a fun boredom breaker for when you are on the go! Items in the bag:- Bubble wand Wooden spinning top Light up sensory stick Light up sensory toy Stretchy toys Light spinner pen Slinky Pull back car Fidget popper Sensory arm band #senteacher #autismteacher #asd #autismawareness #autismtoys #autismresources #calmkit #red

4/28/2024, 10:58:14 PM

Day 28 April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance month. In an effort to spread knowledge and acceptance of something that has affected our family I have started a project; from April 1st to the 30th I will be creating a drawing of an individual with autism. Day 28 Meet Ezekiel " My name is Ezekiel and I'm 4.5 years old. I may not answer about what I did today but I can sing Paw Patrol and Magic school bus Intros! It may have taken a little longer to start talking, using GLP, but better laze than never. 🙂I love cars, monster trucks and school busses. I love pepperoni, just not on my pizza. I love my mom and dad and our doggo Zeus" #autismacceptancemonth #autism #autismawarenessmonth #autismawareness #lightitupblue #redinstead #artwork #family #autismmom #autismdad #differnetnotless #painting #pastel #drawing #watercolorpainting #watercolor #autismspeaks #art #portraitpainting #portrait #oilpainting #oil #pen #pencil #charcoal #asd #mentalhealth #worldautismawarenessmonth #worldautismmonth

4/28/2024, 10:55:41 PM

It's still April, which means it's still autism awareness month! ❀

4/28/2024, 10:50:10 PM

#FelizDomingo | "¿No te parece maravilloso saber que somos creación de Dios y que pronto iremos al encuentro de nuestro Padre? Fortalece hoy tu identidad celestial estudiando la Palabra de Dios, dedicando tiempo en oración y compartiendo las buenas nuevas de salvación con otros." #ASD #Adventista #JovenesAdventistas #RPSP #DevociondeJovenes #DevocionaldeJovenes #DevocionMatutina #DevocionaldeAbril

4/28/2024, 10:47:49 PM

Getting into the meat & potatoes of my Terminator set. Definitely need some better brushes and some finer tips. I’ve tried my hand at some box shading with bases and building up layers to highlights, I think one turned out really well compared to the rest, also tried some wear effects on the scabbards. At this point it’s all about Learning better brush control and slowly training my eyes to focus on the smaller details without burning out. All in all these are taking the longest to do. When I started 3 weeks ago I thought it was good to zone in and smash a unit out in a night, but I’m realising the satisfaction of drawing the project out, prolonging the release of pigmentum Endorphin’s. Finding this hobby has been a saving grace in my journey to inner peace and mental release. #warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer10thedition #spacemarines #deathwatchveterans #blacktemplars #astartes #alwaysbeenmale #citadelpaints #thearmypainter #grimdark #painting #miniaturepainting #hobby #asdawareness #audhd #addicted #thefutureiswar #noobpainter40k #plasticcrackaddiction #pileofshame #bloodforthebloodgod #gettingbettereachtime #therapy #mentalhealth #asd #pragmaticuspigmentum

4/28/2024, 10:45:27 PM

Its been a while since we posted last. Been neglecting this page but need to get back onto it...miss my supporting community 🫶🫶 Idris has such a lovely afternoon at Cylch with a visit from the ponies. Lovely seeing him engaged with an animal, usually pushes them out of the way 🀣 #ponies #shetland #activity #engaged #animals #therapy #horses #autismacceptance #autismsupport #autismawareness #aln #wales #asd #boy #boymum #autistic #neurodivergent #cymraeg #cymru #additionallearningneeds #autismmom

4/28/2024, 10:28:53 PM

And...this is my latest beginning. It's a love story and celebrates inspiration💥 #waiting #asd #drawingtherapy #autismacceptance #mentalhealth #fun

4/28/2024, 10:21:47 PM

Is there a better way to spend childhood than being home educated? I really don’t think so
 . Here is my thoughts: . Home education gives children the best chance at being their individual selves & embracing all that they are (as I wrote about in my last post), it holds space for individuality which I believe is so important in childhood for future mental wellbeing. . Home education strengthens relationships in the family home, usually puts connections above everything. . Home education allows time for so much more living! . Home education is flexible to suit children’s priorities and interests and abilities/needs. . Home education sees the value in childhood and doesn’t rush children being children. . Home education can be anything you want and need it to be. . Home education can bring authentic true friendships where children don’t feel the need to change or shrink themselves. . Home education can be the catalyst of cycle breaking and bring change to a whole new generation of children. . Home education
it’s so much more than just learning in a different way/place to school, it’s restoring childhood in my eyes. . 63/100 #100homeeddays #100dayshomeeducation #unschoolersofinstagram #homeeducation #unschoolingstanley #homeschoolcollective #homeeducator #unschoolingfamily #worldschooling #lifelearning #selftaught #childledlearning #interestled #autonomouseducation #pda #pesistentdriveforautonomy #actuallyautistic #pdaprofile #pdaautism #asd #spd #dyselxia #sensoryprocessing #sensoryregulation #coregulation #sensoryoverload #neurodivergentfamily #neurodivergence #unschool #unschoolers

4/28/2024, 10:18:50 PM

Join today’s conversation as a mother shares her #parentingexperience with her child on the #autismspectrum They are not all alike. #asd #socialworker #realramtlee #blackmoms #dmv #livestream

4/28/2024, 10:13:13 PM

Stack 'em up, pack 'em up—could playtime get any easier? 🌈 OUTREE's stepping stones are here to make a big splash without taking up space! 🀞‍♂✚ Who's ready for a pop of color and fun that cleans up in a snap? 🙌 ** 🎁🎁 Every comment under our April posts worths an entry for a $100 gift card on #Outree #TinyGiants #SensoryPlay #PlaytimeRevolution #SteppingStones #MotorSkills #FamilyPlaytime #ADHDFriendly #obstaclecourse #sensoryplayroom #kidroomideas #kidsroominspo #SensorySupport #sensoryseeking #sensoryfriendly #SensoryNeeds #Dysregulation #Autism #ASD #AutisticChildren #AutismAwareness #AutismAcceptance #autismMama #Autie #OccupationalTherapy #AutismFamily #NeurodiverseFamily #Neurodivergent #ActuallyAutistic #neurodiversity

4/28/2024, 10:00:20 PM

✹1:1 correspondence and quantity ✹ We have lots of students who love number this year in my room, but outside of recognising and ordering numbers, they show no meaning to them. We are doing a lot of work on 1:1 correspondence to help them understand the meaning of number and develop some basic understanding of quantity. The use of motivating characters and toys has been crucial in this and we are starting off at the very simple stages - tapping/pointing at items and saying/communication/tolerating an adult saying a number for each. Do you have any good ideas for teaching 1:1 correspondence? Please let me know below😊 #senteachersofinstagram #senteaching #senteacheruk #senteacher #asd #asdteacher #eyfs #eyfsideas #eyfsteacher #eyfssen #sendteaching #sendlearning

4/28/2024, 9:59:12 PM

Srdečně Vás zveme na workshop, kterÃœ pořádá projekt @mise_nadeje naděje - @proautismus a Dennyho metoda 😍 🥳🥰 V případě zájmu 🫶 se setkáme v pondělí 29. 4. 2024 od 17h do 20h na Pedagogické fakultě MU (RUV). Představíme Vám naÅ¡e aktivity a vyrobíme si pomůcku 🪚🔧🔚🪛💿, která by se dětem s PAS mohla hooooodně líbit 🙂 Těšíme se na Vás 🙂 🌈☀❀ #autismus #autism #autismo #autizmus #autismmomjourney #autismparentsupport #autismparents #autismspectrum #autismspectrumdisorder #autisticboy #asd #aspergeruvsyndrom #asperger #atypical #atypickyautismus #dennyhometoda #dysfasia #dysphasie #SO501 #seminar #uvod #motivacnividea #imitace #workshop #misenadeje #proautismus #pomucka #mickeymouse #pozvanka

4/28/2024, 9:51:13 PM

🇵🇹🚎‍♂ Mauricio Moreira conquistou de forma categórica a etapa que fechou o 12.º Grande Prémio de Ciclismo @diariodesportivo.ojogo! 👏👏 Artem Nych, hoje 4.º classificado, acabou por ficar a 01 segundo da liderança e fechou o prémio com o 2.º lugar da Geral. Após um dia azarado, saímos de cabeça erguida neste domingo, onde deixámos tudo na estrada para chegar ao nosso objetivo. 👏 Não vencemos a Geral, mas saímos motivados para os próximos desafios, porque o trabalho está a ser feito. 🍀 Parabéns, Equipa! ✅ CLASSIFICAÇÃO GERAL INDIVIDUAL – AMARELA (após a 4.ª ETAPA): 🇵🇹 1.º Emanuel Duarte (Credibom-L.A. Alumínios-Marcos Car), 14h48m07s 🏳 2.º @nych42, a 01s 🇵🇹 3.º Pedro Pinto (Efapel Cycling), a 19s 🇺🇟 4.º @maurimoreira18, a 53s 🇵🇹 14.º @frederico_1991_, a 04m08s 🇵🇹 29.º @andre.de_carvalho, a 09m15s 🇩🇰 31.º @johansenjulius, a 11m01s 🇵🇹 39.º @rafaelferreirareis, a 14m50s 🇵🇹 49.º @josesousa22, a 21m56s ✅ CLASSIFICAÇÃO GERAL EQUIPAS: 🇵🇹 1.ª 1.ª Efapel Cycling, 44h26m55s 🇵🇹 2.ª Sabgal / Anicolor Cycling Team, a 02m28s 🌐 Mais info no nosso site (link na Bio) 📞 @inescalvofotografia #Sabgal #Anicolor #Q8Portugal #municípiodeágueda #ASD #loveceramictiles #gesfrota #Sorefoz #tien21 #gsport #gruposomitel #diviluxpt #CACB #fludoswisswatches #MCOUTINHO #FactorBikes #polisportbicycle #catlikehelmets #Benelli #GrandeHoteldeLuso #FábricaCalçadodaMata #Etixx #InGoldHotel #ROTORcomponents #ZEKSA #LojasDaVisão #águadovimeiro #bikemargemsul #cavessaodomingos #lusatextil

4/28/2024, 9:43:38 PM

Keeping myself busy with Eras gifts for @charly.marion @jenhogg95 @charlie_torrance @tillyrosie22 It's been a while since I've crocheted anything! #taylorswift #taylornation #taylorsversion #erastour #eras #swifttok #swiftie #swifties #swiftiefamily #crochet @taylorswift @taylornation #ehlersdanlossyndrome #eds #Fibromyalgia #LifeWithPain #chronicfatigue #spoonie #spoonielife #spoontheory #invisibleillness #hiddendisabilities #mobility #anxiety #mentalhealthmatters #OrdnanceSurvey #autism #asd #ADHD #neurospicy #neurodiverse

4/28/2024, 9:21:51 PM

Happy Sunday and Autism Awareness Month! 👚‍👩‍👧‍👧 Today our family did the All In for Autism 5k Walk/Run in Bellevue, a cause close to our hearts that raises awareness and funds to support children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), their families, and caregivers with the ultimate goal of raising their quality of life! Support went to @kindering and other organizations. Thank you to @bellevuebreakfastrotaryclub and all the sponsors and volunteers that make this possible! We can’t wait for next year! 😊💖🫶🏻 . . . #5k #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismsupport #asd #autismawarenessmonth

4/28/2024, 8:38:40 PM

Maçın Seromonisi 📞 #karabÃŒk #eflani #asdeflanispor #fimakmakina #fimak #asd #asdcephesistemleri

4/28/2024, 8:29:20 PM

Ear defenders were designed for workmen operating loud machinery or game keepers to protect their hearing. More recently, they are used for children on the autistic spectrum who are sensitive to noise. Audiologist DO NOT recommend the use of ear defenders throughout the day. Children wearing them daily were presenting as deaf, as they damaged the neuropathway preventing them from hearing everyday noises. They should ONLY be used in an environment that would cause a “sensory crisis” #spd #spdawareness #asd #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismmom #sensoryprocessingdisorder #sleeptherapy

4/28/2024, 8:29:06 PM

SALE 🚚 🚚 my books are on special offer this week! £4 each plus p&p. For more information DM me :) #specialoffer #autism #actuallyautistic #autistic #inclusion #sensory #sensoryprocessing #meltdown #overload #ASD

4/28/2024, 8:22:26 PM

Let’s aim to create an inclusive and accepting environment for our friends with autism and not make them feel alienated 🫶 . . . . . . #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismo #asd #asddisorder #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #tren #trending #fyp #fypage #fypシ #mentalhealthrecovery

4/28/2024, 8:20:34 PM

Mr Novak decided today was THE day he was going to turn on the engines 🏎 at the North Jersey Sectionals and show us all what 15 yrs of 🏊🏌looks like for real! He buzz-sawed his way to two individual golds 🥇🥇and a relay team bronze 🥉with personal record times. Proud of all the hard work our #cannons team and their amazing coaches (thank you!) have put in this year. Onward to Trenton in June! #asd #justkeepswimming #sonj #aquatics Photo credit: @m3pb3

4/28/2024, 8:16:28 PM

This morning started pretty well. She finally got to make it to her favorite breakfast spot “Cracker Barrel” and got her pound cakes (as she calls them)! She didn’t have a moment cause she didn’t have much patience when she had to wait for her food. She did a little screaming, broke her cup with her chocolate milk and she was stimming really bad. After her little walk with Grandma, she was calm and her food was there. After we ate we did a little shopping and came home. I had been telling her we needed to go ahead and plant some flowers. Well, I held my promise and we did. She had on her little garden gloves and we went outside. She loved the outdoors. Her mana doesn’t 🀣🀣. All in all, we had an as good day☺ #asd #autismmom #autismgirls #autismgirlsrock #autismgirl #autismgardens #gardenflowers #specialneedsmom

4/28/2024, 8:16:11 PM